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A05817 The practise of pietie directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631.; Elstracke, Renold, fl. 1590-1630. 1613 (1613) STC 1602; ESTC S1173 279,570 1,072

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the damnation of hell This fulnesse of cursednesse is either particular or generall Particular or that which in a lesse measure of fulnesse lighteth vpon the Soule immediately as soone as shee is separated from the body For in the very instant of dissolution she is in the sight and presence of God For when she ceaseth to see with the organe of fleshly eyes she seeth after a spirituall manner like Stephen who saw the glory of GOD and Iesus standing at his right hand or as a man who being blinde-borne and miraculously restored to his sight would see the Sunne which hee neuer saw before And there by the testimonie of her owne Conscience Christ the righteous Iudge vvho knoweth all things maketh her by his omnipresent power to vnderstand the doome and Iudgement that is due vnto her sinnes and what must be her eternall state And in this manner standing in the sight of Heauen not fit for her vncleannesse to come into Heauen shee is said to stand before the throne of God And so forthwith she is carried by the euill Angels who came to fetch her with violence into Hell where shee is kept as in a Prison in euerlasting paines and chaynes vnder darknesse vnto the Iudgement of the great day But not in that extremitie of torments which she shall finally receiue at the last day The generall fulnes of cursednesse is in a greater measure of fulnesse which shall be inflicted vpon both thy Soule and Body when by the mighty power of Christ the supreame Iudge of heauen and earth the one shall be brought out of Hell and the other out of the Graue as Prisoners to receiue their dreadfull doome according to their euill deedes How shall the Reprobate by the roaring of the Sea the quaking of the Earth the trembling of the Powers of Heauen and terrours of heauenly Signes be driuen at the worlds end to their wits end Oh vvhat a vvofull Salutation will there be betwixt the damned Soule and Body at their revniting at that terrible day O sincke of Sinne O lumpe of Filthinesse will the Soule say vnto her Body how am I compelled to re-enter vnto thee not as an habitation to rest but as a Prison to be tormented together How doest thou appeare in my sight like Iephtes Daughter to my greater torment Would God thou hadst perpetually rotted in thy graue that I might neuer haue seene thee againe How shall wee be confounded together to heare before God Angels and Men laid open all those secret sinnes which wee committed together Haue I lost Heauen for the loue of such a stinking Carrion Art thou the flesh for whose pleasures I haue yeelded to commit so many Fornications O filthy B●lly how became I such a foule as to make thee my God How madde was I for momentanie ioyes to incurre these torments of eternall paines yee Rockes and Mountaines why skirpe yee so like Rams Psal. 114.4 and will not fall vpon mee to hide mee from the face of him that comes to sit on yonder Throne for the great day of his wrath is come and vvho shall be able to stand Apoc. 6.16.17 Why tremblest thou thus O Earth at the presence of the Lord and vvilt not open thy mouth and swallow mee vp as thou diddest Korah that I be seene no more O damned Furies I would yee might vvithout delay teare me in pieces on condition that you vvould teare me vnto nothing But whilest thou art thus in vaine bewailing thy miserie the Angels hale thee violently away from the brincke of thy Graue to some place neere the Tribunall seate of Christ where being as a cursed Goate separated to stand beneath on earth as on the left hand of the Iudge Christ shall rippe vp all the benefits he bestowed on thee and the torments hee suffered for thee and all the good deedes which thou omitted and all the vngratefull villanies which thou didst commit against him and his holy Lawes Within thee thine owne conscience more then a thousand witnesses shall accuse thee the Diuels vvho tempted thee to all thy lewdnesse shall on the one side testifie vvith thy Conscience against thee and on the other side shall stand the holy Saints and Angels approuing Christs Iustice and detesting so filthy a creature Behinde thee an hydeous noyse of innumerable fellow-damned Reprobates tarrying for thy company Before thee all the world burning in flaming fire Aboue thee an irefull Iudge of deserued vengeance ready to pronounce his sentence vpon thee Beneath thee the fiery sulphureous mouth of the bottomlesse pit gaping to receiue thee In this wofull estate to hide thy selfe will be impossible for on that condition thou vvouldest wish that the greatest Rocke might fall vpon thee to appeare will be intollerable and yet thou must stand forth to receiue with other reprobates this thy sentence Depart from mee yee cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his Angels Depart from mee there is a separation from all ioy and happinesse Yee cursed there is a blacke and direfull Excommunication Into fire there is the crueltie of paine Euerlasting there is the perpetuitie of punishment Prepared for the Diuell and his Angels Here are thy infernall tormenting and tormented companions O terrible Sentence from which the condemned cannot escape which being pronounced cannot possibly be with-stood against which a man cannot except and from which a man can no where appeale So that to the damned nothing remaines but hellish torments which knows neyther ease of paine nor end of time From this Iudgement-seate thou must be thrust by Angels together vvith all the damned Diuels and Reprobates into the bottomlesse Lake of vtter darknesse that perpetually burnes with fire and Brimstone Whereunto as they shall be thrust there shall be such weeping woes and wailing that the cry of the company of Core Dathan Abiram when the earth swallowed them vp was nothing comparable to this howling nay it vvill seeme vnto thee a Hell before thou goest into hell but to heare it Into vvhich bottomlesse Lake after that thou art once plunged thou shalt euer be falling downe and neuer meet a bottome and in it thou shalt euer lament and none shall pittie thee thou shalt alwaies weepe for the paine of fire and yet gnash thy teeth for the extremitie of colde thou shalt weepe to thinke that thy miseries are past remedie thou shalt weepe to thinke that to repent is to no purpose thou shalt weepe to thinke how for the shadowes of short pleasures thou hast incurred these sorrowes of eternall paines thou shalt weepe to see how that weeping it selfe can nothing preuaile yea in weeping thou shalt weepe more teares then there is water in the Sea for the water of the Sea is finite but the weeping of a Reprobate shall be infinite There thy lasciuious Eyes shall be afflicted vvith sights of ghastly Spirits thy curious Eares shall be
these thy Seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy Wisedome How shall thy Soule be rauished to see her selfe by grace admitted to stand vvith this glorious companie to behold the blessed Face of Christ and to heare all the Treasures of his diuine Wisedome How shalt thou reioyce to see so many thousand thousands wel-comming thee into their heauenly Societie for as they all reioyced at thy conuersion so vvill they now be much more ioyful to behold thy Coronation and to see thee receiue thy Crowne which vvas laid vp for thee against thy comming For there the crowne of Martyrdome shall be put on the head of a Martyr vvho for Christs Gospell sake endured torments the Crowne of virginitie on the head of a Virgin vvhich subdued Concupiscence the Crowne of Pietie and Chastitie on the head of them who sincerely professed Christ and kept their wedlocke-bed vndefiled the Crowne of Good-workes on the good Almes-giuers head vvho liberally relieued the poore the Crowne of incorruptible glory on the head of those Pastors vvho by their preaching and good example haue conuerted soules from the corruption of sinne to glorifie God in holinesse of life Who can sufficiently expresse the reioycing of this heauenly Company to see thee thus crowned with glory arrayed with the shining Roabe of righteousnesse and to behold the Palme of victory put into thy hand Oh what gratulation will there be that thou hast escaped all the miseries of the World the snares of the Diuell the paines of Hell and obtained with them thy eternall rest and happinesse for there euery one ioyeth as much in anothers happinesse as in his owne because hee shall see him as much loued of GOD as himselfe Yea they haue as many distinct ioyes as they haue compartners of their ioy And in this ioyfull and blessed state the Soule resteth with Christ in Heauen till the Resurrection when as the number of her Fellow-seruants and Brethren be fulfilled which the Lord termeth but a little season The second degree of mans blessednesse after death is from the Resurrection to the pronouncing of the finall sentence For at the last day 1 The Elementary Heauens Earth and all things therein shall be dissolued and purified with fire 2 At the sound of the last Trumpet or voyce of Christ the Archangell the very same bodies which the Elect had before though turned to dust and earth shall arise againe and in the same instant euery mans soule shall re-enter into his owne body by vertue of the Resurrection of Christ their head and be made aliue and rise out of their graues as if they did but awake out of their beds And howsoeuer Tyrants bemangled their bodies in pieces or consumed them to ashes yet shall the Elect finde it true at that day that not an haire of their head is perished 3 They shall come forth out of their graues like so many Iosephs out of Prison or Daniels out of the Lyons Dens or Ionahs out of Whales bellies 4 All the bodies of the Elect being thus made aliue shall arise in that perfection of nature whereunto they should haue attained by their naturall temperment if no impediment had hindered and in that vigor of age that a perfect man is at about three and thirtie yeeres old each in their proper sexe Whereunto Diuines thinke the Apostle alludeth when he saith till wee all come vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the age or stature of the fulnes of Christ. Whatsoeuer imperfection vvas before in the body as blindnesse lamenesse crooke●nesse shall then be done away Iacob shall not halt nor Isaac be blinde nor Leah bleare-eyed nor Mephibosheth be lame for if Dauid would not haue the blinde and lame to come into his house much lesse will Christ haue blindnesse and lamenesse to dwell in his heauenly Habitation Christ made all the