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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31328 A Catechism containing the substance of the Christian religion in the words and phrases of Scripture. 1693 (1693) Wing C1470; ESTC R26584 19,006 33

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Masters A. 'T is the Duty of Servants to be obedient to their own Masters and to please them well in all things not answering again nor purloyning but shewing all good Fidelity that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things Tit. 2.9 10. Q. What if they have froward Masters must they be subject to such A. They ought to be subject to their Masters with all Fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward 1 Pet. 2.18 Q. How should Servants obey their Masters A. They should obey their Masters not with Eye-Service as Men-pleasers but in Singleness of Heart fearing God Col. 3.22 Q. What Encouragement have Servants thus to obey their Masters A. Of the Lord they shall receive the Reward of the Inheritance for they serve in so doing the Lord Christ Col. 3.24 Q. What Encouragement have they to suffer patiently from froward Masters A. This is thank-worthy if a Man for Conscience towards God endure Grief suffering wrongfully and 〈◊〉 when we do well and suffer for it we take it patiently this is acceptable with God 1 Pet. 2.19 20. Q. What is the Duty of Masters towards their Servants A. 'T is the Duty of Masters (a) Col. 4.1 to give to their Servants that which is just and equal (b) Eph. 6.9 And to forbear Threatning Q. Why should they do so A. Because they have also a Master in Heaven neither is there respect of Persons with God Col. 4.1 Q. What is the Duty of Husbands towards their Wives A. 'T is the Duty of Husbands to love their Wives and not be bitter against them Col. 3.19 Q. How should Husbands love their Wives A. They should love them (a) Eph. 5.25 as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it and (b) Vers 28. so ought Men to love their Wives as their own Bodies Q. Ought not Husbands to dwell with their Wives A. A Man ought to forsake Father and Mother and to cleave to his Wife and they two shall be one Flesh Mat. 19.5 Q. What is the Duty of Wives towards their Husbands A. 'T is the Duty of Wives to (a) Eph. 5.33 see that they reverence their Husbands and (b) Vers 22. submit unto them as unto the Lord. Q. Why should they do so A. Because the Husband is Head of the Wife even as Christ is Head of the Church Eph. 5.23 Q. What if the Husband be an Infidel or wicked Man A. St. Peter saith Ye Wives be in subjection to your own Husbands that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives while they behold your chaste Conversation coupled with Fear 1 Pet. 3.1 Q. How should you behave your self towards the Aged A. I ought to (a) Lev. 19.32 rise up before the hoary Head and to honour the Face of the old Man (b) Prov. 16.31 For the hoary Head is a Crown of Glory if it be found in the Way of Righteousness Q. What is your Duty towards Strangers A. I may not be forgetful to entertain Strangers for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares Heb. 13.2 Mat. 25.35 Q. What is your Duty towards the Poor and Needy A. I ought to be (a) 1 Pet. 3.8 pitiful towards them and (b) Eph. 4.32 tender-hearted (c) Heb. 13.3 and to remember them that are in Bonds as bound with them and them which suffer Adversity as being my self also in the Body Q. Is it enough to pity them and to be sorry for their Condition A. By no means (a) Jam. 2.15 16. for if a Brother or Sister be naked and destitute of daily Food and I say to him Depart in peace be you warmed and filled but give them not those things which are needful to the Body what doth it profit Therefore (b) Heb. 13.16 to do good and communicate I may not forget for with such Sacrifices God is well pleased Q. Ought he to give Alms who gets his Living by the Labour of his Hands A. Let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labour working with his Hands the thing that is good that he may have to give to him that needeth Eph. 4.28 Q. For what End should you give Alms A. My Light should so shine before Men that they may see my good Works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven Mat. 5.16 Q. For what End may you not give Alms A. I (a) Mat. 6.1 may not do my Alms before Men to be seen (b) Vers 2. or have Glory of them otherwise I have no reward of my Father which is in Heaven Q. What if you find you self strongly tempted to Vain-glory and to desire the Praise of Men in giving your Alms A. In that case my Left-hand should not know what my Right-hand doth Or I should give very secretly Matth. 