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A93348 Great Britains misery; with the causes and cure. Described first, as it is from the justice of God the authour, who is now in controversie with the inhabitants of the land for sin: especially for eight capitall crimes, all which are aggravated by sundry circumstances. Secondly, the injustice and malice of the instruments of this misery, Satan and his agents: their main aime, and particular ends, moving them therunto. Vindicating, plainly and fully, (by way of answer to severall objections) the lawfulnesse and necessity of raising arms by the Parliament, and kingdom; for the defence of the King, kingdom, religion, laws, and known rights of the subject: against that viperous generation of papists, atheists, delinquents, and licentious men, who have at once invaded all. ... / By G.S. Gent. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford. Smith, George, 1602 or 3-1658. 1643 (1643) Wing S4037; Thomason E250_4; ESTC R212534 90,980 68

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their beads whip themselves or cutand lance their flesh as the Priests of Baal God will shew verse 26. 28. himselfe from heaven and will destroy all our enemies and deliver us to the glory of his praise remember what Iehoshaphat did when the children of Moab and the children of Ammon and a great many other came against Iuda he set himselfe to seeke the Lord and proclaimed a fast and all Iudea gathered 2 Chro. 20. 3. 4. themselves togethered to aske helps of the Lord and God fought for them Therefore gather your selves together all you that expect to have part in the inheritance of glory before the ficrcenesse of Gods wrath breake forth and Zeph. 2. 2. 2 Chro. 36. 16. there be no remedie your sinnes provoke more than the sinnes of other and your prayers will prevaile more than the prayers of other and your neglect in this duty and at this time in performance of the duties of humiliation will open a floodgate at which destruction will breake in upon the Nation without resistance God hath long cryed to you by his Ambassadors of peace Now God calls upon you by an Army of destroyers you must now bow or you must be broken therefore heare the rod and who hath appointed it let Mica 6. 9. Lam. 3. 40. Psal 4. 4. in search and try our wayes and turne againe to the Lord let us commune every one with his owne heart let us every one consider of his owne particular sinne your sinnes of omission as well as your finnes of commission for your omnision of holy duties and duties of charity are as provoking as the great abominations of the Kingdome and till you repent and reforme your selves your prayers and fastings and all that you can doe in outward performances will prevaile nothing at all if you retaine but any one sinne it will be like one leake in a ship which will sinke it as well as if there were many except it be stopped examine your selves Iudge and condemne your selves and you shall 1 Cor. 11. 31. Amos 4. 2. not be condemned Gods eye is most upon you and you must save or you will destroy the Nation be humbled for your neglect of Gods worship your formalitie in holy duties your omission of mercy selfe love ambitious thoughts pride covetousnesse Sabboth-breaking your failing in family duties in your severall relations as Masters to Servants husbands to wife father to your children wherein you have beene wanting in duty either in instructing as a Prophet or Priest which you are to be in your own house and family to instruct and teach the sinnes of your family are your sinnes consider how God dealt with good Ely for this omission The command of sanctifying the Lords Day is to you and you must answere for your Sonne your servant and your stranger their sinne is your sinne Be humbled and repent for your profusnesse in expences and voluptuous pleasures your costly and many dishes at your table your rich and strange attire feed the hungry cloath the poore let the soules of the poore the fatherlesse and the widdow Iob 29. 11. Iob 31. 20. blesse God for you doe as Iob did take heed of lying for gaine and reproach not your brother by scandalls or slanders let his name be precious to thee as thine owne and doe as thou wouldst be done unto first humble thy selfe for thy owne sinnes and then be humbled for the sinnes of others for we must Mat. 22. 39. repent for other mens sinnes for the Idolatry Sabbath breaking swearing lying oppression murders whoredomes and all the abominations of the Kingdome and for the lukewarmenesse of newtrall professors David beheld the transgressors and was grieved So stirre up others to seeke God by Psal 119 158. your example call upon them and exhort them as the shipmen did when the storme was one the Sea and the ship likely to perish that every one may call upon God Jonah was the most righteous man in the ship yet it was Ionahs sinne that caused the storme God hath raised a mighty storme in great Ionah 1. 