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A65719 A treatise of traditions ... Whitby, Daniel, 1638-1726. 1688 (1688) Wing W1740_pt1; Wing W1742_pt2; ESTC R234356 361,286 418

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corbonam omnino non respicis De opere eleemos p. 203. as their Wants require Saint Cyprian also taxeth the Omission of this Duty on the Lord's day as a Fault in Rich and able Persons saying Thou art Wealthy and Rich and thinkest thou that thou observest the Lord's day who dost not at all respect the poor Man's Box Thirdly All the Ancient Commentators on this Place both Greek and Latin unanimously interpret this of the Lord 's day Ambrose and Primasius among the Latins Chrysostom Theodoret Oecumenius and Theophylact among the Greeks Secondly Observe that no good Reason can be given why the Apostle should limit the Collections of the Churches of Corinth and Galatia to the first day of the week but this That this day was appointed for the Worship of our Lord and so more fit for the performance of those Duties which concerned his distressed Members in those Times for as the works of Charity and Mercy are proper Duties of this day so doth this day contain a special motive in it to enlarge their Charley it being the day in which they were begotten to a lively Hope through the Resurrection of our Saviour and in which they constantly in those times participated of his precious Body and Blood and therefore having then received spiritual Things so plentifully from Christ must be more ready to impart of their temporals to his needy Servants Thirdly Observe that should the Text be rendered thus Let every one lay up against the first day of the week there would be some good reason for that Precept provided that it were a day appointed for the Service of Christ and the Assemblies of all Christian People for meeting thus together on that day they might then bring to the Assembly what they had treasured up against that time and then put it into the publick Bank as the Custom was in the first Ages of the Church and that they did so here at Corinth seems highly probable from the design of the Apostles Precept for he exhorts them to have their Charity ready that there might be no need of a Collection when he came whereas if they had kept their Charity in their own hands and not put it into the publick Stock there would still have been need of a Collection at his coming 2dly The Apostle might command to lay it up against that day to be then offered to the Lord because our Charity to his distressed Members is an Odor of a sweet smelling Savour Philip. 4.18 Act. 10.4 a Sacrifice well-pleasing to God a Duty fitly joined with our Prayers that so they may come up together as a memorial before God. Since therefore whether we translate the word 's upon the first day of the week or against the first day of the week no reason doth appear why Saint Paul should pitch upon that day had it not been the day of their assembling together the day on which they met to serve the Lord Christ we ought in reason to conclude it was so And if for the performance of this Work of Charity on the Lord's day Saint Paul thought fit to give his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or special Order can we suppose the day it self should be observed without appointment of the said Apostle or others of like power with him especially if we consider that Clemens the Contemporary of the Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Epist ad Cor. §. 40. doth inform us That our Lord commanded our Oblations and Liturgies should be performed at times appointed and not disorderly but at those very times and seasons which he had ordained and thence concludes That they who offer their Oblations in those appointed Seasons are blessed and acceptable to God and that because they act agreeably to the Commandments of their Lord for if Christ himself gave Laws for the time when and the persons by whom he would have divine Offices performed as Clemens here doth plainly teach there is little doubt to be made but the Lord's day was his own Ordinance and if as he there adds These things were defined by his Sovereign Counsel that all things being done religiously according to his good Pleasure might be acceptable in his sight it follows that this time could not Religiously have been set apart for his Service or have been acceptable to him had it not been appointed by the Counsel of his Will so that although this Text doth not expresly command that the first Day of the Week should be observed as the Christians weekly Festival yet if we join with it the uniform Practice of the Primitive Church then and ever since they jointly prove that the first day of the Week was the weekly Festival of Christians at that time and strongly do imply or suppose that before this Apostolical Ordinance for these Collections on this Day there was another for the observation of the day it self for how could it have happened that all the Apostolical Churches throughout the World should from the beginning have accorded to make this day a weekly Festival unless they had been directed thus to do by the Apostles themselves by whom they were at first converted to the Christian Faith and with that Faith received this Institution 3dly We have another Scripture Act. xx 7. § 3 which fairly seemeth to conclude that the Apostles and the Christian Church did then observe this day and meet for the performance of Religious Worship on it for there it is expresly said That upon the first day of the Week when the Disciples came together to break Bread Paul preached unto them Where Note 1. That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the first day of the week was certainly the Lord's day as hath already been made manifest 2. Observe That on this day the Disciples were not summoned extraordinarily to come together that Saint Paul did not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 call them together as he did the Assembly of the Elders of the Church v. 17. but the Disciples were themselves 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 met in their Synaxis or Assembly the Text informs us That Saint Paul carried with them seven days and in none of them have we any mention of an Assembly to this purpose but only on the first day of the week 3. Observe That they then met together to break Bread which Phrase doth signifie the sacred Action performed in celebration of the Holy Sacrament which 't was the Custom of the Primitive Christians to receive in all their Church Assemblies on the Lord's day 1 Cor. xi this the Apostle intimates when he complains of his Corinthians That they came together for the worse because when they came together in the Church there were Divisions among them so that they did not eat together of the Table of the Lord. Now thus to come together in one place saith he is not to eat the Lord's Supper i. e. it is not so to do it as the sacred Action ought to be performed this therefore when they came
