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A43727 Apokalypsis apokalypseos, or, The revelation revealed being a practical exposition on the revelation of St. John : whereunto is annexed a small essay, entituled Quinto-Monarchiæ, cum Quarto Omologia, or, A friendly complyance between Christ's monarchy, and the magistrates / by William Hicks ... Hicks, William, 1621-1660. 1659 (1659) Wing H1928; ESTC R20296 349,308 358

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is under it and having plucked up the rotten prop the building thereon must needs fall to ground and come to nought Cum tollitur causa tollitur effectus and instead of this broken reed let the faithful soul comfort and support it self in patience with the hopes of Christ's true and real Kingdom wherewith John was affected and supported Rev. 1.9 which shall come in glory and great power and none shall say as now Lo here is Christ or there is Christ but he shall be most evident and perspicuously glorious Lo He cometh in the clouds and every eye shall see him and they that pierced him and every one shall mourn because of him v. 7. This Kingdom of Christ is not advanced by any capricious whimsies of ours but is brought to light in power and great Majesty where Christ comes with his Armies and myriads of Angels and raised Saints Rev. 19.14 20.4 to take the Kingdom unto himself when Antichrist and all his adherents are destroyed by the appearance of the Lord Christ then shall they fly unto the Rocks and the Mountains and call to them to fall upon them to hide them from the presence of the Lamb that sitteth on the Throne and then all the Kingdoms of the world shall become the Kingdoms of our God and his Christs and he shall reign for ever and ever Hallelujah Amen And for a conclusion of all let the faithful ones of Christ hearken to the often repeated admonition of the Spirit in the last verse Vers 22. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches He that is an understanding christian among you let him consider what graces the Spirit hath set forth to their imitation and approved of by various encouragements and promises of rewards and what sins and faults he hath reproved and menaced with dreadful judgements in each and every one of those seven Asian churches that he may avoid the one and embrace the other that so his portion may fall in the land of the living What was written to them was written for our example and if we be found in their conditions we shall receive our rewards accordingly for every one shall receive according to his works O Lord Christ that has moved the heart of thy servant to make these things known unto the children of men let him be a learner himself at the foot-stool of thy grace and blessed be thy holy Name that hath gone thus far with thy poor servant O let his own words be imprinted in his own heart Keep him humble Lord that he be not lifted up in his own eyes lest whiles he comes a Teacher unto others he himself becomes a cast-away O Lord Christ Give thy servant power from thy self to overcome his temptations that he may sit with thee in thy Throne even as thou hast overcome and art set down in thy Fathers Throne Pardon O Christ not only the faults of this undertaking but the many sins and errours of all his life O cover him and them with thy white rayment and then he shall walk in white before thee and at thy appearance his nakedness shall not appear Remember O Lord thy Church and People among us for good O let them hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches That thy Name may be gloriously exalted within our days That thy Truth may run to and fro and be increased and that all be kept and preserved within the compass of their duty both towards God and Man That so we may have sweet smelling Gardens holy Assemblies within our Land where the Lord may take delight to dwell in Hear O Lord thy poor servant for thy wonted mercies sake in and thorow the Son of thy own love to whom with thy Self and holy Spirit one Eternal Ever-living Lord God be all glory dominion praise and power for ever and for ever Amen Δοξὰ μονῷ τῷ Θεῷ FINIS
christians and churches do much abate and fail in their first zeal and love to Christ and his ways in a short progress of time after their conversion or from their first entertainment of the Truth Paul did much complain of the church of Galatia in this particular at their first entertainment of the truth they were so full of affections and zeal that they were even ready to pull out their eyes to do Paul service who was their great Apostle yet shortly after he complains of them as if they had entertained another Gospel and exclaims O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you It seems Ephesus was much faulty herein and so were divers others of the primitive churches and therefore the Apostles were very urgent and pressing in their preachings to maintain love alive and of the three eminent Gospel graces Faith Hope and Charity charity has the precedency First in regard it hath a more extensive object then the other two faith and hope respects only God and eternal glory as their object charity hath not only God for its object but the Saints also Secondly it hath the precedency in that love abideth in glory when faith and hope ceaseth Thirdly it is as the soul and life unto other graces faith it self is but as a dead carcass unless it be enlivened by love To know and entertain the Gospel and its truth is an