blinde to see the dumbe to speake the deafe to heare the lame to walke c. that came to him to seeke his grace on earth much more will hee heale all their imperfections whom hee will admit to his glory in Heauen Among those Tribes there is not one feeble but the lame man shall leape as an Hart and the dumbe mans tongue shall sing And it is very probable that seeing GOD created our first Parents not infants or olde men but of a perfect age or stature the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or new creation from death shall euery way be more perfect then the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or first frame of a man from which he fell into the state of the dead Neither is it like that Infancy being imperfection and olde age corruption can well stand with the state of a perfect glorified body 5 The bodies of the Elect being thus raised shall haue foure most excellent and supernaturall quallities For 1 They shall be raised in power wherby they shall for euer be freed from all wants and weakenesse and enabled to continue without the vse of meate drinke sleepe and other former helps 2 In incorruption whereby they shall neuer be subiect to any manner of imperfections blemish sickenesse or death 3 In Glory whereby their bodies shal shine as bright as the Sunne in the firmament and which being made transparant their soules shall shine through farre more glorious then their bodies Three glimses of which glory was seene First in Moses face Secondly in the transfiguration Thirdly in Stephens countenance Three instances and assurances of the glorification of our bodies at that glorious day Then shall Dauid lay aside his Shepheards weede and put on the roabe of the Kings sonne Iesus not Ionathan Then euery true Mordecai who mourned vnder the Sakecloth of this corrupt flesh shall be arrayed with the Kings royall apparell and haue the Crowne royall set vpon his head that all the world may see how it shall be done to him whom the King of kings delighteth to honour If now the rising of one Sun makes the morning so glorious how glorious shall that day be when innumerable million of millions of bodies of Saints and Angels shall appeare more glorious then the brightnesse of the Sunne the body of Christ in glory surpassing all 4 In Agility whereby our bodies shall be able to ascend and to meete the Lord at his glorious comming in the ayre as Eagles flying vnto their blessed Carkase To this agility of the Saints glorious bodies the Prophet alludes saying They shall renewe their strength they shall mount vp with winges as Eagles they shall runne and not be weary they shall walke and not faint And to this state may that saying of Wisdome be referred In the time of their vision they shall shine and runne too and fro as sparkes among the stubble And in respect of these foure qualities Paul calleth the raised bodies of the Elect Spiri●ual● for they shall be spirituall in
Wine therefore are not bare signifying Signes but such as vvherewith Christ doth indeede exhibite and giue to euery worthy Recei●er not onely his diuine vertue and efficacie but also his very Body and Bloud as verely as hee gaue to his Disciples the Holy Ghost by the signe of his sacred Breath or Health to the diseased by the word of his Mouth or touch of his hand or garment And the apprehension by faith is more forcible then the exquisitest comprehension of Sense or Reason To conclude this point this holy Sacrament is that Blessed Bread vvhich being eaten opened the Eyes of the Emauites that they knew Christ. This is that Lordly Cup by vvhich wee are all made to drinke into one Spirit This is that Rocke flowing with hony that reuiueth the fainting spirits of euery true Ionathan that tastes it vvith the mouth of Faith This is that Barly Loafe vvhich tumbling from aboue strikes downe the Tents of the Midianites of infernall darkenesse Elias Angelicall Cake and Water preserued him fortie dayes in Horeb and Manna Angels foode fed the Israelites forty yeeres in the Wildernesse but this is that True Bread of life and heauenly Manna which if vvee shall duely eate will nourish our Soules for euer vnto life eternall How should then our Soules make vnto Christ that request from a spirituall desire which the Capernaites did from a carnall motion Lord euermore giue vs this Bread The fift end of the Lords Supper 5 To be an assured pledge vnto vs of our Resurrection The Resurrection of a Christian is two-folde first the spirituall Resurrection of our Soules in this life from the death of Sinne called the first Resurrection because that by the Trumpet-voyce of Christ in the preaching of the Gospell we are raysed from the death of sinne to the life of grace Blessed and holy is he saith Saint Iohn who hath part in the first Resurrection for on such the second death hath no power The Lords Supper is both a meane and a pledge vnto vs of this spi●rituall and first Resurrection Hee that eateth mee euen hee shall liue by mee And then are we fit Guests to sit at the Table with Christ when like Lazarus wee are raysed from the death of sinne to newnesse of life The truth of this first resurrection vvill appeare by the motion vvherewith they are internally moued for if when thou art moued to the duties of Religion and practise of Pietie thy heart answereth vvith Samuell Here I am Speake Lord for thy seruant heareth And vvith Dauid O God my heart is ready And vvith Paul Lord what wilt thou haue mee to doe Then surely thou art raysed from the death of sinne and hast thy part in the first Resurrection but if thou remainest ignorant of the true grounds of Religion and findest in thy selfe a kinde of secret loathing of the exercises thereof and must be drawne as it were against thy will to doe the workes of Pietie c. then surely thou hast but a name that thou liuest but thou art dead as Christ tolde the Angell of the Church of Sardis and thy Soule is but as salt to keepe thy body from stincking Secondly the corporall Resurrection of our bodies at the last day which is called the second resurrection which freeth vs from the first death Hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last day For this Sacrament signifieth and sealeth vnto vs that Christ died and rose againe for vs and that his flesh quickneth and nourisheth vs vnto eternall life and that therefore our bodies shall surely be raised to eternall life at the last day For seeing our head is risen all the members of the body shall likewise surely rise againe For how can those bodies which being the weapons of Righteousnesse Rom. 16 13. Temples of the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6.19 and Members of Christ. haue bin fedde and nourished vvith the body and blood of the Lord of life but be raised vp againe at the last day And this is the cause that the bodies of the Saints being dead are so reuerently buried and laid to sleepe in the Lord. And their buriall places are termed the beddes and dormitories of the Saints The reprobates shall arise at the last day But by the Almighty power of Christ as he is Iudge bringing them as malefactors out of the goale to receiue their sentence and deserued execution but the Elect shall arise by vertue of Christs resurrecti●n and of the Communion which they haue with him as with their head And his resurrection is the cause and assurance of ours The Resurrection of Christ is a Christians particuler faith the Resurrection of the dead is the childe of Gods chiefest confidence Therefore Christians in the Primitiue Church were wont to salute one another in the morning with these phrases The Lord is risen and the other would answere True The Lord is risen indeede The sixt end of the Lords Supper 6 To seale vnto vs the assurance of euerlasting life Oh what more wished or loued then life Or what doe all men more either feare or abhorre then death Yet is this first death nothing if it be compared with the second death neither is this life any thing worth in comparison of the life to come If therefore thou desirest to be assured of eternall life prepare thy selfe to be a worthy receiuer of this blessed Sacrament For our Sauiour assureth vs That if any man eate of this bread he shall liue for euer and the bread that I will giue is my flesh which I will giue for the life of the world Hee therefore who duely eateth of this holy Sacrament may truely say not onely Credo vitam aeternam I beleeue the life euerlasting but also Edo vitam aeternam I eate life euerlasting And indeed this is the true tree of life which GOD hath planted in the middest of the Paradise of the Church And whereof hee hath promised to giue euery one that ouercommeth to eate And this tree of life by infinite degrees excelleth the tree of life that grew in the Paradise of Eden for that had his roote in the earth this from heauen that gaue but life to the body this to the soule that did but preserue the life of the liuing this restoreth life to the dead The leaues of this tree healeth the Nation of beleeuers and it yeelds euery moneth a new manner of fruit which nourisheth them to life euerlasting Oh blessed are they who often eate of this Sacrament at lest once euery moneth taste anew of this renewing fruit which Christ hath prepared for vs at his Table to heale our infirmities and to confirme our beleefe of life euerlasting The seauenth end of the Lords Supper 7 To binde all Christians as it were by an
