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duty_n master_n respect_n servant_n 1,977 5 7.1711 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69277 An exposition of the ten commandements of God vvherein the principall and most materiall doctrines are set downe; by Edvvard Elton, bachelor in diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word at Saint Marie Magdalens Barmondsey neare London.; Plaine and easie exposition of sixe of the commandements of God in tables Elton, Edward, d. 1624. 1623 (1623) STC 7620.5; ESTC S113641 75,017 260

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good of his owne body manifesting that By prouiding as God makes him able Gen. 30 30. Exod. 31.10 Pro. 27.27 all things needfull and fitting for her maintenance according to his place and calling 1. Tim. 5.8 Gen. 28.16 both for the time of his life and after his death if he die before her and ordering all things to the best and by protecting her as much as he is able from all iniuries both at home and abroad 2 In loue to her soule 1. Pet. 3.7 Ephes 5.25.26 27. 1. Cor. 7.16 Pro. 2.17 dwelling with her as a man of knowledge being carefull and vsing his best endeuour in wisedome and discretion to do good to her soule manifesting that 1 In going before her in good example 2 In vsing his best endeuour either to plant good things 1. Cor. 14.35 1. Sam. 1.8 2. Sam. 12.24 Gen. 25.2 Gen. 30.2 or to increase them being already implanted in her soule by teaching and instructing her by giuing her good counsell by encouraging and comforting her and by praying for her and likewise in vsing his best endeuour to amend and cure the things that are amisse in her 2. Sam. 6.21 Iob. 2.10 to reclaime her when she doth offend in word or deed the offence being such as lieth in his power to amend by seasonable and louing admonition or reproofe as occasion is offered In giuing honour to her standing 1 In making account of her as his companiō yoake-fellow Gen. 2.18.19 Pro. 31.27 1. Tim. 5.14 fellow helper allowing her to helpe him in the gouernment of the family and leauing her she being able and faithfull in some houshold matters to her owne will and to her owne indgment and discretion maintayning her authoritie and honour amongst children seruants and others in the house 2 In a wise and patient suffering and bearing with her naturall infirmities Rom. 15.1 Gal. 6.2 1. Pet. 3.7 so farre forth as they are displeasing to him 3 In suffering himselfe sometimes to be admonished or aduised by his wife Gen. 21.12 1. Sam. 2.23 The dutie of seruants Seruants The due respect and due carriage of seruants towards their maisters standeth in yeelding to them Reuerence subiection faithfulnesse and thankefulnesse 1 Reuerence inward and outward 1 Inward reuerence Malac. 1.6 Ephes Coloss 1. Pet. 2.18 namely this in thinking esteeming reuerently of them and carrying in their hearts a reuerent awe and feare of them discerning Gods Image in them and that they stand in Christ his stead vnto them in regard of their power and authoritie ouer them as they be their maisters be they neuer so poore or meane in the world 2 Outward reuerence namely a manifestation of their inward reuerence by their reuerent behauiour towardes them 2. King 5.13.25 Pro. 28.18 Act. 10.7 both in word and deed as by giuing them reuerēt titles by bowing to them rising vp before them vnbaring the head and such like 2 Subiection namely an humble Tit. 2.9 1. Pet. 2.18 ready and willing submitting of themselues to the exercise and practise of that authority and power that their maisters haue ouer them standing in yeelding obedience to the voice and will of their maisters Ephes 6.5 Coloss 3.22 and that standing 1 In ready and cheerfull yeelding so farre as they are able to those things which their maisters teach them Gen. 2. Sam. 7.8 Luke 7.8 Luke or counsell them whether they be things that pertaine to their honest and lawfull callings and be their ordinarie workes or they be duties of pietie and religion and a ready and cheerful doing as they are able of things commanded by their maisters being things fitting honest lawful though they be neuer so base and neuer so laborious and painfull 2 In a meek and patient bearing of that checke Cen. 1. Gen. 2.18.20 Tit. 2 9. rebuke or correction that is layd on them by their maisters yea though the correction be without iust cause or vnreasonable and more then it ought to be 3 Faithfulnesse namely a yeelding of sincere and single hearted seruice to their maisters Coloss 3.22.23 Tit. 2.10 and doing their best endeuour in euery thing to answer that trust that their maisters do repose in them expressing that 1 In diligence and painefulnesse Ephes 6.5.6 Col. 3.22.23 Gen 24.33 Gen. 31.40 in being diligent in doing that businesse they are set about by their masters doing it with the vttermost strength of their minds and bodies or both according to the qualitie of the businesse and that as well in the absence as in the presence of their maisters 2 In trustie seruice in a care of their maisters good and profite and lawfull aduantage at all times Mat. 25.19 to 29. Tit. 2.10 Gen. 31.38.39 Gen. 39.6.7 being as carefull and thriftie for their maisters and their families as they would be for themselues and their owne families 3 In secresie and care of their maisters good name 2. Sam. 16.3 2. King 6.11 Micah 7.5.6 keeping secret their honest intents sayings and doings which they would not haue discouered and as much as may be hiding and couering their wants and infirmities and not blazing them abroad 4 Thankfulnesse namely not onely an acknowledgment in word of their maisters care ouer them for their good and of the good they receiue from them their maister being carefull to do them good but a care and endeuour also in seruants so farre as they are able to answer that care of their maisters and that good they receiue from them by doing good to them againe standing 1 In yeelding comfort and in bringing credite to them Gen. 39.8.9 Psal 101.6.7 Pro. 14.35 by their honest and religious good behauiour and carriage 2 In praying for their maisters 1. Tim. 2 1. Gen. 24.12 and for direction and good successe in their businesse 3 In praysing God for their good gifts 1. Tim. 2.12 Gen. 24.27 for their care they take with them for their good and for the good successe they find in their workes and businesses The due respect and due carriage of maisters towards their seruants standeth in two things Maisters 1 In a wise and right vsage and exercise of their power and authoritie ouer their seruants 2 In being helpfull vnto them for their good 1 A wise and right vsage and exercise of their power and authority ouer their seruants standeth 1 In dealing iustly with them 2 In doing that which is equall and conscionable to them Coloss 4.1 Coloss 4.1 In dealing iustly with them and that 1 In requiring of them not onely things lawfull and possible Leuit. 25.46 Pro. 12.10 but things also proportionable to their abilitie and strength 2 In yeelding to them meate Deut. 24.14.15 Pro. 31.15 21. Mat. 10.10 Leuit. 19.13 Iam. 5.4 drinke and apparel fitting for them in regard of their seruice and in regard