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A39884 The Christian directed in his race to heaven, or, A short account of that knowledge and practice that leads thither by James Forbs. J. F. (James Forbs), 1629?-1712. 1700 (1700) Wing F1442; ESTC R29428 47,247 90

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for his Glory and Honour tempering your Zeal still with Knowledge anda Holy descretion Eighthly Let your hopes for Heaven be well bottomed not the Hypocrites hope and persist in a patient waiting to the end for what is wrapt up in the promise and for what Faith has believed so as never to be swallowed up in a distrustful despair Pet. 1.13 8. Be frequent in self-examination try the truth of your Graces by the Touch-stone of the Word 2 Cor. 13.15 Lament 3.40 Ps 119.59 Ps 4.4 Interrogate your selves sometimes whether yet there be an effectual change wrought upon your Hearts whether at this instant God is present with or absent from you whether you are Dead and Lumpish or Lively and Active in the present temper of your Spirits whether you are going backward or forward there will be no time lost in communing with your selves about Soul-concerns for if upon search you discover an advance and growth in Grace it will occasion praises and thanksgivings if otherwise humiliation and reformation 9. In every Ordinance of Worship mind the sanctifying of God's Name the furthering your Souls communion with God and the increase of Grace in you 1. Peruse the Scriptures as a Love-Letter sent from Heaven wherein you may Read as in Letters of Gold engraven with the point of Diamond the eternal purpose and counsel of God concerning your Salvation Be of David's mind Ps 19.10 The Judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired than Gold yea than much sine Gold Sweeter also than Honey and the Honey Comb. Always with Reading joyn Prayer and Meditation Observe some order and method Be constant in it using it as your Souls daily Food 1 Pet. 2.2 Let them that are able and can spare time Read the Bible with some helps for better understanding the literal sense thereof I humbly commend Jackson's Annot from Genes to Isa and the Dutch Annot. from Isa to the end To them that would Read Practical Observations Piscator and the Scotish Divines so far as they have gone in commenting thus on the Scriptures 2. Where the Word is Preached in the Name of Christ as an Ordinance of God by such as are Authorized from Heaven make conscience of hearing it not as it is the Word of Man but as it is the Word of God which effectually worketh in them that believe 1 Thes 2.13 3. When you have occasion to sit down at the Lord's Table as a fellow-communicant with the invited guests of the King of Glory Come First self-examination being previous according to the command of Christ 1 Cor. 11.28 Secondly With a more than ordinary edge upon your Appetite 3ly With Knowledge and Faith to discern the Lord's Body 4ly With such a penitential frame of Heart that you cannot tell how to look upon him whom you have pierced with dry Eyes 5ly Let Sacrament seasons be solemn renuals of your Covenant with God coming under a sacred Oath that you will with full purpose of Heart cleave unto him and his ways all your Days 6ly Study to answer the ends of Christ in this institution in experiencing it to be a Soul-sanctifying Love-feast in respect of the sweet communion you have with himself therein and with those that are visible Members of his Body mystical 7ly What Kisses of Christ's Mouth and Embraces of Bosom-Love are there communicated be chary of them walk worthy of the Lord unto all well-pleasing not turning Grace into wantonness 4. Let the Lord's Day be your delight First Set it apart wholly for the service of God in works of Piety and Charity Isa 58.13 14. Let it be a Holy Day indeed to you on which you are not to think your own thoughts speak your own words nor do your own works or use recreations at other times Lawful Secondly Observe it as a time of Triumphant Joy and Thankfulness for the Glorious work of our Redemption by Christ Thirdly As a significative memorial of your celebrating an eternal sabbatism in the Heavens 10. Learn contentation with every condition studying the duties that are proper both for a prosperous and an afflicted state so as to be found in the practice thereof Duties of a prosperous State 1. When you are high in Estate be humble in Mind having low thoughts of your selves as being less than the lest of all God ' s mercies Gen. 32.10 Secondly In fulness deny not God saying Who is the Lord Prov. 30.9 Thirdly Acknowledge him with Thankfulness as the Author of all your Enjoyments 4ly Testifie your Thankfulness in Honouring him with your substance and with the first fruits of your increase Prov. 3.9 Fifthly Despise not the poor neither shut your Bowels against them Sixthly Take not encouragement to sin the more against God because his Grace abounds towards you but fear him because of his goodness