6.3 Q. With what Mind ought you to give A. I ought to be ready to distribute and willing to communicate not to give grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a chearful Giver 1 Tim. 6.18 2 Cor. 9.7 Q. Can a Man love god who refuseth to relieve the Needy when he is able A. Who so hath this World's Goods and seeth his Brother hath need and shutteth up his Bowels of Compassion from him how dwelleth the Love of God in him 1 Joh. 3.17 Q. What then is pure and undefiled Religion A. Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Affliction and to keep our selves unspotted from the World Jam. 1.27 Q. To whom ought you to do good A. As we have opportunity we must do good unto all Men especially to them who are of the Houshold of Faith Gal. 6.10 Q. What Encouragement have you to be merciful and charitable A. (a) Mat. 5.7 Blessed are the Merciful for they shall obtain Mercy And (b) 1 Tim. 6.19 if we are rich in good Works we shall lay up for our selves a good Foundation against the time to come that we may lay hold of Eternal Life Q. Are there not Promises of Temporal good things also to the Merciful and Charitable A. Yes (a) Ps 41.1 2 3. c. Blessed is the Man that considereth the Poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon the Earth (b) Ps 37.26 And his Seed is blessed Q. What was David 's Observation concerning the merciful Man A. David saith I have been young and now am old yet have I not seen the Righteous or merciful Man forsaken nor his Seed begging Bread Ps 37.25 Q. What was his Son Solomon 's Observation A. There is that scattereth and yet encreaseth and there is that withholdeth more than is meet but it tendeth to Poverty Prov. 11.24 Q. But you believe that God may in Faithfulness for great and wise Ends
by the Offence of one Judgment came upon all Men to Condemnation even so by the Righteousness of one the free Gift came upon all Men to justification of Life Q. Is there nothing for us to do that we may receive forgiveness of Sin and eternal Life through Christ A. God forbid I should think so for the Scripture telleth us that (a) Acts 3.19 we must repent and be converted that our Sins may be blotted out and (b) Joh. 3.16 that God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting Life (c) Heb. 5.9 And that he is the Author of eternal Salvation to them that obey him Q. Shall that Willingness to obey God's Commandments be accepted which only produceth weak Endeavours A. No but we must strive to enter in at the Strait Gate because many will seek (a) Luke 13.24 in an idle lazy Manner to enter in and shall not be able Q. Then we must repent and believe and obey the Gospel or we shall receive no benefit by the Death of Christ A. (a) Luke 13.3 Except we repent we shall all perish (b) Mark 16.16 And he that believeth not shall be damned (c) Joh. 3.19 And this is the Condemnation that Light is come into the World and Men love Darkness rather than Light because their Deeds are evil Q. Is it not sufficient if we obey some of Christ's Precepts or is it necessary that we obey them all A. Yes verily (a) James 2.10 for he that keepeth the whole Law and yet offends in one Point or allows himself in Disobedience to some one Law is guilty of all or is liable to the same Punishment for kind that is due to the breach of all Q. Will not Faith at all profit us except it be joined with Repentance and Obedience to Christ's Precepts A. No surely (a) Jam. 2.17 20. for Faith without Works is dead being alone And (b) Vers 19. the Devils believe and tremble Q. Seeing that Justification or Pardon of Sin is several times ascribed to Faith and Faith is said to be imputed for Righteousness what kind of Faith do the Scriptures mean A. The Scriptures mean such a Faith as (a) Acts 15.9 purifies the Heart (b) Gal. 5.6 Q. What is that Repentance that shall obtain Mercy A. That Repentance that shall obtain Mercy is (a) Esay 55.7 the forsaking our wicked Ways and Thoughts and returning to the Lord (b) Acts 26.20 and doing Works meet for it Q. Can you by your believing repenting and doing good Works deserve at God's hands the Pardon of your Sins and eternal Life A. No (a) Luke 17.10 but when we have done all those things that are commanded we must say that we are unprofitable Servants (b) Titus 3.5 And not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us (c) Eph. 1.6 7. and the Riches of his Grace Q. What is the Substance of those Duties which the Gospel of Christ requires of you A. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation to all Men hath appeared teaching us that denying Ungodliness and worldly Lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Titus 2.11 12. Q. What is it to live Godly A. To live Godly is (a) Ps 100.2 to serve the Lord with Gladness and (b) Heb. 12.28 to worship him with Fear and Reverence (c) Prov. 3.6 and in all our Ways acknowledg him Q. Is God alone to be worshipped or may we also give Religious Worship to Saints and Angels as the Papists do A. It is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Matth. 4.10 Q. What is it to live Soberly A. To live Soberly is to abstain from these Works of the Flesh (a) Gal. 5.19 20 21. Adultery fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness Hatred Wrath Strife Seditions Heresies Envyings Drunkenness Revellings and such like and (b) Col. 3.5 Covetousness or setting our Affections upon things below which is Idolatry Q. What is it to live Kighteously A. To live Righteously is Whatsoever I would that Men should do unto me to do even so unto them for this is the Law and the Prophets Mat. 7.12 Q. What is your Duty towards the King and the higher Powers A. My Duty towards the King and the higher Powers is to (a) 1 Tim. 2.2 pray for him and all that are put in Authority under him (b) 1 Pet. 2.17 to honour Him and them (c) Rom. 13.1 and to be subject unto them Q. Why must we be subject to them A. We must needs be subject not only for Wrath or for fear of their Sword but also for Conscience sake Rom. 13.5 Q. How doth Conscience towards God oblige us to be subject A. Because there is no Power but of God the Powers that be are ordained of God whosoever therefore resisteth the Power resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves Damnation Rom. 13.1 2. Q. But must you yield active Obedience to your Governours if they should require of you what God hath expresly forbidden A. Whether it be right in the Sight of God to hearken unto Men more than unto God judg ye Acts 4.19 Q. What is your Duty towards the Bishops and Spiritual Governours and Teachers which Christ hath set over his Church A. My Duty is to obey them that have the Rule over me and submit my self for they watch for our Souls as those that must give account Heb. 13.17 Q. What other Duties do you owe to them A. I am also to (a) 1 Thess 5.12 13. esteem those that are over us in the Lord and admonish us very highly in love for their Work 's sake And (b) Gal. 6.6 he that is taught in the Word should communicate to him that teacheth in all good things Q. Is it lawful for you to publish the Faults of your Civil or Ecclesiastical Governours A. It is written Thou shalt not speak evil of the Ruler of thy People Acts 23.5 Q. This puts me in mind to ask you Whether that Man can be religious who bridleth not his Tongue A. If any Man among you seemeth to be religious and bridleth not his Tongue but deceiveth his own Heart this Man's Religion is vain James 1.26 Q. What is the Duty of Children towards their Parents A. 'T is the Duty of Children to (a) Eph. 6.2 honour their Father and Mother which is the first Commandment with promise (b) Col. 3.20 And to obey them in all things for this i● well pleasing unto the Lord. Q. What is the Duty of Parents towards their Children A. 'T is the Duty of Parents not to provoke their Children to Wrath but to bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. Eph. 6.4 Q. What is the Duty of Servants towards their
suffer a merciful and good Man to fall into Afflictions notwithstanding the fore-mentioned Promises A. Yes (a) Rom. 8.28 For we know all things work together for good unto them that love God (b) 2 Cor. 4.17 And these light Afflictions which are but for a moment work for them a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory Q. You have well told me your Duty towards the Poor and Needy God grant that you practise it Tell me next your Duty towards your Brother that hath offended you A. We ought to forbear one another and forgive one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us Col. 3.12 Eph. 4.32 Q. How often shall thy Brother sin against thee and thou forgive him till seven times A. Yes Until seventy times seven Mat. 18.22 Q. What if you do not forgive your Brother his Trespasses A. Neither will my heavenly Father forgive me my Trespasses Mat. 6.15 Q. What is your Duty towards your Brother that hath offended God A. I must not hate my Brother in my Heart but in any wise rebuke my Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him Lev. 19.17 Q. What Encouragement have you so to do A. If any Man err from the Truth and one convert him let him know that he which converteth a Sinner from the Error of his Way shall save a Soul from Death and shall hide a multitude of Sins Jam. 5.20 Q. How should we reprove our sinning Brother A. If any Man be overtaken in a Fault they that be Spiritual should restore such a one with a Spirit of Meekness considering themselves lest they also be tempted Gal. 6.1 Q. Is it not your Duty to be as savourable as may be in judging your Brother A. Our Lord hath said (a) Mat. 7.1 2. Judg not that ye be not judged For with what Judgment ye judg ye shall be judged And (b) Rom. 14.4 who art thou that judgest another Man's Servant to his own Master he standeth or falleth Q. How ought those that are strong and knowing to behave themselves towards the weak and ignorant A. They that are strong ought to bear the Infirmities of the Weak and not to please themselves Rom. 15.1 Q. What is your Duty towards your Enemies A. 