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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02739 A plaine and profitable exposition, of the parable of the sower and the seede wherein is plainly set forth, the difference of hearers, both good and bad. To which is added a learned answer to the Papists, in diuers points of controuersie betweene vs and them, the heads whereof are set downe in the pages following.; Difference of hearers: or an exposition of the parable of the sower Harrison, William, d. 1625. 1625 (1625) STC 12870.5; ESTC S113021 177,915 420

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obey it If your hearts be set on wealth it will so deceiue you that no sinne can be gainefull but you will be ready to practise it and no dutie bring any damage but you shall neglect it Is not the desire of money the roote of all euill What makes some to lye in their bargayning some to sweare vainely falsly some to vse fraude and cousonage some to oppresse and wrong others but an immoderate desire of riches This is the very spawne of all sinne in vniust dealing therefore learne to moderate it Doth not Christ say that he who loueth father or mother sonne or daughter wife or children or his owne life more then me is vnworthy of me hee cannot be my Disciple And is he worthy of him or can be his Disciple who loueth lands liuing wealth and riches better then him Doth not hee say If any man loue me hee will keepe my word Those then that transgresse his word for their owne aduantage and sinne against him to get to keepe or to encrease their riches doe they not loue their riches better then him 2. Be content to employ your riches as the word directeth you You are but Stewards of your riches the Lord is the owner and wil one day call you to giue an account for your Stewardship you must not therefore vse them as you list but as he will how he would haue you to vse them he teacheth you by his word Wherefore make the word your Counsellour in all your dealings Doe not get your wealth by any other meanes then the word alloweth doe not keepe it any longer then the word permitteth and doe not otherwise bestow it or spend it then the word approueth Then cannot your riches hinder but will rather further your obedience the vse of them will be a practise of the word 3. Account the word of God and the graces and blessings conueyed vnto thee thereby greater riches and more precious Iewels then all the wealth of the world Know that godlinesse as the Apostle teacheth is great gaine Be of Pauls minde who thought all things but losse for the excellēt knowledge sake of Christ Iesus our Lord for whom hee counted all things losse and did iudge them to be dung that hee might winne Christ. As the soule is more excellent then the body and as heauen is more excellent then the earth so those thinges whith belong to the soule and come from heauen are more excellent then those things which belong to the body and come from the earth If thou doe so esteeme of them thou wilt not suffer the wealth of the world to hinder thee of them If thou canst not enioy both together thou wilt rather forgoe wealth then the word The want of this due estimation causeth riches to be an hinderance to many They thinke too highly of worldly wealth but too basely of Gods word and his graces and therefore had rather get and keepe ther wealth then obey thé word and increase in grace 4. Pray earnestly vnto God that he would giue thee grace to vse riches aright euen for the glory of his Name for the good of thine owne soule and for the benefit of others Say vnto the Lord with Dauid Encline my heart to thy testimonies and not to couetousnesse for thy heart cannot be enclined to both together Pray thus before thou come to hear pray thus after thou hast heard And in all thy dealings of the world pray to God to plucke these thornes out of thy heart lest they hinder thee in the obedience of his word The more thou prayest thus the lesse shall the deceitfulnes of riches hinder thee 5. Though thou abound in wealth yet be not proud but be as lowly and humble as if thou liued in want for GOD resisteth the proude and giueth grace to the humble Paul would not haue commaunded Timothie to charge rich men that they be not high minded vnlesse there were some danger that way They are in danger of being proud and when they are proud they are in danger of disobedience for proude men will despise the word and will thinke scorne to be taught their dutie and to be reproued for their faults by a poore Minister and will no further obey the word then they thinke it may stand with their credit and honour Know that God is no respecter of persons the poore may be as acceptable to him as the rich he more respecteth mans disposition and behauiour then his outward estate If thou be poore be not dismayed if rich be not proud Lastly if riches deceiue men and hinder them in the obedience of the word let not the poorer sort alwaies follow the example of rich men Their riches doeth often choake the worde which they heare so as it taketh no effect in their hearts nor yeeldeth any fruit in their liues If then the poorer sort will doe as they doe they will prooue vnprofitable hearers In worldlie matters the poorer sort will follow them no further then serueth for their present profite If the rich should sow among thornes and reape a course croppe of corne at haruest through ill husbandry the poore will not be drawne by their example to vse the like ill husbandry nor bee content to reape the like croppe but whatsoeuer the other doe they will be carefull to dresse their ground after the best manner and seeke to make the best profite of that little lande which they occupie And why then should they imitate their ill husbandry in spirituall and heauenly thinges If in Christs time and the Adostles time the poore had beene led by the example of the rich very few had embraced the Gospell many of them did receiue it though most of the rich did reiect it Consider this that their example will not excuse you before God your meane estate hath least impediments The wise man desired God to giue him neither riches nor pouertie but to feed him with foode conuenient lest being full hee should deny GOD or beeing poore should steale and take Gods Name in vaine And therfore as ground without thornes yeeldeth greater increase then that which is ful of thornes So you who be of middle and meane estate should performe greater obedience then those that be exceeding rich or very poore The third and last thing that as a thorne choaketh the word is voluptuous liuing or the pleasures of this life Though Mathew omit this yet Marke mentioneth it as well as this Euangelist and calleth it The lusts of other things or lusts about other things This differeth from the former for men may be rich and yet enioy no pleasure Salomon sayde hee saw this euill vnder the Sunne and it was much among men A man to whom God had giuen riches and treasures and honour and wanted nothing for his soule of all that it desired but God gaue him no power to eate thereof but a strange man shall eate it vp This is
