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A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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wisdome and humblenesse and obedience and mortification and zeale and faith and hope and all graces that may change me from sinne to sanctity from darkenesse to light and from coldnesse to a more perfect zeale to serue thée in all things Teach me O Lord teach mée to execute my vocation truely and perfectly and giue such issue and blessed successe to all my endeauours labours purposes and procéedings as I may discharge my duety in obedience to thy diuine Maiestie to my brethren in loue and equity and to my selfe and mine in godly care and true piety And let thy holy Spirit so guide and gouerne mée this day and for euer that I may more and more fructifie increase in all godlinesse vntil thou shalt cut off this corruptible life After which good Father in the merits of thy Son let me inhabite euermore inherite that heauenly City new Ierusalem where thou sittest and raignest one God with whom shall liue all thine elect in ioyes vnspeakable for euer Amen O Lord increase our Faith A Morning Prayer where the FAMILY assembles O Almighty God full of loue and pitty the chiefest comfort that any sinfull soule can haue when wée miserable sinners here met together doe consider of thy great mercy and goodnesse which we haue euer since our births and before found and daily doe finde at the hands of thy diuine Maiesty together with our great vnthankfulnesse euery way to thée againe for the same we must néedes confesse and euen from the bottom of our hearts doe acknowledge that most vnspeakeable is thy mercy in sparing vs to liue vntill this morning before which time thou mightest iustly haue consumed vs. But O deare God of thy frée mercies before the foundation of the World was laid thou hast chosen and elected vs for thy Children and hast to our endlesse comfort certified and made knowne the same vnto our spirits by thy spirit by whom and not of our selues wee now cry vnto thée Abba father and for our Redemption hast sent thine owne Sonne to shed his most precious bloud vpon the Crosse no other meanes being whereby wée could be saued Thou hast by thy holy Spirit wrought Faith in our hearts to beléeue by him and in him to be iustified before thée and in some measure begunne the death of sinne in vs and wrought our sanctification and of thy frée fauour we enioy the benefit of thy Word the freedome of conscience great peace and plenty in outward things with many and infinite other benefits waking and sléeping at home and abroad in our selues and our friends for all which instead of thankefulnesse wee become the more disobedient not doing that wée ought to doe but with pleasure and profit with vanity and selfe-loue wée are carried away spending our daies in iniquity carelesnesse and vnféeling of our sinne and there is no goodnesse in vs yet is there mercy with thée O Lord and pardon vpon repentance Wherefore we here this Morning met together before thy Maiesty humbly confesse our wants and most entirely beséech thée for Jesus Christs sake to haue mercy vpon vs Haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and forgiue vs all that is past strengthen vs hereafter that daily both in bodies and soules we may glorifie thée more then we haue done yéelding thankes for daily benefits and striuing in holinesse and righteousnes to please thée all the dayes of our life But because we cannot but offend and fall diuers wayes and euery day good Lord for thy mercy sake pierce our hearts with a féeling of the same and neuer suffer vs to goe on with dull and dead soules not séeing nor sighing for our offences As a speciall meanes to kéepe vs in obedience before thée O deare Father worke in vs a continuall remembrance and an effectuall consideration that wée shall not alwayes liue here in this wretched world that doth much please vs now but that a day wil come when the trumpe shall sound the Dead shall arise and all wée shall appeare before the Tribunall seat of Judgement there to receiue according to our déedes without respect of Persons oh good Lord giue vs a remembrance and a féeling of that vnspeakeable comfort and eternall waight of glory which in that day shall be giuen vnto vs if in this day wée serue and please thée and contrariwise euen terrifle our cousciences and let vs as it were see before our faces the dreadfull Judgements and the fearefull Torments that both in Body and Soule they shall be sure to haue for euermore which in this life doe not serue and please thée but follow their owne fancies and wicked delights giue vs an hatred of sinne and a true loue of righteousnesse blesse thy Word euermore with fruit vnto our soules when we heare it giue vs a desire to heare it often and to practise it faithfully and obediently and keepe our hearts euer free from disūmulation and counterfeit holinesse prepare our hearts diligently to watch for the comming of thy Sonne make vs ready fit and willing to meete him in the clouds if thou wilt that we liue to his comming if it please thee in the meane time to call vs let vs with ioy yeeld our bodies to the earth and receiue our soules vnto thy selfe vntill the day when both our bodies and soules shall be remitted and bee totally glorified with thee in Heauen And let this day be a day of our true reformation and repentance that we becomming new creatures may serue thee in holinesse all the dayes of our liues yeelding thee most humble and hearty thankes for thy goodnesse to vs this night let thy mercifull eye looke vpon vs this day and so keep vs bodies and soules that being occupied in our seuerall callings we may be safe by thee from all our Enemies and liue to thee in feare that we may die in thy fauour and liue hereafter with thee in glory which grant and all things in the meane time necessary for soules and bodies for Christ his sake in whose name we ask them saying as he hath taught vs Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the povver and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy vvord our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance tovvards vs this day and euermore Amen A priuate Prayer for the EVENING The Motiue I Will lay
beginning and in the seuenth day didst rest from the same labour commanding vs to obserue the sanctification of the same for euer and to rest from all labours trauels and wordly businesses and not onely our selues but our Seruants Oxen Asses and such like Grant that we may not onely lay a side all worldly cares and businesses on the Sabbath day but may in all things sanctifie and kéepe it holy with godly exercises diuine prayers and heauenly meditations with diligent regard to the auoyding of all pastimes foolish and vncomely exercises and vnlawfull practices whereby oftentimes the affection being mooued to impatience powreth forth choler to the dishonouring of thée Let our conuersation be altogether modest mortifying our owne desires wholly applying our selues not onely on the Sabbath day but all the wéeke yea all our whole life to the seruice of thée to the honouring and glorifying of thy Name to the benefit of our soules profit of our neighbours and due reuerence to our Parents whom thou hast commanded vs to honor loue and obey as the instruments of our beginning thou being the workman Grant Lord that wee truely and vnfainedly reuerence them as thou willest we should that we may long continue vpon the earth not in the number of carelesse and disobedient children in whom resteth no thankfulnesse for so great benefits had and receiued at the hand of their parents from whom thou hast said thou wilt with-hold thy blessings and altogether depriue them of their libertie of liuing But grant that we may so order our selues by thy grace both to them and other our Superiours that wee may receiue at thy hands many good gifts and length of dayes here according to thy promise in Christ. Let it likewise please thee O Lord to continue thy blessings in and vpon vs that it may goe well with vs all the dayes of our liues take from vs Lord all destres of reuenge all rancour hatred and malice lest the Diuell who rea●ily stands to pricke vs forward to a desperate minde procure vs to slay the innocent Wée beséech thée good Lord let not at any time such euill imaginations enter into our hearts lest wée giuing our selues thereunto loose the reynes of our naturall disposition which is 〈◊〉 inclined to wrath that vnlesse the strength thereof be subdued or the venomous s●ing thereof pluckt out by vertue of thy holy Spirit it prouoke vs to waite opportunity to wreake our malice with violence vpon such as by small occasions haue offended vs yea and by little and little breake out into that height of hatred as to prouoke vs to séeke the meanes to destroy the innocent O Lord forbid it and kéepe vs from the most pernitious sinne of adultery which being so odious in thy sight as thou causedst to fall in one day for the same twenty and thrée thousand but indue vs with thine holy Spirit that we may kéepe our bodies cleane and vndefiled members of thée endued with perfect sanctity may abandon all occasions that may procure vs to offend thée retaining a godly behauiour which thou dearely louest and expelling euill concupiscence which thou deadly hatest O mercifull God vouchsafe to kéepe vs from taking any thing by indirect meanes from any man whom wee ought to loue as our selues the desire whereof good Lord procéedeth often by scarcitie and want by pouerty and néede which indéede thou art able and willing to relieue without any such vnlawfull meanes And therfore I beséech thée to grant vs a sufficient and necessary portion or else constancy and vnfained hope in thee to be relieued in thy good time and vtterly to