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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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bring her to me to liue together knowing that she wil communicate vnto me of good thinges and wil be a comfort of my cogitation tediousnes † I shal haue for her sake glorie with the multitudes and honour with the ancient being yong † and I sh●● be ●●●nd sharpe in iudgement and in the sight of the mightie I shal be meruelous and the faces of princes wil meruel at me † Holding my peace they shal expect me and whiles I speake manie wordes they shallay their hands on their mouth † Moreouer by her I shal haue immortalitie and I shal leaue an eternal memorie to them that shal be after me † I shal dispose peoples and nations shal be subiect to me † Horrible kings hearing shal feare me in the multitude I shal seme good and in battel strong † Entring into my house I shal rest with her for her conuersation hath no bitternes nor her companie tediousnes but ioy and gladnesse † Thinking these thinges with myselfe and recording in my hart that immortalitie is in the kindred of wisedom † and good delectation in her frendship and in the workes of her handes honestie without defect and wisdom in the disputation of her talke and glorie in the communication of her wordes I went about seeking that I might take her to me † And I was a wittie childe and had gotten a good soule † And wheras I was more good I came to a bodie vndefield † And as I knew that I could not otherwise be continent vnlesse God gaue it this verie thing also was wisdom to know whose this gift was I went to our Lord and besought him and said from my whole hart CHAP. IX A prayer made by Salomon for wisdom 9. wherby Superiors are able to gouerne 13. Which by only humane wisdom they can not rightly performe GOD of my fathers and Lord of mercie which madest al thinges with thy word † and by thy wisdom didst appoint man that he should haue dominion of the creature that was made by thee † that he should dispose the round-world in equitie and iustice and execute iudgement in direction of hart † geue me wisdom the assistant of thy seates and repel me not from thy children † because I am thy seruant and the sonne of thy handmaide a weake man and of smal time and lesse to the vnderstanding of iudgement and lawes † And if one be perfect among the children of men and thy wisdom be absent from him he shal be counted for nothing † Thou hast chosen me king to thy people and iudge of thy sonnes and daughters † and badst me build a temple in thy holie mount and an altar in the citie of thy habitation a similitude of thy holie tabernacle which thou didst prepare from the beginning † and thy wisdom with thee which knew thy workes which then also was present when thou madest the roundworld and knew what was pleasing to thyne eyes and what was direct in thy precepts † Send her from thy holy heauens and from the seate of thy greatnes that she may be with me and may labour with me that I may know what is acceptable with thee † for she knoweth al thinges vnderstandeth and shal conduct me in my workes soberly shal keepe me with her might † And my workes shal be acceptable and I shal gouerne thy people iustly and shal be worthie of the seates of my father † For who of men is able to know the counsel of God or who can thinke what God wil † For the cogitations of mortal men be fearful and our prouidences vncertaine † For the bodie that is corrupted burdeneth the soule and the earthlie habitation presseth downe the vnderstanding that thinketh manie thinges † And we doe hardly coniecture the thinges that are in the earth and the thinges that are in sight we finde with labour But the thinges that are in the heauens who shal search out † And thy sense who shal know vnles thou geue wisdom and send thy holie spirit from on high † and so the pathes of them that are on the earth may be corrected and men lerne the thinges that please thee † For by wisdom they were healed whoseouer haue pleased thee ô Lord from the begynning CHAP. X. The benefites of wisdom are declared by examples in Adam 4. Noe 5. Abraham 6. Lot 10. Iacob 13. Ioseph 15. And the people of Israel SHE kept him that was first made of God father of the world when he was created alone † and she brought him out of his sinne and gaue him powre to conteyne al thinges † After the vniust departed in his anger from her by the furie of brothers man slaughter perished † For whose cause when water destroyed the earth wisdom healed it againe gouerning the iust by contemptible wood † She euen in the consent of wickednes when the nations had confederated themselues knewe the iust and preserued him without blame to God and in his sonnes mercie kept the strong † She deliuered the iust fleing from the impious that perished when the fyre came downe vpon Pentapolis † to whom for a witnes of their wickednes the desert land standeth smoking and trees hauing fruites at vncertain season and the memorie of an incredulous soule a standing piller of salt † For pretermitting wisdom they did not only slippe in this that they were ignorant of good thinges but they left also vnto men a memorie of their foolishnes that in those thinges in which they sinned in they could not be hid neither † But wisdom hath deliuered them that obserue her from sorowes † And the iust fleing his brothers wrath she conducted by the right wayes and shewed him the kingdom of God and gaue him the knowlege of the holie did honest him in labours and accomplised his labours † In the fraude of the circumuenters of him she was present with him and made him honorable † She kept him from the enemies and from seducers she defended him and from seducers she defended him and gaue him a strong fight thas he might ouercome and know that wisdom is mightier then al. † She forsooke not the iust being sold but deliuered him from sinners and she went downe with him into the pitte † and in bands leaft him not til she brought him the scepter of a kingdome and might against them that oppressed him and shewed them to be lyers that spotted him and gaue him eternal glorie † The iust people and seede without blame she deliuered from the nations that oppressed them † She entered into the soule of the seruant of God and stood against dreadful kinges in wonders and signes † And she rendred to the iust the hope of their labours and conducted them in a meruelous way and she was vnto them for a couerr in the day and for the
a ribbe of his side to be his mate and vnseparable companion as man and wife ioyned in Mariage with Gods blessing for increase and multiplication As appeareth in the two first chapters of this booke But God hauing made man right he intangled him selfe ●● holie Scripture speaketh with infinite questions For the diuel enuying mans felicitie in●●gled our mother E●e with questions and lies and then by her first seduced and deceiued allured also Adam to the transgression of Gods commandment And so they lost original iustice which Adam had receiued for him selfe and al mankind and al proceeding from them by natural propagation are borne the children of wrath in original sinne contracted from Adam slaues of the diuel not only subiect to temporal death but also are excluded for euer from heauenly blisse and glorie except by Christs redemption particularly applied they be restored to grace iustice in this life And touching Adam and Eue whose sinne was not original but actual directly committed by them selues Gods mercie so reclamed them by new grace that they despared not as Cain and some orhers did afterwards but with hope of remission were sorie and penitent and accordingly receiued penance and redemption For God brought Adam from his sinne as holie writte testifieth and the same is collected of Eue God shewing the like signes of his prouident mercie towards them both of which we shal by and by note some for example Now let vs see the more principal points of faith and Religion professed and obserued by the Church of God before Noes floud First they beleeued in one Eternal and Omnipotent God who made the whole world and al things therin of nothing which is easely confessed of al that are not plaine Atheists and may be proued against them by reason And therfore Adam and other Patriarches could not erre in this Article nor others be ignorant therof except they were very wicked The Mysterie also of the Blessed Trinitie three Diuine Persons in one God though farre aboue the reach of mans reason yet was beleued more expresly by som● more implied by others and conserued from age to age by tradition at least amongst the chiefe heades and leaders wherupon Moyses afterwardes insinuated the same great Mysterie by diuers wordes and phrase● writing of God and his workes The two wordes God created if they be rightly considered importe so much For the word Elohim God in the plural number signifyeth pluralitie of Persons for manie Gods it can not signifie seeing there is but one God and the verbe bara created in the singular number signifyeth one God in nature and substance albeit three Persons For whatsoeuer God doth in creatures is the worke of the whole Trinitie though holie Scriptures do oftentimes appropriate some worke to one Diuine Person some to another which also proueth distinction of Persons in God So the wordes God created heauen and earth signifie the Father to whom powre is attributed In the beginning signifie the Sonne to whom wisdome is appropriated and the words The Sprite of God moued ouer the waters signifie the Holie Ghost by whose bountiful goodnes the waters were made fruictful Likewise Gods owne wordes Let vs make man signifie the pluralitie of Persons and Image and likenes in the singular number signifie one God Men also knew by faith manie things perteyning to them selues As that the bodie was made of the slime of the earth the soule not produced of anie thing formerly existing but created immediatly of nothing and naturally immortal that the soule of Adam was indued with grace and iustice that he fel from that happie state by yelding to tentation and breaking Gods commandment of abstinence that for the same sinne Adam and Eue were cast forth of Paradise and al mankind subiect to death and other calamities For remedie against sinne restauration to grace they beleeued in Christ promised to be borne of the womans seede who by his death should conquer the wicked serpent deliuer man from captiuitie and restore him to spiritual life And this is the cause of the perpetual enmitie betwen the woman especially the most blessed Virgin Mother of whom Christ tooke flesh and the serpent and betwen her seede the spiritual children of Christ and the serpents seede the whole companie of the wicked Of this battle and conquest Targhum Hierosolimitanum thus speaketh There shal be remedie and health to the children of wemen but to thee o serpent there shal be no medicine yea they shal tread thee vnder their feete in the latter dayes by the powre of Christ their King Likewise Gods familiar conuersation with diuers men in mans shape Gen. 2. 3. 4. 6. and 7. was a signe of Christs incarnation And The Sacrifices immolated did prefigurate his death in respect wherof it is said in the Apocalips The Lamb● was slaine from the beginniing of the world But more expresly S. Paul testifieth that Abel Enoch and Noe beleeued in Christ naming them for example of the first age and others of other times and in the end concludeth that manie more being approued by the same faith receiued not the promise to wit in their life time God prouiding that they without others of the new Law should not be consummate that is not admitted into heauenlie ioyes fruition of God vntil the way of eternal glorie were opened by our Lords Passion and As●ension Neither did the true seruants of God in those first dayes only beleeue in hart but they also professed their saith Religion by external Rites namely in offering of Sacrifice the most special homage seruice to God which is clerly testified cha 4. as wel bloudie in figure of Christs Passion as vnbloudie in figure of the holie Eucharist Also the accepting of the one rightly offered by Abel reiecting the other not donne sincerly by Cair was declared by external signes which Cain disdayning and enuying his brothers good worke knowing his owne to be naught of mere malice killed his brother Besides Sacrifice they had also other Rites in publique Assemblies praying and inuocating the name of our Lord in more solemne maner from Enos time and so forvvard according to that is recorded of him in the end of the fourth chapter for douteles Adam Abel and Seth did also pray and call vpon God and therfore it was some addition or increase of solemnitie in the seruice of God which is referred to Enos They had moreouer other ceremonies of the seuenth day particularly blessed and sanctified by God kept holie by Adam and other Patriarches as Abben Ezra witnesseth in his commentaries vpon the tenne commandements Of abstayning from meates for it semeth the more godlie sorte did eate no flesh before the floud which was after permitted Obseruation of cleane and vncleane beastes for Sacrifice Of peculiar places dedicated to religious vses where people mette together to pray Likwise diuers
his se●u●ce before vvorldlie cares b In one Sonne of Man Christ is saluation saith S. Augustin and in him not because he is the sonne of man but because he is the Sonne of God c He saith not that the spirit or soule shal turne into the earth but the soule shal depart from the bodie and so euerie one in whom worldlie men put their trust shal according to the bodie returne into his earth Gods excellencie in creating and gouerning the vvorld the 2. key a It is good to sing Psalmes of praise to God b A prophec●e of the estaurat●on of Ierusalem after the captiuitie c Remitteth sinnes to the penitent d Besides experience of euerie one that shal behold the firmament in a clere night the holie Scripture Gen. 15. v. 5. sheweth that the starres are innumerable to man For albeit P●olomaey other Astronomers numbereth certaine more notorious starres which serue especially for some knowlege in the science of Astronomie numbering 349. such in the Zodiach 316. in the South part therof and 360. on the North part which are in al 1025. Yet al acknowlege that no man can come nere to anie probable coniecture of the whole number nor is able to attaine anie perfect knovvlege of their natural influences and special proprietes And therfore the Psalmist proposeth here the admirable and vnsearchable knovvlege of God who both most exactly knovveth the number e and so perfectly their nature that his diuine Omniscience geueth to euerie starre a proper name according to their singular differences and proprieties f Thinges subiect to Gods knovvlege and vvisdom are innumerable g Al these and the like benefites do shevv Gods imcomparable greatnes vvisdom and goodnes h Both sacred and prophane auctors testifie that rauens seing their yong ones either vvithout fethers or to haue vvhitish vnlike to theirs as suspecting that they are not their ovvne birdes but of some other kinde leaue them destitute of meate therfore God the auctor of nature and conseruer of al kindes of creatures by his special prouidence feedeth them either by a certaine dew hanging nere them in the ayre as Isidorus supposeth or by litle beastes or flees sent by Gods prouidence vvhich they catching into their mouthes are nourished and brought vp as S. Chrysostom teacheth ser in Heliam or by vvhat other meanes soeuer al agree that yong rauens are neglected by their parents and are fedde meruelously by Gods ordinance by vvhich example the Psalmist shevveth that much more God hath care of men especially of Ho. in hunc Psalm such meu saith S. Chrysostom as honour him vvith hymnes and praises vvhom also he hath called to be his peculiar people and his ovvne portion or inheritance Gods prouidence especially tovvards the Church the 6. key a Ierusalem in the latter part of Dauids time al the time of Salomon and part of other kings reignes til the captiuitie had peace prospered Againe after the captiuitie the Citie was repared the Temple reedified and the whole land receiued and enioyed manie blessinges But al this was no more then a figure of the excellent benefites here prophecied and more euidently verified in Christs Catholique Church partly here militant in the whole world and especially in the glorious Ierusalem and Sion the perfect vision of peace and contemplation of God in eternal life The Hebrews ioyne this Psalme vvith the precedent b In comparison of other cities and peoples of the world the gates of Ierusalem were strongly fensed c and the citizens blessed much more the Church of Christ is built vpon a fure rock her faithful children indued with al spiritual graces and most of al heauen it ●●l●● is free from al danger of calamitie and the Sainctes are most secure most happie enioying eternal fruit on of God d Hath geuen peace in thy borders e and the very best corne and al other fruictes wine oyle milke honey and the rest Allegorically in the Church reconciliation with God by remission of sinnes and peace of conscience in the Sacraments of Baptisme Penance vvith the most spiritual food of Christs Bodie and Bloud in the Eucharist and graces of other Sacraments In heauen most assured peace and ioy without end f This perteyneth most specially to Euangelical doctrine preached g and quickely receiued in al the world Rom 10. v. 18. h Snow nourisheth the earth making it vvarme by Antiperistasis as is euident in natural Philosophie i and noysome ayre is changed into clere vveather In the Church by penance austere life men are purged from sinnes and vices euil spirites are also driuen avvay If your sinnes shal be as scarlet they shal be made vvhite as snovv and if they be redde as vermilion they shal be vvhite as vvool Isa●e 1. v. 18. k Yea some that are hardned in sinne as yse or chrystal shal be melted broken or made fitte to be ingraffed in Gods Church So S. Peter vvas admonished by a vision Act. ●0 v 1● to kil and eate Othervvise vvithout Gods grace geuing remorse and sorovv no man can ouercome his ovvne vices m But Gods vvord preached n and his grace touching mens hartes o innumerable are conuerted p The Church only enioyeth these spiritual benefi●es q Considering that al mankind vvas in the masse of sinne and that God letteth manie iustly perish those to whom he geueth his grace to iustification are specially bond to praise him r And therfore the Prophet concludeth this Psalme and the rest folovving vvith Alleluia Our Creator to be praised by al creatures the 2. key a Al ye heauenlie spirites praise God for the excellencie of your nature b And for your innumerable multitude c Al creatures wanting sense or reason shewforth the Maiestie and excellencie of their Creator d Againe God is to be praised for the diuersitie of stares in men wherby the whole communitie is conserued gouerned e God only no false imagined god made disposed al thinges in order f More especially for that God hath so fortified his Church g Sanctified children h that by grace and free wil which he geueth them approch vnto him i Al this considered the Psalmist concluding with Alleluia inuiteth al to praise our Lord. The Church must euer praise God the 6. key a God our Lord whom al creatures are bond to praise only accepteth those mens praises that liue in his holie Church b eternal rest c Hieghest praises of God shal be continually vttered by Sainctes in glorie for stil as praises passe by their tongues and mouthes more like praises shal succede from their throte and hartie affection so out of the abundance of the hart their mouth shal stil speake Gods praise d Glorified Sainctes shal also haue iudiciarie povvre First al in general shal like and approue Gods iustice in punishing the vvicked Secondly the vvicked shal be iustly condemned in comparison of the blessed vvho passed through and ouercame the like yea and greater tribulations
Doctors found confessed great difficulties in these first chapters which they with much studie endeuored to explicate And therfore it is a wonder to see our Protestants Puritans hold this Paradox that Scriptures are easie to be vnderstood VVheras both by testimonie of those that haue in deede studied laboured in them and by a litle due consideration the cōtrarie is most euident For whosoeuer wil looke into the holie Scriptures shal find that some times in shew one place semeth contrarie to an other some times the letter phrase are obscure ambiguous some times the sentences vnperfect Againe manie speaches are prophetical manie parabolical metaphorical and vttered vnder other tropes and figures and that in the literal sense Moreouer there are three spiritual senses besides the literal very frequent in holie Scripture Allegorical pertayning to Christ and the Church Moral pertayning to maners and Anagogical pertayning to the next life As this word Ierusalem literally signifieth the head citie of Iewrie Morally the soule of man Allegorically the Church militant and Anagogically the Church triumphant And sometimes this and the like of others metaphorically in the literal sense signifieth the Church militant and not the citie of Iewrie as in the 12. chapter to the Hebrewes and some times the Church triumphant as in the 21. of the Apocalips 2. The Spirite of God In the Hebrew it is signified that the Spirite of God was on the waters to make them fertile for that fishes and birdes were to be procreated therof the word is merahepheth incubabat sate vpon to produce fruict saith S. Ierom from the waters as a henne by her heate produceth life in the egges And the same S. Ierom and before him Tertullian teach that this was a figure of Baptisme which consisteth of water and the Holie Ghost For as water in the beginning of the world receiued a certain vital vertue of the Holie Ghost to produce liuing creatures so also Baptisme receiueth vertue of the same Holie Ghost to procreate new men VVherupon Tertullian calleth Christians fishes because they are gotten from the waters and thence haue their first spiritual life Let it not therfore seme strange saith he that in Baptisme VVaters geue life 16. Tvvo great lights and starres Here occurreth an other example of the hardnes of holie Scripture For if the two great lights towit the Sunne the Moone and also the starres vvere made the fourth day and not before as it m●y seme by the wordes in this place then what was that light and in what subiect was it that was made the first day S. Basil S. Gregorie Nazianzen Theodoret and some others writing vpon this place do thinke that the light which was made the first day remayned though an accident without his subiect til the fourth day And albeit most other Doctors rather think that the substance of the Sunne Moone of other planets and starres were created the first day and the fourth day set in that order and course which now they kepe with more distinction for signes and seasons and dayes and yeares yet it is clere that the foresaid ancient Doctors iudged it possible that accidents may remaine without their subiect which a Sacramentarie wil be loath to grant lest it might be proued possible as both these al other Catholique Doctors beleued and taught that the accidents of bread and wine remaine in the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist without their subiects VVhich Protestants denie 26. Let vs make man to our Image For better consideration of Gods bountie towards vs and sturring our selues to gratitude towards him we may here note tenne prerogatiues bestowed on vs by our Lord maker in our creation aboue al other earthlie creatures First wheras God by an imperial word of commandment made other creatures Fiat lux Fiat firmamentum Be there light Be there a firmament intending to make man he procedeth familiarly by way as it were of consultation and as to his owne vse and seruice to make man saying Let vs make man to our image and likenes that is to say a reasonable creature with vnderstanding and free wil which beastes haue not Secondly in this worke God first insinuateth the high Mysterie of the B. Trinitie or pluralitie of Persons in one God because man is to beleue the same signifying the pluralitie of Persons by the wordes Let vs make and to our and the vnitie in substance by the wordes Image and likenes the first in the plural number the later in the singular Thirdly other creatures were produced by the waters and earth Let the vvaters bring forth fishe and soule Let the earth bring forth grasse and cat●le other beastes but God brought forth man not by the earth though of the earth nor by water nor by heauen nor by Angels but by him selfe geuing him a reasonable soule not sensual only as to beastes and the same not produced of anie creature but created immediatly of nothing Fourthly God gaue man Paradise a most pleasant place to dwel in Fiftly God gaue man dominion and imperial authoritie ouer alliuing creatures vnder heauen Sixtly man was created in that innocencie of life and integritie of al vertues that his mind was wholly subiect to God his sense to reason his bodie to his spirite and al other liuing creatures obedient to him euen the terrible Lions the cruel Tigres the huge Elephants and the wildest birdes Seuently God brought them al to man as to do him homage and to take their names of him VVhich by his excellent knowledge he gaue them conformable to their natures Eightly God gaue man in some sorte an immortal bodie that if he had kept Gods commandment he had liued long and pleasantly in this world and so should haue bene translated to eternal life without dying Ninthly God did not only adorne man with al natural knowledge and supernatural vertues but also with the gift of prophecie VVherby the knew that Eue was a bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh though being a slepe he knew not when she was made Tenthly which was the chiefe benefite of al God conuersed familiarly with man and that in shape of man which was a token of his meruelous great loue to man and a singular incitment of him to loue God Reade more if you please of the dignitie of man and the benefites of God towards him in his creation in S. Bernard vpon the 99. Psalme And vpon the 61. chapter of Esaie 28. Increase and multiplie VVhether this be a commandment or no at least it is a blessing for so the wordes before conuince God blessed them and said Increase and multiplie He said the same also to brute creatures which are not capable of a precept but by this were made fertile VVherby we see that Gods blessing alwayes worketh some real effect as of fertilitie in this and other places of multiplication of the
loaues and fishes Ioan 6. And some real effect Christs blessing must nedes worke also in the blessed Sacrament Mat. 26. VVhich can be no other but changing bread and wine into his bodie bloud seing him selfe expresly sayeth This is my bodie this is my bloud And though Gods blessing in this place be also a precept yet it is not to al men for euer but for the propagation of mankind which being long since abundantly propagared the obligation of the precept ceaseth the cause ceasing So S. Cyprian S. Ierome S. Augustin and other Fathers expound this place And confirme the same by the text for immediatly God signifying to what end he spoke saith and replenish the earth VVhich benig replenished Gods wil is therin fulfilled CHAP. II. The worke of six dayes being finished God rested the seuēth day blessed it 8. Then placing man in paradise planted with bewtiful swete trees witered with foure riuers 16. comandeth him not to eate of the tree of knowledge of good euil 18. formed a woman of a ribbe of Adam THE heauens therfore the earth were fully finished and al the furniture of them † And the seuenth day God ended his woorke which he had made rested “ the seuenth day from al woorke that he had done † And he blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it because in it he had ceased from al his woorke which God created to make † These are the generations of heauen earth when they were created in the day when our Lord God made the heauen and the earth † And euery plant of the filde before it shotvp in the earth And euerie herbe of the ground before it sprang for our Lord God had not rayned vpon the earth and man was not to til the earth † But a spring rose out of the earth watering al the ouermost part of the earth † Our Lord God therfore formed man of the slyme of the earch and breathed into his face the breath oflife man became a liuing soule † And our Lord God had planted a Paradise of pleasure from the beginning wherin he placed man whom he had formed † And our Lord God brought forth of the ground al maner of trees fayre to behold and pleasant to eate of the tree of life also in the middle of Paradise and the tree of knowledge of good euil † And a riuer issued out of the place of pleasure to water Paradise which from thence is diuided into four heades † The name of the one is Phison that is it which compasseth al the land of Heuilath where gold groweth † And the gold of that land is very good there is sound bdelium the stone onyx † And the name of the second riuer is Gehon that is it which compasseth al the land of Ethiopia † And the name of the third riuer is Tygris that same passeth along by the Assirians And the fourth riuer the same is Euphrates † Our Lord God therfore tooke man put him in the Paradise of pleasure to woorke keepe it † And he commanded him saying Of euerie tree of Paradise eate thou † But “ of the tree of knowledge of good euil eate thou not For in what day soeuer thou shalt eate of it “ thou shalt dye the death † Our Lord God also said It is not good for man to be alone let vs make him a helpe like vnto him selfe † Our Lord God therfore hauing formed of clay al beastes of the earth and foules of the ayre brought them to Adam that he might see what to cal them for al that Adam called any liuing creature the same is his name † And Adam called al beastes by their names and al foules of the ayre and al cattel of the filde but vnto Adam there was not found an helper like him selfe † Our Lord God therfore cast a dead sleepe vpon Adam and when he was fast a sleepe he tooke one of his ribbes filled vp flesh for it † And our Lord God built the ribbe which he tooke of Adam into a woman and brought her to Adam † And Adam said This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shal be called woman because she was taken out of man † Wherfore man shal leaue his father mother shal cleaue to his wife they shal be two in one flesh † And they were both naked to wit Adam his wife and were not ashamed ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 2. The seuenth day Al creatures benig made in their kindes in six dayes complete and perfect God not neding as men often do in their workes to perfect poolish or amend the same rested the seuenth day and therfore the natural perfection of Gods workes is attributed to the seventh day and the supernatural perfecting of men in eternal life after the Resurrection is attributed to the eight day as S. Augustin and other fathers teach And for this cause God blessed and sanctifyed the seuenth day and after we haue in the Decalogue or tenne commandments that this day al should rest and abstaine from workes yea and kepe it festiual occupying them selues in spiritual exercises seruice and special worshipe of God as the Iewes did euen til Christs and his Apostles time praying and hearing the word of God read and expounded in the Sabboth day VVherby we see that distinction of dayes pertayneth to Religion the people of God thus obseruing the Sabboth in memorie of the Creation diuers other feastes in memorie of other benefites And we now kepe the Sunday holie in memorie of Christs Resurrection and other feastes in gratful remembrance of other Mysteries of Christs Natiuitie the coming of the Holie Ghost and the like Yea also feastes of his blessed Mother and other Sainctes for the benefites receiued from Christ by them and for more honour to Christ in them So this Catholique obseruation of feastes is neither Iudaical which also in the law was good but now is abrogated nor heathnish for we honour not Iupiter nor Iuno noranie false god or goddesse but our Lord God Creator Redemer for his sake his best seruants VVherof see the Annotations in the English new Testament 4. chap. to the Galathians VVherto we here only adde these wordes of S. Basil VVhich may serue for a general answer to the most common obiection Honor seruorum redundat in commun●m Domin●m The honour of the seruantes redoundeth to the common Lord or Maister So saith he the honour of Sainctes is the honour of Christ their Lord and ours 17. Of the tree of knovvledge Besides the law of nature by which Man was bound to direct al his actions according to the rule of reason and besides the supernatural diuine law by which he was bound to beleue and trust in God and to loue him aboue al things hauing receiued the giftes of faith hope and
death of his Saincts Hence also is proued that seeing in this life the good are afflicted and the bad oftentimes prosper temporally there must nedes be an other Court of exact Iustice and an other Reaconing day wherin euerie one shal receiue according as they haue donne good or euil which was sufficiently intimated by Gods discussing and manifesting Abels and Cains deserts which were hidden before and in part rewarding them accordingly yet reseruing the ful reward of the one and punishment of the other to the next world Of the Iudge and his sentence Enoch alleadged by S. Iude the Apostle proficied clerly saying Behold our Lord cometh in his holie thousands to doe iudgement aganst al and to reproue al the impions of al the workes of their impietie wherby they haue donne impiously and of al the hard things which impious sinners haue spoken against him Thus holie Enoch preached touching the wicked which thought there was no Iudgement to come nor Iudge to be feared At this Iudgement al shal appeare in bodie and soule returning to life For that Al men shal rise from death is proued by the immortalitie of mans soule which God did not make nor produce of corruptible matter but immediatly Breathed into his face the breath of life and man became a liuing soule so the soule being immortal and hauing a natural inclination to the bodie mans natural perfection requireth the coniunction of bodie and soule for neither soule nor bodie separated is a man but both ioyned in one subsistence are a man in so much that mankind should perish except the bodies shal rise againe and liue with the soules And then shal the bodies be qualified according to the state of the soules happie or miserable for euer Of Eternal life the translation of Enoch is a figure For seeing God preserueth his corruptible bodie so long from death and infirmitie it is a token and manifest signe that by the same powre of God the bodies of men shal at last day after that al men are once dead rise againe and remaine with the soules for euer The good in Eternal ioy the wicked in Eternal paine Both signified by the custodie of the gate of Paradise by Angels who for euer kepe out these that are stil defiled with sinne and so they depart into fire euerlasting and admit the innocent and iust into the kingdome of heauen which is euerlasting ioy and perfect felicitie Thus we see the face and briefe summe of Religion in the beginning of the world til the floud and the state of the Church which was alwayes Visible consisting of men good and bad with a continual Succession of Rulers as wel spiritual as temporal For the first borne were both Priestes and Princes in euerie familie And amongst the same one euer chief of al. From which ranke Cain was excluded or rather excluded him selfe by Going forth from the face of our Lord. Wherupon holie Moyses r●●teth this Monarchical succession of one chiefe and Supreme Head from Adam by the line of Seth Enos Cainan Malaleel Iared Enoch Mathusala Lamech and Noe. Neuertheles he setteth downe also the progenie of Cain the first beginner of a worldlie schismatical and heretical conuenticle opposite to the Citie of God He denied Gods prouidence as Thargum Hierosolomitanum testifieth protesting to Abel That there was no Iustice nor Iudge nor other world then this no reward for vertue nor punishment for sinne and so desperatly he killed Abel of these negatiue principles proceeded other like detestable opinions and most wicked life sauage and barbarous crueltie and al kind of impietie And in processe of time albeit manie remained in true faith and vnitie of the Church yet by conuersation with such miscreantes especially by occasion of Mariages betwen the faithful and infidels almost the whole world was corrupted in maners But Noe was iust and perfect In punishment therefore of so great and enormious sinnes God sent the general floud wherby al Cains progenie and al other infidels were wholly destroyed and extinguished and the true Church notably purged onlie iust Noe and his familie reserued By whom the same true Church was continued and the world againe replenished with men CHAP. VIII The waters diminishing by litle and litle 6. Noe sendeth forth a crow 8. after him a doue thrise 18. lastly goeth forth with al that were with him in the arke 20. erecteth an Altar and offereth Sacrifice AND God remembred Noe and al the beasts and al the cattle which were with him in the arke and brought a winde vpon the earth and the waters decreased † And the sountaines of the depth and the floud gates of heauen were shut vp and the rayne from heauen was stayd † And the waters returned from the earth going comming and they begane to decrease after a hundred fiftie dayes † And the arke rested the seauenth moneth the seauen twentith day of the moneth vpon the mountaines of Armenia † But the waters for al that were going and decreasing vntil the tenth moneth for in the tenth moneth the first day of the moneth the topps of the mountaines appeared † And after that fourtie dayes were passed Noe opening the windowe of the arke which he had made let forth a crowe † which went forth and did not returne til the waters were dried vpon the earth † He sent forth also a doue after him to see if the waters were ceased yet vpon the face of the earth † Which finding not where her foote might rest returned to him into the arke for the waters were vpon the whole earth and he stretched forth his hand and caught her and brought her into the arke † And hauing expected yet seauen moe dayes againe he let forth a doue out of the arke † But she came to him at euentide carrying a bough of an oliue tree that had greene leaues in her mouth Noe therfore vnderstood that the waters were ceased vpon the earth † And he expected yet neuertheles other seauen dayes and he sent forth a doue which returned not any more vnto him † Therfore in the sixt hundred and one yeare the first moneth the first day of the moneth the waters were cleane diminished vpon the earth and Noe opening the roofe of the arke looked and sawe that the face of the earth was dried † In the second moneth the seuen twentyth day of the moneth the earth was dried † And God spake to Noe saying † Goe forth of the arke thou thy wife thy sonnes and the wiues of thy sonnes with thee † Al cattle that are with thee of al flesh as wel in soules as in beastes al creepers that creepe vpon the earth bring out with thee goe yee vpon the earth increase and multiplie vpon it † Noe therfore went forth and his sonnes his wife and the wiues of his sonnes with him
† Yea and al cattle beastes and creepers that crepe vpon the earth according to their kinde went sorth out of the arke † And Noe built an Altar to our Lord and taking of al cattle and foules that were cleane offered Holocausts vpon the Altar † And our Lord smelled a sweete sauour and said I wil no more curse the earth for men for the sense and cogitation of mans hart are prone to euil from their youth I wil no more therfore strike euerie liuing soule as I haue done † Al the dayes of the earth seed-time and haruest cold and heate sommer and winter night and day shal not rest ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VIII 20. Built an Altar Noe without expresse commandment and without delay offereth Sacrifice to God for the benefite receiued in his and his families conferuation with the other liuing creatures in that general deluge of the world VVel knovving saith S. Ambrose That to be true thankesgeuing vvhich is presented not commanded therfore he made no delay For the vertue of a gratful mind excludeth doutful deliberation and he that expecteth til the d●bt of thankes be exacted is an vngratful person For more solemnitie he dedicated an apt and permanent place for this peculiar diuine seruice Building an Altar to our Lord. The Hebrew word Mizbeach of the verbe Zabach to kil or make sacrifice and the Greeke Thysiasterion signifie an Altar to sacrifice on not a common table for meate He offered of the cleane and best things because pure and deuout Sacrifice is due to God Moreouer it was large and bountiful for he offered of al the kindes of cleane beastes and foules Finally he offered them in Holocaustes where al was burned and consumed in the honour of God How gratful al this was to God Moyses signifieth saying Our Lord smelled a svveete sauour not that either anie sweete corporal sauour could of it selfe delight God who is the most spiritual substance or that the burning of flesh bones and bowels of beastes could yeld sweete sauour but the deuou● mind declared by such external dutie greatly pleased God For God requireth both but specially a sincere hart As not only diuine Scriptures and holie Fathers but also moral Philosophers teach vs. It vvere a greu us thing saith Plato writing of sacrifices If God had respect railier to the giftes and sacrifices of men then to their mind lib. perites proseuches CHAP. IX God reneweth the blessing of multiplication 3. alloweth the eating of flesh but not of bloud 8. promiseth neuer againe to destroy the world by water 22. Chamsaw and reported his fathers nakednes which Sem and Iapheth couered 24. For which he his cursed and they are blessed AND God blessed Noe and his sonnes And he said to them Increase multiplie and replenish the earth † And your terror and dread be it vpon al the beasts of the earth and vpon al the foules of the ayre with al that moue vpon the earth al the fishes of the sea are deliuered to your hand † And “ al that moueth and liueth shal be yours for meat euen as the grene herbes haue I deliuered al to you † Sauing that “ flesh with bloud you shal not eate † For I wil require the bloud of your soules at the hands of al beasts and at the hand of man at the hand of eech man and of his brother wil I require the soule of man † Who soeuer shal shee l mans bloud his bloud shal be ●hed for to the image of God man was made † But increase you and multiplie and goe vpon the earth and fil it † Thus also said God to Noe and to his sonnes with him † Behold I wil establish my couenant with you and with your seede after you † and with euerie liuing soule that is with you as wel in al foules as in cattle beasts of the earth that are come forth out of the arke and in al beasts of the earth † I wil establish my couenant with you and al flesh shal be no more destroyed with the waters of a floud neither shal there be from henceforth a floud to wast the earth † And God said This is the signe of the couenant which I geue betwen me and you and betwen euerie liuing soule that is with you for perpetual generations † my bowe wil I set in the clouds and it shal be the signe of a couenant betwen me and betwen the earth † And when I shal couer the element with cloudes my bowe shal appeare in the cloudes † and I shal remember my couenant with you and with euerie liuing soule that beareth flesh and there shal no more be waters of a floud to distroy al flesh † And my bowe shal be in the cloudes and I shal see it and I shal remember the euerlasting couenant that was made betwen God and euerie liuing soule of al flesh which is vpon the earth † And God said to Noe This shal be the signe of the couenant which I established betwen me al flesh of the earth † The sonnes therfore of Noe that came out of the arke were Sem Cham and Iaphet and Cham he is the father of Chanaan † These three are the sonnes of Noe and of these was al mankind spred ouer the whole earth † And Noe a husbandman began to til the grounde and planted a vineyard † And drinking of the wine was made “ drunke and naked in his tabernacle † Which when Cham the father of Chanaan had seene to wit that his fathers priuities were bare he told it to his two bretheren abroad † But in dede Sem and Iapheth put a cloake vpon their shoulders and going backward couered the priuities of their father and their faces were turned away and they sawe not their fathers priuities † And Noe awaking from the wine when he had learned what his younger sonne had done to him † he said “ Cursed be Chanaan a seruant of seruantes shal he be vnto his bretheren † And he said Blessed be the Lord God of Sem Chanaan be his seruant † “ God enlarge Iapheth and dwel he in the tabernacles of Sem and Chanaan be his seruant † And Noe liued after the floud three hundred fiftie yeares † And al his dayes were in the whole nyne hundred fiftie yeares and he died ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 3 Al that moueth S. Iustinus Martyr S. Chrisostom and other ancient Doctors proue that flesh was lawful to be eaten before the floud but being not necessarie because men were stronger and other things also of more force the better sorte which were of Seths race abstained from it But after the floud flesh being more necessarie God altereth that custome of abstinence with this limitation and commandment that they shal not eate bloud 4. Flesh vvith bloud Though this positiue precept of not eating bloud serued wel to make men more abhorre manslaughter
