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A87630 A sermon preach't at Christs-Church Dublin before the generall convention of Ireland. May 24. 1660. By Henry Jones D.D. Vicechancellour of the University of Dublin and Bishop of Clogher. Jones, Henry, 1605-1682. 1660 (1660) Wing J952; Thomason E1041_3; ESTC R207927 18,448 32

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you may already see how sutable this Text is to the present occasion It is Davids in the History Christs in the prophecy so must it then have been and it will be found ours in the Application I shall not at present insist on the opening of the words only as to that here where the Lord is said to make this day This is the day which the Lord hath made c. All dayes are the Lords and made by him Times as things are from him but some dayes are his more especially having his stamp and being owned by himself as his above others of this kind were those 1. Which had his appointment in his word by speciall command as the Sabbath also other dayes mentioned and observed under the Leviticall Priesthood called also Sabbaths and his Sabbaths 2. There are dayes also of the Lords making which are so made by the wayes and works of his Providence made by the voice of his Providence as were those other by express appointment in his word written Such are 1 dayes of the Humiliation private or publick in them is Gods voice heard The Lords voice crieth unto the City and the man of wisdom shall see thy name Hear the Rod and who hath appointed it Mich. 6. 9. Do we see a rod cross dispensations from the Lord then and in that is the Lords voice heard and what then speaks that voice unto us In that day did the Lord God of Hosts call to weeping and to mourning c. Is 22. 12. That is a day then and thereby made by the Lord for Humiliation for Weeping and for mourning c. In like manner 2 when the Lord doth speak good to his people to some in their private or to mauy or all in publick concernments thereby is there a day of the Lords making a day of thanksgiving such as is this which we now celebrate These are dayes of the Lords making 1. Because they are from him and by that his voice of Providence called for and appointed to us for dayes of praise The day is made by him when the good given in the day is by him and from him 2. A day of praise is then of the Lords making more especially when the Lord not only gives good in it but that is done in such a manner and with such eminent Manifestations of his goodness and glory that it cannot but be owned his and from his hand and his only The right hand of the Lord doth valiantly the right hand of the Lord is exalted the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly v. 15. 16. For the Stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner v. 22. which must be acknowledged the Lords doing and marvellous in our eyes v. 23. thereupon it follows This is the day which the Lord hath made v. 24. And this is this above others a day of the Lords making The point on the whole shall be That those dayes made by the Lord for good unto his People are to be of them particularly observed I shall reduce this into parts That the Lord doth many times make dayes in which he will give good unto his People That it is our duty to improve such opportunities In the first is Gods work this is the day which the Lord hath made in the other is our work we will rejoyce and be glad in it I shall begin with Gods work That the Lord doth many times make dayes in which he giveth good to his People There is none of you which hear me this day who in your own experiences cannot but witness to this truth But I am at present for this in a more publick consideration so doth the 〈◊〉 require it and in the proof of this doctrine I shall confine my self unto the Lords dealing with those two hinted at in my Text David the tipe and Christ the Antitipe to both whom these words particularly referr and what will be said of these will fall into our present work so naturally that little application will be therein necessary I shall speak first of David of whom are these words as to the letter that he was a stone which the builders refused and after made the head stone of the corner v. 22. concerning which it might well be said This is the Lords doing it is marvellous in our eyes David although he were not that stone which is properly understood of Christ yet was he a stone refused by the builders c. A stone in the Scripture sence and as here intended signifieth Government principality Soveraignty A King is in this sence a stone so we find it in the blessing of Joseph that from him should be the Shepheard the stone of Israell Gen. 49. 24. Intending the Kingdom of the ten tribes and beginning in the house of Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim For on that sin of Reuben Jacobs first born desiling his Fathers bed was the birthright and principality given from him unto Joseph or to Ephraim his Son 1 Chr. 5. 1 2. And in that sence is Christ also called a stone cut out without hands smiting and breaking the Image in peices Dan. 2. 34. after expounded a Kingdom which should break in pieces and consume all those Kingdoms and it self for ever v. 44. 45. and where a King is called a stone in that is intended a foundation stone so is it said of Christs Kingdom Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone a tried stone a precious co●●●r stone a sure foundation c. Is 28. 