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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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God euen vnto the Lord my god Deliuer my soule O Lord out of prison that I may come vnto the and glorify thy holy name For albeit this my weak feble sicke and mortall body shall geue ouer to nature and die yet I vnfamedly beleue with my hart and frely confes with my mouth that at the last day it shall rise agayn as the bodies of all other both mē and women that haue died shall likewise do There shalbe a generall resurrectiō of the flesh Al that are dead shall rise agayne some to euerlasting life and some to euerlasting paine and damnation as our sauiour Christ saith The hour shall come in the which all y t are in the graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of God and shal come forthe they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of damnation Yea they that shall lyue and remaine vntill the comming of oure Lord sauiour Christ Iesu shall all be chaunged yea and that in a moment in the twinckling of an eie by the last trompe For the trompe shall blowe and the dead shall rise vncorruptible and we shalbe chaunged for this corruptible body must put on vncorruptibilitie and this mortall bodye must put on immortalitie Therfore I fear nothing at all the putting of of this body for although it slepeth in the earth for a time according to the ordinance of god be turned into dust yet shall it awake and ryse againe out of the earth so that I shall receiue it in a far better state then euer I had in it this world euen like vnto the glorious body of our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesu. Wherfor I say with the holy man Iob I beleue that my redemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the ●atter day and that I shall be clo●hed again with this skin and se God my sauiour in my flesh Yea I my selfe shall beholde him not with other eies but with these ●ame eies This hope is stedfastly ●et in my heart To ende I vnfainedly beleue with my heart frely cōfesse with my mouth that after my body soul be vnited and knit together I with all the faithful that haue liued from the beginning vnto the very end of y e world shall through the benefit of Christ Iesu enioy euerlastyng lyfe So many as haue truely beleued on Christe Iesu shall enioy continuall and blessed peace glister as the shining of heauē ●e as the stars world without end yea they shall be clad with white garments and haue golden crownes vpon their heades They shal glorify God and doo seruice day and nighte before the glorious throne of his maiesty They shall se God face to face and for euer and euer enioy the presence of Gods moste excellent Maiesty and the compa●ny of all the heauenly Angels and blessed sainctes Of the ioyes of euerlasting life whiche God hathe in store for all faithfull beleuers can no man eyther write speake or thincke at ●he full as it is written the eye hathe not sene and the eare hathe not heard nether haue entred into the hearte of man the thinges whiche God hath prepared for thē that loue him And this euerlasting life is the gift of god thorow Iesus Christ our Lord to whom be all honoure and glory for euer and euer Theo. Amen Epa. Thus haue I declared before you my faith concerning God and his holy misteries grounded I trust on the true and vndeceyueable worde of God And I faithfully beleue that God my heauenly Father will be mercifull vnto me and forgeue me all my sinnes for Christes sake and receyue me into his heauenly kingdome and geue me euerlasting life whiche I now most entirely desire wish and longe for counting my selfe then most happy whiche through death I shall take my passage toward that most glorious and heauenly kingdom For I know and am fully perswaded that if my earthy mansion of this dwellinge were once destroied I shuld haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Chri. God geue vs all that heauenly mansion Euse. Amen Epa. Well come thou hither myne owne deare wife let me kisse thee and bid thee farwel God kepe thee defend the. Come ye hither also my most swete children that I may kisse you also before I die God blesse you sende you prosperous daies on thearth God geue you his spirite that ye may liue in his faith feare and loue and serue him in holines righteousnes al the daies of your life Ye my seruaunts draw nere geue me your hands Far ye wel God make you his seruauntes send you obedient harts vnto his holy and blessed lawe Wepe not for me but praye for me that the wil of God may be done in me that I may bothe paciently and thankefully abide the good pleasure of God I trust we shal haue a ioyfull meting againe together in the kingdome of our heauenlye father where we shall reigne one with an other in ioye and glorye worldes without ende and se the glorious maiestie of God face to face vnto our exceding consolation and comfort Wel depart in the name of God The grace of oure Lord Iesu Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy gost be with you all Phile. Amen Nowe good brother Epaphrodi●us how do you Epaph. The spirit is willing and ready but the flesh is weake Chr. I pray you sir be on good confort Epa. The Lord is my confort He ful gratiously dealeth with me Eu. Do you lack any●thing sir Epa. Nothing but strenth frō aboue that I may paciently abide and suffer the good plesure of God Thy wil be don o heauen●ly father in erth as it is in heauē Let me lie somwhat hier with my head It is well a litle thing god knoweth disquieteth this my sick weake body I trust that within fewe houres it shalbe paste al● sicknes and misery and shal bothe● quietly swetely slepe in the harte● of the earth vntill the great daye of the generall resurrection In y e meane season shall my soule be in glory with Christ and ioyfully be●hold the glorious maiesty of God I will cease talking for a little whyle with you and fall to cōmunication with my lord God in my hart I pray you pray for me that I may continue faithfull vnto the end For it is written Be faithfull vnto the death I will geue thee the crown of life Phi. Neighbors ●●om aside a little while and let vs fall to prayer Chri. Most gladly Phi. Lord heare our praiers Euse. And let our cry com vnto thee Ph. Saue this thy seruaunt O Lord thou father of mercies God of all consolatiō Chr. And so worke in him by thy
