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B00721 Dauids blessed man: or, A short exposition vpon the first Psalme, directing a man to true happinesse. Wherein the estate and condition of all man-kinde is laid downe, both for this life, and that which is to come. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1616 (1616) STC 22839.3; ESTC S95240 104,172 327

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precious in their eyes but rather it is irkesome and tedious vnto them it is bitter and vnsauourie It fareth with people in these dayes as it did with those olde people of the Iewes vnto whom should I speake and admonish that they might heare Behold their eares are vncircumcised and they cannot hearken vnto it the word of the Lord is a reproach vnto them and they haue no delight therein Ieremie 6.10 Now that men haue no delight to the word of God which is the very power of God to saluation it may appeare First because men and women take no delight in Hearing Reading and Meditating on the word of GOD you shall finde a great number that will buy other profane bookes that will hardly buie the Booke of all Bookes the holie and sacred Bible And if they buie it yet they spend no time in perusing of it in reading and meditating of it Other Bookes are delightfull and pleasant to flesh and bloud and this is the reason they doe so much desire them but withall this sheweth that they be carnall not borne anew for if they were then would they bestow lesse time in reading and perusing those prophane and vnprofitable Bookes and would bestow more time in reading and meditating on this blessed Booke of God yea and the small account men make of Gods Ministers whom the Lord calles his Messengers and Embassadours yea the Angells of the Church Vse 2 Secondly seeing all the dueties that wee owe to God either of hearing praying c. must be performed of vs not vpon compulsion but willingly and cheerefully we learne that euery action is accounted of by God not according to the worke it selfe but according to the affection of the doer This the Lord himselfe doth teach when he saith This people come neare mee with their mouth and honour mee with their lippes but their hearts are farre from mee Esay 29.13 And therefore were their Sacrifices abhomination to the Lord as hee againe saith in another place I can not away with your new Moones And this was it made the poore Widdowes mite commended aboue the rest that offered of their superfluity Luke 31.3.4 He that shall giue a cuppe of colde water to a Disciple Mat. 10.41 in the name of a Disciple he shall not loose his reward Alas what is the bestowing of a mite a brasen token or what is a cuppe of cold water are they in thēselues anie thing worth to merite any thing at Gods hand No no but God accepteth the manner more then the matter how they are doone more then what is done Which may teach vs to labour to haue our affections tryed that whatsoeuer we doe in the seruice of Almightie God may bee done in truth and sincerity of heart This was Iobs comfort when hee sayd O Lord I haue esteemed thy word more then my ordinarie foode This was the Prophet Dauids comfort when hee could say Oh how doe I loue thy Law it is my meditation continually Psalme 119. verse 97. And this shall be our comfort when wee shall goe the way of all flesh that wee can say with good King Ezechias Remember O Lord that I haue walked before thee in truth and with an vpright heart That we haue not beene painted sepulchres desiring to be accounted righteous before men but within full of all rottennesse and corruption but haue laboured rather to be approoued of God Oh how ought our hearts and soules to be inflamed in a holy and godly zeale towardes the word of God the lawe of the Lord here spoken of yea wee ought more earnestly to long for the waters of this well of life then euer Dauid did for the waters of the well of Bethlem and when we haue tasted how sweet the Lord is neuer oh neuer to deale with the Lord as the people of Israel did Io. 4.15 which loathed the Manna that was sent them from heauen But much better shall it bee for vs to cry out with the woman of Samaria Lord giue me to drinke of these waters for these waters being once tasted of will kepe a man that hee thirst not againe but shall euer bee refreshed by the same to eternal life Lastly let vs heerein labour to Vse 3 manifest our vnfained loue and liking of the Word and Law of God euen by our obedience thereunto that wee desire to frame our liues thereafter to obey the doctrine and word of God in heart and life to be reformed by it and to bee conformed to it CHRIST maketh this to bee the eare-marke of those that are his Sheepe namely this That they heare his voyce and follow him And againe Iohn 10. Heereby shall all men know that yee are my Disciples and loue mee if yee keepe my Commandements So heereby shall men know that wee loue the Lawe of God if wee studie to keepe it to obey it in heart and life But if wee haue in vs no care to liue thereafter but breake the Lawe of God continually and rebell against his Commandements how can wee be sayd to loue the Lawe of God If a man should say hee loueth the Kings Lawes and likes them well and yet should euery day breake them wittingly and willingly and bee euer playing the Traytor would not all men condemne him as an hypocrite and a lyar So though most men doe say they loue the Word of God and delight in his Lawe yet seeing they doe daily breake it and rebell against it wittingly and willingly by swearing lying prophaning of his Sabaoth drunkennesse swilling pride vncleanenesse c. It is manifest they haue no loue vnto it Thus much of the first part shewing that the godly man is well affected to the heauenly Doctrine of the word of God it is the delight and ioy of his heart Now in the second part of the Verse the Prophet Dauid sheweth the exercise of a godly man that as in his heart he loueth and liketh the Word and heauenly Doctrine of the Lawe of God so in his life hee is conuersant in the same his Meditations are much spent therein hee is said to meditate therein day and night That is the godly man doth much muse and meditate often exercising his minde with calling to minde and remembrance the heauenlie Doctrines comforts and instructions of the word of God and this hee doth not slightly and carelesly but seriously and with good aduice and to this end doth euermore set some time apart euery day morning and euening two times a day at least for the performance of this godlie duetie Doth meditate day and night Doctr. 3. The Lawe of god is a godly mās chiefe delight HEere wee see still that a godly man and one that shall bee truely blessed the Lord requireth that he be no stranger and such a one as seldome or neuer searcheth the Scriptures but that hee be much and often exercised in the holy and serious meditation of Gods Law in the diligent searching perusing and particularly
