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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06502 A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton; Enarrationes in epistolas Divi Petri duas et Iudae unam. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1581 (1581) STC 16978; ESTC S108928 231,904 387

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externall and outwarde Policies as the maintenaunce defence and fortification of Cities building and making of Bridges appointyng and assessyng of Tributes Receite of Reuenues mainteinyng and continuyng of peace defendyng their Territories Landes and Dominions and settyng order for punishement of Malefactours and Offendours Therfore eche Christian maie without daunger naie willingly and of his owne accord not compulsiuely and forciblie ought to yeelde his obedience vnto suche a Prince sithens he chalengeth no authoritie ouer his Conscience Therefore now if either Emperour Kyng or Prince should aske mee what my Faithe is I ought plainly to confesse and protest the same vnto him not for any his commaundement but for that I otherwise am bounde to confesse my Faithe openly before all men as often as occasion is offered Now if he should proceede further with me commaundyng me to beleeue this waie or that waie then muste I saie after this sorte vnto hym Noble Prince your charge is in respect of an externall Principalitie and Empire looke well to that your authoritie reacheth not to encermeddle with the Kyngdome of God it is not lawfull for you to eueroache vppon the sanie nor to vsurpe vnto your self that which belongeth to him alone and therefore herein I maie not obeye you You can not well abide that any other should chalenge any right vnto him self within any of your Dominions yea if he should but onely passe through the rankes of your Watchmen setting them at naught as though thei had not to deale with hym you would I saie I am sure pursue such a one with Gūnes Glaues and other store of Partiall prouision And how then can you think that GOD will suffer you to attempt to pull him out of his Seate and to set your self in his place Sainct Peter calleth here the ciuile Magistrate onely the Ordinaunce of man and therfore their authoritie stretcheth not as of themselues to enact and commaunde any thing vppon the Statutes of God and poinctes of our Faithe Seruants be subiect to your maisters with al feare not onely to the good courteous but also to the froward For this is thankeworthie if a man for conscience towarde God endure griefe sufferyng wrongfully For what praise is it if when ye bee buffeted for your faultes ye take it paciently but and if when ye doe well ye suffer wrong and take it paciently this is acceptable to God SAinct Peter hitherto hath taught vs how wee should be subiect vnto the ciuil Magistrate and what honour wee ought to giue vnto the same In the discourse whereof wee haue declared how farre it extendeth and how the same Magistrates are not to stretche their authoritie further then their limited Commission neither to ouerrule matters of Faithe All whiche is spoken of Magistrates in generall and therfore this doctrine appertaineth vnto all Now he speaketh of suche Magistracie as appertaineth not to the whole Cōmonwealth but to certaine priuate persones And first of all how a Familie ought to bee gouerned and how Seruauntes in an householde ought to demeane and behaue themselues towarde their Maisters The meanyng of all whiche his wordes in effect is this Seruauntes both men and women are Christians aswell as others hauyng one and the same Worde one Faithe one Baptisme all other benefites besides aswell as any others and therefore in the sight of God are nothyng inferiour to any other Onely here in this worlde in this externall and tēporall life there is some difference for in that respecte thei are of lesse accoumpt and estimation and therein beeyng inferiours and vnderlinges they are bounde to waite and obeye Therefore seeyng that God hath called them to that estate thei ought so to frame and enure themselues in their dueties that thei shew their subiection and testifie their submission vnto their Maisters honour them reuerence them be seruiceable vnto them and carefullie looke to their dealinges and businesse Wherevppon the Prophete Dauid Psalm Cxxiij borowyng from them a very apt and proper similitude signifieth thereby how diligently thei ought to attende vnto their Maisters and Maistresses As the eyes of the Seruauntes looke vnto the handes of their Maisters and as the eyes of a Maiden vnto the handes of her Maistresse so do our eyes waite vpō the Lord our God whiche is as muche to saie as Seruauntes and waiting Maidens ought with submission and feare to doe whatsoeuer maie please their Maister and Maistresse God requireth it and therefore thei ought with cherefull and willyng myndes to doe it That which thou thus doest accordyng to the Word of God and Faithe bee assured is acceptable and allowed of God And therefore these are the best workes of al others that a man can woorke so that a man maie here perceiue that hee needeth not to got farre to dooe other Woorkes What thy Maister