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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46669 A token for children being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives and joyful deaths of several young children / by James Janeway. Janeway, James, 1636?-1674. 1676 (1676) Wing J478; ESTC R28739 55,852 192

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many excellent Christians to stand amazed as judging it scarce to be paralell'd 14. She took great delight in reading of the Scripture and some part of it was more sweet to her than her appointed food she would get several choice Scriptures by heart and discourse of them savourly and apply them sutably 15. She was not altogether a stranger to other good Books but would be reading of them with much affection and where she might she noted the Books particularly observing what in the reading did most warm her heart and she was ready upon occasion to improve it 16. One time a woman coming into the house in a great passion spoke of her condition as if none were like hers and it would never be otherwise the Child said it were a strange thing to say when its night it will never be day again 17. At another time a near Relation of hers being in some streights made some complaint to whom she said I have heard Mr. Carter say A man may go to Heaven without a Penny in his Purse but not without Grace in his heart 18. She had an extraordinary love to the people of God and when she saw any that she thought feared the Lord her heart would e'n leap for joy 19. She loved to be much by her self and would be greatly grieved if she were at any time deprived of a coveniency for secret duty she could not live without constant address to God in secret and was not a little pleased when she could go into a corner to pray and weep 20. She was much in praising God and seldom or never complained of any thing but sin 21. She continued in this course of praying and praising of God and great dutifulness and sweetness to her Parents and those that taught her any thing yea she did greatly encourage her Mother while she was a Widow and desired that the absence of a Husband might in some measure be made up by the dutifulness and holiness of a Child She studied all the ways that could be to make her Mothers life sweer 22. When she was between Eleven and Twelve years old she sickned in which she carried it with admirable patience and sweetness and did what she could with Scripture arguments to support and encourage her Relations to part with her that was going to Glory and to prepare themselves to meet her in a blessed Eternity 23. She was not many days sick before she was marked which she first saw her self and was greatly rejoyced to think that she was marked out for the Lord and was now going apace to Christ She called to her Friends and said I am marked but be not troubled for I know I am marked for one of the Lords own One asked her how she knew that She answered the Lord hath told me that I am one of his dear Children And thus she spake with a holy confidence in the Lords love to her soul and was not in the least daunted when she spake of her death but seemed greatly delighted in the apprehension of her nearness to her Fathers house And it was not long before she was filled with joy unspeakable in believing 24. When she just lay a dying her Mother came to her and told her she was sorry that she had reproved and corrected so good a child so oft O Mother said she speak not thus I bless God now I am dying for your reproofs and corrections too for it may be I might have gone to Hell if it had not been for your reproofs and corrections 25. Some of her Neighbours coming to visit her asked her if she would leave them She answered them if you serve the Lord you shall come after me to glory 26. A little before she died she had a great conflict with Satan and cried out I am none of his her Mother seeing her in trouble asked her what was the matter She answered Satan did trouble me but now I think God all is well I know I am none of his but Christs 27. After this she had a great sense of Gods love and a glorious sight as if she had seen the very Heavens open and the Angels come to receive her by which her heart was filled with joy and her tongue with praise 28. Being desired by the standers by to give them a particular account of what she saw she answered you shall know hereafter and so in an extafie of joy and holy triumph she went to Heaven when she was about Twelve years old Hallelujah A Fourth Example of a Child that began to look towards Heaven when she was about four years old with some observable passages in her Life and at her Death 1. A Certain little Child when she was about four years old had a conscientious sense of her duty towards her Parents because the Commandment saith Honour thy Father and thy Mother And though she had little advantage of education she carried it with the greatest reverence to her Parents imaginable so that she was no small credit as well as comfort to them 2. It was no unusual thing for her to weep if she saw her Parents troubled though her self had not been the occasion of it 3. When she came from School she would with grief and abhorrency say that other Children had sinned against God by speaking grievous words which were so bad that she durst not speak them again 4. She would be often times admiring of Gods mercy for so much goodness to her rather than to others that she saw some begging