his Father Sanctify them with thy trueth thy word is the trueth And the Apostle teacheth that GOD doth sanctify the Church clense it by the washing of the water through the word Now thē the plaister must be applyed to the place that is wounded or sore If it be applied to any other place it will do no good If the disease come frō the hart or inward parts it is in vain to lay the plaister to the head to the eare to the hand or to the foote so long as the heart inward parts are not cured they will minister new corrupt matter to the outward parts If then our hearts be corrupt we must not onely be content to apply the word to the eares by hearing it to the head by vnderstanding it to the tongue by talking of it but also to the heart for the purging of it at the first and for the guiding of it alwaies afterward 2. Againe the heart is the seate of the affections you must therefore receiue the word into your hearts that so it may worke on your affections both to sanctifie them as also to stirre them vp vnto good Thou must loue the word trust in the word and reioyce in the word or rather thou must loue God trust in God and reioyce in God because of his word as was shewed before in the example of Dauid Thou canst not doe this vnles thou receiue the word with thy heart As meate cannot nourish thy body vnles it be receiued into thy stomacke And as seede can neuer sprout nor come vp vnles it be cast into the furrowes and clods of the earth no more will the word profit thy soule vnles it be receiued into thy heart 3. Moreouer the heart is the commander of the whole man and sets all on worke according to the disposition of it selfe Of the abundance of the hart the mouth speaketh as saith our Sauiour A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an euill man out of the euill treasure of his heart bringeth forth euill things As the primum mobile doth turne all the other inferiour orbes round about with it And as the watch wheele of a clocke guideth all the other wheeles If it stand they stand if it goe they goe if it goe slowly they goe slowly if it go swiftly they go swiftly So doth the heart of man rule and order all the senses and parts of his body either to good or euill they are exercised as it is affected Those then that would be obedient hearers of the word must needes receiue and embrace it with their hearts that so their hearts louing and lyking and beleeuing it may set all their senses and all the parts of their bodies on worke to practise it 4. Lastly the heart is the safest place for it As sowne corne if it lye on the top of the furrowes may easily be deuoured by the fowles of the ayre but if it be hid and couered is free from that danger so the word which thou hearest if it goe no further then thy eares or head it is easily taken from thee but if it descend to the bottome of thy heart it may there be safelie kept It is an heauenly treasure And therefore thou must imitate that man who finding a treasure in the field did hide it and for ioy thereof went and sold all that he had to buy that field Though men will suffer their baser stuffe and wodden vessell to be more common and lye more open and remaine in greater danger yet their best and most costly stuffe their iewells and coyne they will lay vp in the safest places So seeing the word of God is most precious of great value and worth lay it vp safely in the bottome of the heart And if this be a property of good hearers to heare the word with their hearts then those who bring their bodies to the Church and leaue their hearts at home who draw neere to God with their lippes and with their eares when their hearts are farre from him cannot be good hearers If thou wouldest be of that number prepare thy heart before hand and while thou hearest let not thy heart be thinking on any by-matters but onely attend to that heare with thy heart as well as with thy eares and then shalt thou be blessed by thy hearing 2. Againe note hence more specially the qualitie and disposition of their hearts who heare profitably they heare with an honest and good heart It is not any kind of heart that will make your hearing profitable it must be an honest and good heart Though thou shouldest heare with thy heart as well as with thy eares yet vnles it be a good heart it will little auaile thee For in the goodnes of the heart consisteth a maine difference betwixt these hearers and some of the former Those which be compared to stony ground did heare with their harts For they are saide not onely to heare but also to receiue the word with ioy Yet were they not good and honest hearts They were hard and stony and would not suffer the worde to take rooting deepe enough And those that be resembled to Thornie ground did heare with their hearts yet were their hearts not good They were full of worldly cares and carnall delights which afterward choaked the word But these receiued it with good and honest hearts and therefore did both retaine it and obey it In describing of the qualitie of this their hart Christ here vseth two words which be of a neere yet not of the same signification There is some difference ketwixt them the one properly signifieth faire beautifull seemly and comely the other signifieth good and excellent The one noteth the outward apparent qualitie the other expresseth the inward nature and inherent propertie of the thing And so here by is signified that the heart of these hearers is good each way both outwardly before men manifesting it self to be good by open profession by aboundance of fruites and by constant perseuerance And also inwardly in it selfe and before God by a sincere sanctification and holie disposition And so their heart differeth from the heartes of the former hearers For though they in receyuing the Worde with ioy in belieuing it and bringing forth some fruites of it did make some faire showe and gaue some outward signe of a good heart yet their heart was not effectually sanctified within and they made those faire showes but for a time Afterward they reuolting in time of Tentation or failing in their fruites thorough worldly cares and voluptuousnes bewrayed the filthinesse of theyr hearts Those then that would bee good hearers must haue good hearts both waies Both inwardly in their owne nature and inclination as also outwardly before men by the fruites and testimonies As is the heart so will the hearing be Good meete will not nourish that mans bodie who hath a bad stomacke that cannot well