excellent gift and quality yet if we do not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Receive the truth in the love thereof we may know so much as may justly condemn us for our unproficiency but not save us for want of love Indeed I could wish that this were still a paradox That the love of christians is waxed cold for it was once a hard saying to be a christian and to want love I have read that some christians of the first ages after Christ were so famous amongst their heathen adversaries for this grace of love that they were ready even to die one for another whereof their very enemies taking notice with approbation when they would commend the love of any they would say proverbially that it was like the love of christians but now O christians Quantum mut ast is ab illo It was far otherwise with you at your first coming to the truth then it is now then every one loved one the other for the truths sake At the first breaking out of light in England from under Antichristian clouds and darkness every one had his breast on fire for the promotion of truth and godliness Presbyterian Independent and Anabaptist were then all under the notion of Puritans and Non-conformists zealous for the common cause of advancement of Christ and his Gospel what is the cause that ye have now left your first love both towards God and towards one another Is God and Truth grown less lovely then at first Or were you mistaken then in the right objects of your love I rather fear of the both that the God of the world hath blinded you when ye seek to advance every one his particular interest by rearing one the other most uncharitably as bears not as christians who are meek full of bowels of compassion easily to be entreated c. Have ye not one Lord one Faith one Baptism one Spirit one Scripture one common hope of Salvation and yet look upon one the other as the Jews did on the Samaritans and that for some small differences in circumstantials of Religion It would better besuit christians to be like the good Samaritan that will be ready to pour oyl and wine into the wounds of their afflicted brethren not vinegar and gall which was the work of those that piercd Christ not of his followers and disciples Tantane Ira Fratrum Sed praestat motes componere fluctus In the next place all sorts of christians have sadly experienced the truth of this position that they have forsaken their first love Where is the love of the Presbyterian to his Geneva model as if it had been the very Elixar of all church Discipline Was he not even fire and sword against Episcopacy that stood in his way as a bar to the advancement of his Form and now Episcopacy being down and the aspect of authority benigne towards them yet how remiss and cold are they in setting up their Elders I believe they fear the Iure Divine of it and therefore will not move a foot farther without a Soveraign hand for to support it but all this shows they have much abated in their first love Next What is become of the ardent affections and frequent private and publique exercises and assemblings of the Independents Were they not the only men in the world in their first appearance that carried the face and judgement of Saints yet now how remiss and cold they are grown all see How formal or rather carnal are some of them become that were once as fire in the hearth and in the sheaf ready to warm and enflame all that came by by their ardent affections and duties Yea are not many of them that would not be satisfied otherwise but with hewen stones for the building of the Temple evidentially visible Saints for the House of the Lord now content and sit down satisfied in a parochial congregation of a mixed multitude the tenth whereof if so much be good wheat amongst the pile of chaff that answereth that part which they have for their maintenance they may account themselves most happy ● And lastly How is the great zeal of the Anabaptists so called slaked There was a time when they would compass Sea and Land to make a proselyte at their first appearance how strict they were to Discipline and Order that they might justly be called above all others the Disciplinarians Yet now how remiss they are unto it all know by a too large toleration of errours amongst them And how flat their zeal is for the promotion of the truth all see yea strange how they are changed from their first principles who at first loved one the other as christians and for the Truths sake yet now who more worldly or haughty then they Therefore seeing ye have all come short of your duty and made a defection from your first love take the exhortation of the Spirit in the next verse Verse 5. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent The Spirit sets a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Memento home on the affection and zeal-fallen church of Ephesus and to re-mind her of her first state and condition when she had a greater measure of zeal and love both towards God and his Saints then now she had that that consideration might so work upon her as to make a renovation in her affections and to be-think her self of a recovery of that measure of zeal and love which once she had and bring forth such fruits
