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A41637 Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long drawn up for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Sepulchres parish / by Tho. Gouge ... Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. 1661 (1661) Wing G1359; ESTC R955 152,866 176

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it out of conscience to the Word and command of God who requireth you to yeeld sincere service and obedience to your Masters for this will stirre you up to doe it after the best manner you can that so God may accept thereof and reward you for the same 3 Your obedience must be cheerful This the Apostle intimateth Collos. 3. 23. where he saith Whatsoever yee doe doe it heartily i. e. whatsoever yee doe in the service of your Masters doe it from the heart as it is in the Greek that is with good will as the Apostle in another place expounds himself saying With good will doing service or us the Greek word properly signifieth with a good and cheerful mind So that Servants ought not to doe their work grudgingly or discontentedly as it were with an ill will but cheerfully with a good will 4 Your obedience must be universal unto every thing which they require of you so much the Apostle expresseth Servants saith he obey your Masters in all things i. e. not only in such things as seem easie and most pleasing to your fancy but whatsoever they command you being not contrary to the Word of God but are in themselves honest and lawful for if they shall command you to lye swear or to use false weights and measures which are things forbidden by God you ought not therein to yeeld to their commands but to say unto them as Ioseph did to his Mistris How shall I doe this great wickedness and sin against God though hee was a Servant to his Master yet would hee not be a Servant to his Mistris lusts II. Another Duty incumbent upon Servants is Diligence in dispatching their Masters work and business without loitering or minding their own ease and pleasure but as their strength and time is their Masters so they ought to put forth their strength and imploy their whole time in their Masters service I say their whole time excepting some part thereof for their secret devotions especially their Morning and Evening Prayers unto God for Servants must have respect to their Master in Heaven as well as to their Master on earth and make as much conscience of performing their duty to him as to their Masters according to the flesh for indeed the Lord is the best Master who gives the best wages and largest rewards III. Another Duty is Faithfulness Servants must shew all faithfulness to their Masters as the Apostle expresseth Both that trust that is reposed in Servants and that account that is to bee taken of them require faithfulness Doe you not remember what the Lord said to his Steward Give an account of thy stewardship And were not all the servants to whom talents were committed called to an account How then doth it concern all Servants to be faithful to their Masters which they ought to express both in their words and deeds 1 In words not daring to excuse any unwarrantable act with the telling of a lye which is to adde sin unto sin let all lying Servants consider the fearful Judgement executed on Gehaz● who when his Master asked him where he had been presently answered him with a lye saying Thy servant went no whither whereupon he went out of his presence a Leper as white as snow 2 In deeds and that several wayes 1 Not disposing their Masters goods at their own pleasures either to themselves by taking more than is allowed them or to others by giving any part thereof away Many Servants think they may lawfully give away Victuals and other things of their Masters to the Poor but though they may inform their Masters or Mistresses of such things in the house meet to be given away and likewise of persons fit to receive such almes yet have they no power of themselves to give away any thing of their Masters and pretence of Charity is no good excuse for Theft 2 Not pilfering and purloyning their Masters goods to their own private use which the Apostle expresly condemneth in Servants Tit. 2. 10. Let all pilfering Servants know that there is a Book full of Curses and Plagues against every one that stealeth or sweareth which Book is large twenty cubits long and ten cub its broad and yet is filled with Curses that shall come swiftly upon them as the Prophet Zechary speaketh 3 But rather labouring to preserve and increase their Masters estate by all good and lawful means Thus the Apostle Paul expresseth the duties of Servants Not purloining but shewing all good fidelity viz. to their Masters in increasing their estate which is highly commended in that faithful servant in the Parable for which hee received from his Lord and Master both a gracious approbation in these words Well done good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful in a few things and also a plentiful remuneration in the next words I will make thee Ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. So that hee that is faithful in a little taketh the best course to become Ruler of much if the Lord see it good for him CHAP. XXX Of resting upon Christ alone for Life and for Salvation HAving in the foregoing Chapters given you several practical Directions for your Christian Conversation in the world shewing you how to walk with God all the day long in your several Callings Conditions and Relations I shall close this Treatise with one general Caution namely That when you have in some measure put in practice the foremetioned Rules and Directions you would beware of resting therein and of looking for life and for salvation in and thorow them And truly there is good reason for this Caution because it is natural for men out of Christ to seek for salvation by their own works and to rest on them which is one of the most dangerous things in the world For so long as a man doth so hee is uncapable of Christ as seeing no need hee hath of a Saviour It is said of the Iews that they lost salvation because they sought it not by Faith i. e. by Faith in Christs Righteousness in what he had done and suffered but sought it by the own Righteousness i. e. by resting in their own works which indeed is the high-way to hell and destruction as well as the way of sin though it be somewhat a cleaner way For there is a double way to hell The way of Sin and the way of Duty The way of Sin is a filthy dirty way whereas the way of Duty is a fairer cleaner way I mean Duties rested in are the ready way to hell and destruction Whereupon it was the counsel of Luther To take heed not onely of our sins but also of our duties i. e. of resting in them and building our hope of salvation upon them Therefore to take you off from that I shall commend to your serious consideration two fundamental Principles necessary to be known of all that will be saved 1 That Iesus Christ
presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his coming Accept it therefore and testifie your acceptance by reading of it and much more by a conscionable performance of the Directions contained in it I think they will carry their own evidence with them that they are all agreeable to the Word of God For I have not made it my business to mint new Notions but to press upon you old Truths and known duties I have drawm them up in a plain and familiar stile and Method studying rather to be profitable than accurate They are of daily use to an holy life therefore I hope you will daily peruse them They are of general use to all sorts of Christians at all times in their several places Callings conditions and relations and therefore I hope you will give the more diligent heed to them Such whose Callings and Businesses will scarce afford them leisure on the week-daies to look into such Treatises as this I do earnestly intreat them that at least on the Lord-daies after the performance of the publick duties of Piety in the Congregation and of private in their Families they would spend some time in reading a part of this book with their Family And the Lord make it abundantly useful and profitable unto you Yea the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Iesus that great Shepherd of the Sheep through the blood of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen Sepulchres London Decemb. 20. 