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B00888 The Christian manuell, or of the life and maners of true Christians. A treatise, wherein is plentifully declared, how needefull it is for the seruaunts of God to manifest and declare to the world: their faith by their deedes, their words by their works, and their profession by their conuersation. VVritten by Ihon VVoolton minister of the Gospel, in the Cathedral church of Excetor. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25976; Interim Tract Supplement Guide G.1999[2] 81,916 210

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he caried let it fall vppon his head wherewith he was kylled out of hand Lucian a man learned and eloquent but a derider of all religion and namely a blasphemer of Christian religion traueling by the waye was sodenly set vppon by doges and worried a death meete for such a blasphéemer and a terryble example to all contemners and deriders of religion and godlynesse The scriptures also want not examples The churlysh riche man Naball who at his sheapshearing held a feast in his house lyke a king but denyed to reléeue Dauid then persecuted and in distresse within ten dayes after was smytten of the Lord and so dyed Ananias and Sapphira pretending that they gaue theyr whole patrymonye to the releefe of the poore in the primatyue church but indéede reseruing a portion to them selues and so lying to the holye ghost were Immediately stricken of God and so ended theyr lyues to the fearfull example of all Hypocryts and dissemblers and speciallye in matters perteyning to relygion Herodes Agrippa being in most glorious magnifycence and contented to heare him selfe extolled to be rather a God then a man was sodenly smytten by the Aungell of the Lorde and dyed amost myserable death The ryche man of who me mention is made that he intended to pul downe his barnes and garnaries and to build larger sayde to his soule Soule thou hast prouision layde vp in store for many yeres and therefore take thine ease Eate drink and be mery but what became of him God sayd vnto him Thou fole euen this very night shal thy soule be taken from thee then who shall haue that which thou hast prouided The example of Nabucodonozor is very terrible who walking in his pallace and glorying in his strong stately citty Babilon whiles the words were yet in his mouth was sodenly stricke with a plage worse then death for the vse of reason was taken away from him him self turned amōgst beasts became as a beast eating hay like an Oxe to teach al posteritis ensuing not to glory in things of this world which are but vaine but that he which glorieth should glory in the Lord. Neuertheles I grant it to be true that aswel the godly as the vngodly somtime are taken with sodden death as that famous and godly Humfery Duke of Glocester sodenly dyed in his bed albeit not without some suspicion of violence and much lyke to that was Iohn Hunne and many others But howsoeuer the godlye dye deare and acceptable is theyr death in Gods syght and at what time soeuer they are taken they are in ease and refreshing whereas wicked and vngodly mennes death especially their sodayne death is as the scripture sayeth Mors peccatorum pessima Which fearful speache ought to keepe good men in awe and feare of God in reuerence towarde them selues and in examyning surely of theyr lyues and conuersations To conclude this part of reuerence and duety toward our selues when wée are sequestred from companye let vs obserue and marke what men doo in greate pestylences and mortabyties howe sorrowfull they are for their synnes and carefull to amende theyr lyues euen so mortall man in consideration of his manyfold peryls dangers which hang ouer his head euery hower ought to vse al dylygent consideration to amend and to continue in well doing But as it fareth in these wordly and temporall matters so commeth it to passe in spirituall matters For in aduersity as in pestilences famyne warre earthquakes men acknowledge Gods iust wrath and indignation agaynst synne but when things goo as they would haue them they abuse his goodnesse and mercye and neuer thinke neither of the hower of death nor of the daye of doome nor of the Trumpe of God nor of the torments of Hell nor yet of the gnashing of teeth and worme of the Cōscience which neuer dyeth The remembraunce of which things shoulde neuer slyde out of our myndes whether wée ryse in the morning or laye vs downe to sléepe in the euening whether wée dyne or suppe whether we enterpryse weighty matters or are wyllyng to sporte and recreate our selues In all these thinges wée should obserue the préecept of the wyse man VVhatsoeuer thou takest in hand remember thy end and thou shalt neuer do amysse And hytherto haue I wrytten of that duetye and honesty whiche a man ought to vse when he is solytarye and alone Nowe I wyll discende to that whiche is requysit and necessary for him that wyll lyue in publyke and common socyety The office and duetye of a Christian as he lyueth publykely and hath to do in the world is of two sortes to wyt either pertyculer in respect of some state and vocation in the whiche he lyueth being eyther a master or a seruant a Father or a chyld a