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A08305 A sinfull mans solace most sweete and comfortable, for the sicke and sorowful soule: contriued, into seuen seuerall daies conference, betweene Christ and a carelesse sinner. Wherin, euerie man, from the highest, to the lowest: from the richest, to the poorest: and aboue all, the sorowfull sinner: maye take such sweet repaste of resolution, to amendment of lyfe, and confirmation of fayth: that (in respect of the heauenlie solace, therin faithfully remembered:) all the pompes and pleasures of this wicked worlde, shall be plainely perceiued to be meere miserie. Writcen [sic], by Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1585 (1585) STC 18634; ESTC S110181 160,012 334

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cattell destroyed and howses and all his substaunce consumed he betooke him vnto the Lorde saying Oh Lord naked came I into the worlde and naked shall I returne to earth againe thou hast giuen and thou hast taken away now blessed be thy name for euermore Who in his extreme miserie dispayred not neither limited a time of his releefe but referring himself vnto mine heauenly fathers wil in perfect patience was in the ende holpen and wonderfully releeued Wherefore I say thou mayst be assured of releefe in all thy necessities if thus thou betake thee in my name vnto myne heauenly fathers will Looke vpon the three children in the hot Ouen who choosing rather to dye then to commit Idolatrie cryed out faithfully saying Our God whom we serue can deliuer vs But if he will not knowe this oh King that we will not worship thy God Which three childrē were in the Ouen and not consumed mine heauenly father was readie to deliuer them they did not indent and compoūd with him that if hee would deliuer them they would defie the Image of Nabugodoazer but referred themselues vnto his prouidēce in true obedience So what daūger necessitie or trouble soeuer thou hap to fall into thou must with Dauid and these three children submit thy self vnto mine heauenly fathers will without appointing the maner or time to be releeued And with Iob to say the name of God be praised for euermore Cast thy care vpon mine heauenly father in my name he shall nourish thee he shall defende thee releeue and succour thee and shall not suffer thee to be in perpetuall trouble And therefore thou must pray in hope and that alwaies not being wearie for that thou hast an ende of thy troubles and releefe in thy necessities promised when in what maner by what meanes thou mayst not appoint but whether he tarie long ere he helpe thee or sende thee releefe presently it is for thy best And therefore in all thy prayers thou must ad this if it be his will for that he knoweth what is most conuenient for thee what is for thy benefite whereof thou art altogether ignoraunt But reioyce alway pray continually in al things be thankfull for this is the will of God mine heauenly father in me his Sonne towards all men The sinfull man What are the thinges for which I ought most specially to pray Instruct me that from hence I may thy sacred will obey Solace IN deede it behoueth thee to haue consideration what thou requirest at mine heauenly fathers handes who although he will thee to come freely vnto him and he will helpe thee he doth not admit thee to come in such wise as that thy petitions should vary from his worde wherin he hath prescribed vnto thee what thou shouldest aske namely whatsoeuer things are honest whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer thinges apperteine vnto loue whatsoeuer thinges are godly vertuous and tending to y e glorie of his holy name In these thinges oughtest thou to be carefull and for such things to make thy zealous and heartie prayers in my name and thou shalt obteyne both corporall and spirituall thinges to thine vnspeakeable comforte But thou must put a difference betweene the thinges thou prayest for namely to aske spirituall thinges as forgiuenesse of sinnes and to be preserued from sinne and eternall death for the gift of the holy Ghost for euerlasting life without any condition in a true faith for I wil not the death of a sinner but rather that he re●●rne and liue And therefore thou mayst take 〈◊〉 of reconciliation in me and assure thy self of eternall life In the same faith also as thou hast heard thou mayst flye vnto him in my name for all thy corporall necessities but with this condition namely if it please him And it is required of thee that before thou enter into this so excellent and so precious a worke thou examine thy selfe namely whether hatred against thy brother malice desire of reuenge or any other vncharitable matter be depēding betweene any other and thy selfe If so then behoueth it thee● before thou approach vnto mine heauenly father in requesting