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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09977 Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne. Preston, John, 1587-1628.; Ball, Thomas, 1589 or 90-1659.; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. 1631 (1631) STC 20231; ESTC S115069 220,964 434

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come in that is if my understanding shall suggest a thing inordinate and shall say Goe and give a bribe to Faelix and thou shalt escape imprisonment goe and take a gift of these Corinthians and thou shalt have something of thine owne and shalt not be so dependent on the almes of others now saith he when carnall wisedome shall suggest any such thing to mee I would not admit of it but I walked in simplicity and godly purenesse toward all men but especially toward you Corinthians here was in him the simplicity of the Doves That we might draw it to a little more particulars you shall see an other expression of this Ephes. 6.5 Servants be obedient to them that are your masters in the flesh with feare and trembling in singlenesse of your heart as unto Christ that is servants take heede even with feare and trembling that you admit not by and sinfull respects in performing your duty as there are many motives as feare hope reward and a necessity to doe it but keepe your hearts single that you may looke onely upon Christ and his commandement and then you shall be faithfull in your service but if other respects mingle themselves with this simplicity you will doe but eye-service you will doe it in a double and dissembling manner not plainely and heartily and simply Therefore let us put in practise this simplicity upon all occasions in all other things whatsoever Rom. 12.8 He that distributeth let him doe it in simplicity that is men are subiect to by ends in their good workes as in giuing almes or shewing a kindenesse to men there may be many by-respects as that they may make use of them heareafter or the like but saith hee keepe you your hearts simple to looke upon GOD alone in them So in conversing with men when you professe love and kindenesse you are subject to by ends in doing it but they are commended Act. 2.46 that they did eat their meat with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart that is what love they professed one to another it was simple and plaine not double Compare this place with that in 1 Pet. 1.22 Seing you have purified your selves in obeying the truth through the Spirit vnto vnfained love of the brethren see that yee love one another with a pure love fervently that is when there is nothing else when the heart is simple and plaine when there is nothing but love noe mixture noe by ends in it So likewise when you come to preach the Gospell doe it in simplicity of heart that is let there be nothing besides as the Apostle saith of himselfe he preached Christ and not himselfe so we should doe every thing in simplicity of heart And so you should behave your selves in your elections to looke with a single eye to the oath by which you ought to be guided doe nothing for feare or favour of men or for any sinister respect I wish I could speake and give this rule to all the kingdome at Parliament times For it is an errour among men to thinke that in election of Burgesses or any others they may pleasure their friends or themselves by having this or that eye to their owne advantage or disadvantage that may arise from it whereas they ought to keep their mindes single and free from all respects so that when they come they may choose him whom in their owne consciences and in the sight of God they thinke fittest for the place and that you may doe so you are to get a single and a simple heart to doe it Vse 3 3 If there bee in GOD this simplicity that we have declared to you then goe to him upon all occasions goe not to the streame goe not to the creatures which have what they have but by derivation and participation but goe to him that hath all that he hath naturally and abundantly not sparingly as they have that have it by participation As when a man is in any miserable condition wherein hee desires pitty and would bee respected and relieved what wilt thou doe in this case Wilt thou goe to weake man and have him to pitty thee No goe to the great GOD in whom there is mercy it selfe Amongst men he that is the fullest of pitty he hath but a streame of it a drop of it therefore seeke not so much to him no not to parents their pitty falls infinitely short of what is in GOD remember that he is mercy it selfe that is thou shalt finde infinitely more mercy in him then can be saide to be in man the most that can be said of man is that he is mercifull but that which can be saide of GOD is that the very thing it selfe is there If you have a firebrand and light it by the fire it is something but fire it selfe is another thing man he hath a little mercy but if you goe to GOD he hath a sea of mercy and he is never dry Therefore whatsoever thy misery or distresse bee whether of conscience or estate be sure that thou goe to God and say to him If evill parents can bee so mercifull to their children when they aske it of them what then shall I have of him that is mercy it selfe Matth. 7.11 So likewise for wisedome if thou hast a doubtfull case and knowest not what to doe thou goest to thy friends which in deede is a good meanes and ought not to bee neglected for in the multitude of councell there is peace but remember this that there is but a little wisedome in them and therefore they will councell thee but a little but goe to God that is wisedome it selfe Pro. 8. Goe to him for hee will give thee wisedome liberally and without reproach Iam. 1.5 thinke of him that hee is the fountaine of wisedome and fullnesse it selfe So if thou needest grace thou wouldest faine have more thou wouldest have thy faith strengthened and thy love and zeale more fervent goe to CHRIST then from whom wee receive grace for grace and that is made to us wisedome sanctification and redemption goe to God that is grace it selfe Goe not to men for what they have they have it from him therefore looke upon all occasions that thou goest to the Lord when thou wantest comfort goe not to thy pleasure and sports and friends and acquaintance but goe to God that is the great God of heaven and earth that hath it in him abundantly and in him thou shalt find more abundance then in any man of the world FINIS THE THIRTEENTH SERMON EXOD. 3.13 14. And Moses said unto God Behold when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them the God of your fathers hath sent mee unto you and shall say unto me what is his name what shall I say unto them And God said unto Moses I AM THAT I AM c. IN these words as you know God describes himselfe to Moses by his eternall being I AM hath sent me unto you Now our businesse