1660. Your Affectionate though most unworthy Minister THO. GOUGE A TABLE of the particular Points contained in this TREATISE CHap. 1. Sheweth how to begin the day with God Chap. 2. Of Secret Prayer in the morning Chap. 3 Of Ejaculatory Prayers 4 Of reading the Scriptures in private 5 Of Christian watchfulnesse over our Thoughts 6 Of watchfulnesse over our Words 7 Of watchfulnesse over our Actions 8 Of watchfulnesse against Sin 9 Of our behaviour at Meals 10 Of Sports and Recreations directions concerning the same 11 Of the duties of our Callings 12 Of our behaviour in secret and directions concerning Divine Meditation 13 Of our behaviour both in good and bad company 14 Directions to the rich how to Improve their wealth to the glory of God and the good of their own souls 15 Directions to the poor shewing how to carry themselves Christian like in their low and mean estate 16 Of Christian-like carriage under reproaches 17 Of our carriage under crosses and afflictions 18 Of Dying well 19 Directions to such as visit the sick 20 Directions how to cloze the day with God 21 Of the Morality of the Sabbath with directions how to sanctify the same 23 Of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper with directions for the worthy receiving thereof 23 Of the Common mutual Duties betwixt Husband and Wife 24 Of Husbands Duties to their Wives 25 Of the Duties of Wives to their Husbands 26 Of the Duties of Parents to their children 27 Of the Duties of Children to their Parents 28 Of the Duties of Masters to their servants 29 Of the Duties of Servants to their Masters 30 Of resting upon Iesus Christ alone for life and salvation Christian Directions shewing how to walk with God all the day long CHAP. I. How to begin the day with God I. AT thy first awaking in the morning consecrate unto God the freshest of thy thoughts by lifting up thine heart to him in praises and thanksgivings for that comfortable rest and refreshment hee hath vouchsafed unto thee the night past For had not the Lord been the more gracious unto thee thou mightest have slept the sleep of death yea thou mightest have awaked with hell flames about thine ea●s what cause therefore hast thou to blesse God as for the mercies of the night so for the renewing of his mercies with the day And then heartily beg of God his direction assistance and blessing upon thy lawfull pains and endeavours that day II. Having thus consecrated thy first awaking unto God by blessing him for the mercies of the night and for adding another day to thy life then steep thy thoughts in a serious meditation of God and of some or other of his glorious Attributes as 1 Of the infinite Purity of God who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity i. e. with the least approbation but hates all sin with a perfect hatred as being contrary to his nature A serious consideration whereof would through Gods blessing prove very effectual for the suppressing of those impure thoughts which are apt to arise from thy corrupt heart 2 Of the almighty Power of God whereby he is able to strengthen thee in all thy weaknesses to support thee under all thy trials and temptations to supply all thy wants to deliver thee out of all thy dangers to carry thee through all thy undertakings In which respect the Apostle calleth Gods Power a mighty Power and an exceeding-greatnesse of Power Ephes. 1. 19. A serious consideration whereof cannot but stir thee up as to flie unto God by Prayer in all thy wants straights and dangers so to cast thy self upon him and his mighty Power to rest and rely upon him for seasonable help succour and deliverance who never faileth those who put their trust in him 3 Of the Omnipresence of God of his continual presence about thee and with thee wheresoever thou art and whatsoever thou doest For hee is about thy bed and thy path and taketh notice of all thy actions and when no man seeth thee yet hee seeth thee before whose Tribunal thou must one day stand to give an account of all thy actions Surely it would be a special preservative against sin and a singular means to make thee watchful over all thy waies and actions if thou didst seriously consider Gods All-seeing presence about thee 4 Of the Omnisciency of God his knowing of all things even the secret thoughts of thine heart and the inward inten●ions of thy mind before whom all things are naked and unbowelled as the Apostle speaketh Not an ambitions worldly lustful thought in thine heart but God is privy to it And as the wise man speaketh Hee will bring every secret thing into judgement This if it were seriously considered how would it make thee watchful over thy very heart and careful to suppress all wicked lustful thoughts at their first rising and to keep thee upright and sincere in what thou doest especially in the duties of Gods worship and service as knowing there is no dissembling before God III. Call to minde what sin it is whereunto thou findest thy self most propense and with which thou art oftenest and easiliest overcome as having least power to resist it And every morning furnish thy self with the strongest Arguments thou canst against it and then bring up thine heart to a firm
to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy 2 At your first awaking in the morning lift up your hearts to God in Prayer and Thanksgiving for that comfortable rest and sleep hee hath vouchsafed unto you the night past For it is he ●hat giveth his beloved sleep and who reneweth his mercy every morning And then begge of God the assistance of his Spirit to carry you through all the duties of the day 3 Rise early on the Sabbath Day for in regard there are as secret duties of Piety to be performed by you in your Clossets so private duties of Piety in and with the Family if you live in a Family before you goe to the publick Congregation yee ought to rise so early that you may have convenient time for these duties and be at the Church at the beginning of the Exercises How blame worthy then are they who on the week-dayes can rise betimes to follow their worldly businesses but on the Lords Day doe lye longer in bed than ordinarily giving themselves up to their carnal ease and rest Is this to keep holy the Sabbath Day thus to sleep away the first and chiefest part thereof 4 In your rising let out your hearts in a serious meditation of Iesus Christ and of the great things he hath done and suffered for you and of the many good things whereof in and through him you are made partakers Meditate likewise on the infinite Majesty of God whom the glorious Angels adore with covered faces that your hearts being possessed with an aweful apprehension thereof you may perform the duties of Gods worship and service with such everence as becometh so sacred a Majesty 5 So soon as you are up and ready with-draw your self into some priva●e place and there read some por●ion of the Scriptures which will be an excellent means to season your hearts and compose your minds yea hereby you will be the better prepared to hear the Word preached and the better enabled to try the Doctrines delivered according to the exhortation of the Apostle Prove all things hold fast that which is good 6 As Prayer is a duty to be performed every morning so especially on the Lords-Day morning which is in some measure to bee suitable thereunto Having therefore confessed your sins and begged the pardon of them together with power against them and grace to serve God then pray both for the Minister and for your selves 1 For the Minister that God would give him a door of utterance that he may open his mouth boldly to publish the Mysteries of the Gospel yea that he may speak the VVord truly sincerely powerfully and profitably delivering that which is suitable and seasonable to your condition 2 For your selves that God would banish out of your heads all worldly wandring thoughts which may distract your minds in the hearing of the Word and so choaking that heavenly seed make it fruitless And that he would give unto you as attention to hearken so understanding to conceive wisdome to apply judgement to discern faith to beleeve memory to retain and grace to practise what you shall hear that so the Word may prove unto you a savour of life unto life and not a savour of death unto death These two last duties of reading the Word and Prayer are not to be performed only alone in secret but likewise in and with your Families if so be you be Parents and Masters of Families and therefore before you goe to the publick Ordinances call your Family together and pray with them as for other things so in special for the influences of the grace of God and the incomes of his Spirit upon your hearts and spirits in the good duties you shall take in hand that so you may perform them after such a manner as glory may redound to Gods name and some spiritual good and advantage to your own souls These are the duties to be performed by way of preparation Having thus fitted and prepared your selves I. Call your F●mily together your Children and Servants and take them along with you to the publick Congregation and ●et Ioshuahs resolution bee often in your mind As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. And as you are going 1 Consider whither you are going viz. Not to a Fair or Market but to the House of God where God himself is present to behold you yea where God