And they went forth the king of Sodome and the king of Gomorra and the king of Adama and the king of Seboim moreouer also the king of Bala which is Segor and they set themselues against them in battaile aray in the Woodland vale † to wit against Chodorlahomor king of the Elamites and Chadal king of nacions and Amraphel king of Sennaar and Arioch king of Pontus foure kings against fiue † But the Woodland vale had many pitts of bitume Therfore the king of Sodome and of Gomorra turned their backes and were ouerthrowne there and they that remained fled to the mountaine † And they tooke al the substance of the Sodomites and Gomorrheans and tooke al kind of victuales and went their way † and Lot also and his substance the sonne of Abrams brother who dwelled in Sodom † And behold one that had escaped told Abram the Hebrew that dwelt in the vale of Mambre the Amorrean brother of Eschol and the brother of Aner for these had made a league with Abram † Which when Abram had heard to witt that his brother Lot was taken he numbred of the seruantes borne in his house wel appointed three hundred and eightene and pursued them vnto Dan. † And diuiding his companie he ranne vpon them in the night and stroke them and pursued them vnto Hoba which is on the left hand of Damascus † And he brought backe al the substance and Lot his brother with his substance the wemen also and the people † And the king of Sodom went forth to meete them after he returned from the slaughter of Chodorlahomor and of the kinges that were with him in the vale Sauee which is the kings vale † But “ Melchesidech the king of Salem “ bringing forth bread and wine for he was the Priest of God most highe † “ blessed him and said Blessed be Abram to God the highest which created heauen and earth † and blessed be God the highest by whose protection the enemyes are in thy hands And “ he gaue him the tythes of al. † And the king of Sodom said to Abram Geue me the soules and the rest take to thee † Who answered him I lift vp my hand to my Lord God most hiegh possessor of heauen and earth † that from the very woofe-thread vnto the shoe latchet I wil not take of al that are thine lest thou say I haue enriched Abram † except such thinges as the young men haue eaten and the shares of the men that came with me Aner Eschol and Mambre these shal take their shares ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 18. Melchisedech S. Hierom being earnestly requested by Euagrius to geue his iudgement touching Melchisedech whom a nameles author had endeuored to proue to be the Holie Ghost plainly confuteth that error as also an other error of Origen and Didymus saying he was an Angel Likewise S. Epiphanius heresi 55. 76 relateth and condemneth a third error of some that thought him to be the Sonne of God These two Fathers and S. Augustin li. de heresibus her 34. and diuers others whom S. Hierom alleageth proue euidently that he was a very man a Priest and a king yea the hiegh Priest at least of that countric Superior to Abraham and a figure of Christ Besides these heresies the same S. Hierom relateth two probable opinions The Iewes Rabins generally hold that Melchisedech was Sem the sonne of Noe from whom Abraham and al the Hebrewes descended VVhich they seme rather to affirme as loath to confesse that anie man of other nation then their owne should haue bene greater and more excellent then Abraham in spiritual causes then for anie reason they do or can alleage Yet manie especially latter writers as Liranus Tostatus Genebrardus and others do embrace this opinion as most probable Though S. Hierom semeth only to haue added the Hebrewes opinion as he saith because he would intimate al to his freind when he had first cited grauer authores S. S. Ireneus Hypolitus Eusebius Cesariensis Eusebius Emissenus Apolinarius and Eustathius al agreably affirming that Melchisedech was a Chananite king of Salem which was afterwards called Ierusalem To this opinion agreeth Philo Iudaeus continually speaking of him as of a stranger to the Iewes nation Iosephus also a Iew writeth plainly li. 7. de bello Iudaico c. 18. that he was of Chanaan and Prince of the Chananites Also S. Dionysius Ariopagita Caelest Hier. c. 9. S. Epiphanius her 55. 67 Theoderetus q. 63. in Gen. and Suidas are of the same mind and manie other christitian Doctors VVho confirme their assertion by that S. Paul saith to the Hebrewes He vvhose generation is not numbred among them tooke tithes of Abraham For what els can S. Paul meane but that Melchisedechs kinred and people was diuers from the kinred and people of the Iewes which he could not say of Sem from whom Abraham al Iewes descended as it can not be said that Adam and Noe are of diuers genetation from anie people that now liueth because we al come of them Of this difficultie not pettaining to anie controuersie of our time the studious may see more in F. Pererius his commentaries vpon this 14. chap. of Genesis disp 3. 18. Bringing forth Seing the Royal Prophet Dauid and S. Paul say Christ is a Priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedech we demand of Protestants if Christ fulfilled not Melchisedechs figuratiue Sacrifice offered in bread and wine by offering his owne bodie and bloud at his last supper in formes of bread wine and by instituting the same to be offered by his Priests til the end of the world what other figuratiue sacrifice of Melchisedech they can find performed by Christ by which it may appeare that he is a Priest for euer according to that order Caluin li. 4. Instit c. 18. para 2. Kemnisius par 2. exam pag. 740. 747 Peter martyr in 1. Cor. 5. and most English Protestants grant that Melchisedech was a Priest and that the peculiar function of a Priest is to offer Sacrifice wherfore they hauing no sacrifice wil haue only ministers and no Priests but they denie that Melchisedech offered Sacrifice in bread and wine VVherupon we ioyne issue with them to proue that he did and that by this place amongst others of holie Scripture Kemnisius complayneth that the Latin text hath Obtulit for Protulit Offered for Brought forth And to disproue the same he alleageth the Hebrew Chaldee Greke and S. Cyprian But Catholiques more iustly complaine of him for lying For al Latin Editions haue Proferens bringing forth The question therfore in controuersie is to what end and vse Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine Caluin and Kemnisius say it was only to refresh or feede Abraham and his men and not for sacrifice which their bare saying is without reason for that there was store of victuals in the pray v. 11. and they had
him as alwaies vndefiled and a true seruant of God though his father Thare and his brother Nachor sometimes serued strange goddes Iosue 24. but were reclamed and the whole familie as S. Augustin proueth lib. 16. c. 13. de ciuit was persecuted by the Chaldees VVherupon Thare leauing Chaldea brought Abraham Lot and Sarai so farre as Haran in Mesopotamia Gen. 11. whither also Nachor repaired afterwards and there made his habitation as appeareth Gen. 24. But Abraham vvas sooner and more specially persecuted in Chaldea as Iosephus testifieth li. 1. Antiq. for his clere and publique profession of one God Creator of al things and that by his only goodnes and not by mens ovvne povver happines is attained Further Suidas vocab Abraham vvriteth that at the age of 14. yeares he admonished his father not for lucre sake to seduce men by vvorshipping images of false goddes auouching that there is no other but the celestical God maker of the whole world In vvhich sincere profession hovv he alvvaies perseuered is often testified and needles here to be repeted Also Sem Sale and Heber his proper ancesters the ninth seuenth and sixth in right line before him were al holie men and liued al Abrahams time much of Isaachs and part of Iacobs dayes Likevvise Melchisedech King and Priest a distinct person of an other lineage as vve suppose from Sem liued in the beginning of this age Al which being renowmed men had great troupes or rather countries which with them serued the only true God VVherof we haue example in that Abraham being but a stranger in Chanaan vpon a suddaine exploite Gen. 14. made readie of the seruants borne in his house three hundreth and eighteene wel appointed men of armes al of the same religion for shortly after they were al circumcised Gen. 17. yet was king Melchisedech of more power and authority then he And the other here mentioned except his elder brother Nachor and his nephevv Lot vvere his ovvne direct progenitors and by likelihood more potent Againe from Abraham the succession held on right to Aaron and Moyses and the vvhole people of Israel vvhich vvith them passed out of Aegypt through the redde sea But in the meane time diuers also of Abrahams kindred and seede brake of from this communitie and fel to idolatrie For albeit Lot his brothers sonne perseuered in the true seruice of God yet Lots sonnes Moab and Ammon at least the Moabites and Ammonites two nations that came of them Gen. 19. were infidels and idolaters Likewise though Nachor and Bathuel Nachors sonne continued henceforth in true faith and religion yet Laban the same Bathuels sonne had false goddes vvhich Rachel tooke away Gen 31 But true religion being not wholly extinguished in these families both Isaachs wife Rebecca and Iacobs wiues Lia and Rachel with their handmaides Bala and Zelpha either beleued rightly or were more easily brought to true beleefe and seruice of God Ismael Abrahams first sonne was in his youth euel disposed Gen. 21. and for endeuoring to corrupt Isaac vvhich S. Paul calleth persecution was together with his mother Agar cast out of Abrahams house yet prospered in the desert had twelue sonnes dukes sometimes visited his father and together with Isaac buried him Gen. 25. And at the age of 137. yeares died and was put to his people that is to others like himself good or euil Abraham also separated his other sonnes begotten of Cetura v. 6. from Isaac to whom only and not to any other the promised land of Chanaan and other more special blessings pertained Of these last sonnes came the people of Madianites who kept some resemblance with the people of God in religion and therin prefigured heretikes that descend from Catholique race but falling to schisme heresie doe not participate eternal enheritance with the spiritual children of God as S. Augustin teaceth q. 70. in Gen. In like sorte of the two sonnes of Isaac onlie Iacob had the spiritual blessing and enheritance therto belonging Gen. 27. Esau though prophane in maners selling his birthright Gen. 25. v. 32 which wa● asp●ritual turisdiction wherin he was a figure of the reprobate yet it semeth he kept the true faith Gen. 35. v. vlt. But whether he did or no sure it is Iob who is probably thought to be of his race Gen. 36. was a most holie man and a rare example of vertue But the posterities of them both and al the progentes of Ismael and of Abrahams other sonnes by Cetura sooner or later ●●l to infidelitie and idolatrie In other nations of the world stil new goddes and goddeses were multiplied vpon euerie occasion As S. Augustin li. 18. de ciuit recounteth diuers Al which notwithstanding the true Church and citie of God continued most visible and notorious yea with meruelous increase especially after they were more hated and afflicted in Aegypt Exo. 1. VVhither they were brought by the strange and special prouidence of God more strangely preserued and most miraculously deliuered from thence Much more the Church of Christ wherof this was a shadow and figure hath benne and shal be euer most visible from the first foundation therof to the worlds end For besides the promises and predictions in the new Testament al the Scriptures also of the old which fortel Christ do withal forshew his Church Totum quod annunciatur de Christo saieth S. Augustin de vnitate Eccles c. 2. caput corpus est Al that is spoken of Christ is of the head and the bodie The head is the onlie begotten Iesus Christ the Sonne of the liuing God he the Sauiour of the bodie His bodie the Church Againe c. 4. Totus Christus caput corpus est VVhole Christ is the head and the bodie The head the onlie begotten Sonne of God and the bodie his Church the bridgrome and bride tvvo in one flesh Yea for no other cause saieth he li. de catech rud c. 3. were al those things written before the coming of our Lord which we read in holie Scriptures but that his coming might be commended and the future Church prefigured that is the people of God through out al nations which is his bodie The same doth S. Paul teach vs not only saying Gal. 3. The law was our pedagogue or conductor to Christ but also 1. Cor. 12. that as the natural bodie is one and hath manie members and al the members of the bodie wheras they be manie yet are one bodie so also Christ And Coloss 1. that Christs bodie is the Church As therfore the great blessing of redemption and saluation was promised in Christ Gen. 12. c. so it was withal expressed that al nations and kindreds of the earth should be partakers therof yea so innumerable as the dust of the earth the starres of heauen and sandes of the sea VVhich S. Paule saieth Rom. 9. is not ment of Abrahams natural children but
the cudde but diuideth not the hoofe † And the swine which though it diuideth the hoofe cheweth not the cudde † The flesh of these you shal not eate nor touch their carcasses because they are vncleane to you † These are the thinges that brede in the waters and which it is lawful to eate Al that hath finnes and scales aswel in the sea as in the riuers and the pooles you shal eate † But whatsoeuer hath not finnes and scales of those that moue and liue in the waters shal be vnto you abhominable † and execrable their flesh you shal not eate and their carcasses you shal avoide † Al that haue not finnes and scales in the waters shal be polluted † Of birdes these are they which you must not eate and are to be auoided of you The Eagle and the griffon and the osprey † and the kite and the vulture according to his kinde † and euerie one of the rauens kinde according to their similitude † the ostrich and the owle and the sterne and the hauke according to his kinde † the scritchowle and the diuer and the storke † and the swanne and the onocratal and the porphirion † the herodian and the charadrion according to his kind the lapwing also and the batte † Of foules euerie one that goeth vpon foure feete shal be abhominable to you † And whatsoeuer walketh vpon foure feete but hath the legges behind longer wherwith he hoppeth vpon the earth † that you shal eate as is the bruke in his kind the attake and the ophiomach and the locust euerie one according to their kinde † But of foule whatsoeuer hath foure feete onlie shal be execrable to you † and whatsoeuer shal touch the carcasses of them shal be polluted and shal be vncleane vntil euen † and if it be necessarie that he carie anie of these that be dead he shal wash his clothes and shal be vncleane vntil sunne sette † Euerie beast that hath a hoofe but diuideth it not neither cheweth the cudde shal be vncleane and whatsoeuer toucheth it shal be defiled † That which walketh vpon hands of al beasts which goe on foure feete shal be vncleane he that toucheth their carcasses shal be polluted vntil euen † And he that carieth such carcasses shal wash his clothes and shal be vncleane vntil euen because these thinges are vncleane to you † These also shal be reputed among polluted thinges of al that moue vpon the earth the weesel and the mouse and the crocadile euerie one according to their kinde † the migale and the camelean and the stellion and the lizard and the moule † al these are vncleane He that toucheth their carcasses shal be vncleane vntil euen † and that wherupon anie thing of their carcasses falleth shal be polluted aswel vessel of wood and rayment as skinnes and haire clothes and in whatsoeuer vessel anie worke is done they shal be dipped in water and shal be polluted vntil euen and so afterward shal be cleane † But the earthen vessel wherinto anie of these falleth within it shal be polluted and therfore is to be broken † Al meate which you shal eate if the water be poured vpon it shal be vncleane and al liquor that is dronke of al vessel shal be vncleane † And vpon whatsoeuer ought of such carcasses falleth it shal be vncleane whether ouens o● pottes with feete they shal be distroyed and shal be vncleane † But the fountaines and the cesternes and al collection of waters shal be cleane He that toucheth their carcasse shal be polluted † If it fal vpon seede corne it shal not pollute it † But if any man poure water vpon the seede and afterward it be touched with the carcasses it shal be forthwith polluted † If a beast be dead of which it is lawful for you to eate he that toucheth the carcasse therof shal be vncleane vntil euen † and he that eateth or carieth anie thing therof shal wash his clothes and shal be vncleane vntil euen † Al that creepeth vpon the earth shal be abhominable neither shal it be taken for meate † Whatsoeuer goeth vpon the brest on foure feete and hath manie feete or traileth on the earth you shal not eate because it is abhominable † Doe not contaminate your soules not touch ought therof lest you be vncleane † For I am the Lord your God be holie because I am holie Pollute not your soules in anie creeping beast that moueth vpon the earth † For I am the Lord that brought you out of the Land of Aegypt that I might be your God † You shal be holie because I am holie † This is the lawe of beasts and foules and of euerie liuing soule that moueth in the waters and creepeth on the earth † that you may know the differences of the cleane and the vncleane and know what you ought to eate and what to refuse ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 4. Vncleane you shal repute it In the first age of the world before Noes floud and so forward by tradition and after by the written Law some liuing creatures were reputed vncleane and forbid to be eaten or offered in sacrifice Not as euel of themselues for euerie creature of God is good by nature and creation but this distinction and prohibition was made in the old Testament for iust causes as the ancient fathers note specially three First for instruction of the people much inclined to idolatrie God distinguished al beastes birdes and fishes into cleane and vncleane wherby al men might know that none of them is God For hovv can anie man of reason saieth lerned Theodoret. q. 11. in Leuit. thinck that to be God vvhich either he abhorreth as vncleane or offereth in sacrifice to the true God and eateth therof himself Secondly God commanded this obseruance to exercise his people in obedience with precepts not otherwise necessarie but because he so commanded As at first he commanded Adam not to eate of the tree of knowledge of good and euel The transgression wherof brought al mankind into miserie From which againe Christ by his obedience redemed vs. For obseruation of this law old Eleazarus and the seuen bretheren with their mother did geue their liues rather then they would eate swines flesh and for the same are glorious Martyrs as testifie S. Cyprian Epist 56. ad Thibaritanos li. de exhort Mart. c 11. S. Gregorie Nazianzen orat 20. de Machab. S. Chrysostom de natiuitate septem Machab. S. Ambrose li. 1. de officijs c. 4. li. 2. de Iacob c. 10. 11. and the whole Church celebrating their feast the first day of August Thirdly and most specially these obseruations were commanded for signification of vertues to be embraced and of vices or sinnes to be auoided Such beastes therfore were holden for cleane and allowed for mans foode as diuide the hoofe and ruminate or chew the cudde signifying discretion betwixt good and euel and diligent consideration or
Sanctuarie and leauing them there † he shal wash his flesh in a holie place and shal be clothed with his owne garments And after that he hath gone forth and offered his owne holocaust and the peoples he shal pray as wel for him self as for the people † and the fatte that is offered for sinnes he shal burne vpon the altar † but he that hath let goe the goate of dismission shal wash his clothes and bodie with water and so shal enter into the campe † But the calfe the bucke goate that were immolated for sinne and whose bloud was caried into the Sanctuarie to accomplish the expiation they shal carie forth without the campe and shal burne with fire aswel the skinnes as their flesh and the dung † and whosoeuer burneth them shal wash his clothes and his flesh with water and so shal enter into the campe † And this shal be to you an euerlasting ordinance The seuenth moneth the tenth day of the moneth you shal afflict your soules and no worke shal you doe whether he be of the same countrie or a stranger that soiourneth among you † Vpon this day shal be the expiation of you and clensing from al your sinnes before the Lord you shal be clensen † for it is a sabath of rest and you shal afflict your soules by a perpetual religion And the priest shal expiate that is annoynted and whose handes are consecrated to do the function of priesthood for his father and he shal be reuested with the linnen stole and the holie vestments † and he shal expiate the Sanctuarie and the tabernecle of testimonie and the altar the priestes also and al the people † And this shal be an ordinance for euer that you pray for the children of Israel and for al their sinnes once in a yeare He did therfore as our Lord had commanded Moyses CHAP. XVII Al Sacrifices must be offered at the doore of the Tabernacle 7. with special prohibitiō of Idolatrie 10. None must eate bloud 15 whosoeuer eateth caraine flesh is contaminate and must be washed AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to Aaron and his sonnes and to al the children of Israel saying to them This is the word which our Lord hath cōmanded saying † Anie man whosoeuer of the house of Israel if he kil an oxe or a sheepe or a goate in the campe or without the campe and offer it not at the dore of the tabernacle an oblation to the Lord shal be guiltie of bloud as if he had shed bloud so shal he perish out of the middes of his people † Therfore shal the children of Israel bring to the priest their hostes which they kil in the filde that they may be sanctified to our Lord before the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie they may immolate them pacifique hostes to our Lord. † And the priest shal poure the bloud vpon the altar of our Lord at the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie and shal burne the fatte for a swete odour to our Lord † and they shal no more immolate their hostes to diuels with whom they haue committed fornication It shal be an ordinance for euer to them and to their posteritie † And to them thou shalt say The man of the house of Israel and of the strangers which seiourne with you that offereth an holocaust or victime † and bringeth it not to the dore of the tabernacle of testimonie that it may be offered to our Lord shal perish out of his people † Anie man whosoeuer of the house of Israel and of the strangers that seiourne among them if he eate bloud I wil sette my face against his life and wil destroy it out of his people † because the life of the flesh is in the bloud and I haue geuen it to you that vpon the altar you may make expiation with it for your soules and the bloud may be for an expiation of the soule † Therfore haue I faid to the children of Israel No soule of you shal eate bloud nor of the strangers that seiourne with you † Anie man whosoeuer of the children of Israel and of the strangers that seiourne with you if by hunting or fowling he take wild beast or foule which it is lawful to eate let him poure our the bloud therof and couer it with earth † For the life of al flesh is in the bloud wherupon I said to the children of Israel The bloud of no flesh shal you eate because the life of the flesh is in the bloud and whosoeuer eateth it f●al die † The soule that eateth carraine or that which is taken of a beast aswel of them of the same countrie as of strangers shal wash his clothes and him self with water and shal be contaminated vntil euen and in this order he shal be made cleane † And if he doe not wash his clothes and his bodie he shal beare his iniquitie CHAP. XVIII Mariage prohibited in certaine d●grees of consanguinitie and affinitie 18. And diuers carnal and execrable sinnes committed in other nations are strictly forbidden AND our Lord spake to Moyses saying † Speake to the children of Israel and thou shalt say to them I the Lord your God † according to the custome of the Land of Aegypt wherin you haue dwelt you shal not doe and according to the maner of the Countrie of Chanaan into the which I wil bring you you shal not doe nor walke in their ordināces † You shal doe my iudgements and shal obserue my precepts and shal walke in them I the Lord your God † Keepe my lawes and iudgmentes which a man doing shal liue in them I the Lord. † No man shal approch to her that is “ next of his bloud to reueale her turpitude I the Lord. † The turpitude of thy father and the turpitude of thy mother thou shalt not discouer she is thy mother thou shalt not reueale her turpitude † The turpitude of thy fathers wife thou shalt not discouer for it is the turpitude of thy father † The turpitude of thy sister by father or by mother which was borne at home or abroad thou shalt not reueale † The turpitude of thy sonnes daughter or of thy neece by thy daughter thou shalt not reueale because it is thy turpitude † The turpitude of thy fathers wiues daughter which she bare to thy father and is thy sister thou shal not reueale † The turpitude of thy fathers sister thou shalt not discouer because she is the flesh of thy father † The turpitude of thy mothers sister thou shalt not reueale because she is of the flesh of thy mother † The turpitude of thy fathers brother thou shalt not reueale neither shalt thou approch to his wife who is ioyned to thee by affinitie † The turpitude of thy daughter in law thou shalt not reueale because she is thy sonnes wife neither shalt thou discouer her ignominie † The turpitude of thy brothers
passe the yeare turning about at such time when kinges are wont to procede to battels Dauid sent Ioab and his seruantes with him and al Israel and they spoyled the children of Ammon and besieged Rabba but Dauid remayned in Ierusalem † Whiles these thinges were in doing it chanced that Dauid arose from his bed after noone and walked in the toppe of the kinges house and he saw a woman washing her self ouer against the roofe of his house and the woman was very beautiful † The king therefore sent and inquired what woman it was And it was told him that she was Bethsabee the daughter of Eliam the wife of Vrias the Hetheite † Dauid therefore sending messengers tooke her who when she was entered in to him he slept with her and forth with she was sanctified from her vnclennes † and she returned into her house hauing conceiued a childe And sending she told Dauid and sayd I haue conceiued † And Dauid sent to Ioab saying Send me Vrias the Herheite And Ioab sent Vrias to Dauid † And Vrias came to Dauid And Dauid asked how wel Ioab did the people and how the warre was ordered † And Dauid sayd to Vrias Goe into thy house and wash thy feete And Vrias went forth out of the kinges house and the kinges meate folowed him † But Vrias slept before the gate of the kinges house with the other seruantes of his lord and went not downe to his owne house † And it was told Dauid of them that sayd Vrias went not into his house And Dauid sayd to Vrias didst thou not come from thy iourney Why didst thou not goe downe into thy house † And Vrias sayd to Dauid The Arke of God and Israel and Iuda dwel in pauilions my lord Ioab and the seruantes of my lord abide vpon the face of the earth and shal I enter into my house to eate and to drinke and sleepe with my wife by thy health and by the health of thy soule I wil not do this thing † Dauid therefore sayd to Vrias Tarie here also this day and tomorow I wil dismisse thee Vrias taried in Ierusalem that day and the next † and Dauid called him to eate before him and to drinke and he made him drunke who going out at euen slept on his couche with the seruantes of his lord and went not downe into his house † The morning therefore was come and Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab and sent it by the hand of Vrias † writing in the letter Sette ye Vrias in the front of the battel where the fight is strongest and leaue him that being striken he may die † Therefore when Ioab besieged the citie he put Vrias in the place where he knew the strongest men were † And the men issuing out of the citie fought against Ioab and there fel of the people of the seruantes of Dauid and Vrias also the Hetheite died † Ioab therefore sent and told Dauid al the story of the battel † and he commanded the messanger saying When thou hast told al the story of the battel to the king † if thou see him to be angrie and he say Why approched you to the wal to fight Knew you not that manie weapons are throwen from aboue of the wal † Who stroke Abimelec the sonne of Ierobaal did not a woman cast vpon him a peece of a milstone from the wal and slew him in Thebes Why approched you nere the wal Thou shalt say Also thy seruant Vrias the Hetheite is slayne † The messenger therefore departed and came and told Dauid al thinges that Ioab had commanded him † And the messenger sayd to Dauid The men haue preuailed against vs and they issued forth to vs into the field and we violently pursewed them euen to the gate of the citie † And the archers shot arrowes at thy seruantes from of the wal aboue and there died of the kinges seruantes yea and thy seruant Vrias the Hetheite is dead † And Dauid sayd to the messenger Thus shalt thou say to Ioab Let not this thing discomfort thee for the euent of warre is diuerse now this man and now that man the sword consumeth encourage thy warryers against the citie that thou inayst destroy it and exhort them † Also the wife of Vrias heard that Vrias her husband was dead she mourned for him † And the mourning being past Dauid sent and brought her in into his house and she became his wife and she bare him a sonne and this thing which Dauid had done was displeasant before our Lord. CHAP. XII Nathan the prophet by a parable induceth Dauid to condemne him self of great sinne 7. blameth and threatneth him for the same 13. But vpon his confession denounceth remission of his sinne with reseruation of temporal punishment 15. the death of the childe 24 Bethsabee beareth another sonne who is called Salomon 26. The citie of Rabbath is taken and a rich crowne with other praye OVR Lord therfore sent Nathan to Dauid Who when he was come to him he sayd vnto him There were two men in one citie one riche and the other poore † The rich man had sheepe and oxen axceding manie † But the poore man had nothing at al beside one litle ewe which he had bought and nourished and which had growen in his house together with his children eating of his bread and drinking of his cuppe and sleping in his bosome and it was to him as a daughter † And when a certayne stranger was come to the riche man he sparing to take of his owne sheepe and oxen to make a feast for that stranger which was come to him tooke the poore mans ewe and made meates therof for the man that was come to him † And Dauid being excedingly wrath with indignation against that man sayd to Nathan Our Lord liueth the man that hath done this is the childe of death † He shal render the ewe fourefold because he hath done this thing and hath not spared † And Nathan sayd to Dauid Thou art that man Thus sayth our Lord the God of Isaael I annointed thee to be king ouer Israel and I deliuered thee from the hand of Saul † and gaue thee the house of thy lord and the wiues of thy lord in thy bosome and haue geuen thee the house of Isrtel and Iuda and if these thinges be litle I wil adde farre greater thinges vnto thee † Why therefore hast thou contemned the word of the lord that thou wouldest doe euil in my sight Vrias the Hetheite thou hast smitten with the sword his wife thou hast taken to thy wife and hast slayne him with the sword of the children of Ammon † For which thing the sword shal not depart from thy house for euer because thou hast despised me and hast taken the wife of Vrias the Hetheite to be thy wife † Therfore thus sayth our Lord Behold I wil rayse vpon thee euil out of thine owne house and wil take thy
her hath Amnon thy brother lyen with thee but now sister hold thy peace he is thy brother neither afflict thou thy hart for this thing Thamar therefore taryed pyning in the house of Absalom her brother † And when Dauid the king had heard these wordes he was greeued excedingly † Moreouer Absalom spake not to Amnon neitheir good nor euil for Absalom hated Amnon because he had rauished Thamar his sister † And it came to passe after the space of two yeares that the sheepe of Absalom were shorne in Baalhasor which is beside Ephraim and Absalom called al the kinges sonnes † and he came to the king and said to him Behold t●y seruantes sheepe are to be shorne Let the king I pray with his seruantes come to his seruant † And the king said to Absalom Doe not so my sonne request not that we come al charge thee And when he was earnest with him he would not goe he blessed him † And Absalom said If thou wilt not come at the least let Amnon my brother I besech thee come with vs. And the king said to him It is not necessary that he goe with thee † Absalom therefore was earnest with him and he let Amnon and al the kinges sonnes goe with him And Absalom made a feast as it were the feast of a king † And Absalom had commanded his seruantes saying Marke when Amnon shal be drunke with wine and I shal say to you Strike him and kil him feare not for it is I that command you take courage and play the valiant men † Therefore the seruantes of Absalom did against Amnon as Absalom had commanded them And al the kinges sonnes rysing gatte vp euery one vpon their mules and fled † And when they yet went on in their way a rumour came to Dauid saying Absalom hath stricken al the kinges sonnes and there is not leift of them so much as one † The king therfore rose vp and rent his garmentes and fel vpon the ground and al his seruantes that stood about him rent their garmentes † But Ionadab the sonne of Semmaa Dauids brother answering sayd Let not my lord the king thinke that al the kinges sonnes be slayne Amnon only is dead because he was put in the mouth of Absalom since the day that he rauished Thamar his sister † Now therefore let not my lord the king put this word vpon his hart saying Al the kinges sonnes are slayne because Amnon only is dead And Absalom fled and the seruant that was the scoutewatch lifted vp his eies and looked and behold much people came by a byway on the side of the mountayne † And Ionadab sayd to the king Loe the kinges sonnes be come according to the wordes of thy seruant so is it done † And when he had ceased to speake the kinges sonnes also appeared entring in they lifted vp their voice and wept yea the king also and al his seruantes bewailed with an exceding great weeping † Moreouer Absalom fleing went to Tholomai the sonne of Ammiud the king of Gessur Dauid therefore mourned for his sonne al daies † And Absalom when he was fled and come into Gessur was there three yeares † And king Dauid ceased to pursew Absalom because he was comforted vpon the death of Amnon CHAP. XIIII Ioab suborning a woman first to propose the suite by a parable 21. obtayneth pardon for Absalom 24. but so that he appeareth not in the kinges presence 25. He is exceding fayre hath three sonnes and one daughter 29. Ioab refusing to deale further for his free release Absalom burneth his corne 31. Then Ioab procureth his accesse to the king AND Ioab the sonne of Saruia vnderstanding that the kinges hart was turned to Absalom † he sent to Thecua and tooke thence a prudent woman and he sayd to her Feyn e that thou mournest and put on a mourning garment and be not annoynted with oyle that thou mayst be as a woman now along tyme mourning for one dead † And thou shalt goe in vnto the king and shalt speake to him these maner of wordes And Ioab put the wordes in her mouth † Therefore when the woman of Thecua was gone in to the king she fel before him vpon the ground and adored and said Saue me ô king † And the king sayd to her What matter hast thou Who answered Alas I am a widow woman for my husband is dead † And thy handmaide had two sonnes who fel at wordes against eche other in the field and there was none to stay them and the one stroke the other and slew him † And behold the whole kinred rysing against thy handmaide saith Deliuer him that hath striken his brother that we may kil him for the life of his brother whom he hath slayne and may cleane destroy the heire and they seeke to extingnish my sparkle which is leift that there may no name remaine to my husband nor reliques vpon the earth † And the king said to the woman Goe into thy house and I wil geue commandement for thee † And the woman of Thecua said to the king Vpon me my lord be the iniquitie and vpon the house of my father but be the king and his throne innocent † And the king said He that shal gaynesay thee bring him to me he shal adde no more to touch thee † Who sayd Let the king remember our Lord his God that the next of bloud be not multiplied to reuenge and that they kil not my sonne Who sayd Our Lord liueth there shal not fal of the heares of thy sonne vpon the earth † The woman therefore sayd Let thy handmayde speake to my lord the king a word † And he sayd Speake † And the woman sayd Why hast thou thought such a thing agaynst the people of God and why hath the king spoken this word that he would sinne and not bring againe his banished one † We doe al dye and as waters that returne not we fal downe on the earth neither wil God haue a soule to perish bur reuoketh meaning that he perish not altogether that is cast of † Now therefore I come that I may speake to my lord the king this word the people being present And thy handmayd sayd I wil speake to the king if by any meanes the king may doe the word of his handmaide † And the king hath heard to deliuer his handmaide out of the hand of al that would destroy me out of the inheritance of our Lord and my sonne together † Let thy handmaide therefore say that the word of my lord the king be made as a sacrifice For euen as an Angel of God so is my lord the king that he is moued neither with blessing nor cursing Wherefore our Lord also thy God is with thee † And the king answering sayd to the woman Hide not from me the thing that I aske thee And the woman sayd to him Speake my lord king † And the king sayd Is the hand of
15. Oza 2● Reg. 6. sodenly slaine for touching the Arke of God the Lavv forbidding vnder paine of death Num. 1. v. 51. 18. v. 7. that none should approch to holie office being not therto orderly called Of workes also of Supererogation called counsailes not preceptes vve haue examples in vovves voluntarily made of thinges not commanded the law prescribing vvhat vovves might be made by vvhom Nu. 30. And Num. 6. a particular rule was proposed to such as of their ovvne accord vvould embrace it a distinct name geuen them to be called Nazarites that is Seperate or Sanctified In which state they vvere to remaine either for a time limited by themselues or their parents or perpetually if they so promised Iudic. 13. 1. Reg. 1. For s● farre as their promise extended they were strictly obliged to performe Deut. 23. When thou hast vowed a vow to our Lord thy God thou shalt not slacke to pay it because our Lord thy God wil require it and if thou delay it shal be reputed to thee for sinne If thou wilt not promise thou shalt be without this sinne Pay thy vowes vnto the Highest Psal 75. Vow ye and render your vowes to our Lord your God Psal 49. The Rechabites aftervvardes had a like rule to the Nazarite● the same perpetual Hierem. 3● neuer to drinke wine nor to build nor dwel in houses but in tabernacles nor sow corne nor plant vineyardes VVhich rule though instituted by a man yet the obseruation therof vvas much commended rewarded by God v. 19. Such distinct state of religious persons with other states of the church of Christ were also prefigured Leuit. 11. by the cleane fishes of three distinct vvaters as some holie Fathers do mystically expound that place To vvitte the cleane fishes of the sea are the multitude of lay persons which are dravven out of the sea of this vvorld and happely found good fishes in our Lords nette Math. 13. The cleane fishes of the riuers are the good and fruitful Clergie men that vvatter the vvhole earth by teaching Christian doctrin and ministring holie Sacramentes vvith other Rites and Gouerning the whole Church And the cleane fishes of standing pooles are the Monastical persons liuing perpetually in Cloysters vvhere good soules are alwayes readie for our Lordes table as S. Bernard teacheth Much more the more ancient fathers S. Beda S. Gregorie S. Augustin and others explicate innumerable places of holie Scripture mystically relying therin vpon example of the new Testament so expounding the old Namely S. Paul teaching as before is noted that the whole law was a pedagogue guiding men to Christ and affirming that al thinges happened to the people of the old Testament in figure of the new Leauing therfore to prosecute the same further which would require a verie great worke it may here suffice to geue according to the literal sense a briefe view of certaine other pointes of Religion practised in this fourth age VVhere it is clere that as Iacob the Patriarch had fortold Gen. 48. that Abrahams Isaacs and his owne name should be inuocated so Moyses prayed God for his promise made to them and for their sake to pardon the people saying Exod. 32. Remember ô Lord Abraham Isaac Israel And our Lord was pacified from doing the euil which he had spoken against his people His diuine prouidence so disposing that he could be hindered by such prayers from that which h●threatned And whereas Moyses did not directly inuocate the holie Patriarches as Christians now cal vpon glorified Sainctes to pray for them the cause of difference is for that now Sainctes seing God know in him whatsoeuer perteyneth to their glorie which state none b●fore Christ attain●d vnto Num 35. v. 25. Deut. 4. v. 12. Againe Protestantes obiect that for so much as God knoweth al our necessities desires dispositions and whatsoeuer is in man it is needles say they superfluous in vaine that Sainctes should commend our causes To this we answer that not only glorious Sainctes but also mortal men by Gods ordināce by which nothing is done vainely do such offices as mediators betwen God and other men for so Moyses told the wordes of the people to our Lord Exod. 19. notwithstanding Gods omniscience or knowledge of al thinges Also God expresly commanded Iobs freinds to goe to Iob promising to heare his prayer for th●m As for Sainctes hearing or knowing our prayers made to them though onlie God of himselfe and by his owne power seeth mens secrete cogitations and therfore is properly called the searcher of hartes 1. Reg. 16. yet God communicateth this pow●r to prophetes to see the secrete thoughtes of others so Samuel knew the cogitations of Saul 1. Reg. 9. v. 20. And Abias saw by reuelation the coming of Ierobomas wife to him in Silo 3. Reg. 14. Much more God reuealeth our present state and acts to glorified soules vvho are as Angels in heauen Math. 22. and being secure of their owne glorie are careful sayeth S. Cyprian of our Saluation Neither is it derogation to God that Saints are honoured and titles ascribed to them of intercessors mediators and the like for such titles are geuen to them not as to God but by vvay of participation only So Iudges are called goddes and sauiours Exod. 21. Iudic 3. and Priestes called goddes Exod. 21. Praise geuen to God and Gedeon Iudic. 7. Protection and adoration of Angels is very frequent Exod. 23. 31. Num. 22. Iosue 5. Iudic. 2. 6. 13. The names of the twelue sonnes of Israel were grauen in the two chiefe ornaments of the high priest in the Ephod and Rationale Exod. 28. Manna was not only reserued as a memorie of Gods singular benefite but also honorably reposed as a Relique in a golden vessel and kept in the Arke of God Exod. 16. Heb. 9. Iosephs bones reserued and remoued Iosue 24. Images of holie Cherubims were made and sette vp together with the Arke and Propitiatorie in the chiefe place of the Tabernacle called Sancta Sanctorum Exod. 25. An image also of a serpent was made in brasse for the health of those that were striken by serpentes Num. 21. Images also of lions and oxen were made and sette vnder the foote of the lauer called a sea in the Temple 3. Reg. 7. The honour done to anie holie thing namely to the Arke 2. Reg. 6. redounded to Gods more honour and al this so farre from idolatrie that quite contrarie in presence of the Arke the idol Dagon fel to the ground and broke in peeces 1. Reg. 5. Exequies for the dead with weeping and fasting were then practised in the Church as appeareth by the peoples mourning for Aaron thirtie dayes Num. 20. Also for Moyses Deut. 34. By the Gabaonites fasting seuen dayes for Saul and his sonnes lately slaine 1. Reg. 31. Likewise king Dauid with al his court mourning weping
