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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84357 Tears of repentance: or, A further narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England: setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the Gospel; together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of grace upon their hearts. Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful laborers in that work of the Lord. Published by the corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto. Eliot, John, 1604-1690.; Mayhew, Thomas.; Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. 1653 (1653) Wing E524; Thomason E697_16; ESTC R207106 52,811 83

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therefore I desire to beleeve Christ and mortifie sin as long as I live and I pray Christ to help me to beleeve and I thank God for all his mercies every day and now I confess before God that I loath my self for my sins and beg pardon Thus far he went in his Confession but they being slow of speech time was far spent and a great assembly of English understanding nothing he said only waiting for my interpretation many of them went forth others whispered and a great confusion was in the House and abroad and I perceived that the graver sort thought the time long therfore knowing he had spoken enough unto satisfaction at least as I judged I here took him off Then one of the Elders asked if I took him off or whether had he finished I answered That I took him off So after my reading what he had said we called another The next who was called forth was Ponampam who had formerly twice made confession and both read before the Elders His first Confession was as followeth VVHen God first had mercy on us when they first prayed at Noonanetam I heard of it and the first word that I heard was That all from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof shall pray unto God and I thought Oh! let it be so After I considered what the word may be and understood by it That God was mercyfull afterwards when you alwayes came to us I only heard the word I did not understand it nor meditate on it yet I found that al my doings were sins against God then I prayed unto God Afterwards I heard That God would pardon all that beleeve in Christ and quickly after I saw my sins to be very many I saw that in every thing I did I sinned when I saw these my sins against God I was weary of my self angry with my self in my heart but the free mercy of God caused me to hear his word and then I feared because every day sin was in my heart and I thought in vain I looked to Christ Then hearing this word of Christ that Christ taught through every town and village Repent and beleeve If any one repent and mourn and beleeve I will pardon him then my heart thought I will pray to God as long as I live but somtimes my heart was ashamed and somtimes my heart was strong and God seeth my heart I now desire to repent and beleeve in Christ and that Christ will pardon me and shew mercy to us all Ponampam His Second Confession was as followeth WHen I prayed not unto God I ever sinned every day but when Noonanetam Indians first prayed I heard of it and three nights I considered whether I should pray or no but I found not how to pray unto God but how not to pray but then I heard Gods free mercy in his word call all to pray from the rising of the Sun to the going down thereof yet presently I lost that word and sinned again and committed many sins Then Gods free mercy shewed me in the Catechism That God made all the World yet my heart did not beleeve because I knew I sprung from my Father and Mother I did alwaies act many sins because I was born in sin and in vain I heard Gods word Then I heard Gods Word That Christ was made man yet I did but hear it though I thought it might be true I thought I would cast off all sin but then I found that I loved them very much I heard Gods promise to Abraham To increase his Children as the Stars for number but I beleeved not because he had but one Son and thus I cast off the word and committed sins I heard also from the word That all men are not alike to God some are first to God or preferred before other but I did not beleeve it because all men die alike therefore they are not the Sons of God and God is not their Father So still I beleeved not the Word but broke Gods Word dayly and in vain I heard Gods Word Afterward I heard that Word of God to Moses I 'le be with thy mouth for who maketh the seeing Eye or hearing Ear is it not I saith the Lord then I understood a little of God and of his Word but still I acted much sin Afterward I heard that Word of Free-Grace Repent and beleeve the Gospel and who ever beleeve shall be saved then my heart beleeved then I saw I had prayed but afore man so was my hearing or any other duty and I saw other of my sins against God and then I saw that my heart did not beleev as it should I desired to be open in my doings I saw I brake every command of God yet presently I lost this and the Word of Christ was of little worth unto me and I saw I loved sin very much Then again I heard that word That all shall pray from the rising to the sitting Sun then I thought I will pray to God and yet only my tongue prayed Then again I heard the Catechism That God made Adam and Eve and al the world and a little I beleeved that word Afterward I heard another word That they are Bastards not Sons whom God afflicts not I did a little think this to be a truth and then I prayed more unto God and yet I saw I feared man more than God but notwithstanding I have prayed unto God from that day unto this day yet I see I sin every day When I heard that Word that God spake to Moses in the Mount by a Trumpet and said Thou shalt not have any other God thou shalt not lust nor lye nor kill c. I saw all these I had broken I heard the Word but sinned in what I heard I heard that my heart must break and melt for sin and beleeve in Christ and that we should try our hearts if it be so yet I could try but little nor find but little but still I sinned much I heard that Word That they which cast off God God will cast off them and I feared lest God should cast me away because of my sins I was ashamed of my sins and my heart melted and I thought I wil give my self to God and to Christ and do what he will for ever and because of this promise of pardon to al that repent and beleeve my heart desireth to pray to God as long as I live Ponampam The Confession he made on the Fast day before the great Assembly was as followeth BEfore I prayed unto God I committed all manner of sins and when I heard the Catechism That God made me I did not beleeve it because I knew I sprang from my Father and Mother and therefore I despised the Word and therefore again I did act all sins and I did love them Then God was merciful to me to let me hear that Word That al shal pray from the rising to the s●●ting Sun and