nede no such daily sacrifices as the Papistes hearetofore for lucres sake haue deuised As Christe Iesus is an euerlasting Bishoppe so abideth his sacrifice whiche he once for all offred on the Crosse of ful vertue power might and strength euen vnto the ende of the world Iesus Christ yesterday and to daye and the same continueth for euer For asmuche therfore as Christ endureth for euer and hath an euerlasting Priesthode he is able also euer to saue them to the vttermost and vnto the full that come vnto God by hym seyng he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. For he is not entred into the holy places that ar made with handes which are similitudes of true thinges but is entred into very heauen for to appeare nowe in the sighte of God for vs not to offer hym selfe often as the hie priest entreth in to the holy place euery year with straunge bloud for then must he haue often suffred sence the world began But nowe in the ende of the world hath he appeared once to put sinne to flyght by the offering vp of him self And as it is apoynted vnto all men y t they shall once die and then commeth the iudgemēt euē so Christ was once offred to take away the sinnes of manye and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare again w t out sinne vnto saluation We are sanctified and made holye by the offeringe of Iesus Christes bodye done once for all With one only oblation hath Christ Iesus made perfecte for euermore them that are sanctified Adue therfore to all newe counterfaict and straunge sacrifices deuised for lucres sake by the crafty conueyance of man through the subtile suggestion of slie Satan let the faithfull people of God embrace that sacrifice that offringe of Christes blessed body which he him self offred vnto God the father on the altare of the crosse once for al for the sinnes of the worlde Let them cleue and sticke vnto that Let them repose their whole affiaunce and put all trust in that swete smelling sacrifice and saye with the holy Apostle God forbid that I should reioyse in any thing but in y e crosse passion and death of our Lord Iesu Christe So may they be sure neuer to perishe but to haue euerlasting life Againe This Iesus Christ the sonne of God and the sonne also of the glorious virgin after that he had suffred many bitter paines and greuous tormentes hauing vpon the crosse died the death of the body was buried I beleue that Christ by his death hath conquered vanquished subdued and ouercome him that had Lordship ouer death that is to saye the deuill that he myght deliuer them which thorow fear of death were all their lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage Yea by his death Sathans power is so broken and the violēce of death so weakened that we may be bold to saye Death is swalowed vp into victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is y e law But thankes be vnto God whiche hathe geuen vs wictorye through our Lord Iesus Christ. Christe after the death of his body went downe in his soule to hell as clearely appeareth by the ●criptures not that he shuld there ●uffer mo paines whiche had all ready on the crosse suffred to the vttermoste and done whatsoeuer was nedefull for our redemption but to breake the pride of Sathan and to destroy the fury of the hellishe powers againste the chosen people of God that al the faithful thereby might be deliuered from death and hell and triumphantly say with the Prophet O death I wyll be thy death O hell I wil be thy destruction And lykewyse as Christe died for our synnes so I vnfaynedlye beleue with my hearte and frely confesse with my mouthe that he rose agayn the third day through the power of his father for oure iustification according to the scriptures And by this his resurrection and lyfe he hath not only shewed hym selfe a glorious and triumphante conquerour ouer Sathan death and hell but he hath also brought lyfe and immortalltie vnto light and assured vs of the resurrectiō of our bodies that as he is rysen from the dead so likewyse shall we with our bodies ryse agayne out of the earth at the last daye And therfore is he called the fyrst frutes of them that ar fallen aslepe Moreouer I vnfaynedlye beleue with my heart and frely confesse with my mouth that as Iesus Christ the sonne of God the sonne of the Uirgin Mary shewed him selfe oftentimes after his resurrection vnto his disciples so likewise he ascended vnto heauen in their presence perfect God and perfect man sitteth at the right-hand of God y e father almighty aboue all rule power might dominion aboue all y t may be named not only in this worlde but also in y e worlde to come For God the father hathe put all thynges vnder his feete and hathe made him aboue all thinges the head of the congregation whiche is his body and the fulnes of hym that filleth all in all Al power is geuē vnto him bothe in heauen and in earth He is a lord aboue al lords and a king aboue all kinges Yea he is an almighty God with his father of y e same Maiestie might power and glory and not withstāding inasmuche as he is man he is also our intercessour mediator and aduocate For he is not gone vp into heauen to be an idle gaser nor to neglect his churche but to pray for the faythfull to make intercessiō for them vnto God the father to be our mediatour aduocate and to appease the wrath of God the father if at any tyme through sinne it waxeth whote against vs and to wynne vs again vnto his fauoure and to kepe vs in the same vnto thende We nede not seke helpe of other neither yet call on the sainctes departed that they may pray for vs and pleade our cause before God The man Christ Iesus alone whiche gaue him self a raunsom for all men is our sufficient mediatoure aduocate and intercessour as the holye scripture teacheth in diuers places Whosoeuer therefore refuseth to pray vnto this man Christ Iesus to be his mediatoure and aduocate vnto God the father and ●leeth vnto other w tout all doubt he is an ennemy vnto Christ and to the vttermoste of his power he ●aboureth to make Christ as they ●se to saye Iacke out of office For since the time of his ascention ●is chief and principall office is to ●e our intercessoure mediatoure ●nd aduocate He ascended also into heauen to leade captiuitie captiue and to geue giftes vnto men Satan that old enemy of mankind had taken vs captiue made vs his bond slaues through sine caried vs away with his craft subtiltie from the Lord
camest into this world to call sinners vnto repentaunce and to seeke vp y t was lost thou seest in what case this oure brother lieth here visited with thy mercifull hand al weake feble sicke and redy to yealde vp his soule into thy holy hāds O loke vpō him moste gentle sauior with thy mercifull eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workemanship despise not therfore the worke of thine own hands Thou suffredst thy blessed body and thy precious bloud to be shed for his sinnes and to bringe hym vnto the glorye of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shouldest suffer so great paines for him in vaine He was baptised in thy name and gaue him self wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuill the world and the flesh confesse him therefore before thy heauenly father and his blessed Aungels to be thy seruaunt His sinnes we confesse are great for who is hable to saye my heart is clene I am fre from sin but thy mercies O Lord are much greater And thou camest not to cal th● righteous but sinners vnto repētaunce To them that are diseased and ouerladen with the burden of sin doest thou promise ease Thou art that God which willest not y e death of a sinner but rather that he shuld turne and liue Thou art the sauiour whiche wishest all mē to bee saued and to come to the knowledge of thy truthe Withdraw not therfore thy mercy from him because of his sinnes but rather lay vpō him thy sauīg health that thou maiest shewe thy selfe toward him to be a sauior What greater praise cā there be to a phisition then to heale the sicke Neither can there be a greater glory