others blind some crooked and that she wanted nothing that was good for her 5. She was many a time and often in one hole or other in tears upon her knees 6. This poor little thing would be ready to counsel other little children how they ought to serve God and putting them upon getting by themselves to pray and hath been known when her friends have been abroad to have been teaching Children to pray especially upon the Lords Day 7. She very seriously begged the Prayers of others that they would remember her that the Lord would give her Grace 8. When this Child saw some that were laughing who she judged to be very wicked She told them that she feared that they had little reason to be so merry They asked whether one might not laugh She answered no indeed till you have grace they who are wicked have more need to cry than to laugh 9. She would say that it was the duty of Parents Masters and Mistresses to reprove those under their charge for sin else God will meet with them 10. She would be very attentive when she read the Scriptures and be much affected with them 11. She would by no means be perswaded to prophane the Lords Day but would spend it in some good Duties 12. When she went to School it was willingly and joyfully and she was very teachable and exemplary to other children 13. When she was taken sick one asked her whether she were willing to
went very seriously to him and wept over him that he should so offend God and hazard his Soul and beg'd of him to spend his time better then in drinking and gaming and this he did without any instruction from his parents but from an inward principle of grace and love to God and souls as it is verily believed 10. When he was at play with other Children he would be often times putting in some word to keep them from naughty talk or wicked actions and if any did take the Lords name in vain or do any thing that was not becoming of a good Child they should soon hear of it with a witness nay once hearing a boy speak very profanely and that after two or three admonitions he would not forbear nor go out of his company neither he was so transported with zeal that he could not forbear falling upon him to beat him but his Mother chiding of him for it he said that he could not indure to hear the name of God so abused by a wretched boy This is observed not to vindicate the act but to take notice of his zeal 11. He was a Child that took great delight in the Company of good men and especially Ministers and Schollers and if he had any leisure time he would improve it by visiting of such whose discourse might make him wiser and better and when he was in their society to be sure his talk was more like a Christian and Scholler then a Child 12. One day after School time was over he gave Mr. Andrew Kant one of the Ministers of Aberdeen a visit and asked him several solid questions but the good man asked him some questions out of his Catechism and finding him not so ready in the answers as he should have been did a little reprove him and told him that he must be sure to get his Catechism perfectly by heart the Child took the reproof very well and went home and fell very hot upon his Catechism and never left till he got it by heart and not only so but he would be enquiring into the sense and meaning of it 13. He was so greatly taken with his Catechism that he was not content to learn it himself but he would be putting others upon learning their Catechism especially those that were nearest to him he could not be satisfied till he had perswaded his Mothers Maids to learn it and when they were at work he would be still following them with some good question or other so that the Child seemed to be taken up with the thoughts of his Soul and Gods honour and the good of others Souls 14. He was a conscientious observer of the Lords day spending all the time either in secret prayer or reading the Scriptures and good books Learning of his Catechism and learning of the Word of God and publick duties and was not only careful in the performance of these duties himself but was ready to put all that he knew upon a strict observation of the Lords day and was exceedingly grieved at the profanation of it one Lords day a servant of his Fathers going out of the house upon an extraordinary occasion to fetch some Beer he took on so bitterly that he could scarce be pacified because that holy day was so abused as he judged in his fathers house 15. When he was betwixt six and seven years old it pleased God to afflict him with sore eyes which was no small exercise to him because it kept him from School which he loved as well as many boys do their play and that which was worse he was commanded by the Doctor not to read any Book whatsoever at home But O how was this poor Child grieved that he might not have liberty to read the holy Scriptures and for all their charge he would get by himself and stand by the windows and read the Bible and good Books yea he was so greedy of reading the Scripture and took so much delight in it that he would scarce allow himself sometimes time to dress himself for reading the Word of God was his great delight Yea though he hath been bear for studying so much yet judging it Gods command that he should give himself up to reading he could not be beat off from it till he was so bad that he had like never to have recovered his sight more 16. It was his practice to be much by himself in secret prayer and he was careful to manage that work so as that it might