that without faith wee cannot be perswaded in our consciences that our receiuing is acceptable vnto God 3 Of vnfained repentance requisite for a true Communicant True Repentance is a holy change of the minde when vpon the feeling sight of Gods mercy and of a mans owne misery hee turneth from all his known and secret sinnes to serue God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the rest of his daies For as he that is glutted with meat is not apt to eat bread so hee that is stuffed with sinnes is not fit to receiue Christ. And a conscience defiled with wilfull filthinesse makes the vse of all holy things vnholy vnto vs. Our sacrificed spotlesse Passeouer cannot bee eaten with the sowre leauen of malice and wickednes saith Paul 1 Cor. 5.8 Neither can the olde bottles of our corrupt and impure consciences retaine the new wine of Christs precious bloud as our Sauiour saith Mar. 2.22 Wee must therefore truely repent if we will bee worthy partakers 2 The duties to be performed in respect of our neighbour is Charity Charity is a hearty forgiuing of others who haue offended vs and after reconciliation an outward vnfained testifying of the inward affections of our hearts by gestures words and deeds as oft as we meete and occasion is offred For first without loue to our neighbour no sacrifice is acceptable vnto GOD. Secondly because one chiefe end wherefore the Lords Supper was ordained is to confirme Christians loue one towards an other Thirdly no man can assure himselfe that his owne sinnes are forgiuen of God if his heart cannot yeelde to forgiue the faults of men that haue offended him Thus farre of the first sort of duties which we are to performe before wee come to the Lords Table called Preparation 2 Of the second sort of duties which a worthy Communicant is to performe at the receiuing of the Lords Supper called Meditation THis exercise of spirituall Meditation consists in diuers points First when the Sermon is ended and the banquet of the Lords Supper begins to be celebrated meditate with thy selfe how thou art inuited by Christ to be a guest at his holy table and how louingly he inuiteth thee Hoe euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters of life c. Come buy wine and milke without money and without price eate yee that which is good let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Take ye eate ye This is my body which was broken for you drinke yee all of this for this is my blood which was shed for the remission of your sinnes What greater honor can be vouchsafed then to be admitted to sit at the Lords own Table What better fare can be affoorded then to feede of the Lords owne body and bloud If Dauid thought it to be the greatest fauour that he could shew vnto good Barzalla● for all the kindenesse that hee shewed vnto him in his troubles to offer him That he should feed with him at his owne Table in Ierusalem how much greater fauour ought we to account it when Christ doth indeede feede vs in the Church at his owne Table and that with his owne most holy body and bloud Secondly as Abraham vvhen hee vvent ●p to thy Mount to sacrifice Isaak his Sonne left his Seruants beneath in the Valley so vvhen thou commest to the Spirituall Sacrifice of the Lords Supper lay aside all earthly thoughts and cogitations that thou maist wholy contemplate of Christ and offer vp thy Soule vnto him vvho sacrificed both his Soule and Body for thee Thirdly meditate vvith thy selfe how precious and venerable is the Body and Bloud of the Sonne of God vvho is the Ruler of Heauen and Earth the Lord at vvhose becke the Angels tremble and by whom both the quicke and dead shall be iudged at the last day and thou among the rest And how that it is hee who hauing beene crucified for thy sinnes offereth now to be receiued by faith into thy soule On the other side consider how sinfull a Creature thou art how altogether vnworthy of so holy a Guest how ill deseruing to taste of such sacred foode hauing beene conceiued in filthinesse and wallowing euer since in the mire of Iniquitie bearing the Name of a Christian but doing the Workes of the Diuell adoring CHRIST with an Aue Rex in thy mouth but spitting Oathes in his face and crucifying him anew vvith thy gracelesse actions Fourthly ponder then with what face darest thou offer to touch so holy a body with such defiled hands or to drinke such precious blood with so lewde and lying a mouth or to lodge so blessed a guest in so vncleane a stable For if the Bethshemites vvere slaine for but looking irreuerently into the Arke of the olde Testament what Iudgement mayest thou iustly expect who with such i●●ure eies and heart art come to see and receiue the Arke of the New Testament in which dwelleth all the fulnesse of the God-head bodily If Vzza for but touching though not without zeale the Arke of the Couenant was stricken with sudden death What stroake of diuine Iudgement maiest thou not feare that so rudely with vncleane hands doest presume to handle the Arke of the eternall Testament wherein is hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge If Iohn Baptist the holiest man that was borne of a woman thought himselfe vnworthy to beare his shooes O Lord how vnworthy is such a prophane wretch as thou art to eate his holy flesh and to drinke his precious bloud If the blessed Apostle S. Peter seeing but a glympse of Christs Almightie Power thought himselfe vnworthy to stand in the same B●ate with him how vnworthy art thou to sit with Christ at the same Table where thou maist behold the infinitenesse of his Grace and Mercy displayed If the Centurion thought that the roofe of his house was not vvorthy to harbour so diuine a Guest what roome can there be fit vnder thy ribs for Christs holinesse to dwell in If the bloud-issued sicke woman feared to touch the Hemme of his Garment how shouldest thou tremble to eate his flesh and to drinke his all-healing bloud Yet if thou commest humbly in Faith Repentance and Charitie abhorring thy sins past and purposing vnfainedly to amend thy life henceforth let not thy former sinnes affright thee for they shall be neuer laid vnto thy charge and this Sacrament shall seale vnto thy Soule that all thy sinnes and the Iudgements due vnto them are fully pardoned and cleane washed away by the bloud of Christ. For this Sacrament vvas not ordained for them who are perfect but to helpe penitent sinners vnto perfection Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And he saith that the whole neede not the Physitian but they that are sicke Those hath Christ called and when they came them hath hee euer helped Witnesse the whole Gospell which testifieth that not one sinner
thoughts and sighes The first thought SEeing euery man enters into this life in Teares passeth it in sweate and ends it in sorrow ah what is there in it that a man should desire to liue any longer to it oh what a folly is it that vvhen the Mariner roweth with all his force to arriue at the wished Port and that the Traueller neuer testeth till hee come to his iourneyes end wee feare to discrie our Port and therefore would put backe our Barke to be longer tossed in this continual Tempest we weepe to see our iourneyes end and therefore desire our iourney to be lengthened that vvee might be more tyred with a foule and cumbersome way The spirituall sigh thereupon O Lord this life is but a troublesome Pilgrimage few in dayes but full in euils and I am weary of it by reason of my sinnes Let me therefore O Lord entreate thy Maiestie in this my bed of sickenesse as Elias did vnder the Iuniper tree in his affliction It is now enough O Lord that I haue liued so long in this vale of miserie take my f●ule into thy mercifull hands for I am no better then my Fathers The second thought THinke with what a body of sinne thou art loaden vvhat great ciuill warres are contayned in a little world the flesh fighting against the spirit Passion against Reason Earth against Heauen and the world within thee ●anding it selfe for the world without thee and that but one onely meane remaines to end this conflict Death which in Gods appoynted time will seperate thy Spirit from thy flesh the pure and regenerate part of thy soule from that part which is impure and vnregenerated The spirituall sigh vpon the second thought O Wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death O my sweete Sauiour Iesus Christ thou hast redeemed me with thy precious bloud And because thou hast deliuered my soule from sinne mine eyes from teares and my feete from falling I doe here from the very bottome of my heart ascribe the vvhole praise and glory of my Saluation to thy onely grace and mercy saying vvith the holy Apostle Thankes be vnto GOD which hath giuen mee the victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ. The third thought THinke how it behooues thee to be assured that thy soule is Christs for death hath taken sufficient gages to assure himselfe of thy body in that all thy senses beginne already to dye saue onely the sense of paine but sith the beginning of thy being beganne with paine meruaile the lesse if thy end conclude with dolours But if these temporall dolours which onely afflict the body be so painefull O Lord who can endure the deuouring fire who can abide the euerlasting burning The spirituall sigh vpon the third thought O Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the liuing GOD vvho art the onely Physitian that canst ease my body from paine and restore my Soule to life eternall put thy Passion Crosse and death betwixt my Soule and thy Iudgement and let the merits of thy Obedience stand betwixt thy Fathers Iustice and my disobedience and from these bodily paines receiue my soule into thine euerlasting peace for I cry vnto thee with Stephen Lord Iesu receiue my spirit The fourth thought THinke that the worst that death can doe is but to send thy soule sooner then thy flesh would be willing to Christ and his heauenly ioyes Remember that that worst is thy best hope The worst therefore of death is rather a helpe then a harme The spirituall sigh vpon the fourth thought O Lord Iesus Christ the Sauiour of all them that put their trust in thee forsake not him that in misery flieth vnto thy grace for succour and mercy Oh sound that sweet voyce in the eares of my soule which thou spokest vnto the penitent theefe on the Crosse this day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise For I O Lord doe with the Apostle from my soule speake vnto thee I desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ. The fifth thought THink if thou fearest to dye that in Mount Sion there is no death for he that beleeueth in Christ shall neuer die And if thou desirest to liue without doubt the life eternall whereunto this death is but a passage surpasseth all There doe all the faithfull departed hauing ended their miseries liue with Christ in ioyes and thither shall all the godly which suruiue be gathered out of their troubles to enioy with him eternall rest The spirituall sigh on the fift thought O Lord thou seest the malice of Satan who not contenting himselfe 〈…〉 all the da●es and nights of our life to seek our destruction shewes himselfe most b●siest when thy children are weakest and neerest to their end O Lord reprooue him and prese●ue my Soule Hee seekes to terrifie me with death which my sins haue deserued but let thy holy spirit comfort my soule with the assurance of eternall life which thy blood hath purchased Asswage my pain encrease my patience and if it be thy blessed will end my troubles for my soule beseecheth thee with olde blessed Simeon L●rd now let me thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word The sixth thought THink with thy selfe what a blessing God hath bestowed vpon thee aboue many millions of the world that whereas they are either Pagans who worship not the true GOD or Idolaters who worship the true GOD falsely Thou hast liued in a true Christian Church and hast grace to dye in the true Christian faith and to be buried in the sepulchres of Gods seruants who all waite for the hope of Israel the raising of their bodies in the resurrection of the iust The spirituall sigh vpon the sixt thought O Lord Iesus Christ who art the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though hee were dead I beleeue that whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in thee shall neuer dye I know that I shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day for I am sure that thou my Redeemer liuest And though that after my death wormes destroy this body yet I shall see thee my Lord and my God in this flesh Grant therefore O CHRIST for thy bitter death and passions sake that at that day I may bee one of them to whom thou wilt pronounce that ioyfull sentence Come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the world The seauenth thought THinke with thy selfe how Christ endured for thee a cursed death and the wrath of God which was due vnto thy sinnes and what terrible paines and cruell torments the Apostles and Martyrs haue voluntarily suffered for the defence of Christs faith when they might haue liued by dissembling or denying him how much more willing shouldest thou be to depart in the faith of Christ hauing lesse paines to torment thee
