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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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such things as be allowed and pleasant vnto thee least at anie time cleauing to superstition and hypocrisie I doo worship thee amisse but fill my hart with grace and stuffe it with sweetnesse of spirit euen as my bodie is stuffed with abundance of meats Lord rid me out of mine vngodlinesse plucke from me mine ignorance of thee banish my slothfulnesse of insearching thee Compell my flesh through thy spirit to his bounden dutie and obedience and bring to passe that I may now alwaies applie my selfe wholie without wearinesse and drinesse of mind vnto the right sincere worshipping and seruing of thee here in thy presence O Lord open thou my lips and then shall my mouth extoll thy renowmed name and publish thy praise not with fained lips but with a full glad hart lustie stomach and quicke spirit and saie with the congregation Our Father c. As at euening praier in the Church Another Meditation before Euening praier in the Church SEing thou hast beautified all those with a notable promise O most mightie God which are knit together in the honouring of thy blessed name so that thou wilt not onlie be present with them but also bestowest excellent gifts and benefits vpon these men whosoeuer they are that excell in sincere faith and pure godlinesse and haue an exceeding desire to be often in the blessed congregation in so much as there is nothing which they more couet or desire than to appeare diuers times in the daie before thee in the sacred assemblies yea it ought to be a most pleasant thing vnto vs to celebrate thy high praises perpetuallie and shew foorth thy maruellous works without ceasing For the performance whereof godlinesse would require that wee should not onlie doo the same in the daie time but also in the night season We will therefore lift vp pure hands in all places touching the publishing of thy glorious name and render perpetuall thankes according to our bounden dutie for thine vnspeakable goodnesse and louing kindnesse extended towards vs. But seeing that this ought to be done in the most sacred and holie assemblies our earnest request is to haue thee present heere with vs and to bestowe thy plentifull blessings vpon thy beloued Israel First deliuer vs wee humblie beseech thee from our heinous faults enorme sinnes and lewd corruptions wherewith we haue greatlie defiled our selues And then let our weake and feeble harts be strengthned in thy blessed waie and the withered powers of our mind which are dried vp watered with the holie Ghost that we being altogither repaired and wholie renewed may continuallie celebrate and praise thee and haue a great desire to direct our praiers vnto thy mercie-seate with a most holie intent as Christians ought to doo Cause vs now not constrained and brought thereto by compulsion but of a willing hart to come before thy presence and become true worshippers of thee yea and such as doo thinke it a goodlie matter to spend not onlie houres but daies and nights yea and all our yeares and life in the sincere seruice and right worshipping and honouring of thee in the sacred Church Let nothing be so deere and pretious vnto vs as to continue in the praises and commendations of thy glorious name from morning to night praieng both publikelie and priuatelie for all other as well as for our selues Graunt O excellent father that we in giuing due thanks for thy benefits may ioifullie sing double praises to thy glorious name for euermore that our minds I saie may dailie more and more bee strengthened hartilie to confesse couragiouslie to extoll and aboue all things to exalt thy wonderfull praises vncessantlie through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen A Psalme of exhortation to praier in the morning or euening O Come let vs worship fall downe and kneele before the Lord our maker and let vs hartilie reioice in the strength of our saluation Let our soules reioice I saie in the mercie of the Lord and not be ashamed to publish his praise Let vs doo our duties betimes both earlie and late and he will giue vs a reward in his due time For a good thing it is to giue thanks vnto the Lord and to tell of his louing kindnesse earlie in the morning O come therefore praise the Lord with me and let vs magnifie his name together Bring hither the booke take the Psalter and sing vnto the Lord a new song Let vs sing praises I saie lustilie vnto him with a good courage and shew our selues glad in him with Psalmes euen now in the time appointed and vpon our solemne feast-daie For great is the Lord and highlie to be praised in the Citie of our God euen vpon his holie hill of Zion Glorie be to the c. As it was in the c. Another Psalme exhorting all creatures to praise God O Praise the Lord of heauen yee Angels of his ye Saincts that excell in strength and fulfill his commandements yee seruants of his that harken to the voice of his words and doo his pleasure Praise him in the height ye children of Zion and be ioifull in your King with glorie For God is verie greatlie to be feared in the counsell of his Saincts and to be had in reuerence of all them that are about him Praise him all yee heauens and ye waters that bee aboue the heauens O God the verie heauens shall praise thy woonderous works and thy truth in the congregation of the Saincts Yea let heauen and earth praise thee the Sea and all that moueth therein O sing vnto the Lord all the whole earth woorship him and stand in awe of his iudgements ye multitude of Isles Praise the Lord O Ierusalem praise thy God O Zion Praise the name of the Lord O yee seruants of the Lord yee that by daie or by night stand in the house of the Lord euen in the courts of the house of our God O all yee righteous that loue and seeke the Lord and be true-harted towards him praise his holie name and magnifie him all yee seed of Israel that feare and dread his Maiestie Praise the Lord also all ye heathen and nations of the world worship you him and glorifie his name For he is great passing all praise Praise the Lord O ye Kings of the earth Princes and all Iudges of the world yea worship him all yee gods For he is higher than the heauens and far exalted aboue all gods O yee kindreds of the people ascribe vnto the Lord the worship power and honour due vnto his name bring presents and come into his courts with praise Let the people praise thee O God yea let all the people praise thee both yong men and maids old men and children let them all remember thy holie name and declare thy power from one generation to another world without end O speake good of the Lord all yee works of the Lord in all places of his dominion Let euerie thing that hath breath praise the Lord. For his