Hos 3.5 Seventhly Read Pray Hear Meditate watch over your Hearts maintain a constant communion with God in Holy walkings and perform all Holy duties as much then as ever Eighthly When you are at the highth and top of prosperity expect and prepare for a change every Day that it may never surprize you unawares but that with Job you may say there 's no evil come upon me but what I feared 9ly Be so far from Glutting and Surfeiting your selves with Creature comforts and Enjoyments terminating your satisfaction and content wholly therein that you shall rather thereby be made to long for Heavens Glory the more saying often thus within your selves If a little Water that comes from the Cistern now be so sweet and refreshing O what will a full draught of the Water of Life Drunk at the Fountain and Well-Head be to all eternity If there be so much comfort in Creatures O what is in the Creator himself when he shall be all in all to us and in Christ when we shall see him and be as he is Come Lord Jesus even so come quickly Duties of an afflicted State 1. Eye the Hand of God in all cross ocurrences as considering there 's no evil in the City but what is of him Amos 3.6 Secondly Consider what in your selves may be the cause of the crosses search till you find out the plague of your own Hearts Thirdly Be humbled for whatever has provoked the Lord to deal thus by you and turn unto him that smites you with a hearty and thorough Reformation 4ly Is any Man afflicted let him pray Jam. 5.13 If ever there was a time for you to pour out your Souls into the Bosom of God It s when his chastening Hand is upon you Isa 26.16 Hos 5.15 Fifthly Harbour not any thoughts of repining at God's good pleasure but bear his indignation patiently 6ly Be Thankful not only for former mercies but also for the present temperature and mixture of mercy with justice Lam. 3.22 Say with Job the Lord gives the Lord takes Blessed be the Name of the Lord for ever Job 1.21 Seventhly Act Faith upon particular promises made
is External and Ceremonial and here I commend these three Rules to you 1. In Gospel Worship there 's no religious Ceremony to be observed as such but what has the stamp of Divine Institution upon it For any to institute new Ordinances or to add Inventions of their own as essential Ingredients thereof is too high a Presumption for poor Creatures neither must such human impositions be submitted unto 2. As no Ceremony of human Institution is to be observed so all of Divine are Sincerity is inconsistent with a slighting and wilful neglect of any one known Ordinance Luk. 1.6 Prayer Praising Preaching Hearing Baptism Lord's-Supper Church-Communion Censure and Discipline are all of them to be kept up As the first Command requires inward Worship so the second that we worship him by such Ways and Means only as himself has appointed 3. It is not enough to worship the only true God according to the first and in his own Ordinances according to the second but all must be done in a due Manner and so as that the Name of God may be sanctified according to the third Rest not on the Observation of external Ceremonies though such as are of Divine Institution but use them 1. In Testimony of your Obedience to God's Command 2. As a significative Expression of the Truth and Reality of your inward Worship pray and praise that it may be know how highly you esteem of Reverence and Love God and that you acknowledge him-as the Author of all Good trusting in him and testifying your Gratitude for Mercies received 3. As means of his own Appointment wherein the choicest of Mercies are to be had from God through Christ and the out-goings of our Hearts towards him are to be enlarged at the highest Rate 4. The Worship which God's People perform unto him is all the active Glory which he has from the Creatures His Justice is glorified in a passive way in the eternal Condemnation of the Wicked but the Spiritual Sacrifices and Services of his peculiar Ones is all the active Glory which he has from his Creatures 5. The Work of God's Worship is nothing else but an initiation and beginning of the Life of Heaven here on Earth it is an habituating inuring and accustoming our Selves before-hand to what we must do more solemnly and perfectly and after another way and manner when we come home to Emanuel's Land The Duties which you owe to others are these Do by all as you would be dealt by your Self Matth. 7.12 Shew all Meekness to all Men Tit. 3.2 Be Kind Courteous Affable Merciful and Compassionate to all Love your Enemies hate the Sins of all but the Persons of none pray for them that persecute you bless them that curse you render to no Man Evil for Evil or Reviling for Reviling but contrariwise Blessing knowing that you are thereunto called that you should inherit a Blessing 1 Pet. 3.8 9. Matth. 