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A51839 XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians containing the description, rise, growth, and fall of Antichrist : with divers cautions and arguments to establish Christians against the apostacy of the Church of Rome : very necessary for these times / by that late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1679 (1679) Wing M522; ESTC R7577 216,743 470

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sick of Questions as the Apostle speaks 1 Tim. 6.4 Doting about questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy c. when they had so much wholsome food to feed upon 5. It did but ingender strife among Christians begat wranglings and disputes in the Church 1 Tim. 6.4 He is proud knowing nothing but doting or sick about questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy strife railing evil surmisings Vse 1. Let us not fix times many of the Antients were too bold this way and we are apt to it Lactantius peremptorily said The World would endure but two hundred years after his time So many will fix the time of the calling the Jews and of the destruction of Anti-Christ without evident grounds and reasons What God hath revealed is enough to bear us out in our duty and suffering in other things let us patiently wait we see reason to do so when we consider how many men have proved false Prophets 2. Let us not put off the time and set it at too great a distance distant things though never so great will hardly move us that which men put off they do in effect put away they put far off the evil day they would not let it come near their minds to have any operation upon them Look as the Stars those vast Globes of Light by reason of the distance between us and them do seem but as so many spangles so we have but a weak sight of what is set at a great distance and their operation on us will be but small the closer things are the more they will work upon us one that looks upon what God hath revealed of this as sure and near is more affected with it than others are therefore set your selves at the entrance of that World where you must everlastingly be and watch and be ready they that put it off are apt to loyter in their work If Christs coming be not near at hand certainly the time of our departure is at hand and it will not be long e're it come about But this is but Introductive to the Doctrine of Anti-Christ Therefore I come to the second thing Secondly The effect that this error might produce trouble and unsetledness of mind that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled In the words there is a two-fold Metaphor the one taken from a Tempest or Sea storm as the word plainly implies that ye be not shaken in mind and the other word is taken from the sudden alarm of a Land Fight which breeds trouble 1. Doct. That Errors breed ●rouble of mind they do not only trouble the Churches Peace Gal. 5.12 I would they were even cut off which trouble you but they hinder tranquillity of mind Gal. 1.7 There be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ. How do Errors hinder tranquillity of mind Partly because it is an unsound foundation it can never yield solid peace we only find rest for the Soul in a true Religion and there where it is purely professed Others are left to great doubts and uncertainties The Lord seems to direct us in this course when we are upon consultation about the taking up of a Religion Jer. 6.16 Stand in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls Soul-rest is only found in Gods way and where it is most clearly professed Partly because whatever false Peace is bred there it will at last end in trouble The Apostle compares Seducers Jude 13. to raging waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame and we are told of the Locusts that came out of the Bottomless-pit Rev. 9.5 That they stung like Scorpions Every erroneous way of Religion is comfortless yea their Doctrine breeds anxiety and vexes the Spirit for they have no true way of quieting the Conscience Let us therefore detest Error because it is so much our interest It is the property of truth to beget a delectation of mind it is sweeter than honey and the honey comb Verum est bonum intellectus Truth is the good of the understanding now when we understand truth satisfyingly it breeds an incredible delight when we have been in some perplexities and begin to find out a truth Prov. 24. 13 14. My Son eat thou honey because it is good and the honey comb which is sweet unto thy tast So shall the knowledge of wisdom be when thou hast found it Honey is no● so sweet to thy tast as this is to thy understanding When a man hath found out any truth though it be but a natural truth it breeds its oblectation much more spiritual truth it is very pleasing to the understanding and most of all when spiritual Truth is obeyed and practised for the understanding gives us but a sight of it but obedience gives a tast thereof Our Saviour saith Mat. 11.28 29 30. Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart For my yoke is easy and my burden is light If you will but come under Christs blessed Yoke and Scepter and that way of Religion he hath recommended to you you will find an incredible Peace Joy and oblectation in your mind 2. Doct. That Christians should be so established and have such constancy of mind that they should not be easily shaken and moved from the Faith 1. Let us see how this is pressed Sometimes it is pressed from the encouragement of your great hope 1 Cor. 15.58 Be stedfast and unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. First He would have them stedfast and unmoveable these two words have their special signification the one is a degree above the other a man may be stedfast in a thing though he be moved a little in some by-matters but now since your Innocency will bear you out be not only stedfast but immoveable which is a higher degree but take it thus Be stedfast in your selves and unmoveable by the storms of Temptation from without a man is stedfast in himself setled upon his own foundation and you are unmoved when you are strengthned against outward assaults Acts 20.24 None of these things move me neither count I my life dear unto me so I might finish my course with joy A Man may be setled in the knowledge of the truth but he is not unmoveable except he be fortified against all Temptations that may draw him off from his profession Such constancy of mind may be well inforced because of our great hope thus it is pleaded for there Then the absolute necessity of it is urged at other times as Col. 1.23 If ye continue in the Faith grounded and setled and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel the same condition is required to continue as
