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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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a sainte In the yeare c. 1336. Volat Christ. Massae Pope Sixtus the fourthe made Bonauenture the Grayfryer a saint In the yeare c. 1471. Chron. Chronica Pope Alexander the thyrd made Barnarde the Monke a saint In the yeare c. 1161. Iacobus Meyer Pope Innocent the eyght made Heliopolde sometyme Duke of Austria a Saint In the yeare c. 1484. Chroni Ioannes Stella Pope Innocent the thyrd made Hughe of Lincolne a saint In the yeare c. 1195 Fasciculus Temporum Pope Clement the fourth made Hedwigis sometime Duchesse of Polonia a saint In the yeare c. 1165. Ioannes Laziardus Fasciculus Temporum Ioannes Stella Pope Boniface the nynth made Brigite the Nunne a saint In the yere c. 1379 Ioan. Laziardus Chron. Pope Leo the nynth made Vuolfgange Byshop of Ratisbone a sainte In the yeare c. 1049. Chron. Pope Gregory the seuenth made Iohn Gaulbert the Monk a saint In the yere 1073. Chron. Pope Innocent the second made Hughe the Charterhouse Monke a sainte In the yeare c 113 ▪ Chron. Pope Boniface the eyght made Lewes Kyng of Fraunce a saint In the yere 1290. Ioan. Laziard Chron. Pope Innocent the fourth made Edmunde Archebishop of Cantorburye a saint and Peter de verona the Blackfryer he canonised also for a saint willed hym to be taken for a confessour saint In the yere c. 1242. Sabell Ioan. Stella Ioan. LaZiard Chron. Pope Eugenius the fourth made Nicolas de Toleto an Austen frier a sainte In the yeare c. 1430. Ioan. Stella Chron. Pope Clement the fyfte made Pope Celestine a saint vnder the name of Peter In the yeare c. 1304. Ioan. Laziard Pope Paschalis made Charles y e great a Sainte In the yeare c. 1164. Christi Massaeus Pope Leo the tenthe made Fraunces the Heremite a saint In the yere 1507 ▪ Christ. Massae Pope Alexander the thyrde which I had almost forgottē made Thomas Becket Archbishop of Cantorbury a saint In the yeare c. 1161. Plat. D. Barns Pope Alexander sayth the Englishe Festiuall sent letters into England to the Archbishop Stephen and to other Abbottes and Prelates commaunding them to take vp Thomas Beckettes bones and to lay them in a shryne and to set it where it might be worshipped of all Christen people Then the Byshop ordayned a day when y t should be done So ouer euen while they might haue space he toke with hym the Byshop of Salisburye and other monkes and Clerkes many and wente to the place where Thomas had layen fyftye yeres Then they kneled al on y e earth praying to Thomas deuoutly of help Then foure tooke vp the tombe with great dreade and quakyng and there they founde a little writing whiche was thys Here lyeth and resteth Thomas Archebyshop of Cantorburye Primate of Englande and the Popes Legate slayne for the ryghte of holye Churche the fyfte daye of Christmasse Then for greate deuotion that they had of the syghte all cryed Sainte Thomas Saint Thomas And then they toke the head to the Archebyshop to kysse and so they kyssed it al. And then they beheld his woundes and sayd They were vngratious that wounded thee thus And so layde hym in a shryne and couered it with clothe of golde and set torches aboute it brennyng and the people to watche it all nyght Then on the morowe came all the states of thys lande and bare the shryne to the place there as it is nowe with all reuerence and worship that they coulde The author of the festiuall sayeth y t thys Thomas did weare harde hayre next his bodye and a breche of y e same the whiche was so full of vermyn y t it was an horrible syght to see And yet he chaunged but once in fortye dayes The same author also writeth that the aforesayde Thomas Beckette made hys Confessoure euerye Wednisdaye and Fryday to beate him with a rodde vpon his bare body as a childe is beaten in the Schole that is to say on the arsse that he myghte suffer worthye penaunce Ranulphus Cestrensis in his Chronicle writeth that when Thomas Becket was translated Stephen Archbishop of Cantorburye duryng the said solemnitie founde haye and prouender to all men that would aske it in the way betwene London and Cantorbury Also in the day of the Translation he made wyne to runne in pypes continuallye in diuerse places of the Citye and so y e coste that Stephen made in thys solemnitie his fourth successour Bonifacius hardly payed it In Polichron Lib. 7. Cap. 34. Pope Alexander