must keepe their friends company or as those that were bidden to the feast One hath his oxen and gaine to hinder him an other his wife his pleasures and delights which hee is married vnto and so can finde no time to serue God euen the least thing in the world is matter sufficient to hinder them from seruing of God these men shew that they find no comfort at all in the seruice of Almighty God no good no fruit no benefite for if they did they would not be such strangers vnto it Let euery one bee exhorted and Vse 2 stirred on to this duety if we haue not begunne now to beginne and in the feare of the Lord to imitate Gods children as Dauid and the rest Let vs set some time apart euery day for the word and prayer else wee shall neuer prooue our selues good Christians else wee should neuer finde true comfort else we can neuer looke for Gods blessing vpon vs let vs then set apart some of our idle time that wee bestow in talking in walking in playing in vaine delights or else idlely and bestow it on Gods seruice and worshippe in hearing reading praying meditating c. Dauid earely in the morning preuented the day light yea at mid-night would hee be so busied The Eunuch in his iourney was reading the Scriptures Let vs then neuer arise in the morning or goe to bedde but as duely let vs euer be mindefull of this duety Let vs not mis-spend our precious time Let vs I pray you consider why wee liue heere in the world not to spend and consume our time in toyes and vanities but to serue God and to seeke for comfort and saluation vnto our owne soules Let vs therefore so spend it as wee may haue comfort in the end Last of all we are heere exhorted Vse 3 to be very carefull after wee haue begunne a good course in godlines to perseuer and to continue in the same Day and Night euen vnto the end not onely in the day-time of prosperity but in the night-time of aduersity for vnto GOD The day and night are both alike Ps 139.12 Many make a faire beginning but the end is very fearefull and dangerous Many lay their hands to the Lords Plow Luke 9.62 but in the end they looke back Lots wife seemes as forward as her husband shee goes out of Sodome as well as hee shee takes her iourney with her husband but shee did not continue and hold out to the end but lookes backe contrary to the commandement of God and so was turned into a pillar of Salt And shee being made a spectacle to all back-sliders our Sauiour puts vs in minde of her when hee saith Remember Lots wife Luk. 17.32 And Paul when hee had Preached the Resurrection of CHRIST Agrippa said vnto him Thou perswadest mee almost to become a Christian Act. 26.28 But there he stayed and rested and would proceed no further These are fearefull examples It had beene better for such They had neuer knowne the way of righousnesse 1. Pet. 2.21 for indeed in a Christian race there is no standing at one stay for not to go forward in Religion is to go backward And thus much for the description of a godly man affirmatiuely shewing what hee doth carefully embrace and follow But his delight is in the Law of the Lord c. The first Psalme VERSE 3. Hee shall be like a Tree planted by the Riuers of waters that will bring forth her fruit in due season whose leafe shall not fade so whatsoeuer he shall doe shall prosper HItherto the Prophet Dauid hath described vnto vs a godly and righteous man such a man as is truly blessed both negatiuely shewing what be the euills hee must carefully shunne and auoyde as also affirmatiuely by those vertues and holy dueties which he doth carefully embrace and follow Now in this Verse the Prophet proceeds to set out the happinesse of a godly man Wherein the godly man is blessed Parts of the verse or wherein his happinesse doth consist And this doth he first by a similitude comparing him vnto a pleasant fruitfull and flourishing tree secondly by that blessed successe God giues vnto a godly man in the end of this verse The precedent part of the verse the similitude it selfe it hath in it these parts First whereunto the godly man is compared to a Tree Secondly the nature of this Tree is described not euery common or triuiall Tree but such a Tree which for the originall of it planted secondly for the situation of it By the riuers of waters thirdly for the propertie of it that will bring forth her fruit in due season fourthly by a contrary propertie whose leafe shall not fade First then obserue by this Similitude that man is compared to a Tree and in three things especially the Shape the Growth and the State of a Tree Man like to a Tree 1 In Shape Man may well be compared to a tree in respect of his Shape For as a Tree consists of the root the stock and the boughes or branches euen so doth man this misticall tree Hee hath his head which is the root and haire as small rootes his body as the stock and his armes and legges as so many boughes and fingers and toes as lesser twigges Onely the difference betweene the naturall tree and man this Mysticall Tree is this The naturall tree is rooted in the earth Gen. 27.28 receiuing as Esaus blessing the Fatnesse of the same but man this Heauenly Plant deriues not his iuice and nourishment from the fatnesse of