TO THE HIGH AND mighty Prince CHARLES Prince of WALES CHRIST IESVS the PRINCE of Princes blesse your Highnesse with length of dayes and an increase of all Graces which may make you truely prosperous in this life and eternally happy in that which is to come Ionathan shot three Arrowes to driue Dauid further off from Sauls furie and this is the third Epistle which I haue written to draw your Highnesse neerer to Gods fauour by directing your heart to beginne like Iosiah in your youth to seeke after the GOD of DAVID and of IACOB your Father Not but that I know that your Highnesse doth this without mine admonition but because I would with the Apostle haue you to abound in euery Grace in faith and knowledge and in all diligence and in your loue to Gods Seruice and true Religion Neuer was there more neede of plaine and vnfained Admonitions for the Comicke in that saying seemes but to haue prophesied of our times Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit And no maruell seeing that wee are fallen into the dregges of Time which being the last must needes be the worst dayes And how can there be worse seeing Vanitie knowes not how to be vainer nor Wickednesse how to be more wicked And whereas heretofore those haue beene counted most holy who haue shewed themselues most zealous in their Religion they are now reputed most discreet who can make the least profession of their Faith And that these are the last daies appeares euidently because that Securitie of mens eternall state hath so ouerwhelmed as CHRIST fore-told it should all sorts that most who now liue are become louers of pleasures more then louers of God And of those who pretend to loue GOD. O GOD what sanctified hart can but bleede to beholde how seldome they come to prayers how irreuerently they heare Gods Word what strangers they are at the Lords Table what assiduous spectators they are at Stage-playes where being Christians they can sport themselues to heare the Vassals of the Diuell scoffing Religion and blasphemously abusing phrases of holy Scripture on their Stages as familiarly as they vse their Tabacco-pipes in their bibbing-houses So that he who would now adayes seeke in most Christians for the power shall scarse almost finde the very shew of godlinesse Neuer was there more sinning neuer lesse remorse for sinne Neuer was the Iudge neerer to come neuer was there so little preparation for his comming And if the Bride-groome should now come how many who thinke themselues wise enough and full of all knowledge would be found foolish Virgines without one droppe of the Oyle of sauing Faith in their lamps For the greatest wisedome of most men in this age consists in being wise first to deceiue others and in the end to deceiue themselues And if sometimes some good Booke haps into their hands or some good motion comes into their heads whereby they are put in minde to consider the vncertaintie of this life present or how weake assurance they haue of eternall life if this were ended and how they haue some secret sinnes for which they must needes repent here or be punished for them in Hell hereafter Securitie then forthwith whispers the Hypocrite in the Eare that though it be fit to thinke of these things yet It is not yet time and that hee is yet young enough though hee cannot but know that many millions as young as himselfe are already in hell for want of timely Repentance Presumption warrants him in the other Eare that hee may haue time hereafter at his leasure to repent and that howsoeuer others dye yet hee is farre enough from death and therefore may boldly take yet a longer time to enioy his sweete pleasures and to encrease his vvealth and greatnesse And hereupon like Salomons Sluggard he yeelds himselfe to a little more sleepe a little more slumber a little more folding of the hands to sleepe in his former sinnes till at last Despayre Securities ougly hand-maide comes in vnlooked for shewes him his Houre-glasse dolefully telling him that his time is past and that nothing now remaines but to dye and be damn'd Let not this seeme strange to any for too many haue found it too true more without more grace are like to be thus soothed to their end and in the end snared to their endlesse perdition In my desire therefore of the common saluation but especially of your Highnesse euerlasting Welfare I haue endeuoured to extract out of the Chaos of endlesse Controuersies the olde Practise of true PIETIE which flourished before these Controuersies were hatched which my poore labours in a short while comes now forth againe the third time vnder the gracious protection of your Highnesse fauour and by their entertainment seeme not to be altogether vnwelcome to the Church of Christ. If to be pious hath in all ages beene held true honour how much more honourable is it in so impious an age to be the true Patrone and Patterne of Pietie Pietie made Dauid Salomon Iehosaphat Ezechias Iosias Zerubbabel Constantine Theodosidus Edward the 6. Queene Elizabeth Prince Henry and other religious Princes to be so honoured that their names since their deaths smels in the Church of GOD like a precious oyntment and their remembrance is sweet as Hony in all mouthes and as Musicke at a banquet of Wine when as the liues of others who haue beene godlesse and irreligious Princes doe rot and stinke in the memory of Gods people And what honour is it for great men to haue great titles on earth when God counts their Names vnworthy to be written in his Booke of life in heauen It is Pietie that enbalmes a Prince his good name and make his face to shine before men and glorifieth his Soule among Angels For as Moses face by often talking with GOD shined in the eyes of the People so by frequent praying which is our talking with God and hearing the Word which is Gods speaking vnto vs we shall be changed from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord to the Image of the Lord. And seeing this life is vncertaine to all especially to Princes What argument is more fit both for Princes and People to study then that which teacheth sinfull man to deny himselfe by mortifying his corruption that hee may enioy Christ the Author of his saluation To renounce these false and momentanie pleasures of the world that he may attaine to the true and eternall ioyes of Heauen to make them truely honourable before God in Piety who are now onely honourable before men in vanitie What charges soeuer wee spend in earthly vanities for the most part they eyther dye before vs or wee shortly die after them but what we spend like Mary in the Practise of Pietie shall remaine our true memoriall for euer For Pietie hath the promise of this life and of that which shall neuer
vvho came to Christ for mercy went euer away vvithout his errand Bathe thou likewise thy sicke Soule in this fountaine of Christs bloud and doubtlesse according to his promise Zach. 13.1 thou shalt be healed of all thy sinnes and vncleannesse Not sinners therefore but they who are vnwilling to repent of their sinnes are debarred this Sacrament Fiftly meditate that Christ left this Sacrament vnto vs as the chiefest token pledge of his loue not when wee vvould haue made him a King Iohn 6.15 which might haue seemed a requitall of kindnesse but vvhen Iudas and the High Priest were conspiring his death therefore vvholy of his meere fauour When Nathan would shew Dauid how entirely the poore man loued his sheepe that was killed by the rich man hee gaue her said hee to eate of his owne morsels and of his owne Cup to drinke 2 Sam. 12.3 and must not then the loue of Christ to his Church be vnspeakeable when hee giues her his owne flesh to eate and his owne bloud to drinke for her spirituall and eternall nourishment If then there be any loue in thine heart take the Cuppe of saluation into thy hand and pledge his loue with loue againe Psal. 116.11 Sixtly when the Minister beginneth the holy consecration of the Sacrament then lay aside all praying reading and all other cogitations whatsoeuer and settle thy meditation onely vpon those holy actions and rites which according to Christs Institution are vsed in and about the holy Sacrament For it hath pleased God considering our weaknesse to appoint those rites as meanes the better to lift vp our mindes to the serious contemplation of his heauenly graces When therefore thou seest the Minister putting apart Bread and Wine on the Lords Table and consecrating them by Prayers and the rehearsall of Christs Institution to be a holy Sacrament of the blessed Body and Bloud of Christ then meditate how GOD the Father of his meere loue to mankinde set apart and sealed his onely begotten Sonne to be the all-sufficient meanes and onely Mediator to redeeme vs from sinne and to reconcile vs to his grace and to bring vs to his Glory When thou seest the Minister breake the Bread being blessed thou must meditate that Iesus Christ the eternall Sonne of GOD was put to death and his blessed Soule and Body vvith the sense of Gods anger broken asunder for thy sinnes as verely as thou now seest the holy Sacrament to be broken before thine eyes And withall call to minde the hainousnesse of thy sinnes and the greatnesse of Gods hatred against the same seeing Gods Iustice could not be satisfied but by such a Sacrifice When the Minister hath blessed and broken the Sacrament and is addressing himselfe to distribute it then meditate The King who is the Master of the feast stands at the Table to see his guests and looketh vpon thee whether thou hast on thee thy Wedding garment thinke also