5. end Rom. 12. end Do good to all especially those of the Houshold of Faith Gal. 6.10 Use Hospitality without Grudging 1 Pet. 5.9 Be kindly affectioned to Strangers not forgetting to entertain such for thereby some have entertained Angels Remember them that are in Bonds as bound with them and them which suffer Adversity as being your self also in the Body Heb. 13.2 3. Weep with them that Weep and Rejoyce with them that do Rejoyce Rom. 12.15 Visit the Fatherless and the Widow in their Affliction James 1.27 Cloath the Naked Backs Feed the hungry Bellies and let the Loins of the Poor bless you Job 30.19 20. You are not to think speak or do ought that may have a tendency to the taking away the Life of any one in an unjust illegal way but use all lawful Means for preservation of the same according to the sixth Command You are not only to possess your own Vessel in sanctification and Honour not in the Lust of Concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God 1 Thess 4.4 5. but also use all lawful Means for preservation of others Chastity not thinking speaking or doing what may deprive them thereof by wanton Looks obscene filthy Speeches unseemly Carriages gaudy Attire excessive Feeding or pampering the Flesh Whorish Dresses mixt Dances or any such like according to the Seventh Command Ephes 5.3 4 5. Fornication and all Uncleanness let it not be once named amongst you as becometh Saints neither Filthiness Foolish Talking nor Jesting which are not convenient for this ye know that no Whoremongers nor unclean Person hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God You are to take no indirect course whereby to damnifie any Person in his Estate or Goods according to the Eighth Command Ephes 4.28 Let him that Stole steal no more but rather let him Labour working with his Hands the thing which is good that he may give to him that needeth 1 Thess 4.6 Let no Man go beyond or defraud his Brother in any Matter because that the Lord is the Avenger of all such as we also have forewarned you and testified You are not to say or do any thing that may take away the good name of another or wrong them in their Reputation for a good Name is better than precious Oyntment Eccles 7.1 and rather to be chosen than great Riches Prov. 22.1 He that speaketh Truth sheweth forth Righteousness but a false Witness Deceit there is that speaketh like the piercings of a Sword but the Tongue of the Wise is Health The Lip of Truth shall be established for ever but a lying Tongue is but for a Moment Prov. 12.17 18 19. These six things doth the Lord hate yea seven are an Abomination to him a proud Look a lying Tongue and Hands that shed innocent Blood a Heart that deviseth wicked Imaginations Feet that be swift in running to Mischief a false Witness that speaketh Lyes and him that soweth Discord among Brethren Prov. 6.16 17 18 19. The words of a Talebearer are as Wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the Belly Prov. 18.8 2 Cor. 12.20 21. I fear lest when I come I shall not find you such as I would and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not lest there be Debates Envyings Wraths Strifes Back-bitings Whisperings Swellings Tumults and lest when I come again my God will humble me among you and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already Lastly let your Conversation be without Covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what Man shall do unto me Heb. 13.5 6. The Substance of all is in that of Phil. 4.8 Whatsoever things are Honest whatsoever things are Just whatsoever things Pure whatsoever things are Lovely whatsoever things are of good Report if there be any Virtue and if there be any Praise think on these things and Rom. 13.8 Owe nothing
things be with Prudence and Discretion admit them to a copartnership with your selves in the administration of domestical and familiar affairs Let them have Power over Children and Servants Gen. 16.6 Make use of their advice and assistance in common concerns Gen. 21.12 Correct their misdemeanours with gentle and seasonable admonitions If any difference happen let there be a speedy reconciliation study one anothers tempers and bear with one anothers infirmities 7. Give Honour unto them as unto the weaker Vessels and as being Heirs together of the Grace of Life that your Prayers be not hindred 1 Pet. 3.7 It s duty to pray together as Husbands and Wives and consequently your demeanour in all things should be such that you may be ready upon all occasions to go Hand in Hand to Heaven and to the Throne of Grace together 8. If you are providentially Yoaked with carnal and ungodly Wives you are not to leave them nor put them away how cross or untoward soever if they are willing to continue with you The same also I say or rather the Apostle concerning Godly Wives that have wicked Husbands 1 Cor. 7.12 13. If any Brother hath a Wife that believeth not and she be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away and the Woman which hath a Husband that believeth not if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him for the unbelieving Husband is sanctified by the