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duty_n hear_v heart_n pray_v 1,932 5 5.7672 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09176 Royall exchange to suche worshipfull citezins, marchants, gentlemen and other occupiers of the contrey as resorte therevnto. Try to retaine, or send back agayne. The contents ys after the preface. Sene and allowed here. Payne, John, fl. 1597. 1597 (1597) STC 19489; ESTC S102533 39,869 52

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ys of a tyrant or a condemned theyfe of the Iudge but as of a graciouse childe in feare and love to obey that ys in beynge lothe to offend our good father and lastinge lover and also in feare of his rodd So myxinge hope and feare to gethers as to feele an humble reuerens in our harts to the God of correction and of merry beinge Ioyfull and thanckfull when by grace we cease to do evyll and to do the good and sory and fearefull yea pemtent and tearefull when by weakenes we be drawen to the contrary And as every Christian ought to crave and covet this singuler vertue so to lament to se suche turpitudes and myscheyfs aboute vs in the world throw the want of this feare Let vs then feare and serve the Lorde wth all our harts as many as intend to be partakers of his glory I speake to theme vnto whome God hathe geven right eares to heare Agayne sum tymes the prowde and loftie do walke there to be sene in there beyght and braverie aswell as others of good degre bothe men and wemen spend an hower there for necessitie of recreation Prowd And therfore they walkinge and wearinge in that common place agreable to there caullinge and state are not to be adiudged amonge suche prowd and loftie so over stately lokinge Wyshinge all infected parsons wth that greate and capitall synn changinge angells into devills hastely to discerne that infection wherbie in tyme to seke and fynd the remedie and to esteme there hawtie hart as a certame dronckennes be witchinge or dullinge the same so as neyther precept from God nor dutie to mā ys regarded and yt procedeth from the aucthor of pryde and by a fauls imagination of theme selves the possessors whereof can neyther pray rightly to God nor effectually heare the word nor lyve quietlie and familierly wth there neighbors moche less to guyde there harts and tounges charitablie and orderly God grant you then to hate and abhor pryde and to laugh yt to skorn seinge there ys nothing more agaynst true Godlynes and your salvation then the same by reason yt besotteth men and wemen thrustinge theme to rashenes vnrulines and to take overmoche heade and bridle And here let the best regenerat kepe in mynde that this pryde will incrediblie lurck and be hydd in theme to there hurt wthout good hede and watche for that yt ys hard to be knowen in all things and at all tymes I for beare to speake moche of this subtill sinn but only towch suche dreggs and remnants therof as remayne in Gods children to kepe theme in battle to stryue and wrestle agaynst yt being to theme suche a stinge as yt prycketh and pyncheth wowndeth and healeth where the sayde health by grace must consequently follow lyke fyer expellinge fyer or one synn healing another as poyson geves remedie to poyson Wherfore the better to know sum subtiltie of that lurcking syun even in the Godly whosoever ys so styffly opiniated as to stande in there owne conceite or lothe to be iustly and freindly reproved for there fault or trusteth more in there owne wayes then ruled vy advice and cowncell or that glorie excessively for there well doinge or that contend more for victorie in disputacion or resoninge then to yelde to the playne truthe they vndowtedly are stayned wth this pryde and had nede wth the aucthor to pray for a contrite humble and lowlie hart We shall never hate and shunn pryde love and imbrase humilitie to practis yt before men narrowly visite and ransike there owne harts wherby the better to know theme selves At wch tyme behowldinge the storehows and heape of synn wthin vs we shall the soner stowpe and abase our gap plumes and check downe the prowde hart so previlie sckinge to mownt a lofte and crie o dust and ashes cum back stay thy self and clymbe no hygher by wch consideration we will at lengthe confess that as pryde is the Capitall and heade vice in wycked men so humilitie ys the chifest vertu in the Godly wthout wch fowndation all other vertues be blowen a waye wth the blast of vayneglorie as dust or fethers wth the wynde of the ayre But as for the gross and common prowde who as Iob sayeth loke vp to the sonne so prowde as the pecock and as stowt