detest the horrible sinne of stealing for thou hast promised neither to faile vs nor forsake vs cal●ing faithfully vpon thée in time of our necessity And as we ought to beware of taking any thing of others by steaith so likewise vouchsafe when any occasion serueth to grant vs héedfull mindes to depose and testifie that which is truth according to our knowledge without any respect either of greatnesse friendship or fauour of the one or the e●uy malice or pouerty of the other And grant that wée raise no false accusation or slander vpon any man but that wée may kéepe our mouthes from speakeing any thing hurtfull vnto others but to shew our selues helpefull both in word and déede to all and like good men muse and meditate afore-hand what we ought to speake not letting the bridle of our lips loose to babble out that which first commeth into our mindes and that we may content ourselues with our estates whatsoeuer thou sendest without an vngodly desire of any thing that belongeth vnto our Neighbours And grant vs by thine especiall grace euermore to obserue and faithfully to fulfill all thy most godly Commandements in the name for the sake of Jesus Christ in whose Name as well for grace to kéepe thy Lawes as also for all necessaries for body and soule I heartily beséech thée in that forme of prayer which hée hath set downe vnto vs in these words Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer and Meditation concerning the continuance of Gods corrections notwithstanding our continuall humiliation and daily Prayers vnto him for comfort and reliefe O Father most mercifull and louing in Jesus Christ what shall I bring vnto thée whereby to appease thy wrath conceiued against my sinne If I should bring the sacrifice of Buls or Goates thou art not delighted with them Teach mée therefore O Lord teach me what to doe to be reconciled vnto thée againe I haue long called vpon thée and that in the name of thy most beloued Sonne and finde not that I haue long sought I receiue not that I haue many dayes desired of thée I haue long and earnestly knocked at the doore of thy mercy and finde no entrance for my Soule I sée I am shut out of thy presence I wait and am weary I sigh and sée no remorse and lingring thus in distresse I languish vnder the burden of thy displeasure which séemeth to be so hetly kindled against mée as I am ready to giue ouer my suite For behold Lord my miseries are beyond measure and my griefe groweth daily more and more being of my selfe ignorant what to say more vnto thée then I haue said I know not what course to take nor to whom to make my mone direct mée and heare my prayers Thou being angry with mée all thy Creatures séeme to be also offended at mée and nothing séemeth to yéelde mée comfort Deare Father what shall I doe whither shall I flye to finde rest there is no rest for me but in thée and therefore
in the yeere Thirty dayes hath Nouember Aprill Iune and September The rest hath thirty and one Except it be February alone Which alwayes hath twenty eight meere When it is no Bisextile or Leape-yeere A note of the Moneths weekes dayes and houres throughout the whole veere The yeere containeth Moneths 12. Hours 69478 Weekes 5● Dayes 365. Day Naturall hath 24 houres Artificiali 12 An Alminacke for ten yeeres The vere of our Lord. The prime Sundaies letter Leape yeere Ashwednesday the first day of Lent Easter day Whit sunday 1620 1 B A Mar. 1. Apr. 16. Iune 4. 1621 2 G   Feb. 14 Apr. 1. May 20. 1622 3 F   Mar. 6. Apr. 21. Iune 9. 1623 4 E   Feb. 16. Apr. 13. Iune 1. 1624 5 D C Feb. 11. Mar. 28. May 16. 1625 6 B   Mar. 3. Apr. 17 Iune 5. 1626 7 A   Feb. 12. Apr. 9. May 28. 1627 8 G   Feb. 7. Mar. 25 May 13. 1628 9 F E Feb. 27. Apr. 13. Iune 1. 1629 10 D   Feb. 18. Apr. 5. May 24. TO THE RIGHT Vertuous and godly Lady the Lady MARGERY KILLEGREVVE wife vnto the right Worshipfull SIR WILLIAM KILLEGREVVE KNIGHT IT pleased you RIGHT worthy LADY heretofore to affoord this little Treatise kinde allowance to enter vnder your Roofe and to accept it as a friendlesse Pilgrime committed to your shelter protection and such hath beene the opinion of your selfe the Patrones touching the same that many others in imitation of your kinde acceptance of it haue likewise fauourably censured it and friendly receiued it not for his sake that sent it to seeke friends but for yours I assure me that shewed it and me friendship And now the Booke simple as it is being dispersed into the hands of many with the poore Title of A poore Mansrest becomes to be more and more richly regarded And therefore I could doe no lesse after this seauenth Impression but reuiew it and augment it and recommed it again vnto your fauourable tuition nothing doubting but the longer it passeth abroad in the worlds view the more it shall increase in your high commendation that will vouchsafe to countenance so poore a Guest Your Ladiships euer at commandment Io. NORDEN To all that are in any distresse rest and consolation in Christ IESVS I Am out of doubt by mine own experience that this little Booke intituled The poore Mans rest shall bring no lesse vnto thee then the title importeth if thou faithfully vse it it offereth thee the meane by perseuerance and practice to attaine vnto the rest of the soule not as the rich man vainely promising rest vnto his Soule through the superfluous fulnes of worldly blessings was sent suddenly to hell but that rest which Christ himselfe promiseth Mat. 11. 29. Where he saith Take my yoke on you learn of me that I am meek lowly in heart ye shal finde rest for your soules True rest commeth not by the pleasures of this life but by the yoke of Christ namely by his corrections which consisteth in troubles in crosses in afflictions in miseries in want in hunger in nakednesse in imprisonment in banishment in things displeasing to flesh bloud Why then should we seeme to kicke against Gods louing chastisements and milde corrections which as an easie yoke he putteth on our necks as a light burthen he laieth on our shoulders He tryeth vs but a little while will neuer ouer-charge vs if we seeke rest and reliefe and power and strength to beare it at his hands not at the hands of mortall men whom yet the Lord in mercy vseth to comfort his afflicted Children Why then couet we not to bevisited with the rod rather then to be left to the liberty of this wicked worlds vanities that are only the baits of confusion And therefore saith Eliphas Iob 5. 17. Blessed is the man whom GOD correcteth Paul 2 Thes. 1. 5. affirmeth that it is a token of GODS righteous iudgement to punish his Children here that they may be accounted worthy of the Kingdome of God and that they be not cōdemned with the world and it is a righteous thing with him to recompence tribulatiō to them that trouble you but to you that are troubled rest not the outward rest of the body while it abideth on the earth thogh woldly men hold liberty and lust and health and honour possessions and authority and wealth and wa●●onnesse and vanity and fulnesse yea and filthines a sweet and more certayne rest then the rest peace of a good conscience which in all the assaults of sin and Sathan in all trials troubles and crosses in pouerty sicknesse taunts and ignominy and in most bitter misery if thou canst say truly with Paul Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I should reioice but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ wherby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world thou shalt haue rest for thy soule And therefore what if ye be cast down as into the gulfe of disdaine among men and seeme out-casts in the world cast-awaies of the world for your troubles trials sake and because of the want of the worlds glory thinke it not strange nor grudge hut reioyce for it ministreth vnto you occasion to flye worldly confidence to take hold of the heauenly promises it worketh discord between you Belial and concord betweene you and Christ raising your thoughts from earth to heaue because as the body is earthly being furnished with the worlds pleasing vanities is loth to depart and leaue them so the soule being fettered by naturall carnall affections is held also captiue and cannot lift it selfe vp by the wings of desire of heauenly things vntill the body be depriued of her delights here then hath the Soule inner man scope sanctified by the spirit of God to mount by the wings of Faith vnto her rest namely to a resolute contentation to abide the Lords leasure purpose in all things yea when we seeme to be meerly forsaken of the world we should neither feare nor be faint-hearted knowing that our Redeemer liueth But as the Lord of life saith Seeke yee my face Psal. 27. 8. Let vs answere with Dauid Thy face O Lord will we seeke For this is the rest that poore men must seeke this is the rest that will fill vs better then the Gluttons feast is more precious then the health of the body then the wealth of the world then the pleasures of the flesh The gold of al the Indies cannot purchase it the Kings of the earth by force cannot obtaine it nor the wisest of the world comprehend it But thou poore man who so thou be in what case soeuer thou art poore and needy sicke and weake hated despised threatned and abused apprehended and imprisoned or in what miserable case else soeuer euen thou shalt attaine vnto this rest if thou seeke it instantly praying faithfully if thou be patient and grudge