setting foorth of thy most glorious inuisible and eternall Maiestie in this my fraile earthlie and visible maiestie may cleerelie shine and appeare in me to the benefit of thy Church farre and neere And that I remembring whose minister I am may first aboue all things in a perfect zeale of thy house and loue of thy people euer seeke thy honour and glorie and studie continuallie to preserue thy people committed to my charge in wealth peace and godlinesse Deere Father so blesse mee so loue mee so in the spirit of counsell prudence knowledge and fortitude sanctifie strengthen and direct me that in a perfect faith feare and loue as in thy sight I may walke vprightlie without offence giuing in the obedience of thy holie word and fulfilling of thy blessed commandements all the daies of my life and may be a true follower of that King which is the Souereigne ouer the holie hill of Zion whose seate and kingdome endureth for euer Giue mee grace both thankfullie to acknowledge thy manifold great benefits bestowed vpon mee and also faithfullie and diligentlie to discharge my dutie towards thee and thy people in executing thy iudgements indifferentlie without parcialitie to the aduancement of thy kingdome the establishment of my throne and the vniuersall comfort and commoditie of all thy people Make me good Lord of an entire affection and perfect hart towards thee and of an humble and gentle spirit towards all vnder my gouernement after the example of Christ our eternall King who to fulfill thy will O GOD did vouchsafe to take flesh of the virgin Marie and became man for man that man might become a God vnto men and who also did verie much abase and humble himselfe as a seruant euen vnto the death of the Crosse to redeeme both Prince and people out of thrall and bondage of sinne Sathan death and hell Let my naturall affection and disposition I saie O Lord continue to my foes terrible to my subiects amiable to mine offenders mercifull to the vertuous bountifull to all men indifferent and parciall to none that being guided by thee to gouerne thy people iustlie in all godlie peace and quietnesse I may be able with a good conscience to witnesse of mine integritie before thee and all the world as thy faithfull seruants Moses Samuel and Nehemias somtimes did of theirs and boldlie and trulie with them saie Behold here I am beare record of me before the Lord before his annointed Whose oxe or whose asse haue I forceablie taken awaie Or whom haue I done anie wrong to Or whom haue I iniured or hurt Or of whose hand haue I receiued anie bribes to blind mine eies therewith and I will restore it you that my people seeing and well perceiuing my motherlie affection faithfull gouernement carefull diligence and diligent watchfulnesse ouer them by all meanes to doo them all the good I possiblie may or can in thee may woorthilie witnesse rightlie answere and iustlie confesse and saie of me to thy glorie and my perpetuall praise as the Israelites heretofore said of Samuel That I haue not grieued them nor troubled my land by oppression or iniurie that I haue not hurt them nor taken ought of anie mans hand nor by anie meanes either by my selfe or others willinglie abused my power or dealt vniustlie with my people Oh kindle more and more in my hart I beseech thee most holie Father a pure zele aboue all things to promote thy glorie and a vigilant care not onelie to serue thee my selfe sincerelie but also to haue thee diligentlie serued of my familie people And to this end vouchsafe I praie thee both to adorne me with all thy heauenlie gifts and also to blesse my whole familie court and houshold with thy graces and vertues that all these both high and lowe one and other which are placed therein vnder me may for their vertuous life true faith and right religion towards thee their God and for their loiall harts and conscionable obedience towards me their Prince and Mistres and for their entire affection and charitie one towards another as brethren and lastlie for their hartie loue and naturall good-will they beare to their Commonwelth and countrie be an example and patterne of true godlinesse and puritie both in religion and life for all the whole Realme and countrie yea the whole world besides to followe as their head fountaine and light Moreouer O blessed God as hitherto by thy mightie protection thou hast preserued me and in thy great mercie maugre the heads of all mine enimies miraculouslie hast deliuered me and established me in this my kingdome thus long in admirable peace and blessed quietnesse all glorie and praise be rendered vnto thy glorious name therfore so I beseech thy gratious goodnesse O Lord in like mercie to blesse preserue maintaine keepe and defend me and my Realme still from all both forreine and domesticall conspiracies treasons deceits and violences of enimies and from all other dangers and perils imminent and to come both bodilie and ghostlie publike and priuate that I may still gouerne blessedlie ouer a blessed people and my Realme and people by thy defence and protection continue in the truth of thy Gospell and happie enioieng of perfect peace and quietnesse both outward and inward Thou O Lord of hosts hast ordeined me the Gouernour ouer thy people and made my people to be thy people and thou Lord art become our God yea and our great and mightie God besides whom wee haue none other God I knowe also my God that thou triest the hart and hast pleasure in righteousnesse behold therefore I offer vow and dedicate my selfe willinglie and entirelie in the vprightnesse of my hart to serue and worship thee onelie for euer with ioie and therfore am I thine handmaid bold to praie this praier vnto thee beseeching thee for euer to keepe me and to helpe me in this my good purpose of holie seruing and worshipping of thee For that which I haue hitherto done is nothing at all to speake of O direct thou continuallie the thoughts of my mind and prepare my hart euermore vnto thee Giue vnto me thine handmaid a perfect hart to keepe thy commandements thy testimonies and thy statutes and cause me to vse my power lawfullie to the reforming both of thy house and estates according to the prescript rule of thy written word reuealed will that so it may please thee O Lord God to confirme for euer thy mercifull promises made vnto me in my father DAVID and to blesse the throne or house of thy seruant with thy blessing that it may continue and be established before thee for euer And that this may the better come to passe to the glorie of thy name the benefit of thy Church and wealth of my Realme as I hartilie wish and desire remoue far from thy Church far from me O excellent father all those which fall from thee by infidelitie and are through obstinate wilfulnesse traiterous rebels to thy sacred
for into thy hands I commit me Amen E ENter thy iudgements in the tables of my hart destroie mine affections with thy loue send thy wisdome from the holie heauens and from the seate of thy Maiestie that she may be with me and labour with me that I may knowe what thing is acceptable before thee and may iudge the people righteouslie and discerne betweene good and euill G GRatious Lord thou that art the most high God aboue all the earth long-suffering and of much mercie sorowing the sinnes of man and of thy great goodnesse hast promised to the penitent remission of sinnes Lord I haue sinned mine iniquitie is multiplied aboue the sands of the sea and there is no hope of life in me because I haue stirred thee to anger in multiplieng offences before thee And now O Lord trusting in thy mercie I bow the knees of my hart beseeching thee of thy goodnesse destroie me not togither with mine iniquitie For the dead whose soules are out of their bodies can neither praise nor thanke thee but the sorowfull hart and the thirstie soule ascribe praise vnto thee O Lord I powre my praiers before thee and require mercie in thy sight saue me which am vnwoorthie and reserue not eternall punishment for mee For thine owne sake I aske it and will praise thee all the daies of my life Amen I ILluminate my hart O Lord with the light of thy word leade me Lord in thy waie and I shall enter into thy truth Print thy feare in my hart that I may reioice in thee Let thy word be a lanterne vnto my feet and a lampe of light vnto my paths so shall I not erre from the right waie but walke like a pure