any thing spirituall or temporall to growe into a godly desire of vnitie and from thine heart to forgiue whatsoeuer thou haue against any man that myne heauenly father may forgiue thee For knowe this that if thou forgiue not those that haue offended thee be it neuer so highly mine heauenly father will not pardon thee of thine offences which are many and great against him But being in a charitable desire of other mens welfare as of thine owne thou hast free accesse through mee vnto myne heauenly Father to whome thou mayst come boldly for things appertaynig both to body and soule as thou art taught by these words Our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread and forgiue vs our offences as wee forgiue them that haue offended vs And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill In which breefe forme of prayer consisteth the whole summe both of spirituall and corporall requestes And whatsoeuer thou askest it is comprehended within this praier or otherwise it is without any warrant and therefore not to be graunted And therefore by this rule it behooueth thee to guide all thy petitions for in this forme of prayer are conteined things eternall things spirituall and corporal things present things to come which things onely ought to stirre vp thy dull mind to faithfull and heartie prayer The sinfull man Declare thou these thinges more at large good Solace that I may In faith be stirred vp in thee for what and when to pray Solace THen vnderstande that by this forme before recited thou art taught not onely that prayer is necessarie and that it is commaunded as a principal seruice and worship of mine heauenly father but thou art directed to whom and for what to pray Thou must pray therefore yea aboue all thinges to whom to mine heauenly father for what especially for thinges tending to eternall saluation and then for bodily necessaries when continually least thou fall into temptatiō Thou must pray vnto mine heauenly father why because he is God eternal omnipotent maker and creator of all things the preseruer the defender the saftie and life of all and without whose deuine prouidence nothing can continue Bu● by whom or by whose or what meanes doth he heare thee and graunt thy requestes only by me and whatsoeuer thou shalt aske of him in my name he shall giue it thee And therefore whensoeuer thou praiest thou must be faithfully perswaded that he is fatherly affected towards thee and is become so fauourable vnto thee for my sake that he both heareth thee and will graunt thy requestes And therefore oughtest thou to call him father who for my sake accepteth thee as his sonne
a thousand times for sinne vnlesse thou bowe Hath Sathan thus be-witched thee hath worldly wealth vndone That sacred threed that Iesus for thy sweete Saluation spun Then thē wo worth the daies wherin thy cancred corps doe liue Throough foolish wil to fond delight such rash consent to giue The Rich-man Why what art thou that tauntest thus and thus controulest me I know thee not nor Iesus whome thou saiest my friend to be But for thy wealth or his I know can not my wealth surpasse My riches are as great I trowe as Iobs aboundance was And yet to see thy taunting termes thy carping crakes at mee Doe make me muze y t thou wilt not bow to mine high degree I think thou doest not know my welth my state vnknowen to thee Makes thee so rash I pray thee shew thy wealth and name to mee Solace My wealth is a contented minde my name a name of blisse No sweeter or more wholsome name in all the earth there is My will it is lykewise to wyn thy sinfull soule from woe To kill these wicked weedes in thee that in aboundance growe The Rich-man Canst thou redeeme the soule from woe that is in passing ioy Whom nothing can oppresse at all or worke the same annoy If furious foe should seeke to spill my bloud or worke my thrall My goods are great I haue enough to purchase helpe withall If health of bodie doe impaire and sicknes doe possesse My Corps with grief my goods can get best Phisick for redresse What if a time of dearth should come to pinch the poorer men Then were the time for me to make of euery penny ten For I haue store of euery thing that would be present gayn As Sheep and Oxen fruict and wul and euery kind of graine Which ten yeeres dearth could neuer spend what can annoy me then I liue secure I am at ease I stand no dreade of men What saist thou now am I in ease to seeke for ayde of thee No no goe packe a thousand maye haue their reliefe of mee Solace ALas thou foolish wretch whome the dregges of the vncertaine mucke of the world hath drowned in the puddle of pernicious securitie Thou laughest when in deede thou shouldest wéepe Thou singest when thou hast great occasion to sigh and thou triumphest in rash desire of finishing a sumptuous house of earthly