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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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the good sharpe which can not be letted doing good 23 Courteous stable sure without care hauing all power circumspect in all things and 〈◊〉 through all intellectual pure and subtil spirits 24 For wisdome is nimbler then all nimble things she goeth thorow and atteineth to all things because of her purenes 25 For she is the breth of the power of God and a pure influence that floweth from the glorie of the Almightie therefore can no de filed thing come vnto her 26 For * she is the brightnes of the euerlasting 〈◊〉 the vndefiled mirroure of the maiestie of God and the image of his goodnes 27 And being one she can do all things and remaining in her 〈◊〉 renueth all according to the ages she entreth into the holie soules and maketh them the friends of God Prophetes 28 For God loueth none if he dwell not with wisdome 29 For she is more beautiful then the sunne is aboue all the order of the starres and the light is not to be compared vnto her 30 For night cometh vpō it but wickednes cā not ouercome wisdome CHAP. VIII The effects of wisdome 1 SHe also reacheth from one end to another mightely and comely doeth she order all things 2 I haue loued her and soght her frō my youth I desired to marye her suche loue had I vnto her beautie 3 In that she is conuersant with God it commendeth her nobilitie yea the Lord of all things loueth her 4 For she is the scholemastres of the knowled ge of God and the choser out of his workes 5 If riches be a possessiō to be desired in this life what is richer then wisdome that worketh all things 6 For if prudence worketh what is it among all things that worketh better then she 7 If a man loue righteousnes her labours are vertuous for she teacheth sobernes and pru dencie righteousnes and strength which are the moste profitable things that men can haue in this life 8 If a man desire great experience she can tell the things that are past and discerne things to come she knoweth the subtilties of wordes and the solutions of darke sentences she foreseeth the 〈◊〉 wonders or euer they come to passe and the succes of seasons and times 9 Therefore I purposed to take her vnto my companie knowing that she wolde counsel me good things and comfort me in cares griefs 10 For her sake shal I haue glorie among the multitude and honour among the Elders thogh I be yong 11 I shal be founde of sharpe iudgement so that I shal be marueilous in the sight of great men 12 When I holde my tongue they shal abide my leasure when I speake they shal heare di ligently and if I take muche they shal laye their hands vpon their mouth 13 Moreouer by her I shal obteine immortalitie and leaue an euer lasting memorial amōg them that come 〈◊〉 me 14 I shal gouerne the people and the nacions shal be subdued vnto me 15 Horrible tyrants shal be afrayed when they heare me among the multitude I shal be coū ted good and mightie in battel 16 When I come home I shal rest with her for her companie hathe no bitternes and her fe lowshippe hathe no tediousnes but mirthe and ioye 17 Now when I considered these things by my self and pondered them in mine heart how that to be ioyned vnto wisdome is immortalitie 18 And great pleasure is in her friendshippe and that in the workes of her hands are infinite riches and that in the exercise of talking with her is prudencie and glorie by cō muning with 〈◊〉 I went about seking how I might take her vnto me 19 For I was a wittie childe and was of a good spirit 20 Yea rather being good I came to an vndefiled bodie 21 Neuertheles when I perceiued that I colde not enioye her except God gaue her that was a pointe of wisdome also to knowe whose gifte it was I went vnto the LORD and besoght him and with my whole heart I said CHAP. IX A prayer of Salomon to obteine wisdome 1 O God of fathers and Lord of mercie whi che hast made all things with thy worde 2 And ordeined man thorow thy wisdome that he shulde haue * dominiō ouer the crea tures which thou hast made 3 And gouerne the worlde according to equitie and righteousnes and execute iudgement with an vpright heart 4 Giue * me that wisdome which sitteth by thythrone and put me not out from among thy children 5 For I thy * seruant and sonne of thine handmaide am a feble persone of a shorte time and yet lesse in the vnderstanding of iudgement and the lawes 6 And thogh a man be neuer so perfite among the children of men yet if thy wisdome be not with him he shal be nothing regarded 7 * Thou hast chosē me to be a King of thy peo ple the iudge of thy sonnes daughters 8 Thou hast commanded me to buyld a temple vpon thine holy Mount an altar in the citie wherein thou dwellest a likenes of thine holie Tabernacle which thou hast prépared from the beginning 9 And thy * wisdome with thee which know eth thy workes which also was when thou madest the worlde and which knewe what was acceptable in thy sight and right in thy commandements 10 Send her out of thine holy heauēs and send her from the throne of thy maiestie that she may be with me labour that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight 11 For she knoweth vnderstandeth all things and she shallead me soberly in my workes preserue me by her glorie 12 So shal my workes be acceptable and then shal I gouerne thy people righteously be mete for my fathers throne 13 For * what man is he that can knowe the coū sel of God or who can thinke what the wil of God is 14 For the thoghts of mortal men are feareful and our forecastes are vncerteine 15 Because a corruptible bodie is heauie vnto the soule and the earthlie mansion kepeth downe the minde that is ful of cares 16 And hardly can we discerne the things that are vpō earth ād with great labour finde we out the things which are before vs who cā then seke out the things that are in heauen 17 Who can knowe thy counsel except thou giue him wisdome and send thine holy Spirit from aboue 18 For so the wayes of them whiche are vpon earth are reformed and men are taught the things that are pleasant vnto thee and are preserued thorow wisdome CHAP. X. The 〈◊〉 of the righteous and destruction of the enemies cometh thorowe wisdome 1 SHe preserued the first father of the world that was formed and kept hym when he was created alone and broght hym out of his offence 2 And * gaue him power to rule all things 3 * But the vnrighteous in his wrath departed from her ād perished
brakest the heades of the dragons in the waters 14 Thou brakest the head of Liuiathán in pie ces and gauest him to be meat for the peo ple in wildernes 15 Thou brakest vp the fountaine and riuer thou dryedst vp mightie riuers 16 The daye is thine and the night is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sunne 17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth thou hast made somer and winter 18 Remember this that the enemie hathe reproched the Lord and the foolish people hathe blasphemed thy Name 19 Giue not the soule of thy turtle dooue vnto the beast forget not the Congregaciō of thy poore for euer 20 Consider thy couenant for the darke pla ces of the earth are ful of the habitacions of the cruel 21 Oh let not the oppressed returne ashamed but let the poore nedie praise thy Name 22 Arise ô God mainteine thine owne cause remember thy dailie reproche by the foolish man 23 Forget not the voyce of thine enemies for the tumulte of thē that rise against thee ascendeth continually PSAL. LXXV 1 The faithful do praise the Name of the Lord 2 Whiche shal come to iudge at the time appointed 8 When the wicked shal be put to confusion and drinke of the cup of his wrath 10 Their pride shal be abated and the righteous shal be exalted to honour ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psalme or song committed to Asáph 1 WE wil praise thee ô God we wil praise thee forthy Name is nere therefo re they wil declare thy wonderous workes 2 When I shal take a conuenient time I wil iudge righteously 3 The earth and all the inhabitans there of are dissolued but I wil establish the pillers of it Selah 4 I said vnto the foolish Be not so foolish and to the wicked Lift not vp the horne 5 Lift not vp your horne on high nether speake with a stiffe necke 6 For to come to preferment is nether from the East nor from the West nor from the South 7 But God is the iudge he maketh low and he maketh hie 8 For in the hand of the Lord is a cup and the wine is red it is ful mixt and he powreth out of the same surely all the wicked of the earth shall wring out and drinke the dregs thereof 9 But I wil declare for euer and sing praises vnto the God of Iaakób 10 All the hornes of the wicked also wil I brea ke but the hornes of the righteous shal be exalted PSAL. LXXVI 1 This Psalme 〈◊〉 forthe the power of God and care for the defence of his people in Ierusalem inthe destruction of the armie of Saneherib 〈◊〉 And exhorteth the faithful to be thankeful for the same ¶ To him that excelleth on Neginōth A Psalme or song committed to Asáph 1 GOd is knowen in Iudáh his Name is great in Israél 2 For in Shalém is his Tabernacle and his dwelling in Zión 3 There brake he the arrowes of the bowe the shield and the sworde the battel Sélah 4 Thou art more bright and puissant then the mountaines of pray 5 The stoute harted are spoiled they haue slept their slepe and all the men of strength haue not founde their hands 6 At thy rebuke ô God of Iaakób bothe the chariot and horse are cast a slepe 7 Thou euē thou art to be feared who shal stand in thy sight when thou art angrie 8 Thou didest cause thy iudgement to be heard from heauē therefore the earth feared and was stil 9 When thou ô God arose to iudgement to helpe all the meke of the earth Sélah 10 Surely the rage of man shal turne to thy praise the remnant of the rage shalt thou restraine 11 Vowe and performe vnto the Lord your God all ye that be rounde about him let them bring presents vnto him that ought to be feared 12 He shal cut of the spirit of princes he is terrible to the Kings of the earth PSAL. LXXVII 1 The Prophet in the name of the Church rehearserh the greatnes of his affliction and his grieuous tentations 6 whereby he was driuē to this end to consider his former conuersation 11 And the continual course of Gods workes in the preseruation of his seruants so he cōfirmeth his faith against these tentations ¶ For the excellent musician * Ieduthún A Psasme committed to Asáph 1 MY voyce came to God when I cryed my voyce came to God and he heard me 2 In the day of my trouble I soght the Lord my sore ranne and ceased not in the night my soule refused comfort 3 I did thinke vpon God and was troubled I prayed and my spirit was ful of anguish Sélah 4 Thou kepest mine eyes waking I was asto nied and colde not speake 5 Then I considered the dayes of olde and the yeres of ancient time 6 I called to remembrance my song in the night I communed with mine owne heart my spirit searched diligently 7 Wil the Lord absent him self for euer wil he she we no more fauour 8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer doeth his promes faile for euer more 9 Hathe God forgotten to be merciful hathe he shut vp his tender mercies in displeasure Sélah 10 And I said This is my death yet I remem bred the yeres of the right hand of the must High 11 I remembred the workes of the Lord certeinly I remembred thy wonders of olde 12 I did also meditate all thy workes did deuise of thine Actes saying 13 Thy waye ö God is in the Sanctuarie who is so great a God as our God! 14 Thou art the God that doest wonders thou hast declared thy power among the people 15 Thou hastredemed thy people with thine arme euen the sonnes of laakób and Ioséph Sélah 16 The waters sawe thee ô God the waters sawe thee were afrayed yea the depths trembled 17 The cloudes powred out water the heauēs gaue a sounde yea thine arrowes went abroad 18 The voice of thy thundre was round about the lightenings lightened the worlde the earth trembled and shoke 19 Thy waye is in the Sea and thy paths in the great waters and thy fotesteps are not knowen 20 Thou didest leade thy people like shepe by the hand of Mosés and Aarón PSAL. LXXVIII 1 He sheweth how God of his mercie chose his Church of the posteritie of Abrahám 8 Reproching the stubburne rebellion of their fathers that the children might not one ly vnderstand 11 That God of his fre mercie made his coueuant with their ancetours 17 But also seing them so malicious and peruerse might be ashamed and so turne wholly to God In this Psalme the holie Gost hathe comprehended as it were the summe of all Gods benefites to the intent the ignorant grosse
the time which is long may be shortened the kingdome is already prepared for you watche 14 Take heauen and earth to witnes for I haue abolished the euil and created the good for I liue saith the Lord. 15 Mother embrace thy children and bring them vp with gladnes make their fete as fast as a piller for I haue chosen thee saith the Lord. 16 And those that be dead wil I raise vp from their places and bring them out of the graues for I haue knowen my Name in Israél 17 Feare not thou mother of the children for I haue chosen thee saith the Lord. 18 I wil send thee my seruants Esaie and Ieremie to helpe thee by whose counsel I haue sanctified ād prepared for thee twelue trees laden with diuers frutes 19 And as many fountaines flowing with milke and hony and seuen mightie mountaines whereupō there growe roses lilies where by I wilfilthy children with ioye 20 Execute iustice for the widdo we iudge the cause of the fatherles giue to the poore defende the fatherles clothe the naked 21 Heale the wounded and sicke laugh not a lame man to scorne defend the crepel and let the blinde come into the light of my clerenes 22 Kepe the olde and the yong that are within thy walles 23 * Where soeuerth ou findest the dead take them and burye them and I wil giue thee the first place in my resurrection 24 Abide stil ô my people and rest for thy quietnes shal come 25 Nourish thy children ô thou good nurse stablish their fete 26 None of the seruants that I haue giuen thee shal perish for I wil seke them from among thy nomber 27 Be not weary for when the day of trouble and 〈◊〉 commeth other shal wepe and be soroweful but thou shalt be mery and ha ue abundance 28 The heathen shal enuie thee and shal do nothing against thee saith the Lord. 29 Mine hands shal couerthee so that thy chil dren shal not se hell 30 Be ioyful ò thou mother with thy children for I wil deliuer thee saith the Lorde 31 Remember thy children that slepe for I wil bring thē out of the sides of the earth wil shewe mercie vnto them for I am merciful saith the Lord almightie 32 Embrace thy children vntil I come and she we mercie vnto thē for my fountaines runne ouer and my grace shal not faile 33 I Esdras receiued a charge of the Lord vpō the mount Horeb that I shulde go vnto them of Israel but when I came to them thei cast me of and despised the commandemēt of the Lord. 34 And therefore I say vnto yon ô ye heathen that heare and vnderstand Wait for your shepherd who shal giue you enerlasting rest for he is nere at hand that shal come in the end of the worlde 35 Be ready to the rewarde of the kingdome for the euerlasting light shal shine vpon you for euermore 36 Fle the shado we of this worlde receiue the ioye of your glorie I testifie my Sauiour openly 37 Receiue the gift that is giuen you and be glad 〈◊〉 thankes vnto him that hathe cal led you to the heauenlie kingdome 38 Arise and stand vp and beholde the nomber of those that are sealed for the feast of the Lord 39 Which are departed from the shadowe of the worlde and haue receiued glorious garments of the Lord. 40 Take thy nomber ô Sion and shut vp thē that are clothed in white which haue fulfilled the Law of the Lord. 41 The nomber of thy children whome thou longest for is fulfilled beseche the power of the Lord that thy people which haue bene called from the beginning may be sanctified 42 * I Esdras sawe vpon mount Siō a great peo ple whome I colde not nomber and they all praised the Lord with songs 43 And in the middes of them there was a yōg man hier in stature then them all and vpon euerie one of their heads he set crownes and was hier then the others which I much marueiled at 44 So I asked the Angel and said Who are the se my lord 45 Who answered and said vnto me These be they that haue put of the mortal clothing haue put on the immortal and haue confessed the Name of GOD now are they crowned and receiue the palmes 46 Then said I vnto the Angel What yong mā is it that setteth crownes on them giueth them the palmes in their hands 47 And he answered and said vnto me It is the sonne of God whome they haue confessed in the worlde Then began I greatly to commende thē that had stand so strongly for the Name of the Lord. 48 Then the Angel said vnto me Go thy way and tel my people what and how great won ders of the Lord God thou hast sene CHAP. III. 4 The wonderous workes which God did for the people are recited 31 Esdras marueileth that God suffreth the Ba bylonians to haue rule ouer his people which yet are syn ners also 1 IN the thirtieth yere after the fall of the citie as I was at Babylon I lay troubled vpō my bed and my thoghts came vpto mine heart 2 Because I sawe the desolacion of Sion and the wealth of them that dwelt at Babylon 3 So my spirit was sore moued so that I begā ne to speake fearful wordes to the moste High and said 4 O Lord Lord thou spakest at the beginning when thou alone plantedst the earth and ga uest commandement vnto the people 5 * And a bodie vnto Adā without soule who was also the workemanship of thine hands and hast breathed in him the breth of life so that he liued before thee 6 And leddest him into Paradise whiche thy right hand had planted or euer the earth broght forthe 7 Euen then thou gauest him commandemēt to loue thy way but he trāsgressed it and im mediatly thou appointedst death to him and his generacion of whome came nacions tribes people and kinreds out of nomber 8 * And euerie people walked after their own wil and did wonderful things before thee despised thy commandements 9 * But at the time appointed thou broghtest the flood vpon those that dwelt in the world and destroiedst them 10 So that by the flood that came to euerie one of them which came by death vnto Adam 11 Yet thou leftest one euen * Noe with his houshold of whome came all righteous mē 12 And when they that dwelt vpon the earth began to multiplie and the nomber of the children people and many nacions were increased they began to be more vngodlie thē the first 13 Now when they liued wickedly before thee * thou didest chose thee a man from among them whose name was * Abraham 14 Whome thou louedst and vnto whome one ly thou shewedst thy wil 15 And madest an euerlasting couenāt with him promising him that thou woldest neuer forsake his sede 16 * And vnto him thou gauest Isahac * vnto Isa
thē selues within their houses f In Ebre we it is called the seatering winde because it driueth away 〈◊〉 cloudes purgeth the ayre g That is frosē vp dryed h Gather the 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 i That is the clou de that hath lightening in it k Raine colde 〈◊〉 tempestes suche like are sent of God ether to punish man or to profite the earth otto declare his fauour toward man as Chap 〈◊〉 31 l That is the lightning to breake for the in the cloudes m VVhich is some time chāged into raine or snowe or haile or suche like n VVhy thy clothes shulde kepe thee warme when the South winde bloweth rather then whē anie other winde bloweth o For their cleare nes p That is our ignorance signifying that Iob was so presumpreous that he wolde controle the workes of God r If God wolde destroye a man shulde he 〈◊〉 s The cloude stoppeth the shining of the sunne that man cannot seit til the winde haue chased away the cloude and if man be not able to atteine to the knowledge of these things how muche lesse of Gods iudgements t In Ebre we golde meaning faire wether and cleare as golde q Hathe God nede that anie shuld tel him when mā murmureth agaīst him u Meaning without cause Chap. XXXVIII a That is wordes might haue greater maiestie and that Iob might knowe wih whomehe had to do b VVhich by 〈◊〉 out the se cret counsel of God by mans 〈◊〉 son maketh it mo re obscure and sheweth his owne folie c Because he had wished to dispute with God Chap. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God rea soneth with him to declare his rashnes d Saing 〈◊〉 colde not iudge of those things which we re donesolong be fore he was 〈◊〉 he was not able to comprehēd all Gods workes muche lesse the se cret causes of his iudgement e The starres and dumme creatures are said to praise God because his power wisdome and in goodnes is manifest and knowen therein f Meaning the Angels g As thogh the great sea were but as a litle 〈◊〉 in the handes of God to turne to and fro h That is Gods decree and 〈◊〉 as vers 10. i To with to 〈◊〉 si ce thou 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 k VVho hauing in the night bene giuen to wickednes cannot abide the light but hide thē selues l The earth which semedin the night to haue no so me by the rising of the sunne it as it were created a newe all things therein 〈◊〉 with newe 〈◊〉 m If thou 〈◊〉 not able to seke out the depth of the 〈◊〉 how muche lesse art thou able ble to 〈◊〉 the counsel of God n That thou migh test appoint it his way and limites o To punish mine enemies with thē as Exod 9. 18. iosh. 10. 11. p The 〈◊〉 couereth it as thogh it were paued with stone q VVhich 〈◊〉 arise when the sunne is in Taurus which is the spring time and bring floures r VVhich starre bringeth in winter s Certeine starres so called some thinke they were the twelue signes t The North starre with those that are about him u Canst thou cause the 〈◊〉 bodies to haue anie power ouer the earthlie 〈◊〉 x In the secret partes of man y That is the clouds wherein the water is conteined as in bottels z For when God doeth not open these bottels the earth cometh to this inconueniēce a After he had de clared Gods workes in the heauēs he sheweth his 〈◊〉 prouidence in earth euen toward the brute beasts b Read Psal. 147. 9 c He chiefly maketh mencion of wilde goates and hindes because they bring forthe their 〈◊〉 with moste 〈◊〉 d That is how lōg they go with yōg e Thei bring 〈◊〉 with great dif 〈◊〉 f That is the baren grounde where no good 〈◊〉 growe g Is it possible to make the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifiing that if man can not rule a creature that it is muche more impossible that he shulde appoint the wisdome of God whereby he gouerneth all the worlde h Thei write that the ostrich couereth her egges in the sand and becausethe countrey is hote and the sunne stil kepeth thē warme they 〈◊〉 hatched i If he shulde take care not them k That is to haue a care and natural affection toward his yong l VVhen the 〈◊〉 ostrich is 〈◊〉 vp 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 the horse m That is giuen him 〈◊〉 which is men by 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 king his 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 his breath he 〈◊〉 teth his 〈◊〉 n He 〈◊〉 with his 〈◊〉 o He so riddeth the grounde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnder him p That is when colde cometh to 〈◊〉 into the warme 〈◊〉 q Is this the way for a man that wil learne 〈◊〉 stri ue with God which thing he reproueth in 〈◊〉 r VVhereby he sheweth that he repented and de sired pardon 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 Chap. 38. 1. a 〈◊〉 that they that iustifie themselues condemne God as in iust b Meaning that these were propre vnto God belonged to no man c Cause them to dye if thou canst d Prouing hereby that whosoeuer 〈◊〉 to him self power abi 〈◊〉 to saue him self maketh him self God e This beast is thoght to be the eliphant or some other which is vnknowen f VVhome I made as wel as thee g This commendeth the prouiden ce of God toward man for if he we regiuen to deuou re as a lion nothing were able to resist him or cō tent him h He is one of the chiefest 〈◊〉 of God amōg the beasts i Thogh man dare not come nere him yet God can 〈◊〉 him k He drinketh at leasure and fearech no body l Meaning the whale m Because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lest thou shul dest take him n To do thy busines and be at thy commandement o If thou once con sider the danger thou wilt not medle with him p To wit that 〈◊〉 sleth to take him a If none darestád against a whale which is but a crea ture 〈◊〉 is able to compare with God the Creator b VVho hathe 〈◊〉 me to accō plish my worke c The 〈◊〉 and members of the 〈◊〉 d That is who da re 〈◊〉 of his skine e VVho dare put a 〈◊〉 in his mouth f VVho dare loke in his 〈◊〉 g That is 〈◊〉 out flames of fyre h Nothing is pein ful or hard 〈◊〉 vnto 〈◊〉 i His skinne is so hard that he 〈◊〉 with a great 〈◊〉 on the stones as in the myre k Ether he maketh the sea to seme as it boileth by his wallowing or 〈◊〉 water in suche abundance as it wolde seme that the sea boyled l That is a white 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 streame before him Chap. XLII m He despiseth all other beasts and monsters and is the proudest of all others a No thoght so se cret but thou 〈◊〉 it nor anie thing that thou thinkest but thou 〈◊〉 bring it to passe b Is there aniebut l for this God laid to his charge Chap. 38. 2. c I
and also by the fewenes of them whiche haue at al times worshipped him purely according to his worde that it standeth not in the multitude but in the poore and despised in the smale flocke and litle nomber that man in his wisdome might be confounded and the Name of God euer more praised CHAP. I. 1 God created the heauen and the earth 3. The light and the darkenes 8 The firmament 9 He separateth the water from the earth 16 He createth the sunne the moone and the starres 21 He createth the fish birdes beastes 26 He createth man and giueth him rule ouer all creatures 29 And prouideth nourriture for man and beast 1 IN the beginnyng * God created the heauen the earth 2 And the earth was without forme voyde darkenes was vpō the depe the Spirit of God moued vpon the waters 3 Then God said * Let there be light there was light 4 And God sawe the light that it was good and God separated the light from the darkenes 5 And God called the light Daye and the darkenes he called Night So the euening and the morning were the first day 6 ¶ Againe God said * Let there be a firmament in the middes of the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters 7 Then God made the firmament and parted the waters which were vnder the firmamēt from the waters which were * aboue the firmament and it was so 8 And God called the firmament Heauen So the euening and the morning were the seconde day 9 ¶ God said againe * Let the waters vnder the heauen be gathered into one place and letthe drye land appeare and it was so 10 And God called the drye land Earth and he called the gathering together of the waters Seas and God sawe that it was good 11 Then God said Let the earth budde forthe the budde of the herbe that sedeth sede the frutefultre which beareth frute according to his kinde which maie haue hie sede in itself vpon the earth and it was so 12 And the earth broght forthe the budde of the herbe that sedeth sede according to his kinde also the tre that yeldeth frute which hathe his sede in it selfe according to his kinde and God sawe that it was good 13 So the euening and the morning were the third daie 14 ¶ And God said * Let there be lightes in the firmament of the heauē to separate the daie from the night and let them be for signes and for seasons and for daies and yeres 15 And let them be for lightes in the firmamēt of the heauen to giue light vpon the earth and it was so 16 God thē made two great lightes the grea ter light to rule the daie and the lesse light to rul the night the made also the starres 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heauen to shine vpon the earth 18 And to * rule in the daie and in the night to separate the light from the darkenes and God sawe that it was good 19 So the euening and the morning were the fourth daie 20 Afterwarde God said Let the waters bring forthe in abundance euerie creping thing that hathe life and let the foule flie vpon the earth in the open firmament of the heauen 21 Then God created the great whales euerie thing liuing and mouing which the waters broght forthe in abundance according to their kinde euerie fethered foule accor ding to his kinde and God sawe that it was good 22 Then God blessed them saying Bring forthe frute and multiplie and filthe waters in the seas and letthe foule multiplie in the earth 23 So the euening and the morning were the fifte day 24 ¶ Moreouer God said Let the earth bring forthe the liuing thing according to his kinde cattel and that which crepeth ād the beast of the earth according to his kinde it was so 25 And God made the beast of the earth accor ding to his kinde and the cattel according to his kinde and euerie creping thing of the earth according to his kinde and God sawe that it was good 26 Furthermore God said * Let vs make man in our image according to our lickenes and let them rule ouer the fish of the sea ād ouer the foule of the heauen and ouer the beastes and ouer all the earth and ouer euerie thing that crepeth and moueth on the earth 27 * Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them * male and female 28 And God blessed them and God said to them * Bring forthe frute and multiplie and filthe earth and subdue it and rule ouer the fish of the sea and ouer the soule of the heauen and ouer euerie beast that moueth vpon the earth 29 And God said Beholde I haue giuen vnto you euerie herbe bearing sede which is vpon all the earth and euerie tre wherein is the frute of a tre bearing sede * that shal be to you for meat 30 Likewise to euerie beast of the earth and to euerie foule of the heauen and to euerie thing that moueth vpon the earth which ha the life in it selfe euerie grene herbe shal be for meat and it was so 31 * And God sawe all that he had made and lo it was very good So the euening and the morning were the sixt day CHAP. II. 2 God resteth the seuenth day and sanctifieth it 15 He setteth man in the garden 22 He createth the woman 29 Mariage is ordeined 1 THus the heauens and the earth were finished and all the hoste of them 2 For in the seuenth day God ended his worke which he had made and the seuenth daye he rested from all his worke which he had made 3 So Godblessed he seuenth day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his worke which God had created and made 4 ¶ These are the generacions of the heauens and of the earth when thei were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heauens 5 And euerie plant of the field before it was in the earth and euerie herbe of the field be fore it grewe for the Lord God had not cau sed it to raine vpon the earth nether was there a man to til the grounde 6 But a myst went vp from the earth watred all the earth 7 ¶ The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the grounde and breatched in his face breath of life and the man was a liuing soule 8 And the Lord God planted a garden Eastwarde in Eden and there he put the man whome he had made 9 For out of the grounde made the Lord God