euery godly man to vse all holy meanes to inkindle their hearts to the right performance of this heauenly duty And nothing more preuaileth th●… in then Meditation whereunto we are also very vnapt by nature know not how nor vpon what groūd to lay the foundation thereof yet if we can truly frame our hearts to a holy Meditation we shall finde that it is the very key that openeth our dull hearts lookt vp vnder griefe vnder feare vnder trouble vnder persecution misery and sendeth forth by little little the fire of true zeale which at length becommeth a great flame of preuailing prayers which thing they easily finde that are conuersant in this sacred exercise of Meditation and Prayer who yet many times finde themselues most dull most vnapt to pray hauing yet an inward desire thereunto which desire they cannot containe but labouring a while in silence speaking inwardly to God in sighes and groanes at length they speake effectually with their tongues Seeing therefore that all men neede motiues to stir them vp to payer let eueryman addresse himself to the word of God or peruse some godly worke of religious men And although vocally he cannot read by reason of his naturall dulnes yet if his heart can be but conuersant duly attend the sence as the eye obserues the letter his mind by little and little shall mount it selfe from earth to heauen fixed on the Trinity whence shall arise such spirituall fruits of faith feruency of Spirit as shall fill the soule with more sweet consolation by inkindled prayer then the tongue can vtter And to this end gentle Reader according to the small measure of mine vnderstanding I haue prefixed before euery prayer a Motiue or Meditation touching the substance and matter of the Prayer following THANKS-GIVING after PRAYER THe third and last duty in this holy exercise is Thanksgiuing which cannot but follow sanctified praiers and that with such ioy in the holy Ghost as it cannot but breake forth into most vnspeakable inward thankefulnesse to God who hath been so graciously pleased not onely to forgiue our sinnes but to help our infirmities by his holy Spirit by whom we haue had accesse vnto the Throne of grace and found such fauour with God in Christ as we haue obtayned by the holy Ghost both the will and the power to pray Also we ought in all things to giue thanks to God for euery blessing and benefit we receiue at his hands according to the counsell and precept of the Apostle who commands vs to giue thanks alwaies for all things vnto God euen the Father in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ Ephes. 5. 20. Thus much touching the admonition A PRIVATE PRAYER for the Morning The MOTIVE I Laid me down● and slept and rose againe for the Lord sustained me Psal. 3. 5. This Confession did holy Dauid make to the glory of God in the morning and hath left it to vs to moue vs likewise to glorifie God by whom we liue and labor and by whose loue and prouidence we lay vs downe to rest after our wearinesse and daily trauell and doe enioy the comfortable benefit of sweet sleepe which he hath afforded to refresh all Creatures And man the most excellent of all other Creatures receiuing this sweet blessing and rising from his bed without thanksgiuing to him that can giue it or depriue him of it cannot assure himselfe whether his sleepe shall turne to his good or euill for the greatest good thing that we receiue at the hands of God turneth to our hurt if we be vnthankfull But vnto the godly to such as feare him and giue him praise he turneth euen euill things to good Therefore as Dauid saith I will giue thanks vnto the Lord his praise shall be in my mouth continually Morning and Night and at all times and for all things Psal 34. 1. Wherby it commeth to passe that no danger can annoy vs for why The Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about vs to preserue vs sleeping and waking if we feare him and call vpon his Name P●al 34. 7. The poore man therefore cryeth vnto the Lord Lord here my voyce in the morning for in the morning will I direct my prayer vnto thee and will waite till thou heare me and helpe me Psal. 5. 3. O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for the Morning to be said in priuate OH Father full of power mercy and loue how dare I looke vp vnto heauen where thou sittest in Maiesty and glory How can I thinke or hope to receiue any good thing here in the earth where thou art in thy power and knowledge for thou Lord séest my wayes and my vanities and my corruptions and my sinnes yea my thoughts idle and euil are before thée yea my pollutions and imperfections are such and so great as I am afraid of thy iudgements if thou shouldest note all that I haue done amisse yet like a louing Father thou hast mercifully preserued mée this night and vouch safed me swéet rest and sléepe and hast raised me by thy hand for it is thou onely that preseruest me and defendest me whether I wake or sléepe walke or worke eate or drinke yea thou blessest all these things vnto me or else they would easily destroy mée For I a weake Creature am subiect to the infinite dangers that lurke in the pathes of this euil and corrupt life In the night and darkenesse I sléepe and haue no watch and therefore easily may I be ouer-taken with the dangers of the wicked that hate the light and practise euill in the darke but that thou the watch-man of Israel thou sléepest not but hast a fatherly care and vigilant eye and louing regard to thy weakest ones when they slumber beset with dangers thou appointest thine Ange●s and they pitch about them and they are late O good Father I thank thée for thy infinite blessings beare with my weaknesse and wash me from my sins and forgiue mine offences and direct me in the ●ight way of obedience of thankfulnesse of repentance and reformation of my life which is still subiect to vanity still ready to slide into one sinne or other I am neuer frée Oh Father from temptations neuer at true peace but beset with continuall enemies within me my own corruptions fight against faith and obedience wresting my will and mine affections from sincerity to sin from a desire of good things to euill from obedience to rebellion from trust in thée to despaire or to depend on the vain things of this deceiuing world which being full of subtil baits euery where beset with snares to catch my sou●e and to seduce me with dangerous vanit●es I flye onely to the sanctuary of thy loue to the castle of thy prouidence and to the harbour of thy sauing promises Kéepe me therefore kéepe me deare Father as the apple of thine Eye shrowde me vnder the shadow of thy sauing wings this day and teach mée truth giue me knowledge
so to walke before thée in this present life as becommeth thy Saints O continue thy word of truth amongst vs euer to our comfort Let the séede thereof now sowne in our hearts take such déepe roote that neither the burning heate of persecntion cause it to wither nor the thorny cares of this world riches or voluptuous liuing choake it but as séede sowne in good ground it may bring forth fruit according to thy pleasure O Father giue vs grace that when we heare or ●●nde by thy word any sinne that is in vs we may striue and study without delay willingly to reforme it Kéepe vs good God that wée neuer swarue for the feare of man from our owne true knowledge becomming seruers of time and deuiers of thée Kéepe vs from all hardnesse of heart contempt of thy word and from all dissembling of sinceritie Increase true loue amongst vs more and more Blesse thy whole Church O God with graces necessary this parcell of it our natiue Land and Country deare Father blesse it still with continuance of thy truth Iessen in it daily the number of blinde and ignorant Papists prophane Atheists and increase the number of thy true children Preserue vnto vs long aliue good Lord if it please thée our gracious King and Gouernour multiply thy Spirit vpon him and all his that still more and more he and they may séeke and set forth thy glory in maintaining Christian religion in all purity suppressing all vice superstition and Idolatry with all seuerity Giue vnto him an honourable Counsell giue them graces necessary for such a calling Blesse all other Nobles Magistrates and the whole body of this Realme with true hearts to thée and to this Countrey Increase in this our Israel the number of true Watchmen whose hearts may séeke thée and thy people and not their owne glory and commodity Bring to thy fold by them such wandring remnants as are thine And O Lord be gracious to our kindred and friends in the flesh lighten their hearts with the Sunne of vnderstanding that they and wée acknowledgeing one truth may glorifie thée in the true and constant profession of the same all the dayes of our life Comfort O Christ thy afflicted members wheresoeuer or howsoeuer troubled and grant vs peace in our dayes if it be thy pleasure Finally because the night is now vpon vs and we ready to take our rest let the bed O Lord strike into our hearts a consideration that the graue is almost ready for vs. Which of vs can tell whether these eies of ours once closed vp shall euer open any more againe or no Lord therefore receiue vs into thy hands we all here now commend our selues bodies soules vnto thy holy protection and prouidence kéepe vs this night and euermore ready for thée when thou shalt call vs. Heare vs O Lord O God and Father mercifull in these our petitions for thy Sonne Jesus Christ his sake our Sauiour in whose name we altogether begge these mercies saying as Christ our Sauiour hath taught vs Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy word our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance towards vs this night and euermore Amen A Prayer to be vsed in priuate Families Morning and Euening Leuit. 26. 