either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Great Lord's day or the Paschal Lord's day and being constantly in those first Ages distinguished from and in their enumeration of their Festivals opposed to the Lord's day Moreover the Easter Feast seemeth not to have been so Ancient as the Apostles Vision for then it would have been observed uniformly as the Lord 's day was whereas the Eastern and the Western Churches differed much about it and that very difference demonstrates that the Lord 's day was the more ancient because the Question was Whether the Eastern Festival should be kept on the Lord's day only or on the day of the Full-Moon as by the Jews it was on what day of the Week soever that did happen And whereas Mr. M. asks P. 207. How prove you that it was not Christmas or Ascention day I Answer 1st That we have no Evidence from Antiquity that either of these Festivals were then observed much less that they were then known to the Christian World under that Appellation 2dly The common Consent of all Interpreters and the perpetual Practice of the Church in all Ages from Saint John to Ignatius his Scholar and so downwards to this day do give the name of the Lord's day to Sunday and to no other Festival of the Church Weekly or Annual sufficiently instructs us what Saint John understood by the Lord's day 3dly Observe That whatsoever in the Scripture hath the Lord's Name and Subscription on it as the Lord's Temple the Lord's Offerings the Lord's People the Lord's Priests was consecrated to the Service of Jehovah the Lord of the Old Creation wherefore the day which had so early the Name and Superscription of the Lord Christ upon it must be supposed to be Holy to the Lord of the New Creation and consecrated to his Service For as the Jewish Sabbath being called the Lord 's Sabbath or the Sabbath of Jehovah was by that Title known to be a day Sanctified to Jehovah as Creator so this day being called the Lord 's day is by this Note as certainly known to be a day consecrated to the Service of the Lord Christ And as the Lord 's Supper is stiled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Supper of the Lord the Sacramental Table 1 Cor. xi 20. x. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Table of the Lord the Sacramental Wine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Cup of the Lord either because the Sacrament was instituted immediately by the Lord Christ to be observed to his Second Coming Or Secondly Because it was appointed for the remembrance of the Lord 's Death and Passion till that time even so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord's day must be so called for one of these two Reasons or for both viz. Because it was enjoined by Christ or by Directions given to his Apostles to command the Observation of it as a Day to be devoted to the Service of our Lord Christ or because it was by the Apostles so observed in memory of our Lords Resurrection and was from them received as a day to be observed for all future Generations of the Church And that this day was certainly observed by the Apostles and by the Christians who lived in their daies in Honour of our Lord is evident from what hath been already proved For if it were then known to Christians by the Name of the Lord's day and if so be the Lord's day must import a day that is consecrated to the Service of the Lord 't is clear that they must then observe it as such or act against the knowledge of their Duty if when Saint John received this Vision it were known to be a day devoted to the Service of the Lord Christ it must be known to be thus consecrated to his Service by some who had Authority sufficient so to do that is at least by those Apostles and Rulers to whom Christ had committed the Guidance of his Church and the determination of that outward Worship he required from his Disciples What they thus consecrated to his Service must be devoted either by virtue of their positive Institution or by their practice only if by virtue of their Institution then is it granted that this day is of Divine and Apostolical Institution if by their Practice only yet is it granted that this day was constantly observed by those Apostles who were assisted in their Actions by the Holy Ghost that 't was by their Example commended to the practice of all Christians and therefore be alone can alter this Apostolical Tradition who better knows the mind of Christ than they did and is more able to discern what Service is well pleasing to him than they were Secondly § 2 This Practice will sufficiently appear from other Scriptures which either presuppose or else directly shew this was a day observed in the Apostles time Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Church of Corinth writeth thus Now concerning the Collection for the Saints as I have ordained for the Churches of Galatia 1 Cor. xvi 1 2. so do ye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 upon the first day of the week let every man lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gathering when I come Where observe First That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth certainly signifie the first day of the Week the day of our Lord's Resurrection from the dead for the Four Evangelists do with one Voice averr That our Lord Jesus did arise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the first day of the week Matth. 28.1 Mark 16.2 Luke 24.1 John 20.1 Nor can this reasonably be doubted by any who believe the Scriptures Moreover Saint Mark doth clearly so interpret the Phrase for the Sabbath being over saith he Mary Magdalene and others came 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 early the first day of the week and found Christ risen and v. 9. he adds That Christ was risen early 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is by the consent of all Interpreters upon the first day of the week Saint Luke observes Luke 23.56 That they rested on the Sabbath day according to the Commandment and then adds That they came unto the Sepulchre 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on the first day of the week Secondly This may be Argued from the succeeding Practice of the Church which in compliance with this Precept still offer'd their Alms upon this Day for Justin M. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apol 2. p. 98 99. who flourished in the next Age to the Apostles tells the Heathen Emperor in his Apology That 't was the Custom of Christians to meet on the Lord's day to Pray to hear the Word to receive the Sacrament and then saith he they who are rich and willing give what they think fit and what is thus collected is laid up in the hands of the President who distributes it to Orphans and Widows and other Christians Locuples dives es dominicum observare te credis qui
the Lord's Day had been of the same nature we may suppose the Apostles would not have failed to inform the Christian Churches That this was their own Constitution not the Lord 's which since they did not we may presume that they in this as well as other things did only what they received from the Lord. And lastly the Apostle doth command the Christians to observe the Traditions which they had received 2 Thess 2.15 whether by Word or by Epistle and therefore must command them to observe that day which by Tradition from the Apostles was certainly delivered to them But against these Arguments it is Objected Object That we read in Scripture of many things ordained by the Apostles which are now laid aside viz. The Kiss of Charity the Love-Feast the Anointing with Oil the abstaining from things strangled and from blood and therefore cannot rationally conclude the Lord 's day ought to be observed perpetually and unalterably because it was ordained by those Apostles who were assisted by the Holy Ghost To this I Answer Answ That Apostolical Constitutions which concern the whole Church must be esteemed invariable and perpetual if they have these Conditions First That they were made upon such Grounds and Reasons as equally concern the whole Church of all Ages and there hath happened since no alteration of Circumstances which made it reasonable then to observe what now we have no Reason to perform v. g. The Anointing of the Sick was a Ceremony annexed to the extraordinary Gift of Healing which ceasing this Appendix of it ceased with it not by any repeal of the Church but by expiration as all the Constitutions of Saint Paul touching the use of Tongues did with the failure of that Gift The Law which obliged the Gentile to abstain from things Strangled and Blood was designed only to avoid offending the weak Jew there being therefore none such now nor any hopes remaining of their Conversion by this Abstinence that Law must cease not by a positive repeal but by cessation of the Cause or Reason of it according to