commaundeth his Seruaunt or the Maistresse her Maide that hath God commaunded to be doen of thee Think it not to bee the bare commaundement of man although it be vttered and doen by man And therefore thou oughtest not to consider and respect what maner a Maister he is whom thou seruest whether he be good or badd gentle and curteous waiwarde and churlish but thinke this rather what maner a Maister soeuer he bee yet is it my duetie truely and faithfullie to serue hym and diligently to applie my self in his businesse and that for Gods sake who requireth the same at my handes remembryng also that my Lorde Iesus Christe for the redemption and freedome of me became a Seruaunt This is the true doctrine of life whiche ought continually to bee inculked and beaten into the heades of all men but alas the blindnesse of our age is so greate that it is nowadaies almoste quight abolished and vtterlie extincte And this doctrine is of suche sorte that none can well embrace and like of it sauyng onely true Christians who haue their lesson for the same out of the Gospell And therefore if thou wilt be the true child of God frame thy mynde so to serue thy maister as if Christe hymself were present and commaunded thee euery particuler charge to doe For so writeth saincte Paule Ephe. vj. Seruauntes bee obediente vnto theim that are your Maisters accordyng to the fleshe with feare and tremblyng in singlenesse of your hartes as vnto Christe not with seruice to the eye as men pleasers but as the seruauntes of Christ doyng the will of GOD from the harte with good will seruyng the Lorde and not men And againe Coloss iij. For ye serue the Lorde Christe Oh that our Monkes and Nunnes now adaies were in that state that these poore Seruaūtes are what ioye might thei haue in their consciences and to giue God thankes for his benefites There is neuer a one of theim that can truely saie God hath commaunded me to heare a Masse to sing Mattins to mumble vp the Seuen houres or suche like Trumperies For there is not so muche as one woorde thereof spoken in all the
neither cursed when he giltleslie was brought before the Iudge and therfore thou must also not here looke alwaies to bee iustlie dealt withall but as it were whollie to neglecte and not to care how indifferentlie and rightlie Iustice in this respect is ministred vnto thee but when thou haste wrong offred thee saie rather to thy wrong I thanke GOD herevnto am I called that I should suffer wrong For why should I complaine sithe Christe my Lorde and Sauiour who was guiltlesse and innocent euery waie complained not And here hath Saincte Peter alledged certaine woordes out of the liij Chapter of Esaie the Prophete where it is thus saied that He had committed no wickednesse neither was any guile founde in his mouthe And these woordes By whose stripes ye were healed mentioned also in the same Chapter vers v. Christe was so pure that there was not so muche as one euill woorde in his tongue he was worthie to haue had all honoure at their handes he deserued to bee kneeled vnto and as it were to bee caried in the armes of all menne Finallie he had power and aucthoritie enough to haue reuenged hymself if it had so pleased hym but he suffered hymself rather to bee reuiled mocked blasphemed and laste of all put to death and yet not once opened he his mouthe Why therefore shouldest thou bee any whitte vnwillyng to suffer persecution and wrong sith thou art nothyng but Synne Thou shouldest rather hartilie thanke God and highlie extoll his gracious goodnesse who hath accoumpted thee worthie to bee like to his Christe and not to repine and mutter nor to bee vnpacient when thou art wronged seeyng that the Lorde hymself neither reuiled nor threatened againe but earnestly praied for his Enemies But thou wilte peraduenture saie Sall I allowe and thinke well of them that deale Iniuriously with me and saie that therein thei doe well I aunswere No. But saie rather thus in thine harte although I haue not deserued this hard dealing nor to bee thus wrongfully entreated yet will I willyngly suffer these thynges for my Lorde God his sake who beeyng moste innocente was for my sake euill entreated and moste wrongfully dealte withall Commit thy cause to God who is a righteous Iudge and he will abundauntly recompence all thy sufferynges euen as Christ committed his cause vnto his Father in heauen Who his owne self saieth Saincte Peter offered vp our Synnes in his bodie on the Tree that is he suffered death not for any cause of his owne but for our sake and for our Saluation whom wee through our Synnes crucified and nailed on the Crosse But alas wee are yet verie farre from suche kinde of sufferyng wrong And therefore if thou be a sincere and a true Christian thou muste imitate Christe in this poincte and bee hartily sorie for them that hurte thee praiyng earnestly for thē vnto almightie God that it maie please hym to forgiue theim and not to punishe theim for the same For alas thei doe more hurte thereby to them selues in their Soule then thei doe harme to thee in thy Bodie This if thou throughly consider and in harte rightly waigh thou canst not choose but be presently eased of all inward