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A49717 A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry now published according to the copy written with his own hand and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon. Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1667 (1667) Wing L600; ESTC R27458 73,603 336

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A SUMMARIE OF DEVOTIONS Compiled and Used by Dr WILLIAM LAUD Sometime L d Arch-Bishop of CANTERBVRY Now Published according to the Copy written with his own hand and reserved in the Archives of Baptist's Colledge Library in OXON OXFORD Printed by William Hall Anno Dom. 1667. Imprimatur GILBERTUS CANT Dat. Lambethae Dec. 12. 1666. Imprimatur IOHAN FELL Vicecan Oxon. Dec. 28. 1666. Et Conversus vivificasti me Psal 70. 20. O Come hither and hearken all ye that fear God and I will tell you what he hath done for my Soul Psal. 66. 16. Pater noster Laesus est sed Pater Qui es in Coelis Eminenter non Inclusive Sanctificetur In me per me super me Nomen tuum Patris in nobis ut simus filii Patris nostri Adveniat Regnum tuum Ut destruatur Regnum Peccati per quod regnant Mors Diabolus Fiat voluntas tua sicut in Caelo in Terra In me qui sum Terra sicut a sanctis Angelis Panem Super Caelestem Corporeum Nostrum Proprium licite acquisitum Quotidianum da nobis hodie Pro quotidiana necessitate Et remitte nobis debita sicut c. Talenta dimitte nobis Minuta remittentibus Et ne nos inducas in tentationē Nec sinas intrare ductos pronosque Sed libera nos a Mal● Ab authore mali extra nos Diabolo Mundo Intra nos Nobisipsis Et a malo Culpae per Gratiam Poenae per Misericordiam Omni per Pacē Quia tuum est Regnum Potentia Absolutum in se Independens ab aliis Gloria Circumfulgens omnia in omnibus Tuum Et a Te per Te ad Te in gloria salute servorum tuorum AMEN OUr Father which art in Heaven 1. Hallowed be thy Name 2. Thy Kingdome come 3. Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven 4. Give us this day our daily bread 5. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us 6. And lead us not into temptation 7. But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdome the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Symbolum Apostolicum divisum in Articulos 1 I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth 2. And in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord. 3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary 4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried 5. He descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead 6. He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty 7. From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead 8. I believe in the Holy Ghost 9. The Holy Catholicke Church The Communion of Saints 10. The Forgiveness of Sins 11. The Resurrection of the Body 12. And the Life Everlasting AMEN Officium Quotidianum In nomine Patris Filii Spiritus Sancti AMEN O Lord I am risen up and fallen prostrate before thee Prevent me I beseech thee in all my doings with thy most gracious● Favour and further me with thy continual Help that in all my Works begun continued and ended in thee I may glorifie thy Holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmighty God and most Merciful Father all Merciful Mercy it selfe I have erred wittingly and strayed willingly nay Runne from thy wayes more like an untamed Heifer then a lost or wandring Sheep I have followed too much even altogether the absurd devices and brutish desires of my own heart I have offended against nay been offended at thy holy most holy Lawes I have left undone not done at all those things which I ought to have done And I have done done nothing else but those things which I ought not to have done And there is no health no hope of health in me But thou O Lord have mercy upon me miserable most miserable sinner the greatest sinner and most unthankfull for so great Grace Spare me and them all O God which confess their faults Restore me and all them that be penitent that desire to be penitent that wish they were would be glad if they were so that fear they are not enough and are sorry they are no more For this is according to thy Promises most pretious most gratious most sweet Promises declared unto mankind in Christ Iesu our Lord. Grant therefore O most merciful Father for his sake who is our Redeemer Advocate Author and Finisher of our Faith our Propitiation Righteousness and Justification that I and all Penitents may hereafter live a Godly Righteous and Sober life to the Glory of thy Holy Name and the Salvation of our own Souls Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father Pardon I beseech thee all the Sins Omissions and Commissions Thoughts Words and Deeds by which I have provoked thee unto anger from the time of my Birth to this present moment That no one nor all of my sins together may ever be able to cry oftner or lowder in thine ears for vengeance then the Cry of my Prayers may ascend up unto thee for mercy and for forgiveness and obtain that they sue for Particularly I humbly beseech thee forgive unto me my Great and my Clamorous sins such as are c. O Lord against Heaven and against Thee have I sinned and committed foule Transgressions in thy sight but I beseech thee wipe them all out of the Book of Remembrances which thou hast written through Iesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen GIve unto me O Lord I humbly beseech thee a wise a sober a patient an understanding a devout a religious a couragious Heart Chast and temperate reynes and thoughts A soul full of devotion to do thee service strength against all temptations especially the temptations of c. Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord I give thee humble and hearty thanks increase my thankfulness I beseech thee for all benefits and blessings both Spiritual and Temporal which in the riches of thy great mercy thou hast liberally powred down upon me but especially Spiritual Lord let me not live but to praise and magnify Thee and thy glorious Name Particularly I give thee most unseigned thanks for my preservation from the time of my birth to this present moment for c. For bringing me safe to the beginning of this day in which and all the days of my life I beseech thee preserve me from sin and from danger in Soul and in Body that all my thoughts words and works may tend to the honour and glory of thy Name the good of thy Church the discharge of my Duty the salvation of my Soul in the day of my appearance and account to be made before thee through Iesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen O Eternal God and merciful Father I humbly beseech thee Bless
whom all hearts be open all desires known from whom no secrets are hid Cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of thy holy Spirit that I may perfectly love thee and worthily magnifie thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Pater de coelis Deus qui unigenitum tuum pro nobis ad mortem tradidisti Fili Redemptor mundi Deus qui sanguine tuo pretioso nos a peccatis abluisti Spiritus Sancte Paraclete Deus qui corda sanctorum tua gratia visitas confirmas Sacra summa sempiterna beata benedicta Trinitas Pater bone Fili pie Spiritus benigne cujus opus vita amor gratia contemplatio gloria cujus majestas ineffabilis potestas incomparabilis bonitas inaestimabilis Qui vivorum Dominus es simul mortuorum Te adoro te invoco toto cordis affectu nunc in seculum benedico Amen O Domine Jesu da vivis misericordiam gratiam da tuis regimen lucem perpetuam da Ecclesiae tuae veritatem pacem da mihi miserrimo peccatorum poenitentiam veniam Amen O Domine errantes oro corrige incredulos converte Ecclesiae fidem auge Haereses destrue Hostes versutos detege violentos impoenitentes contere per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Misericors Pater pro beneficiis quae mihi largiti sunt in terris Benefactores mei praemia aeterna consequantur in coelis Oro etiam ut cum his pro quibus oravi aut pro quibus orare teneor cum omni populo Dei introduci mihi detur in Regnum tuum ibi apparere in justitia satiari gloria per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Lord consider my complaint for I am brought very low O Lord how long wilt thou be angry with thy servant that prayeth O Lord give me grace and repentance and thou canst not be angry with my prayer O Lord I am thine save me and deliver me not into the will of mine enemies especially my ghostly enemies O Lord I am thy servant thy unprofitable wastful servant yet thy servant O Lord set my accounts right before thee and pardon all my mis-spendings mis-reckonings O Lord I am thy son thy most unkind prodigal run-away son yet thy son O Lord though I have not retained the love and duty of a son yet do not thou cast off I humbly beg it the kindness and compassion of a Father O Lord in thy grace I return to thee And though I have eaten draugh with all the unclean swine in the world in my hungry absence from thee yet now Lord upon my humble return to thee give me I beseech thee the bread of life the Body and Blood of my Saviour into my soul that I may be satisfied in thee and never more run away from thee even for Iesus Christ his sake that gave himself for me Amen Misericors Deus Creator omnium hominum qui nihil odisti eorum quae condidisti nec vis mortem peccatoris sed magis ut convertatur vivat Miserere omnium Iudaeorum Turcarum Infidelium Haereticorum Aufer ab iis ignorantiam duritiem cordis contemptum verbi tui reduc eos misericors Domine ad Gregem tuum ut serventur inter reliquias veri Israelis ut fiat unum Ovile unus Pastor Jesus Christus Dominus noster qui vivit regnat c. Amen Tanquam pro Tribunali tuo tremendo ubi nullus erit personarum respectus reum memet peragens ita hodie antequam praeveniat me dies judicii mei coram sancto tuo Altari prostratus coram te stupendis Angelis tuis a propria conscientia dejectus profero improbas nefarias cogitationes actiones meas Respice oro Domine humilitatem meam remitte omnia peccata mea quae multiplicata sunt super capillos capitis mei Quodnam enim est malum quod non designavi in anima mea quin multa nefanda opere perpetravi Reus enim sum ô Domine invidiae gulae c. Omnes sensus meos omnia membra mea pollui Sed