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A93343 Symptomes of growth & decay to godlinesse in LX. signs of a living and dying Christian. With the causes of decay, and remedies for recovery. / By Francis Smith. Smith, Francis, fl. 1657-1689. 1660 (1660) Wing S4030; Thomason E2114_2; ESTC R212664 107,653 255

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trouble as it is for the sparks to fly upward because there is not that ordnary common condition but it hath its proper temptation as I shall instance in this following for saith the poor man were I a rich man how glad how thankful how contented should I be But Solomon saith of the rich Eccles 2. Who can come after the King I got me this and this yet all vanity and vexation of Spirit and there is no profit under the Sun Object Why no profit For these reasons first he is very apt to be high minded and that will dog him and trouble him and as it is very hard for the poor to keep the wolf from his door that is hunger and rags even so the rich he is in danger of and involved with trouble 1 Tim. 6. 17. Charge them that are rich in this World that they be not high minded when a high mind in a stately Coach a meek Christ on a poor Asses colt meet together Herods Pallace and Christs Manger It is well now if the high mind do not rather die than stoop Ezod 5. 2. compared with Dan. 3. 15. Who is the Lord that I should obey him what God is able to deliver you out of my hand Here in their greatness they challange God James 5. Do not rich men oppress you and bring you before Rulers Is it not their common practice to use their power to oppress you and as Solomon saith Prov. 18. 23. While the poor useth intreaty the rich answereth roughly Now God is pleased to establish a statute in Israel to prevent the evil of high mindedness which the rich was incident to Deut. 17. 18 19. But Secondly The rich hath the trouble of care as well as the poor differing only in this it runneth in another Channel For the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep he is so beset with fears of the robber and cares how to secure as holds his eyes is as a disease upon him Eccles 5. 12. It is clear from experience also for some rich are so beset with troubles that they wish as hope of deliverance they had been poor Thus much for the rich Now the poor hath his troubles also though of a contrary kind for as the rich are apt to be too high so the poor too low Job 5. 15. But he saveth the poor from the mighty that is from being crushed by him Psal 113. 7. He raiseth the poor out of the dust they are so low that God stands for them to uphold them and keep them lest they sinck Secondly as the rich his abundance will not suffer him to sleep Prov. 10. 15. So the destruction of the poor is his poverty that is it leads him to do that that will destroy Prov. 30. 7. Lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain Hunger Cold Fears Cares Poverty and Oppression that is their portion Now all these are common troubles that are incident to every man but more than ordnaty are such as are not so common that do not come every day but are of such a kind as this Psal 50. 15. Call upon me in the day of trouble This day of trouble notes something of singularity as else-where the hour of temptation notes something not ordinary and common for every man is subject to be tempted daily but this is called hour of tryal because it is some temptation of a strange kind not ordinary common as is evidenced by these Scriptures following Nehem. 49. Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God Isa 37. 11 12 13. Luke 6. 12. Acts 12. 5. All these Texts plainly shew that the practice of holy men in more than ordinary troubles was to be more than ordinary in prayer But it may be Objected what is meant by ordinary prayer whether once or twice a day men ought in ordinary cases to pray In Answer to which I shall first premise that men ought to pray daily in or under ordinary or common troubles from these Texts of Scripture Mat. 6. 7 11. Give us this day our daily bread this day either intends some particular day in a mans life time or else every day that day that we have need of daily bread or Gods strength and help is the day here intended but every body will grant that every day we have need of daily bread therefore doubtless the intent of Jesus Christ here is that we should pray every day Luke 18. 1 5. Men ought alwayes to pray and not to faint but cry day and night Luke 21. 36. Psal 86. 3. comp with 88. 9. Hear me O Lord for I cry to thee daily By this I hope all good men will conclude that its their duty to pray every day Objection 2. How often every day in ordinary cases ought we to pray Answ Where it hath not pleased God by way of precept to direct to times by way of number example doubtless may teach us something Psal 55. 17. Morning noon and evening will I pray and cry to God and he will hear me as if David should say my often importuning will be a means of prevailing Daniel 6. 10. Kneeled down upon his knees three times a day and prayed and praised God as he did afore time clearly proving it was Daniels practice to be in that heavenly service three times a day these Scriptures compared with 1 Thes 5. 