his clothes and he prophecied also before Samuél fel downe naked all that day and all that night ther fore theye say * Is Saúl also amonge the Prophetes CHAP. XX. 2 Ionathān comforteth Dauid 3 They renue their league 33 Saul wolde haue killed Ionathán 38 Ionathán aduertiseth Dauid by thre arrowes of his fathers fury 1 ANd Dauid fled from Naioth in Ramáh and came and said before Ionathán What haue I done what is mine iniquitie and what sinne haue I committed before thy father that he seketh my life 2 And he said vnto him God forbid thou shalt not dye beholde my father wil do nothing great nor smale but he wil shew it me and why shulde my father hide this thing from me he wil not do it 3 And Dauid sware againe and said Thy father knoweth that I haue founde grace in thine eyes therefore he thinketh Iona thán shal not knowe it lest he be sory but in dede as the Lord liueth and as thy soule liueth 〈◊〉 is but a steppe betwene me and death 4 Then said Ionathán vnto Dauid Whatsoe uer thy soule requireth that I wil do vnto thee 5 And Dauid said vnto Ionathán Beholde tomorowe is the first day of the moneth and I shulde sit with the King at meat but let me go that I may hide my selfe in the fields vnto the third day at euen 6 If thy father make men ciō of me thē say Dauid asked leaue of me that he mighte go to Beth-léhē to his owne citie for there is a yerely sacrifice for all that familie 7 And if he say thus It is wel thy seruāt shal haue peace but if he be āgry be sure that wickednes is concluded of him 8 So shalt thou she we mercy vnto thy seruant * for thou hast ioyned thy seruant into a couenant of the Lord with thee if there be in me iniquitie slaye thou me for why shul dest thou bring me to thy father 9 ¶ And Ionathan answered Godkepe that from thee for if I knewe that wickednes were cōcluded of my father to come vpō thee wolde not I tel it thee 10 Then said Dauid to Ionathán Who f shal tel me how shal I knowe if thy father answere thee cruelly 11 And Ionathán said to Dauid Come and let vs go out into the field and they twaine went out into the field 12 Then Ionathàn said to Dauid O Lord God of Israél when I haue groped my fathers minde tomorowe at this time or within this thre dayes and if it bewel with Dauid and I then send not vnto thee and she we it thee 13 The Lord do so and muche more vnto Ionathán but if my father haue minde to do thee euil I wil she we thee also and send thee away that thou maiest go in peace the Lord be with thee as he hathe bene with my father 14 Like wise I require not whiles I 〈◊〉 for I dout not but thou wilt shewe me the mer cy of the Lord that I dye not 15 But I require that thou cut not of thy mer cie from mine house for euer no not whē the Lord hat he destroyed the enemies of Dauid euerie one from the earth 16 So Ionathán made a bōde with the house of Dauid saying Let the Lord require it at the hands of Dauids enemies 17 And againe Ionathán sware vnto Dauid because he loued him for he loued him as his owne soule 18 Then said Ionathán to him Tomorowe is the first day of the mon eth and thou shalt be looked for for thy place shal be empty 19 Therefore thou shalt hide thy selfe thre dayes then thou shalt go downe quicke ly and come to the placewhere thou didest hide thy selfe when this matter was in hād and shalt remaine by the stone Ezél 20 And I wil shoote thre arrowes on the side thereof as thogh I shot at a marke 21 And after I wil send a boy saying Go seke the arrows If I say vnto the boy Se the arrowes are on this side thee bring them and come thou for it is wel with thee no hurt as the Lord liueth 22 But if I say thus vnto the boy Beholde the arrowes are beyonde thee go thy way for the Lord hathe sent the away 23 As touching the thing which thou and I haue spoken of beholde the Lord be betwene thee and me for euer 24 ¶ So Dauid hid him selfe in the field and when the first day of the moneth came the King sate to eat meat 25 And the King sate as at other times vpon his seat euen vpon his seat by the wall and Ionathán arose Abn ér sate by Sauls side but Dauids place was empry 26 And Saúl said nothing that day for he thoght Some thin g hathe be fallen him thoght he were cleane or els because he was not purified 27 But on the morowe which was the secōd day of the moneth Dauids place was emp tie againe and Saūl said vnto Ionathán his sonne Wherefore cōmeth not the son ne of I shái to meat nether yester day nor to day 28 And Ionathán answered vnto Saūl Dauid required of me that he might go to Bethlēhem 29 For he said Let me go I pray thee for our familie offreth a sacrifice in the citie my brother hathe sent for me therefore now if I haue found fauour in thine eyes let me go I pray thee and se my brethrē this is the cause that he cōmeth not vnto the Kings table 30 Then was Saúl angry with Ionathan and said vnto him Thou sonne of the wicked rebellious woman do not I knowe that thou hast chosen the sonne of I shái to thy confusion and to the confusion shame of thy mother 31 For as long as the sonne of Ishái liueth vpon the earth thou shalt not be stablished nor thy kingdome wherefore now send and fet him vnto me for he shal surely dye 32 And Ionathán answered vnto Saúl his father and said vnto him Wherefore shal he dye what hathe he done 33 And Saúl cast a speare at him to 〈◊〉 him whereby Ionathán knewe that it was de termined of his father to slaye Dauid 34 So Ionathán arose frō the table in a great angre and did eat no meat the second day of the moneth for he was sory for Dauid and because his father had reueiled him 35 On the next morning therefore Ionathán wēt out in to the field at the time appoin ted with Dauid and a litle boy with him 36 And he said vnto his boy Runne now seke the arrowes which I shoote and as te boy ran he shot an arrowe beyonde him 37 And when the boy was come to the place where the arrowe was that Ionathán had shot Ionathán cryed after the boy said Is not the arrowe beyond thee 38 And Ionathán cryed after the boy Make spede haste and stand not
anointed but I pray thee ta ke now the speare that is at his head the pot of water and let vs go hence 12 So Dauid toke the speare and the pot of water from Sauls head and thei gate them away no man sawe it not marked it uether did any awake but thei were all a slepe for the Lord had sent a dead slepe vpon them 13 Then Dauid went into the other side and stode on the toppe of an hil a far of a great space being betwene them 14 And Dauid cryed to the people and to Abnér the sonne of Ner saying Hearest thou not Abnér Then Abnér answered and said Who art thou that cryest to the King 15 ¶ And Dauid said to Abnér Artnot thou a man who is like thee in Israél wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord the King for there came one of the folke in to destroye the King thy lord 16 This is not wel done of thee as the Lord liueth ye are worthy to dye because ye haue not kept your master the Lords 〈◊〉 now se where the Kings speare is ād the pot of water that was at his head 17 And Saúl knewe Dauids voyce and said Is this thy voyce mysonne Dauid And Dauid said It is my voyce my lord Ô King 18 And he said Wherefore doeth my lord thus persecute his seruant for what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 done or what euil is in mine hand 19 Now therefore I 〈◊〉 thee let my lord the King heare the wordes of his seruant If the Lord haue stirred thee vp against me let him smel the sauour of a sacrifice but if the children of men haue done it cursed be thei before the Lord for thei haue cast me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the Lord saying Go serue other gods 20 Now therefore let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the Lord for the King of Israél is come out to seke a slye as one wolde hūt a partriche in the moūtaines 21 Then said Saúl I haue sinned come againe my sonne Dauid for I wil do thee nomore harme because my soule was precious in thine eyes this day beholde I haue done foolishly and haue erred excedingly 22 Thē Dauid answered and said Beholde the Kings speare let one of the yong men come ouer and fet it 23 And let the Lord rewarde euerie man accor ding to his righteousnes ād faithfulnes for the Lord had deliuered thee into mine hāds this daie but I wolde not lay mine hād vpon the Lords anointed 24 And beholde like as thy life was muche set by this day in mine eyes so let my life be set by in the eyes of the Lord that he may deliuer me out of all tribulacion 25 Then Saúl said to Dauid Blessed art thou my sonne Dauid for thou shalt do great things and also preuaile So Dauid went his way and Saúl returned to his place CHAP. XXVII 2 Dauid fleeth to Achish King of Gath who giueth him Ziklág 8 Dauid destroyeth certeine of the Philistims 10 Achish is deceyued by Dauid 1 ANd Dauid said in his heart I shal now perish one day by the hand of Saúl is it not better for me that I saue my selfe in the land of the Philistims and that Saúl may haue no hope of me to seke me anie more in all the coastes of Israél and so escape out of his hand 2 Dauid therefore arose and he and the six hundreth men that were with him went vnto Achish the sonne of Maóch King of Gáth 3 And Dauid dwelt with Achish at Gath he and his men euerie man with his housholde Dauid with his two wiues Ahinóam the Izrcelite and Abigáil Nabals wife the Carmelite 4 And it was tolde Saúl that Dauid was fled to Gath so he soght nomore for him 5 And Dauid said vnto Achish If I haue now founde grace in thine eyes let them giue me a place in some other citie of the countrey that I may dwel there for why shulde thy seruant dwel in the head citie of the kingdome with thee 6 Then Achish gaue him Ziklág that same day therefore Ziklág perteineth vnto the Kings of Iudáh vnto this day 7 ¶ And the time that Dauid dwelt in the coūtrey of the Philistims was foure moneths and certeine dayes 8 Then Dauid and his men went vp and inuaded the Geshurites and the Girzites and the 〈◊〉 kites for they inhabited the land from the beginning from the way as thougoest to Shur euen vnto the land of Egypt 9 And Dauid smote the land and left nether man nor woman aliue and toke shepe and oxen and asses and camels and apparel and returned and came to Achish 10 And Achish said Where haue ye bene a rouing this day and Dauid answered Against the Southe of Iudáh and against the Southe of the Ierameelites and against the Southe of the Kenites 11 And Dauid saued nether man nor woman aliue to bring thē to Gath saying Lest they shulde telon vs and say So did Dauid and so wil be his maner all the while that he dwelleth in the countrey of the Philistims 12 And Achish beleued Dauid saying He hathe made his people of Israél vtterly to abhorre him therefore he shal be my seruant for euer CHAP. XXVIII 2 Dauid hathe the chief charge promised about Achish 8 Saul consulteth with a witche and she causeth him to speake with Samuél 18 who declareth his ruine 1 NOw at that time the Philistims assembled their bandes and armie to fight with Israél therefore Achish said to Dauid Be sure thou shalt go out with me to the battel thou and thy men 2 And Dauid said to Achish Surely thou shalt knowe what thy seruant can do And Achish said to Dauid Surely I wil make thee keper of mine head foreuer 3 * Samuél was then dead and all Israél had lamented him and buryed him in Ramáh his owne citie and Saúl had put away the sorcerers and the sothesayers out of the land 4 Then the Philistims assembled them selues and came and pitched in Shunem and Saúl assembled all Israél and they pitched in Gilbóa 5 And when Saúl sawe the hoste of the Philistims he was afrayed and his heart was sore astonied 6 Therefore Saúl asked counsel of the Lord the Lord answered him not nether by drea mes nor by Vrim nor yet by Prophetes 7 ¶ Then said Saúl vnto his seruants Seke me a woman that hathe a familiar spirit that I may go to her and aske of her And his seruants said to him Beholde there is a woman at En-dor that hathe a familiar spirit 8 Then Saúl changed him selfe and put on other raiment and he went two men with him and they came to the woman by night and he said I pray thee coniecture vnto me by the familiar spirit and bring me him vp whome I shal name vnto thee
shal fkatter tge poore and his hands 〈◊〉 restore his substance 11 His bones are ful of the sinne of his youth and shall ye downe with him in the dust 12 Whē wickednes was swete in his mouthe and he did it vnder his tongue 13 And fauoured it and wolde not forsake it but kept it close in his mouth 14 Thē his meat in his bowels was turned the gall of aspes was in the middes of him 15 He hathe deuoured substance and he shall vomit it for God shal drawe it out of his belly 16 He shal sucke the gall of aspes and the vipers tongue shal slaye him 17 He shal not se the riuers nor the floods and streames of hony and butter 18 He shal restore the labour and shal deuoure nomore euen according to the substance shal be his exchange and he shal enioye it nomore 19 For he hathe vndone manie he hathe forsaken the poore and hathe spoiled houses which he buylded not 20 Surely he shal fele no quietnes in his body nether shal he reserue of that which he desired 21 There shal none of his meat be left therefore none shal hope for his goods 22 When he shal be filled with his abundāce he shal be in peine and the hād of all the wicked shal assaile him 23 He shal be about to fil his belly but God shal send vpon him his fearce wrath and I shal cause to raine vpon him euen vpon his meat 24 He shall flee from the yron weapons the bowe of stele shal strike him through 25 The arowe is drawen out and cometh forthe of the body and shineth of his gal so feare cometh vpon him 26 All darkenes shal be hid in hys secret places the fyre that is not blowen shall deuoure him and that which remaineth in his tabernacle shal be destroied 27 The heauen shall declare his wickednes and the earth shal rise vp against him 28 The increase of his house shal go awaye it shal flowe away in the daye of his wrath 29 Thys is the porcion of the wycked man from God and the heritage that he shall haue of God for his wordes CHAP. XXI 7 Iob declareth how the prosperitie of the wicked maketh them proude 15 In so muche that they blaspheme God 16 Their destructiō is at hand 23 None ought to be iudged wicked for affliction nether good for prosperitie 1 BVt Iob answered and said 2 Heare diligently my wordes and thys shal be in stead of your consolations 3 Suffre me that I may speake and when I haue spoken mocke on 4 Do I direct my talke to man If it were so how shulde not my spirit be troubled 5 Marke me and be abashed and laye your hand vpon your mouth 6 Euen when I remember I am afraied and feare taketh holde on my flesh 7 Wherefore do the wicked liue waxe olde and growe in welth 8 Their sede is established in their sight with thē and their generaciō before their eies 9 Their houses are peaceable without feare and the rod of God is not vpon them 10 Their bullocke gēdreth and faileth not their cowe calueth and casteth not her calfe 11 They send forth their childrē like shepe and their sonnes dance 12 They take the tabret and harpe reioyce in the sounde of the organs 13 They spend their daies in welth and sodenly they go downe to the graue 14 Thei say also vnto God Departe from vs for we desire not the knowledge of thy waies 15 Who is the Almightie that we shuld serue him and what profite shulde we haue if we shulde pray vnto him 16 Lo their welth is not in their hand ther fore let the coūsel of the wicked be farre from me 17 How oft shall the candell of the wycked be put out and their destruction come vpō them he wyll deuyde their liues in hys wrath 18 They shal be as stubble before the winde and as chaffe that the storme caryeth away 19 God wil laye vp the sorow of the father for his children when he rewardeth hym he shal knowe it 20 His eies shal se his destruction he shall drinke of the wrath of the Almightie 21 For what pleasure hathe he in hys house afterhim when the nōber of his moneths is cut of 22 Shal any teache GOD knowledge who iudgeth the hiest things 23 One dyeth in his ful strength 〈◊〉 in all ease and prosperitie 24 His breasts are full of milke hys bones runne ful of marowe 25 And another dyeth in the bitternes of his soule and neuer eateth with pleasure 26 They shal slepe bothe in the dust the wormes shal couer them 27 Behold I know your thoghts and the enterprises wherewith ye do me wrong 28 For ye say Where is the princes house where is the Tabernacle of the wickeds dwelling 29 May ye not askethē that go by the way and ye can not denie their signes 30 But the wicked is kept vnto the daye of destruction they shal be broght forth to the day of wrath 31 Who shal declare his waye to his face 〈◊〉 who shall rewarde hym for that he hathe done 32 Yet shall he be broght to the graue remaine in the heape 33 The slimie valley shal be swete vnto him and euerie man shal drawe after him as before him there were innumerable 34 How thē comfort ye me in vayne seyng in your answers there remaine but lyes CHAP. XXII 2 Elipház affirmeth that Iob is punished for hys sinnes 6 He accuseth him of vnmercifulnes 13 And that he denyed Gods prouidence 21 He exhorteth hym to repentance 1 THen Elipház the Temanite answered and said 2 May a man be profitable vnto God as he that is wise may be profitable to hym self 3 * Is it any thing vnto the Almightye that thou arte righteous or is it profitable to him that thou makest thy wayes vpright 4 Is it for feare of thee that he will accuse thee or go with thee in to iudgement 5 Is not thy wickednes great and thine iniquitie innumerable 6 For thou hast taken the pledge from thy brother for noght and spoiled the clothes of the naked 7 To suche as were weary thou hast not giuen water to drinke and hast withdrawen bread from the hungrie 8 But the mightie man had the earthe and he that was in autoritie dwelt in it 9 Thou hast cast out widowes emptye and the armes of the fatherles were broken 10 Therefore snares are round about thee and feare shal sodenly trouble thee 11 Or darkenes that thou shuldest not se abundance of waters shal couer thee 12 Is not God on hie in the heauen and beholde the height of the starres how hye they are 13 But thou saiest How shulde God
and strangely be deiected and abased before his Father shulde raise and exalte him againe ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Auéleth Hassháhar A Psalme of Dauid 1 MY God my God why hast thou forsakē me art so farre from mine health and from the wordes of my roaring 2 O my God I crye by daie but thou hearest not and by night but haue no audience 3 But thou art holie and doest inhabite the praises of Israél 4 Our fathers trusted in thee they trusted and thou didest deliuer them 5 They called vpon thee and were deliuered they trusted in thee and were not cōfoūded 6 But I am a worme and not a man a shame me of men and the contempt of the people 7 All they that se me haue me in derision they make a mowe and nod the head saying 8 * He trusted in the Lord let him deliuer him let him saue him seing he loueth him 9 But thou did est drawe me out of the wombe thou gauest me hoope euen at my mothers breasts 10 I was cast vpon thee euen from the wom be thou art my God from my mothers belly 11 Be not farre frō me because trouble is nere for there is none to helpe me 12 Manie yong bulles haue cōpassed me migh tie bulles of Bashán haue closed me about 13 They gape vpō me with their mouthes as a ramping and roaring lion 14 I am like water powred out and all my bones are out of ioynt mine heart is like waxe it is molten in the middes of my bowels 15 My strēgth is dryed vp like a potsheard and my tongue cleueth to my iawes and thou hast broght me into 〈◊〉 dust of death 16 For dogges haue compassed me and the 〈◊〉 of the wicked haue inclosed me they perced mine hands and my fete 17 I maye tel all my bones yet they beholde and loke vpon me 18 They parte my garments among them and cast lottes vpon my vesture 19 But be not thou farre of ô Lord my strength hasten to helpe me 20 Deliuer my soule from the sworde my desolate soule from the power of the dog 21 Saue me from the lions mouth answer me in sauing me from the hornes of the vni cornes 22 * I wil declare thy Name vnto my brethren in the middes of the Congregacion wil I praise thee saying 23 Praise the Lord ye that feare him magnifie ye him all the sede of Iaakob and feare ye him all the sede of Israél 24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poore net her hathe he hid his face from him but when he called vnto him he heard 25 My praise shal be of thee in the great Congregatiō my vowes will performe before them that feare him 26 The poore shal eat and be satisfied they that seke after the Lord shal praise him your heart shal liue for euer 27 All the ends of the worlde shal remembre them selues and turne to the Lord and all the 〈◊〉 of the nations shal worship before thee 28 For the kingdome is the Lords and he ruleth among the nations 29 All 〈◊〉 that be fat in the earth shal eat and worship all they that go downe into the dust shal bowe before him euen he that can not quicken his owne soule 30 Their sede shal serue him it shal be counted vnto the Lord for a generation 31 They shal come and shal declare his righteousnes vnto a people that shal be borne because he hathe done it PSAL. XXIII 1 Because the Prophet had proued the great mercies of God at diuerse times and in sundriemaners he gathereth a certeine assurance fully persuading himself that God wil continue the verie same goodnes towards him for euer ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 THe Lord is my * shepherd I shal not want 2 He maketh me to rest in grene pasture and leadeth me by the stil waters 3 He restoreth my soule and leadeth me in the paths of righteousnes for his Names 4 Yea thogh I shulde walke through the valley of the shadow of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staffe they comfortme 5 Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of mine aduersaries thou doest anoint mine head with oyle and my cup rūneth ouer 6 Douteles kindenes and mercie shal follow me all the dayes of my life and I shal remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. PSAL. XXIIII 1 Albeit the Lord God 〈◊〉 made and gouerneth all the worlde yet towards his chosen people his 〈◊〉 goodnes 〈◊〉 moste abundantly appeare in that among thē he wil haue his dwelling place VVhich thogh it was appointed among the children of 〈◊〉 yet onely thei do entre aright into this Sanctuarie which are the true worshipers of God purged from the sinful filth of this 〈◊〉 7 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 Gods grace for the buylding of the Temple 〈◊〉 the end he might stirre vp all the faithful to the true seruice of God ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 THe earth * is the Lords and all that therein is the worlde and they that dwel therein 2 For he hathe founded it vpon the seas and established it vpon the floods 3 Who shal ascende into the mountaine of the Lord and who shal stand in his holie place 4 Euen he that hathe innocent hands a pu re heart which hathe not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie nor sworne deceitfully 5 He shal receiue a blessing from the Lord righteousnes frō the God of his saluacion 6 This is the generation of them that seke him of them that seke thy face this is Iaakób Sélah 7 Lift vp your heades ye gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting dores and the King of glorie shal come in 8 Who is this King of glorie the Lord strong mightie euē the Lord mightie in battel 9 Lift vp your heades ye gates lift vp yourselues ye euerlasting dores and the King of glorie shal come in 10 Who is this King of glorie the Lord of hostes he is the King of glorie 〈◊〉 PSAL. XXV 1 The Prophet touched with the consideration of his sinnes and also grieued with the cruel malice of his enemies 6 Prayeth to God moste feruently to haue his sinnes for giuen 7 Especially suche as he had committed in his youth He beginneth 〈◊〉 verse according to the Ebrew letters two or thre except ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 VNto thee ô Lord lift I vp my soule 2 My God I trust in thee let me not be consounded let not mine enemies reioyce ouer me 3 * So all that hope in thee shal not be ashamed but let them be confounded that trās gresse without cause 4 Shew me thy wayes ô Lord teache me thy paths
the measure of my dayes what it is let me knowe how long I haue to liue 5 Beholde thou haste made my dayes as an hand breadth and mine age as nothing in respect of thee surely euery mā in his best state is altogether vanitie Sélah 6 Douteles man walketh in a shadowe and disquieteth him selfe in vaine he heapeth vp riches and can not tell who shall gather them 7 And now Lord what waite I for mine hope is euen in thee 8 Deliuer me from all my transgressions and make me not a rebuke vnto the foolish 9 I shulde haue bene dumme and not haue opened my mouthe because thou didest it 10 Take thy plague away from me for I am consumed by the stroke of thine hand 11 When thou with rebukes doest chastise man for iniquitie thou as a moth makest his beautie to consume surely euerie man is vanitie Sélah 12 Heare my praier ô Lord and hearken vnto my crye kepe not silence at my teares for I am a stranger with thee and a soiourner as all my fathers 13 Stay thine angre from me that I maye recouer my strength before I go hence be not PSAL. XL. 1 Dauid deliuered from great danger doeth magnifie and praise the grace of God for his deliuerance and commēdeth his prouidence towards all mankind 5 Thē doeth he promise to giue him self wholly to Gods seruice and so declareth how God is truely worshiped 14 Afterward he giueth thankes and praiseth God and hauing cōplarned of his enemies with good courage he calleth foraide and succour ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid 1 I Waited paciently for the Lord and he inclined vnto me and heard my crye 2 He broght me also out of the horrible pit out of the myrie claie and set my fete vpon the rocke and ordered my goings 3 And he hath put in my mouth a new song of praise vnto our God manie shal se it and feare and shal trust in the Lord. 4 Blessed is the mā that maketh the Lord his trust and regardeth not the proude nor suche as turne aside to lies 5 O Lord my God thou hast made thy wonderfull workes so manie that none can counte in ordre to thee thy thoghts to ward vs I wolde declare and speake of thē but thei are mo then I am able to expresse 6 Sacrifice and offring thou didest not desire for mine eares hast thou prepared burnt offring and sin offring hast thou not required 7 Then said I Lo I come for in the rolle of the boke it is writen of me 8 I desired to do thy good wil ô my GOD yea thy Law is within mine heart 9 I haue declared thy righteousnes in the great Congregation lo I wil not refreine my lippes ô Lord thou knowest 10 I haue not hid thy ryghteousnes within mine heart but I haue declared thy trueth and thy saluation I haue not cōceiled thy mercie and thy trueth from the great Cōgregation 11 Withdrawe not thou thy tendre mercye frome me ô Lord let thy mercie and thy trueth alway preserue me 12 For innumerable troubles haue compassed me my sinnes haue taken suche holde vpō me that I am not able to loke vp yea thei are mo in nomber then thee heere 's of mine head therefore mine heart hath failed me 13 Let it please thee ô Lord to deliuer me make haste ô Lord to helpe me 14 Let them be confounded put to shame together that seke my soule to destroye it let them be driuen backewarde and put to rebuke that desire mine hurt 15 Let them be destroyed for a rewarde of theyr shame whiche saye vnto me Aha aha 16 Let all them that seke thee reioyce and be glad in thee and let them that loue thy saluation saye alwaye The Lord be praised 17 Thogh I be poore and nedie the LORD thinketh on me thou art mine helper and my deliuerer my God make no tarying PLAL XLI 1 Dauid being grieuously 〈◊〉 blesseth them that pitie his case 9 And complaineth of the treason of hys owne friendes and familiares as came to passe in Iudas Iohn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 After he feling the greate mercies of GOD gentlye 〈◊〉 hym and not sufferynge hys ennemies to triumphe against him 13 Giueth moste heartie thankes vnto God ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid 1 BLessed is he that iudgeth wisely of the poore the Lord shal deliuer him in the time of trouble 2 The Lord wil kepe him and preserue him aliue he shal be blessed vpon the earth and thou wilt not deliuer him vnto the wyll of his enemies 3 The Lord will strengthen him vpon the bed of sorowe thou haste turned all hys bed in his sickenes 4 Therefore I said Lord haue mercie vpon me healemy soule for I haue sinned against thee 5 Mine enemies speak euil of me saying When shal he dye and his name perish 6 And if he come to se me he speaketh lies but his hearte heapeth iniquitie within him and when he cometh sorthe he telleth it 7 All they that hate me whisper together against me euen against me do they imagine mine hurt 8 A mischief is light vpon him and he that lieth shal no more rise 9 Yea my familiar friend whome I trusted which did eat of my bread hathe lifted vp the hele against me 10 Therefore O Lord haue mercie vpon me and raise me vp so I shal rewarde them 11 By this I knowe that thou fauorest me because mine enemie doeth not triumphe against me 12 And as for me thou vp holdest me in mine integritie and doest set me before thy face for euer 13 Blessed be the Lord God of Israél worlde without end So be it euen so be it PSAL. XLII 1 The Propher grieuously complaineth that beinge letted by his persecutors he colde not be present in the Congregaciō of Gods people protesting that althogh he was separated in bodie from thē yet his heart was thither warde affectioned 7 And last of all he sheweth that he was not so farre ouercome with these sorowes and thoghts 8 But that he continually put his confidence in the Lord. ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme to giue instructiō cōmitted to the sonnes of Kōrah 1 AS the hart braieth for the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God 2 My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God 3 My teares haue bene my meate daye and night while they daily say vnto me Where is thy God 4 When I remembred these things I powred out my verie heart because I had gone with the multitude led them in to the House of God with the voice of singīg praise as a multitude the kepeth a feast 5 Why art thou cast downe my soule vnquiet within