that all the holy Angels who attend vpon the Elect in the Church and doe desire to behold the celebration of these holy Mysteries doe obserue thy reuerence and behauiour Let thy Soule therefore whilest the Minister bringeth the Sacrament vnto thee offer this or the like short Prayer vnto Christ. A sweet Soliloquie to be said betwixt the Consecration and receiuing of the Sacrament IS it true indeed that GOD will dwell on earth behold the Heauen and the Heauen of Heauens are not able to containe thee how much more vnable is the soule of such a sinfull c●itife as I am to receiue thee But seeing it is thy blessed pleasure to come thus to suppe with me and to dwell in mee I cannot for ioy but burst out and say What is man that thou art so mindfull of him and the Sonne of man that thou so regardest him What fauour soeuer thou vouchsafest mee in the abundance of thy Grace I will freely confesse what I am in the wretchednesse of my Nature I am in a vvord a carnall Creature vvhose very soule is sold vnder sinne a wretched man compassed about with a body of death yet Lord seeing thou callest here I come and seeing thou callest sinners I haue thrust my selfe in among the rest and seeing thou callest all with their heauiest loades I see no reason why I should stay behinde O Lord I am sicke and whither should I goe but vnto thee the Physitian of my Soule Thou hast cured many but neuer didst thou meete vvith a more miserable patient for I am more leaprous then Gehazi more vncleane then Magdalene more blinde in Soule then Bartimeus vvas in Body for I haue liued all this while and neuer seene the true light of thy Word My Soule runnes with a greater fluxe of sinne then vvas the Hemorisse issue of bloud Mephiboseth was not more lame to goe then my soule is to walke after thee in loue Ieroboams Arme was not more withered to strike the Prophet then my hand is maimed to relieue the poore Cure me O Lord and thou shalt doe as great a worke as in curing them all And though I haue all their sinnes and sores yet Lord so abundant is thy grace so great is thy skill that if thou wilt thou canst with a word forgiue the one and heale the other And vvhy should I doubt of thy good will when to saue mee will cost thee now but one louing smile vvho shewedst thy selfe so willing to redeem me though it should cost thee all thy heart bloud and now offerest so gratiously vnto mee the assured pledge of my redemption by thy bloud Who am I O Lord God and what is my merit that thou hast bought me with so deare a price It is meerely thy mercie and I O Lord am not worthy the least of all thy mercies much lesse to be a partaker of this holy Sacrament the greatest Pledge of the greatest mercy that euer thou diddest bestow vpon those sonnes of men whom thou louest How might I in respect of mine owne vnworthynesse cry out for feare at the sight of thy holy Sacrament as the Philistimes did when they saw the Arke of God come into the assembly Woe now vnto me a sinner But that thy Angel doth comfort me as he did the women Feare thou not for I know that thou seekest Iesus which was crucified It is thou indeed that my soule seeketh after And heere thou offerest thy selfe vnto me in thy blessed Sacrament If therefore ELIZABETH thought her selfe so much honoured at thy presence in the wombe of thy blessed mother that the babe sprange in her bellie for ioy how should my soule leape within mee for ioy now that thou commest by thy holy Sacrament to dwell in my heart for euer Oh what an honour is this that not the mother of my Lord but my Lord himselfe should come thus to visit me Indeede Lord I confesse with the faithfull Centurion that I am not worthy that thou shouldest
in the life which is to come Lastly this discouers how few there are who doe truely know God for no man knoweth God but hee that loueth him and how can a man choose but loue him being the soueraigne good if hee knew him Seeing the nature of God is to enamour men with the loue of her goodnesse and whosoeuer loueth any thing more then God is not worthy of God and such is euery one who setles the loue and rest of his heart vpon any thing besides God If therefore thou dost beleeue that God is Almighty why dost thou feare Diuels and enemies and not confidently trust in God and craue his helpe in all troubles dangers If thou beleeuest that God is infinite how darest thou prouoke him to anger If thou beleeuest that God is simple with what heart canst thou dissemble and play the hypocrite If thou beleeuest that God is the Soueraigne good why is not thy heart more setled vpon him then on all Worldly goods If thou dost indeede beleeue that God is a iust Iudge how darest thou liue so securely in sinne without repentance If thou dost truely beleeue that God is most wise why dost not thou referre the euents of crosses and disgraces vnto him vvho knoweth how to turne all things to the best vnto them that loue him If thou art perswaded that God is true why dost thou doubt of his promises And if thou beleeuest that God is beautie and Perfection it selfe why dost not thou make him alone the chiefe end of all thine affections and desires for if thou louest beautie hee is most faire If thou desirest riches hee is most wealthy if thou seekest Wisedome hee is most wise Whatsoeuer excellencie thou hast seene in any creature it is nothing but a sparkle of that which is in infinite perfection in GOD and when in Heauen wee shall haue an Immediate communion vvith God wee shall haue them all perfectly in him communicated vnto vs. Briefely in all goodnesse he is all in all Loue that one good God and thou shalt loue him in whom all the good of goodnesse consisteth He that would therfore attaine to the sauing knowledge of God must learne to know him by loue For God is loue and the knowledge of the loue of God passeth all knowledge For all knowledge besides to know how to loue God and to serue him onely is nothing vpon Salomons credit but vanitie of vanities and vexation of spirit Kindle therfore O my Lady nay rather O my Lord Charity the loue of thy selfe in my soule especially seeing it was thy good pleasure that being reconciled by the blood of Christ I should be brought by the knowledge of thy grace to the communion of thy Glory wherein onely consists my soueraigne good and happinesse for euer Thus by the light of his owne word we haue seene the backe parts of Iehoua Elohim the eternall Trinity whom to worship is true Piety whom to beleeue is sauing faith and veritie And vnto whom from all creatures in heauen and earth bee all praise dominion and Glory for euer Amen Thus farre of the knowlege of God Now of the knowlege of a Man selfe And first of the state of his miserie and corruption without renouation by CHRIST Meditations of the misery of a Man not reconciled to GOD in Christ. O Wretched man where shall I beginne to describe thine endlesse miserie who art condemned as sonne as conceiued and adiudged to eternall death before thou wast borne to a temporall life A beginning indeed I finde but no end of thy miseries for when Adam and Eue being created after Gods owne Image and placed in Paradise that they and their posterity might liue in a blessed state of life immortall hauing dominion of all earthly creatures and onely restrained from the fruit of one tree as a signe of their subiection to their Almightie Creator Though God forbad them this one small thing vnder the penalty of eternal death yet they beleeued the diuels word before the word of God making God as much as in them lay a lyer And so being vnthankefull for all the benefits which God bestowed on them they became male-contented with their present state as if God had dealt enuiously or nigardly with them and beleeued that the Diuel would make them pertakers of farre more glorious things then euer God had bestowed vpon them and in their pride they fell into high treason against the most high and disdayning to be Gods subiects they affected blasphemously to bee Gods themselues equals vnto God Hence till they repented losing Gods Image they became like vnto the Diuell and so all their posterity as a traiterous broode whilest they remaine impenitent like thee are subiect in this life to all cursed miseries and in the life to come to the euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuel and his Angels Lay then aside for a while thy doating vanities and take a view with me of thy dolefull miseries which daily suruayed I doubt not but that thou wilt conclude that it is far better neuer to haue natures being then not to be by grace a Practicioner of religious Pietie Consider therfore thy misery 1 In thy life 2 In thy death 3 After death In thy life 1 The miseries accompanying thy body 2 The miseries which deforme thy soule In thy death the miseries which shall oppresse thy body and soule After death the miseries which ouerwhelme both body and soule together in Hell And first let vs take a view of those miseries which accompanie thy body according to the foure ages of thy life 1 Infancy 2 Youth 3 Manhood 4 Olde age Meditations of the misery of Infancy WHat wast thou being an Infant but a bruit hauing the shape of a man was not thy body conceiued in the heate of lust the secret of shame and staine of originall sinne And thus wast thou cast naked vpon the earth all imbrued in the blood of filthinesse fithy indeed when the Sonne of God who disdained not to take on him mans nature and the infirmities thereof yet thought it vnbeseeming his Holines to be conceiued after the sinfull maner of mans conception So that thy mother was ashamed to let thee know the manner thereof What cause then hast thou to boast of thy birth which was a cursed paine to thy mother and to thy selfe the entrance into a troublesome life the greatnesse of which miseries because thou couldst not vtter in words thou didst expresse as well as thou couldest in weaping teares 2 Meditations of the miseries of youth WHat is Youth but an vntamted beast all whose actions are rash and rude not capable of good counsell when it is giuen and Ape-like delighting in nothing but in toies and bables Therefore thou no sooner beganst to haue a little strength and discretion but foorthwith thou wast kept vnder the rodde and feare of parents and masters as if thou hadst beene borne to