and wise virgin with an vpright hart chaste mind and cleane conscience and single eie before thee this daie and euermore Amen N NEuer will I cease to call vpon thee most mightie God of hosts which sittest vpon the Cherubins and hast dominion ouer all the kingdoms of the earth Thou which madest the heauens all things comprehended in them bow downe thine eare and heare open thine eies and behold saue mee from the hand of mine aduersaries suffer no euill to happen vnto me that all the people may knowe that thou alone art my God Amen A ASsist mee O Lord my God with thy heauenlie grace and renew in mee a right spirit that I may receiue strength ablenesse to doo thy righteous will and to stand against all the assaults of wilie Satan that they may haue no place in mee but that the old man which I beare about in my bodie may be crucified and dailie die in me that the desire of sinne errour and of worldlie vanities may vtterlie be destroied that I may euermore be renewed in the spirit of my mind that the life of my Sauiour Christ may alwaies appeare in me to whome with the Father and the holie Ghost be all honour triumph and glorie for euer and euer Amen The versicle EUen now and euer vouchsafe O LORD for thy deere sonnes sake to heare my humble petitions The answere REceiue my praiers I saie O GOD and in thy truth and mercie pardon mine offences and grant mee thy grace The Collect. O Emanuel my Lord and my GOD Iesus Christ sonne of the pure virgin Marie thou art not onelie the sweete spouse of my soule but with God the Father a most meeke Mediatour full of mercie and truth Wash awaie my sinnes with the most pretious bloud of thy holie passion make me rich in thy mercie and my faith so strong in thee that assisted with thy grace and holie spirit to all duties and works in this life towards thee I may enioie afterwards the glorie of thy blessed kingdome with thy holie Saints and pure Uirgins in euerlasting honour and triumph Amen The Praier O Roote of Iesse my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ which hast redeemed all mankind from sinne death and hell thou which hast said I am the waie truth and life The waie in doctrine commandements and examples truth in promises life in reward I praie thee by thine ineffable loue wherewith thou hast vouchsafed wholie to bestowe thy selfe for our securitie that thou wilt not suffer me euer to straie from thee bicause thou art the waie nor at anie time to distrust thy promses which art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou promisest neither let me rest in anie other thing bicause thou art eternall life without the which there is nothing that ought to be desired neither in heauen nor in earth By thee we learne the sure and expedient passage vnto true helth that we wander no longer in the Laberinth of this world Thou hast exactlie taught what to beleeue and what to doo what to hope for and in whom we ought to rest By thee wee learne how wee were of that first Adam vnfortunatelie borne by thee we are assured there is no hope of health but through faith in thee that thou art the onlie brightnesse which giuest light to all men trauelling the darke desarts of this world where is nothing but a profound dimnesse wherby we neither see our calamities nor frō whence we ought to seeke remedie of our euill Thou vouchsafedst to descend into the earth disdainedst not to take our nature vpon thee that by thy doctrine thou mightest shake off the dimnesse of our ignorance by thy commandements mightest direct our feete in the waie of truth peace By the examples of thy life thou hast shewed vs the waie to immortalitie and by thy steps hast restored to vs a plaine easie profitable waie out of an vneeuen and rough waie So thou art made vnto vs a waie which knoweth no error in the which least we should be wearie thou hast vouchsafed to vphold vs in thy benignitie with great sure promises For who can be wearie accounting himselfe redie through thy steps to enter thy heauenlie heritage Therefore whilest we be in this iournie thou wouldest be a sure hope vnto vs to be in steed of a staffe vnto vs wherewith we are sustained Neither was thy goodnes content with this but knowing the weaknesse of our flesh in the meane while with the comfort of thy spirit dooest so refresh our strength whereby we run cheerefullie And as thou being made vnto vs the waie dooest driue awaie all errour so being truth dooest thou take awaie all distrust Finallie being made life vnto vs dooest reuiue the dead in sinne to liue by thy spirit releeuing all things vntill in the resurrection all mortalitie vtterlie abolished we may alwaies liue with thee and in thee when Christ shall be to vs all in all For eternall life is to knowe the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost to be one true God where now thorough faith we behold onlie in a glasse and riddle And then seeing more felowlie the glorie of the Lord wee shall be transformed into the same image Therefore I beseech thee most mercifull Sauiour that
vnholie may appeare before thee graunt that both now at this present and so oft heereafter as I shall enter into this holie place and Tabernacle of the congregation and appeare before thee I may be throughlie sanctified both bodilie and ghostlie by the diuine graces of thy spirit the better therein to serue and worship thee The which thing that I may euen now this daie the better accomplish and doo according to thy will as I hartilie desire and to the glorie of thy name and the full discharge of my christian dutie I most entirelie beseech thy Maiestie first to sanctifie purifie cleanse make happie and keepe holie my wretched soule and sinfull bodie the posts whereof deere father are sprinkled with the pretious bloud of thy deere Sonne who most deerelie bought them O comfortable ghest of the soule leaue not our houses desolate cease not to fill vs by thy continuall presence with thy life and righteousnesse Dresse cleanse and sweepe the foreletten cottage once againe I saie good Lord with the beesome of thy celestiall grace and heauenlie felicitie from all the pollution and filth of sinne and wickednesse Once againe O Christ vouchsafe to cast out of the house of my soule that vncleane spirit and foule feend Sathan mine old ghest and enimie with the finger of God and when he is cast out of me giue me grace to watch still continuallie by hartie and earnest praier that he enter not againe into me For being once mine old ghest he knoweth euerie hole and corner of my house Therefore grant me grace to watch continuallie I saie O Lord by feruent praier and vertuous works proceeding from a firme faith least he returne into the house from whence hee was cast out and finding it emptie swept and garnished he go and take vnto himselfe seuen other foule spirits worsse than himselfe and they enter in also and dwell there with him and so mine end be woorsse than my beginning which God forbid Oh suffer not the holie house Lord of thy Diuinitie and Temple of the holie Ghost my bodie and soule I meane cleansed with thy bloud and decked with thy righteousnesse to bee by my mortall enimies defiled spoiled or made a cage of vncleane birds a dungeon of diuels a den of theeues a hell of wicked spirits and a sinke of sinne through delectation in sinne and infidelitie Withdrawe not thy hand from me let me not returne vnto my vomit like the dog let not mine end be worse than my beginning as hapned to Caine Saule Iudas Arius and manie mo But as by thy great mercie my body and soule are made the temple tabernacle of y e holie spirit so by the same