dayes but I wil trust in thee PSAL. LVI 1 Dauid being broght to Achish the King of Gath. 2 Sam. 21 12 〈◊〉 of his enemies demandeth succour 3 putteth his 〈◊〉 in God and in his promises 12 And pro miseth to performe his vowes which he had taken vpon him w ere of this was the effect to praise to God him in his charge ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid on Michtám concerning the dūme dooue in a farre countrei when the Philistimstoke him īn Gath. 1 BE merciful vnto me 〈◊〉 God for man wolde swallow me vp he fighteth continnally and vexeth me 2 Mine enemies wolde daiely swallow me vp for manie fight against me ô thou moste High 3 When I was afraied I trusted in thee 4 I wil reioyce in God because of his wordes I trust in GOD and wil not feare what flesh can do vnto me 5 Mine owne wordes grieue me daily all their thoghts are against me to do me hurt 6 They gather together and kepe them selues close thei marke my steppes becau se they waite for my soule 7 They thinke they shal escape by iniquitie ô God cast these people downe in thi ne angre 8 Thou hast counted my wandrings put my teares into thy bottel are they not in thy registre 9 When I crye then mine enemies shal turne backe this I know for God is with me 10 I wil reioyce in God because of his worde in the Lord wil I reioyce because of his worde 11 In God do I trust I wil not be afraied what man can do vnto me 12 Thy vowes are vpon me ô God I wil ren dre praises vnto thee 13 For thou hast deliuered my soule from death and also my fete from falling that I maye walke before God in the light of the liuing PSAL. LVII 1 Dauid being in the 〈◊〉 of Ziph where the inhabitāts did betraýe him and at 〈◊〉 in the same 〈◊〉 with Saúl 2 Calleth moste earnestly vnto God with sul considence that he wil performe his promes and take his cau se in hand 5 Also that he wil shew his glorie in the heauē and earth against the cruel enemies 9 Therefore doeth he rendre laude and praise ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psalme of Dauid on Michtám * When he flex from Saúl in the caue 1 HAue mercie vpon me ô God haue mercie vpon me for my soule trusteth in thee and in the shadow of thy wings wil I trust til these afflictions ouerpasse 2 I wil call vnto the moste high God euen to the God that performeth his promes toward me 3 He wil send from heauen and saue me frō the reprofe of him that wolde swallow me Selah GOD wil send his mercie and his trueth 4 My soule is among lions I lie among the children of mé that are set on fyre whose teeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sworde 5 Exalte thy self ô God aboue the heauen and let thy glorie be vpon all the earth 6 They haue leyed a net for my steppes my soule is pressed downe they haue digged a pit before me and are fallen into the mid des of it Seláh 7 Mine heart is prepared ô God mine heart is prepared I wil sing and giue praise 8 A wake my tongue awake viole and har pe I wil awake early 9 I wil praise thee ô Lord among the people and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations 10 For thy mercie is great vnto the heauens and thy trueth vnto the cloudes 11 Exalt thy self ô God aboue the heauens and let thy glorie be vpon al the earth PSAL. LVIII 1 He describeth the malice of his enemies the slatterers of Saúl who bothe secretly and openly soght his destruction from home he appealeth to Gods iudgement 10 Shew ing that the iuste shal reioyce when they se the punishement of the wicked to the glorie of God ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psal. of Dauid on Michtám 1 IS it true ô Congregacion speake ye iustly o sonnes of men iudge ye vp righ tly 2 Yea rather ye imagine mischiefin your heart your hands execute crueltie vpon the earth 3 The wicked are strangers from the wom be euen from the belly haue they erred and speake lies 4 Their poison is euen like the poison of a serpent like the deafe adder that stoppeth his eare 5 VVhich heareth not the voyce of the in chā ter thogh he be moste expert in charming 6 Breake their teeth ó God in their mouther breake the iawes of the yong lions ô Lord. 7 Let them melt like the waters let them passe away when he shooteth his arrowes let them be as broken 8 Let him consume like a snaile that melteth and like the vntiemelic frute of a womā that hathe not sene the sunne 9 As rawe flesh before your pottes fele the fyre of thornes so let him carie thē away a whirle winde in his wrath 10 The righteous shal reioyce when he seeth the vengeance he shal wash his fete in the blood of the wicked 11 And men shalsay Verely there is frute for the righteous doutles there is a God that iudgeth in the earth PLAL LIX 1 〈◊〉 being in great danger of Saúl who sent to slay him in his bed praverb vnto God 3 Declareth his innocencie and their furie 5 Desiring God to destroye all those that sinne of malicious wickednes 1. Whome thogh he kepe aliue for a time to 〈◊〉 his people yet in the end he wil consume them in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That he maye be knowen to be the God of Iaakób to the end of the worlde 16 For this he singeth praises to God assured of his mercies ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psal. of 〈◊〉 on Michtam * When Saul sent and they did watche the house to kil him 1 O My God deliuer me from mine enemies defend me from them that rise vp against me 2 Deliuer me from the wicked doers and saue me from the blooddie men 3 For lo they haue layed waite for my soule the mightie men are gathered against me not for mine offense not for my sinne ô Lord. 4 They runne prepare thē selnes without a faute on my parte arise therefore to assist me and beholde 5 Euen thou ô Lord God of hostes ô God of Israél awake to visite all the heathē be not merciful vnto all that transgresse maliciously Sélah 6 They go to and fro in the euening they barke like dogs and go about the citie 7 Beholde they brag in their talke and swordes are in their lippes for VVho say they doeth heare 8 But thou ô Lord shalt haue them in derision and thou shalt laugh at all the heathen 9 He is strong but I wil waite vpon thee for God is my defence 10
hinder partes and put them to a perpetual shame 67 Yet he refused the tabernacle of Ioséph and chose not the tribe of Ephráim 68 But chose the tribe of Iudáh and mount Zión which he loued 69 And he buylt his Sanctuarie as an high palace like the earth which he stablished for euer 70 He chose Dauid also his seruant and toke him from the shepefoldes 71 Euen from behinde the ewes with yong broght he him to fede his people in Iaakób and his inheritance in Israél 72 So he fed them according to the simplicitie of his heart and guided thē by the discretion of his hands PSAL. LXXIX 1 The Israelites complaine to God for the great calamitie and oppression that thei suffred by Gods enemies 8 And cōfessing their sinnes flee to Gods mercies with ful hope of deliuerance 10 Because their calamities were ioyned with the contempt of his Name 13 For the which thei promes to be thankeful ¶ A Psalme committed to Asáph 1 O God the heathen are come into thine in heritance thine holie Temple haue they 〈◊〉 and made Ierusalém heapes of stones 2 The dead bodies of thy seruants haue thei giuen to be meat vnto foules of the heauen and the flesh of thy Sainctes vnto the beastes of the earth 3 Their blood haue thei shed like waters round about Ierusalém and there was none 〈◊〉 burye them 4 We are a reproche to our neighbours euen a scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. 5 Lord how long wilt thou be angrie for euer shal thy gelousie burne like fyer 6 * Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathē that haue not knowen thee and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vpon thy Name 7 For thei haue deuoured Iaakób and made his dwelling place desolate 8 Reméber not against vs the former iniquities but make haste let thy tēder mercies preuent vs for we are in great miserie 9 Helpe vs ô God of our saluacion for the glorie of thy Name and deliuer vs and be merciful vnto our sinnes for thy name sake 10 Wherefore shulde the heathen saie Where is their God let him be knowen among the heathen in our sight by the vengeance of the blood of thy seruants that is shed 11 Let the sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to thy mightie arme preserue the children of death 12 And render to our neighbours seuen folde into their bosome their reproche where with they haue reproched thee ô Lord. 13 So wethy people and shepe of thy pasture shal praise thee for euer and frō generation to generation we wil set forthe thy praise PSAL. LXXX 1 A lamentable praier to God to helpe the miseries of his Church 8 Desiring him to consider their first estate when his fauour shined towards them to the intent that he might finish that worke which he had begonne ¶ To him that excelleth on Shoshannim Edúth A Psalme commited to Asáph 1 HEare ô thou Shepherd of Israél thou that leadest Ioséph like shepe shew thy brightenes thou that sittest betwene the Cherubims 2 Before Ephráim and Beniamin Manasséh stirre vp thy streugth and come to helpe vs. 3 Turne vs againe ô God and cause thy face to shine that we maie be saued 4 O Lord God of hostes how long wilt thou be angrie against the praier of thy people 5 Thou hast fed thē with the bread of teares and giuen them teares to drinke with greate measure 6 Thou hast made vs a strife vnto our neigh bours and our enemies laugh at vs among them selues 7 Turne vs againe ô God of hostes cause thy face to shine and we shal be saued 8 Thou hast broght a vine out of Egypt thou hast cast out the heathen and planted it 9 Thou madest roume for it and didest cause it to take roote and it filled the land 10 The moūtaines were couered with the shadow of it the boughs thereof were like the goodlie cedres 11 She stretched out her brāches vnto the Sea and her boughes vnto the Riuer 12 Why hast thou then broken downe her hedges so that all thei which passe by the waie haue plucked her 13 The wilde bore out of the wood hat he destroied it and the wilde beastes of the field haue eaten it vp 14 Returne we beseche thee ô God of hostes loke downe from heauen and beholde and visit this vine 15 And the vine yarde that thy right hand hathe planted and the yong vine which thou madest strong for thy self 16 It is burnt with fyer and cut downe and they 〈◊〉 at the rebuke of thy countenance 17 Let thine hand be vpon the man of thy right hād vpō the sonne of mā whome thou madest strong for thine owne self 18 So wil not we go backe from thee reuiue thou vs and we shal call vpon thy Name 19 Turne vs againe ô Lord God of hostes cause thy face to shine and we shal be saued PSAL. LXXXI 1 An exhortation to praise God bothe in heart and voice for his benefites 8 And to worship him onely 11 God cō dēneth their ingratitude 12 And sheweth what great be nefites thei haue lost through their owne malice ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Gittith A Psalme commited to Asáph 1 SIng ioy fully vnto God our strength sing loude vnto the God of Iaakób 2 Take the song and bring forthe the timbrel the pleasant harpe with the viole 3 Blowe the trūpet in the c newmoone euen in the time appointed at our feast daie 4 For this is a statute for Israél and a Law of the God of Iaak ób 5 He set this in Ioséph for a testimonie whē he came out of the land of Egypt where I heard a language that I vnderstode not 6 I haue withdrawē his shulder from the bur den and his hands haue left the pottes 7 Thou calldest in affliction and I deliuered thee answered thee in the secret of the thunder I proued thee at the waters of Me ribáh Sélah 8 Heare ô my people and I wil protest vnto thee o Israél if thou wilt heark en vnto me 9 Let there be no strange god in thee nether worship thou anie strange God 10 For I am the Lord thy God which broght thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I wil fil it 11 But my people wolde not heare my voyce and Israél wolde none of me 12 So I gaue thē vp into the hardenes of their heart and they haue walked in their owne counsels 13 Oh that my people had hearkened vnto me and Israél had walked in my wayes 14 I wolde sone haue humbled their enemies turned mine hād against their aduersaries 15 The haters of the Lord shuld haue bene subiect vnto him and their time shuld
aloude vnto the rocke of our saluacion 2 Let vs come before his face with prayse let vs sing loude vnto him with psalmes 3 For the Lord is a great God and a greate King 〈◊〉 all gods 4 In whose hand are the depe places of the earth and the heights of the mountaines are his 5 To whome the sea belongeth for he made it and hys handes formed the drye land 6 Come let vs worship and fall downe and 〈◊〉 before the Lord our maker 7 For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the shepe of his hand to daie if ye wil heare his voice 8 Harden not your heart as in 〈◊〉 and as in the daye of Massáh in the wildernes 9 Where your fathers tempted me proued me thogh thei had sene my worke 10 Fortie yeres haue I contended with this generacion and said Thei are a people that erre in heart for thei haue not knowē my wayes 11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath saying Surely they shal not enter into my rest PSAL. XCVI 1 An exhortation bothe to the Iewes and Gētiles to praise God for his mercie And this specially ought to be referred to the kingdome of Christ. 1 SIng vnto the Lord a newe song sing vnto the Lord all the earth 2 〈◊〉 vnto the Lord and praise his Name declare his saluacion from daie to daie 3 Declare his glorie among all nations his wonders among all people 4 For the Lord is great and muche to be praised he is to be feared aboue all gods 5 For all the gods of the people are idols but the Lord made the heauen 6 Strength and glorye are before hym power and beautie are in his Sanctuarie 7 Giue vnto the Lord ye families of the people giue vnto the Lord glorie and power 8 Giue vnto the Lord the glorie of his name bring an offring and entre into his courtes 9 Worship the Lord in the glorious Sāctuarie tremble before him all the earth 10 Saie among the nations The Lord reigneth surely the worlde shal be stable and not moue and he shal iudge the people in righteousnes 11 Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad let the sea roare and all that therein is 12 Let the field be ioyful and all that is in it let all the trees of the wood then reioyce 13 Before the Lorde for he commeth for he commeth to iudge the earth he wil iudge the worlde with right cousnes the people in his trueth PSAL. XCVII 1 The Prophet exhorteth all to reioyce for the comming of the kingdome of Christ. 7 Dreadful to the rebels and idolaters 8 And ioyful to the iust whome he exhorteth to innocencie 12 To reioycing and thankesgiuing 1 THe Lord reigneth let the earth reioy ce let the multitude of theyles be glad 2 Cloudes and darkenes are round about him righteousnes and iudgemēt are the fundation of his throne 3 There shall go a fyer before him burne vp his enemies round about 4 His lightnings gaue light vnto the world the earth sawe it and was afraid 5 The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth 6 The heauens declare his righteousnes all the people se his glorie 7 Confounded be all thei that serue grauē images and that glorie in idoles worship him allye gods 8 Zión heard of it and was glad and the daughters of Iudáh reioyced because of thy iudgements ô Lord. 9 For thou Lord arte moste high aboue all the earth thou art muche exalted aboue all gods 10 Ye that loue the Lord hate euil he preserueth the soules of his Saints he will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked 11 Light is sowen for the righteous ioye for the vpright in heart 12 Reioyce ye righteous in the Lord giue thankes for his holie remembrance PSAL. XCVIII 1 An earnest exhortation to all creatures to praise the Lord for his power mercie and fidelitie in his promes by Christ 10 By whome he hathe communicated his saluaciō to all nations ¶ A Psalme 1 SIng vnto the Lord a new song for he hath done maruelous things * his right hand and his holie arme haue gottē him the victorie 2 The Lord declared his saluatiō his righteousnes hathe he reueiled in the sight of the nations 3 He hathe remembred his mercie and hys trueth towarde the house of Israél all the ends of the earth haue sene the saluation of our God 4 All the earth singye loude vnto the Lord crye out and reioyce and sing praises 5 Sing praise to the Lord vpon the harpe euen vpō the harpe with a singing voice 6 With shalmes and sounde of trumpets sing loude before the Lord the King 7 Let the sea roare all that the rein is the worlde and thei that dwell therein 8 Let the floods clap their hands let the mountaines reioyce together 9 Before the Lord for he is come to iudge the earth with righteousnes shal he iudge the worlde and the people with equitie PSAL. XCIX 1 He commandeth the power equitie and excellēcie of the kingdome of God by Christ ouer the Iewes and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And prouoketh them to magnifie the same and to serue the Lord 6 Following the 〈◊〉 of the ancient Fathers Mosés Aarón Samuél who calling vpon God were heard 〈◊〉 their praiers 1 THe Lord reigneth let the people trēble he sitteth betwene the * Cherubims let the earth be moued 2 The Lord is greate in Zión and he is high aboue all the people 3 Thei shal praise thy greate and fearefull Name for it is holie 4 And the Kings power that loueth iudgemēt for thou hast prepared equitie thou hast execute diudgement and iustice in Iaakōb 5 Exalt the Lord our God and fall downe before his fotestole for he is holie 6 Mosés and Aarón were among his Priests and Samuél among suche as call vpon his Name these called vpon the Lord and he heard them 7 He spake vnto them in the cloudie piller thei kept his testimonies and the Lawe that he gaue them 8 Thou heardest them ô Lord our God thou wast a fauourable God vnto them thogh thou didest take vengeance for theyr inuentions 9 Exalt the Lord our GOD and fall downe before his holie Mountaine for the Lord our God is holie PSAL. C. 1 He exhorteth all to serue the Lord. 3 who hathe chosen vs and preserued vs. 4 And to entre into his assemblies to praise his Name ¶ A Psalme of praise 1 SIng ye loude vnto the Lord all the earth 2 Serue the Lord with gladnes come before him with ioyfulnes 3 Knowe ye that euen the Lord is GOD he hathe made vs and not we our selues we are his
hostes ye his ser uants that do his pleasure 22 Praise the Lord allye his workes in all pla ces of his dominion my soule praise thou the lord PSAL. CIIII. 1 An excellent Psalme to praise God for the creation of the worlde and the gouernance of the same by his maruelous prouidence 35 wherein the Prophet praieth against the wicked who are occasions that God diminished his blessings ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 MY soule praise thou the Lord ô Lord my God thou are exceding great thou art clothed with glorie and honour 2 Which couereth him self with light as with a garment and spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine 3 Which laieth the beames of his chābers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his chariot and walketh vpon the wings of the winde 4 Which maketh the spirits his messengers and a flaming fyre his ministers 5 He set the earth vpon her fundations so that it shal neuer moue 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe as with a garment the waters wolde stand aboue the mountaines 7 But at thy rebuke thei flee at the voice of thy thunder thei haste awaie 8 And the mountaines ascend and the valleis descend to the place which thou hast established for them 9 But thou hast set thē a bonde which thei shal not passe thei shal not returne to co uer the earth 10 He sendeth the springs into the valleis which runne betwene the mountaines 11 Thei shal giue drinke to all the beastes of the field and the wilde asses shal quenche their thirst 12 By these springs shal the foules of the hea uen dwell and sing among the branches 13 He watereth the mountaines from his chambers and the earth is filled with the frute of thy workes 14 He causeth grasse to growe for the cattel and herbe for the vse of mā that he maie bring forthe bread out of the earth 15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man and oyle to make the face to shine and bread that strengtheneth mans heart 16 The high trees are satisfied euē the cedres of Lebanón which he hathe planted 17 That the bordes maie make their nestes there the 〈◊〉 dwelleth in the firre trees 18 The high mountaines are for the goates the rockes are are fuge for the conies 19 He 〈◊〉 the moone for certeine sea soo the sunne knoweth his going downe 20 Thou makest darkenes and it is night wherein all the beastes of the forest crepe forthe 21 The lions roare after their praie and seke their meate at God 22 When the sunne riseth they retire and couche in their dennes 23 Then goeth man forthe to his worke to his labour vntil the euening 24 O Lord how manifolde are thy workes in wisdome hast thou made them all the earth is ful of thy riches 25 So is this sea great and wide for therein are things creping innumerable bothe smale beastes and great 26 There go the shippes yea that Liuiathan whome thou hast made to plaie therein 27 All these waite vpon thee that thou maiest giue them fode in due season 28 Thou giuest it to them and thei gather it thou openest thine hād and thei are filled with good things 29 But if thou hide thy face thei are troubled if thou take awaie their breath they dye and returne to their dust 30 Againe if thou send forthe thy spirit thei are created and thou renuest the face of the earth 31 Glorie be to the Lord for euer let the Lord reioyce in his workes 32 He loketh on the earth and it trembleth he toucheth the mountaines thei smoke 33 I wil sing vnto the Lord all my life I wil praise my God while I liue 34 Let my wordes be acceptable vnto him I wil reioyce in the Lord. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth and the wicked til there be nomore ômy soule praise thou the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CV 1 He praiseth the singular grace of God who hathe of all the people of the worde chosen a peculiar people to him self and hauing chosen them neuer ceaseth to do them good euen for his promes sake 1 PRaise the Lord and call vpon his Name declare his workes among the people 2 Sing vnto him sing praise vnto him and talke of all his wonderous workes 3 Reioyce in his holie Name let the heart of them that seke the Lord reioyce 4 Seke the Lord and his strength seke his face continually 5 Remembre his maruelous workes that he hathe done his wonders and the iudgements of his mouth 6 Ye sede of Abrahám his seruant ye children of Iaakōb which are his elect 7 He is the Lord our God his iudgemēts are through all the earth 8 He hathe alwaie remembred his couenant and promes that he made to a thousand generacions 9 Euen that which he made with Abrahā and his othe vnto Izhák 10 And since hathe confirmedit to Iaakōb for a law and to Israél for an euerlasting couenant 11 Saying Vnto thee wil I giue the land of Canáan the lot of your inheritance 12 Albeit thei were fewe in nomber yea verie fewe and strangersin the land 13 And walked about from nacion to nacion from one kingdome to another people 14 Yet suffred he no man to do them wrong but reproued Kings for their sakes saying 15 Touche not mine anointed and do my Prophetes no harme 16 Moreouer he called a famine vpon the lād and vtterly brake the staf of bread 17 But he sent a man before them Ioséph was solde for a slaue 18 Theihelde his fete in the stockes and he was laied in yrons 19 Vntil his appointed time came and the counsel of the Lord had tryed him 20 The King sent and losed him euen the Ru ler of the people deliuered him 21 He made him Lord of his house and ruler of all his substance 22 That he shulde binde his princes vnto his wil and teache his Ancients wisdome 23 Then Israél came to Egypt and Iaakob was a stranger in the land of Ham 24 And he increased his people excedingly made them stronger then their oppressers 25 He turned their heart to hate his people and to deale craftely with his seruants 26 Then sent he Mosés his seruant and Aarón whome he had chosen 27 Thei shewed among them the message of his signes and wonders in the land of Ham 28 He sent darkenes and made it darke and thei were not disobedient vnto his commission 29 * He turned their waters into blood and slewe their fish 30 * Their land broght forthe frogs euen in their Kings chambers 31 He spake and there came swarmes of flies and lice in all their quarters 32 He gaue them haile for raine and flames of fyer in their land 33 He smote their vines also and
mouth kepe the dore of my lippes 4 Incline not mine heart to euil that I shulde cōmit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie and letme not eat of their delicates 5 Let the righteous smite me for that is a benefite let him reproue me it shal be a precious oyle that shal not breake mine head for within a while I shal euen praie in their miseries 6 When theiriudges shal be cast downe in stonie places they shal heare my wordes for they are swete 7 Our bones lie scattered at the graues mouth as he that he weth wood or diggeth in the earth 8 But mine eyes loke vnto thee ô Lord God in thee is my trust leaue not my soule destitute 9 Kepe me from the snare which they haue laied for me and from the grēnes of the wor kers of iniquitie 10 Let the wicked fall into his nettes together whiles I escape PSAL. CXLII 1 The Prophet nether astonied with feare nor caried awaie with angre nor forced by desperation wolde kil Saúl but with a quiet 〈◊〉 directed his earnest praier to God who did preserue him ¶ A Psalme of Dauid to giue instruction and a prayer when he was in the caue 1 I Cryed vnto the Lord with my voyce with my voyce I praied vnto the Lord. 2 I powred out my meditacion before him declared mine affliction in his presence 3 Thogh my spirit was in perplexitie in me yet thou knewest my path in the waie whe rein I walked haue thei priuely laied a snare for me 4 I loked vpon my right hand behelde but there was none that wolde knowe me all refuge failed me none cared for my soule 5 Then cryed I vnto thee ô Lord and said Thou art mine hope my porcion in the land of the liuing 6 Hearken vnto my crye for I am broght verie lowe deliuer me from my persecuters for thei are to strong for me 7 Bring my soule out of prison that I maie praise thy Name then shal the righteous come about me when thou art beneficialvn to me PSAL. CXLIII 1 An earnest praier for remission of sinnes acknowledging that the enemies did thus 〈◊〉 persecute him by Gods iust iudgement 8 He desireth to be restored to grace 10 To be gouerned by his holie Spirit that he maie spen de the remnant of his life in the true feare and seruice of God ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 HEare my praier ô Lord and hearken vnto my supplication answer me in thy trueth and in thy righteousnes 2 And entre not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shal none that liueth be iustified 3 For the enemie hathe persecuted my soule he hathe smiten my life downe to the earth he hathe laied me in the darkenes as thei that haue bene dead long ago 4 And my spirit was in perplexitie in me and mine heart within me was amased 5 Yet do I remember the time past I 〈◊〉 te in all thy workes yea I do meditate in the workes of thine hands 6 I stretche forthe mine hands vnto thee my soule desireth after thee as the thirstie land Sélah 7 Heare me spedely ô Lord for my spirit fealeth hide not thy face from me els I shal be like vnto them that go downe into the pit 8 Let me heare thy louing kingdenes in the morning for in thee is my trust she we me the waie that I shulde walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee 9 Deliuer me ô Lord from mine enemies for I hid me with thee 10 Teache me to do thy wil for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me vnto the land of righteousnes 11 Quicken me ô Lord for thy Names sake and for thy righteousnes bring my soule out of trouble 12 And for thy mercie slay mine enemies destroie all them that oppresse my soule for I am thy seruant PLAL CXLIIII 1 He praiseth the Lord with great affection and humilitie for his kingdome restored and for his victories obteined 5 Demanding helpe and the destruction of the wicked 9 Promising to acknowledge the same with songs of praises 15 And declareth wherein the felicitie of anie people consisteth ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 BLessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth mine hands to fight and my fingers to battel 2 He is my goodnes my fortres my tower my deliuerer my shield in him I trust which subdueth my people vnder me 3 Lord what is man that thou regardest him or the sonne of man that thou thinkest vpon him 4 Man is like to vanitie his daies are like a shadowe that vanisheth 5 Bowe thine heauens ô Lord come dow ne touche the moūtaines thei shal smoke 6 Cast forthe the lightening and scatter them shote out thine arrowes and consume them 7 Send thine hand from aboue deliuerme take me out of the great waters and from the hand of strangers 8 Whose mouth talketh vanitie their right hand is a right hand of falsehode 9 I wil sing a newe song vnto thee ô God and sing vnto thee vpon a viole and an in strument of ten strings 10 It is he that giueth deliuerāce vnto Kings and rescueth Dauid his seruant from the hurtful sworde 11 Rescue me and deliuerme from the hand of strangers whose mouth talketh vanitie and their right hand is a right hād of falsehode 12 That our sonnes maye be as the 〈◊〉 plantes growing vp in their youth and our daughters as the corner stones grauen after the similitude of a palace 13 That our corners may be ful and abunding with diuers sortes and that our shepe may bring forthe thousands ten thousand in our stretes 14 That our oxen may be strong to labour that their be none inuasion nor going out nor no crying in our stretes 15 Blessed are the people that be so yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. PSAL. CXLV This Psalme was composed when the kingdome of Dauid florished 1 VVherein he describeth the wonderful pro uidence of God aswel in gouerning man as in preseruing all the rest of his creatures 17 He praiseth God for his iustice and mercie 18 But specially for his louing kindenes toward those that call vpon him that feare him and loue him 21 For the which he promiseth to praise him for euer ¶ A Psalme of Dauid of praise 1 O My God and King I wil extoll thee and wil blesse thy Name for euer and euer 2 I wil blesse thee daily and praise thy Name for euer and euer 3 Great is the Lord and moste worthie to be praised and his greatnes is incompre hensible 4 Generation shal praise thy workes vnto generation and declare thy power 5 I wil meditate of the beautie of thy
