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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16164 The lectures of Samuel Bird of Ipswidge vpon the 8. and 9. chapters of the second Epistle to the Corinthians Bird, Samuel, d. 1604. 1598 (1598) STC 3087; ESTC S120278 40,751 112

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occupied in duties in out-houses where they shall seldome see their master though these seruices belong to the seruing of their master yet being out of their masters sight they think that they are out of their mind and therefore they had rather choose the former seruices that were spokē of before rather thē the other The Apostle therfore tels vs that the giuing of almes is the best kinde of seruice that a man can deuise Christ calls those the great commaundements that concerne god himselfe and the other that concernes men are like vnto them This therefore in some sence being one of those great commaundements the Lord in mercy must needs giue a great reward therevnto it is saide that releife supplieth the necessities of god his seruants men it may be had rather do duty to those that haue not such neede of their helpe but this kinde of seruice is more acceptable vnto God for it is a better proofe and argument of sound loue then that seruice is which is imploied about those that be rich and so by consequence the lord must needs like better of the one then of the other It is a common saying that true loue doth descend and not ascend and therefore it is obserued that the grandfather or the father doth loue the child or the nephew better then the childe or the nephewe doth loue the grādfather or the father In giuing we must haue respect to the necessities of mē which is a thing not so wel thought vpon whereof it commeth to passe that men wil haue much speach about the prouision for some but about the prouision for some other they will haue no speach at all though their necessitie be much greater To hane respect vnto the necessities of men in giuing is much more acceptable thē to giue hand ouer head therfore if men would sit downe and inquire and take the names of such as stand in neede of helpe in the places where they dwell to consider of thē accordingly this though it be troublesome yet it is a great deale more acceptable then penny or two-pēny doole For the thinge which a man must aime at in giuing is to distribute to the necessities of the Saints Rom. 12. 13. Act. 2. 45. For men must honour the poore in their kinde as they honour the rich in their kinde And as to giue the more honour to him which is lesse honorable can not be done without offering wrong to the more honorable persō So to honor those poore saints that haue most neede with the les releife can not be doone without offeringe contempt vnto them The other good that comes by giuing is thanksgiuing vnto god we must be thākful vnto the means as the scripture techeth vs Kings 8. 66. Rom 16. 4. But the lord must be the centure and the restinge place of our thanks this thankfulnes is said to be better then any sacrifise psal 50. we are much called vpon for it as psal 107. the passeouer the sacramēt of the supper were of purpose ordeined to stir vs vp to thankfulnes The cause wherfore the forbidding of meats is acounted the doctrine of diuils is because it taketh away occasiō of thankfulnes 1. Timo 4. 3. The thing wherby the seruants of god haue mooued the lord to looke mercifully vpon them in their affliction hath bene the vowing of thankfulnesse The thing which hath troubled the godly in their troubles and griefes hath beene this namely that the duty of thankfulnesse hath then beene greately diminished Ioel 1. 13. Seeing therefore that this excellent duty is procured by giuing releife this should be a notable motion to make vs forward this waies and he doth amplify the matter when he saith that thanks shall be giuen by many Many knowing the hardnesse of those times no doubt prayed vnto God to open the hearts of men to regard their poore brethren and when they heard that God had opened mens hearts they could not choose but be thankefull 2. Cor. 1. 11. When many ioyne together in the duty of tankefulnesse it makes those which doe giue thankes to be more feruēt in that duty euen as many stickes beeing laid vpon the fire makes the flame the greater and the Lord loueth feruent praier and feruent thankefulnesse Iam. 5. 16. The honour of a King consisteth in the multitude of subiects so doth the honour of God consist in the multitude os those which are truely thankefull vnto him 13 They will praise God not onely for their maintenance and releife but because that thereby they testifie their true subiection to the Gospel as chap. 8. 5. for the gospel came from the Iewes whome they were to relieue for we read Act. 8. 4. that by the persecution of Steven those that kept altogether at Ierusalem before were now scattered and preached the word euery where amongst the Gentiles in so much that it is alleadged as a reason by the Apostle wherefore he would haue the Gentiles contribute to Ierusalem because the Law came out of Sion If the Gentiles be made partakers of their spiritual things their dutie is also to minister vnto them in carnall things Rom. 15. 27. saith the Apostle We of the Gentiles were wild oliues and therefore were to be planted into the naturall oliue before we could thriue It is said Zachar. 8. 23. that tenne men of all languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Iew and say we will goe with you for we haue heard that God is with you so that we see that the thanks that God should haue by this should not be onely for relieuing of them but for a greater and a more excellent consideration So that we are taught hereby especially such of vs as are ministers of the word of God wherefore and for what cause we should especially reioyce when God mooues his people to haue any comfortable consideration of vs namely not so much because our bodies receiues some refreshing thereby as it is an argument that they haue felt sweetnes and comfort in our ministerie this should make vs triumph for ioy for it makes the Angels in heauen to reioyce Luk. 15. as it did also the people of the Iewes Act. 11. They did professe the gospel before but this that the Apostle here speakes of was an argument that it was the gospel I meane with much power amongst them In that the Apostle doth so much commend the voluntarie submitting of a mans selfe to the truth it is a question with some whether men are to be forced to the exercises of religion but it is plaine that they are to be forced thereunto by such as haue authoritie For though the Lord doth not like of that mans seruice that commeth to the place where his honour dwelleth with a constreyned minde yet he liketh well of the seruice of the magistrates in this forme of duty which is so willing to haue others be brought to religion that he forceth them therevnto when they