and began to pray with teares † saying Thou art iust ô Lord al thy iudgementes are iust and al thy waies mercie truth and iudgement † And now Lord be mindful of me and take not reuenge of my sinnes neither remember the sinnes of me or of my parentes † Because we haue not obeyed thy commandmentes therfore we are deliuered in spoile and captiuitie and death and into a fable and into reproch to al nations in which thou hast dispersed vs. † And now Lord great are thy iudgementes because we haue not done according to thy preceptes haue not walked sincerely before thee † and now Lord according to thy wil do with me command my spirite to be receiued in peace for it is expedient for me to die rather then to liue † The verie same day therfore it chanced that Sara the daughter of Raguel in Rages a citie of the Medes she also heard reproch of one of her fathers handmaydes † because she had beene deliuered to seuen husbandes the diuel named Asmodeus had killed them forth with as they were entred in vnto her † Therfore when she rebuked the wench for her fault she answered her saying Let vs no more see sonne of thee or daughter vpon the earth thou murderer of thy husbandes † What wilt thou kil me also as thou hast now killed seuen husbandes At this voice she went into an higher chamber of her house and three dayes and three nightes did not eate nor drinke † but continewing in prayer with teares besought God that he would deliuer her from this reproch † And it came to passe the third day whiles she accomplished her prayer blessing our Lord † she sayd Blessed is thy name ô God of our fathers who when thou hast bene angrie wilt doe mercie in the time of tribulation forgeuest them their sinnes that inuocate thee † To thee ô Lord I turne my face to thee I direct myne eyes † I desire Lord that thou loose me from the bond of this reproch or els take me away from the earth † Thou knowest Lord that I neuer coueted a husband and haue kept my soule cleane from al concupiscence † Neuer haue I companied my self with sporters neither haue I made my selfe partaker with them that walke in lightnesse † But a husband I consented to take with thy feare not with my lust † And either I was vnworthie of them or they perhaps were not worthie for me because perhaps thou hast kept me for an other man † For thy counsel is not in mans power † But this hath euerie one for certayne that worshippeth thee that his life if it be in probation shal be crowned and if it be in tribulation it shal be deliuered and if it be in correction it shal be lawful to come to thy mercie † For thou art not delighted in our perditions because after a tempest thou makest a calme and after teares and weeping thou powrest in ioyfulnesse † Be thy name God of Israel blessed foreuer † At that time the prayers of both were heard in the sight of the glorie of the high God † and the holie Angel of our Lord Raphael was sent to cure them both whose prayers at one time were recited in the sight of our Lord. CHAP. IIII. Tobias thincking he shal dye geueth his sonne godlie admonitions 7. especially exhorteth him to geue almes diligently 13. to flee al fornication pride and fraude 21. And telleth him of money lent to a friend THERFORE when Tobias thought his prayer to be heard that he might haue died he called to him Tobias his sonne † and sayd to him Heare my sonne the wordes of my mouth lay them as a foundation in thy hart † When God shal take my soule * burie my bodie and thou shalt doe * honour to thy mother al the dayes of her life † for thou must be mindful what perils and how great she suffered for thee in her wombe † And when she also shal haue accomplished the time of her life burie her beside me † And al the dayes of thy life * haue God in thy mind and beware thou consent not to sinne at anie time and pretermitte the preceptes of our Lord God † * Of thy substance geue almes and turne not away thy face from anie poore person for so it shal come to passe that neither the face of our Lord shal be turned from thee † As thou shalt be able so be merciful † If thou haue much geue aboundantly if thou haue litle studie to impert also a litle willingly † For thou dost treasure vp to thy self a good reward in the day of necessitie † because almes deliuereth from al sinne and from death wil not suffer the soule to goe into darkenesse † Great confidence before God most high shal almes be to al them that doe it † * Take heed to thy self my sonne of al fornication beside thy wife neuer abide to know crime † * Neuer permitte pryde to rule in thy word for in it al perdition tooke his beginning † * Whosoeuer hath wrought anie thing for thee pay him his hyre immediatly and let not the hyre of thy hyred seruant remayne with thee at al. † * That which thou hatest to be done to thee by an other see thou doe it not to an other at anie time † Eate thy bread with the hungrie needie and of thy garmentes couer the naked † * Set thy bread and thy wine vpon the burial of a iust man and doe not eate and drinke therof with sinners † Seeke counsel alwaies of a wiseman † At al time blesse God and desire of him that he direct thy waies and that al thy counsels remayne in him † I tel thee also my sonne that I gaue tenne talentes of siluer whiles thou wast yet a child to Gabelus in Rages a citie of the Medes and I haue a bil of his hand with me † and therfore enquire how thou maist come to him and receiue of him the foresayd weight of siluer and restore him the bil of his hand † Feare not my sonne we leade in dede a poore life but we shal haue many good thinges if we feare God and depart from al sinne and doe wel CHAP. V. Yong Tobias seeking a guide for his iourney Raphael the Angel in shape of a man presenteth himself and vndertaketh this office 23. The mother lamenteth the abscence and danger of her sonne THEN Tobias answered his father and sayd I wil doe al things father whatsoeuer thou hast commanded me † But how I shal require this money I can nor tel he knoweth not me and I know not him what token shal I geue him Yea neither the way which leadeth thither did I euer know † Then his father answered him and sayd I haue the bil of his hand with me which when thou shalt
feare not in thy hart because I haue neuer hurt man that would serue Nabuchodonosor the king † And thy people if they had not contemned me I would neuer haue lifted vp my speare ouer them † But now tel me for what cause hast thou departed from them and it hath pleased thee to come to vs † And Iudith said to him Take the wordes of thy handmayde for if thou wilt folow the wordes of thy handmayde our Lord wil do with thee a perfect thing † For Nabuchodonosor the king of the earth liueth and his power liueth which is in thee to the chastising of al straying soules that not onlie men serue him by thee but also the beastes of the field obey him † For the industrie of thy mind is reported to al nations and it is declared to al the world that thou onlie art good and mightie in al his kingdom and thy discipline is bruted to al prouinces † Neither is that vnknowne which Achior spake neither are we ignorant of that thou hast commanded to come vpon him † For it is certaine that our God is so offended with sinnes that he hath sent word by his prophetes to the people that he wil deliuer them for their sinnes † And because the children of Israel know they offended their God thy dread is vpon them † Moreouer also famine hath inuaded them and for drought of water they are now estemed among the dead † Finally they ordayne this to kil their cattel and to drinke the bloud of them † and the holie thinges of our Lord their God which God commanded not to be touched in corne wine and oile these haue they purposed to bestow and they wil consume the thinges which they ought not to touch with their handes therfore because they do these thinges it is sure that they shal be geuen into perdition † Which I thy handmayde knowing am fled from them and our Lord hath sent me to tel thee these verie thinges † For I thy handmayde worshippe God euen now being with thee and thy handmayde wil goe forth and I wil pray God † and he wil tel me when he wil repay them their sinnes and I coming wil tel thee so that I may bring thee through the middes of Ierusalem and thou shalt haue al the people of Israel as sheepe that haue no pastor and there shal not so much as one dog barke against thee † because these thinges are told me by the prouidence of God † And because God is angrie with them I am sent to tel these vetie thinges to thee † And al these wordes pleased Holofernes and his seruantes and they maruailed at her wisedom and one said to an other † There is not such a woman vpon the earth in looke in beautie and in sense of wordes † And Holofernes sayd to her God hath done wel which sent thee before the people that thou mightest geue them into our handes † and because thy promise is good if thy God shal doe this for me he shal also be my God and thou shalt be great in the house of Nabuchodonosor and thy name shal be renowmed in al the earth CHAP. XII Iudith is brought into Holofernes treasurehouse 2. hath leaue to abstaine from the Gentils meates 5. and to goe forth in the night to pray 10. The fourth day she cometh to Holofernes banket 16 he is taken with concuspiscence and drinketh very much wine THEN he bad her goe in where his treasures were layd vp and bad her tarie there and he appoynted what should be geuen her of his owne banket † To whom Iudith answered and said Now I can not eate of these thinges which thou commandest to be geuen me lest there come displeasure vpon me but I wil eate of these thinges which I haue brought † To whom Holofernes said If these thinges which thou hast brought with thee shal fayle thee what shal we doe to thee † And Iudith said Thy soule liueth my lord that thy handmayde shal not spend al these thinges til God doe by my hand these thinges which I haue purposed And his seruantes brought her into the tabernacle which he had commanded † And whiles she went in she desired that she might haue licence to goe forth in the night and before day to prayer and to besech our Lord. † And he commanded his chamberlaynes that as it pleased her she should goe out come in to adore her God for three dayes † And she went forth in the nightes into the vale of Bethulia and washed her self in a fountaine of water † And as she came vp she prayed our Lord the God of Israel that he would direct her way to the deliuerie of his people † And going in she remayned pure in the tabernacle vntil she tooke her owne meate in the euening † And it came to passe in the fourth day Holofernes made a supper to his seruantes and sayd to Vagao his eunuch Goe and perswade that Hebrew woman that she consent of her owne accord to dwel with me † For it is a foule thing with the Assyrians if a woman mocke a man in doing that she passe free from him † Then Vagao went in to Iudith said Let not the good yong maide feare to goe in to my Lord that she may be honoured before his face that she may eate with him and drinke wine in ioyfulnes † To whom Iudith answered Who am I that I should gaynesay my lord † Al that shal be good and best before his eies wil I doe And whatsoeuer shal please him that shal be best to me al the dayes of my life † And she arose and decked herself with her garmentes and going in she stood before his face † And the hart of Holofernes was strooken for he burnt in the concupiscence of her † And Holofernes said to her Drinke now and sit downe in ioyfulnes because thou hast found grace before me † And Iudith said I wil drinke my lord because my soule is magnified this day aboue al my dayes † And she tooke and did eate and dranke before him those thinges which her handmayde had prepared her † And Holofernes was made pleasant toward her and dranke wine exceeding much so much as he had neuer drunke in his life CHAP. XIII Holofernes lying in a druncken sleepe Iudith cutleth of his head 12. so returneth with her m●●de through the gard as it were to pray cometh to Bethulia 16. exhorteth al to thinke God and sheweth them the head 22. She is blessed of al. 27. Achior also praiseth God and Iudith AND when it was waxen late his seruantes made hast to their lodgings and Vagao shut the chamber doores and went his way † And they were al ouerladen with wine † And Iudith was alone in the chamber † Moreouer Holofernes lay in his bed fast a slepe with very much drunkennes † And Iudith said to her mayd that she should stand without before the chamber
and watch † And Iudith stood before the bed praying with teares and with mouing of her lippes in silence † saying Confirme me o Lord God of Israel and in this houre haue respect to the workes of my handes that as thou hast promised thou mayst aduance Ierusalem thy citie and I may bring to passe that which I beleuing that it may be done by thee haue purposed † And when she had sayd these thinges she went to the piller that was at his beds head and his sword that hong tyed on it she loosed † And when she had drawen it out she tooke him by the heare of his head and sayd Confirme me ô Lord God in this houre † and she stroke twise vpon his necke and cut of his head and tooke his canopie from the pillers and rolled aside his bodie a truncke † And after a while she went out and deliuered the head of Holofernes to her mayde and bad her put it into her wallet † And they two went forth according to their custome as it were to prayer and they passed the campe and compassing the valley they came to the gate of the citie † And Iudith a far of said to the keepers of the walles Open the gates because God is with vs which hath wrought power in Israel † And it came to passe when the men had heard her voyce they called the ancientes of the citie † And they ran al to meete her from the least to the greatest because they hoped not that now she would come † And they lighting lightes gathered round about her euerie one and she going vp into a higher place commanded silence to be made And when al had held their peace † Iudith said Prayse yee the Lord our God who hath not forsaken them that hope in him † and in me his handmayde he hath sulfilled his mercie which he promised to the house of Israel and he hath killed by my hand the enemie of his people this night † And bringing forth the head of Holofernes out of the wallet she shewed it them saying Loe the head of Holofernes the general of the armie of the Assyrians and behold his canopie wherein he lay in his drunkennes where the Lord our God stroke him by the hand of a woman † But the same our Lord liueth that his Angel hath kept me both going hence and abyding there and from thence returning hither and our Lord hath not suffered me his handmayde to be defyled but without pollution of sinne he hath called me backe to you reioysing in this victorie in my escape and in your deliuerie † Confesse ye al to him because he is good because his mercie is for euer † And they al adoring our Lord said to her Our Lord hath blessed thee in his power because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nothing † Moreouer Ozias the prince of the people of Israel said to her Blessed art thou daughter of our Lord the high God aboue al wemen vpon the earth † Blessed be our Lord which made heauen and earth which hath directed thee vnto the woundes of the head of the prince of our enemies † Because this day he hath so magnified thy name that they prayse shal not depart out of the mouth of men which shal be mindeful of the power of our Lord for euer for that thou hast thy life for the distresses and tribulation of thy kinred but hast holpen the ruine before the presence of our God † And al the people sayd So be it so be it † Moreouer Achior being called came and Iudith said to him The God of Israel to whom thou gauest testimonie that he reuengeth him self of his enemies he hath cut of the head of al the vnfaithful this night by my hand † And that thou mayst proue that it is so loe the head of Holofernes who in the contempt of his pride contemned the God of Israel and threatened thee death saying When the people of Israel shal be taken I wil command thy sides to be pearsed with a sword † But Achior seing the head of Holofernes being in anguish for feare fel on his face vpon the earth and his soule was sore trubled † But after taking spirit agayne he was refreshed fel downe at her feete and adored her and sayd † Blessed art thou of thy God in euerie tabernacle of Iacob because in euerie nation which shal heare thy name the God of Israel shal be magnified in thee CHAP. XIIII Holofernes head is hanged on the wall 6. Achior is circumcised 7. The Israeelites assault the Assyrians 8. who going to awake their General 14. finde him slaine 17 and are al confounded with feare AND Iudith said to al the people Heare me brethren hang ye this head vpon our walles † and it shal be when the sunne shal rise let euerie man take his armour and yssue ye forth with violence not that you goe downe beneath but as it were inuading violently † Then the watchmen must of necessitie runne to rayse vp their prince to battel † And when the captaynces of them shal runne to the tabernacle of Holofernes and shal finde him headles rowled in bloud feare wil fal vpon them † And when you shal know that they flee goe after them securely because our Lord wil destroy them vnder your feete † Then Achior seeing the power that God of Israel wrought forsaking the rite of gentilitie beleued God and circuncided the flesh of his prepuce and was ioyned to the people of Israel and al the succession of his kinred vntil this present day † And immediatly as day brake they hong the head of Holofernes vpon the walles and euerie man tooke his armour and they went forth with great noyse and shouting † Which the watchmen seing ranne to the tabernacle of Holofernes † Moreouer they that were in the tabernacle coming and before the dore of the tabernacle making a noyse to rayse him they endeuored by art to disquiet him that Holofernes might awake not by them raysing him but by them making a noyse † For no man durst by knocking or entring to open the chamber of the chiefe of the Assyrians † But when his dukes and tribunes were come and al the chiefe of the armie of the king of the Assyrians they said to the chamberlayns † Goe in and awake him becaufe the mice yssuing out of their holes haue presumed to prouoke vs to battel † Then Vagao entring into his chamber stoode before the cortine and made a clapping with his handes for he thought that he slept with Iudith † But when with the sense of his eares he percieued no motion of person lying he came neere to the cortine and lifting it vp and seing the bodie without the head of Holofernes weltred in his bloud lye vpon the ground cried out in a lowd voyce with weeping and rent his garmentes † And going into the tabernacle of Iudith he found her not and he lept
both and to put his hand betwen both † Let him take his rod from me and let not his dread terrifie me † I wil speake and wil not feare him for I can not answer fearing CHAP. X. ●ob scarse able to speake yet sheweth that there is no iniustice nor ignorance in God neither is his sinne the cause of so great afflictions 9. Acknowledgeth Gods loue and benefites towards himself 15. and dreadeth his strict iudgement MY soule is wearie of my life I wil let my speach passe agaynst my self I wil speake in the bitternes of my soule † I wil say to God Condemne me not tel me why thou iudgest me so † Doth it seeme good to thee if thou calumniate me and oppresse me the worke of thy handes and helpe the counsel of the impious † Hast thou eies of flesh or as a man seeth shalt thou also see † Are thy daies as the daies of man and are thy yeares as the times of men † That thou sekest my iniquitie and searchest my sinne † And thou mayst knowe that I haue done no impious thing whereas there is no man that can deliuer out of thy hand † Thy handes haue made me and framed me wholly round about and dost thou so sodenlie cast me downe headlong † Remember I besech thee that as clay thou madest me and into dust thou wilt bring me agayne † Hast thou not as milke milked me and curded me as cheese † With skinne and flesh thou hast clothed me with bones sinowes thou hast compacted me † Life and mercie thou hast geuen to me and thy visitation hath kept my spirit † Although thou conceale these thinges in thy hart yet I know that thou remembrest al thinges † If I haue sinned and thou hast spared me for an houre why doest thou not suffer me to be cleane from mine iniquttie † And if I shal be impious woe is to me and if iust I shal not lift vp my head filled with affliction and miserie † And for pride as a lionesse thou wilt take me and returning thou doest meruelously torment me † Thou renewest thy witnesses agaynst me and multipliest thy wrath toward me and paynes doe warre vpon me † Why didst thou bring me forth out of the matrice Who would God I had beene consumed that eye might not see me † I had beene as if I were not caried from the wombe to the graue † Shal not the fewnes of my daies be ended shortly suffer me therfore that I may a litle lament my sorow † Before I goe and returne not vnto the darke land that is couered with the mist of death † A land of miserie and darkenesse where is the shadow of death and no order but euerlasting horrour inhabiteth CHAP. XI Sophar imputeth ●obs discourse about the cause of his so great afflictions to insolencie of mind and loquasitie of tongu perswading him to acknowlege greuous sinnes that so he may haue the reward of a iust man BVt sophar the Naamathite answering said † Why shal he that speaketh manie thinges not heare also or shal a man ful of wordes be iustified † To thee onlie shal men hold their peace and when thou hast mocked others shalt thou be confuted of none † For thou hast sayd My word is pure and I am cleane in thy sight † And I would wish that God would speake with thee and would open his lippes to thee † That he might shew thee the secretes of wisdom and that his law is manisold and thou mightest vnderstand that thou art exacted much lesser thinges of him then thy iniquitie deserueth † Peraduenture thou wilt comprehend the steppes of God and wil find out the Omnipotent perfectly † He is higher then heauen and what wilt thou doe deeper then hel and how wilt thou know † The measure of him is longer then the earth and broder then the sea † If he shal ouerthrow al things or shal strayten them into one who shal say against him † For he knoweth the vanitie of men seing iniquitie doth he not cōsider † A vaine man is extolled into pride and thinketh him self borne free as a wilde asses colt † But thou hast confirmed thy hart hast spred thy handes to him † If thou shalt take away from thee the iniquitie that is in thy hand and iniustice remaine not in thy tabernacle † Then mayst thou lift vp thy face wthout spotte and thou shalt be stable and shalt not feare † Thou shalt also forget miserie and shalt remember it as waters that are passed † And the brightnes as it were of noone daies shal arise to thee at euening and when thou shalt think thyself consumed thou shalt rise as the day starre † And thou shalt haue confidence hope being set before thee and buried thou shalt sleepe secure † Thou shalt rest and there shal be none to terrifie thee and verie manie shal besech thy face † But the eies of the impious shal decay and escape shal faile them and their hope the abomination of the soule CHAP. XII Iob sheweth the knowlege which his freinds much boast of to be the common knowne doctrin of Gods seruantes He more truly and more profoundly discourseth of Gods powre and wisdome stil defending his owne innocencie in respect of great sinnes BV● Iob answering sayd † Are you then men alone shal wisedome die with you † I also haue a hart euen as you neither am I inferiour to you for who is ignorāt of these thinges which you know † He that is mocked of his frend as I shal inuocate God he wil heare him for the simplicitie of the iust man is scorned † The lampe contemned in the cogitations of the riche is prepared to the time appointed † The tabernacles of robbers abound they prouoke God bouldly wheras he hath geuen al thinges into their handes † For aske the beastes and they shal teach thee and the foules of the ayre and they shal tel thee † Speake to the earth and it shal answer thee and the fishes of the sea shal tel † Who is ignorant that the hand of our Lord hath made al these things † In whose hand is the soule of euerie liuing thing and the spirit of al the flesh of man † Doth not the eare discerne wordes and the iawes of him that eateth the tast † In the ancientes is wisedom and in long time prudence † With him is wisedom and strength he hath counsel and vnderstanding † If he shal destroy there is no man that can build if he shut vp a man there is none that can open † If he hold in the waters al things shal be dried and if he send them forth they shal ouerthrow the earth † With him is strength and wisedom he knoweth both the deceiuer him that is deceiued † He bringeth counselers to a folish end and iudges to astonishment † He looseth the belt of kings
children and multitude called him king of Israel Ioan 12. At which time as also before he exercised temporal Iurisdiction in correcting abuses in the Temple Mat. 21. Ioan. 2. And when Pilate demanded of him if he were a king Ioan. 18. v. 37. he answered Thou saist that I am a king For this I was borne and for this came I into the world that I should geue testimonie to the truth And though he answered withal that his kingdom to witte the possession and vse therof was not of this world yet Pilate by Gods prouidence writte the title and would not alter it IESVS of Nazareth King of the Iewes But Christs chief inheritance and reward of his merites is God himself as here he professeth by his prophet Dauid which is also the only true perfect inheritance of al Christs seruates vvherfore Clergy men more particularly professe the same when they first enter into their spiritual state addicting and dedicating them selues to serue God in Ecclefiastical sunct on not for temporal inheritance but for a better lotte God himself who is al Good and most perfect goodnes true riches and eternal inheritance In which election of state to liue and serue God in euerie Clergie man sayth Our Lord is the portion of myn inheritance and of my cuppe Thou art he that vvil restore myn inheritance vnto me Man calleth it his inheritance because he was created to serue God and for his feruice to inherite God which reward though he lost by sinne yet euerie one returning to Gods seruice and perseuering therin recouereth by Christ new right and title to the same inheritance performing their duties in their seueral vocations Some traueling in the world but not louing it others sequestered from secular affayres duly administring sacred offices more peculiarly called Diuine seruice ● Net leaue my 〈◊〉 in hel How Caluin and Beza sometimes corrupt this text alwayes pernert the sense and most absurdly oppose them selues against al ancient holie Farhets concerning the Article of Christs descending in soule denving that into that part of hel called Limbus patr● is largely noted Gen. 37. Act. 2. 1. pet 3 Only here we may not omitte to aduertise the reader that some Protestants Bibles permitting the word hel to remaine in the text a latter Edition for hel putteth graue with this only note in the former place that thus is chiesly meant of Christ by whose Resurrection al his members haue immortality And Act. 2. they repete their new text by this paraphrasis Thou shlat not leaue me in the graue VV resting that which perteineth to the bodie rising from the graue to the soule which was not at al in the graue al the time the bodie lay there PSALME XVI Aiust mans prayer in tribulation 10. describing his enemies cruelty 13. by way of imprecation foresheweth their destruction 15. and declareth that the iust shal be satisfied in glorie † The “ prayer of Dauid HEARE ô Lord my iustice attend my petition With thine eares heare my prayer not in deceitful lippes † From thy countenanee let my iudgement procede let thine eies see equities † Thou hast proued my hart and visited it by night by fire thou hast examined me and there is no iniquitie found in me † That my mouth speake not the workes of men for the wordes of thy lippes I haue kept the hard wayes † Perfite my pases in thy pathes that my steppes be not moued I haue cried because thou hast heard me ● God incline thyne eare to me and heare my wordes † Make thy mercies meruelous which sauest them that hope in thee † From them that resist thy right hand keepe me as the apple of the eie † Vnder the shadowe of thy winges protect me † from the face of the impious that haue afflicted me Mine enemies haue compassed my soule † they haue shut vp their fatte their mouth hath spoken pride † Casting me forth now haue they compassed me they haue sette their eies to bend them vnto the earth † They haue taken me as a lion readie to the pray and as a lions whelpe dwelling in hid places † Arise Lord preuent him and supplant him deliuer my soule from the impious thy sword † from the enemies of thy hand Lord from a few out of the land diuide them in their life their bellie is filled of thy secretes They are filled with children and they haue leaft their remnantes to their litle ones † But I in iustice shal appeare to thy sight I shal be filled when thy glorie shal appeare ANNOTATIONS PSALME XVI 1. The prayer of Dauid This Psalme of the matter conteyned is called a prayer VVhich holie Dauid so composed as was both conuenient for himselfe being molested with vniust afflictions by the wicked and for anie other iust person or the whole Church in persecution seruing as a spiritual sword to strike the enimies and as a shield to beare of with patience and fortitude al their forces PSALME XVII King Dauids thankes to God for his often deliuerie from great dangers first in general 9. then more particularly describeth Gods terrible maner of fighting for him 18. against his cruel and otherwise potent enimie● 22. attributing the same to Gods good pleasure and iustice of his cause 31. praiseth God 33. his only protector 41. and depresser of his enemies † Vnto the end to the seruant of our Lord Dauid who spake to our Lord the wordes of this canticle in the day that our Lord deliuered him out of the hand of al his enemies and out of the hand of Saul and he said 2. Reg. 22. I wil loue thee ô Lord my strength † Our Lord is my firmament and my refuge and my deliuere My God is my helper and I wil hope in him My protectour and the horne of my saluation and my receiuer † Praysing I wil inuocate our Lord and I shal be saued from mine enemies † The sorrowes of death haue compassed me and torrentes of iniquitie haue trubled me The sorrowes of hel haue compassed me the snares of death haue preuented me † In my tribulation I haue inuocated our Lord and haue cried to my God And he hath heard my voice from his holie temple and my crie in his sight hath entered into his eares † The earth was shaken trembled the fundations of mountaines were trubled and were moued because he was wrath with them † Smoke arose in his wrath and fire flamed vp from his face coles were kindled from him † He bowed the heauens and descended and darkenesse vnder his feete † And he ascended vpon the cherubs and flew he flew vpon the wings of windes † And he put darkenesse his couert his tabernacle is round about
desiderable aboue al vvorldlie riches or pleasures So by these and like spiritual motiues the soule freely desiteth accepteth vndertaketh endureth and by continual assistance of grace obserueth Gods lavv and so meriteth the great revvard vvhich is promised for keping it v. 12. 2. Tim. 4. v. 6. PSALME XIX Faithful people ioyne their prayer for their Prince or Prelate 4. with sacrifice offered for his preseruation and prosperous successe † Vnto the end the Psalme of Dauid OVR Lord heare thee in the day of tribulation the name of the God of Iacob protect thee † Send he ayde to thee from the holie place and from Sion defend he thee † Be he mindeful of al thy sacrifice and be thy holocaust made fatte † Geue he vnto thee according to thy hart and confirme he al thy counsel † We shal reioyce in thy saluation and in the name of our God we shal be magnified † Our Lord accomplish al thy petitions now haue I knowen that our Lord hath saued his CHRIST He shal heare him from his holie heauen the faluation of his righthand is in powers † These in chariotes and these in horses but we wil inuocate in the name of the Lord our God † They are bound and haue fallen but we haue risen and are set vpright † Lord saue the king and heare vs in the day that we shal inuocate thee PSALME XX. Praise to God for Christs exaltation after his passion 9. and depression of his enemies † Vnto the end the Psalme of Dauid LORD in thy power the king shal be glad and vpon thy saluation he shal reioyce excedingly The desire of his hart thou hast geuen him and of the wil of his lippes thou hast not defrauded him † Because thou hast preuented him in blessinges of sweetnesse thou hast put on his head a crowne of pre●ious stone † He asked life of thee and thou gauest him length of daies for euer and for euer and euer † Great is his glorie in thy saluation glorie and great beautie thou shalt put vpon him † Because thou shalt geue him to be a blessing for euer and euer thou shalt make him ioyful in gladenesse with thy countenance Because the king hopeth in our Lord and in the mercie of the Highest he shal not be moued † Let thy hand be found of al thy enemies let thy righthand find al that hate thee † Thou shalt put them as an ouen of fyre in the time of thy countenance our Lord in his wrath shal truble them and fyre shal deuoure them Their fruite thou shalt destroy from the land and their seede from the children of men Because they haue turned the euils vpon thee they haue deuised counsels which they could not establish Because thou shalt put them backe in thy remnantes thou ●● shalt prepare their countenance Be exalted Lord in thy powre we wil chaunte and sing thy powers PSALME XXI Christ prayeth in his Passion 7. describeth the acerbitie therof 20. foresheweth by way of prayer his Resurection 23. more clerly the fundation and propagation of his Church 27. 30. interposing the singular foode of the most blessed Sacrament euen to the endes of the earth in al nations † Vnto the end “ for the morning enterprise the Psalme of Dauid GOD my God haue respect to me why hast thou forsaken me far from my saluation are the wordes of my sinnes My God I shal crie by day and “ thou wilt not heare and by night and not for follie vnto me † But thou dwellest in the holie place the prayse of Israel † In thee our fathers haue hoped they hoped and thou didst deliuer them They cried to thee and were saued they hoped in thee and were not confounded † But I am a worme and no man a reproch of men and outcast of the people † Al that see me haue scorned me they haue spoken with the lippes and wagged the head † He hoped in the Lord let him deliuer him let him saue him because he wil him † Because thou art he that hast drawen me out of the wombe my hope from the brestes of my mother † Vpon thee I haue bene cast from the matrice from my mothers wombe thou art my God † depart not from me Because tribulation is verie nigh because there is not that wil helpe † Manie calues haue compassed me fatte bulles haue besieged me † They haue opened their mouth vpon me as a lion rauening and roaring † As water I am powred out and al my bones are dispersed My hart is made as waxe melting in the middes of my bellie † My strength is withered as a pot-shard and my tongue cleaued to my iawes and thou hast brought me downe into the dust of death † Because manie dogges haue compassed me the counsel of the malignant hath besieged me They “ haue digged my handes and my feete † they haue numbered al my bones But themselues haue considered and beheld me † they haue deuided my garmentes among them and vpon my vesture they haue cast lot † But thou Lord prolong not thy helpe from me looke toward my defense † Deliuer ô God my soule from the sword and myne onlie one from the hand of the dog † Saue me out of the lions mouth and my humilitie from the hornes of vnicornes † “ I wil declare thy name to my bretheren “ in the middes of the Church I wil prayse thee † Ye that feare our Lord praise him al the seede of Iacob glorifie ye him † Let al the seede of Israel feare him because he hath not contemned nor despised the petition of the poore Neither hath he turned away his face from me and when I cried to him he heard me † With thee is my praise in the great Church I wil render my vowes in the sight of them that feare him † “ The poore shal eate and shal be filled and they shal praise our Lord that seeke after him their hartes shal liue for euer and euer † Al the endes of the earth shal remember and be conuerted to our Lord † And al the families of the Gentiles shal adore in his sight † Because the kingdome is our Lords and he shal haue dominion ouer the Gentiles † Al the fatte ones of the earth haue eaten and adored in his sight shal al fal that descend into the earth † And my soule shal liue to him and my seede shal serue him † The generation to come shal be shewed to our Lord and the heauens shal shew forth his iustice to the
ye and see that our Lord is sweete blessed is the man that hopeth in him † Feare ye our Lord al ye his sainctes because there is no lacke to them that feare him † The rich haue wanted and haue bene hungrie but they that seeke after our Lord shal not be diminished of any good † Come children heare me I wil teach you the feare of our Lord. † Who is the man that wil haue life loueth to see good daies † “ Stay thy tongue from euil and thy lippes that they speake not guile † Turne away from euil and do good seeke after peace and pursewe it † The eies of our Lord vpon the iust and his eares vnto their prayers † But the countenance of our Lord is vpon them that doe euil things to destroy their memorie out of the earth † The iust haue cried and our Lord hath heard them and out of al their tribulations he hath deliuered them † Our Lord is nigh to them that are of a contrite hart and the humble of spirit he wil saue † Manie are the tribulations of the iust and out of al these our Lord wil deliuer them Our Lord keepeth al their bones there shal not one of them be broken The death of sinners is verie il and they that hate the iust shal offend Our Lord wil redeme the soules of his seruantes and al that hope in him shal not offend ANNOTATIONS PSALME XXXIII 1. He changed his countenance S. Augustin by holie Dauids changing of his countenance and by changing the king of Geth his name who in the booke of kinges where the historie is recorded is called Achis and here Abimelech gethereth that here is an hidden and great Mysterie VVhich he explicateth partly by interpretation of the Hebrew names but more especially by Dauids changing of his countenance which prefigured Christ eternal God becoming also man and so making great changes in the world For as Dauid killed Goliath and for his good act gotte enuie so Christ killing the diuel and humilitie in Christs mēbers killing pride are persecuted by the wicked For Christ was both to the ruine and Resurrection of manie He changed Sacrifice and Priesthood The Iewes had sacrifice according to the order of Aaron in victims of cattle and this was in mysterie For there was not then the Sacrifice of the bodie and bloud of our Lord which the faithful and those that haue read the Gospel do know which Sacrifice is now spread in al the round earth A●litle after the Sacrifice of Aaron is taken away and the Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech begane to be He therfore I knovv not vvho changed his countenance Let it not be I knovv not vvho for our Lord Iesus Christ is knowen He would haue our health to be in his bodie and bloud From whence did he commend his bodie and bloud from his humilitie For vnles he were humble he would neither be eaten nor druncke Behold his highnes In the beginning was the vvord and the vvord was with God and God the vvord Loe the euerlasting meate and Angels eate it supernal powres eate it celestial spirites eate it and they eate and are fatted and the thing remaineth whole which satiateth and reioyceth them How then hath the vvisdome of God fedde vs vvith the same bread the word was made flesh and dwelt in vs It were too long to recite this great Doctors vvhole discourse He further sheweth that Christ dismissed the Ievves and vvent from them to the Gentiles Thou seekest novv Christ saith he among the Ievves and findest him not because he hath changed his countenance For they sticking to the sacrifice according to the order of Aaron held not the Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech and haue lost Christ and the Gentiles haue begunne to haue him Againe this holie father vvilleth vs to remember the Gospel VVhen our Lord Iesus Christ spake of his bodie he said Vnles you eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud you shal not haue life in you because he had changed his countenance this semed as furie and madnes vnto them to geue his flesh to be eaten of men his bloud to be drunke therfore Dauid vvas reputed madde before Achis vvhen he said you haue brought this madde man vnto me Doth it not seme madnes Eate ye my flesh and drinke my bloud He semed to be madde thus S. Augustin Neuer imagining the figuratiue interpretation of our nevv Sacramentaries vvho say Christ gaue no more but a figure of his bodie bloud for then it had bene easily vnderstood by the Capharnaites and no such contradiction nor murmuring had happened Yet S. Augustin saith more plainly if more plaine may be Christ caried himselfe in his ovvne handes And hovv this can be done bretheren in man vvho can vnderstand For vvho is caried in his ovvne handes A man may be caried in the handes of others no man is caried in his ovvne handes VVe find not hovv it can be vnderstood in Dauid according to the letter but in Christ vve find it For Christ vvas caried in his ovvne handes vvhen geuing his verie bodie he said This is my bodie for he caried his bodie in his ovvne handes 14 15. ●tay thy tongue c. Both these verses and frequent other places in the Psalmes shevv plainly that iustice consisteth not only in faith but in abstayning from euil and doing good yet requiring and presupposing true faith vvithout which no workes are aualable to iustice nor to euerlasting life PSALME XXXIIII Dauid in figure of Christ prophetically by way of inuocating Gods helpe forsheweth his persecution and the iust reuenge vpon his persecutors 9. with praise to God 13. his charitie towards his cruel aduersaries 17. whom neuertheles God punisheth 20. for pretending peace in wordes and in fact persecuting 23. rendering to al as they deserue To Dauid himself IVDGE ô Lord them that hurt me ouerthrow them that impugne me † Take armour and shield and rise vp to helpe me † Bring forth the sword and shut vp against them that perfecute me say to my soule I am thy saluation † Let them be counfounded ashamed that seeke my soule Let them be turned backward and be confounded that thinke euil against me † Be they made as dust before the face of winde and the angel of our Lord straictning them † Let their way be made darkenesse and slippernes and the angel of our Lord pursewing them † Because they haue hid the destruction of their snare for me without cause in vaine haue they vpbrayded my soule † Let the snare which he knoweth not come on him and the net which he hath hid catch him and let him fal into the verie same snare † But my soule shal reioyce in our Lord and shal be delighted vpon his saluation † Al