mans mouth have not I the Lord. The latter cannot be said because that is contrary to his goodness Psal. 25.8 Good and upright is the Lord therefore will he teach Sinners the way It is not to be imagined that the great and universal King should give a Law to Mankind and speak so darkly that we should have no sure direction from thence nor be able to know his mind in any of the Duties God hath required of us or expose us to great difficulties and hardships in the World And if he had not plainly expressed his will to us man would never leave writing and distinguishing himself out of his duty surely he that will venture his All for Christs sake had need of a clear warrant to bear him out for none will hazard all that is near and dear to him but for weighty Reasons 5. Besides the Illumination of the Holy Spirit doth accompany this word and make it effectual to us to shew us God as revealed in Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath s●ined into our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ and for Heaven Eph. 1.17 18. Praying that the God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being inlightened that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his Inheritance in the Saints He sanctifieth and healeth our Souls and prepareth us for the entertainment of the Truth that as natural things are naturally discerned so spiritual things are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.14 The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 6. There are promises of direction made to humble and sincere minds Psal. 25.9 The meek shall he guide in Iudgment the meek shall he teach his way to the industrious Prov. 2. 4 5. If thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasures then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God to the godly and well-disposed John 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self so to them that pray much James 1.5 If any man lack wisdom let him ask it of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him They that thus sincerely endeavour to know the will of God will come to a sound establish'd Judgment in the Truth II. A Christian that is thus established is fortified against Spirit Word or Writing or all Suggestion that may perplex his mind 1. Against pretended Revelations called here spirit 1. Because having his mind thus setled he may boldly defy all Revelations pretended to the contrary Gal. 1.8 Though we or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel than we have preached let him be accursed Any Doctrine if divers or different from or besides the written word much more contrary to it a Christian may reject it and account it Cursed Doctrine Therefore neither Church nor Angel nor Spirit is to be heard against it 2. Because a Christian is upon better terms having the written word than if God dealt with him by way of Revelations 2 Pet. 1.19 We have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a more sure word of Prophecy comparing it with the voice from Heaven of which he spake before not as if there could be any uncertainty in the Lords Voice speaking from Heaven but because a transient Voice is more easily mistaken or forgotten than an authentick standing Record as Samuel thought Eli called him when it was the Lord it is quoad nos though God gave evidence of the Truth of such Revelations as he made yet we have more accommodate means Our Lord intimateth such a thing Luke 16.31 If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead This is the surest ground for Faith to rest upon of any that ever hath been or can be given to Sinners subject to forgetfulness jealousies and mistakes 3. Because it is not rational to expect new Revelation now the Canon and Rule of Faith is closed up Heb. 2.1 2. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip c. Mat. 28.20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you John 17.20 Neither pray I for these alone but for them which shall believe on me through their word 4. Because if any such be pretended it must be tryed by the word Is. 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because they have no light in them So 1 John 4.1 Beloved believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false Prophets are gone abroad into the World 5. Because they that despise ordinary means and pretend to Vision Revelation or Inspiration are usually such as are given up by God to a vertiginous Spirit and cast into the Dungeon of error for the punishment of other sins Mic. 2.11 If a man walking in the Spirit of falshood do lie he shall be the Prophet of this people God will permit those that are both deceivers and deceived themselves to come amongst them for a Plague to them Sleidan giveth sad instances of some given up to this phantastical frenzy that killed their own relations on pretence of inspiration and of others that murdered 50000. in one day 2. By word or unwritten Tradition this also should not shake the mind of a setled Christian for this hath no constat no evidence of its certainty and would lay us open to the deceits of men blinded by their own Interest and Passions and if such tradition could be produced as hath unquestionable Authority it must be tryed by the Scripture which is every where commended as the publick Standard and true measure and rule both of Faith and Manners 3. Not by Epistle as from us 1. Supposititious writings which the Church in all Ages hath exploded and received only those which are unquestionably theirs whose names they bear 2. False Expositions these are confuted by inspection of the Context scope of the Writer comparing of obscure places with plain and clear Thus you see what certainty God hath provided for us guide us in the way to Eternal Life SERMON III. 2 Thess. 2.3 Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first And that man of sin be revealed the Son of perdition IN these words we have these two things 1. A Caution against the errour set a-foot at that
taken Heb. 7.19 The Law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better Hope did whereby we draw nigh to God By the better Hope is meant the sure and comfortable Promises of the Gospel depending meerly on the Grace of God which gives Hope to lost Sinners of recovering Commerce and Communion with God That is solid grounds upon which they may expect the pardon of their Sins and Eternal Life In this sense good Hope is Hope well warranted the solid Reasons are contained in the Word of God Rom. 15.4 Whatsoever things were written afore-time were written for our Learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have Hope The great end of the Scriptures is that we might have a sure Hope in God Quod agit tota Scriptura ut credamus in Deum The business of the Scripture is to bring us to believe in God and wait upon him for eternal Salvation There the rule of Commerce between God and us is stated whatever is promised is sure There may be reason to expect some things from God's merciful Nature though we have no Promise about them but the sure and certain Hope is grounded on the Promise that is an express ground of Confidence and Hope that will never leave us ashamed it is well grounded Hope therefore good Hope built on the Promise and Word of the Eternal God 3. By the act or grace of Hope it self this may be called Good either in it self or with respect to the Degree 1. In it self It is good that a Man should both hope and quietly wait for the Salvation of the Lord Lam. 3.26 Bonum is either Honestum Iucundum or Vtile it is good in all regards It is our duty to rest assured in God's Promise It is pleasant to anticipate and forecast a Blessing to come Surely it is delightful to live in the fore-sight of endless Glory It is profitable to support our Hearts under present Difficulties and Troubles and the uncertainties of the present Life 2. In respect of the Degree and Measure of it that is good Hope which is most able to do its Office when it is lively Hope 1 Pet. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant Mercy hath begotten us again to a lively Hope Such as doth most support and quicken us The more serious and earnest our reflections are upon Eternal Life the better is the Hope Heb. 6.12 Shew the same diligence to the full assurance of Hope unto the end We should still keep up this sure and desirous Expectation Briefly Hope the Grace is two-fold 1. There is an Hope which is the immediate effect of Regeneration and is a constitutive part of the New Creature Of that the Apostle speaketh 1 Pet. 1.3 Begotten to a lively Hope This meerly floweth from our acceptance of the New Covenant and dependeth upon the conditional offer of Eternal Life we take it for our Happiness resolving to seek it in God's Way without this a Man cannot be a Christian till he hope for Eternal Life to be given him upon Christ's Terms 2. There is an Hope which is the fruit of Experience and belongeth to the seasoned and tried Christian who hath approved his own fidelity to God and hath much trial of God's Fidelity and Faithfulness to him Of this it is said Rom. 5.4 that Experience worketh Hope It differeth from the former because it produceth not only a conditional Certainty but an actual confidence of our own Salvation The former is necessary for we live and act by it the other is very comfortable for it facilitateth all our Acts when we know there is reserved for us a Crown of Life which the Righteous Judg will give in that Day and do not only believe a Resurrection both of the Just and Unjust but our own Resurrection unto Eternal Life But now for the Effects I shall instance in two which suit with the Prayer in the Text Consolation in Troubles and Confirmation in Holiness 1. Support in Troubles when we are certainly persuaded of an happy issue we are the better kept from fainting Phil. 1.19 I know that this shall turn to my Salvation c. He speaketh it of his Troubles and the Machinations of his Adversaries and this Knowledg he calleth in the 20th Verse his earnest Expectation and his Hope The bitterest Cross is sweetned by Hope this carried him through his Sufferings not only with Patience but Comfort As Men in a storm when they see Land take courage it is but enduring a little more Tempest and they shall be safe on Shore To a hoping Christian his whole Life is a rough Voyage but a short one II. To encourage us in working it is Hope sets the whole Wōrld a-work 1 Cor. 9.10 That he that ploweth should plow in hope and that he that thresheth in hope should be partake● of his Hope Certainly it is Hope sets the Christian a-work Acts 26.7 Vnto which Promise our twelve Tribes instantly serving God day and night hope to come Why are God's Children so hard at work for God but ou● of love to him and hope to enjoy him for ever Oh! let us continually be serving God let us live always either for Heaven as seeking it or upon Heaven as solacing our selves with the Hopes of it do what ever we do in order to eternal Life and not be taken up with Trifles and this will put Life into our Endeavours it is for a glorious and blessed Estate on which we employ all this labour 2. That this is the free Gift of God I must prove two things 1. That good Hope is his Gift he doth not only give us Objective Grace this is the free and undeserved Mercy of the Gospel or a sufficient Warrant to hope for it which are his gracious Promises But Subjective Grace the Hope by which we expect this Blessedness is freely wrought in us by his Holy Spirit which is a farther confirmation of his love to us That he hath not only given us the Blessedness ● we hope for but the very Hope it self The Spirit 's Work is necessary 1. By way of Illumination to open the eyes of our minds that we may see what is the hope of his Calling Ephes. 1.18 Alas otherwise our sight cannot pierce so far nor discern any reality in a happiness that lieth in an unseen and an unknown World so as to venture and forsake all that we see and love for a God and a Glory that we never saw Nature if it be not blind in discerning the Duty of Man yet it is pur-blind it cannot foresee the happiness of Man which lieth afar off from us 2 Pet. 1.9 But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off A short-sighted Man cannot see things at a distance from him not from any defect in the Object but through the fault in his Eyes so the natural Man blinded by Delusions doth either not believe or forget
glad and rejoice in thee we will remember thy Love more than Wine the Vpright love thee God's Ordinances are not empty there is some participation 1 Cor. 10.16 The Cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ The Bread which we brake is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ Vse 5. Consider the ends why God giveth us Comfort it is to fortify us against the Enemies of our Salvation so far as they are vexing and troubling and molesting us in the way to Heaven The Spirit hath two great Offices to be a Sanctifier and Comforter and both serve all the needs of Christians When we are inticed to Sin he helps us as a Santifyer when we are discouraged in God's Service he helps us as a Comforter And therefore Christians are to consider their condition and what their present state requireth for God dispenseth his Grace according to the Assaults made upon them by the Enemies of their Salvation As for instance Our Enemies are the Devil the World and the Flesh these we renounced in Baptism And in the progress of Christianity these are those with whom we conflict and must overcome As for instance The Devil is a tempting Devil who seeketh to draw away the Saints from God and by the love of the Flesh to weaken our Love and Obedience to our proper and our rightful Lord. Now what are we to do in this case to beg Comfort and Peace that we may not be troubled though we yield unto his Temptations Alas this were to turn the Grace of God into Wantonness No we are to be sober and watchful 1 Pet. 5.8 to use all the Rules of Sobriety and Vigilancy that our Worldly Comforts may not be a snare to us Sobriety is an Holy Moderation in the use of all earthly things Vigilancy is an Holy Diligence and seriousness in the use of Means and also add to both the help of the Sanctifying Spirit that we may keep up our Love to God and be faitful in our Obedience to him But the Devil is not only a tempting Devil but a vexing and disquieting Devil who accuseth us before God day and night Rev. 12.10 raiseth in us many troublesome Fears to make our Service uncomfortable and tire us and clog us What is our Duty then to beg the help of the Comforter not only to shew Love to God but that we may have some persuasion of his Love to us and quench his fiery Darts that we may go on chearfully in our Work because the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shor●ly Rom. 16.20 So for the World The World is a tempting World drawing our Affections from God and Heaven to present