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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10770 An exposicion in Englishe vpon the Epistle of .S. Paule, to the Colossians wherin the letter is purely declared, with many good exhortations to flee vice, and to take vertue, as shall appere clerely to the faithfull reader throughout all this epistle: written by Lancelot Ridley of Cantorbury. Anno salutis humanæ M.D.XLVIII.; Exposicion in Englishe upon the Epistle of. S. Paule to the Colossians. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1548 (1548) STC 21039; ESTC S104540 65,741 282

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of his wife and of hymself to prouoke his wife to anger to greue or vexe her or otherwise to dooe not his duetie to her to put her awaie and take an whore and vse company with a drabbe and a harlot contrary to Gods lawe and will whiche thyng God wil not suffre long vnpunished bee thei neuer so stoute or hye in the world But of the duetie of man and wife one to another I haue babled very largely accordyng to Gods woorde Ephe. v. as I truste and therefore I passe it lightly here in this place Children obeye youre fathers and mothers in all thinges this pleaseth God Fathers discorage not your children not to muche least thei be amased and can geue you no answere for feare He teacheth the duetie of childrē to their parentes and again of parentes that is of fathers mothers to their childrē It perteineth to childrē to be humble lowly gentle and obediēt to fathers and mothers in all thynges lawfull and honest and in all thynges that be not contrary to Goddes law and in nowise to resist to speake again thē except parētes require vnlawful thynges it is the duetie of children to honor their fathers and mothers to help succour them and releue theim if thei maie better then father or mother when any occasion shal bee geuen to their children to be an helper and cōforter to their fathers and mothers and this thyng pleaseth God better then al pilgrimages makyng giltyng of Images ye better then all the Bishoppe of Romes liyng Pardons for this is the commaundement of God the other bee not of God but of members of Goddes aduersary that is of the deuill 2 Fathers discorage not youre childrē to muche It is the duetie of fathers mothers not to discorage their childrē to muche or by their threatenyng wordes beatyng bunchyng knockyng vpon them to dawe their childrē and to make theim dawe pates so fearfull and amased that thei dare not speake a woorde nor geue a right answere and all for feare of their parentes to fearse ouer their children For as to muche pamperyng cherishyng of parentes bee the destruccion to their children so bee destruccion to children to muche fearsenes of parentes to their childrē therefore fathers and mothers must vse a moderate meane not to fearse nor yet to softe but if their children do offende theim or do a faute let them be corrected with admonicions and promises of rewardes if thei will amende and faute no more for if children should not be corrected for their fautes thei would be to wanton to shrode curssed and vnhappie and full of all euill therefore it is true that Salamon saieth Qui parcit uirge odit filium He that spareth the rod hateth the child And the Philosophier saith that an euil in the beginnyng maie sone bee remedied but if it haue long continued oft tymes it is vncurable therefore resist an euil at the beginnyng of it and so it maie the soner be healed but of these dueties that is of the parentes to their children and of children to their parentes I haue shewed my mynde more largely in the Commentarie to the Ephesiās Ephe. vi Seruauntes obey by al thynges them which are Masters after the fleshe not with seruice lowely before their iyes as you studie to please men but with simplenes of harte fearyng God And what soeuer you shall do do it of an hartines as you serued God and not manne knowyng that you shall receiue of God a reward of inheritaunce for you serue our Lorde Christe Furthermore he that hath synned shall beare his synne and there is no respect of persones before God Masters geue equitie and equalnes to your seruaūtes knowing that you haue a Lorde in heauen In the former parte of this texte is taught the duetie of seruauntes to their Masters whō thei serue in this life whom thei serue whether it bee for meate drynke apparell and wages or for those for learnyng of some honest science or for other necessary causes And in this latter part is declared thoffice of Masters to their seruauntes The duetie of seruauntes is to obeye their Masters in all lawful and honest thynges to vse