and thyne arme and the illumination of thy countenance because thou wast pleased in them † Thou art the same my king and my God which commandest the saluations of Iacob † In thee we shal turne out our enemies with the horne in thy name we shal contemne them that ryse vp against vs. † For I wil not hope in my bowe and my sword wil not saue me † For thou hast saued vs from them that afflict vs and them that hate vs thou hast confounded † In God we shal be praysed al the day and in thy name we wil confesse for euer † But now thou hast repelled and confounded vs and thou wilt not goe forth ô God in our hostes † Thou hast turned vs backe behind our enemies and they that hated vs spoyled for themselues † Thou hast geuen vs as sheepe that are to be eaten and thou hast dispersed vs among the nations † Thou hast sold thy people without price and there was no multitude in the exchanges of them † Thou hast made vs a reproche to our neighbours a scorne and mocking stocke to them that are round about vs. † Thou hast made vs for a parable to the Gentiles a wagging of the head among the peoples † Al the day my shame is against me and the confusion of my face hath couered me † At the voyce of the vpbrayder and the reprocher at the face of the enemie and persecutor † Al these thinges haue come vpon vs neither haue we forgotten thee and we haue not done wickedly in thy testament † And our hart hath not reuolted backward and thou hast declined our pathes from thy way † Because thou hast humbled vs in the place of affliction and the shadow of death hath couered vs. † If we haue forgotten the name of our God and if we haue spred forth our handes to a strange God † Wil not God enquire of these thinges For he knoweth the secretes of the hart Because for thee we are killed al the day we are estemed as sheepe of slaughter † Arise why sleepest thou ô Lord Arise and expel vs not to the end † Why dost thou turne away thy face forgettest our pouertie and our tribulation † Because our soule is humbled in the dust our bellie is gl●wed in the earth † Arise Lord helpe vs and redeme vs for thy name PSALME XLIIII Dauid singularly moued in hart and tongue 3. prophecieth Christs excellencie indowing his Church with most worthie dowries 11. by way of exhortation forshewing her internal and external beautie 17. with perpetual succession of Pastors feeding the flock euen to the worlds end † Vnto the end for them that shal be changed to the sonnes of Core for vnderstanding a Canticle for the beloued MY hart hath vttered a good word I tel my workes to the king My tongue is the penne of a scribe that writeth swiftly † Goodly of beautie aboue the sonnes of men grace is powred abrode in thy lippes therfore hath God blessed thee for euer † Be girded with thy sword vpon thy thigh ô most mightie † With thy beautie and fayrnesse intend procede prosperousely and reigne Because of truth and mildenesse and iustice and thy right hand shal conduct thee meruelously Thy sharpe arrowes the peoples vnderneth thee shal fal into the hartes of the kings enemies † “ Thy seate ô God for euer and euer a rod of direction the rod of thy kingdom Thou hast loued iustice and hast hated iniquitie therfore God thy God hath annoynted thee with the oile of gladnes aboue thy felowes † Myr●he and Aloes and Cassia from thy garmentes from houses of yuorie out of the which † the daughter of kinges haue delighted thee in thy honour The Queene stood on thy right hand in golden rayment compassed with varietie Heare daughter and see and incline thyne eare and forget thy people and the house of thy father † And the king wil couet thy beautie because he is the Lord thy God and they shal adore him † And the daughters of Tyre with giftes al the rich of the people shal besech thy countenance † Al the glorie of that daughter of the king is within in borders of gold † clothed round about with varieties Virgins shal be brought to the king after her her neighbours shal be brought to thee † They shal be brought in ioy and exultation “ they shal be brought into the temple of the king † “ For thy fathers there are borne sonnes to thee thou shalt make them princes ouer al the earth † They shal be mindeful of thy name in al generation and generation Therfore shal peoples confesse to thee for euer and for euer and euer ANNOTATIONS PSALME XLIIII 7. Thy seate Ô God for euer and euer Seing S. Paul Heb. 1. v. 8. affirmeth expresly that these wordes are spoken of the Sonne of God Christ our Sauiour and therby proueth his excellencie aboue Angels Iohn Caluin is wonderful bold to auouch that in the simple proper sense Dauid spake of his sonne Salomon and the daughter of Pharao as if that were the literal sense and S. Paul only expounded it mystically But first the solemne preface in the two first verses importeth farre greater thinges then agree to anie terrestrial king Secondly this excellent beautie described v. 3. aboue the sonnes of men can not be verified of Salomon for Absalom 2. Reg. 14. v 25. and Adonias were also very beautiful 3. Reg. 1. v. 6. As for Salomons wisdom or other vertues he perseuered not therin and so he was not blessed for euer Thirdly the prophet here calleth the person of whom and to whom he speaketh God v. 7. 12. Fourtly not only the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the Church but also the Hebrew Rabbins and the Chaldee paraphrasis expound this Psalme literally of the promised Messias and his kingdom the Church 16. They shal be brought into the temple of the king The temple of the king saith S. Augustin is the Church the temple of the king is in vnity the temple of the king is not ruinous not cut insunder not diuided the ioyning of liuing stones is charitie Nothing is more euidenr Attend now the verie temple of the king for from thence he speaketh because of the vnitie spread in the round earth For those that vvould be virgins faithful soules vnles they be brought into the temple of the king the Catholique Church they can not please the bridgrome 17. For thy fathers there are borne sonnes to thee The Apostles begotte thee ô Christian Church they were sent they preached they are the fathers But could they be
and at the tribulation of the sinner Because they haue wrested iniquities vpon me in anger they were trublesome to me † My hart is trubled in me and the feare of death is falne vpon me † Feare and trembling are come vpon me and darkenes hath couered me † And I said Who wil geue me wings as of a doue and I wil fly and rest † Loe I haue gone far flying away and I abode in the wildernes † I expected him that saued me from pusillanimitie of spirit and tempest † Precipitate ô Lord and diuide their tongues because I haue sene iniquitie and contradiction in the citie † Day and night shal iniquitie compasse it vpon the walles therof and labour in the middest therof and iniustice † And there hath not ceased out of the streetes therof vsurie and guile † For if myne enimie had spoken euil to me I would verely haue borne it And if he that hated me had spoken great thinges vpon me I would perhaps haue hid myselfe from him † But thou a man of the same minde my guide and my familiar † Which diddest take swete meats together with me in the house of God we walked with consent † Let death come vpon them and let them goe downe quicke into hel Because there is wickednes in their habitations in the middes of them † But I haue cried to God and our Lord wil saue me † In the euening and morning at midday I wil speake and declare and he wil heare my voice † He wil redeme my soule in peace from them that approch to me because among manie they were with me † God wil heare and he which is before the worldes wil humble them † For there is no change with them they feared not God he hath streached forth his hand in repaying † They haue contaminated his testament they are diuided by the wrath of his countenance and his hart hath approched His wordes are made softer then oile and the same are dartes † Cast thy care vpon our Lord and he wil nourish thee he wil not geue fluctuation to the iust for euer † But thou ô God wilt bring them downe into the pitte of destruction Bloudy and deceitful men shal not liue halfe their daies but I wil hope in thee ô Lord. PSALME LV. Dauid being in danger before Achis king of Geth confidently implereth Gods helpe against the great malice and powre of his enimies 8. foretheweth their ruine his owne exaltation 12. and offereth praises and thankes Vnto the end for a people that is made far from the Sainctes Dauid in the inscription of the title when the foreners held him in Geth 1. Reg. 12. v. 12. HAVE mercie on me ô God because man hath troden vpon me al the day impugning he hath afflicted me Myne enimies haue troden vpon me al the day because they are manie that warre against me † From the height of the day I shal feare but I wil trust in thee In God I wil praise my wordes in God haue I hoped I wil not feare what flesh may do to me † Al the day did they detest my wordes against me al their cogitations are vnto euil † They wil inhabite and keepe secret they wil obserue my heele As they haue expected my soule † for nothing shalt thou saue them in wrath thou wilt breake peoples O God † I haue shewed my life to thee thou hast set my teares in thy sight As also in thy promise † then shal mine enemies be turned backeward In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee loe I haue knowne that thou art my God † In God I wil praise the word in our Lord wil I praise thee saying I haue hoped in God I wil not feare what man can do to me † In me ô God are thy vowes which I wil render praises to thee † Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death and my feete from falling that I may please before God in the light of the liuing PSALME LVI The Prophet prayeth in tribulation 4. testifieth Gods helpe 6. praiseth his greatnes 8. promising and inuiting al nations to praise him Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title when he fled from the face of Saul into the caue HAVE mercie on me ô God haue mercie on me because my soule hath trusted in thee And I wil hope in the shadow of thy winges vntil iniquitie passe † I wil crie to God the highest God that hath done me good † He sent from heauen and deliuered me he hath geuen into reproche them that trode vpon me God hath sent his mercie and his truth † and hath deliuered my soule out of the middes of Lions whelpes I slept trubled The sonnes of men their teeth are weapons and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sword † Be exalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth † They prepared a snare for my feete and bowed downe my soule They digged a pit before my face and they are falne into it † My hart is readie ô God my hart is readie I wil sing and say a Psalme † Arise my glorie arise psalter and harpe I wil arise early † I wil confesse to thee among peoples ô Lord and I wil say a Psalme to thee among the Gentiles † Because thy mercie is magnified euen to the heauens and thy truth euen to the cloudes † Be axalted aboue the heauens ô God and thy glorie vpon al the earth PSALME LVII Holie Dauid inueigheth against dissembling wicked men 7. describeth their manifold punishment 11. wherin the iust shal be comforted † Vnto the end destroy not to Dauid in the inscription of the title IF in very dede you speake iustice iudge right thinges ye sonnes of men For in the hart you worke iniquities in the earth your handes forge iniustice † Sinners are alienated from the matrice they haue erred from the wombe they haue spoken false thinges † They haue furie according to the similitude of a serpent as of the aspe that is deafe and stoppeth his eares † Which wil not heare the voice of the inchanters and of the sorcerer inchanting wisely † God shal breake their teeth in their mouth the checke tooth of the lions our Lord wil breake in peeces † They shal come to nothing as water running downe he hath bent his bow til they be weakened † As waxe that melteth shal they be taken away fyre hath falne on them and they haue not seene
continew his grace and protection against the malice of the enimie 5. Recounteth Gods mercie in deliuering him from falling into tentations 6. prayeth for the same in old age or weakenes of bodie and spirite 20. and promiseth perpetual gratitude and praises A Psalme for Dauid of the sonnes of Ionadab and the former captiues IN thee ô Lord I haue hoped let me not be confounded for euer † in thy iustice deliuer me and receiue me Incline thine eare to me and saue me † Be vnto me for a God protector and for a fensed place that thou maist saue me Because thou art my firmament and my refuge † My God deliuer me out of the hand of the sinner and ou● of the hand of him that doth aganst the law and of the vniust Because thou art my patience ô Lord my hope from my youth † Vpon thee haue I bene confirmed from the wombe from my mothers bellie thou art my protector In thee is my singing alwaies † I was made to manie as a wonder and thou art a strong helper † Let my mouth be filled with praise that I may sing thy glorie al the day thy greatnes † Reiect me not in the time of olde age when my strength shal ●aile forsake me not † Because mine enimies haue said to me and they that watched my soule consulted together † Saying God hath forsaken him pursew and take him because there is none to deliuer † O God be not farre from me my God haue respect to mine ayde † Let them be confounded and fayle that detract from my soule let them be couered with confusion and shame that seeke euils to me † But I wil alwaies hope and wil adde vpon al thy praise † My mouth shal shew forth thy iustice al the day thy saluation Because I haue not knowne lerning I wil enter into the powres of our Lord † ô Lord I wil be mindful of thy iustice onely † O God thou hast taught me from my youth and vntil now I wil pronounce thy meruelous workes † And vnto ancient age and olde age ô God forsake me not Vntil I shew forth thy arme to al the generation that is to come Thy might † and thy iustice ô God euen to the highest great meruailes which thou hast done ô God who may be like to thee † How great tribulations hast thou shewed me manie and euil and turning thou hast quickened me and from the depthes of the earth thou hast brought me backe againe † Thou hast multiplied thy magnificence and being turned thou hast comforted me † For I also wil confesse to thee in the instruments of Psalme thy truth ô God I wil sing to thee on the harpe holie one of Israel † My lippes shal reioyce when I shal sing to thee and my soule which thou hast redemed † Yea and my tongue al the day shal meditate thy iustice when they shal be confounded and ashamed that seeke euils to me PSALME LXXI By way of prayer the Psalmist prophecieth Christs coming our King and Iudge 4. the deliuerer of mankind from the thraldom of the diuel ● the greatnes of his spiritual kingdom in the Gentiles 16. and his continual glorie and praise Concerning Salomon O God giue thy iudgement to the king and thy iustice to the sonne of the king To iudge thy people in iustice and thy poore in iudgement † Let the mountains receiue peace for the people and the litle hilles iustice † He shal iudge the poore of the people and shal saue the children of the poore and he shal humble the calumniator † And he shal continew with the sunne and before the moone in generation and generation † He shal descend as rayne vpon a fleece and as droppes distilling vpon the earth † There shal rise in his dayes iustice and aboundance of peace vntil the moone be taken away † And he shal rule from sea vnto sea and from the riuer euen to the ends of the round world † Before him shal the Aethiopians fal downe and his enimies shal lick the earth † The kinges of Tharsis and the Ilands shal offer presentes the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shal bring giftes † And al kinges of the earth shal adore him al nations shal serue him † Because he shal deliuer the poore from the mightie and the poore which had no helper † He shal spare the poore and needy and he shal saue the soules of the poore † From vsuries and iniquitie he shal redeme their soules and their name shal be honorable before him † And he shal liue and there shal be giuen him of the gold of Arabia and they shal adore it alwaies al the day they shal blesse him † And there shal be a firmament in the earth in the toppes of mountanes the fruite therof shal be extolled farre aboue Libanus and they shal florish of the citie as the grasse of the earth † Be his name blessed for euer before the sunne his name is permanent And al the tribes of the earth shal be blessed in him al nations shal magnifie him † Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel who only doth meruelous thinges † And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer and al the earth shal be filled with his maiestie Be it be it † The praises of Dauid the sonne of Iesse are ended PSALME LXXII The royal prophet first professing the vnspeakable goodnes of God 2. in the person of the weake complaineth that the wicked prosper and the iust are afflicted 15. reprehendeth the murmuration for though we can not comprehend the secrete iudgements of God 18. yet they are most iust 25. So with desire to rest in God he promiseth euer to praise him A Psalme to Asaph HOW good is God to Israel to them that are of a right hart † But my feete were almost moued my steppes almost slipped † Because I haue had zele vpon the wicked seing the peace of sinners † Because there is no respect to their death and stabilitie in ther plague † In the labours of men they are not and with men they shal not be scourged † Therfore hath pride helde them they are couered with their iniquitie and impietie † Their iniquitie hath proceded as it were of fatte they haue passed into the affection of the hart † They haue thought and haue spoken wickednes they haue spoken iniquitie on high † They haue sette their mouth vnto heauen ad their tongue hath passed in the earth † Therfore wil my people returne here and ful daies shal be found in them † And they haue saide How doth God know and is there knowledge in the highest † Loe the sinners them selues and they that abounde in
the world haue obtained riches † And I saide Then haue I iustified my hart without cause and haue washed my handes amongst innocentes † And haue bene scourged al the day and my chastising in the morninges † If I saide I wil speake this behold I reproued the nation of thy children † I thought to know this thing it is labour before me † Vntil I may enter into the sanctuarie of God and may vnderstand concerning their latter endes † But yet for guiles thou hast put it to them thou hast cast them downe whiles they were eleuated † How are they brought into desolation they haue failed sodanely they haue perished for their iniquitie † As the dreame of them that rise ô Lord in thy citie thou shalt bring their image to nothing † Because my hart is inflamed and my reynes are changed And I am brought to nothing and knew not † As a beast am I become with thee and I alwaies with thee † Thou hast helde my right hand and in thy wil thou hast conducted me and with glorie thou hast receiued me † For what is to me in heauen and besides thee what would I vpon the earth † My flesh hath fainted and my hart God of my hart and God my portion for euer For behold they that make them selues faire from thee shal perish thou hast destroyed al that fornicate from thee † But it is good for me to cleaue to God to put my hope in our Lord God That I may shew forth al thy prayses in the gates of the daughter of Sion PSALME LXXIII Faithful people pressed with persecution lamentably complayning besecheth God to respect his owne inheritance cruelly afflicted ●● and leift long without helpe 12. wheras heretofore he releeued his people in like distresses 18. And therfore confidently hopeth he wil renenge the blasphemers of his name Vnderstanding to Asaph VVHY hast thou ô God repelled for euer is thy furie wrath vpon the sheepe of thy pasture Be mindful of thy congregation which thou hast possessed from the beginning Thou hast redemed the rod of thine inheritan●●e mount Sion in which thou hast dwelt † Lift vp thy handes vpon their prides for euer how great thinges hath the enimie done malignantly in the holy place † And they that hate thee haue gloried in the middes of thy solemnitie They haue sette their signes for signes † and haue not knowne as in the issue on high As in a wood of trees they haue with axes † cut out the gates therof together in hatchet and chippeaxe they haue cast it downe † They haue burnt thy sanctuarie with fire they haue polluted the tabernacle of thy name in the earth † Their kinred together haue saide in their hart Let vs make al the festiual daies of God to cease from the earth † Our signes we haue not seene there is now no prophet and he wil know vs no more † How long ô God shal the enimie vpbraide the aduersarie prouoke thy name for euer † Why doest thou turne away thy hand and thy right hand out of the middes of thy bosome for euer † But God our king before the worldes he hath wrought saluation in the middes of the earth † Thou in thy strength hast confirmed the sea thou hast crushed the head of Dragons in the waters † Thou hast broken the heads of the dragon thou hast giuen him for meate to the peoples of the Aethiopians † Thou hast broken vp fountanes and torrentes thou hast dried the riuers of Ethan † The day is thine and the night is thine thou hast made the morning and the sunne † Thou hast made al the coasts of the earth the summer and the spring thou hast formed them † Be mindeful of this the enimie hath vpbraided our Lord and a foolish people hath prouoked thy name † Deliuer not to beasts the soules that confesse to thee and the soules of thy poore forget not for euer † Haue respect vnto thy testament because they that are obscure of the earth are filled with houses of iniquities † Let not the humble be turned away being confounded the poore and needy shal praise thy name † Arise God iudge thy cause be mindful of those thy reproches that are from the foolish man al the day † Forget not the voices of thine enimies the pride of them that hate thee hath ascended alwaies PSALME LXXIIII Christ with his Assessors wil iudge the whole world at the last day in the meane time exhorteth sinners to amend their life 7. for none shal escape iust iudgement 1● The wicked shal be punished and the good rewarded Vnto the end Corrupt not a Psalme of Canticle to Asaph VVE wil confesse to thee ô God we wil confesse and wil inuocate thy name We wil tel thy meruelouse workes † when I shal take a time I wil iudge iustices † The earth is melted and al that dwel in it I haue confirmed the pillers thereof † I said to the wicked doe not wickedly and to them that offend Exalt not the horne † Exalt not your horne on high speake not iniquitie aganst God † For neither from the East nor from the West nor from the desert mountanes † because God is Iudge This man he humbleth and him he exalteth † because there is a cuppe in the hand of our Lord of mere wine ful of mixture And he hath powred it out of this into that but yet the dregges therof are not emptied al the sinners of the earth shal drinke † But I wil shewforth for euer I wil sing to the God of Iacob † And I wil breake al the hornes of sinners and the hornes of the iust shal be exalted PSALME LXXV The royal prophet singeth Gods praises for his particular prouidence towards the Iewes 10. further to be extended to al the meeke of the whole earth Vnto the end in prayses a Psalme to Asaph a Canticle to the Assirians God is knowne in Iewrie in Israel his name is great † And his place is made in peace and his habitation in Sion † There he brake the powres of bowes the shilde the sword and the battle † Thou doest illuminate meruelousely from the eternal mountaynes † al the foolish of hart were trubled † They slept their sleepe and al the men of riches found nothing in their handes † At thy reprehension ô God of Iacob they haue al slumbered that mounted on horses † Thou art terrible and who shal resist thee from that time thy wrath † From heauen thou hast made thy iudgement hearde the earth trembled and was quiet When God arose vnto iudgement
that he might saue al the meeke of the earth † Because the cogitation of man shal confesse to thee and the remanes of the cogitation shal keepe festiual day to thee † Vowe ye and render to our Lord your God al ye that round about him bring giftes To the terrible † and him that taketh away the spirite of princes terrible to the kinges of the earth PSALME LXXVI Anie faithful deuout person meditating Gods benefites 7. examineth his cōscience that nothing be in his soule that may offend God Who is alwayes readie to forgeue 11. and therfore he stil reneweth his purpose to serue God sincerly 15. particularly remembring the deliuerie of Israel from Aegypt Vnto the end for Idithun a psalme to Asaph † VVith my voice I haue cried to our Lord with my voice to God and he attended to me † In the day of my tribulation I sought God with my handes in the night before him and I was not deceiued My soule refused to be comforted † I was mindeful of God and was delighted and was exercised and my spirite fainted Myne eies preuented the watches I was trubled spake not † I thought vpon old daies and the eternal yeares I had in minde † And I meditated in the night with my hart and I was exercised and I swept my spirite Why wil God reiect for euer or wil he not adde to be better pleased as yet † Or wil he cutte of his mercie for euer from generation vnto generation † Or wil God forget to haue mercie or wil he in his wrath keepe in his mercies And I sayde Now haue I begune this is the change of the right hand of the Highest † I haue bene mindful of the workes of our Lord because I wil be mindful from the beginning of thy meruelous workes † And I wil meditate in al thy workes and in thy inuentions I wil be exercised † O God in the holie is thy way what God is great as our God † thou art the God that doest meruelous thinges Thou hast made thy powre knowne among peoples † thou hast with thine arme redemed thy people the children of Iacob and Ioseph † The waters saw thee ô God the waters saw thee and they were afrayd and the depthes were trubled † A multitude of the sounding of waters the cloudes gaue a voice For in deede arrowes doe passe † the voice of thy thunder in a wheele Thy lightenings shined to the rounde world the earth was moued and trubled † Thy way in the sea and thy pathes in many waters and thy steppes shal not be knowne † Thou hast conducted thy people as sheepe in the hand of moyses and Aaron PSALME LXXVII The royal prophet exhorting the people to attend 5. reciteth manie great benefites of God towards their forefathers whose ingratitude often rebellion and chatisement he stil noteth 9. as in their entrance into the land of Chanaan 12. also before the same in Aegypt and in the desort 42. How God plagued the Aegyptians 52. protected and conducted his people into the promised land 56. where likewise they often offended were punished 65. yet were stil conserued 69. and the tribe of Inde exalted in king Dauid Vnderstanding to Asaph MY people attend ye to my law incline your eare vnto the wordes of my mouth † I wil open my mouth in parables I wil speake propositions from the beginning † How great thinges haue we heard and haue knowne them and our fathers haue told vs. † They were not hid from their children in an other generation Telling the prayses of our Lord and his powers and his meruelous workes which he hath done † And he raised vp a testimonie in Iacob and made a law in Israel How great thinges he commanded our fathers to make the same knowne to their children † that an other generation may know The children that shal be borne and shal rise vp and shal tel their children † That they may put their hope in God and may not forget the workes of God and may seeke after his commandmentes † That they become not as their fathers a peruerse generation and exasperating A generation that hath not directed their hart their spirit hath not bene faithful towards God † The children of Ephrem bending and shooting with bow were turned in the day of battel † They kept not the testament of God and in his law they would not walke † And they forgate his benefites and his meruelous workes which he shewed them † Before their fathers he did meruelous thinges in the land of Aegypt in the filde of Tanis † He diuided the sea brought them through and he made the waters to stand as in a bottle † And he conducted them in a cloude by day and al the night by light of fire † He stroke the rocke in the desert and gaue them water to drinke as in a great depth † And he broughtforth water out of the rocke and made waters runne downe as riuers † And they added as yet to sinne vnto him they prouoked the Highest to wrath in the place without water † And they tempted God in their hartes so that they asked meats for their liues † And they spake euil of God they saide Can God prepare a table in the desert † Because he stroke the rocke and waters ranne torrentes flowed Can he also giue bread or prepare a table for his people † Therfore our Lord heard and made delay and fire was kindled in Iacob and wrath ascended vpon Israel † Because they beleued not in God nor hoped in his saluation † And he commanded the cloudes from aboue and opened the gates of heauen † And he rayned them Manna to eate and bread of heauen he gaue to them † Bread of Angels did man eate he sent them victuals in abundance † He transported the Southwinde from heauen and in his powre he brought in the Southwestwinde † And he rayned vpon them flesh as dust and as the sand of the sea fethered fowles † And they fel in the middes of their campe about their tabernacles † And they did eate and were filled excedingly and their desire he brought to them † They were not defrauded of their desire As yet their meats were in their mouth † And the wrath of God ascended vpon them And he killed their fat ones and the chosen of Israel he hindered † In al these things they sinned as yet and they beleued not in his meruelous workes † And their daies failed in vanitie and their years in hast † When he slew them they sought him and they returned and early they came to him † And they
planted the eare shal he not heare Or he that made the eie doth he not consider † He that chastiseth nations shal he not rebuke he that teacheth man knowledge † Our Lord knoweth the cogitations of men that they be vaine † Blessed is the man whom thou shalt instruct ô Lord and shalt ●each out of thy lawe † That thou maist geue him quietnes from the euil daies til a pitte be digged for the sinner † Because our Lord wil not reiect his people and his inheritance he wil not forsake † Vntil iustice be turned into iudgement and they who are neere it are al that are right of hart † Who shal rise for me against the malignant or who shal stand with me against them that worke iniquitie † But that our Lord hath holpen me within very litle my soule had dwelt in hel † If I said My foote is moued thy mercie ô Lord did help me † According to the multitude of my sorrowes in my hart thy consolations haue made my soule ioyful † Doth the seat of iniquitie cleaue to thee which makest labour in precept † They wil hunt after the soule of the iust and wil condemne innocent bloud And our Lord became my refuge and my God the helpe of my hope † And he wil repay them their iniquitie and in their malice he wil destroy them the Lord our God wil destroy them PSALMES XCIIII An inuitation to serue and adore Christ our Lord and Messias 3. aswel for the benefites of creating al thinges 7. as for his Incarnation and not to harden our hartes as the Iewes did Praise of Canticle to Dauid him selfe COME let vs reioyce to our Lord let vs make iubilation to God our sauiour † Let vs preuent his face in confession and in Psalmes let vs make iubilation to him † Because our Lord is a great God and a great King aboue al goddes † Because in his hand are the endes of the earth and the heightes of the mountaines be his † Because the sea is his and he made it and his handes formed the drie land † Come let vs adore and fal downe and wepe before our Lord that made vs. † Because he is the Lord our God and we the people of his pasture and the shepe of his hand † To day if ye shal heare his voice “ harden not your hartes † As in the prouocation according to the day of the tentation in the desert where your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes † Fourtie years was I offended with that generation and said These alwaies erre in hart † And these haue not knowne my waies as I sware in my wrath if they shal enter into my rest ANNOTATIONS PSALME XCIIII 8. Harden not your hartes VVhatsoeuer God proposeth by preaching or inspiration to a sinner it resteth stil in the powre of his freewil to harden his harte and to reiect al such good motions and so he doth not only frustrate Gods grace and hinder his owne iustification but also increaseth his former sinnes But by not resisting when deliberating therupon he could resist he disposeth himselfe and cooperateth to first iustification And therfore the royal Prophet here admonisheth and earnestly exhorteth al men to do this which God hath put in our powre not to harden our owne hartes when we heare his voice by resisting and reiecting his grace freely offered without al merite of our part PSALME XCV Al peoples nations are inuited to praise the blessed Trinitie 3. for Christs Incarnation and spiritual kingdom in al the world ●● euen sensles creatures acknowledging his maiestie 13. and iudicial powre A Canticle to Dauid * himselfe when the house was built after the captiuitie SING ye to our Lord a new song sing to our Lord al the earth † Sing ye to our Lord and blesse his name shewforth his saluation from day to day † Shewforth his glorie among the Gentiles his meruelous workes in al peoples † Because our Lord is great and exceeding laudable he is terrible aboue al goddes † Because al the goddes of the Gentiles are diuels but our Lord made the heauens † Confession and beauty in his sight holinesse and magnificence in his sanctification † Bring to our Lord ye families of Gentiles bring ye to our Lord glorie and honour † bring to our Lord glorie vnto his name Take vp hoastes and enter into his courtes † adore ye our Lord in his holie court Let al the earth be moued before his face † say ye among the Gentiles that our Lord hath reigned For he hath corrected the round world which shal not be moued he wil iudge peoples in equitie † Let the heauens be glad and the earth reioyce the sea be moued and the fulnesse therof † the fieldes shal be glad and al things that are in them Then shal the trees of the woodes reioyce † before the face of our Lord because he cometh because he cometh to iudge the earth He wil iudge the round world in equitie and peoples in his truth PSALME XCVI Al the earth is inuited to reioyce in Christs kingdom 3. with description of the signes coming before the day of Iudgement 7. Idolaters shal be confounded 8. Holie Angels and iust men shal adore Christ and reioyce To this Dauid when his land was restored agane to him OVR Lord hath reigned let the earth reioyce let manie Ilands be glad † Cloude and mist round about him iustice and iudgement the correction of his seat † Fire shal goe before him and shal inflame his enimies round about † His lightninges shined to the round world the earth sawe and was moued † The mountaines melted as waxe before the face of our Lord before the face of our Lord al the earth † The heauens haue shewed forth his iustice and al peoples haue seene his glorie † Let them al be confounded that adore sculptils and that glorie in their idoles Adore him al ye his Angels † Sion heard and was glad And the daughters of Iuda reioyced because of thy iudgements ô Lord. † Because thou Lord most high ouer al the earth thou art exalted excedingly aboue al goddes † You that loue our Lord hate ye euil our Lord keepeth the soules of his saintes out of the hand of the sinner he wil deliuer them † Light is risen to the iust and ioy to the right of hart † Be glad ye iust in our Lord and confesse ye to the memorie of his sanctification PSALME XCVII Al men are againe inuited ioyfully to celebrate the meruelous conquest of Christ in al nations 4. with hart voice and instruments 8. al creatures acknowledging his coming to iudge the world A psalme to Dauid himselfe SING ye
the time of death 9 He vvil not be angrie alvvayes Origen misunderstood this place and some other like holding an erronius opinion that al euen the most wicked sinners both men and d●uels shal at last be saued and not eternally damned which is a condemned heresie contrarie to euident places of holie Scriptures Psal 9 v 6. The impious hath perished their name thou hast destroyed for euer for euer euer Mat. 2● The wicked shal goe into fire euerlasting into euerlasting punishment Apoc. 20. The beast and the false prophet and the same reason is for al the vvicked shal be tormented day and night for euer and euer Neither are the●e vvordes God vvil not be angrie alvvayes spoken vniuersally touching al sinners vvhosoeuer but are limited v 13 17 to those that seare him and kepe his testament vvheras al those that dye in mortal sinne are stil o●●●●na●e in malice and can neuer rightly repent nor rightly feare God nor kepe his commandments PSALME CIII The Psalmist inuiteth himself and others to praise God for his meruelous workes in the heauens 5. the earth and water 9. limiting their bondes producing al thinges necessarie for al liuing creatures in conuenient seasons 27. With continual prouidence of al. † To Dauid him self MY soule blesse thou our Lord ô Lord my God thou art magnified excedingly † Thou hast put on confession and beautie being clothed with light as with a garment Stretching out the heauen as a skinne † which couerest the higher partes therof with waters Which makest the cloude for thee to ascend on which walkest vpon the winges of windes † Which makest spirites thine Angels and thy ministers a burning fyre † Which hast founded the earth vpon the stabilitie therof it shal not be inclined for euer and euer † The depth as a garment is his clothing vpon the mountaines shal waters stand † At thy reprehention they shal flee at the voice of thy thunder they shal feare † The mountaines ascend and the plaine fildes descend into the place which thou hast founded for them † Thou hast set a bound which they shal not passe ouer neither shal they returne to couer the earth † Which sendestforth fontaines in the valles betwen the middest of mountaines shal waters passe † Al the beastes of the filde shal drinke the wilde asses shal expect in their thirst † Ouer them shal the foules of the ayre inhabite out of the middes of rockes they shal geueforth voices † Watering the mountaines from his higher places of the fruite of thy worke shal the earth be filled † Bringing forth grasse for beastes and herbe for the seruice of men That thou mayst bring forth bread out of the earth † and wine may make the hart of man ioyful That he may make the face chereful with oile and bread may confirme the hart of man † The trees of the silde shal be filled and the ceders of Libanus which he hath planted † there sparowes shal make their nest The house of the hearne is the leader of them † the high mountaines for hartes the rocke a refuge for the Irchins † He made the moone for seasons the sunne knoweth his going downe † Thou didst appoint darkenes and night was made in it shal al the beastes of the wood passe † The whelpes of lions roaring to rauen and to seeke of God meate for themselues † The sunne is risen and they are gathered together and in their couches they shal be placed † Man shal goe forth to his worke and to his working vntil euening † How magnified are thy workes ô Lord thou hast made al thinges in wisedom the earth is filled with thy possession † This great sea and very large there are creeping beastes wherof there is no number Litle beastes with great † there shippes shal passe This dragon whom thou madest to delude † al expect of thee that thou geue them meate in season † Thou geuing vnto them they shal gather it thou opening thy hand al shal be filled with bountie † But thou turning away the face they shal be trubled thou shalt take away their spirite and they shal faile and shal returne into their dust † Thou shalt sendforth thy spirit and they shal be created and thou shalt renewe the face of the earth † Be the glorie of our Lord for euer our Lord wil reioice in his workes † Who looketh vpon the earth maketh it to tremble who toucheth the mountaines and they smoke † I wil chaunte to our Lord in my life I wil sing to my God as long as I am † Let my speach be acceptable to him but I wil take delight in our Lord. † Let sinners faile from the earth and the vniust so that they be not my soule blesse thou our Lord. PSALME CIIII. The Israelites are exhorted to sing praises to God 5. for his meruelous benefites towards Abraham Isaac and Iacob 11. whose particular familie being then smal went from Chanaan into Aegypt 17. Whither Ioseph by Gods prouidence was caried before there increased in number was persecuted 26. deliuered by Moyses and Aaron working manie great miracles 36. protected and fedde in the desert 44. and finally possessed Chanaan Alleluia CONFESSE ye to our Lord and inuocate his name shewforth his workes among the Gentiles † Chaunt to him and sing to him tel ye al his meruelous workes † Prayse ye him in his holie name let the hart of them reioice that seeke our Lord. † Seeke ye our Lord and be confirmed seeke his face alwayes † Remember ye his meruelous workes which he hath done his wonders and the iudgments of his mouth † The seede of Abraham his seruantes the children of Iacob his elect † He is the Lord our God in al the earth are his iudgementes † He hath bene mindeful for euer of his testament of the word which he commanded vnto a thousand generations † Which he disposed to Abraham and of his oath to Isaac † And he appointed it to Iacob for a precept and to Israel for an eternal testament † Saying To thee wil I geue the land of Chanaan the corde of your inheritance † When they were of smal number very few and seiourners therof † And they passed from nation into nation from kingdom to an other people † He leift not a man to hurt them and he rebuked kings for their sake † Touch not my annointed and toward my prophetes be not malignant † And he called a famine vpon the land and he desstroyed al the strength of bread † He sent a man before them Ioseph was sold to be a seruant † They humbled his feete in fetters yron passed through his soule † vntil his word came The word of our Lord inflamed him † the king sent and
and his iustice contineweth for euer and euer † He hath made a memorie of his meruelous workes a merciful and pittiful Lord † he hath geuen meate to them that feare him He wil be mindful for euer of his testament † the force of his workes he wil shewforth to his people † To geue them the inheritance of the gentiles the workes of his handes truth and iudgement † Al his commandmentes are faithful confirmed for euer and euer made in truth and equitie † He sent redemption to his people he commanded his testament for euer Holie and terrible is his name † the feare of our Lord is the beginning of wisedom Vnderstanding is good to al that doe it his prayse remaineth for euer and euer PSALME CXI True happines consisteth in fearing God keping his commandments 5. and in doing workes of mercie 10. The contrarie bringeth to miserie Alleluia Of the returne of Aggeus and Zacharie BLESSED is the man that feareth our Lord he shal haue great delight in his commandmentes † His seede shal be mightie in the earth the generation of the righteous shal be blessed † Glorie and riches in his house and his iustice abideth for euer and euer † Light is risen vp in darkenes to the righteous he is merciful and pitiful and iust † Acceptable is the man that is merciful and lendeth that shal dispose his wordes in iudgement † Because he shal not be moued for euer † The iust shal be in eternal memorie he shal not feare at the hearing of euil † His hart is readie to hope in our Lord his hart is confirmed † he shal not be moued til he looke ouer his enemies † He distributed he gaue to the poore his iustice remaineth for euer and euer his horne shal be exalted in glorie † The sinner shal see and wil be angrie he shal gnash his teeth and pine away the desire of sinners shal perish PSALME CXII God is to be praised who being hiegh regardeth and prouideth for the needie in this world Allelu ia PRAYSE our Lord ye children praise ye the name of our Lord. † Be the name of our Lord blessed from henceforth now and for euer † From the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe the name of our Lord is laudable † Our Lord is high aboue al nations and his glorie aboue the heauens † Who is as the Lord our God that dwelleth on high † and beholdeth the low thinges in heauen and in earth † Raising vp the needie from the earth and lifting vp the poore out of the dung † To place him with princes with the princes of his people † Who maketh the d barren woman to dwel in a house a ioyful mother of children PSALME CXIII For the meruelous passage of I srael out of Aegypt 3. the red sea the riuer Iordan 7. and the hilles geuing them place 8. the rockes yelding them water 9. God not themselues is to be praised 12. Idoles and Idolaters are vaine and shal be confounded 17. the faithful trust in God 20. are blessed and for euer praise God Allelu ia IN the comming forth of Israel out of Aegypt of the house of Iacob from the barbarous people † Iewrie was made his sanctification Israel his dominion † The sea saw and fled Iordan was turned backeward † The mountaines leaped as rammes and the litle hilles as the lambes os sheepe † What ayleth thee ô sea that thou didst flee and thou ô Iordan that thou wast turned backeward † Ye mountaines leaped as rammes and ye litle hilles as the lambes of shepe † At the face of our Lord was the earth moued at the face of the God of Iacob † Who turned the rocke into pooles of waters and stonie hil into fountaines of waters † NOT TO VS O LORD NOT TO VS but to thy name geue the glorie † For thy mercie and thy truth lest at any time the Gentiles say Where is their God † But our God is in heauen he hath done al thinges what soeuer he would † “ The idols of the gentiles are siluer and gold the workes of mens handes † They haue mouth and shal not speake they haue eies and shal not see † They haue eares and shal not heare they haue nosthrels and shal not smel † They haue handes and shal not handle they haue feete and shal not walke they shal not crie in their throte † Let them that make them become like to them and al that haue confidence in them † The house of Israel hath hoped in our Lord he is their helper and their protector † The house of Aaron hath hoped in our Lord he is their helper and their protector † They that feare our Lord haue hoped in our Lord he is their helper and their protector † Our Lord hath beene mindful of vs and hath blessed vs He hath blessed the house of Israel he hath blessed the house of Aaron † He hath blessed al that feare our Lord the litle with the great † Our Lord adde vpon you vpon you vpon your children † Blessed be you of our Lord which made heauen and earth † The heauen of heauen is to our Lord but the earth he hath geuen to the children of men † The dead shal not prayse thee ô Lord nor al they that goe downe into hel But we that liue doe blesse our Lord from this time and for euer ANNOTATIONS PSALME CXIII 12. The Idols of the Gentiles are siluer and gold Al Catholique Diuines agree in this authentical definition of Idolattie that it is diuine honour geuen to anie creature as to a god Of the diuers so t●s also of Idolatrie the ancient lerned Doctors haue vvritten much Namely Iustinus Martyr in his Orations against the Gen iles Tertullian in Apologetico Arnobius Orat. ad Gentes Lactantius li. 2. c 17. Diuinar Instit and manie others But most copiously and profoundly S Augustin especially in his tenne first bookes de C●uitate Dei Into vvhich error crime the Platonistes sel holding that spiritual inuisible createdsubstances to vvitte Angels good and euil vvhom they called Intelligentias separatas had diuine povvre so gaue to them diuine honour O hers honour dead men and some before their death as goddes for their notable actes atchiued in this life as Saturne ●uppiter Hercules and the like Some yeld diuine honour to mere corporal creatures liuing or vvithout life as to beastes and serpentes the sunne the moone fire vvater earth the vvhole machin of the vvo●ld as if it vvere animate and that vvith diuine spirite or soule Againe al these haue bene vvorshipped as gods not only in them selues but also in their imagees But to omite other diuersities the most grosse