4. Britaine and except we doe thus we must perish Consider the practise of Gods people in former time and see the issue of it when the Church in Hesters time was sold to be destroyed by wicked Ester 4 16. councell as we now are Hester and Mordica and all the Jewes they fasted and prayed and humbled themselves before the Lord and had a glorius deliverance Nehemiah was sad in heart and prayed unto God and gained favour Neh. 2. 4. 6. Ezra 8. 21. to build the Temple and to establish the worship of God in despight of all opposition Ezra when he was in danger of the enemie sought God by fasting and prayer and was preserved notable is the example of Daniel when the Church was in captivitie he made prayers and supplications for the sinnes of the people and while he was yet praying God gave him answere Dan. 9. 23. and told him that at the beginning of his supplications the command came forth and the thing was granted onely the time was deferred to finish the transgression you know what a temporall blessing Nineveh obtained by their temporary repentance though afterward they were destroyed but true Iona. 3. 5. 10. repentance never failes of certaine deliverance and continued repentance hath a continued protection Now as every one must examine himselfe of his sinnes so it is as necessary that every one examine his repentance whether it be good or not for men are apt to be mistaken in the worke of repentance and thinke that to be repentance which is not and so while we expect deliverance we shall be overwhelmed with destruction some thinke if they turne from some raigning sinne they have repented as when a profused prodigals becomes a covetous worldling some think that to abstaine from the Acts of grosse sin is repentance as the civill honest man or him whose abilities either in Luke 11. 26. Ier. 3. 10. nature or estate cannot act with the will some thinke if they confesse their sinnes with plausible expressions or affectionate teares that they have repented but this was the repentance of Saul in case of persecuting of David and so in the case of Agag others thinke dejectednesse of spirit and greefe of 1 Sam. 26. 21. 1 Sam. 15. 24. Gen 4 13. Mat. 27. 4. heart is repentance but such was Cains and Iudas repentance other thinke that to come before God in the Congregation to spend a whole day in fasting and joyning in prayer that they have done all the worke of repenaance especially if they forbe are for a little time to follow after their usuall every daies Esay 58. 5. sinne but this is that which is rejected as to hang downe the head for a day like a bul-rush yea there is a compunction or sorrow of heart for sinne as it brings judgement yet not as it
dishonours God and this is but Hypocriticall repentance such as that of Ahab Iudas went farther and yet repented not 1 King 21. 27. Mat. 27. 3. for he was sorry and confessed his sinne and made restitution and yet his repentance was not good Consider therefore that true found and acceptable repentance is a turning to God from all sinne in action and will totally and for ever with resolution Esay 31. 6. Jer. 25. 5. Ephes 4. 23. by Gods grace never to returne with consent to commit sinne againe it is in a word a changing of the mind when the will and actions are turned from sinne and the occasions of sinne arising from the hatred of sinne and love to righteousness not moved by the feare of punishment nor hope of reward although both necessarily follow but love and obedience to God where true repentance is wrought it will produce inward greefe for every dishonour to God whether in our selves or in others This repentance is the Acts 5. 31. 2 Tim. 2. 25. Tit. 3. 5. They that contemne and s●●ffe at the Preachers or preaching are far from repentance 1 Pet. 1. 15. 1 Ioh. 3. 3. gift of God not in a mans owne power and is usually wrought in the hearts of men by the preaching of the Word and alwayes by the inward working of Gods Spirit per●●●●ted by prayers and intercessions through Iesus Christ Therefore they are farre from repentance that cry out of too much Preaching and they farther that scoffe at Preaching and holinesse c. persecute holy preachers and offer dispight to the spirit of grace God who hath called is holy and requireth that every one that is called be holy in all manner of conversation and every one that hath this hope in him purifieth himselfe even as he is pure every repentant sinner endeavours reformation in himselfe and strives to the uttermost to perfection he loves it in others where it is and will endeavour it where it is not by admonitions and exhortations Now prayer is the chiefe meanes by which we obtaine all blessings from Prayer the meanes by which we obtaine all blessings 2 Cor 7 14. Iohn 6. 23. Ioh. 14. 