17. pray without ceasing teaching surely either that Christians ought in ordinary troubles to be found in prayer three times a day or at least to be all the day in a praying frame Objection 3. But some may say what if we do not pray at all some dayes shall we fare the worse Answ First if you pray not at all you go out of Gods peoples road as both precept and example seems to point out Give us day by day our daily bread seeming to note as well a continuance in the duty of asking as in the need of receiving also Thes 5. pray cotninually Nehemiah David Daniel and Jes●s Christ by their daily practice seems to construe this precept to intend daily prayer Secondly not to pray at all seems to put us out of Gods gratious protection and so we prove self-betrayers Zek. 36. 37. I will yet for all this be inquired of by the house of Israel Luke 22. 40. Pray that you enter not into temptation if you seek him he will be found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you Chr. 15. 2. Thirdly Not to pray at all seems to put us out of the way of promise of being helped in troubles Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will hear thee and thou shalt glorifie me Psal 50. Seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened to you Fourthly Neglect to prayer tempts God to suffer us to be led into temptation Pour out your hearts before him at all times God is a refuge for us but it is to such as wait
therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received mine own with advantage Mat. 25. 27. A Second Cause may be luke-warmness in Religion that is so indifferent that they care not whether they go forward or backward I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I would thou wert cold or hot so then because thou art luke-warm I will spew thee out of my mouth Revel 3. 15 16. Thirdly a third Cause of this decay is unaptness to personal duties every professor in order to his growing hath personal duties constantly to carry about with him aptness wherein fits him for publick imployment but the contrary makes him unhandy or unskilful in the word of righteousness as children by vertuous education or the unexpert souldier by frequent discipline are both made ready for man-liker actions even so aptness in personal duties as family and closet prayer family and closet reading a careful exercise and execution of those choyce and nearly concerned duties with these mentioned of frequent fastings watchings humblings patience meekness temperance zeal fear love giving all diligence for if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see a far off so briefly I pass to the third Sign CHAP. III. Briefly showing the cause of wearyness to hear any Truth often SIGN III. VVHen you care not to hear one matter often though a suitable truth By Often here I would not be understood so as that those that preach should day after day when they assemble without intermission preach the very same thing word for word to their hearers for indeed this may give just occasion of burthen to the hearer therefore such preaching upone truth in respect of the season must surely be so observed as to leave room for the making known other truths as necessarily to be believed therefore let the considerate Reader in this case construe my words as he upon another case judgeth he ought to construe the holy Apostles words Often 1 Cor. 11. 26. As often as you eat this bvead Often here doth not in the least intend that not at all persons be in this service neither doth it surely intend that they do it every time they meet together but so do it as it have its season of being administred and such season as may not extinguish or leave no room for the administration of other Ordinances so that by Often I would be understood so frequent a preaching the same truth already known and believed as stands with the wisdome and judgment of persons that by God are intrusted to Preach with this alwayes premised that as they see a possibility of any truth losing its proper force in the memory and heart through want of repetition And when suitable truths upon this very score is over and over preached and meets with such Spirits as care not to hear it that are mindless careless and displeased this bespeaks such to be of the dying hand for indeed such carriages withstands Gods ordinary method which he frequently useth in Scripture to his own people in covenant with him for two great ends the one is that they may remember it the other is that they may do it Is not one great end of many institutions imposed on Israel of old and they found according to commandement in the same services yearly least they should forget what God would have them remember and when they are pleased to choose them a King it is Gods express charge when he sitteth upon the Throne of his Kingdome that he shall write him a copy of the Law and read therein all the dayes of his life that he may learn to keep all Gods word The safety of this to the same people that have already believed is plainly expressed and faultiness in them that care not to hear it plainly implyed and one of the great ends I have now noted is also a sign in 1 Cor. 15. 