thee because thou art terribly magnified thy workes are meruelous my soule knoweth excedingly † My bone is not hid from thee which thou madest in secrete and my substance in the lower pattes of the earth † Mine imperfection thine eies haue sene in thy booke al shal be written daies shal be formed no man in them † But to me thy frendes ô God are become honorable excedingly their principalitie is excedingly strengthned † I wil number them and they shal be multiplied aboue the sand I rose vp and I am yet with thee † If thou shalt kil sinners ô God ye men of blood depart from me † Because you say in thought they shal receiue thy cities in vayne † Did not I hate them that hate thee ô Lord and pyned away because of thine enemies † with perfect hatred did I hate them they are become enemies to me † Proue me ô God and know my hart examine me and know my pathes And see if the way of iniquitie be in me and conduct me in the euerlasting way PSALME CXXXIX The iust diuersly afflicted by the wicked pray to be defended 7. repose their confidence in God 10. who wil adiudge the reprobate to eternal punishment 13. and reward the good with the fruition of himself Vnto the end a Psalme of Dauid DELIVER me ô Lord from the euil man from the vniust man rescue me † Which haue deuised iniquitie in their hart al the day they did appoint battels They haue whet their tongues as that of a serpent † the venome of aspes is vnder their lippes † Kepe me ô Lord from the hand of the sinner and from vniust men deliuer me † Who haue deuised to supplant my steppes † the proude haue hid a snare for me And they haue streched out ropes for a snare they haue layd a stumbling blocke for me nere the way † I sayd to our Lord Thou art my God heare ô Lord the voice of my petition † O Lord Lord the strength of my saluation thou hast ouershadowed my head in the day of battel † Yeld me not ô Lord from my desire to the sinner they haue deuised against me forsake me not lest they perhaps be proude † The head of their compase the labour of their lippes shal couer them † Coales shal fal vpon them thou shalt cast them downe into fyre in miseries they shal not stand vp † A man ful of tongue shal not be directed in the earth euils shal take the vniust man into destruction † I haue knowne that our Lord wil do the iudgement of the needie and the reuenge of the poore † But as for the iust they shal confesse to thy name and the righteous shal dwel with thy countenance PSALME CXL The Church prayeth that her children may auoide sinful wordes 4. not make excuses of sinnes committed not communicate with others in sinne nor to harken to slatterers 6 but to pray that they may amend the Psalmist by the way prophecieth that manie shal be conuerted 8. though sometimes persecution be great the Church faileth not A Psalme of Dauid LORD I haue cried to thee heare me attend to my voice when I shal crie to thee † Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight the eleuation of my handes as euening sacrifice † Set ô Lord a watch to my mouth and a doore round about to my lippes † Decline not my hart into wordes of malice to make excuses in sinnes With men that worke iniquitie and I wil not communicate with the chiefe of them † The iust shal rebuke me in mercie and shal reprehend me but let not the oyle of a sinner fatte my head Because yet also my prayer is in their good pleasures † their iudges are swalowed vp ioyned to the rocke They shal heare my wordes because they haue preuailed † as the grossenes of the earth is broken out vpon the earth Our bones are dissipated nere to hel † for to thee ô Lord Lord are mine eies in thee haue I hoped take not away my soule † Keepe me from the snare which they haue set for me and from the scandals of them that worke iniquitie † Sinners shal fal in his net I am alone vntil I passe PSALME CXLI Holie Dauid being fled into a caue and beseeged round about by Sauls armie explicating his distresse 6. prayeth to be deliuered Of vnderstanding to Dauid when he was in the caue a prayer 1. Reg. 24. VVITH my voice I haue cried to our Lord with my voice I haue prayed to our Lord † I powre out my prayer in his sight and I pronounce my tribulation before him † When my spirit faileth of myself and thou hast knowne my pathes In this way which I walked they hid a snare for me † I looked toward the right hand and saw and there was none that would know me Flight hath failed me and there is none to require my soule † I haue cried to thee ô Lord I haue sayd Thou art my hope my portion in the land of the liuing † Attend to my petition because I am humbled excedingly Deliuer me from them that persecute me because they are made strong ouer me † Bring forth my soule out of prison to confesse vnto thy name the iust expect me til thou reward me Al this happened in figure of Christ of vvhom prophetically S. Augustin S. Hilarie Cassiams Cassiodorus and others expound the vvhole Psalme Amongst others S Beda briefly in these vvordes VVheras in the title Vnderstanding is premised to Prayer therby as signified that Dauid in his distresses and in the denne whither he fled vnderstood vvhat our Lord should suffer of the Ievves and hovv he vvould pray to his Father In the first part our Lord crieth to his Father complaining of the detestable deceiptes of Iudas the persecutor In the second he prayeth to be deliuered from the prison of hel Limbus vvhere he vvas free because the faith of al the Sainctes depended on his Resurrection PSALME CXLII King Dauid or anie other in spiritual or temporal tribulation not trusting in his owne iustice layeth open his calamitie 5. considering Gods benignitie 6. prayeth to be spedely deliuered 11. and confidently assureth himselfe therof A Psalme of Dauid when Absalom his sonne persecuted him LORD heare my prayer with thine eares receiue my petition in thy truth heare me in thy iustice † And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant because no man liuing shal be iustified in thy sight † Because the enemie hath persecuted
not returne neithet shal they apprehend the pathes of life † That thou mayst walke in a good way and mayst keepe the pathes of the iust † For they that are right shal dwel in the earth and the simple shal continue in it † But the impious shal be destroyed from the earth and they that doe vniustly shal be taken away from it ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 13. VVho leaue the right vvay Generally this description of wicked men agreeth to al that committe and persist in mortal sinne whether they walked right at anie time before or no but most especially sheweth the properties of heretikes who forsake and leaue the direct ancient beaten knovvne vvay of the Catholique Church and teach nevv obscure doctrines not heard of or not approued in our forefathers time Secondly v. 14 they glorie in their ovvne deuises and reioyce in most vvicked thinges as in seducing multitude of peoples to rebel against their Catholique Princes and other Superiors spiritual and temporal in breaking vovves in despising good vvorkes trusting to only faith and that not the Catholique faith of al true Christians but euerie one his particular persvvasion that himself is iust shal be saued vvhich by their ovvne doctrin none is bond to beleue of an others state but of his owne only In so much that the chiefest point of a Protestants imagined faith is not a general Article which al do or should beleue but a most particular and singular phantasie which each one must conceiue of himself or herself Thirdly v. 16. Heresie called here the strange and forrene woman tempereth her vvordes to please the itching eares of her auditorie framing her doctrine to the humour of those vvhom she seeketh to peruert The same vvich the Apostle saith in other vvordes by svvere speaches and benedictions they seduce the hartes of innocents Fourthly v. 19. Those that do enter into error of heresie shal not returne that is very hardly and rarely returne into the right vvay of life the reason whereof the same Apostle yeldeth because an heretike is condemned by his ovvne iudgement For being in error and admitting no iudge but himself he parteth from the Church excludeth the meanes of better iustruction through his erronious iudgement remaineth in damnable opinion and so in the state of damnation CHAP. III. Wisdom exhorteth to kepe Gods law geuing long life to obserue mercie and truth 5. to confide in God 7. to feare 9. and honour him 11. to take his correction gladly 13. for al good thinges folow wisdom 27. to releue the needie without delay 30. not to contend with the wicked nor to imitate them 33. The euil shal faile and the godlie shal prosper MY sonne forget not my law and let thy hart keepe my precepts † For they shal adde to thee length of dayes and yeares of life and peace † Let not mercie and truth leaue thee put them about thy throte and write them in the tables of thy hart † and thou shalt finde grace and good discipline before God and men † Haue confidence in our Lord with al thy hart and leane not vpon thyne owne prudence † In al thy wayes thinke on him and he wil direct thy steppes † Be not wise in thyne owne conceipte feare God and depart from euil † for it shal be health to thy nauil and watering of thy bones † Honour our Lord with thy substance and geue to him of the first of al thy fruites † and thy barnes shal be replenished with fulnes and thy presses shal runouer with wine † My sonne cast not away the discipline of our Lord neither doe thou faint when thou art chaste●●d of him † for whom our Lord loueth he chasticeth and as a father in the sonne he pleaseth himself † Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom and floweth with prudence † better is the purchasing therof then marchandise of siluer and her fruite then chiefe and the purest gold † she is more precious then al riches and al thinges that are desired are not able to be compared with her † Length of dayes in her right hand in her left hand riches and glorie † Her wayes are beautiful wayes and al her pathes peaceable † She is a tree of life to them that shal apprehend her and he that shal hold her is blessed † Our Lord by wisdom founded the earth established the heauens by prudence † By his wisdom the depthes haue broken forth and the cloudes waxe thicke with dew † My sonne let not these thinges depart from thyne eies kepe the law counsel † and there shal be life to thy soule and grace to thy iawes † Then shalt thou walke confidently in thy way and thy foote shal not stumble † if thou sleepe thou shalt not feare thou shalt rest and thy sleepe shal be sweete † Dread not at soden terrour and the power of the impious falling vpon thee † For our Lord wil be at thy side and wil keepe thy foote that thou be not taken † Doe not prohibite him to doe good that is able if thou be able thy selfe also doe good † Say not to thy frend goe and returne and tomorow I wil geue to thee wheras thou mayest geue forth with † Practise not euil against thy freind when he hath affiance in thee † Contend not against man without cause wheras he hath done thee no euil † Doe not enuie an vniust man nor imitate his waies † because euerie deluder is an abomination of our Lord and his communication is with the simple † There is pouertie from our Lord in the house of the impious but the habitations of the iust shal be blessed † He shal delude the deluders and to the milde he wil geue grace † The wise shal possesse glorie the exaltation of fooles ignominie CHAP. IIII. The wiseman exhorteth others by his owne example to seeke wisdom 14. to decline from the wicked and to imitate the iust 23. to guide wel the hart mouth and feete CHILDREN heare ye the fathers discipline and attend that you may knowe prudence † I wil geue you a good gift forsake not my law † For I also was the sonne of my father tender and as onlie begotten in my mothers sight † and he taught me sayd Let thy hart receiue my wordes kepe my preceptes and thou shalt liue † Possesse wisedom possesse prudence forget not neither decline from the wordes of my mouth † Leaue her not and she wil keepe thee loue her and she wil preserue thee † The beginning of wisdom possesse wisdom and in al thy possession purchase prudence † take quickly and she wil exalt thee thou shalt be glorified of her when thou shalt embrace her † She wil geue to thy head increase of graces and with a noble crowne she wil protect thee † Heare my sonne and receiue my wordes that yeares of life may be multiplied to
and his hope vaine earth and his life viler then clay † because he was ignorant who made him and who inspired into him the soule which worketh and who breathed into him the vital spirite † Yea and they estemed our life to be a pastime and the conuersation of life made for a gayne that we must get euerie way euen of euil † For he knoweth that he offendeth aboue al men which of the matter of earth fashioneth frayle vessels and sculptils † For al the vnwise and vnhappie aboue measure of the soule proude are the enemies of thy people and rule ouer them † because they haue estemed al the idols of the nations for goddes which neither haue vse of eies to see nor nosthrels to take breath nor eares to heare nor fingers of the hands to handle yea and their feete are slow to walke † For a man made them and he that borowed breath the same fashioned them For no man can make God like to himself † For wheras himself is mortal he maketh a dead thing with his wicked handes For he is better then they whom he worshippeth because he in deede liued though he were mortal but they neuer † But they worship also most miserable beasts for the senslesse thinges compared to these are worse then they † Yea neither by sight can any man see good of these beasts But they haue fled from the prayse of God and from his blessing CHAP. XVI God plaguing the Aegyptians for idolatrie and crueltie deliuered the Israelites 5. Chasticed them also but againe shewed them mercie 20. and fedde them with Manna FOR these thinges and by the like to these they haue worthely suffered torments and were destroyed by a multitude of beasts † For the which torments thou didst wel dispose of thy people to whom thou gauest the desire of their delectation a new taste preparing them the quaile for meate † that they in deede coueting meate because of those thinges which were shewed and sent them might be turned away euen from necessarie concupiscence But they in short time being made needie tasted a new meate † For it behoued that without excuse destruction should come vpon them exercising tyrannie but to these onlie to shew how their enemies were destroyed † For when the cruel wrath of beastes came vpon them they were destroyed with the bytings of peruerse serpents † Howbeit thy wrath endured not for euer but for chastisement they were trubled a short time hauing a signe of saluation for the remembrance of the commandment of thy law † For he that turned to it was not healed by that which he saw but by thee the sauiour of al † and in this thou didst shew to our enemies that thou art he which deliuerest from al euil † For the bitings of locusts and flies killed them and there was found no remedie for their life because they were worthie to be destroyed by such thinges † But neither the teeth of venemous dragons ouercame thy children for thy mercie coming healed them † For in memorie of thy wordes they were examined were quickly saued lest falling into deepe obliuion they might no● vse thy helpe † For neither herbe not pla●ster healed them but thy word ô Lord which healeth al thinges † For i● is thou ô Lord that hast powre of life and death and bringest downe to the gates of death and fetchest agayne † but man certes killeth by malice and when the spirit is gone forth it shal not returne neither shal he cal backe the soule that is receiued † but it is vnpossible to escape thy hand † For the impious denying to knowe thee haue bene scourged by the strength of thine arme suffering persecution by strange waters and haile and rayne and consumed by fyre † For that which was meruelous in water which extinquisheth al thinges fyre more preuayled for the world is reuenger of the iust † For a certayne time the fyre was mitigated that the beasts which were sent to the impious might not be burnt but that they seing might know that by Gods iudgement they suffer punishment † And at a certaine time the fyre aboue his powre burnt in water on euerie side that it might destroy the nation of a wicked land † For the which thinges thou didst nourish thy people with the meate of Angels and bread prepared thou gauest them from heauen without labour hauing in it al delectation and the sweetnes of al taste † For thy substance did shew thy sweetnes which thou hast toward thy children and seruing euerie mans wil it was turned to that that euerie man would † Yea snow and yee susteyned the force of fyre and melted not that they might know that fyre burning in hayle and lightening in rayne destroyed the fruites of the enemies † And this againe that the iust might be nourished it forgat also his owne strength † For the creature seruing thee the Creatour is fierce into torment against the vniust and is made more gentle to doe good for them that trust in thee † For this cause euen then being transformed into al thinges they serued thy grace the nource of al at their wil that desired thee † that thy children might know whom thou louedst ô Lord that not the fruites of natiuitie doe feede men but thy word preserueth them that beleue in thee † For that which could not be destroyed by fyre forthwith being heated with a litle beame of the sunne did melt † that it might be knowen to al men that we ought to preuent the sunne to blesse thee and at the rysing of light to adore thee † For the fayth of the vngratful shal melt as winter yee shal perish as vnprofitable water CHAP. XVII Horrible darkenes falling in Aegypt 19. the rest of the world had ordinarie light FOR thy iudgements ô Lord are great thy wordes inexphcable for this cause the soules lacking discipline haue erred † For whiles the wicked are perswaded that they can rule ouer the holie nation fettered with the bands of darknes and long night shut vp vnder roofes they haue lyen fugitiues from the euerlasting prouidence † And whiles they thincke that they lie hid in obscure sinnes they were dispersed by the darke couert of obliuion being horribly afrayd and disturbed with exceding admiration † For neither did the denne that conteyned them keepe them without feare because the sound coming downe trubled them and sorowful visions appearing to them put them in feare † And no force certes of the fyre could geue them light neither could the clere flames of the starres lighten that horrible night † But there appeared to them soden fyre ful of feare and being stroken with the feare of that face which was not sene they estemed the thinges that were sene to be worse † and there were added derisions of the magical art and contumelious rebuke of the glorie of
thinke as if thou were to pay it † Iudge not agaynst a iudge because he iudgeth according to that which is iust † With the audacious goe not on the way lest perhaps he burden thee with his euils for he goeth according to his owne wil and thou shalt perish together with his follie † With an angrie man make no brawle and with the audacious goe not into the desert because bloud is as nothing before him and where there is no helpe he wil ouerthrow thee † Conferre no counsel with fooles for they can not loue but such thinges as please them † Before a stranger doe no matter of counsel for thou knowest not what he wil bring forth † Make not thy hart manifest to euerie man lest perhaps he repay thee false kindnes and speake reprochfully to thee CHAP. IX Great prudence is required in conuersation betwen men and wemen 14. Esteme old freindes 16. Emulate not sinners 18. Auoide the companie of malicious 21. Consult with the prudent hauing God euer before thyne eyes BE not ielous ouer the wife of thy bosome lest she shew vpon thee the malice of wicked doctrine † Geue not to a woman the power of thy soule lest she goe in thy strength and thou be confounded † Looke not vpon a woman that is desirous of manie lest perhaps thou fal into her snares † With her that is a dauncer be not daily conuersant nor heare her lest perhaps thou perish in her efficacie † Behold not a virgin lest perhaps thou be scandalized in her beautie † Geue not thy soule to harlottes in any poynt lest thou destroy thyself and thine inheritance † Looke not round about in the waves of the citie nor wander vp and downe in the streates therof † Turne away thy face from a trimmed woman and gaze not about vpon an others beautie † By the beautie of a woman manie haue perished and hereby concupiscence is inflamed as a fire † Euerie woman that is an harlot shal be troden vpon as dung in the way † Manie hauing admired the beautie of an other mans wife haue become reprobate for her communication burneth as fire † Sit not at al with an other mans wife nor repose vpon the bed with her † and striue not with her at the wine lest perhapes thy hart decline toward her with thy bloud thou fal into perdition † Forsake not an old frend for the new wil not be like to him † A new frend is as new wine it shal waxe old and thou shalt drinke it with sweetnes † Doe not zelousely desire the glorie and the riches of a sinner for thou knowest not what his subuersion shal be † Let not the iniurie of the vniust please thee knowing that euen to hel the impious shal not please † Be far from the man that hath power to kil and thou shalt not suspect the feare of death † And if thou come to him committe nothing lest perhaps he take away thy life † Know it to be communication with death because thou shalt goe in the middes of snarres and shalt walke vpon the weapons of the sorowful † According to thy powre beware thee of thy neighbour and treate with the wise and prudent † Let iust men be thy ghests and let thy gloriation be in the feare of God † and let the cogitation of God be in thy vnderstanding al thine enarration in the precepts of the Highest † Workes shal be praysed in the handes of artificers and the prince of the people in the wisdom of his speach but the word of the ancients in the sense † A man ful of tongue is terrible in his citie and he that is rash in his word shal be odious CHAP. X. Wise superiors are very necessarie because the multitude folow their example 6. Remitte and forget iniuries detest pride iniustice contumelie and auarice 12. Life is short 14. Pride is the roote of al sinnes 23. Iust pouertie is better then sinful riches 31. Mekenes and modestie are necessarie in al men A wise iudge shal iudge his people and the principalitie of the wise shal be stable † According to the Iudge of the people so also are his ministers and what maner of man the ruler of a citie is such also are the habitants therein † An vnwise king shal destroy his people and cities shal be inhabited by the vnderstanding of the prudent † The powre of the earth is in the hand of God and he wil rayse vp a profitable ruler for a time ouer it † The prosperitie of man is in the hand of God vpon the face of the scribe he wil put his honour † Anie iniurie of thy neighbour remember not and doe nothing by workes of iniurie † Pride is odious before God and men and al the iniquitie of the nations is execrable † A kingdome is translated from nation vnto nation because of iniustices and iniuries and contumelies and diuerse deceites † But nothing is more wicked then the couetous man Why is earth and ashes proud † Nothing is more wicked then to loue money For he hath his soule also to sel because in his life he hath cast forth his most in ward thinges † Al power is of short life Long sicknes greueth the Physicion † Short sicknes the Physicion cutteth of at the first so also the king is to day to morow he shal die † For when a man shal die he shal inherite serpents and beasts and wormes † The begynning of the pride of man is to apostatate from God † because his hart is departed from him that made him for pride is the begynning of al sinne he that holdeth it shal be filled with curses it shal subuert him in the end † Therfore hath our Lord dishonoured the congregations of the euil hath destroyed them euen to the end † God hath destroyed the seates of proud princes and hath made the meeke sitte in their stead † God hath made the rootes of the proud nations to wither and hath planted the humble of the nations themselues † Our Lord hath subuerted the landes of the gentiles and hath destroyed them euen to the fundation † He hath made of them to wither and hath destroyed them and hath made the memorie of them to cease from the earth † God hath destroyed the memorie of the proud and hath left the memorie of them that are humble in vnderstanding † Pride was not created to men nor wrath to the nation of wemen † That seede of men shal be honoured which feareth God but that seede shal be dishonoured which transgresseth the commandments of our Lord. † In the middes of brethren their ruler shal be in honour and they that feare our Lord shal be in his eyes † The glorie of the rich of the honourable and of the poore is the feare of God † Despise not the iust man that is poore and magnifie
incredulous to his word † After this God looked vpon the earth filled it with his good thinges † And the soule of euerie liuing thing shal shew before the face thereof and into it againe is their returne CHAP. XVII God creating man to his owne image gaue him gifies 9. and precepts 14. chose the Israelites for his peculiar people 18. Workes of mercie are commended to al men 20. Repentance to sinners 28. mercie is offered to al. GOD created man of the earth and after his owne image he made him † And againe he turned him into it and conformable to himselfe clothed him with strength † He gaue him a number of daies and time and gaue him power of those thinges that are vpon the earth † He put his feare ouer al flesh and he had dominion of beastes and fowles † He created of him an helper like to himself he gaue them counsel and tongue and eies eares and hart to deuise and he filled them with the discipline of vnderstanding † He created in them the knowlege of the spirit he filled their hart with vnderstanding and euil and good he shewed them † He set his eie vpon their hartes to shew them the great thinges of his workes † that they might praise the name of sanctification and glorie in his meruelous workes that thy might declare the glorious thinges of his workes † He added discipline vnto them and made them inherite the lawe of life † He made an euerlasting testament with them he shewed them iustice and his iudgementes † And their eie saw the glorious thinges of his honour and their eares heard the honour of his voice and he said to them Beware of euerie vniust thing † And he gaue them commandment euerie one concerning his neighbour † Their wayes are before him alwaies they are not hid from his eies † Ouer eucrie nation he appointed a ruler † And Israel was made the manifest portion of God † And al their workes as the sunne in the sight of God and his eies without intermission looking on their wayes † The testamentes were not hid by their iniquitie and al their iniquities are in the sight of God † The almes of a man is as a seale with him and shal preserue the grace of a man as the apple of the e●e † And afterward he shal arise and shal render them reward to euerie one vpon their head and shal turne into the inner partes of the earth † But to the penitent he hath geuen the way of iustice and he hath confirmed them that faile to susteine and hath appointed to them the lot of truth † Turne to our Lord and forsake thy sinnes † pray before the face of our Lord and diminish offences † Returne to our Lord and turne away from thine iniustice and hate excedingly abomination † and know the iniustices and iudgementes of God and stand in the lot of thy purpose and of praier of the most high God † Goe into the partes of the holie world with the liuing and them that geue praise to God † Tarie not in the errour of the impious before death confesse From the dead as nothing confession perisheth † Thou shalt confesse liuing aliue and in health thou shalt confesse and shalt praise God and shalt glorie in his mercies † How great is the mercie of our Lord and his propitiation to them that turne to him † For al thinges can not be in men because the sonne of man is not immortal and they haue delighted in the vanitie of malice † What is brighter then the sunne it shal faile Or what more wicked then that which flesh and bloud hath inuented and this shal be reproued † He beholdeth the powre of the height of heauen and al men be earth and ashes CHAP. XVIII Gods wonderful workes excede mans capacitie 7. Our weaknes is streingthened by grace 15. wherto man must cooperate 19. by purging his conscience 22. by prayer 24. by meditating Gods iudgements 30. and by mortifying his owne concupiscence HE that liueth for euer created al thinges together God onlie shal be iustified and remaineth an inuincible king for euer † Who is sufficient to declare his workes † For who shal search out his glorious thinges † and who shal shew forth the powre of his greatnesse or who shal adde to declare his mercie † It is not possible to diminish nor adde neither is it possible to finde the glorious workes of God † When a man shal haue done then shal he beginne and when he shal rest he shal worke † What is man and what is his grace and what is his good or what his euil † The number of the daies of men at the most an hundred yeares as droppes of the water of the sea they are reputed and as the grauel stone of the sand so a few yeares in the day of eternitie † For this cause God is patient toward them and powreth out his mercie vpon them † He hath senne the presumption of their hart that it is naught and hath knowen their subuersion that it is euil † Therefore hath he fulfilled his propitiation toward them and hath shewed them the way of equitie † Mans compassion is touching his neigbour but the mercie of God is vpon al flesh † He that hath mercie teacheth and instructeth as a pastour his flocke † He hath mercie on him that receiueth the doctrine of compassion and he that hasteneth in his iudgementes † Sonne in good deedes geue no blame and in euerie gift geue not the sadnes of an euil word † Shal not the dew colle heate so also a word better then a gift † Is not a word aboue a good gift but both are with a iustified man † A foole wil vpbraide bitterly and the gift of one vntaught maketh the eies to drie away † Before iudgement prepare thee iustice and before thou speake lerne † Before sickenes take medicine and before iudgement examine thyself and in the sight of God thou shalt finde propitiation † Before sickenes humble thy self and in time of infirmitie shew thy conuersation † Be not hindered to pray alwayes feare not to be iustified euen to death because the reward of God abideth for euer † Before praier prepare thy soule and be not as a man that tempteth God † Remember the wrath in the day of consummation and the time of reward in conuersation of the face † Remember pouertie in the time of abundance and the necessities of pouertie in the day of riches † From morning vnto euening time shal be changed al these are sowne in the eies of God † A wise man in al thinges wil feare in the daies of offences wil be ware of sloth † Euerie subtile man knoweth wisdom and to him that findeth her he wil geue prayse † The wise in wordes and they also haue done wisely and haue vnderstood truth and iustice
the tribes of Iacob † Blessed are they that saw thee and were honored in thy freindshipe † For we liue by life only but after death our name shal not be such † Elias was in dede hid in the whirlewind his spirit was complete in Eliseus in his daies he feared not the prince and no man ouercame him by might † Neither did any word ouercome him and his bodie prophecied being dead † In his life he did wonders and in death he wrought meruelous thinges † In al these thinges the people repented not and they departed not from their sinnes til they were cast out of their land and were dispersed into al the earth † And there was leaft a verie smal nation and a prince in the house of Dauid † Some of them did that which pleased God but others committed manie sinnes † Ezechias fenced his citie and brough in water into the middes thereof and digged a rocke with yron and built a wel for water † In his daies came vp Sennacherib and sent Rabsaces and lifted vp his hand against them and put forth his hand vpon Sion and became proude by his mightines † Then were their harts and hands moued and they were in sorow as trauailing wemen † And they inuocated our merciful Lord and spredding their handes they lifted them vp to heauen and the holie Lord God quickly heard their voice † He was not mindful of their sinnes neither did he geue them to their enemies but purged them by the hand of Isaie the holie prophete † He ouerthrew the campe of the Assirians and the Angel of our Lord destroyed them † For Ezechias did that which pleased God and went strongly in the way of Dauid his father which Isaie commanded him the great prophet and faithful in the sight of God † In his daies the sunne returned backward added life to the king † By a great spirite he saw the last thinges and comforted the mourners in Sion † For euer he shewed the thinges to come secret thinges before they came to passe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLVIII 10 VVho art vvritten Amongst other quarels Protestantes except against the authentical auctoritie of this booke because the auctor saith that Enoch and Elias shal come againe to appease the wrath of our Lord to reconcile the father to the sonne and to restore the tribes of Iacob But that this is no iust exception is clere by other holie Scriptures where the same vniforme doctrin of the whole Church is no lesse euident then in this booke For God himself saith the same also by the mouth of his prophet Malachie Behold I wil send you Elias the prophet before the day of our Lord come the great and dreadful Christ also sayth Elias in deede shal come and restore al thinges VVherupon S. Chrysostom after he hath shewed how terrible Antichrist shal be by reason of his temporal powre crueltie and wicked lawes he addeth Feare thou not He shal only haue force in the reprobate that perish For then also Elias shal come to fortifie the faithful Likewise the wordes in the Apocalips I wil geue to my two witnesses they shal prophecie a thousand two hundred and three score dayes were euer inuariably vnderstood by tradition from the first preachers of Christ as the ancient writer Aretas testifieth that Enoch and Elias shal come admonish al not to geue credite to the deceiptful wonders of Antichrist and that they shal trauel in this testimonie the space of three yeares and a half For 1260. dayes come very nere to that space of time CHAP. XLIX Praises of Iosias who like to Dauid and Ezechias tooke away occasions of idolatrie 8. Praises of Ieremie 10. Ezechiel 12. and the twelue Prophetes 13. Also of Zorobabel Iesus the sonne of Iosedech Nehemias Enoch Ioseph Seth Sem and Adam THE memorie of Iosias is according to the confection of perfume made by the worke of an apothecarie † His remembrance shal be sweete as honie in euerie mouth and as musick in banket of wine † He was directed by God into the repentance of the nation and he tooke away the abominations of impietie † And he gouerned his hart toward our Lord and in the daies of sinners he strengthened pietie † Except Dauid and Ezechias and Iosias al committed sinne † For the kinges of Iuda forsooke the law of the Highest and contemned the feare of God † For they gaue their kingdom to others and their glorie to a strange nation † They burnt the chosen citie of holines and made the waies thereof desolate in the hand of Ieremie † For they euil intreated him who was consecrated a prophet from his mothers wombe to ouerthrow and pluck vp and destroy and to build againe and renewe † Ezechiel who saw the sight of glorie which he shewed him in the chariote of Cherubs † For he made mention of the enemies in rayne to doe good vnto them that haue shewed right waies † And the bones of the twelue prophets wel may they spring out of their place for they haue strengthened Iacob and haue redeemed themselues in the fidelitie of power † How may we magnifie Zorobabel for he also was as a signet on the right hand † and so Iesus the sonne of Iosedec who in their daies built the house and erected the holie temple to our Lord prepared to euerlasting glorie † And Nehemias in the memorie of much time who erected vs our walles ouerthrowen and set vp the gates and lockes who built our houses † No man hath bene borne in the earth like to Henoch for he also was taken vp from the earth † Neither as Ioseph who was a man borne prince of his bretheren the stay of the nation the ruler of his bretheren the stay of the people † and his bones were visited and after death they prophecied † Seth and Sem obteyned glorie with men and aboue euerie soule in the beginning Adam CHAP. L. Praises of Simon the High Priest 27. Detestation of certaine persecuting aduersaries 29. With conclusion that the obseruers of this doctrine shal be wise and happie SIMON the sonne of Onias the high priest who in his life held vp the house and in his daies strengthned the temple † The height also of the temple was founded by him the duble building and high walles of the temple † In his daies the welles of waters flowed out and they were filled as the sea aboue measure † Who had care of his nation and deliuered it from perdition † Who preuailed to amplifie the citie who obteyned glorie in conuersing with the nation and amplified the entrance of the house and the court † As the morning starre in the middes of a cloude and as the ful moone he shineth in his dayes † And as the sunne shining so did he shine in the temple of God † As the rainbow that shineth among
thinges of old I haue declared and they proceded out of my mouth and I haue made them to be heard sodenly I haue wrought and they came † For I knew that thou art stubburne and thy necke is an yron sinew and thy forehead of brasse † I foretold thee of old before they came I told thee lest perhaps thou shouldest say My idols haue done these thinges and my sculptils and moltens haue commanded these thinges † See al the thinges which thou hast heard but haue you declared them I haue made thee know new thinges of old and the thinges are kept which thou knowest not † now they are created and not of old and before the day and thou heardest them not lest perhaps thou mighrest say Behold I knewe them † Thou hast neither heard nor knowen neither was thyne eare opened of old For I know that transgressing thou wilt transgresse and I haue called thee a transgressour from the wombe † For my names sake I wil make my furie far of and for my prayse I wil bridle thee that thou perish not † Behold I haue fined thee but not as siluer I haue chosen thee in the fornace of pouertie † For myself for my self wil I do it that I be not blasphemed and I wil not geue my glorie to an other † Heare me ô Iacob and thou Israel whom I cal I the same I the first I the last † My hand also hath founded the earth and my right hand hath measured the heauens I shal cal them and they shal stand together † Assemble ye together al you and heare which of them hath shewed these thinges The Lord hath loued him he wil do his wil in Babylon and his arme in the Chaldees † I euen I haue spoken and called him I haue brought him and his way is directed † Come ye to me and heare this I haue not spoken in secrete from the begynning from the time before it was done I was there and now the Lord God hath sent me and his spirite † Thus sayth our Lord thy redemer the holie one of Israel I the Lord thy God that teach thee profitable thinges that gouerne thee in the way that thou walkest † I would thou hadst attended to my commandments thy peace had bene as a floud and thy iustice as the waues of the sea † And thy seede had bene as the sand and the stocke of thy wombe as the grauel stones therof his name had not perished neither had it bene destroyed from before my face † Come forth out of Babylon flee from the Chaldees shew it forth in the voice of exultation make this to be heard and speake it out euen to the endes of the earth Say Our Lord hath redemed his seruant Iacob † They thirsted not in the desert when he brought them forth water out of the rocke he brought forth to them and he cloue the rocke and there flowed waters † There is no peace to the impious sayth our Lord. CHAP. XLIX Christ shal lead the Gentiles to saluation euen of the ilandes and vttermost partes of the world 10. By him the faithful shal receiue much grace 14. and comforth 18. The Church stil increasing 21. admiring herowne felicitie 25. and the destruction of her enimies HEARE ye ilands and attend ye peoples from a farre The Lord hath called me from the wombe from my mothers bellie he hath bene mindful of my name † And he hath made my mouth as a sharpe sword in the shadow of his hand he hath protected me hath made me as a chosen arrow in his quiuer he hath hidden me † And he sayd to me Thou art my seruant Israel because in thee wil I glorie † And I sayd I haue laboured in vayne without cause and in vayne haue I spent my strength therfore my iudgement is with the Lord and my worke with my God † And now sayth the Lord that formed me from the wombe to be his seruant that I may reduce Iacob vnto him and Israel wil not be gathered together and I am glorified in the eies of the Lord and my God is made my strength † And he sayd It is a smal thing that thou shouldest be my seruant to rayse vp the tribes of Iacob and to conuert the dregges of Israel Behold I haue geuen thee to be the light of the Gentiles that thou mayst be saluation euen to the fardest part of the earth † Thus sayth our Lord the redemer of Israel the holie one therof to the contemptible soule to the nation that is abhorred to the seruant of lordes kinges shal see princes shal rise adore for our Lords sake because he is faythful for the holie one of Israel who hath chosen thee † Thus sayth our Lord In time acceptable I haue heard thee and in the day of saluation I haue holpen thee and I haue kept thee and geuen thee to be a couenant of the people that thou mightest rayse vp the land and possesse the inheritances dissipated † that thou mightest say to them that are bound Come forth to them that are in darknesse Be ye discouered Vpon the wayes shal they feede their pastures shal be in al plaines † They shal not hunger nor thirst heate and sunne shal not strike them because he that is merciful to them shal gouerne them and al the fountaines of waters shal geue them drinke † And I wil make al my mountaines to be a way my pathes shal be exalted † Behold these shal come from farre behold they from the North and the sea and these from the South countrie † Ye heauens prayse and earth reioyce ye mountaynes geue prayse with iubilation because our Lord hath comforted his people and wil haue mercie on his poore ones † And Sion sayd Our Lord hath forsaken me our Lord hath forgotten me † Why can a woman forget her infant that she wil not haue pitie on the sonne of her wombe And if she should forget yet wil not I forget thee † Behold I haue writen thee in my handes thy walles are before myne eies alwayes † Thy builders are come they that destroy thee and dissipate thee shal goe out of thee † Lift vp thine eies round about and see al these are gathered together they are come to thee I liue saith our Lord for thou shalt be clothed with al these as with an ornament and as a bride thou shalt put them about thee † Because thy deserts and thy solitarie places and the land of thy ruine shal now be straite by reason of the inhabitants and they shal be chased far away that swalowed thee vp † As yet shal the children of thy barrennesse say in thine eares The place is straite for me make me space to dwel † And thou shalt say in thy hart Who hath begot me these I am barren not bearing ledde into transmigration and captiue