himself speaketh by the mouth of his Ministers 2 Go with a readiness of heart and resolution of mind to receive every truth that shall bee made known unto you out of Gods Word with such an heart came Cornelius to hear Peter Wee are all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God said Cornelius to Peter And it is said of the Bereans that they received the Word with all readiness of mind II. Being come into Gods House observe these Rules and Directions 1 Set your selves as in the sight and presence of God who not onely observeth your outward carriage and behaviour but likewise understandeth all the imaginations of your hearts and is privy to every wandring thought in praying hearing and other holy duties which will be a special means to keep your minds from roving after other matters 2 Labour to hear the word with profit To this end and purpose I finde four special virtues commended in the Scripture viz. 1 Humility 2 Honesty 3 Attention 4 Faith 1 Humility for when a man is of an humble lowly meek and contrite spirit then is hee fit to hear the Word because hi● heart being emptied of pride and self-conceitedness there will be room for the Word to take place therefore saith David The meek will the Lord guide in judgement and the meek will hee teac● his way And saith the Lord himself by his Prophet Isaiah To this man will I look even to him that is poor viz. poor in spirit and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word 2 Another virtue requisite to the profitable hearing of the Word is Honesty or uprightness of heart whereby a man sincerely purposeth in every thing to approve himself unto God as to avoid every sin whatsoever that the Word condemneth be it never so delightsome or profitable unto him so to indeavour himself to the performance of every duty belonging to his place and calling which the Word commandeth This is that honest and good heart which our Saviour intendeth Luk. 8. 15. 3 As Honesty so Attention is requisite while the Word is preaching you must diligently attend thereunto as they who would be loath to lose a word that should be delivered This particular is noted of those that heard Christ-preach of whom it is said That they were attentive to hear him or as the Greek text hath it All the people hanged on him to hear him i. e. They were very attentive as unwilling to let any thing pass them So should you be as attentive to the Ministery of the
measure suitably thereunto To that end observe these Directions 1 So soon as you get home withdraw your self into some secret place and there upon your knees from your heart bless God as for h●s manifold favours mercies and blessings so especially and above all for the fountain of all blessings the Lord Jesus Christ for his Covenant of Grace made unto you in him for adding the Sacraments as Seals to the Covenant of Grace for the strengthening of your Faith and for making you that day partakers of his blessed Sacrament and for that comfort and refreshment which you finde therein I hope you are not such beasts as to forget to return thanks to God for the food wherewith your bodies are refreshed And will you bless God for your corporal food and not for your spiritual food whereby your souls are nourished unto everlasting life Will you bless God for a crumb and not for a Christ in whom are all good things contained in a most eminent manner 2 Did you finde your hearts cheared and warmed at the Lords Supper beware of quenching that spiritual heat which was there kindled in you by a sudden falling into worldly conferences and fruitless discourses But labour to keep alive that sacred fire which you found then kindled in your hearts by prayer meditation and holy conferences for know that a sudden quenching of the Spirit will exceedingly tend to the hardening of your hearts 3 Maintain a stricter watchfulness over your selves against sin for the time to come Were your souls washed at the Sacrament with the blood of Christ from the filthy spots and stains of sin and will you s●on after with the Sow wallow again in the filth of sin and mi●e of sinful filthiness Did you upon your approaching to that Ordinance cast up your sins by confession and will you now with the Dogge return to your vomit again Did you there by the eye of faith see Christ crucified for your Sins under the rites of breaking the Bread and pouring out the Wine and wil you now by a fresh committing of sin crucifie him again rather resolve and strive hence forward to crucifie your sins for which Christ was crucified to hate abhor and abandon every Sin as much as in you lieth 4 Labour to live more soberly righteously and godly in this present world More soberly towards your selves more righteously towards your Neighbours and more godly towards God As you have been made partakers of an Ordinance not common to all but peculiar to Saints so your lives should have somewhat peculiar in them which is not common to wicked men You should live convincing lives by exceeding others in holiness and in righteousness You must be more frequent and fervent in Family-duties more careful in sanctifying the Lords Day more just and honest in your dealings with men living so as you may credit your Profession and adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And when you are tempted to any sin thus reason the case with your selves Was I not lately at the Lords Table and did I not there vow and promise to be more watchful against Sin and more careful to walk in the waies of godliness and shall I now step out of the way of godliness into the way of sin Thus lay your temptation to the touch-stone of your vow and try whether it bee not against it which through the blessing of God may prevent many a Sin CHAP. XXIII Of the Common mutual Duties betwixt Husband and Wife HAving shewed the general Directions which appertain to Christians as Christians I come now to the particular Duties which appertain to thee in thy several and distinct relations For it is not sufficient that thou make conscience of the general Duties of Christianity but thou must also be conscionable in the performance of the particular duties of thy several relations whereby much good is both mutually communicated one to another and received one from another Whereas the Apostle Paul in setting down the severul Duties of relations doth still bring them under three Heads viz. Husbands and Wives Parents and Children Masters and Servants I shall follow his Method shewing thee the duties of each of these For the Duties of Husband and Wife they may be drawn to two Heads 1 To such as are common to both 2 Such as are proper and peculiar to each severally The common and mutual Duties are these I. A loving affection of one to another I call this a mutual Duty because as the Husband is to love his Wife so the Wife is to love her Husband Love is a duty which every Christian oweth to another Love thy neighbour as thy self saith our Saviour Where by Neighbour is meant every man every woman so that we are bound to love every one even our enemies for Christs sake But the nearer any are knit together the more they are bound to this duty of love and to abound therein Now who are so nearly knit together as Husband and Wife and therefore there ought to be a mutual loving affection between them and that love which one sheweth to the other will stirre up the other to requite that love again so as there is nothing lost by love II. Outward concord and agreement This should be as farre as is possible with all men i. e. so farre as may stand with faith and a good conscience but more especially between Husband and Wife who are so nearly knit together For without concord and agreement between Husband and Wife what comfort can either find in their house The truth is every one lives more or less comfortable in his house as there is concord and agreement there And therefore saith the Wise man Better is a dinner of herbs or roots where love is than a stalled Oxe and hatred therewith And again Better is a dry morsel and quietness therewith than an house full of sacrifice with strife i. e. slender fare yea a dry crust with peace and concord is more comfortable than good chear with strife and contention for that will so imbitter the sweetest Meats that a man can find little relish in them For the better preserving of concord and agreement betwixt Husband and Wife take these few Directions 1 Labour to suppress and keep down all furious Passions which doe usually occasion discord and dissention especially when one is passionate it will be the wisdom of the other to act patience and to express a spirit of meekness for when both are hot and angry together then the fire of contention is like to increase to such a flame as will not suddenly bee quenched And therefore I would commend this rule to Married persons To beware of be●ing both angry together but rather let one be to the other like Davids Harp to apt ease Sauls fury 2 Though the fire of contention be kindled at home yet let it not break forth into thy neighbours house but bee sure thou keep it within