and no durable matter where in déed thou shouldest rather put on thy mourning wéedes of sorrowe for the ruinous fall of a more precious building thy poore soule whome the heauy burden of thy sinfull and voluptuous life hath cast into the dungeon of darknes Hearken thou vnto me therefore and marke my wordes which flowe from the fountaine of perfect felicitie And thou shalt learne another lesson thou shalt sing another song and frame thy fancie after another fashion That is thou shalt condemne and dispise and in the bitternes of thy soule euen curse those thinges that thou holdest so deere and of so high price And sigh for sorrow that thou hast so much regarded the thinges that were none of thine The Rich-man What what you run at random sir your wits are not your owne I think poore man with tauntinge termes your wits are ouerflowen Doe I possesse that is not mine whose wealth is that I haue Whose is the substance of the store which friendly Fortune gaue Is not the golde that I haue got mine Oxen faire and fat My flocks of sheepe mine own pore man thou saist y u knowst not what But tame thy tongue or vse thy termes in better sorte to mee Take other mates for thine estate I am no mate for thee Solace Alas that sillie soule of thine dooth rest in wofull case It can not choose but rue to see thee runne so retchles race What though thy bodie liue at ease and wealth abound at will Wilt thou lyke witles wretch giue thanks for foolish Fortunes skill In fickle state alas art thou dame Fortunes wheele vnsure Can turne thy wealth to wante agayne when thou art most secure Thy sillie soule is sunck in sinne whose due deserte is woe Wherefore returne againe in time to friend and flye thy foe The Rich-man What should I flie oh foolish wight my Landes mine onely stay My store my stuffe my bagges of gold and cast my wealth away No no Ile know from whence thou art thy name thy force and will Before thy cunning shall conuert my Conscience to thy skill Solace AS my meaning is not that thou shouldest rashly or vnaduisedly cast away that aboūdance the gift wherof thou foolishly attributest to Fortune which indeed God hath bestowed vpon thee so I would not that thou shouldest put such affiance and such trust of a permanent and happy estate in that that so soone may vanish away like the flower that in the morning the dew maketh most fragrant fresh and swéete and before the euening with the scorching sunne beames is withered loseth his fashion and all beuty Euen so fareth it with the rich of the Earth who to gether with their aboundance fleete away the bodie to the graue their wealth they knowe not to whome what fond conceit therefore moueth thée thou foolish man thus madly to make fortune the maister of thine happynesse and to accompt this world the habitacle of thy sinfull carcas of a further more durable continuance then it is Think it certaine and nothing more certain that true felicity is not here to be sought for not here to be had nor here after the manner thou hast begun to be tasted To be made rich to become Lords Ladies Kings or Keysars to be noble or honourable worshipfull or Gentlemen or to abound with all the pleasures or pleasant delights that the whole world can yelde is no sparke of true happynesse and therefore deceiuest thou thy selfe thou runnest headlong into a laborinth of mischiefes in choosing this world to be thy throane of honour thy seat of happynesse and Fortune the mother nurce of thy prosperous estate as though there were no other place of blisse no other seat of honour nor other Aucthor of happynesse here thou foole the Glory the Pride the Pomp the wealth the brauerie the pastime and daliance honours and riches the aucthorities and preferments togither with all the Ornaments of bewtie and strength carnall reason and worldly wisdome what is it but the pricks of Sathan a sting to the good conscience and distruction to the wicked soule what is it but vanitie ye mere vanitie affliction of spirite The Rich-man This answers not to my demaund I aske thy name and why Thou doest controule me thus for that a care to liue haue I. I will avouch and verefie which I haue said before I am not yet afraid I knowe such preachers are there store That crye in euery pulpit still woe worth the wealthie ones They threaten