6. If yee truely serue God yee shall sleepe and none shall make you afraid Lord prepare our hearts open our lips sanctifie our prayers and increase our Faith O Most mighty Lord God and our most mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ we thy poore creatures and vnworthy children humbly present our selues in his name before thy glorious maiesty acknowledging that we be most vnworthy to appeare in thy presence by reason not onely of our originall but also of our continuall actuall sinnes and déepe disobedienee being originally borne the children of wrath and the least of our actuall transgressions is sufficient to cast vs into hell and vtter perdition if thou shouldest deale with vs according to the measure of our manifold iniquities We therefore doe humbly beséech thée O mercifull Father in the merits of Jesus Christ fréely to pardon and forgiue our manifold offences both in that wée haue committed and done those things thou hast forbidden and left vndone the things thou hast commanded Lord forgiue vs and remember our sinnes no more let them neuer good and gracious Father rise vp in Judgement to our condemnation Giue vs a full assurance of thy mercies and frée forgiuenesse in Jesus Christ and let thy holy Spirit from henceforth euermore so sanctifie our hearts minds and bodies that wée neuer hereafter giue consent to the corrupt motions of our fleshly affections and vnclean desires and let the liuely light of thy continuall presence so illuminate our dark vnderstandings that we may still search for thy will in thy word reuealed and giue vs will and power to practise and performe all godly seruice duties and obedience to thée giue vs féeling hearts that we may finde out our own weakenesse and confesse vnto thée our infirmities and that we may boldly in the Name of thy Sonne Christ Jesus fall downe before thée calling faithfully and sincerely vpon thy holy name for pardon for our former euils for grace to reforme so the rest of our wicked liues that thou maist be pleased to accept vs anew into thy fauour and fatherly protection Grant that we may continually féele in our hearts and consciences more and more the virtue and power of the death resurrection of our Lord and Sauior Jesus Christ that we may continually striue against and mortifie our grosse sins and foule corruptions and grow more strong against all euill motions and temptations in thought word and déede and be more and more renewed in the spirit of our mind and féele a continuall increase of ioy and comfort in the reading hearing and meditating of thy holy and heauenly word and a feruency of true zeale to séekethy glory by encreasing more and more in knowledge and in the hatred of sinne in our selues rebuking it in others especially in those of whom we haue charge and in a happy and faithfull going forward in all godly obedience vnto thy will all the dayes of our liues Direct and strengthen vs that we may with all faithfulnesse labour to
the Lord will not regard it O Lord thou séest and beholdest thou findest out and considerest all mens wayes mischiefe and wrong equity and iustice are before thée and thou takest the causes of men into thy hands and thou giuest iust iudgement because thou onely knowest the truth of euery mans cause The poore commit themselues to this God that knoweth them to this God that séeth them and to this God that pittieth them and prouideth for them The Lord looketh downe from heauen vpon all men such is the force of his knowledge that hée knoweth in man more then the heart of man it selfe for he fashioneth the heart and vnderstandeth all my thoughts long before they be conceiued within me And therefore my soule prepare thée to patience addresse thée to praise God and continue in prayer be not idle to meditate good things that the Lords goodnes may be thy goodnesse that his loue may be thy life and his prouidence thy protection for as hée knoweth thy going and marketh well thy wandring when thy féele follow value things and fatherly correcteth thée for them so doth hée behold thy teares and heareth thy groanes which thou makest for sinne committed against him and healeth thée and comforteth thée Yet all things are so hidden in the treasure-house of his prouidence that the naturall man séeth not the meanes how to be cured when hée is sicke how to be raised againe being brought low how to be defended hauing many mighty enemies But the Spirit of God discerneth and as he is God knowing all things done so he is a God fore-séeing al things to be done hereafter And hée séeing mée in my mothers wombe before I was any thing or dained for me then what I receiue now therefore my hope must not faile but take hold of his ancient loue wherein hée first created me to liue in him and by him and therfore Oh that I might be able truely to serue him that hée might louingly relieue me still that I might faithfully obey him that hee might fatherly helpe me still He is the good shepheard Oh that I were a good shéepe of his pasture hee féedeth and guideth and holdeth vp and comforteth and maintaineth all that are his hée looseth none that are his he confoundeth none that are his neither doth he forsake any of his vnto the end Within his fold is his fauour and in his fauour is life and in that life is liberty and in that liberty is reliefe and in that reliefe true peace and in that peace the assurance of saluation and in that assurance the ioy and comfort of the Spirit whereby euery outward vnsauory thing is made inwardly swéet euery crosse hath his comfort and euery tryall and temptation and sorrow and griefe is turned to the vnspeakable good of the shéepe of his pasture Therefore O my soule sigh no more sorrow no more be no more pensiue at outward pouerty fret no more at the worlds miseries dismay no more for thy many sinnes but striue to stand in the fauour of this God and he will set thée frée and banish thy feare and fill thy Cup and féede thée with the hid treasures of his neuer-failing loue O Lord increase my Faith God knoweth the hearts of all men Acts 1. 24. 15. 8. The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his and let euery one that calleth on the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2. vers 19. Thou hast counted my wandrings and put my teares into thy bottle Psal. 56. 8. A Godly Meditation of the Word of God whereby men distressed may be strongly resolued to cast off all feare and to cast all their care on God that careth for them according to his promise in his Word OH what am I that I should conceiue of any happinesse or glory or ioy or comfort to be giuen mee either in this earth below or in the heauens aboue for I am a man of corrupt conuersation my heart is fraught within mée with corruption my soule is defiled and my whole man polluted Is it not therefore my iust portion to haue here misery and calamity and crosses and enemies and euils innumerable to follow me for my sinne and to vexe me for mine iniquities so hath the Lord threatned in his word Most true it is that right it were that I should receiue these vnsauoury things of this life and to be depriued of the Land of them that liue for euer if I should receiue according to my deseruings for death is due for sinne O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this danger of death that shall neuer haue end Surely when I looke into this book of mine owne wayes and workes and wantonnes and wicked life I sée nothing but danger and feare and sorrow and death it selfe written therein how then my poore soule vnhappy soule wretched soule how canst thou escape oh tremble and feare for i● thou finde not fauour thou are fallen for euer and for euer forlorne Where then wilt thou séeke for succour to whom wilt thou flye for grace to the weake and wicked and wofull World or wanton worldlings No my Soule flye from these feeble friends and looke into and consider and beléeue and imbrace the Word of God taste that Bread of life drinke of that Fountaine that floweth from the liuely Spirit of truth thou shalt liue It is a pure Word and will purifie thée it is a liuely Word and will reuiue thée the Word of truth and will teach thée the Word of comfort and will recomfort thée O my soule what thing is so precious as this Word that bringeth the glad tidings of thy saluation thou deseruing damnation of Life thou deseruing death of Comfort thou deseruing confusion and of mercy endlesse thou deseruing miseries infinite It is a Word full of consolation to such as are sorry for their sinnes and séeke after righteousnesse a Word of terror to the obstinate it is a killing sword vnto the wicked and sauing shield vnto Gods children the sauour of Life vnto life to them that are his and the sauour of Death vnto death to the wicked It is more to be desired then the purest gold or swéetest hony Come vnto me saith this Word and I will refresh you Seeke saith this Word and you shall finde rest for your soules O my Soule here then to thy rest here is thy safety and here is thy saciety and here is thy life and liberty and here shalt thou dwell as vpon the Mountaine of Peace vpon the Rocke of Reliefe and Hill of continuall Helpe This is the Staffe to stay thée by this is the Weapon to defend thee with this is the Way to walke in and this is the Foode to relieue thée withall Oh reioyce therefore in the Lord O my soule because of his Word by which he assureth thée of health if thou be sicke of comfort when thou art sad of defence