bread according to their families And it is recorded of Ruth that she did not only glean for Naomi her Mother in Law but having food given her by Boaz servants for her refreshment she reserved part thereof and gave it to her mother I have read of a Daughter whose Father being sentenced to be famished to death and thereupon none being suffered to bring him Meat she gave him suck with her own breasts How blame-worthy then yea and unnatural are such Children whose Parents being poor and themselves able to releeve them doe notwithstanding 〈◊〉 them to want things needful Saint Iohn saith That the l●ve of God dwelleth not in him who shutteth up his bowels of comp●ssion from his brother How then can it dwell in that Child who shutteth up his bowels of compassion against his own Father or Mother who having not only a sufficiency but also an affluency of worldly things suffers his Parents to want necessaries 2 By loving their Parents And truly that love which Parents bear unto their Children and have manifested by bringing them up in the world should by the law of equity stirre up in Children a love to their Parents for love deserveth love 3 By concealing and covering their infirmities which will evidence the truth of their love to their Parents and procure Gods blessing upon them Shem and Iaphet we read were blessed for this because they would not behold the nakedness of their Father when being drunken he lay uncovered in his Tent and Cham for discovering and making known his Fathers nakedness was cursed of God As therefore Children would avoyd Chams curse let them carefully shun Chams Sin forbearing to blazen abroad their fathers infirmity CHAP. XXVIII Of the Duties of Masters THe last Head of Family relations is Master and Servants The Duties of Masters in reference to their Servants may be brought under two Heads 1 Such as concern the Bodies of their Servants 2 Such as concern the Souls of their Servants The Duties of Masters in reference to the Bodies of their Servants are 1 To provide fitting raiment for them such as may fence them against the extremity of the weather I mean if by agreement they are bound to find them apparel as is the condition of most Apprentices 2 To give them wholsome and sufficient food As their food must be wholsome for the preservation of their health so sufficient for the encrease of their strength that they may be the better enabled with cheerfulness to doe their Masters service Solomons Housewife among other things is commended for her giving meat to her houshold and a portion to her maidens VVhereby is meant a sufficient portion and quantity of meat to her servants Oh that all Huswives would imitate her herein and not pinch their Servants bellies which too many doe 3 To afford them Physick when they are sick For Masters are commanded to give unto their servants that which is just and equal And is it not just and equal that those servants who labour for their Masters in the time of their health should be cared for by their Masters in the time of their sickness The Centurions care for his sick Servant is left upon record for our imitation who used the best means he knew for his Servants recovery which was to goe unto Christ. The humanity of this Centurion being a Gent●le may be a witness against the inhumanity of many Christians who take little care for their sick Servants 4 Not to oppress them with labour by over-working them requiring more of them than they are well able to perform This would be cruelty in a man to his Beast much more in a Master to his Servant Indeed the Aegyptians dealt so cruelly with the Israelites that they groaned under their burthens whose groans ascended unto the ears of God who thereupon came down to deliver them from their bondage And let Gods hearing the cry of those oppressed Servants and revenging them of their Oppressors make all Masters beware of laying heavie burthens upon their Servants requiring more of them than they are well able to perform lest their groans ascend up unto God 5 To pay them their wages when it is due without delaying it or defrauding them of any part thereof It is reckoned in Scripture as a crying Sin to keep back and with-hold the Labourers or Servants wages a sin that crieth unto God for vengeance who is the Poors avenger and as he taketh special notice of their wrongs and oppressions so will he take care to avenge the same II. The Duties of Masters in reference to the Souls of their Servants are 1 To instruct and Catechise their Servants in the Principles of religion For if it be a duty incumbent upon all Masters of Families to provide for the nourishment of the bodies of their Servants how much more then should they be careful for the nourish-of their souls yea let all Masters of Families know that they are as expresly charged to teach and Catechise their Servants as the Minister is to instruct his Flock witness Gods command to the Israelites Thou shalt talk of my Lawes when thou fittest in thine house and when 〈◊〉 walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up And God hath manifested his approbation thereof by commending Abraham for his practice therein 2 To cause the Scriptures to bee frequently read in the Family We read that under the Law the people of Israel were commanded to cause the words of the Lord to be written upon the Posts of their Houses to the end they might be frequently read by every one in the House And saith the Apostle Paul Let the Word of Christ dwell in you By the Word of Christ the Apostle meaneth the Doctrin of the Gospel which was published by Christ and is contained in the Old and New Testament Let this word saith the Apostle dwell in you i. e. be yee much imployed in the reading thereof as in your Closets so in your Families or as Calvin interprets it Make the Word familiar to you by giving it household entertainment But oh what a stranger is the Word to most Families how seldome is it read amongst them If that house bee an Hell where the Scriptures are not read as Luther said Oh how many houses are there as so many hells for want of reading the Scriptures 3 To pray daily in and with their Family To offer up a morning and an evening Sacrifice of prayer and praises unto God in their Family For the better stirring you up to this much negle●ted duty of Family-prayer I shall commend a few Arguments 1 Taken from the practice of the faithful in all ages Wee read it was Abrahams practice wheresoever hee came to build an Altar to God where God should be called upon joyntly by him and his family Wee read likewise it was Iobs practice as you shall finde Iob 1. 5. And
Ioshuahs as appears by his protestation as for mee and my family wee will serve the Lord. In the New Testament it is recorded of Cornelius That hee was a devout wan who feared God with all his house and prayed to God alwaies which implieth hee kept a constant course in prayer Now these things are recorded for our learning that so we might write after their Copy by following their Example in so excellent a duty 2 Every Master in his Family is both a King a Prophet and a Priest Hee is a King to govern his Family a Prophet to teach and instruct his Family and a Priest to offer the sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving not only for himself but also for all those who are committed to his charge Let therefore all Masters of Families know that it is their duty which God will require of them not onely to pray by themselves and yet I would to God all did but that but also to call together all their family and to bee their mouth unto God in prayer unto which they may be incouraged by Gods gracious promise That where two or three are gathered together in Christs name there hee will be in the midst of them 3 A Master of a Family by his daily offering up a morning and evening Sacrifize of prayer and praise will make his house an house of prayer or little Temple which God will fill with his presence Yea a Christians house is hereby made Gods Church by a constant performance of holy duties which is a great honour unto a family 4 Family-prayers are a special means to bring down Gods blessing upon the whole family and upon all their lawful undertakings As God blessed the house of Obed-Edom for the Arks sake So will God bless those families in which his name is called upon For godliness is profitable unto all things as well in families as in any other societies 5 Another Argument may be taken from the danger of neglecting this duty of Family-prayer for such do incur the danger of Gods wrath and fury Pour out thy fury upon the Heathen that know thee not and upon the families that call not upon thy Name saith the Prophet