1 2. Moreover brethren I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain Then he goeth on and sheweth the particulars he had preached to them Principles even so plain in the Letter of them that one would think they could not be forgotten which strongly implies that through want of preaching the same things to them again they might either loose the bare knowledge of the Principles there laid down or at least the spiritual force and nature of them how then doth this very Scripture reprove such as care not to hear a suitable truth often charging them with faultiness in forgetting that of all truth at best they know but in part and that by hearing one and the same truth again and again a man may see some excellency further than yet he ever saw experience will witness this to the considerate Psal 3. begining 2 Pet. 2. 12 13 14. Now this defect seems to arise from some wrong Judgment or apprehentions that such persons have of themselves They are notionally conceited of some large reach they have in the knowledge of those very things they care not to hear and this defect in them is occasioned through want of humble dependance upon God and sensible feeling the Spirit of that word All my springs are in thee Psal 87. last Let any that find the case thus with them be intreated to be restless in themselves not quiet or content but pray earnestly to God that he would both heal them from this foul distemper and also forgive them for this great evil of entertaining or giving way to burden at hearing again that that grace hath taught them to know already I shall end this Sign with what the wise man saith Prov. 3. 5 6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and leane not to thy own understanding but in all thy wayes acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path or keep thy feet from runing thus astray CHAP. IV. Briefly shewing how want of Charity in hearers causeth them dislike what is preached SIGN IV. VVHen few Sermons will please you either you like not matter or manner or man When Persons come to this decay that they not only are weary to hear one matter often but few Sermons pleases them they are then ready to throw off all and it is usually known by this very character in the Sign viz. They will either find some fault with the matter or else dislike the manner or else the man and wherever this is found in person or persons without just occasion given them such certainly cannot stand long in their profession without penitent reformation Let but hearers when they come to Sermons leave charity behind them how easily may they disturb themselves
our selves with some that commend themselves but they measuring themselves with themselves by comparing themselves among themselves are not wise Prov. 30. 12. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes yet not washed from their filthiness By these texts you may see what miserable judgment men will make of things when they walk by the light of their own eyes contrary to Gods express charge Deut. 12. 8. You shall not do after all things ye hear this day every man what is right in his own eyes Secondly Another Cause may be this when you measure what you know by what once you did know not considering that further knowledge forceth further light and cals for proportionable practise When I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things Thirdly When you measure what you know by seeing others that profess they know do as they do Tit. 1. 16. They profess they know God but in works they deny him Other mens actions must no further be a rule for us notwithstanding their knowledge then as their actions accord with Gods Word the rule of knowledge Fourthly When you measure what you know by what you are disposed to practise or do men pick and choose what Commands they will observe and how to observe them in our dayes Some Commands suit more with the nature and disposition of persons than other Commands do they that cannot endure Drunkenness can give way to passion they that cannot endure uncleanness can give way to Covetousness but as the victory is glorious when gotten over what was most difficult so measuring what we know not by what we are disposed to do but what God commands us to do is the truest way or rule to measure by for the carnal man will make the Law of Nations his guide the moral man the ten Commandments his guide the Antichristian man the false Spirit his guide and all measure themselves by their guide but the undeceived Christian man makes Gods Word his guide and measures what he knows by his walking like that To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Word 't is because there is no light in them Isa 8. 20. Fifthly When you measure not what you know by what God in his Word calls you personally to do when those especial Commands that lyeth upon you as Husband to Wife Wife to Husband Father to Child Child to Father Master to Servant Servant to Master are left undone or so lamely done that they are full of cracks and flaws the Religion of such is vain and contrary comparisons to this as vain and deceitful This was the evil of the Scribes and Pharisees they minded Annise and Cummin but neglected judgment mercy and faith the weightier matters of the Law all doings are shows without substance while the weightier matters are left undone James 1. 26. If any man seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue he deceives his own heart this mans Religion is in vain Consider this in the fear of God Object But how may we know we are deceived with this deceit Answ First When you have a low value of that means that under God first brought you to know Is not Sermons a low thing with you this and that Preacher that once was high in your account now weak and mean in your esteem Now you are full now you are rich and have raigned as Kings without us I would to God you did raign that we also might raign with you 1 Cor. 4. 