the strange woman euen from the stranger whiche flattereth with her wordes 17 Which for saketh the guide of her youth and forgetteth the couenant of her God 18 Surely her house tendeth to death and her paths vnto the dead 19 All thei that go vnto her returne not againe nether take they holde of the waies of life 20 Therfore walke thou in the waie of good men and kepe the waies of the righteous 21 For the iust shall dwell in the land the vpright men shal remaine in it 22 But the wicked shal be cut of frō the earth the transgressers shal be rooted out of it CHAP. III. 1 The worde of God giueth life 5 Trustin God 7 Feare him 9 Honour him 11 Suffre his correction 22 To thē that followe the worde of God all thinges shall succede well 1 MY sonne forget not thou my law but let thine heart kepe my cōmādemēts 2 For thei shal increase the length of thy daies the yers of life thy prosperitie 3 Let not mercie and trueth for sake thee binde them on thy necke write them vpon the table of thine heart 4 So shalt thou finde fauour good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man 5 ¶ Trust in the Lord with all thine hearte and leane not vnto thine owne wisdome 6 In all thy waies acknowledge him and he shal direct thy waies 7 ¶ Be not wise in thine owne eyes but feare the Lord and departe from euil 8 So health shal be vnto thy nauel and marow vnto thy bones 9 Honour the Lord with thy riches with the first frutes of all thine increase 10 So shal thy barnes be filled with abundāce thy presses shal burst with new wine 11 ¶ My sonne refuse not the chastening of the Lord nether be grieued with his correction 12 * For the Lord correcteth him whome he loueth euen as the father doeth the child in whome he deliteth 13 Blessed is the man that findeth wisdome and the man that getteth vnderstanding 14 For the marchandise thereof is better thē the marchandise of siluer and the gayne thereof is better then golde 15 It is more precious then pearls and all things that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her 16 Lēgth of daies is in her right hand in her left hand riches and glorie 17 Her waies are waies of pleasure and all her paths prosperitie 18 She is a tre of life to them that laie holde on her blessed is he that reteineth her 19 The Lord by wisdome hath laied the fūdacion of the earthe and hathe stablished the heauens through vnderstanding 20 By his knowledge the deapths are brokē vp the cloudes droppe downe the dewe 21 My sonne let not the 〈◊〉 thinges depart from thine eies but obserue wisdome counsel 22 So thei shal be life to thy soule and grace vnto thy necke 23 Then shalt thou walke safely by thy waie and thy fote shal not stumble 24 If thou sleapest thou shalt not be afraied whē thou slepest thy slepe shal be swete 25 Thou shalt not feare for anie suddē feare nether for the destructiō of the wicked when it cometh 26 For the Lord shal be for thine assurance shal preserue thy fote from taking 27 ¶ Withholde not the good frome the owners thereof thogh there be power in thine hand to do it 28 Saie not vnto thy neighbour Go come againe and to morowe will I giue thee if thou now haue it 29 ¶ Intēde none hurt against thy neigbour seīg he doeth dwel without feare by thee 30 ¶ Striue not with a man causeles whē he hathe done thee no harme 31 ¶ Be not enuious for the wicked mā nether chuse anie of his waies 32 For the froward is abominaciō vnto the Lord but his secret is with the righteous 33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked but he blesseth the habitation of the righteous 34 With the skorneful he skorneth but he giueth grace vnto the humble 35 The wise shal in herite glorie but fooles dishonour thogh they be exalted CHAP. IIII. 1 Wisdome and her frutes ought to be searched 14 The way of the wicked must be refused 20 By the worde of God the heart eyes and course of life must be guided 1 HEare ôye children the instruction of a father and giue eare to learne vnderstanding 2 For I do giue you a good doctrine therefore forsake ye not my law 3 For I was my fathers sonne tender and dere in the sight of my mother 4 When he taught me and said vnto me Let thine heart holde fastmy wordes kepe my commandements and thou shalt liue 5 Get wisdome get vnderstāding forget not nether decline frō the wordes of my mouth 6 Forsake her not and she shall kepe thee loue her and she shal preserue thee 7 Wisdome is the beginning get wisdome therfore and aboue all thy possessiō get vnderstanding 8 Exalt her and she shalt exalt thee she shall bring thee to honour if thou embrace her 9 She shall gyue a comelie ornament vnto thine head yea she shall giue thee a crowne of glorie 10 ¶ Heare my sonne and receiuemy wordes and the yeres of thy life shal be manie 11 I haue taught thee in the waie of wisdome and led thee in the paths of righteousnes 12 Whē thou goest thy gate shal not be strait and when thou runnest thou shalt not fal 13 Take holde of instruction and leaue not kepe her for she is thy life 14 ¶ Entre not into the way of the wicked and walke not in the waie of euil men 15 Auoide it and go not by it turne from it and passe by 16 For thei can not slepe excepte thei haue done euil their slepe departeth except thei cause some to fall 17 For they eat the bread of wickednes drinke the wine of violence 18 But the way of the righteous shineth as the light that shineth more and more vnto the perfite daie 19 The waie of the wicked is as the darkenes they knowe not wherein thei shal fal 20 ¶ My sonne hearkē vnto my wordes encline thine eare vnto my sayings 21 Let thē not departe from thine eies but kepe them in the middes of thine heart 22 Forthei are life vnto those that finde thē and helthe vnto all their flesh 23 Kepe thine heart with all deligence for thereout cometh life 24 Put awaie from thee a frowarde mouth put wicked lippes farre from thee 25 Let thine eyes beholde the right and let thine eyeliddes direct thy way before thee 26 Pondre the path of thy fete and let all thy waies be ordred aright 27 Turne not to the right hande nor to the left but remoue thy fote from euil CHAP. V. 3 Whoredome forbiddé
we haue 〈◊〉 in peine as thogh we shulde haue broght forthe win de there was no helpe in the earth nether did the inhabitants of the worlde fall 19 ¶ Thy dead men shal liue euen with my bodie shal thei rise A wake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy dewe is as the dewe of herbes the earth shal cast out the dead 20 Come my people entre thou into thy chā bers ād shutte thy dores after thee hide thy self for a very litle while vntil the indignacion passe ouer 21 For lo the Lord cometh out of his place to visite the iniquitie of the inhabitants of the earth vpon them and the earth shal disclose her blood shal no more hide her slayne CHAP. XXVII A prophecie against the kingdome of Satán 2 And of the ioye of the Church for their deliuerance 1 IN that day the Lord with his sore and great and mightie sworde shal visite Liuiathán that percing serpent euen Liuiathā that croked serpent and he shal slay the dragon that is in the sea 2 In that day sing of the vineyarde of red wine 3 i the Lord do kepe it I wil watter it euery moment lest anie assaile it I wil kepe it night and day 4 Angre is not in me who wolde set the briers and the thornes against me in battel I wolde go through them I wolde burne them together 5 Or wil he fele my strength that he may ma ke peace with me and be at one with me 6 Here after Iaakôb shal take rote Israél shal florish and growe and the worlde shal be filled with frute 7 Hathe he smittē him as he smote these that smote him or is he flayne according to the slaughter of them that were slayne by him 8 In measure in the branches thereof wilt thou cōtēd with it whē he bloweth with his rough winde in the day of the East winde 9 By this therefore shal the iniquitie of Iaakôb be purged and this is all the frute the taking away of his sinne when he shal make all the stones of the altars as chalke stones broken in pieces that the groues and images may not stand vp 10 Yet the defensed citie shal be desolate and the habitacion shal be forsaken left like a wildernes Therē shal the calfe fede and there shal he lie and consume the branches thereof 11 When the boughs of it are drye they shal be broken the women come and set them on fyre for it is a people of none vnderstanding therefore he that made them shal not haue compassion of them he that formed them shal haue no mercie on them 12 And in that day shal the Lord thresh from the chanel of the Riuer vnto the riuer of Egypt and ye shal be gathered one by one ô children of Israél 13 In that day also shal the great trumpe be blowen and they shal come which perished in the land of Asshúr and they that were cha sed into the land of Egypt and they shal wor ship the Lord in the holy mount at Ierusalém CHAP. XXVIII Against the pride and dronkennes of Israél 9 The vntowardnes of them that shulde learne the worde of God 24 God doeth all things in time and place 1 WO to the crowne of pride the dronkards of Ephrim for his glorious beautie shal be a fading floure which is vpō the head of the valley of them that be fat and are ouercome with wine 2 Beholde the Lord hathe a mightie strōg hoste like a tempest of haile and a whirlwinde that ouerthroweth like a tempest of mightie waters that ouerflowe which throwe to the grounde mightely 3 They shal be troden vnderfote euen the crowne and the pride of the dronkards of Ephráim 4 For his glorious beautie shal be a fading flou re which is vpon the head of the vallei of them that be fat and as the hastie frute afore sommer which whē he that loketh vpō it seeth it while it is in his hand he eateth it 5 In that day shal the Lord of hostes be for a crowne of glorie and for a diademe of beautie vnto the residue of his people 6 And for a spirit of iudgement to him that sit teth in iudgemēt and for strength vnto thē that turne away the battel to the gate 7 But thei haue erred because of wine and are out of the way by strōg drinke the Priest and the Prophet haue erred by strong drinke they are swallowed vp with wine they haue gone astray through strong drinke thei faile in vision thei stomble in iudgement 8 For all their tables are ful of filth yvomiting no place is cleane 9 Whome shal be teache knowledge and whome shal be make to vnderstād the things that he heareth them that are weined from the milke and drawen from the breasts 10 For precept must be vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle 11 For with a stammering tongue and with a strange language shal he speake vnto this people 12 Vnto whome he said This is the rest giue rest to him that is wearie and this is the refreshing but thei wolde not heare 13 Therefore shal the worde of the Lord be vnto them precept vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle that they may go and fall backewarde and be broken and be snared and be taken 14 Wherefore heare the worde of the Lord ye scorneful men that rule this people which is at Ierusalém 15 Because ye haue said we haue made a couenant with death and with hell are we at agrement thogh a scourge runne ouer and passe through it shal not come at vs for we haue made falshode our refuge and vnder vanitie are we hid 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Be holde I wil lay in Ziôn a stone a tryed stone a precious corner stone a sure fund acion He that beleueth shal not make haste 17 Iudgement also wil I laye to the rule righ teousnes to the balance and the haile shal swepe away the vaine confidence and the waters shal ouerflowe the secret place 18 And your couenant with death shal be disanulled and your agrement with hel shal not stand when a scourge shal runne ouer passe through then shall ye be trodde downe by it 19 When it passeth ouer it shall take you away for it shal passe through euerie morning in the day and in the night there shal be onelye feare to make you to vnderstand the hearing 20 For the bed is 〈◊〉 that it can not suffise and the couering naro we that one cā not wrap him self 21 For the Lord shall stand as in mount Perazim he
me ô Iaakôb Israél my called I am I am the first and I am the last 13 Surely mine hand hathe layed the fundaciō of the earth and my right hand hathe spanned the heauen when I call them they stād vp together 14 All you assemble your selues and heare whiche among them hathe declared these things The Lord hath loued him he wil do his wil in Babél and his arme shal be against the Chaldeans 15 I euen I haue spoken it and I haue called him I haue broght him and his waye shal prosper 16 Come nere vnto me heare ye this I haue not spoken it in secret from the beginning from the time that the thing was I was there and now the Lord God and his spirit hathe sent me 17 Thus saith the Lord thy redemer the Holie one of Israél I am the Lord thy God whiche teache thee to profite and lead thee by the waye that thou shuldest go 18 Oh that thou hadest he arkened to my commandements then had thy prosperitie bene as the flood and thy righteousnes as the waues of the sea 19 Thy sede also had bene as the sande and the frute of thy bodie like the grauel thereof his name shulde not haue bene cut of nor destroyed before me 20 Goye out of Babél flee ye from the Chal deans with a voyce of ioye tel and declare this shewe it forthe to the end of the earth saye ye The Lord hathe redemed his seruant Iaakôb 21 And they were not thirstie he led them through the wildernes he caused the waters to flowe out of the rocke for thē for he claue the rocke and the water gushed out 22 There is no peace saith the Lord vnto the wicked CHAP. XLIX The Lord exhorteth all nacions to beleue his promises 6 Christ is the saluacion of all that beleue and wil deliuer them from the tyrannie of their enemies 1 HEare ye me ô yles and hearken people from farre The Lord hathe called me from the wombe and made mencion of my name from my mothers bellie 2 And he hathe made my mouth like a sharpe sworde vnder the shadowe of his hand hathe he hid me and made me a chosen shafte and hid me in his quiuer 3 And said vnto me Thou art my 〈◊〉 Israél for I wil be glorious in thee 4 And I said I haue labored in vaine I haue spent my strength in vaine and for nothing but my iudgement is with the Lord and my worke with my God 5 And now saith the Lord that formed me frō the wombe to be his seruant that I maye bring Iaak ób againe to him thogh Israél be not gathered yet shal I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my GOD shal be my strength 6 And he said It is a smale thing that thou shul dest be my seruant to raise vp the tribes of Iaakób and to restore the desolations of Israél I wil also giue thee for a light of the Gentiles that thou maiest be my saluacion vnto the end of the worlde 7 Thus saith the Lord the redemer of Israél and his Holie one to him that is despised in soule to a nation that is abhorred to a seruant of rulers Kings shal se and arise and princes shal worship because of the Lord that is faithful and the Holie one of Israél which hathe chosen thee 8 Thus saith the Lord In an acceptable time haue I heard thee and in a day of saluacion haue I helped thee and I wil preserue thee and wil giue thee for a couenant of the people that thou maiest raise vp the earth and obteine the inheritance of the desolate heritages 9 That thou maiest say to the prisoners Go forthe and to them that are in darkenes Shewe your selues they shal fede in the wayes and their pastures shal be in all the toppes of the hilles 10 They shal not be hungrie nether shal they by thirstie nether shal the heat smite thē nor the sunne for he that hath compassion on them shal lead them euen to the springs of waters shal be driue them 11 And I wil make all my mountaines as a way and my paths shal be exalted 12 Beholde these shal come from farre and lo these from the North and from the West these from the land of Sinim 13 Reioyce ô heauens and be ioyful ô earth brast forthe in to prayse ô mountaines for God hathe comforted his people and wil ha ue mercie vpon his afflicted 14 But Zión said The Lord hathe for saken me and my Lord hathe forgotten me 15 Can a woman forgether childe and not ha ue compassion on the sonne of her wombe thogh they shulde forget yet wil I not forget thee 16 Beholde I haue grauen thee vpon the palme of mine hands thy walles are euer in my sight 17 Thy buylders make haste thy destroyers and they that made thee waste are departed from thee 18 Lift vp thine eyes rounde about beholde all these gather them selues together and come to thee as I liue saith the LORDE thou shalt surely put thē all vpon thee as a garment and gird thy self with them like a bride 19 For thy desolation and thy waste places thy lād destroyed shal surely be now narrow for them that shal dwell in it they that did deuoure thee shal be farre away 20 The children of thy barennes shal say againe in thine eares The place is straict for me giue place to me that I may dwell 21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart Who hath begotten me these seing I am baren and desolate a captiue and a wanderer to and fro who hathe nourished them beholde I was left alone whence are these 22 Thus saith the Lord God Beholde I wil lift vp mine hand to the Gentiles and set vp my stādart to the people and they shal bring thy sonnes in their armes and thy daughters shal be caryed vpon their shoulders 23 And Kings shal be thy nourcing fathers Quenes shal be thy nources they shal worship thee with their faces toward the earth and licke vp the dust of thy fete and thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord for they shal not be ashamed that waite for me 24 Shal the praye be taken from the mightie or the iust captiuitie deliuered 25 But thus saith the Lord Euen the captiuitie of the mightie shal be taken awaye the praie of the tyrant shal be deliuered for I wil contēd with him that contendeth with thee and I wil saue thy children 26 And wil fede them that spoile thee with their owne flesh and they shal be drunken with their owne blood as with swete wine all flesh shal knowe that I the Lord am thy Sauiour and thy redemer the mightie one of Iaakōb CHAP. L. 1 The Iewes
according to the burning for thy fathers the for mer Kings which were before thee so shal thei burne odours for thee and thei shal 〈◊〉 thee saying Oh lord for I haue pronounced the worde saith the Lord. 6 Then Ieremiáh the Prophet spake all these wordes vnto Zedekiáh King of Iudáh in Ierusalém 7 When the King of Babels hoste foght against Ierusalém and against all the cities of Iudáh that were left euen against Lachish and against Azekáh for these strong cities remained of the cities of Iudáh 8 This is the worde that came vnto Ieremiáh from the Lord after that the King Zedekiáh had made a couenāt with all the people which were at Ierusalém to proclaime liberte vnto them 9 That euerie man shulde let his seruant go fre 〈◊〉 man his handmaide which was an Ebrue or an Ebruesse that none shulde serue him selfe of them to wit of a Iewe his brother 10 Now when all the princes all the people whiche had agreed to the couenant heard that euerie one shulde let his seruāt gofre and euerien ne his handmaide and that none shulde serue them selues of them any more thei obeied and let them go 11 But afterwarde thei repented and caused the seruants and the handmaids whome thei had let go fre to returne and helde them in subiection as seruants handmaides 12 Therefore the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremiáh from the Lord saying 13 Thus saith the Lord God of Israél I made a couenāt with your fathers whē I broght them out of the land of Egypt out of the house of seruants saying 14 * At the terme of seuen yeres let ye go euerie man his brother an Ebrewe whiche hathe bene solde vnto thee when he ha the serued thee six yeres thou shalt let him go fre from thee but your fathers obeied me not nether inclined their eares 15 And ye were now turned and had done right in my sight in proclaiming libertie euerie mā to his neighbour and ye had made a couenant before me in the House whereupon my Name is called 16 But ye repented and polluted my Name for ye haue caused euerie man his seruant and euerie man his handmaide whome ye had set at libertie at their pleasure to re turne and holde them in subiection to be vnto you as seruants and as handmaides 17 Therefore thus saith the Lord Ye haue not obeied me in proclaiming fredome euerie man to his brother and euerie man to his neighbour beholde I proclaime a libertie for you saith the Lord to the swor de to the pestilence and to the famine and I wil make you a terrour to all the kingdomes of the earth 18 And I wil giue those men that haue broken my couenant and haue not kept the wordes of the couenant whiche thei had made before me when thei cut the calfe in twaine and passed betwene the partes thereof 19 The princes of Iudáh and the princes of Ierusalém the Eunuches and the Priestes and all the people of the 〈◊〉 whiche passed betwene the partes of the calfe 20 I wil euen giue them into the hād of their enemies and into the hands of them that seke their life and their dead bodies shal be for meat vnto the foules of the heauen and to the beastes of the earth 21 And Zedekiáh King of Iudáh his prin ces wil I giue into the land of their enemies and in to the hand of them that seke their life and into the hand of the King of Babels hoste which are gone vp from you 22 Beholde I wil commande saith the Lord and cause them to returne to this citie thei shal fight against it and take it and burne it with fyre and I wil make the cities of Iudáh desolate without an inhabitant CHAP. XXXV He proposeth the obedience of the Rechabites thereby confoundeth the pride of the Iewes 1 THe worde whiche came vnto Ieremiáh from the Lord in the dais of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiáh King of Iudáh saying 2 Go vnto the house of the Rechabites speake vnto them bring them into the House of the Lord into one of the chābres and giue them wine to drinke 3 Then toke I Iaazaniàh the sonne of Ieremiáh the sonne of Habazziniáh his brethren and all his sonnes the whole hou se of the Rechabites 4 And I broght them into the House of the Lord into the chamber of the sonnes of Hanán the sonne of Igdaliáh a man of God which was by the chamber of the princes which was aboue the chamber of Maaseiáh the sonne of Shallúm the keper of the treasure 5 And I set before the sonnes of the house of the Rechabites pottes ful of wine and cuppes and said vnto them Drinke wine 6 But thei said We wil drinke no wine for Ionadàb the sonne of Rechàb our father commanded vs saying Ye shal drinke no wine nether you nor your sōnes for euer 7 Nether shal ye buylde house nor sowe sede nor plant vineyarde nor haue any but all your daies ye shal dwell in tentes that ye may liue a long time in the land where ye be strangers 8 Thus haue we obeied the voice of Ionadáb the sonne of Recháb our father in all that he hathe charged vs and we drinke no wine all our daies nether we our wiues our sonnes nor our daughters 9 Nether buylde we houses for vs to dwell in nether haue we vineyarde nor field nor sede 10 But we haue remained in tētes and haue obeied done according to all that Ionadáb our father commanded vs. 11 But when Nebuchad-nezzár King of Babél came vp into the land we said Come and let vs go to Ierusalém frō the hoste of the Caldeans and from the hoste of Aràm so we dwell at Ierusalém 12 Then came the worde of the Lord vnto Ieremiàh saying 13 Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israél Go and tel the men of Iudàh and the inhabitans of Ierusalém Wil ye not receiue doctrine to obey my wordes saith the Lord 14 The cōmandement of Ionadàb the sonne of Recháb that he cōmanded his sonnes that thei shulde drinke no wine is surely kept for vnto this day thei drinke none but obey their fathers commandement notwithstanding I haue spoken vnto you rising early and speaking but ye wolde not obeie me 15 I haue sent also vnto you all my seruantes the Prophetes rising vp early and sending them saying * Returne now euerie man from his euil waie and amende your workes and go not after other gods to serue them and ye shal dwell in the land which I haue giuen vnto you and to your fathers but ye wolde not incline your 〈◊〉 nor obeie me 16 Surely the sonnes of Ionadáb the sonne of Recháb haue kept the commandement of their father which he gaue them but this people hathe not obeied me 17 Therefore
are her enemies 3 Iudáh is caryed away captiue because of affliction and because of great seruitude she dwelleth among the heathen and findeth no rest all her persecuters toke her in the streites 4 The wayes of Ziōn lament because no mā cometh to the solemne feasts all her 〈◊〉 are desolate her Priests sigh her virgines are discomfited and she is in heauines 5 Her aduersaries are the chief and her enemies prosper for the Lord hathe afflicted her for the multitude of her trāsgressions and her children are gone into captiuitie before the enemie 6 And from the daughter of Ziō all her beau tie is departed her princes are become like harts that finde no pasture and thei are gone without strēgth before the pursuer 7 Ierusalém remembred the daies of her affliction and of her rebellion and all her pleasant things that she 〈◊〉 in times past when her people fell into the hand of the enemie and none did helpe her the aduersaries sawe her did mocke at her Sabbaths 8 Ierusalē hathe grieuously sinned therfore she is in derisiō all that honoured her despise her because thei haue sene her filthines yea she sigheth turneth backward 9 Her filthines is in her skirtes she remēbred not her last ende therefore she came downe wonderfully she had no cōforter ô Lord beholde mine afflictiō for the enemie is proude 10 The enemie hathe stretched out his hand vpon all her pleasant things for she hathe sene the heathen entre into her Sáctuarie whome thou didest commande that thei shulde not entre into thy Church 11 All her people sigh and seke their bread they haue gyuen their pleasant things for meat to refresh the soule se ô Lord consider for I am become vile 12 Haue ye no regarde all ye that passe by this way beholde and se if there be anye soro we like vnto my sorowe whiche is do he vnto me wherewith the Lord hathe afflicted me in the day of his fierce wrath 13 From aboue hathe he sent fyre into my bones which preuaile against thē he hath spred a net for my fete and turned me backe he hathe made me desolate daily in heauines 14 The yoke of my transgressions is bound vpon his hand thei are wrapped and come vp vpō my necke he hath made my strēgth to fall the Lord hathe deliuered me into their hands nether am I able to rise vp 15 The Lord hathe troden vnder fote all my valiant men in the middes of me he hathe called an assemblie agaynst me to destroye my yong men the Lord hathe troden the wine presse vpon the virgine the daughter of Iudáh 16 * For these things I wepe mine eye cuē mine eye casteth out water because the cō forter that shulde refresh my soule is farre from me my children are desolate because the enemie preuailed 17 Zión stretcheth out her hands and there is none to comfort her the Lord hath appointed the enemies of Iaakob roūd about him Ierusalém is as a menstruous woman in the middes of them 18 The Lord is righteous for I haue rebelled against his commandement heare I pray you all people and beholde my sorow my virgines and my yong men are gone into captiuitie 19 I called for my louers but thei deceiued me my Priests and mine Elders perished in the citie while they soght their meate to refresh their soules 20 Beholde ô Lord how I am troubled my bowels swell mine heart is turned within me for I am full of heauines the sworde spoyleth abroad as death doeth at home 21 Thei haue heard that I mourne but there is none to comfort me all mine ennemies haue heard of my trouble and are glad that thou hast done it thou wilt bring the day that thou hast pronounced and they shal be like vnto me 22 Let all their wickednes come before thee do vnto them as thou hast done vnto me for all my transgressions for my sighs are many and mine heart is heauie CHAP. II. 1 HOw hathe the Lord darkened the daughter of Ziōn in his wrath hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earthe the beautie of Israél and remembred not his fote stole in the day of his wrath 2 The Lord hathe destroyed all the habitacions of Iaakób and not spared he hath throwen downe in hys wrath the strong holdes of the daughter of Indáh he hathe cast them downe to the grounde he hathe polluted the kingdome and the princes thereof 3 He hathe cut of in his fierce wrath all the horne of Israél he hathe drawen backe his right hand from before the enemie there was kindled in Iaakob like a flame of fyre which deuoured round about 4 He hathe bent his bowe like an enemie his right hand was stretched vp as an aduer sarie and slewe all that was pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Ziôn he powred out his wrath like fyre 5 The Lord was as an ennemie he hathe deuoured Israél and consumed all his palaces he hathe destroyed his strong holdes and hathe increased in the daughter of Iudáh lamentacion and mourning 6 For he hathe destroyed his tabernacle as a garden he hath destroyed his congregacion the Lord hathe caused the feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Ziôn hath despised in the indignaciō of his wrath the King and the Priest 7 The Lord hathe forsaken his altar he hath abhorred his Sanctuarie he hathe giuē into the hand of the ennemie the walles of her palaces they haue made a noyse in the house of the Lord as in the day of solēnitie 8 The Lord hath determined to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion he stretched out a line he hathe not withdrawen his hād from destroying therefore he made the rāpart and the wall to lamēt they were destroyed together 9 Her gates are sonke to the ground he hath destroied and broken her barres her King and her princes are among the Gentiles the Lawe is no more nether can her Prophetes receiue any vision from the Lord 10 The Elders of the daughter of Ziō sit vpō the grounde and kepe silence they haue cast vp dust vpon their heades they haue girded them selues with sackecloth the virgines of Ierusalém hang downe theyr heades to the ground 11 Mine eyes do faile with teares my bowels swell my lieuer is powred vpon the earth for the destruction of the daughter of my people because the children and sucklings 〈◊〉 in the stretes of the 〈◊〉 12 Thei haue said to their mothers Where is bread and drinke when thei swouned as the wounded in the stretes of the citie when thei gaue vp the gost in their mothers bosome 13 What thing shal I take to witnes for thee what thing shal I compare to thee ô daugh ter Ierusalém what shal I liken to thee that
shal be the Lords IONAH THE ARGVMENT WHen Ionáh had long prophecied in 〈◊〉 and had litle profited God gaue him expresse charge to go and denoun ce his iudgemēts against Niniuéh the chief citie of the Assyrians because he had appointed that 〈◊〉 whiche were of the heathen shulde conuert by the mightie power of his worde and that within thre daies preaching that Israél might se how horribly thei had prouoked Gods wrath which for the space of so many yeres had not conuerted to the Lord for so many Prophetes and so diligent preaching He prophecied vnder Ioash and Ieroboam as 2. King 14. 25. CHAP. I. 3 Ionáh fled when he was sent to preache 4 A tempest ariseth and he is cast into the sea for his disobedience 1 THE worde of the Lord came also vnto Ionáh the sonne of Amittái saying 2 Arise and go to Niniuéh that great citie ād crye against it for their wickednes is comevp before me 3 But Ionáh rose vp to flee into Tarshish frō the presence of the Lord and went downe to Iaphó and he founde a ship going to Tarshish so he paied the fare thereof and went downe into it that he might go with them vnto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. 4 But the Lord sent out a great winde into the sea and there was a mightie tempest in the sea so that the ship was like to be broken 5 Then the mariners were afraied and cryed euerie man vnto his god and cast the wares that were in the ship into the sea to lighten it of them but Ionáh was gone downe into the sides of the ship and he laie downe and was fast a slepe 6 So the shipmaster cameto him and said vnto him What meanest thou ô sleper A rise call vpō thy God if so be that God wil thin ke vpon vs that we perish not 7 And thei said euerie one to his felowe Come and let vs cast lottes that we maie knowe for whose cause this euil is vpon vs. So thei cast lots and the lot fel vpon Ionáh 8 Then said thei vnto him Tel vs for whose cause this euil is vpon vs what is thine occu pacion and whence comest thou which is thy countrei and of what people art thou 9 And he answered them I am an Ebrew and I feare the Lord God of heauen which hath made the sea and the drye land 10 Then were the men excedingly afraid and said vnto him Why hast thou done this for the men knewe that he fled from the presence of the Lord because he had tolde them 11 Then said thei vnto him What shal we do vnto thee that the sea maie be calme vntovs for the sea wroght and was troublous 12 And he said vnto them Take me and cast me into the sea so shal the sea be calme vnto you for I knowe that for my sake this great tempest is vpon you 13 Neuertheles the men rowed to bring it to the land but thei colde not for the sea wroght and was troublous against them 14 Wherefore thei cryed vnto the Lord and said We beseche thee ô Lord we beseche thee let vs not perish for this mans life and laie not vpon vs innocent blood for thou ô Lord hast done as it pleased thee 15 So thei toke vp Ionáh and cast him into the sea and the sea ceased from her raging 16 Then the men feared the Lord excedingly and offred a sacrifice vnto the Lord and made vowes 17 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swalowe vp Ionáh and Ionáh was in the belly of the fish thre daies thre nights CHAP II. Ionáh is in the fish bely 3 His prayer 11 He is deliuered 1 THen Ionáh praied vnto the Lord his God out of the fishes belly 2 And said I cryed in mine affliction vnto the Lord he hearde me out of the belly of hel cryed I and thou heardest my voice 3 For thou haddest cast me into the bottome in the middes of the sea and the floods compassed me about all thy surges and all thy waues passed ouer me 4 Then I said I am cast awaie out of thy sight yet wil I 〈◊〉 againe towarde thine holy Temple 5 The waters 〈◊〉 passed me about vnto the soule the 〈◊〉 closed me rounde about the wedes were wrapt about mine head 6 I went downe to the bottome of the moun taines the earth with her barres was about me for euer yet hast thou broght vp my life from the pit ô Lord my God 7 When my soule fainted within me I remem bred the Lord and my praier camevnto thee into thine holy Temple 8 Thei that waite vpon lying vanities forsake their owne mercie 9 But I wil sacrifice vnto thee with the voice of thankesgiuing and wil paie that that I haue vowed saluacion is of the Lord. 10 And the Lord spake vnto the fish and it cast out Ionáh vpon the drye land CHAP. III. Ionáh is sent againe to Nineuéh 5 The repentance of the King of 〈◊〉 1 ANd the worde of the Lord came vnto Ionáh the seconde time saying 2 Arise go vnto Nineuéh that great citie and preache vnto it the preaching which I bid thee 3 So Ionáh arose and went to Nineuéh according to the worde of the Lord now Nineuéh was a great excellent citie of thre daies iourney 4 And Ionáh began to entre into the citie a daies iourney and he cryed and said Yet fortie daies Nineuéh shal be ouerthrowē 5 So the people of Nineuéh beleued God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them euen to the least of them 6 For worde came vnto the King of Nineuéh and he rose from his throne ād he laied his robe from him and couered him with sac ke cloth and sate in asshes 7 And he proclaimed and said through Nineuéh by the counsel of the King and his no bles saying Let nether man nor beast bul locke nor shepe tast any thing nether fede nor drinke water 8 But let man and beast put on sacke cloth and crye mightely vnto God yea let euerie man turne from his euil waie and from the wickednes that is in their hands 9 Who can tel if God wil turne and repent and turne awaie from his fierce wrath that we perish not 10 And God sawe their workes that thei turned from their euil wayes and God repēted of the euil that he had said that he wolde do vnto them and he did it not CHAP. IIII. The great goodnes of God toward his creatures 1 THerefore it displeased Ionáh excedingly and he was angrie 2 And he praid vnto the Lord and said I praie thee ô Lord was not this my saying when I was yet in my countrey therefore I preuented it to flee vnto Tarshish for I knew that thou art a gracious God and