as the lyon exaltinge your selves and castinge downe others the Prophet Esaye cryeth against you sayenge the day of the Lorde shal be on suche as be lyfted vp in there harts vpon the highe Cedars of Liban and on the greate okes of Basan Downe therfore and be thinck that as waters stand not on highe mownt aynes but sekes downe to the low valleyes so the graces of Gods spirit abydeth not in the loftie hart but goeth into the humble and lowlie The wch God in merrie grant to the writer and reader to teachers and learners The poore though they be neyther walkers nor dealers amōgst you yet they pass to and fro through the Exchange bothe the Godly poore and prophane poore the one vnder Gods blessing and favour the other vnder his frowne and displeasure who thoughe they be rude and lewd and as voyde of disposition to learne as of common knowlege amongest men Poore yet as the creatures of God they are not alone to be corrected and forced to labor but to be pittied releved ād helped especially the syck lame and aged amonge that sort assuringe your selves that we are none otherwyse the children of God then by doing good to such as be vnworthie therof by Gods owne example causinge the sonn and rayne to shew there nedefull efferts vpon bothe iust and vniust For where the Apostle byndeth a speciall good to be donn to the nedie in Gods how 's he excludeth not but commandeth the lyke to those miserable people notwthstandinge they wth others seme to beginne there hell here vntill the Lorde towche there harts wth repētans and conversion yet in the meane tyme we are to shew theme pittie and compassion Moste worthie examples of this dutifull regard to all sorts of poore I se in this towne of Harlem even multitudes provided for every Lords daye besides hospitalls for men wemen and children wth sick howses for the diseased never none sene to dye in the strete or starve vnder stall The other kynd of poore be in and of the churche our bretherne and susters aswell by the second as the syrst byrthe gevinge your selves to prayer to labor and travell as you may for your mayntenans and are ashamed to be sene beggynge or cravinge in strete or doore there vp your selves howld out and parsist to the end wth paciens vnder Gods cross wthout eyther envyenge the ritche or grudgiuge agaynst the Lorde consideringe Iesus Christ hathe sanctifyed the povertie of his poore in that for there sake he became poore hym self But se that you fele the inward povertie of the spirit to be ioyned wth the outward wherby to haue the blessinge pronownced
ends for Gods glorie and oure mutuall compforth Amen To the wch gloriouse parson we must often in these kinds make speciall sute vnto for as his graciouse presens in hearinge and readinge dothe keye from vs wronge interpretacion werynes and tediousenes so his absens ys cause of the one and the other with our disprofict and greate anoye At suche tymes then let vs crye come holie Ghoste enleghten and support our ignorans and weakenes not that God the thryd parson coeternall wth the father and the sonn can be comprehended in any man who is so incomprehencible of hym self but rather we desire his effects operation and working as we se the manyfould beames procedinge from the bodie of the sonn so farr distant from the yearth dothe yet send downe her heate and power to all the treatures And as I wyshe you profitablie to reade and heare so in walkinge in eyther Exchange feyld or how 's to remember to walk out your race and the rest of your dayes more carefully and religiousely to the Kyngdom of heaven warde for the commandement of God to our father Abraham that he should walk holilie before hym dothe also appartayne to you his children by faythe that hope to be wth hym in glory and so to practys Hezychia his sacred prayer sayenge I beseche the o Lord remember how I have walked before the in truthe and wth a parfect hart A prayer and lesson worthie to be thought on seinge the Lorde no less requireth this of vs then of the Isralitishe church sayenge what dothe the Lorde thy God require of the but to feare the Lorde thy God to love and serue hym to walk in his wayes and to cleaue vnto hym as thoughe wthout wch stickinge and cleavinge he ys no nerer God to vs then to his vniversall creatures Wherfore as the Apostle sayeth yf we lyve of the spirit let vs walke in the spirit And to walke in this sort ys to walke acceptablie and securelie My self in greate weakenes walkinge sum tymes in that worshipfull how 's although I made there the best choyce I coulde of parsons and taulk for our mutuall good yet my hart toung and eare