thy rich mercie infinite goodnes grant that the same may now become thy holie habitation sacred seate of euerlasting glorie and so be purified cleansed throughlie sanctified and made cleane by thy diuine inspiration and gratious presence that no heapes of soile dregs of dust or remnants of filth be to be found in any priuie or secret corner of this thy spiritual temple to offend y e celestiall eies of thy diuine maiestie so shall thy holie Hall which is my clensed soule in all reuerence deuotion godlie worship this daie and euer resound in the Church all places of thy dominion with thy perpetuall praises to thine eternall glorie Amen Another praier to serue God sincerelie in the Church O LORD God our celestiall Father whose fidelitie and truth is stablished in the high heauens among thy chosen beleeuers who also art woonderfull in the congregation of the faithfull and most mightie of all power and present euerie-where beholding all things done in all places on earth Forasmuch as thou O gratious God hast chosen this house that thy name might be called vpon therein and that it should be an house of praier and petition for thy people mercifullie promising therewithall that wheresoeuer two or three be gathered together in thy name there thou wouldest be in the middest of them and whatsoeuer they beleeuing asked of thee it should be done vnto them Behold we therefore whome by thy grace thou hast elected to be thy people and heritage and with whome thou hast made an eternall couenant and promise to helpe heare assist and confirme in all goodnesse righteousnesse and holinesse doo heere now at this present through the motion of thy good spirit assemble and gather our selues together in thy name with one accord to make our common supplications vnto thee and according to our bounden dutie with one mind and mouth in spirit and truth to laud and magnifie thy holie name and maiestie Humblie beseeching thee O Lord to haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners to purge vs and iustifie vs through faith from all our offences old and new to inflame and lighten the lamps of our harts with the oile of sanctification which is thy holie spirit and so there-through to sanctifie our soules to prepare our harts and dispose all our members wholie to true pietie godlinesse and deuotion that we may be woorthie continuallie to lift vp in this holie place of thy glorious presence and diuine habitation pure harts innocent hands and most feruent praiers vnto thee in heauen Grant also O gratious God that we with one hart and voice in all holinesse and godlinesse trembling dread Christian reuerence humble obedience spirituall worship and diuine seruice may incessantlie giue all honour and glorie vnto thee and for euer to celebrate thy most holie name and Maiestie in this thy holie temple as it apperteineth euen by offering vp dutifullie vnto thy diuine Maiestie the most sweet and acceptable sacrifice of broken and contrite harts of zealous and true repentance of humble and vnfeined confession of pure and incessant praier and of most woorthie and condigne lauds and praises that so wee may continue blessed in thy holie mountaine for euer and in the end according to thy faithfull promise obtaine euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen How the soule should rightlie worship and praise the Lord in all places O GOD the true and the souereigne life of whom in whom all things doo liue whatsoeuer things doo liue trulie and in happie state O God euen goodnesse and goodlinesse from whom through whom in whom are all good goodlie things which art good and goodlie God whose faith quickeneth hope erecteth and loue linketh vs. God who hast commanded vs to praie vnto thee and makest thy selfe to be found and openest to him which knocketh God whom none seeketh but the admonished and no man findeth but the purged God whom to knowe is life whom to serue is to reigne whom to loue is the saluation and ioie of the soule Thee both with my lips and with mine hart and with all my strength I doo praise blesse and worship To thy clemencie and goodnesse I doo yeeld humble thanks for all thy benefits and to thy Maiestie doo I sing holie holie holie O blessed Trinitie
harts and clense our filthie soules from sinne Daugh. And by thy spirit and gifts of grace make vs a holie life for to beginne The praier Mother O Lord GOD most mercifull father who as vpon this daie placing thy seruant our most deer Souereigne and most gratious Queene Elizabeth in the Empire of this kingdome diddest deliuer thy people of England from danger of war and oppression both of bodies by tyrannie of conscience by superstition restoring peace and true religion with libertie both of bodies and minds and hast continued the same thy blessings without all desert on our part now by the space of these foure and twentie yeeres We who are in memorie of these thy great benefits assembled here togither most humblie beseech thy fatherlie goodnesse to grant vs grace that we may in word deed and hart shew our selues thankfull and obedient vnto thee for the same and that Elizabeth our vertuous Queene through thy grace may in all honour goodnesse and godlinesse long and manie yeeres liue and reigne ouer vs and we obeie and enioie hir Maiestie with the continuance of thy great blessings which thou hitherto hast by hir thy blessed minister powred vpon vs hir people This we beseech thee to grant vnto vs for thy deere Son Iesus Christs sake our Lord and Sauiour Daughter Amen Or else saie thus WE yeeld vnto thee most mightie and mercifull father immortall thanks for that it hath pleased thee of thy meere mercie and fatherlie bountie after the stormes of so manie troublesome times to conduct vs as vpon this daie out of banishment and exile into the comfortable port of tranquillitie by the hand of thy most gratious seruant and our deere Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth When we were as sheepe wandering astraie in the wildernesse thou ordeinedst hir Maiestie to bee our shepheard to gather vs againe into thy sheepefold When we had beene long tossed hither thither with the outrage and cruell furie of tyrannicall persecution like a poore weather-beaten barke that hath beene continuallie tormoiled and tossed on the perilous surges of the outragious and swelling seas finding no sure rode nor harborough wherein to rest but continuallie in danger either to sinke into the sands or to be ouerwhelmed with waues or violentlie to be dashed in peeces against the maine rocks Euen then I saie when we despaired vtterlie of safegard standing stil in feare of the hazard of euerlasting confusion thou cōmittedst the helme to be guided by hir Graces wisedome who at last conducted vs into the hauen of this long desired peace and tranquillitie Therefore whereas thou hast placed hir in the regal throne to be our Dauid our Iosias our Samuel yea to be our shepheard and ring-leader in the waie of true holinesse and sincere religion Inspire hir mind with the manifold blessings of thy grace that she may walke all the daies of hir life in the path of thy commandements and happilie discharge hir dutie in that stewardship and dispensation which thou hast committed to hir Maiesties hands Inflame hir mind more and more with the loue of thy holie Gospell that all hir deeds thoughts and practises may tend to the propagation and planting of thy word and Christian religion in these hir Maiesties dominions Incline the motions of hir vertuous disposition aboue all things to seeke thine honour and glorie to sowe the seeds of the Catholike