discharge that duty whereunto wee are bound by our seuerall callings which in thy prouidence either are already or shal be allotted vnto vs. Hold vs we beséech thée by thy right hand that we fall not into any danger of body or minde Guide vs by thy holy Spirit in the paths of righteousnesse set continuall watch before our lips that wee offend not with our tongues Keepe our eyes from looking any more vpon and our hearts from seeking after or consenting vnto vanities shut vp our eares that they delight not in hearing the things offensiue to thy sacred Maiesty Rule gouerne our hearts that wée may be alwayes studious of good things and that wee may be alwayes truely inclined to deale faithfully with all men and inable vs to performe all duties required at our hand by them and keepe both our hands and feete that wee goe not about or take any thing in hand dishonourable to thee dangerous to our selues or hurtfull to any and that all that wée think speake or doe may be to the glory of thy name Let vs not spend the time O Lord of this our pilgrimage any more in wantonnesse idlenesse or vanity but in all godly vertuous exercises alwaies in simplicity and singlenesse of heart and in a good conscience as becommeth thy dearest Children Blesse we humbly beséech thée and prosper all the labors and works of our hands and blesse all the Creatures which thou hast appointed for our vse that wée may receiue comfort and reliefe in them and by them in due season by thy blessing and by the daily comfortable vse of them be the more moued and stirred vp to a thankfull acknowledging thy fatherly goodnesse in vouchsafing them vnto vs which without thy blessing would rather turne to our preiudice then profit rather to a curse vnto vs then to our true comfort therfore good Father blesse vs to a godly vsing of al thy good creatures and thy creatures to a comfortable vse for vs. And forasmuch good Father as our duty in this sacred exercise of prayer bindeth vs also to intreate thy Maiestie for all our Brethren and Sisters members of that body whereof thy Sonne Jesus Christ is the head frame in vs a true perfect and hearty zeale to pray and heare vs also for them beséeching thée to raise vp the Ministry of thy Gospell in all places of the earth that by the meanes thereof such as doe appertaine to thy Kingdome may be daily called home to thy fold and that the Kingdome of Satan Antichrist Sinne and darkenesse may be weakened and more and more beaten downe in all the world hold vp maintaine the scepter of thy word where thou hast already planted and aduanced the same increase all the meanes by which it may be increased and confirmed and weaken all the powers that resist or striue against it Blesse those O Lord that endeuor to promote and further it increase their zeale wisdome knowledge and power him especially good Father whom in great mercy towards vs thou hast made Soueraigne ouer vs Iames thy seruant our King and all his Royall Issue the Counsellors Magistrates Nobility and the Preachers of thy holy word all godly and Christian Families all true Professors of thy Gospell Beséeching thée to powre on euery of them in their seuerall Callings such graces benefits and blessings as are most méete for them wherby they may all shew themselues thy true and faithfull miuisters in furthering all sincerity in Religion and all purenesse and godlinesse of life not onely in themselues but in others so farre as appertaineth to their charge publike or priuate Beséeching thée also to be mindfull to comfort all our afflicted Brethren and Sisters howsoeuer or for whatsoeuer they suffer especially such as suffer for the testimony of a good conscience Comfort all them that are pressed downe with the burthen of their sinnes helpe relieue succour and assist all that be in want in misery and affiction that flie vnto thée for succour And as good Father we doe thus boldly begge at thy hands these many and seuerall fauours for our selues and others so Lord accept at our hands our humble thankfulnes which we here yéeld vnto thée for thy manifold blessings and benefits daily so louingly and fréely bestowed vpon vs both inward and outward spirituall and corporall in number infinite for greatnesse vnspeakeable and for goodnesse farre better then wée could either aske or thinke beséeching thée to continue thy gracious fauour towards vs alwayes and in all things that we may still giue thée the glory for our continuall safety and reliefe In the Morning Adde this ANd finally we thanke thée good Father that thou hast so graciously kept and preserued vs this night past and hast giuen vnto our bodies rest and hast brought vs to the beginning of this day in peace good Father pardon whatsoeuer corruption hath taken hold of vs this night pardon our present dulnesse of Spirit coldnesse of Zeale weaknesse of Faith and all whatsoeuer offendeth thée in vs blesse the labours of our hands and our godly endeuours this day and make vs rather able to be helpfull to others that néede then to be forced to aske or to be chargeable to any by reason of our corporall wants Grant these things good Father and al other graces necessary for vs and for euery member of thy Church for Jesus Christ thy Sonnes sake in whose name wee further pray Our Father which art c. In the Euening Adde this WE thanke thée also most gracious Father for that thou hast so mercifully kept and relieued vs this day past beséeching thée to receiue vs also this night into thy Fatherly protection and kéep our soules bodies and goods frée from dangers let thine Angels encampe about vs guard vs and defend vs giue vnto our bodies that competent rest and sléepe that may be onely sufficient and let our thoughts be euer on thée in loue feare and due obedience and reuerence that wée may be fearefull to commit the least euill yea in the darke which with thée is as the noone day Watch ouer vs good Father that Satan preuaile not against vs and giue vs grace to be alwayes watchfull for the time when our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christ shal make his glorious appearance in the clouds to finish these dayes of sinne And at this time pardon O Lord our weakenes in prayer our coldnes in zeale and whatsoeuer doth hinder vs from the true publishing of our own wants and imperfections at full thy praise and glory as thou deseruest increase our Faith and grant vs and all thy Children all other graces necessary for soules and bodies for Jesus Christs sake in whose name we further pray Our Father c. A Prayer for the King It is God that giueth deliuerance vnto Kings it is he that rescued Dauid his seruant from the hurtfull sword Psal. 144. 10. Take away the wicked from the King and his throne shall be established
mouthes but thou who relieued mée when I wanted things necessary but thou who hath deliuered mée in the time of danger but thou who shall haue the praise and glory but thou the God of my saluation and mine euerlasting refuge But what recompence deare Father shall I make vnto thée what reward shall I giue thée what sacrifice shall I offer thée I am a worme no man I haue no good thing to present vnto thée but onely I say and confesse and acknowledge euen from my heart and soule with my tongue and lips that thou onely art God onely good onely able and willing to helpe the poore to relieue the distressed to comfort the abiect and to deliuer them that are ready to be swallowed vp of mercilesse waters I am poore yet thou prouidest for mée I want and thou giuest mée things expedient I haue Enemies but thou defendest mée from their tyranny I am féeble and weake and fearefull to fall but thou doest yet strengthen mée and vphold mée thou leauest mée not in misery thou forgettest mée not in my calamity thou doest not euer hide thée from mée nor turne thy face when I séeke thée but thou rather hearest me before I call and preparest mée salue before I vnfold my sore and giuest before I aske more then I can desire Yea Father when I thinke my selfe ouer-whelmed with the troubles that like raging waues doe follow one another thou takest mée vp and settest me on a sure Rocke and when I begin to slide and my faith séemeth to faile me thou euen then with thy helping hand dost hold me vp so that neither the waters of this worlds troubles can altogether swallow mee vp neither I altogether so fall as if there were none to helpe me vp Therefore O Father full of loue full of power full of compassion and patient to thée onely I yéeld praise for my present reliefe and comfort I thanke thée for thy louing and fatherly helpe who art absolute in thy prouidence and therein raisest meanes to support thy Children when they are in danger And as thou of thy frée fauour in Christ thy beloued hast at this time and for euer deliuered mee yea when I was past hope so continue my louing God and helper and Sauiour vnto the end and as thou séest my Soule in aduersity continually so be thou my continuall helper that I may still sing vnto thee the song of praise for thou art worthy to be praised oh thou art worthy to be praised to thée be praise for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith PSAL. 18. 