Ieremiah Which words contain a fearful imprecation against all prayerless-families And it is observable that such as neglect this duty of prayer in their family are joyned with the Heathen and truly very fitly for wherein do they differ from the Heathens who have not so much as a form of godliness in their families upon whom God will power out his fury Oh think of this all yee who make no conscience of praying daily with your families consider it well and lay it to heart Are yee not under that Prophetical curse and liable to the pouring forth of Gods wrath and fury both upon your selves and upon all that belong unto you even your Wives your Children your Servants yea and very wares and goods It may well be written upon the doors of such houses as one saith Lord have mercy on us for surely the plague of God is not far from them but nigh unto them Obj. Mee thinks I hear some saying they are convinced of the necessity of the duty and fain they would do it but oh they cannot they know not how to pray Answ. I would advise such rather to read some good prayer than altogether to omit the duty for many Masters of Families who are not able to conceive a prayer of themselves yet if they meet with a form of prayer answerable to their occasions can pray heartily and earnestly Yet I would not have them ever content themselves with reading a form of prayer but to labour to pray of themselves without a book And for your help therein take these two Directions 1 Carefully observe the prayers of others their order and method 2 Take notice of your own sins in particular and of your particular wants what graces you stand in need of and desire As also take notice of the particular blessings God bestoweth on you and thereby you will be inabled in some measure to pray your selves by confessing your sins unto God and begging as the pardon of them in and thorow the merits of Jesus Christ so such graces as you stand in need of And when once in any competent measure you can pray for your selves then by degrees you may come to pray with your Family CHAP. XXIX Of Servants Duties to their Masters HAving shewed the Duties of Masters in reference to their Servants Come wee now to the Duties of Servants in reference to their Masters which may be brought to three heads viz. 1 Obedience 2 Diligence 3 Faithfulness I. Obedience is that the Apostle St. Paul often presseth upon Servants as a main and principal duty And indeed no inferiours are more bound to obedience than Servants Your Obedience must be manifested in two particulars 1 In a ready yeelding to your Masters commands For indeed it is the proper work of a Servant to hearken to his Masters Precepts and to yeeld ready obedience unto them 2 In a patient bearing of reproofs and corrections yea though the correction be wrongfully inflicted without just cause which the Apostle Peter expresly requireth of Servants for saith hee Servants be subject to your Masters with all fear not onely to the good and gentle but also to the froward For this is thank-worthy if a man for conscience towards God indure grief suffering wrongfully For what glory is it if when yee be buffeted for your faults yee take it patiently but if when yee do well and suffer for it yee take it patiently this is acceptable with God And if unjust correction ought patiently to be born then much more unjust reproofs But if the reproof or correction be just then you ought speedily to amend and reform the things for which you are ●ustly reproved or corrected For the Manner of Servants Obedience the Apostle sets it down in several expressions As 1 It must be a sincere Obedience This the Apostle Paul sets down with two expressions in one verse 1 Negatively Not with eye-service 2 Affirmatively With singleness of heart Not with eye-service which implieth a meer outward service only to satisfie the eye of man But with singleness of heart q. d. Let not your Obedience be hypocritical meerly to be seen of your Masters but let it be in truth and uprightness of heart doing service to your Masters in the sincerity of your hearts without any hypocrisie or dissimulation labouring in your Masters absence as well as in his presence remembring Gods eye is ever upon you 2 Your obedience must be consciencious for conscience sake because the Lord requireth it at your hands so much the Apostle expresseth for speaking to Servants he saith Whatsoever yee doe doe it heartily as to the Lord q. d. whatsoever service yee doe to your Masters doe it for the Lords sake because he hath commanded it and therefore doe
world out of thine head and thine heart close unto the duty But if some extraordinary business have occasioned thee to delay it doe not thereupon wholly omit it but be careful to take the first opportunity of retiring into thy Closet there to offer up thy morning sacrifice unto God Thus duty of secret Prayer is expresly commanded and the practice of it especially in the morning wee find also very much commended to us in the World of God First The duty it self is expresly commanded by our Lord and Saviour When thou prayest enter into thy Closet and when thou hast shut thy door pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly Here you see is a positive command for the practice of secret Prayer Enter into thy Closet or into some private place and having shut the door pray Secondly The morning is commended to us for the choysest time of practising this duty 1 By the example of Christ 2 By the practice of the faithful 1 By the example of Christ himself of whom it is recorded by Saint Mark that he rose early in the morning a great while before day and went out into a solitary place and there prayed His rising betimes shewed his earnest desire and diligent care in the performance of this duty for when wee have a good mind to do a thing wee use to rise betimes and go about it 2 For the practice of the Saints of God herein the Scripture is very plentiful It is recorded of Iob That hee rose early in the morning and offered burnt offerings before the Lord. Hee did not onely rise in the morning but early in the morning giving unto God the first fruits of the day And Davids morning devotions are often expressed in the book of Psalms As My voice shalt thou hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up And again O God thou art my God early will I seek thee And it is recorded of Daniel That three times a day hee kneeled upon his knees and prayed and gave thanks viz. in the morning before hee entred upon any business at noon before hee went to his dinner and in the evening before hee went to bed And that this was his usual practice appears from the following expression viz. As hee did aforetime i. e. hee prayed three times a day as hee was formerly accustomed to do For the more profitable pressing of this duty of secret prayer 1 I shall give you some motives to quicken you up to a conscionable performance thereof 2 Answer some Objections 3 Give you some Directions for the right manner of performing it The Motives may bee drawn to Three Heads 1 The Excellency 2 The Necessity 3 The Utility thereof I. The Excellency of secret prayer appears in two particulars 1 In that it increaseth our Communion and Fellowship with God bringing us into a familiar acquaintance with him As the converses of a Christian soul with God in secret prayer are sweet so oh how sweet are the discoveries that the Lord often makes of himself to the soul of a Christian in his secret prayers When Daniel was praying alone in secret it was said unto him Thou art greatly beloved 2 The Excellency of secret prayer appears in that it procures a comfort and sweetness upon those mercies which it obtaineth For this is an experimental Truth That those mercies which are given in as answers and returns to our prayers are the sweetest and most comfortable And certainly this is one reason why many finde so little comfort in their yoak-fellows in their children in their estate and the like they did not seek them of God by secret prayer and so did not receive them as answers to their prayers but only from an hand of common providence without any seeking of theirs II. The Necessity of secret prayer especially in the morning appeareth 1 In that without it wee cannot with any confidence expect Gods blessing upon our pains and indeavours For as the Psalmist speaketh Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it So except the Lord bless our pains and indeavours it is in vain to rise● up early to sit up late and to eat the bread of sorrow and prayer is the means God hath sanctified for the obtaining his blessing 2 In regard of manifold casualties whereunto we are subject for death lieth every where in wait for us so that wee go every moment in danger of our lives If wee walk in the streets so many tiles on the house top so many deaths hang over our heads if wee walk in the fields