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A15343 A short, yet sound commentarie; written on that woorthie worke called; the Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1589 (1589) STC 25627; ESTC S119970 239,133 222

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be inherited vnto his Childrens Childerne i. vnto his posteritie for many generations see Psalme 128.6 he meaneth that the Lord will in mercy shewe such fauour to good men that not onely they themselues shall enioye their landes and liuing but euen their issue after them vnto many generations and the riches of the sinner i. the goods and lands that he possesseth is laid vp vz. safe and sure for the iust vz. that they may possesse and enioye them Hee meaneth that neither the wicked themselues nor their vngodly seede and posteritie after them shal inioy them but the good shall haue them How true this is see Iob. 27.16 17. see also Ester 8.7 11. Vers 23. Much foode i. much graine and corne méete for foode so is the word taken Gen. 42.2 is in the feild vz. that is well tilled and manured though perhapes the soyle it self be somwhat barren of the poore i. of that man who though he be poore yet notwithstanding is diligent in his labour but the field is destroyed without descretion he meaneth that the corne in the field can come to little or no profit where there is not good husbandrie and good gouernement One readeth it thus But there is vz. a man who consumeth himselfe i. both himselfe and all that he hath thorowe sluggishnes or els vnskilfulnes for the word importeth both and is set here against the knowledge and diligence of the poore laboring man q.d. by idlenes and want of skill hee commeth to nothing and is vtterly consumed Ver. 24. He that spareth i. withholdeth from the correction and chastising of his child his rodde i. the rodde of correction which God hath committed into his hands hateth his sonne i. his child as ver 1. of this chap. meaning that he is euen as though he did hate him because that not correcting him he is a cause that he falleth into euill by meanes whereof he doth at the length pul vpon him his owne destruction but he that loueth him vz. vnfeinedly and with the loue of a godly father chasteneth him vz. measurablye and according to the offence committed betime i. in good season and while that he is tender and yong least growing in yeres he growe in strength and courage and so either little regarde or vtterly refuse all fatherly correction Vers 25. The righteous eateth vz. of the giftes and blessings which God hath bestowed vpon him to the contentation of his minde i. to the satisfying of himself for he noteth vnder that word not onely contentednes but abundance also but the bellie of the wicked i. the wicked himselfe a part for the whole putting also bellie for the stomack wherein resteth appetite shall want vz. many times great store of Gods blessings he meaneth that good men haue alwaies sufficient and abundance but the wicked neuer see Psal 34.10 also Psalme 37.16 Do. Verse 1. Teacheth children their duty vz. to obey the good instructions of their parents it teacheth vs also to beware of scorning and of contempt of admonition Vers 2. Teacheth vs that the good wordes of good men are profitable both to themselues and others also that the wicked shall not escape iudgement Vers 3. Teacheth vs to be warie and circumspect in our words and to auoyde babling and much speech Vers 4. Teacheth vs to auoyde sluggishnes and to bee painefull and faithfull in our callings Vers 5. Teacheth vs to abhorre lying Vers 6. Setteth out the vnlikelie rewarde of righteousnes and wickednes Vers 7. Teacheth to beware as of vayne boasting on the one side so of counterfeiting pouerty on the other side Vers 8. Teacheth vs that riches and pouertie haue either of them their profite and their disprofits Vers 9. Teacheth vs Gods fauour towards the good and his iudgements vpon the wicked Vers 10. Teacheth vs that pride is the mother of strife but they that are humble will yeeld to good counsell and peace Vers 11. Teacheth vs that euill gotten goods shall come to nothing also that diligence and labor is a meane to get and increase riches Vers 12. Teacheth vs to doo good quicklie and in good season least otherwise the gift either come too late or be not so acceptable Vers 13. Teacheth vs that the contempt of Gods word shall neuer escape vnpunished Vers 14. Teacheth vs that good counsell is a good meane to make men to auoyde the snares of sinne Vers 15. Teacheth vs that Gods gifts in any must be reuerenced and sinne and iniquitie abhorred Vers 16. Teacheth vs to doo all things according to iudgement and discretion and to take heed that either by word or deede wee bewray not the follie of our harts Vers 17. Teacheth vs to deale faithfullie in the charges wherein we are placed both that wee may thereby auoyde euill and also procure good vnto our selues and others Vers 18. Teacheth vs that contempt of good counsell is a meane of beggery and shame as on the other side obedience to good speeches is the high way to honor and estimation before GOD and men Vers 19. Teacheth vs that we may reioyce when lawfull and holy things are done for vs also that it is a very harde matter to drawe the vngodly from sinne Vers 20. Teacheth vs to make choyce of our companie cleauing to such as are good and flying from the euill Vers 21. Setteth out the vnlikelie reward of the good and the bad from God Vers 22. Teacheth vs that good men thorowe Gods blessing leaue their goods and lands to their posteritie euen many ages togeather one after another also that God in his iustice doth many times depriue the wicked of their wealth and giueth it to the good Vers 23. Teacheth vs that labor is a meane to make men rich also that for want of labor and good gouernement many things are consumed Vers 24. Teacheth parents to correct their children but yet so that they doo it in measure and in such sort and at such a time as it may doo the parties corrected most good not onely for the time present but also for the time to come Vers 25. Setteth out Gods fauor towards the good and his iustice towards the wicked and vngodlie CHAPT 14. Co. IN the latter end of the other chapter he had spoken of Parents and children and now he beginneth this chapter with a t●eatie of women passing on from thence to describe generall dueties appertayning to all states ages and sexes whatsoeuer Di. Di. 1 THis chapter may bee diuided into foure partes In the first hee intreateth of a wife and foolish woman of the feare and contempt of God of pride and humilitie of labor and husbandrie of a faithfull and lying witnesse of the scorner and wise person of the foolish and the prudent or righteous Di. 2 man from vers 1. to the end of the 9. In the second he intreateth of the heart or conscience of the wicked and the Godly of an vpright way of heauinesse of heart of a wicked heart of easines to beleeue
sentence and iudgement of al the children of affliction i. of al those that are greatly afflicted meaning least being ouercome with drinke he should pronounce a wrong sentence against them And he maketh speciall mention of these rather than of the rich because they are more subiect to iniurie and oppression and for the most part are vsually neglected and contemned Vers 6. Giue ye strong drinke vnto him q.d. I will shewe you to whom abundance of wine and strong drinke appertaineth that is readie to perish vz. through the manifold afflictions both inward and outward that lye vpon him Some interprete it to such as are condemned to death and readie to be executed for their faults but I rather vnderstand it of those that are afflicted either inwardly or outwardly by reason of some great calamitie and wine i. giue wine vnto them i. vnto such a sodaine change of the number he sayd before him now he saith them that haue griefe of heart i. are sad and heauie at their heart which also they testifie by heauines of countenance Vers 7. Let him drinke vz. either of wine or strong drinke that he may forget vz. thereby his pouertie i. the pouertie and want that lieth vpon him and vnder one kind he comprehendeth all his calamities or euills and this sheweth that it cannot well be referred to thē that by law are appoynted to dye but to such as are otherwise afflicted and remember his miserie i. the miserie that he is in no more vz. for a long while for wine or strong drinke dispatcheth mens cares and casteth all carefull burthens for the time out of their mindes Vers 8. Open thy mouth i. speake boldly and plainly for the dumme i. for such as cannot defend themselues either for feare of their mightie aduersaries or els dare not doo it or haue no skill to lay open their owne causes q.d. defend them boldly and that in publike iudgement which are not able or meete to defend and declare their owne cause and right whether they bee dumme deafe blinde or any other manner of way distressed for vnder one he comprehendeth all yea the rather for their wants should the Magistrate succor them in the cause q. d yea open thy mouth in the iust cause and defence of all the children of destruction i. of all such as are in great miserie and in the present danger of their liues as it were see Psalm 79.11 Verse 9. Open thy mouth this is expounded before ver 8. and yet he repeateth it not againe without cause thereby declaring how hardly men are brought to the performance of their dueties iudge righteouslie vz. to euerie man not respecting the person of any and iudge vz. vprightly and soundly the afflicted and the poore i. such as are in miserie and want many things or rather haue nothing of their owne for somuch one of the hebrue words here signifieth Vers 10. Who shall finde vz. by any thing that he himselfe can doo a vertuous woman i. a good and holy woman indued with blessed vertues he speaketh thus in the way of a question not onely because good women are hard to be founde for the scarsitie of them as Eccles 7.30 but also because such women are Gods rare and singular giftes see Chap. 18.22 also chap. 19.14 for her price is farre aboue the pearles q.d. she is not onely as rare as most precious stones but being once obtayned a man cannot set too great a price or value of hir And I take this parte of the Chapter to depend vpon the former thus that Salomon after he had recited his mothers rules and doctrines deliuered vnto him doth by occasion thereof annexe therto the praise of a godly and painfull matrone beginning euery verse with the seuerall letters of the Alphabet as Psalm 119. dooth also Psalm 145. and some of the Chapters of Ieremiahs lamentations Vers 11. The heart of hir husband trusteth in her vz. not onely for hir chastitie but also doth vnfeynedly commit the gouernement and disposing of the things that are within doore vnto hir and he shall haue no neede of spoyle vz. because by the labour and good gouernement of his wife hee shall waxe rich One readeth and spoyles want not i. his familie dooth abound in all good things euen as souldiers doo when they haue sacked a citie or ouercome their enemies but I allowe rather the former Vers 12. She will doo him good and not euill i. she will deserue well of him and neuer bee greeuous vnto him but alwaies shewe hir selfe pleasant and courteous and prouoke him to loue hir vnfeynedly by reason of the good dueties shee will performe towards him all the dayes of hir life i. continuallie so long as they shall liue to gether see Chapter 12.4 Verse 13. Shee seeketh vz. diligently and carefullie wooll and flaxe i. euerie manner of thing whereon shee may keepe hir houshold in worke for vnder these two hee comprehendeth all and laboreth cheerefullie with her hands i. she hir selfe layeth hir hands to worke as well as others and she taketh great delight and pleasure therein to the end that by hir example she may drawe them on Vers 14. Shee is like the shippes of Merchants he sheweth wherein in the next parte of this verse she bringeth hir foode from a farre q.d. as Merchants shippes fetch thinges necessary from farre countreyes and goe and come with all conunieent spéede losing as little time as possiblie they may so shee prouideth for hir familie yea euen from farre places many times all things meete for hir familie as meate drinke cloth c and spending as little time in the dooing of it as may be Vers 15. And she riseth vz. from hir sleepe and out of hir bed whiles it is yet night i. very early in the morning and that long before day speciallie in the winter season and giueth the portion vz. of meate and drinke allowed them for the day see Psalm 111.5 see also Luke 12.42 to hir houshold i. to euery one of hir houshold both old and yong and the ordinarie vz. of work and labor to hir maydes i. to hir seruants that she hath in house with hir q.d. shee both prouideth meate and worke for them because meate without worke breedeth idlenes and worke without meate cannot be performed Vers 16. She considereth vz. deepely and carefullie a field vz. either offered to be solde q.d. she maketh no bargaine rashly but as she looketh whether she be able to pray so she considereth whether the thing be worth hir money not deceauing any in buying or buying any thing lesse than the value and getteth it vz. for the price agreed vpon and with the fruite of hir hands i. with the labor thereof for labor is the fruite of the hands as praise and thankes-giuing is the fruite of the lippes Hebrew 13.15 she planteth a vineyeard vz. in the ground or fielde that she hath bought meaning by this that she imployeth it to the best commoditie according