in himself is too weak for such a work may be fitted in some measure from thy self who art the Wisdom of God and to whom the Revelation of all things is given of the Father because thou art found worthy O do thou enlighten his minde with true Light from above And remove all impediments his iniquities out of thy sight by the washing of thine own bloud then thou maist discover thy minde unto thy poor Servant being hallowed by thy self to a fruitful reception thereof Grant O Christ that by thy favour and the guidance of thy good Spirit he may diligently consider the misteries of this Book and that unto sobriety and declare it forth unto others that the Church of God may receive some advantage by him And if thy Servant O Lord hath herein through weakness built any hay and stubble upon thy precious structure O let it be consumed but so as that thy Servant may be saved in the great day of the Lord God Almighty but if any of thine receive good hereby to thee for it as most due which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty be praise glory and Dominion for ever and ever Amen A Catalogue of diverse Questions in this Treatise discussed WHether this Book of Revelation be of divine authority pag. 1 Whether John the divine the subordinate Author thereof be the same with John the Apostle and Evangelist or some other Person 5 Whether the Title of this Book viz. The Revelation of John the Divine be John's own or some other Persons 7 What is meant by the Christian wish or salutation grace and peace unto you 19 How comes John to wish grace and peace to the Churches whilst being Churches of Christ they had this grace and peace aforehand 19 Whether Christ shall have two last commings to Iudgment 25 Whether Christians when they are called unto it are bound in duty to suffer for the profession of all the truths of God 31 and 112 Whether the Lords day mentioned Rev. 1.10 wherein John received his Visions be the first day of the week or not 33 How shall we know Divine raptures extasies or Visions from diabolicall the Divel being Gods ape herein 34 Doth not the Divel often foretell the truth of events 37 Did not Satan tell Saul in that apparition of Samuel in the 1 Sam. 28 19. That he should be delivered with all his host into the hands of the Philistines and that he and his Sons on the morrow should be all with Samuel that is dead and was not that prediction truly fullfilled 38 Whether that Samuel which the Witch of Endor raised unto Saul was the true Prophet Samuel or the Divel in his shape and likeness or otherwise some cousening consort and confederate of the cousening Pythonists 38 39 Whether Christ according to his manhood appeared unto John Rev. 1 13. when he appeared to him as one like unto the Son of man 43 Whether there can be any separation between the deity and manhood of Christ 44 Whether the two edged sword that proceeded out of Christs mouth is to be only spiritually understood and not matterially also 50 51 Whether the blessed heavenly Spirits and Angels or glorified Persons after the Resurrection do or shall see the essential glory of God 53 Do not Angels see Gods face in Heaven and did not Moses and Jacob see God and talked with him face to face 54. and do not divines hold that in Heaven we enjoy the beatifical Vision 55 Whether Christ according to his divine nature was impassible 58 Why John is commanded particularly to write to each Church of the seven apart 68 Whether a sound Church may censure a corrupted Church 69 70 Whether by Angel of the Church of Ephesus be meant the Metropolitane over the rest of the Bishops of Ephesus and whether the Angel of Ephesus was the Metropolitane over the other six sister Churches 71 Whether the Angel of the Church of Ephesus is to be interpreted the Presbytery 72 What gives unto our works the denomination of good works And whether any of our works are simply and strictly to be called good and perfect 79 and 80 In whom lyes the power to try judge and examine false Apostles false teachers and their Doctrines 83 and 196 Whether the jurisdiction of the Church be above the word 84 Whether wicked Persons or unsound in the faith are to be admitted or being admitted to be tolerated in the fellowship of the Church 85 86 c. Whether any else besides true and real Saints or believers in the judgment of charity are to be admitted into Church fellowship 86 87 Whether the judicials or ceremonials of Moses are any foundation for a Gospel ordinance 88 89 Whether Baptisme is administred with best satisfaction of conscience upon infants 88 Whether it must be true justifying faith or dogmatical only that entitles to Baptisme 90 91 Whether the Apostolical Office be ceased to the Church or not and whether it was only tyed unto the first twelve 92 93 94 95 Whether the first 12 Apostles were but of equal authority with other ordinary Officers as Pastors Elders c. 95 Whether the gift of miracles does continue unto the Church 97 How shall we know or try false Apostles from the true 101 102 c. To what Church shall one repaire to receive a sound and orthodox call for the min●stery of the Gospell 105 106 c. How should the first reformers have a right call to the ministery if they ● had it not from Rome 108 Whether the Presbytery of England have a right call from the late Bishops as true Presbyters 110 VVhether Believers complaints for want of wills to repent be just or not 118 Whether it be a Legal Teaching to denounce wrath and Judgments on non-amendment or for want of Repentance 119 VVhether Repentance is to be joyned to Christ in some causality unto salvation or joyntly with him somwhat subordinate to that great end 120 And whether Faith and Repentance be the condiiion properly so taken of the Covenant