16 A King is therefore a stone a foundation stone the basis and foundation of a Peoples happiness And how David this stone was first refused and after made the head stone of the corner is worthy our consideration in the severall steps and degrees of it wherein we shall find a parallel and lively Portraicture of our gracious Soveraign whose day is thus celebrated of us and on the same occasion as was that day of Davids First David you know had been anointed King and by the Lord appointed the Shepheard and stone of Israel that notwithstanding that his right which was well enough understood he was refused and opposed by Saul and by the people and the chief of them here called builders they joyning with Saul against him Also after the death of Saul David found opposition from Ishbosheth Sauls Son who succeeded him although he were farr short of his Fathers resolution and parts for Government being a weak Prince and governed rather then governing easily checkt by his great ones especially Abner Generall of his Army by whom whilst he stood by him he was supported but was soon cast down when forsaken of him 2. Sam. 2. 8. 3. 8. 9. 10. 11. And what David suffered in all this especially under Saul is evident he being persecuted pursued prescribed declared against and at length enforced to flee his Country into forreign parts to a People of a strange Language and Worship with other
to David and as to Christ and as to our selves in the application that the Lord doth make a day wherein he will do and give good unto his People 2. I now proceed to the next point herein observable Our work in this day We will rejoyce and be glad in it The point being this That those dayes by the Lord made and Given to his People are to be observed and improved by them I will not spend time in proving it it needs it not nor will the time permit it I shall rather speak to the manner and practice of our duty herein and herein I shall confine my self to the Text and to what therein we are directed Where we find three things proposed to us in way of duty in this particular 1. That we take notice of the Lords work what it is that he doth for us So here v. 24. This is the day 2. That we take notice of Gods work so done for us with thankfulness We will rejoyce and be glad in it 3. That we farther improve such the Lords mercies to us by Prayer Save now I beseech thee O Lord c. v. 25. 1. That we are to take notice of Gods work for his People here is a day for it and that day particularly pointed at This is the day c. as to the manner of it 1. This is by taking notice of Gods work in particulars not in the gross or bulk of them only A particular Enumeration and confession of Sins becomes a day of Humiliation so are mercies to be particularly remembred in a day of praise Psal. 111. 2. Ps. 103 1 to 6. 2. We are not in this not to pass over the works of God lightly but to insist on them in serious meditation and in speaking of them again and again as here v. 15. 16. but this I shall not dwell upon longer at present 2. The next part of our duty is our observing Gods works of good to us and that with thankfulness This is the day c. We will rejoyce and be glad in it Our rejoycing must be in the Lord and that cannot be but in a thankfull acknowledgment of his mercies to the praise of his name where therefore it is said we will rejoyce in it v. 24. it is after with praises unto God v. 27. 28 29. Let us see the practice and ground of this duty by what may be observed of it in Davids day 2. By what we find of the Lords goodness to us in this our day And 3. the ground of our joy and rejoycing in this day also of our Lord Jesus Christ 1. As this day referrs to David his day required such thankfull acknowledgment from him and from his People You have heard what the Lord has done for David and in him for his People such mercies required sutable acknowledgments See himself in the duty I will praise thee for thou hast heard me and become my Salvation v. 21. Thou art my God and I will praise thee thou art my God and I will exalt thee v. 28. He stirreth up others also in it O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever v. 1. 29. and thereunto he calls all the People Let Israel now say that his mercy endureth for ever v. 2. And the Priests Let the House of Aaron now say that his mercy endureth for ever v. 3. God is the Lord who hath shewed us light bind the Sacrifice with cords even unto the Horns of the Altar v. 27. And all this is done in a publick manner even in the Church the publick place for Gods worship Open to me the Gates of righteousness I will go into them and I will praise the Lord this is the gate of the Lord into which the righteous shall enter v. 19. 20. publick mercies must have publick acknowledgments as you have seen in Davids day 2. Our day also this which now we celebrate commands the like performances from us our duty of praises to our God I am sure no people under the Sun have more cause for it then have we in these three Kingdoms after so many and so great and such continued confusions to be thus as at present setled in peace under his sacred Majesty This surely is the Lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes it is a day which the Lord hath made let us rejoyce and be glad in it Nor is the Lord to be praised in his works alone but in those also whom he makes his Instruments in those his works the Lord alloweth them their praise in this yet so as in reference to him in whose hands they are instruments and that those praises be not lodg'd with them but that they passe from and through them unto him who employed and fitted them for the work and carried them on in it 1. Let me therefore to the glory of God and to the praise of his great name this Day speak unto those in the first place who have been chief in this work I confine my self herein at present to what is within our selves in this Kingdom only unto you the heads and leaders of the People I shall say only as in Deborahs tryumphant song of praise My heart is toward the Governors of Israel that offred themselves willingly among the People bless ye the Lord Judg. 5. 