beléeue bare words only Vers 17. Stollen waters are sweete I take these to be the words of the harlot intising the foolish and simple man q.d. wee will secretly commit whoredome which to the flesh in deede seemeth very pleasant and sweet and not only because it is not seene or knowne but also because the desire and vse of strange flesh which is called in this place the euerie is or at the least seemeth delectable for the time and hidde bread is pleasant i. bread eaten in corners which they dare not eate openly either because it was forbidden them or because it was stollen Vnder these two similitudes she meaneth one thing that is secret or close committing of whoredom and here we may see that euen by the account of whores and harlots whoredome is condemned as a vile sinne Vers 18. But he vz. who is so intised of her knoweth not vz. being deceiued through the sweetnes and pleasures of sinne which indure but for a while that the dead are there i. that such as vse her house and frequent her companie are dead alreadie as 1. Timoth. 5.6 and that her guestes i. such as she hath bidden and doo yéeld to her bidding are in the depth of hell i. are alreadie condemned some referre it to the graue but the other sense also is true vnlesse it please God to giue them vnfeigned repentance and amendment of life Do. Verse 1 2 3. Set out the great loue that God beareth towardes man which teacheth vs on the otherside not to requite it with vnkindnesse as when he louinglie calleth we should chorlishly refuse to come but thankfully to accept of the time of his gracious and fatherly visitation Vers 4. Teacheth vs that our ignorance or wickednesses should bee no cause of estranging our selues from God but rather spurres to prouoke vs to drawe nigh vnto him for the amendement thereof Verse 5. Teacheth vs reuerently and louingly to imbrace Gods graces offered Vers 6. Teacheth vs that Christian righteousnes consisteth of these two partes in hating the euill and doing the good things Vers 7. Setteth out rather the nature of the wicked who cannot away with the word of reproofe than discourage vs any whit at all from performing of that great duetie of charitie and loue Verse 8. Teacheth vs that godly admonition bringeth not foorth the like fruites and effects in all Verse 9. Teacheth vs that the godlie can alwaies well away to be reproued and admonished Vers 10. Teacheth vs the right and reuerent feare of Gods Maiestie and also the true feeling of the societie and fellowship of the brethren Verse 11. Teacheth vs that whosoeuer vnfeignedly imbraceth Gods heauenly wisedome shall haue abundance of graces bestowed vpon him Verse 12. Sheweth that scorners and scoffers shal not escape vnpunished Verse 13. Sheweth that these are two properties of a harlot brauling and ignorance Verse 14. Teacheth vs that this is another note of a light person gadding and fisking abroad Vers 15. Teacheth vs that harlots are for the most part impudent and shamelesse Verse 16. Teacheth vs not to beleeue all words for harlots many times will labour to allure with the same words that holie wisedome doth and all to make her perswasions more plausible Verse 17. Teacheth that adulterie is a notorious kind of the euerie or robbing Verse 18. Teacheth that how pleasant soeuer the delights of sinne be for a while yet their end is sharpe and miserable CHAP. 10. Co. HEtherto the holie Ghost was occupied speciallie in the commendation of holie wisedome which chiefly respecteth our dueties towards God now hauing dispatched and finished that poynt he proceedeth in this and the other Chapters following to speake both of the generall and particular dueties that in God and for God we owe one of vs to another and this he doth not in any curious methode or order no more than they doo which take vppon them in few wordes to deliuer rules of life such as amongst the heathen were sundrie as Cato Isocrates and others And yet wee will indeuour and assay to make as apt both connexions and diuisions of the Chapters as it shall please God to giue vs grace Di. TRue it is that sundrie and seuerall instructions of doctrine are contained in this Chapter as also in the Chapters following and therefore can hardlie admit any apt diuision notwithstanding I suppose it may well be diuided into three parts In the first the holie Ghost speaketh of wise and Di. 1 foolish children of goods wickedly gotten of Gods prouidence towards the good and his iustice against the bad of idlenes and sloth of Gods fauour and iustice towards the godly and vngodly of the waies of the wicked and the godlie of hypocrites and of good men and this reacheth from verse 1. to the end of the 11. In the second he intreateth of hatred and loue Di. 2 of wise men and fooles of riches and pouertie of obedience hypocrisie babling the godly mans words and the wicked mans heart from verse 12. to the end of the 21. In the third he intreateth of Gods fauour of fooles Di. 3 and their feare and destruction of slothfull persons of the good and the bad and of their vnlikely fruites and rewardes and this reacheth from verse 22. vnto the end of the Chapter Se. THis Chapter hath as it were a title thus The Parables of Salomon see the same wordes expounded before Chapter 1.1 Vers 1. A wise sonne i. a good and godlie child whether it be sonne or daughter maketh a glad father i. causeth the father much to reioyce vnderstanding by father both the parents and kinsfolkes because he is chiefe see Chapter 15.20 but a foolish sonne i. a wicked and a lewd childe is an heauines vz. of heart and great griefe to his mother i. to his parents c. as before one being put for manie Vers 2. The treasures of wickednes i. such treasures as wicked men get by wicked meanes how much soeuer it be and thinke will stand them in stead see for this phrase Luke 16.9 profite nothing vz. at all that is can not stand him in stead against the euils which are readie to fal vpon him and death that hangeth presently ouer his head see Psalme 49.6 7 c. but righteousnes i. vpright and faithfull dealing yea though a man haue no treasure at all deliuereth from death i. ouercommeth all euilles and dangers whatsoeuer and causeth that euen death it selfe is not hurtfull to the righteous Vers 3. The Lord vz. who is faithfull and iust in all his promises will not famish vz. through any want or neede the soule of the righteous i. the good mans life see Psalme 34.10 Also Psalme 37.25 He meaneth that howsoeuer they be afflicted on euery side yet shall they not bee distressed or destituted for euer see 2. Cor. 4.8 but he casteth away or scattereth vz. as a thing of no account the substance of the wicked i. all that he hath and possesseth and this he doth
For the Lord shall be for thine assurance i. he shall be in stead of a defence and an assured place of refuge vnto thee and shall preserue vz. by his almightie power thy foote i. thee thy selfe a part for the whole and yet he doth not without cause vse this speech because things are many times taken by the foote from taking i. that thine enemie shall not catch thee or thou thy selfe sticke fast in any manner of euill see for all these promises Psalme 91. vers 1 2 c. where thou shalt finde the like things almost Vers 27. Withhold not the good vz. which thou hast of another mans from the owners thereof i. from them to whom it belongeth as by the way of debt or of Christian duetie as in giuing almes counselling c. though there bee power in thine hand i. though thou bee presentlie and fullie able to doo it i. to hurt him and harme him by the detaining of that which doth appertaine vnto him Vers 28. Say not thou vnto thy neighbour vz. when he is in distresse and neede goe vz. from me now and come againe vz. another time as we are wont to say and to morrow i. some other time hereafter will I giue thee vz. somewhat toward the reliefe of thy néede see Iames 2.16 if thou haue it vz. in thy power and kéeping hée meaneth the same thing that he did in the other sentence sauing that he teacheth not only to doo well but quicklie and with speede to doo well for as it is in the Prouerb he doth a double good turne that doth a good turne in good season and againe the fauour that commeth too late is little or nothing worth Vers 29. Intend none hurt vz. by thought word or déede but specially in thought for if that be repressed the rest will easlie be beaten downe against thine neighbour i. against any but chiefly against those that dwell about thée and haue dealt friendly with thée seeing that he doth dwell vz. as he supposeth and thinketh without feare vz. of any hurt from thée meaning that he doth not so much as suspect that thou wilt doo him any harme by thee i. nigh vnto thée and thy house Vers 30. Striue not vz. either by priuate quarrelling or publike iustice with a man i. with any man or sundrie men as verse 13. of this Chapt. causeles i. without iust and good cause why when he hath done thee no harme i. iniured or wronged thée either by word or déede He meaneth that wee should not without cause debate any matter with any man speciallie with him that hath wrought no euill against vs for it is a great offence and will vtterly ouerthrowe humanitie and fellowship to complaine of one and to thunder out against him that hath nothing at all offended him and yet in the meane while no lawe of God or man forbiddeth vs to expostulate either priuatlie or publikelie before the Magistrate with him which hath offended and wronged vs yea to conuince him of the iniurie if we be able alwaies prouided that wee doo it not with a reuenging minde nor burst forth into priuate reuenge Vers 31. Be not enuious vz. either inwardly or outwardly for the wicked man i for the good successe and abundance of prosperitie that thou seest him to inioye see Psalme 37.11 neither chuse any of his waies i. followe not his order and trade of life he yeeldeth a reason in the next verse why he would not haue men to doo so Vers 32. For the froward vz. person vnderstanding by this terme one that regardeth not admonition but giueth himself to al violence crueltie and oppression is an abhomination vnto the Lord i. the Lord hateth abhorreth and cannot abide such a one see Psalme 37.20 but his secret is with the righteous i. continually abideth with them vnderstanding by secret a most close but yet most familiar communicating of his good will towards them as may appeare by the verses following Vers 33. The curse of the Lord i. iust plagues and punishments sent from God see Malach. 2.2 c. is in the house of the wicked i. continueth abideth there howsoeuer they seeme to abound and flourish in all worldly wealth but he blesseth vz. continually with his fauour the habitation of the righteous i. not onely the place where he dwelleth but euen him himselfe and al that he hath Vers 34. With the scornefull i. such as giue themselues to iesting scoffing and contempt of all goodnesse he scorneth i. he laugheth at them or mocketh them and deceiueth their hope see Psalme 2.4 also Psalme 18.26 Prouerb 1.26 but he giueth vz. freelie and of his owne mercie grace i. all manner of goodnes both outward and inward to the humble i. such as thinke lowlie of themselues see Iames 4.6 also 1. Pet. 5.5 Vers 35. The wise i. such as are instructed with heauenlie wisedome shall inherite glorie i. shall haue renowne and good report as a perpetuall inheritance but fooles vz. shall inherit or possesse dishonor i. shame and contempt and that before God and man though they be exalted i. how much soeuer they bée exalted by their flatterers and clawbackes Others reade this latter parte thus but shame taketh away the foolish i. it carrieth both them and their hope away in a pinch of time or twinckling of the eye as it were The other sense and reading is in my iudgement as good as this if not better Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs to haue good counsels in continuall remembrance to the end we may be guided thereby Vers 2. Teacheth vs that all blessings shall be to such as obediently walke in the lawe of the Lord. Vers 3. Teacheth vs to haue care and conscience of the performance of our dueties towards God and our brethren Vers 4. Teacheth vs that obedience to the worde maketh vs acceptable before God and man Vers 5. Teacheth vs two thinges first vnfeignedly to hang vpon the Lord secondly not to trust in our selues or any thing that is in vs. Vers 6. Teacheth vs that the meane to haue all our waies and workes blessed is to beleeue and confesse Gods wonderfull power and prouidence Vers 7. Teacheth vs first not to stand too much in our owne conceites secondlie that Christianitie consisteth of doing good specially to Godward and of absteining from euill Vers 8. Teacheth vs that obedience to God procureth all blessings Vers 9. Teacheth vs that this is one principall end of our riches to referre them to the aduancement of Gods honour and glorie Vers 10. Teacheth vs that God is no niggard in his gifts to his seruants Vers 11. Teacheth vs not to murmure or repine against GOD for his fatherly corrections vppon vs. Vers 12. Teacheth vs that Gods visitations vpon his children are testimonies not of his displeasure but of his great good will toward vs. Vers 13. Teacheth vs that true blessednes consisteth in sound and holie wisedome Vers 14. Teacheth vs that Gods word must be preferred
before all earthly treasure Vers 15. Teacheth vs that nothing in the world is matchable with the holie wisedome that we learne out of Gods word Vers 16. Teacheth vs that long life riches estimation c. they are Gods gifts Vers 17. Teacheth vs that true pleasure is no where els to bee found but in the heauenlie wisedome Vers 18. Teacheth vs that there is no true life without the knowledge of Gods will reuealed in his word Vers 19 20. Teach vs that all the things in heauen and earth are guided in their naturall course by the power and prouidence of God Vers 21. Teacheth vs that it behoueth vs to haue Gods word in continual remembrance Vers 22. Teacheth vs that there is neither true life nor true glorie in this life without sound and sufficient knowledge of Gods heauenlie wisedome Vers 23. Teacheth vs that if we liue by the line and rule of the worde wee cannot doo amisse Vers 24. Teacheth vs that if Gods word be once rooted and grounded in our hearts our sleepe and all things els shall be sweete and pleasant vnto vs. Vers 25 26. Teach vs that staying our selues stedfastly vppon the truth of Gods prouidence and promises no hurtfull thing shall be able to dismay vs. Vers 27. Teacheth vs not to doo iniurie though we bee able to do it Vers 28. Teacheth vs not to d●ferre and put off doing of good when we are able to performe it Vers 29. Teacheth vs not to hurt any speciallie such as are tyed to vs by the bond of friendship neighbourhood or such like Vers 30. Teacheth vs to auoide all manner of quarrelling and contending either publike or priuate Vers 31. Teacheth vs not only not to grudge at the wicked mens prosperitie but also not to be drawne thereby to allowe or like of their euill behauiour Vers 32. Teacheth vs that as the Lord can at no hand away with the wicked so he greatly delighteth in the good and is familiar with them Vers 33. Setteth out the vnlikely reward that the good and the bad receiue of the Lord. Vers 34. Teacheth vs first that the wicked shall not carrie their sinnes away without punishment secondlie the way to obtaine grace from God is to humble ourselues vnfeignedly both before him and our brethren Vers 35. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer flatterers exalt fooles yet they shall inherite dishonor and againe that howsoeuer the wicked oppresse Gods children yet they shall be truely honoured and exalted CHAP. 4. Co. HE proceedeth in this Chapter as in the other before to exhort men to delight in and to seeke after heauenly wisedome Jn deede he doth it in other words and sentences but that is that we should not bee wearie of the oft repeating of one and the selfe same thing And yet if we would looke vnto it this often exhortation is profitable for vs who are carried hether and thether from it with sundrie matters and are as it were benummed and frosen from carefull seeking after heauenlie wisedome Di. THis Chapter may be diuided into foure parts In the first he laboureth Di. 1 to make his hearers and readers attentiue and fauourable to his cause and that partly from the doctrine which he propoundeth and partly from the example of the author and this reacheth from verse 1. to the ende of the 4. In the second he exhorteth men carefullie to labour for the attainement Di. 2 of wisedome shewing certaine reasons and alledging sundrie promises the better to perswade them thereto and this reacheth from vers 5. to the end of the 13. In the third he teacheth the godlie to take heede and Di. 3 to beware of the way of the wicked and their conuersation shewing certaine reasons also of that doctrine of his from verse 14. to the ende of the 19. And in the last part he prouoketh men to hearken reuerentlie to Gods Di. 4 word and to put away from them frowardnes euerie other thing which might hinder the great worke of God in them from verse 20. to the ende of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. HEare vz. with the eares both of your vnderstanding and minde O ye children before hée spake to them in the name of one as Chapter 1.8 Chapter 2.1 Chapter 3.1 11 21. Now he speaketh vnto many vnderstanding hereby all the fauourers and louers of wisedom whom he instructeth as a father doth his children deliuering them wholesome precepts the instruction of a father i. the instruction that your father giueth you according to his duetie and giue care vz. diligentlie and attentiuely to learne vz. from him both by worde and example vnderstanding vz. of the heauenlie and holie wisedome Vers 2. For J doo giue you i. deliuer and teach vnto you a good doctrine i. a wholesome profitable and pleasant doctrine therefore vz. because it is good forsake ye not vz. at any hand or by any meanes my lawe i. the things that I command you meaning that hee would not haue them in their liues and conuersation to depart from the same Now he calleth it his lawe not because he was the author of it for that title properly belongeth to God but because he was his instrument to vtter and declare the same Vers 3. For I vz. my selfe q.d. I lay no other burthen vpon you but that which I haue borne my selfe in the time of my youth and so he commendeth his doctrine from his owne example was my fathers sonne i. tenderly and dearely beloued of him in so much that I was seldome or neuer out of his presence tender and deare in the sight of my mother q.d. I was also dearely beloued of her the worde that is turned heere deare importeth only sonne as you would say that is chiefly beloued aboue the rest and brought vp with a singular affection and not as though his mother had had no more for wee see the contrarie 1. Chron. 3.5 Vers 4. When he taught me vz. as I do you now the fathers duetie consisting specially in the instruction of his children How Dauid performed this duetie see 1. Chron. 28.9 and sayd vnto me vz. in the wordes following let thine heart hold fast vz. so fast that they be neuer pulled out of the same by any meanes q.d. haue continuall care of them and remembrance to keepe them see Chapt. 3.1 my words i. both my speaches and the matters comprised therein keepe my commandements i. the things which I commande thee keepe them I say that is labour to kéepe them by thought word and déede and thou shalt liue vz. both in this life and in the life to come And heere I suppose that Dauids wordes or speach do end howsoeuer some would haue them to be continued to the ende of verse 9. Salomon building the exhortations following vpon these speaches Vers 5. Get wisedome i. take all paines to obtaine heauenly wisedome get vnderstanding i. sound and sincere iudgement in the same forget not vz. at any time see Chapt. 3.1 neither decline i. goe aside either