to thee being a sauior then to saue sinners saue him therfore O Lord for thy names sake Again let the law be no corsiue to his conscience but rather geue him grace euēin this extreme agony and conflicte of death to be fully perswaded y t thou by thy death hast takē away all his sinnes fulfilled the lawe for hym and by this meanes deliuered him from the cursse of the law and paid his raunsome that he thus beinge fully perswaded may haue a quiet heart a fre conscience and a glad will to forsake this wretched world to go vnto his lord God Moreouer thou hast conquered hym that had rule of death euen sathan suffer him not therfore to exercise his tirāny vpō this our sicke brother nor to disquiet his conscience with the terrours of sinne and paines of hell Let not Sathan nor his infernall army tempte him further then he is hable to beare but euermore geue him grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil with strong faith in thy precious bloud that he may fight a good fight and finish his course with ioy vnto y e glory of thy name and the healthe of his soule O Lord so worke in him by thy holy spirite that he with all his hearte maye contempne and despise all worldly things and set his mind wholly vpon heauenly thynges hopyng for them with a stronge and vndoubted faithe Againe let it not greue him O swete sauiour to be losoned frō this vile wretched ●arca●e which is now so full of sorow trouble anguishe fickenes and paine but rather let hym haue a bent and ready wyll thorowe thy goodnes to put it of yea and that with this faith that he at the last day shall receiue it again in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daye of his birthe euen a body vncorruptible immortall like to thy glorious body Let his hole heart and mynde be set only vpon thee Let the remembraunce of y e ioyes of heauē be so feruēt in his brest that he may bothe patientlye and thanckfully take his death and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the tyme cōmeth that he shall geue ouer to nature depart from this miserable worlde vouchafe we most hūbly beseeche the o Lord Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it amonge the glorious company of thy holy angels blessed saintes and to kepe it vnto that most ioyful day of the generall resurrectiō that both his body soule thorow thyne almighty power being knit agayn together at y t day he maye for euer euer enioy thy glorious kingdom sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Chri. Amen Epa. O God be merciful vnto me and blesse me shewe me the lighte of thy countenaunce and deale fauourably with me Lighten mine eies that I slepe not in death least myne ennemy say I haue preuailed against him For if I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyse at it But my trust is in thy mercy my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation Phile. Sir how do you Epa. My bodely sight is gone Phi. The Lord gaue it you and the Lorde hath taken it away againe As it hath pleased the Lord so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde Now that God hath taken away the sight of your corporal eies behold the Lord your God with the eies of your faith and doubte you not but that shortly you shall see the glorious maiestie of god with the eies of your soule euen as he is face to face whiche shalbe vnto you suche ioy and so great cōfort that no tounge is able to expresse nor no heart able to thinke it Epa. I beleue and am assuredlye perswaded that I shall see the plesures of the Lorde in the lande of the liuing Phile. Cōtinue in this faith vnto the end and you shall surely be saued Ep. As God hath taken away my syght so do al my other senses decaye Phi. Though by the appointment of God you lose your bodely speache yet shall your soule in the heauenly kyngdom sing prayse and magnify the Lord your God worldes without end And all be it the bodely hearing be taken away from you yet shall your soule in the kingdom of God hear such swete pleasaunt delectable thinges as neuer mortall man heard nor may hear the like Againe although your going and the vse of your whole body be taken away from you and your body returne vnto the earth from whence it came yet doubte you not but your soule being once deliuered out of the prison of your body shal serue the lord your god perfectly and ioyfully follow the Lambe Christ. whither so euer he goeth Epa. O Lorde deliuer my soul out of the prison of the body that I maye come vnto thee and glorify thy holy name Cōmaund my spirit to be receaued in peace for more expedient were it for me to die thē to liue Phi. Be on good comfort sir God in this your troble and bitter agony of death is present with you and when he seeth conuenient tyme
THE SYCKE Mans Salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to be haue them selues paciently and thankefully in the tyme of sickenes and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon 1561. Math. 11. ¶ Come vnto me all ye that are sicke and diseased and I will comfort you CVM PRIVILEGIO per Septennium THOMAS BECONVS SACROSĀCTAE THEOLOGIAE PROFESSOR Ora expressa vides viuos imitantia vultus Quod potuit calamo pictor arte vides mentis quā nullus potuit tibi reddere pictor Effigiem scriptis praebuit ipse suis. ¶ The Names of all suche bookes as Thomas Becon hath hetherto made and set forth i. The Newes out of Heauen ii The Christmas Bancket iii. The Potation for Lent iiii The Pathway vnto Prayer v. The Cathechisme vi The Nosegaye vii The Pollecie of Warre viii The Boke of Matrimonie ix Dauids Harpe x. The New years gift xi The Inuectiue against swering xii The Gouernaunce of Uertue xiii The Dialogue of Christes birth xiiii The Inuectiue against whordō xv The Solace of the Soule xvi The Iewell of Ioye xvii The Castell of Comfort xviii The Fortresse of the faithfull xix The Flower of godly prayers xx The Principles of christen religion xxi The True vse of fasting xxii The Pomaunder of prayer xxiii The Christen knight xxiiii The Sickmans Salue xxv The Reliques of Rome ¶ TO THE RIGHT worshipful Maister Basil Felding Esquier Thomas Becon wysheth the fauour of God continual health and prosperous felicitie CHrist our Lorde and Sauiour cōsidering what and how great carnall securitie and fleshly quietnes reigneth in mortall men of all ages yea and that in them that professe godlynesse that is to saye Christians whiche by their professiō ar dead vnto the world and haue their lyfe hydden with Christ in God in somuche that they being occupied about worldlye and transitory thinges which sone perish and come to naught do vtterly neglecte the thinges that appertaine vnto the saluation of their soules in many places of his holy Gospell admonisheth vs to watche and to make prouision for our latter ende least we be found vnready whā we shall be called out of the worlde In the Gospell of blessed Mathewe he hath these words watch for you know not what hour the Lord will come Of this be ye sure that if the good man of the house knew what hour the thief would come he would surely watche and not suffer his house to be broken vp Therfore be ye also ready For in suche houre as ye thinke not wil the sonne of man come In S. Markes Gospell