the earth but from heauen aboue according to Gods wise disposing of his roote which is aboue not below and therefore are we exhorted by the Apostle to set our affections on heauenly things and not on things heere below for wee through Christ 2. Pet. 1.4 are made partakers of the Diuine Natute in heauen therefore must our conuersation be Secondly 2 In growth man may bee said to be like a Tree in respect of his growth for a tree at first is flexible by nature and so by degrees a little and little growes to be stronger and stronger till it come to perfection and then againe begins to wither to dry vp so fareth it with man this Mysticall Tree while hee is in the state of infancy he is as a tender twig and his mind is as flexible as a twig easily inclined to vertue if hee bee accordingly educated or else to vice if the same be neglected an excellent caueat to all parents and gouernours of youth that they take a due time of correcting educating of these tender plants namely to bend the tree while it is a twig for if it be suffered it will grow to bee curelesse And as man is like to a tree in respect of his infancy and tender age so in respect of his decrepit old age for when the Tree is once come to his perfection in growth it
carefull of the performance of our dueties herein as wee are in our owne affaires In our plowing and sowing our reaping and gathering in our putting off of our cattell and tilling our ground men know their times and take their opportunities euen then when it shall stand with their best aduantage Oh that wee could bee as wise for our soules to purchase the true treasure which wil make vs rich vnto saluation as wee are for these temporall things which doe last but for a time surely it is the care of the godly man Esay 1. Gen. 43. as the mariner watches for the winde and when it comes hoyses vp saile as the Captaine and Souldier in the field waite their time yea and as the Birds Swan and Crane the beasts Swallow and Pismire waite their times and then take the occasion and season offered so the childe of God doth in his heauenly wisedome waite the time and take the occasion to doe good As Ioseph in the seuen yeares of plenty prouided for the seuen yeares of dearth so the godly man bringeth forth fruite in due season that is in time conuenient As when the Lord cals man to repent hee repents when occasion is to pray hee will pray when the season is to heare hee will heare when to reproue hee will reproue when to giue to the poore hee hath his hand ready so as when occasion is offered hee takes it Yea hee waits and watches for it as Lot did to entertaine strangers at his Tent doore Gen. 17. and as that poore man in the Gospell who lay at the poole of Bethesda waiting for the mouing of the water Ioh. 5. This reproues the folly and carelesnesse Vse 1 of most men who neither wait the time nor yet take the occasion offered The Lord cals men to prayer to calling on his Name they make light of it the Lord cals men to heare his Word men contemne it the Lord offers occasion to reproue sinne they will not open their mouth to reproue the swearer blasphemer cursed speaker c. The Lord offers occasion to releeue the poore they shut vp the bowels of mercy against them In the matters of the world Oh men are wise to take their time the merchant the mariner the Husbandman c. But in the matters of God which concerne the saluation of our soules we are like that sicke man that let euery man step in before him Well if we belong vnto God it will grieue vs at the heart that wee haue not done our duety that wee haue omitted our occasions of doing of good whether to heare reade pray reproue or to giue vnto the poore Well let vs now seeke the Lord while hee may bee found let vs not with the slouthfull seruant deferre till our Maisters comming How many bee there that say that they will now liue in ease in ioy and will take their pleasure and follow their sports and when they be old then they will repent and serue God and giue themselues to prayer but let none thinke if they do spend the flowre of their youth in lusts and pleasures Eccl 12.1 in the seruice of sinne and sathan that God will accept of their rotten old age no the deuill shall haue the dregs as well as the wine Hence wee obserue in the second Vse 3 place that Gods children are neuer voide of the fruites of faith but haue them in them continually to their endlesse comfort Other Trees oftentime fall to degenerate and to grow out of kinde and if they doe hold out a long time yet age at the last makes them to decay and to die albeit you dig and dung and water them neuer neuer so much it cannot keep them from wasting and withering but it is not so with the godly men which are planted by the riuers of water in Gods Church for euen in their old age they bring forth aboundance and store of friute albeit they be neuer so old yet whensoeuer the Season requires some fruit of a godly man hee is euer ready to performe the same being that hee is continually watered by the working of his Spirit and this is confirmed by that of our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 15.1.2 I am the true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman euery branch that beareth no fruite in mee hee taketh away and euery branch that beareth fruite hee purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite So that being once Planted by these Riuers of waters wee shall then incontinently bring forth fruite The third propertie of this tree wherunto the godly man is cōpared His leafe shall not fade THis is the third point of the description of this Tree to the which a godly man is compared namely by the flourishing estate of it That her leaues do not fall They wither not nor dry not but alwaies flourish and are greene of this sort is the Oliue tree the Bay tree the Lawrell tree and the Box tree they are alwaies greene and flourishing the heate of the Sommer nor the cold of the Winter doth not parch or wither them but they keepe their vigor and colour at all seasons Now this doth signifie vnto vs the constancy and the perseuerance of the godly Psal 92.12 For as the Tree planted thus by the fresh springing waters doth alwaies flourish and is euer greene neither is it nipped either with the heate of Sommer or cold of Winter So the godly man that is truely regenerate hee is constant and doth perseuer euen vnto the end Hence wee learne that it is not enough Doctr. 