so many beasts as wee meet withall so many enemies to indanger our lives Yea how many have risen well in the morning who have been found dead before the evening And what hath befallen one may befall another And how sad a thing will it be to be Arrested by Death and called to the Bar of Gods Judgement to plead Guilty or not Guilty before we have 〈◊〉 our selves at the Throne of Grace to Sue forth our pardon III. A third Motive may bee taken from the utility of this duty and indeed manifold are the benefits which usually follow and accompany the same As 1 It is the proper means appointed by God himself for the obtaining of all sorts of good things at his hands and therefore where this duty is enjoyned we very often finde it attended with very excellent Promises annexed to encourage us with faith and confidence to call upon him as Ask and it shall be given you seek and yee shall finde knock and it shall be opened unto you c. 2 By accustoming our selves to pray in our Closets or private Chambers we shall be the better fitted to pray in the presence of others And such as are Parents and Masters of Families will bee thereby enabled to pray with their Families for certainly one special reason why many Parents and Masters of Families doe neglect that necessary duty of praying with their Families is their not accustoming themselves to pray in secret morning and evening What David said of Saul's armour I cannot goe therein for I never proved it The like may some say of Prayer I cannot goe thereto for I never used it The accustoming ourselves to pray alone in secret will fit us to pray in the presence of others Having given you some Motives to quicken you up to a conscionable performance of Secret Prayer and that especially in the morning I shall answer an objection or two Obj. 1. Some are apt to object their little leasure and great imployment to excuse themselves from offering up their morning Sacrifice unto God Answ. 1. The greater your imployments are the more need you have to offer up your morning Sacrifice unto God thereby to seek his assistance and blessing upon your pains and endeavours
applying of the mind to some spiritual or heavenly subject discoursing thereof with thy self to the end thine heart may bee warmed thine affections quickened and thy resolutions heightned to a greater love of God hatred of sin c. Come we now to the Rules and Directions for the right manner of performing the same To this end I shall treat 1 Of the Time when this duty is to be performed 2 Of the Place where Of the Manner of setting about it and performing it 1 Touching the Time when this duty is to be performed and how often it is hard to give any set or certain Rule For difference must bee made between such as are rich and wealthy who have much spare ●ime and poor men who live by their daily labour and have ●ittle time to spare from the same for the performance of holy and religious duties Now such as have time and leisure and are at their own dispose ought to bee frequent in the exercise of this duty How frequent such should be I will not undertake to determine because mens several occasions may vary it But in general that it be frequent the Scripture requireth And truly the more frequently it is performed the more easie and delightful will it be unto thee Questionless every one whether hee be rich or poor Master or Servant ought to make conscience of performing this duty on the Lords day which being appropriated to spiritual duties doth especially challenge this which is so eminently spiritual For the choice of other daies and set times therein it must be left to Christian prudence which will teach thee what time thou canst best spare from thine ordinary imployments and when thou art best disposed and fitted for the performance of the same II. The next thing to bee considered is the Place for this duty ought to be private in some private retired place where thou mayst be free from company and whatsoever may distract thee For when thou art most retired from the world then art thou most fit to have communion with God Therefore Isaac when hee would meditate and by Meditation converse with God walked alone into the fields And David meditated upon his bed as himself tells us III. For the Manner of setting upon this duty I. Having with-drawn thy self from worldly company thou must for the time wholly lay aside all worldly thoughts for otherwise it may and will fall out that when thou art separated from the company and society of men thou mayest be in a croud of worldly businesses through thy worldly and wandring thoughts II. In the entrance upon this duty lift up thine heart in some short prayer unto God for his direction assistance and blessing thereon III. Having thus prepared thy self in some measure then pitch upon the subject matter whereupon thou intendest to meditate such as may be fit for thy souls nourishment Herein observe these Directions 1 Let the subject matter of thy Meditation bee wholly spiritual and divine Thus any part of the Scripture is a fit subject for thy Meditation as also God or any of his Attributes as 〈◊〉 Omnipotency Eternity Immutability Om●ipresence Omnisciency 〈◊〉 Wisdome Mercy Iustice Love Faithfulness and other excellencies of God As also the blessed and happy estate wherein our first Parents were created by God and that miserable estate whereinto they implunged themselves and all their posterity by their disobedience against God in eating the forbidden fruit and the state of Redemption by Jesus Christ and the transcendent love of Christ in undergoing a bitter cursed death for us 2 Let the particular subject thou pitchest upon for thy Meditation be suitable to thy present state and condition and to that end in setting upon this duty it will be thy wisdome to observe the frame and temper of thy heart If thou findest thine heart sad and heavy then fix thy Meditation upon thy sins that so thou mayest turn thy sorrow and sadness for outward things into a sorrow for thy sins But if thou findest thine heart lightsome and chearful then fix thy Meditations on the incomprehensible love of God or on the freeness of his grace or on the bounty of God especially towards thy self 3 Having pitched thy thoughts upon some particular subject suitable to the present frame and temper of thine heart continue thy thoughts upon it till thou hast found thy heart warmed and thine affections quickened therewith which indeed is the main and principal end of this exercise 4 Having spoken of preparation to the work come wee now to the work it self which consists of three particular heads 1 The first I may call Cogitation whereby I mean a discoursing of the understanding about the subject matter pitched upon a calling to minde of several truths that belong thereunto As if the subject of thy Meditation be Death then call to mind and seriously think as of the certainty of Death so also of the uncertainty thereof both in regard of the Place where the Manner how and the Time when And then to argue the necessity of a continual expectation of● and preparation for Death 2 The second is Application to make some close application to thy self of those truths thou hast called to mind for the warming of thine heart and quickning of thine affections 3 The third and last particular is Resolution a resolved purpose of heart to do this or that or to leave this or that As if the subject of thy Meditation hath been Death and finding thine heart thorowly affect●● with the apprehension thereof especially of the uncertain● of the time of thy death resolve thereupon to be the more careful in imbracing every opportunity of doing good thinking it may be the last that will be afforded unto thee as also to live in a continual expectation of and preparation for death by a daily renewing thy peace with God Having thus given some Rules and Directions for the better helping thee in this heavenly exercise of Divine Meditation III. I shall now give thee an Example and Pattern thereof according to the former Rules and Directions for the better clearing it to thee Suppose the subject thou propoundest for thy Meditation be Sin then having lifted up thine heart unto God in prayer for his Direction and Assistance First Fall upon the duty of Cogitation calling to minde some plain truths which apper●ain thereunto As I. Think of the nature of sin How it is a transgression of the Law of God II. Of the kinds of sin viz. Original and Actual 1 Let out thine heart in a serious Meditation of that corruption of nature which thou and every man brought with him into the world and how it is not onely a sin but an heinous sin comprehending in it the seeds of all sins even of the most abominable that can be imagined 2 Let out thine heart in a serious Meditation of thine actual sins and of the several kinds of them viz. Evil Thoughts evil Words and evil Actions III.