grief and willyngly suffer all thynges with pacience And finallie wee are to remember that wee our selues aswell as thei a little afore ledde a wicked life but are now at length tourned vnto Christe as sainct Peter in the knittyng vp of this Chapter saieth For ye were as sheepe goyng astraye but are now returned vnto the sheepherde and bishop of your soules AND this place also hath hee taken out of Esay Chapter liij Where he saieth thus All wee like sheepe haue gone astraie wee haue tourned euery one to his owne waie But now saieth sainct Peter wee haue gotten a Sheepeheard The Sonne of God is come doune for our sakes to bee our Sheepeheard and our Bishoppe hee by giuyng vnto vs his Spirite feedeth vs and so guideth leadeth vs by his Word that wee are now certaine and sure of our Saluation Therefore if thou acknowledge and confesse that thy Sinnes are cleane washed and taken awaie by him thou art his Sheepe and hee is thy Sheepeheard and thy Bishoppe This is the greatest comfort that all Christians haue Thus haue wee fullie finished two Chapters of this Epistle wherein Sainct Peter hath firste laied doune and plainlie taught the sinceritie of Faith and secondarily the sincere workes of Loue and herein also hath hee treated of twoo sortes of Workes namely aswell of those woorkes whiche wee are all bounde in generalitie to shewe vnto the Magistrate as also those dueties that Seruauntes owe vnto their Maisters And what sainct Peter here speaketh of Seruaunts thesame also appertaineth vnto certaine other sortes of men namely Artificers Hirelinges and all sortes of mercenarie seruantes whatsoeuer Now next he laieth downe lessons how man and wife shoulde Christianly liue together The third Chapter LIkewise let the wiues be subiect to their housbandes that euen thei which obey not the worde may without the worde bee wonne by the conuersation of the wiues While thei behold your pure conuersation whiche is with feare Whose apparailyng let it not be outwarde with broyded haire and golde put about or in puttyng on of apparell But let the hid man of the harte bee vncorrupt with a meeke and quiet spirite which is before God a thyng much set by For euen after this maner in time past did the holy women whiche trusted in GOD tier themselues and were subiect to their husbandes As Sara obeyed Abraham and called hym Sir whose daughters ye are whiles ye doe well not beyng afraide of any terrour Likewise ye housbandes dwell with them as men of knowledge giuyng honour vnto the woman as vnto the weaker vessell euen as thei which are heires together of the grace of life that your praiers bee not interrupted Finally be ye al of one minde one suffer with an other loue as brethren be pitifull be courteous Not rendring euill for euill neither rebuke for rebuke but contrariwise blesse knowyng that ye are thereunto called that ye should be heires of blessing For if any man long after life and to see good dayes let him refraine his tongue from euill and his lippes that thei speake no guile Let him eschewe euill and doe good let hym seeke peace and followe after it For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their praiers the face of the Lorde is vpon them that doe euill And who is it that will harme you if ye followe that whiche is good Notwithstanding blessed are ye if ye suffer for righteousnesse sake Yea feare not their feare neither be troubled But sanctifie the Lorde God in your heartes and bee readie alwaies to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with meekenesse and reuerence Hauyng a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as
our selues and also for our neighbors Furthermore our Loue can not be feruent vnlesse wee so chastice our bodies that thei maie be apt to receiue and ledge Loue within vs. This sentence sainct Peter boroweth out of the x. Chapter of the Prouerbs Hatred stirreth vp contentions but Loue couereth the multitude of sinnes This therefore is his meanyng Chasties your fleshe and quenche ye the lustes thereof for if ye dooe not diligently endeuour to doe so● ye shall easilie offende one an other and not be easie and willyng to forgiue one an others offences And therfore striue to represse and subdue the affections and lustes of your fleshe for so shal ye bothe loue one another and willingly forgiue one an other For loue couereth Sinnes This place is by some so wrested as though it did seeme to make against Faith For this is their saiyng Thou affirmest that man is iustified onely by Faithe and that no man can bee deliuered from the guilt of his Sinnes by his workes How chaunceth it then that bothe Solomon and S. Peter affirme and saie that Sinnes are couered by Loue Solomons meanyng and wordes are in effect these he that swelleth with any hatred against an other teasseth not to practise and stirre vp contentions and braulinges But where sincere loue is it couereth Sinnes and gently pardoneth any offences Where ●naer and wrathe haue taken holde there is a man waiward stubborne harde to yeeld to any reconciliation remaineth still full of indignation and spight but when a manne is endued with Loue he will not be incensed and moued to any garboile and