them lowly and mekely to their Masters and to haue their Masters in reuerence with all diligent seruice studie to please theim not onely in their iye sight with faithfull trustie and profitable seruice studie to please their Masters but also in their absence when their Masters dooe not ouer see them This place reproueth many negligent seruauntes which will bee faithfull iuste true and diligēt in their Masters labors and busines as long as their Master is presēt and doth loke on them but if their Masters be absent or awaie from theim or do not ouer se them thei care not how litle worke thei do thei care not who dooe more then thei ye thei will bee pickyng and stealyng and liyng all suche be here reproued by the holy ghost speakyng here in saincte Paule and Ephe. vi More at large suche negligente seruauntes deceiue not onely their Masters but also theimselfes for thei displease GOD highly for seruauntes should serue their Masters here in this worlde as faithfully iustely and truely as if thei serued God for in deede thei serue God that serue their Masters as here is commaunded that is to serue theim in all veritie and truthe faithfulnes and iustice with all diligence in all humblenes of harte and mynd in woorde and deede fearyng GOD and their Masters dooyng alwaie their Masters busines to the mooste profite pleasure of their Master in GOD knowyng surely that thei so doyng serue GOD and if thei dooe not so that thei displease God when thei do not their busines as thei should do but parauenture will murmure and grudge to dooe that their Master commaundeth theim or will geue hym again a froward answere and make ouerthwarte wordes froward and stubburne or when thei go from their Masters with a dogs pater noster murmuryng with theimselfes I cannot tell what against their Master patteryng thynkyng their Master to put thē to great peines labors suche euill seruaūtes there be with other that will picke steale and lye haue many naughtie cōdicions whiche all are to be amended in seruauntes that seruauntes might serue and please GOD doyng their Masters lawful commaūdementes and receiue of God areward better then any gold or siluer landes or possessions life eternal Whiche God geueth as well to seruauntes as Masters without respecte of persones 2 For you serue youre Lorde God This thyng should make all seruauntes to thynke all labors or peines that thei bee put to in their Masters seruice to be easy that thei seruyng their master and doyng with al gladnes and faithful diligēce their Masters commaundement that thei serue God the father of our lord Iesu Christe what tyme soeuer it bee by daie or by nighte And who should bee werie in the seruice of God this is his true seruice as for the other
seruice of God called Goddes seruice diuised by manne let other iudge whether it be Goddes seruice or no this I am sure that the seruaunte occupied faithfully and iustely is occupied in Gods seruice And again thei that do not their Masters lawful commaūdemēt shall be punished of God whiche both rewardeth and punisheth without respecte of persone Let euery seruaunt do his duetie to his Master and so is God pleased 3 Masters do you equitie and al equalnes to your seruaūtes You Masters doo your dueties to your seruaūtes let them haue sufficient meate and drynke and other necessaries let them not be idle but set theim to some honest woorkes laye not to muche lode vpon their backes more then thei are able to beare remember that thei with you shal bee felowes in the heauenly inheritaūce Se more if you please Ephe. vi ¶ The .iiij. Chapiter BE instaunt in prayer watche in it with geuing of thākes pray also for vs that GOD might open to vs the doore of his woorde that wee mighte speake the misterie of Christ for the whiche I am bound that I might shewe it as it becōmeth me to speke Of praier he hath spoken of before in the first Chapiter how thei should praie to whom thei should praie what thei should desire in their praiers of whō and for whose sake thei should be heard Now he moueth theim to be constaunt in praier and in theim vs all and to watche in praier with geuyng of thankes to God for his benefites of whō commeth al goodnes and finally he desireth theim to praie for hym This place moueth vs to praier and to be instaūt in prayer and to praie oft tymes with feruent mynde and hartie desire and that wee should desire other to praie for vs beyng a liue as Paule here was and it reproueth our slothfulnes in praier and suche as loue to pray litle will not other to praie for them the praier of a iust man is much worthe with God for it is harde if no impediment be in hym for whom praier is