be as secret as possible it might be but his frequency and constancy made it to be so easily observed upon which one time one having a great mind to know what this sweet babe prayed for got into a place near him and heard him very earnestly praying for the Church of God desiring that the Kingdom of the Gospel might be spread over the whole world and that the kingdom of grace might more and more come into the hearts of Gods people and that the Kingdome of glory might be hastned He was wont to connue half an hour sometimes an hour upon his knees together 17. He was much above the vanities that most Children are taken with and was indeed too much a man to live long 18. He was very humble and modest and did by no means affect fineness in apparrel but hated any thing more than necessaries either in cloths or diet 19. When he perceived either his Brother or Sister pleased with their new clothes he would with a great deal of gravity reprove their folly and when his reproof signified little he would bewail their vanity 20. Once he had a new suit brought from the Tailors which when he looked on he found some ribbons at the knees at which he was grieved asking his Mother whether those things would keep him warm No Child said his Mother why then said he do you suffer them to be put here you are mistaken if you think such things please me and I doubt some that are better then us may want the money that this cost you to buy them bread 21. He would intreat his Mother to have a care of gratifying a proud humour in his Brother and Sisters he did tell them of the danger of pride and how little reason they had to be proud of that which was their shame for said he if it had not been for sin we should have had no need of cloaths 22. At leisure times he would be talking to his School-fellows about the things of God and urge the necessity of a holy Life that text he much spoke on to there the Axe is laid to the root of the tree and every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire Every Mothers Child of us that doth not bring forth the fruit of good works shall shortly be cut down with the axe of Gods wrath and cast into the fire of Hell and this he spake like one that believed and felt the power of what he spake
and not with the least visibility of a childish levity of spirit This was when he was between seven and eight years old and if he perceived any Children unconcerned about their Souls he would be greatly troubled at it 23. After this his Parents removed not far from London where he continued till that dreadful year sixty five he was then sent to the latine School where he soon made a very considerable Progress and was greatly beloved of his Master the School was his beloved place and learning his recreation He was never taught to write but took it of his own ingenuity 24. He was exceeding dutiful to his Parents and never did in the least dispute their command except when he thought they might cross the command of God as in the forementioned business of reading the Scriptures when his eyes were so bad 25. He was exceeding contented with any mean diet and to be sure he would not touch a bit of any thing till he had begged Gods blessing upon it 26. He would put his Brother and Sister upon their duties and observe them whether they performed it or no and when he saw any neglect he would soon warn them if he saw any of them take a spoon into their hands before they had craved a blessing he said that is just like a hog indeed 27. His Sister was afraid of the darkness and would sometimes cry upon this account he told her she must fear God more and she need then be afraid of nothing 28. He would humbly put his near Relations upon their duty and minding the concerns of their Souls and Eternity with more seriousness and life and to have a care of doing that which was for the dishonour of God and the hazard of the Soul 29. He was of a compassionate and charitable disposition and very pitiful to the poor or any that were in distress but his greatest pity was to poor Souls and as well as he could he would be putting Children Play-fellows servants neighbours upon minding their poor souls 30. One notable instance of his true charity I cannot omit A certain Turk was by the providence of God cast in the place where he lived which this sweet Child hearing of had a great pity to his Soul and studied how he might be any way instrumental to do it good at last finding a man that understood the language of the Turk he used means to get them together which he at last procured the first thing that he did was to put his friend upon discoursing with the Turk about his principles whether he acknowledged a Deity which the Turk owning the next thing he inquired after was what he thought of the Lord Jesus Christ At which the Turk was troubled and put off the discourse and said he was athirst and an hungry which the Child being informed of by the interpreter immediately went to a Brew-house near at hand his own house being far off and did intreat the Master of the Brewhouse to give him some Beer for the Turk and the argument he used was this Sir here is a poor stranger that is athirst we know not where we may be cast before we dye he went to another place and begged food for him using the same argument as before but his friends hearing of it were angry with him but he told them he did it for a poor stranger that was far from home and he did it that he might think the better of the Christians and the