slippinge so ofte besides the due byas wth the loss of tyme wherein to have bene better occupied makes me now to crave pardon of God and thus publykely to confess yt a fault vnto the world And therfore good bretherne of such loving acquayntans as I am hartelie thankfull for your curtesie and gentlenes so do I wishe that you occupie or spare that populouse place none otherwyse but as caullinge and necessitie requirethe The Apostle exhorteth all to applie our selves to the tyme the brevitie wherof considered yt will hasten vs to Imploy the best exercises therein Tyme For as nothinge ys more preciouse then the tyme so of manie nothinge ys more vyldlie abused and every thing more certayne then the continuans thereof It lacks but a little of xvi hundred yeres a go sithens St. Paull sayde the tyme ys but short then yt must nedes be so moche the more shorte now by so many yeres wher vpon as all Godly changers wil be the more quickned and awakened to Exchange there vnprofitable vse of the tyme to a better evenso I exhorte all misspenders abusers and voluntarie necglecters of the tyme in that royall Exchange so to change or cast away that greate faulte in theme as there right vsage of the tyme from this readinge forwards may be a testimonie of there true faythe and repentans for tyme ys so preciouse that yt must be redemed and stryven for And thus Christian reader I wyshe you to esteme moche and to devyde the tyme for severall exercises therein bothe for God and for your selves for Prince cittie and familie No dowte the devill perswades sum carnall and viciouse parsons that there tyme ys well spent beinge vsuall in the taverne and that there Impietie ys closely covered when they do bable out a few cowld prayers and come once a weke to the churche wthout regard of other duties As a daplie dronckard in Billeter lane answered one requiringe his hastie rysinge the next daye I must sayde he haue a tyme to put on my clothes a tyme to pray and a tyme to sett myne how should in order By whome we se that as all heritikes thinck theme selves to have the best religion and to be nerest vnto God so common dronckards and carnall lyvers by sum shew of civilitie esteme theme selves as honest and as truly religiouse as the best and bothe by a subtill prompt of the divill Who hathe fayre paynted hypocrites in the churche in the alchows and taverne dronkards besides adulterers blasphemers and robbers all these will make shew of religion and seme to love the churche and sermon but none otherwyse then as sum gay professors kepinge secret minions do love there wyues more for fame and to a voyde shame then for any right affection they beare to the one or the other These miserable people will also come bowldly to the Exchange and be no more a shamed to be there then a frayed in the churche at the hearinge of Gods iudgements denownced against theme because for the tyme they have no less adamant harts wthout felinge then brasen forheads wthout blusshinge Nevertheless beinge in the compass of this freyndly exhortation I beseche you as bretherne by creation although not yet by regeneration to take sorrow and greyf to hart wth syedie and vnfayned repentans that so you may be changed bothe in churche how 's and in the Exchange from that you haue bene to that you should be tremblinge at Gods iudgements and so hartylie to crave mercie and grace Estemynge now a most dangerouse thinge to think on to morrow and to neglect this days conversion Wyshing you to forgeit no longer what ys written except you be borne agayne you cannot enter into the Kyngdome of God For yf you beleyue in Christ crucifyed then must you be in better forte crucifyed wth hym that ys to slay and mortifie those enormities whervy to haue the similitude of his deathe by kyllinge suche grose synnes and also the similitude of his resurrection by rysinge agayne in to the newnes of lyfe The wch the Lord grant for his mercy sake Generally then all do stand in nede to begg and intreate that the feare of the Lorde be graven and grownded wthin our harts the wch as yt ys the spirituall bytt to curbe vs back from suche execrations so ys yt a devyne spurr to quicken vs forwards to all Christian actions The wch beinge absent ys surely the deathe of all vertue the increase of all vyce the shipwrack of conscyens and all confusion in lyfe Therfore blessed ys the man to whome the feare of the Lord ys granted because yt ys glory gladnes reioysinge and the Ioyfull crowne as Sirack sayeth and that aswell of the ritche and noble as of the meane and poore Vnderstand not here suche a feare as the bondman