faith abundantlie in all places to cut off the brood of superstition and idolatrie to constitute true preachers of thy word and stablish euerie where thine holie Gospell and true religion Preserue hir most mercifull Father as hitherto thou hast most miraculouslie done from the diuelish deuises and practises of hir enimies that she may haue a long and happie reigne among vs to the aduancement of thy glorie and ioie and comfort of all vs hir subiects Let hir naturall disposition continue to hir foes terrible to hir subiects amiable to hir offenders mercifull to the vertuous bountifull indifferent to all men and in all respects parciall in no point neither in causes ecclesiasticall nor yet in matters concerning politike gouernement Assist hir most mercifull Father with the might of thy heauenlie spirit to quaile the pride of the triple-headed Romish Cerberus to banish his beggerlie ceremonies to abridge the terme of his reigne and finallie to cut off and preuent the seeds that continuallie striue to spring vp from abhominable superstition and idolatrie Grant hir grace most mercifull Father to run the remnant of hir race in the right path of thy commandements declining neither to the right hand nor to the left but so vsing all times thy heauenlie word as the rule and compasse to direct hir course Preserue hir Grace most mercifull Father in continuall health of bodie and quietnesse of mind that she may be alwaies able to rule the bridle of hir high charge and to execute right and iustice to all sorts and degrees to the aduancement of thy glorie and the vniuersall commoditie of hir Maiesties subiects And finallie grant O most mercifull Father that when it shall please thee to end the terme of hir daies in this world thou wilt make hir partaker of the celestiall ioies which are prepared for them that feare and loue thee since the foundation of the world Grant this most mercifull Father for thy deere Sonne our Lord Iesus Christs sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost three persons one God be all glorie honour and praise world without end Amen Another thanks-giuing and praier vnto God for the preseruation of the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme ALmightie God and most mercifull Father which in thy great mercies hast both giuen vnto vs a peaceable Prince and gratious Queene and also haft hitherto verie often and miraculouslie saued hir from sundrie great perils and imminent dangers and by hir mercifull vnbloudie and gratious gouernement hast preserued vs and the whole Realme from manifold mischiefs and dreadfull plagues wherewith nations round about vs haue beene and yet be most greeuouslie afflicted haue mercie vpon them O Lord and grant vs grace we beseech thee for these thy great benefits that wee may be hartilie thankfull and obedient vnto thee to flie from all things that may offend thee and prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs and to order our liues in all things that may please thee that thy seruant our Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and we thy people committed to hir charge may by thy protection be continuallie preserued from all treacherous deceits and violences of enimies and from all other dangers and perils both bodilie and ghostlie and by thy goodnesse may be maintained in all peace and godlinesse Grant this O mercifull Father for thy deere sonnes sake our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen Another meditation to be vsed especiallie vpon the 17. daie of Nouember wherein the godlie English giueth thanks to God for the
crosse whereon his glorious bodie was broken and his pretious bloud shead a sufficient ransome a full satisfaction a iust recompense of thy iustice and lawe for all them that beleeue and embrace thy Gospell and sacred truth But O Lord our good God be mercifull vnto vs who by our infirmitie through the fall of this lordlie man our great grandfather Adam can not now liue in anie peaceable or good condition and state without Magistrates and Kings to rule and gouerne vs. We therefore most humblie and hartilie beseech thy diuine Maiestie for the loue of thine onlie Sonne Iesus Christ to looke downe with thy fatherlie compassion vpon thy seruant Elizabeth our most gratious Queene and dread souereigne Graffe in hir roiall hart by the working of thy holie spirit thy manifold good gifts and benefits as wisdome grace perseuerance in thy truth increase of faith and affiance in thee Defend hir O Lord with thy mightie hand and outstretched arme graunt vnto hir a most honourable long and prosperous reigne ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord if the seruice of golden vessels in thy Temple at Ierusalem were acceptable vnto thee vouchsafe this thy seruant to be esteemed in thy sight as a most honourable ornament in the new Ierusalem not built with monie by the labour of the seruants of the first Salomon but bought with the pretious bloud of the second Salomon thy Sonne our Sauiour Behold hir and make hir to be O Lord as the pretious stone or signet of thine owne hand as the apple of thine eie as the white lillie and sweet rose of the inclosed garden and as the deere doue of thy delights for thy truth sake to the enimies whereof make hir name most dreadfull and to the Church wheresoeuer dispersed most acceptable and ioifull Confound and put to shame O Lord all those that with or procure anie euill to hir roiall person and heroicall virginitie or diminution of hir kingdomes and imperiall dignitie ouer them And when for the multitude of our sinnes O Lord thou wilt punish vs with the wind of thy displeasure by taking from vs this our fragrant and sweet smelling flower which we beseech thee for thine own name sake long to defer then O Lord plant hir in the garden and paradise of thy presence where she may growe and dwell in felicitie incomparable which the eie hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither euer came it into the vnderstanding of man those ioies which thou hast prepared for hir and all thine elect Moreouer O Lord grant thy heauenlie wisedome and grace vnto all vs hir subiects that we may aduisedlie consider and dutifullie call to our remembrance the manifold blessings that we so long time haue enioied and doo presentlie possesse through thy mercie by hir ministerie authoritie and the execution of hir kinglie office vnder the which we doo not onlie reape and peaceablie enioie the fruits of our labours and other corporall commodities but also that which is more woorth than all this euen the freedome and libertie of conscience the preaching and hearing of thy most holie word and the administration and receiuing of thy holie Sacraments For all which and manie other thy blessings O Lord worke in vs thy grace to yeeld vnto thy diuine Maiestie all possible and continuall praises and thanksgiuing that it be not said vnto vs Are there not ten cleansed or Is not England preserued from all tyrannie enioie all these benefits But where are now their returning to giue thanks Quicken our memories therefore O Lord that we neuer be forgetfull of thy great goodnesse towards vs and make vs more and more for thy sake reuerentlie to feare hir dutifullie to obeie hir and faithfullie to loue honor and serue hir as our naturall louing prince and mother and as the meane by whome we receiue all these thy good blessings that hir Maiestie perceiuing our diligence and readinesse to obeie and serue hir may be the oftener put in mind to feare honor loue serue obeie thy diuine and incomparable Maiestie Furthermore inspire