the worde hands here because they are the instruments of murther and when he saith shed innocent bloud he meaneth such as kill men and take away their liues without any good cause Vers 18. An heart vz. of a man that imagineth wicked enterprises vz. against other men speciallie those which are good and marke that the heart is put here in the fourth place and in the middest betwéene the sixe because it is as it were the fountaine and roote of all these euilles feete that be swift in running to mischiefe i. to accomplish and performe mischiefe he meaneth by this speach such as are whollie set vppon working of mischiefe of whom see before cap. 4.16 17. Vers 19. A false witnesse that speaketh lyes i. such a one as before a Magistrate either vppon his owne word or oath vttereth an vntruth and so it is diuers from the second thing because the tongue may be giuen to lying without false witnes bearing and him that raiseth vp vz. by any manner of meanes as by tale-carrying c. contention i. any manner of quarrelling or chiding among brethren vz. who should bee ioyned fast together he meaneth here such a one as is an author of quarrelles and contentions Vers 20. My sonne keepe thy fathers commandement i. practise the thing which thy father commandeth thee and forsake not thy mothers instruction i. set not light by at any hand such good things as thy mother shall instruct and teach thee in see Chapter 1.8 where you haue almost the very same words Vers 21. Bind them alway vpon thy heart i. thinke vpon them and remember them continually and tye them about thy necke vz. that thou feeling and seeing them maiest be put in minde to practise them see Chapter 3.3 Vers 22. It i. the wholesome counsell of thy parents giuen thee out of the law and word of God and receiued by thee shall leade thee vz. into all truth and weldooing when thou walkest i. whatsoeuer thou takest in hand or whether soeuer thou turnest thee it shall watch for thee vz. to keepe thée safe and sound both in minde and bodie when thou sleepest i. laiest thee downe and takest thy naturall rest and when thou wakest vz. to goe about thy busines and affaires it shall talke with thee i. it shall not onely counsell thee but also teach thee what how to speake Vers 23. For the commandement vz. of God meaning by commandement the whole word because it consisteth specially of commandements see Psalm 19.8 is a lanterne vz. to lighten the beléeuers and to go before them in the way of eternall life see Psalme 119.105 and instruction vz. out of Gods word a light vz. to our darke and blind consciences and corrections for instructions i. sharpe reproofes to instruct men specially when they cannot otherwise bée reclaimed for instruction so vsed see Chapt. 5.12 are the way of life i. the high and readie way or as a man would say effectuall meanes to bring vs to life and I would reade this verse by a Parenthesis and so ioyne the 22. and 24. together Vers 24. To keepe thee i. the word shal instruct thee to kéepe thée farre from the wicked woman i. from a woman whollie giuen ouer to wickednesse and from the flatterie of the tongue of the strange woman i. from the flatterie which the harlot vseth in the wordes which she vttereth with her tongue of this see before Chapter 5.3 He meaneth that heauenly wisedome out of Gods word shall kéepe him vntouched from all the assaults of pleasure and from all hinderances in the doing of his duetie so that neither by fleshly pleasure nor other euilles whatsoeuer he shall be carried away Vers 25. Desire not her beautie in thine heart i. take héed that thy heart be not ouertaken with desire and lust of her beautie see Math. 5 28. neither let her take thee vz. leading thee from the right way and stealing thy heart from thée with her eye lids i. either with the fairenes of her eyes or with the twinckling of the eyes or with setting thy eyes vpon her or els with any other either wanton lookes or whorish gestures Vers 26. For because of the whorish woman i. for satisfying of her in her greedie desire a man is brought vz. to seeke to a morsell of bread i. to extreame neede and beggerie so that begging from dore to dore he would be glad of a morsell of bread see Prouer. 29.3 and a woman i. a wicked adulterous and whorish woman will hunt for i. by all the meanes that she can seeke and neuer leaue of labouring till she haue gotten the precious life of a man i. mans life which is a very precious and deare thing and in this verse is contained a reason why adulterie is vile to wit because it bringeth with it losse of goods and destruction both of bodie and soule Vers 27. Can a man take fire in his bosome and his clothes not be burnt q.d. It is impossible Vers 28. Or can a man go vppon coales i. hot burning coales and without any thing vpon his feete and his feete not be burnt q.d. it cannot be for by this propounding of it in the way of a question he noteth the hardnes or impossibilitie rather of the thing And here note that he compareth whoredome to a fire of which see Iob. 31.12 shewing by two very apt similitudes that he cannot auoide both bodilie hurt and spirituall danger that hath any thing to do with a harlot or hath any acquaintance or familiaritie with her Vers 29. So he that goeth into his neighbours wife i. lieth with her and knoweth her he vseth an honest and sober speach to expresse a filthie and vile act see 2. Sam. 16.21 see also Psalme 51. in the title shall not be innocent i. cleare either before God or man but subiect to iudgement not onely to that which is inward and eternall from God but also that which is outward amongst men to which he is subiect if he be taken in it and this sense is confirmed by that which followeth where he compareth an adulterer to a chéefe shewing the one to bee a greater offence than the other Vers 30. Men do not despise vz. very much a theefe i. he that stealeth any thing when he stealeth q.d. no though he be taken in the fact of théeuerie if it be to satisfie his soule i. his life and maintaine it when he standeth in neede for wee knowe that the soule eateth not because he is hungrie vz. and he stealeth to satisfie his hunger onely Vers 31. But if he be found q.d. yea though the hardest fall out that he bée found in the deede doing he shall restore vz. to him from whom he hath stollen seauen fold i. very much for otherwise the Scripture maketh mention what he shall restore and in what cases see Exod. 22.1 2 c. or vz. if he be not able to restore he shall giue all the substance of his house i.
and worde shewing what fruites shall come to them thereby Di. 2 from verse 1. to the ende of the 5. In the second is comprehended a pithie narration or liuely description of the accursed manners of a harlot from Di. 3 verse 6. to the end of the 23. verse In the third part the holie Ghost putteth downe a dehortatorie conclusion mouing men to shunne and auoide to their vttermost harlots and their companie from verse 24. to the ende of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. MY sonne keepe my wordes i. the thinges that I speake to thée vnderstanding by keeping an earnest indeuour to obserue them in thought word and deede and hide vz. as precious Iewelles and things of great importance my commandements i. the thinges which I command with thee i. in thy minde meaning also hereby a fast and sure keeping of them see Chapter 2.1 Vers 2. Keepe my commandements and thou shalt liue i. surely thou shalt liue not only in this life but in the life to come see Chapter 4.4 where Salomon maketh them his fathers words vnto him and mine instruction i. the good and wholesome instruction that I giue or shall leaue thee vz. see that thou obserue and keepe it as the apple of thine eyes i. most carefully and diligently see Psal 17.8 Vers 3. Bind them on thy fingers he seemeth to allude to Deutero 6.8 and Deutero 11.18 and write them vpon the table of thy heart see Chapter 3.3 q.d. haue them continually in thy hands and let them be alwaies before thine eyes and thinke vpon them in thy hart that thou maiest do them see Exod. 13.9 Vers 4. Say vz. with an vnfeigned heart vnto wisedome i. vnto the wisedome and word of God thou art my sister i. very néere and deare vnto me as sisters commonly be to their brethren see Genes 34.31 Also 2. Samuel 13.20 22 29. c. and call i. bee not ashamed boldly to say and professe vnderstanding vz. of the will and word of God thy kinswoman i. deare and familiar vnto thee all is as much q.d. doo thou euen naturally as it were esteeme and loue holie wisedome and make thy selfe as familiar with her as possiblie can be Vers 5. That they i. wisedome and vnderstanding from GOD may keepe thee vz. safe and sound from the strange woman i. from the harlot as sundrie times heretofore euen from the stranger i. the harlot that is smooth in her words i. that cunninglie and craftelie flattereth see Chapter 2.16 and 5.3 q.d. Thou hast great neede of the holie wisedome and commandements which I deliuer thee that thou maiest take heede of whorish intisements and of euery way of pleasure and corruption which are in deede so great and dangerous that thou maiest easilie be taken in them and drawne from the right way vnlesse thou doo carefully shunne them through the ayde and helpe of wisedome Vers 6. As I was vz. standing in the windowe of mine house vz. for my recreation I looked through my window vz. into the streates Whether this was a thing done or that Salomon spake it in the way of a parable it is not much materiall This chiefly is to be marked that he doth liuely paint out the disposition both of the vnhéedie yong man that seeketh after harlots and of harlots themselues Vers 7. And J sawe amongst the fooles i. such as were vnheedie and had little wit who are easilie deceiued and brought to any thing yet there is hope of their amendment for so much the word importeth as I take it and considered i. earnestly beheld among the children i. amongst the youth which were in the streate a yong man i. one aboue the rest destitute of vnderstanding i. void of holie vnderstanding and wisedom see Chapter 6.32 Vers 8. Who passed vz. from his companie and that with some speede through the streate i. through diuers streates til he came so that he went by her corner i. by the corner of the whores house or els by some corner of a streate that led that way and went toward her house vz contrarie to the commandement giuen before Chap. 5.8 Vers 9. In the twilight i. a little before it begun to waxe darke Now he sheweth the time wherein the adulterer went about his wickednes in the euening vz. somewhat late when the night began to be black and darke and so supposed that none should see him but I perceiued him well enough Vers 10. And behold there met him a woman vz. euen such a one as he looked for with a harlots behauiour i. one that behaued her selfe like an harlot as she was indéed and subtile in heart i. craftelie deuising by all meanes to hide her deceite that she might the more cunningly lay baites for the vnwarie see Chapter 5.6 Vers 11. She i. the harlot here he digresseth somewhat from his narration to describe harlots qualities and conditions that he might the better arme yong men against them is babling i. full of words and tattle see 1. Timoth. 5.13 and loude vz. in her speaches This word I take it may better be turned peruerse or stubborne departing from the rule of her husband and refusing to bee subiect to him vnder the first word the holie Ghost meaneth that she aboundeth in words which are apt to perswade sée verse 21. of this Chapter and vnder the second that she is disobedient to God to her husband and the very lawes of nature and honestie whose feete cannot abide vz. any long time in her house i. in her owne house but shée must bee running from place to place as followeth vers 12. He meaneth by this that she is a stragler which is against the duetie and behauiour of an honest matrone see Iudg. 5.24 Psalme 68.12 1. Timoth. 5.13 Titus 2.5 Vers 12. Now i. one while she is without i. abroad in some one place or other as in the fieldes c. now i. another while in the streates i. she is abroad in the streates of the citie and lieth in wait vz. to catch vnwarie yong men and to bring them home to her house at euery corner vz. almost of all the streates of the citie now in the next verse he passeth from the description of the harlots qualities to his narration Vers 13. So she caught him vz. fast euen as it were by the hand or imbraced him with her armes and kissed him vz. contrarie to womanlike modestie and with an impudent face i. without any manner of blushing euen as it were with a countenance past all shame sayd vnto him vz. as followeth Vers 14. J haue peace offerings i. part of that which was offered for in peace offerings by the lawe the people that brought the sacrifices had somewhat allowed them see Leuit. 7. vers 11 12 c. q. d. I haue good store of meate wee will make good cheare for that is the nurse of whoredome this day vz. and no longer ago haue I paied my vowes vz. which I vowed vnto the Lord of which see