13. God and therefore it goes joyntly with the condition of faith and repentance if my people humble themselves and pray c. whatsoever ye shall aske the father in my Name he will give it you againe whatsoever you shall aske in my Name I will give it prayer is by God appointed through the intercession of Christ to be the meanes to obtaine all blessings temporall and sperituall and to keepe backe and remove all miseries Now because evey sinne in a man is as a devill possessing him and some sins as some devills that cannot be cast out but by fasting and prayer as our Saviour teacheth us Mat. 17. 21. Nor can fasting joyned with prayer doe it without faith Christ telleth his Disciples they could not cast him out because of their unbeleefe and hence it Verse 20. is that all the faithfull have upon any extraordinary cause either to obtaine great blessings or removing great Iudgements joyned fasting with prayer Judg. 20. 26. 2 Sam. 7 6. Nehem 1. 4. Ioel. 1. 14. Dan. 10. 3. Ioel 2. 16. What a holy Fast is Levit. 23. 28. Ezra 10. 3. Levit. 23. 29. Acts 10. 2. verse 30. 1 Cor. 9. 27. A holy religious Fast is a volentary abstinence from all food and from all delightfull things and bodily labour or recreations for one whole day at the least and it is to this end that by the humbling of the body the soule may be afflicted too which is a chiefe duty in a day of Fast For that soule that is not afflected in that day shall be cut off from his people the manner of keeping such a day must be even as a Sabbath day wholly spent in the duties of Pietie and Charity powring out our Soules by spirituall supplications and prayers unto God and the worke of it is repentance to breake the heart for sinne therefore it is called a day of atonement or reconciliation and surely the prayers that are put up to God upon such a day are prevalent with God able to open and shut the heavens if the effectuall prayers of one righteous man availe much the prayers of many will prevaile more great and miraculous things have beene Iames 5. 16. effected by the prayers of this kind by prayer Iacob held God till he blessed him and Moses pacified great wrath by fasting and prayer Gods people Hos 12. 4. Exod. 32. 11. 14. Nothing so hard and difficult but it may be obtained by prayer and fasting Acts 12. 5. 7. Levit. 10. 1. 2. Holy duties unholily performed become very sinfull Esay 1. 11. have obtained mighty things nothing so difficult or hard but prayer can make easie it can make chaines of Iron fall from Peter and open Iron gates to give him passage to come to the Brethren that had by unceass●nt prayer begged him of God but the instances which we have before named shall suffice but on the contrary when this duty of fasting and prayer is contemned or formally observed it hath procured wrath from God and increase of misery it is like the sinne of Nadab and Abihu when they offered strange fire before the Lord for thus I reason that duty which in it selfe is most holy and most acceptible to God being performed according to his Will when done negligently in a formall manner is most prophane and most displeasing to God abominable in his sight to what purpose saith he is the multitude of your sacrifices I delight not in them bring no more vaine oblations your new Moones your Sabbaths and the calling of assemblies I cannot away with them it is eniquitie even your solemne meetings my soule hateth them they are a trouble to me I am weary verse 14. to beare them not that God is wearied with our many Fastings or desireth lesse for he is best pleased when we are most conversant in such duties but he hates formality and hypocrisie in them and so they are a burthen to him and he is weary of them and they become eniquitie to us Who hath required these verse 11. things at your hands yet there was nothing in matter but what God commanded and they were bound to doe it was the manner onely that God misliked therefore saith the Lord When you fasted and mourned 〈◊〉 did not at all fast unto me but to your selves the same thing is reproved by our Saviour Christ Zech. 7. 5. God hath denounced a curse to him that doth the worke of the Lord negligently The Jewes when they had taken great paines in their formall Fasting Mat 6. 16. and afflicting themselves they captitulate with God Why have we fasted and Ier. ●8 10. thou seest it not we have afflicted our soules and thou takest no knowledge God gives them the reason Because saith he in the day
