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duty_n hear_v heart_n pray_v 1,932 5 5.7672 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13862 The testament of master Wylliam Tracie esquier, expounded both by Willism Tindall and Iho[n] Frith. Wherin thou shalt perceyue with what charitie y[e] chaunceler of Worcester burned whan he toke vp the deek carkas and made asshes of hit after hit was buried Frith, John, 1503-1533.; Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1535 (1535) STC 24167; ESTC S114878 16,876 37

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lyfe deserue the woorkes that folow Thowghe the father chastice the chylde yet is y ● chylde no lesse bownd to obeye and to do the wyll of the father Yf when the father pardoneth hyt the woorkes that folowe deserue that fauoure than muste the woorkes that folowed the correction haue deserued fauoure also And than was the father vnrightwyse to chastice hyt All whatsoeuer thow art able to do to please God with all is thy dutye to do thowghe thou haddest neuer synned if hit be thy dutye how 〈◊〉 it than be the deseruinge of y e mercy grace that wēt before Now that mercy was the benefite of god thy father thorow the deseruinge of the lorde Christ which hath bowght the w t y ● price of his bloude And agayne whan he saith that he purposeth to bestow his good to be accepted as frutes of faith hit is euidēt that he meanith that lyuinge faith w c professeth y ● lawe of god is y ● mother of all good woorkis ye ● nursse therto A nother cauillation wich they myght make in the second part where he admitteth no nother mediatour but Crist onely nor will geue of his goodes to bynd any man to any fayned obseruance for y e healp of his soule when he were hole in the kyngdome of Christ cleane delyuered both bodye and soule from the dominion of Sathan as the scripture testifieth all that die in Christ to be is this they will saye that he helde that none shulde praye for him saue Christ and that we be not bound to praye one for another ner ought to desyre the prayers of another man ▪ that he excludeth in that he saith all other be but peticioners By w c woordes he playnly cōfesseth that other may ought for to praye and that we maye and ought to desyre other to praye for vs but meanith that we maye not put our trust confidence in their prayer as thoughe y ● gaue of them selues that which they desire for vs in their peticions so geue them the thankes and ascribe to their merites that w c is geuen vs in the name of our master Christ at the deseruinges of his bloude Christ is my lorde and hath deserued and also obt●yned power to geue me all that can be desyred for me And all that other desyre for me that is desyred in Christes name and geuen at the merytes of his bloude All the honoure than trust confidence and thanckis perteyne to hym also Some wyll haplye saye howe shulde I desire another to praye for me not trust to his prayer Verely euen as I desyre my neghbur to helpe me at my nede and yet trust not to hym Christ hath commaunded vs to loue eche other Now whan I go to desire healp I put my trust in god and complayne to god first and saye Loo father I go to my brother to axe helpe in thy name prepare the hert of him agenst I come that he maye pytye me and helpe me for thy sake c. Now if my brother remembre his dutie helpe me I receaued hit of god and geue god the thankes which moued the hert of my brother and gaue my brother a corage to helpe me and wherwith to do hit and so hath holpe me by my brother And I loue my brother agayne and saye Loo father I went to my brother in thy name and he hath holpe me for thy sake wherfore O father be thow as mercifull to him at his nede as he hath bene to me for thi sake at my nede Loe now as my brother did his dutye whan he holpe me so do I my dutye whan I praye for him againe and as I myght not haue put my trust and confidence in my brothers helpe so may he not in my prayers I am sure that god will healp me by his promes but am not suer that my brother wyll helpe me thowghe hit be his dutye so am I sure that god wyll heare me whatsoeuer I axe in Christes name by his promes but am not suer that my brothere wyll praye for me or that he hath a good hert to god No But the saynctes in heuen can not but praye be herde no more can the sainctes in erth but praye and be hearde nether Moses Samuell Dauid Noye Elias Elizeus Esaias Daniel and all the Prophetes prayed and were hearde yet was none of those wycked that wolde not put ther trust in God accordinge to theyr doctryne and preachynge partaker of theyr prayers in the ende And as damnable as hit is for the pore to trust in the ryches of the rychest apon erth so damnable is yt alto to leaue y ● couenaunt made yn Chrystes bloude and to trust yn the saynct of heuen They that be yn heauen knowe the elect that trust in chrystis blowde and professe the lawe of god and for them onely praye these wicked Idolatrers which haue no trust in the couenaunt of god ner serue god in the spirite ner in the gospell of christes bloude but after their blynde Imaginacion chosynge thē euery man a sondrie saincte to be their mediatour to trust to and to be saued by their merites do the saynctes abhore and defye And their prayers and offeringes ar to the saynctes as acceptable and pleasunt as was the prayer and y e offeringe of Simon Magus to Peter Act. viij More ouer the sainctes in their most combraunce ar most conforted and most able to confort other as Paule testifieth .i. corinth i. In so moche that Saint Steuen and Saint Iames prayed for them that slue them Saint Martine preached and counforted hys desperaet bretherne euen vnto the last breath and lykewyse as stories make mention did innumerable moe Ye and I haue knowen of simple vnlerned persons and that of some that were greate synners w c at the houre of deeth haue fallen flat of the bloude of Christ and geuen no rowme to other mens ether prayers or preachinges but haue as stronglye trusted in in Christes bloude as euer did Peter or Paule and haue therto preached hit to other and exhorted other so myghtelye that an angell of heuen coude not mende them Who then shuld resist God that he myght not geue the same grace to master Tracie whiche was a lerned man and better sene in the workes of Sainct Austine xx yere before he dyed than euer I knew doctoure in Englande but that he must than faynt and shryncke when most neade is to be stronge and feare the popes purgatorye and trust to the prayer of Pristes derely payd for ▪ I dar saye that he prayed for y e pristes when he dyed that god wold conuert a great meny of them and if he had knowen of any good man amonge them that had neded he wolde haue geuen ād if he had knowen of any lacke of Pristes he wolde haue geuen to mayntene moo But nowe sence there be moe then I nowe and haue more then euery man a sufficient