9. You have herein your praise and we have cause to bless you for what have been by you done for us but bless ye the Lord Let your praises be returned from you to him by whom you have been so stirred up and owned in this great work 2. To you of the Army Officers and Souldiers is your praise also I may say of you as was said of Zebulun and Naphtali in the before mentioned song of Deborah Zebulun and Naphtali were a People that Jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field Jud. 5. 18. Blessed be God that it did not come among you unto that of death or to the least drop of blood of any of you It is a Miracle that it was so yet did you put your lives in your hands in this great cause and they were by you Jeoparded nor would you have drawn back from the utmost of dangers had it been necessary 3. As to you of this City both you in the chief Government and others you have your praise also and that very eminently as you have been even above others eminent in the work of this day in which also you continue even unto this very day 4. Nor ought you of the general Convention of Ireland to be forgotten but to be remembered with the first for you have in a time of trouble and great distractions risen from your severall places and set your selves here for the quiet and settlement of this Kingdom The happy fruits whereof we this day gather by you have our publick wants been supplied in a time of pressing necessities to the great refreshment of the
People You have strengthned our hands here and the hands of others elsewhere who had been engaged in this cause with you you have in your forward and prudent zeal stirred up Emulation I will not say envy in others to the quickning and hasting this work to that perfection in which we see it at this day And from you and by your appointment have we the day it self and therein this present opportunity for blessing the Lord and rejoycing before him in the great things by him thus done for his People Where therefore hereafter mention shall be made of this general convention of Ireland let this also be remembred concerning you to your lasting praise in after Generations And let all of us together as we have common cause joyn in one in the praises of the Lord from whom alone is all this good this day derived to us it is a day which the Lord himself hath made for us let us Rejoyce and be glad in it 3. But more especially and above all this day of the Lord Jesus our Lord and our King the day of his Glory is withall joy to be of his people remembred for evermore The glory of Jesus Christ is the foundation of all our comforts in his humble condition and sufferings he merited Redemption and happinesse for us he purchased it for us in his blood but the Application of all and our reall possession of that our happinesse is from him exalted he is in his Kingly office the Saviour as in his Priesthood and from him as our King and not otherwise have we what as a Priest he had prepared for us The God of our Fathers said the Apostles raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of Sins Acts 5. 30 31. The first coming in of a Prince into his power is with grace and an act of oblivion So in Christ our Prince thus exalted is now generall pardon held out and given and from him as so is repentance of forgivnesse of Sins to be expected In this is the foundation as was said of our joy and rejoycing for ever We declare unto you saith the Apostle Glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same unto us their Children in that he hath raised up Jesus again Be it known unto you therefore Men and Brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgivness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses Acts 13. 32. 33. 38. Thus of Christs day and of our duty of praise in it And thus of the second part of our work in this day that duty of praise expected from us 3. The last is prayer prayer as praise is part of the work of this day Thanksgiving makes way for Petition and prayer Improveth praise as here Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord v. 25 26. Where we find 1. The Kings prayer for the People as Solomon prayed for the People 1 Kings 8. 