'T is my Duty to love mine Enemies Mat. 5.44 Q. How should you shew your Love to your Enemies A. By (a) 1 Pet. 3.9 not rendring Evil for Evil or Railing for Railing but contrariwise blessing (b) Rom. 12.21 And by overcoming Evil with Good Q. What Arguments have we to love and do good to our Enemies A. (a) Rom. 5.8 God commendeth his Love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us And (b) Mat. 5.45 so shall we be the Children of our Father which is in Heaven For he makes his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Unjust (c) Luke 6.35 And is kind to the Unthankful and to the Evil. Q. By the Answers you have given I perceive you are far from imagining that the Grace of the Gospel doth excuse us from good Works A. We are created in Christ Jesus unto good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them Eph. 2.10 Q. Is it sufficient to do good Works with our outward Man A. No but if any Man be in Christ or a true Christian he is a new Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 Q. What is it to be a new Creature A. To be a new Creature is to be (a) Eph. 4.23 renewed in the Spirit of our Mind (b) Rom. 6.17 and to obey from the Heart Q. Why is it necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind A. It is necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind because (a) Mat. 7.18 a corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good Fruit nor a good Tree bring forth evil Fruit. (b) Chap. 12.34 And out of the abundance of the Heart the Mouth speaketh Q. For what other Reason is it necessary that we should be renewell in the Spirit of our Mind and pure in Heart A. It is also necessary because Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all INiquity and purify to himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works Tit. 2.14 Q. Is there any other Reason why it should be necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind and be pure in Heart A. It is also necessary because hereby (a) Col. 1.12 we are made meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light (b) Joh. 3.3 And except we be born again we cannot see the Kingdom of God Q. Why can we not A. Because God is Light and in him is no Darkness at all and therefore we cannot have Fellowship with him and walk in Darkness 1 Joh. 1. 5 6. Q. Are you able of your self to believe and repent and make you a lcean Heart and obey God's Laws A. (a) Phil. 4.13 I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me (b) Joh. 15.5 but without him I can do nothing Q. Is Christ ready to enable you with his Grace and Spirit A. He hath promised that (a) Mat. 13.12 to him that hath shall be given that is that useth the Strength he hath already received and he shall have abundance (b) Luke 11.13 And that if we who are evil know how to give good Gifts unto your Children how much more shall our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit unto them that ask him Q. What were those Operations of the Holy Ghost which were proper and peculiar to the first Ages of the Church A. First the Holy Ghost whom the Father did send in Christ's Name did teach the Apostles all things and brought all things to their Remembrance whatsoever he had said unto them Joh. 14.26 Secondly (a) Acts 2.1 4. when the Day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (b) Mat. 3.11 And they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire (c) Acts 2.3 when there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of Fire which sate upon all of them Thirdly When (a) Mark 13.11 they were led before Rulers (b) Luke 12.12 the Holy Ghost did teach them in the same hour what they ought to say Fourthly To one was given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom to another the Word of Knowledg by the same Spirit to another the working of Miracles to another Prophecy to another discerning of Spirits to another divers kinds of Tongues to another the Interpretation of Tongues 1 Cor. 12.8 9 10. Q. For what End were these extraordinary Gifts and Operations of the Holy Ghost A. By these the Holy Ghost was a Witness that God hath exalted his Son Jesus with his Right-hand