incomparabilis est multitudo viscerum tuorum ineffabilis misericordia bonitatis tuae qua peccata mea toleras Quare ô Rex omni admiratione major O Domine longanimis misericordias tuas mirificato in me peccatore potentiam benignitatis tuae manifestato clementissimae propensionis tuae virtutem exerito me Prodigum revertentem suscipito per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Lord God how I receive the Body and Blood of my most blessed Saviour Iesus Christ the price of my Redemption is the very wonder of my soul yet my most firm and constant belief upon the words of my Saviour At this time they are graciously tenderd to me and my faith Lord make me a worthy receiver and be it unto me as he hath said Amen Lord I have received this Sacrament of the Body and Blood of my dear Saviour His mercy hath given it and my faith received it into my soul. I humbly beseech thee speak mercy and peace unto my Conscience and enrich me with all those graces which come from that precious Body and Blood even till I be possessed of Eternal life in Christ. Amen O qui sursum Patri assides hic nobiscum invisibiliter versaris venito sanctificato praesentia haec dona eos item pro quibus eos per quos ea propter quae offeruntur Amen Pro Duce Buckinghamiae GRacious Father I humbly beseech thee bless the Duke of Buckingham with all spiritual and temporal blessings but especially spiritual Make and continue him faithful to his Prince serviceable to his Country devout in thy Truth and Church a most happy Husband and a blessed Father filled with the constant love and honour of his Prince that all thy blessings may flow upon himself and his posterity after him Continue him a true-hearted friend to me thy poor servant whom thou hast honoured in his eyes Make my heart religious dutiful to thee and in and under thee true and secret and stout and provident in all things which he shall be pleased to commit unto me Even so Lord and make him continually to serve thee that thou mayest bless him through Iesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour Amen O most merciful God and gracious Father the Prince hath put himself to a great Adventure I humbly beseech thee make a clear way before him Give thine Angels charge over him be with him thy self in mercy power and protection in every step of his journey in every moment of his time in every consultation and address for action till thou bring him back with safety honour and contentment to do thee service in this place Bless his most trusty and faithful Servant the Lord Duke of Buckingham that he may be diligent in service provident in business wise and happy in
prospere perveniam demum incolumis ad propria redeam per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Exaudi Domine supplicationes meas viam famuli tui dispone ut inter omnes vitae viae hujus varietates tuo semper protegar auxilio per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen O Domine salvum me fac servum tuum sperantem in te Mitte mihi auxilium de Sancto de Sion tuere me Esto mihi turris fortitudinis a facie Inimici Nihil proficiat Inimicus in me filius iniquitatis non opponat nocere mihi O prosperum iter faciat mihi Deus salutarium nostrorum Domine exaudi orationem meam clamor meus ad te veniat per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum Amen At the laying of the first Stone of a Chappel O Lord merciful and gracious this thy People are preparing to build a place for thy Service Accept I humbly beseech thee their present Devotion and make them perfect both in their present and future duty that while thou givest them ease to honour thee they may with the greater alacrity go on in thy Service And now O Lord I have by thy mercy and goodness put to my hand to lay the first stone in this Building 't is a Corner-stone make it I beseech thee a happy Foundation a durable Building Let it rise up and be made and continue a House of Prayer and Devotion through all ages that thy People may here be taught to believe in Iesus Christ the true Corner-stone upon whom they and their souls may be built safe for ever Grant this for the merit of the same Iesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour To whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit be ascribed all Power Majesty and Dominion this day and for ever Amen Prayers upon sundry Publick Occasions MOst gracious God we humbly beseech thee as for this Kingdom in general so especially for the High Court of Parliament under our most Religious and Gracious King at this time assembled that thou wouldest be pleased to bless and direct all their Consultations to the preservation of thy Glory the good of thy Church the safety honour and welfare of our Soveraign and his Kingdomes Lord look upon the humility and devotion with which they are come into thy Courts And they are come into thy House in assured confidence upon the merits and mercies of Christ our blessed Saviour that thou wilt not deny them the grace and favour which they beg of thee Therefore O Lord bless them with that wisdom which thou knowest necessary to speed and bring great designes into action and to make the