vnquietnesse though he bee greatly prouoked therevnto he curteously couereth hideth and winketh at all thinges as though he sawe them not So that this worde Couer wherof both Solomon and sainct Peter speake when thei saie that Loue couereth the multitude of Synnes must haue relation to our Neighbour and not vnto God For as it is Faithe onely whiche couereth my Sinnes before God so is it Loue that couereth the sinnes and faultes of my Neighbour For as the mere loue of God to me warde couereth my Sinnes when as I faithfully and stedfastly beleeue that God will not looke vppon them nor punishe them so ought I also with my Loue towarde my Neighbour to couer his sinnes towarde mee that I bee not therewith offended And therfore saieth he Aboue all thinges haue feruent loue one to an other that ye maie couer and hide one an others faultes And this is further to be noted that this Loue couereth not one or two Sinnes onely but the multitude of Sinnie it cannot be drawen by any prouocation to bee so angrie but that it couereth all The same also hath saincte Paule j. Cor xiij Where he doeth as it were expounde this place Loue suffreth all thinges beleeueth all thinges it hopeth all thinges it endureth all thinges that is it thinketh the beste of euery thyng it can paciently beare all thinges and take well in worth whatsoeuer it bee Bee ye harborous one to an other without grudgyng Let euery man as he hath receiued the gift minister the same one to an other HE is barborous whiche cherefully and hartilie receiueth and entertaineth Straungers As when the Apostles trauailed through diuers Countries and preached where thei went sendyng their disciples abroade to sundrie places it was requisite that thei should mutuallie bee harborous one to an other Whiche example were good to be more put in vre nowadaies then it is that wee hauyng the gift of preachyng should likewise trauaile from place to place from Citie to Citie from house to house and not to sitte still in one place to see where any were weake that wee might comforte him if any were fallen that wee might raise him vp and likewise to doe suche other dueties as to an Apostolicall function belongeth Now all this must bee doen without grudgyng saieth sainct Peter not as though we were loath to doe it And this is one office or duetie of Loue as this is likewise whiche next followeth namely that wee should with the giftes wherewith God hath endued vs minister one to an other The Gospell requireth that euery man should bee as an others Seruaunt and to minister and serue to the necessitie of an other in that vocation and function whereunto he is called to the best of his abilitie according to the measure of that Talent that is committed vnto hym and accordyng to that stace and condition of life wherein euery one is placed For it is not hereby meant neither is it the will and commaundement of GOD that the Maister should minister and bee at becke to his Seruaunt nor that the Handmaide should haue the rule ouer her Mistresse or that the Kyng should bee corporallie seruiceable to a Begger for he can not abide that that authoritie and high degree of superioritie wherein thei are placed should either bee disquieted or diminished But hee requireth that euery one in harte and Spirite should serue an other that although thou bee of high callyng and authoritie yet maiest thou none otherwise vse thy authoritie but to the commoditie and benefite of thy Neighbour And in this sorte is it requisite and conuenient for the Maister to further and helpe his Seruaunt with al the seruice he can wherein he yet remaineth a Maister still and lawfullie maie repute and accoumpt himself in higher degree of calling then his Seruaunt but a man maie not lift vp himself in the pride of his harte for the same but to thinke of himself as of a Seruaunt insomuche that he could finde in his harte if it so seemed good to the Lorde euen to bee a Seruaunt This inwarde perswasion ought also to be in the godlie in euery state and degree As good disposers of the manifolde grace of God GOD hath not giuen a like measure of grace and giftes to euery one of vs. And therefore euery one must looke aboute hym and consider with hymself whereto he is made fitte of the Lorde and what gift it hath pleased God in mercy specially to endue him withall Whiche when he hath throughly skanned and exactly noted in hymself his duetie is therewith to serue his neighbour and that in suche sorte as here is more at large particularly set doune by sainct Peter saiyng If any manne speake let him talke as the woordes of God THat is if any manne haue the gift of preachyng and teachyng sette hym preache and teache as Saincte Paule Roma xij willeth hym That no manne bee wise in his owne conceipt nor presume to know more then is meete for hym to vnderstande but that euery one vnderstande accordyng to sobrietie as God hath dealte to euery manne the measure of Faithe For as wee haue many members in one bodie and all members haue not one office so wee beeyng many are but one in Christ and euery one one an others members hauyng giftes that are diuers accordyng to the grace that is giuen vnto vs. And immediatly after in