alone in this matter having seriously endeavored to have had divers other Interpreters present at Natick that day but could not obtain what he did desire and endeavor herein a man whose pious and painful labors amongst this People have rendred him approved and highly honored in the eyes of his Brethren about him for indefatigable diligence and earnest love to the Lord Jesus and their poor souls a man whose integrity and faithfulness is so well known in these Parts as giveth sufficient satisfaction to beleev that he would not wittingly utter a falshood in any matter whatever and much less so many falshoods that in such a publick manner in the view of God the World as he must needs have done if he have coyned these Confessions of his own head and have not to his best understanding truly related them in our Tongue according as they were uttered by them in theirs If any shall then ask If there be such a Work of God amongst them Why were they not combined and united into Church-Estate when there was that great Assembly at Natick on the thirteenth of Octob. last Such an one may do well to consider that the material Temple was many yeers in building even in the daies of Solomon who wanted no helps and furtherances thereunto but was abundantly furnished therewith and longer in Re-edifying after the Captivity and therefore no marvel if the building of a Spiritual Temple an holy Church to Christ and a Church out of such rubbish as amongst Indians be not begun and ended on a sudden It is rather to be wondered at that in so short a time the thing is in so much forwardness as it is Besides It is a greater matter to have Indians accepted and owned as a Church amongst themselves and so to be invested with all Church-power as a Church when yet they are not furnished with any to be an able Pastor and Elder over them by whom they might be directed and guided in all the Affairs of the Church and Administrations of the House of God this I conceive is a far greater matter than the admitting of them as Members into any Church or Churches of the English already so furnished which latter for ought I know might speedily be done and with much satisfaction if it were suitable in regard of their different Language and the remoteness of their Habitations whereas to the former there seems to be a great necessity or expediency at the least that they should first be provided of some to be afterward set over them in the Lord Even amongst the English when any company amongst us have united themselves into Church-Estate it hath been usual that they have had one or other amongst them upon whom their eyes have been set as intending them to be Pastors or Teachers to them afterward when once they should be combined as a Church and where it hath so been they have found the comfort and benefit of it whereas those few that have proceeded otherwise have found trouble and inconveniency therein And if it be so amongst the English who usually have better abilities how much more amongst the Indians whose knowledg and parts must needs be far less Not to insist upon the Rehearsal of those two Reasons mentioned by the Reverend Author of this Relation viz. The shortness of the time to furnish the Work that day and the want of Interpreters of whom there was not any present himself Concerning which Reasons I can freely ad my testimony that those two were the principal if not the only Reasons which that day were insisted on and publickly rendred for deferring the Inchurching of them to another time It may be some have thought and I hear some have spoken little less That this whol business of the Indians of which there have been so many speeches in Old England and New is but a devise and design to get money and that there is indeed no such matter as any Work of Gods grace amongst that People But if there were any truth in this saying or Surmise I marvel why the Magistrates and Elders then present at Natick did upon the reasons rendred advise the deferring of the inchurching of the Indians that day and why they did not rather hasten forward the Work without any more ado or longer delay For the report of a Church of Indians would in all likelihood have more prevailed for the end alledged than all that hath been reported hitherto But our attending in this business to the Honor of Jesus Christ and the good of this poor peoples souls and so to that which Rule and right Reason required rather than to what might seem conducible for wordly advantage may be a sufficient witness of our sincerity contrary to the conceit and surmise afore mentioned and a sufficient confutation of it And yet though they be not combined into Church-Estate there is so much of Gods Work amongst them as that I cannot but count it a great evil yea a great injury to God and his goodness for any to make light or nothing of it To see and to hear Indians opening their mouths and lifting up their hands and their eyes in solemn Prayer to the Living God calling on him by his Name JEHOVAH in the Mediation of Jesus Christ and this for a good while together to see and hear them exhorting one another from the Word of God to see them and hear them confessing the Name of Christ Jesus and their own sinfulness sure this is more than usual And though they spake in a language of which many of us understood but little yet we that were present that day we saw them and we heard them perform the duties mentioned with such grave and sober countenances with such comely reverence in gesture and their whol carriage and with such plenty of tears trickling down the cheeks of some of them as did argue to us that they spake with much good affection and holy fear of God and it much affected our hearts Nor is it credible to me nor for ought I know to any that was present that day that in these things they were acted and led by that Spirit which is wont to breath amongst Indians the Spirit of Satan or of corrupt Nature but that herein they had with them another Spirit But if there be any work of Grace amongst them it would surely bring forth and be accompanied with the Reformation of their disordered lives as in other things so in their neglect of Labor and their living in idleness and pleasure I confess the Allegation is weighty and I deny not but some sober and godly persons who do heartily wish well to this work have been as much troubled in their minds touching this particular as any that I know of But yet somthing may be said in answer therto chiefly this That since the Word of God came amongst them and that they have attended thereto they have more applied themselves unto Labor than formerly For