of Grace 121 VVhat is meant by the Spirit that speaks unto the seven Asian Churches 126 What is meant by the Tree of Life and what is meant by Paradice 130 Whether Paradice and Heaven above be all one 131 Whether God tempteth man And whether he tempteth unto evil or sin 143 Doth not many Scriptures say That God tempteth man 144 Whether God hath a hand or efficiency in and about sin 146 Why doth God often afflict his own children with so sharp tribulations And whether the justice of God can be vindicated in that particular 149 VVhether great corruptions nullifies a Church 173 What is the reason that full Reformation cannot be attained 171 172 How is Gods justice vindicated if he smites godly and ungodly together for the sins of the wicked among them 179 VVhether Christ received now by faith to justification and absolution be the hidden Manna and white Stone promised Rev. 2.17 to
to any and after follows a complaint of want of will to holy performances it is a good signe that there is a good will unto it or else there would not be a complaint which is only for a greater measure not for a total want of will unto it Thirly and lastly Understand that Christ often exhibits his commands of faith and repentance even to the reprobate themselves to manifest unto them their duty the due performance whereof they have in their original first parent lost and forfeited and God is not obliged to restore it seeing the vindication of Gods justice is as dear unto him as his mercy and therefore when Christ in his Ministery bids such persons to believe and repent they never complain of want of wills unto the work but rather add sin unto sin in a more obdurate unbelief But to proceed Or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent As if Christ had said unto the church of Ephesus if thou wilt not return unto me and unto thy first love by this gracious warning I have given thee be sure I will come in judgment against thee and that shortly and though my appearance as yet unto thee whiles there is hopes of thy recovery be in the likeness of the Son of man one of thy own nature and compassionate towards thee yet know if thou wilt not repent and do thy first works of love zeal and charity I shall forthwith come in another like resemblance having mine eyes as a flame of fire and a two-edg'd sword proceeding from my mouth and destroy thee and thy church-state and that quickly unless thou speedily amend thy faults Observ Hence Note That a speedy repentance is the only means to avert the judgements of God from falling upon a church or people Ahab's repentance though it was but hypocritical and unsound yet stayed God in executing his judgements on him The repentance of David and Solomon for their Adultery and Idolatry stayed God's hand against them and many others of the Kings of Israel experienced the goodness of God in this particular and by reason of their sincere endeavours of returning unto God by demolishing their abominations and idolatries God promised them he would not bring the evil in their days which he had denounced against his Idolatrous people the Jews but should be gathered in peace unto their fathers The Ninivites upon their repentance in sackcloth and ashes on Jonas preaching had a longer date set to their political state and City and this repentance too ought to be speedy for who knows how long God will suffer though long often he does before he sends forth the unevitable decree of execution As God is merciful slow to anger slow to wrath yet know that God is also just and that one attribute is as dear unto him as another the duty we see is presently required and we know not though God defers the execution whether he will give us hearts again unto the work after we have once slighted his gracious calls and invitations thereunto It was an old Proverb Sero sapiunt Phryges which may be our lot if we defer too long and we know that to be true that sera penitentia raro vera and consider how it was too late for Jerusalem to howl and cry after she had slighted the many gracious invitations of our Saviour unto repentance who would have gathered her as a hen gathers her chickens under her wing When Titus the Roman General had cast a Trench against her walls and bolted up her gates by the siege of a potent Army Christ tells the church of Ephesus and the rest of those Sister Asian churches if they do not repent he will come quickly in judgements against them as indeed he did in few ages after by the incursions of barbarous Nations and quite removed their churches from amongst them Quere But is not this a Legal teaching to denounce wrath and judgements on non-amendment or for want of repentance I answer Such as object thus are much mistaken for repentance is not strictly a Legal duty but a duty Evangelical and of grace for the Law admits of no repentance for it saith The soul that sinneth shall die It is the Gospel of grace alone that saith Repent and live that is Return from thy wicked ways and accept of Christ as thy Lord Saviour and Teacher and thou shalt be saved The Law is inexorable and exacts the whole satisfaction as the penalty of the breach thereof which was fully laid on Christ and satisfied by him It is grace alone that accepts the will for the deed and admits of repentance in the sinner whiles the Surety hath compleatly satisfied the justice and rigour of the offended Law Secondly What God hath sanctified no man should call unholy for hath not Christ commanded this duty of repentance very abundantly in the Gospel and very often to be interpreted for faith it self and shall we count it Legal Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins Acts 2.38 Repent or ye shall all likewise perish c. But I confess there is no little difference between Repentance under the Gospel administration and the old Testament administration under the one the doctrine thereof is more clearly taught upon more evident terms of grace In the other more darker and on more sensitive and carnal grounds As Christ under the Law was vailed under clouds and typical ordinances but under the Gospel more clearly preached unto all so his doctrines of grace faith and repentance were not by far so radiant before the days of his manifestation in the flesh as after so the difference lies in the degrees of clearness not of the verity and truth of the doctrine Quere 2. But again some may query Is not this to joyn Repentance unto Christ in some causality unto salvation and to set them both as it were in a joynt commission though somwhat subordinately unto that great end Indeed this is a question worthy the clearing which many unskilful ignorantly handle not knowing how to divide the Word of God aright do miserably stumble in it Understand for clearing of this in the order of causes God's free love is the first moving and predeterminating cause unto life and salvation Christ next is the alone procuring and meritorious cause and as Christ hath purchased the Elect unto himself by his death and merit so as a King or a Soveraigne Legislator he sets up a Royal Law for his Redeemed people to walk by to wit that of Repentance towards God and Faith unto Jesus Christ Now he sets not Faith nor Repentance in any causality with himself in this great work of life and salvation this is only but a principal part of his revealed Will and Law that he will have his redeemed ones to walk in he doth not require those graces in them as co-operating or efficient causes unto life or justification nor as conditions properly
Christ hates it and his church hates it and therefore surely it hath some poysonous and pestilential quality in it somtimes it amounts so far as to defile both judgement and practise joyntly as it did in the Sect of the Nicholaitans And this it most frequently does unless in such a time when the appearance of an Angel of light will seem better with Satans designs for if the Theoretique part of the understanding be not sound the practique can hardly be streight where the light of the eye is darkned our feet will soon stumble and the will and judgement are so linked together that some make the will to be the last act of the understanding or the practique part of the judgement so nearly they are related into oneness that the contagion of the one will be the defilement of the other Yet secondly Satan is so serpentine and crafty that often he can restrain the will and put on the forms of an Angel of light and set on a stricter garb of holiness and mortification then ordinary even unto an Erenetique monastical conversation denying the lawful comforts of humane life and society that he may make the greater impression to deceive thereby as he does in some of the crafty deceiving heretiques of these days Therefore it is not only the duty of all Christ's faithful ones but their honour and glory and their crown to abominate and hate all such deeds and mysteries of Satan even as they are abominated and hated by Christ himself Verse 7. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches To him that overcometh will I give to taste of the Tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God The ear is the chief instrument or organ by which we hear and the Spirit sets it here metonimically for hearing it self such a hearing or right understanding as is mentioned in Rom. 10.17 as comes by the Word of God by a sagacious and diligent prepending of the mind of God in the word stirred up and warmed by the influence of the same Spirit and such a hearing or such an ear is here called as competently fit for the comprehension of the mind of the Spirit in these prophesies Hence Note Observ That there is chiefly required a spiritualized and enlightned reason and a well ordered judgement for the discovery of the mysteries of this book of Prophesies Holy and good affections without sound knowledge will not reach it It is for him that hath understanding that must count the number of the Beast Rev. 13.18 God hath given diversity of gifts to his Church for the profit of the whole some one is excellent for an interpretation of Tongues another for Prophesie another for exhortation another for a Psalm another for gubernation and discipline another is excellent about justification another about the doctrines of holiness and sanctification others again are for unlocking prophetical deeps and mysteries c. So every one hath their variety of gifts and excellencies that the body may be compleated and made perfect by the co-assistance and harmony of the whole Let it not seem strange that this book is dark and difficult to the supine and lazie christian it is only for him that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches What is meant by the Spirit that speaks unto the churches is to be enquired into It cannot be understood neither Angel nor the holy Spirit personally considered for in the next immediate verse the same Spirit is called the first and the last which was