a spoonefull of supping to releeue languishing nature The wretched soule seeing her selfe thus desolate and altogether destitute of friēds helpe and comfort and knowing that within an houre shee must be in euerlasting paines retires her selfe to the heart which of all members is Primum viuens vltimum moriens from whence shee makes this dolefull lamentation with her selfe O miserable caitiffe that I am How doe the Sorrowes of death compasse me How doe the floudes of Belial make me afraid Now haue indeed the snares both of the first and second death ouertaken me at once Oh how sodainlie hath death stollen vpon me with insensible degrees Like the Sunne which the eie perceiues not to mooue though it bee most swift of motion How doth Death wreake on me his spite without pitty The GOD of mercie hath vtterly forsaken me and the Deuill who knowes no mercy waites for to take me How often haue I been warned of this dolefull day by the faithfull Preachers of Gods word and I made but a iest thereat What profit haue I now of all my pride fine house and faire apparell what 's become of the sweet relish of all my delicious fare All the wordly goods which I so carefully gathered would I now giue for a good conscience which I so carelesly neglected And what ioy remaines now of all my former fleshly pleasures wherein I placed my cheefe delight Those foolish pleasures were but deceitfull dreames and now they are past like vanishing shadowes but to thinke of those eternall paines which I must endure for those short pleasures paines me an Hell before I enter into Hell Yet iustly I confesse as I haue deserued I am serued that being made after Gods Image a reasonable soule able to iudge mine owne estate and hauing mercy so often offered and I entreated to receiue it I neglected Gods grace and preferred the pleasures of sin before the religious care of pleasing GOD lewdly spending my short time without considering what accounts I should make of my last end And now all the pleasures of my life being put together counteruaile not the lest part of my present paines My ioies were but momentany and gone before I could scarse enioy them my miseries are eternall and neuer shall know end Oh that I had spent the houres that I consumed in carding dicing playing and other vile exercises in reading the Scriptures in hearing Sermons in receiuing the Communion in weeping for my sins in fasting watching praying and in preparing my soule that I might haue now departed in the assured hope of euerlasting saluation Oh that I were now to beginne my life againe how would I contemne the world and the vanities thereof how religiouslie and purely would I leade my life how would I frequent the Church and sanctifie the Lords day If Satan should offer me all the treasures pleasures and promotions of this world he should neuer entice mee to forget these terrors of this last dreadfull houre But O corrupt carkasse and stinking carrion How hath the Deuil deluded vs and how haue we serued and deceiued each other and pulled swift damnation vpon vs both Now is my case more miserable then the beast that perisheth in a ditch for I must goe to answere before the iudgement seate of the righteous Iudge of heauen and earth where I shall haue none to speake for mee and these wicked fiends who are priuy to al my euil deeds will accuse me and I cannot excuse my selfe My owne heart already condemnes mee I must needes therefore be damned before his iudgment seat and from thence be carried by these infernall fiendes into that horrible prison of endlesse torments and vtter darkenesse where I shall neuer more see light that first most excellent thing that God made I who gloried heretofore in being a libertine am now inclosed in the very clawes of Satan as the trembling Partriges within the griping talents of the rauenenous Falcon. Where shall I logde to night and who shall be my companions Oh horror to thinke Griefe to consider Oh cursed be the day wherein I was borne let not the day wherin my mother bare me be blessed Cursed be the man that shewed my Father saying a child is borne vnto thee and comforted him Cursed be that man because he slew mee not Oh that my mother might haue beene my graue or her wombe a perpetual conception How is it that I came forth of the wombe to endure these hellish sorrowes and that my daies should thus end with eternall shame Cursed be the day that I was first vnited to so lewd a body O that I had but so much fauour as that I might neuer see thee more Our parting is bitter and dolefull but our meeting againe to receiue at that dreadfull day the fulnesse of our deserued vengeance will be farre more terrible and intollerable But what meane I thus by too late lamentation to seeke to prolong time My lost houre is come I heare the heart strings breake this filthy house of clay fals on my head heere is neither hope helpe nor place of any longer abiding And must I needes be gon Then filthy carkase Oh filthy carkasse with fareill farewell I leaue thee And so all-trembling shee commeth foorth and foorthwith is seised vpon by Infernall fiendes who carry her with violence torrents simil● to the bottomlesse lake that burneth with fire and brimstone Where she is kept as a prisoner in torments till the generall iudgement of the great day The loathsome carkase is afterwards laid in the graue In which action for the most part the dead bury the dead that is They who are dead in sinne bury them who are dead for sinne And thus the godlesse and vnregenerated wordling who made earth his Paradice his belly his God his lust his law as in his life he sowed vanitie so he is now dead and reapeth misery In his prosperity he neglected to serue GOD In his aduersity GOD refuseth to saue him And the Deuill whom he long serued now at length paies him his wages Detestable was his life damnable his death The Deuill hath his soule the graue hath his carkasse in which pit of corruption den of death and dungeon of sorrow let vs leaue the miserable caitiffe rotting with his mouth full of earth his belly full of wormes and his carkasse ful of stench expecting a fearefull resurrection when his shall be reunited with the soule that as they sinned together so they may be eternally tormented together Thus farre of the miseries of the soule and body in death which is but cursednesse in part Now followes the fulnesse cursednesse which is the misery of the soule and body after death Meditations of the misery of a man after death which is the fulnesse of Cursednesse THe fulnesse when it fals vpon a Creature not able to beare the burnt thereof presseth him down to that bottomlesse deepe of the endlesse wrath of Almightie God which is called
qualities but the same still in substance And howsoeuer sinne and corruption makes a man in this state of mortality lower then Angels yet surely when God shall thus Crowne him with glory and honour I cannot see how man shall be any thing inferiour to Angels For are they Spirits So is Man also in respect of his soule yea more then this they shall haue also a spirituall Body Fashioned like vnto the glorious body of the Lord Iesus Christ in whom mans nature is exalted by a personall vnion into the glory of the Godhead and indiuiduall society of the blessed Trinity An honor which he neuer vouchsafed Angels And in this respect man hath a prerogatiue aboue them Nay they are but spirits appointed to be ministers vnto the Elect and as many of them who at the first disdained this office and would not keep their first standing were for their pride hurled into hell This lesseneth not the dignity of Angels but extols the greatnesse of Gods loue to Mankinde But as for all the Elect who at that second and sodaine comming of Christ shall be found quicke and liuing The fire that shall burne vp the corruption of the world and the workes therein shall in a moment in the twinkling of an eye ouertake them as it findes them either grinding in the mill of prouision or walking in the fields of pleasure or lying in the bed of ease and so burning vp their drosse and corruption of mortall make them immortall bodies and this change shall be vnto them in stead of death Then shall the Soule with ioyfulnesse greete her body saying Oh well met againe my deare sister How sweet is thy voice how comely is thy countenance hauing lyen hid so long in the clifts of the rockes and in the secret places of the graue Thou art indeed an habitation fit not onely for me to dwell in but such as the Holy Ghost thinkes meete to reside in as his Temple for euer The Winter of our affliction is now past the storme of our misery is blowne ouer and gone The Bodies of our Elect Brethren appeare more glorious then the Lilly flowers on the earth the time of singing Hallelu●ah is come and the voyce of the Trumpet is heard in the Land Thou hast beene my Yo●ke-fellow in the Lords labours and companion in persecutions and wrongs for Christ and his Gospels sake now shall we enter together into our Masters ioy as thou hast borne with mee the crosse so shalt thou now weare with mee the Crowne as thou hast with mee sowed plenteously in teares so shalt thou reape with mee aboundantly in ioy O blessed aye blessed be that GOD who vvhen yonder reprobates spent their whole time in Pride fleshly lusts eating drinking and profane vanities gaue vs grace to ioyne together in watching fasting praying reading the Scriptures keeping his Sabboths hearing Sermons receiuing the holy Communion relieuing the Poore exercising in all humilitie the workes of Pietie to God and vvalking conscionably in the duties of our calling towards men Thou shalt anone heare no mention of thy sinnes for they are remitted and couered but euery good worke vvhich thou hast done for the Lords sake shall be rehearsed and rewarded Cheere vp thy heart for thy Iudge is flesh of thy flesh and bone of thy bone Lift vp thy head behold these glorious Angels like so many Gabriels flying towards vs to tell vs that the day of our Redemption is come and to conuey vs in the clouds to meete our Redeemer in the Ayre Loe they are at hand arise therefore my Doue my Loue my faire One and come away and so like Roes or young Harts they runne with Angels towards Christ ouer the trembling mountaines of B●ther 6 Both quicke and dead being thus reuiued and glorified shall forth-with by the ministery of Gods holy Angels be gathered from all the quarters and parts of the world and caught vp together in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Ayre and so shall come with him as a part of his glorious traine to iudge the Reprobates and euill Angels The twelue Apostles shall sit vpon twelue Thrones next Christ to iudge the twelue Tribes who refused to heare the Gospell preached by their Ministerie And all the Saints in honour and order shall stand next vnto them as Iudges also to iudge the euill Angels and earthly-minded men And as euery of them receiued grace in this life to be more zealous of his glory and more faithfull in his Seruice then others so shall their glory and reward be greater then others in that day The place whither they shall be gathered vnto Christ and where Christ shal sit in Iudgement shall be in the Ayre ouer the