things and when it smileth on us in incroaches upon our Heart more and more 2 Tim. 4.10 Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present World Now what is our business then to beg comfort and assurance of God's Love No that would be our Bane there is work for the Sanctifier rather than the Comforter that the worldly Spirit may be subdued in us there is need of Mortification rather than Assurance that we may be crucified to the World Gal. 6.14 But sometimes the World is a Persecuting World and reproacheth and troubleth us with all manner of vexations then there is work for the Comforter to seal up to our Souls the Love of God or Interest in Christ John 16.33 These things have I spoken to you that in me ye ●ight have peace in the World ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the World and to become to our Souls the Earnest of eternal Glory Comfort is for Tribulation at other times we are glutted with it but then it is our great support When all t●ings fail we feel the great necessity of the Joys of Faith It is good to time well our Duties David saith Psal. 56.3 What time I am afraid I will trust in thee So for the Flesh it inticeth us Iames 1.14 Every Man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own Lust and enticed Many times it draweth to Actual Sin by indulgence to its desires yea disposeth us often to Apostacy and falseness of Heart for Apostacy usually begins at falseness of Heart when the fleshly Mind and Interest is not throughly overcome Well when we are conscious to this what shall we do in such a case Certainly the great and proper Work is to beg the Spirit and implore the Spirit as a Sanctifier and to be more obedient to his sanctifying Motions Comfort will come in time Well but the Flesh is not only inticing but troublesom and grievous to the Saints witness Paul's groans Rom. 7.24 Oh wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death We are quite wearied and tired out with the importunity of its motions we would serve God more purely and perfectly Then there is work for the Comforter and confidence in his Operations to help the faithful Soul Phil. 1.6 Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good Work in you will perform it unto the day of Iesus Christ. Then it is seasonable to remember the Covenant we are under Rom. 6.14 For Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the Law but under Grace The serious striving Soul will not be left destitute Thus must we expect Comfort Vse 6. Remember that Comfort hath a latitude in it and is expressed by divers words 1. Sometimes by it Support is implied when the sense of Sin and fear of God's Wrath is not altogether removed and taken away but so mitigated and abated that Hope doth more easily prevail in the Soul than Fear And we resolve to wait on God though we cannot so fully clear up our Interest in him You have many Conflicts and Fears yet some Hope and Expectation towards God Jonah 2.4 5. I am cast out of thy sight yet will I look again to thy Holy Temple Resolute adherence giveth great support Job 13.15 Though he slay me yet will I trust in him I will maintain my own ways before him He dependeth merely on the Covenant 2. Peace or some rest from Troubles and accusations of Conscience there is some calm and quiet of Soul Rom. 5.1 Being justified by Faith we have peace with God Gal. 6.16 As many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy Assaulted with none or light Fears Iohn 16.33 In me ye shall have Peace I will give you Peace though not full Spiritual Suavities 3. The third word is Joy 1 Pet. 1.8 Ye rejoice with Ioy unspeakable and full of Glory In Peace all things are quiet they have no anxious Thoughts but in Joy there is a sensible motion of Pleasure and Delight they are feasted with the pleasures of Faith Love and Hope Let us then bless God for any degree of Comfort SERMON XVIII 2 Thess. 2.17 And stablish you in every
and Faith of the Gospel that they resolve to abide by their choice Psal. 27.4 One thing have I desired of the Lord this will I seek after When Spiritual Resolution carrieth the force and authority of a principle in the Soul and nothing can break it 1 Pet. 4.1 Arm your selves with the same Mind As constantly as Christ persevered in the work of Mediation so be you in the work of Obedience notwithstanding the difficulties of it This powerful Will that beareth down Oppositions and Temptations and the greatest Impediments in the way to Heaven So that you rather make advantage of Opposition than are discouraged by it when sensual or carnal Good is of little force to you and you can dispise the most pleasing baits of Sin 3. The Affections are the executive power and do excite and stir us up to do what the Mind is convinced of and the Will resolved upon as to the necessary Duties of the Gospel in order to Eternal Happiness There is a Backwardness within and many Temptations without but an holy Delight overcometh the unwilling backwardness within and over ballanceth either Worldly Fear or Wordly Hope without that the Soul is carried on powerfully towards God We never work better than when we work in the strength of some eminent Affection when the Heart is enlarged Psal. 119.32 I will run the way of thy Commandments when thou shalt inlarge my Heart Either Love or Hope Love filleth us with delight overcoming our natural slackness and sluggishness in the Ways of God Psal. 40.8 I delight to do thy Will O my God yea thy Love is within my Heart 1 John 5.3 For this is the Love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not grievous Psal. 112.1 Blessed is the Man that feareth the Lord that delighteth greatly in his Commandments Hope beareth us up in contempt of present delights and terrors of Sense Heb. 3.6 Whose House are we if we hold fast the considen●e and rejoycing of Hope firm unto the end So that we serve God with vigour and alacrity When our Affections are damped Grace falleth into a consumption and if you lose your taste your Practice will languish your Service of God will not be so uniform It is a great part of our establishment to keep up the vigour and fervency of our Affections 4. With respect to the Uses for which it serveth as to Duties Sufferings Conflicts 1. Doing the Will of God or discharging our Doings with Delight Chearfulness and Constancy for all strength is for Work Ephes. 3.16 That he would grant you according to the riches of his Glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner Man That we may do our work with that readiness of Mind which becomes Faith in Christ and Love to God This is often spoken of in Scripture Phil. 2.13 For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And Heb. 13.21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you what is well pleasing in his sight It is of great use to our establishment that the Soul be kept doing for as Wells are the sweeter for draining so are we the more lively for exercise Frequent omission of good Duties or seldom exercise of Grace necessarily produceth a decay As a Key rusteth that is seldom turned in the Lock thereby we lose the life and comfort of Religion and at length cast it off as a needless and unprofitable thing 2. For bearing Afflictions and passing through all conditions with Honour to God and safety to our selves Phil 4.13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Col. 1.11 Strengthened with all Might according to his glorious Power with all Patience The great use of Establishment is to fortifie us against all the evils and inconveniencies of the present Life that we may hold on our Course to Heaven in fair Way or foul and not be greatly moved by any thing that befalleth us within time 3. For Conflicts with Temptations from the Devil the World and the Flesh. The World is round about us and we are accustomed to these enveigling Objects whose importunity prevaileth at length the Devil seeketh to work upon our Affections and Inclinations and the Flesh urgeth us to gratifie them How then is a Christian safe God establisheth him Ephes. 