those known Rules Sublatâ causâ tollitur effectus ratio legis est lex Take away the Cause and the Effect ceaseth Secondly When they are not about some lesser Ceremonies or Circumstances which in tract of time may become subject to abuse and hindrance to a greater good and for that reason may be dispensed with and abrogated by the Church by virtue of that general Rule of doing all things to Edification but about Matters of great Moment such as concern the Service of our Great Master and the time to be set apart for the performance of it For Instance touching the Kiss of Charity all that Saint Paul or Peter have delivered concerning it is this That some times or other Christians should testifie their mutual affection to each other by a Kiss and that this Kiss be not a wanton or dissembling one but an Holy one or a true Kiss of Charity and in this sence 't is still continued among Christians Moreover 't is of it self a thing indifferent and only good as 't is an indication of true Charity and therefore is equivalently continued by all Acts of Christian Charity The Love Feasts were designed for the Refreshment of the Poor by what the Rich brought to the Holy Sacrament to be eaten by them at that Feast of Love and since it after happened through the looseness of Christians that great Disorders were committed in those Feasts they being made occasions not of Divisions only but of Intemperance and Drunkenness they were universally disused in the Fourth Century and converted into a more unexceptionable Charity to be distributed among the Poor according to that never failing Rule That where the abuse is greater than the use of a Ceremony if the intended use may be obtained other wife Abusus tollit usum the abuse makes it reasonable to cease the usage of that Rite Thirdly If they have been universally neceived through the whole Christian World from the Apostles times unto our daies not that the neglect of this Observation by any Church in any Age or Ages could have rendered this Ordinance invalid or not obliging to Posterity but because the continuance of it from the time of its first Practice or Institution to this present moment is a just Presumption that all Christians have been always satisfied and well assured of their Obligation to comply with it and that no Christians can have any cause to vary from it Now all these three particulars here meet For 1. This Christian Festival hath always been observed in all place● and throughout all Ages of the Church 2. It was observed by all Christians for these very Reasons 1st That as the Jews by Observation of the Sabbath professed to own the Lord of the Creation for their God and themselves to be his Servants so they by Observation of the Lord Christ might own him as their Lord and Master who was the Lord of the New Creation 2dly As they observed their Sabbath in Commemoration of the Blessings procured to them by the Creation so the Christians observed the day of our Lord's Resurrection in thankful Remembrance of the inestimable Blessings procured and consigned to them by it Non Dominicum diem timerent enim ne Christiani viderentur Now sure this solemn Act of owning Jesus for our Lord on which account Tertullian says The Heathens feared to observe the Lord's Day is a Duty of the highest moment and surely the Blessings partly purchased partly confirmed to us by our Lord's Resurrection must as well deserve a day to be employed in solemn and in grateful commemoration of them as the Mercies which the Creation did conferr upon Mankind and so this Constitution must be concerning Matters of great Moment And 3dly These are never failing Reasons and such as render it as necessary now to observe this day and will do so for ever and no Man ever can refuse the Observation of this day without being careless to own Christ for his Lord or to return Thanks for the Benefits of his Resurrection or without opposing yea condemning the Wisdom of the Apostles and the whole Christian World to this very day Moreover This Assertion is confirmed by the concurring suffrage of the Ancient Fathers for Justin M. Apol. 2. p. 99. speaking of the Observation of this day saith That our Lord arising from the dead 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taught these things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 De laudibus Constant p. 664. Eusebius saith That Christ hath prescribed to all the Inhabitants of the World by Sea and Land that coming together into one place they should celebrate as a Festival the Lord's day In time past saith Athanasius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 De Sement p. 1060. the Sabbath was of great account which Solemnity the Lord translated to the Lord's day nor do we set light by it without his Authority In a word So Athanas Serm.
together in the Church they did and therefore what is coming together v. 17. coming to the Church v. 18. coming to one place v. 19. is coming together to eat v. 33. Accordingly it was the Custom of the Church from the Apostles times thus to communicate upon the Lord's day Pliny in his Epistle to the Emperor Trajan Soliti sunt stato die ante lucem convenire c. Ep. l. 10. Ep. 97. tells him That he found nothing to alledge against the Christians but their Obstinacy in their Superstition and that is was their Custom to meet together on a set day before it was light and to bind themselves by the Sacrament to do no evil Now this Epistle was writ only Six Years after the Death of the Evangelist Saint John. And Justin M. who wrote but Fifty Years after his death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apol. 2. p. 98 99. thus speaks On Sunday all the Christians in the City or Country meet together because that is the day of our Lord's Resurrection and then we have read unto us the Writings of the Prophets and Apostles this done the President makes an Oration to the Assembly to exhort them to imitate and do the things they heard then we all join in Prayer and after that we celebrate the Sacrament and they that are willing and able give their Alms c. Fourthly § 4 This may be further proved from the Church's Testimony and from the plain Expressions of the Fathers who flourished in the first and purest Ages of the Church For to this Effect Century the first besides the words of Clemens Romanus already mentioned the Apostle Barnabas saith of the Apostles and Christians in the General 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sect. 15. We keep the eighth day a Festival in which our Jesus rose from the dead Century the Second I have produced the plain Testimonies of Ignatius Justin M. Irenaeus Dionysius of Corinth Melito Sardensis Century the Third I have produced already the Testimony of Clemens of Alexandria to which add that of Tertullian who saith in his Apology Diem folis laetitiae indulgemus Cap. 16. Sunday is the Festival of us Christians And in his Book Ad Nationes That they did rejoice upon that day Solem Christianorum deum aestimant quod innotuerit nos die solis c. Lib. 1. cap. 13. and that this was a thing so well known to the Heathens that hence they took occasion to conjecture That the Sun was the God of Christians Neque enim Resurrectio Domini semel in anno non semper post septem dies celebratur In Esa Hom. 6. Hom. 7. in Exod. fol. 41. Ep. 38. Ed. Ox. p. 75. that of Origen That the Resurection of our Lord is not celebrated annually only but every seventh day which therefore in opposition to the Jews he calls Dominica nostra The Christians Lord's day And that of Cyprian That Aurelius Dominico legit reads on t●● Lord's day Centuny the Fourth Epiphanus informs us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Expos fid cap. 22. That the Holy Catholick Church keeps every Lord's day as a Festival In a word no Church no single Writer ever represented this as a new or introduced Practice but do continually speak of it as the constant Practice of the Christian Church We never read that any of the converted Jews though they retained the Jewish Sabbath ever disputed the Observation of the first day of the week in honour of our Lord And therefore as the Reverend Bishop Bramhal truly saith Pag. 918. To question now whether there was a formal precept for that which all the Christian World hath obeyed ever since Christ's time and shall obey until his Second Coming is a strange degree of Folly. And that this may be farther evident I add this second Proposition That the Apostles had Commission from the Lord Christ § 5 Prop. 2. or were directed by his Spirit to ordain and chuse this day to be employed in the publick Exercise of Christian piety and in remembrance of the Resurrection of our Lord. For First Christ did Commission his Apostles to teach the Churches all his Doctrine and to deliver them all his Commands and Orders which concerned their Duty and his Service for thus he delivers his Commission to them All Authority is committed to me in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28.18 Go therefore and disciple all Nations teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you John 20.21 He also saith unto them That as my Father sent me so send I you and surely the Father sent him who was Lord of the Sabbath with full Commission to change and alter it and substitute another day in lieu thereof Accordingly the Apostles exercised this Power they founded Churches they delivered to them the Doctrines and Commands of Christ they setled Church Officers Orders and Discipline and surely then they had Commission also to settle the time to be appointed for the Service of their Lord and Master When therefore they began to practise the Observation of the first day of the Week they only did what their Commission from the Lord impowered them to do Secondly That the Apostles were directed by the Holy Ghost to set apart this day for Holy Worship or to appoint Church Meetings on this Day and therefore that this was done by a Divine Authority appears from this That their Determinations touching smaller Matters and which were only ●porary are by themselves ascribed to the Holy Ghost thus when Saint Paul gives his advice in respect of the present necessity touching a single Life though he confesseth he had no express from Christ touching that matter yet he ascribes this Counsel to the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 7.40 For I think saith he I have the Spirit of Christ Again the same Apostle speaking of the Directions which he gave concerning their Church Meetings and their Behaviour in them saith 1 Cor. 14.37 If any man think himself to be a Prophet or Spiritual let him acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the Commandments of the Lord. The same must therefore be much more acknowledged of things of so high a nature as that is which they delivered to be observed by the Universal Church they being equally Appointed and Authorized to instruct them in Discipline and in Matters of Divine Worship as in matters of Doctrine and as well by Word as by Epistle and therefore as well in the Observation of the time appointed for the Worship of their Lord as in the due Regulation of it when they came together The same Saint Paul professeth 1 Cor. 11.23 That he had received from the Lord what he delivered to the Church of Corinth touching the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and when he speaks of one particular concerning which he had no precept from Christ he saith expresly This speak I not the Lord 1 Cor. 7.12 if then the practice touching the Observation of
did oblige the Jews and Jewish Proselytes to rest from Labour on that day laying no Obligation on the Christian so to do And First § 9 That this Command to observe the Seventh day from the Creation could be no Moral Precept obliging all Mankind is evident 1. From the Reasons there assigned of it Because God having made the World in six days rested the seventh and that therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it Now evident it is that no Man by the Light of Nature could discern that God imployed six days in the Creation of the World or that he rested on the seventh day only from his Labour no humane Reason could with any certainty inferr That because he rested from his Labour on this day we should rest also on it and so no Man without a Revelation could be acquainted with these Grounds for Observation of this day Moreover no Man by the Light of Nature could know that Time ought rather to be computed by Weeks or by the Number Seven than any other Number and much less that one day in seven precisely rather than in ten should be dedicated to God's Service this being neither a principle evident in it self nor derivable from any thing that is so and much less that the last of seven days should be kept holy rather than the first or any other of the seven no day being more holy than another by inherent Sanctity but only by God's free and arbitrary injunction to apply it or consecrate it to Religious Vses And sure God notwithstanding the Creation of the World in six days had he so pleased might have designed any of those days for his Religious Worship 4thly Such Precepts as are purely Moral and are injunctions of things good antecedently to the command can in no time or case be violated or transgressed whereas our Lord expresly hath declared That this Law touching the Sabbath in many cases might be violated And therefore Chrysostom observes That of those natural Laws Thou shalt not Kill or commit Adultery c. God gave no Reason because the Light of Nature taught them but when it pleased him to prescribe the Observation of the Sabbath day according to the Fourth Commandment he adds these Reasons 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Stat. Orat. 12. Tom. 6. Ed. Savil. p. 542. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theod. in Ez. 30. because he rested on the seventh day from all his Work and because thou wast a Bondman in the Land of Aegypt as knowing this Commandment was not primogeneal nor made known to us by the dictate of our Consciences but was temporary and particular i. e. given only to the Jewish Nation according to those Words of Moses I have given you the Sabbath Exod. xvi 19. Secondly § 10 This clearly doth appear from that Defence our Saviour made of his Disciples when they were censured by the Pharisees for violating the Sabbath by plucking Ears of Corn Matth. xij and rubbing them for our Lord justifies their Action 1. by the Example of David and his Men vers 3. Who being hungry ate the shew Bread which by the Law of Moses was to be eaten only by the Priest Now in all Arguments à pari or taken from Example the Ground or the Foundation of them must be this In paribus par ratio the Reason is the same where the Case is so And so in Arguments drawn from such Actions the Cases must be still alike in all considerable Circumstances and so it will be in the Example here produced provided that the rest enjoined in the Fourth Commandment be Ceremonial for then the Case runs thus I and my Men and David and his Men being both hungry did that which was forbidden by a Ceremonial Law of Moses if therefore David and his Men were blameless I and my Disciples must be so But if the Rest enjoined by the Fourth Commandment had been Moral 't is evident the Cases could not be alike since David and his Men did only violate a Ceremonial Precept but Christ's Disciples did transgress a Moral Precept So that we stand obliged to confess the Rest enjoined by the Fourth Commandment was Ceremonial or that our Saviour 's Argument was unconcluding and unsound which it is Blasphemy to assert Again our Saviour Argues That his Disciples were not to be accused of doing evil Vers 7 though they did not observe the Rest required on the Sabbath day because God had declared he will have mercy and not Sacrifice that is he will have works of Mercy which are Moral Duties to be preferred before Sacrifices which are but Ceremonials the feeding of the hungry Body must therefore be compared to works of Mercy the violating the Rest prescribed by the Fourth Commandment is that which is compared to Offering Sacrifice Since then the Law concerning Sacrifices most certainly was Ceremonial the Law concerning the Sabbatick Rest must be so also Secondly § 11 This may be fairly gathered from these Words of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians Argum. 