Adam 59 The true life 62 The mercies and goodnes of God 1 ANd whē I had made an end of these wor des there was sent vnto me an Angel which had bene sent down to me the nights afore 2 And he said vnto me Vp Esdras and heare the wordes that I am come to tell thee 3 And I said Speake on my God Then said he vnto me The sea is set in a wyde place that it might be deepe and great 4 But presuppose that the entrance thereof were narow and like the riuers 5 Who colde go into the sea to loke vpon it and to rule it If he went not thorowe the narowe how colde he come into the broade 6 There is also another thing a citie is buylded and set vpon a broade field and is ful of all good things 7 The entrance thereof is narrowe and in a dangerous place to fall that there is fyre at the right hād a deepe water at the lefte 8 And there is but one path betwixt them euen betwene the fyre ād the water so that there colde but one man go there 9 If this citie were giuen vnto a man for an in heritance if he neuer went thorowe the peril before it how colde here ceaue his inheritance 10 And I said It is so Lord. Then said he So is the portion of Israel 11 Surely for their sakes haue I made the worl de and when Adam transgressed my statutes then came this thing to passe 12 Then were the entrances of the worlde made norowe full of sorowe trauail they are but fewe and euil and full of perils and very peineful 13 For the entrances of the fore worlde were wyde and sure and broght immortal frute 14 If then they that are 〈◊〉 labour not to enter by these strait and brittel things they can not atteine to those things that are hid 15 Why then disquietest thou thy self seing thou art corruptible and why art thou moued seing thou art mortal 16 And why hast thou not considered in thy minde the things to come rather then them that are present 17 Then said I O Lord Lord * seing thou hast ordeined in thy Law that the righteous shulde in herite these things and that the vngodlie shulde perish 18 Shulde the righteous suffer straitnes in hoping for large things yet thei that haue liued vngodly and suffered straitnes shal not se the large things 19 Then he said vnto me There is no iudge more iuste then God and there is none more wise then the moste High 20 For manie perish in this life because they despise the Law of God that is apointed 21 For God hathe diligently admonished suche as came so oft as they came what they shulde do to haue life and what they shulde obserue to auoid punishment 22 Neuertheles they were not obedient vnto him but spake against him and imagined 〈◊〉 things 23 And deceiued them selues by their wicked dedes and denied the power of the moste High and regarded not his waies 24 But they despised his Law and resused his promises they haue vnfaithfully broken his ordinances and haue not performed his workes 25 And therefore Esdras vnto the emptie are emptie things and to the ful ful things 26 Beholde the time shal come that these 〈◊〉 which I haue tolde thee shal come to passe and the bride shal appeare and she shal come forthe and besene that now is vnder the earth 27 And whosoeuer shal escape these euils he shal se my wonders 28 For my sonne Iesus shal appeare with those that be with him ād they that remaine shal reioyce with in foure hundreth yeres 29 After these same yeres shal my sonne Christ dye and all men that haue life 30 And the worlde shal be turned into the olde silence for seuen dayes as in the fore iudgements so that no man shal remaine 31 But after seuen dayes the worlde that is yet a slepe shal be raised vp ād that shal dye that is corrupt 32 Then the earth shal restore those that haue slept in her and so shal the dust those that dwell therein in silence and the secret places shal deliuer the soules that were committed vnto them 33 And the most High shal appeare vpon the seate of iudgement and miseries shalv anish a way and long suffring shal haue an end 34 Iustice onely shal continue the trueth shal remaine and faith shal be strong 35 The worke shal followe and the rewarde shal be shewed the good dedes shal be of for ce and vnrighteousnes shal beare no more rule 36 Then said I * Abraham prayed first for the So domites and Moyses for the fathers that sinned in the wildernes 37 And they that came after him for Israel in the time of Achaz and Samuel 38 And * Dauid for the destruction * and Salomon for them that came into the Sanctuarie 39 * And Elias forthose that receiued raine and for the dead that he might liue 40 And Ezechias for the people in the time of Sennacherib and diuerse others for manie 41 Euen so now seing vice is increased and wickednes abundeth the righteous haue prayed for the vngodlie wherefore shal not the same effect followe also now 42 Then he answered me and said This present life is not the end oft times honour is reteined in it therefore haue they prayed for the weake 43 But the day of iudgement shal be the end of this worlde and the beginning of the im mortalitie to come wherein all corruption shal cease 44 Intemperancie shal passe away in sidelitie shal be cut of righteousnes shal growe vp the varitie shal spring vp 45 Thē shal no man be able to saue him that is destroyed nor oppresse him that hathe gotten the victorie 46 I answered then and said This is my first last saying that it had bene better not to hane giuen the earth vnto Adam or when it was giuen him to haue kept him that he shul de not haue sinned 47 For what profit is it for men in this present life to be in heauines ād after death to feare punishment 48 O Adam what hast thou done * for in that that thou hast sinned thou art not fallen alone but the fall also redundeth vnto vs that come of thee 49 For what profit is it vnto vs if there be pro mised an immortal life when we do the workes that bring death 50 And that an euerlasting hope shulde be pro mised vs seing that we bitide our selues to deadlie vanitit 51 And that there shulde be appointed vs dwel lings of health and safetie if we haue liued wickedly 52 And that the glorie of the moste High shuld be kept to defende them which haue led a pacient life if we haue walked in the wicked wayes 53 And that an eternal Paradise shulde be shewed whose frute remaineth incorruptible whereinis safetie and healt if we wil not enter into it 54 For we haue bene
shoke at the noyce of the woman 27 And I loked and beholde the woman appeared vnto me nomore but there was a citie buylded and a place was shewed from the grounde and fundacion Then was I afrayed and cryed with a loude voyce and said 28 Where is Vrielthe Angel * which came to me at the first for he hathe caused me to co me into manie and depe consideracions and mine end is turned into corruption and my pray to rebuke 29 And as I was speaking these wordes beholde he came vnto me and loked vpon me 30 And lo I laye as one dead and mine vnderstanding was altered and he toke me by the right hand and comforted me and set me vpon my feete and said vnto me 31 What aileth thee and why is thine vnderstanding vexed and the vnderstanding of of thine heart and wherefore art thousorie 32 And I said Because thou hast forsaken me and I haue done * according vnto thy wordes I went into the field and there haue I sene things and se that I am not able to expresse 33 Then said he vnto me Stand vp manly and I wil giue thee exhortacion 34 Then said I Speake vnto me my lord and forsake me not lest I dye through rashnes 35 For I haue sene that I knewe not and heare that I do not knowe 36 Or is minevnderstāding disceiued or doeth my minde being hautie erre 37 Now therefore I beseche thee that thou wilt shewe thy seruant of this wondre 38 Then he answered me and said Heare me and I wil informe thee and tel thee wherefore thou art afrayed for the moste High ha the reueiled manie secret things vnto thee 39 He hath sene thy good purpose that thou art sorie continually for thy people and ma kest great lamentacion for Sion 40 This therefore is the vnderstanding of the vision which appeared vnto thee a litle while ago 41 Thou sawest a woman mourning and thou begannest to comfort her 42 But now seest thou the lickenes of the woman no more but there appeared vnto thee a citie buylded 43 And where as she tolde thee of the death of her sonne this is the solution 44 This womā which thou sawest she is Sion where as she tolde thee euē she which thou seest now as a citie buylded 45 And as touching that she said vnto thee that she was baren thirtie yeres this was cōcerning that there was euen thirtie yeres wherein there was no offring offred in her 46 But after thirtie yeres Salomon buylt the citie and offred offrings thē bare the baren a sonne 47 And where as she tolde thee that she nourished him with labour that was the inhabiting of Ierusalém 48 But where as she tolde thee that her sonne as his chance was dyed when she came into her chamber that is the fall that is come to Ierusalém 49 And when thousawest her like one that mourned for her sonne thou begannest to cōfort her of these things which haue chan ced these are to be opened vnto thee 50 For now the moste High seeth that thou art sorie in thy mind and because thou suffrest with all thine heart for her he shewed thee the clerenes of her glorie and the faire nes of her beautie 51 And therefore I bad thee remaine in the field where no house was buylt 52 For I knewe that the moste High wolde shewe these things vnto thee 53 Therefore I commanded thee to go into the field where no fundacion nor buylding is 54 For the worke of mans buylding can not stand in that place where the citie of the mo ste High shulde be shewed 55 And therefore feare not nether let thine heart be afrayed but go in and se the beautie and greatnes of the buylding as muche as thou art able to se with thine eyes 56 Aud after this shalt thou heare as muche as thine eares may comprehende 57 For thou art blessed aboue manie and art called with the moste High among the few 58 But to morow at night thou shalt remaine here 59 And the moste High shal shewe thee visiōs of high things which the moste High will do vnto them that dwell vpō earth in the last dayes So I slept the same night and another as he had commanded me CHAP. XI 1 The visiō of an egle coming forthe of the sea and of her feathers 37 Of alyon coming out of the forest 1 THen saw I a dreame and beholde there came vp from the sea an egle whiche had twelue feathered wings thre heads 2 And I sawe beholde she spred her wings ouer all the earth and all the windes of the ayre blewe on her and gathered them selues 3 And I behelde out of her feathers grew out other contrarie feathers and they became litle feathers and smale 4 But her heads remayne still and the head in the middes was greater then the other heads yet rested it with them 5 Moreouer I sawe that the egle flewe with his feathers and reigned vpō earth ouer them that dwelt therein 6 And I sawe that all thinges vnder heauen were subiect vnto her and noman spake against her no not one creature vpō earth 7 I sawe also that the egle stode vp vpō her clawes and spake to her feathers saying 8 Watche not all together slepe euerie one in his owne place and watch by course 9 But let the heads be preserued for the last 10 Neuertheles I sawe that the voyce went not out of her heads but from the myddes of her bodie 11 Then I nombred her contrarie feathers and beholde there were eight of them 12 And I loked and behòlde vpon the ryght side there arose one feather and reygne ouer all the earth 13 And when it had reigned the end of it came the place therof appeared no more So the next stode vp and reigned it continued a long time 14 And when it had reigned the end of it came also and as the firste so it appeared no more 15 Then there came a voyce vnto it and said 16 Heare thou that hast kept the earthe so long this I say vnto thee before thou beginnest to appeare no more 17 There shal none after thee atteyne vnto thy time nether to the halfe thereof 18 Then arose the thirde and reygned as the other afore and it appeared no more also 19 So came it to all the others one after ano ther so that euerie one reigned and then appeared no more 20 Then I loked and beholde in processe of time the feathers that followed stode vp on the right side that they might rule also and some of them ruled but within a while they appeared no more 21 For some of thē were set vp but ruled not 22 After this I loked and beholde the twelue feathers appeared no more northe two wings 23 And there was no more vppon the egles bodie but two heades that rested and six wings 24 Then sawe I also that thou winges deuided them selues from the
six and remained vnder the head that was vpō the right side for the foure continued in their place 25 So I loked and beholde the vnderwings thoght to set vp them selues and to haue the rule 26 Then was there one set vp but shortely it appeared no more 27 And the second were soner gone then the first 28 Then I behelde lo the two that remained thoght also in them selues to reigne 29 And when they so thoght beholde there awaked one of the heads that were at rest which was in the middes for that was greater then the two 30 And then I sawe that the two heads were ioyned therewith 31 And behold the head was turned with thē that were with it and did eate vp the two vnderwings that wolde haue reigned 32 But this head put the whole earth in feare bare rule in it ouer all those that dwelt vpon the earth with muche labour and it had the gouernance of the world more thē all the wings that had bene 33 After this I loked and beholde the head that was in the middes suddenly appeared no more as did the wings 34 But the two heads remained whiche also ruled likewise vpon earth and ouer those that dwelt therein 35 And I behelde and lothe head vppon the right side deuoured that was vpon the left side 36 ¶ Then I heard a voyce whiche said vnto me Loke before thee consider the thing that thou seest 37 So I sawe and beholde as it were alyon that roareth rénning hastely out of the wood and I sawe that he sent out a mans voyce vnto the egle and spake and said 38 Heare thou I wil talke with thee and the moste High shal say vnto thee 39 Art not thou that that of the foure beasts remainest whome I made to reigne in my world that by them the end of times might come 40 And the fourth is come and hathe ouercome all the beasts that were past hathe power ouer the worlde with great fearfulnes and ouer the whole compasse of the earth with moste wicked oppressions and that dwelleth so long time in all the world with disceite 41 For thou hast not iudged the earth with trueth 42 Seing thou hast troubled the meke thou hast hurt the peaceable thou hast loued lyers and destroied the dwellings of them that broght forth frute and had cast downe the walles of suche as did thee no harme 43 Therefore is thy wrongfull dealing come vp vnto the moste High and thy pride vnto the Mightie 44 The most High also hath loked vpon the proude times and beholde thei are ended and their abominacions are fulfilled 45 Therefore appeare no more thou egle nor thine horrible wings nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads and thy wicked clawes nor all thy vaine bodie 46 That all the earth maye be refreshed and come againe as one deliuered from thy vio lence and that she may hope for the iudgement and mercie of him that made her CHAP. XII The declaration of the former visions 1 ANd when the lion spake these wordes to the egle I sawe 2 And beholde the head that had the vpper hand appeared no more nether did the foure wings appeare any more that came to it and set vp them selues to reygne whose kingdome was smale and ful of vproares 3 And I sawe and behold they appeared no more and the whole bodie of the egle was burnt so that the earth was in great feare Then I awaked out of the trouble trance of my minde and from the great feare said vnto my Spirit 4 Lo this hast thou done vnto me in that thou searchest out the wayes of the moste High 5 Lo yet am I wearie in my minde and verye weake in my spirit litle strength is there in me for the greate feare that I receyued this night 6 Therefore now I will beseche the moste High that he will cōfort me vnto the end 7 And I said O Lord Lord if I haue founde grace before thy sight and if I am iustified with thee before manye other and if my praier in dede be come vp before thy face 8 Comfort me and shewe me thy seruāt the interpretacion and difference of this horrible sight that thou maist perfectly comforte my soule 9 Seing thou hast iudged me worthy to shew me the last times 10 ¶ Then he said vnto me This is the interpretacion of this vision 11 The egle whome thou sa west come vp from the sea is the * kingdome which was sene in the vision of thy brother Daniél 12 But it was not expounded vnto him therfore now I declare it vnto thee 13 Beholde the daies come that there shall rise vp a kingdome vpon the earth and it shal be feared aboue all kingdomes that were before it 14 In it shall twelue Kings reigne one after another 15 Whereof the seconde shall begynne to reigne and shall haue more tyme then the twelue 16 And thys do the twelue winges signifie which thou sawest 17 As for the voice that thou heardest speake and that thou sawest not go out frome the heads but from the middes of the bodie thereof this is the interpretacion 18 That after the time of that kingdome there shal arise great strife and it shal be in danger to fall but it shal not then fall but shal be restored againe to his beginning 19 Concerning the eight vnderwings which thousawest hang vnto her wings this is the interpretacion 20 In him shall arise eight Kings whose time shall be but smale and their yeres swift two of them shal perish 21 But when the midde time commeth there shal be foure kept a time whiles hys tyme beginneth to come that it may be ended but two shal be kept vnto the end 22 And where as thou sawest thre heades resting this is the interpretacion 23 In his last dayes shal the moste High raise vp thre kingdomes and shall call agayne manie things into thē and they shall haue the dominion of the earth 24 And of those that dwell therin with much grief aboue all those that were before thē therefore are they called the heads of the egle 25 For they shall accomplish his wickednes and shal finish his last end 26 And where as thou sawest that the greate head appeared no more it signifieth that one of them shal dye vpon his bed and yet with peine 27 For the two that remaine the sworde shal deuoure them 28 For the sworde of the one shal deuoure the other but at the last shal he fal by the sword himself 29 And where as thou sawest two vnderwings that went of towarde the head which was on the right side this is the interpretaciō 30 These are thei whome the most High hath preserued for their end whose kingdome is litle and ful of trouble as thou sawest 31 And the lyon whome thou sawest rising vp out of the wood and roaring speaking vnto the egle and rebuking her for her vnrightousnes
things be performed which thou shalt beginne to write 26 And then shalt thou declare some things openly vnto the perfite men some things shalt thou shewe secretly vnto the wise to morowe this houre shalt thou beginne to write 27 Then went I for the as he commāded me and gathered all the people together and said 28 Heare these wordes ô Israel 29 * Our father 's at the beginning were strāgers in Egypt from whence they were deliuered 30 And receiued the Law of life * which they kept not which ye also haue transgressed after them 31 Then was the land euen the lande of Sion parted among you by lot but your fathers and ye also haue done vnrighteously and haue not kept the wayes which the moste High commanded you 32 And for so muche as he is a righteous Iudge he toke from you in time the thing that he had giuen you 33 And now are ye here and your brethren among you 34 Therefore if so be that ye wil subdue your owne vnderstanding and reforme your heart ye shal be kept aliue and after death shal ye obteine mercie 35 For after death shal the iudgement come when we shal liue againe and then shal the names of the righteous be manifest the workes of the vngodlie shal be declared 36 Let no man therefore come now vnto me nor seke me these fortie daies 37 So I toke the fiue men as he commanded me and we went into the fielde and remayned there 38 The next daye beholde a voice called me saying Esdras * opē thy mouth drinke that I giue thee to drinke 39 Then opened I my mouth and behold he reached me a full cuppe which was full as it were with water but the colour of it was like fyre 40 And I toke it and dranke and when I had dronke it mine hearte had vnderstanding and wisdome grewe in my brest for my spirit was strengthened in memorie 41 And my mouth was opened and shut no more 42 The moste High gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men that they wrote the hie things of the night which they vnderstode not 43 But in the night they did eat bread but 〈◊〉 spake by day and helde not my tongue by night 44 In fortie daies they wrote two hundreth and foure bokes 45 And when the fortie dayes were fulfilled the moste High spake saying The first that thou hast writen publish openlye that the worthie and vnworthie may read it 46 But kepe the seuentie last that thou maiest gyue them to the wise amonge thy people 47 Forin them is the veine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the riuer of knowledge and I did so CHAP. XV. 1 The prophecie of Esdras is certeine 5 The euils that shal come on the worlde 9 The Lord wil aduenge the innocent blood 12 Egypt shal lament 16 Sedicion 20 And punishment vpon the Kings of the earth 24 Cursed are they that sinne 29 Troubles and warres vpon the 〈◊〉 earth 53 God is the reuenger of his elect 1 BEholde speake thou in the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I wil put in thy mouth saith the Lord 2 And cause them to be writen in a lettre for they are faithful and true 3 Feare not the imaginacions against thee let not the vnfaithfulnes of the speakers trouble thee that spake against thee 4 For euerye vnfaithfull shall dye in his vnfaithfulnes 5 Behold saith the Lord I wil bring plagues vpon all the worlde the sworde famine death and destruction 6 Because that iniquitie hathe fully polluted all the earth and their wicked workes are fulfilled 7 Therefore saith the Lord I will holde my tongue no more for their wickednes they do vngodlie nether wil I suffer them in the things that they do wickedly 8 Beholde * the innocent and righteous blood cryeth vnto me the soules of the iust crye continually 9 I wil surelye auenge them saith the Lord and receiue vnto me all the innocēt blood from among them 10 Beholde my people is led as a flocke to the slaughter I will not suffer them now to dwell in the land of Egypt 11 But I will bring them out with a mightie hand and a stretched out arme smite it with plagues as afore and will destroie all the land thereof 12 Egypt shall mourne and the fundacions thereof shal be smitten with the plague and punishment that GOD shall bring vpon it 13 The plo wemen that till the grounde shal mourne for their sedes shall faile thorowe the blasting and haile and by an horrible starre 14 Wo to the worlde and to them that dwel therein 15 For the sworde and their destructiō draweth nere and one people shall stand vp to fight against another with swordes in their hands 16 For there shal be sedicion among men and one shal inuade another they shal not regarde their King the princes shal measure their doings by their power 17 Amāshal desire to go into a citie and shal not be able 18 Because of their pride the cities shal be troubled the houses shal be afraied men shal feare 19 A man shal haue no pitie vpon his neighbour but shal destroye their houses with the sworde and their goods shal be spoyled for lacke of bread and because of great trouble 20 Beholde saith God I call together all the Kings of the earth to reuerence me which are from the East and from the South from the East and from Libanus to turne vpon them and to repay the things that they haue done to them 21 As they do yet this day vnto my chosen so wil I do also and recompense them in their bosome thus saith the Lord God 22 My right hand shal not spare the sinners nether shal the sworde cease from them that shed in nocent blood vpon earth 23 The fyre is gone out from his wrath and hathe consumed the fundacions of the earth and the sinners like the strawe that is kindled 24 Wo to them that sinne and kepe not my commandements saith the Lord. 25 I wil not spare them departe ô children from the power defile not my Sanctuarie 26 For the Lord knoweth all them that sinne against him and therefore deliuereth he them vnto death and destruction 27 For now are the plagues come vpon the worlde and ye shal remaine in thē for God wil not deliuer you because ye haue sinned against him 28 Beholde an horrible vision cometh from the East 29 Where generacions of dragons of Arabia shal come out with manie charets and the multitude of them shal be caryed as the winde vpon the earth that all they which heare them may feare and tremble 30 Euen the Carmanians raging in wrath shal go for the as the bores of the forest and shal come with great power and stand against them in battel and shal destroye a porcion of the land of the Assyrians 31 But after this shal the dragons haue the vpper hand and
be alway min deful of the scourges 17 Beholde vitailes shal be so good cheape vpon earth that they shal thinke them selues to be in good case but then shal the euils bud forthe vpon earth euen the swor de the famine and great confusion 18 For many of them that dwell vpon earth shal perish with famine and the other that escape the famine shal the sworde destroy 19 And the dead shal be cast out as dongue there shal be no man to comforte themfor the earth shal be wasted and the cities shal be cast downe 20 There shal be no man left to till the earth and to sowe it the trees shal giue frute but who shal gather them 21 The grapes shal be ripe but who shal treade them for all places shal be desolate so that one man shal desire to se another or to heare his voyce 22 For of one citie there shal be ten left and two of the field which shal hide them selues in the thicke woods and in the cleftes of rockes 23 As when there remaine thre or foure oliues in the place where oliues growe or among other trees 24 Or as when a vineyarde is gathered there are left some grapes of them that diligētly soght thoro we the vineyarde 25 So in those daies there shal be thre or 〈◊〉 lest by them that searche their houses the sworde 26 And the earth shal be left waste and the fields thereof shal waxe olde her waies and all her paths shal growe full of thornes because no man shal trauail there through 27 The virgines shal mourne hauing no bride gromes the women shal make lamentacion hauing no housbands their daughters shal mourne hauing no helpers 28 In the warres shal their bride gromes be destroied and their housbands shal perish with famine 29 But ye seruants of the Lord heare these things and marke them 30 Beholde the worde of the Lord receaue it beleue not the gods of whome the Lord speaketh beholde the plagues drawe nere and are not slacke 31 As a trauailing woman which in the ninthe moneth bringeth forthe her sonne when the houre of birth is come two or thre houres a fore the peines come vpon her bodie and when the childe cometh to the birth they tarie not a whit 32 So shal not the plagues be slacke to come vpō the earth the worlde shal mourne sorowes shal come vpon it on euerie side 33 Omy people heare my worde make you ready to the battel and in the troubles be euen as a strangers vpon earth 34 He that selleth let him be as he that fleeth his way and he that byeth as one that wil lose 35 Whoso occupieth marchandise as he that winneth not and he that buyldeth as he that shal not dwell therein 36 He that soweth as one that shal not reape hethat cutteth the vine as he that shal not gather the grapes 37 They that mary as they that shal get no children and they that mary not so as the widdowes 38 Therefore they that labour labour in vaine 39 For strangers shal reape their frutes and spoile their goods and ouerthrowe their houses and take their children captiuefor in captiuitie and famine shal they get their children 40 And they that occupie their marchandise with couetousnes the more they decke their cities their houses their possession their owne personnes 41 So muche more wil I be angrie against thē for their sinnes saith the Lord. 42 As a whore enuieth an honest and vertuous woman 43 So shal righteousnes hate iniquitie when she decketh herself shal accuse her opē ly when he shal come that shal bridle the autor of all sinne vpon earth 44 And therefore be ye not like thereunto norto the workes thereof for or euer it be long iniquitie shal be taken a way out of the earth and righteousnes shal reigne among you 45 Let not the sinner say that he hathe not sinned for coles of fyre shal burne vpon his head which saith I haue not sinned before the Lord God and his glorie 46 Beholde the Lord * knoweth all the wor kes of men their imaginaciós their thoghtes and their hearts 47 * For assone as he said Let the earth be made it was made let the heauen be made and it was created 48 By his worde were the starres established and he * knoweth the nomber of them 49 He searcheth the depth and the treasures thereof he hathe measured the sea what it conteineth 50 He hathe shut the seain the middes of the waters and with his worde hathe he hāged the earth vpon the waters 51 He spreadeth out the heauē like a vawte vpon the waters hathe he founde it 52 In the desert hathe he made springs of water and poles vpon the toppe of the mountaines to powre out floods from the hie rockes to water the earth 53 He made man and put his heart in the mid des of the bodie and gaue him breth life and vnderstanding 54 And the Spirit of the almightie God whiche made all things and hathe searched all the hid things in the secrets of the earth 55 He knoweth your inuēcions and what ye imagine in your heart when ye sinne and wolde hide your sinnes 56 Therefore hathe the Lord searched and soght out all your workes and wil put you all to shame 57 And when your sinnes are broght forthe before men ye shal be confounded and your owne sinnes shal stand as your accusers in that day 58 What wil ye do or how wil ye hide your sinnes before God and his Angels 59 Beholde God him selfe is the iudge feare him cease from your sinnes forget your iniquities and medle no more from hence forthe with them so shal God lead you for the and deliuer you from all trouble 60 For beholde the heate of a great multitu de is kindled against you and they shal take away certeine of you and shal slaye you for meat to the idoles 61 And they that consent vnto them shal be had in derision and in reproche and troden vnder foote 62 For in euerie place and cities that are nere there shal be great insurrection against those that feare the Lord. 63 They shal be like mad men they shal spare none they shal spoyle waste suche as yet feare the Lord. 64 For they then shal waste and spoile their goods and cast them out of their houses 65 Then shal the tryal of my chosen appeare as the golde is tryed by the fyre 66 Heare ô ye my beloued saith the Lord be holde the daies of trouble are at hand but I wil deliuer you from them be not ye afraied doute not for God is your captaine 67 Who so kepeth my commandements and precepts saith the Lord God let not your sinnes weigh you downe and let not your iniquities lift them selues vp 68 Wo vnto them that are bounde with their sinnes and couered with their iniquities as a field is hedged in with bushes