the thyrde ordained y t none shoulde be taken for a saint except he wer fyrst canonised and admitted to be a saint by y e byshop of Romes bull In the yeare 1161. Dec. 3. Tit. 46. Ca Reliquijs Polydor. Pantaleon From the tyme that the Popes began fyrst to canonyse to make saints vnto the reygne of Pope Iohn the .xxii. there are founde to be canonysed fyue thousande fyue hundred fyftye and fyue Saintes y t the Popes haue made as writteth the author of the Chronicle entitled Fasciculus Temporum Isuardus the French Monke diligently searching out the number of saintes found that euery day in the yeare there are moe than CCC Saintes to be serued suche a multitude of newe saintes haue the Popes of Rome brought into the Churche of their owne authoritye whom they haue sainted partly for fauour partly for mony partly of a blind zeale and partly for the satisfying of other mens corrupte affections And these must we take for saints worship pray vnto call vpon make our Intercessours Mediatours and Aduocates and yet know we not for all the popes canonisation whether they be saintes in heauen or deuils in hell It is much to be feared least this common saying be founde true in a greate number of our Popishe saintes The bodies of many are worshipped on earth whose soules are tormented in hell fier Of the Reliques of Saintes POpe Paschalis the firste deuised first of al the glorious setting out to sale of saints Reliques In the yeare c. 820. Fasci● Temp. Chron. Germ. Pope Clement the first commaunded that the Reliques of Saints should be reuerently kepte and had in greate honour In y e yeare c. 1300. Clement Lib. 3. Tit. 16. Capi. 1. Volat. Pantal. Pope Gregory y e fourth made a decree y e masse should be sayd ouer the bodyes of the Martyrs In y e yeare c. 831. Pol. Pope Boniface the fifth decreed that such as were but Benet Colet should not touch the Reliques of Saints but they onelye whiche are Subdeacons Deacons and Priestes In the yeare of our Lord. 617. Onuphrius Panuimus ●ac Phil. Bergom Pope Sergius y e first deuised the gorgious shrines of saintes to kepe Reliques in In the yeare c. 684.
Easter euen Idem 57 Of halowynge newe fruites Idem 58 Of Fasting Idem 59 Of holy dayes and of the feastes of Sainctes 173 60 Of canonising or making of Sainctes 179 61 Of saints Reliques 183 62 Pylgrimages 184 63 Of Pardons Idem 64 A rehearsall of diuerse pardons graunted of diuers Popes for diuerse considerations 189 65 Of Purgatory 197 66 Remedies deuised by the Papistes agaynst the fyrye tormētes of Purgatory 202 67 Of Trentalles for soules departed and howe they firste began 207 68 Of the vertues of the Masse 209 69 Of Councels 212 70 Of Heretiques 214 71 Of Excōmunication 219 72 The manner and forme of excommunication 219 73 The manner of the reconciliation of excommunicate persons 223 74 Of Penaunce 224 75 Of absolution 227 76 Certaine formes of absolution 228 77 A Speciall note of the Papistes concernyng absolucion 231 78 The forme or manner of bydding the beads on Sondayes in Popyshe paryshe Churches 231 79 The generall Sentence or curse 237 80 Certayne fragmentes of Papistrye 255 Finis The names of those Authors whose testimonies and witnesses are recited in this Booke A. ABbas vrspergensis Achiles pyrminius Aeneas siluius Albertus magnus Albertus crantzius Alcuinus Ambrosius Anselmus ryd Antoninus Alnoldus bostius Athanasius Augustinus Author sermonum discipuli B. Bartholomaeus picerius Bartholomaeus de chaimis Bartholomaeus charranza Bartholomaeus westmerus Barnardus abbas Blondus Bonifacius episcopus C. Catalogus sanctorum Chrisostomus Christianus massaeus Chronica anglica Chronica chronicarum Cronica flandrica Chronica gallica Chronica germanica Clemens pont rom Cornelius agrippa Cyprianus D. Damascenus Decreta iuris canonici Decreta extrauagant E. Edictum constantini Impe. Epyphanus Epitome chronicarum Erasmus roterodamus Eruditi cuiuspiā chronicon Euagrius Eusebius coesariensis Eutropius F. Fasciculus temporum Festiuale anglicum Flores historiarum Franciscus petrarcha G. Gabriel biel Gaspar achilles Gaspar hedio Gratianus monachus Gregorius magnus Guilielmus Caxton Guilielmus Durandus H Hartmanus scedel Nurenbergensis Henrichus pantaleon Henrichus primaeus Henrichus de vrimaria Hermanus contractus Hesychius Hieronimus Hiero. paulus Cathalanus Honorius Huldricus episcop august Huldricus Huttenus I. Iacobus de visaco Iacobus de voragine Iacobus manlius Iacobus