hir roiall hart O Lord with thy diuine grace that as she hath begun to set foorth and mainteine thy sacred truth so she may zealouslie and boldlie increase perseuere continue in the same whereby the filthinesse and nakednesse of Antichrist may be more and more reuealed superstition more and more abolished remoued and that old lieng serpent roring Lion sathan our ancient enimie may be more and more restrained kept backe from his malicious purpose in seeking to deuour and draw vs all in ignorance securitie Grant all this O Lord to our great comfort hir honor and immortall fame yea to the discharging of hir owne conscience kinglie dutie and euermore reward crowne these thine owne good gifts in hir O Lord not for the worke sake but for Iesus Christs sake And when thou shalt to our great sorowe and losse but to hir great ioie and profit take hir from vs crowne hir O most mercifull God with a crowne of euerlasting glorie and giue hir the full possession of that eternall kingdome purchased by the blood of that immaculate Lambe thine onlie Sonne our Sauiour and Redeemer Iesus Christ to whome with thee and the holie Ghost three persons and one immortall and euerlasting God be all honour dominion praise and thanks-giuing for euer and euer Amen Another praier for the Queenes Maiestie and for the state present and to come in our posteritie O Most gratious Lord GOD and King almightie iust euerlasting vpon whose wil dependeth the rule staie and direction of althings both in heauen and in earth giuing men power and dominion ouer the people and nations of the world to whom being obedient to thy most holie will and commandements thou giuest wise careful industrious vertuous happie and prosperous kings princes rulers and magistrates to rule and to gouerne to the peace blessing comfort and wealth of the same but the vnrighteous people lasciuious contemptuous idolatrous superstitious blasphemous and rebellious against thy word and Maiestie shall be deliuered ouer to the hands and tuition of foolish idle dissolute negligent and vnfortunate princes rulers and gouernours by whose brutish disorder loosenesse and follie the state beautie strength and bonds of peace iustice loue and gouernement shall be neglected broken disturbed spoiled and by intestine hatred and discords or else by forren vanquishments and discomfitures destroied whereby both land and people are left a praie to the inuasion spoile and rauine of the greedie and victorious destroier who in his mercilesse rage executeth the plagues of thy iust wrath O Lord so that man woman child beast foule nor fish scapeth the stripes thereof Their countries townes cities and dwellings burnt spoiled rent torne and made waste iustice lawe discipline nurture ciuill fellowship honest arts and exercises religion knowledge and feare of thee scorned banished and persecuted and the land being filled with abhomination beastlie tyrannie slaughter bloud robberie theeuerie
that we may willinglie and gladlie loue honor serue and obeie all superior powers in thee and for thee that we may ioifullie receiue thy Gospell plentiouslie bring foorth the fruits thereof and in all things chieflie applie our selues to the maintenance of thy true worship and setting foorth of thine honor and glorie Daughter Amen For the ignorant Mother VNto the ignorant also that their eies may be opened that it would please thee to shew thy countenance vnto them that they may knowe thee and thy Church which they condemne as errours because their eies are closed vp in darknes that as their zeale is now in simplicitie without knowledge so they may haue in stead of it a godlie zeale grounded on perfect knowledge so that thy Gospell may fructifie in them also to the glorie of thy holie name Daugh. Amen For the malicious persecutors Mother EUen vnto the malicious persecutors also that they may either at the length receiue thy grace so often and so mercifullie profered vnto them and so acknowledge their malice and returne vnto thee to thy great honor and glorie when thou shalt be praised euen by the mouth of thine enimies or else if they haue vtterlie giuen ouer themselues vnto continuall hatred of thee and thy word and vtterly reiected all kind of discipline that then thou take them awaie from among vs to thy great honor and glorie also when as thy little flocke being deliuered from their tyrannie and oppression shall ioifullie sing vnto thee of thy continuall goodnesse and woonderfull deliuerance Daughter Amen For those that are afflicted for Christs sake Mother VNto vs all that are troubled persecuted and cruellie handeled for thy name sake that although it please thee to make a sharpe triall of our faith that our enimies may be either ashamed or confounded thereat yet that thou leaue vs not so much destitute of thy grace that we be not able to stand to the vttermost proofe thereof Consider O Lord the greatnesse of our infirmities And although our sins haue deserued thy wrath yet let the equitie of the cause which is thine for the which we are troubled purchase vnto vs thy fauour and mercie Giue vs therefore grace to continue to the end willinglie and ioifullie to beare whatsoeuer crosse it shall please thee to laie vpon vs and alwaies to be readie to defend and set foorth thine honour and glorie in whatsoeuer triall it be And if we must needs drinke of the cup of triall yet giue leaue vnto thy chosen to drinke the flowre of it and reserue the bottome and dregs thereof for the proud and obstinate enimies of thy Gospell according to thy mercies promised in Iesus Christ our Lord. Daughter Amen For all estates in generall Mother AND finallie be thou mercifull vnto vs all that are of the houshold of faith of what estate or calling soeuer we be that we all remembring to what end thou hast created vs and how dangerous a thing it is to walke so farre vnworthie of our vocation as we now cōmonlie doo may hartilie repent vs of our licentious dissolute and wicked life and euer crie vnto thee for pardon of the same And grant O heauenlie father that the denieng or vnfruitfull receiuing of thy word be not laid to our charge to our vtter confusion but that now at the length we may not onlie receiue it but speedilie learne to bring foorth the fruits of the same that applieng our liues to the exact rule thereof and walking before thee in holinesse and righteousnesse with continuall thanks and praise for all thy mercies shewed vnto vs euer seeking thine honor and glorie in all our dooings may at the end of this our short and wearie peregrination be taken vp vnto thee to euerlasting rest and quietnesse prepared for all beleeuers through the merits of Iesus Christ our Lord. Daughter Amen For increase of true preachers complaining of the lacke herein Mother AND now O heauenlie Father according as wee are taught by thy sonne we humblie beseech thee mercifullie to bow downe thine eies and to behold how great and plentifull thy haruest is and euen now readie to be cut downe O thrust thou foorth good and faithfull laborers into it to reape and gather it into thy barns For though thy haruest be great yet are the labourers verie few Behold O Lord the miserable estate of these daies how thy seelie sheepe wander vp and down without a shepheard Euerie one almost goeth by about his own priuaite imaginations accounting it no part of his dutie or charge to be mooued therat or to take pitie on their great miserie The better sort see it lament it But Lord how few are those that busilie seeke the redresse thereof their owne priuate cōmodities set apart Surelie thy sheepe euen thy sheepe O