he must be obeyed Answer All men are bound to yeeld obedience to the higher powers that is granted but that the King is the highest in power is denyed God is the highest in power and there are no Powers but what is from God Answer Therefore God alone is to be obeyed in all things and by all men It is true that the very Office of a King as He is Gods Deputy on earth is to be honoured feared and obeyed Hence it Ioh. 19. 11. is that Peter in another place commands honour to be given him and wise Salomon joyneth God and the King together Fear the Lord and the King Shewing that there is a kind of holy dignity in the Office of a King for which we must fear 1. Pet. 2. 17. honor and obey him as also shewing that there should be no difference between Pro. 24. 21. the Commands of a King and the Commands of God and therefore to be obeyed for conscience sake as Him that is sent of God for the punishment of evill doers and the praise of them that do well and for this cause Kings are to have Tribute Customes Fear Honor c. Kings are principall men set up to defend their Subjects and Rom. 12. 5. preserve Kingdomes by administration of justice not by tyranny to destroy men 1. Pet. 3. 14. and Kingdoms So then the commands of a King is not to be obeyed further then their commands are agreeable to the commands of God Plutarch relates a passage of a woman that was injured and came to King Philip for justice But he willing to put her off she cryed more and with a loud voice saying hear and helpe Oh King or be no longer King Kings are indeed Gods Ministers as Judges Majors Bailis●s Constables c. are the Kings Ministers they are to be obeyed for the King and the King for God whose commands they are to command execute and see Bishop Andrew in com 5. do● if the King command any thing contrary to Gods command we are not bound to obey it nay we are bound not to obey any such command for then we shall disobey God therein we say as Peter and Iohn we ought to obey God rather than Acts 4. 19. 5. 29. man God only hath absolute power and all other powers are from him The power and authority of a King cannot warrant my disobedience to God No more then a Major or a Constable by his authority or command can warrant me to act No command of any King ca warant the left disobedience to God Dan 3. 16. 6. 10. Ex. 1. 17. 20. 1. Sam. 14. 45 1. King 21. 3 Treason against a King Else why did the three children and Daniel refuse to obey the command of the King And why did the Mid-wives refuse to obey Pharob and God blessed them And why did the people withstand the command of Saul concerning Ionathan And Naboth refuse to give his Vineyard to Ahab So it is cleer that a Kings command is not to be obeyed further then it is warranted by Gods Word Objection 2 Secondly it is Objected That Subjects are bound to pray for Kings as 1. Tim. 2. 2. and to defend their persons life and honour with the hazard of their own blouds as the people would not suffer David to hazard his person against Absolm 2. Sam. 18. 3. nor would David lay his hand upon the Lords annoynted 1. Sam. 16. 11. Therefore subjects may not take arms against their King Answer Answer It is true all subjects are bound to pray for their King that under His Government we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all goodlinesse and honesty and I do believe that for the ommission of this duty God oftentimes punish●th a 1. Tim. 2 2 people by the evill Government of their King and that most justly It is a doubtlesse a great sin in any subject not to pray for their King if it be a duty to pray for It is a duty to pray for the K. and a sin not to pray for him 1. Sam 12. 23 Ester 6. 2 all men much more Kings God forbid saith Samuel that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you Also it is the peoples duty to defend the Person State Life and Honor of the King So Mordecba revealed the Treason of King Ahushueru's Ennuches and the people but as duty bound them fought for David against 2. Sam 18 3 Absolon for they say thou art worth ten thousand of us But it was not duty but wickednesse in Doeg to slatter Saul and to incense him against David and 1. Sam 22. 9 against the priests of the Lord and duty in Abimetech to defend Davids innocency against the wrath of Saul but it was murder in Doeg though at the command of the King to fall upon the Verse 14. Verse 18. David might not have kill'd Saul Priests to slay them and well done in other servants of Saul that refused to execute that Command David thought it utterly unlawfull to kill Saul either in his Cave or in his Trenches when he was in his hands but that he was bound to spare him as he did it being by the Law of Arms barbarous cruelty to kill an enemy treacherously but much more for David to kill Saul first because he was a King the Lords anointed as David himself saith 2ly because David should have shewed distrust in God who had promised him the Kingdom after Saul but not by such meanes to shorten the life of Saul Now faith makes not hast but waites Gods time means yet forbids not to use means of defence when the person is unjustly assaulted But we acknowledge it is the duty of every subject to pray for their King we also confesse it is duty by all lawfull means to preserve the life honor and state of the King But if this be duty as undoubtedly it is