our Lord to the man of Iuda and to Ierusalem Make vnto you new fallow ground sow not vpon thornes † be circumcised to our Lord and take away the prepuces of your hartes ye men of Iuda and inhabitants of Ierusalem lest perhapes mine indignation goe forth as fire and be kindled and there be none that can quench it because of the malice of your cogitations † Declare ye in Iuda and make it heard in Ierusalem speake and sound with the trumpet in the land crie strongly and say Assemble yourselues and let vs enter into the fenced cities † lift vp the signe in Sion Take courege stand not because I do bring euil from the North ad great destruction † The lyon is come vp out of his denne and the robber of the Gentiles hath lifted vp himselfe he is come forth out of his place that he may make thy land as a wildernes thy cities shal be wasted remayning without an inhabiter † For this gird yourselues with clothes of heare mourne and howle because the wrath of the furie of our Lord is not turned away from vs. † And it shal be in that day saith our Lord The hart of the king shal perish the hart of the princes and the priests shal be astonied and the prophets shal be amased † And I said Alas alas alas ô Lord God hast thou then deceiued this people and Ierusalem saying You shal haue peace and behold the sword hath come euen to the soule † At that time it shal be said to this people to Ierusalem A burning wind in the waies that are in the desert of the way of the daughter of my people not to fanne and to purge † A ful spirit from these shal come to me and now I wil speake my iudgement with them † Behold he shal come in a cloude and his chariots as a tempest his horses are swifter then eagles woe vnto vs because we are destroyed † Wash thy hart from malice ô Ierusalem that thou maist be saued how long shal hurtful cogitations abide in thee † For a voice of one declaring from Dan and notifying the idol from mount Ephraim † Say ye to the Gentiles loe it is heard in Ierusalem that there come keepers from a farre countrie sound their voice vpon the cities of Iuda † They are set vpon her round about as the keepers of fildes because she hath prouoked me to wrath saith our Lord. † Thy waies and thy cogitations haue done these thinges to thee this thy malice because it is bitter because it hath touched thy hart † My bellie my belly aketh the senses of my hart are trubled in me I wil not hold my peace because my soule hath heard the voice of the trumpet the crie of battel † Destruction is called vpon destruction and al the earth is wasted my tentes are wasted quickly sodenly my skinnes † How long shal I see one that fleeth away shal I heare the voice of the trumpet † Because my foolish people haue not knowen me they are vnwise children and without witte they are wise to do euils but to doe wel they haue not knowen † I beheld the earth and loe it was voide and a thing of nothing and the heauens there was no light in them † I saw the mountaines loe they were moued al the little hilles were trubled † I beheld and there was not a man and euerie soule of the a●re was departed † I looked and behold Carmel made desert and al the cities therof were destroyed at the face of our Lord and at the face of the wrath of his furie † For thus saith our Lord Al the land shal be desolate but yet I wil not make a consummation † The earth shal mourne and the heauens shal lament from aboue because I haue spoken I haue purposed and it hath not repented me neither am I turned away from it † At the voice of the horseman and the archer al the citie is fled they haue entred into high places and haue climed the rocks al the cities are forsaken and there dwelleth not a man in them † But thou being wasted what wilt thou doe when thou shalt clothe thy selfe in scarlet when thou shalt be adorned with golden iewels shalt paint thine eies with stibike stone thou shalt be trimmed in vaine thy louers haue contemned thee they wil seeke thy life † For I haue heard the voice as of a traueling woman anguishes as of a woman in labour of child The voice of the daughter of Sion amongst them that dye and stretch forth their handes woe is me because my soule hath fainted for them that are slaine CHAP. V. Al sortes of higher and lower degrees transgresse Gods law 9. and shal be punished GOE round about the wayes of Ierusalem and looke and consider and seeke in the streetes therof whether you can finde a man that doth iudgements and secketh fidelitie I wil be propicious vnto him † Yea if they say Our Lord liueth this also they wil sweare falsely † O Lord thyne eies regard fidelitie thou hast striken them they were not sorie thou hast broken them and they haue refused to receiue discipline they haue hardned their faces more then the rocke and they would not returne † But I said Perhaps they are poore foolish not knowing the way of the Lord the iudgement of their God † I wil go therfore to the great men wil speake to them for they haue knowen the way of their Lord behold these altogether haue more broken the yoke haue burst the bondes † Therefore hath the lion out of the wood striken them the woolf in the euening hath wasted them the leopard watching vpon their citties euerie one of them that shal come forth shal be taken because their preuarications are multiplied their reuoltinges are strengthned † Wherupon can I be propicious to thee thy children haue forsaken me and sweare by them that are not goddes I filled them they committed aduoutrie and did riotously in the harlots house † They are become as amarous horses and stalions euerie one neyed at his neighbours wife † VVhy shal I not visite vpon these thinges saith our Lord and on such a nation shal not my soule take reuenge † Scale the walles therof and dissipate them but make not a consummation take away the branches therof because they are not the Lordes † For by preuarication hath the house of Israel preuaricated against me the house of Iuda saith our Lord. † They haue denied our Lord and saied It is not he neither shal the euil come vpon vs we shal not see sword famine † The prophets haue spoken into the wind there was no answer in them these things therfore shal happen to them † Thus saith our Lord the God of hostes Because you haue spoken this word behold I geue my wordes in thy mouth as fire
you shal know that I am the Lord when I shal set my face against them † and shal make their land not passable and desolate because they haue bene preuaricatours sayth our Lord God CHAP. XVI God by his prophet setting his benefites 15. and the Iewes wickednes before their eyes 31. compareth them with other idolaters 35. and after threatned punishment 45. with further comparison of other nations 52. exhorting them to repentance 60. offereth mercie by a new couenant of Christs Gospel AND the word of our Lord was made to me saying † Sonne of man make knowne to Ierusalem her abominations † and thou shalt say Thus saith our Lord God to Ierusalem Thy roote and thy generation of the land of Chanaan thy father an Amorrheite and thy mother a Cetheite † And when thou wast borne in the day of thy birth thy nauil was not cut and thou wast not washed with water to health nor salted with salt nor swadled in cloutes † No eye had mercie on thee to do vnto thee one of these thinges hauing pitie on thee but thou wast throwen forth vpon the face of the earth in the abiection of thy soule in the day that thou wast borne † And passing by thee I saw thee to be troden downe in thy bloud and I said to thee when thou wast in thy bloud Liue. I said to thee I say In thy bloud liue † Multiplied as the spring of the field haue I made thee and thou wast multiplied and made great and thou wentest in and camest to the ornaments of wemen thy breastes swelled and thy heare budded and thou wast naked and ful of confusion † And I passed by thee and saw thee and behold thy time the time of louers and I spred my garment ouer thee and couered thy ignominie And I sware to thee and I entered a couenant with thee saith our Lord God thou wast made myne † And I washed thee with water and made cleane thy bloud from of thee and I anoynted thee with oile † And I clothed thee with diuers colours shod thee with hyacinth and I girded thee with silke and clothed thee with fine garments † And I adorned thee with ornament and gaue bracelettes on thy handes and a cheine about thy necke † And I gaue a iewel vpon thy face and ringes to thine eares and a crowne of beautie on thy head † And thou wast adorned with gold and siluer and wast clothed with silke embrodered worke and manie colours thou hast eaten floure and honie and oile and wast made very beautiful excedingly and didst prosper to a kingdom † And thy name went forth into the Gentils because of thy beautie because thou wast perfect in my beautie which I had put vpon thee saith our Lord God † And hauing confidence in thy beautie thou hast fornicated in thy name and thou hast layd forth thy fornication to euerie passenger to be made his † And taking of thy garments thou madest thee idoles embrodred on each side thou didst fornicate vpon them as hath not bene done nor shal not hereafter † And thou tookest the vessels of thy beautie of my gold and my siluer which I gaue thee and thou madest thee images of men and hast fornicated in them † And thou tookest thy garments of manie colours and coueredst them and mine oile and mine incense thou didst put before them † And my bread which I gaue thee the floure and oile and honie wherwith I haue nourished thee thou didst set in their sight for an odour of sweetnes and it was done saith our Lord God † And thou hast taken thy sonnes and thy daughters which thou didst begete to me hast immolated the same vnto them to deuoure Why is thy fornication smal † Thou hast immolated my sonnes and hast geuen them consecrating them to the idols † And after al thine abominations and fornications thou wast not mindful of the dayes of thy youth when thou wast naked and ful of confusion troden downe in thy bloud † And it chanced after al thy malice wo wo to thee faith our Lord God † thou didst also build thee a stewes and madest thee a brothel house in al streetes † At euerie head of the way hast thou built a signe of thy prostitution and hast made thy beautie abominable and hast diuided thy feete to euerie one that passeth by and hast multiplied thy fornications † And thou hast fornicated with the children of Aegypt thy neighbours of great flesh hast multiplied thy fornication to prouoke me † Behold I wil strech out my hand vpon thee and wil take away thy iustification and I wil geue thee into the soules of the daughters of Palestine that hate thee that are ashamed of thy wicked way † And thou hast committed fornication with the sonnes of the Assyrians because neither as yet wast thou filled and after thou didst fornicate neither so wast thou saciated † And thou didst multiplie thy fornication in the Land of Chanaan with the Chaldees and neither so wast thou saciated † Wherin shal I clense thy hart saith our Lord God wheras thou doest al these the workes of a woman that is a whore and malapert † Because thou hast built thy brothel house in the head of euerie way and thy excelse thou hast made in euerie strete neither becamest thou as an harlot that by disdayne augmenteth the price † but as a woman aduouteresse that ouer her husband bringeth in strangers † To al harlots are rewards geuen but thou hast geuen rewardes to al thy louers thou didst geue them giftes to come vnto thee on euerie side to fornicate with thee † And in thee it was done contrarie to the custome of wemen in thy fornications and after thee there shal be no fornication for in that thou gauest rewardes and didst not take rewardes it hath bene done contrarie in thee † Therfore heare ô harlot the word of our Lord. † Thus saith our Lord God Because thy brasse is powred out and thine ignominie is reueled in thy fornications vpon thy louers and vpon the idols of thine abominations in the bloud of thy children whom thou gauest them † Behold I wil gather together al thy louers with whom thou hast taken pleasure al whom thou hast loued with al whom thou didst hate and I wil gather them together vpon thee on euerie side and wil discouer thine ignominie before them and they shal see al thy turpitude † And I wil iudge thee by the iudgements of aduouteresses and them that shed bloud and I wil geue thee into bloud of furie and zele † And I wil geue thee into their handes and they shal destroy thy brothel house and throw downe thy stewes and they shal turne thee naked out of thy garments and shal take away the vessels of thy beautie and shal leaue thee naked and ful of ignominie † And they shal bring vpon thee a multitude and they shal
dispise in his euils in the day of his destruction and thou shalt not be sent out against his armie in the day of his destruction † Neither shalt thou stand in the outgoings to kil them that flee and thou shalt not shut vp his remnant in the day of tribulation † Because the day of our Lord is at hand vpon al nations as thou hast done so shal it be done to thee thy retribution he wil returne vpon thine owne head † For as you haue drunke vpon my holie mount shal al Gentils drinke continually they shal drinke and swallow vp and they shal be as though they were not † And in mount Sion shal be saluation and it shal be holie and the house of Iacob shal possesse those that had possessed them † And the house of Iacob shal be a fyre and the house of Ioseph a flame and the house of Esau stubble and they shal be kindled in them and shal deuoure them and there shal be no remaynes of the house of Esau because our Lord hath spoken † And they that are toward the South shal inherite the mount of Esau and they in the champaine countries Philisthiims and they shal possesse the region of Ephraim and the region of Samaria and Beniamin shal possesse Galaad † And the transmigration of this host of the children of Israel al places of the Chananeits euen to Sarepta and the transmigration of Ierusalem that is in Bosphorus shal possesse the cities of the South † And sauiours shal ascend into mount Sion to iudge the mount of Esau and the kingdom shal be to our Lord. THE PROPHECIE OF IONAS IONAS the sonne of Amathi in Geth of the tribe of Zabulon in the reigne of Ieroboam sonne of Ioas king of Israel not only in wordes but also in his person prophecied and prefigured Christ as our Sauiour himself testisieth And vnder the name of Niniue announceth saluation to al Gentiles that repent and returne to God as Niniue did CHAP. 1. Ionas being sent to preach in Niniue fleeth by sea 4. atempest riseth 8. wherof he being found by lotte to be the cause 12. is cast into the sea 15. and it is caulme AND the word of our Lord was made to Ionas the sonne of Amathi saying † Arise and goe into Niniue the great citie and preach in it because the malice therof is ascended before me † And Ionas arose to flee into Tharsis from the face of our Lord and he went downe into Ioppe and found a shippe going into Tharsis and he gaue the fare therof went downe into it that he might goe with them into Tharsis from the face of our Lord. † But our Lord sent a great winde into the sea and a great tempest was made in the sea the shippe was in danger to be broken † And the mariners were afrayd and the men cried to their god they threw the vessels that were in the shippe into the sea that it might be lightned of them and Ionas went downe into the inner part of the shippe and slept a deepe sleepe † And the gouerner came to him sayd to him Why art thou oppressed with sleepe Rise inuocate thy God if perhaps God wil thinke of vs and we perish not † And euerie one sayd to his felow Come and let vs cast lottes and know why this euil is to vs. And they cast lottes and the lot fel vpon Ionas † And they sayd to him Tel vs for whose cause this euil is to vs what is thy worke what is thy countrie and whither goest thou or of what people art thou † And he sayd to them I am an Hebrew the Lord God of heauen I feare which made the sea and the drie land † And the men feared with great feare and they sayd to him Why hast thou done this For the men knew that he fled from the face of our Lord because he had told them † And they sayd to him What shal we do to thee and the sea shal cease from vs because the sea went and swelled † And he sayd to them Take me vp and cast me into the sea and the sea shal cease from you for I know that for me this great tempest is vpon you † And the men rowed to returne to the land and they were not able because the sea went and swelled vpon them † And they cried to our Lord and sayd We besech thee ô Lord let vs not perish in the life of this man and geue not vpon vs innocent bloud because thou ô Lord hast done as thou wouldest † And they tooke Ionas and cast him into the sea and the sea ceased from his rage † And the men feared our Lord with great feare immolated hostes to our Lord and vowed vowes CHAP. II. Ionas is swallowed by a great fish 3. prayeth with confidence in God 11. and the fish casteth him on the drie land AND our Lord prepared a great fish to swallow done Ionas and Ionas was in the bellie of the fish three dayes and three nightes † And Ionas prayed to our Lord his God out of the bellie of the fish † And he sayd I cryed out of my tribulation to our Lord he hath heard me out of the bellie of hel cried I and thou hast heard my voice † And thou hast cast me forth into the depth in the hart of the sea and a floud hath compassed me al thy surges thy waues haue passed ouer me † And I sayd I am cast away from the sight of thine eyes but yet I shal see thy holie temple againe † The waters haue compassed me euen to the soule the depth hath inclosed me the sea hath couered my head † I am descended to the extreme parts of the mountaines the barres of the earth haue shut me vp for euer and thou wilt lift vp my life from corruption ô Lord my God † When my soule was in distresse within me I remembred our Lord that my prayer may come to thee vnto thy holie temple † They that kepe vanities in vaine forsake their mercie † But I in the voice of prayse wil immolate to thee what thinges soeuer I haue vowed I wil render for saluation to our Lord. † And our Lord spake to the fish and it vomited vp Ionas vpon the drie land CHAP. III. Againe Ionas is commanded to preach in Niniue that within fourtie dayes it shal be destroyed 5. They al fast and repent 10. and God recalleth his sentence AND the word of our Lord was made to Ionas the second time saying † Arise goe into Niniue the great citie and preach in it the preaching which I speake to thee † And Ionas arose went into Niniue according to the word of our Lord Niniue was a great citie of three dayes iorney † And Ionas began to enter into the citie on dayes iorney he cried
the wine † And thou hast kept the precepts of Amri and al the worke of the house of Achab and thou hast walked in their willes that I might geue thee into perdition and the inhabitants therin into hissing and the reproch of my people you shal beare CHAP. VII The prophet lamenteth that for al his preaching few are good and manie corrupt in maners 5. therfore their miseries approch 7. from which they shal be againe deliuered 14. and prosper 20. and al mankind shal be redemed by Christ VVO is me because I am become as he that gathereth in autumne the clusters of vintage there is no cluster to eate timely ripe figges my soule hath desired † The holie is perished out of the earth there is none righteous among men al lie in wayte for bloud euerie one hunteth his brother to death † The euil of their handes they cal good the prince requireth and the iudge is in rendring and the great man hath spoken the desire of his soule and they haue trubled it † He that is left among them is as a brier and he that is righteous as the thorne of the hedge The day of thy speculation thy visitation cometh now shal be the destruction of them † Beleue not a frend and trust not in prince from her that fleepeth in thy bosome keepe the closures of thy mouth † Because the sonne doth contumelie to the father the daughter ryseth agaynst her mother the daughter in law against her mother in law a mans enemies they of his owne houshold † But I wil looke towards our Lord I wil expect God my sauiour my God wil heare me † Reioyce not thou mine enemie ouer me because I am fallen I shal arise when I haue sitte in darkenes our Lord is my light † I wil beare the wrath of our Lord because I haue sinned to him vntil he iudge my iudgement he wil bring me forth into the light I shal see his iustice † And mine enemie shal behold and she shal be couered with confusion which sayth to me where is the Lord thy God Mine eyes shal looke on her now shal she be into conculcation as the myre of the streetes † The day that thy walles may be builded vp in that day shal the law be made far of † In that day and Assur shal come euen to thee euen to the fensed cities and from the fensed cities euen to the riuer and to sea from sea and to mountaine from mountaine † And the land shal be into desolation for the inhabitants therof and for the fruite of their cogitations † Feede thy people with thy e rod the flocke of thine inheritance them that dwel alone in in the forest in the middes of Carmel they shal feede vpon Basan and Galaad according to the dayes of old † According to the dayes of thy coming forth out of the Land of Aegypt I wil shew him meruels † The nations shal see and shal be confounded vpon al their strength they shal put the hand vpon the mouth their eares shal be deafe † They shal lieke dust as serpents as the creeping beasts of the earth they shal be trubled in their houses the Lord our God they shal dreade and shal feare thee † What God is like to thee which takest away iniquitie and passest ouer the sinne of the remnant of thine inheritance he wil send his furie in no more because he is willing mercie † He wil returne and wil haue mercie on vs he wil lay away our iniquities and he wil cast al our sinnes into the botome of the sea † Thou wilt geue truth to Iacob mercie to Abraham which thou hast sworne to our fathers from the dayes of old THE PROPHECIE OF NAHVM NAHVM borne in Elcese a towne in Galiley prophecied shortly after the captiuitie of the tenne tribes against Niniue about fiftie yeares after Ionas preaching and their repentance when they became more wicked then before foreshewing their vtter ruine and ignominie In figure of the destruction of idolatrie in al nations by Christ euangelizing and announcing peace to al that wil beleue in him CHAP. 1. Niniue shal be destroyed not able to escape Gods powreful wrath 9. The Asstrians shal not preuaile against Ierusalem 13. but themselves shal be slaine THE burden of Niniuie The booke of the vision of Nahum the Elce●e●te † God is ielous our Lord reuenging our Lord reuenging and hauing furie our Lord reuenging on his aduerseries and he is angrie with his enemies † Our Lord is patient and great of strength and clensing he wil not make innocent Our Lords wayes in tempest and whirle wind and clowdes the dust of his feete † Rebuking the sea and driyng it vp and bringing al riuers to a desert Basan is weakened and Carmel the floure of Libanus is faided † The mountaines were moued at him and the hilles were desolate and the earth hath trembled at his presence and the world and al that dwel therin † Befote the face of his indignation who shal stand and who shal resist in the wrath of his furie his indignation is powred out as fire and the rockes are dissolued by him † Our Lord is good and strenghning in the day of tribulation and knowing them that hope in him † And in a floud passing by he wil make a consummation of the place therof darkenes shal pursew his enemies † VVhat thinke ye against our Lord consumation he wil make there shal not rise duble tribulation † Because as thornes claspe one an other so the feast of them that drinke together they shal be consumed as stuble ful of drienes † Out of thee shal come forth one that thinketh malice against our Lord in the minde deuising preuarication † Thus saith our Lord If they shal be perfect and so a grear manie so also shal they be shorne and he shal passe by I haue afflicted thee and I wil afflict thee no more And now I wil breake his rod from of thy backe and I wil burst thy bondes in sunder † And Our Lord wil command vpon thee there shal not be sowen of thy name any more out of the house of thy God I wil destroy sculptil molten I wil put thy graue because thou art dishonored † Behold vpon the mountaines the feete of him that Euangalizeth and preacheth peace celebrate ô Iuda thy festiuities render thy vowes because Belial shal no more adde to passe through thee he is wholly perished CHAP. II. The Chaldees shal mightely inuade the Assirians 5. take and ransacke Niniue HE is come vp that shal scatter before thee that shal keepe the seige behold the way fortifie the loynes strengthen force excedingly † Because our Lord hath rendered the pride of Iacob as the pride of Israel because the waters haue dissipated them and haue marred their branches † The
in the vines The worke of the oliuetree shal deceiue and the fields shal not yeld meate the cattel shal be cut of from the fold and there shal be no heard in the stalles † But I wil ioy in our Lord and wil reioyce in God my IESVS God our Lord is my strength and he wil make my feete as of the harts and vpon my high places he the conquerer wil lead me singing in psalmes THE PROPHECIE OF SOPHONIAS SOPHONIAS the sonne of Chusi borne in Sarabatha of the tribe of Simeon in the reigne of Iosias king of Iuda somewhat before Ieremie who beganne in the 13. yeare of the same Iosias After whom folowed Ezechiel in the fift yeare of the transmigration of king Ioachin and Baruch in the fift yeare after the destruction of Ierusalem then Daniel three yeares after him prophecied the captiuitie of the two tribes and their relaxation likewise the ruine of diuers Gentiles the coming of Christ conuersion of Gentiles excecation of the Iewes with their general conuersion towards the end of the world CHAP. I. For certaine enormious sinnes the captiuitie of the two tribes is threatned with admonition to repent otherwise it shal be most terrible THE word of our Lord that was made to Sophonie the sonne of Chusi the sonne of Godolias the sonne of Amarias the sonne of Ezechias in the dayes of Iosias the sonne of Amon king of Iuda † Gathering I wil gather together al thinges from the face of the earth sayth our Lord † gathering man and beast gathering the foules of the heauen and fishes of the sea and there shal be ruines of the impious and I wil destroy men from the face of the earth sayth our Lord. † And I wil stretch forth my hand vpon Iuda and vpon al the inhabitantes of Ierusalem and I wil destroy out of this place the remnant of Baal and the names of the templewardens with the priests † and them that adore vpon the toppes of houses the host of heauen and adore and sweare c by our Lord and sweare by Melchom † And them that turne away from after the backe of our Lord and that haue not sought our Lord nor searched after him † Be silent before the face of our Lord God because the day of our Lord is nere because our Lord hath prepared an host he hath sanctified his called † And it shal be in the day of the host of our Lord I wil visite vpon the princes and vpon the kinges sonnes and vpon al that are clothed with strange clothing † and I wil visite vpon euerie one that arrogantly entereth vpon the threshold in that day them that fil the house of our Lord their God with iniquitie guile † And it shal be in that day sayth our Lord the voice of clamor from the gate of fishes and howling from the second and great destruction from the hilles † Howle ye inhabitants of the Morter Al the people of Chanaan is hush al are perished that were wrapped in siluer † it shal be in that time I wil search Ierusalem with lampes and wil visite vpon the men that are fixed in their dregges that say in their hartes The Lord wil not doe good and he wil not doe euil † And their strength shal be into spoile and their houses as a desert and they shal build houses and shal not inhabite them and shal plant vineyards shal not drinke the wine of them † The great day of our Lord is neere it is neere and exceding swift the voice of the day of our Lord is bitter the strong shal there haue tribulation † That day g a day of wrath a day of tribulation and distresse a day of calamitie and miserie a day of darknes and mist a day of clowde whirlewind † a day of the trumpet and sound vpon the fensed cities vpon the high corners † And I wil afflict men and they shal walke as blindmen because they haue sinned to our Lord and their bloud shal be powred out as dust and their bodies as dung † Yea and their siluer and their gold shal not be able to deliuer them in the day of the wrath of our Lord in the fire of his ielousie shal al the earth be deuoured because he wil make consummation with speede to al that inhabit the earth CHAP. II. ●● exhortation to repent 4 with prophecie of the destruction of the Philistims 8. Moabites and Ammonites 12. Aethiopians 12. Assirians 15. with their chief citie Niniue COME together be ye gathered together ô nation not to be beloued † before that the commandment bring forth the day as dust passing away before the wrath of the furie of our Lord come vpon you before the day of the indignation of our Lord come vpon you † Seeke our Lord al ye meeke of the earth which haue wrought his iudgement seeke the iust seeke the meeke if by any meanes you may be hid in the day of the furie of our Lord. † Because Gaza is destroyed and Ascalon as a desert Azotus at noone they shal cast out and Accaron shal be rooted out † Wo to you that inhabite the cord of the sea ô nation of castawayes the word of our Lord vpon you ô Chanaan land of the Philisthims and I wil destroy thee so that there shal not be an inhabiter † And the cord of the sea shal be the rest of pastours and soldes of cattel † and it shal be the cord of him that shal remayne of the house of Iuda there they shal feede in the houses of Ascalon at euen they shal rest because our Lord their God wil visite them and turne away their captiuitie † I hane heard the reproch of Moab and the blasphemies of the children of Ammon with which they haue vpbrayded my people and were magnified vpon their borders † Therfore liue I sayth the Lord of hosts the God of Israel that Moab shal be as Sodom and the children of Ammon as Gomorrha drynes of thornes and heapes of salt and a desert euen for euer the remnant of my people shal spoile them and the residue of my nation shal possesse them † This shal be fal them for their pride because they haue blasphemed and haue beene magnified vpon the people of the Lord of hosts † Our Lord shal be dreadful vpon them and shal attenuate al the goddes of the earth and they shal adore him euerie man out of his owne place al the ilands of the Gentils † Yea and you Aethiopians shal be slaine with my sword † And he wil stretch forth his hand vpon the North and wil destroy Assur and he wil lay the Beautiful as a wildernes and as a place not passable and as a desert † And flockes shal lie in the middes therof al the beastes of the Gentils and on ocratulus and the Irchin shal abide in the thresholdes therof the voice of one
holie law of God they were murdered † and there was made great wrath vpon the people excedingly CHAP. II. Mathathias with his fiue sonnes lamenteth the calamities of the people 8. and prophanation of holie thinges 15. resisteth the kings wicked decrees 23. killeth an idolater and the kings commissioner so flyeth into the mountaines with others 31. Manie are slaine not resisting in battel on the sabbath dayes 40. Vpon further consideration the rest defend themselues in the sabbath 45. kil their enimies and destroy idolatrie 49. Mathathias dying exhorteth his sonnes to be zelous in the law 65. appoynting Simon their counseler and Iudas their capitaine IN those dayes arose Mathathias the sonne of Iohn the sonne of Simeon priest of the sonnes of Ioarib from Ierusalem and he sate in the mountayne of Modin † and he had fiue sonnes Iohn who was surnamed Gaddis † and Simon who was surnamed Thasi † and Iudas who was called Machabeus † and Eleazar who was surnamed Abaron and Ionathan who was surnamed Apphus † These saw the euils that were done in the people of Iuda and in Ierusalem † And Mathathias sayd Wo is me wherfore was I borne to see the affliction of my people and the affliction of the holie citie and to sitte there when it is geuen in the handes of the enemies † The holie places are come into the hand of strangers the temple therof as an ignoble man † The vessels of her glorie are caried away captiue her old men are murdered in the streets and her youngmen are fallen by the sword of the enemies † What nation hath not inherited her kingdom and hath not obteyned her spoiles † Al her beautie is taken away She that was free is made a seruant † And loe our holies and out beautie and our glorie is desolate and the Nations haue defiled them † Whereto then is it for vs yet to liue † And Mathathias rent his garments his sonnes and they couered themselues with heareclothes and lamented excedingly † And there came thither they that were sent from king Antiochus to compel them that were fled into the citie of Modin to immolate and to burne frankincense and to depart from the law of God † And manie of the people of Israel consenting came to them but Mathathias and his sonnes stood constantly † And they that were sent from Antiochus answering sayd to Mathathias Thou art the prince and most honorable and great in this citie and adorned with sonnes and bretheren † Therfore come thou first and doe the kings commandement as al Nations haue done and the men of Iuda and they that are remayning in Ierusalem thou shalt be and thy sonnes among the kings frends amplified with gold and siluer and manie giftes † And Mathathias answered sayd with a lowde voice Although al Nations obey king Antiochus that euerie man reuolt from the seruice of the law of his fathers and consent to his commandements † I and my sonnes and my bretheren wil obey the law of our fathers † God be merciful vnto vs it is not profitable for vs to forsake the law and the iustices of God † we wil not heare the wordes of king Antiochus neither wil we sacrifice transgressing the commandments of our law to go an other way † And as he ceased to speake these words there came a certayne lewe in the eyes of al to sacrifice to the idols vpon the altar in the citie of Modin according to the kings commandment † And Mathathias saw and was sorie and his reynes trembled and his furie was kindled according to the iudgement of the law and flying vpon him he slew him vpon the altar † yea and the man whom king Antiochus had sent which compelled them to immolate he slewe in that verie time and destroyed the altar † and zeled the law as did Phinees to Zamri the sonne of Salomi † And Mathathias cried out with a lowde voice in the citie saying Euerie one that hath zele of the law establishing his testament let him comeforth after me † And he fled himself and his sonnes into the mountaynes and left al thinges whatsoeuer they had in the citie † Then came downe manie seeking iudgement and iustice into the desert † and they sate there them selues and their children and their wiues and their cattel because the euils ouerflowed vpon them † And it was reported to the kings men and to the armie that was in Ierusalem in the citie of Dauid that certayne men which dissipated the kings commandment were departed into secrete places in the desert and manie were gone after them † And forthwith they went forwards towards them and set battel against them in the day of the Sabbaths † and they sayd to them Doe you resist now also as yet comeforth and doe accordidg to the word of king Antiochus and you shal liue † And they sayd We wil not come forth neither wil we doe the kings word to pollute the day of the Sabbaths † And they hastened battel against them † And they answered them not neither did they cast a stone at them nor stopped the secrete places † saying Let vs dye al in our simplicitie and heauen and earth shal be witnesses vpon vs that you vniustly destroy vs. † And they gaue them battel on the Sabbaths and there died they their wiues their children and their cattel euen to a thousand soules of men † And Mathathias vnderstood it and his freinds and they had lamentation vpon them excedingly † And euerie man sayd to his neighbour If we shal al doe as our bretheren haue done and shal not fight against the heathen for our liues and our iustifications now wil they quickly destroy vs from the earth † And they thought in that day saying Euerie man whosoeuer shal come vnto vs in battel on the day of the Sabbaths let vs fight against him and we wil not al dye as our bretheren died in secrete places † Then was there gathered to them the synagoge of the Asside ans strong of force out of Israel euerie voluntarie in the law † and al that fled from the euils were added to them were made a strength to them † And they gathered an armie and stroke the sinners in their wrath and the wicked men in their indignation and the rest fled to the nations to escape † And Mathathias went round about and his freindes and they destroyed the altars † and they circumcided the vncircumcised children as manie as they found in the costs of Israel and in strength † And they persecuted the children of pride and the worke prospered in their handes † and they obteyned the law out of the handes of the nations and out of the handes of the kinges they gaue not the horne to the sinner † And the dayes of Mathathias approched to dye he sayd to his sonnes Now is pride strengthned and chastisement and the time of
Babylon and was trubled lying in my chamber and my cogitations came vp ouer my hart † because I saw the desolation of Sion and the abundance of them that dwelt in Babylon † And my spirit was tossed excedingly and I began to speake to the highest timorous wordes † and sayd O Lord dominatour thou spakest from the beginning when thou didst plant the earth and that alone and didst rule ouer the people † and gauest Adam a dead bodie but that also was the worke of thy handes didst breath into him the spirit of life and he was made to liue before thee † and thou broughst him into paradise which thy right hand had planted before the earth came † And him thou didst command to loue thy way and he transgressed it forth with thou didst institute death in him and in his posteritie and there were borne nations and tribes and peoples and kinreds wherof there is no number † And euerie nation walked in their owne wil they did meruelous thinges before thee and despised thy preceptes † And agane in time thou broughst in the floud vpon inhabitantes of the world and didst destroy them † And there was made in euery one of them as vnto Adam to dye so to them the floud † But thou didst leaue one of them Noe with his house and of him were al the iust † And it came to passe when they began to be multiplied that dwelt vpon the earth multiplied children and peoples and manie nations and they begane againe to doe impietie more then the former † And it came to passe when they did iniquitie before thee thou didst choose thee a man of them whose name was Abraham † And thou didst loue him and to him on lie thou didst shew thy wil. † And thou didst dispose vnto him an euerlasting testament and toldst him that thou wouldst neuer forsake his seede And thou gauest him Isaac and to Isaac thou gauest Iacob and Esau † And Iacob thou didst seuer to thy selfe but Esau thou didst separate And Iacob grewe to a great multitude † And it came to passe when thou didst bring forth his sede out of Aegypt thou broughst it vpon mount Sinai † And thou didst bowe the heauens and fasten the earth and didst shake the world and madest the depthes to tremble and trubledst the world † and thy glorie passed foure gates of fire and of earthquake and winde and frost that thou mightst geue a law to the seede of Iacob and to the generation of Israel diligence † And thou didst not take away from them a malignant hart that thy law might bring forth fruite in them † For Adam the first bearing a vi●ious hart transgressed and was ouercome yea and al that were borne of him † And it was made a permanent infirmitie and the law with the hart of the people with the wickednes of the roote and that which is good departed and the wicked remayned † And the times passed the yeares were ended and thou didst raise vp vnto thee a seruant named Dauid † and spakest vnto him to build a citie of thy name and to offer vnto thee in it frankencense and oblations † And this was done manie yeares and they that inhabited the citie forsooke thee † in al things as Adam and al his generations For they also vsed a wicked hart † And thou didst deliuer thy citie into the hands of thyne enimies † Why doe they better thinges that inhabite Babylon And for this shal she rule ouer Sion † It came to passe when I was come hither and had sene the impieties that can not be numbred and my soul saw manie offending this thirteth yeare my hart was astonied † because I saw how thou bearest with their sinne and didst spare them that did impiously and didst destroy thine owne people and preserue thine enimies and didst not signifie it † I nothing remember how this way should be forsaken doth Babylon better thinges then Sion † Or hath anie nation knowen thee beside Israel or what tribes haue beleued thy testamentes as Iacob † Whose reward hath not appeared nor their labour fructified For passing through I passed among the nations and I saw them abound and not mindeful of thy commandmentes † Now therfore wey our iniquities in a ballance and theirs that dwel in the world thy name shal not be found but in Israel † Or when haue not they sinned in thy sight that inhabite the earth or what nation hath so obserued thy commandmentes † These cettes by their names thou shalt finde to haue kept thy commandmentes but the nations thou shalt not finde CHAP. IIII. Mans witte and reason is not able to vnderstand the counsel and iudgement of God 22. why his people are afflicted by wicked nations 33. nor of times and thinges to come AND the Angel answered me that was sent to me whose name was Vriel † and sayd to me Thy hart exceding hath exceded in this world thou thinkest to comprehend the way of the Highest † And I sayd It is so my Lord. And he answered me sayd I am sent to shew thee three wayes to propose to thee three similitudes † Of the which if thou shalt declare to me one of them I also wil shew thee the way which thou desirest to see and wil teach thee whence a wicked hart is † And I sayd Speake my Lord. And he sayd to me Goe wey me the weight of the fire or measure me the blast of the winde or cal me backe the day that is past † And I answered and sayd what man borne can doe it that thou askest me of these thinges † And he sayd to me If I should aske thee saying How great habitations are there in the hart of the sea or how great vaines be there in the beginning of the depth or how great vaines be there aboue the firmament and what are the issues of paradise † thou wouldest perhaps say to me I haue not descended into the depth nor into hel as yet neither haue I ascended at anie time into heauen † But now I haue not asked thee sauing of the fire and the winde and the day by the which thou hast passed and from the which thou canst not be separated and thou hast not answered me of them † And he sayd to me Thou canst not know the thinges that are thine which grow together with thee † and how can thy vessel comprehend the way of the Highest and now the world being outwardly corrupted vnderstand the corruption euident in my sight † I sayd to him Better were it for vs not to be then yet liuing to liue in impieties and to suffer and not to vnderstand for what thing † And he answered me said Going forth I went forward to a wood of trees in the filde and they deuised a deuise † and sayd Come and let vs goe and make watre against the sea that it