heauenlie shepheard are in perilous case they are gone astray euerie one after their owne waies euen to their owne destruction they are on the barren mountaines almost vtterlie famished for lacke of food of themselues are not able to returne to the fold And in all these things euen they to whom thou hast giuen the charge of them can for the most part either sleepe sweetlie or if they awake then can they be content other waies to occupie themselues But O Lord wilt thou also alwaies sleepe and neuer arise vp to be reuenged on these so manifest iniuries Wilt thou neuer displace these carelesse hirelings and raise vp in their places such as shall be vigilant pastors ouer their charge although our sinnes deserue no redresse Neither yet giue vs anie hope to find mercie in this matter Yet for thy name sake and for thine honour and glorie O Father we cease not dailie to present our selues before thee as euen now at this present humblie beseeching thee in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ to raise vp among vs like as thou hast begun manie good shepheards such as will not let for anie paines or discomfiture to seeke out thy wandering sheepe and to defend vs from the bloud-thirstie iawes of the rauening woolues Good guides such as will both shew vs the waie and they themselues lead it vnto vs yea and carie home the poore and faint vpon their backs Good and faithfull distributers of thy word and mysteries such as will giue vs food in due season breaking vnto vs the liuing bread and giuing vs to drinke of the water of life That whereas now manie of vs are almost perished with famine therefore are becom lothsome and ill liking in thy sight we may therby through thy helpe be recouered from all lothsomnesse and ill liking and be restored againe to our former plight and beautie that we may be strong and growe in all grace and godlinesse And altogither in the safetie of thy fold with one hart and voice declare thy mercie and goodnesse and woonderous works and sanctifie thy holie name for euer Grant thou this O heauenlie Father and Lord of the haruest not for our
to thy mercies in all euents purpose firmelie as I now doo euerie daie to amend my life Deliuer me my gratious God from all mortall sinne for euer and giue me grace to persecute my vices with sorowe during life And for the satisfaction of these and all my former sinnes as also for all thine ineffable benefits bestowed vpon me and all mankind I offer vnto thee the merits of thy bitter passion those most pretious drops of bloud thou sheddest for me and that inflamed charitie wherewith thou wholie resignedst thy selfe to all thy torments for my sake and in the vnion of this thine oblation on the crosse I offer vp my selfe soule bodie and all I haue of thine within or without me to thine honour and euerlasting glorie I retaine nothing to my selfe but giue all to thee whose it is and make that thine by my will which is thine of iustice Giue me thy grace O my God to liue better herafter and to confesse my sinnes in due time vnto thee Giue me true humilitie continuall repentance and grace both to knowe thee and also my selfe Giue me puritie of hart in all my dooings patience chastitie and perfect charitie Giue me a good life and a good death and in the dangerous houre of my departure the assistance of thy blessed Saints and Angels with whom I may through thy mercie in another world praise and glorifie thee euerlastinglie Amen The Hymne or praier to God the Father BLessed be God father of heauen Which hath strengthned his féeble flocke With stedfast faith and boldnesse euen To beare his crosse burden and yocke These are the last daies perillous Fréelie Christs Gospell to professe Come downe Lord shortlie to iudge vs And take vs from the heauinesse An Antheme WHosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued A praier to God the Father to be vsed before Euening praier O Mercifull Lord and louing Father without whose aid and motion I am not able to stir one member toward heauenlie seruice the burden of this slowe and sinfull flesh doth so ouercharge my weake soule According to thy fatherlie pitie looke vpon me O God and quicken my dull spirit with thy grace to rise out of this mirie puddle and to come before thy presence in humble repentance crauing thy mercie for my miserable sinnes and wickednesse that being released in the bloud and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ I may ioifullie serue honour and praise thine eternall Maiestie through thy deere sonne my mercifull Lord and redeemer to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all glorie and thanks for euer Amen The Hymne of our redemption by Christ. PRaised be God for his excéeding fauour Wich hath giuen vs his sonne to be our Sauiour We are sinners vnrighteous foolish and fleshlie Christ is our mercie-stoole righteousnesse wisdome verelie We are vncleane holden vnder the danger of deth sins exaction Christ is our holines our life our redemption and satisfaction Glorie be to thée O Lord borne of the vndefiled virgin Glorie be to the Father and to the holie Ghost our soules surgin So be it A forme of Priuate Euening praier Our Father which art in heauen c. COnuert vs our Sauiour and turne awaie thy wrath from vs. O God make speede to saue vs. O Lord make haste to helpe vs. Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the be c. Praise ye the Lord. Thanks be giuen vnto God The first Psalme at Euening praier BOw downe thine eare O Lord to my requests and suffer me to exhibit my supplication vp vnto thee For behold night and daie I trace and hunt after thee by all meanes I can To thee onelie earlie and late doo I still call and crie for mercie according as thou hast giuen mee in commandement For when I call to memorie the time of my life euill dispent I quake to thinke vpon thee yea and my spirit faileth me so sore am I afraid of thy iudgements Yet well pondering the processe of thy grace mercie promised me in Christ I cease to despaire knowing that thou O GOD hast not forgotten thy gifts of grace and that thy power to haue compassion is not waxen faint but that both thou canst and wilt put backe thy wrath most iustlie conceiued against me for my sinne In full trust whereof O Lord I come vnto thee beseeching thee to hide my life with Christ within thee and vnder the shadowes of thy wings to defend me that thy grace couenant may be with me euermore Turne not thy mercie from me O Lord nor bring me downe to destruction as I haue deserued but shew thy grace and fauour vnto me that I may liue and being exalted through thy righteousnesse praise thy name most ioifullie Remember my corrupt nature O Lord how short my life is and that thou madest not man for nothing No man can deliuer himselfe from death no man can saue his owne soule from hell thou onelie O Lord must do it namelie to such as beleeue in thee This life passeth as doth a dreame or grasse in the field which to daie is greene and to morrow drie If thou be displeased then we be lost if thou chafe then we shrinke for feare for through sinnes we be dead vnto thee with whome a thousand yeares be but as one daie yea as the least minute of an houre Certesse Lord if thou haue respect to our sins who shall continue Shew me therefore how manie be the daies of my life that I may dispend them wiselie to the praise of thy name least that I foolishlie trusting vpon long life suddenlie might perish come to death Come Lord now vnto vs and comfort vs. Come O God and hide not thy face from me that I be not like vnto those that be hurled into the pit of perdition And after this night of calamitie ouerpassed let the pleasant morning of comfort luckilie shine vpon me that betimes I may heare and feele thy goodnesse for in thee is all my trust Deliuer me this night from the snare of Sathans gard which hunt in the darke how to plucke me from thee Let me not stand in the feare of the night-euill of vnbeleefe and of thy strait iudgement neither let me be afraid of the fleeing arrowe in the daie time Let me not be in feare of that horrible pestilence creeping in through darkenesse I meane let me not be ignorant how detestable my sins be that I dissemble them not nor qualifie them Let me not dread that middaie diuell which abuseth thy Church vnder a title and pretence of holinesse neither let Sathan though he change himselfe into an Angel of light strike anie feare in me But both on the right side and on the left as well in the night as in the daie that is as well in aduersitie as prosperitie and as well in spirituall businesse as in corporall let thy holie Angels diligentlie wait vpon me that I do not stumble then