valley of Iehosaphat by mount Oliuet neere vnto Ierusalem East-ward from the Temple as it is probable for foure reasons 1 Because the holy Scripture seemes to intimate so much in plaine wordes I will gather all Nations into the valley of Iehosaphat and pleade with them there Cause thy mightie ones to come downe O Lord let the Heathen be wakened and come vp to the valley of Iehosaphat for there will I sit to iudge all the Heathen round about Iehosaphat signifieth the Lord will iudge And this valley was so called from the great victory vvhich the LORD gaue Iehosaphat and his people ouer the Ammonites Miabites and Inhabitants of Mount Seir. Which victory was a Type of the finall victory which Christ the supreame Iudge shall giue his Elect ouer all their Enemies in that place at the last day as all the Iewes interprete it See Zach. 14.4 5. Psal. 51.1.2 c. all agreeing that the place shall be thereabouts 2 Because that as Christ was there-abouts crucified and put to open shame so ouer that place his glorious Throne should be erected in the Ayre when hee shall appeare in Iudgement to manifest his Maiestie and glory for it is meete that Christ should in that place iudge the world with righteous Iudgement where he himselfe was vniustly iudged and condemned 3 Because that seeing the Angels shall be sent to gather together the Elect from the foure windes from one end of heauen to the other It is most probable that the place whither they shall be gathered to shall be neere Ierusalem and the valley of Iehosaphat which Cosmographers describe to be in the middest of the superficies of the Earth I the termini a quibus be the foure parts of the World the terminus ad quem must be about the Center 4 Because the Angels tolde the Disciples that as they saw Christ ascend from Mount Oliuet which is ouer the valley of Iehosaphat so hee shall in like maner come downe from Heauen This is the opinion of Aquinas and all the Schoolemen except Lombard and Alexander Hales 7 Lastly when Christ is set in his glorious
Throne and all the many thousands of his Saints and Angels shining more bright then so many Sunnes in glory sitting about him and the body of Christ in glory and brightnesse surpassing them all The Reprobates being separated and remaining beneath vpon the earth for the right hand signifieth a blessed the left hand a cursed estate Christ will first pronounce the sentence of absolution and blisse vpon the Elect first because he will thereby increase the griefe of the reprobate that shall heare it secondly to shew himselfe more prone to Mercy then to Iudgement And thus from his Throne of Maiestie in the Ayre hee shall in the sight and hearing of all the world pronounce vnto his Elect. Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world for c. Come yee Here is our blessed vnion with Christ and by him with the whole Trinitie Blessed Here is our absolution from all sinnes and our plenary endowment with all grace and happinesse Of my Father Here is the Author from whom by Christ proceeds our felicitie Inherit Here is our Adoption The Kingdome Behold our Birth-right and possession Prepared See Gods Fatherly care for his chosen From the Foundation of the world O the free eternall and vnchangeable Election of GOD How much are those soules bound to loue GOD who of his meere good-will and pleasure chose and loued them before they had done either good or euill For I was hungry c O the Goodnesse of Christ who takes notice of all the good-workes of his Children to reward them How great is his loue to poore Christians who takes euery worke of mercy done to them for his sake as if it had beene done to himselfe Come yee to me in whom yee haue beleeued before yee saw me and whom yee haue loued and sought for with so much deuotion and through so many tribulations Come now from labour to rest from disgrace to glory from the iawes of death to the ioyes of eternall Life For my sake yee haue beene rai●ed vpon reuiled and cursed But now it shall appeare to all those cursed Esaus that you are the true Iacobs that shall receiue your heauenly Fathers blessing and blessed shall you be Your fathers mothers and neerest kindred forsooke and cast you off for my Truths sake which you maintained but now my Father will be vnto you a Father and you shall be his Sonnes and Daughters for euer You were cast out of your lands and liuings and forsoke all for my sake and the Gospell But that it may appeare that you haue not lost your gaine but gained by your losse in stead of an earthly inheritance and possessions you shall possesse with mee the inheritance of my heauenly Kingdome where you shall be for loue sonnes for birth-right heires for dignitie Kings for holinesse Priests and you may be bold to enter into the possession thereof now because my Father prepared and kept it for you euer since the first foundation of the world was laid Immediately after this Sentence of absolution and benediction euery one receiueth his crowne which Christ the righteous Iudge puts vpon their heads as the reward which hee hath promised of his grace and mercy vnto the faith and good workes of all them that loued that his appearing Then euery one taking his Crowne from his Head shall lay it downe as it were at the Feete of Christ and prostrating themselues shall with one heart and voyce in an heauenly sort and consort say Praise and Honour and Glory and Power and Thankes be vnto thee O blessed Lambe who sittest vpon the Throne wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy bloud out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation and hast made vs vnto our God Kings and Priests to raigne with thee in thy Kingdome for euermore Amen Then shall they sit in their Thrones and order as Iudges of the Reprobates and euill Angels by approuing and giuing testimony to the righteous sentence and iudgement of Christ the supreame Iudge After the pronouncing of the Reprobates sentence and condemnation Christ vvill performe two solemne Actions 1 The presenting of all the Elect vnto his Father Behold O righteous Father these are they whom thou gauest mee I haue kept them and none of them is lost I gaue them thy Word and they beleeued it and the world hated them because they were not of the world euen as I was not of the world And now Father I will that those whom thou hast giuen mee be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me and that I may be in them and thou in mee that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that thou hast sent me and that thou hast loued them as thou hast loued me 2 Christ shall deliuer vp the Kingdome to GOD euen the Father that is shall cease to execute his office of Mediatorship whereby as he is King Priest Prophet and supreame head of the Church hee suppressed his Enemies and ruled his faithfull people by his Spirit Word and Sacraments So that his Kingdome of grace ouer his Church in this world ceasing hee shall rule immediately as hee is GOD equall vvith the Father and the holy Ghost in his Kingdome of Glory for euermore not that the dignitie of his Manhood shall be any thing diminished but that the glory of his Godhead shall be more manifested so that as hee is God hee shall from thence forth in all fulnesse without all externall meanes rule all in all From this Tribunall seate Christ shall arise and vvith all his glorious Company of Elect Angels and Saints he shall goe vp triumphantly in order and array vnto the heauen of Heauens with such a heauenly noise and Musicke that now may that Song of Dauid be truely verified God is gone vp with a triumph the Lord with the sound of the Trumpets Sing praises to God sing praises sing prayses vnto our King sing praises for God is the King of all the Earth he is greatly to be exalted And that Marriage song of Iohn Let vs be glad and reioyce and giue honour to him for the Marriage of the Lambe is come and his Wife hath made her selfe ready Alleluiah for the Lord God omnipotent raigneth The third and last Degree of the blessed state of a regenerated man after death beginnes after the pronouncing of the Sentence and lasteth eternally without all end Meditations of the blessed estate of a regenerated Man in heauen after he hath receiued his sentence of Absolution before the Tribunall seate of Christ at the last day of Iudgement HEere my Meditation lazeleth and my Penne falleth out of my hand the one being not able to conceiue nor the other to describe that most excellent blisse and eternall weight of glory whereof all the
but a foolerie for a man liues forty yeeres before hee knowes himselfe to be a foole and by that time hee seeth his folly his life is finished Hearke Husbandman before thou seest many more crops of haruest thy selfe shalt be ripe and Death will cut thee downe with his Syckle Heark Trades-man ere many sixe moneths goes ouer thy last moneth will come on after which thou shalt trace away and trade no longer Hearke most graue Iudge within a few Tearmes the terme of thy life approcheth wherein thou shalt cease to iudge others and goe thy selfe to be iudged Hearke ô man of God that goest to the Pulpit preach this Sermon as if it were the last thou shouldest make to thy people Hearke Noble-man lay aside the high conceit of thy Honour Death ere it be long vvill lay thine Honour in the dust and make thee as base as the earth that thou treadest vnder thy feet Hearke thou that now readest this Booke assure thy selfe ere it be long there vvill be but two holes where now thy two eyes are placed and others shall reade the truth of this lesson vpon thy bare skull which now thou readest in this little Booke How soone I know not but this I am sure of that thy time is appointed thy moneths are determined thy dayes are numbred and thy very last houre is limited beyond which thou shalt not passe for then the first borne of Death mounted on his pale Horse shall alight at thy doore and notwithstanding all thy Wealth thy Honour and the teares of thy dearest friends will carry thee away bound hand and foote as his prisoner and keepe thy body vnder a loade of earth vntill that day come vvherein thou must be brought forth to receiue according to the things which thou hast done in that body whether it be good or euill Oh let not then the false hope of an vncertaine long life hinder thee from becomming a present Practizer of religious Pietie GOD offereth grace to day but who promiseth to morrow There are now in hell many young-men vvho had purposed to repent in their olde age but Death cut them off in their impenitencie ere euer they could attaine to the time they set for their repentance The longer a man runnes in a disease the harder it is to be cured for custome of sin breedes hardnesse of heart and the impediments