mayer Iaco. philippus bergomēsis Iacobus vuimpholibus Ioannes billet Ioannes charion Ioannes cuspinianus Ioannes clythoneus Ioannes de burgo Ioannes laziardus Ioannes monachus Ioanns nauclerus Ioannes stella Ioannes Tilio Isidorus Hispalensis Isuardus gallus Iustinianus imperator L. Lactantius firmianus Laurentius valla Lex pontificia Liber conciliorum Liber de miraculis R. mariae Liber germanicus de sectis monasticis M. Marcus anton sabellicus Martinus papae penitentiarius Martinus polonus Mathaeus parisius Mathaeus palmerius florentinus Mathias palmerius pisamus Michael bucchingerus N. Nauclerus Nicephorus panuinius Nicolas de cusa O. Onuprius panuinius Origenes Otho frisius P. Paulinus nolanus Paulus aemilius Paulus phrigio Paulus Vergerius Paulus warnefridus Panormitanus Paralipomena rerum memorabilium ▪ Patronius Petrus Crinitus Paulus diaconus Petrus blesensis Petrus cluniacensis Petrus de natalibus Petrus Lombardus Platina Polichronicon Polidorus vergilius R. Ranulphus cartrensis Raphael volateranus Rationale di officiorum Robertus barus anglus Robertus caguinus S. Sabellicus Sebastianus francke Serenus Episcopus Masciliae Sigebertus Sozomeus Speculum ecclesiasticum Stella clericorum T. Tertullianus Theodorus bibliander Thomas aquinas V. Valentinus vannius Vincentius Vitas pa trum Volateranus Z. Zonoras FINIS ¶ To the right reuerend Father in God and his very good Lorde Iohn Byshop of Norwiche Thomas Becon wisheth long life continuall health and prosperous felicitie COnsidering the happy state of thys our most happie age so diuerslye and manifold wayes blessed of the Lord our God with diuerse and manifold his bounteous benefites yea and those not bodily onely but ghostly also that no parte of vs may seme in any point destitute of his fatherly blessings so richely and plentifully poured vpō vs according to his wonted mercies and accustomed kindnesses I can none otherwise than greatly maruell at the obstinate blindnesse and blinde obstinacie of certaine our countreymen yea and those not the rudest and most ignoraunt but the wisest and of greatest experience as they thinke themselues and so wishe to be reputed of all other whiche for the most parte being nothing moued with this so great kindnesse of our heauenly father go forth to shewe themselues altogether vnthankefull no consideration had of so free and vndeserued benefites whether we respecte the body or the minde so truly is it sayed of the Apostle Not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many of hye degree are called but God hath chosen the foolishe thinges of the worlde to confounde the wise and God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde to confounde thinges whiche are mightie and vyle thinges of the worlde and thinges whiche are despised hath God chosen yea and thinges of no reputation for to bring to nought thynges of reputation that no fleshe should reioyce in his presence And as the Pharisees said to their ministers when they r●●urned frō Christs Sermō geuing him this report to their masters Neuer mā spake as this mā doth Are ye also deceaued sa●e they Doth anye of the Rulers or of the Pharisees beleue on him But this cōmon people whiche know not the lawe are cursed And as S. Iames writeth in his Epistle Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde suche as are riche in faith and heyres of the kyngdome which he promised to them that loue him But ye haue despised the poore Do not rich men execute tyranny vpon you and drawe you before the iudgements cates Do not they speake euel of that good name whiche is called vpon ouer you For as concerning the corporall benefites it is so farre of they shewe themselues thākful that in all their communicatiō almost both publique and priuate they do nothing els than find fault with the presente state of this world yelding and crying barckyng and gruntyng that neuer such and the like penury scarcenesse pouertie and beggarye reigned on earth as doth in these our dayes and specially since we gaue ouer the holy father of Rome his Catholike religion but specially the blessed masse praying for the soules departed beyng in thys behalfe not altogether vnlike the Idolatrous and backeslidyng Iewes whiche together with open mouth like bande dogges barcked against Ieremye and his Sermons saying As for the wordes that thou haste spoken to vs in the name of the Lorde we wyll in no wyse heare them but whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth that we will do We will do sacrifice offer oblations vnto the Queene of heauē like as we and our forefathers our kinges and our heades haue done in the cities ●f Iuda and in the stretes and fieldes of Ierusalem For then had we plēteousnesse of vitailes then were we in prosperitie and