12. c. So doth David here Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity Kings ought to pray for their People 2. Here also ye People pray for the King and bless him in the name of the Lord Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord v. 26. It is our duty to pray for the King I exhort saith the Apostle That first of all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for Kings and for all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. It is you see an Exhortation earnestly pressed and that first of all and as good and acceptable in the sight of God and what he expects from us in dnty and what will be well pleasing him and what he will return to us to our good he thereby giving us to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty I am perswaded that the contrary the not praying for the King but against him and the not blessing him but cursing rather hath been in a great measure the ground of our unquiet and troublesome dayes hitherto wherein also hath been so little of Godlinesse although nothing more pretended and so little even of very common honesty amongst professors as in these our dayes Let therefore the exhortation of the Apostle prevail withus for the practice of this duty in our dayly prayers for his Majesty That the Lord would blesse him and make him a blessing unto his People as here Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Thus was Jesus Christ received by his People when he entred Jerusalem Hosanna to the Son of David blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Math. 21. 8 9 15. Then did Christ enter Jerusalem as a King which is implied in his being called the Son of David It being also expresly said that this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Propbet saying Tell ye the Daughter of Sion Behold thy King cometh to thee meek and sitting upon an Ass and a Colt the foal of an ass as it is on that occasion observed by the Evangelist Mat. 21. 4. 5. And where it is in St. Mathew blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord it is thus in S. Luke blessed is the King that cometh in hte name of the Lord Luke 19. 38. And here is to be noted that where it is said in the text Save now O Lord c. That the word Save is in the Original the same with that Hosanna that Acclamations of the People concerning Christ as if said God save the King It is also to be observed that as Jesus Christ was in his first coming received with the Acclamations of the people in those words Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord So shall he be again received even with t he same words his second coming Then he shall withall joy be welcomed and that saidof him blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord You find this in our Lords own words speaking of his then leaving the World and of his second coming Ye shall not saith he see me henceforth till ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord That till ye shall say blessed c. as in St. Mathew is thus rendered by St. Luke untill the time come when ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Luke 13. 35. 3. Here are also prayers for the Church and its prosperity v. 25. Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now pros●e●ity Jesus Christ our King needs not our prayers He is in his glory above our prayers although Princes in their greatest glory have need of them Concerning them we may and ought to say save now I beseech thee O Lord But although Christ needs not as I said our prayers yet doth his Church his Kingdom want them and he himself commands our prayers for it Thy Kingdom come is one of those petitions which he hath put into our Mouths for his Church Math. 6. 10. This is required of us for his Church in generall and particularly for Jerusalem That the Lord would build up his Church and enlarge his Kingdom in the calling of that his people Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee Peace within thy walls prosperity within thy Pallaces for my Brethren and companions sake I will now say peace be within thee because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thygood Psal. 122. 6. 7. 8. 9. And such a praying frame of Spirit hath the Lord promised to give unto his concerning that his People I have set watchmen upon thy walls O Jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day nor night Ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence and give him no rest till he establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth Is 62. 6 7. I much fear we are wanting in this duty let it not be so say concerning Jerusalem as here Save now I beseecb thee O Lord O Lord I beseech the send now prosperity Let our prayers also be for the suffering Churches in other Countreys God hath made this day to be to us a day of praise and rejoycing Blessed be his name but it may be a day of sadnesse with others elswhere Let us be sensible of their condition as of our own and in our rejoycing be mindfull of their sorrow Say of them Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech the send now prosperity As for the Church at home and among our selves in these Kingdoms Let our prayers be for them also We see already in the work of the day the happiness of the State and we have hope of the happinesse of our Church also under his Majesty whose piety hath been so eminently evidenced to the comfort and satisfaction of his people We well know that much of the evil in the State hath broaken in upon and proceeded from sad divisions and factions in the Church Our happinesse in the State will be in union in the Church and in the Lords making up the breaches there in That will be our peace and not otherwise And now even now is the very time even the very time for our prayers herein Therefore for our common happiness in Church and State in King and People let it be part of our work in this our day of rejoycing to be instant also in this duty of prayer and again and again to say Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord FINIS Doct. 2. Doct. Doct.