to do it to this end that God may have glory for that is the Apostol call rule 1 Cor. 10 31 2. Tun. 2 2 in all things and that we may live quiet peaceable and godly lives under him for the Apostle gives this reason why we should pray for Kings Then we are bound to use those means that conduce to that and Therefore to appose treacherous dishonorable Counsellers who by their Subjects are bound to oppose wicked dishonourable Counsellers counsells and actions hinder the Kings welfare endanger his person and life prejudice his honor or molest the quiet and peace of his people and kingdoms and especially such as seeke the dishonor of God and endeavour to take away holinesse religion and just rights take away the wicked from the King and his throne shall be established And this is all that the Parliament and the Kingdom do at this day they stand in the just defence of the King and all that may conduce to his safety and welfare all being by desperate
owne cause and his servants working his worke and in his owne time will make their worke prosperous in their hands as he did to Nehemiah Nehe. 6. 15. 16. Thirdly God hath afflicted Britaine for these sinnes and a multitude of other transgressions and doth still continue to afflict us for our impenitencie but it is observable that he whips us because he would convert us and yet he preserves us from destruction because he would not totally destroy us therefore hath wonderfully discovered the Plots of the enemie and blasted their bloody designes when they had prepared them as they thought ready to destroy us former mercies are engagements of future deliverance hence I conclude from the confidence of Manoahs wife when an Angell had told her she should beare a 1 Sam. 17. 37. sonne that should begin to deliver Israel her husband seeing the Angell assend Iudg. 13. 22 23 up in the flame sayd we shall surely dye because we have scene God if saith she the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have shewed us these things Fourthly I finde by all Stories Divine and Humane that ever I read that before God destroyed a people or Kingdome he hath taken away his Prophets Iudges and righteous men or they have beene rarely found or else he hath taken Esay 57. 1. Exod. 32. 10. Ier. 7. 16. Ier. 14 11. off their affections and spirits from prayer for that people or Kingdome I confesse this hath in part beene made good to England some have beene over awed their mouthes stopped some banished others destroyed and many forced to flie to other Countries for shelter Yea the two Fountaines of Religion and holinesse as well as the Courts of justice were exceedingly corrupted all which presaged a storme comming and now it is come But consider Gods Isay 1. 26. Ministers are restored increased and many returned from their Exile righteous Iudges are set up and good men put in Authority The affections of the godly and that of many thousands are moved with zeale to God exceedingly and their hearts stirred up to earnest constant prayer and unwearied labours have seene some gracious returnes of their prayers and fruit of their labours and waite Mica 7. 9. by faith with patience till the Lord plead their cause and execute Iudgement for them Besides notwithstanding the corruption of the fountain God hath from thence produced pure streames planted fruitefull vines in his Orchard When were more young able godly Ministers in England then now When were men stirred up with zeale for God to lift up their voyces like Trumpets to tell Israel Esay 58. 1. Act. 4. 36. 1 Thes 5 14. Psal 147. 1. Esay 8. 11. c. Esay 10. 14. vers 15. 16. her transgressions and Iudah of her sinnes When were more sonnes of consolation to comfort the feeble minded But if God graft new siens and plant young Vines in his Vineyard he is not about to destroy it but rather to gather his own together that he may destroy the wicked by themselves Fifthly no story of any age or people can give a president that ever God destroyed an humbled praying people notwithstanding the irreligiousnesse of a multitude of godlesse men amongst which they live whom God can cut off Mat. 13. 30. some other way or reserve to greater wrath but if a considerable number of repenting reformers have beene found God hath for their sakes spared such a people or Nation therefore this Church and Nation Onely we must consider Tim 2. 19. God lookes for a greater number in Great Britaine than in any other Nation or Kingdome God would have spared Sodom for ten righteous sake yet seven Luk. 12. 48. Gen. 18. 32. 1 King 19. 18. thousand in Israel was too few although God tooke notice of them all and surely twice seven thousand cannot save England but if those in England who have given their Names to Christ be found to be truely repenting praying and reforming their evill wayes with resolution to perseveere undoubtedly England 2 Chro. 7. 