Christ. And as immediatlye after the consent of Marye whole Christe was in her wombe so likewise out of hande after the wordes of consecration be pronounced by the priest the bread is turned into the substance of the very body of Christ secōdly as the blessed virgine after she had brought forth Christe bare hym in her handes and layde him in the cribe and tooke hym vp agayne so likewyse the priest after the consecration lifteth vp Christ and layeth him downe agayne and beareth hym vnto the sicke and handleth him with his handes Thirdly as the blessed virgine was sāctified in her wombe before she conceaued Christ as it is written The most high hath sāctified his tabernacle so in like manner the priest receaueth holye orders before he cōsecrateth for he could not consecrate excepte he were ordered And therefore a Laye man be he neuer so holye can do nothyng in thys matter althoughe he pronounceth the wordes of consecration Ninthly God hath honored the priestes aboue Aungels yea and somwhat also aboue the dignitie of blessed Mary the virgine First in the dignitie of keping For a priest is bound to kepe many soules as the Byshop is bounde to looke vpon al the diocesse and the Pope the whole worlde and the Curate hys parishe as Bernarde saith O how worthy kepers are they which so carefully watche that they may kepe the soules that are committed vnto them from euerlastyng death But an Aungell hath but one soule committed vnto hym for to kepe as Bernarde testifieth Great is the dignitie of soules that euery one of them euen from the very tyme of their birth shoulde haue an aungel appointed for to kepe them Secondly in taking and touchyng the body of Christ. The angels doe but see God as it is written Their aungels see the face of my Father whiche is in heauen But in this is the priest greater than the Aūgell for he doth but see God but the priest handleth hym yea and eateth him which was neuer giuē to any Aungell so to do but it sufficeth hym to beholde God Thirdly in consecratyng the bodye of Christe And in this point the priest doth not onely excell the Aungels but also after a certayne manner Marye the Mother of Christ so that the lessest priest on earth is able to do that whiche the greatest Aungell in Heauen can not doe Therfore saith Barnarde O the dignitie of priestes worthy to be had in great reuerence in whose handes as in the wombe of the Virgine the Sonne of God is incarnate Austen also saith In the consecration of the holye host the whole court of Heauen doth seruice to the priest yea and the Lorde of heauen commeth downe vnto him Likewyse saith Ambrose vpō Luke Doubt thou not but that Aungels are there presēt when Christ is present on the altare whē he is offered so y t Christ may well say to euery priest y t which is writtē in Esay What coulde I haue done more for thee haue not done it Furthermore we must know that euerye mā is boūd to honour priests seing y e god himself hath so many sundry waies garnished beautified thē with suche so great honour But contrary to this do all they that dishonour priestes and in this they greuouslye offende God as Henricus de vrimaria writing vpon the fourth commaundement saith Wo be vnto them and euerlasting damnation hangeth ouer their heades that do dishonour priestes speake euill of them diffame backbite them for they crucifie the Sonne of God againe For so often as thou backbitest or ●laundrest a religious person or priest so often dost thou put a crowne of thorne vpon Christes head For they are the head vpper parte of the Churche militante So often as thou doest any displeasure vnto them so often dost thou fasten Christ with nayles to the crosse So often as thou raylest vpon them so often dost thou spit Christ in the face And so often as thou dost euill entreat them and find faulte either in their speaking or doying so often dost y u thrust Christ vnto the hart with a speare God therfore willing to shewe howe greatly he detesteth that synne hath made it euident with that wonderful punishment and vnwonted paine whiche Dathan Abiron and Chore suffered whom the earth dyd swalowe vp quicke