vvhich hinder thee from repenting now will hinder thee more when thou art more aged A wise man being to goe a farre and foule iourney will not lay the heauiest burthen vpon the weakest horse And with what conscience canst thou lay the great load of repentance on thy feeble and tyred old age Whereas now in thy chiefest strength thou canst not lift it but art ready to stagger vnder it Is it wisdome for him that is to saile a long and dangerous voyage to lye playing and sleeping whilest the winde serueth and the Sea is calme the shippe sound the Pilote well the Marriners strong and then to set foorth when the windes are contrary the weather tempestuous the Sea raging the Ship rotten the Pilote sicke and the Sailers languishing Therefore O sinfull soule beginne now thy conuersion to God whilest life health strength and youth lasteth before those yeeres draw nigh whē as thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them GOD euer required in his seruice the first borne and the first fruits and those to be offered vnto him without delay So iust d Abel offered vnto GOD his firstlings and fattest lambes and reason good that the best Lord should be first best serued All Gods seruants should therefore remember to serue their Creator in the daies of their youth and earely in the morning like Abraham to sacrifice vnto GOD the yong Isaak of their age Yee shall not see my face saith Ioseph to his brethren except you bring your yonger brother with you And how shalt thou looke in the face of Iesus if thou giuest thy younger yeeres to the Diuell and bringest him nothing but thy blinde lame and decrepit old age Offer it vnto thy Prince saith Malachy If he will not accept such a one to serue him how shall the Prince of Princes admit such a one to be his seruant If the King of Babel would haue young men well fauoured and such as had ability in them to stand in his palace shall the King of heauen haue none to stand in his Courts but the blinde and lame such as the soule of Dauid hated Thinkest thou when thou hast serued Satan with thy prime yeeres to satisfie God with thy dogge daies Take heede lest God turne thee ouer to thy olde master againe That as thou hast all the daies of thy life done his worke so hee may in the ende pay thee thy wages Is that a fit time to vndertake by the serious exercises of repentance which is the worke of workes to turne thy sinnefull Soule to GOD when thou art not able with all thy strength to turne thy weary bones on thy soft bed If thou findest it so hard a matter now thou shalt finde it farre harder then For thy sinne will waxe stronger thy strength will grow weaker thy conscience will clog thee paine will distracte thee the feare of death will amaze thee and the visitation of friends will so disturbe thee that if thou be not furnished aforehand with store of faith patience and consolation thou shalt not be able either to meditate thy selfe or to heare the words of comfort from others nor to pray alone nor to ioyne with others who pray for thee It may bee thou shalt be taken with a dumbe palsey or such a deadly senslessenesse that thou shalt neither remember God nor thinke vpon thine owne estate And doest thou not well deserue that God should forget to saue thee in thy death vvho art so vnmindefull now to serue him in thy life The feare of death will driue many at that time to cry Lord Lord but Christ protesteth that hee will not then know them for his Yea many shal then like Esau with teares seeke to repent and yet finde no place to repentance For man hath not free-wil to repent when he will but when God will giue him grace And if Mercy shewed her selfe so inexo●able that shee would not open her gates to so tender suiters as Virgins to so earnest suiters as knockers because they knocked too late How thinkest thou that shee will euer suffer thee to enter her gates being so impure a wretch that neuer thinketh to leaue sinne till sinne first leaueth thee and didst neuer yet knocke with thine owne fistes vpon the breasts of a penitent heart And iustly doth her Grace deny to open the gates of Heauen when thou knockest in thine aduersitie who in thy prosperitie wouldest not suffer Christ whilest he knocked to enter at in the dore of thy
nights in the graue hath sanctified and as it were warmed it for the bodies of his Saints to rest and sleepe in till the morning of the resurrection So that now vnto the faithfull Death is but a sweet sleepe and the graue but Christs bed where their bodies rest and sleepe in peace vntill the ioyfull morning of the Resurrection day shall dawne vnto them Let therefore thy bed-cloathes represent vnto thee the mould of the earth that shall couer thee thy sh●etes thy winding sheete thy sleepe thy death thy waking thy resurrection And being laid downe in thy bed when thou perceiuest sleep to approach say I will lay mee downe and sleepe in peace for thou Lord onely makest mee dwell in safety Thus religiously opening euery Morning thy heart and shutting it vp againe euery Euening with the word of God and praier as it were vvith a locke and key and so beginning the day with GODS worship continuing it in his feare and ending it in his fauour thou shalt be sure to finde the blessing of GOD vpon all thy daies labours and good endeauours and at night thou mayest assure thy selfe thou shalt sleepe safely and sweetly in the armes of thy heauenly Fathers prouidence Thus farre of the Piety which euery Christian in priuate ought to Practise euery day Now followeth that which he being a Housholder must practise publikely with his Family Meditations for Houshold Piety 1 IF thou be called to the gouernment of a Familie thou must not hold it sufficient to serue GOD and liue vprightly in thine owne person vnlesse thou cause all vnder thy charge to doe the same with thee For the performance of this dutie God was so well pleased with Abraham that he would not hide from him his counsell For saith GOD I know him that he will command his sons and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to doe righteousnesse and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him And Abraham had 318. men seruants which were thus borne and Catechized in his house With whose helpe hee rescued also his Nephew L●t from the captiuity of his enemies And religiously valiant Iosuah protesteth before all the people that if they all would fall away from the true worship of GOD yet that hee and his house would serue the Lord. And GOD himselfe giues a speciall charge to all householders that they do instruct their Family in his word and traine them vp in his feare and seruice These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt wh●● them continually vpon thy children and shalt talke of them when thou tarriest in thine house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp c. Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him Dauid according to this Law had so ordered his Family That no deceitful person should dwell in his house but such as would serue God and walke in his way And religious Hester had taught her Maydes to serue GOD in fasting and prayer And the more to further thy family in the zeale of Religion settle euer thy chiefest affection on those whom thou shalt perceiue to be best addicted to true religion This also will turne to thine owne aduantage in a double respect First GOD will the rather blesse and prosper the labour and handy worke of such godly Seruants For Laban perceiued that God blessed him for Iacobs sake And Potiphar saw that the Lord made all that Ioseph did to prosper in his hand yea when innocent Ioseph vvas cast into prison his Keeper saw that whatsoeuer he did the Lord made it to prosper and therefore the Keeper committed all the charge of the Prisoners into Iosephs hand Secondly the truer a man doth serue God the faithfuller he will serue thee 2 If euery Housholder were thus carefull according to his duetie to bring vp his Children and Familie in the seruice and feare of God in his owne house then the house of God should be better filled and the Lords Table more frequented euery Sabbath day and the Pastors publike preaching and labour would take more effect then it doth The streetes of Townes and Cities would not abound with so many drunkards swearers whoremongers prophane scorners of true Pietie and Religion Westminster-Hall would not be so full of contentions wrangling suites and vnchristian debates and the Prisons vvould not be euery Sessions so full of theeues robbers traytors and murtherers But alas most Housholders make no other vse of their Seruants then they doe of their beasts Whilest they may haue their bodies to doe their seruice they care not if their Soules serue the Diuell Yet the common complaint is that faithfull and good seruants are scarce to be found True but the reason is because there are so many prophane and irreligious Masters for the example and instruction of a godly and religious Master will make a good and a faithfull seruant as may witnesse the examples of Abraham Ioshua Dauid Cornelius c. who had good seruants because they were religious masters such as were carefull to make their seruants Gods seruants It is the chiefe labour and care of most men to raise and to aduance their house yet let them rise vp earely lye downe late and eate the bread of carefulnesse all vvill be but in vaine for except the Lord build a house that is raise vp a familie they labour in vaine For GOD hath sealed this as an irreuocable Decree that he will poure his wrath vpon the Families that call not vpon his Name yea God will take the wicked and plucke him out of his Tabernacle and roote him out of the land c. Yea when his iniquities are full he will make the Land to spue out euery Canaanite Religion then and the Seruice of God in a Family is the best building and surest entailing of house and Land to a man and his posteritie for the righteous man shall inherit the land and dwell therein for euer As therefore if thou desirest to haue the blessing of God vpon thy selfe and vpon thy familie eyther before or after thine owne priuate deuotion call euery morning all thy familie to some conuenient roome and first eyther reade thy selfe vnto them a Chapter in the word of God or cause it to be read distinctly by some other If leasure serue thou maist admonish them of some remarkeable good notes and then kneeling downe with them in reuerent sort as is before described pray with them in this manner Morning Prayer for a Familie O Lord our GOD and heauenly father who art the onely Creator Gouernour of Heauen and Earth and all things therein contained we confesse that wee are vnworthy to appeare in thy sight and presence considering our manifold sinnes vvhich wee haue committed