maturity of his Majesties and their Counsels the happiness and the blessing of this Common-wealth These and all other necessaries for them for us and thy whole Church we humbly beg in the Name and Mediation of Iesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Saviour Amen O Eternal God and our most gracious Father thou art the Lord of Hosts and the strength of all Nations is from thee If thou keepest not the City the Watchman waketh but in vain And no Victory can wait upon the justest Designs upon the wisest Counsels upon the strongest Armies if thou teach not their hands to warre and their fingers to fight Thou art the steady hope of all the ends of the earth and of them which go and remain in the broad sea Lord at this time we need thy more special Assistance both by Land and Sea and ●or the mercy of Christ deny us neither Be with our Armies and the Armies of our Allies and Associates by Land be with our Navy at Sea Be not from the one nor from the other in power and in great mercy until thou hast brought them back with honour and a setled Peace Lord turn our Enemies sword into their own bosome For we sought Peace and ensued it and while we did so they did more then make themselves ready to battel We are thy servants truly and heartily sorry for our sins Lord forgive them and then we will trust upon thee that thou wilt pour down all thy blessings upon this all other designes and actions of this State undertaken for thy glory the honour of our most gracious King CHARLES and the peace and welfare of this Church and Common-wealth Grant this we humbly beseech thee for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Advocate Amen Most gracious God we humbly beseech thee pardon and forgive all our many great and grievous transgressions We may not hope thou wilt take off thy punishments until thou hast forgiven our sins We may not think thou wilt forgive our sins until our humiliation and repentance come to ask forgiveness We have been too slow to come and now thou hast apparell'd thy Mercy in Justice to force us to thee Lord we believe but do thou increase our Faith our Devotion our Repentance and all Christian Vertues in us At this time the viols of thy heavy displeasure drop down upon us and while we smart under one Judgment thou threatnest the rest The Pestilence spreads in our Streets and so as if it sought whom to devour No strength is able to stand against it and it threatens to make Families nay Cities desolate While the Pestilence eats up thy People we hear the sound of War and the Sword calleth for such as it would devour In the mean time the heavens are black over us and the clouds drop leaneness and it will be Famine to swallow what the Pestilence and the Sword shall leave alive unless thou send more seasonable weather to give the fruits of the earth in their season Our sins have deserved all this and more and we neither do nor can deny it We have no whither to go but to mercy We have no way to that but by the Alsufficient merit of thy Son our blessed Saviour Lord for his merit and mercies sake look down upon us thy distressed servants Command thine Angel to stay his hand and remember that in death we cannot praise thee nor give thanks in the pit Go forth with our Armies when they go and make us remember that all our strength and deliverance is in thee Clear up the Heavens over us and take not from us the great plenty with which thou hast crowned the Earth but remember us O thou that feedest the Ravens when they call upon thee Lord we need all thy mercies to come upon us and thy mercies are altogether in Christ in whom and for whose sake we beg them of thee who livest and reignest in the unity of the Spirit one God world without end Amen O Eternal God and most merciful Father we humbly beseech thee be merciful unto us and be near to help us in all those extremities which our sins threaten to bring upon us Our Enemies are strengthened against us by our multiplied Rebellions against thee And we deserve to suffer whatever our
thy Holy Catholick Church wheresoever spread upon the face of the whole Earth Good Lord● purge it from all Atheisme Heresy Schisme Superstition Factious maintenance of Groundless Opinions that one Faith one Lord one Baptisme may in all places be uniformly professed as thy Church is and can be but one And grant Good Lord that I may be and continue a faithful living and a working member under Christ the Head in that Church the Body all the dayes of my life and through the hour of my death through the Merits and by the Grace of the same Iesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen O Merciful God bless this Particular Church in which I live make it and all the members of it sound in Faith and holy in Life that they may Serve thee and thou Bless them through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen LOrd bless our most gratious Soveraigne treasure up in Him all thy hidden Blessings make him and keep him a devoted Servant to Thee a constant Patron of the Church and Truth that He may live long and be full of honourable success all his daies in his Person in his Actions in his Queen in