7. Perseuerance required in each child of God for a man or woman to begin well or to take some liking of Religion to haue some good motions as to reuerence Gods Ministers to desire to heare them to ioyne with the people of God in prayer to bring forth some good fruit in outward reformation of life c. vnlesse he perseuere persist and go on vnto the end Mar. 24 13 He that indures to the end shall be saued Reu. 2.10 And Bee thou faithfull vnto death and I will giue thee a Crowne of life Eze. 18.24 If a righteous man leaue his righteousnesse c. Hee that puts his hand to the Lords Plough Luk. 9.62 and looketh backe is not worthy of the Kingdom of Heauen Againe 2. Pet. 2.21 it had beene better for them that they had neuer knowne the waies of godlinesse then afterwards to fall away And therefore in the Scriptures such as haue had some beginning and after fallen away are noted to haue beene exceeding wicked men As wee see in Iudas first a Preacher and an Apostle Math. 27. a man well esteemed that had excellent giftes to Preach Pray and cast out deuils afterward an hypocrite a thiefe a traytor a reprobate Mar. 6.20 Herod had many things in him at first reuerenced Iohn Baptist heard him gladly did many things at his request 2. Tim. 4.10 yet afterwards a
performe it open therefore the eyes of our minds that we may see what is good put thy good Spirit within vs giue vs fleshly hearts and pliable affections draw our minds from the loue of this present world teach vs to vse it as if we vsed it not that we haue heere no continuing Citie but to seeke one to come that so wee may seeke for that kingdome that cannot bee shaken but eternall in the heauens Lord teach vs to do thy wil knit our hearts vnto thee that we may feare thy name ô Lord heare ô Lord forgiue ô Lord consider the complaint that we make vnto thee and giue a gracious answere vnto our prayers for the Lords sake And now ô Lord we thanke thee euen from the bottome of our hearts for thy inestimable blessings wherwith in Christ Iesus thou hast blessed vs for our Election before the foundation of the world for our Vocation Iustification Sanctification and Preseruation and for that thou hast put in vs a hope of Glorification in the life to come We thank thee more especially for that thou hast defended vs this night past from all perils dangers and hast safely brought vs to the beginning of this day Now Lord wee humbly pray thee keepe vs and all that belong vnto vs this day from al euill that may hurt vs set thy feare before our eyes and let thy spirit so rule our hearts that we may not sin against thee As for outward things we submit our selues to thy wise and fatherly prouidence only we beseech thee to giue vs this day whatsoeuer thou knowest needfull behouefull vnto vs let vs not want those things without which we cannot serue thee blesse vs in our going out and our comming in and grant that whatsoeuer we shall thinke speake or doe may tend to thy glory the good of our brethren and the comfort of our owne consciences when wee shall come to make before thee our last accounts Blesse thy whole Church O Lord and build it vp more and more in perfect beautie disappoynt the hope of the Papists let them perish as many as haue euil wil at Syon comfort them that mourne especially such as mourn for sin fulfil the desires of all that truly long sigh after thee Blesse this good land in which we liue make thy glorious Gospell to shine more more vntil it be perfect day Lord send it where it is not and blesse it where it is that Babylon may fall and neuer rise vp again and to this end strenthen the hand of thine annoynted seruant and our dread Soueraigne Iames Lord make him to see and know euery day more and more what belongs vnto thy glory what belongs vnto his owne peace and safety and Lord giue him a heart that he may duly practise the same Blesse likewise our gracious Queene Anne Prince Charles and rhe Count Palatine of Rhine with the Lady Elizabeth his wife Assist with thy spirit and grace all that are in authority sanctifie all those whom thou employest in the Ministery Be mercifull vnto all that wee are bound in duty to pray for as if we had named them in particular vnto thee Hasten the comming of Iesus Christ make vs euer mindfull of our last end and of the reckoning that one day we are to make vnto thee And in the meane time Lord make vs carefull to follow Christ in the Regeneration during this life as that with Christ one day we may haue our portion in the resurrection of the Iust when this mortall life is ended These graces and all other blessings which thou knowest to bee needfull for vs O Lord we humbly begge and craue at thy hand in the name and for the sake alone of Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne and in that forme of prayer which hee himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. A Prayer for the Euening O Lord God by whose gracious prouidence the night succeedeth the day and the day the night wee acknowledge thy wonderfull power therin forasmuch as day vnto day vttereth thy goodnes and night vnto night teacheth knowledge O Lord amongst other thy mercies with which thou doest euen follow vs most rebellious wretches wee must needs acknowledge that this is not the least that we haue this libertie to come into thy presence O Lord wee come not now to excuse our selues but to accuse our selues yea and to acknowledge that we are worthy of all those iudgements which thy iustice might most iustly inflict vpon vs our sinnes they make vs seeme vile in our eyes how much more loathsome in thy sight O Lord we must needs confesse that we are so farre vnworthy to bee called thy sonnes as that we are not