also he sayth Watch for ye know not whē the maister of the house wil come at euen or at midnight or at the cockcrowing or in the dauning least if he come sodenly he finde you sleping And that I say vnto you I say vnto all Watch ▪ Yea take hede watche and pray for ye know not when the time is Again in the Reuelation of blessed Iohn he sayth Behold I come as a thiefe Blessed is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes that he walke not naked and men see his fylthines Item Behold I come shortly and my rewarde is with me to geue euery man according as his dedes shall be The holy Apostle S. Paule lykewyse exhorteth vs that we sleepe not as other doo but that we watche be sober nether that we fall into fleshly quietnes promysing our selues long lyfe healthe and reste in this worlde least soden destruction fall vpon vs. For the day of the Lorde sayth he shall come euen as the thief in the night Certes our mortall estate declareth euidētly that we be so bound vnto death that we are not certen of our lyfe not one houre Out of hand may death oppres vs for any certentie that we haue of the contrary What thing is your lyfe sayth S. Iames It is a vapour that appeareth for lyttle tyme and then vanisheth away My dayes saith Iob are more swift then a runner yea they are passed awaye as the shyppes that bee good vnder sayle and as the Egle that flyeth vnto the pray Agayne he saith Man that is borne of woman hath but short tyme to lyue and is ful of mysery He commeth vp and is cut downe lyke a floure He flyeth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one state The Prophet also sayth All fleshe is grasse and all the glory thereof is as the floure of the field The grasse is withered the flower falleth away Euen so is the people as grasse when the breathe of the Lord bloweth vpon them Thus sewe the misery vanitie and shortnes of our mortall life painted out before our eies and that these thynges are true dayly experience proueth Notwithstandinge such is our blindnes fondnes and madnes that we vtterly forget the vncertentie of this our wretched and short lyfe and promyse our selues the florishyng yeares of Nestor or the long lyfe of Methuselah We may right well be lykened to that vngodly richman of whom we rede in the Gospel of Luke whiche made prouision for a great nomber of yeares promising him selfe long to liue vpon the face of the earth forgetting him selfe to be mortall and bound vnto death But when he thought least of death and was moste busily occupied in getting and gatheringe together the goodes of y e world God sayd vnto him thou foole this night wil they fetch away thy soul again frō thee Then whose shal those thinges be which thou hast prouided The Psalmograph saythe He heapeth tresure vpon treasure and yet knoweth he not for whome he gathereth it After this sort do we behaue our selues at this day We moyle and turmoyll our selues in studiyng deuising how we may come by the giftes of glassy fortune We refuse no paynes no laboures to become ritche and welthy in worldly goodes Yea so blynded are our heartes that the nerer we approche vnto the end of our life y e more studious carefull diligent are we to get the substaunce of this worlde We remember not this saying of the holy Apostle Godlines is great rytches if a man bee content with that he hath For we brought nothing into y e world neither may we cary any thinge out But when we haue fode and raiment let vs therwith be content The holy scripturs calleth vs straungers and Pilgrims in this worlde declareth that we haue here no continuyng city but we seke one to come Notwithstanding as though ther were none other life after this or els as though we should for euer here remaine and neuer departe we trauaile about y e getting of worldly substaunce Al as the Prophet saith euen from the lowest vnto the hiest set their myndes on filthy lucre They are shameles dogges that bee neuer satisfied
Hereto agreeth the saying of the Apostle all seke their owne auauntage and not that whiche shuld set forth the glory of Iesus Christ. And as in couetousnes so lykewyse in all other abhominable sinnes do we moste wickedlye walke And all thinges come to passe because we remember not the shortnesse of this lyfe and forget our latter end This considered the wiseman right well when he saith Whatsoeuer thou takest in hand remember thy end and thou shalt neuer do amisse Moses also saith O that men would ones be wyse and vnderstande and make prouision for their latter end There is not a strōger bit to brydle our carnall affectes nor a better scholemaister to keepe vs in an order then the remembraunce of our latter end then to remember that we shall not alway here remaine y t we ar but straungers and pylgrims in this world that we shall leaue behynde vs whatsoeuer worldly substaūce we haue here ether painfully gotten or carefully kept that we shal die the death that we shal appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ and receaue accordinge to the workes whiche we haue doone in this lyfe either euerlasting glory or perpetuall payne But these thinges seeke we not to remember but rather to forget and therfore fall we into all kynde of vngodlynes and dissolution of lyfe And when the tyme cōmeth that God visiteth vs with sickenes or otherwyse plageth vs for our euill behauour then doo we not prepare our selues vnto the crosse as we ought submitting our selues to the good pleasure of God and beyng contented paciently and thanckfully to receaue what so euer is layde vpon vs at the appoyntment of God but we rather murmur and grudge against God and with vnwillyng hartes suffer that louing visitation of God almoste wishinge that there were no God to plage and punishe vs but that we myght here liue continually and go forth to sinne frely without punishement And when death approcheth no remedy can be found against y e violence therof then doo the vngodly wicked liuers beholding the miserable face of their conscience which presenteth vnto them nothing but sin y e wrath of God hel fyre euerlasting damnation begin to despaire strayght yeld them selues to the pleasure of Sathan to bee for euer and euer tormēted in that lake that burneth with fire brimston thē selues their soules and consciences consenting and assentinge thereunto For what other end can be loked for of a wicked vngodly lyfe Is it to be thought that he whiche thorow sinne hath serued the deuill all the tyme of his lyfe can at his latter end loke for the enheritaunce of euerlasting glory wherewith God rewardeth thē y e painfully labour to serue him in holynes and righteousnes al the dayes of their lyfe S. Paul saith So run that ye may obtayn that is to say so trayne your lyfe in all Godlynes and vertue to the vttermost of your power whyle ye lyue in this worlde y t after ye haue finished your course here ye may enioy y e glorious reward of eternal life A corruptible crowne is not obtained without great pains taking shall we loke for an euerlasting crown by leding an vngodly and wanton lyfe No man is crowned sayth the apostle except he fighteth lawfully In this world therfore wherein our life is nothing but a knighthod or warfar must we lawfully valeantly