8. Secondly When you are mighty prodigal of what you know thinking no matter well mannaged that you have not most voyce in Prov. 15. 2. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright but the mouth of fools poureth forth foolishness So prov 29. 11. The fool uttereth all his mind but a wise man keepeth it in while afterwards Thirdly When you please your self with the thoughts that few or none in knowledge outstrip you having a secret scorn to compare your selves with any that is when you think none is able to say more to a text of Scripture than you have done or knows the holy Spirits mind more than your selves Jer. 8. 8. We are wise We by way of singularity and the Law of the Lord is with us At the same time God saith What wisdome is in them Fouthly When in all matters material you are not careful to take counsel of God before you bring them to action Prov. 15. 28. The heart of the wise studieth to answer but the mouth of fools poureth forth foolishness And Chap. 3. 6. In all thy wayes acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths CHAP. VI. Containing in it Christians aptness through weakness to neglect coming to Christs Table with a short discription of offences that seemingly may hinder and three Causes of this Decay SIGN VI. VVHen a small offence will keep you from Christs Table By Christs Table here I would be understood Christ Jesus his own institution the night he was betrayed which he set on foot to his Penitent Believing Baptized Disciples 1 Cor. 11. 23 24. For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my body broken for you this do in remembrance of me And after the same manner he took the Cup when he had supped saying This C●● is the New Testament in my blood This do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me These Scriptures prove it to be Christ Jesus his own institution and therefore a duty for his people to be found in often But it being somewhat besides the business in hand to treat in particular of all the uses and ends of this blessed institution my work here is to be instrumental if the Lord will to deter believers upon some offences that they have taken from the neglect of this duty that is weighty and not to be omitted or abused as they will answer Christ Jesus who is ready to take an account it being that Ordinance that doth in a most lively manner express the certainty of his suffering in his body being broken and his blood poured out that he might finish the work of mans redemption and remain at the Fathers right Hand Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus against all the opposition of that corrupt Spirit that seeks in our dayes to disparage and extinguish this blessed Ordinance thereby to root out of mens understandings the certainty of Christ Jesus being a personal fleshly substance and so converting into a Spirit contrary to this saying of his after his resurrection Behold my ●ands and my feet that it is my self handle me and see for a Spirit hath not flesh and bone as you see me have Luke 24. 39. Acts 1. 9 10 11.
grows yea or nay and what value he puts on fellowship with God and injoying the light of his countenance what all this is and what its worth when it shines when it s clouded but if instead of such Communings as these time be vainly spent in hearing and telling some new thing complaining rather of hard times than hard hearts this and the other outward loss instead of true losing if the case be thus it must needs proclaim you dying Christians for that in your comings together your talk is not savoury and heavenly Thirdly A third Cause may be this Negligence to a plain duty Heb. 10. 24 25. And let us consider one another to provoke to love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is but exhort one another dayly while it is called to day that is certainly to be upon doing the work of the day and so much the more as you see the day appreaching Clearly impying that we should be so far from neglect to spiritual and profitable talking when we meet that it should be our care so to consider one another wherein they begin to grow faint weary flow remiss and wanti●g as to be provoking or seeking occasion to p●rswade and put forward such to that th●t they ought not to be backward in This was the trade of Gods Children as you may read Acts 15 36. And some dayes after Paul said to Barnabas Let us go again and visit our Brethren in every City where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do Acts 18. 27. Who when he was come helped them much which had believed through grace This certainly is as true in Paul and Barnabas as in Apollo let then I pray you what hath been said in this Sign serve for caution thus far that you will all be careful when you feast when you fast when you sit by your fire walk by the way lie down rise up for the avoyding precious times mispending to be talking of the Lord and his Laws consider what you read and pass to the next CHAP. XII Proving Vnpreparedness to hear the Word of God a Sign of Dying to Christ with three sorts of Hindrances which must be laid aside and what must be our work before Hearing in Hearing and after Hearing SIGN XII VVHen you are so little prepared for the solemn Assemblies that they come before you think of them or long for them When Persons suffers themselves to be so taken up with common or worldly business as that they leave no room for solemn Prayer and Preparation to meet in Gods Ordinances at dayes appointed it s an evident token of little reverence besetting the heart and as little consideration who they are to meet Now to come before the Lord in his Assembly where he is wont to be and hath promised to be there doubtless remains a work upon us to be done by us by way of Preparation and that because of Gods presence being there as in the Temple the Type of Gods Assembly or Gospel Church Kings 1. 