2 Gal. 4.10 11. You observe days and months and times and years I am afraid of you least I may have laboured among you in vain Whereobserve First That the days and months the times and years here mentioned are only Jewish days and times as will appear first from the scope of the Apostles which is to shew the Christian Gentiles were exempt from any Obligation to observe the Law of Moses for this being the chief design of that Epistle the days forbidden here must be the days and times commanded by the Law of Moses 2dly By Observation of those days and times c. they are here said to be willing to return again to the service of weak and beggarly Elements Now these Elements to which they are said to have been in Bondage are the Mosaick Ceremonies v. 3 and 4. For we saith he when we were Children were in Bondage to the Elements of the World but when the fulness of time was come God sent to redeem those that were under the Law from any farther Bondage to it Secondly Observe That the Months Times and Years here mentioned do comprehend all other Jewish Festivals besides the Sabbath for the Months signifie their New Noons the Times the set times of going up to Jerusalem the Years their solemn Anniversary Feasts which constantly returned at such a time of Year or after such a period of Years and therefore the Days here mentioned can only signifie the Sabbath Days observed by the Jews and so Saint Jerom and Saint Chrysostom interpret the Place Thirdly Observe That the Jewish Sabbath or the Day of Rest appointed by the Fourth Commandment is certainly the seventh day from the Creation as is evident 1. From the Reason there assigned You shall keep the Sabbath for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth and rested the seventh day 2. That was the day which the Lord Blessed and Sanctified if therefore that be abrogated and not to
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in this behalf Moreover this expression was in use among the Jews of that Age as appears from that saying of the Book of Maccabees 2 Maccab. 15.18 The care they took for their Wives and Children c. was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in least account with them their principal fear being for the Holy Temple whence it appears that our Translation of this Phrase is very suitable to the Language of the Apostles and of the Age in which they lived and consequently to the true meaning of these Words 2dly The Apostle here makes no distinction of parts of the Sabbath to be retained and other parts to be abolished if therefore no Man should condemn us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for not observing part of a Sabbath then no Man should condemn us for not observing the Rest enjoined on that day that being eminently part of the Sabbath 3dly If 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word in part can only be referred to the Sacrifices offered on the Sabbath then must it only relate to the Sacrifices of the New Moons and other Feasts to which it more immediately is joined whereas it is acknowledged not only that the Sacrifices offered then but even the whole New Moons and Feasts were part of that hand-writing which was blotted out and shadows of things future and Solemnities for not observing any part of which the Christian was not to be censured or condemned and therefore this must be affirmed also of the whole Sabbath Festival 4thly There is not one Example in the whole sacred writ in which it can be shewed that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie the Sacrifices offered on the Sabbath day in distinction from the other Duties of the Day whence evident it is That this Exposition of the words is groundless Besides had the Apostle intended by these words only to signifie That no Man should condemn the Christians for not offering Sacrifice on that day what Reason could there be why he should not have plainly said so rather than signifie his mind in Terms so much offensive to the Jews as seeming to declare the Abrogation of their whole Sabbath and to misguide the Christian into such an apprehension Surely had the Apostle embraced the Sabbatarian Doctrine he would not have afforded so great occasion to others to reject it But against this Argument the Sabbatarians thus Object That the Sabbath here mentioned is said to be a shadow of things future Object 1 but the Seventh day Sabbath was a sign of a thing past viz. of the Creation of the World. That the Sabbath was not as the Objection without Ground Answer affirms A Sign but a Feast Instituted in Commemoration of the Creation of the World proves not that it was not a shadow also of things future for the Passover was the memorial of God's Mercy in passing over the Houses of Israel when he smote the Aegyptians the Feast of Tabernacles was a memorial that their Fathers dwelt in Tents and Tabernacles Pentecost was a memorial of the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai the Feast of unleavened Bread was celebrated in memory of their Passing out of Aegypt with their Dough unleavened and of their deliverance from the Afflictions they endured in Aegypt if therefore notwithstanding the Institution of these Feasts in memory of what was past it is acknowledged by all Christians that they were shadows of good things to come the Seventh day Sabbath may be both And whereas it is by the Sabbatarians said That the seventh day Sabbath seems not to be a shadow of any Blessing which we at present do enjoy by Christ it may be Answered 1. That this Expression of the Apostle doth not necessarily import that the things mentioned here were shadows which related to things future but only that comparatively to those future things which were to be prescribed and taught by Christ and his Religion they were shadows 2. This Objection seems to contradict the very Words of the Apostle Apostolo responde si potes qui vacationem istius diei umbram futuri esse tes●●tur Contra Faustum l. and therefore what Saint Austin said to Faustus is very proper here Answer thou the Apostle if thou canst who witnesseth That resting on the Sabbath day was a shadow of that which was to come Even the Ancient Jews acknowledged That their Sabbath was a shadow of the Age of the Messiah this being their Assertion That the Sabbath was given as a Type of the Holam Habba or the Age to come by which they understand the Age of the Messiah whence in the Epistle to the Hebrews the World to come doth clearly signifie the Gospel Age and this they gathered from these Expressions of the Prophet Isaiah Ch. 66.23 which say That it shall come to pass that from one New Moon and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before the Lord which say the Jews is spoken of that Age to come which shall be all Sabbath In signo data sunt Judaeorum populo Iren. l. 4. c. 30. Ita Iren. l. 4. c. 30. Barnabas Ep. §. 