giuing thee whatsoeuer is necessarie for thee And for that cause oughtest thou to be subiect and obedient vnto his will in all thinges and to pray for the setting forth and sanctifying of his holy name which is to haue his word truely taught louingly imbraced diligently followed him to be worshipped according to the trueth thereof in all thinges And therefore when thou intendest to pray either for good thinges to bee giuen thee or euill things to be taken frō thee thou must haue a principal regarde to the magnifying of his holy name and to the setting forth of his most worthie praises for his mercies and goodnesse with ardent desire that his holy name may be hallowed and his kingdome come That is that his holy spirite would so direct thee in all thy doinges thoughtes and desires that thine heart varie not from his will but bee so setled in the performaunce thereof in all thinges that true humilitie vnfeyned loue vndoubted hope and constaunt faith may begin in thee that tranquilitie and peace of cōscience which may assure thee through me to bee the heire of his euerlasting kingdome to the ouerthrowe of Sathans rule and destruction of all his power whereby he endeuoureth to leade all mankinde into vtter destruction Pray therefore that his kingdome may come which is his holy spirite which hee hath promised to powre out vppon those that earnestly desire it which shall guide thee to the true seruice of mine heauenly father here in this world vntill such time as I shall appeare in the Clowdes to chaunge thy mortal body and place it in that kingdome wherein thou shalt remaine in blisse vnspeakeable for euer Thou must pray also that myne heauenly fathers will bee done in earth as it is in heauen that is that not onely thy self but all the people of the earth may doe that which in his worde is prescribed and commaunded to be done and that there may bee such obedience such loue such godly behauiour in this world amōg men as is required to be that as the Angelles in heauen are obedient vnto his will and cōmaundements whereby he is glorified there so he might be obeyed to the magnifying of his name here in earth And therfore art thou commaunded faithfully to pray vnto him that he would vouchsafe to gouerne all men as Princes Pastors and Teachers Gouernours and Magistrates that they may performe his will here in earth as it is done in heauen And that all men may execute their vocations truely to the praise of his holy name In which three former petitions thou hast to learne that it behoueth thee principally in thy praiers to regarde the glorie of God mine heauenly father And now attend and thou shalt perceiue that as thou art commaunded in the former petitions to haue respect onely vnto the honour of myne heauenly fathers name So art thou also louingly called to craue corporall blessings namely for such thinges as are necessarie and expedient for the maintenaunce of this life by this petitiō Giue vs this day our daily bread which comprehendeth in it not onely request for bread but for a competent liuing and good successe in thy vocation namely that hee will blesse it and make thy trauayle prosperous in such sort as by the fruites thereof thou mayst be able without vnlawfull meanes to liue and be rather helpefull then burdensome to others Yea thou hast warrant in this petition to craue all things belonging to this life not onely sufficiencie of foode and apparell but also health of body and other temporall benefites The Prophet declareth in the Psalmes that hungrie and thirstie soules wandring in the wildernes called vnto myne heauenly father and were releeued and sent away replenished Yea those rhat lye in prison and in the shadowe of death fast bound in miserie and iron without all hope of healpe calling vpon him in hearty and faithfull prayer are heard their prayers graunted and they deliuered Such also as are afflicted and pining away with sicknesse and heauinesse of heart humbling themselues vnto him in prayer are cured of their diseases When thou art therfore in such or any other afflictiō be it sicknesse imprisonment pouertie daunger of enemies or any other trouble whatsoeuer referre thee to the cōsideration of this petition and there shalt thou finde that thou hast sufficient warrant to flye vnto mine heauenly father in my name in heartie prayer for deliueraunce from thy distresse who is nere vnto all them that cal vpon him yea to all that cal vpon him in trueth he will fulfill the desire of them that feare him he will heare their prayers and saue them In this petition therefore it behoueth thee and all aswell the rich as the poore to consider that it is not great aboundaunce of riches and store of all worldly thinges nor the labour industrie and earnest diligence of their vocations but the onely blessing of mine heauenly father whereby their store is preserued and the labour of their handes so prospered as it serueth for the preseruation of their mortall liues And therefore all men ought so to referre them selues vnto mine heauenly fathers will bee they poore or rich in zealous and heartie prayer as that in the good successe both of their store and calling they may referre the glorie vnto him the aucthor of all their welfare and whose blessing it is that maketh rich and releeueth the poore Thou hast heard before that it behoueth thee in all thy