6.10 Finally be strong in the Lord and in the power of his Might A Christian here is in a Military State and we of our selves left unto our selves are like Reeds shaken with every Wind we have need of establishment in regard of our own Feebleness and the force of our Enemies We must be established against the Devil soliciting against the World the silent Argument by which he soliciteth us and draweth us from God and Heaven against the Flesh the rebelling Principle which is apt to be wrought upon by Satan Well then this establishment is that Grace which enableth us to carry on the Duties of Religion with constancy frequency and delight to bear all the inconveniencies of Religion with Patience and Fortit●de to be more deaf and resolute against all the suggestions of the Devil or the machinations of the Flesh stirred up by the World 5. With respect to the Degree it is such a strengthning of the Soul as doth prevent not only our Fall but our shaking Before falling away or our being drawn to Apostacy there may be a shaking a doubtfulness and wavering of mind with respect to the Truth and much inconstancy and unevenness of Life with respect to practice Now Christians as they must not draw back to Perdition so they must not be always fluctuating and unfixed either in Matters of Opinion but setled in the Truth or in matters of Practice there must be a strength and stability of holy Inclinations and Resolutions for God and the World to come still kept up or else there will be no evenness or uniformity in the course of our Lives and though we avoid Apostacy yet we cannot avoid Scandal though there be no falling back there is a stepping out into By-Paths 1 Cor. 15.58 Be stedfast and unmoveable always abounding in the Work of the Lord. And Ephes. 3.17 That ye being root●d and grounded in Love c. And Col. 1.23 If ye continue in the Faith grounded and setled and be not moved away from the Hope of the Gospel If we do not look to the Degree our weakness and instability groweth upon us As in matters of Opinion some have an unsetled Head of a vertiginous Spirit Ephes. 4.14 carried about with every wind of Doctrine They never were well grounded in the Truth nor took up the ways they are engaged in upon sufficient Evidence and therefore by their own weakness and the cunning and diligence of the Seducers are drawn into Error Light Chass is blown up and down by every Wind when solid Grain hitcheth in and resteth in the Floor where it is
that none else can give us a right to them but God And the Soul can have no security that it doth not usurp and intrude upon the possession of Things that belong not to us till we have his Warrant As the Apostle speaketh of an Office Heb. 5.4 No Man taketh his Honour unto himself but he that was called of God as was Aaron So it is true of all Prerogatives we have no leave to assume and take the Honour of them to our selves till we are called of God That 's our Warrant None came to the Wedding-Feast till they were bidden Matth. 22. Or went into the Vineyard till they were hired Matth. 20. This is the difference between Duties and Priviledges That any Man who will prefer that Office of Charity and Love to us may excite us to our Duties to unquestionable Duties due from the Creature to our Creator But no Man can assure us of right to Priviledges without the Creators leave Man cannot make that to be a necessary Duty to the Creator which is not But Man may warn us of our danger when we disobey God but Man cannot assure us of our right to such Priviledges without God's grant Therefore certainly it is God that must call us 2. None else can have Power for to Calling there is necessary not only the Invitations of the Word but also the effectual Operation of the Spirit None else can change the Heart A Christian is nothing and hath nothing but what God is pleased to work in him by his Divine Power 2. Pet. 1.3 According as his Divine Power hath given us all things that pertain unto Life and Godliness through the Knowledg of him that hath called us to Glory and Vertue It is a work of an infinite Power to give Grace to graceless Souls To make those that are Sensual and Worldly to become Spiritual and Heavenly there being so much opposition to hinder that Work For such is the corruption of Mens Hearts the power of Satan over us that he keepeth possession till a stronger than he overcometh him Luke 11.21 Therefore it is always made the work of his Power who calleth the things that are not as though they were Rom. 4.17 It is still ascribed to his creating Power Either the illumination of the Mind 2 Cor. 4.6 For God who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our Hearts to give the light of the knowledg of the Glory of God in the Face of Iesus Christ. Or inclinations of the Heart Ephes. 2.10 We can neither think nor effect nor pursue Spiritual and Heavenly Things without it Therefore certainly it is God that calleth us 2. The outward Means by our Gospel Where 1. Consider the Means it self The Gospel 2. The Interest which the Apostle challengeth in it our Gospel 1. The Means it self the Gospel This God useth 1. Because if God will Call and invite the Creature by his Duty to his Happiness It is necessary that his Call should be evident to the Creature by some visible Sign Now the natural Duty of Man is much seen by the Creation Rom. 1.19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them Psal. 19.1 2. The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his Handy-Work Day unto Day uttereth Speech and Night unto Nigh● sheweth Knowledg But this Call is made to Man fallen as a Remedy to his lapsed Estate which depending on the Free-Grace of God and can only be known by his Revelation conveyed to us by extraordinary Messengers such as Christ who was the principal Revealer of the Doctrine of God for the saving of the World And him God authorized and sealed to this end John 6.27 Labour not for the Meat which perisheth but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father sealed And then by the Apostles who were instituted by Christ and sent forth to proselyte the World to the Obedience of God and they were also authorized from Heaven by divers Signs and Wonders as long as it was necessary to use that Dispensation for the confirmation of their Message and to shew how dangerous it was to neglect a Doctrine so useful to Mankind and suitable to their great Necessities and so owned by God