worthy to bee reckoned amongst thy seruants yea were it not that thou wert a God of mercy and that thy mercy were ouer all thy workes and doth extend it selfe euen to poore sinners we should vtterly be discouraged in comming vnto thee considering that our whole life hath been but a life of sinne and that we haue drunke downe iniquity as it were water euer powring in but neuer powring out our filthinesse O Lord teach vs to value this mercy of thine aright that thou hast spared vs so long and giuen vs so large a time of repentance that thou hast not preuented vs with death in the time of our ignorance hardnesse of heart as many haue beene before vs O Lord it is thy mercy not our worthinesse Thus hast thou shewed thy selfe to be a God of mercy one that delighteth in the prosperity of thy seruants Now Lord we humbly entreat thee that thou wouldst pardon and forgiue vs all our sins and offences bathe them in the bloud of thy Sonne naile them to his Crosse bind them in a bundle and throw them downe into the bottome of the sea that they may neuer rise vp against vs either in this world to accuse vs or in the world to come to condemne vs. O Lord wee are heartily sorry that wee haue abused thy blessings prophaned thy Saboths despised thy word and quenched thy Spirit For these and the like blessed father we condemne our selues do not thou therefore marke them nor deale not with vs as we haue deserued but teach vs to rise vp against our sinnes that our warre with them may assure vs that wee haue peace with thee O Lord we abhorre our selues for to vs belongs nothing but shame and confusion of face for euer and we do humbly entreat thee to looke vpon vs in thy Son Christ Iesus O let the chastisement of our peace bee vpon him and heale vs through his stripes Lord let vs euer remember our latter end and the straight reckoning that we must render vnto thee one day and in health and prosperity to thinke of a time of sicknesse and aduersity and especially good Lord deliuer vs in the houre of temptation that when Sathan his assaults shall be greatest as his policy is when wee are weakest and least able to resist him that thy power may then appeare in our weaknesse that these things may not ouertake vs as a snare but that with the wise virgins wee may in some sort bee prepared for the comming of Christ Iesus the sweete Bridegroome of our soules And to that end we may haue comfort both now and at that time goe forward wee humbly pray thee with the worke of our new birth that thou hast begun in vs and neuer take away thy hand vntill such time as thou hast made an end of it And now O Lord hauing in the first place sought thy kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof giue vs leaue in the next place to seek thy fauour in outward things First according to our duty we giue thee hearty thankes praise for that thou hast this day preserued vs from all euill and danger wee humbly pray thee take care ouer vs this night and defend vs from that roaring Lyon who night and day goeth about seeking whom hee may deuoure Take thou vs this night into thy blessed tuition we know that thou dost neither slumber nor sleepe keepe vs euen in our sleepe from being vnmindfull of thee that whensoeuer thou shalt call for vs by the generall Alarum of thy iudgement whether at mid-night at Cocke-crowing or at the dawning of the day we may bee found ready to accompany the Bridegroome into the Marriage-chamber And to this end Lord sanctifie our sleep vnto vs that by it wee may bee the better enabled to performe the duties of the next day and night and day being guided by thee they may fit vs and prepare vs for that day of thine that shall neuer giue place to night And we beseech thee O Lord to be mercifull likewise to thy whole Church heare the cries of thine elect heare the mourning of all such as mourne in Syon let the cries of thy children cry downe the cries of the sinnes of this land and bee reconciled vnto vs O Lord our God in the multitude of thy mercies that so thou maist continue still a mercifull God vnto this Land the Vineyard which thy own right hand hath planted Preserue our gracious King blesse and prosper the Queene the hopefull Prince Charles Princely Palsgraue of Rhene with the Princesse Elizabeth his wife And as thou hast crowned them with worldly honour vpon earth so direct them vnto that more glorious Crowne in heauen Blesse the Nobility and Magistracy of this Land Prosper the worke of thy Gospell in the hands of thy Ministers And good Lord giue vs all grace to bee one of those wise virgines that our hearts may bee prepared like a lamp furnished with Faith and good workes like Oyle to meete the Lord Iesus Christ the Bridegroome of our soules there to see the felicity of thy chosen and to reioyce with the ioy of thy people To whom with thee O Father and thy blessed Spirit bee all Honour Glory Might Maiesty and Dominion henceforth for euer Amen FINIS
DAVIDS BLESSED MAN OR A SHORT EXPOSITION VPON THE FIRST Psalme directing a Man to true Happinesse Wherein the Estate and Condition of all Mankinde is laid downe both for this life and that which is to come The second Edition profitably amplified by the Author SAMVEL SMITH Preacher of the Word of God at Pritwell in Essex 1. TIM 4.8 Godlinesse hath the promise of the life present and the life that is to come LONDON Printed by NICHOLAS OKES and are to bee sold by SIMON WATERSON at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard at the Signe of the Crowne 1616. ❧ TO THE HONORABLE SIR ROBERT RICH KNIGHT OF THE BATH AND SON and Heire to the Right Honorable ROBERT Lord RICH and to the Honorable and vertuous Lady the Lady FRANCIS RICH his wife S.S. wisheth all true comfort in this life and Eternall happinesse in the Life to come HONORABLE IT is reported that when one presented vnto Antipater King of Macedon a treatise of Happinesse that hee reiected it with this answer I am not at leasure your Honor shal finde this a treatise tending to Happinesse and shewing the way to euerlasting blessednesse yet I assure