his seruants I wil declare vnto thee the trueth concerning this people that dwell in these moūtaines nere where thou remainest and the re shal no lic come out of the mouth of thy seruant 6 This people come of the stocke of the Chaldeans 7 And * they dwelt before in Mesopotamia because they wolde not follow the gods of their fathers which were in the land of Chaldea 8 But they went out of the way of their ancestres and worshipped the God of heauen the God whome they knewe so they cast them out from the face of their gods and they fled in Mesopotamia and soiourned there many daies 9 Then * their God commanded them to departe from the place where they soiourned and to go into the land of Chanaan where they dwelt and were increased with golde and siluer and with very muche cattel 10 But when a famine couered all the land of Chanaan they went downe into Egypt dwelt there til they returned and became there a great multitude so that one colde not nomber their linage 11 * Therefore the King of Egypt rose vp against them and vsed deceit against them and broght them lowe with laboring in bricke and made them sclaues 12 Then they cryed vnto their God he smo te all the land of Egypt with incurable pla gues so the * Egyptians cast them out of their sight 13 And * God dryed the red Sea in their presence 14 And * broght them in to mount Sina and Cades barne and cast forthe all that dwelt in the wildernes 15 So they dwelt in the land of the Amorites and they destroied by their strength all them of Esebon and passing ouer Iordan they inherited all the mountaines 16 And they * cast forthe before thē the Chana a nites and the Pheresites and the Iebusites and them of Sichem and all the Gergesites and they dwelt in that countrey many daies 17 And whiles they sinned not before their God they prospered because the God that hated iniquitie was with them 18 But * when they departed from the way which he appointed them they were destroied in many battels after a wonderful sorte * and were led captiues into a land that was not theirs the Temple of their God was cast to the grounde and their cities were taken by the enemies 19 But * now they are turned to their God are come vp from the scattering wherein thei were scattered and haue possessed Ierusalém where their Temple is and dwell in the mountaines which were desolate 20 Now therefore my lord and gouernour if there be anie faute in this people so that they haue sinned against their God let vs consider that this shal be their ruine let vs go vp and we shal ouer come them 21 But if there be none iniquitie in this people let my lord passe by lest their Lord defend them and their God befor them and we become a reproche before all the worlde 22 ¶ And when Achior had finished these sayings all the people standing rounde about the tent murmured and the chief mē of Olofernes and all that dwelt by the sea side and in Moab speake that he shulde 〈◊〉 him 23 For say they we feare not to mete the chil dren of Israél for lo it is a people that haue no strength nor power against a mightie armie 24 Let vs therefore go vp ô lord Olofernes they shal be meat for thy whole armie CHAP. VI. Olofernes blasphemeth God whome Achior confessed 14 Achior is deliuered into the hands of them of 〈◊〉 18 The Bethulians crye vnto the Lord. 1 ANd when the tumulte of the men that were about the counsel was ceased Olofernes the chief captaine of the armie of Assur said vnto Achior before all the people of the strangers and before all the children of Moab and of them that were hired of Ephraim 2 Because thou hast prophecied amōg vs to day and hast said that the people of Ierusa lém is able to fight * because their God wil desend them and who is god but Nabucho donosor 3 He wil send his power and wil destroye them from the face of the earth and their God shal not deliuer them but we his seruants wil destroye them as one man for they are not able to susteine the power of our horses 4 For we wil tread them vnder fete with thē and their mountaines shal be drunken with their blood and their fields shal be filled with their dead bodies and their fotesteppes shal not be able to stand before vs but they shal vtterly perish 5 The King Nabuchodonosor lord of all the earth hathe said euen he hathe said None of my wordes shal be in vaine 6 And thou Achior an hireling of Ammon be cause thou hast spokē these wordes in the day of thine iniquitie thou shalt se my face no more from this day vntil I take vengeance of that people that is come out of Egypt 7 And then shal the yron of mine armie and the multitude of them that serue me passe through thy sides and thou shalt fall amōg their slayne when I shal put them to flight 8 And my seruants shal cary thee into the mountaines and they shal leaue thee at one of the hie cities but thou shalt not perish til thou be destroyed with them 9 And if thou persuade thy self in thy minde that they shal not be takē let not thy coun tenance fall I haue spoken it and none of my wordes shal be in vaine 10 Then commanded Olofernes them cōcer ning Achior that they shulde bring him to Bethulia and deliuer him into the hands of the children of Israél 11 So his seruants toke him and broght him out of the campe into the plaine and thei went out from the middes of the plaine in to the mountaines came vnto the fountaines that were vnder Bethulia 12 And when the men of the citie sawe them from the toppe of the mountaine they toke their armour and went forthe of the citie vnto the toppe of the mountaine euen all the throwers with slings and kept them from cōming vp by casting stones against them 13 But they went priuely vnder the hill and bounde Achior and left him lying at the fote of the hill and returned to their lord 14 Thē the Israelites came downe from their citie and stode about him and losed him broght him into Bethulia and presented him to the gouernours of their citie 15 Which were in those daies Ozias the sonne of Micha of the tribe of Simeon Cha bris the sonne of Gothoniel and Charmis the sonne of Melchiel 16 And they called together all the Ancients of the citie and all their youth ranne together and their women to the assemblie and they set Achior in the middes of all their people Then Ozias asked him of that whiche was done 17 And he answered declared vnto them the wordes of the counsel of Olofernes
another man purposing to saile intēding to passe thorowe the raging waues calleth vpon a stocke more rotten then the shippe that carieth him 2 For as for it couetousnes of money hathe founde it out and the craftesman made it by cunning 3 But thy prouidence ô father gouerneth it * for thou hast made away euen in the sea and a sure path among the waues 4 Declaring thereby that thou hast power to helpe in all things yea thogh a man went to the sea without meanes 5 Neuertheles thou woldest not that the wor kes of thy wisdome shulde be vaine and the 〈◊〉 do men commit their liues to a smale piece of wood and passe ouer the stormie sea in a shippe and are saued 6 * For in the olde time also when the proude gyants perished the hope of the worlde wēt into a shippe which was gouerned by thine hand and so left sede of generacion vnto the worlde 7 For blessed is the tre whereby righteousnes commeth 8 But that is cursed that is made with hands * bothe it and he that made it he because he made it and it being a corruptible thing because it was called god 9 * For the vngodlie and his vngodlines are both like hated of God so truely the worke and he that made it shal be punished together 10 Therefore shal there be a visitation for the idoles of the nations for of the creatures of God they are become abominacion * and stumbling blockes vnto the soules of men and a 〈◊〉 for the fete of the vn wise 11 For the inuenting of idoles was the beginning of whoredome and the finding of them is the corruption of life 12 For they were not from the beginning nether shal they continue for euer 13 The vaine glorie of men broght them into the worlde therefore shal they come shortly to an end 14 Whē a father mourned grieuously for his sonne that was taken away suddēly he made an image for him that was once dead whome now he worshipeth as a God and ordeined to his seruants ceremonies and sacrifices 15 Thus by proces of time this wicked custome preuailed and was kept as a law and idoles were worshiped by the commandement of tyrants 16 As for those that were so farre of that men might not worship them presently they did conterfet the visage that was farre 〈◊〉 and made a gorgeous image of a King whome they wolde honour that they might by all meanes flatter him that was absent as thogh he had bene present 17 Againe the ambition of the craftesman thrust forwarde the ignorant to increase the superstition 18 For he peraduenture willing to please a noblemā labored with all his cunning to make the image of the best facion 19 And so thorowe the beautie of the worke the multitude was allured and so toke him now for a God which a litle afore was but honored as a man 20 And this was the deceiuing of mans life when men being in seruitude through calamitie and tyrannie ascribed vnto stones and stockes the name which ought not to be cō 〈◊〉 vnto anie 21 Moreouer this was not ynough for thē that they erred in the knowledge of GOD but where as they liued in great warres of ignorā ce those so great plagues called they peace 22 For ether* they 〈◊〉 their owne children in sacrifice or vsed secret ceremonies or raging dissolutenes by strange 〈◊〉 23 And so kept nether life nor mariage cleane but ether one slewe another by treason or els vexed him by adulterie 24 So were all mixt together blood slaugh ter thefte and deceit corruptiō vnfaithfulnes tumultes 〈◊〉 25 Disquieting of good men vnthankefulnes defiling of soules chāging of birth disordre in mariage 〈◊〉 and vnclenes 26 For the worshiping of idoles that ought not to be named is the beginning and the cause and the end of all euil 27 For either they be mad when they be merie or prophecie lies or liue vngo dlie or els lightly for sweare them selues 28 For in so muche as their trust is in the idoles which haue no life thogh thei sweare fal sely yet they thinke to haue no hurt 29 Therefore for two causes shal they iustely be punished because they haue an euil opinion of God addicting them selues vnto ido les and because they sweare vniustly to deceiue and despise holines 30 For it is not the power of them by whome they sweare but the vengeance of them that sinne which punisheth alwayes the offence of the vngodlie CHAP. XV. The voyce of the faithful praysing the mercie of God by whose grace they serue not idoles 1 BVt thou ô our God art gracious and true long suffring and gouernest all things by mercie 2 Thogh we sinne yet are we thine for we knowe thy power but we sinne not knowing that we are counted thine 3 For to knowe thee is perfite righteousnes and to knowe thy power is the roote of immortalitie 4 For nether hathe the wicked inuention of mē 〈◊〉 vs nor the vnprofitable labour of the painters nor an image spotted with di uers colours 5 Whose sight stirreth vp the desire of the igno rant so that he coueteth the forme that hath no life of a dead image 6 They that loue suche wicked things are wor thie to haue suche things to trust to and they that make them and they that desire them and they that worship them 7 The * potter also tempereth soft earth 〈◊〉 euerie vessel with labour to our 〈◊〉 but of the same clay he maketh bothe the vessels that serue to cleane vses and the con trarie like wise but whereto euerie vessel ser ueth the potter is the iudge 8 So by his wicked labour he maketh a vaine God of the same claye euen he which a litle afore was made of earth him self and within a litle while after goeth thither agayne whence he was taken * when he shall make accounte for the lone of his life 9 Notwithstandyng he careth not for the labour he taketh nor that his life is shorte but he striueth with the golde smithes and siluer smithes and countrefaiteth the coper smithes and taketh it for an honour to make deceiuable things 10 His heart is a shes and his hope is more vile then earth and his life is lesse worthie of ho nour then claye 11 For he knoweth not his owne maker that gaue him his soule that had power and breathed in him the breth of life 12 But they count our life to be but a pastime our conuersaciō as a market where there is gaine for they say we ought to be getting on euerie side thogh it be by euil meanes 13 Now he that of earth maketh fraile vessels and images knoweth him self to offend abo ue all other 14 All the enemies of thy people that holde them in subiection are moste vn wise more miserable then the verie fooles 15 For they iudge all the idoles of the
Righteous most shulde be bidden to thy table 1 BE not ielous ouer thy wife of thy bosome nether teache her by thy meanes an euil lesson 2 Giue not thy life vnto a woman lest she ouer come thy strength and so thou be confounded 3 Mete not an harlot lest thou fall into her snares 4 Vse not the companie of a woman that is a singer and a dancer nether heare her lest thou be taken by her craftines 5 Gaze not on a * maide that thou fall not by that that is precious in her 6 * Cast not thy minde vpon harlots in any maner of thing lest thou destroye bothe thy self and thine heritage 7 Go not about gazing in the streates of the citie nether wāder thou in the secret places thereof 8 * Turne awaye thine eye from a beautifull woman and loke not vpō others beautie for many * haue perished by the beautie of womē for thorow it loue is kindled as a fire 9 Euerie woman that is an harlot shal be trodden vnder fote as dongue of euerie one that goeth by the waye 10 Many wondering at the beautie of a strāge woman haue bene cast out for her wor des borne as a fyre 11 Sit not at all with another mans wife nether lie with her vpon the bed nor banket with her lest thine heart incline vnto so through thy desire fall into destructiō 12 ¶ For sake not an olde friend for the new shal not be like him a newe friend is as dewe wine when it is olde thou shalt drinke it with pleasure 13 * Desire not the honour riches of a sinner for thou knowest not what shal be his end 14 Delite not in the thing that the vngodlie haue pleasure in but remember that they shal not be founde iust into their graue 15 Kepe thee from the man that hathe power to slaye so shalt thou not doute the feare of death and if thou come vnto him make no faute lest he take away thy life remem ber that thou goest in the middes ofsnares and that thou walkest vpon the towres of the citie 16 Trye thy neighbour as nere as thou canst * and aske counsel of the wise 17 Let thy talke be with the wise and all thy communication in the Law of the moste High 18 Let iust men eat and drinke with thee and let thy reioycing be in the feare of the Lord. 19 In the hands of the craftesmen shal the workes be commended and the wise prince of the people by his worde the wor de by the wisdome of the Elders 20 A man ful of wordes is dangerous in his ci tie and he that is rash in his talking shal be hated CHAP. X. 1 Of Kings and iudges 7 Pride and 〈◊〉 are to be abhorred 28 Labour in praised 1 A Wise iudge wil instruct his people with discretion the gouernance of a prudēt man is wel ordered 2 As the iudge of the people is him self so are his officers and what maner of man the ruler of the citie is suche are all they that dwell therein 3 * An vnwise King destroieth his people but where they that be in autoritie are men of vnderstanding there the citie prospereth 4 The gouernour of the earth is in the hand of the Lord and all iniquitie of the nacions is to be abhorred and when time is he wil set vp a profitable ruler ouer it 5 In the hand of God is the prosperitie of man and vpon the scribes wil he laye his honour 6 * Be not angrie for any wrong with thy neighbour and do nothing by iniurious practises 7 Pride is hateful before God and man and by bothe doeth one 〈◊〉 iniquitie 8 * Because of vn righteous dealing and wrongs and riches gotten by deceite the kingdome is translated from one people to another 9 There is nothing worse then a 〈◊〉 man why art thou proude ô earth and ashes there is not a more wicked thing then to loue money for suche one wolde euen sel his soule and for his life euery one is compelled to pul out his owne bowels 10 All tyrannie is of smale indurance and the disease that is hard to heale is grieuous to the physicion 11 The physicion cutteth of the sore disease and he that is to day a King tomorowe is dead 12 Why is the earth and ashes proude seing that when a man dyeth he is the heire of serpents beastes and wormes 13 The beginning of mans pride is to fall away from God to turne away his heart from his maker 14 For pride is the original of sinne and he that hathe it shal powre out abominaciō til at last he be ouer throwen therfore the Lord bringeth the persuasions of the wicked to dishonour and destroieth them in the end 15 The Lord hathe cast downe the thrones of the proude princes and set vp the meke in their steade 16 The Lord plucketh vp the rootes of the proude nacions and planteth the lowlie with glorie among them 17 The Lord ouerthroweth the lands of the heathen and destroyeth thē vnto the fundacions of the earth he causeth thē to wither away and destroieth thē and maketh their memorial to cease out of the earth 18 GOD destroyeth the memorial of the proude and leaueth the remembrance of the humble 19 Pride was not created in mē nether wrath in the generacion of women 20 There is a sede of man which is an honorable sede the honorable sede are thei that feare the Lord there is a sede of mā which is without honour the sede without honor are they that transgresse the 〈◊〉 of the Lord it is a sede that remaineth whiche feareth the Lord afaire plant that loue him but they are a sede without honour that despise the Law and adeceiueable sede that breake the commandemēts 21 He that is the chief among brethrē is honorable so are they that feare the Lord in his sight 22 The feare of the LORD causeth that the kingdome faileth not but the kyngdome is lost by crueltie and pride 23 The feare of the Lord is the glorie as well of the riche and the noble as of the poore 24 It is not mete to despise the poore man that hath vnderstanding nether is it 〈◊〉 to magnifie the riche that is a wicked man 25 The great man and the iudge and the man of autoritie are honorable yet is there none of them greater then he that feareth the Lord. 26 * Vnto the seruant that is wise shall they that are free do seruice * he that hathe knowledge will not grudge when he is reformed and the ignorāt shall not 〈◊〉 to honour 27 Seke not excuses when thou 〈◊〉 do thy worke nether be ashamed thereof through pride in the time of aduersitie 28 * Better is he that laboreth and hath plēteousnes of all things then he that is gorgeous and wanteth bread 29 My 〈◊〉 get thy self praise by mekenes
way the sede of him that loued him but he left a remnāt vnto Iacob and a roote of him vnto Dauid 23 Thus rested Salomon with his fathers and of his sede he left behinde him Roboam euen the foolishnes of the people one that had no vnderstanding * who turned away the people thorow his counsel Ie roboam the sonne of Nabat * which caused Israél to sinne shewed Ephraim the way of sinne 24 So that their sinnes were so muche increa sed that they were driuen out of the land 25 For they soght out all wickednes til the vengeance came vpon them CHAP. XLVIII The praise of Elias Eliscus Ezekias and 〈◊〉 1 THen stode vp * Elias the Prophete as a fyre and his worde burnt like a lampe 2 He broght a famine vpon thē and by his zeale he diminished thē for they might not away with the commandements of the Lord. 3 By the worde of the Lord he shut the heauen * and thre times broght he the fyre from heauen 4 O Elias how honorable art thou by thy wonderous dedes who may make his boast to be like thee 5 * Which hast raised vp the dead frō death and by the worde of the moste High out of the graue 6 Which hast broght Kings vnto destructiō and the honorable from their seate 7 Which heardest the rebuke of the Lord in Sina * and in Horeb the iudgement of the vengeance 8 * Which didest anoint Kings that they might recompense and Prophetes to be thy successours 9 * Which wast taken vp in a whirle winde offyre and in a charet of fyrie horses 10 Which wast appointed * to reproue in due season to pacific the wrath of the Lords iudgemēt before it kindled to turne the hearts of the fathers vnto the childrē and to set vp the tribes of Iacob 11 Blessed were they that sawe thee slept in loue for we shalliue 12 * When Elias was couered with the storme Eliseus was filled with his spirit while he li ued he was not moued for any prince nether colde any bring him into subiection 13 Nothing colde ouercome him * and after his death his bodie prophecied 14 He did wonders in his life and in death were his workes marueilous 15 For all this the people repented not nether departed they from their sinnes * til they were caryed away prisoners out of their land and were scatered through all the earth so that there remained but a very few people with the prince vnto the hou se of Dauid 16 Howbeit some of them did right and some heaped vp sinnes 17 * Ezekias made his citie strong and con ueied water into the middes thereof he dig ged thorow the rocke with yron and made fountaines for waters 18 * In his time came Sennacherib vp and sent Rabsaces and list vp his hand against Sion and boasted proudely 19 Then trembled their hearts and hands so that they sorowed like a woman in trauel 20 But they called vpon the Lord which is merciful and lift vp their hands vnto him and immediatly the holy one heard them out of heauen 21 He thoght no more vpon their sinnes nor gaue them ouer to their enemies but deliuered them by the hand of Esai 22 * He smote the hoste of the Assyrians and his Angel destroyed them 23 For Ezekias had done the thing that plea sed the Lord and remained stedfastly in the wayes of Dauid his father as Esai the great Prophet and faithful in his visiō had commanded him 24 * In his time the sonne went backwarde and he lengthened the Kings life 25 He sawe by an excellent Spirit what shulde come to passe at the last and he comfor ted them that were sorowful in Sion 26 He shewed what shulde come to passe for euer and secret things or euer thei came to passe CHAP. XLIX Of Iosias Hezekiah Dauid Ieremi Ezechiel 〈◊〉 Iesus 〈◊〉 Enoch Ioseph Sem Seth. 1 THe remembrāce of * Iosias is like the composition of the perfume that is ma de by the arte of the apothe carie it is swete as honie in all mouthes and as musicke at a banket of wine 2 He behaued him self vprightly in the refor macion of the people and toke a way all abominacions of iniquitie 3 He * directed his heart vnto the Lord and in the time of the vngodlie he established religion 4 All except Dauid and Ezekias and Iosias committed wickednes for euen the Kings of Iuda forsoke the Law of the moste High and failed 5 Therefore he gaue their horne vnto other and their honor to a strange nacion 6 He burnt the elect citie of the Sanctuarie * and destroied the stretes thereof according to the prophecie of Ieremias 7 For thei * intreated him euil which neuer theles was a Prophete * sanctified from his mothers wombe that he might roote out and a fflict and destroye and that he might also buyld vp and plant 8 * Ezechiel sawe the glorious visiō which was shewed him vpon the charet of the Cherubims 9 * For he made mēcion of the enemines vn der the figure of the raine directed thē that went right 10 * ¶ And let the bones of the twelue Prophetes florish out of their place and let their memorie be blessed for they comforted Iacob and deliuered them by assured hope 11 ¶ * How shal we praise Zorobabel which was as a ring on the right hand 12 So was * Iesus also the sonne of Iosedec these men in their time buylded the house and set vp the Sanctuarie of the Lord agai ne which was prepared for an euerlasting worship 13 ¶ * And among the elect was Neemias whose renoume is great which set vp for vs the walles that were fallen and set vp the gates and the barres and laied the fundacions of our houses 14 ¶ But vp on the earth was no man created like * Enoch for he was taken vp from the earth 15 Nether was there a like man vnto * Ioseph the gouernour of his brethren the vp holder of his people whose bones were kept 16 * Sem and Seth were in great honour among men and so was Adam aboue eue rie liuing thing in the creation CHAP. L. Of Simon the sonne of Onias 22 An exhortacion to praise the Lord. 27 The autor of this boke 1 SImon * the sonne of Onias the hie Priest which in his life set vp the house againe and in his dayes established the Temple 2 Vnder him was the fundacion of the double height laied the hie walles that compasseth the Temple 3 In his dayes the places to receiue water that were decaied were restored and the
O Lord our God we haue sinned we haue done wickedly we haue offended in all thine ordinances 13 Let thy wrath turne from vs 〈◊〉 for we are but a fewe left among the heathen where thou hast scatred vs. 14 Heare our praiers ô Lord our peticiōs and deliuer vs for thine owne sake and giue vs fauour in the sight of them which ha ue led vs away 15 That all the earth may know that thou art the Lord our God and that thy Name is called vpon Israél and vpon their posteritie 16 Therefore loke downe from thine holy Temple and thinke vpon vs encline thine eare ô Lord and heare vs. 17 * Open thine eyes and beholde for the 〈◊〉 that are in the graues and whose 〈◊〉 sou les are out of their bodies 〈◊〉 giue vnto the Lord nether praise nor righteousnes 18 But the soule that is vexed for the greatnes of sinne 〈◊〉 he that goeth crokedly and weake and the eyes that faile and the hungrie soule wil giue thee praise and righ teousnes ô Lord. 19 For we do not require me 〈◊〉 in thy sight ô Lord our God for the righteousnes of our fathers or of our Kings 20 But because thou hast sent out thy wrath and indignacion vpon vs as thou hast spoken by thy seruants the Prophetes saying 21 * Thus saith the Lord Bowe downe your shulders and serue the King of Babylon so shal ye remaine in the land that I gaue vnto your fathers 22 But if ye wil not heare the voyce of the Lord to serue the King of Babylon 23 I wil cause to cease in the cities of Iuda and in Ierusalém I wil cause to cease the voyce of mirthe and the voyce of ioye and the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride and the land shal be desolate of inhabitants 24 But we wold not hearken vnto thy voyce to serue the King of Babylon therefore hast thou performed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruants the Prophetes namely that the bones of our Kings and the bones of our fathers shulde be caryed out of their places 25 And lo they are cast out to the heat of the day and to the colde of the night and are dead in great miserie with famine with the sworde and in banishment 26 And the Temple wherein thy Name was called vpon thou hast broght to the state as appeareth this day for the wickednes of the house of Israél and the house of Iuda 27 O Lord our God thou hast intreated vs ac cording to equitie and according to all thy great mercie 28 As thou spakest by thy seruant Moyses in the day when thou didest command him to write thy Lawe before the childrē of Israel saying 29 * If ye wil not obey my voyce then shal this great swarme and multitude be turned into a verie fewe among the nacions where I wil scaterthem 30 For I knowe that they wil not beare me for it is a stifnecked people but in the land of their captiuitie they shal remember them selues 31 And knowe that I am the Lord their God then wil I giue them an heart to vnderstād and eares 32 And they shal heare and praise me in the land of their captiuitie 〈◊〉 thinke vpon my Name 33 Then shal they turne them from their har de backes and from their euil workes for they shal remēber the way of their fathers which sinned before the Lord. 34 And I wil bring them againe into the land which I promised with an othe vnto their fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob they shal be lords of it and I wil increase them and they shal not be diminished 35 And I wil make an euerlasting couenant with them that I wil be their God they shal be my people and I wil no more driue my people of Israél out of the land that I haue giuen them CHAP. III. 1 The people continueth in their praier begon for their de liuerance 9 〈◊〉 praiseth wisdome vnto the people 〈◊〉 that so great aduersities came vnto them for the despising thereof 36 Onely God was the 〈◊〉 of wisdome 37 Of the incarnacion of Christ. 1 OLord almightie ô God of Israel the soule that is in trouble and the spirit that is ve xed cryeth vnto thee 2 Heare o Lord and haue mercie for thou art merciful and haue pitie vpon vs because we haue sinned before thee 3 For thou endurest for euer and we vtterly perish 4 O Lord almightie the God of Israel heare now the prayer of the dead Israelites and of their children which haue sinned before thee and not hearkened vnto the voyce of thee their God wherefore these plagues hāg vpon vs. 5 Remēber not the wickednes of our fathers but thinke vpon thy power and thy Name at this time 6 For thou art the Lord our God and thee ô Lord wil we praise 7 And for this cause hast thou put thy feare in our hearts that̄ we shulde call vponthy Name and praise thee in our captiuitie for we haue considered in our mindes all the wickednes of our fathers that sinned before thee 8 Beholde we are yet this day in our captiuitie where thou hast scatered vs to be a reproche and a curse and subiect to payments according to all the iniquities of our fathers which are departed from the LORD their God 9 O Israel heare the commandements of life hearken vnto them that thou maiest learne wisdome 10 What is the cause ô Israél that thou art in thine enemies land and art waxen olde in a strange countrey 11 And art defiled with the dead and art counted with them that go downe to the graues 12 Thou hast forsaken the fountaine of wisdome 13 For if thou hadest walked in the way of GOD thou shuldest haue remained safe for euer 14 Learne where is wisdome where is strēght where is vnderstāding that thou maist know also from whence cometh long continuance and life and where the light of the eyes and peace is 15 Who hathe found out her place or who ha the come into her treasures 16 Where are the princes of the heathen and suche as ruled the beasts vpon the earth 17 They that had their pastime with the soules of the heauen that hoorded vp siluer and golde wherein mē trust and made none end of their gathering 18 For they that coyned siluer and were so care ful of their worke and whose inuētion had none end 19 Are come to naught and gone downe to hel and other men are come vp in their steades 20 When thei were yong they sawe the light dwelt vpon the earth but they vnderstode not the way of knowledge 21 Nether perceiued the paths thereof nether haue their children receiued it but they were farre of from that way 22 It hathe not bene heard of in the land of Chanaan nether hathe it bene sene in Theman 23 Northe Agarines that soght after wisdome vpon the earth nor the marchans