bycause they dyd mysuse the Priestes Of these thynges aforesayde it euidentlye appeareth y t priestes euen of dutye ought to bee honoured of all men In sermonibus discipuli Germ. iii. Dom. 14. Post. Festum Trinitatis O ye Priestes which are the buckelars and officers of y e true Salomon that is to saye of Iesus Christ and the chamberlaynes and dispensatoures or stewardes of the mysteryes of God Consider marke diligentlye in what degree and dignitye ye are set ouer all the goodes of the Lorde What could God doe more for the Priestes than to geue them power for to make hymselfe to handle hym to eate hym to geue him to other Therefore remēber your selues and consider well y e noble priuilege of your dignitye Althoughe glasse bee made of vyle matter and stuffe yet is it reproued founde to be more clere than golde and siluer so likewise euery priest be he neuer so great and greuous a sinner yet doth he farre excell al other creatures both Kinges and Princes is of greater dignitie than al y e creatures y t are Ye are sayeth S. Peter speakyng to priestes a chosen generation a royall priesthoode an holy nation a wonne people not only of a temporal election but also of an eternall predestination O the worshipful dignitie of priests if ye liue worthily and priestlike within whose handes as in the Virgines wombe the sonne of God is incarnate and made man O heauenly mysterye which y e father and y e sonne and y e holy ghoste doth so maruelouslye worke by you y t in one and in the same moment the same God whiche sitteth ruleth in heauen is a sacrifice in your hands The heauen wondreth at so noble a priuilege the earth marueleth man is greatly astonied hell quaketh for feare the deuell trembleth and shaketh all y t is on hym the Aungelike highnesse is in great admiration What then shall I priest geue agayne vnto the Lorde for all thinges that he hath geuen me As for an example He that hath made me hath geuen me power to make hym yea he that made me without me is made by the meanes of me c. Consider therefore O ye Priestes the maruelous dignitie of your excellencye that God hath not onely ordained you before al other people but he hath also made you passing all other creatures which he hath created vnto the prayse and glorye of his name c. Sauyng y e Aungels reuerence whose number is infinite I say playnly that ye are greater than Aungells and doe farre excell their dignitye largo modo loquendo For to whiche
children we must fast and folow the same rule that they vsed And therfore we fast foure times First in march The secōd at Whitsontyde The third betwene haruest seedetyme And the fourth before Christmasse Marche is a time that drieth vp the moysture that is in the earth Wherefore we fast that time to drie the earth of our body of the humours that be noyous to the bodye and to the soule For that tyme the humours of letchery tempteth a mā most of any time of the yeare Also we do fast at Whitsontyde to get grace of the holy Ghost that we may be in loue and charitie to God and to all the worlde ▪ Charitas cooperit multitudinem peccatorum Charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes Also we must faste for to haue meekenesse in oure heartes and to put awaye all pride y t renueth within vs. Also we faste betwene haruest and sede time for to haue grace to gather frutes of good workes into the house of oure conscience and so by ensample of good liuing among the people that we bee common with both ryche and poore Also we faste in winter for to slea all stinckyng weedes of sinne and of foule earth and fleshly lustes y t maketh good Angells good people to withdrawe them from vs. For ryghte as a nettle brenneth roses and other flowers that growe nie him In the same wyse a vicious man or woman styrreth and setteth on fyre them y t bene in his companye And for these causes we faste foure times in the yeare euery tyme three dayes y e betokeneth three speciall vertues that helpeth a man to grace y t is fasting deuoute praying and almesse dede doing And by opiniō of much people these daies bene called Imber daies bicause y t our elder Fathers would on these dayes eate no breade but cakes made vnder ashes So y t by the eatyng of y t thei reduced into their minde that they were but ashes and so shoulde turne agayne and wiste not how sone and by that tourned away from all delicious meates and drinkes and tooke none heede but y t they had easye sustenaunce This caused