my selfe it shall finde better intertainement at your hands and that you will finde leasure at your leasure to peruse it J must ingeniously confesse that many haue many times handled many points of doctrine deliuered in this treatise yet I haue done it after another method Jf the water I haue drawne from this Well shall delight you J hope it will not tast the worse being brought vnto you in this vessell I offer here vnto your view the Anatomy of Dauids blessed Man or a short Exposition of the first Psalme directing a man how he may be truly blessed Jt is not without desert that Ierome doth call this book of the Psalmes The Treasury of learning for out of it most frequent testimonies are brought by our blessed Sauiour himselfe And this first Psalme is a Compend or an abstract of the whole booke of Psalmes directing the way to true happinesse The text J am sure is excellent for the purpose but for my manner of handling it I leaue it to the censure of Gods Church In Preaching I haue euer counted plainnesse the best eloquence and the carriage of matters so that those of the lowest forme may learne somewhat the soundest and the surest learning For surely we are so fallen into the dregges of time which being the last must needs be worst that Security hath so possessed all Men that they will not be awaked but if at any time the word of God or any good motion of Gods Spirit hath met with them presently Security whispers them in the one eare that though it be fit to thinke of such things yet it is not yet time Youth pleades a priuiledge though many millions of yong men are in hell for want of timely repentance And Presumption warrants thē in the other eare that they may haue time hereafter And thus men spend their daies vntill at last their houre-glasse be run and time then is past Now if your Honor shal lay this to heart in the strength of your yeares it shall bee your chiefest wisedome And if to bee religious in all ages hath been held to be true honor how much more honorable is it in so impious an age It is religion godlinesse that shal embalme your name and make it shine before men and glorifie your soule amongst Angels Mary her box of Oyntment shall neuer be forgotten for Godlinesse hath the promise of this life that which is to come and without it there is no internall comfort to bee found in conscience nor externall peace to bee looked for in this world nor eternall happinesse to bee hoped for in the next Now how can Religion but promise to herself a zealous patrō of your honor being the son heire of so gratious and religious a father who hath shewed himselfe a faithfull Dore-keeper in the house of his God Let his godly example teach you not to drinke of those stolen waters or rather indeed the bloud of soules wherwith too many in these gold-thirsty daies doe purchase Acheldama vnto them theirs The Lord keepe this euer frō the purpose of heart in his seruants who haue so honourable and weighty a trust committed vnto them Let that exhortation of Dauid to his son Salomon be euer in your honorable minde And thou Salomon my sonne know thou the God of thy Father and serue him with a perfect heart and with a willing minde for the Lord searcheth all hearts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts If thou seeke him hee will bee found of thee but if thou forsake him hee wil cast thee off for euer The God of heauen so vouchsafe to water you and yours with the dew of heauen that with the godly man in this psalm you may prosper as trees of his planting and so bring forth fruit in due season in this A Table of the Principall Doctrines contained in this Booke VERSE 1. DOctrine 1. The godly man alone is blessed pag. 21. Doct. 2. The occasions of sinne are to be auoided pag. 46 Doct. 3. We must shun the company of wicked men pag. 53 Doct. 4. Wicked men are euer deuising of mischiefe pag. 61 Doct. 5. To giue euill counsell is a horrible sinne pag. 67 Doct. 6. The falles of godly manie pag. 74 Doct. 7. A godly man doth euer walke with God pag. 79 Doct. 8. Wicked men described pag. 84 Doct. 9. A godly man sinnes not with deliberation pag. 88 Doct. 10. Wicked men proceed by degrees to be exceeding sinful 99 Doct. 11. The marke of a lewd and wicked man pag. 107 VERSE 2. Doct. 1. Not to do euill is not sufficient it is damnable not to do good pag. 115 Doct. 2. A godly man performes godly duties cheerfully pag. 122 Doct. 3. The law of God is a godly mans chiefe delight pag. 134 Doct. 4. A godly man sets some time a part euery day for Gods seruice pag. 140 VERSE 3. Doct. 1. Ministers duty to instruct the simplest p. 158. Doct. 2. A double vse of all the creatures of God pag. 162 Doct. 3. All men that are not ingrafted into Iesus Christ are miserable pag. 170 Doct. 4. Onely the regenerate man is happy and blessed p. 176 Doct. 5. Members of Iesus Christ are euer fruitfull p. 189 Doct. 6. A true note of a godly man to waite all opportunities to do good p. 207 Doct. 7. Perseuerance required in each child of God p. 213 Doct. 8. By our vnion with Christ we are made sure of perseuerance p. 222 Doct. 9. God doth euer blesse the godly endeuours of his children p. 228 VERSE 4. Doct. 1. The estate of the wicked most miserable pag. 243 Doct. 2. The estate of the wicked exceeding changeable pag. 258 Doct. 3. The destruction of the wicked is vnreuokable pag. 269 VERSE 5. Doct. 1. The certainty of the day of iudgement