14. Iohn 17. 19. shall be saved for their sakes The example of Judea and Jerusalem in the time of Josiah nor the present condition of Germany are no objections of validity against this truth except we resolve to cherish our base lusts seeke our private ends love our selves so as to neglect God and the meanes he hath in mercy freely 1 Chron. 28. 9. ult given us to save us this is to forsake God and then God will forsake us and cast us off for ever and it shall be said of England as once of Babel we would have Jer. 51. 9. healed Babel and she would not be healed c. 6ly Although for these sins now raigning in this Kingdome namely Idolatry prophanation of the Sabboth oppression c. God hath destroyed whole Kingdomes layd them mast and given up his owne people with the wicked into his Ier. 24. 5. enemies hands Yet you must consider it was when generally or wholly the people were willing to yeeld to such sinnes as it was before and instantly after Iosiahs time Besides when those men so given into captivitie have beene sold Dan 6. 6. verse 23. 24. Esth 8. 7. Neh. 4. 8. c. Nehe. 6. 15. 16 1 King 18. 24. to destruction and appointed to slaughter by their enemies maliciously to destroy the Church of God God hath for his owne Names sake given them a glorious deliverance much more will he deliver at this time being now invocated on both sides and called to be Iudge of the truth as in the time of Eliah Yet I say not but England is punished for these sinnes and may be brought very low and into great straights because of unbeleefe lukewarmenesse and impenitencie before she see a full deliverance which if it be so the fault is our owne Hos 13. 9. Seventhly it hath beene usuall with God when admonitions have beene rejected and easier chastisements slighted to lay great and heavie Iudgements upon Deut. 28. 29. his owne people and of long continuance and in these Iudgements to take away many of his children till his people returne and earnestly seeke God and till Hos 5. 15. Ezek. 5. 13. the time of his indignation be accomplished great sinnes and long continued in bring great and long Iudgements except there be proportionable humiliation to prevent it but glorious deliverance to Gods people will come and wonderfull Deut 7. 23. destruction to their enemies will be seene to all the world and assuredly deliverance will come to Britaine if we waite by faith and patience with diligent use of the meanes without murmuring at the miscarriages and accidents in things failing of men or Armies confided in or be discouraged at the seeming unprosperous successe of our Armies or the successefull enterprises Psal 73. 18. Psal 76. 10. of the enemie in all which God hath a secret way of providence and will make to the manifestation of his glory Nor let any man thinke that he shall be delivered by another mans faith and repentance or escape by other mens cost and industry for although enlargement come and the Kingdome be delivered yet Esth 4. 14. the unbeleeving and mammonist may be cut off before or after Consider what became of that great Lord on whose hand King Iehoram leaned because he beleeved not the Word of God Besides at the great day of account Christ may say to such ● King 7. 17. I know you not depart c. You that were not with me were against me Therefore let every one conscionably doe his owne part and duty and then depend Mat. 25. 40. 41 Mat 12. 30. upon God for a glorious and comfortable deliverance which God grant for his Names sake But there are foure evills that exceedingly hinder the worke of Britaines deliverance which must be removed Two concerne private men two concerne the Publicke Magistrate the evills in private men are first neglect of selfe-examination every ones not judging and condemning his owne sinne Secondly our forwardnesse and rashnesse to censure and condemne the faults miscarriages or neglects of others Parliament Armies Commanders c. whom we are bound to pray for as they are the Instruments of God for our good The evills in the publicke Magistrate are first not clensing Gods Armies of knowne Achans who seeke the wedge of Gold and the Babilonish Garment these Iosh 7. 11. 12. hinder God from going out with our Armies cause the mouthes of ill affected men to be opened against our just cause and discourage many well affected people and is an occasion Why our Armies turne the backe upon the enemie secondly the nourishing of flattering Zibas and traiterous Iudasis who take pay of our money are maintained in excesse and riot at our costs while the common Souldiers want necessaries yet like Iudas betray our cause and sell us for gaine Let us pray and our Parliament and Generalls endeavour to have these evills removed And God will be seene to goe out with our Armies and will undoubtedly worke our worke for us save our King and destroy his and our enemies Let all Glory be given to God FINIS