mightely fight striue against our ennemies y e deuill the world the flesh and by feruent and diligent prayer vnto God so triumphe ouer thē thorow the help of our graund captain Christ y t we may haue a glorious spoill of our ennemies garnishe our selues with al kind of victorious roial robes I meane all good workes godly vertues Wher such a life is led there must a good end be and euerlasting life may with a fre conscience and assured hope be loked for And to bring this to passe Who laboureth not to the vttermoste of his power namely if he be of God loketh for a better and more blessed lyfe after this How we shuld fight against our aduersaries and leade a good life in this world I haue declared aboundantly heretofore in many of my bokes In this treatise whiche I haue nowe in hand entitled The Sickemans Salue my mynd is to shew vnto the faithfull christians how they ought to make prouision for their latter end that they may depart in the faythe of Christ and be of the nūber of those of whome it is written Blessed are the dead whiche die in the Lord. Again Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his sainctes For what shuld it profit a man to wyn all the worlde if at the last he loseth his soule Therefore in this my worke I haue declared first of all how the faithfull christians ought to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully in the tyme of syckenesse Secondly howe they should vertuously dispose their temporall goodes Thirdly after what manner they ought to prepare them selues gladly Godly to die Finally I haue enterlased many cōfortable exhortations vnto the sycke and diuers godly necessary prayers some to be sayd of them that are sicke some of other for suche as are diseased This treatise after that I had finished it calling to remembraunce howe greatly I am bound to your right worshipfull Maistership considering also your most harty zeale and feruent affection toward the true and Christen religion all superstition and papistry layd asyde I thought it my bounden dutie to sende vnto you as a testimonie of my good wyll and thankefull hart toward you moste entirely desiryng you to accept and take in good part this my lyttle gift although much more base then it may seme in any part worthy to recompence the least poynt of your vnfayned frendship dyuers wayes heretofore declared vnto me God preserue your right worshypfull Maistershyp with the moste vertuous Gentlewoman your wyfe and all your godly chyldren in continuall health and prosperous felicitie Amen A PLENTIFVL table conteyning all the principal matters of this worke for the spedier finding of the same A ADā cause why we all perished 300 Amos y e Prophet killed 317 Admonishions profiteth 226 Against the fear of death remedies 313 Against the stinges of death 316 B Bankettinge chyldren ought to beware 212 Baptisme 418 Belefe what it is 444 Belefe in hart 418 Body committed vnto the earth 136 Bodies shal rise immortall 137 Bodies of the faithfull ought not to be vylye handled 173 Brasen Serpent 76 Burialles 173 C Call continually on the Lorde 45 Cayin repented but lacked faith 378 Chaunge lead for syl uer 323 Cherefull geuer 40 Children fearing God he will not leaue them comfortles 270 Children ought to beware of il cōpany 208 Childrē must beware of swearing 209 Children must loue and help their mothers 211 Christ author of our saluation 154 Christ prayed for an habitation for
thy blessed pleasure Lord encrese my faith Lorde helpe my vnbelief Lord remēber not mine olde sinnes but haue mercy vpon me and that sone for I am come to great misery Healpe me O God my Sauiour for the glory of thy name O deliuer me be merciful vnto my sinnes for thy names sake Euse. God hath euer be me●●full vnto you so will cōtinue vnto thend doubt you not Ep. That is my only comfort And Lord I most humbly pray thee cōfirme y t whiche thou hast begon to worke in me and kepe me blamelesse against the comming of thy deare sonne But where is my louing neighbour Philemon I wold be glad to haue his counsell in a certaine matter Where is he Phile. Neighbour here at hand What is your pleasure Epa. I perceiue right well y t my sicknesse doth not discrease but encrease so y t I can not long continue in that state wherin I am now And I thinke ●erely y t the lord my God hath sēt this sicknes vnto me as a messenger to afore warne me of my departure from this world y t whan he come he may not finde me vnprepared or vnready And I most hartely thanke him for it Therfore neighbor Philemon neighbors al I think it best euen out of hand to dispose my temporall possessions and to set an order in such worldly goodes as God hath lent me that after my departure there be no dissension nor strife for thē among suche as I most wishe to be linked together with perpetual amitie and continuall frendship It shall also I trust be a great quietnes vnto my mynd Phile. If you haue not already brother Epoporoditus disposed and set an order in your temporal things I wishe it to be done with all expedition For suche thinges ought to be considred when we be most perfect in health forasmuche as our life is vncertaine we know not howe sone death commeth Epa. I thought not that the tyme of my life had bene so short ther●fore I deferred the matter But I se now that no man is certain of his life vntill to morowe therfore ought we all to watche to prouide that we be not found vnready whē the Lord commeth The. Whan that godly king Ezechias was sicke God sent the Prophet Esaias vnto him and willed him to saye vnto hym on this wyse Thus saieth the Lord God Set thi house in an order for thou shalt die and not liue Here learne we y e good will of God whiche is that they whome the Lord hath endu●ed with the goodes of the worlde ●hould before their departure set a godly order and quiet stay in their ●emporal possessions Epaph. You ●ay truth neighbour Theophile ●herfore I pray you bring hether ●en inck paper withal expedi●ion and let my will be written ●or I thank the Lord my God I 〈◊〉 aswell contented to leaue the goodes of y e world as euer I was to enioy them And in this behalf I haue to thank the lord my God that since I came to the vse of reason and had any worldly possessions at all I haue alwayes made them to serue me and I neuer serued them but at all times coulde be contented to depart from them whansoeuer the glory of god and the commoditie of my neighbour did require Christ. Than did you vse your goodes aright And you were not ritch in the world but in the Lorde of the nōbre of those of whom it is written blessed are the poore in spirit for vnto thē belongeth the kingdome of heauen The Psalmograph saith If ritches do abound set not thy heart vpon them And the holy Apostl● commaundeth that they which vse the world should be as thoug● they vsed it not For the fashio● of this world goeth away Saint Iohn also saieth Se that ye loue not the world nether the thinges that are in the worlde for all that is in the worlde as the lust of the fleshe and the luste of the eies and the pryde of life is not of the father but of the worlde And the worlde passeth away and the lust therof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Epa. God graunt al men to