may likewise serve as a reason why in the New Testament there is no express command for the baptizing of Infants in particular namely because there was no question moved about the same in the Apostles times III. Come wee now to the Directions how to sanctifie the Lords Day To the sanctification whereof two things are required 1 An observing of a rest 2 A consecrating of that rest wholly to the worship and service of God I. There must bee a resting and that from several things As 1 From all the ordinary works of our Calling which is expresly set down in the Commandement Six daies shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work viz. of thy Calling And let not any pretend the greatness of their charge as a plea for their working But know assuredly that what you get that day by your labour will contribute little towards your charge For whatsoever is got on that day will not be blessed of the Lord but will prove like Achans wedge of gold which being got contrary to the command of God brought the fire of Gods curse upon all the rest which hee had lawfully gotten 2 From all kinds of recreations especially such as tend to carnal and ●ensual delight which though they may be lawful at other times yet are unlawful on the Lords Day being as expresly forbidden by God himself as the works of our Calling as you shall finde in Isa. 58. 13. where the Lord requires of his People That they turn away their feet from doing their own pleasures on his holy day And that they call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honourable and honour him not doing their own wai●s nor finding their own pleasures And it is found by experience that recreations do more steal away our affections from heavenly meditations and distract us in Gods service than the works of our Calling Whereupon saith St. Augustine How much better is it to plow on the Lords Day than to dance 3 From all immoderate eating and drinking whereby wee are fitter to sleep than to attend upon the Ordinances of God And therefore how blame-worthy are they who make the Lords Day a day of Feasting their neighbours and friends For though it be lawful upon this day to make such provision as shall be convenient for our own families or for the relief of our poor neighbours yet to make solemn feasts upon this day as is the custome of too many whereby servants are kept from the publick Ordinances and our selves and guests are more indisposed to the duties of Gods worship and service must needs be unlawful And therefore though wee be not forbidden upon the Lords Day to kindle a fire for the dressing of meat yet we must take heed that wee make not such a flame as shall kindle the fire of Gods wrath against us 4 From all worldly words and discoursing of earthly affairs which the Lord himself expresly forbiddeth by the Prophet Isaiah Not speaking thine own words which imports talking and discoursing of worldly matters on the Sabbath day For where the Lord hath commanded the whole man to rest from worldly works there hee commands as the hand to rest from working so the tongue from talking of worldly matters But in the fourth Commandement the Lord hath commanded the whole man to rest from worldly works where hee saith Thou shalt do no manner of work c. Therefore hee commands the tongue to rest from talking of worldly matters as well as the hand from working of servile and worldly works How blame-worthy then are they who make the Lords Day a reckoning-day with work-men and servants or at least a visiting day amongst their friends and neighbours and so confequently a day of idle tattle about their profits pleasures or other mens matters 5 As from worldly words so from worldly thoughts as much as wee can For 1 Know that every Commandement extends to our very thoughts binding them as well as to the outward actions ex gr The sixth Commandement from murtherous thoughts as well as from the act of Murther The seventh from adulterous and lustful thoughts as well as from the act of Adultery The eighth from covetous thoughts as well as from the act of Covetousness 2 Know that the Lord requireth not onely the outward man and external actions to bee consecrated unto him but especially the inward man in which regard wee ought as much as possibly wee can to sequester our thoughts from worldly matters that they may be wholly taken up with spiritual and heavenly Meditations 6 There is another rest expected from every one on the Lords Day and that is a resting from sin which wee ought to do as much as in us lyeth at all times but especially on the Lords Day which ought to be kept as an holy rest And truly wee cannot offer unto God a greater indignity than to serve the Devil in the works of darkness on the Lords Day which is consecrated to the honour and service of God Thus much of the first particular requisite to the sanctification of the Lords Day namely an observing of a rest II. Come wee now to the second viz. A consecrating that rest wholly to the worship and service of God For it is not enough that wee keep a rest but wee must keep an holy rest barely to rest on the Sabbath day is but a Sabbath of beasts Wee must remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy For this is the chief end whereunto the outward rest tendeth Now the consecration of the Sabbaths rest consists 1 In our preparation thereunto 2 In a conscionable performance of those duties the Lord then requireth of us which may be brought to two heads viz. 1 Duties of Piety 2 Works of Mercy Duties of Piety are of three sorts viz 1 Publick 2 Private 3 Secret The which because they are interchangeably mixed with one another therefore I shall interchangeably speak of them The duties to be performed by way of preparation are these 1 Remember the day beforehand to the end you may so order and dispose of your worldly affairs that they may be dispatched in convenient time on the Eve of the Sabbath that so both your selves and servants may goe to bed in such time that your bodies may be well refreshed with sleep and your mindes fitted for the duties of the day This the Lord intimateth in the beginning of the fourth Commandement saying Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day where by remembring it may bee meant a minding of it before hand How blame worthy then are they who sit up themselves and keep their servants so late up in the night before the Sabbath that they are enforced to lye longer in their beds than ordinary on the Sabbath Day yea and when they are come into the Congregation are fitter to sleep than to hear Is this
Word To this end keep your eyes steddy on the Preacher And as hee passeth from point to point think briefly on the point which is past which will exceedingly help your memory 4 Faith is another virtue requisite to the profitable hearing of the Word I say Faith whereby we do not only beleeve that which is taught us out of the Word to be true but also apply it unto our selves as if it were in special directed unto us The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation saith the Apostle but to whom even to every one that beleeveth And saith the Author to the Hebrews The Word preached did not profit them not being mixed with Faith in them that heard it In whose heart there is true Faith that man will apply the whole Word of-God unto himself whether it be the threatnings of the Law to terrifie him from sin or the sweet promises of the Gospel to allure him to holiness and so maketh much profit of every Sermon hee heareth Thus much for your hehaviour in the publick Congregation But you must not rest here thinking you have thereby sanctified the Sabbath day For there are likewise both Private and Secret duties of Piety required to a true sanctification of the Lords Day of which you ought to be as careful and conscionable as of the publick duties in the publick Congregation For God requires the whole day and not a part onely As therefore you would not be contented your servants should work for you only an hour or two on each of the six daies So neither should you yeeld less unto God than you require for your selves By Private duties of Piety I mean such as are perfo●med in a private Family And by Secret such as are done in some secret and retired place between God and ones self alone Now the Private duties of Piety which are especially required of such who are Parents and Masters of Families and wherein every member thereof are to joyn are these I. Repeating the Sermons they have heard with their family and examining them one after another what they remember explaining the same unto them which is commended to us by the practice and example of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who when he was come home said unto his Disciples Have yee understood all these things viz. that he had preached to the multitude And St. Mark saith When they were alone hee expounded all things to his Disciples Wherupon one observeth That Christ by his example doth instruct every Master of a family how to carry himself in reference to those under his charge on the Lords Daies after their departure from the publick Congregation And truly a treble benefit will follow hereupon 1 In respect of your selves for the more you build up others the more your selves are built up in Knowledge Faith and every grace of God 2 In respect of your children and servants for it will make them to hearken more attentively to that which is delivered in the publick Congregation if they know they shall be called to an account for the same when they come home 3 It would much help both your selves and servants in the understa●ding and beleeving of that which you have heard in the publick if at home you would repeat it and confer of it and examine the proofs that have been delivered for the confirmation of it II. Another private duty is singing of Psalms for this may and ought to be performed in your families as well as in the Congregation This David commends for one duty of the Sabbath as Psal. 92. 