his simplicitie reformed and to him that is destitute of wisedome i. lacketh the true and holie wisedome of God she saieth vz. also q.d. I refuse to take paines with none how simple or foolish soeuer they be so that they will diligently applie their eares and willingly hearken to my voyce Vers 5. Come vz. willingly and quickly and eate of my meate and drinke of my wine i. bee partakers of all the good things which the father hath giuen to communicate vnto you and to bestowe vppon you that I haue drawne see verse 2. of this Chapter and marke how that which wisedome speaketh here somewhat darklie he speaketh in the next verse more plainly Vers 6. Forsake vz. with all speede possiblie your way vz. wherein you walke meaning the imaginations and deuises of their owne hearts and the corrupt worke of their owne flesh ye foolish he calleth them here foolish whom he called verse 4. simple and ye shall liue vz. not only here in this life but for euer also with God and that word shall noteth the certaintie of it and walke vz. carefully and diligently in the way of vnderstanding i. in those waies and orders of life which vnderstanding setteth before you q.d. applie your minde to wisedome and frame and fashion your whole life according to the rules thereof Vers 7. He vz. whosoeuer he be that reproueth i. laboureth by the way of reproofe or admonition to instruct teach a scorner i. a man that wickedly scoffeth both at the truth and the person vttering it and barketh like a dogge or grunteth as a swine against it see Psalme 1.1 purchaseth vz. not by the dooing of it but by reason of the peruersnes of the partie who will doo nothing els but labour either by taunting to make him blush or els by slaundering to discredit him to himselfe shame vz. before men see Math. 11.16 17 c. and he that rebuketh the wicked vz. whether it be sharply or mildely done getteth himselfe a blot vz. because that through enuie being moued they will slaunder him Vers 8. Rebuke not a scorner least he hate thee he meaneth not that wee should abstaine from reprouing others for feare of their displeasure and hatred for that is not to be esteemed if he would hearken vnto wholesome counsell but because it is to be doubted least we should lose our labour and receiue nothing but hatred for our paines but rebuke vz. for his offence see Leuit. 19.17 and doo it plainlie a wise man i. such a one as is so prepared in minde that he wil not scoffe at thee and thy admonitions but willingly heareth wisedome and gladlie suffereth himselfe to be informed according thereto see Prouer. 10.8 and he will loue thee vz. the better and the more vnfeignedly for that Vers 9. Giue admonition to the wise i. admonish him that is wise of any thing that is amisse in him and he will be the wiser i. he will thriue in wisedome by that admonition and reproofe and become the better both in practise and obedience thereby teach vz. good things and that in the spirite of méekenesse of loue a righteous man i. he that hath care of an vpright conuersation and he will increase in learning vz. by the meanes of those admonitions and vnder the name learning he comprehendeth not knowledge onlie but obedience and practise also for we haue learned so much as we know and practise Vers 10. The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord see Chapt. 1. verse 7. Also Psal 111.10 He sheweth here what is true wisedome and what way men must take if they will obtaine her to wit that they bring with them a reuerent feare of God in their hearts For in vaine shall any man thinke without the feare of God to obtaine wisedome or to make any procéedings in her and the knowledge of holie things i. of all holie things whatsoeuer specially of holie men is vnderstanding vz. right and sound vnderstanding of Gods will reuealed in his word q.d. without that there is no way to knowe any thing that is good He maketh here two parts as it were of heauenly doctrine the one is the duetie of reuerence towards God the other is the duetie of fellowship with the Saints and either of them is called the beginning of wisedome and vnderstanding because they are in this life begun in vs by the word and shall not be finished till the prophecie cease and wee bee placed together in the heauenlie places with Christ Vers 11. For thy daies i. the daies of thy life shall be multiplied vz. very greatly He meaneth that the godlie imbracing heauenly wisedome shall obtaine a long life and this he speaketh not as though the daies which God hath numbered vnto vs shall be shortned or lengthened but according to the custome of the lawe by me vz. if vnfeignedly thou receiue and imbrace me and the yeares of thy life shall be augmented vz. excéedinglie Vers 12. If thou be wise i. truelie and holilie wise thou shalt bee wise for thy selfe i. for thine owne good and commoditie not forbidding vs to imploy our wisedome to doo good vnto others also but shewing that we our selues shall reape the speciall commoditie by it and if thou be a scorner see verse 7. of this Chapter thou alone shalt suffer vz. the iust paine and punishment of thy scoffing and scorning q.d. thy scorning shall not as thou thinkest hurt him that tendereth thy saluation but shall through Gods iust iudgement light vpon thine owne head Vers 13. A foolish woman i. one giuen ouer to wickednesse and sinne is troublesome vz. both in word and deede it is the same word that he vsed before Chapt. 7.11 she is ignorant vz. of euery good thing and knoweth nothing vz. soundly and vprightly either of her duetie towards God or man Vers 14. But she sitteth vz. as an idle bodie and one that would allure men at the dore of her house i. without for she cannot abide to be within dores on a seate q.d. yea she sitteth on a seate prepared for her in the high places of the citie i. in the open streates where she may bee seene For high places see Chapt. 8.2 He meaneth by this that she is a gadder see Chapt. 7.11 12. Vers 15. To call them vz. vnto her meaning by this speach to allure them that passe by the way vz. about their businesses and affaires that go right on their way i. that are carefully bent and set vpon the performance of the things that they haue to doo without thinking any whit of her or her lewdnes till she allure them saying vz. after this manner also Vers 16. Who so is simple let him come hether vz. to me and to him that is destitute of wisedome she saith also these are the same wordes with verse 4. of this Chapter but vtter to another end vz. to drawe men from the way of true wisedome so that wee may see here that we are not to
of that griefe and sorowe which seaseth and possesseth many times a mans heart the mind vz. of a man is heauie i. is made or become heauie and sad some reade and the Hebrue text also seemeth to import so much the spirit is broken i. the man sigheth often and draweth his breath very hard q.d. his life is almost at an end Vers 14. The heart of him i. he himselfe a part for the whole and yet he speaketh of the heart because if the heart or minde bée not set vpon it wee shall hardly obtaine it that hath vnderstanding i. that through Gods goodnes hath obtained some measure of it seeketh vz. carefully and diligently knowledge i. increase of knowledge q.d. he hath care to bee euery day more skilfull than other but the mouth of the foole i. the foole himselfe and yet because meate is first receiued into the mouth before it go into the stomacke and so become nutritiue he maketh mention of it is fed vz. continually meaning that the foole taketh as great delight in the same as in all manner of dainties with foolishnes i. with his owne follie and other mens also who frame themselues to his humour Vers 15. All the daies vz. of the life of a man from the time his affliction and griefe beginneth till it haue an end of the afflicted i. of any which is afflicted troubled in minde because his state and condition in this life is no better meaning it of a poore man that is not content with his owne portion as may appeare by the verses following are euill i. grieuous tedious and bitter specially to flesh and bloud but a good conscience i. he that hath in himself peace towards God quietnes before men and contentednes in his owne soule is a continuall feast i. bréedeth as great pleasure and delight to him that hath it as if he were daylie fed with most fine dainties Vers 16. Better is a little vz. which a man hath of his owne through Gods blessing with the feare of the Lord i. hauing a reuerence of Gods Maiestie in his heart both quieting his minde and teaching him the right vse of it than great treasure vz. howsoeuer it be obtained and trouble therwith vz. to the owner thereof and in his minde which wauereth and is vnquiet either for the sure kéeping of it or for the sodaine forgoing of it Vers 17. Better is a dinner of greene hearbes i. a very meane slender dinner where loue is vz. towards the parties bidden and among the parties themselues because there all things shall bee well accepted than a stalled oxe vz. prepared for a dinner or banquet meaning also thereby a most sumptuous feast and hatred therewith i. an euill affection either towards the parties bidden or one of them towards another Vers 18. An angrie man i. one giuen much to anger stirreth vp strife vz. in euery companie wheresoeuer he commeth yea many times amongst them where there is great peace and quietnes see Chap. 29.22 but he that is slowe to wrath i. will hardly or not at all be moued thereto see Chapt. 14.29 appeaseth vz. by all the meanes he can he indeuoureth to quiet and pacifie strife vz. kindled and stirred vp before so farre off is he from prouoking men thereto Vers 19. The way i. the order and course of his life of a slothfull man i. of him that sluggishly and slothfully goeth about his duetie is as an hedge of thornes i. is so slow and hard as if it were all beset with thornes briers meaning that so it seemeth also vnto himselfe and therefore he euer findeth some let or stay that he dare not go forward see Chapt. 26.13 but the way of the righteous i. the order and course of life which he taketh is plaine i. most easie and commodious so that he findeth nothing to hinder him to walke on chearefully therein Vers 20. A wise sonne reioyceth the father i. maketh the father to reioyce and be glad see Chap. 10.1 but a foolish man i. a wicked disobedient and vngodlie child despiseth i. setteth little by or regardeth not at all his mother i. neither her person nor any good thing that commeth from her Vers 21. Foolishnes i. wickednes and sinne is ioye i. is a matter of mirth and delight to him that is destitute of vnderstanding i. to a wicked and vngodly man which knoweth nothing of heauenly wisedome I take it to be the same almost that is sayd Chapt. 14.9 24. but a man of vnderstanding i. a godly and wise man walketh vprightly i. ordereth all his actions and frameth his manners to that which is good and right neuer straying from the right way Vers 22. Without counsell i. without right holie and good counsell thoughts i. all things thought vpon and deuised come to nought i. to no effect and purpose q d. it is not enough to thinke vpon things but there must be counsell taken how to performe the same but in the multitude of counsellers i. of good and faithfull counsellers there is stedfastnes vz. both of purpose and performance if the thing bee good see Prouerb 11.14 Vers 23. A ioye commeth to a man i. there is a man which hath great and singular ioy by the answer of his mouth i. by the words and speaches which he vttereth with his mouth whether he answer things demanded or speake otherwise q.d. when a man speaketh wisely to any person in any place he hath great occasion and matter of ioye giuen him and how good q.d. it is a hard thing to expresse how swéete and profitable so haue you the word good vsed Psalme 133.1 is a word vz. spoken or vttered in due season i. in fit and conuenient time see Psalm 1.3 Al is as much q.d. a wise man is much refreshed and greatly reioyceth when hée seeth his counselles to fall well out and things to come to passe as he said Vers 24. The way of life i. the way that leadeth vnto life yea the very true life it selfe is on high to the prudent i. is in heauen and therefore he thinketh of heauenly things and tendeth thetherward Philip. 3.20 Coloss 3.2 to auoide i. that walking in the same he may auoid from hel beneath i. both from death and destruction which the desire of earthly things bringeth with it and also from the place of eternall torment Vers 25. The Lord vz. himselfe in his iust iudgement will destroy vz. vtterly and as it were pull vp by the rootes the house of the proud men i. them themselues their seede rase substance and whatsoeuer belongeth vnto them for so large I take the signification of the word house to be but he will establish vz. firme and sure the borders of the widdowe i. all that doth appertaine to the poore and abiect persons as it were He setteth against proud persons poore widdowes then who none are commonly more iniured amongst men Vers 26. The thoughts of the wicked i. wicked mens thoughts and the
for heauenlie things Vers 25. Declareth Gods great iudgement against proude persons and his singular loue towards the poore and afflicted Vers 26. Teacheth vs that wicked thoughts are sinne before the Lord also that our words speaches should bring grace to the hearers Vers 27. Teacheth vs to auoide greedie gaping after gayne and hastie or readie receauing of rewards Vers 28. Teacheth vs to beware of rash and hastie speach and alwaies to speake with as great aduisement as possible we can Vers 29. Declareth Gods iustice vpon the wicked and his singular fauor towards the good Vers 30. Teacheth vs that it is a good blessing to haue the sight of our eyes also that wee shoulde striue to be of good name and reporte Vers 31. Sheweth what good men shall get by obseruing wise and good counsell Verse 32. Declareth what euill shall come vpon them that regarde it not Verse 33. Teacheth vs two thinges first that no man can rightly feare God but hee that hath been some what trained vp in wisdomes schoole secondlie that we cannot come to true honor before God and men till the Lord haue effectuallie humbled vs vnder his almightie hand CHAPT 16. Co. IN the latter end of the other Chapter the holie Ghost had shewed that wee could not tell how vse our eares a right but by grace from God and now hee sheweth vs in the beginning of this Chapter that we knowe not how to guide our tongues except the Lord assiste vs and direct vs in the same Di. Di. 1 I Would diuide this chapter into fowre partes In the first he sheweth that we cannot thinke or speake rightly without God that the Lorde seeth all things that his blessing giueth good successe to all our attempts that hee dooth what pleaseth him he speaketh against the proud commendeth the mercie trueth and feare of the Lord setteth out his loue towards his children and speaketh of contentednes of minde from ver 1. to the end of the 9. Di. 2 In the second he speaketh of good rulers true weights and the excellencie of wisdome shewing also what a dangerous thing it is to purchase the Di. 3 kings wrath and displeasure from vers 10. to the end of the 17. In the third he intreateth of pride and humilitie of trust in the Lorde of wise men and wisdome of gentle words and of an vpright way from vers 18. to the end of the 25. In the last parte hee speaketh of the painefull person also of wicked froward and vngodlie men of good old age of bridling anger and of Di. 4 the prouidence of God from vers 26. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. THe preparations of the heart are in man i. a man hath power to prepare his heart and wit to direct how and in what order he will speake or doo any thing And this he speaketh not as though it were so but by the way of concession for if he cannot speake surely he cannot thinke or deuise without God but it is q.d. be it that man haue innumerable thoughts in his heart and in his head deuiseth this and that but the answere of the tongue i. yet the wordes which hee shall speake and vtter is of the Lord i. commeth from him because without him he cannot so much as wagge his tongue Verse 2. All the waies of a man i. euerie thing that a man thinketh speaketh or dooth are cleane i. seeme so to be vnto him in his owne eyes i. in his owne iudgement putting eyes for iudgement because we take those things to bee moste sure and sufficient which we see but the Lord pondereth i. diligently weigheth and déepelie considereth the spirits vz. of men meaning thereby all their imaginations words and workes because they haue their beginning in the spirite or vnderstanding of a man and proceede from the same q.d. God euen as it were by number and weight that is most certainely searcheth whether that be pure and right that men thinke so to be and knoweth it by many degrées better than they Verse 3. Commit vz. in a stedfast fayth thy workes i. all thy affayres whatsoeuer vnto the Lord q.d. in all thinges depende vpon him for a good successe and blessing and thy thoughtes shall be directed vz. thorowe his prouidence and power to a good end vnderstanding by thoughts which are the beginning of all actions euen the very deedes themselues also This sentence intreateth of Gods power and prouidence teaching vs to referre all things thereto see the like Psal 37.5 also Psal 55.22 Vers 4. The Lord vz. of Heauen and earth hath made vz. by his almightie power all things i. all creatures whatsoeuer for his owne sake i. to this end that his glorie might appeare in them yea euen the wicked vz. man meaning thereby all the vngodlie for the daye of euill i. not onely against the time of affliction in this life but for eternall torments in the life to come not that God is the author of any wickednes but because he not onely suffereth but also hath aforehand decreed that the wicked shall oppresse the good the Lorde reseruing them for it against the day of iudgement wherein he will shewe his power and iustice by which he is glorified q.d. the chiefe end of the creation of all things is Gods glorie which glorie of his most plainely appeareth and is declared both in the eternall saluation of the vessells of mercie and also in the destruction of the vessells of wrath appoynted beforehand to that destruction see Roman 9.22.23 Iude. vers 4. Vers 5. All that are proude in heart i. all proude persons of what estate or condition so euer they be He maketh mention of the heart because there is the first beginning of pride and from thence it floweth Marke 7.22 are an abhomination to the Lord i. the Lord doth loth them and cannot abide them wee haue had this phrase oftentimes as Chap. 11.1 also Chap. 12.22 chap. 15.26 c. though hand ioyne in hand i. though they ioyne power and forces together to auoyde Gods iudgements he i. the proud man or the proud persons by one vnderstanding al shall not be vnpunished i. escape vnpunished from the Lord howsoeuer hee doth for a while deferre his iudgements see Chap. 11.21 Vers 6. By mercie vz. from God and trueth i. Gods faithfull accomplishment of his promises he making his children by the zeale of his spirite to feele the same see Psalme 85.10 I knowe some vnderstand by mercie and trueth the dueties of charitie and vpright dealing one man with an other and I denie not though they sée it not that mercie is so vsed Matth. 12.7 but I approue rather the other sense iniquitie i. sinne it selfe and the punishment deserued for it shall bee forgiuen vz. before the Lorde meaning that the Lorde freely euen for his owne mercie and trueth sake will forgiue the sinnes of his people and by the feare of the Lord vz. rightly and sincerely planted in the
ioyfull heart i. a heart that is truely touched with ioye for he doth not speake of a dissembled or counterfeited ioye causeth good health vz. to the whole man vnderstanding also by the word health all good things but a sorowfull mind i. the mind which is wounded and oppressed with sorowe drieth the bones i. corrupteth and consumeth the whole man yea his most inward parts see Chapt. 14.13 Vers 23. A wicked man i. a man giuen to wickednes and this may bee vnderstood either of the man giuing the bride or of the Iudge receiuing it taketh a gift vz. either which he had prepared to giue the Iudge or the Iudge knew he had brought out of the bosome i. closely and priuily as men are wont to doo things which they take out of their bosomes to wrest i. to peruert and turne vpside downe q.d. the one giueth it and the other receiueth it to that end the waies of iudgement i. iust and vpright matters in which as in broad and high waies the Iudge should walke without all partialitie Vers 24. Wisedome is in the face of him that hath vnderstanding i. the very staied and pleasant countenance of a wise man is sufficient to set out the wisedome that is in him but the eyes of a foole are in the corners of the world i. wander h●ther and thether which is sufficient enough to bewray the vnstaiednes of his mind and the follie of his heart He meaneth that euen by the countenance men may many times iudge of wisedome and follie Vers 25. A foolish sonne i. a wicked lewd and disobedient child whether he be sonne or daughter is a griefe vz. of heart that is a great griefe vnto his father vz. that begot him if he liue to see behold or heare of his wickednes and a heauines vz. of heart also to her that bare him i. to his or her mother see Chapter 10.1 For no greater griefe can come to parents in this life than to know or heare of the ill demeanour of their children Vers 26. Surely it is not good i. it is a very hurtful and euill thing to condemne the iust vz. any manner of way see verse 15. of this Chapter and this appertaineth to Magistrates putting them in mind of their dueties to execute iustice to minister right nor vz. is it good but euill and hurtfull that the princes i. the Magistrates and rulers should smite i. any manner of way punish such i. iust persons for equitie i. for their vpright and good dealing withall he putteth Princes in minde to beware of tyrannie Vers 27. He that hath knowledge i. he that is indéede wise and indued with sound knowledge spareth his words i. oftentimes refraineth his speaches he doth not rashly powre out by his words the thoughts of his heart no though they bee good things but obserueth time place c. see Chapt. 15.23 28. Also Chapt. 29.11 and a man of vnderstanding i. one indued with right vnderstanding and knowledge is of an excellent spirit Some reade is precious in spirit i. is of a rare spirit for the excellencie of it as the word of God is sayd to be precious 1. Sam. 3.1 Others reade cold in spirit meaning that hee is moderate and well staied and easilie bursteth not foorth into anger but doth diligently take héed of the heate of his heart the senses doo not much differ Vers 28. Euen a foole q.d. so great is the commendation of silence that if vnwise people hold their tongues they may be déemed and taken for wise many times when he holdeth his peace i. speaketh not to the bewraying of his follie is counted wise vz. many times because wise men iudge not but by words and déedes and he that stoppeth his lippes vz. from speaking prudent i. is counted or may be counted prudent and wise Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs how good a thing peace is and how hurtfull strife and contention is Vers 2. Teacheth seruants to striue to diligence faithfulnes and wisedome in all their masters affaires Vers 3. Teacheth vs that God knoweth all thinges either within man or without him and many times trieth him by many meanes to make him pure vnto himselfe Vers 4. Teacheth vs not to lend our eares to false accusations or lying tales Vers 5. Teacheth that we ought not to reioyce at any mans pouertie affliction or hurt whatsoeuer Vers 6. Teacheth vs that to haue posteritie is a good blessing from the Lord and that it is a great grace to haue good fathers Vers 7. Teacheth vs that wicked men should not talke of good things nor great personages giue themselues to lying and iniurie Vers 8. Setteth out what great hurt commeth by giuing and taking of rewards or bribes Vers 9. Teacheth vs to couer such matters as may breake and hinder growth in loue Vers 10. Teacheth vs that reproofes are profitable to Gods children and that nothing will amend the wicked and vngodlie Vers 11. Setteth out the nature of sedicious people and the iudgement that they shal receiue from God and men Vers 12. Setteth out the great rage and madnes of the wicked and vngodlie Vers 13. Teacheth vs not to recompence euill with euill as worldly men doo much lesse to requite good with euill but to doo good for good and to ouercome euill with well doing Vers 14. Teacheth vs to withstand the beginnings as of all euill generally so particularly of strife and contention Vers 15. Teacheth vs to beware what we vtter either with or against men Vers 16. Teacheth vs that neither wealth nor any outward things can attaine heauenly wisedome Vers 17. Teacheth vs that amongst Gods children there should be at all times a stedfast bond of loue speciallie in the daies of aduersitie Vers 18. Teacheth men to beware of suretiship Vers 19. Teacheth vs to beware of contention with others and also of pride or lifting vp our selues aboue others Vers 20. Teacheth vs to flie from frowardnes of heart and naughtines of speach Vers 21. Teacheth vs that lewd and ill children are great griefe vnto their parents Vers 22. Setteth out what commodities ioye of heart bringeth with it and also the discommodities of a sorowfull heart Vers 23. Declareth what great mischiefe bribes and rewards giuen and taken doo worke Vers 24. Teacheth vs that mens countenances many times bewray either their wisedom or their follie Vers 25. Teacheth vs that euill children are matters of great griefe to their parents Vers 26. Teacheth Magistrates iustlie to execute iustice and to punish no man for well doing Vers 27. Teacheth vs to auoide multitude of words and babbling for where there are many words there is much sinne Vers 28. Teacheth vs that there seldome or neuer commeth any hurt by silence but rather credite sundrie times CHAP. 18. Co. IN the latter end of the other Chapter he spake of a prudent or wise man now in the beginning of this he sheweth that such a man will spare no cost nor labour to the end
but for all their scorning and cunning speaches iudgements i. punishments and the plurall number noteth the variety and multitude of them are prepared i. not onely appoynted but euen in a readynes to be executed eyther by the Magistrate or els by the Lord himselfe eyther in this life or in the life to come or both for the scorners i. for such as scorne at God and all goodnes and stripes for the back of fooles hee meaneth that which hee spake before expressing it vnder other termes vnderstanding hereby not onely bodily punishments in this life but also eternal in the life to come Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs that the godlie poore estate is not the worst also Do. that we should not giue our lippes leaue to runne at randome Vers 2. Teacheth vs that sounde knowledge is the informer of the minde also that we should bridle the partes and members of our bodies from wickednes Vers 3. Teacheth vs that lacke of sound iudgement is the very mother of all the corruptions which we commit against God or man Verse 4. Teacheth vs that wee should not regarde a man for his riches onely nor despise him for his pouertie but respect rather his good or his euill dealing towards God and men Vers 5. Teacheth vs to abhorre false witnes bearing and and lying Vers 6. Teacheth vs rightly to esteeme great personages and to practise liberalitie as a vertue which doth much commend vs to GOD and men Vers 7. Teacheth vs that pouertie dooth many times estrange the hearts of frends and kinsfolkes from such as fall into it Vers 8. Teacheth vs that heauenlie wisdome is the meane to preserue vs both in this life and in the life to come Vers 9. Teacheth vs to flee from false witnes bearing and lying Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that things vncomely are not to be allowed of Ver. 11. Teacheth vs to bridle the rage of our angrie affections and to be readie to forgiue offences committed against vs. Vers 12. Sheweth what great difference there is betweene the grace and displeasure of Princes and mightie men Vers 13. Setteth out the miseries that come by euill children and wicked wiues Vers 14. Sheweth what a great blessing and that from the Lorde a good wife is Vers 15. Teacheth vs to auoide idlenes on the one side and deceit on the other side Vers 16. Setteth out the good that commeth by obedience of Gods lawe and the miserie that insueth vpon carelesnesse of holie conuersation Vers 17. Teacheth vs pittie and liberalitie towards the poore Vers 18. Teacheth parents to giue moderate and due correction to their offending children or seruants Vers 19. Setteth out the great miserie that commeth by giuing our anger the reynes Vers 20. Teacheth vs alwaies to receaue good counsell Vers 21. Sheweth as the varietie of mans minde and the inconstancie of all his deuices so the assurednes of the Lordes purposes Verse 22. Teacheth vs that this is the especiall marke wee shoulde shoote at in this life euen goodnes and wel doing and neuer to refuse a man for his pouertie but for his lying Vers 23. Setteth out the effectes and fruites of the feare of God Vers 24. Teacheth vs to shunne idlenes Vers 25. Teacheth vs that reproofes can neuer be vttered in vaine but that it shall doo good though perhappes not to the partie reprooued yet to others which are by Vers 26. Teacheth men to auoide all vnnaturalnes towards their parents Vers 27. Teacheth vs not to giue eare towards that will prouoke to sinne Vers 28. Doth liuelie painte out the nature of the wicked and vngodlie Vers 29. Teacheth vs that they shall not escape vnpunished for the same CHAP. 20. Co. IN the other Chapter and last end thereof he taught men for feare of punishment to take heede how they gaue themselues ouer to any wickednes and namelie to false witnes bearing And now in the beginning of this Chapter hee willeth them for the inconuenience that may insue thereof to beware of dronkennes and the meanes of that vice and so proceedeth to deliuer other doctrines and exhortations Di. Di. 1 THe Chapter may be diuided into three parts The first reacheth from vers 1. to the end of the 10. Wherein he intreateth of dronkennes of a kings wrath of contention of idlenes of the depth of mans heart of boasting of fond dealing of a good King and his duetie of naturall corruption and of false weights and measures The second reacheth from verse 11. to Di. 2 the end of the 20. wherein he speaketh of good or euill workes of the right vse of the eye and eare of sleeping or idlenes of craft and deceit of the excellencie of knowledge of sureties and their estate of aduice or counsell of slandering and flatterie of vnnaturalnes towards parents The third reacheth Di. 3 from verse 1. to the end of the Chapter wherein he speaketh of ill gotten goods of patience of false weights of Gods prouidence of the right vse of holie things of a good King or Prince of the power and force of Gods word of mercie and iustice the two props of all kingdomes of yong men and old persons and of corrections Se. Vers 1. WIne vz. taken and receiued immoderatly is a mocker i. a deceiuer of him that so vseth it for where as he vainely supposed that it was swéete and pleasant vnto him it is become hurtfull and strong drinke the Hebrue word importeth euery drinke that may make men dronken is raging i. it carrieth those men that excessiuely vse it into outrage and violence against others and whosoeuer vz. of what state or condition soeuer he be is deceiued thereby i. is ouertaken therewith is not wise i. sheweth thereby that he hath not as yet tasted of the heauenlie wisedome I allowe not the note in the Geneua bible which referreth it to the persons Vers 2. The feare of the King vz. being once angrie against a man meaning by feare that terror with his wrath or anger striketh into men with whom he is offended is like the roring of a lyon i. is very fearefull and terrible see Chap. 19.12 Also Chap. 16.14 he vz. how great soeuer he be that prouoketh vz. by his ill demeanour him i. the King to anger vz. against himselfe sinneth against his owne soule i. putteth his life in very great danger for the Kings wrath shall bee towards him that is lewd Chap. 14.35 Vers 3. It is a mans honor i. it is a glorious and very honorable thing for a man see Chap. 19.11 to cease vz. what in him lieth and as much as is possible from strife vz. with al other men see Rom. 12.18 but euery foole i. euery one that is foolish not rightly taught of God will be medling vz. busilie with other men and their matters which is indéede the mother and nurse of all contention Vers 4. The slothfull vz. man or person will not plow i. diligently and faithfully followe his calling for by one which is