may retyre backe before vs and we may make vs other woodes † And in like maner the waues of the sea they also deuised a deuise and sayd Come let vs goe vp let vs ouerthrow the woodes of the filde that there also we may consummate an other countrie for our selues † And the woodes deuise was made vaine for fire came and consumed it † Likewise also the deuise of the waues of the sea For the sand stood stayed them † For if thou wert iudge of these whom wouldest thou begin to iustifie or whom to condemne † And I answered and sayd Verely they deuised a vayne deuise For the earth is geuen to the wood and a place to the sea to carie her waues † And he answered me and sayd Thou hast iudged wel and why hast thou not iudged for thy self † For as the earth is geuen to the wood and the sea for the waues therof so they that inhabite vpon the earth can vnderstand onlie the thinges that are vpon the earth and they vpon the heauens the thinges that are aboue the height of the heauens † And I answered and sayd I besech thee Lord that sense may be geuen me to vnderstand † For I meant not to aske of thy superiour thinges but of those that passe by vs dayly For what cause Israel is geuen into reproche to the gentiles the people whom thou hast loued is geuen to impious tribes the law of our fathers is brought to destruction the written ordinances are no where † and we haue passed out of the world as locustes and our life is astonishment and dreade and we are not worthie to obtaine mercie † But what wil he doe to his name that is inuocated vpon vs and of these thinges I did aske † And he answered me and sayd If thou search very much thou shalt often meruail because the world hastening hasteneth to passe † and can not comprehend the thinges which in times to come are promised to the iust because this world is ful of iniustice and infirmities † But concerning the thinges that thou demandest I wil tel thee for the euil is sowed and the destruction therof is not yet come † If then that which is sowen be not turned vp and the place depart where the euil is sowen that shal not come where the good is sowen † Because the grayne of il seede hath bene sowen in the hart of Adam from the beginning and how much impietie hath it ingendered vntil now and doth ingender vntil the floore come † And esteme with thy self the graine of the il seede how much fruite of impietie it hath ingendred † When the eares shal be cut which are innumerable what a great floore wil they begin to make † And I answered and sayd How and when shal these things be why are our yeares few and euil † And he answered me and sayd to me Hasten not aboue the Highest For thou doest hasten in vaine to be aboue him for thy excesse is much † Did not the soules of the iust in their cellars aske of these things saying How hope I so and when shal the fruite come of the floore of our reward † And Ieremiel the Archangel answered to those things and sayd When the number of the sedes in you shal be filled because he hath weyed the world in a balance † and with a measure hath he measured the times and in number he hath numbered the times and hath not moued nor stirred them vntil the foresayd measure be filled † And I answered and sayd O Lord Dominatour we also are al ful of impietie † And lest perhaps for vs the floores of the iust be not filled for the sinnes of the inhabitantes vpon the earth † And he answered me and sayd Goe and aske a woman with childe if when she hath accomplished her nine monethes her wombe can yet hold the infant within it † And I sayd it can not Lord. And he sayd to me in hel the cellars of the soules are like to the matrice † For as she that is In trauail maketh hast to escape the necessitie of trauailing so this also hasteneth to render those thinges which are commended to it † From the beginning it shal be shewed thee touching those thinges which thou doest couer to see † And I answered and sayd If I haue found grace before thine eyes if it be possible and if I by fitte † shew mee if there be more to come then is passed or moe things haue passed then are to come † What passed I know but what is to come I know not † And he sayd to me Stand vpon the right side and I wil shew thee the interpretation of the similitude † And I stood and saw and behold a burning fornace passed before me it came to passe when the flame passed I saw and behold the smoke ouercame † After these thinges there passed before me a clowd ful of water and with violence casting in much raine and when the violence of raine was cast the droppes therin ouercame † And he sayd to me Thinke with thyself as the raine increaseth more then the droppes and the fire then the smoke so did the measure that passed more a bound But the droppes and the smoke ouercame † and I prayed sayd shal I liue thinkest thou vntil these dayes or what shal be in those dayes † He answered me and sayd Of the signes wherof thou askest me in part I can tel thee how beit of thy life I was not sent to tel thee neither doe I know CHAP. V. Diuers signes of thinges to come are shewed to Esdras by an Angel 16. for the comforth of the people in captiuitie BVT concerning signes behold the dayes shal come wherin they that inhabite the earth shal be taken in a great number and the way of truth shal be hid and the countrie shal be barren from fayth † And iniustice shal be multiplied aboue that which thy self seest aboue that which thou hast heard in time past † And they shal put their foote into the countrie which now thou seest to reigne and they shal see it desolate † And if the Highest geue thee life thou shalt see after the third trumpet and the sunne shal sodenly shine agayne in the night and the moone thrise in a day † and out of wood bloud shal distil and the stone shal geue his voice and the peoples shal be moued † and he reigne whom they hope not that inhabite vpon the earth and foules shal make their flight away † the sea of Sodom shal cast the fishes and shal make a noise in the night which manie knew not and al shal heare the voice therof † and there shal be made a confusion in manie places and the fire shal often be sent backe and the sauage beastes shal goe to other places and wemen in their monethlie flowers shal bring forth monsters † and in swete waters shal salt
which was dried the third day to dwelt therin where are a thousand mountaynes † But to Leuiathan thou gauest the seuenth part being moyst and kepst it that it might be to deuoure whom thou wilt and when thou wilt † And in the sixt day thou didst command the earth to create before thee cattel and beastes and creeping creatures † and ouer these Adam whom thou madest ruler ouer al the workes which thou didst make out of him are al we brought forth and the people whom thou hast chosen † And al these thinges I haue sayd before thee ô Lord because thou didst create the world for vs. † But the residue of the nations borne of Adam thou saydst that they were nothing and that they were like to spittle and as it were the droping out of a vessel thou didst liken the abundance of them † And now Lord behold these nations which are reputed for nothing haue begune to rule ouer vs and to deuoure vs † but we thy people whom thou didst cal thy first onlie begotten emulatour are deliuered into their handes † and if the world was created for vs why doe not we possesse inheritance with the world how long these thinges CHAP. VII Without tribulations no man can attayne immortal life 17. which the iust shal inherite and the wicked shal perish 28. Christ wil come and dye for mankind 36. Prayers of the iust shal profite til the end of this word but not after the general iudgement 48. Al sinned in Adam 52. and haue added more sinnes 57. but it is in mans powre 62. by Gods grace to liue eternally AND it came to passe when I had ended to speake these wordes the Angel was sent to me which had bene sent to me the first nights † and he sayd to me Arise Esdras and heare the wordes which I am come to speake to thee † And I sayd Speake my God And he sayd to me The sea is set in a large place that it might be deepe and wide † but the entrance to it shal be set in a straict place that it might be like to riuers † For who witting wil enter into the sea and see it or rule ouer it if he passe not the streite how shal he come into the bredth † Also an other thing A citie is built and set in a plaine place and it is ful of al goodes † The entrance therof narrow and set in a stepe place so that on the right hand there was fire on the left depe water † and there is one onlie pathe set betwen them that is betwen the fire and the water so that the pathe can not conteyne but onlie a mans steppe † And if the citie shal be geuen a man for inheritance if he neuer passe through the peril set before it how shal he receiue his inheritance † And I sayd So Lord And he sayd to me So it is Israel also a part † For I made the world for them and when Adam transgressed my constitution that was iudged which was done † And the entrance of this world were made streite and sorowful paynful and few and euil and ful of dangers stuffed very much with labour † For the entrances of the greater world are large and secure and making fruite of immortalitie † If then they that liue entring in enter into these streite and vayne thinges they can not receiue the thinges that are layd vp † Now therfore why art thou trubled wheras thou art corruptible and why art thou moued wheras thou art mortal † And why hast thou not taken in thy hart that which is to come but that which is present † I answered and sayd Lord dominatour behold thou hast disposed by thy law that the iust shal inherite these thinges and the impious shal perish † But the iust shal suffer the streites hoping for the wyde places for they that haue done impiously haue both suffered the streites and shal not see the wide places † And he sayd to me There is no iudge aboue God nor that vnderstandeth aboue the Highest † For manie present doe perish because the law of God which was set before is neglected † For God commanding commanded them that came when they came what doing they should liue and what obseruing they should not be punished † But they were not perswaded and gaynesayd him and made to them selues a cogitation of vanitie † and proposed to themselues deceites of sinnes they sayd to the Highest that he was not and they knew not his wayes † and dispised his law and denyed his couenaunces and had not fidelitie in his ordinances and did not accomplish his workes † For this cause Esdras the emptie to the emptie and the ful to the ful † Behold the time shal come and it shal be when the signes shal come which I haue fore told thee and the bride shal appeare and appearing she shal be shewed that now is hid with the earth † and euerie one that is deliuered from the foresaid euils he shal see my meruelous thinges † For my sonne IESVS shal be reueled with them that are with him and they shal be merie that are leaft in the foure hundred yeares † And it shal be after these yeares and my sonne CHRIST shal dye and al men that haue breath † and the world shal be turned into the old silence seuen dayes as in the former iudgementes so that none shal be leaft † And it shal be after seuen dayes and the world shal be raysed vp that yet waketh not and shal dye corrupted † and the earth shal render the thinges that sleepe in it the dust them that dwel in it with silence and the cellars shal render the soules that are commended to them † And the Highest shal be reueled vpon the seate of iudgement and miseries shal passe and long sufferance shal be gathered together † And iudgement onlie shal remayne truth shal stand and fayth shal waxe strong † and the worke shal folow and the reward shal be shewed and iustice shal awake and iniustice shal not haue dominion † And I sayd First Abraham prayed for the Sodomites and Moyses for the fathers that sinned in the desert † And they that were after him for Israel in the dayes of Achaz and of Samuel † and Dauid for the destruction and Salomon for them that came vnto the sanctification † And Elias for them that receiued raine and for the dead that he might liue † and Ezechias for the people in the dayes of Sennacherib and manie for manie † If therfore now when corruptible did increase and iniustice was multiplied and the iust prayed for the impious why now also shal it not be so † And he answered me and sayd This present world is not the end much glorie remaineth in it for this cause they prayed for the impotent † For the day of iudgement shal be the end of this time and the beginning of
the immortalitie to come wherein corruption is past † intemperance is dissolued incredulitie is cut of and iustice hath increased truth is sprong † For then no man can saue him that hath perished nor drowne him that hath ouercome And I answered † and sayd This is my word the first and the last that it had bene better not to geue the earth to Adam or when he had now geuen it to restraine him that he should not sinne † For what doth it profit men presently to liue in sorow and being dead to hope for punishment † O what hast thou done Adam For if thou didst sinne it was not made thy fal only but ours also which came of thee † For what doth it profit vs if immortal time be promised to vs but we haue done mortal workes † And that euerlasting hope is foretold vs but we most wicked are become vayne † And that habitations of health and securitie are reserued for vs but we haue conuerst naughtely † And that the glorie of the Highest is reserued to protect them that haue slowly conuerst but we haue walked in most wicked wayes † And that paradise shal be shewed whose fruite continueth incorrupted wherin is securitie and remedie † but we shal not enter in for we haue conuerst in vnlawful places † And their faces which haue had abstinence shal shyne aboue the starres but our faces blacke aboue darkenes † For we did not thinke liuing when we did iniquitie that we shal beginne after death to suffer † And he answered and sayd This is the cogitation of the battel which man shal fight who is borne vpon the earth † that if he shal be ouercome he suffer that which thou hast sayd but if he ouercome he shal receiue that which I say † for this is the life which Moyses spake of when he liued to the people saying Choose vnto thee life that thou mayst liue † But they beleued him not no nor the Prophetes after him no nor me which haue spoken to them † Because there should not be sorow vnto their perdition as there shal be ioy vpon them to whom saluation is perswaded † And I answered and sayd I know Lord that the Highest is called merciful in that that he hath mercie on them which are not yet come into the world † and that he hath mercie on them which conuerse in his law † and he is long suffering because he sheweth long sufferance to them that haue sinned as it were with their owne workes † and he is bountiful because he wil geue according to exigentes † and of great mercie because he multiplieth more mercies to them that are present and that are past and that are to come † For if he shal not multiplie his mercies the world shal not be made aliue with them that did inherite it † And he geueth for if he shal not geue of his bountie that they may be releeued which haue done iniquitie the tenth thousand part of men can not be quickned from their iniquities † And the iudge if he shal not forgeue them that are cured with his word and wype away a multitude of contentions there should not perhaps be leaft in an innumerable multitude but very few CHAP. VIII God is merciful in this world yet fewe are saued 6. Gods workes and disposition of his creatures are meruelous 15 Esdras prayeth for the people of Israel 37. and saluation is promised to the iust and punishment threatned to the wicked AND he answered me sayd This world the Highest made for manie but that to come for few † And I wil speake a similitude Esdras before thee For as thou shalt aske the earth and it wil tel thee that it wil geue much more earth wherof earthen worke may be made but a li●le dust wherof gold is made so also is the act of this present world † Manie in deede are created but few shal be saued † And I answered and sayd Then ô soul swallow vp the sense and deuoure that which is wise † For thou art agred to obey and willing to prophecie For there is no space geuen thee but only to liue † O Lord if thou wilt not permitte thy seruant that we pray before thee and thou geue vs seede to the hart and tillage to the vnderstanding wherof may the fruite be made wherby euerie corrupt person may liue that shal beare the place of a man † For thou art alone and we are one workmanshippe of thy handes as thou hast spoken † and as now the bodie made in the matrice and thou doest geue the mēbers thy creature is preserued in fire water and nine monethes thy workemanship doth suffer thy creature that is created in it † and it self that keepeth and that which is kept both shal be preserued and the matrice being preserued rendreth agayne at some time the thinges that are growen in it † For thou hast commanded of the members that is the brestes to geue milke vnto the fruite of the brestes † that the thing which is made may be nourished til a certayne time and afterward thou mayst dispose him to thy mercie † For thou hast brought him vp in thy iustice and hast instructed him in thy law and hast corrected him in thy vnderstanding † and thou shalt mortifie him as thy creature and shalt geue him life as thy worke † If then thou wilt destroy him that is made with so great labours it is easie by thy commandment to be ordayned that also which was made might be preserued † And now Lord I wil speake of euerie man thou rather knowest but concerning thy people for which I am sorowful † and concerning thine inheritance for which I mourne and for Israel for whom I am pensiue and concerning Iacob for whom I am sorowful † Therfore wil I begin to pray before thee for me for them because I see our defaultes that inhabite the earth † But I haue heard of the celeritie of the iudge that shal be † Therfore heare my voyce and vnderstand my word and I wil speake before thee † The beginning of the wordes of Esdras before he was assumpted and I sayd Lord which inhabitest the world whose eyes are eleuated vnto thinges on high and in the ayre † and whose throne is inestimable and glorie incomprehensible by whom standeth an host of Angels with trembling † whose keping is turned in wynde and fire thou whose word is true and sayings permanent † whose commandment is strong and disposition terribe whose looke dryeth vp the depthes and indignation maketh the mountaynes to melt and truth doth testifie † Heare the prayer of thy seruant with thine eares receiue the petition of thy creature † For whiles I liue I wil speake and whiles I vnderstand I wil answere † Neither doe thou respect the sinnes of thy people but them that serue thee in truth † Neither doe thou attend the impious endeuours of the nations but them
ouer al the earth † And it came to passe when it reigned an end came to it and the place therof appeared not and the next rose vp reigned that held much time † And it came to passe when it reigned the end of it also came that it appeared not as the former † And behold a voice was sent forth to it saying † Heare thou that hast held the earth of long time Thus I tel thee before thou beginne not to appeare † None after thee shal hold thy time no nor the halfe therof † And the third lifted vp it selfe and held the principalitie as also the former and that also appeared not † And so it chanced to al the other by one by one to haue the principalitie agayne to appeare nowhere † And I saw and behold in time the rest of the winges were sent vp on the right side that they also might hold the principalitie and of them there were that held it but yet forth with they appeared not † For some also of them stoode vp but they held not the principalitie † And I saw after these thinges and behold the twelue winges and two litle winges appeared not † and nothing remayned in the bodie of the eagle but two heades resting and six litle winges † And I saw and behold from the six litle winges two were diuided and they remayned vnder the head that is on the right side For foure taried in their place † And I sa 〈…〉 d behold the vnderwinges thought to set vp them selues and to hold the principalities † And I saw and behold one was set vp but forth with it appeared not † And they that were second did sooner vanish away then the former † And I saw and behold the two that remayned thought with them selues that they also would reigne † and when they were thincking thereon behold one of the resting heades which was the midde one awaked for this was greater then the other two heades † And I saw that the two heades were complete with themselues † And behold the head with them that were with him turned and did eate the two vnderwinges that thought to reigne † And this head terrified al the earth ruled in it ouer them that inhabite the earth with much labour and he that held the dominion of the whole world aboue al the winges that were † And I saw after these thinges and behold the midle head sodenly appeared not as did the winges † And there remained two heads which reigned also themselues ouer the earth and ouer them that dwelt therein † And I saw and behold the head on the right side deuoured that which was on the left † And I heard a voice saying to me Looke against thee and consider what thou seest † And I saw behold as a lion raysed out of the wood roaring and I saw that he sent out a mans voyce to the eagle And he spake saying † Heare thou and I wil speake to thee and the Highest wil say to thee † Is it not thou that hast ouercome of the foure beastes which I made to reigne in my world and that by them the end of their times might come † And the fourth coming ouercame al the beastes that were past and by might held the world with much feare and al the world with most wicked laboure and he inhabited the whole earth so long time with deceipte † And thou hast iudged the earth not with truth † For thou hast afflicted the meeke and hast trubled them that were quiet and hast loued lyers hast destroyed their habitations that did fructifie and hast ouerthrowen their walles that did not hurt thee † And thy contumelie is ascended euen to the Highest and thy pride to the Strong † And the Highest hath looked vpon the proud times and behold they are ended and the abominations therof are accomplished † Therfore thou eagle appeare no more and thy horrible winges thy litle winges most wicked and thy heades malignant and thy talons most wicked and al thy bodie vayne † that al the earth may be refreshed and may returne deliuered from thy violence and may hope for his iudgement and mercie that made it CHAP. XII The eagle vanisheth away 5. Esdras prayeth 10. and the former visions are declared to him AND it came to passe whiles the lyon spake these wordes to the eagle I saw † and behold the head that had ouercome and those foure winges appeared not which passed to him and were set vp to reigne and their reigne was smal and ful of tumult † And I saw and behold they appeared not and al the bodie of the eagle was burnt the earth was afrayd excedinly and I by the tumult and traunce of minde and for great feare awaked and sayd to my spirit † Behold thou hast geuen me this in that that thou searchest the wayes of the Highest † Behold yet I am wearie in minde and in my spirit I am very feeble and there is not so much as a litle strength in me for the great feare that I was afrayd of this night † Now therfore I wil pray the Highest that he strengthen me euen to the end † And I sayd Lord Dominatour if I haue found grace before thine eyes and if I am iustified before thee aboue manie and if in deede my prayer be ascended before thy face † strengthen me and shew vnto me thy seruant the interpretation and distinction of this horrible vision that thou mayst comfort my soule most fully † For thou hast counted me worthie to shew vnto me the later times And he sayd to me † This is the interpretation of this vision † The eagle which thou sawest coming vp from the sea this is the kingdom which was sene in a vision to Daniel thy brother † But it was not interpreted to him therfore I do now interprete it to thee † Behold the dayes come and there shal rise a kingdom vpon the earth and the feare shal be more terrible then of al the kingdomes that were before it † And there shal twelue kinges reigne it it one after an other † For the second shal beginne to reigne and he shal continew more time then the rest of the twelue † This is the interpretation of the twelue winges which thou sawest † And the voice that spake which thou heardst not coming forth of her heads but from the middes of her bodie † this is the interpretation that after the time of that kingdom shal rise no smal contentions and it shal be in danger to fal and it shal not fal then but shal be constituted againe according to the beginning therof † And wheras thou sawest eight vnderwings cleauing to the wings therof † this is the interpretation eight kinges shal arise in it whose times shal be light and yeares swift and two of them shal perish † But when the middest time approcheth foure shal be kept til a time
† for the euiles which thou hast sene to haue chanced now worse then these wil they doe againe † for looke how much the world shal become weake by age so much shal euiles be multiplied vpon the inhabitants † For truth hath remoued it self farther of and lying hath approched for now the vision which thou sawest hasteneth to come † And I answered and sayd before thee ô Lord † For behold I wil goe as thou hast commanded me wil rebuke the people that now is But them that shal yet be borne who shal admonish † The world therfore is set in darknes and they that dwel in it without light † Because thy law is burnt therefore no man knoweth the workes that haue bene done by thee or that shal begin † For if I haue found grace with thee send the Holie Ghost to me I wil write al that hath bene done in the world from the beginning the thinges that were written in thy law that men may finde the pathe and they that wil liue in the later times may liue † And he answered me and sayd Goe gather together the people and thou shalt say to them that they seeke thee not for fourtie dayes † And doe thou prepare thee manie tables of boxe take with thee Sarea Dabria Salemia Echanus and Asiel these fiue which are readie to write swee●tly † And come hither I wil light in thy hart a candle of vnderstanding which shal not be put out til the things be finished which thou shalt begine to write † And then some thinges thou shalt open to the perfect some thou shalt deliuer secretly to the wyse For to morrow this houre thou shalt begine to write † And I went as he commanded me gathered togetheral the people and sayd † Heare Israel these wordes † Our fathers were pilgrimes from the beginning in Aegypt and were deliuered from thence † And they receiued the law of life which they kept not which you also after them haue transgressed † and the land was geuen you by lotte and the land of Sion and your fathers and you haue done iniquitie and haue not kept the wayes which the Highest commanded you † And wheras he is a iust iudge he hath taken from you in time that which he had geuen † And now you are here and your brethren are among you † If then you wil rule ouer your sense instruct your hart you shal be preserued aliue and after death shal obtaine mercie † For the iudgement shal come after death when we shal returne to lyfe againe and then the names of the iust shal appeare and the dedes of the impious shal be shewed † Let no man therfore come to me now nor aske for me vntil fourtie d●yes † And I tooke the siue men as he commanded me and we went forth into the field and taried there † And I was come to the morrow behold a voice called me saying Esdras open thy mouth and drinke that which I wil geue thee to drinke † And I opened my mouth behold a ful cuppe was brought me this was ful as it were with water but the colour therof like as fire † And I tooke it and dranke and when I had drunken of it my hart was tormented with vnderstanding and wisdome grewe into my brest For my spirit was kept by memorie † And my mouth was opened and was shut no more † The Highest gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men and they wrote excesses of the night which were spoken which they knewe not † And at night they did eate breade but I spake by day by night held not my peace † And there were written in the fourtie dayes two hundred foure bookes † And it came to passe when they had ended the fourtie daies the Highest spake saying † The former thinges which thou hast written set abrode and let the worthie and vnworthie reade but the last seuentie bookes thou shalt keepe that thou mayest deliuer them to the wyse of thy people † For in these is the vaine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the streame of knowledge and I did soe CHAP. XV. Esdras is bid to denounce that assuredly manie euiles wil come to the world 9. God wil protect his people the wicked shal be punished and lament their final miseries God reuenging for the good BEHOLD speake into the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I shal put into thy mouth sayth our Lord † and see that they be written in paper because they be faithful and true † Be not afrayd of the cogitations against thee neither let the incredulities truble thee of them that speake † Because euerie incredulous person shal dye in his incredulitie † Behold I bring in sayth our Lord vpon the whole earth euils sword and famine and death and destruction † Because iniquitie hath fully polluted ouer al the earth and their hurtful workes are accomplished † Therefore sayth our Lord † I wil not now kepe silence of their impieties which they doe irreligiously neither wil I beare with those thinges which they practise vniustly Behold the innocent iust bloud crieth to me the soules of the iust crie continually † Reuenging I wil reuenge them sayth our Lord and I wil take al innocent bloud out of them vnto me † Behold my people is led to staughter as a flocke I wil no more suffer it to dwel in the land of Aegypt † But I wil bring them forth in a mightie hand and valiant arme and wil strike with plague as before and wil corrupt al the land thereof † Aegypt shal mourne and the fundations thereof beaten with plague and with the chastisement which God wil bring vpon it † The husband men that til the ground shal mourne because their seedes shal perish by blasting and haile and by a terible starre † Woe to the world and them that dwel therein † Because the sword is at hand and the destruction of them and nation shal rise vp against nation to fight sword in their handes † For there shal be instabilitie to men growing one against an other they shal not care for their king the princes of the way of their doinges in their might † For a man shal desire to go into the citie can not † Because of their prides the cities shal be trubled the houses raised the men shal feare † Man shal not pitie his neighbour to make their houses nothingworth in the sword to spoyle their goodes for famine of bread much tribulation † Behold I cal together sayth God al the kinges of the earth to feare me that are from the Orient from the South from the East from Libanus to be turned vpon themselues and to render the thinges that they haue geuen them † As they doe vntil this day to myne elect so wil I doe and render in their bosome Thus sayth our Lord God
depth and the floudes of it shal be destroyed and the fishes thereof at the face of our Lord and at the glorie of his powre † because his right hand is strong which bendeth the bow his arrowes be sharpe that are shot of him they shal not misse when they shal begine to be shot into the endes of the earth † Behold euiles are sent and they shal not returne til they come vpon the earth † The fire is kindled and it shal not be quenched til it consume the fundations of the earth † For as the arrow shot of a strong archer returneth not so shal not the euils returne backe that shal be sent vpon the earth † Woe is me woe is me who shal deliuer me in those dayes † The beginning of sorrowes and much mourning the beginning of famine and much destruction The beginning of warres and the potestates shal feare the beginning of euiles and al shal tremble † In these what shal I doe when the euiles shal come † Behold famine and plague and tribulation and distresse are sent al as scourges for amendment † and in al these they wil not conuert themselues from their iniquities neither wil they be alwayes mindful of the scourges † Behold there shal be good cheape victuals vpon the earth so that they may thinke that peace is directly coming toward them and then shal euiles spring vpon the earth sword famine and great confusion † For by famine manie that inhabit the earth shal dye and the sword shal destroy the rest that remained aliue of the famine † and the dead shal be cast forth as dung and there shal be none to comfort them For the earth shal be left desert and the cities therof shal be throwen downe † There shal not be left a man to til the ground and to sow it † The trees shal yeeld fruites and who shal gather them † The grape shal become ripe who shal tread it For there shal be great desolation to places † For a man shal desire to see a man or to heare his voyce † For there shal be leaft ten of a citie and two of the filde that haue hid themselues in thicke woodes and cliffes of rockes † As there are left in the oliuet and on euerie tree three or foure oliues † Or as in a vinyeard when it is gathered there are grapes left by them that diligently search the vineyard so shal there be left in those dayes three or foure by them that search their houses in the sword † And the earth shal be left desolate and the fildes thereof shal waxe old the wayes thereof and al the pathes thereof shal bringforth thornes because no man shal passe by it † Virgins shal mourne hauing no bridegromes wemen shal mourne hauing no husbandes their daughters shal mourne hauing no helpe † their bridegromes shal be consumed in battel and their husbandes be destroyed in famine † But heare these thinges and know them ye seruantes of our Lord. † Behold the word of our Lord receiue it beleue not the goddes of whom our Lord speaketh † Behold the euiles approch and slacke not † As a woman with childe when shee bringeth forth her child in the ninth moneth the houre of her deliuerance approching two or three howres before paines come about her wombe and the infants coming out of her wombe they wil not tarrie one moment † So the euiles shal not slacke to come forth vpon the earth and the world shal lament and sorowes shal hold it round about † Heare the word my people prepare yourselues vnto the fight in the euiles so be ye as strangers of the earth † He that selleth as if he should flee and he that byeth as he that should lose it † He that playeth the marchant as he that should take no fruite and he that buildeth as he that should not inhabite † He that soweth as he that shal not teape so he also that pruneth a vinyeard as if he should not haue the vintage † They that marie so as if they should not get children they that marie not so as it were widowes † Wherfore they that labour labour without cause † ●or soreners shal reape their fruites shal violently take their goodes and ouerthrow their houses and lead theire children captiue because in captiuitie and famine they beget their children † And they that play the marchantes by robrie the longer they adorne their cities and houses and their possessions and persons † so much the more wil I be zealous toward them vpon their sinnes sayth our Lord. † As a whore enuieth an honest very good woman † so shal iustice hate impietie when she adorneth herselfe and accuseth her to her face when he shal come that may defend him that searcheth out al vpon the earth † Therefore be not made like to her nor to her workes † For yet a little whyle iniquitie shal be taken away from the earth iustice shal reigne ouer you † Let not the sinner say he hath not sinned because he shal burne coales of fire vpon his head that sayth I haue not sinned before our Lord God and his glorie † Behold our Lord shal know al the workes of men and their inuentions their cogitations and their hartes † For he sayd Let the earth be made and it was made let the heauen be made it was made † And by his worde the starrs were made he knoweth the number of the starres † Who searcheth the depth and the treasures therof who hath measured the sea capacitie therof † Who hath shut vp the sea in the midest of waters hath hanged the earth vpon the waters with his word † Who hath spred heauē as it were a vault ouer the waters he hath foūded it † Who hath put fountaines of waters in the desert and lakes vpon the toppes of mountaines to sendforth riuers from the high rocke to watter the earth † Who made man put his hart in the midds of the bodie and gaue him spirit life and vnderstanding † And the inspiration of God omnipotent that made al thinges and searcheth al hid thinges in the secretes of the earth † He knoweth your inuention and what you thinke in your hartes sinning and willing to hide your sinnes † Wherfore our Lord in searching hath searched al your workes and he wil put you al to open shame † and you shal be confounded when your sinnes shal come forth before men and the iniquities shal be they that shal stand accusers in ●hat day † What wil you doe or how shal you hide your sinnes before God and his Angels † Behold God is the Iudge feare him Cease from your sinnes and now forget your iniquities to doe them anie more God wil bring you out and deliuer you from al tribulation † For behold the heate of a great multitude is kindled ouer you and they shal take certaine
and not these schismatikes were called and sent by God to gouerne his people :: Aaron being already established high Priest God againe confirmeth in ●le●zar the progenie of priestlie succession in Aarons stock and no● in other Leuites S. Aug q. 30. in ●um :: This multitude did only in wordes fauour schisma●●kes what iudgemēt then remaineth to those which 〈◊〉 external ac●●● participat● 〈◊〉 hereti●●● This historie ●others others were writtē for our admonition 1. Cor. 10. Core and his c●plices were not heretikes but only schismatikes God accepteth not sacrifice done against his ordinance God by ●pre 〈…〉 hmēt pre●●nted heres●● wherto al 〈…〉 tendeth Not only the authores of wickednes bu● al that con ●nt much more that cooperate ar● vvorthie of death Rom. ● :: For more satisfaction to the whole people God confirmeth Aarons authoritie by a new miracle v. 10. :: The rodde signified the B. Virgin mother and the * desormat● fully formed :: almondes Christ to wit the v●te● pill his humanitie the shel his crosse the kernel his diuinitie VVho pacified by the bloud of his crosse al thinges in earth and in heauen Collos 1. S. Aug. ser 3. de temp Example of one miracle proueth the possibilitie of an other :: Oz● was slaine for touching the arck ● Reg. 6. :: This couenant of first-fruites and other rights geuen to the Priests shal be perpetual as salt is in euerie sacrifice Leuit. 2. :: Punishable with death :: The same things saith S August q. 33. and Theodoret q. 36. in Num which were shadow ed and prefigured in the old Testament are reueled and manifested in the New And this special sacrifice prefigured diuers particular things in Christs Passiō a His bodie of Adam signifying redde earth b At the age of 33. yeares c Alwayes most pure from sinne d Free from al bondage e Crucified without the gate of Hierusalem f Al Sacramēts haue their vertue of Christs bloud g From the sole of his feet to the toppe of his head al wounded with the whippes crowne nailes c. h VVood of the crosse brought life to the world i Liuely heate of so infinite charitie dissolueth the coldnes of death k Christs suffering an exāple that we must also sustaine afflictions l Those that procured o● cooperated to Christs death were polluted with sinne m Ioseph and Nicodemus buried Christ n His sepulcher was glorious o Those also that buried him neded cloansing by his Passion not for that work but for their sinnes p The old law did not remitte sinnes but the new q Baptisme in the name of the B. Trinitie r Without which no other Sacramēt auaileth The Epistle on friday in the third weke of Lent :: The ●ock signified Christ the rodde his Crosse s. Aug. ● 35 in Num :: By this the crosse is more euidently signified which was made of two peeces of wood s. Aug. 〈…〉 :: Not doubting of Gods powre but supposing it vnmete that God shold stil worke miracles for so ●●b borne a people they did not speake to the rock asthey were cōmanded but chiding the incredulous multitude spake to them ambiguously so by occasion of others sinne also offended and for the same were punished 〈…〉 P●ut 1 v 〈◊〉 ● v. 16. 4 ● 2● s. Aug q. 19. The●● q 38 in Xu● :: Mourning the dead was long before this obserued by tradition G●● 23. 50. :: God forbidding images of idols yet commandeth to make an image for a good purpose :: Christ expoundeth this erecting of the brasen serpent of him self to be cru●●fied Ioan. 3. :: As the Aegyptians were drowned in the sea so the Amorrheites were oppressed by the rockes falling vpon them the waters caried their carcases into the valley of Moab :: He consulted his false god whom he serued called him the Lord not knowing our Lord God almightie Theodoret. q. 40. Pr●copius in Num. :: God our Lord answered him not suffering the diuel to speake in this case :: Being sufficiently informed before for worldlie lucre he demandeth againe God for his punishment letteth him goe but suffereth him not to curse no● speake euil of the Israelites but cōtrariwise to prophecie much good which should come vnto them :: Nothing is here to be more merueled sayeth S. Augustin then that he was not afraide whē he heard his asse speake vnto him But being accustomed to such monstruous things he replied familiarly nothing therwith astoonished :: Yet seing an Angel he fel downe terrified and adored him ● 48. in Num. :: Balaam knowing him to be an Angel that appeared neither adored him with diuine honour as God nor with ciuil as a mortal man but with religious honour lesse then diuine more then ciuil See Exod. 20. :: God sometimes maketh false prophetes to vtter a truth because preiudicate mindes do rather geue eare to such thē to true prophetes Theod. q. 45. in Num. :: Before the diuel would curse Gods people he required sacrifice which being offered yet he could not worke his malice For by Gods commandmēs saith S. Hierom de mans 42. Israel is blessed cursing turned into praise and Gods voice is heard sounding from a profaine mouth :: Heretikes other infidels desire sometimes to die in state of Catholiques though they wil not liue as they do S. Greg. li. 33. c. 27. Moral * ●ikne● of id●l :: VVhen Infidels can not draw others to false worship or cursing they are content that men professe no God nor religion at al. :: The spirite of prophecie came more vpon him but not grace iustifying M 〈…〉 do prophecie and cast out diuels and worke other miracles and yet be dāned Mat. 7. v. 22. :: In some ●o● this prophecie was fulfilled in King Dauid 2. Reg. 5. 8. seq but perfectly in Christ the bright and mornīg starre Apoc. 22. To whom not anie one or manie but in general al nations are geuē for inheritāce and the endes of the world in possession Psal 2. Act. ● v. 8. :: Not to his countrie but to his place of abode among the Madianites for there he was slaine shortly after chap. 31. v. 8. :: Balaam gaue this diuelish counsel to allure men by bellichere and lecherie vnto idolatrie chap. 31. v. 16. And euen so Heretikes drawe manie in these daies to heresie Sea Apoc. 2. v. 14. :: By assistance of the princes hang the idolaters v. 5. :: Either Phinees was one of the Iudges and so an example for such Magistrates to do iustice or he had a particular inspiration which is no warrant for priuate men to do the like For by Catholique doctrin killing of men is neither allowed nor excused but whē it is done by publique authoritie or by mere casualitie against the killers wil. Catechis Rom. p. 3. c. 6. q. 5. D. T●● 2. 2. q. 60 a. 6. :: Gods wrath being pacified by extirpation of the old bad people the new progenie is numbered which shal possesse the