dead and is alive Now this must be Christ who appeared unto John not in his humanity but spiritually in his Deity under the figure and likeness of the Son of man Review v. 13. of the first chapter more fully to this purpose And here he is called the Spirit to denote Observ That Christ is one and the same not only in properties and qualities with the holy Spirit but in essence also He hath the incommunicable properties of the Father in the words in the next verse and precedent chapter v. 4 8 17. who is the first and the last In vers 18. of this chapter he is called The Son of God and in this verse he is called The Spirit all making up this harmonious conclusion and truth that Christ is one and the same everlasting Father Son and Spirit our God blessed for ever Observ Another Note from these words are That every wise and judicious christian ought to be very intent and enquiring into the mind of God in and about all his providential dealings and discoveries towards his churches abroad in the world What God speaks unto his churches is not of a private interpretation but of a publique concernment unto all others If God have dealt in judgement and righteousness with those Asiatique churches and for their abounding iniquities unrepented of hath anathematized and utterly unchurched them all think not that we shall go free if we be found in the same transgressions with them There were other churches too as well as these once famous for their faith and piety now become the Dens of Dragons and habitation of all unclean spirits Therefore to avoid the stroke of divine judgement by a timely repentance how behoveful and necessary it is for him that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches For be sure if we run the same course of sin with them we shall drink the same cup of indignation with them also if we continue obstinate and repent not for God is the same immutable Being just and righteous and a hater of all iniquity today and for ever But to him that overcometh that is holds out against the spiritual assaults of Satan and so overcome his temptations will I give saith Christ to eat of the Tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God Here we have the tryumphant Christian Conqueror described together with his Crown and Reward To him that overcometh that is the Conqueror The reward is To eat of the Tree of life in the Paradice of God But if it should be asked wherein should a christian combatant overcome to denominate him a true conqueror and to overcome indeed I answer As God hath furnished us with variety of spiritual weapons and armory from himself which are mighty through God to pull down the strong Holds of Satan so we have divers and various stratagems and wyles of his to meet with in our christian warfare here beneath we have not only to fight with our corruptions within but we must meet with divers assaults of Satan also from without enticements and allurements to false Doctrines and Worships and if we comply not we may be sure to meet his buffettings from without in revilings reproaches afflictions c. and often as Paul did fight with unreasonable and bestial men as he did after the manner of Beasts at Ephesus So that he that overcometh to
them is charity its precedency lies in this 1. In that it perfumes and enlivens all the other graces faith it self is dead without it And to suppose a faith without love is to suppose a man without a soul The gifts of prophesies tongues and miracles are but barren and usless things without this 2. This hath for its object both God and Man we exercise our faith and hope only towards God and his promises but our charity is extended both towards God and Man And therefore love is called Rom. 13.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the fulfilling of the Law it is the whole sum and hinge on which the commandements turn In this one word charity both the Tables of the decalogue are abridged 3. It excells in that it is the greatest note of our interest in God and Christ Faith is that giveth right unto the promises but love is that giveth life to faith It is the very soul of all our graces If we gave our bodies to be burnt for Christ and had not charity it will profit nothing 1 Cor. 13.3 By this we know that we are passed from death to life because we love the Brethren 1 John 3.14 and Ia. 1.12 The Crown of life is promised to them that love God and Rom. 8.28 Love is made the very discovery of effectual calling and election 4. Love excells in that it is the perfection of the Law it is the very end of the Commandments 1 Tim. 1.5 and were Love but perfect in us it would make us perfect Keepers and Observers of the Law both towards God and Man Love knits the Members of Christs Body together and so perfects his Body It unites us to God and so maketh the perfecting of divine love in us 1 John 4.12 17. and here it is we are commanded twice to put on love above all things 1 Pet. 4.8 and Col. 3.14 but once above all things to take the shield of faith 5. And lastly when faith hope patience and all other graces ceases charity abideth Love is not only a portion for the Saints in this life but in the other also then we shall love God and Christ when faith and hope ceaseth therefore justly did Christ in this place and the Apostle in 1 Cor. 13.13 give it the precedency above al other Graces of the Spirit 2. Love brings forth another grace service external worship and obedience him whom we love we obey we