1. The title of the Psalm is A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath day And thus it begins It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord to sing praises unto thy Name O most High This Ordinance being questioned by some and denied by others I shall 1 Prove the lawfulness thereof 2 Give you some directions for the right manner of performing the same First the lawfulness of singing Psalms doth appear both from Scripture Example and Reasons 1 For Scripture-proofs there are many both in the Old and New Testament but not to mention those in the Old Testament which may not prove so convincing In the New wee finde it commanded by the Apostle to the Ephesians Speak to your selves in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. And saith the Apostle Iames Is any among you afflicted let him pray Is any merry let him sing Psalms Where you see it is in express terms commanded and that as a Gospel duty 2 We finde it commended both by the example of our Saviour and the practice of the Apostles and other Saints of God in the Primitive times 1 By the example of our Saviour of whom it is recorded that as at other times so the night in which he was betrayed hee sung a Psalm together with his Disciples And when they had sung an Hymn or Psalm they went out into the Mount of Olives 2 By the practice of the Apostles and other Saints in the Primitive times For wee read That at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them Plinius Secundus though an Heathen who lived about two hundred years after Christ testified of Christians that they had their morning songs using to rise before day to sing Psalms 2 Reasons commending this duty may be taken from the benefits accompanying the same For 1 By this duty joyntly performed our own spirits will bee much quickened and enlivened 2 Wee shall thereby quicken and enliven the spirits of others 3 We shall all thereby be made the more chearful in serving God which may be one reason why Paul and Silas joyned singing of Psalms with their prayers 4 It manifesteth an holy zeal that wee bear unto our God and witnesseth that we are not ashamed to profess and praise his holy Name and therefore our tongue doth with chearfulness sound out aloud the praises of God This holy zeal did David express saying I will give thanks unto thee O Lord. among the Heathen and sing praises unto thy name Having thus proved the lawfulness of this duty by Scripture Example and Reason II. Come we now to the Directions for the right manner of performing the same which are set down by the Apostle in these words Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 1 First therefore it must be in the heart or with the heart i. e. our hearts must go with our voices the one must be lift up as well as the other For God is a Spirit and therefore will be worshipped with our hearts and spirits as well as with our bodies And truly singing with the voice without the concurrence of the heart and spirit is no more pleasing to God than a sounding brass or tinkling Cymbal 2 As we must sing with the heart so with grace in the
that they did even break him again For wee use to say of one that hath endured much pain or other great grief that hath wasted his flesh or dried up his blood See how hee is broken and in this sense also may Christ be said to be broken Again when thou seest the Minister pouring out of the wine then exercise and actuate thy Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ and the shedding thereof which indeed sheweth the extent of Christs sufferings even to the taking away of his life which is the furthest extent of a mans suffering in this world These two therefore The breaking of Christs body and the shedding of his blood are fitly joyned together the former to shew the extremity of Christs sufferings the latter the extent thereof even as far as possibly could bee to the shedding of his blood Again when thou seest the Minister offering the bread and wine to the Communicants then by the eye of Faith see Gods love in offering his Son to every beleeving Communicant For as verily as the Minister doth offer the bread and the wine so truly doth God really offer Christ with all the benefits of his death and passion to every beleeving Communicant I do not say carnally but really not the flesh of Christ but Christ with all the benefits of his death and passion as Reconciliation Redemption Remission of sins c. For there is not a meer Representation but a real and true exhibition of Christ as broken for our sins II. Another act of Faith to bee exercised at the Lords Supper is to receive Iesus Christ. For the Beleever having seen Christ with the eye of Faith under the outward elements and forementioned rites then hee receiveth him into his heart with much joy and gladness As therefore thou stretchest forth the hand of thy body to receive the bread and wine stretch forth the hand of Faith to apprehend and receive Jesus Christ and to rest upon him for life and for salvation For Faith is that instrument whereby wee receive Christ and all his benefits as they are offered to us in the Gospel and sealed up to us in the Sacrament Faith is to the soul as the hand is to the body that which is offered to a man for his good the hand readily receiveth and what the hand so receiveth is a mans own Thus God offering his Son unto us Faith perswades the heart of Gods good will to man and of his true intent to have man made partaker of his Son and thereupon apprehends him and receives him for his own and Christ is truly his III. Another act of Faith to be exercised at the Lords Supper is to apply and appropriate Christ to thy self which is implied under the Rites of eating the bread a●d drinking the wine whereby is meant a feeding upon Christ by Faith which is an applying of him When therefore thou art eating the bread and drinking the wine fee● upon Christ by a particular application of him and all his benefits to thine own souls comfort By Faith assure thy self that Christ was born for thee that hee might bee thy Saviour to save th●e from thy sins That hee performed perfect obedience unto the Law that his Righteousness might be imputed u●to thee Thus hee died a bitter cursed death to free thee from eternal death and condemnation which thy sins had deserved Thus thou oughtest to apply Christ with all his benefits unto thine own souls comfort And thus to act Faith is to eat and drink indeed to communicate indeed The truth is this act of Faith in applying Christ is the most suitable to the Ordinance of the Lords Supper And the more thou canst put forth the act of application therein the greater comfort shalt thou receive from the Ordinance for propriety in Christ is that which sweetens all Yet lest weak Christians such as are weak in Faith should be discouraged and think themselves uncapable of comfort because they cannot thus ●eed upon Christ by Faith they cannot apply Christ nor the benefits of his death unto themselves I desire such to take notice that though this act of application is the most suitable to the Ordinance yet the former act of receiving Christ and resting upon him gives us a true interest in him whereby Christ and all his benefits become ours which puts us into a blessed and happy condition Yet I would advise all such who have attained to that measure and degree of Faith as to lay hold upon Jesus Christ and to receive him as their Saviour and thereupon to rest upon him alone for life and salvation that they would strive to raise it one pitch higher namely to apply ●hrist with all the benefits of his death and passion unto their own souls comfort Because this act of Faith doth especially make to our comfort and consolation as well as to our spiritual benefit II. Another grace to bee exercised at the Lords Supper is Repentance For a broken Christ requires a broken heart Whereas in true Repentance there is a godly sorrow for sins past And a full purpose and resolution of heart to leave and forsake them for the time to come and to walk more closely with God While you are at the Sacrament you should exercise your Repentance in both these particulars 1 You should labour to be affected with a true grief and sorrow fo● your sins To that end seriously meditate of the manifold sufferings of Christ for ce●tainly a due and serious meditation of what Christ hath suffered for our sins cannot but affect our hearts with some measure of grief and sorrow for the same for shall Christ bleed for our sins and shall not wee weep for them was Christ broken with torments for our sins and shall not the consideration thereof break our hearts for them 2 You must ingage your selves by a solemn Vow and promise unto God to bee more watchful over your selves against sin for the time to come and to walk more closely and exactly with God As often as you partake of the Lords Supper so often God reneweth the Covenant on his part hee ingageth himself afresh to bee your God to pardon your sins to subdue your corruptions to write his Law in your hearts that is to work in you as a desire and disposition to the keeping of his Laws and Commandements so a sincere indeavour after the same And therefore it is your duty to renew the Covenant on your parts to ingage your selves afresh in the strength of Christ to walk as a people in Covenant with God to bee more watchful over your selves against sin for the time to come to bee more his faithful servants than ever you were before Having shewed both the Duties Antecedent and Concomitant Come wee now to the Duties Subsequent such as must follow after the action of receiving For it is not enough that you duly prepare your selves to that Ordinance and reverently carry your selves at it but you must likewise walk in some