should ask them Questions in these matters After a little conference hereabout it was concluded That they should first make confession of their experience in the Lords Work upon their hearts because in so doing it is like something will be discerned of their knowledg in the Doctrines of Religion and if after those Confessions there should yet be cause to inquire further touching any Point of Religion it might be fitly done at last Whereupon we so proceeded and called them forth in order to make confession It was moved in the Assembly by Reverend Mr. Wilson that their former Confessions also as well as these which they made at present might be read unto the Assembly because it was evident that they were daunted much to speak before so great and grave an Assembly as that was but time did not permit it so to be then yet now in my writing of their Confessions I will take that course that so it may appear what encouragement there was to proceed so far as we did and that such as may reade these their Confessions may the better discern of the reality of the Grace of Christ in them The first which was called forth is named Totherswamp whose former Confession read before the Elders was as followeth BEfore I prayed unto God the English when I came unto their houses often said unto me Pray to God but I having many friends who loved me and I loved them and they cared not for praying to God and therefore I did not But I thought in my heart that if my friends should die and I live I then would pray to God soon after God so wrought that they did almost all die few of them left and then my heart feared and I thought that now I will pray unto God and yet I was ashamed to pray and if I eat and did not pray I was ashamed of that also so that I had a double shame upon me Then you came unto us and taught us and said unto us Pray unto God and after that my heart grew strong and I was no more ashamed to pray but I did take up praying to God yet at first I did not think of God and eternal Life but only that the English should love me and I loved them But after I came to learn what sin was by the Commandements of God and then I saw all my sins lust gaming c. he named more You taught That Christ knoweth all our hearts and seeth what is in them if humility or anger or evil thoughts Christ seeth all that is in the heart then my heart feared greatly because God was angry for all my sins yea now my heart is full of evil thoughts and my heart runs away from God therefore my heart feareth and mourneth Every day I see sin in my heart one man brought sin into the World and I am full of that sin and I break Gods Word every day I see I deserve not pardon for the first mans sinning I can do no good for I am like the Devil nothing but evil thoughts and words and works I have lost all likeness to God and goodness and therefore every day I sin against God and I deserve death and damnation The first man brought sin first and I do every day ad to that sin more sins but Christ hath done for us all righteousness and died for us because of our sins and Christ teacheth us That if we cast away our sins and trust in Christ then God will pardon all our sins this I beleeve Christ hath done I can do no righteousness but Christ hath done it for me this I beleeve and therefore I do hope for pardon When I first heard the Commandements I then took up praying to God and cast off sin Again When I heard and understood Redemption by Christ then I beleeved Jesus Christ to take away my sins every Commandement taught me sin and my duty to God When you ask me Why do I love God I answer Because he giveth me all outward blessings as food clothing children all gifts of strength speech hearing especially that he giveth us a Minister to teach us and giveth us Government and my heart feareth lest Government should reprove me but the greatest mercy of all is Christ to give us pardon and life Totherswamp The Confession which he made on the Fast day before the great Assembly was as followeth I Confess in the presence of the Lord before I prayed many were my sins not one good word did I speak not one good thought did I think not one good action did I doe I did act all sins and full was my heart of evil thoughts when the English did tell me of God I cared not for it I thought it enough if they loved me I had many friends that loved me and I thought if they died I would pray to God and afterward it so came to pass then was my heart ashamed to pray I was ashamed if I prayed not I was ashamed a double shame was upon me when God by you taught us very much ashamed was my heart then you taught us that Christ knoweth all our harts therefore truly he saw my thoughts and I had thought if my kindred should die I would pray to God therfore they dying I must now pray to God and therefore my heart feared for I thought Christ knew my thoughts then I heard you teach The first man God made was named Adam God made a Covenant with him Do and live thou and thy Children if thou do not thou must die thou and thy Children And we are Children of Adam poor sinners therefore we all have sinned for we have broke Gods Covenant therefore evil is my heart therefore God is very angry with me we sin against him every day but this great mercy God hath given us he hath given us his only Son and promiseth That whosoever beleeveth in Christ shall be saved for Christ hath dyed for us in our stead for our sins and he hath done for us all the words of God for I can do no good act only Christ can and only Christ hath done all for us Christ have deserved Pardon for us and risen again he hath ascended to God and doth ever pray for us therefore all Beleevers Souls shall goe to Heaven to Christ But when I heard that word of Christ Christ said Repent and Beleeve and Christ seeth who Repenteth then I said dark and weak is my Soul and I am one in darkness I am a very sinful man and now I pray to Christ for life Hearing you teach that Word that the Scribes and Pharisees said Why do thy Disciples break the Tradition of the Fathers Christ answered Why do ye make void the Commandements of God Then my heart feared that I do so when I teach the Indians because I cannot teach them right and thereby make the word of God vain Again Christ said If the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the ditch