3 9. I will put my Name there and my heart and my eyes shall be there perpetually his power presence and goodness shall be there and he ever was and is wont to meet his People there Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest and makest thy flocks to rest at even if thou knowest not go thy way and feed thy Kids by the shepheards tents Cant. 1. Now that great preparation as to this and that by way of duty ought to be will appear by what may follow want to prepare therefore must needs be a character of spiritual decay and the rather if we consider how strict the Lord was as to them that drew nigh him when he gave out the Law Exod. 19 10. And the Lord said unto Moses go and sanctifie the people to day and to morrow and let them wash their cloaths and let the Priests also which come near to the Lord sanctifie themselves lest the Lord break forth upon them Nadab and Abihu for not sanctifying the Lord when they drew nigh him there went out a fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord Levit. 10. 2. Most remarkable is that passage in good Joseph Gen. 41. 14. Before he will come into the Kings presence he shaves himself changeth his rayment layeth aside his prison garments How much rather should those prepare and lay aside that come into the presence of the King of Kings Hear the word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word Isa 66. 5. Persons may hear from day to day and remain much like the same rather worse than better which must needs argue some defect in themselves by unduly approaching near so solemn a Service I shall therefore in humility offer some Directions what we may do in order to our profit before hearing in hearing and after hearing First Before Hearing pray God bless his Word unto you and lead you in his way Psa 25. 4 5. Shew me thy way O Lord teach me thy path lead me in thy truth Teach me for thou art the God of my salvation on thee do I wait all the day Exod. 33. 15. If thy presence go not with me carry us not up hence This is as true in one case as another Secondly Go to the Assembly with reverent considerations that you are to meet God Amos 4. 12. Therefore thus will I do unto thee O Israel and because I will do this unto thee prepare to meet thy God O Israel King Rehoboam did evil because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord 2 Chron. 12. 14. compared with Chap. 19. 3. There are good things found in thee in that thou preparest thy heart to seek God Thirdly Before you go to hear you must lay aside all superfluity 1 Pet. 2. 1. Wherefore laying aside all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness receive with meekness the ingrafted Word There are three sorts of Superfluities to be laid aside which else will hinder you from profitting First All those doubtful carping cares for the things of this life you are incident to Mat. 13. 22. Mark 4. 19. Secondly You must lay aside all those vexatious frets of this life you are incident to Judges 16. 16. compared with 1 Sam. 1. 6 7. Thirdly You must lay aside all those pleasant pleasing pleasures of this life you are incident to Psal 45. 10 11. All or any of these being carried with us and heeded by us will so load us that there will be no room for the Word to profit Fourthly When you come to hear come with hungring and thirsting Mat. 5. 6. Psal 42. 1 2. The second Direction as to Hearing is what you must do in the time of Hearing First You must hear with reverence as Gods Embassage Psal 2. 11. compared with 89. 7. God is greatly to be feared in the Assembly of the Saints and to be had in reverence
Doth not he here consider their inward constitution and prepare his dish to their stomack and is not this Heavens road-way to bring in the greater by an orderly first bringing in the lesser witness this holy Apostles carriage 1 Cor. 12. 17 18 19 Did I make a gain of you by any of them I sent to you I desired Titus and with him I sent a brother did Titus make a gain of you We speak before God in Christ we do all things dearly beloved for your edifying he had respect to the great design Edification and when requiring their performance of a lesser duty to wit giving their temporals to them from whom they received spirituals even as the Lord hath ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel yet as I said but now if the calling for the performance of this duty will not stand with their edification in the main he will rather preach the Gospel of God freely 2 Cor. 11. 