the worship and seruice of God to reade pray and meditate and at the least twice a day to call vpon his Name to reade the word of God and to study therein This is that the Lord commandeth his people to offer vnto him euery day the morning and the euening sacrifice at the least twice euery day they were commanded to worship God and so the holy Patriarchs were wont to worshippe God morning and euening So wee reade in Gen. 24.63 That godly Isaac went out into the fields in the euening to pray or meditate to make himselfe fit to pray And Iob 1.5 Acts 10.2 Iob rose vp earely to offer sacrifice and called his family together and this did Iob euery day and Dauid in many Psalmes sheweth that he did set some time apart euery day to worship God in praying reading meditating c. Cornelius worshipped God continually 1 The. 5.23 that is euery day according to the rule of the Apostle Pray continually And that we should not be weary of well-doing Christ spake the parable of the vniust Iudge and poore widdow to this end that we ought alwayes to meditate pray c. and not waxe faint and wearie Luke 18.1 The meaning is not that men should leaue their callings and other businesse altogether to attend vpon hearing reading meditating c. but that wee should bee much and often in meditating in prayer in reading c. and in performing these blessed dueties vnto almightie God And at the least three times a day to pray and call vpon the name of God In the morning when wee doe arise to giue vnto God hearty thankes for keeping vs the night past and to craue for a blessing at his hands ouer the day following At noone againe when when we receiue his good Creatures And at night when we go to rest And this godly practise the word of God prescribes vs and the examples of the godly doe teach vs Dan. 6.10 Daniel prayed three times a day vpon his knees vnto God and praised him as his manner was though the King had made a strict Law against it Euening morning and at noone will I pray vnto thee Psal 55.17 And againe Seuen times a day will I praise thee Psal 119.164 That is many times For the morning Earely in the morning will I direct my prayer vnto thee Gen. 22.2 Iob 1.5 And thus did Abraham Isaac Iob. Secondly at noone or mid-day so did Peter Peter went out to prayer about the sixt houre Actes 10.9 That is about twelue of the clocke or noone-tide Thirdly at night in the euening when wee goe to bedde to take our rest Genes 24. Psa 139 11 Psal 19.5 Mat. 13.23 Esa 28.3.4 wee must then remember likewise to render the Lord thankes for the comfort of the day and to craue his blessing for that night Neyther is this all but in the night time when sleepe is departed from a man and Nature is sufficed with rest he doth euen then call to minde the heauenly Doctrine of the word of God and doth muse and meditate therein as the Text saith heere euen day and night For God which hath bounded the day with the night hath set no bound to a godly mans meditation It is nothing to be first one that heareth the word secondly one that receiueth it thirdly with ioy if fourthly it shal be but for a time onely if he shall not also continue and constantly perseuer to meditate therein day and night So as we see this is our duety to set some time apart euerie day to worship God as to heare reade pray meditate c. We see men doe set apart depute and ordaine some certaine time euery day for the food of the body at the least twice a day to eate and drinke how much more then should wee bee carefull for our Soules euery day to reade meditate and to pray Of all the time we spend in this world none will be more comfortable vnto vs in death when wee shall goe the way of all flesh then that which wee haue bestowed in the seruice and worship of Almightie God There is not now one houre spent in the seruice of God but will then minister cause of ioy and reioycing neither is there now one houre spent in the seruice of sin and of Satan but the remembrance thereof will then be a terrour vnto the soule Oh that men would be wise then would they vnderstand this they would consider their latter end Deut. 32.29 This seemes to reproue the common carelesnesse of the world most Vse 1 men and women spend al their daies in delights and vanities in sports and pastimes in scraping and raking together the things of this life and in the meane time finde no time at al to serue God that in twenty foure houres hardly can spare one to serue God one to reade heare pray meditate yea how many be there that neuer open their books to reade one chapter in the Bible all the Weeke long How many be there that neuer spend one quarter of an houre in Meditation which neuer call vpon GOD from Sonday to Sonday doth not this proue men to be carnall and vngodly Do not these men do nothing of conscience or with delight and loue to GOD and his worship but all for fashion sake or feare of the Law What difference is there betwixt those men who seldome or neuer call on the name of GOD and the beast they ride on The beast arises in the morning out of his den and streakes himselfe goes to his meate and so to worke Euen so do they neuer call on the name of God In this thing wherein do such men differ from a very beast How can such look for any blessing from God vpon their labours Yea how can they chuse but feare some fearefull iudgement and curse of God to ouertake them And no doubt the cause why many ride and run earely and late and do not call on God for a blessing vpon their endeuours cannot prosper and thriue in the world No God sends sometimes iudgements plagues and punishments vpon them and all for the neglect of this godly and Christian duety it is iust with God both to crosse and to curse both them and their labours Psal 14. Againe by the rule of this doctrine they are no lesse to be reproued Note who can bee content now and then to Heare Reade Pray and Meditate c. But this must bee at their leasure when they haue nothing else to do bur to keep certaine times Mornings Noones euenings to leaue all sports pastimes delights and businesse to go to GOD and serue him and call vpon his name they cannot abide that they will not bee so tyed and restrained but as the man in the Gospell when CHRIST called him first he must go bury his father and him that would go Bid his friends fare-well So many could be content to serue God and to pray vnto him but they