A SERMON Preach't at CHRISTS-CHURCH DUBLIN Before the GENERALL CONVENTION OF IRELAND May 24. 1660. By Henry Jones D. D. Vicechancellour of the University of Dublin and Bishop of Clogher LONDON Printed by J. C. for J. Crook at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard 1660. A Declaration of the General Convention of Ireland for a day of publick Thanksgiving to be observed throughout the Kingdom WHereas it hath pleased Almighty God after so many and various Revolutions to look upon these Kingdoms of England Ireland and Scotland with the eye of Mercy by resettleing them upon the ancient basis of their lawful Government in which onely they can be happy And whereas God hath made his arm bare in this signal and eminent transaction that no flesh might assume glory to it self and hath removed all those great obstructions without the effusion of bloud a mercy as much beyond humane expectation as our merits We therefore the General Convention of Ireland that we may give unto God the things that are Gods as unto Caesar what belongs unto Caesar do in manifestation of our sense of this high undeserved mercy the humble yet fervent return of our praises to him for placing his royal Majesty King Charls King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. not onely in the throne of his Ancestors but in the hearts of his people Appoint accordingly ordain that Thursday the 24. day of this instant May be a day appointedand set apart throughout all the Churches in this Kingdom to praise God for this great seasonable deliverance afforded to us that are less then the least of his mercies and that this Declaration be then publickly read by the respective Ministers in their Congregations and all Mayors Sheriffs Justices of the Peace and other Officers and Ministers are respectively to take notice hereof and to take care that the samebe put in due execution accordingly and that all persons do forbear to labor or exercise their ordinary calling on that day God save the King Dated at Dublin the 15. day of May 1660. Ordered that this Declaration be forthwith Printed published Mat. Barry Cl. of the General Convention of Ireland Ordered Monday 14. May 1660. THat Dr. Henry Jones Lord Bishop of Clogher one of the Members of this Convention be and is hereby desired to carry on the work of the thansk giving day appointed upon thursday next come seven night being the 24. day of this instant May at Christ Church Dubl Signed by Order Math. Barry Cl. of the General Convention of Ireland Thurseday 24. May 1660. WHereas Dr. H. Jones L. B. of Clogher one of the members of this Convention was desired to carry on the work of this day appointed a day of thanksgiving that God in much mercy has restored his Majesty to the Government of these his Kingdoms which was both learnedly piously performed by his Lordship It is Ordered that the Chairman of this Convention do returne their hearty thanks to his Lordslip And that he be desired to cause his Sermon to be printed and published at the charge of the said Convention Signed by Order Math. Barry Cl. of the General Convention of Ireland PSALM 118. 24 25 26. This is the day which the Lord hath made We will rejoyce and be glad in it Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperity Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord I Have chosen these words for this time A Psalm and of praise is a fit subject for this occasion such is this psalm It begins and ends with praise ending as beginning and with the same words O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever ver. 1. 29. There are we called on and invited to the Duty but here in the Text we are in the duty in the practice of it This is the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoyce and be glad in it c. This Psalm hath not the Author in its Title yet may we probably conclude it Davids A general consent of Writers ancient and modern is for it The matter also of the Psalm leads to it being much the same with the second Psalm that being as this of Davids and Christs Kingdom both first opposed and after established notwithstanding all to the contrary Why do the Heathen rage and the People imagine a vain thing the Kings of the Earth set themselves and the Rulers take Councell together against the Lord and against his anointed Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion Psa. 2. 1 2 6. where note that that Psalm hath also no title as this here yet is that declared to be Davids by the Testimony of the holy Ghost Acts 4. 25 26 27. Who by the mouth of thy Servant David hast said why did the Heathen rage c. Nor is this our Psalm as to the matter of it to be Apropriated unto David for here we find Jesus Christ of whom are principally the words which are next foregoing in the Text v. 22 23. The stone which the Builders refused is become he head stone of the corner This is the Lords doing it t is marvelous in our eyes Which are applied unto Chr i st Acts 4. 11 10. So also are these words in the Text Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord v. 26. with Math. 21. 9. David was here the tipe and what is to be said of David must be principally referred unto Christ the Antitipe the same matter being here as in many other Psalms common to both And whereas David is said to be A tipe of Jesus Christ it is intended Principally as he was a King he a tipe of Christs Kingly office as were others of his other offices propheticall and Priestly Therefore and for other reasons is Christ as a King called by the very name of David Ezech. 34. 23 24. I will set up one Shepheard over them and he shall feed them even my Servant David he shall feed them and he shall be their Shepheard and I the Lord will be their God and my Servant David a Prince amongst them I the Lord have spoken it Therefore must this Psalm be understood of David and of Christ as to the Kingly power and Government vested in them therefore is this Psalm in that yet neerer to the present occasion And yet more particularly these words seem to point to that very period of time when David first entred on his Kingdom in peace freed from those disturbances till then given him as it was also with Jesus Christ of either of them it might be said that he was A stone which the builders refused being after made the head stone of the corner v. 22. 23. unto this this tryumphant day in the Text doth particularly referr This is the day c. In all which