Heb. 2.3 4. Therefore by the Gospel God called them to this Grace 2. To convince and stop their Mouths that refuse this Calling for the Gospel bringeth Grace home to us and leaveth it upon our choice if we will accept it well and good if not we justly deserve to be rejected for ever Acts 13.26 To you is this Word of Salvation sent What say you to it God hath sent a gracious Message to you in particular will you accept or refuse Acts 3.26 He hath sent him to you to bless every one of you c. It doth excite all and every Man to look after the recovery of his lapsed Estate Surely God doth you no wrong if he severely punish your refusal after he hath invited you to his Grace in Christ. Great is the Misery of those that refuse this Call None of those that were bidden shall taste of my Supper Luke 14.24 They are not only excluded from Happiness but they incur extreme Wrath and Misery Prov. 1.24 25 26. Because I have Called and ye refused I have stretched out my Hand and no Man regarded But ye have set at nought all my Counsel and would none of my Reproof I also will laugh at your Calamity I will mock when your Fear cometh 3. Because to the Elect he will deal congruously and preserve the Liberty of his own Workmanship and therefore dealeth with Man as Man Doth not compel us to be good whether we will or no but doth at the same time teach and draw us John 6.44 45. No Man can come unto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him And I will raise him up at the last Day It is written in the Prophets And they shall be all taught of God Every Man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me Sweetly attemperating the means to our Liberty but accompanying them with his powerful Grace Acts 11.21 The Hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord. It is God doth all prospering the Labours of his Servants So Acts 16.14 God opened the Heart of Lydia so that she attended unto the things spoken by Paul God opened her Heart but by the things spoken by Paul And God loveth to associate or accompany his Power with his own Means Rom. 1.16 It is the Power of God unto Salvation 2. The Interest the Apostle challengeth in it our Gospel Doth it not derogate from the Authority of it to appropriate it to any Man I answer No. Elsewhere it is called God's Gospel The glorious Gospel of the Blessed God 1 Tim. 1.11 He
Temptations 1 Pet. 1.3 5. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant Mercy he hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead c. Who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation 5. He will give you the Kingdom Luke 12.32 Fear not little Flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom 2. On the other side this Relation bespeak●th Duty For if God be a Father we must carry our selves as Children by our subjection to him that is by submission to his Disposing-Will and obedience to his Governing Will. 1. By an absolute submission to his Disposing-Will For if you would enjoy the Privileges of God's Family you must submit to the Discipline of his Family Heb. 12.6 7 8 9. For whom God loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every Son whom he receiveth If you endure chastening God dealeth wit● you as with Sons for what Son is he whom the Father chasteneth not But if you are without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are ye Bastards and not Sons Furt●ermore we have had Fathers of our Flesh which chastened us and we gave them Reverence Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live In Heaven where there is no danger of Sin there is no use of the the Rod but while we are in the Flesh we need Correction and if God should not give it us we are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not Legitimate but Degenerate Sons But in the 10th Verse the Apostle argueth from God's Paternal Authority For they verily for a few days chastened ●s after their own pleasure b●t he for our profit fit that we might be partaker● of his Holiness Children though they take ●t ill to be beaten by others yet not by their Parents who under God are the cause of their Being and love them and in correction of them seek their Good Much more do we owe this respect to our Heavenly Father who hath a more absolute right over us Parents may err through want of Wisdom their Chastisements may be arbitrary and irregular do much in Passion rather than Compassion but all God's Chastisements come from purest Love and are regu●ated by perfect Wisdom and tend to and end in Holiness and Happiness 2. Obedience to his Governing Will. The great duty of Children is to love please obey and honour their Father Mal. 1.6 A Son honoureth his Father and a Servant his Master If I be a Father where is mine Honour If I be a Master where is my Fear 1 Pet. 1.14 15. As obedient Children not fas●ioning your selves according to the former lusts in your Ignorance But as he which hath c●lled you is Holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation John 15.8 Herein is my Father Glorified that ye bear much Fruit so shall ye be my Disciples There should be a great tenderness upon us to do any thing that may be a breach of God's Law or tend to God's Dishonour What diligent Observers were the Rechabites of the Institutions of their Family Jer. 35.6 But they said We will drink no Wine for Jonadab the Son of Rechab our Father commanded us saying Ye shall drink no Wine neither ye nor your Sons for ever VI. Observ. They to whom Christ is a Lord to them God is a Father his special Fatherly Love floweth in the Chanel of Redemption and is brought about by the Gospel The Lord from all Eternity predeterminated some to the Adoption of Sons Eph. 1.5 Having predestinated us to the Adoption of Children by Iesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will But how doth he bring to pass this Decree By the Redemption of Christ. It is no mean Privilege Christians that needeth so much ado to establish it Gal. 4.4 5. Bu● when the fulness of the time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law To redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons Christ came to be the Foundation of a New Covenant before we could have this Privilege Well but whence ariseth our actual Interest I answer By accepting the offer of the Gospel or receiving and owning Christ to the ends for which he came into the World or God sent him into the World John 1.12 But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name That is by depending on his Merits for our Reconciliation with God and submitting to his Laws that he might reduce us to our Primitive Obedience and Love to them Vse Therefore if you would have a share in this blessed Privilege 1. You must be Regenerated by his Spirit for the Relative Change dependeth on the Real our State is not changed till our Natures be changed Iohn 1.12 13. Being born again of the Will of God If you would enter into God's Family and enjoy the Privileges thereof you must be changed by the Spirit 2. There is required on your part an entrance into the Kingdom of the Mediator by Faith and Repentance Matth. 