follow this doctrine O Lord how sick am I Where is the pen Incke and paper Euse. Here syr Epaph Wright neighbor Philemon I pray you Phile. What is your pleasure that I should wright Epaphrodi On this manner IEpaphroditus the vnprofitable seruaunt of God weke in body notw tstanding strong in mynde do willingly and with a fre hart render and geue againe into the handes of the Lorde my God my spirit which he of his fatherly goodnesse gaue vnto me whan he fashioned this my body in my Mothers wombe by this meanes making me a liuing creature nothing doubting but that this my Lord God for his mercies sake set forth in y e precious bloud of his derely beloued sonne Christ Iesu our alone sauiour and redemer will receiue my soul into his glory and place it in the company of the heauenly aungels and blessed sainctes And as concerning my body euen with a good will fre hart I geue it ouer commending it vnto the earth wherof it came nothing doubting but that according to y e article of our faith at the great day of the generall resurrection whan we shall all appeare before the iudgemēt seat of Christ I shal receiue it again by the mighty power of God wherwith he is able to subdue al thīgs vnto him selfe not a corruptible mortail weake and vile body as it is nowe but an vncorruptible immortall strong perfect and in all poyntes like vnto the glorious body of my Lorde and Sauioure Christ Iesu. Haue ye writtē this neighbour Philemon Phi. Yea forsothe Sir But what is your mind now cōcerning your world ●y possessions Epaph. First as touching my wyfe with whome I ●oupled my self in the fear of God and refusing all other women I ●inked my selfe vnto her liuing w t her in the blessed state of honoura●le wedlocke by whome also tho●owe the blessing of God I haue ●ad certen children wherof part ●re gone before me vnto the lord and part yet remain a liue albeit I dout not but y e god after my departure according vnto his promis will be vnto her an husband yea a father a patrone defēder will not suffer her to lack if she go ●orth to liue in his feare to serue hym and diligently to call on his holy name yet forasmuch as God hath blessed me with worldly substance and she is mine own flesh and whosoeuer prouideth not for his hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidell I bequeth geue vnto her for tearme of her life this house wherein I nowe dwell with y e appurtenances and all the housholde stuffe contayned therein And after her departure I wil that my eldest sonne whom now I
would not nether did he eat meat with them But when he hearde that the childe was dead he arose from the earth and washed and annoynted him selfe and chaūged his apparell and came into the house of the lord and worshipped ▪ and afterward came to his owne house and commaūded that they shuld set bread before him he did eate And whan his seruauntes maruelling at these thinges said vnto hym What thinge is this that thou hast done Thou didst fast and wepe for the childe while it was alyue and as sone as it was dead thou diddest aryse vp and eate He answered While the childe was yet aliue I fasted and wept For this I thought Who can tell whether God wil haue mercy on me that the childe may lyue But nowe seyng it is dead wherfore should I fast Can I bryng him any more I shall go to hym and he shal come no more again vnto me In this history y t godly wisdom of Dauid is greatly to be considred For hereof may we learne to pray vnto the Lorde our God for our sycke frendes so long as they be aliue and to seke all meanes possible at the Lordes hand to obtain health for the diseased But if the good wil of God be to take them out of this world then are we taught here no more to mourn to wepe to lament and to be sory for them but rather w t a ioyfull hart to worship the lord as Dauid did and to geue hym moste harty thankes that it hath pleased his goonesse to delyuer our brethren or sistern from this sinck of euils I mean this world and to receiue them into his blessed kyngdom Heathen like mourning therefore is to be banished from the burialles of the Christians Euse. The maner among the Thraciās is that whan any child is borne and commeth into the world thei wepe lamēt mourn but when it goeth out of y e world they reioyce and are mery Epaphr What moueth them so to do Euse. Whan a childe commeth into the worlde they consider into what great miseries he is lyke to fall if he liue contrariwise when he departeth hence they know that an end of all sorow care of all pain and trauail is come Therfore the one thing moueth them vnto sadnes the other vnto gladnes Phi. Ther is great plentie of histories whiche declare that the very hea●hen haue taken y e death of their deare frendes paciently so far is it of that after y e manner of some whiche professe Christ they immoderatly toke the death of theyr frendes wept wayled mourned wrong their hāds tare their hear rent their clothes and in manner killed them selues with sorowe and thought taking Whan our Sauioure Christ went vnto hys death certayne women followed hym wepyng and mournyng to whome he sayd Ye daughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for your selues and for your children Theo. Is he to be lamēted and mourned for whiche is remoued from thraldom vnto libertie from mysery vnto welth from darknes vnto lyght from ieopardy vnto safetie from sicknesse vnto health frō mortalitie vnto immortalitie from corruption vnto vncorruption from paine vnto ioy from transitory thinges vnto euerlasting thinges from the cōpany of men vnto the felowshyp of the blessed aungels and heauēly spirites c Let the Heathen whiche haue no hope of the ioyful immortalitie of the soule nor of the glorious resurrection of the body mourne wepe and lament for their diseased let the faythfull Christians be ioyfull in the Lord and thank God for his great mercy and infinite goodnes whiche he hath shewed vpon the brethrē by calling them from this vale of wretchednes vnto his heauenlye kingdome For the voyce of God euen from heauen pronounceth them blessed happy fortunate which die in the Lord. Phi. What is your mynde therefore neyghbour Epaphroditus concerninge mourning gownes Epaphr If it were not for offending other and that it should also be some hynderaunce vnto the poore I woulde wysh rather to haue none than otherwyse For I would haue no man mourne for me My trust is that so sone as my soule shalbe deliuered out of the pryson of this my body it shall strayght wayes possesse the blessed enheritance of the heauenly kyngdome raigne in glory with God for euer What nede shall I haue then of mourners Or wherfore should any mā mourn for me Notwithstanding I wil not striue with thē for their garmentes Let my wyfe and my children weare what garmentes they wyl at my buriall so they be such as become the professours of true godlinesse Only this I require that .xxx. pore men and wemen do accompany my body vnto the buriall and that eche of thē haue a gowne of some conuenient colour I wyll also that .xxx. poore children be there also and that euery one of them haue a semelye gown And after my burial I wil that both those pore men women and children come home vnto my house and haue some repast for y e