15. Orig Hom. 23. in Numer f. 136. August l. 4. De Gen. ad lit c. 11. Clemens Alex. Strom. l. 4. p. 477. Orig. Hom. 23. in Num. f. 136. Machar Hom. 35. Greg. Nyssen Hom. 7. in Eccles Tom. 1. p. 440. Cyril Alex. in cap 6. Amosi p. 315. Sabbata perseverantiam totius diei erga deum deservitionis edocebant Iren. lib. 4. cap. 30. Just M. in Dial. cum Tryph. p. 229. c. Tertull. advers Jud. c. 4. And all the Ancient Fathers do with one Voice declare That the Jewish Sabbath was Typical and figured the Spiritual Rest which Righteous Persons should enjoy by Christ and their Spiritual Ceasing from the Works of Sin and that we always ought to be employed in God's Service Fourthly § 13 The Fathers with one Voice Assert That the Sabbath was ceremonial and that the Christians or at least the Gentile Converts were not obliged to observe it Justin M. Asserts That after the Appearing of the Son of God we have no need to observe the Sabbath Lib. 4. c. 30. Irenaeus That it doth not Justifie and that the Ancient Patriarchs pleased God without the Observation of it Adv. Jud. c. 4. Tertullian That the Observation of it was Temporary and that it was blotted out like as Circumcision and other Rites of the Old Law. The Council of Laodicea declares That Christians ought not to Rest on the Sabbath Can. 29. but work on it preferring before it the Lord's day Epiphanius saith That our Lord did his Miracles on the Sabbath and commanded the Impotent Man to take up his Bed on that day to insinuate that the Sabbath was to be dissolved Haer. 30. Ebion §. 32. vid. Haer. 66. c. 82. that hence the Apostles knew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the Sabbath was dissolved that it was dissolved by the Coming of Christ the Great
its Observance viz. The owning the Creator of Heaven and Earth as their peculiar God in opposition to all Heathen Deities that upon this depended the performance of all the other Duties which belong to the First Table For 't was this Institution which continually brought this Fundamental Article to their Remembrance that the God they Worshipped was the Creator of the World they could not ask themselves why they thus rested but this must come into their Minds this could not come into their Minds but they must be inclined to despise all the old Heathen Deities the Sun Moon and Stars and the whole Earth as being all the Creatures of their Great Jehovah Wherefore this Precept having such strict Affinity with the other Three which were unquestionably intended to remove the Kinds the Objects the Signs and Instruments of Idolatry and keep them close to the sole Worship of the True Jehovah might very well find place among the Precepts of the Decalogue 2. Hence also may we see sufficient Reason for the strict Charge God gave for Observation of the Sabbath for the severest Punishments which he inflicted on the Violaters of it and for the Promises he made of signal Blessings to the Observers of it viz. Because the Observation of this day tended so fully to establish the great Foundation of the Law of Moses That Jehovah the Creator of the World was their God in Covenant and because it was a most effectual Bar against the Old Idolatry of the World which chiefly did consist in Worshipping the whole or else some parts of Heaven and Earth on which account we find God often mentioning these things together the keeping of the Sabbath and the fleeing from Idolatry Levit. 19.3 4. as in these words Ye shall keep my Sabbath I am the Lord your God turn you not to Idols nor make to your selves molten Gods Levit. 26.1 2. I am the Lord your God. And in these following You shall make no Idols nor graven Images nor shall you set up an Image of Stone in the Land to bow down unto it for I am the Lord your God ye shall keep my Sabbaths Lastly Because the Violation of this Law was a virtual denial of the Creation of the World and consequently of that God who made it and gave them this Temptation to Worship the Heavenly Beings that they were eternal Accordingly we find the Jews usually committing both these Sins at once Idolatry to wit and violation of the Sabbath as in those Words They polluted my Sabbaths Ezek. 20.16 for their Hearts went after their Idols and in those of the Author of the Book of Maccabees Many of the Israelites consented to the Religion of Antiochus 1 Mac. 1.43 and sacrified unto Idols and prophaned the Sabbath Since then the Observation of this Day was of so great moment for preservation of them from that Idolatry to which they were so prone and the neglect of it put them in so great danger of returning to it Surely we may discern sufficient Reason of the Severities and Promises forenamed and of the frequent Charges given for the strict Observance of it 3. Hence also may we see the plainest Reason for the non-Obligation of the seventh day Sabbath now Because that Reason of the Institution of it which concerned their Freedom from Aegyptian Bondage was peculiar to the Jews and therefore never could concern the Christian The other Reason Assigned by God that it might be a Sign between God and them that they were his peculiar People and that he was the Lord that sanctified them must also cease upon their ceasing to be his peculiar People and to have any more Relation to him as their God in Covenant Yea seeing God hath now cast off that very People to whom he gave the Sabbath for a Sign and as Josephus truly saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Law peculiar to that Nation and that dispensation it seems to be a kind of Judaism and as it were a virtual revolting to the Mosaick Dispensation to be still out of Conscience Observers of the Rest which was peculiar to that Law and Nation If it be here enquired Object whether the Reason of the Observation of the Seventh day assigned in the Fourth Commandment viz. Because God rested on that day doth not remain and equally concern all Christians I Answer No. For 1. Answ it seems a vulgar Error to conceive that God did chiefly and primarily command the Jews to rest upon the Seventh day in imitation of his Rest there being nothing moral or nothing in the Light of Nature which could induce them to imitate him in this matter any more than in the Work of the Six days preceeding in which God worked which was so far from laying any necessary Obligation on them to work upon those days that God himself established many other Festivals as a perpetual Ordinance in which they were obliged to cease from Labour on those Days on which he Worked Wherefore the great design of God in requiring them to Rest upon that day as he did was this that by so doing they might acknowledge as by a Sign and Pledge That they did Worship and own him as their God in Covenant who was the sole Creator of the World according to these Words of God to Moses Speak thou unto the Children of Israel saying Ex. 31.13.14 Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep for it is a sign betwixt me and you throughout your Generations that you may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctifie you You shall keep the Sabbath therefore for it is Holy unto you Wherefore the Children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath to observe the Sabbath throughout their Generations for a perpetual Covenant It is a sign between me and the Children of Israel for ever for in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth and on the seventh day he Rested Now hence it follows That God neither did nor could agreeably to his Design Command the Gentiles then or before to observe the seventh day in imitation of his Resting for then the doing this by his own Nation could be no sign betwixt him and the Jews that they were his peculiar People because it was according to this Supposition the common duty of all other Nations The Gentile Christians therefore never were obliged to observe this rest by virtue of the fourth Commandment and being also not obliged to it by any Precept Evangelical it cannot be in them any act of Christian Obedience but rather must be deemed the Fruit of Jewish Superstition so to do Secondly Answ 2 I add that the injunction of this Rest upon a reason which remains and which doth in the General concern all Christians will not inferr the Obligation of the Christian to observe the Rest commanded for that Reason it being very common in the Law of Moses to require the Observation of Ceremonial Precepts for Reasons which remain and which do equally concern all Christians Lev.