2. The Lord is my rock and my fortresse and he that deliuereth me my God and my strength In him will I trust my shield and the horne also of my saluation and my refuge A Thankesgiuing to God for that Enemies haue not preuailed according to their desires with prayer to preuent them OH Lord of Hosts Lord of heauen and earth who defendedst Dauid from the malice of Saul Hezekiah from the power of Senacherib and all thy Children from their Enemies so farre as was euer expedient for thy glory and their soules comfort I thanke thée and blessed be thy holy Name for euer for that thou hast not suffered mine Enemies to triumph ouer mée buc hast most graciously deliuered mée from their malicious deuices hatefull inuentions Thine eye hath séene their laying in wait for mée and their wicked practices and in thy prouidence they are fallen and I stand they are snared and I am deliuered they are punished and I am preserued But it was not mine owne policy mine owne power wisedome or sword that hath kept them backe it was thine owne will thy worke and thine is the glory neither haue I escaped their wicked practices because I was iust nor because I was innocent neither of which deserueth so much but it was thine owne frée mercy in Jesus Christ by which they are snared and I am deliuered and I doe acknowledge it and doe confesse before all men yea I doe publish thy praise for thy goodnesse who art my strength and my saluation be thou euermore so and I shall neuer be moued be thou my rock whereupon I may euer more rest saie And grant that as I haue séene thy saluation tasted of thy sauing health felt the power of thy right hand and béene partaker of so many of thy benefits and blessings make mée able to glorifie thy Name that as thou hast now disappointed mine Enemies of their hope and weakned their power as thou hast scattered them brought their deuices and imaginations to nought so Lord stand alwaies by me and as they haue made a mocke of me trusting in thée so let shame befal them for their cruelties let their mouthes which spake lyes be stopped their armes still weakened and their hearts wa●e faint whensoeuer they shall attempt their malicious deuices against me againe when they shall compasse me about with the multitude of their wicked imaginations then let the multitude of thy mercies ouer-match them They haue sought my hurt without a cause and therefore fell without my force thou tookest my cause into thine owne hand and hast brought me out of the snare that they had laid and taken them for thou iudgest right let them therefore know that it is thou hath hast done it and although they say in their hearts The Lord will not see nor consider let them finde that thou séest and considerest their practises and let them vnderstand that thou regardest the cause of the oppressed let them neuer haue power to rise againe against me let them neuer preuaile let mee euermore reioyce in thée O Lord my God my strength and my Redéemer O Lord increase my Faith A Thankesgiuing to be vsed after the returne of a Iourney or comming to some Inne or place of rest O God of all goodnesse mercy and loue I giue thée most humble hearty thankes for thy diuine prouidence in leading and conducting me in this my Journey and for preseruing mée from dangers in the same wherein I doe acknowledge thy goodnes towards me who as thou diddest euen by thy hand conduct Lot out of Sodome so hast thou taken mée as it were in thine armes and deliuered mée from perill And as thou diddest send Raphael thine Angell to conduct Tobias And as thou diddest leade the Seruant of Abraham and diddest guide Iacob in their iournies euen by thy holy ministring Spirits so doe I acknowledge that thou hast béene this day with me in my iourney thou hast brought mee in peace and safety vnto this place wherein I may take my bodily rest and refection hauing graciously protected mée from many secret dangers not onely of Enemies Robbers and Théeues but also from danger and hurts of my limbes which are commonly incident and d ee befall euen thine owne Children blessed be therefore thy holy Name for euer I giue glory vnto thy sacred and most glorious Name for that thou hast not onely preserued me but
shalt be fed and shalt haue cause to reioyce in him and to sing praises vnto his name for trusting in him his mercy shall compasse me about and comfort mee with ioyfull deliuerance yea none that trusteth in him shall perish The eyes of the Lord are vpon them that trust in him trust in him O my soule then shalt thou say I sought the Lord and hee heard mee and deliuered mee and relieued mee and defended mee and brought mee out of all my dangers O how good and how gracious is this God who sendeth his Angels to encampe about such as truely trust 〈◊〉 him that no perill or feare or crosse or temptation hurt them Blessed are they that trust in him Feare the Lord O my soule trust in him cry vnto him cease not to doe good be not weary of well doing for nothing wanteth to them that feare him Delight thy selfe in the Lord and he shall giue thee thy hearts desire commit thy vvay vnto the Lord and trust in him and he shall bring all things to good end for thee Waite patiently vpon the Lord hope in him feare not though the earth be moued and though trouble inuiron thée round about for the Lord out of heauen shall send and saue thée and shall not suffer thée to perish altogether O God remember thy promises how thou hast said thou wilt not faile mée I beléeue it Lord Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe Upon thée I haue béene stayed from my youth and it is onely of thy mercy that I had not béene confounded long agone for of my selfe I haue fallen but thou Lord hast raised me of my selfe I perish but through thée I haue béene euer preserued Consider this O my soule and forget not the benefits of the Lord how hée hath made thée as Mount Sion that can neuer be moued Let neither pouerty or sicknesse or losse or enemies or any crosses or whatsoeuer troubles driue thée from trust in this God and assure thée that neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come shall dismay thée his mercies and goodnesse and blessings and fauour loue shall follow thée and féede thée and relieue thée and protect thée and saue thée from all dangers for eue● O Lord increase my Faith Faith is the ground of things which are hoped for the euidence of things that are not seene Heb. 11. 1. Aboue all take the shield of faith wherewith ye may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked Ephes 6. ver 16. I beleeued and therefore I spake Psal. 116. 10. They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Sion that cannot be moued Psal. 125. 1. A necessary Meditation concerning the vncertainty of mans happinesse in this life and the certainty of the endlesse happinesse of the children of God in the life to come notvvithstanding their present miseries here MJne eyes haue séene and mine heart hath duely considered the fickle and fraile and féeble and vncoustant happinesse of man in this life yea I my selfe haue found by experience that this world administreth vnto man no periect comfort while hée liueth vpon the earth Yet flesh bloud the foolish outward man besotted with the vaine delights of sinnes deceits and snared with the baits of vaine hope the pleasures and comforts and glory and ease and fulnes of earthly vanities thinketh himselfe safe and in state of such sure and neuer-failing happinesse that he walloweth in the mire of deceiuing security vntill at vnawares the hand of the liuing God be stretched out against him and either turneth his hope to despaire his glory into shame his ease into trouble his fulnesse into want or all the vaine things wherein he delighteth into griefe and sorrow O my soule trust not therefore in the transitory trash and pelfe wealth of this world for it deceiueth and deuoureth men and as the rust and can●er eateth and wasteth iron so doth the loue thereof deuoure thy trust in God and thy practice of better things Trust not in worldly friends for their words are vaine their promises not performed nor their helpe worth thy hope It is better to put confidence in the Lord then to trust in Princes for they who haue their breath in their nostrels are but men whose power is of the earth and whose hands are féeble and their deuices vaine Some trust in chariots and some in horsemen but O my soule trust thou in the liuing God be doing good and thou shalt remaine when the foolish man that beleeueth in flesh and dependeth on earthly meanes shall fall and perish Be not carried away O my soule therefore with the hope of any mans helpe nor feare what man can doe against thée for suddenly is thy friend taken from thée and he that séeketh thy destruction brought to a fearefull end Thy happinesse is not to haue heapes of gold and siluer many friends and all earthly abundance for the abuse of these are dangerous because they draw thée from séeking God and they are short and bring thée to destruction leauing thy carkase naked in the graue and thy selfe O my soule in the mercilesse pit What auailed the rich mans worldly pleasures when hée went suddenly to hell What hindred the beggers pouerty when hee went immediately to heauen How was Iob impouerished hauing mighty wealth What miseries doe follow the mightest men is daily séene and how terrible the end is of such as haue not the Lord their strength but put their trust in the multitude of their riches Who can say The wealthy man is happy When he sléepeth he sléepeth in feare when he walketh he walketh in danger and when hee is in his best age strongest body and best state hée suddenly dieth and leaueth his wealth he knoweth not to whom And who can say the poore fearing God is vnhappy in his basenesse and want and i●nominy sith hée setteth his hope vpon the neuer-failing God he séeketh his helpe from heauen and is fed as with the dew thereof onely hope sustaineth him and his want is timely supplied with wished necessaries and his heart comforted in his déepest miseries he lieth downe in faith and patience and thankefulnesse and the Lord sustaineth him and when he dieth he liueth and raigneth and reioyceth in God his Sauiour O that I might haue no delight in the vaine things of this world O my soule be at peace within mée when I haue warres without me be contented and grudge not when I want the outward fulnesse of worldly things for I sée and consider that carnall meanes cannot saue me but the mercies of the Lord wherein he affordeth vnto his faithfull ones all things to enioy Though he make me a reproach among my friends and though hée suffer me to stand a gazing stocke before the eies of the wicked who triumph in their owne glory gotten by their owne hands and deuices and the Lord none of their counsell I will not yet be dismayed neither will I be moued at their prosperity for I