made or if it bee desired of GOD accordyng to his will 2 That God might open to vs the doore of his word For what thyng he desired theim to praye for hym it is shewed that God should open his mouthe that he might speake the woorde not of manne but of God as it did become hym to speake Here wee learne twoo thynges the one is that to speake the worde of God as a manne should doo it is the gifte of God and not mannes will and pleasure the other that it muste be desired of GOD by faithful praier both of the preacher and also of the auditors and that no manne of his awne might and powers can speake the worde of God as he should do excepte that God shall firste open his mouthe and geue hym grace to speake as he should do to the glory of God and to the profite of other 3 For the whiche I am bound Paule was in prison when he wrote this Epistle to these Colossians and he was not ashamed to name his fetters bondes he was in whē he wrote this Epistle for it was not for his awne sake but for the Gospels sake These bee the swete delicates that true preachers and setters furthe of Gods holy worde should looke for in this worlde but in the world to come is eternall delicates prepared for them if thei stād sure to the holy Gospell of GOD and shrinke not from it by no affliccion or persecucion walke wisely toward straūgers redemyng the tyme youre communicacion let it bee alwaie fauourable seasoned with salt that you maie know howe it behoueth you to answere to euery man The Apostle geueth them monicion to walke as it becōmeth towardes straungiers that is wisely as it becommeth wisemē in God in all truthe iustice and righteousnes not as vnwisemen but as wisemē Ephe. v. So that straūgers or foreiners can haue no iuste cause to speake euill of you nor of your maners redemyng the tyme diligētly sekyng oportunitie to doo good to all mē or if in tymes past you haue been euill now be no more euill from hencefurthe studiyng alwaie to profite other 2 Let your communicacion be alway with fauor seasoned with salt What their wordes should bee here is shewed First he willeth that their wordes should be alwaie with fauor that be pleasaunt gentle meke and with sobrietie that thei maie be thankfull to the hearers that setteth furth Goddes glory promoteth his woorde that bryng the loue and feare of GOD and that be profitable and confortable in God and in all goodnes to the hearers This place reproueth all idle speakynges and talkynges of the whiche commeth no profite to man nor glory to God it checketh vain speakynges euill speakynges and all speakynges that tendeth to the hurt or damage to other 3 Let your wordes be seasoned with salte Salt was cōmaūded to be had in all sacrifice Leui. ii By the which was signified heauenly wisedom Salt seasoneth all meates it draweth out corrupt bloud humors it perceth to the bone it is a sharpe eager thyng gnawyng sore So must oure woordes bee seasoned with salte that is spirituall wisedom that seasoneth all thynges and maketh euery man sauery and good willyng glad to please God and to seke those thynges that bryngeth to heauen so it be commeth our wordes to bee seasoned that thei maie sounde nothyng els but Godlines Godly wisedō Godly honor and glory the loue of GOD the feare of God with geuyng thankes to God for his benefites to vs so our woordes should alwaie declare that we be Christians desirous to knowe Christ and his doctryne and to folowe it in our liuyng to moue other by oure good example bothe in woorde and deede to bee followers of Christe This place reproueth foolishe and vain wordes rashe talkyng withour wisedome by the whiche ofte tymes commeth muche hurte 4 That you maie knowe howe it becommeth you to answere to euery manne Now is declared what he meaneth by salte surely nothyng els but that he would haue men to haue that wisedome that thei might knowe how thei should answere to euery manne that their wordes might be thākefull and profitable otherwise menne must answere to princes then to subiectes that not one answere is mete at all tymes to the weake and to the strong in faithe the weake muste be fedde with milke the strōg with strōg meate but alwaie lette your answere be to the glory of GOD and to the profit of other Lerne that of holy scripture whiche is signified by salte you maie lerne all wisedome how you shall answere euery man in al Godlines and goodnes Of all thynges perteinyng to me Lychycus shall certifie you of them our welbeloued brother and faithfull Minister seruaunte in the Lorde whom I haue sent vnto you for this purpose that he might know how you do and comfort you hartes and with hym Onesimus a faithfull brother which