them to thynke on death and y ● wil cause a man to desire no more thā him nedeth and to abstayne hymselfe frō al manner of bodily lusts to encrease in vertues wherby we may come to euerlasting blesse And at a councell holden at Magonce it was decreed y t when those Imberdayes come they shoulde bee fasted of all people and that they shoulde on those daies come deuoutly vnto church and heare Masse and geue themselues to prayer and deuotion Libro Concil Pope Innocent the thyrde made a decree that all the Apostles euens should be fasted excepte the euens of Phillip and Iacob and of Iohn the Euangeliste In the yere c. 1195. Lib. 3. accretal Gregorij Cap. 2. de obseruatione ieiunij Chron. Germani The same pope also appoynted that the euen of Mathias shoulde also bee fasted as one of y e Apostles euens and y t if the daye of Mathias be on the monday y e euen shall be fasted on the saterday and not on the sonday Ibidem Pope Vrban the syxt commaunded y e the euens of these feasts of our Lady y t is to say the visitation y e assumption natiuitye should be fasted In the yere c. 1371. Lib. Concil Chron. Germ. Pope Boniface the fyrst ordayned y e saints euens shuld be solemnely fasted In the yeare c. 425. The same ordinaunce is also ascribed to pope Gregorye y e second Chron Germa Pope Honorius the thirde made a decree y t if y e feast of y e natiuitye of Christ chaunce to fall vpon the Friday yet it shall be lawful for al men to eate flesh on that day excepte it be suche as haue vowed to the contrary In the yere c. 1214. Lib 3. decret Gregorij de obseruatione ieiunij Pope Gregory the fyrst cōmaunded y t neyther fleshe nor any thyng y t hath affinitye with fleshe as Chese Milke Egges c shoulde bee eaten on suche dayes as are appoynted to bee fasted In the yeare c. 560. Grat. Pol. Pantale Pope Eusebius made a lawe y t all suche feastes as are commaunded of priests in the Church to be fasted shuld in no condition bee broken excepte necessitie compell any man to the contrarye In the yeare c. 309. Lib. Concil Chron. Germ. In the festiuall we reade that these sortes of people be priuileged and exempted from the lawe of fastyng that is to say Children y t bene within age Women y t bee with childe Olde people y t bene myghtlesse weake and impotente And finally labouryng people as pilgrimes and like people those that the lawe dispenseth with vppon theyre conscience Dominica prima in quadragesima In the Councell Gangrense it was decreed y t if any person of presumption woulde despyse to faste suche dayes as were cōmaunded of holy churche he shuld be excommunicate and be taken of the Christen congregation as an Ethnike and Publicane Libro Concil Barthol Carrantz The Popes decrees affirme playnly as Guilielmus Durandus testifyeth that whosoeuer eateth any thyng beefore Masse bee done on suche dayes as are appoynted by holy church to be fasted the same committeth deadly synne In Rat. di off Lib. Concil In the Councell Braccarense it was agreed y t al the Apostles euens shoulde be fasted excepte the euens of these Apostles Phillip and Iacob and Iohn the Euangeliste as we to fore heard oute of the decree of Pope Innocent y e thyrde For the feast of Phillip and Iacob is betwene Easter and Witsontide which is a tyme of ioye and gladnesse therfore is there no fastyng accordyng to thys old rule Inter Pen et Pa● non est Dirige neque fasting day And y e feast of ● Iohn the Euangelist is at Christmasse whē men muste make good cheere and bee frolyke and mery Guilielmus Durandus Lib. Concil The Councell Chalcedonense made a decree y t they should be counted by no meanes to faste which taste any meate or drinke before euenyng prayer bee done Lib. Concil Iacobus de Voragine in his boke entituled Historia Longobardica sheweth a reason whye the Imberdayes bee rather fasted on the Wednisday Friday and Saterdaye than on the Mondaye Tuesday and Thursday For saith he the Lorde Iesus was betrayde of Iudas on the Wednisday And on y e Fridaye he was crucified And on the Saterday following he lay in hys sepulchre and the Apostles were very sadde for the death of their Lorde Of Holy dayes and of Feastes of Sainctes with such like POpe Pius the fyrst ordayned y t Easter daye shoulde be celebrated and kept holy euer on the Sondaye In the yere of our Lorde 147. Libro Concil Polyd. D. Barns Pantal. Pope Gregory the fyrst approued and allowed the feast of the Trinitie which Pope Alexander woulde by