know the day of their sorrowes commeth on when they shall howle and cry out in horror for the paines that ●nsue their pleasures and for the want that shall follow their wealth and for the miseries that shall follow their mirth and for their death that shall follow their glorious and wanton life Oh how foolish are they that trust in their goods how mad are they that make wealth their warrant and riches their arme and friends their staffe when none of these can saue them from sicknesse from sorrow from dangers nor from death No man can redéeme his brother from Gods displeasure and from his appointed torments in hell by his much wealth he cannot saue himselfe by the multitude of his riches but God shall deliuer thée my soule from the power of hell and shall saue me Be not therefore afraid O my soule though many be made rich and thou in pouerty many aduanced and thou reiected many graced and thou disdained many comforted and thou iniured among the sons of mortall men thy riches and thy glory and thy fauour and thy comfort and thy ioyes are hid in Christ with God And what thinkest thou O my soule of these short miseries that shall be exchanged for infinite comforts whether is it not profitable for thée to haue these moment any corrections to enioy an eternall crowne thou hast tried the inconstant course of worldly things and the day is comming wherein thou shalt possesse the permanent consolation of heauenly things How long hast thou looked about thée for helpe in the earth Vpon my right hand I looked and behold none that would know me or comfort me as Dauid saith and vpon my left hand and no man I found that cared for my soule Then I cryed vnto the Lord said Thou onely art my hope my portion in whom I liue haue an vnmoueable being O Lord increase my Faith Wee brought nothing into this world and it is certaine that we can carry nothing out 1 Tim. 6. 7. Therefore when we haue food and raiment let vs therewith be content Vers. 8. The children of men are vaine the chiefe men are lyers to lay them vpon a ballance they are lighter then vanity it selfe Psal. 62. 9. A sweete Contemplation of Heauen and heauenly things whereby the sad distressed soule is much comforted and encouraged to endure vnto the end that he may possesse the ioyes prepared for such as patiently suffer and without grudging beare the burthen of this worlds miseries O My soule lift vp thy selfe aboue thy selfe flie away in the contemplation of Heauen and heauenly things make not thy further abode in this inferiour region where is nothing but trauels and trials and sorrow and woe and wretchednesse and sinne and trouble and feare and all deceiuing and destroying vanities Bend all thine affections vpward vnto the superiour place where thy Redéemer liueth and raigneth and where thy ioyes are laid vp in the treasury of his merits which shall be made thy merits his perfection thy perfection and his death thy life eternall and his resurrection thy saluation Estéeme not the trifling pleasures of this life to be the way to this wealth nor the ignominious estate here to be any barre to preuent thée from the full vse and ioyfull fruition of the glory there prepared for thée I am assured that though I want here I shall haue riches there though I hunger here I shall haue fulnesse there though I faint here I shall be refreshed there and though I be accounted here as a dead man I shall there liue in perpetuall glory That is the Citie promised to the Captiues whom Christ hath made frée that is the kingdome assured to them whom Christ shall crowne there are the ioyes prepared for them that mourne there is the light that neuer shall goe out there is the health that shall neuer be impaired there is the glory that shall neuer be defaced there is the life that shall taste no death and there is the portion that passeth all the worlds preferment there is the world that neuer shall waxe worse there is euery want supplyed fréely without money there is no danger but happinesse and honour and singing and praise and thankesgiuing vnto the heauenly Iehouah to him that sitteth on the throne to the Lambe that here was led to the slaughter that now raigneth with whom I shall raigne after I haue runne this comfortlesse race through this miserable earthly val● The honour in this earth is basenesse the riches of this world pouerty the fulnesse of this life is want the ioyes of this worlds kingdome are sorrow and woe and misery and sadnesse and griefe and yet the foole saith in his heart There is no other heauen but this harmefull deceiuing worlds happinesse no other hell but this worlds bitternes no better comfort then this worlds cares nor further helpe then this worlds wealth Thus is mans wisedome made foolishnesse and mans glory turned into shame mans power made of no force And the faithfull poore that are here despised there are aduanced the sorrowful are comforted the cast awaies in this world are receiued to that blessed being that cannot be expressed with the tongue of man nor conceiued with the heart of man Oh that I had wings saith heauenly-hearted Dauid that I might flie away from this worlds vanities and possesse heauens happinesse Oh that I were dissolued saith blessed Paul that I might be with Christ. Oh that I were in this place of such wished happinesse where I might rest from these worldly labours and earthly miseries and transitory vanities But be not heauy O my soule though thou must yet wade through the sea of these earthly troubles for these heauenly mysteries are not séene of carnalleyes nor can be obtained by carnall meanes but through troubles and afflictions and dangers and persecutions they must be atchieued and none that are Gods elected shall be frée from this Worlds hatred for such difference there is betwéene earth and heauen and betwéene earthly and heauenly things that who so delighteth in the first shall be depriued of the latter for we cannot haue this worlds heauen and the Heauen of heauens the heauen of Saints and Angels and Cherubins and Seraphins where are all vnspotted and all glorious and all in white Robes of sanctity and where Christ the sacrificed Lambe is vnto them all in all Oh blessed are all they that are thus assured blessed are the Poore that shal haue this heauens riches blessed are the Base that shall be thus aduanced blessed are the Low that shall be thus raised and blessed are the World 's despised that shall haue this heauens happinesse yea happy is this wretched worlds vnhappy man for hée shall be happy I will daily meditate of the greatnesse and Maiesty of this high heauens blessed estate where I shall one day blesse my God with the company of his Saints and where I shall one day sit secure and frée from the dangers
hath béene long hammering and hazarding goods and lands and liberty and life and some pawne soule and all to haue this strange meane to make himselfe a great man and a rich man and a wise man and a cunning man and a man to be admired at for his rare skill and great wealth and hidden wisedome and while hée sought this stone of wisedome hée became a foole and a begger and a laughing-stocke to them that become the wiser to sée his ambition and folly But hadst thou this stone that could transinute Maluerne Hils into pure gold and all the Earth into siluer and couldest make thy selfe young againe and lusty and strong againe and haddest what thou couldest wish here in this life what were this vnto thée thou wert yet but a worldly wise man a worldly rich man a carnall man But the Phylosophers stone indéede thou hast not found which is to feare God and to imbrace his Word and to be content with a competent estate and therefore as impossible for thée to goe to heauen as a Cammell to goe thorow a needles eye But tush thou wilt say Abraham was rich Lot was rich Iob was rich and Salomon was rich and yet they were in Gods fauour and Gods elected ones True it is they were blessed of God in their riches because they knew God and beléeued his promises They held not their wealth but as meanes to relieue themselues and others but thou holdest thy wealth to get vaine-glory by them They were bountifull and liberall where néede required and had not the desire of money as thou that hast neuer enough and wilt depart from none that by rapine and wrong and oppression and bribery and sinne inrichest thy selfe They vsed their wealth as though they vsed it not in respect of themselues but to doe good to Gods children by it Who can but imagine that if the Phylosophers stone were to be contriued or compounded of the powder of poore mens hearts and of the bloud of their owne soules would not there be some of these stones composed by mercilesse men that hate to be reformed and say by all their cruelties daily practised that either there is not a God to recompence their wickednesse or else that God séeth not nor considereth their oppression and wrong These men yet prosper in the world and say that these things are theirs these things are Gods blessings these things are to be disposed after their own hearts lusts in vanity and pride in wantonnesse and sinne but to reléeue the necessity of the poore they haue no will the words of worldlings warrant them that they may doe with their owne what they list But the word of God cryeth wee to the rich many more to the hard-hearted and fast-handed rich Man because there is no loue in him or mercy or compassion in him the poore 〈◊〉 ous vnto him and the néedy or 〈◊〉 sed mans cry he cannot heare But God shall heare these afflicters of poore men hée shall finde out their hidden mucke and approue them lyers that say vnto the poore I haue not for you yea God shall heare them and afflict them euen he that raigneth of old shall cast them downe though they long flatter themselues in their prospority and say Wee will preuaile who is Lord ouer vs Let no childe of God therefore repine against these euill men that haue the world at will who are so fat and so well liking as they hold themselues in most happy case Let them alone their day is comming and their confusion commeth they shall be cut downe like grasse and wither as the gréen hearbe and at last be cast into the vnquenchable Furnace The Lord laugheth them to scorne while they laugh the Poore