of color light ruddie with holes like a spunge it is of some corruptibly taken for salte peeter or like him that singeth songes to a heauie heart vz. who is so farre off from being comforted thereby that he rather hath his griefe increased This may be a sense but I approoue his text and sence rather that readeth it thus as hee that putteth vpon him a garment in the time of cold vz. doth thereby depell and put back cold or vineger vpon niter vz. doth thereby dissolue and waste it and that very easily because it is most cold for that this is the nature of niter which is a certaine workmanship of the earth made thick by a dry heat as Aristotle sheweth lib. 4. Meteoro cap. 6 7. so is he that singeth songes vz. of mirth and ioy to a heauie heart i. to one that is distressed and oppressed with heauines q d. as garments put backe the force of cold and vineger dissolue niter so dooth musick or singing put away sadnes and heauines of heart see examples hereof in Saule 1. Samuel 16.23 in Elisha 2. King 3.14 15. in Darius Daniel 6.18 Vers 21. If he that hate thee be hungrie i. be distressed any manner of way hee putteth one kinde of distresse for all giue him bread to eate i. relieue him and succor him and if he be thirstie i. distressed any manner of waie as before in the word hungrie giue him water to drinke i. relieue and comfort him what in thee lyeth by hunger and thirst hee meaneth any miserie whatsoeuer by bread and water he vnderstandeth all kind of vitaile yea euery good turne whereby a man may helpe another q.d. do good to them that hate and persecute you Matt. 5.44 see also Rom. 12.20 Exod. 23.4 5. Ver. 22. For this verse conteyneth a double reason why we should doo good to our enemies the one taken from their persons the other from Gods large liberalitie thou shalt lay coales vpon his head i. by that meanes thou shalt so mooue him that laying downe his hatred he shall become thy frend for thy benefits bestowed vpon him shall be euen as light burning coales shewing the earnestnes of thine affection towards him and the lord shall recompence thee vz. that kindnes that thou hast done vnto him q.d. though he should bee vngratefull and would not acknowledge thy loue yet the Lord will requite that vnto thee that thou hast bestowed vpon him Vers 23. As the north winde driueth away the raine vz. out of that quarter especiallie not meaning that it dooth alwaies so but sometimes it doth so doth an angrie countenance vz. either of a man or magistrate into whose presence slanderers and backbiters come putting also the signe of displeasure for displeasure it self the slandering tongue i. him that with his tongue is giuen to slander and backbite other the reason is because that when hee seeth his tales are not regarded hee will bee quicklie trudging Vers 24. It is better vz by many degrees to dwell vz. solitarie and alone in a corner of the house toppe i. in a very narrowe straite and incommodious place than with a contentious woman i. one giuen to brawling and chiding in a wide house i. in a most large and commodious house see before chap. 19.13 yea the very same sentence and words chap. 21.9 Vers 25. As are the cold waters i. as cold waters are pleasant and profitable to a wearie soule i. to a person or man wearied with labor and by that meanes also waxen dry for so much I think the word wil beare properly signifying wearie and yet because drought cleaueth to them that are wearie including them also so is good newes vz. brought from a farre countrey vz. either concerning any thing he hath there or any friend of his not meaning also but that good newes brought from a more nigh place is profitable also Vers 26. A righteous man falling downe i. humbling himselfe or otherwise cast downe thorowe aflictions before the wicked vz. or vngodly man is like a troubled well i. is disgraced and defaced as the clearenes and sweetenes of the well is by the grauell or other thinges in it when they are stirred vp and a corrupt spring i. like a spring of water which of it selfe is good yet by the accesse of other hurtful waters is marred he meaneth hereby not onely that it is against all right and reason that the wicked trouble the good but also that the good themselues are by such meanes much disturbed yea and many times vnles God wonderfully kéepe them greatly corrupted Vers 27. It is not good i. it is hurtfull see Chap. 18.5 also Chap. 24.23 to eate much honie vz least thou surfet through the sweetenes thereof and be driuen to vomit thereby see vers 16. of this Chap. so vz. for men or for any man to searche their owne glorie i. to seeke prayse glory commendation vnto themselues is not glory vz. but shame and confusion rather yea a dishonest and wicked thing see Iohn 5.44 Vers 28. A man that refraineth not his appetite vz. euen by all the meanes that possiblie he can of which see before chap. 23.2 is like a citie which is broken downe vz. by the enemies that besieged it or else by inward factions and stirres in it selfe meaning that he is in a dangerous and desperate case and without walls and therefore the enemie may more easilie enter meaning thereby that he hath not onely been once conquered but that he is subiect dayly and howrely euen at the will of the enemie to a new spoyle Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs to haue a care to reserue monuments and coppies of good things Verse 2. Teacheth vs what is the duetie of good Princes vz. to search into all causes Verse 3. Doth not onely confute the Astronomers that will measure the height of the skie but sheweth that the imaginations of mens hearts cannot be searched out Verse 4 5. Teach kings and princes this that they are to remoue from about them wicked and vngodlie persons Verse 6. Teacheth vs to beware of pride vaineglorie and boasting Verse 7. Teacheth that humilitie is the way to come to honor Verse 8. Teacheth vs quicklie to cut off the occasions of strife and contentions Verse 9. Teacheth vs two things first in matters of controuersie to vse charitable conference one of vs with another secondlie faithfullie to conceale matters committed to our credit Verse 10. Teacheth vs to labour to preuent and put away shame and ignominie amongst men Vers 11 12 13 14. Doo by excellent similitudes teach vs first to speake wiselie and seasonablie secondlie to reproue others charitablie and discreetlie thirdlie to deale faithfullie in the matters or messages committed vnto vs and lastlie to beware of boasting when we haue no cause Verse 15. Teacheth vs to represse wrath and to vse curteous and gentle words Verse 16. Teacheth vs to beware of surfetting specially in those things that are sweet and pleasant and drawe
manifested by word or deede shewing it selfe when neede is Ver. 6. The woundes i. the graue and sharpe reprehensions which seeme for the time euen as it were to wound of a louer i. of one that dooth vnfeynedly loue and beare good affection are faithfull i. such as a man may trust because they proceede from a louing and faithfull heart but the kisses of an enemie i. the fayre and flattering countenances or behauior of one that hateth a man In the woord kisses he alludeth to the manner vsed in the Eastern countries who did vse to kisse one another are pleasant i. seeme to be so but indeede are bitter and therefore to bee shunned looke in Ioabs example 2. Samuel 3.27 also 2. Samuel 20.9 And for reproofe see Psal 14.4 5. Vers 7. The person that is full i. hath meate and drinke at his wil and that in all abundance despiseth a honie combe i. al delicate and sweete meates but vnto the hungrie soule i. to him that is indeede pinched with hunger and wants euerie bitter thing is sweete i. he alloweth and liketh of most meane and base fare Vers 8. As a bird vz. is in great danger that wandereth vz. without good cause from hir nest vz. wherein hir yong ones are or she hir selfe resteth so is a man vz. in great danger that wandreth from his owne place i. that strayeth from the standing or place wherein God hath placed him q.d. he that rashly changeth his dwelling place and stayeth not in the state wherein God hath set him but enterpriseth newe things and that not being well assured of Gods wil and his owne calling is no wiser or better stayed than a bird that fluttereth hither and thether Vers 9. As oyntment vz. applyed outwardly to the bodie and perfume vz. being put into the fire by their sweete sauor and smel reioyce the heart i. euen affect and pearce the inward partes and that to their great good and delight so dooth the sweetnes of a mans frend vz. much delight and reioyce him speciallie when it is declared by hartie counsell i. by sounde and sincere aduise in euerie thing and by mutuall conference and communication speciallie of the best matters see Psal 55.14 Vers 10. Thine owne frend i. one whome thou haste had triall of to be frendlie to thee and thy fathers frend i. hee that hath continued frendship to thy father also forsake not i. cast him not off at any hand nor breake not friendship with him he willeth men to continue friendship with those whom they haue had good triall of In which respect one saith well forsake not an old friend for the new shall not be like him a newe friend is as new wine when it is olde thou shalt drinke it with pleasure neither enter into thy brothers house i. thinke to haue as little succour from thy brother and the things that he hath as may be for all the brethren of the poore hate him Chapter 19.7 in the day of thy calamitie i. when thou art distressed and in pouertie for better i. more comfortable and profitable is a neighbour i. any friend or acquaintance whatsoeuer that is neere vz. not onely in respect of place but good will the reason of this is because a friend loueth alwaies Chap. 17.17 see also 18.24 Vers 11. My sonne see Chap. 1.8 10. be wise i. striue by all the meanes thou canst to obtaine and get wisedome and reioyce mine heart i. make me glad by thy wisedome and by thy godly conuersation as a fruit of the same by which thinges indéede parents are made glad as Chap. 10.1 also Chap. 23.24 25. that I may answer vz. boldly and truely him i. any man that reprocheth me vz. either for lacke of doing my duetie towards thee or for thy euill behauiour or for any other cause q.d. let thy life and conuersation approue how faithfully I haue performed the duetie of a good parent see Psal 127.3 4 5. Vers 12. A prudent man i. one that is inlightened with holie and heauenly wisedome seeth the plague vz. approching or drawing néere vnderstanding by plague calamities and afflictions of all sorts sent from God and hideth himselfe vz. from it meaning that he laboureth by all meanes to put it from him and to escape it but the foolish i. the wicked and vngodlie goe on still vz. forward in their sinne and naughtines and are punished vz. iustly for the same q.d. God doth iustly afflict them seeing they will not be reclaimed see this very sentence Chap. 22.3 Vers 13. Take his garment c. This verse is also word for word put downe before Chap. 20.16 where you may see it also wholly expounded Vers 14. He vz. whosoeuer he be that praiseth his friend vz. with a flattering minde and fauning words I suppose the Hebrue word would better stand here it selfe and the sense also be more plaine thus He that blesseth his friend i. wisheth wel vnto him in words only not in heart and that to this end that he may be seene of men with a loud voyce i. so that he may bee heard of others and by that lewd meanes purchase fauour from the partie rising early in the morning vz. for to doo it and that before others it shall be counted to him as a curse i. it shall be so farre off this kind of dealing of his from being esteemed as a blessing or good wishing that it shall bée taken rather as a certaine kind of cursing because it sauoureth of flatterie not that he forbiddeth vs either to salute or to commend our friends iustly but alwaies to haue an eye to auoide flatterie and ostentation in the same q.d. the false flatterer which maketh a shewe as though he did at all times his duetie is rather cursed of God and men than well liked of Vers 15. A continuall dropping vz. into a mans house or vpon the goods in the same in the day of raine i. when it raineth much and a contentious woman i. a woman giuen either altogether or very much to brauling and chiding are a like vz. both dangerous and discommodious for as the raine rotteth the things it falleth vpon and consumeth in time the same so doth contentions and braulings a man and his familie see Chap. 19.13 Also Chap. 21.9 Vers 16. He that hideth her i. he that laboureth to keepe close her braulings and iarres hideth the winde i. laboureth as much in vaine as if he would goe about to couer keepe close or shut vp in a place the winde it selfe she is the oyle in his right hand that vttereth it selfe vz. by the smell and sauour thereof though perhappes it may not bee seene by reason it is kept close or hidden in some vessell q.d. her rage can be restrained by no meanes no not by shame amongst people but spread abroad it will be for a man may sooner keepe the winde in his hand or represse the sauour of ointment that other should not smell it than stoppe her in