shall I tread vnderfoot that hellie dragon Yea so shall I of dutie be bound alwaie with couragious spirit to praise and hallowe thy name not onlie in the morrowe when all things shall chance to my harts desire to ascribe all to thy goodnesse without anie deseruing on my behalfe but also in the night of trouble and aduersitie when I shall call vnto mind thy most faithfull and trustie promises that I despaire not thus to praise thy meere and speciall grace and blesse thee saieng Blessed art thou O Lord God of our fathers for thou art praise and honour worthie and to be magnified for euer Blessed be the glorie of thy holie name for it is worthie to be praised aboue all to be magnified for euer Blessed art thou O father O Sonne and O holie Ghost for thou art worthie to be praised and aboue all to be magnified for euer Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen for thou art praise-worthie for euer O giue thanks vnto the Lord all his creatures for he is kind-harted and mercifull yea his mercie endureth for euer Oh speake good of the Lord all ye works of his in all places of his dominion and let euerie thing that hath breath praise the Lord and giue him thanks for his mercie endureth for euer O that all men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men Praise thou the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits yea and all that is within me praise his holie name for his louing mercie and for his truth which endureth for euer worlds without end Amen Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the begin c. The second Psalme MY God my God remember me forsake me not suffer me not to be lost sith both night and daie I crie to thee heare me my Lord. Our father 's trusted in thee and thou helpedst them whensoeuer they called vpon thee at no tune thou failedst them but wast alwaies at hand to assist them Come foorth father most deerelie beloued in my hart restore me from Sathans kingdome Thou drewest me foorth of my mothers wombe and hast preserued me vnto this daie Of thy benignitie and mercie which I beseech thee denie me not at this my neede go not awaie from me for anguish and pensiuenesse of hart drawe nigh vnto me and yet is there none that can helpe me but thou onlie Let me escape from these dangers through thy Christ my sauiour who for my sake hath suffered so spitefull and bitter paines who for me was sore vexed cruellie scourged wounded nailed and hanged on the crosse Let me escape I saie for his bloud sake which he so largelie shed for vs to cause vs obteine forgiuenesse of our sinnes and enioie the new and euerlasting couenant made betwixt thee and vs. Stand not farre from me O Lord my refuge and strength come neere and helpe me deliuer my life from the sword and my soule from the wood dogs from the Lions iawes restore me betweene the hornes of the Unicornes heare thou me Then shall I blowe abroade thy name with all praises vnto my brethren and in the assemblie of the holie persons I shall commend thee Despise not the praiers of the poore turne not awaie thy face heare my crie for I will record this thy goodnesse among the miserable painefull and troublesome consciences that they thereof may take hart of comfort growe in hope cleaue more feruentlie vnto thee blowe abroade thy most glorious name and giue thee euerlasting thanks for their saluation Amen Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The third Psalme OUT of the furthest angles of the earth on euerie side thou shalt with a mightie voice call men to iudgement Lord God omnipotent to whome nothing is hid Open our eares that we may heare this thy promise I shall be your God In thee constantlie beleeue we with thy foison we be filled Prudentlie thou dost declare and testifie that of our goods and sacrifices thou hast no need and doest not either regard or measure them for all be thine and in thee it lieth to make the things we now possesse to be ours or not ours Thou onlie requirest sacrifices of thanke sgiuing let vs therefore disclose the bottome of our harts to thee let vs knowledge thee to be our God Let vs halowe thy name in all things flowe in thy word render thanks both in weale and wo require thy succours in straits and necessities in which time thou hast promised to helpe vs then shall we so deliuered blase thy name Lord God most iust true of promise and deerest Father thee beseech I to send succours vnto me euen of thine infinite goodnesse For thy renowmes sake for Iesus Christs sake thy beloued sonne and for his pretious bloud largelie shed for vs on the crosse haue mercie vpon me so that once purged I may come againe in fauour with thee Pitie me heare me out of the straits of this sinfull flesh wherewith on euerie side I am hampered in Set me at large againe rid me from mine enimies which seeke to drawe me awaie from thy true seruice In thy comfort let me reioice and be full of spirituall ioie let me euer brute thy name not vnmindfull of thy benefits Releeue me most pitifull God according to thy word which is the truth Most tender father shew me that thy ioifull health Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the begin c. The fourth Psalme THy clemencie and blessing most mightie God we craue and require of thee full instantlie Let thy countenance shine vpon vs haue compassion vpon vs that here in earth wee may find out the waie which leadeth vnto thee and may attaine thy saluation among the Gentils O that all people would confesse thee with louing harts for thy manifold benefits and pleasures which they haue receiued at thy hands who dost with iustice gouerne men and art their leader vpon earth Powre downe Lord thy goodnesse and continuall blessings vpon vs and then shall the earth yeeld vnto thee glorie and praise and to vs fruits for meate Thou God the father blesse vs thou God the sonne blesse vs and thou God the holie Ghost blesse vs yea thou holie blessed and glorious Trinitie grant vs thy continuall blessing O that all the coasts of the earth Lord God would feare and stand in awe of thee Would God that we also might studie to worke no man either pleasure or displeasure that should be against thy will but that we may doo all things according to thy commandements Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the begin c. A contemplation and praier exclaming of the carefull passions of the soule and bodie WO is me carefull carcase and filthie defiled flesh conceiued and borne in sinne depriued of originall iustice compared to a beast in Adam fallen as a