husband or a wyfe c. or else generall in that he is a man and a Christyan man whereby he is lynke● to others with that fast knotte of humanitie and pyttie wherein he excelleth all other earthly creatures Of mennes degrées and functions I shall if God permyt intreate hereafter now I wyl touch briefly that decent honest and godlye behauiour of Christians which ought to shyne lyke a Lampe in the eyes of men that they beholding the same may glorify God in the daye of visitation The matter is plentifull and as it were a large field to walke in but to obserue any certaine order or methode in it is very harde to please all men I wyll therfore select out of the holy scripture the which s●emeth vnto mee most conuenient to this purpose and as I sayd shortly in few words minding to geue vnto my Readers an occasion admonition only of further study and cogitation That elect vessell of saluation S. Paul writeth hereof after this manner I beseech you brethren by the mercyfulnes of God that you geue vp your bodies a quick sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruice And be not ye fashioned lyke vnto this worlde but be you chaunged in your shape by the renewing of your mind that you may proue what is the good and acceptable perfyt wyll of God. The Apostle exhorteth vs to dedycate consecrate and vow our selues wholly to God that we shoulde offer our bodies as a sacryfice to our God in mortefying the fleshe in crucifying the olde man in denying of our selues and in submytting vs totallye to his worshypping and seruyce in obeying him in holynesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life And immediatly after he saith Loue without dissimulation hating euyl cleaning to good Affectioned one to another with brotherly loue in geuing honour going one before another Not lyther in businesse feruent in spirite seruing the lord Reioysing in hope pacient in trouble instaunt in prayer Distrybuting to the necessitie of the Saintes geuen to hospitalitie Blesse them which persecute you blesse I saye and curse not Reioyce with them that reioyce and
aunswering sent him vnto the law wherof this is the summe Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule and with al thy minde This is the first and great commandement The seconde is lyke vnto this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe for in these two commaundements consist the whole lawe and the Prophetes I repeated once or twyse before that the tenne commaundementes are the most certaine most absolute platforme of good workes Which thing that it maye more euydently appeare I wyll by a briefe enumeration as it were in a table noate and poynt out the same Vnto the fyrst commaundement wée maye referre the feare of God fayth loue and assured hope in aduersitye togeather with patience and constancie The second commaūdement containeth all true worshypping of God and the auoyding of al superstition and Idolatry The third commaūdement comprehendeth the reuerence of Gods name together with inuocation confession of the same And the fowrth commaundement calleth for the preaching of Gods word publique prayers and for external worshypping and seruing of God allowing also séemely and moderate ceremonies and especially such as maye tende to edifying in the church of god Vnto the fyfth we may referre pittie towarde our Parents countrey kynsfolkes lawful obedience vnto the Magistrate and all superiours and the offices in cyuile life The sirte commaundeth iustyce and iudgement the defending of the fatherlesse widdowes and the delyueraunce of those that be oppressed benefycencie innocencie The seuenth comprehendeth faith and trouth betwéene maryed persons and dueties of matrymonie honest and godly education of chyldren the loue of chastitie and sobrietie Wée maye referre vnto the eyghth iustice in contracts and bargaynes munifycencie lyberalytie and hospytalyty Vnto the nynth we may referre the loue studye of trouth throughout all our lyfe fayth in worde and déede learned honesty and profitable communication And vnder the tenth are conteyned good and godlye affections togeather with all holy and honest cogitations And this is a verye briefe and compendious fourme rule of good workes Which if you woulde haue more contract and short you maye consider the spéeche of Christ deuyding the same into two generall parts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and thy neighbour as thy selfe And whatsoeuer you would that men should do vnto you euen so do you vnto them Wherein this is principally to be obserued that the dyuine lawe the sum or effect whereof is the loue of God and our neighbour doth not requyre of those that be iustified onely externall workes and dyscipline but also the interiour and spyrituall motions of the hart consonant to the holy wyll of almighty God as our sauiour Christe him selfe beareth wytnesse saying You shall be perfect euen as your heauenlie father is perfect For praue and corrupt affections and cogytations of the inner man are rebuked and infourmed by the lawe of god And therewithall externall dyscipline is plāted in so muche that by the rule of the tenne commaundementes all men and all orders and vocations of men are informed and