than secret loue Verse 6. Teacheth vs not to condemne our friends reprehensions nor to regard of our foes flatteries Verse 7. Teacheth vs to beware that we be not ouertaken with excesse and that hunger is the best sawce Verse 8. Teacheth vs to stand in the callings wherein God hath set vs. Verse 9. Teacheth vs what an excellent thing holie friendship and sound aduise is Verse 10. Teacheth vs not to forsake old friends for newe Verse 11. Teacheth children to striue to all goodnes Vers 12. Teacheth vs to labour to preuent Gods iudgement and to take heede of continuance and growth in sinne Verse 13. Teacheth vs to beware of rash and hastie suretiship Verse 14. Teacheth vs to beware of flattering or fanning vppon any speciallie without good cause Verse 15. Declareth what a continuall consumer a contentious woman is Verse 16. Teacheth vs that the rage of women will hardlie if at all bee kept vnder Verse 17. Teacheth vs that presence and conference of friends is a great meane to increase loue Verse 18. Teacheth vs that as the diligent reape profite by increase of their fruites so doth the painfull seruant promotion by obedience and diligence to his master Verse 19. Teacheth vs that a man many times either by his owne experience or other mens behauiours may enter deeplie into other men Verse 20. Teacheth vs that the sight and concupiscence of a man is vnsatiable Verse 21. Teacheth vs that men are to be esteemed according to the good things that God hath bestowed vpon them Vers 22. Teacheth vs that some men are so hardned in their sinne that there is no hope of their amendement Verse 23. Teacheth men to haue a prouident eye to the things wherewith God hath blessed them Verse 24. Teacheth vs the instabilitie and vncertaintie of riches Verse 25 26. Shewe that God giueth all his creatures for mans vse and great good Verse 27. Teacheth vs the moderate and sober vse thereof CHAP. 28. Co. THe holy Ghost in the beginning of this Chapter passeth from oeconomicall and houshold affaires which hee had dealt in in the latter ende of the other Chapter to more generall poynts as to the euill conscience of the wicked and the bold perswasion of the righteous and to speake of euill and good Magistrates c. Di. THis Chapter may be diuided into fowre partes In the first he speaketh Di. 1 of a good and euill conscience of godly and wicked magistrates of oppressors of godly and vngodly persons and of their seueral qualities of the godlie poore man and the wicked rich from vers 1. to the end of the 7. In the second he speaketh against vsurers contemners of Gods worde deuisers Di. 2 of wicked practises vngodly rich men also against keeping close of sinnes and against hardning of mens hearts in their iniquitie from vers 8. to the end of the 14. In the third he dealeth with wicked magistrates violent and froward people idle and slothfull men couetous and partiall persons Di. 3 and sheweth by the contrarie what good fruites come of vpright walking painefulnes faithfulnes c. from vers 15. to the end of the 21. In the fourth he intreateth of making haste to be rich of rebukes or reproofes of Di. 4 leud children of pride and hautines of heart of liberalitie towards the poore and of the exaltation and perishing of the wicked from vers 22. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. THe wicked i. euerie one of the wicked for hee vseth a nominatiue case singular with a verbe plurall as though hee would declare that one of the wicked flying the rest followe after flee i. indeuor to escape by all the meanes that they can when none pursueth vz. them except it be the testimonie of their owne conscience sée Psalm 53.5 And this seemeth to be taken from the great threatning which is pronounced in Gods lawe against the wicked Leuit. 26.36 but the righteous are bold vz. not with any trust in themselues but by the faith they haue in God and that in all their afflictions how great or how little so euer they be as a Lyon i. fearing nothing for as a Lyon feareth no other beasts so shal not they dread any tempests whatsoeuer Vers 2. For the transgression of the land i. for the sinnes that the people inhabiting the land doo commit there are many princes i. rulers and gouernors of it not at one time as some haue thought though that be a great confusion but by often changing euery one of them raigning but a small season but by a man of vnderstanding and knowledge i. by wise men and magistrates specially such as feare God he putteth one for many a realme likewise indureth long i. a kingdome on the contrarie side is preserued a great while see Hosea 13.11 The holy ghost meaneth that whereas in any common wealth or kingdome either the princes or the people or both departe from their duetie there are often changes but where either both states or any one of them yea some wise man amongst them dooth by his authoritie guide and gouerne the whole or some parte of them in vprightnes there the state is durable and florishing see 2. Samuel 20.16 c. Vers 3. A poore man i. a man of a meane estate if he oppresse vz. either by fraude or by force by bargayning or otherwise the poore vz such as he himselfe is whose cause he should tender and pittie because in them hee is put in minde of his owne estate is like a raging rayne i. is like great riuers and floods which arise by abundance of rayne or els like a great storme and tempest of rayne that leaueth vz. remayning vpon the land or behind it no foode vz. for cattel or men to liue vpon whereupon must followe of necessitie great famine Vers 4. They that forsake the lawe vz. of God and will not haue it to be the rule of their life prayse vz. very highly the wicked vz. man or men euen such as are like themselues but they that seeke the Lord vz. earnestly and with an vnfeined heart striue to performe it set themselues vz. both in word and déed against them i. against such notorious wicked persons Vers 5. Wicked men i. giuen to wickednes vnderstand not iudgement i. knowe not or regarde not to performe their dueties to God and man but they that seeke the Lord vz. earnestly and with an vnfeigned heart vnderstand all things i. knowe and indeuor to performe the dueties which they owe both to God and man see 1. Corinth 2.15 Vers 6. Better vz. by many degrees is the poore vz. man that walketh i. leadeth a life and conuersation in his vprightnes i. vprightly and it is called his vprightnes not because he hath it of himselfe but because the Lord hath giuen it him than he vz. whosoeuer hee bee that peruerteth his waies vz. from the light and trueth of the word of God which is the onely way of righteousnes though he be
to the nature of the soyle as in grazing tillage or such like Vers 17. Shee girdeth hir loynes with strength and strengtheneth hir armes i. she diligently and cheerefullie prepareth hirselfe to hir work and carefullie performeth it sparing no labor It hath been sundrie times heretofore noted that when in the old time they went about diligently to do any thing they girded their loynes see Iob. 38.2 also 40.2 and because great strength as we know is in the armes he therfore maketh special mention of them Vers 18. She feeleth i. perceaueth and that by experience that hir marchandise i. euery labour and worke which she taketh in hand q.d. she knoweth that while warely she gouerneth hir houshold matters and by diligence increseth the same it is as profitable to hir as any traffick or merchandise is good i. commodious and profitable hir candle is not put out by night i. she is very watchfull and diligent about hir businesse he putteth the whole night for a good parte of it meaning that she is more giuen to labour and worke than to sleepe and ease Vers 19. She putteth hir hands to the wherle and hir hands handle the spindle or after some distaffe which for my parte I doo rather allow of he meaneth that she is continuallie well occupied in spinning and dooing things necessarie for hir selfe and familie Vers 20. She stretcheth out hir hand to the poore and putteth forth hir hands to the needie i. shee is very liberall to such as want thinges necessarie the doubling of the sentence noteth in my minde the aboundance of hir liberalitie and this he addeth least any should thinke that because he had sayd before she was so painefull in hir worke shee were miserable and had no care of the poore Vers 21. She feareth not the snowe for hir familie i. least it should hurt them of hir houshold the reason is because she hath in good season prouided all things necessarie for them to put back the force of the cold for all hir familie is cloathed with scarlet i. they haue not onely things for necessitie but for comelines and pleasure and so the reason is strong that if abilitie will serue to minister things tending to the decking of the bodie it will serue to minister things necessarie for the vse thereof Vers 22. Shee maketh her selfe i both for hir selfe and with hir owne hands also carpets the word as I take it importeth rather couerlets for beds and is the same word that is vsed before Chap. 7.16 fine linen and purple i. cloth of purple colour is her garment i. she weareth fine linen and purple see Luke 16.19 and that of hir own making and that not so much for ryot as that she may be honestly and comely apparailed And this also setteth out hir diligence that she maketh such things at home as clothes hir self and hir whole familie and that not to couer nakednes onely but for honest and comely attyre which is not to be neglected of any according to the ability that GOD hath giuen him or the place or calling wherein hee is occupyed in the common wealth Vers 23. Hir husband is knowne vz. vnto others in the gates i. in the places of publike iudgement when hee sitteth vz. there with the elders of the land i. with them that haue the rule and gouernement of the people thereof and sit there vprightly to heare and iustly to determine all causes and this I vnderstand thus not onely that this appertaineth to the good womans prayse that as shee hir selfe is excellent in value so shee hath a noble and famous husband but also that hir labor and diligence appeareth in the comely attyre of hir husband and such other apparell as is beseeming his dignitie and that thus it should bee vnderstoode both that which goeth before and that which commeth after dooth sufficiently prooue Ver. 24. She maketh vz. with hir owne hands sheetes i. all kinde of necessarie and profitable linnen and selleth them vz. for gayne that not onely she and hir familie may liue thereby but also waxe rich and giueth i. deliuereth to be sould girdles i. sundrie kindes of ware vnder one cōprehending many vnto the Merchant vz. that tradeth them to other places In the Hebrue text it is word for word to the lowe people Which name is giuen to Merchants because these people dwelling nigh to the Sea traded much that way see Zephan 1.11 Of merchandise he spake before also in the 18. verse of this Chap. Vers 25. Strength and honour is hir cloathing It is sayd of God Psalm 104.1 that he is cloathed with glorie and honour the same he speaketh here but in another sense of a good woman q.d. she is so compassed with strength and adorned with glorie on euerie side that all that she dooth she dooth couragiouslie and comelie for strength and glorie stick as fast vnto hir as hir garments and in the latter day i. in all times afterwards to come whether it be the day of death or iudgement or winter or famine old age or any other calamitie whatsoeuer she shall reioyce or as it is in the hebrue laugh by which kinde of speach the holy Ghost doth note in the Scriptures securitie and safetie see Iob. 39.10 25. Vers 26. She openeth hir mouth i. she both beginneth speach and continueth therein see Matth. 5.2 with wisdome i. wisely q.d. she speaketh wisely and frameth hir selfe to speake not of toyes and vaine things as women commonly vse to doo but of graue matters as of wisdome and vertue and the lawe of grace is in hir tongue by lawe of grace in hir tongue hee meaneth that shee dooth euer propounde the doctrine and shew the way how to doo good vnto others q.d. she is alwaies speaking how and by what meanes she others may exercise liberalitie to such as are in néede and how they may shewe foorth the dueties of charitie for by grace he vnderstandeth kindnes towards others Vers 27. She ouerseeth vz. with a very watchfull eye the waies of her household i. the whole order of the right gouernment thereof the life conuersation of those that are therein and eateth not the bread of idlenes i. she is not slothfull neither eateth meate slothfully consumeth the time in idlenes nay rather feedeth not but when she hath diligently performed her worke the contrarie of this is called the bread of sorowe Psalme 127.2 Vers 28. Her children rise vp and call her blessed q.d. her vertues are so great and so many that her owne children seeing the same cannot chuse but commend her for them yea euen her husband as followeth in the last part of this verse by rising vp he meaneth preparing or prouoking of themselues to doo somewhat because they that sit and would take somewhat in hand doo rise vp to attempt and execute the same her husband also shall praise her vz. euen as her children doo for her good vertues and qualities saying vz. of her and that
vnto her selfe as may appeare by that which followeth Vers 29. Many daughters vz. of men meaning by this terme not maides onely but women or maried wiues haue done vertuouslie vz. towards their husbands households and children and that in many great and gracious respects but thou surmountest them all vz. in thy good dealings and that by much or many degrées And thus he commendeth her in preferring her for her good gouernment before many others Vers 30. Fauour vz. of a womans face is deceitfull vz. because it continueth not long and beautie vz. in the countenance is vanitie i. is not much to be regarded for it wil vanish away vnder these two he cōprehendeth al outward qualities and graces whatsoeuer but a woman that feareth the Lord vz. vnfeignedly and from the bottome of her heart she shall bee praised i. highly esteemed and magnified both of God and man Where first of al we are to vnderstand that with all things before reckoned he would haue Gods feare ioyned or els that the rest are little or nothing worth And these words I take to be Salomons owne declaring wherein specially consisteth the true praise and commendation of a good woman and not the words of her children as some imagine mentioned before verse 28. see 1. Peter 3.3 4. Also 1. Timoth. 2.9 10. Vers 31. Giue her of the fruite of her hands i. attribute vnto her the praise which by performing of her dueties she hath deserued see Ierem. 23.16 where he biddeth them giue glorie to the Lord their God and let her owne workes vz. which she her selfe hath done praise her vz. though others would bee silent and say nothing thereof in the gates i. openly and by the publike consent of all see verse 23. of this Chapter I take these to be the words of him that writ the booke and to be generally applied to all q.d. seeing that the excellent qualities of a good woman are so great and so many praise her as her workes deserue which she hath done that so she may receiue the fruite of her labours and bee worthelie commended therefore and that not only secretly but in the places of publike and politike méetings and though other men conceale her commendation yet doo you set it forth still Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs in the person of Lemuel to haue care to deliuer good things ouer to our posteritie it teacheth mothers also what great care they should haue to instruct their children Verse 2. Teacheth what tender affection mothers should carrie towards their children prouided alwaies that they traine them not vp wantonly and that they should many times commend their sonnes and their daughters to God in their praiers Vers 3. Teacheth all men but chiefly Magistrates to beware of whoredome Verse 4. Teacheth Magistrates and rulers to abstaine as from dronkennes so from the excessiue vse of wine or strong drinke which may prouoke thereto Verse 5. Teacheth vs that dronkennes depriueth men of memorie of good things causeth the parties to be void of the feeling of other mens miseries Verse 6. Teacheth vs that pleasant things belong to the heauie sorowful harted rather than to such as are fraught with pleasures because extremitie of pleasures comming together it is a hard thing if man be not caried away therewith Verse 7. Teacheth vs that when men are oppressed with miserie they should vse all lawfull meanes to put it away Verse 8. Teacheth Magistrates to defend the iust cause of all such as cannot pleade for themselues Verse 9. Teacheth them also to iudge vpright iudgement Verse 10. Teacheth vs first that good women are very rare and skant secondly that where men through Gods blessing haue found the same they should esteeme them as very excellent iewells Verse 11. Teacheth vs that a wife of good gouernment maketh a rich husband Vers 12. Teacheth women to doo good to all but specially to their husbands and families Verse 13. Teacheth women not onely to set their owne seruants on worke but to labour themselues also what they may Verse 14. Teacheth women with speede and yet with good aduise and labour also to prouide things necessarie for their familie Verse 15. Teacheth them to be diligent in 〈…〉 fearefullie to prouide that seruants may haue as their 〈…〉 their worke and not the one without the other Vers 16. Teach●●● 〈◊〉 not to attempte any bargaine rashly or vnaduisedly but to consider as of their owne abilitie so of the thing it selfe Vers 17. Teacheth them cheerefullie and