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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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of the heauenly goods which are administred and brought thorow the seruice of loue to an euerlasting perfection vnto the vpright of heart and wherin al vnperfect or childish things Images figures and shadowes do ceasse becommeth nowe in this present day O ye louers of the truth euangelized and declared vnto you all and thereto also yee all so well as we were created for to liue therein and are called and bidden vnto the same out of the grace and mercie of God by me H. N. in whom God hath sealed the dwelling of his glorie and his holie name Wee are taught out of the worde of God to beleeue and assuredly to looke for the resurrection of this our flesh which by death is taken downe and layde into the dust For by that league and couenant wherein the Lord standeth bound vnto vs to become our God he hath not onely taken our soule but our fleshe and bodie also into his fatherly protection and that not for the time of this life alone but in like maner for the life to come And therefore our Sauiour Christ Iesus by these words of the couenant proueth that the dead shal rise againe yea that Abraham who had bene alreadie partaker of rising from sinne in truth the shadow whereof H.N. vrgeth for the rising againe of the flesh should haue yet an other resurrection which is to rise vp in flesh and bone to inherite euerlasting comfort as well in bodie as in soule For as the godly doe glorifie GOD here vpon earth both in bodie and soule so shall they likewise be glorified of him in both in the life to come And this is an article of our beliefe and especiall comfort left vnto Christians But how can it be that H.N. should be priuie vnto these such like comfortes who is vtterly ignoraunt of Christ the procurer of thē The Apostle Paule whose conuersation was in heauen and therefore already possessed of the rising from sinne looked notwithstanding for this resurrection of the bodie when it should be chaunged and made like vnto the glorious bodie of Iesus Christ as it is written in the Epistle to the Philippians But our cōuersation is in heauen from whence also wee looke for the sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ who shall chaunge our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby hee is able euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe It is manifest then by this which hath bene spoken that the resurrectiō of the bodie cannot be drowned as H.N. his doctrine doeth teach vs in the rising from sinne and wickednesse And beside in this short abstract of the principal points of our faith is it possible to perswade any man that one and the same thing shoulde bee the matter and argument of sundrie articles Now by the doctrine of H.N. this article is the same in effect with those of Christ his rising the third day frō the dead his ascending into heauē his sitting at the right hand of God his father yea it is the same in meaning with those of the holy ghost the holy catholike Church the cōmunion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes For all these be nothing else besides that estate of life which his doctrine doeth describe to bee the louely being and that estate of perfection which his illuminate elders bee possessed of What cause haue all true hearted Christians to crie out agaynst this doctrine which shrinketh vp so manie and speciall comfortes so proper and peculiar vnto them H. N. The .xij. Article And we beleeue one euerlasting life Amen We confesse that the same euerlasting life is a true light of men and that God hath made and chosen him the man hereto that hee shoulde liue in the same light euerlastingly it is verie true Answere This euerlasting life which H. N. speaketh of is no other thing then that doctrine which he professeth And therfore he calleth it a true light of men according as we haue heard before in his title that in respect of this doctrine he chalengeth vnto him selfe to bee called the true light of the perfect being alledging the same place that here is cited for proofe thereof But least some might say that this place is not plaine inough to warrant this to be their opinion let vs heare himself open his owne meaning more at large These are his owne wordes in the 34. Chapter of his Euangelie Section 4. In this same day or last time namely in the perfection of the workes of God in his righteous iudgement the God of heauē hath now declared himself his christ together with al his saints to vs his elect also made a dwelling with vs brought euen so vnto vs out of his holy being the most holie of his true tabernacle with the fulnes of his garnishing and spiritual heauenly riches to an euerlasting fast standing Ierusalem and house for Gods dwelling according to the Scripture the which is the verie true vndisturbable kingdome full of all godly power ioy and of all heauenly beautifulnesse wherin the land of the lord with fulnesse of eternall life and louely sweetenesse is sung from euerlasting to euerlasting and wherein all mindes of pure heartes doe dwell liue and walke with freedome and Christian triumph in all loue This day of loue is with him as you heare the last time and therefore nowe doeth God make his dwelling with vs and bringeth the fulnesse of his spiritual riches And this kingdome as he sayeth here is the verie true vndisturbable kingdome full of all godly ioy and heauenly beautifulnes wherein is the fulnesse of eternall life He calleth it the eternall life because this doctrine must reigne on earth for euer and therefore in his exposition vpon this Article he doeth not affirme that anie one man shall liue in the same light euerlastingly but speaking indefinitely sayeth the man shall liue in it euerlastingly because there shall bee from hencefoorth in all times hereafter men founde that shall walke in perfecte obedience vnto this Doctrine It appeareth likewise out of his Euangelie that he professeth euerlasting life to be nothing else but his doctrine So that to liue in perfect obedience vnto that is no other thing then to liue in the life euerlasting in that light that shineth therein And it is therefore called euerlasting because it shal be professed for euer and no religion preuaile against it These bee his owne woordes Euangelie 37.13 Therefore also is this day or light of the loue with his seruice in the most holie the last day and the perfection or conclusion of all the workes of God in the which God himselfe with his Christ and with all the thousandes of his Saintes as in the moste holy of his true tabernacle appeareth and commeth vnto the beleeuers and obedient ones to the requiring of his worde to an eternall rest of his holy ones and to a godly consolation for all afflicted