18.3 Except ye be Converted and become as little Children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of God As little Children are newly entred into the World and beginning their Life all things are become new to them So those that have the priveleges of God's Children must become as little Children enter into a new State carry on a new Life and Trade with which they were not acquainted before Our first admission is by a consent to the New Covenant Gal. 3.26 Ye are all made Children of God by Fai●h in Christ depending on the merit of Christ's Sacrifice and binding our selves by a solemn Word to perform the Duties required of us which we renew again in the Lord's Supper VII That we most comfortably come to God by Christ for Grace when we consider our Interest in him and Relation to him Their Relation is here intimated for Jesus Christ is our Lord and God is our Father and surely our Lord will not refuse his own Subjects nor our Father be strange to his own Children 1. It is certain that among Men Relation to any Person or thing indeareth them to us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Men love their own Children though not so fair and good as others yet they are their own And is it not so as to God See Iohn 13.1 Having loved his own that were in the World he loved them unto the end And Iohn 17.6 I have manifested thy Name to the Men which thou gavest me out of the World thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy Word 2. Interest giveth us more incouragement Isa. 63.19 We are thine thou never bearest rule over them they were never called by thy Name That is we are thy People thy Subjects so called so accounted
short Men please themselves in things received 2. In every good Work or in holiness of Life Here needeth the greatest establishment that we may hold on our course to Heaven and the usual Apostacy and Backsliding that Men are guilty of is from the practice of Religion It is ill when the Mind is tainted but worse when the Heart is alineated from God and commonly it is the perverse inclination to the Will that tainteth the Mind Therefore the great Establishment is to be settled in a course of Godliness 1 Thess. 3.13 That he may establ●sh your Hearts unblameable in Holiness before God even our Father until the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ with all his Sain●s Now this Establishment is very difficult First Because of the contrariety of the Principles that are within us Gal. 5.17 For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would The Garison is not free from Danger that hath an Enemy lodged within The love of the World and the Flesh was in the Heart before the love of God and Holiness and these are not wholly rooted out yea these are natural to us whereas Grace is a Plant planted in us contrary to nature And the Ground that bringeth forth Weeds and Thistles of its own accord but the Flowers and good Herbs with mush T●llage and Cultivation if it be neglected the Weeds will soon overgrow the Flowers Secondly Because it is more hard to continue in Conversion than to co●vert our selves at first In our first Conversion we are more passive it is God that converteth us and draweth us to himself and quickens and plants us into Christ but in Perseverance and fulfilling our Covenanting Duty we are more active it is our Work though we perform it by God's Grace An Infant in the Mother's Womb is nourished by the nourishment of the Moth●r but afterwards he must suck and seek his own Nourishment and the elder he groweth the more care of his Life is devolved upon himself Now that which is more our work is more difficult It is true that God that hath begun a good Work doth perfect it but not without our care Phil. 1.6 When we are fitted and prepared unto good Works God expecteth from us that we should walk in them God establisheth us in the Text but it is in every good Work Beside in Conversion we make Covenant with God but by Perseverance we keep Covenant with him Now it is easier to consent to Conditions than it is to fulfil them the Ceremonies at first consent of Marriage are not so difficult as to perform the duties of the Marriage Covenant It is more easie to build a Castle in time of Peace than to keep it in a time of War Peter more easily consented to come to Christ upon the Water but when he begun to try it his Feet were ready to sink Mat. 14.29 30. When Winds and Waves are against us alas how soon do we fail Therefore a good Spring doth not always foreshew a fruitful Harvest nor plenty of Blossoms store of Fruit. We are carried on with great Life and Earnestness for a while in the profession of Religion we consent to follow Christ but when we meet with Difficul●ies not foreseen or allowed for we faint and are discourage Thirdly With respect to the Subject in which it is seated which is the Soul with its faculties The strength of the Body is known by Experience rather than by Description but the strength of the Soul must be determined by its right constitution towards Good and Evil. The Faculties of the Soul are either the Understanding wherein lieth the Directive Councel or the Will wherein lieth the Imperial Power or the Affections wherein lieth the Executive Power of the Soul 1. The Mind or Understanding is established when we have a clear certain and full Apprehen●●on of the truth of the Gospel it is called Knowledg the sure and sound and certain apprehension of them is called Faith or Intellectual Assent or the full assurance of Vnderstanding Col. 2.2 when there is a due knowledg of what God hath revealed with a certain persuasion of the truth of it wrought in us by the Holy Spirit Now the more clearly and orderly and certainly we know these things the more powerfully do they affect the Heart and the more we are established He that hath little Knowledg and little Certainty is called weak in the Faith Rom. 14.1 Him that is weak in the Faith receive but not to doubtful Disputations And those that have a clearer Understanding are called strong As Rom. 15.1 We that are s●rong ought to bear the Infirmities of the Weak meaning strong in Knowledg So also for certainty of Persuasion it is said Rom. 4.20 Abraham was strong in Faith giving glory to God When in all his Trials he bore up himself upon the Confidence of God's Word and Promise Well then the Mind is confirmed and established when we have a good stock of Knowledg and do firmly believe what we know of God and Christ and eternal Salvation But alas how few Truths do many Christians know especially in their order and as to their worth and weight and certainty and so that if we know these things we know them not as we ought to know them 1 Cor. 8.2 If any Man think that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know them If we know them Speculatively we know them not Practically If we are able to discourse of these things we do not live by them If we know them generally we do not know them particularly to direct us in all Cases wherein they concern us but are blinded with Temptations If we know them comprehensively so as to look about the compass of them yet not certainly John 17.8 and have kn●wn surely that I came out from thee so as to venture our Interests upon them If we know them darkly and with an half light we do not know them clearly and with a full light There is many times conviction in the Ore which is not refined into a clear and distinct knowledg such as may awe the Heart if we know these things habitually we know them not actually when we should remember them in their season and Oblivion is a sort of Ignorance Hence come the many doubts we are assaulted with and all the unevenness and uncertainty of our Lives so that the Mind needeth to be established in Grace 2. The Will which is the Imperial power of the Soul Now the Wills establishment is known by its firm and through resolution for God and against Sin For God as Acts 11.23 Barnabas when he had seen the Grace of God was very glad and exhorted them all that with full purpose of Heart they would cleave to the Lord. First choosing then cleaving and this with full purpose when the Will is so fixed in the Knowledg