instructed in theyr duety in all tymes and places All estates sexes and ages as Princes Prelates Husbandes Wyues Maisters seruauntes fathers chyldren men women bonde and free are dyrected and guyded by the lawe of the tenne commaundementes The last parte of the discription of good workes remayneth touching theyr ende For I sayd that all the good works of the regenerate ought to respecte the glory of God the ornament of our liues the commodity of our euen Christian The faithfull doo not good workes to be iustifyed thereby or to obtaine remyssion of theyr sinnes or to procure vnto them selues and others eternall lyfe they doo them not to be séene of menne But rather that God might be gloryfied amongst men that they might shewe theyr obedience in walking worthy of theyr vocation to the comfort and profit of their brethren The Lorde and sauiour Christ sayth thus in the gospell Let your light so shine before men that they seeing your good workes maie glorifie your Father who is in heauen He speaketh signifycantly That they may see your good works and glorifie your heauenlie father not that they maye worshippe and gloryfie you For touching those that do theyr workes that they maye be séene of men our sauiour speaketh in the same gospell Take heede that you do not your almes before men that you maye be seene of them For if you doo so you haue no rewarde with your heauenlie father In the which he teacheth vs excellently that to doo good workes in secréete is to doo them with a minde voyde of vaineglory séeking only to please god And as God is gloryfied in good workes so is he dishonored with euyll workes as Saint Paul alleageth out of the Prophete The name of God is euyll spoken of through you amongst the Gentyles Moreouer the godlye are alwayes thankful to God for his benefyts which thing is plainly declared in that worthy example of the Samaritane● who as soone as he sawe that he had recouered health returned immedyatly and falling down at the Lordes féete with a lowde voyce gloryfyed god Which thing all those also doo that are purged with Christes blood and shewe them selues gratefull in worde and deede to so bountyfull a Lorde and sauiour And Christe him selfe declareth howe odyous ingratefull menne are vnto him in that spéeche of his vnto the Samaritane VVere there not tenne cleansed and where bee those nyne There are none founde that returned to glorifye GOD but onelie this straunger And Saint Paul Doo you not knowe that to vvhome you geue your selues seruauntes to obeye his seruauntes you are vvhome you obeye eyther of sinne to death or of obedience to Iustyce The faythfull therefore being nowe made the seruauntes of Iesus Christe applye them selues to obedyence doo ryghteousnesse departe from iniquitye and Sathan from whose tyranny they are delyuered by the obedience of Christ Besydes these thinges the godlye doo good workes to confyrme theyr fayth and to assure and certyfye theyr consciences of theyr Election ●ndeuour my brethren sayeth Sayncte Peter to make your vocation and election certayne And Saincte Paule counsayleth his scholler Tymothie to styre vp and as it were to kyndle the gyfte of GOD in him for as fyre increaseth and burneth whotter by the adding of woodde euen so is pyttye and fayth augmented and confyrmed by the exercyse of good woorkes GOD hath not called vs vnto vncleannes but to holynes neyther into darknesse but out of darknesse into the holye lyght wherevnto those wordes of the Apostle séeme to serue VVe ceasse not to praie for you that you woulde walke worthie of the Lorde that you maie please him in all thinges fructifying in all good workes increasing in the knowledge of GOD confirmed with
all strength according to the power of his glorie to all suffering and patience with hope And in another place Ye were once darknesse but nowe are you lyghte in the Lorde walke as chyldren of the light for the fruite of the spirite consisteth in al goodnesse iustice and trueth allowing that which is acceptable to God and haue you no fellowshippe with the vnfruitful workes of darknesse but rather rebuke them Therefore as the Apostle commaundeth the faithfull to walke worthy of theyr vocation and sheweth them also howe they maye doo the same euen so the godly alway doo those things which they are commaunded and dyrect theyr workes to this ende that they maye declare them selues to bée the chyldren of the lyght The chyldren of God also in their workes labour to profitte all men and to hurt none Let no man sayeth the Apostle seeke those thinges that bee his owne but that which is anothers as I in all thinges please all men not seeking my owne gaine but the profitte of many that they maie be saued And these workes of Godly men do excéedinglye please the Lorde our God but not of their owne dygnitie and worthynesse if ye weygh them in respect of men or in them selues but because they are done of those that are reconcyled to God in Christ by faith and new obedyence And if nowe and then through the corruption of our nature wée fall into sinne and wickednesse whereby we steyne and pollute the good workes yet God such is his goodnesse wynketh as it were at suche escapes couering our fylthinesse and spots with