it as that their heartie goodwil affection may be seene to appeare thereby towards it This iudgement of God vpon H.N. and his Family speaketh plainly of the Gospel that we can not enioy it if wee giue no better entertainment then they haue done vnto it For as for them they are now farther from the knowledge of the Gospel then they were the first houre that euer they looked vppon the light For Christ is nothing with them but obedience vnto that doctrine which they professe Which may easily be discerned by H.N. his discription of him which is this Christus doth signifie vnto vs saith H.N. the safe making oyle of the God sauing being and yet more plainely is that matter expressed in the Booke entituled Theol. Ger. A booke that euery mā who hath red any of his workes if his owne coūtrimen had neuer discouered it might easely perceiue to haue come frō the same spirit which spake in him These words are founde there touching that matter Vetus homo est Adamus et inobedientia ipsitas egoitas et similia at nouus homo est Christus et obediētia Adā is the olde man disobedience he I such like but Christ is the new man obedience Where that obedience is nothing that he doth is sinne where that is not there is nothing but sinne God hath nothing so proper vnto him wherein by this doctrine of H.N. his illuminate elders be not felowes with him euerlasting life if that we beleeue him is fully felt possessed in this life here is our heauen here is our hell the resurrection is not corporall of the body but spirituall of the minde Now is Christ come to iudgement and this doctrine is the last trump they are rysen againe and in perfect ioy who haue perfectly imbraced it and those haue alredy receiued their iudgement be in hell who do resist it to be gilty of death by the sinne of an other or to be iustified by the righteousnes of an other is a doctrine not onely not receiued of them but throughout all their bookes impugned our sinnes by this doctrine are answeared within vs and no righteousnesse that shall doe vs good is without vs Touching which point this is saide in the Booke alledged before Etiamsi Deus omnes homines quicunque sunt ad se assumeret ipse in eis homo fieret ipsi in eo deus fierent idem in me non fieret nunquam corrigeretur meus lapsus Although GOD woulde take all men to himselfe and were made man in them and they were made God in him and the same shoulde not bee done in mee my sinne and offence shoulde neuer bee discharged They onely are the Church al cōgregations whatsoeuer that ioine not with thē they call thē Synagouges of Sathan and nestes of Deuils they holde that euery man is his owne Sauiour and a Chrst for him selfe euery mā that hath wel profited in the schoole of H. N. is perfit and without sinne To conclude this matter the errours bee so many so foule and so filthy as woulde force the very penne in passing to stay stop the nose The onely way whereby a man should enter to do them good haue they hedged and stopped vp against vs for they say that they onely are spirituall and therefore iudge truely of the word that they haue the sence and we nothing but the words they haue the spirit and we nothing but the letter that they haue the life and we the body they haue the carnel we the shell they haue the sword and we the scabbard To be briefe in this matter of doctrine H.N. turneth religion vp side downe and buildeth heauen heere vpon earth maketh God man and man God heauen hell hel heauen For venom and poyson which will bring present death hath he dispersed ouer euery member article of our beliefe so vniuersall is the poyson of his opinion Touching conuersation howe may wee imagine that there is any soundnesse when the doctrine and vitall partes be thus infected For do we not read in the scriptures that most shameful corruptiō of life hath alwaies followed as a due deserued punishment the corruption of doctrine God gaue them vp saith the Apostle to their hearts lusts vnto vncleannes to defile their owne bodyes betwene thēselues which turned the trueth of God vnto a lye Which thing Priscillianus of whom H.N. hath borowed not only that villanous wresting of the word by allegories but also that monstrous opiniō that periurie and lying be lawfull and may be doon with good conscience to conceale religion confessed beeing condemned to dye for heresie Priscillianus saith Daneus was put to death at Treuyris which is the most famous Citie of Germany hauing confessed before that that hee had oftenten times committed moste shamefull wickednesse with the women of his sect And what a libertie H. N. his doctrine giueth vnto all lewdnesse of life in his allegorie of the woman that is rauished in the fielde I leaue it to the consideration of the godly These be his wordes in his booke called Documentall Sentences speaking of temptations vnto sinne If they take and lay holde on vs with force and violence and that then although we cry there commeth not any power or helpe vnto vs for to withstand them in their force and violence and that they euen so rauish vs against our will so are wee guiltles of the transgressing for we haue cryed to be released of the tyranny of the euil there is no help come vnto vs Of the which guiltlesse transgressing the law likewise witnesseth where it sayeth A woman which is violently taken in the field where as there is not any helpe and so rauished and although she haue cried aloude yet gotten no helpe she shall be guiltlesse of the transgressing What can open anie window wider vnto all wickednesse then this doctrine doeth For if temptations presse vs and our prayers presently preuaile not by this doctrine we are discharged of all daunger from the fact howe often and how grieuously soeuer we shall offende Whom would not this doctrine not onely incourage vnto sinne but also make him impudently secure and senselesse in the same This monstrous birth so beastly and so blinde hath the contempte of the worde and want of care to keepe it in a good conscience nourished and brought forth Wherby we may see with what daunger we walke not onely wickedly but also carelesly against the worde For this spectacle doeth plainly shew that it is more precious in the Lord his sight then that he either can or will put vp at our hands the contempt and neglect of the same And therfore when we see at this day those men who sometimes haue knowne the trueth become as beastes voyde of all reason let vs vnderstande that the Lorde thereby meaneth to magnifie his worde and to let men perceiue the might and Maiestie of the