Holy Spirit dwelling in their Hearts They also add that this written Law was given 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Constit Apost ibid. p. 349. to supply the defects of the Law of ●●ature by that God who would not suffer them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be seduced clearly insinuating that Tradition without this written Law was not sufficient to supply the defects of that of Nature or to preserve them from Error As will be farther evident if we consider That both the Antediluvians and they who lived after the Flood and before the Writing of the Law of Moses had generally corrupted their ways and deviated from that Tradition which they undoubtedly received from Adam and from Noah touching the Worship of the true and only God. For even whilst Adam was alive In Gen. 4.26 and had not passed half his days Men began saith the Chaldee Paraphrast to prophane the Name of the Lord Ainsw in Gen. 4. v. 26. by ceasing to pray to him The Hebrew Doctors tell us That in the Days of Enosh the Sons of Adam erred with great Error and the Counsel of the Wise Men of that Age became Brutish and their Error was this They said forasmuch as God hath Created these Stars and Spheres to govern the World and set them on high and imparted honour to them and they are Ministers that Minister before him it is meet that Men should Laud and Glorifie and give them Honour for this is the Will of God that we magnifie and honour whomsoever he magnifies and honoureth When this thing was come up into their Hearts they began to build Temples to Stars and to offer Sacrifice to them and to Laud and Glorifie them with Words and to Worship before them that they might in their evil Opinion obtain favour of the Creator and this was the Root of Idolatry Ibid. And hence in the ancient Commentaries of the Hebrews the Age of Enosh is represented as a wicked Age. In the time of Enoch and before the death of Adam wickedness had mightily prevailed even among the Sons of God or Members of the Church for Enoch is mentioned as the only Man who adhered perfectly to God and of him it is said Wisd 4.10 Vers 11 14. That he lived among Sinners and that God took him away from among the wicked least their evil Example should corrupt his Righteous Soul. After his Assumption we find that Men had generally declined to iniquity that all Flesh had corrupted their Ways Gen. 6.12 excepting Noah and his Family that they had forsaken God and given up themselves to Idolatry saying to God Job 22.17 Depart from us and what can the Almighty do for us About an Hundred Years after the Flood they set themselves with one Consent to build the Tower of Babel in opposition to God and in which say the Hebrews Ainsw ibid. they designed an Idol Temple Nahor and Tharah the Progenitors of Abraham were Idolaters Gen. 31.30 53. and after the Call of Abraham they continued so to be In the Family of Isaac Esau and his Wives were a bitterness of Spirit to Isaac and Rebecca because they served God with strange Service saith the Jerusalem Tergum that is with Idolatry In the Family of Jacob Gen. 31.22 Gen. 35.2 Rebecca steals her Fathers Images In his House were worshippers of strange Gods and Retainers of Idols When the Israelites lived in Aegypt they so complied with their Rites Praepar Evang. l. 7. c. 28. saith Eusebius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as to forget the Piety of their Fore-fathers They learned in Aegypt Serm. 2. adv Graec. p. 492. saith Theodoret 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to worship many Gods with them They committed Whoredom in Aegypt saith Ezekiel Ezek 23 2-19 they multiplied the Whoredoms they had committed in the Land of Aegypt Whence Joshua speaks thus unto them Josh 24.14 Put away the Gods which your Fathers served in Mesopotamia and in Aegypt Here then is Evidence sufficient First That the first Ages of the World were not abandoned only to the uncertainty of Tradition but were guided partly by the Light of Nature and partly by immediate Revelation Tradition being by Divine Wisdom judged a more imperfect Guide than the dim Light of Nature Secondly That when it pleased God to give his People Positive and ceremonial Laws he would by no means leave them to the uncertainty of Tradition but commanded that they should be written in a Book for a Memorial to and for a Testimony against them and should thence be read by and to them that they and the Generations to come might learn them And Thirdly That the Service of the one true God received by Tradition from Adam Enoch and others before the Flood from Noah Melchizedeck Abraham and the Patriarchs after the Flood was presently corrupted and utterly defaced by Idolatry to let us see how insufficient meer Tradition is since even in the Days and Lives of them who lived so long and who delivered this Fundamental Article of Worshipping the one true God unto their Off-spring they saw them running headlong to Idolatry and adding many corrupt Inventions and vain Imaginations of their own unto that Worship they had received by Tradition from them Secondly § 5 Object 2 Mr. M. adds That for above Two thousand Years more P. 415. P. 231. from Moses until Christ's time the Church was governed partly by Writing and partly by Tradition For the Jews had at least two undeniable Traditions For they knew only by Tradition what remedy was to be used to free their Female Children from Original Sin as also to free their Male Children in danger of Death before the Eighth Day This Remedy they knew and observed and were bound to know and observe and yet they infallibly knew it without having any Scripture expressing to them the knowledge of this Remedy or of their Obligation to use it or that it was so necessary for the Salvation of their Children whom they did believe to be in Original Sin and by that debarred from Salvation unless some Remedy were applyed Some Remedy surely was as necessary for the Female as Circumcision for the Male. Shew me this Remedy in Scripture 2. They truly believed some of those bloody Sacrifices to have been appointed to them by God for the expiation of their Sins but they could not believe truly that these Sacrifices could expiate their Sins by their own Virtue they believing then that these Sacrifices had their expiative Virtue from the Merits of Christ Shew me any Text in which this was then written 1. Reply That the Jewish Church until Christ's time was governed partly by Tradition or that Tradition was their partial Rule of Faith in reference to any necessary Doctrines or Rules of Manners will appear a vain Imagination if we consider that in the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament they are still sent unto the written Word to learn their Duty