the garment of his Christ hee washeth and cleanseth the same with his most precious blood wherof the Apostle speaketh thus There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Iesus who walke not after fleshe but after the spirite and who shall laye any thing against the electes charge It is God that iustifyeth who is he that wyll condempne c. And that these good workes of Christians are acceptable to God and please him it appeareth by that that God rewardeth and crowneth the same with great honors and rewardes both in this life and in the lyfe to come Obserue and heare sayeth the Lord all those thinges which I commaund thee that it maie be wel with thee and thy children after thee when thou shalt doo that thing which is good and acceptable in the sight of the Lord thy God. The Prophet also speaking beforehand of the Christians I wil bring them saith he into my holie moūtaine and I wyl cheare them in the house of praier their offeringes and oblations shall please mee vpon my aulter Whervnto the Apostle no doubte had respect saying I beseeche you brethren by the mercifulnes of God that you woulde offer your bodies a quick holie and acceptable sacrifice to God which is your reasonable seruing of God. And the promise made by God vnto Abraham in all the faithful in him is most comfortable in that he sayth He wyl be their defence plentiful reward And the Apostle sayth That godlynes hath promise both in this life and in the lyfe to come And againe The iuste iudgement of God shall be declared which wyll rewarde euerie man according to his deedes To them which by continewing in well doing seeke for glorie and honour and immortalytie But vnto them that are contritious and doo not obeye the trueth but obeye vnrighteousnesse shall come indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vppon euerie soule of man that doth euyll Wherefore wée see it moste euydent that GOD hath prepared most plentyfull and lyberall rewardes aswell in this lyfe as in the lyfe to come to all those that hate synne and worke ryghteousnesse and the Apostle approoueth Gods Iustyce by the same whyles that hée sayeth God is not vniuste that hee vvyll forgette your vvorke These and many other such places of scripture do sufficiētly declare that God rewardeth the good works of godly men And yet it is not to bee inferred or collected that they maye truste to be iustified and saued thereby For the godly do freely and willingly confesse that theyr workes are rewarded of grace and not of theyr owne meryt especially for that they euer doo féele and perceyue that throughe humayne infyrmitye theyr workes are neuer so perfyt but that they haue néede of Gods mercy to mytigate the rigor of his Iustice and examining theyr good workes Therefore in consyderation of theyr hyre or reward the godly ertoll Gods grace and mercy who geueth to the vndeseruinges as though they had deserued and perceyuing imbecillytye and wickednesse in them selues are humbled in myndes and crye with the Prophet If thou O Lord marke our iniquities whoo is able to abide it Almightye Gods dooing in this and many other matters maye bée resembled to carnall parentes who hauing sonnes to be theyr heires by lawe of nature and byrthright yet they inflame and kyndle dertue setting before their eyes gyfts and rewards Whose gracious vertuous children acknowledge themselues to owe al euen of duty to their Parents without rewards and therefore they referre all such benefyts and rewardes to the meere bounty and lyberalytye of their Parents They looke not for hyre and rewardes as seruaunts and hirelings but onely for the fauor and loue of their heauenly father And as the sonnes of the frée woman and not the sonnes of the bondwoman are heyres euen so the kingdom of God is not the stipend of seruauntes but the rewarde and heritage of children To conclude this matter of meryt and reward the mercifull and gratious Lord rewardeth his louing chyldren for their good workes not for the perfection and dignity of the sayd workes but because the doers of those good workes are sōnes and chyldren They are made sonnes heyres by adoption in Christ therefore their workes are acceptable to God not in respecte of them selues but for Christes sake in whom they are ingraffed and of whose moysture as it were of heauenly dew they are partakers so that all their rewards are of necessity referred to the grace and mercy of god And although we graunt renumeration and rewarde of good workes yet meryts or Desertes cannot be inferred thereof that by our workes wee are able to procure eternall lyfe For the scripture seemeth of purpose in all places to auoyde the word merit The stypend of sinne is death but eternall lyfe is the gift of God through Iesus Christ and therefore Sainte Augustine wryt very excellently VVilt thou fall from grace then boast thy owne merites And agayne VVhen a man seeth that all his goodnesse commeth not of him selfe but of God he easely acknowledgeth all that which is prayseworthy in him not to be of his owne merites but of the mercy of God. Neyther yet is the earnest and ardent desire of working righteousnesse extinguyshed and quenched by this doctrine as our aduersaries slanderously lay vnto