prayers first to craue forgiuenesse of thy sinnes and reconciliation with God myne heauenly father through mee And in this former most excellent forme of prayer which must be thy direction to all thy praiers thou art warranted to aske for remission of thy sinnes But vpon this condition namely that thou forgiue freely and from thine heart all those that haue offended thee Wherein thou hast then to consider that if thou come vnto mine heauenly father endewed as before thou hast been taught with especiall loue of him and vnfeyned loue towardes all men come freely and boldly vnto him in the name of mee thy continuall Mediatour and craue in a true faith that for my sake hee will forgiue thy sinnes and receiue thee againe into his fauour assuring thy selfe that hauing mee the high Bishop praying for thee through whom thou being iustified by faith art at peace and at one with God mine heauenly father Thinke therefore diligently vpon the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes in me and whensoeuer thine owne vnworthinesse through feare so cloyeth thy poore conscience that thou thinke nothing but condemnation due vnto thee Cast the eyes of thine heart through a liuely faith vppon my merites standing at no time vppon thine owne deseruinges craue reconciliation and remission for my sake assuring thy selfe to bee heard and receiued into mine heauenly fathers fauour againe And beware thou stande not righteous in thine owne conceit for if thou
faithfulnes how to flye him and to followe me to eternall saluation whereof if thou frame thee faithfully to my wordes I will assure thee Heare me The sinfull man Oh what should I poore sinner doe whose sinnes surpasse the sand In number which the surging seas and waues haue cast on land No wit no wisedome or good will doth rest within my brest Thy wordes are all in vaine to me I am bereft of rest And know not how to winne again thy fauour which is lost In dolefull plight I striue in vaine to yeeld vp guiltie ghost That earth might passe to earth againe of which it first begun My soule where it deserues to be an wofull ghost vndun Solace Wilt thou oh man continue still so hard of heart in woe Refusing so the fruites of grace that from my mercie floe Whereby thou mayst at libertie be set from force of foe Reclaimd from sinne and Sathans will to rest no more in woe Repent therefore I say repent turne thou to me in haste Giue eare vnto me once againe be yet reformde at last Thou shalt perceiue that I forgiue all sinners when they crye Not wishing any sinfull soule in such dispaire to dye ALL the Prophetes beare me witnesse tha● through my name all that beleeue in me shall receiue remission of sinnes Iohn sayth 〈◊〉 any man haue sinned he hath an Aduocate wit● the father Iesus Christ the Righteous he i● the propitiation for our sins I am that Christ of whom Osee testifieth and sayth in that I haue conquered Sathan already O Death I wilbe thy death O Hell I wilbe thy destruction I haue as Dauid sayth lead captiuitie captiue when I ascended into heauen in ouercomming the Deuill Sinne Death and Hel enemies to the soule of man These that were long before me haue testified of me whose testimonie of me is true And my father in the beginning promised that the seede of the woman should tread downe the Serpents head I was that pure seede of the Uirgine of whom the Prophetes spake long before and I haue performed it vppon the Crosse and thus doth the spirite testifie in the hearts of all the Children of my father Now if these witnesses cannot moue thee to beleeue beleeue my father in heauen who testifieth of me saying This is my welbeloued Sonne heare him My father hath sent into the world eternall life and that is by me his Sonne Well then come vnto me al ye that labour are heauy laden with the burthen of sinne come vnto me I will ease you Art thou loden therefore poore man ye more then loden thou art prest downe not to the ground but to y e very gulfe of hel thou maist thanke thy master Sathan for it who being pittilesse presseth downe with the weightie burthen of all wickednesse such as yeeld him seruice He will promise at the first nothing but ease nothing but pleasure but in the ende he lodeth with labour and paieth your hire with paine thou that hast had the tryall of it excuse him if thou canst no thou canst not nor thy self Wherfore I say defie him and condemne thy self who hast gone astraie who hast wrought wickednesse euen with greedinesse And I see that he hath led thee into such a Laberinth into such a deepe Dungion of dispaire that it wilbe hard for thee to winde thee out againe But I will worke thee such a way as if thou bee aduised by me if thou followe my counsayle and walke the way that I will shewe thee thou shalt spite of his heart breake his fetters in peeces get out of his prison