but never to Tradition the Prophets do exhort them for their direction to repair to the Law Esai Mal. 4.4 and to the Testimonies to the Book of the Lord. To remember the Law of Moses which he commanded them in Horeb for all Israel with the Statutes and Judgments as their only certain Rule and Direction Now that the ordinary Succession of Prophets was to cease from the Days of Malachy to the Times of Christ whereas had Oral Tradition also been their Rule the Prophets must have had like reason to call upon them to remember that Moreover God only calls upon them by Moses To do all the Words of this Law which are written in this Book and promiseth his Favour and Acceptance of them upon that account saying If thou shalt hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God Deut. 30.9 10. Vers 15. to keep his Commandments and Statutes which are written in this Book of the Law I will rejoice over thee for Good. See I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil And David speaketh thus unto King Solomon 1 Kings 2.3 Keep the Charge of the Lord thy God to walk in his ways to keep his Statutes and his Commandments and his Judgments and his Testimonies as it is written in the Law of Moses that thou maist prosper in all that thou dost and whithersoever thou turnest thy self If then the Observation of what was written in the Law of Moses was sufficient to procure Life Favour Prosperity and Acceptance with God surely this written Law must be a perfect Rule and must sufficiently contain all that was needful to be believed or done unto those ends Hence is the King commanded to write him a Copy of this Law in a Book that he might learn to fear the Lord God Deut. 17.18 19. and to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes to do them and to perform the words of the Covenant which are written in this Book 2 Chron. 34.31 is to keep God's Commandments his Testimonies and his Statutes with all the Soul and with all the Heart Whereas had Oral Tradition been any part of their Rule they must have been obliged equally to observe what was delivered by it and all God's Statutes and Commandments could not be written in this Book as it is so expresly and frequently declared that they were Our Saviour in like manner bids them Search the Scriptures Joh. 3.39 because they thought in them they had eternal Life in which apprehension had they been deceived as they must have been provided that there was another Law of Oral Tradition given to lead them unto Life eternal our Saviour doubtless would have informed them of this dangerous Error which yet he was so far from doing that when a Lawyer puts the Question to him What shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life Luk. 10.25 26. he Answers What is written in the Law how readest thou This do and thou shalt live Luk. 16.29 And sends the Jews to Moses and the Prophets that by hearing them they might avoid the coming to the Place of Torments but neither he nor his Disciples do ever send them to Tradition or speak one word in approbation of it which is sufficient Evidence that they knew nothing of this Rule of Mr. M. 2dly § 6 The Traditions concerning Doctrines generally believed and Practices needful to be performed among them after the Law was written by Moses and after God had given them a Charge upon the ceasing of the Succession of his Prophets to remember and stick close unto it I say the Traditions which obtained in the Jewish Church as far as we have any certain intimation of them were such as tended to the evacuating of the Law of Moses to the renouncing of the true Messiah and to the introduction of vain Worship and superstitious Observances whence it demonstratively appears that Oral Tradition was not then a certain Rule nor could the Jewish Nation be obliged by divine Precept to receive it as such To make this Evident consider 1. That our Saviour often sends the Jews to Scripture to Moses and the Prophets but never to Tradition 2. That he still represents the great Asserters of Tradition in the Jewish Nation Matth. 17 19. Mat. 15.10 11. to wit their Elders Scribes and Pharisees as blind Guides leading of the Blind as Fools and Blind confuteth their Traditions though generally received before all the People Mark 7. Mat. 12.7 Matth. 15.13 justifies his Disciples in the neglect and violation of them pronounces them Plants which his Father had not planted and therefore such as should be rooted up 3dly He plainly tells them That by these Traditions they did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 transgress make void Mark. 7.10 and null the Commandment of God. He shews this by plain Instances in their evacuating the Fifth Commandment by their Traditions in observing and enjoining such Traditions touching the Observation of the Sabbatick Rest Matth. 12.7 Matth. 12.12 Luk. 6.9 Mark 3.5 Luke 13.15 Matth. 23.16 23. as contradicted that great Law of God I will have mercy and not sacrifice and made it unlawful to do good and preserve Life upon that day and which sufficiently demonstrated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the blindness of their Minds and their Hypocrisie and in absolving them from their Oaths out of an ignorance so Gross as knew not they were virtually made to God. He also charges them that by thus teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men Matth. 15.9 they rendered God's Worship vain 4thly It is extreamly evident that by virtue of some of these Traditions they rejected the true Messiah and stood obliged by them so to do For First It is most certain that the Jews had a Tradition generally received among them That their Messiah should be a Temporal Prince that at his Coming he should restore the Kingdom to Israel he should subdue the Nations under them and should erect a Temporal Dominion in the Jewish Nation over all their Enemies Trypho the Jew declares to Justin M. That Dial. p. 249. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Scriptures do compel us to expect a great and glorious Messiah who shall receive as the Son of Man from the ancient of Days an everlasting Kingdom In Celsum l. 2. p. 78. not such a mean despised one as was your Jesus The Jews saith Origen say That their Prophets represent their Messiah to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a great Person and a Potentate and Lord of the whole Earth and of all the Heathens and their Armies De Bello Jud. l. 6. c. 31. Josephus confesseth there was an obscure Oracle found in their S. Books 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That about that time one of Judea should govern the World. Suetonius and Tacitus say In Vespas c 4. Hist l. 5. That it was in the whole East Vetus constans opinio ut