serve we honour and worship The service of love is most intense and effectual When Christ communed with Simon Peter John 21. and asked him thrice Simon Son of Jonas lovest thou me Yea Lord thou knowest it saith Peter Christ answered feed my sheep The more love that Peter manifested the more service and duty was put upon him Services that we perform to God not out of love but formality or custome are but as scabbed or lame Sacrifices under the Law which the Lord hated Right ends in our services are First Love and zeal to God's glory Secondly Love to the obedience of God's commandments Thirdly Love to the edification of others These ends makes us a true and sincere worship love goeth through all and is the fulfilling of the Law 3. Thyatira is approved for her faith made lively and effectual by love True faith is never seperated from love they go hand in hand together but love hath the precedency for the reasons aforesaid though faith is first in order of nature for faith is that grace that gives the first being unto a christian but love is the perfection of that being There must be first a knowledge of God and assent unto his truths which is the first act of faith before we can love that God or his Truths but withal I say there is so inseperable union between these two graces no sooner hath faith a being and a body but love comes to animate it to make it sound lively and perfect Observ hence Note That it is not a bare opinion or entertainment of the truth that is a true lively faith but that that worketh by love Many will one day say we have prophesied in thy Name taught in thy Name cast out devils in thy Name professed and beleived thy truths and yet the Lord will say unto them I know you not and all for want of this grace of love towards God and his Saints A sound and true faith contains in it these three principal ingredients that gives the very form and being to it First A sound distinct knowledge of the thing believed I know and am perswaded saith Paul Rom. 14.14 Persons that are ignorant of Gods promises and of the word of eternal life can never believe aright Secondly A firm perswasion strongly assuming the heart As a sound believer must not be an ignorant soul so must he not be a wavering-minded man but must have an undeceivable certainty and truth in that he does believe Thirdly A confident resting and rejoycing with satisfaction unto the Soul surely looking to enjoy that it does beleive True faith hath these four acts and degrees in it 1. Knowledge 2. Assent 3. Adherence and 4. Assurance A believer may have the three first acts and want the latter and a sound beleiver and a justified person Though God for causes to himself known may never give the grace of Assurance yet that faith that only knows God distinctly to be a God of salvation in his promises to repentant sinners through Christ and so takes him and adheres unto him in the love and truth thereof doubtless that soul shall never be a cast-away though God's presence of assurance and joyful satisfaction be never manifested unto him If we be saved it is enough though God reserves his comfortable presence and inward love for us unto another world 4. Thyatira hath another excellent grace and that is Patience or sufferance with patience as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 carries it in the Greek A wicked man may suffer affliction but not suffer with patience without murmuring swearing or blaspheming as the godly doth The wicked may haue patience perforce and unwillingly when he cannot help it the afliction being above his reach to remedy but the godly is patient as it is an effect of love because he loveth much he is ready to suffer much with constancy and patience as Jacob served two seven years hardship for his beloved Rachel so a faithful soul is ready to suffer all afflictions chearfully and with much patience all the years of his life because he loves God and Christ and so accounts the afflictions of this life not to be valued with the glory that shall hereafter be revealed to all those that love God 5. Thyatira was a growing fruitful church her latter works were more then her first done upon better grounds and better principles From whence Note Observ That the gracious works of the more grown Christians doe exceed those of the younger sort in soundness The Neophites or young Christians may be more zealous
unto its operations and offices I can but judge them very immorigerous unto the sweet and easy yoak of Christ that will not endure a Pastor an Angel a Minister over them to precede in all official duties unto the flock of Christ It is unto such that the Holy Ghost hath committed the oversight of the flock and therefore all are to submit unto them as unto the Lord For though I should grant many things unto the members in common with their Officers yet not to be Officers or Pastors in common with them for there are none such as Pastors of Pastors in the Gospel of Christ but Pastors of the flock of Christ And therefore as I could never brook a lawless community or leveling in the churches of Christ all to be Rulers and Teachers and none to be taught and ruled so neither would it comport with truth according to my judgment to admit of Pastors over Pastors or one Presbitery over another no farther then prudence will lead unto but not of Divine right and equity It is evident these seven Asian churches and all the other the Primitive Apostolical ones were Pastoral Episcopal Independent