and defie him and all his wicked retinue euen to their faces The sinfull man Oh Solace doth thy mercy so abound to pardon me Although like stinking filthie cloath my life appeare to thee If Sathan held me not in band fast linckt in fetters fell Who roares like raging Lyon whē I doe determine well Full faine I would returne to thee whose mercy now I see And do perceiue that Satan seekes the meanes to murther me Solace YEa that is his occupation he hath nothing els to liue by nor to maintaine his kingdome withall He first allureth men to al kinde of vice he stirreth them vp to rebell against the will of mine heauenly father and as much as in him lyes reteineth them therein but when they be somewhat touched with the knowledge and feeling of their error when the spirite beginneth to groane vnder the heauie burthen of sinne and sommoneth them to the leading of a new life and they begin to fall from him then beginnes he to bestirre himself then he begins to cogge and to lye then he renues the Commissions of his officers and wicked ministers to lay a newe assault to their soules who with great diligence execute their masters will in perswading the poore sinner that he beginnes to take an ill course if he decline from his wicked way when he refuseth to doe ill and chooseth to doe good when he leaueth darknesse and betakes him to the light of trueth He tolde Iudas that he was not wise if he would followe me but if he would forsake me and betray me then did he well But when he had performed his commaundement and done as he was bid what did that master of his for him for sooth for feare least he should haue truely repented and haue vnfeynedly returned to me againe he put such a pricke into his conscience that he neuer left him till he had hanged himselfe Such conflictes maketh hee in the mindes of men that haue once yeelded vnto his pestilent motions and obeyed his wicked will without remorse of conscience feare of death or loue of mee and that will not be in time reclaymed from their wickednesse whome the wordes of my mouth will not mooue nor the feare of hell fire fraye from their filthinesse these I say when they heare the iudgements of my Father against them for their sinnes he to the ende he may hold them still in blindnes fearreth them with threates and ouercommeth their wittes with most horrible and blasphemous perswasions that there is no saluation or hope of helpe in me in so much as he laboreth by all meanes and vseth all his pollicies to bring them to destruction resisting them alwayes from doing any good as he stoode at the right hande of Iehoshua to let him when hee prayde vnto myne heauenly father for the state of the people So hee endeuoureth to take my worde out of thine heart least thou shouldest beleeue and be saued yea he desireth to winnow those that will come forwarde to godlines as Wheate as he sifted Peter myne Apostle who perswaded him selfe to be able to stand strongly but loe euen with the feare that Sathan stroke him with he denied me three times but he repented went out and wept bitterly And afterward resisted him manfully nay he was not
me all thinges pacified both in heauen and earth by me thou art reconciled and made at one againe with God myne heauenly father and by me if thou beleeue thou shalt obteine forgiuenesse of all thy sinnes and pardon for al thine offences for thy manifold transgressions rebellion and dissobedience And to thee that art sinfull ignorant and farr from knowledge to thee is here euen in my blood saluation offred and the true spirite of wisedome opened that the eyes of thy mynd that now are so dimmed with the shadowe of the olde man may bee lightened with the Candle of my sacred counsaile and truely perceiue and thine heart rightly conceiue what the ende is of this hope whervnto I am come to call thee what the riches of my glorious inheritance which I here proffer thee is and the greatnesse of my power which I promise thee who as I sayd before haue torne in peeces and cancelled the Obligation wherein thou stoodest bound I haue taken it away and fastened it on the Crosse I haue losed thee from the seruitude and slauerie of Sathan who as thou sayst doth chalenge thy seruice I haue set thee free from the workes of darknesse who am the light and no man that beleeueth in me shal remaine any more in darknesse beleeue therefore in the light that thou mayst bee made the childe of light and obteine life againe that now art dead vnder the Prince of darkenesse who had once the power of death But I haue deliuered all them that beleeue in me and liue in my feare and haue takē away that partition that was set betwene God my father and them So that through me thou mayst haue free accesse vnto him yea Iewes and Gentiles are vnited and knit to one God euen my father who for their sakes gaue me