winnowed An half light maketh us uncertain in our Course For Matter of Practice if we allow our selves in our first Decl●nings the Evil will grow upon us when the Judgment reasoneth more remisly against Sin than it did before and the Will doth oppose it with less resolution or with greater faintness and indifferency or when Opposition doth more discourage us No there must be a resolved conquest of Temptations that wo●ld pervert you this will only serve our turn Heb. 12.3 Consider him that endured such Contradictions lest ye be weary and faint in your minds Weariness is a lesser degree of Deficiency Many a Man is weary that is not faint or quite spent So the practice of Godliness when the Heart beginning to be ali●nated and estranged from God and the Lif● of Duty doth decay when our first Love is gone our first Works will in a great measure cease Rev. 2.4 5. Nevertheless I have something against thee because thou hast left thy first Love Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first Works Well then the Degree must be minded for though a Man may be stedfast in the main yet he may be somewhat moved and shaken But a Christian should not only be stedfast but unmoveable otherwise we shall be very uncertain in our Motions 2ly How needful it is this is in a great measure shewed already But yet more fully 1. Man at best is but a Creature the New Creation doth carry a great correspondence with the Old and First Creation 'T is not enough that the Creature be but he must be sustained in Being we have our Being in God still Acts 17.28 For in him we live and move and have our Being As Providence is a continual Creation so stablishing Grace is the continuance of the New Creation The same Grace that sets us in the state of the New Creation the same stablisheth us God found no stability in the Angels therefore it is said he trusteth them not Iob 15.15 Behold he putteth no trust in his Saints yea the Heavens are not clean in his sight They stand by the Grace and Favour of God Take the best Creatures even as Creatures they are defective and unstable in themselves for God will have the Creature as a Creature to be a dependent thing on the Creator who only is a Being of himself Man at his best estate was but an unstable Creature for Adam gave out at the first assault and since we are very unstable blown down with the blast of every little Temptation Even in the State of Grace we are like a Glass without a bottom broken as soon as out of hand and therefore God alone is able to make us stand and persevere in this Grace that we ●ave received 2 Cor. 1.21 Now ●e tha● stablisheth us with you in Christ is God After we are in Christ our stability is in God alone 2. The Indisposition of our Natures both to every good Word and Work 1. To every good Word The Truths of the Gospel are supernatural Now things that are planted in us contrary to Nature can ●ardly subsist and maintain themselves We have some Seeds of the Law yet left in our Hearts Rom. 2.14 But the Gospel de●endeth on sure Revelation therefore are th●re so many Heresies against the Gospel but none against the Law Therefore as they depend upon a Divine Revelation they must b● setled in our Hearts by a Divine Power and by a Divine Power preserved there that as the Doctrine is supernatural so the Grace may be also by which we do receive it Faith is the Gift of God Ephes. 2.8 For ●y Grace ye are saved through Faith and that not of your s●lves it is the Gift of God both as to its beginning so to its preservation and in●rease 2. To every good Work There is not only slowness and backwardness o● Heart to the Duties of the Gospel but somewhat of the old enmity and averseness remaineth still Our Hearts are not only inconstant and uns●tl●d but very wayward Ier. 14.10 T●us ●●ith the Lord to this Pe●ple Thus ●ave t●ey loved to wander Psal. 95.10 It is a People that do err in their Heart Moses was no sooner gone aside w●th God in the Mount but the Israelites after thei● solemn Covenant fel to Idolatry Before the Law could be written they brake it Now we that have a warring Principle within how can we ●●and unless God e●tablish us There is a b●ck-byass there are the S●eds of Wantonness Anger Revenge Envy Impatience Worldliness Ambition and Sensuality God knoweth how little the fl●shly Mind and Interest is conquered in us and therefore if he did not establish us we should soon shew our selves 3. In regard of those Oppositions that are made against us after once we be in Christ. It is not enough that we are brought out of the Kingdom of Satan but after we are rescued out of his Hand and Power he pursueth us with continual malice therefore there must be the same power to stablish us still in Grace that first brought us into the ●tate of Grace Col. 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath transl●ted us into the Kingdom of h●s dear Son compared with 1 Iohn 4.4 Ye are of God little Children and have overcome them because greate● is he that is in you than he th●t is in the World The World runneth a quite contrary course th●n those do that set their faces Heavenward and therefore malign them and pursue them with Reproaches and Troubles 1 Pet. 4 4 5. Wher●in they think it strange th●t you run not with them to the sam● excess of Riot speaking evil of you who sh●ll give account to him that is ready to judg the quick and the dead And most commonly our Supports are invisible and we have no temporal Intere●t to lean to But 2 Tim. 1.17 For the which cause I also suff●r th●se things neve●theless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and I am per●●●d●d he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day We bear these Afflictions by the Power of God 4ly We see here the Saints miscarry when God withdraweth his supporting Grace but in part as Peter David Peter was in the state of Grace and Christ prayed that his Faith might not utterly fail y●t when God did not est●blish him you see what Sins he was guilty of in that combat David was a Man after God's own Heart but how did he fall when God upheld him not Psal. 51. Hezekiah 〈◊〉 Cron. 42.31 Howbeit in the business of the Ambassadors of the Princes of Babylon who sent unto him to enquire of the Wonder that was done in the Land God left him to ●ry him that he might know all that was in his Heart Thus is God fain for to humble his Children to teach them Depend●nce and to put them in ●ind that th●y do not stand by their own strength