that Iesus colde no more openly enter into the citie but was without in desert places and they came to him from euerie quarter CHAP. II. 3 He healeth the man of the palsie 5 He forgiueth sinnes 14 He calleth Leui the customer 16 He eateth with sinners 18 He excuseth his disciples as touching fasting and keping the Sabbath daye 1 AFter* a fewe dayes he entred into Capernaum againe and it was noysed that he was in the house 2 And anone manie gathered together in so muche that the places about the dore colde not receiue anie more and he preached the worde vnto them 3 And there came vnto hym that broght one sicke of the palsie borne of foure men 4 And because they colde not come nere vnto him for the multitude they vncouered the rofe of the house where he was and when they had broken it open they let down the bed wherein the sicke of the palsie laye 5 Now when Iesus sawe their faith he said to the sicke of the palsie Sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee 6 And there were certeine of the Scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts 7 Why doeth this man speake suche blasphe mies * who can forgiuen sinnes but God onelie 8 And immediatly when Iesus perceyued in his spirit that thus they thoght with them selues he said vnto thē Why reasō ye these things in your hearts 9 Whether is it easier to say to the sicke of the palsie Thy sinnes are forgiuē thee or to say Arise and take vp thy bed and walke 10 And that ye may knowe that the Sonne of man hathe autoritie in earth to forgiue sinnes he said vnto the sicke of the palsie 11 I say vnto thee Arise and take vp thy bed and get thee hence into thine owne house 12 And by and by he arose toke vp his bed and went forthe before them al in somuche that they were all amased ād glorified God saying We neuer sawe suche a thing 13 ¶ Then he went again to warde the sea and all the people resorted vnto hym and he taught them 14 * And as Iesus passed by he sawe Leui the sonne of Alpheus sit at the receite of custome and said vnto him Followe me And he arose and followed him 15 ¶ And it came to passe as Iesus sate at table in his house many Publicanes and sinners sate at table also with Iesus and his disciples for there were many that followed him 16 And when the Scribes and Pharises sawe him eat with the Publicanes sinners they said vnto his disciples Howe is it that he eateth drinketh with Publicanes ād sinners 17 Now when Iesus heard it he said vnto thē The whole haue no nede of the physicion but the sicke * I came not to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance 18 * And the disciples of Iohn and the Pharises dist fast and came ād said vnto him Why do the disciples of Iohn and of the Pharises fast and thy disciples fast not 19 And Iesus sayd vnto them Can the childrē of the mariage chamber fast whiles the bridgrome is with thē as long as they haue the bridegrome with them they cā not fast 20 But the dayes wil come when the bridegrome shal be taken from them and thē shal they fast in those dayes 21 Also no man soweth a piece of new cloth in an olde garment for els the new piece ta keth away the filling vp from the olde and the breache is worse 22 Likewise no man putteth new wine into olde vessels for els the new wine breaketh the vessels and the wine runneth out and the vessels are lost but new wine must be put into new vessels 23 ¶ * And it came to passe as he went through the corne on the Sabbath day that his disciples as they went on their way began to plucke the eares of corne 24 And the Pharises said vnto him Beholde why do they on the Sabbath day that which is not lawful 25 And he said to them Haue ye neuer red what* Dauid did when he had nede ād was an hungred bothe he and they that were with him 26 How he went into the house of God in the dayes of Abiathar the hie Priest and dit eat the shewe bread which were not lawful to eat but for the* Priests and gaue also to them which were with him 27 And he said to thē The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath 28 Wherefore the Sonne of man is Lord euen of the Sabbath CHAP. III. 1 He healeth the man with the dryed 〈◊〉 14. He choseth his Apostles 21 Christ is thoght of the worldelings to be besides him self 22 He casteth out the vncleane spi rit which the Pharises ascribe vnto the deuil 29 Blasphe mie against the holie Gost. 35 The brother sister and mother of Christ. 1 ANd* he entred againe into the Synagogue and there was a man which had a withered hand 2 And they watched him whether he wolde heale him on the Sabbath day that they might accuse him 3 Then he said vnto the man which had the withered hand Arise stand forthe in the middes 4 And he said to them Is it lawful to do a good dede on the Sabbath day or to do euil to saue the life or to kil But thei helde their peace 5 Then he loked rounde about on them an gerly mourning also for the hardenes of their hearts and said to the man Stretch forthe thine hand And he stretched it out and his hand was restored as whole as the other 6 ¶ And the Pharises departed straightwaye gathered a councel with the Herodians against him that they might destroye him 7 But Iesus auoyded with his disciples to the sea ād a great multitude followed him from Galile and from Iudea 8 And from Ierusalem and from Idumea and beyonde Iordan and they that dwelled about Tyrus and Sidon when thei had heard what things he did came vnto hym in great nomber 9 And he commāded his disciples that a ship shulde waite for hym because of the multitude lest they shulde throng him 10 For he had healed many in so muche that they preassed vpō him to touche him as ma ny as had plagues 11 And when the vncleane spirits sawe hym they fell downe before him and cryed saying Thou art the Sonne of God 12 And he sharpely rebuked them to the end they shulde not vtter him 13 ¶ * Then he went vp into a mountaine and called vnto him whome he wolde and they came vnto him 14 And he appointed twelue that they shulde be with him and that he might send them to preache 15 And that they myght haue power to heale sickenesses and to cast out deuils 16 And the first was Simon and he named Simon Peter 17 Then Iames the sonne of Zebedeus
41 We are in dede righteously here for were ceiue things worthie of that we haue done but this man hathe done nothing amisse 42 And he said vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome 43 Then Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise 44 ¶ And it was about the sixt houre and there was a darkenes ouer all the land vntil the ninth houre 45 And the sunne was darkened and the vaile of the Temple rent through the middes 46 And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce and said * Father into thine hands I commend my spirit And when he thus had said He gaue vp the gost 47 ¶ Now when the Centurion sawe what was done he glorisied God saying Of a sure tie this man was iuste 48 And all the people that came together to that sight beholding the things which were done smote their brests and returned 49 And all his acquaintance stode a farre of and the women that followed him from Galile beholding these things 50 ¶ * And beholde there was a man named Ioseph which was a counseller a good man and a iust 51 He did not consent to the counsel and dede of them which was of Arimathea a citie of the Iewes who also himself waited for the kingdome of God 52 He went vnto Pilate and asked the bodie of Iesus 53 And toke it downe and wrapped it in a linnen cloth and laid it in a toumbe hewen out of a rocke where in was neuer man yet laid 54 And that day was the Preparacion and the Sabbath drewe on 55 And the women also that followed after which came with him from Galile behelde the sepulchre and how his bodie was laid 56 And thei returned and prepared odores ointmens and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandement CHAP. XXIIII 1 The women come to the graue 13. Christ appeareth vnto the two disciples that go towarde Emmaus 36 He stan deth in the middes of his disciples and openeth their vnderstanding in the Scriptures 47 He giueth them a char ge 51. He ascendeth vp to heauen 52 His disciples worship him 53 And of their daiely exercise 1 NOw the * first day of the weke early in the morning they came vnto the sepulchte and broght the odores which they had prepared and certeine women with them 2 And they founde the stone rolled awaye frō the sepulchre 3 And went in but founde not the bodie of the Lord Iesus 4 And it came to passe that as they were amased there at beholde two men suddenly stode by them in shining vestures 5 And as they were afrayed and bowed downe their faces to the earth they said to them Why seke ye him that liueth among the dead 6 He is not here but is risen remember * how he spake vnto you when he was yet in Galile 7 Saying that the sonne of man must be deliuered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third daye rise againe 8 And they remembred his wordes 9 And returned from the sepulchre and tolde all these things vnto the eleuen and to all the remnant 10 Now it was Marie Magdalene and Ioanna and Marie the mother of Iames and other women with them which tolde these things vnto the Apostles 11 But their wordes semed vnto them as a fained thing nether beleued they them 12 Then arose Peter ād ran vnto the sepulchre and loked in ād sawe the linnen clothes laid by them selues and departed wondering in himself at that which was come to passe 13 ¶ * And beholde two of thē went that same day to a towne which was from Ierusalem about thre score furlongs called Emmaus 14 And they talked together of all these things that were done 15 And it came to passe as they communed together reasoned that Iesus him self drewe nere and went with them 16 But their eyes were holden that they colde not knowe him 17 And he said vnto them What maner of communications are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke and are sad 18 And the one named Cleophas answered and said vnto him Artthou onely a stranger in Ierusalem ād hast not knowen the things which are come to passe therein in these dayes 19 And he said vnto them What things And they said vnto hī Of Iesus of Nazaret which was a Prophet mightie in dede and inworde before God and all the people 20 And how the hie Priests and our rulers deliuered him to be condemned to death and haue crucified him 21 But we trusted that it had bene he that shul de haue deliuered Israel and as touching all these things to day is the third day that they were done 22 Yea and certeine women among vs made vs astonied which came early vnto the sepulchre 23 And when they founde not his bodie they came saying that they had also sene a vision of Angels which said that he was aliue 24 Therefore certeine of them which were with vs went to the sepulchre and founde it euen so as the women had said but him they sawe not 25 Then he said vnto them O fooles and slowe of heart to beleue all that the Prophetes haue spoken 26 Oght not Christ to haue suffred these things and to enter into his glorie 27 And he began at Moses and at all the Prophetes and interpreted vnto them in all the Scriptures the things which were written of him 28 And they drewe nere vnto the towne which they went to but he made as thogh he wolde haue gone further 29 But they constrained him saying Abide with vs for it is towardes night and the day is farre spent So he went in to tarie with them 30 And it came to passe as he sate at table with them he toke the bread and gaue thankes and brake it and gaue it to them 31 Thē their eyes were opened ād thei knewe him but he was taken out of their sight 32 And they said betwene them selues Did not our hearts burne with in vs while he talked with vs by the way and when he opened to vs the Scriptures 33 And they rose vp the same houre and returned to Ierusalem and founde the Eleuen gathered together thē that were with them 34 Which said The Lord is risen in dede and hathe appeared to Simon 35 Then they tolde what things were done in the way and how he was knowen of them in breaking of bread 36 ¶ * And as they spake these things Iesus him self stode in the middes of them and said vnto them Peace be to you 37 But they were abashed ād afraid supposing that they had sene a spirit 38 Then he said vnto them Why are ye troubled and wherefore do doutes arise in your hearts 39 Beholde mine hands and my fete for it is I
last of all he was sene also of me as of one borne out of due time 9 For I am the least of the Apostles which am not mete to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the Church of God 10 But by the grace of God I am that I am and his grace which is in me was not in vaine but I laboured more abundantly then they all yet not I but the grace of God whiche is with me 11 Wherefore whether it were I or they so we preache and so haue ye beleued 12 ¶ Now if it be preached that Christ is risen frō the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead 13 For if there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen 14 And if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vaine and your faith is also vaine 15 And we are founde also false witnesses of God for we haue testified of God that he hathe raised vp Christ whome he hathe not raised vp if so be the dead be not raised 16 For if the dead be not raised then is Christ not raised 17 And if Christ be not raised your faith is vaine ye are yet in your sinnes 18 And so they whiche are a slepe in Christ are perished 19 If in this life onely we haue hope in Christ we are of all men the moste miserable 20 But nowe is Christe risen frome the dead and was made the first frutes of them that slepte 21 For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead 22 For as in Adam all dye euen so in Christe shal all be made aliue 23 But euerie man in his owne order the first frutes is christ afterwarde they that are of Christ at his comming shal rise againe 24 Then shal be the end when he hathe deliuered vp the kingdome to God euen the Father when he hath put downe all rule and all autoritie and power 25 For he must reigne till he hathe put all his enemies vnder his fete 26 The last enemie that shal be destroyed is death 27 For he hathe put downe all thynges vnder his fete And when he sayth that all thyngs are subiect to hym it is manifest that he is excepted whiche did put downe all things vnder hym 28 And when all things shal be subdued vnto him then shal the Sonne also him self be sub iect vnto him that did sub due all thyngs vnder him that God may be all in all 29 Els what shal they do which are baptized for dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for dead 30 Why are we also in ieoperdie euerie houre 31 By our reioycing whiche I haue in Christ Iesus our Lord I dye daily 32 If I haue foght with beasts at Ephesus after the maner of men what aduantageth it me if the dead be not raised vp let vs eat and drinke for tomorowe we shal dye 33 Be not deceiued euill speakings corrupt good maners 34 A wake to liue ryghteously and sinne not for some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to your shame 35 But some man will saye Howe are the dead raised vp and wyth what bodye come they forthe 36 O foole that which thousowest is not quic kened except it dye 37 And that whiche thousowest thousowest not that bodie that shal be but bare corne as it faileth of wheat or of some other 38 But God giueth it a bodie at hys pleasure euen to euerie sede his owne bodie 39 All fleshe is not the same fleshe but there is one fleshe of men and another fleshe of beastes and another of fisshes and another of byrdes 40 There are also heauenlie bodies and earth lye bodyes but the glorye of the heauenlie is one and the glorie of the earthlye is another 41 There is another glorie of the sunue and another glorie of the moone and another glorie of the starres for one starre differeth from another starre in glorie 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead The bodie is sowen in corruption and is raised in incorruption 43 It is sowen in diwonour and is raised in glorie it is sowen in weakenes and is raised in power 44 It is sowen a natural bodie and is raised a spiritual bodie there is a natural bodie there is a spiritual bodie 45 As it is also written The first man * Adam was made a liuing soule and the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit 46 Howbeit that was not first made which is spiritual but that which is natural after warde that which is spiritual 47 The firstman is of the earth earthlie the secondeman is the Lord from heauen 48 As is the earthelie suche are they that are earthlie and as is the heauenlie suche are they also that are heauenlie 49 And as we haue borne the image of the earthlie so shal we beare the image of the heauenlie 50 This say I brethren that flesh blood can not inherit the kingdome of God nether doeth corruption inherit incorruption 51 Beholde I shewe you a secret thing We shal not all slepe but we shal all be changed 52 In a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last * trumpet for the trumpet shal blowe and the dead shal be raised vp incorruptible and we shal be changed 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortalitie 54 So when this corruptible hathe put on incorruption and this mortal hathe put on immortalitie then shal be broght to passe the saying that is written * Death is swalowed vp into victorie 55 * O death where is thy sting ô graue where is thy victorie 56 The sting of death is sinne and the strēgth of sinne is the Law 57 * But thankes be vnto God which hathe giuen vs victorie through our LORD Iesus Christ. 58 Therefore my beloued brethren be ye sted fast vnmoueable abundant alwayes in the worke of the Lord for asmuch as ye knowe that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord CHAP. XVI He putteth them in remembrance of the gathering for the poore brethren at Ierusalem 13 We must perseuere in faith in the loue of Christ our neighbour 15 After his commendations he wisheth to them all prosperitie 1 COncerning * the gathering for the Saintes as I haue ordeined in the Churches * of Galacia so do ye also 2 Euerie first day of the weke let euerie one of you put aside by him self and laye vp as God hathe prospered him that then there be no gatherings when I come 3 And when I am come whosoeuer ye shal alowe by letters them wil I send to
verely they whiche are the children of Leui which receiue the office of the Priesthode haue a* commandement to take according to the Law tithes of the people that is of their brethren thogh they came out of the loynes of Abraham 6 But he whose kinred is not counted among them receiued tithes of Abraham blessed him that had the promises 7 And without all contradiction the lesse is blessed of the greater 8 And here men that dye receiue tithes but there he receiueth them of whome it is witnessed that he liueth 9 And to say as the thing is Leui also whiche receiueth tithes payed tithes in Abraham 10 For he was yet in the loines of his Father Abraham when Melchi-sedec met him 11 If therefore perfection had bene by the Priesthode of the Leuites for vnder in the Law was established to the people what neded it furthermore that another Priest shuld rise after the order of Melchi-sedec and not to be called after the order of Aaron 12 For if the Priesthode be changed then of necessitie must there be a change of the Law 13 For he of whome these things are spoken perteineth vnto another tribe whereof no man serued at the altar 14 For it is euident that our Lord sprong out of Iuda concernyng the whiche tribe Moses spake nothyng touchyng the Priesthode 15 And it is yet a more euident thyng because that after the similitude of Melchi-sedec there is risen vp another Priest 16 Which is not made Priest after the Law of the carnal commandement but after the power of the endles life 17 For he testifieth thus * Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchi-sedec 18 For the commandement that went afore is disanulled because of the weakenes thereof and vnprofitablenes 19 For the Law made nothing perfite but the bringing in of a better hope made perfite whereby we drawe nere vnto God 20 And forasmuche as it is not wythout an othe for these are made Priests wythout an othe 21 But this he is made with an othe by hym that said vnto him * The Lord hath sworne ād will not repent Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchi-sedec 22 By so muche is Iesus made a suretie of a better Testament 23 And amonge them many were made Prists because they were not suffred to endure by the reason of death 24 But this man because he endureth euer hathe an euerlasting Priesthode 25 Wherefore he is able also perfitely to saue them that come vnto God by hym seyng he euer liueth to make intercession for them 26 For suche an hye Priest it became vs to haue whiche is holie harmeles vndefiled separate frome sinnes and made hier then the heauen 27 Which neded not daily as those hie Priests to offer vp sacrifice * first for hys owne sinnes and then for the peoples for that did he once when he offred vp him self 28 For the Law maketh men hie Priests which haue infirmitie but the worde of the othe that was since the Law maketh the Sonne who is consecrated for euermore CHAP. VIII 6 He proueth the abolishing aswel of the Leuitical Priest hode as of the olde Couenant by the spiritual and euerla 〈◊〉 Priesthode of Christ 8 And by the new Couenant 1 NOw of the things which we haue spoken this is the summe that we haue su che an hie Priest that sitteth at the righthand of the throne of the maiestie in heauens 2 And is a minister of the Sanctuarie and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord pight and not man 3 For euerie hie Priest is ordeined to offer bothe giftes and sacrifices wherefore it was of necessitie that this man shulde haue some what also to offer 4 For he were not a Priest if he were on the earth seing there are Priests that according to the Law offer giftes 5 Who serue vnto the paterne and shadowe of heauenlie things as Moses was warned by God when he was about to finish the Tabernacle * Se said he that thou make all things according to the paterne shewed to thee in the mount 6 But now our hie Priest hathe obteined a more excellent office in asmuche as he is the Mediatour of a bettter Testament which is established vpon better promises 7 For if that first Testament had bene fauteles no place shulde haue bene soght for the seconde 8 For in rebuking them he saith * Beholde the dayes wil come saith the Lord when I shal make with the house of Israel and with the house of Iuda a new Testament 9 Not like the Testament that I made with their fathers in the day that I toke them by the hand to leade them out of the land of Egypt for they continued not in my Testament and I regarded thē not saith the Lord. 10 For this is the Testament that I wil make with the house of Israel After those dayes saith the Lord I wil put my lawes in their min de and in their heart I wil write them I wil be their God and they shal be my people 11 And they shal not teache euerie man his neighbour euerie man his brother saying Knowe the Lord for all shall knowe me frō the least of them to the greatest of them 12 For I wil be merciful to their vnrighteousnes and I wil remember their sinnes ād their iniquities no more 13 In that he saith a newe Testament he hathe abrogate the olde now that which is disanulled and vaxed olde is readie to vanish away CHAP. IX 1 How that the Ceremonies and sacrifices of the Lawe are abolished 11 By the eternitie and perfection of Christs sacrifice 1 THen the first Testament had also ordinances of religion and a worldlie San ctuarie 2 For the first * Tabernacle was made wher in was the candlesticke the table and the shew bread which Tabernacle is called the Holie places 3 And after the seconde vaile was the Taber nacle which is called the Holiest of all 4 Which had the golden senser and the Arke of the Testament ouerlaide rounde about with gold wherein the golden pot which had manna was and* Aarons redde that had bud ded the * tables of the Testament 5 * And ouer the Arke were the glorious Che rubims shadowing the mercie seat of which things we wil not now speake particularly 6 Now when these things were thus ordeined the Priests went alwayes into the first Tabernacle and accomplished the seruice 7 But into the second went the * hie Priest alone once euerie yere not without blood which he offered for him self and for the ignorances of the people 8 Whereby the holie Gost this signified that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet opened while as yet the first
able to saue and to destroye * Who art thou that iud gest another man 13 Go to no we ye that saye To daye or to morowe we wyll go into suche a citie and continue there a yere and bye and sel and get gaine 14 And yet ye can not tell what shal be to moro we For what is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and af ter warde vanisheth away 15 For that ye ought to say * If the Lord wyll and If we liue we wil do this or that 16 But no we ye reioyce in your boastyngs all suche reioycing is euil 17 Therefore to him that knoweth howe to do wel and doeth it not to him it is sinne CHAP. V. 2 He threateneth the wicked riche men 7 Exhoiteth vnto pacience 12 To beware of swearyng 16 One to knowledge his fautes to another 20 And one to labour to bring another to the trueth 1 GO to nowe ye ryche men wepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you 2 Your riches are corrupt and your garments are moth eaten 3 Your Golde and Siluer is cankred and the rust of them shal be a wytnes agaynste you and shall eat your fleshe as it were fyre * Ye haue heaped vp treasure for the last dayes 4 Beholde the hyre of the laborers which haue reaped your fields whiche is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them which haue reaped are entred into the eares of the Lord of hostes 5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earthe and in wantōnes Ye haue nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter 6 Ye haue condemned and haue killed the iuste and he hathe not resisted you 7 Be pacient therefore brethren vnto the commyng of the Lorde Beholde the housband man waiteth for the precious frute of the earth and hathe longe pacience for it vntill he receiue the former and the latter rayne 8 Be ye also pacient therefore and setle your hearts for the commyng of the Lord draweth nere 9 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned beholde the iudge standeth before the dore 10 Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience whiche haue spoken in the Name of the Lord. 11 Beholde we count them blessed whiche endure Ye haue heard of the pacience of Iob 〈◊〉 haue knowen what end the Lord made For the Lord is verie pitiful and mercifull 12 But before all thyngs my brethren * sweare not nether by heauen nor by earth nor by anie other othe but let your yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into condemnation 13 Is anie among you afflicted Let him pray Is anie merie Let him sing 14 Is anie sicke among you Let hym call for the Elders of the Churche and let them praye for him and anoint hym with * oyle in the Name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of fayth shal saue the sicke and the LORDE shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinne it shal be forgiuen hym 16 Acknowledge your fautes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be hea led for the prayer of a ryghteous man auaileth muche if it be feruent 17 * Helias was a man subiect to lyke passions as we are and he prayed earnestlye that it myght not rayne and it rained not on the earth for thre yeres and six moneths 18 And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth broght forthe her frute 19 Brethren if anye of you hathe erred frome the trueth and some man hathe conuerted hym 20 Let him knowe that he whiche hathe conuerted the sinner from goyng astraye out of his way shal saue a soule from death ād shal hide a multitude of sinnes THE FIRST EPISTLE general of Peter THE ARGVMENT HE exhorteth the faithful to denie them selues and to contemne the worlde that being deliuered from all carnal affections and impediments they may more spedely atteine to the heauēlie kingdome of Christ whereunto we are called by the grace of God reueiled to vs in his Sonne and haue already receiued it by faith possessed it by hope and are therein confirmed by holines of life And to the intent this faith shulde not faint seing Christ contemned and reiected almost of the whole worlde he declareth that this is nothyng els but the accomplishyng of the Scriptures whiche testifie that he shulde be the stombling stone to the reprobate and the sure fundation of saluation to the faithfull therefore he exhorteth them courageously to go forwarde considering what they were and to what dignitie God hathe called them After he entreateth particular points teaching subiects how to obey their gouernours and seruants their masters how maried folkes ought to behaue them selues And because it is appointed for all that are godlie to suffre persecutions he sheweth them what good yssue their asflictions shal haue and contrariewise what punishment God reserueth for the wicked Last of all he teacheth how the ministers ought to behaue them selues forbidding them to vsurpe autoritie o 〈◊〉 the Churche also that yong men ought to be modest and apt to learne and so endeth with an exhortation CHAP. I. 2 He sheweth that through the abundant mercie of God we are elect and regenerate to a liuelie hope 7 And how faith must be tried 10 That the saluation in Christ is no newes but a thing prophecied of olde 13 He exhorteth them to a godlie conuersation forasmuche as they are now borne a newe by the worde of God 1 PETER an Apostle of Iesus Christ to the strangers that dwel here and there throughout Pontus Galacia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia 2 Elect according to the fore knowledge of God the Father vnto sanctificatió of the spirit through obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you 3 * Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ whiche accordyng to his abundant mercie hathe begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead 4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you 5 Whiche are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation whiche is prepared to be shewed in the last time 6 Wherein ye reioyce thogh now for a ceason if nede require ye are in heauines through manifolde tentations 7 That the triall of your faith being muche more precious then golde that perisheth thogh it be tried with fyre might be foūde vnto your praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ. 8 Whome ye haue not sene and yet loue him in whome now thogh ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious 9 Receiuing the