of faith in this point For if it were fully believed it could not be but that wee should take more heed to our wayes and thoughts than we doe Therefore to convince you of and perswade you to this I will name two places One you shall finde in Ephe. 4.6 One God one Lord who is aboue you all and in you all and through all First he is above all As a man that stands above can see all that is done below so the Lord lookes downe and beholds all that is done on earth as a man in an high place sees all that is done below But it may bee objected though a man be aboue yet there may be some corners some rockes and dens so that he may hide himselfe from the eyes of him that is aboue him therefore it is added who is in you all that is he beholds every thought every secret place every corner of our hearts he is in you all and through all This you shall find more at large in Psa. 139.1 O Lord thou hast searched me and knowne me thou knowest my downe sitting and mine up rising thou understandest my thoughts afarre off c. The meaning of it is this David labours to perswade his owne heart that God is present with him and he doth it by the argument If I goe forward the Lord is there if on this side or that side yet still he is present he compasseth me round about he is behind and before therefore it must needs be that there is not a word that I speake or a thought that I thinke but he sees and heares all Yea he knowes my thoughts afarre off that is as a man that knowes what rootes he hath in his garden though there be not a flower appeares yet he can say when the spring comes this and this will come up because he knowes the garden and knowes what roots are there So the Lord knowes a mans thoughts afarre off because he knowes the principles that are within and he knowes what they would doe when occasion is offered and therefore saith David I have cause to feare exceedingly before him Nay he doth not onely see mens thoughts afarre off but he will judge you afarre off for them Wee use to destroy hemlocke even in the middest of winter because wee know what it will doe if it be suffered to grow so the Lord doth cut off men long before because he knowes that they will doe this and this Such passages of his providence there may be as to cut off children and yong men out of the foresight of the evill that they would doe to his Church because he knowes their thoughts afarre off So hee knowes thy thoughts for good afarre off therefore though a child of God may bee cut off in some undiscovered sinne when hee hath not actually repented yet GOD forgives it him because he knowes what he would doe if he had time to repent and should come to discover it and therefore GOD judgeth him accordingly and likewise if wee have begun any good worke if we be cut off before we have finished it yet remember that GOD knowes what wee would doe And seing hee doth this we should learne exceedingly to feare before him to ponder our owne thoughts and speeches seing GOD himselfe takes notice fo them So it should bee a continuall incouragement to consider that GOD takes notice of all the good that we doe as well as of the evill Rev. 2. and 3. I know thy workes thy labour and thy patience I know thy sufferings that is when a man is miscalled slandered and evill spoken of because he serves and feares God because he is none of the worlds owne and therefore it shewes forth its hatred in word when it cannot in deed for malice must have some vent yet I know thy sufferings and let it bee inough that I know them and register them there is not the least suffering but I take notice of it and it shall bee rewarded Againe men take much paines and no man regardes it yet God takes notice of their labour and their paines and not of their workes onely but their labour in doing them and sees what ends they put upon all Againe men put up injuries and suffer much wrong yet saith the Lord I know thy patience c. What is said of this may be said of all other good actions And it is a great honour to the Lord that we are content with this that he alone knowes it And so we may be well inough for his knowledge will bring in a sure fruit with it as he saith to Iacob Gen. 31. I know all the labour thou hast done unto me And what followed that Why God taught Iacob how to inlarge his wages and so translated Labans substance to him So Psa. 1. last The meaning is the Lord knowes the way of the righteous and therefore it doth prosper and shall And he knowes the way of the wicked and therefore they shall perish Therefore it is inough to us that he is present and sees it and knowes it Againe this should stire us up to good duties seeing he is alwaies present you dnow souldiers though they are some what cowardly otherwise yet in the presence of the Generall if hee looke on they will adventure much so servants that are otherwise idle yet they will doe eye-service they will worke while the Master lookes on so when we consider that the Lord stands by and lookes on and takes notice what paines we take how we doe fight his battells and what wee doe for him it should incourage us and makes us abundant in the worke of the Lord seeing we know that our labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Nay it is an incouragement against the discouragement of men thou maist have discouragement from friends from neighbours and the place where thou livest yet let this bee thy comfort the Lord is present hee knowes thy dwelling thy neighbours who is for thee and who against thee he knowes the difficulties thou meetest with any performāce he knowes what hindrāce thou hast as it is there in the verse 13. I know thy workes and where thou dwellest even where Sathans seat is and thou holdest fast my name and hast not denied my faith even in those dayes wherein Antipas was my faithfull Martyr who was slaine among you where Sathan dwelleth Vse 7 Seventhly this should bee an exceeding great terrour to all men that remaine in the state of unregeneration The Lord is their enemy and they have such an enemy from whome they cannot fly or escape which is a miserable thing On earth if man have an enemy in one place if he goe to another he is free if he have an enemy in one land yet he may fly to another and there be free and how ever yet when he dies he shall bee free from the voice of the oppressors and the wearied shall bee at rest as Iob saith his enemy can follow him no