reproches v God semed to be wel pleased with Christ as with his owne Sonne if it be so let him deliuer him from these afflictions say these blasphemers w diuine powre without man formed me in the wombe of my mother a virgin x As I haue no father but thee O God so without intermission from myn incarnation to this time I haue had thee my protector y leaue me not now without comforte seing I must dye as thou hast determined and I freely consented yet leaue me not in death but raise me againe to life Psal 15. v. 9. 10. z Almost al are become myn enemies and those few that would can not helpe me a Delicate lasciuious yougmen b and the scribes Pharises and elders of the people haue al conspired against me c condemning me and perswading the people to crie Crucifie crucifie him d So weakned with paines of torments as fluide water not able to consist e My bones and strongest partes of my bodie are weakned verified when our Sauiour fel downe vnder his crosse f the part that first and last liueth is weakened as soft waxe by heat of the fire and ready to faile g al my powres and radical humiditie is dried vp as a potters vessel is baked in the furnace h Through exceding great drught which our Sauiour professed on the crosse saying I thirst i thus thou O God hast suffered me to come to the last breath of life next to death Yet finally ou● Seuiour gaue vp his spirite before he should haue died v. 21. k Agane this royal Prophet recounteth by whom and how our B. Sauiour should suffer euen as clere as tho Euangelistes afterwards haue written the historie ●●● 19. l Our Sauiours body was so racked on the crosse that his bones might be seene and counted m The persecuters vvittingly determined al ti●● crueltie beheld it vvith their eyes and vvithout al compassion persisted in malice reioyced and blasphemed n the souldiars that crucified our Sauiour taking his garments for their praye o yet in mysterie of his Church diuided not his coate p He prophecieth Christs speedy resurrection q Christs saul vvas not seperated from his bodie by force of the torments but he preuenting death freely yelded vp his spirite Ioan. 10. v. 9. 10. r the most pure and sanctified soule of vvhose fulnes al other iust soules are sanctified ſ that it stay not in hel vvhich deuoured al other soules in the old Testament t The propagation of the Church of Christ in al nations v not the carnal but spiritual children of Iacob Isaac and Abraham Rom. 9. v. 8. w the Church gethered both of Ievves and Gentiles is very great and vniuersal x Our Sauiour promised to geue his ovvne bodie the bread of life Ioan. 6 and performed the same at his last supper y those that be faithful humble and poore in spirit participat the sruict of this most excellent Sacrament z The effect of this B. Sacrament is the resurrection in glorie and life euerlasting a Gentiles which haue bene idolaters shal recollect themselues when they heare Christ preached and shal turne to true Religion b Although men can neither deserue to be conuerted nor to perseuere in iustice yet Christ meriteth to haue a continual kingdom which is the perpetual visible Catholique Church c Not only the poore sorte but also the mightie ones of the world shal be conuerted to Christ participate his B. Bodie in the Sacrament d and religiously adore the same e Al that adore God shad adore him in this Sacraments f Death being once ouercome it shal haue no more powre g Againe the prophet inculcateth the continuance of the Catholique Church h Apostles and other preachers of Christ Christs Resurrection The Passion of Christ according to Dauid Christs conditional prayer was not heard His absolute prayers were alwaies heard Christs suffered for our example ● Pet. 2. The Hebrew text corrupted by the Iewes This Psalme is of Christ Prophecie of the visible and vniuersal Church in hu●● Psal S. Agustin proueth the Church to be alwaies visible and great by this Psalme The Eucharist prophecied in this place Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Thāksgeuing for Gods protection The 7. key a Christ the good pastor gouerneth protecteth Isa 40. Iere. 23. Ezech. 34. Ioan. 10. 1. Pet. 2. 5. b and feedeth his faithful flocke c Baptisme of regeneration d which is the first iustification e Gods precepts which the baptised must obserue Mat. 28. v. 20. f Saluation is in the name and powre of Christ not in mans owne merites g in great dangers of tentations to mortal sinne h yet by Gods grace we may resist i Gods direction and law is streight k and strong l Christ hath prepared for our spiritual foode the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist S. Cyprian Epist 63. Eutim in hunc Psal m against al spiritual enemies the world the flesh and the diuel n Christian soules are also streingthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation Penance holie-Orders Matrimonie and Extreme Vnction o The B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christs bodie and bloud p continual and final peseuerance is by Gods special grace q in eternal life Christ Lord of al the world The 5. key a Christ rising from death the first day of the weeke had al powre geuen him in heauen and in earth Mat. 28. b Not only the soile it selfe but al the fruict and al that dwel therin are Gods c Though Christ created and redeemed al yet only the iust shal inherite heauen d not occupied himselfe in vaine and vnprofitable thinges but in commendable workes e Gods mercy goeth before iustifications iust workes folow and so glorie is the reward of al. f This sorte of people thus seruing God shal receiue euerlasting blisse g The prophet contemplating in spirite Christs Ascension inuiteth Angels to receiue him and by prosopopeia speaketh also to the gates of heauen by which he is to enter h Angels answer admiring demanding as in a dialogue how Christ is become so glorious i The Prophet answereth that Christ by his powre hath ouercome al enemies in battel k Againe he willeth Angels to open the gates and biddeth the gates to enlarge them selues l the Angels demand as before m the prophet answereth that Christ is Lord also of Angels and al heauenlie powres vnder God A prayer of the faithful The 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth more properly to the new testament And is artificially composed the verses beginnīg with distinct letters in order of the Hebrew Alphabet to the last verse b my min● to be attētiue c not be frustrate of my petition d that patiently expect the time when God wil assist e This maner of praying is frequent in the Psalmes signifying as a prophecie that so it wil come to passe and the conformitie of the iust to Gods iustice f in true faith and religion g al our
spirite the perfections which he wisheth in Christ in maner of congratulating describeth his fortitude fighting against the diuel for the Church n purposing o prosecuting p and perfecting the conquest and so establishing thy spiritual kingdome q Not vvith warlike armour of this world but by assaulting the aduersarie with truth r defending thyse●fe and thy souldiers with the shield of mildnes ſ and striking the enemie with the sword of iustice VVhich right force of spiritual fight hath meruelous good successe t Preaching of Christs Gospel his grace mouing the hartes of the hearers is liuelie and forcible more pearcing then anie two edged sword v The example of people conuerted shal moue the hartes of the aduersaries to come also vnto the truth w Christs kingdom shal haue no end Luc 1. v. 33. x Thou defendest and rewardest the good finally forsakest and punishest the wicked y more peculiarly the God of Christ by hypostatical vnion z Diuers kinges as Dauid him selfe Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias were as godlie as Salomon and perseuered good to the end which is doubted Salomon did not but Christ incomparably was annointed indued with al graces aboue al kinges a Mortification which conserueth from putrifying b humilitie aswaging pride c being smal in the first spring grovveth great d humanitie assumpted and sanctified persons in vvhom Christ dwelleth as in cleane shining odoriferous houses e sincere faithful soules more deare to their spouse Christ then daughters of temporal kinges f The Catholique Church in faith purified as gold g vvith varietie of states as Clergie Laity and diuers sortes of religious Orders and other professions al vnited in the same faith hope and charitie h carifully al that Christ thy spouse speaketh to thee by his Spirite i diligently put the same in practise k vvith al obedience and readines and returne not to former infidelitie no● to corrupt life l Christ loueth the Church adoined with his giftes m and mutually his true children loue and serue him n Manie of al nations submitle themselues and al that they haue to Christ o Internal vertues are most especial ornaments p exterior are required to edifie others in diuers sortes of vertues q By this meanes manie more are conuerted to christianitie r and one countrie inuiteth and draweth another ſ As Apostles came in place of Patriarches and Prophetes so stil Bishops and Priestes succede in the Church pastors and gouernours therof t These pastores shal stil teach the true Christian doctrin v and stil there shal be Christian people that wil folow and professe the same Caluin expoundeth this Psalme contratie to S. ●aul No saluation out of the Church Perpetual succession of Byshops in place of the Apostles The Church prospereth also in persecution The 6. key a Belonging to the Church of Christ b As wel the cause vvhy God suffereth his Church to be persecuted at his assured protection in difficulties are hidden secretes to the world c Al refuge is not secure for one man is not able alwayes to defend an other but God is a sure and strong refuge d euer able and in conuenient time vvilling to helpe e This whole vvorld is ful of tribulations but the Church suffered the greatest in the first persecutions shal suffer as great in the time of Antichrist English Catholiques suffer most of al nations in this age and can not be suppressed but stil increase in number and fortitude f Therfore al Catholiques may assuredly know that the whole Church can not faile g though very manie as now in England h and very eminent persons as some noblemen and some Priestes haue reuolted yet al vvil not i Such bad examples make the good to recollect themselues more diligently and to rei●yc● in Gods grace by which they stand fast k before the heate of persecution shal inuade al for the elect the dayes of tribulation are shortned l Sometimes one nation or kingdome rebelleth against the Church but can not destroy it m by the spirite of Christ Antichrist and al his members shal be destroyed n The Church sometimes hath great peace and tranquilitie o God himselfe restrayneth the wicked suddainly abating their furie or cutting of their forces Vocation of Gentiles The 6. key a For Christians that leaue the sinnes of their fathers and reioyce in Christ crucified See Annotation Psal 41. b True ioy of the hart sheweth it sel●e both in voice of exultation and also in gesture of body by clapping of handes dancing as king Dauid did before the Arke 2 Reg ● likevvise vvith instruments c To al the wicked d not only of one or few kingdoms but of al the earth e VVhen kinges and countries become Christians they are made subiectes to the Church that vvas before not heades and rulers therfore f Christ God man after his Passion rose from death and ascended g not leauing his Church desolate but making her ioyful by an other comforter the Holie Ghost h The same Christ is our God by his Diuinitie i and our king by his Humanitie k Doe your endeuour to vnderstand vvhat you sing read or heare in Gods word At least to know the principal Mysteries and pointes of Christian doctrin euerie one according to their capacitie and state or profession l The faithful of the old and nevv Testament are vnited in the seruice of one and the same eternal God m In respect of the Blessed Trinitie holie Scripture here and in manie places vseth names of the plural number as Eloim Goddes not diuiding Gods substance vvhich is one but insinuating distinction of Diuine Persons The Father the Sonne and the Holie Ghost VVhich Mysterie is more expresly mentioned in Baptisme and professed by Christian gentils then it was by the people of the Ievves The Church founded and protected by God The 6. key a Voices beginning the musike instruments prosecuted b especially for the second day of the weke the day after the sabbath which is our Sunday called Dominica our Lords day c Ierusalem and mount Sion were most obliged to praise God for greatest benefites receiued so the Catholique Church therby prefigured and hauing receiued farre greatter is most of al bonden to be gratful d This can not be affirmed of Sion or Ierusalem but is only verified of the Catholique Christian Church e whose coastes do extend to the North and to al quarters of the round earth f The same one God one Christ one Faith and one Religion in al particular Churches of the vvhole militant Church g And this Vniuersalitie and Vnitie shal be after that Christ taking mans nature shal be ascended and shal send the Holie Ghost to found beginne this Church h For the assured certaintie of that is foreshewed the Prophet speaketh in the prete●●ence as if it vvere already done in his time which he then savv in spirite i Nothing more moueth he hart affecteth al the bodie and soule
parente his vvrath must nedes be very great to euerie sinner for his ovvne proper sinnes p The hope of glorious resurrection turneth our calamities into spiritual ioy q Yea the more we suffer in this life for the truth the greater is our comforth in hope of reward r Not only in that we are thy creatures but also in that we are thy seruants we are thy proper worke therfore in both these respectes ô God looke vpon vs with clemencie ſ lead also our posteritie into the right way and make them thy seruantes t O God illuminate our vnderstanding v make our actions by thy grace profitable to vs. vv and make perfect in vs the worke of charitie In which one worke al good workes are included and to which al other are directed For then workes are right sayth S. Angustin when they are directed to this one end Gods prouidence the 3. key a Praise of Gods prouidence with thankes b Which Dauid songue with voice c He that firmely relieth and resteth vpon Gods prouidence is assuredly protected by him d Al secret and sutle machinations e and from al crueltie of tyrants f Terrors obscurly suggested by euil men or spirites with erronions conceipte that men are not bond in time of temporal dangers to confesse the truth g Open persecution threatning present death except men denie the truth which they know h circumuention of craftie enimies by sutle arguing and drawing men into error and so to decline from Catholique Religion i long torments euen to death except Gods seruants wil relent and denie the truth which they assuredly beleue and know in their conscience that they are bond to professe it k On thy left side in aduersitie manie fal from God l on thy right side in prosperitie manie more forgete and forsake God m In sincerely sayng thou art my hope thou makest God thy refuge n Angels haue protection of men by Gods ordinance o The diuel corruptly alleageth this scripture Mat. 4 omitting the latter part of this verse which sheweth when Angels protect iust men towitte when they walke in a right path obseruing ordinarie course in their actions not in geuing themselues headlong into needles danger as the same diuel proposed to our Sauiour to cast himself downe from the pinnacle of the temple Such falling is not the way of the iust but of Lucifer that fel from heauen So S. Bernard noteth Ser. 15. in hunc Psal p God speaketh the rest that foloweth in this Psalme q In eternal saluation Foure sortes of persecution for the Catholique faith 1. 2. 3 4 God leaueth none but those that first leaue him The vvorkes of God admirable the 2. key a Voices beginning instrumentes prosecute this song b when we rest from worke then especially vve ought to thincke vpon Gods vvorkes praise and thanke him for the same c To geue thankes d In prosperitie e in aduersitie f On euerie instrument of tenne stringes signifying the obseruation of the tenne commandments g namely on the Psalter h also on the harpe which signifieth mortification i Carnal and sensual man k he that thinketh only of present thinges not of future l The iust in confidence of a good conscience expect exaltation of their powre m and great consolation in the end of their life n Then shal the iust see their enimies depressed and themselues florish like the palme and ceder trees as folovveth o Militant Church p triumphant q Publikly professe Gods praeises as in the wordes folowing Perpetuitie of the Church the 6. key a Praise to be songue vvith voice b composed by Dauid c the sixth day of the weeke vvhich is our friday d in vvhich day the Church of Christ vvas founded by his bloud shed on the crosse f gloriously escending in soule into limbus and in bodie to his graue g he then put on al armour of strength strength to reforme the world and to inlarge his kingdom according to his owne prediction where he saide If I be exalted from the earth I wil draw al thinges vnto myselfe Ioan. 12. v. 31. Our Sauiour founding his Church by his death begane then to reigne therin h Not only in Iurie and Samaria but the whole earth i and the same Church shal not be destroyed k Christ being eternal hath an euerlasting Church l Al sortes of persecuters the High priestes who sometimes vvatered the spiritual land like riuers vvith Scribes Pharises and other incredulous Ievves also Paganes Turkes and Heretikes haue oppugned the Church m With more force then anie persecutions in the old Testament n but though al these assaultes be great and meruelous yet Christ in protecting his Church is more meruelous o Articles of faith are not euidently apparent to knovvlege but euident to credibilitie to those that are disposed by Gods grace illuminating their vnderstanding and mouing their free vvil to geue consent of beleefe if they vvil p It behoueth therfore al members of the Church to conuerse piously and religiously in this life seing she hath so excellent a spouse protector and instructor q euen to the end of the vvorld Eternal saluation and damnation the 10. key a The Hebrevv letter Lamed vvhich ordinarily is prefixed to the datiue case or signifieth to being set before proper names is a signe of the genetiue case Yet the Septuagint expresse it by the datiue and so doth the latin ipsi Dauid and consequently our English hath to Dauid himselfe to shevv a difference betvven sacred and profane vvriters For in humane bookes the vvriter and auctor is al one but in diuine the Holie Ghost is the proper auctor and a man is the vvriter To signifie therfore the principal auctor Dauid is sometimes named as the instrumental cause to vvhom the Holie Ghost inspired this and other Psalmes and by vvhom they vvere vvritten And vvhen the titles expresse othervvise A Psalme of Dauid yet it is so to be vnderstood that the Holie Ghost is alvvayes the principal auctor and Dauid the instrumental ministerial or secondarie auctor But vvhen other names are expressed either in the genetiue or datiue case or hovvsoeuer it proueth not that those men vvere the vvriters of the same Psalmes but importeth some other thing as by S. Augustins iudgement vve noted in the proemial Annotations page 3. 4. vvherby is proued that this Psalme vvas not written nor composed by Moyses as Hebrevv Rabbins suppose but by the Royal Psalmist Dauid b Made and ordinarily songue in the sourth day of the vveke our vvenesday in vvhich day Iudas the traitor sold our Sauiour Christ to his enimies The reuenge of vvhich vvickednes and of al other sinnes is here prophecied c God more commonly called the God of mercie vvhich vertue in him is aboue al his vvorkes Psal 144 is also the God of reuenges according to his iustice d He procedeth in iudgement resolutly not depending nor fearing not respecting anie person povvre
pittied and not affliction added to the afflicted :: Foure execrable vices Ingratitude Hypocrisie Insolencie Oppression of the poore Cōcupiscence of the flesh of the eyes :: ●●u●e Luxurie Auarice Ambition :: Dishonour of parents shal be senerely punished :: Youngmen folowing carnal appetite can no more geue account of their actiōs then of the vvayes vvhich an eagle a serpent and a shippe haue passed :: By these examples are commended foure vertues Industrie Prudence Concord and Humilitie :: Other foure Fortitude Chastitie Order and Iustice :: Fooles ought not to gouerne :: Moderation is necessarie in al actions Some suppose one Agur to be auctor of this chapter But it semeth more probable that only Salomon is auctor of this whole booke VVhy he is called Gatherer VVhy God suffereth heresie to reigne :: VVordes perteining to Salomon spoken to him by his mother who here calleth him Lamuel signifying God vvith him :: Doctrine is most profitable to those that are modestly dumme more vvilling to heare then to speake :: The chief most proper office of a king is to do iustice :: A vvoman of such perfectiō as is here described is in dede rare yet possible to be found :: Flaxe on the distafe signifieth purpose to do good workes yarne on the spindle the vvorke vvel begune which geueth confidence in God that the same shal be perfect and haue due revvard :: They make and sel cloth which lerning and obseruing Gods lavv do teach it others :: External comelines is not durable but the feare of God is more vvorthie of praise :: Good vvorkes shal be revvarded :: at the tribunal seate of iudgement The praise of a right vvise woman vvritten in verse in order of the Alphabet Proem lament Psal 11● v. 104. The Church hath al good properties requisite A faithful soule hath them at least in desire Rare and excellent wemen both in the old and nevv testament This booke called Ecclesiastes teacheth to contemne this vvorld Because felicitie consisteth not in anie temporal thing but in the eternal sight of God Diuided into three parts The first part of this Sermon sheweth that Felicitie consisteth not in anie temporal thing :: In the end of this world the earth shal be purified so remaine for euer :: Mens soules dayly created are of the same kind as Adams soule other creatures either were in their kindes from the beginning of the vvorld or are procreated of diuers kindes preexisting S. Tho. pa. 1. q. 73. a. 1. ad 3 :: Al natural thinges are insufficient meanes to attaine felicitie :: VVisdom is the best thing in this vvorld yet is not perfect selicitie but the meanes to attaine it VVisdom maketh men to be angrie with sinne to feare God and to proceede in vertue :: A vvordlie man may obiect that seing vvisdom bringeth not felicitie in this life it semeth best to take his pleasure ease not to labour for it :: But the wiseman cōfuteth this conceipt Because wordlie ioy is short vncertaine neither is anie ioy that men haue in this life true ioy of the blessed but only a consolation in miseries :: Consideration is the directorie of al good workes :: The conceit of worldlie men not considering the life to come :: It is better to vse that is honestly gotten for our necessitie then to be stil solicitous to get more :: Generation Corruption Alteration perteine only to thinges of this world vnder heauen often here described by the terme Vnder the sunne For spiritual substances are not comprehended in time nor place S. Ierom in hunc locum to 7. :: Al this sheweth that nothing of this world is perpetual but to be vsed interchangeably in due time place maner and order For disorder maketh confusion :: God suffereth the innocent to be afflicted for a time of his special prouidence because they therby merite a great reward Psal 72. It is in dede better not to be at al then to be in eternal miserie Mat. 26. v. 24. but temporal affliction which the iust suffer is not miserie as wordlie men estemeit but a special meane to attaine eternal felicitie :: True charitie not contaminate with enuie by how much it is increased in number so much it increaseth in streingth S. Iero. 1. Reg. 15. Osee 6. Man without Christs helpe can neither resist tentations nor rise from sinne Prou. 24. v. 16. And without mans free consent Christ wil not stay him nor raise him vp Ioan. 13. v. 27. * In purgatorie :: Because no man is able to attaine perfect knowlege of God it behoueth al to speake and thinke so berly of him :: Vow or promise once made must be fulfilled Deut. 23. :: The proper Angel which associateth euerie man Iob. ●● :: As temporal riches ●e often the occasion of their owners ●uine so vaine philosophie and heresie auaile not heretikes not their folowers but as they came naked from their mothers wombe the peruerse Church so shal both such masters and scolars depart without comforth into the wrath which they prepare to themselues S. Ierom. in ●une locum :: Al this shevveth euidently ha● 〈…〉 e consisteth not in riches :: It is plainly preached saith S. Iero. of the coming of Christ vvhose name was geuen and knovven before he vvas borne in flesh None can perfectly knovv the nature of al thinges present of to come The 2. part True felicitie is procured by good life and consisteth in the eternal sight of God Anger rightly vsed is commendable beneficial to correcte our owne faultes and others Prou. 22. :: But hastie or immoderate anger is sinful and hartful :: Likewise moderate riches profite the seruants of God so that they ●ette not their mind vpon them 3. Reg. 8. 2. Par. 6. Prou. 20. 1. Ioan. 1. * The preacher :: Mans reason which is the superior part of his soule rarely thinketh good :: Sensualitie stil inclineth to euil :: God made man right he of his owne wil ●el from God Sec S. Aug li. 14. c. 11 ciuit * The obscure thing :: As probable coniecture of a mans inward disposition is made by his exteriour countenance so his good workes shining before men are good signe of internal vertues which in dede are right and meritorious when the intention is sincere referring al to Gods glorie edification of others without desire of vaine praise in the world :: By this terme vanitie is ful vnderstood that fell citie is not in prosperous thinges of this world neither are al men miserable that suffer aduersitie * 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ing :: Mortal men suffering calamities knovv not vvhether th● same be in●●●ted for their proofe and merite as in I●b and Tobie or for their sinnes only as in Pharao the Aegyptians but shal know in the indgement after their death :: A sinner in this life may amend if he wil become inst but a●ter death he can not repent chap. 11. v. ●
and a time to dance † A time to disperse stones and a time to gather A time to embrace and a time to be farre from embracings † A time to gette and a time to lose A time to kepe and a time to cast away † A time to rent and a time to sow together A time to kepe silence a time to speake † A time of loue and a time of hatred A time of warre and a time of peace † What hath man more of his labour † I haue sene the affliction which God hath geuen to the children of men that they may be distracted in it † He hath made al thinges good in their time and hath deliuered the world to their disputation and that man can not finde the worke which God hath wrought from the beginning vnto the end † And I haue knowne that there was no better thing then to reioyce and to do wel in his life † For euerie man that eateth and drinketh and seeth good of his labour this is the gift of God † I haue lerned that al the workes which God hath made perseuere for euer we can not adde anie thing nor take away from those thinges which God hath made that he may be feared † That which hath bene made the same is permanent the thinges that shal be haue already bene and God restoreth that which is past † I saw vnder the sunne in the place of iudgement impietie and in the place of iustice iniquitie † And I sayde in my hart the iust and the impious God wil iudge and then shal be the time of euerie thing † I sayd in my hart of the children of men that God would proue them and shew them to be like beastes † Therfore there is one death of man and beastes and the condition of both equal as man dieth so they also dye al thinges breath alike and man hath nothing more then beast al thinges are subiect to vanitie † and al thinges passe to one place of earth they were made and into earth they returne together † Who knoweth if the spirit of the children of Adam ascend vpward and if the spirite of beastes descend downward † And I haue found that nothing is better then for a man to reioyce in his worke and that this is his portion For who shal bring him to know the thinges that shal be after him CHAP. IIII. In this would manie innocents are oppressed 4. The potent sometimes enuied contemned 15. and forsaken by their subiectes 17. especially when the superiors obey not God ITurned myself to other thinges and I saw the oppressions that are done vnder the sunne and the teares of the innocents and no comforter that they can not resist their violence being destitute of al mens helpe † And I praised rather the dead then the liuing † and happier then both haue I iudged him that is not yet borne nor hath sene the euils that are done vnder the sunne † Againe I haue contemplated al the labours of men and their industries I haue perceiued to lie open to the enuie of their neighbour and in this therfore there is vanitie and superfluous care † A foole foldeth his handes together and eateth his owne flesh saying † Better is an handful with rest then both handes ful with labour and affliction of mind † Considering I found also an other vanitie vnder the sunne † There is one and he hath not a second not a sonne not a brother and yet he ceaseth not to labour neither are his eyes satisfied with riches neither doth he recount saying For whom do I labour and defraud my soule of good thinges in this also is vanitie and very il affliction † “ It is better therfore that two be together then one for they haue profite of their societie † if one fal he shal be stayed vp of the other Woe to him that is alone because when he falleth he hath none to lift him vp † And if two sleepe together they shal warme eche other one how shal he be warmed † And if a man preuaile against one two resist him a triple coard is hardly broken † Beter is a child that is poore and wise then a king old and foolish that knoweth not to foresee for hereafter † Because out of the prison and cheynes sometime there cometh one forth to a kingdom and an other borne in his kingdom is consumed with pouertie † I saw al men aliue that walke vnder the sunne with the second yongman which shal rise vp for him † The number of the people of al that haue bene before him is infinite and they that shal be afterward shal not reioyce in him But this also is vanitie and affliction of spirite † Take heede to kepe thy foote when thou entrest into the house of God and approch thou to heare † For much better is obedience then the victimes of fooles who know not what euil they doe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 9. It is better that tvvo be together Besides the commendation of charitie and freindshipe amongst men which is one proper sense of this place S. Ierom expoundeth it also of the necessitie of Christs dwelling in mans soule of his continual assisting grace that man alone lie not open to the deceiptes of the aduersarie The benefite of feloshippe sayth he is streightwayes shewed in the profite of societie For if the one fal as * the iust falleth often Christ raiseth vp his partner for vvoe to him vvho falling hath not Christ in him to raise him vp If one also slepe that is be dissolued by death and haue Christ vvith him being vvarmed and quickned he sooner reuiueth And if the diuel be stronger in impugning against a man the man shal stand and Christ vvil stand pro homine suo pro sodali suo for his man for his companion Not that Christs povvre alone is vveake against the diuel but that free wil is leift to man and we doing our endeuour he becometh stronger in feighting And if the Father the Sonne and the Holie Ghost come vvithal this sodalitie is not soone broken Yet that vvhich is not soone broken may sometimes be broken For this triple coard vvas in Iudas the Apostle but because after the morsel the diuel entered into him this coard was broken Thus S. Irom teacheth that neither can man without Christ resist tentations nor rise from anie sinne in this life or in the next neither vvil Christ vvithout mans consent and endeuour stay him from falling nor raise him vp being fallen CHAP. V. An exhortation to speake discretly and reuerently of God 3. to performe vowes 6. not to be trubled with imaginations nor present oppressions of the poore 9. Auarice is neuer satiate 11. riches sometimes cause sicknes ruine of the bodie 18. and obliuion of God SPEAKE not anie thing rashly neither let thy hart be swift to vtter a word before God For God is
in heauen and thou vpon the earth therfore let thy wordes be few † Dreames do folow manie cares and in manie wordes follie wil be found † If thou hast vowed anie thing to God differre not to pay it for an vnfaithful and foolish promise displeaseth him But what soeuer thou hast vowed pay it † and it is much better not to vow then after a vow not to performe the thinges promised † Geue not thy mouth to make thy flesh to sinne neither say thou before the Angel There is no prouidence lest perhaps God being wrath against thy wordes dissipate al the workes of thy handes † Where manie dreames are there are manie vanities and wordes innumerable but do thou feare God † If thou shalt see the oppressions of the poore and violent iudgements and iustice to be subuerted in the prouince meruel not at this matter because there is an other higher then the high and ouer these also there are others more eminent † and besides the king of al the earth reigneth ouer his seruant † A couetous man shal not be filled with money and he that loueth riches shal take no fruite of them and this therfore is vanitie † Where great riches are there are also manie that eate them And what doth it profite the owner but that he seeth the riches with his eyes † Sleepe is swete to him that worketh whether he eate much or litle but the sarietie of the rich doth not suffer him to sleepe † There is also an other very il infirmitie which I haue sene vnder the sunne riches kept to the hurt of the owner † For they perish in very euil affliction he hath begotten a sonne which shal be in great pouertie † As he came forth naked from his mothers wombe so shal he returne and shal take nothing away with him of his labour † An infirmitie vtterly miserable as he came so shal he returne What doth it then profite him that he hath labored into the winde † Al the dayes of his life he eateth in darknes and in miserie and in heauines † This therfore hath semed good to me that a man eate and drinke and take ioy of his labour wherwith he hath labored vnder the sunne the number of the dayes of his life which God hath geuen him and this is his portion † And to euerie man vnto whom God hath geuen riches and substance and hath geuen him powre to eate of them and to enioy his portion and to reioyce of his labour this is the gift of God † For he shal not greatly remember the dayes of his life because God doth occupie his hart with delightes CHAP. VI. Riches make not men happie because manie dye shortly 3. and manie rich men wil not vse their riches 8. Likewise studie to know al secrete thinges is vanitie not felicitie THERE is also an other euil which I haue sene vnder the sunne and that frequent with men † A man to whom God hath geuen riches and substance and honour and nothing is lacking to his soule of al thinges which he desireth neither doth God geue him powre to eate therof but a strange man shal eate it vp This is vanitie and great miserie † If a man shal begette an hundred children and shal liue manie yeares and haue manie dayes of age and his soule vse not the goods of his substance and he lacke burial of this man I pronounce shat the vntimely borne is better then he † For he came in vaine and passeth to darknes and his name shal be cleane forgotten † He hath not sene the sunne nor knowen the distance of good and euil † although he liued two thousand yeares and hath not enioyed good thinges do not al thinges hasten to one place † Al the labour of man is in his mouth but his soule shal not be filled † What hath the wiseman more then the foole and what the poore man but to passe thither where life is † Better it is to see that which thou maist couere then to desire that which thou canst not know But this also is vanitie and presumption of spirite † He that shal be his name is already called and it is knowne that he is a man and can not contend in iudgement against a stronger then himself † There be manie wordes that haue much vanitie in disputing CHAP. VII It is in vaine to seke and vnpossible to know al natural thinges 2. It importeth to leade this shorte life in mortification 4. paenance 8. and patience 12. seeking wisdom with competent temporal meanes 15. prouiding for the next world 24. not yelding to concupiscence VVHAT nedeth a man to seke thinges greater then himself wheras he is ignorant what is profitable for him in his life in the number of the dayes of his peregrination and the time that passeth as a shadow Or who can tel him what shal be after him vnder the sunne † Better is a good name then precious ointments and the day of death then the day of natiuitie † It is better to goe to the house of mourning then to the house of banketing for in that the end of al men is signified and he that liueth thinketh what shal be † Anger is better then laughter because by sadnes of the countenance the mind of the offender is corrected † The hart of wisemen where sadnes is and the hart of fooles where mirth † It is better to be rebuked of a wiseman then to be deceiued with the flaterie of fooles † Because as the sound of thornes burning vnder a potte so the laughter of a foole but this also is vanitie † Oppression trubleth the wise and shal destroy the streingth of his hart † Better is the end of a speach then the beginning Better is the patient man then the arrogant † Be not quickly angrie because anger resteth in the bosom of a foole † Say not What is the cause thinkest thou that the former times were better then they are now for this maner of question is foolish † Wisdom with riches is more profitable and doth more profite them that see the sunne † For as wisdom protecteth so money protecteth But lerning and wisdom haue this much more that they geue life to their owner † Consider the workes of God that no man can correct whom he hath despised † In the good day enioy good thinges and beware before of the euil day For as this so that also hath God made that man finde not against him iust complants † These thinges also I saw in the dayes of my vanitie The iust man perisheth in his iustice and the impious liueth a long time in his malice † Be not iust too much neither be more wise then is necessarie lest thou be come more dul † Doe not impiously much and be not foolish lest thou dye not in thy time † It is good that thou hold vp the iust yea
our holie thinges are contaminated and the name that is inuocated vpon vs is almost prophaned and our children haue suffred contumelie and our Priestes are burnt our Leuites are gone into captiuitie our virgins are defloured and our wiues haue suffered rape and our iust men are violently taken and our litle ones are lost and our yong men are in bondage and our valiants are made impotent † and that which is greatest of al the seale of Sion because she is vnsealed of her glorie For she is also deliuered into the handes of them that hate vs. † Thou therfore shake of thy great heauines and lay away from thee the multitude of sorrowes that the Strong may be propicious to thee agayne and the Highest wil geue thee rest rest from thy labours † And it came to passe when I spake to her her face did shine suddenly and her shape and her visage was made glistering so that I was afrayde excedingly at her thought what this thing should be † And Behold suddenly she put forth a great sound of a voyce ful of feare that the earth was moued at the womans sound And I saw † and behold the woman did no more appeare vnto me but a citie was built a place was shewed of great fundations and I was afrayd crying with a loude voyce I sayd † Where is Vriel the Angel that from the beginning came to me for he made me come in multitude in excesse of this minde and my end is made into corruption my prayer into reproch † And when I was speaking these thinges behold he came to me and sawe me † And behold I was layd as dead my vnderstanding was alienated and he held my right hand and strengthned me set me vpon my feete sayd to me † What ayleth thee and why is thy vnderstanding and the sense of thy hart trubled why art thou trubled And I sayd † Because thou hast forsaken me and I in dede haue done according to thy wordes went out into the field behold I haue seene doe see that which I cannot vtter And he sayd to me † Stand like a man I wil moue thee And I sayd † Speake thou my Lord in me forsake me not that I die not in vaine † because I haue seene thinges that I knew not I doe heare thinges that I know not † Or is my sense deceiued doth my soule dreame † Now therfore I besech thee that thou shew vnto thy seruant concerning this trance And he answered me sayd † Heare me and I wil teach thee and wil tel thee of what thinges thou art afrayd because the Highest hath reuealed vnto thee manie mysteries † He hath seene thy right way that without intermission thou was sorrowful for thy people and didst mourne exceedingly for Sion † This therfore is the vnderstanding of the vision which appeared to thee a litle before † The woman whom thou sawest mourning thou beganst to comfort her † And now thou seest not the forme of the woman but there appeared to thee a citie to be built † And because she tolde thee of the fal of her sonne this is the interpretation † This woman which thou sawest she is Sion and wheras she told thee of her whom now also thou shalt see as a citie builded † And wheras she told thee that she was barren thirtie yeares for the which there were thirtie yeares when there was not yet oblation offered in it † And it came to passe after thirtie yeares Salomon built the citie and offered oblations then it was when the barren bare a childe † And that which she sayd vnto thee that she nourished him with labour this was the habitation in Ierusalem † And wheras she sayd to thee that my sonne comming into the bryde chamber dyed and that a fal chanced vnto him this was the ruine of Ierusalem that is made † And behold thou hast seene the similitude of her and because she lamented her sonne thou beganst to comfort her and of these thinges that haue chanced these were to be opened to thee † And now the Highest seeth that thou wast sorie from the hart and because with thy whole hart thou sufferest for her he hath shewed thee the clearnes of her glorie and the fayrenes of her beautie † For therfore did he say to thee that thou shoulest tarie in a field where house is not built † For I knew that the Highest beganne to shew thee these thinges † therfore I sayd vnto thee that thou shouldest goe into a field where is no fundation of building † For the worke of mans building could not be borne in the place where the citie of the Highest began to be shewed † Thou therfore feare not neither let thy hart dread but goe in and see the beautie and greatnes of the building as much as the sight of thyne eyes is capable to see † afterward thou shalt heare as much as the hearing of thyne eares is capable to heare † For thou art blessed aboue manie and art called with the Highest as few † And to morrow night thou shalt tarie here † and the Highest wil shew thee those visions of the thinges on high which the Highest wil doe to them that inhabite vpon the earth in the later dayes † And I slept that night and the other next as he had sayd to me CHAP. XI An eagle appeareth to Esdras coming forth of the sea with three heades and twelue winges sometimes one reigning in the world sometimes an other but euerie one vanisheth away 36. A lion also appeareth coming forth of the wo 〈…〉 suppresse the eagle AND I sawe a dreame behold an eagle came vp out of the sea which had twelue winges of fethers and three heades † And I saw and behold she spred her winges into al the earth and al the windes of heauen blew vpon her and were gathered together † And I saw and of her fethers sprang contrarie fethers and they became litle winges and smale † For her heades were at rest and the midle head was greater then the other heades but she rested with them † And I saw and behold the eagle flew with her winges and reigned ouer the earth and ouer them that dwel in it † And I saw that al thinges vnder heauen were subiect to her and no man gaynesayd her no not one of the creature that is vpon the earth † And I saw and behold the eagle rose vp vpon her talons and made a voice with her winges saying † Watch not al together sleepe euerie one in his place watch according to time † But let the heades be preserued to the last † And I saw and behold the voice came not out of her heades but from the middes of her bodie † And I numbered her contrarie winges and behold they were eight † And I saw and behold on the right side rose one wing and reigned