refection of their bodies And so ●et them depart in the name of the ●ord Haue you writtē this neighbour Philemon Phile. Yea syr it is done Epa. I am glad of it To se that these thinges may be done according to my wyl I make my wife sole executresse you neighbour Philemon with my neighbours Christopher Theophile Eusebius here present I make you fower myne ouerseers char●ing you in the name of God and as ye wyl answere before the high ●udge Christ at the dreadeful day ●f dome y t ye se these my bequestes ●ruely diligently and faithfully fulfilled Chr. we were twyse vngodly if we shuld not satisfy your desire and will being so Christen and righteous Epa. I bequeath to euery one of you foure for youre paynes taking fiue poundes sterling not to the ende to make you hearlinges but that it may be a token of my hartie good wyll towards you Chr. Sir wil it plese you to be buried in the churche or in the churchyard Epa. All is one to me The earth is the Lordes all that is conteined in it I am not curious of the place Wherso●euer I lie I doubt not but y e lord our God at the last day shall raise me vp again and geue me a body like vnto y e glorious body of our Lorde and sauiour Christ Iesus ▪ Let the body therfore returne vnto the earth from whēce it came and the spirite vnto God which gaue it Euseb. Your children ar● buried in the churchyard Ep. Bu●y me there also God geue vs all a ioyfull resurrection Theo. Sir what solempnitie will you haue at your buriall Epa. What meane you The. Solempne singing de●out ringing holy sensing prie●es pattering candels lightning ●orches brenning Communions ●aying and such like Ep. No kind of superstitious custome do I al●ow That is godly I only commend As touching your solempn ●inging it is all one to me whi●her you sing or say
outwarde man perish yet thinward man is renued day by day and that this our tribulation whiche is short light prepareth an exceding and an euerlasting waight of glorye vnto vs while we loke not on the thinges whiche are sene but on y e thinges whiche are not seene For the thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things whiche are not sene are eternall Chr. God kepe you in this mind euen vnto thend Eu. Amē Epa. Confirme make that perfect o lord which y ● hast begon to worke in me vnto the glory of thy blessed name and vnto the saluation of my soule The. Amē Epa. Neighbors I pray you tourne me that I may lye on my right side Chr. The Lord our God graunt that ye may syt in his kingdome on the right hande of his glory Ep. Yea that shortly Euse. So be it Phile. Sir howe do you nowe Epaphro Well God be thanked but I trust to doo better euen anone Phile. Lacke you any thing sir Epa. My paine approcheth nearer vnto my heart wherby I perceiue the end of my life not to be far of I beseche you pray for me that I may continue faithfull constaunt and stedfast in the faith of the Lorde my God euen vnto the very end of my life Phi. We wil do it gladly Neighbors let vs knele down and pray Lord we moste humbly besech thee heare our prayer Chri. And let our crye come vnto thee Ph. O lord Iesu Christ thou only sonne of the heauenly father our alone redemer and omnisufficiciēt sauiour we moste humbly beseche thee deliuer this sicke and weake parson now being in great pains and at the point to departe out of this worlde from all vgsome and terrible assaultes and temptations of the deuill synne and hell Deliuer him O Lord as thou deliueredst Noe frō the raging waues of the sea Lot from the destruction of Sodome Abraham from the feare of the Chaldees The children of Israell from the tiranny of Pharao Dauid from the hand of Goliah The thre men from the violence of the firy fornace in Babilon Daniel from the mouth of the Lions Ionas from the belly of the whalefishe Peter from the prison of Herod euen so O gratious Lord God deliuer the soul of this person both nowe and whensoeuer he shall departe hence from all pearill daunger Opē vnto him at y e hour of death the dore of Paradise the gates of heauen the entry of euerlasting life O Lord Iesu Christe forgeue him all his synnes and lead him with ioye into the kingdom of thy heauenly father euē vnto the bosom of Abrahā and appoynt him vnto euerlasting rest that he may reioyse with thee and with all the elect childrē of God in euerlasting life Eu. Amen Epa. Neighboures I thanke you Nowe will I also pray vnto the Lord my god while I may speake and I trust he wil for Christes sake gratiously heare me Th. Doubt you not neighbor God hath so promised Epa. Lorde harken vnto my prayer and geue ear to my most humble requestes O moste mercifull God O father of all mercies the father of oure Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ be mercifull to me a sinner Haue pitie on me and quickely healpe me poore wretche for the moste bitter passion and moste precious death of Iesus Christ thy only begotten sonne and oure alone redemer and Sauioure Enter not into iudgemēt with thy seruaunt O Lord. Handle me not according to my desertes and merites neither rewarde me after mine iniquities but for thine infinite and vnmeasurable bountie and exceading gret merci receiue me and take me into thy fauour I miserable weake creature am in thy hand I am thy bonde seruaunt and thy depter O most gentle God o most fauorable father forsake me not cast me not away pore wretch that I am For I am thine withal that euer I cā make No man is able to strengthē me no man is able to deliuer me no man is able to help me but thou alone Thou art the true helper in aduersite Thou art y e most sure present comfort in all necessitie Thou alone art our helper oure bulwarke our fortres our most mighty strongly defenced tour Thou o god art our refuge Thou art our strengthe Thou art our helper in all our tribulations In the O Lord do I trust let me not be cōfoūded Let me neuer be put to shame let me not be deceiued of my hope but preserue me for thy rightousnes sake Bow doun thine ear vnto me make haste to deliuer me Be my defēder O god my strōg hold y t thou maist saue me For y u art my strength and my refuge Yea thou art my God and my destinies are in thy handes Lighten thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunt and saue me for thy mercies sake O Lord. And foras●much O swete father as it is thy godly pleasure to call me now frō this miserable life and wretched worlde I most entirely besech the● so to defend me in this agony o● death that neither sathan nor his ministers preuaill against me but that I continue faithful and constant vnto thend in the confessiō of thy holy name loking for full remission of all my sinnes in the precious bloud of thy welbeloued sonne and my only sauiour Iesus Christ and that I departing in this faith and perfect trust maye be placed among thy blessed saintes and heauenly spirites and so for euer and euer remaine with y e in glory Graunt this O moste mercifull father for thy dear sons sake Iesus Christ our alone mediatour and aduocate Chr. Amē Epa. Me thinke good neighbours I begin to waxe very coulde and numme in my limmes Euse. Syr discomfort not your selfe Be content with the good workynge of God This cold is a present tokē that the death of your body is not far of Epa. My fleshe is consumed and wasted away Eu. That is y e end of all fleshe Earth thou art saith God and vnto earth shalt y u retourne Epa. My feling is gone and my tasting decaieth All my senses grow out of course Eu. To that end wer they geuen you that you shuld lose them againe With the body al bodely thinges decay Phi. Brother Epaphroditus let y e care of the body of bodely thīgs passe You doo beleue the resurrection of the body Epa. I beleue that my redemer liueth and that I shall ryse out of the earth in the latter day and that I shalbe clo●hed again with this skin and see God my sauiour in my flesh Yea I my sef shall beholde him not w t other eyes but with these same eies This hope is stedfastly set in my hart Ph. Beleue this earnestly and it shal not greue you to depart frō your body For wher as it is now mortal incorruptible sick weake vile lothsome it shal at y e generall resurrection be immortal vncorruptible