couragiouslie to goe about their affaires Verse 18. Teacheth women to pursue profit while the Lord maketh offer thereof or giueth them knowledge and experience of the same Vers 19. Sheweth that a good woman is not so fine fingred as many daintie dames are at this day but will lay hir hands to any worke that may either saue or get Vers 20. Teacheth vs that good women haue the bowels of compassion towards them that want Vers 21. Teacheth a good Mistresse to preuent the feare of all danger not onely that might fall vpon hir selfe but vpon hir familie also to prouide not onely things necessarie but for comelines Vers 22. Sheweth that good people and namely good women may not only vse things of profit but of pleasure and comelines also Vers 23. Teacheth vs that a good wife is euen a great glorie and crowne vnto hir husband Vers 24. Teacheth not onely that good women should be diligent for gouernement of things within doore but also to be dealing in those things abroad that may rayse vp some mainteynance to the houshold Vers 25. Teacheth vs that it is a faithfull walking in a good womans calling that giueth hir peace of conscience in the dayes of affliction Vers 26. Teacheth good women to leaue tatling and to speake wisely and to stirre vp both hir self and other women also to liberalitie to the needie Vers 27. Teacheth a good woman to haue an eye to the manners and to the matters of hir houshold and alwaies to take heede of idlenes in hir self or them Vers 28. Teacheth that if there be good things in any that either by nature mariage or otherwise apperteyne to vs we may safely commend them for the same Vers 29. Teacheth vs to keepe a iust measure in our commendation and to take heede we goe not beyond trueth Vers 30. Teacheth vs that though fauour and beautie bee to bee regarded yet without the feare of God they are nothing and that women hauing that are to bee preferred before all Vers 31. Teacheth vs to commend of good things as they are meete not to come to short for that is to depriue them of that which is due vnto them neither to goe too farre for that is lying and falshood HEBREVV CHAP. 13.20 21. The God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus the great Shepheard of the Sheepe thorowe the bloud of the euerlasting couenant make vs perfect in all good workes to doo his will working in vs that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ to whome bee prayse for euer and euer So be it FINIS
A SHORT YET sound Commentarie written on that woorthie worke called The Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people PSALM 78.1 2. Heare my doctrine ô my people incline your eares vnto the words of my mouth I will open my mouth in a parable I will plentifullie powre out hidden sentences of olde LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1589. ❧ To the Honorable and his very good Ladie the Ladie Bacon T.VV. wisheth abundance of all felicitie outward and inward in this life and afterwards eternal blessednes through Christ in that life which lasteth for euer AMongst the great vnmeasurable and infinite benefites that GOD most rich in mercie and faithfull in performance hath giuen vnto men of all estates and degrees in this last though worst age of the world as euident and infallible testimonies of his singular loue and bountie towards them and as notable instruments to drawe and allure them soundly to knowe vnfeignedlie to loue and reuerently to feare him alone that is the only giuer thereof this in my poore iudgement good Madame seemeth vnto me and I hope that others inlightned from God are of the same minde with me not the least nor to be reckoned in the last place namely the excellent and most wonderfull light not of manifold tongues onely as Hebrew Greeke Caldee Siriake Latin c. neither yet of sundrie arts alone as Grammar Rhetoricke Logicke Musicke Arithmetick Geometrie c. but of the holy Scriptures and Christian religion speciallie all which doubtles being heretofore through Sathans malice and mans ignorance not cast aside amongst wormes and moathes by little and little to wast and consume them but sumptuouslie laied in graue and deepely buried that almost without hope of quickning God that alwaies had and hath the fulnes of power in his hand hath been pleased now at the last for the ouerthrowe of superstition idolatrie and wicked life and for the aduancement of his glorie and furtherance of mens saluation to recall as it were euen from the graue it selfe and to reuiue from the dead Wherin howsoeuer the Lord haue graciouslie vouchafed to declare his incomprehensible power accomplishing so miraculous a worke and to manifest his vnspeakable loue not onely in the multitude and varietie but in the euidencie thereof so that euen bleare eyed men barbers as is in the common by word may cleerely perceiue the same yet the strength of sinne hath so not onely obscured but as it were defaced though not the sight yet the power and efficacie of Gods fauour with the fruites and effects which should followe therevpon that some through naturall blindnes and dimnes of their eyes cannot behold them other some againe through dumnes of mouth and hauing their tongues tied will not acknowledge them other some againe through want of good iudgement do with polluted hands irreuerently receiue them and almost all through prophanenesse of hart cursed corruption vnsanctifiedlie if not irreligiouslie vse them So fewe are there found in the world now adaies that profite by them to faith vnfeigned and humble thankfulnes before him that plentifully hath prouided the same for their good if they could tell how to accept and vse the same The contemplation and memorie wherof I willingly and vnfeignedly confesse it leaueth behind it no small skarre but a great wound rather in mine heart and that not only so much for mine owne iniquitie in that behalfe though I knowe the same to bee high and hainous as for the common abomination that euery where as a mightie streame that will not be stopped and forcible floud that cannot be withstood ouerfloweth all and for the fearefull desolation that in all probabilitie and likelihood of mans iudgement will ensue therevpon because howsoeuer God be of long suffering and of great goodnes yet he cannot nor will not for we are sure he is zealous ouer his owne glorie continuallie suffer the vile and abominable of the world to trample and tread vnder their beastlie feete his exceeding blessings and singular fauours And yet I cannot hide this within my selfe but must of necessitie breake foorth into the declaration thereof that I am againe somewhat recomforted in that whether soeuer I cast mine eyes whether at home or abroad I certainlie beholde and that without deceit of sight some amongst all estates and degrees of men high lowe rich poore young olde noble vnnoble magistrates ministers and people and sundrie of them of my Christian acquaintance on whose behalfe I daylie offer vp vnto God through Christ the duetie of thanks giuing perswading my self further that there is vpon the face of the earth a mightie number besides though not known to me whom God hath pleased in the multitude of his mercies doubtles and for much good towards them and others in them not onely to single and cull out as it were from the huge heape and wicked fellowship of the polluted and prophane but richlie to replenish and adorne them as it were with most precious pearles with the singular graces of sound knowledge stedfast faith comfortable feeling vnfeigned obedience and sundrie such like holie and heauenlie gifts Amongst whom your sexe rightly considered and the place you haue been in wisely respected and your present estate well weighed I know few matchable with you good Madame flatterie is farre from my words I humbly thanke God for it I hope pride remoued farre from your selfe in hearing your owne praise as I wish enuie may bee from others as in regard of your due commendation and not many to go beyond you For though to be borne not onlie of worshipful parents but of a sanctified stock be some thing both before God and man and though learned and holie education bee a good helpe towards the reformation of our corruption and as it were the instilling of another nature into vs and though to be richlie ioyned in holy matrimonie be a token doubtles of Gods great fauour and loue and though to haue in the vndefiled mariage bed a blessed seed and lawfull issue be a special blessing mercie from God though to leade and liue a vertuous and vnreproueable life in the sight of men who are wont neglecting themselues with euill and curious eyes to looke vpon others bee a happie thing with all which fauours you haue by the diuine prouidence been euen laden as it were in your birth bringing vp youth old age virginitie mariage widowhood and posteritie yet because many bee degenerate and start aside from their ancestors godlines some through carelesnes cause to perish the cost that hath been bestowed vpon them in good bringing vp and others make themselues both in single and maried life lothsome to the Lord and infamous before men because either they haue not begun well or haue not held on vnto the end and other some by euill example haue done the children of their wombe more hurt in the world than they haue done them good in bringing them
foorth to behold the light of the Sunne and other some haue added to the weakenes of their sexe not watchfulnes against sinne as their duetie required but laied the raines of their seuerall iniquities and manifold inticements to euill in their owne neckes and many haue misused their places of honor and credit to all licentiousnes of the flesh and carelesnes of God and of the waies of his worship and so consequently of eternal saluation from all which inconueniences and mischiefes the Lord hath mercifullie kept you in euerie condition of life wherein he hath been pleased to place you me thinketh you haue wherein to reioyce and that not onlie so much in the things themselues freelie and plentifullie bestowed vpon you as in the happie continuance and mightie encrease of these his goodnesses in you you also hauing receiued grace from God to beautifie them with an vnblameable holy conuersation By meanes whereof it is come to passe that as you are much beloued at home in the midst of Gods saincts and faithfull seruants here and these not onlie common professors but many worthie ministers for kindnes towards whom and particularlie towards my selfe I doo humblie here in all our names thanke GOD and you as his gracious instrument so you are made truely famous abroad in forraine Churches and countries highly reuerenced of many worthie men there indued doubtles with singular graces for Gods glory and the building vp of the bodie of the fellowship of Saincts But what meane I to enter into this broad field of your Christian commendation where breath would rather faile me and time I am sure with abilitie to wade into it as I should than matter any manner of way bee wanting Giue me leaue therefore good Madame I beseech you to desist from your praise which I knowe you doo not willingly heare though it be deserued as on your part and though perhaps it might bee as a quicke spurre in the dull sides of others to prouoke them to good things and to turne my speach to exhortation rather and comfort The course that you are entered into and the race that now you haue a long time runne in is holie and honorable Hold on therfore in the same chearefullie notwithstanding the manifold hinderances that within and without bee cast in your way to turne you aside if it might be and bee not wearie of well doing at any hand for as you knowe that your profession requireth it so God hath promised that the time wil come wherein you shall reape as the saincts of God haue done before you if you faint not Let the assured faithfulnes and infinite power of him that hath in his word made you large promises be a pricke vnto you herein And forasmuch as he hath giuen you grace to begin well and to hold on hetherto doubt not but he that hath both the will and the deed in his owne hands to bestowe them where and as it pleaseth him will make perfect in you euery good worke euen till the day of Iesus Christ Is it possible that that incorruptible crowne of eternall glorie which in his onely beloued he hath prepared for you should fade away Vpon these things I beseech you hauing cast away worldly cares fixe cōtinuallie the eye of your faith that you may end your old yeeres in the Lords peace and be indeed gathered vnto your fathers comfortablie saying as that holie Apostle old Paule saied I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith from henceforth there is laied vp for me the crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearing Your learned father your honorable husband your louing brother your deare sisters some of them and if I bee not deceiued some also of your owne holie seede all of them hauing yeelded vp their spirites in the faith and feare of GOD are I doubt not gone thether before you and why should you your selfe or any other thinke that you should be sundred from them As for the lengthning of your life aboue many before reckoned surely God hath done it for his owne glorie and the good of his Church into which also you being religiouslie gathered as a sound member thereof you haue euen in that an assured testimonie giuen vnto you that warfaring here with his saincts as you doo against sinne the world and the diuell you shall in good time through him that hath loued you and washed you in his bloud become more than a conquerour and eternallie triumph together with them and the rest in heauen Till which time as I rest resolued that God the author and perfecter of euery good thing in all his will not withdrawe his gracious hand from you in any grace speciallie spirituall and heauenlie so I am certainlie perswaded that manie such as are led by his spirit know you in Christ Iesus and loue you in the trueth will not GOD ayding them neglect any duetie either outward or inward that possiblie they can performe to further that worke Amongst whom I though the least and most vnworthie as in respect of my selfe yet tied thereto by the duetie of my profession from God and bound to it by sundrie fauours receiued from you will in my poore measure striue to do though not so much as others neither yet so much as I owe which I freelie acknowledge as being priuie to mine owne disabilitie and insufficiencie that way and not vtterlie vnacquainted with other mens fulnes and vpheaped store yet what God hath or shal be pleased to enable me to accomplish Which that your good Ladiship may be the better assured of I am bold now to present vnto you and to publish vnder your name some short notes and meditations of mine long since written for the dearest friend I had in the world vppon that worthie booke of Salomons Prouerbes What it is I leaue to you and the Church of GOD to iudge of and yet this much I hope I may without pride protest that though it bee not exquisite like vnto the worthie workes of manie Bezaleels in our age yet it is sound and though it bee not finelie polished either in fitnes of wordes or great store of arte yet the trueth it is I hope and neuer a whit the more to be misliked because it is naked and plaine but the rather to be imbraced of Gods people who I hope will shewe me this fauour that as they wil not reiect any good thing in it for any euil that may be found or suspected to be therin neither yet admit any euil for the goods sake but in a discerning spirit refuse the one and receiue the other so they will assist me with their praiers to God for the increase of any good thing that is within me to Gods glorie and the benefite of his people and in much loue according to the spirit of