his Children in his Servants in his People and crown'd with Glory after life and in that good time that shall be best both for Him and Us make him a joyful Father of happy and successful Children Under him bless the whole State Ecclesiastical and Civil that Righteousness and Peace may kiss each other and we serve and honour thee for ever Amen GOod Lord bless all the places to which thou hast made me have any nearer Reference the place where I was borne c Every Soul contained in any of these All my Friends Kindred Acquaintance any unto whom thou hast made me any way beholding especially my nearer and my bosom Friends Dr c. All those c. Lord I beseech thee forgive me and them all our sins and continue us thy servants both in Life and Death Amen GRacious Father bless my Servants and make them thine Give them Grace to serve thee first then me with Faithfulness Soberness and Diligence Make me ever willing and in some measure able to repay unto them the time and the strength which they either have or shall spend to do me Service even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord bless all the Afflicted members of the body of thy Son wheresoever howsoever afflicted Send them constant Patience or speedy Deliverance as seems best to thee and is best for them according to their several wants and necessities whatsoever particularly c. And do unto them according to all those mercies which I would or should desire thou shouldst shew to my own Soul if at any time thou shalt be pleased to make my estate as their's is at this present And O Lord be merciful Amen BLessed Father bless all sorts of men in their Particulars mine Enemies with the Forgiveness of sins Turn their hearts that they may no longer hate thy Servant and if they will not be turned deliver me not over I beseech thee into their Power And next after the Salvation of my Soul I humbly beg it deliver me not into the hands of men to the shame or scorne of the World Amen O Domine Jesu Da quod jabes jube quod vis Facias animam meam paratam in adventum tuum veni quando vis Des mihi ad minimum sufficientem si placet pacatissimam patientiam veni quomodo vis O Tu qui Salus es omnium sperantium in Te. Et in super interpone obsecro O Domine Jesu Mortem Crucem Passionem Meritum Sanguinem tuum inter Iudicium tuum Animam meam nunc semper praecipue in hora mortis meae Quae mors obnixe precor nunquam sit subitanea nunquam adveniat inveniat me imparatum nunquam ita adveniendo saeviat quin ut retineam Fidem Spem Charitatem memoriam intellectum Sanum usque ad extremum halitum Et esto mihi in Deum Protectorem Des peccatis meis Misericordiam Veniam Ecclesiae tuae Pacem Concordiam mihi peccatorum primo Gratiam in hac vita Gloriam in futura Ita ita venias O Domine Jesu miserere mei Amen Lord here I am do with me as seems best in thine own eyes only give mee I humbly beseech thee a Penitent and a Patient spirit to expect thee Amen Lord make my Service acceptable to thee while I live and my Soul ready for thee when I die Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. SUNDAY O Lord by thy mercy I am risen out of my Grave where I might have slept in death but that thou preservedst me Make it I beseech thee a Resurrection to Grace in this Life and to Glory in the Life to come through Iesus Christ who merited both for us Amen This day by the Resurrection of thy Son our blessed Saviour was made Holy to us Give me that Grace that I may keep it Holy to thee through Iesus Christ. Amen O send out thy Light an● thy Truth that they may lead me and bring me unto thy holy Hill and to thy Dwelling that I may goe unto the Altar of thee O my God even the God of my joy and gladness and give thanks unto thee Amen Almighty and everlasting God who governest all things both in Heaven and Earth Mercifully hear my supplications for my selfe and all thy people grant us thy peace all the days of our life even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Almighty God I humbly beseech thee give me grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the Armour of light now in the time of this mortal life in which thy Son Christ Iesus came to visit us in great humility that in the last day when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the dead I with all thy faithfull servants may rise up to the life immortal through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost now and for ever Amen Blessed God which hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning Grant unto me and all Christians that we may in such wise hear read mark learn and inwardly digest them that by patience and comfort thereof we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting Life which thou hast given us in our Saviour Iesus Christ. Amen Lord I humbly beseech thee raise up thy power and come among us and with great might succour us that whereas by our Sins we are sore let and hindered thy bountiful Grace and Mercy through the satisfaction of thy Son our Lord may ●peedily deliver us To whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honor and glory world without end Amen Lord let thine Angels tarry round about