Wife and the unbelieving Wife is sanctified by the Husband But if the unbelieving depart let him depart a Brother or Sister is not under Bondage in such cases But God hath called us to peace for what knowest thou O Wife whether thou shalt save thy Husband Or how knowest thou O Man whether thou shalt sav● thy Wife 9. Get your Hearts every day more and more weaned from such dear Relations that when ever God shall be pleased to cause a divorce you may be able to bear it with such patience and contentation as becometh Christians 1 Cor. 7.29 This I say Brethren the time is short it remaineth that they that have Wives be as tho' they had none and they that weep as tho' they wept not for the Fashion of this World passeth away 1 Thes 4.13 14. I would not have you ignorant Brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus dyed and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him Duties of Wives 1. Let it be your great care as to answer the end of your Creation so also of this institution of Marriage which was that you should be meet helps in all things and hindrances in nothing to your Husbands Gen. 2.18 The Lord said it is not good that Man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him Be helpful to them in their Souls Bodies Families and Estates 2. Let your Husbands have a reverential respect from you being studious how to please and loath to displease them Eph. 5.33 And the Wife see that she reverence her Husband 1 Pet. 3.6 Sarah called her Husband Lord 1 Cor. 7.34 The unmarried Woman careth for the things of the Lord that she may be Holy both in Body and Spirit But she that is Married careth for the things of the World how she may please her Husband 3. Be subject and obedient to all their Lawful commands Tit. 2.4 5. Teach the Young Women to be Sober to Love their Husbands to Love their Children to be Discreet Chast keepers at home obedient to their own Husbands that the Word of God be not Blasphemed Col. 3.18 Submit your selves to your own Husbands as it is fit in the Lord Ephes 5.22 23 24. The Husband is the Head of the Wife even as Christ is Head of the Church therefore as the Church is subject to Christ so let the Wives be to their own Husbands in every thing 1 Pet. 3.1 Likewise ye Wives be in subjection to your own Husbands that if any obey not the Word they may be won by the conversation of the Wives while they behold your Chast Conversation coupled with fear v. 5.6 For after this manner in the old time the Holy Women who trusted in God were in subjection unto their own Husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham 4. Be of a quiet and meek Spirit counting that your chief Ornament rather than costly Attire or gaudy Apparel according to the Fashion of the World 1 Pet. 3.4 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the Hair and wearing of Gold or putting on of Apparel but let it be the hidden Man of the Heart in that which is not corruptible even the Ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit which is in the sight of God of great price 1 Tim. 2.9 10. Let Women adorn themselves in modest Apparel not with broidered Hair or Gold or Pearls or costly Aray but which becometh Women professing godliness with good works Read Isa 3 from v. 16. to the end Duties of Parents to Children 1. Instill Scripture-principles into them from their Infancy be teaching them according to their capacities to know God and themselves Instruct them of the Works of God of Man's original happiness before the Fall of his misery now by Sin of Redemption by Christ and the glory of the World to come Psal 75.3 4 5 6. which we have heard and known and our Fathers have told us we will not hide them from their Children shewing to the Generation to come the praises of the Lord and his strength and his wonderful works which he hath done For he established a Testimony in Jacob and appointed a Law in Israel which he commanded our Fathers that they should make them known to their Children that the Generation to come might know them even the Children which should be Born who should arise and declare them to their Children 2 Tim. 3.14 15. Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them and that from a Child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus Deut. 6.6 7. These words which I commend thee this Day shall be in thine Heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy Children Psal 34.12 Prov. 4.1 2 3 4. Psal 44.1 2. 2. Use the Rod in Love and with discretion when no other means will make them mend Prov. 13.24 He that Spareth his Rod hates his Son but he that Loveth him chasteneth him betimes And 19.18 Chasten thy Son while there is hope and let not thy Soul spare for his crying And 23.13 14. And 29.15 17. Heb. 12.9 10. 3. Bestow Breeding and Education upon them at School and otherwise if you are able that so they may be fitted for some calling whereby to serve their Generation being useful both to Church and State Observe their Genius