ones I think it no Paradox to assert that an Episcopal church may be Independent for I take such a one to be of Divine right indeed whilst the Prelatical Episcopal church hath lost its jure divino by exalting it self beyond Christ's bounds and taking too much upon it Observ 2. That the pure undefiled Saints of Christ are persons of high esteem and account with God They are men of Name and Quality God takes notice of them as men of most excellent and eminent spirits all the rest of Sardis besides them are but such that had the name that they were living but are dead Those are they that shall walk with Christ in white for they are worthy All the rest of the world are not of the same valew with these in the sight of God for they are those for whom the world was made yea God reproves Kings for their sakes saying Touch not mine Anointed Psal 105.15 They are God's Jewels his Precious ones which he makes up in safty and sec●rity When all the world is on fire and combustion besides they are in a Land of Goshen of light peace and comfort Mal. 3.17 And the great reason of this is in that they have the image and likness of God upon them and his spirit dwelling in them and every thing does love and highly esteem its like for likness is the root of love much more God's who is love it self will highly esteem and love his Saints being the workmanship of his own hands Even in Sardis thou hast a few Names Hence Note Observ 3. That in the most corrupted Church state Christ may have some chosen and precious Saints Sardis had but the name that show as living and was dead and yet in this nominal dead formal church God had a few Names there that were precious to him The church of God did never totally fail upon the earth nor never shall though the visibility thereof may fail yet the invisible church will never fail When all flesh had corrupted its ways and wickedness of man grown great and the earth filled with violence before the Floud Gen. 6.11 12. yet then was Noah undefiled and a faithful Preacher of righteousness yea he was just and perfect in his generation and walked with God In the corrupted church state in the days of Ahab when Jezebel cut off the Prophets of the Lord and set up Idolatries in the room of them true worship of God and the godly and righteous so vexed and wasted that Elijah the Prophet thought none but himself left in Israel Even then the Lord tells him there were seven thousand which had not bowed the knee to Baal 1 Kings 1.18 In the time when Christ came in the flesh which was in an exceeding bad and corrupted church state and in a time when the Jewish church was never more corrupt then when he came yet there was then a Joseph a Mary a Zachariah and Elizabeth a Simeon and Anna and some few others that truly feared God In the darkest and deepest night of Popery there were some faithfull witnesses unto the truth The Waldenses the Abigenses Pauperes Lugdunenses c. of whom some of the Popish Writers themselves testifie that they were upright in their carriages and believed aright concerning God only they blasphemed the church of Rome So there was a Huc a Jerome of Prague a Wickliff Berengarius Peter de Bruis Luther Oecolompadius Melancthon c. in a time and state bad enough So here in England when the church was exceeding corrupt under the Prelacy yet then appeared here a Cartwright Hooker Ames Parker Bolton Robinson Reynolds Aynsworth Baynes and many other pretious Saints and faithful Witnesses unto the truths of Christ Observ 4. God accepteth the pure and undefiled as worthy of eternal life at 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God They are those that shall walk in white with Christ and inherit the Kingdom with him Quest But if it be demanded Doth not this assert a merit in workes or that purity in the life doth exact from God in the way of Justice some answerable compensation to it I answer first and assert That holiness or purity of heart is the descriptive quality of those that shall see God they and they only of Adult persons are accepted by God to that high priviledg Secondly I grant too that the eternal life of happiness is set forth and given as a prize as a reward as a crown to the conquering Saints so in this and the last chapter it is often promised unto such holy ones under such a notion of a crown and reward Thirdly but I utterly deny that it hath the least proportion to satisfie Divine Justice or merit the least in strict Justice from God towards eternal life 1. Because eternal life is the free gift of God and he giveth it to whom he pleaseth Joh 17.2 1 Joh. 5.11 2. Because Divine Justice requires exact obedience which saith that he that is guilty of the breach of one tittle of the Law is guilty of the transgression of the whole For the best Saints being so imperfect in their obedience that they come far short in obtaining any thing at the hands of God in strict Justice 3. Because our sanctification and holiness is the alone work of God's own grace and spirit and therefore improperly said to merit at his own hands A child may merit from his Father in Justice by his filial obedience the parent being under a natural Law of compensation as well as the child is under the law of obedience towards him But God our heavenly Father is tied up unto no such Laws being a free agent and giveth life to whom he pleaseth 4. And therefore Lastly Because man hath forfeited his first covenant of merit and life by righteousness in Adam and