9. But when I was present with you And Wanted I was chargeable to no man and in all things I have kept my self from being burthensome to you and so I will keep my self you see though he wants necessaries he will take nothing of them but rather over-burthen other Churches that are better spirited to bear it then among this people labor in vain may not all mourn for Gospel loss through the want of such walking one towards another in our dayes How prosperous in probability may not I say in certainty had the truth been over it is through our Nation had it not been for those divisions that now are among the Churches whose beginnings came in this way I do secretly rejoyce to think what a blessed issue would have been reaped of general harmony amongst Gods Children while all persons in all places and among all people spoke the same things Doth not the adversary hinder the building greatly while he can truly say do you not see how they are divided among themselves and lay low one another doth not also the conscious seeker stumble greatly at this and say what shall I do where to settle I cannot tell Doth not the carnal Christian because of this please himself that he is got into the world of liberty from all Church way O that the Lord would be intreated to awaken the upright yet to make it their prayer and care night and day how they may in places times things especially in the main both to speak and do the same thing this will be blessed with better success to God and Gospel in one year then the best indeavours of another kind for time past hath been in some years I have done and the good Lord begin to set this my humble caution to Churches home that they all may take the good Apostles rule 1 Cor. 14. 26. How is it then brethren when you come together every one hath a Psalm hath a Doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation Let all things be done to Edifying CHAP. XXVIII Shewing the necessity of humble waiting and confident depending upon the holy Spirit to help in the great work of mortification the necessity whereof is shewed in seven particulars with six directions how to get and keep this holy Spirit SIGN XXVIII VVHen the holy Spirits help to the great work of mortification seems not of absolute need to you That is its working help and way is not taken heed to necessity of the holy Spirits help in this matter of great concernment cannot be known so as to be to this great end worthily improved without knowledge to a good degree how in this great work the holy Spirits help is concerned and whether so concerned that without its help mortification of sin in its right order cannot be brought about Now where the holy Spirit is sought unto and humbly waited upon for help he doth show himself helpful in these particulars First in fortifying the mind of a Christian with spiritual materials meet to wage war with the spiritual adversaries flesh world and Devil all which are strongly ingaged against a poor convert Gal. 5. 7. The flesh lusteth against the Spirit desiring and striving to do what is directly contrary to the Spirit like a perfect opposite aiming and striving to set up all impurity contrary to or against the Spirits purity Now the mind being the most noble part in man that the flesh is most ingaged against so that Peter in his 1 Epist 2. 4 12. cautions to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul or mind therefore saith the holy Apostle St. Paul Rom. 7. 23. I see a Law in my members warring against the Law of my mind to lead me captive to the Law of sin in my members And saith Jesus Christ Mat. 22. 37. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul and with all thy mind All which together proving the mind to be the most noble part at which the holy Spirit to possess with good the adversary to possess with bad hath a chief only aime knowing right well that conquest there carries away the whole man and therefore the actions of good men and wicked men are more or less reputed good or bad as they are more or less managed with the Mind Nehem. 4. 6 17. The builders that wrought upon the wall with one hand held a weapon and with the other hand wrought in the work for the people had a Mind to work which notes how mightily a willing mind doth contribute to a succesful work that this is greatly esteemed of by God read Isa 26. 3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee thou wilt keep them such are the proper subjects of Gods great care whose minds on God is stayed and they shall have peace peace that is peace in its best performances and in all its degrees peace at home abroad in stormes in calmes within without equivolent with that blessing annexed to commandement keepers Deut. 28. beginning But on the contrary Prov. 21. 29. The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord how much more when he brings it with a wicked Mind So that at the best the wickeds sacrifices are abominable but how much more when they come with a mind set on wickedness Phil. 3. 18 19. For many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping they are enemies of the Cross of Christ who mind earthly things now all this premised be speaks the necessity of the holy Spirits help to fortifie the mind with spiritual materials meet to wage war with the spiritual adversary for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness righteousness and truth proving what is acceptable to God and is therefore put in opposition to the works of the flesh Ephes 5. 9 10. Gal. 5. 22. But the fruits of the Spirit is love joy peace meekness long-suffering gentleness goodness faith now a mind destitute of this