exception against his speach For if Titus alone of his owne accord onely had made this motion answer might haue bin made that Titus had no experience this waies namely how many waies charges goe out with them that haue dealing in the world But when other Churches which know what these charges doe meane doe yet account it needeful to contribute this stoppeth the mouthes of such as would gainesay this exhortation These men did not onely giue but they did also procure other men to giue If they had onely giuen though this had beene much in respect of their pouertie yet otherwise the parties to whome they gaue should haue receiued but a little But when besides their owne gift they mooue others to giue this amounteth to a great deale To mooue others to giue is highly accounted of 2. King 4. 8. for because of this dutie is the Sunamite so highly accounted of And as in warre drummers are necessarie to make others fight but then are they most necessarie when they also themselues will fight then are such as stirre vp others to giue most necessarie If men in a towne or parish haue any sparkle of zeale in them such drummers will make them giue And if men can not stirre vp others to giue immediately by themselues for want of acquaintance yet should they be so zealous as to stirre vp by others as the Macedonians mooued Titus by Paul It is no reproch but an honourable seruice to begge for other men For this that is here saide of the Macedonians is not spoken to their disgrace but to their commendation They were not of their mindes that except they be the first moouers they will do nothing A couetous heart is glad to take occasion to keepe himselfe from dutie by such excuses These men that be so affected may well be compared to restie horses that wil neither goe of their owne accord without the spurre and yet if they be spurred then they will goe backward The baddest seruants thinke most scorne to be quickned vp vnto dutie but an humble minded man or woman will soone acknowledge that they stand in neede of admonition for otherwise we must take away preaching and all admonition The manner also of moouing Paul to deale with Titus is not to be omitted for they acknowledge the forwardnes of Titus in that he had alreadie begunne so that they doe not stir him vp in a bragging manner as if vnder the pretense of moouing of him their meaning was to vaunt themselues aboue him for such a kinde of dealing would haue hindered the perswasion Besides this it should also haue beene daungerous to their owne soules they onely as it were put him in minde of that which he had begunne to doe before in other churches 7 Therfore as ye aboundin euery thing in faith and word and knowledge and in all diligence and in your loue towards vs so euen see that you abound in this grate also 8 This I say not by commandement but because of the diligence of others therefore proue I the naturalnes of your loue As before he doth exhort them from the liberality of other Churches so doth he nowe perswade them by their owne forwardnes in other things that as they had faith and had knowledge and vtterance to impart this their faith vnto others and were also not idle but diligent in their affaires and also loued the Apostle of whome they learned these things so he would haue them also abound in distributing vnto other their poore brethrē When a man heareth or seeth others which are plentiful in giuing yet they cannot speake of matters of religion in so plētifull a manner as we can We are then in great danger to set so light by this grace of God in them For we thinke they want that knowledge which we haue but the Apostle teacheth vs a contrary lesson namely that to those graces which he had commended in them they should adde this grace of giuing also 1. Cor. ● 5. When a man heateth of any man of account that can speake of matters of religion more fully and plentifully then any of their profession and calling throughout the whole countrey that he is a graue and a learned man and of great iudgement in the scriptures yet he shall be noted in liberality to be nothing sutable to that portion which God hath giuen him not nothing answerable to the frankenesse of other men which haue neither that wealth nor knowledge which he hath this is a great blemish vnto him And it makes men set lesse by those excellent gifts of knowledge and speech a great deale then otherwise they would doe No doubt but that these men amongest the Corinthians which were thus rich in knowledg gaue something to good vses or els the Apostle would neuer haue vouchsafed to haue made any honourable mention of their other gifts But because they were more scant in giuing then men of meaner vnderstanding the Apostle would haue them to abound in this duty also which would giue as great a grace vnto them in the eyes of God and man as any knowledge or speech or any or all the gifts they had putting them all together for that that is to be desired of a man is his goodnes Those that haue knowledge and speach in great aboundance are woont to be noted as chiefe men among the professours when men therefore shall note them to be somwhat skant in giuing they will easily imagine that all other professours are farre more skant as in knowledge so in giuing thus doe men bring disgrace to the whole church of God And it grieues a man when he heareth a man of knowledge noted for hardnes and be except he would be partiall cannot tell what to say in his behalfe 8 The Apostle would haue this dutie of giuing to come naturally from them as it were of their owne accord and therefore he saith I say not this by commaundement He might no doubt haue commaunded them as they would answer to the contrarie at their vttermost perill when Christ shall come to iudgement 1. Tim. 6. 17. but for loues sake he chuseth to deale otherwise that this dutie might not be of necessitie but willingly Philemon 14. Generosus animus as one saith facilius sequitur quàm trahitur therefore the Apostle doth labour sweetly to allure them by the example of other churches 9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that he beeing rich for your sakes became poore that ye through his pouertie might be made rich To strengthen the example of the Macedonians he doth warrant it as good by his example that is to order all the Churches in the world The Apostles as it may appeare by their writing in all duties did much looke vpon the patterne Christ Iesus euen as painters looke much vpon the partie whome they meane to paint out When they would not haue vs stand vpon our reputation they alleadge the example of Christ Philip. 2. 7. When they