whole strong precious and in al poynts lyke to the glorious body of our Lorde sauiour Christ Iesus Hear wha● the Apostle saith our conuersati●on is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ which shal chaung● our vile body that he may mak● it like vnto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able also to subdue al things vnto him selfe Agayne We know that if our earthy mansion of this dwellinge were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen For therefore sighe we desiring to be clothed with our mansion whiche is from heauen so yet if that we be founde clothed and not naked For we that are in this tabernacle sighe and are greued because we woulde not be vnclothed but woulde be clothed vpon that immortalitie might bee swallowed vp of lyfe He that hath ordained vs for this thing is God whiche very same hath geuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirite Therfore we are alway of good cheare and knowe that as longe as we are at home in the body we are ab●ent from God For we walke in ●ayth not after outwarde apperaunce Neuerthelesse we are of ●ood comfort and had rather to be absent from the body and to be present with God Epa. This is cōfortable doctrine I can be contēt with al my heart to make such a chaūge whensoeuer the Lordes good pleasure shalbe But I pray you rehearse some wholsome sayinges oute of the holy scriptures concerning the resurrection of the body for strēgthning of my faith and for the comfort and quietnes of my conscience Phi. In the prophet Esay we read on this manner Thy dead men shall liue euen w t my body shall they rise againe Awake and sing ye that dwell in dust For thy dewe is euen as the dew of herbes and the earth shall cast out them that be vnder her Againe your bones shall floryshe like an herbe The Prophet Ezechiell hath these words The hād of the lord came vnto me and caried me out in the spirit of y e Lord let me downe in a playne field that lay full of bones and he led me round about by them and beholde the bones that lay vpon the fielde were very many and maruelous dry also Then sayd he vnto me Thou sonne of mā thinkest thou these bones may liue again I aunswered O Lord God thou knowest And he sayd vnto me prophecy thou vpon these bones and speake vnto them Ye drye bones heare the worde of the Lord. Thus saith the Lorde God vnto these bones Beholde I will put breth vnto you that ye may lyue I will geue you sinowes make fleshe grow vpon you couer you ouer with skinne and so geue you breath that ye may liue knowe that I am the Lord. So I Prophecied as he had cōmaūded me And as I was prophecying ther came a noyse and a great motion so that the bones ran euery one to an other Nowe when I had loked behold they had sinnowes flesh grewe vpon them and aboue they were couered with skin but there was no breath in thē Then said he vnto me Thou sonne of man prophecy thou towarde the wind prophecie speake vnto the wind Thus saith the Lord God Come O thou ayr from the foure windes blowe vpon these slaine that they may be restored to life So I prophecied as he had commaūded me then came the breath into them and they receiued life and stode vp vpō their fete a maruelous great nomber Againe Thus saith the Lord god behold I wyll open your graues O my people and take you out of youre sepulchres The wordes of the Prophet Daniel are these Many of them that slepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to perpetual shame and reprofe God saieth by Esdras those that be dead will I rayse vp againe from their places and bryng them out of theyr graues Moreouer Christ saide to the Saduces which denied the resurrection of the body As touching the resurrectiō of the dead haue ye not red what is said vnto you of God which saith I am Abrahams God Isaacks God Iacobs God God is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Also in an other place The houre shall come in the whiche all that are in the graues shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and shall come forthe they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euil vnto the resurrection of dampnation Martha said vnto Christe of her brother Lazarus when he was dead I know y t my brother shall rise againe at the latter day The holy Apostit s. Paul is plenteous in the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead I wyll reherse one or two of his sentences byd the other farewell The trompe saith he shall blowe and the dead shall ryse incorruptible and we shalbe chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortall must put on immortalitie Again the Lord Iesus shal chaūge our vile bodies that they maye bee fashioned like vnto his glorious body Also in an other place I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt concerning them which are fallen aslepe that ye sorow not as other do whiche haue no hope For if we beleue y t Iesus Christ died rose againe euen so they also whiche slepe by Iesus will God bring againe with him Diuers examples of the resurrection of our bodies haue we bothe in the old and new testament Helias the Prophet raised vp from death vnto lyfe the sonne of y e widow of Sarepta The like thinge read we of Heliseus the Prophet Christ raised frō death the daughter of a certain ruler the sonne of a certayne widowe and Lazarus w t many other Christ rose again and the bodies of many sainctes whiche slept arose also and came out of their graues after their resurrection and came into Hierusalem and appeared vnto many Peter raysed vp Tabitha from death S. Paul restored vnto life a certaine yong man named Eutichus Al these are euident examples of our resurrection Therefore good brother Epaphroditus feare not to geue ouer this your body and frely to commend it vnto the earth At the great daye of the generall resurrection you shal receiue it in a far better case then euer you had it in this world Ep. I leue this my vile body willingly yea and that with this hope that at the last day I shall take it againe immortall and vncorruptible I beleue the resurrection of the fleshe I wish to be losoned frō this body and to be with Christe Eu. You doubt nothing of the blessed state of y e godly departed and of the immortalitie of the soule Epa. I beleue euerlasting lyfe The. You are not