Christian Religion 31. He would have a savoury word to say to every one that he conversed with to put them in mind of the worth of Christ and their Souls and their nearness to Eternity Insomuch that good people took no small pleasure in his company The Taylor that made his cloths would keep them the longer before he brought them home that he might have the benefit of his spiritual and Christian society and more frequent visits 32. He bewailed the miserable condition of the generality of man-kind when he was about ten years old that were utterly estranged from God though they called him Father yet they were his Children only by Creation and not by any likeness they had to God or interest in him 33. Thus he continued walking in the ways of God ingaged in reading praying hearing the Word of God and spiritual discourse discovering thereby his serious thoughts of Eternity 34. He had an earnest desire if it might be the Lords good pleasure to give himself up to the Lord in the work of the Ministry if he should live and this out of a dear love to Christ and Souls 35. He was next to the Bible most taken with reading of Reverend Mr. Baxters works especially his Saints Everlasting Rest and truly the thoughts of that Rest and Eternity seemed to swallow up all other thoughts and he lived in a constant preparation for it and looked more like one that was ripe for glory then an inhabitant of this lower world 36. When he was about eleven years and three quarters old his Mothers house was visited with the Plague his eldest sister was the first that was visited with this distemper and when they were praying for her he would sob and weep bitterly 37. As soon as he perceived that his Sister was dead he said the will of the Lord be done Blessed be the Lord dear Mother said he you must do as David did after the Child was dead he went and refreshed himself and quietly submitted to the will of God 38. The rest of the family held well for about fourteen dayes which time he spent in religious duties and preparing for his death but still his great Book was the Saints Rest which he read with exceeding curiosity gathering many observations out of it in writing for his own use He wrote several divine meditations of his own upon several Subjects but that which seemed most admirable was a meditation upon the excellency of Christ he was never well now but when he was more immediately ingaged in the service of God 39. At fourteen days end he was taken sick at which he seemed very patient and cheerful yet sometimes he would say that his pain was great 40. His Mother looking upon his Brother shaked her head at which he asked if his Brother were marked she answered yes Child he asked again whether he were marked she answered nothing well says he I know I shall be marked I pray let me have Mr. Baxters Book that I may read a little more of Eternity before I go into it His Mother told him that he was not able to read he said that he was however then pray by me and for me His Mother answered that she was so full of grief that she could not pray now but she desired to hear him pray his last prayer 41. His Mother asked him whether he were willing to die and leave her he answered yes I am willing to leave you and go to my heavenly Father His Mother answered Child If thou hadst but an assurance of Gods love I should not be so much troubled 42. He answered and said to his Mother I am assured dear Mother that my sins are forgiven and that I shall go to Heaven for said he here stood an Angel by me that told me I should quickly be in glory 43. At this his Mother burst forth into tears O Mother said he did you but know what joy I feel you would not weep but rejoyce I tell you I am so full of comfort that I cant tell you how I am O Mother I shall presently have my head in my Fathers bosome and shall be there where the Four and Twenty Elders cast down their Crowns and sing Hallelujah Glory and Praise to him that sits upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever 44. Upon this his speech began to fail him but his Soul seemed still to be taken up with glory and nothing now grieved him but the sorrow that he saw his Mother to be in for his death a little to divert his Mother he asked her what she had to Supper but presently in a kind of divine Rapture he cried out O what a sweet Supper have I making ready for me in glory 45. But seeing all this did rather increase then allay his Mothers grief he was more troubled and asked her what she meant thus to offend God know you not that it is the hand of the Almighty Humble your self under the mighty hand of God lay your self in the dust and kiss the rod of God and let me see you do it in token of your submission to the will of God and bow before him Upon which raising up himself a little he gave a lowly bow and spake no more but went chearfully and triumphingly to Rest in the bosome of Jesus Hallelujah FINIS These BOOKS of the same Author Mr. James Janeway are Printed and Sold by Dorman Newman HEaven upon Earth or the best Friend in the worst of times The third Edition Enlarged Price 2 s. 6 d. Death Vnstung a Sermon preacht at the Funeral of Thomas Mowsley an Apothecary With a brief Narrative of his Life and Death also the manner of Gods dealings with Him before and after his Conversion Drawn up by his own hand price 1 s. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Thomas Savage Price 4 d. A Token for Children first and second part the price of each 6 d.