nether vnder the earth was able to open the Boke nether to loke thereon 4 Then I wept muche because no man was founde worthie to open and to reade the Bo ke nether to loke thereon 5 And one of the elders said vnto me Wepe not beholde the * lion which is of the tribe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hathe obteined to open the Boke and to lose the seuen seales thereof 6 Then I behelde and lo in the middes of the throne and of the foure beasts and in the middes of the elders stode a Lābe as thogh he had bene killed which had seuen hornes and seuen eyes which are the seuen spirits of God sent into all the worlde 7 And he came and toke the Boke out of the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne 8 And when he had taken the Boke the foure beasts and the foure and twentie elders fell downe before the Lambe hauing euerie one harpes golden viales full of odours which are the prayers of the Saintes 9 And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthie to take the Boke and to open the seales thereof because thou wast killed and hast redemed vs to God by thy blood out of euerie kinred and tongue and people nation 10 And hast made vs vnto our God * Kings and Priests and we shal reigne on the earth 11 Then I behelde and I heard the voyce of manie Angels rounde about the throne and about the beasts and the elders and there were * thousand thousands 12 Saying with a loude voyce Worthie is the * Lambe that was killed to receiue power riches and wisdome and strength honour and glorie and praise 13 And all the creatures which are in heauen and on the earth and vnder the earth and in the sea and all that are in them heard I saying Praise and honour and glorie and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne vnto the Lambe for euermore 14 And the foure beasts said Amen and the foure and twentie Elders fell downe and worshipped him that liueth for euer more CHAP. VI. The Lambe openeth the sixe seales and manie things follow the opening thereof so that this conteineth a general prophecie to the end of the worlde 1 AFter I behelde when the Lambe had opened one of the seales ād I heard one of the foure beasts say as it were the noyce of thunder Come and se. 2 Therefore I behelde and lo there was a white horse and he that sate on hym had a bowe and a crowne was giuen vnto hym he went for the conquering that he might ouercome 3 And when he had opened the seconde seale I heard the seconde beast say Come and se. 4 And there wēt out another horse that was red and power was giuen to him that sate thereon to take peace from the earth and that they shulde kill one another and there was giuen vnto him a great sworde 5 And when he had opened the thirde seale I heard the third beast say Come and se. Then I behelde and lo a blacke horse he that sate on him had balances in his hand 6 And I heard a voyce in the middes of the foure beasts say A measure of wheat for a penie ād thre measures of barlie for a penie and oyle and wine hurt thou not 7 And when he had opened the fourth seale I heard the voyce of the fourth beast say Come and se. 8 And I loked and beholde a pale horse his name that sate on him was Death and Hel followed after him and power was giuē vnto thē ouer the fourth parte of the earth to kill with sworde and with honger and with death and with the beasts of the earth 9 And when he had opened the fift seale I sawe vnder the altar the soules of thē that were killed for the worde of God and for the testimonie whiche they mainteined 10 And they cryed with a lowde voyce saying How long Lorde holie and true do est not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth 11 And long white robes were giuen vnto eue rie one and it was said vnto them that they shulde rest for a litel ceason vntil their felow seruants and their brethren that shulde be killed euen as they were were fulfilled 12 And I behelde when he had opened the sixt seale and lo there was a greate earthquake the sunne was as blacke as sackcloth of heere the moone was like blood 13 And the starres of heauē fel vnto the earth as a figge tre casteth her grene figges when it is shaken of a mightie winde 14 And heauen departed away as a scrole when it is rolled and euerie mountaine and yle were moued out of their places 15 And the Kings of the earth and the greate men the riche men the chief captaines and the mightie men and euerie bondman euerie fre man hid them selues in dennes and among the rockes of the mountaines 16 And said to the mountaines and rockes Fal on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe 17 For the great day of his wrath is come and who can stand CHAP. VII 4. 9. He seeth the seruants of God sealed in their forheades out of all nations and people 15 whiche thogh they suffer trouble yet the Lābe fedeth them leadeth them to the fountaines of liuing water 17 And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes 1 ANd after that I sawe foure Angels stand on the foure corners of the earth holding the foure windes of the earth that the windes shulde not blowe on the earth nether on the sea nether on anie tre 2 And I saw another Angel comevp from the East which had the seale of the liuing God and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure Angels to whome power was giuen to hurt the earth and the sea saying Hurt ye not the earth nether the sea nether the trees til we haue sealed the seruants of our God in their foreheades 4 And I heard the nomber of them which were sealed and there were sealed an hundreth and foure fortie thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel 5 Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed twelue thou sand Of the tribe of Ruben were sealed twel ue thousand Of the tribe of 〈◊〉 were sealed twelue thousand 6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelue thou sand Of the tribe of Nepthali were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelue thousand 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Leui were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelue thousand Of the
also hys confidence that God doeth 〈◊〉 him for his profit g His worde is more precious vnto me then the meat where with the bodie is 〈◊〉 h Iob 〈◊〉 that at this 〈◊〉 he felt not Gods fauour and yet was assured that he had appointed him to a good ende i In manye pointes man is not able to 〈◊〉 to Gods iudgementes k That I shulde not be without feare l He sheweth the cause of his feare which is that he beirgin 〈◊〉 seeth none end nether yet know et h the cause a Thus Iob speaketh in 〈◊〉 and after the iudgemēt of the flesh that is that he seeth not the thinges that are done at times 〈◊〉 yet hathe a 〈◊〉 care ouer all because he punisheth not the wic ked nor reuēgeth the godlie b VVhen he punisheth the wicked and rewardeth the good c And for crueltie oppression dare not shewe theyr faces d That is spareno diligence e He and his lyus by robbing and murdering f Meaning 〈◊〉 poore mans g Signifying that one wicked man wil not spoile an other but for 〈◊〉 h The poore are driuē by the wicked into rockes holes where they can not lye drye for the rayne i That is they so powle and pille the poore widow that she can not haue to susteyne her selfe that she may be able to giue her child sucke k That is his garment wherewith he shulde be couered or clad l In suche places whiche are appointed for that purpose meaning that those that la bour for the wicked are pined for hungre m For the greate oppression and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 n Crye out call for vengeance o God doeth not cōdemnethe wicked but semeth to passe ouer it by his long silēce p That is Goddes worde because thei are 〈◊〉 thereby q By these particu 〈◊〉 vices and the licence therunto he wolde proue that God punisheth not the wic ked rewardeth the iuste r He fleeth to the waters for his succour s Thei thinke that all the worlde is bent against thē and dare not go by the hieway t As the drye grounde is neuer full with waters so will thei neuer cease sinning till thei come to the graue u Thogh God suffer thewicked for a time yet theyr end shal be moste vile destinction in this point Iob cometh to him self and sheweth his confidence x He sheweth why the wicked shal not be 〈◊〉 because he dyd not pitie others y He declareth that after that the wicked haue destroyed the weakest they will do like to the stronger and therefore are iustely preuented by Gods iudgements z That is that 〈◊〉 to your reasoning no man can giue a perfite reason 〈◊〉 Gods iudgements 〈◊〉 me be reproued Chap. xxv a His purpose is to proue that 〈◊〉 God trye and afflict the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 son after h sendeth prosperitie and because he did not so to Iob he cōcludeth that he is 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 can hide him from hisp esence c That is be iuste in respect of God d If God hewe his power the moone 〈◊〉 can not haue that light which is giuen them muche lesse can mā haue anye 〈◊〉 but of 〈◊〉 Chap. xxvi a Thou concludest nothing for nether thou 〈◊〉 me which am destitute of all helpe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ly on Gods 〈◊〉 who hath nonede of thy defence b But thou doest not applie it to the purpose c That is moueth thee to speake this d Iob 〈◊〉 to declare the force of Gods power and prouidence in the mines metals in the depe places of the earth e There is nothīg bid in the bottom of the earth but he seeth it f Meaning the graue wherein 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 g He causeth the whole heauen to turne aboute the North pole h That is he hideth the 〈◊〉 whiche are called his throne i So long as this worlde 〈◊〉 k Not that 〈◊〉 hathe pillers to vpholde it 〈◊〉 he speaketh by a 〈◊〉 as thogh he 〈◊〉 say The heauen it self is not able to 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 l VVhiche is a figure of 〈◊〉 facioned like a serpent because of the crookednes m If these fewe things which we se daily with our eyes declare his 〈◊〉 power and prouidence how muche more wolde they appeare if we were able to comprehend all his workes a He hathe so sore afflicted me that men cānot iudge of mine vprightnes for thei iudge onely by 〈◊〉 signes b Howsoeuer mē iudge of me 〈◊〉 will I not speake contrarie to that which I haue said so do wickedly in betraying the 〈◊〉 c VVhich condēne me as a wicked man because the hād of God is vppon me 〈◊〉 I wil not cōfesse that God doeth thus punishe 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 sinnes e Of my life past f What aduantage hathe the dissembler to gaine neuer so much seing he shall lose hys owne soule g That is what God reserueth to him self whereof he giueth not the knowledge to all h That is these secret iudgemēts of God and yet do not vnderstande them i Why mainteine you then this 〈◊〉 k Thus Will God ordre the wicked and punishe him euen vnto his posteritie l None shal 〈◊〉 him m Which bredeth in another mans 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 garment but is sone shaken 〈◊〉 n He meaneth that the wicked tyrants shall not haue a quiet death 〈◊〉 be buried honorably a His purpose is to declare that mā maye atteine in this Worlde to diuers secrets of nature but man is neuer able to comprehend the wisdome 〈◊〉 God b 〈◊〉 is nothing but it is cōpased within certeine limites and 〈◊〉 he an end but Gods wisdome c Meaning him that 〈◊〉 thereby d VVhiche a man can not wade through e That 〈◊〉 corne vnder nethe is 〈◊〉 stone or cole which easely cōceiueth fyre f He alludeth to the mines and secrets of nature which are vnder the earth where into nether soules nor beasles can entre g After that he hath declared the wisdome of God in the secretes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 describeth his power h Thogh 〈◊〉 power and wisdome may be 〈◊〉 stād in 〈◊〉 things yet his heauēlie wisdome can not be 〈◊〉 vnto i It is to hie a thing for man to atteine vnto in this worlde k I can nether be boght for golde nor precious 〈◊〉 but is onelye the gift of God l VVhich is thoght to be a kinde of precious 〈◊〉 m Meaning that there 〈◊〉 no natural meanes wherby man might atteine to the heauē lie wisdome whiche he 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 that she hie n He 〈◊〉 God onelye the 〈◊〉 of this wisdome and the 〈◊〉 thereof 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 7. o He declareth that man hathe so much of this heauenlie wisdome as he sheweth by fearing God and departing from 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. moneths before a When I felt his fauour b I was fre from affliction c That is semed by euident tokēs to be more preset with me d By these similitudes he declareth the great prosperitie that he was in so that he
the Churche of Christ whiche is our mother and not of the Synagogue whiche is a seruant vnder the Law Rom. 9. 8. By the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs fre a If you ioyne circumcision to the Gospel as a thing necessarie to saluacion Chap. V. Act. 15. 2. b We liue in hop through that Spi rit whiche causeth faith and whiche is giuen to the faithfull that we shulde 〈◊〉 faith and not by the Law obtaine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of glorie whiche Christe gyueth frely 1. Cor. 1. 17. c Then whatsoeuer is not the worde of God whiche here he calleth trueth is verie lies d Which is God e A litle corruption doeth destroy the whole doctrine 1. Cor. 5. 6. f That ye wil 〈◊〉 the word of God purely g That is the doctrine of the Gospell whiche the worlde ab horred as a sclanderous thing and therewith were offended h Meaning the seconde table 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 18. 〈◊〉 22. 39. k That is the na tu all man 〈◊〉 against the 〈◊〉 of of 〈◊〉 Mar. 12. 31. Iam. 2. 8. Rom. 13. 14. 1. Pet 2. 10. i In the man regenerat i If you be 〈◊〉 by the Spirit of 〈◊〉 that whiche ye do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to God althogh it be nor be 〈◊〉 fity m For they are vnder the 〈◊〉 or grace n Christ hath 〈◊〉 onely remitted their sinnes but sanctified tl 〈◊〉 into 〈◊〉 es of lif o That being dead to sinne liuyng to God we may declare the same in holines and innocencie of life a Father by reason of his flesh or Satan b Christe exhorteth in 〈◊〉 places to mutual loue 〈◊〉 brotherlie loue is here called the Lawe of Christ and his comman 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 n. 13. 14. and. 5. 12. c He sheweth that man hathe nothing of him 〈◊〉 whereof he shulde 〈◊〉 2. 〈◊〉 1. 12. Wherein he may reioyce 〈◊〉 me but not before God d For his reioycing is a 〈◊〉 of a good conscience e For it were a shame not to prouide for their corporal necessities whiche fede our soules with the heauenlie things 1. Cor. 5 8. 1. 〈◊〉 9. 7. f He proueth that the ministers must be nowrished for if men onely prouide for wordely thinges 〈◊〉 out respect of the life euerlasting then they procure to them selues death and mocke God who hath giuen them his ministers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them heauenlie thing 2. Thes. 3. 13. g The frute whiche God hathe promised h By the outwarde ceremonies i That is for prea 〈◊〉 Christ 〈◊〉 k That thei haue made you Iewes l By the 〈◊〉 he meaneth all ou warde pom pe 〈◊〉 things which please mens fantasies m Which is rege nerate by faith Rom. 2. 19. n That is vpon the Iewes as o Let no man trouble my preaching from hēce forthe for my markes are witnesses how valiantly I haue foght p Which 〈◊〉 odious to the worlde but glorious before God a As with the knowledge of God in Christ with faith hope charitie other gifts “ Or places b This election to lif euerlasting can neuer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ged but in temporal offices which God hathe appointed for a certeine space when the terme is expired he chā geth his election as we se in Saul and Iudas 1. Cor. 1. 2. c When Christs iustice is imputed ours d Whereas we were not the 〈◊〉 children he receiued vs by grace and made vs his children 2. Cor. 1. 3. 1. Pet. 1. 3. 2. Tim. 1. 9. e The principal end of our election is to praise and glorifie the grace of God Colos. 1. 22. f That is in Christ. g By this he mea neth the whole bodie of the Churche which he deuideth into them which are in heauen and them which are in earth also the faithful which re maine in earth stād of the Iewes and the Gentiles h To wit the Iewes i Thogh we be redemed frō the bondage of sinne by the death of Christ Rom 6. 22 〈◊〉 we hope for this seconde 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 be when we shal possesse our inhe ritāce in the heauens whereof we haue the holie Gost for a gage as Chap. 4. 30. k Of Christ. l Made him Go uernour of all things bothe in heauen and in'earthe so that Christs bodie is now onely there or elsit shuld not be a true bodie and his ascenciō shulde be but a fantasticall thing and onely imagi ned Col. 2. 12. Chap. 3. 7. Psal. 8. 8. Ebr. 2. 8. m This is the great loue of Christe towarde his Churche that he counteth not him selfe perfect without vs whiche are his members therefore 〈◊〉 Church is also Christ as 1. Cor. 12. 12. Col. 2. 13. Chap. 6. 12. 〈◊〉 Meaning Satan b Not by creation but by Adās 〈◊〉 so by 〈◊〉 c Bothe Iewe Gentil “ Or with Christ. d We that are the members are raised vp 〈◊〉 death and reigne without head christ in heauen by faith e Here he meaneth as concerning grace and not by nature f He sheweth here that the further the Gentiles were of frome the grace of God the greater detters they are now to the 〈◊〉 1. Sam. 17. 26. Eze. 44 7. Rom. 9. 4. g It was but one couenant but because it was diuers times confirmed and established 〈◊〉 here he calleth them Couenants h Whereno promesis there is no hope “ Or 〈◊〉 i That is the cau se of the diuision that was 〈◊〉 ne the Iewes the Gentiles k For in Christ 〈◊〉 all things were accomplished which were pre figurate in the Law l For of the Iewes and the Gentils he made one flocke “ Or death Rom. 5. 2. a He reioyceth in that he suffred imprisonmēt for the maintenance of Christs glorie b Which was his 〈◊〉 to prea che vnto the 〈◊〉 c That is in the first chap of this Epistle ver 9. d Althogh the fathers and the Prophetes had reuelations certeine yet it was not in comparison of that 〈◊〉 which was shewed when the Gētiles were called nether 〈◊〉 was the time 〈◊〉 the maner knowen Chap. 1 19. 1. Cor. 15 9. 〈◊〉 1. 16. Rom. 16. 25. Col. 1. 26. 2. Timo. 1. 10. e The Angels Tit. 1. 2. 1. Pet. 1. 20. f The Churche being gathered of so many kindes of people is an example or a glasse for the An gels to beholde the wisdome of God in who hath turned their particular discords in to an vniuersal concorde and of the 〈◊〉 of bondage hathe made the Church of 〈◊〉 dome g He that is not of the bodie of Christ is in death h The faithful which 〈◊〉 befo re Christ 〈◊〉 were adopted by him and make one familie with the Saincts which yet remaine a liue i For we confesse that which we beleue k All perfection on euerie side is in him l That all the graces of God may abounde in you Rom. 16. 25. m In that we fele Christ in vs. a For the Lords cause Philip. 1. 27. Col. 1. 10. 1. Thess. 2. 12. b 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 you
laugh at the punishment of the inno cent 24 The earth is giuen into the hād of the wicked he couereth the faces of the iudges the reof if not where is he or who is he 25 My dayes haue bene more swift then a poste they haue fled haue sene no good thing 26 They are passed as with the moste swift shippes as the egle thar flieth to the praye 27 If I say I wil forget my complaint I wil cease from my wrath and comfort me 28 Then I am afrayed of all my sorowes knowing that thou wilt not iudge me innocent 29 If I be wicked why labour I thus in vaine 30 If I wash my self with snowe water purge mine hands moste cleane 31 Yet shalt thou plonge me in the pit mine owne clothes shal make me fifthy 32 For he is not a man as I am that I shulde answer him if we come together to iudgemēt 33 Nether is there any vmpire that might laie his hand vpon vs bothe 34 Let him take his rod away from me and let nor his feare astonish me 35 Then wil I speake feare him not but because I am not so I holde me stil. CHAP. X. 1 Iob is weary of his life and setteth out his fragilitie before God 20 He desireth him to stay his hand 22 A description of death 1 MY soule is cut of thogh I liue I wil leaue my complaint vpon my self and wil speake in the bitternes of my soule 2 I wil say vnto God Condēne me not she we me wherefore thou contendest with me 3 Thinkest thou it good to oppresse me to cast of the labour of thine hands and to fauour the counsel of the wicked 4 Hast thou carnal eyes or doest thou se as man seeth 5 Are thy dayes as mans dayes or thy yeres as the time of man 6 That thou inquirest of mine iniquitie and searchest out my sinne 7 Thou knowest that I can not do wickedly for none can deliuer me out of thine hand 8 Thine hands haue made me and facioned me wholy rounde about and wilt thou destroye me 9 Remember I pray thee that thou hast made me as the clay and wilt thou bring me into dust againe 10 Hast thou not powred me out as mylke and turned me to cruds like chese 11 Thou hast clothed me with skinne and flesh and ioyned me together with bones and sinewes 12 Thou hast giuen me life and grace thy visitacion hathe preserued my spirit 13 Thogh thou hast hid these things in thine heart yet I knowe that it is so with thee 14 If I haue sinned then thou wilt streightly loke vnto me and wilt not holde me giltles of mine iniquitie 15 If I haue done wickedly wo vnto me if I haue done righteously I wil not lift vp mine head being ful of cōfusiō because I se mine affliction 16 But let it increase hunt thou me as a lyon returne shewe thy self maruelous vpóme 17 Thou renuest thy plagues againste me and thou increasest thy wrath against me changes and armies of sorowes are against me 18 Wherefore thē hast thou broght me out of the wombe Oh that I had perished and that none eye had sene mel 19 And that I were as I had not bene but broght from the wombe to the graue 20 Are notmy dayes fewe let him cease and leaue of from me that I may take a litle comfort 21 Before I go and shal not returne euen to the land of dark enes and shad owe of death 22 Into a land I say dark as darkenes it self into the shadow of death where is none order but the light is there as dark enes CHAP. XI 1 Iob is vniustly reprehended of Zophár 7 God is incomprehensible 14 He is merciful to the repentant 18 Their assurance that liue godlie 1 THen answered Zophár the Naamathite and said 2 Shulde not the multitude of wordes be answered or shulde a great talker be iustified 3 Shulde men holde their peace at thy lyes when th ou mockest others shal none make thee ashamed 4 Forthou hast said My doctrine is pure and I am cleane in thine eyes 5 But oh that God wolde speake and open his lippes against thee 6 That he might shewe thee the secrets of wisdome how thou hast deserued double accordīg to right know therefore that God hathe forgoten thee for thee iniquitie 7 Canst thou by searching finde out God canst thou fin de out the Almightie to his perfection 8 The heauens are hie what canst thou do it is deper thē the hel how canst thou know it 9 The measure thereofis longer thē the earth and it is broder then the sea 10 If he cut of shut vp or gather together who can turne him backe 11 For he knoweth vaine men and seeth iniqui tie and him that vnderstandeth nothing 12 Yet vaine man wolde be 〈◊〉 thogh man newe borne is like a wilde asse 〈◊〉 13 If thou prepare thine heart and stretche 〈◊〉 thin 〈◊〉 hands towarde him 14 If iniquitie be in thine hand put it farre away let no wickednes dwel in thy tabernacle 15 Then truely shalt thou lift vp thy face with out spot and shalt be stable and shalt not feare 16 But thou shalt forget thy miserie and remē ber it as waters that are past 17 Thine age also shal appeare more cleare then the noone day thou shalt shine and be as the morning 18 And thou shalt be bolde because there is hope and thou shalt dig pittes shalt lye downe safely 19 For when thou tak est thy rest none shal make thee afraied yea manie shal make sure vnto thee 20 But the eyes of the wicked shal faile and their refuge shal perish and their hope shal be sorowe of minde CHAP. XII 1 Iob accuseth his friends of ignorance 7 He declareth the might and 〈◊〉 of God 17 And how he changeth the course of things 1 THen Iob answered and said 2 In dede because that ye are the people onely wisdome must dye with you 3 But I haue vnderstanding as wel as you and am not inferior vnto you yea who knoweth not suche things 4 * I am as one mocked of his neighbour who calleth vpon God and he heareth him the iuste the vpright is laughed to scorne 5 He that is ready to fal is as a lampe despised in the opinion of the riche 6 The tabernacles of robbers do prosper and they are in sauetie that prouoke God who me God hathe enriched with his hand 7 Aske now the beastes they shal teache thee and the foules of the heauen and they shal tel thee 8 Or speake to the earth it shal shewe thee or the sishes of the sea and they shal declare vnto thee
9 Who is ignorāt of all these but that the hand of the Lord hathe made these 10 In whose hand is the soule of euerie liuing thing and the breath of all mankinde 11 Doeth not the cares discerne the wordes and the mouth taste meat for it self 12 Among the ancient is wisdome and in the length of dayes is vnderstanding 13 With him is wisdome and strength he hathe counsel and vnderstanding 14 Beholde he wil breake downe and it can not be buylt he shutteth a man vp and he can not be losed 15 Beholde he withholdeth the waters thei drye vp but when he sendeth them out they destroye the earth 16 With him is strength and wisdome he that is 〈◊〉 and that deceiueth are his 17 He causeth the counselers to go as spoiled and maketh the iudges fooles 18 He loseth the colar of Kings and girdeth their loines with a girdle 19 He leadeth awaythe princes as a pray and ouerthroweth the mightie 20 He taketh away the speache from the faith ful counselers and taketh away the iudgement of the ancient 21 He powreth contempt vpon princes mak eth the strength of the mightie weake 22 He discouereth the depe places from their darkenes and bringeth forthe the shado we of death to light 23 He increaseth the people and destroyeth them he inlargeth the nacions and bringeth them in againe 24 He taketh away the hearts of them that are the chief ouer the people of the earth and maketh them to wander in the wildernes out of the way 25 They grope in the darke without light and he maketh them to stagger like a dronken man CHAP. XIII 1 Iob compareth his knowledge with the experience of his friends 16 The penitent shal be saued and the hypocrite condemned 20 He prayeth vnto God that he wolde not handle him rigorously 1 LO mine eye hathe sene all this mine eare hathe heard and vnderstand it 2 I knowe also asmuche as you knowe I am not inferior vnto you 3 But I wil speake to the Almightie and I desire to dispute with God 4 For in dede ye forge lyes and all you are phisicions of no value 5 Oh that you wolde holde your tongue that it might be imputed to you for wisdome 6 Now heare my disputation and giue eate to the arguments of my lippes 7 Wil ye speake wickedly for Gods defence and talke deceitfully for his cause 8 Wil ye accept persone or wil ye contend for God 9 Is it wel that he shulde seke of you wil you make alye for him as one lyeth for a man 10 He wilsurely reproue you if ye do secretly accept anie persone 11 Shal not his excellencie make you afrayd and his feare fall vpon you 12 Your memories may be compared vnto ashes and your bodies to bodies of claye 13 Holde your tongues in my presence that I may speake and let come vpon what wil. 14 Wherefore do I take my flesh in my tethe and put my soule in mine hand 15 Lo thogh he slay me yet wil I trust in him and I wil reproue my wayes in his sight 16 He shal be my saluation also for the hypocrite shal not come before him 17 Heare diligently my wordes and marke my talke 18 Beholde now if I prepare me to iudgemēt I knowe that I shal be iustified 19 Who is he that wil pleade with me for if I now holde my tongue I dye 20 But do not these two things vnto me then wil I not hide my self from thee 21 Withdrawe thine hand from me and let not thy feare make me afraied 22 Then call thou and I wil answer or let me speake and answer thou me 23 How manie are mine iniquities and sinnes shewe me my rebellion and my sinne 24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enemie 25 Wilt thou breake a leafe driuen to and fro and wilt thou pursue the drye stubble 26 For thou writest bitter things against me and makest me to possesse the iniquities of my youth 27 Thou puttest my fete also in the stockes and lokest narowly vnto all my paths and makest the printe thereof in the heeles of my fete 28 Suche one consumeth like a roten thing and as a garment that is moth eaten CHAP. XIIII 1 Iob describeth the shortenes and miserie of the life of man 14 Hope susteineth the godlie 22 The condition of mans life 1 MAn that is borne of woman is of short continuance and ful of trouble 2 He shooteth forthe as a floure and is cut downe he vanisheth also as * a shadow and continueth not 3 And yet thou openest thine eyes vpon such e one and causest me to entre into iudge ment with thee 4 * Who can bring a cleane thing out of 〈◊〉 there is not one 5 Are not his dayes determined the nomber of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed his boūdes which he can not passe 6 Turne from him that he may cease vntil his desired day as an h yreling 7 For there is hope of atre if it be cut downe that it wil yet sproute the branches there of wil not cease 8 Thogh the rote of it waxe olde in the earth the stocke thereof be dead in the groūde 9 Yet by the sent of water it wil bud bring forthe bowes like a plant 10 But man is sicke and dyeth and man perisheth and where is he 11 As the waters passe from the sea and as the 〈◊〉 decayeth and dryeth vp 12 So man slepeth and riseth not for he shall not wake againe nor be raised frō his slepe til the heauen be nomore 13 Oh that thou woldest hide me in the graue and kepe me secret vntil thy wrath were past and woldest giue me terme and remember me 14 If a man dye shal he liue againe All the dayes of mine appointed time wil I waite til my changing shal come 15 Thou shalt call me and I shal answer thee thou louest the worke of thine owne hands 16 But now thou * nombrest my steps and doest not delay my sinnes 17 Mine iniquitie is sealed vp as in a bagge and thou addest vnto my wickednes 18 And surely as the mountaine that falleth cometh to noght and the rocke that is remoued from his place 19 As the water breaketh the stones when thou ouerflowest the things which growe in the dust of the earth so thou destroyest the hope of man 20 Thou preuailest alway against him so that he passeth away he changeth his face when thou castest him away 21 And he knoweth not if his sonnes shal be honorable nether shal he vnderstād concerning thē whether they shal be of lowe degre 22 But while his flesh is vpon him he shal be sorowful and while his soule is in him it shal mourne CHAP. XV. 1 Elipház reprehendeth