reproue the cursed practise of vngodly men Vse it is wonderfull to see how bold they bee to abuse Gods Seruants to mocke them and to disgrace them to slander and reuile them they thinke them the worst men that liue in the world they traduce them and bring them on the Stage they loade them with vile and odious names Now what doe they else then set themselues against God himselfe seeing they hate them whom God loues And as this may serue for the terrour of the wicked so it serues to comfort euery poore child of God What though the world hate thee so God loue thee Oh remember that the Lord loues and allowes of thee Now then if God approue of thee what though all men in the world did refuse or condemne thee If the King should grace a man and honour him what would this man care for the contempt of a Scullion boy Well let this be a comfort and encouragement vnto vs that God knowes and allowes of vs For what were the fauour and approbation of men if this were wanting Obiect How a mā may know whether Christ approue of him But how shall a man know whether God knoweth him thus with his speciall knowledge or not I answere First if God know any man for his by his speciall and effectuall knowledge Answere then hee begets in him the knowledge of himselfe As the light of the Sunne falling on our eye by whose light wee behold the Sunne againe Ioh. 10. I know my Sheep saith Christ and they know mee Secondly if God thus know any man with his especiall and effectuall knowledge of his so as hee loues and likes of him it begets the loue of God in a mans heart So as God loues him hee is inflamed to loue God againe 1. Ioh. 4.9 and in loue vnto him is loath to offend him and most carefull to please him And therefore if wee would know whether wee be thus knowne of God let vs labour to finde our hearts thus enflamed with the loue of him Thirdly whom GOD knoweth thus he chuseth to bee his Childe in CHRIST IESVS delights to blesse him Now then this workes in the heart of a godly man another work namely to choose God to bee his God to set his heart on him to delight in him to adore him as his God to loue him feare him obey and cal vpon him and to trust in him as his God Thus you see how a man may know whether God know him with this special and effectual knowledge which is proper to the Elect alone namely by these fruites and effects in our hearts For as we see though euery man cannot come to see the Kings Broad Seale yet can discerne the picture of it in wax and say This is the Kings Broad Seale So though men cannot ascend to Heauen to know the secret counsell of God yet by these fruites and effectes of his knowledge men may know his will whether they be his or not Well to conclude seeing the Lord thus knowes and acknowledgeth yea loues and likes of the life of a godly and righteous man let vs bee encouraged to goe through-stitch and to resolue of this neuer to be daunted or discouraged with the hard measure of vngodly men All our care should bee to please God and to bee approued of him and therefore so long as hee doth approue of vs let vs not care what man can doe against vs. But the way of the wicked shall perish Doct. 2 The Lord hates a wicked man and al he doth Esay 1.11 HEere we learne that the whole life of a wicked man and whatsoeuer he doth is abhominable the Lord hates him and all he doth What haue I to doe with the multitude of your Sacrifices saith the Lord. And againe Esay 66.3 The Sacrifices of the wicked are abhominable vnto the Lord. Now if the best actions of a wicked man his Hearing Reading praying Ier. 7.8 Prou. 15.8 and Receiuing be abhominable to the Lord how much more their swearing cursing banning prophaning the Sabboth drunkennesse vncleannesse lying stealing c. Againe without faith it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 Now no wicked man can haue true faith because Faith purifies the heart Acts 15.9 and is neuer seuered from true repentance and amendment of life And therfore the way of the wicked seeme it neuer so goodly and glorious in the world all their studies and endeuours shall perish and come to destruction in the end Pro. 20.17 Iob. 20.29 This is the portion of the wicked man and the heritage that he shall haue from God for his workes This shewes the state of most men to bee miserable and vnhappy Vse For onely those bee blessed whose liues do please God Now alas what delight can God haue in the filthy liues of most men whose whole delight and study is in sin and wickednesse in all kinde of lewdnesse and prophannesse haue no care to please God but euen obstinately rebell against him surely the Lord hates them and all they do O wofull condition of such sinful men that betake themselues thus vnto the way of sinne Not as though they walk therein but for a time but as such as purpose to tread therein for euer From this wofull estate the Lord deliuer vs for his Christs sake Amen A Prayer for the Morning O LORD and our good GOD wee thy poore vnworthy seruants according to our bounden duetie are heere assembled together in thy Name O LORD it is thy owne Commandement that wee should call vpon thee in all our necessities and it is likewise thy promise that thou wilt heare vs in assurance whereof wee are bold now to come vnto thee acknowledging first of all that wee are altogether vnworthy of our selues as of our selues to request for any fauour or mercie at thy hands for from our cradles vnto this present there hath beene in vs nothing else but Apostasie and rebellion yea Lord we haue so added sinne vnto sinne as if there were no other end why wee were sent into the world but to prouoke thee to wrath and to heap vp a great measure of iniquitie against our own soules against the day of wrath Our sinnes of omission our sinnes of commission ô Lord they are many and great and if thou shouldest call vs to a reckoning euen for the least of them we are not able to answere thy Maiesty for one of a thousand yea Lord wee confesse that it is thy mercie that endureth for euer and that hath beene the cause that wee haue not long agoe tasted of thy iudgements O Lord be thou mercifull vnto vs still for thy Names sake separate our sinnes as farre from thy presence as the East is from the West Bury them in the graue of thy Sonne Christ that they may neuer rise vp againe in this world to accuse vs or in the world to come to condemne vs. Teach vs to consider good much lesse to