an oblation and sacrifice to bee offered vpon the Crosse to the ende that by myne obedience they might bee made righteous I was accurssed that through my curse they might be blessed and deliuered from the heauy burthen of the lawe yea I became poore to make all men rich but not as thou hast gloried to bee rich in goodes and great aboundaunce but in grace and the fauour of myne heauenly father with whom I haue obteined peace for thee and deliuered thee out of y e thraldome of that spirituall Pharao by offering my body a Pascall Lambe sprinckling my blood vpon the doore postes of the hearts of all true beleeuers in me Wherfore come vnto me thou that art so heauie loden and I wil refresh thee Confesse me with thy mouth beléeue in thine heart that God raised me from death and thou shalt be saued for my comming into this world was to seeke and to saue that was lost Wherefore heare me for if thou heare my wordes and beleeue in him that sent me I will raise thee vp in the last day to eternall life for there is saluation in none but in me onely who haue the power euen in mine owne handes to recouer that againe for thee which was lost by the fall of Adam The sinfull man Oh passing comfort now I feele renue in me againe Me thinkes I heare that Sathan saies now is my labour vaine Which I and mine haue had w t him that now conuerted is Me thinkes I heare him rage y t I should take the way to blisse But let him fret and fume his sill and doe his worst to me I doe not force my sure refuge good Solace is in thee True comfort doth begin I see encrease it more and more And let that furious feend leaue of to vexe my soule so sore And shew what I must doe in haste because the night is nye For I intend to follow thee good Solace till I dye Solace SO sayd Peter mine Apostle that he would followe me whether soeuer I went yea he would not refuse to dye with me but when the raging and boysterous stormes of Satans ministers blewe about mine eares and began to beate vpon the walles of his frailtie being demaūded whether he were not of my companie he flatly denied me nay he forsware me sayd that he knew me not Be not therefore too bold at the first brunt though thou feele more comfort and thy minde more quieted and Sathan not so strong with thee as he was take heede thou faint not take heede thou returne not to thine olde vomit to the wallowing in the mire and dirte of the dregges of Sathans poyson But be thou mindfull of these wordes of mine and the comfortable counsaile which this day I haue giuē thee Beleeue my sayinges and because the night is at hande I will referre other thinges which I must learne thee towardes the amendement of thy sinfull life till to morrowe when thou shalt finde mee readie here in the meane time be meditating of my former speaches retaine them in memorie and praise mine heauenly father in mee for thy comfort already obtayned The ende of the Tuesdayes Conference A THANKESGIuing to Christ our Sauiour for his comfort in the affliction of conscience with a prayer for his continuall assistance to be preserued from dispayre OH Gracious and Omnipotent God Oh Iesu my Sauiour I yeeld thee all possible thanks and praises that in my great distresse and conflict of conscience thou hast vouchsaued to send mee comfort and inward feeling of thy mercie and the vnfayned loue and care which thou hast of the saluation of my poore soule which Sathan myne aduersarie and the vtter enemy of all mankind hath inuironed with so many doubts of thy mercie and my saluation and layde before the eyes of my poore conscience so many grieuous sinnes most horrible offences such manifest rebellion against thee that I standing as a guiltie wretch a condemned person at the Barre of thy iust iudgemēt expecting nothing but the sharp sentence of death thou hast vouchsaued such is thine vnspeakable mercie louingly to call me out of that deepe dungion of dispaire to rescue mee from the cruell clawes of Sathan and to set mee free from the most fearfull and iust doome of death Insomuch sweete Iesu as I feele my selfe comforted I feele mee relieued and my soule freely ransomed from the captiuitie of that monstrous enemy that ougly Serpent that filthy feend most cruell aduersarie of mine Sathan and that by thy death and bitter passion whereby thou hast lead captiuitie captiue when thou ascendest into heauen yea thou hast vanquished the death of death thou hast vanquished the deuill and triumphed ouer death and hell all power both in heauen and earth is in thine hands and that Sathan that hath so sharply assaulted mee is within the cōpasse of thy power hold him vnder sweete Iesu keep him down let him not preuaile against mee and as my poore soule and weake body are subiect vnto sinne being destitute of thine helpe wanting thy grace So sweete Iesu looke fauourably vpon