to scorne and the Lord out of Heauen thundereth terrour vnto them while they worke trouble and misery and vexation against the Just that dwell in ●●se shew vpon the Earth whom yet t●…ord holdeth vnder his protection and guardeth so as the wicked preuaile no further against them then may make for the profit of their soules These oppressours and these mighty men that care not for God nor regard his Word nor feate his threates nor beléeue his promises they shall be surely confounded and perish when there shall be none to helpe they shall be consumed as the fat of Lambes euen with the Uiper of their own guilty consciences they shall be stung and consume away and come vnto a fearefull end I haue séene the wicked strong saith Dauid and spreading himselfe like a gréene Bay-trée but hée withered ere he was plucked vp and being plucked vp he is cast into the fire So that let these men of power that oppresse and pitty not the poore thinke what a goodly shew they make in the Stréetes in the Church and in the Markets and seates of Judgement how wonderfull they are in their own ●onceits by reason of their wealth and honour and glorious attite and how the poore fall at their féete and they cast by their countenance from beholding such wretched poore men and with-hold their hands from giuing and their tongues from comforting as if they themselues were and none else the substance and the poore but the shadowes of men But consider I say consider thy state and place and pompe and pride and vanity well and it shall all appeare but as a cloud that vanisheth away suddenly like a glistering bubble in the Sunne So thou goest to the graue in feare and the wormes prey vpon thée as thou didst on the poore for as thou piece-meale didst rob the poore by extortion and bribery so doe the wormes by little and little deuoure that proud car●eis that now as to a● Idoll men are forced to crouch and bow themselues Hast thou any thing rightly to boast of O thou foolish man that estéemest the more of thy selfe for thy wealth and great glory being the very meanes to make thée proud and thy pride to make thée despise thy Brethren and consequently God that made thée and them Were it not better for thée to become a Zacheus to restore all thou hast wrongfully and sinisterly gotten and of thy goods well gotten to giue halfe to the poore that thou maist say and be said to be rich in good things because thou doest good But to be rich and hoord it vp to be rich and doe no good is a badge of a man that shall neuer inioy the Kingdome of God Were it not better to wéepe here that wée may reioyce hereafter then to reioyce here and howle for euer But wéepe and howle and lament and be waile your selues yée rich men that haue no remorse for the paines and horror and anguish and torments endlesse shall be your reward if yée repent not and reforme your euill wayes Be no more stiffe-necked nor couetous nor disdainfull but liberall and humble and helpefull to the people of God that God in his mercy may make you rich in knowledge of good things rich in practice and
wicked innocent but rather to visit their iniquities yet haue wée this comfort that thy mercy to the humble euer rests vnmeasurable and vnmoueable though thou spakest to the Prophet against thine own people being disobedient to thée saying Though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet haue I no heart to this people Driue them away that they may goe out of my sight some vnto death some to the sword and some to captiuity yet we know O our good God that when as Ephraim was heard ●amenting and praying heartily in his distresse thou thoughtest then vpon mercy as a Father pittying his owne children This thy clemency to others incourageth vs to cry for thy mercies in this our misery vpon our repentance both for vs ours and the whole Land Uouchsafe O louing Sauiour to represse the vehement heate of thy fire with godly pitty stay thine hand from our destruction thou art long suffering good gracious and vnwilling sinners should perish Be intreated therefore O Lord most glorious to bid th ne Angels cease from punishing looke forth-with vpon this Land good Father pitty the infected people thereof that wée altogether may say The Lord liueth for euer worthy of praise because hee hath béene mercifull vnto sinners Amen O Lord increase my Faith If not Infected pray thus IT pleased thée O heauenly Father who art Lord of life and death once to plague the Egyptians and yet to spare the Israelites in the borders of Gosen onely because thou plaguest where thou pleasest So with the pestilence now hast thou infected euen from Dan to Beersheba yet my selfe and diuers others in this place rest safe from this so pestilent an Infection protected and kept as yet safe therefrom onely by thy hand onely by thy goodnesse for our sinnes we confesse stand vp as rampired walls against vs and deserue no lesse then theirs whom already thou hast bruised with a iust measure of thy Judgements O gracious Lord God stirre vs vp to ●hew our hearts throughly thankefull vnto thée that in thankesgiuing and praise we may go before others which in paines and plagues doe goe before 〈◊〉 And as in mercy thou hast drawne ●…knesse from our bodies so in lo●e to our soules make vs loath the vaine delights of this life that we may faithfully se●ue and séeke thée in these our dayes of health wherein wée obtaine thy mercy inioy thy fauour and rest preserued from the pestilence wherewith many of our Brethren lie perplexed beside sundry thousands whom the gra●t hath swallowed Blesse vs still O Lord our God blesse vs O Father without within be thou our guard thy Word our guide thy Spirit our comfort and thy Son our Sauiour Lord stand by vs for our good continually that when the world repineth at thy Judgements when the wicked swell in their impatiency when the vnregenerate grudge and murmure at thy plagues and punishments wherewith thou chastisest and correctest thy deare Children that euen then wée may haue and inioy quietnesse of heart and peace of conscience neuer to be dismaied or to distrust thy prouidence ouer vs but still to lea●e stedfastly vnto thée and rest vpon thée and the rock of thy Truth This confidence Lord grant vs and thy protection from this couragious disease that raigneth that wée may chearefully ●ound forth thy diuine praises amongst men vnto the praise of thy grace in Christ Jesus To whom our Sauiour and Redéemer with thée the blessed Father of vs all and the holy Spirit the Sanctifi●r of our soules thrée persons yet one diuine essence be giuen all la●d glory and thankes in this world and in that to come for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer in the time of Tempests and vnseasonable Weather God bringeth vp the cloudes from the ends of the earth and maketh the lightnings with the raine he draweth forth the wind●s out of his treasures Psal. 135. 7. Hee commandeth and raiseth the stormie windes and it lifteth vp the waues of the se● Psal. 107. 25. But he ariseth and rebuketh the windes and the sea and maketh them calme Mat. 8. 26. Marke 4. 39. By his word he stilleth the winde and by his counsell appealeth the deepe Ecclus 43. 23. O Most mighty and mercifull Lord God let all the powers of the earth blesse thée and praise thee their euer-liuing God in thine holy and heauenly habitation for thou O Lord sittest on high in the Throne of thy Maiesty and makest thy strength and might knowne to all Nations thy voyce is vpon the waters From thée O God procéedeth Thunder thy voyce maketh the Wildernesse to tremble yea thou makest the mighty hils to tremble and shake the Earth trembleth and quaketh the foundations also of the Mountaines moue and shake when thou art displeased there commeth out of thy nostrils smoke and out of thy mouth a consuming fire thou makest darkenesse thy secret place and at the glory of thy presence the Clouds passe away thou thunderest from the heauens and giuest out thy voyce thou drawest forth the Windes out of thy treasures and commandest them backe againe to their places all things are in subiection vnto thée thy workes magnifie thée O Lord yea they tremble at thy presence the Mountaines and Hils dread thée when thou art displeased yea the whole world is afraid The Waters O God know thée and are afraid yea the depths tremble thy voyce O Lord diuideth the fiery flames O Lord thy voice maketh the Wildernes to tremble Thou remainest King foreuer thou wilt giue strength vnto thy People and blesse them with peace O most mercifull God shaddow vs from thy displeasure which is too vehement and intollerable let thy countenance shine vpon vs and haue mercy on vs protect thou our houses and vs that we be neither consumed by fire nor drowned by waters send not vpon the earth such vntemperate or vntimely Showres or any other vnseasonable weather whereby the Fruits thereof may be hurt or our soules harmed O God the Father which diddest send thy onely Sonne to die the death of the Crosse for my sake preserue mée and grant vnto me a blessed end O God the Son which didst suffer for my sake the heauy death of the Crosse defend me and O God the holy Ghost comfort mée blesse and kéepe mée from all dangers from this time forth and for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for Peace in true RELIGION Behold saith the Lord I will extend peace vpon my Church like a floud as one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and yee shall be comforted in Ierusalem Esay 66. 12. 13. These things haue I spoken to you saith Christ that yee in mee might haue peace in the world yee shall haue affliction but be of good comfort I haue ouercome the world Iohn 16. 33. O Most high and glorious God who art the Authour of Peace from whom doe procéede holy counsels and righteous destres giue vnto vs thy Seruants that Peace