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A30164 The life and death of Mr. Badman presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive / by John Bunyan ... Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1680 (1680) Wing B5550; ESTC R15248 155,977 378

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as long as it was grudging till it was over Atten. This his abhorring of that day was not I think for the sake of the day it self for as it is a day it is nothing else but as other days of the Week But I suppose that the reason of his loathing of it was for that God hath put sanctity and holiness upon it also because it is the day above all the days of the week that ought to be spent in holy Devotion in remembrance of our Lords Resurrection from the dead Wise. Yes 't was therefore that he was such an enemy to it even because more restraint was laid upon him on that day from his own ways than were possible should be laid upon him on all others Atten. Doth not God by instituting of a day unto holy Duties make great proof how the hearts and inclinations of poor people do stand to Holiness of heart and a Conversation in doly duties Wise. Yes doubtless and a man shall shew his Heart and his Life what they are more by one Lords-day than by all the days of the week besides And the reason is because on the Lords-day there is a special restraint laid upon men as to Thoughts and Life more than upon other days of the week besides Also men are enjoyned on that day to a stricter performance of holy Duties and restraint of worldly business than upon other days they are wherefore if their hearts incline not naturally to good now they will shew it now they will appear what they are The Lords Day is a kind of an Emblem of the heavenly Sabbath above and it makes manifest how the heart 〈…〉 to the perpetuity of Holi●●●● 〈…〉 than to be found in a 〈…〉 does 〈…〉 ●ys a man may be in and out of holy Duties and all in a quarter of an hour but now the Lords Day is as it were a day that enjoyns to one perpetual Duty of Holiness Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day which by Christ is not abrogated but changed into the First of the week not as it was given in particular to the Jews but as it was sanctified by him from the Beginning of the world and therefore is a greater proof of the frame and temper of a mans heart and does more make manifest to what he is inclined than doth his other performance of Duties Therefore God puts great difference between them that truly call and walk in this day as holy and count it Honourable upon the account that now they have an opportunity to shew how they delight to honour him in that they have not only an Hour but a whole Day to shew it in I say he puts great difference between these and that other sort that say When will the Sabbath be gone that we may be at our worldly business The first he calleth a Blessed man but brandeth the other for an unsanctified worldling And indeed to delight our selves in Gods service upon his Holy days gives a better proof of a sanctified Nature than to grudge at the coming and to be weary of the holy duties of such dayes as Mr. Badman did Atten. There may be something in what you say for he that cannot abide to keep one day holy to God to be sure he hath given a sufficient proof that he is an unsanctified man and as such what should he do in Heaven that being the place where a perpetual Sabath is to be kept to God I say to be kept for ever and ever And for ought I know one reason why one day in seven hath been by our Lord ●●t apart unto holy Duties for men may be to give them conviction that there is enmity in the hearts of sinners to the God of Heaven for he that hateth Holiness hateth God himself They pretend to love God and yet love not a holy day and yet love not to spend that day in one continued act of holiness to the Lord They had as good say nothing as to call him Lord Lord and yet not doe the things that he says And this Mr. Badman was such an one he could not abide this day nor any of the Duties of it Indeed when he could get from his Friends and so spend it in all manner of idleness and profaneness then he would be pleased well enough but what was this but a turning the day into night or other than taking an opportunity at Gods forbidding to follow our Callings to solace and satisfie our lusts and delights of the flesh I take the liberty to speak thus of Mr. Badman upon a confidence of what you Sir have said of him is true Wise. You needed not to have made that Apology for your censuring of Mr. Badman for all that knew him will confirm what you said of him to be true He could not abide either that day or any thing else that had the stamp or image of God upon it Sin sin and to do the thing that was naught was that which he delighted in and that from a little Child Atten. I must say again I am sorry to hear it and that for his own sake and also for the sake of his Relations who must needs be broken to pieces with such doings as these For for these things sake comes the wrath of God upon the Children of disobedience and doubtless he must be gone to Hell if he died without Repentance and to beget a Child for Hell is sad for Parents to think on Wise. Of his Dying as I told you I will give you a Relation anon but now we are upon his Life and upon the Manner of his Life in his Childhood even of the sins that attended him then some of which I have mentioned already and indeed I have mentioned but some for yet there are more to follow and those not at all inferiour to what you have already heard Atten. Pray what were they Wise. Why he was greatly given and that while a Lad to grievous Swearing and Cursing yea he then made no more of Swearing and Cursing than I do of telling my fingers Yea he would do it without provocation thereto He counted it a glory to Swear and Curse and it was as natural to him as to eat and drink and sleep Atten. Oh! what a young Villain was this here is as the Apostle says a yielding of Members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin indeed This is proceeding from evil to evil with a witness This argueth that he was a black-mouthed young Wretch indeed Wise. He was so and yet as I told you he counted above all this kind of sinning to be a Badge of his Honour He reckoned himself a mans Fellow when he had learnt to Swear and Curse boldly Atten. I am perswaded that many do think as you have said that to Swear is a thing that does bravely become them and that it is the best way for a man when he would
also rob his Father methinks that was an unnatural thing Wise. Natural or unnatural all is one to a Thief Besides you must think that he had likewise Companions to whom he was for the wickedness that he saw in them more firmly knit than either to Father or Mother Yea and what had he cared if Father and Mother and died for grief for him Their death would have been as he would have counted great release and liberty to him For the truth is they and their counsel was his Bondage yea and if I forget not I have heard some say that when he was at times among his Companions he would greatly rejoyce to think that his Parents were old and could not live long and then quoth he I shall be mine own man to do what I list without their controul Atten. Then it seems he counted that robbing of his Parents was no crime Wise. None at all and therefore he fell directly under that Sentence Whoso robbeth his Father or his Mother and saith it is no transgression the same is the companion of a destroyer And for that he set so light by them as to their Persons and Counsels 't was a sign that at present he was of a very abominable spirit and that some Judgement waited to take hold of him in time to come Atten. But can you imagin what it was I mean in his conceit for I speak not now of the suggestions of Satan by which doubtless he was put on to do these things I say what it should be in his conceit that should make him think that this his manner of pilfering and stealing was not great matter Wise. It was for that the things that he stole were small to rob Orchards and Gardens and to steal Pullen and the like these he counted Tricks of Youth nor would he be beat out of it by all that his Friends could say They would tell him that he must not covet or desire and yet to desire is less than to take even any thing the least thing that was his Neighbours and that if he did it would be a transgression of the Law but all was one to him what through the wicked Talk of his Companions and the delusion of his own corrupt heart he would go on in his pilfering course and where he thought himself secure would talk of and laught at it when he had done Atten. Well I heard a man once when he was upon the Ladder with the Rope about his Neck confess when ready to be turned off by the Hangman that that which had brought him to that end was his accustoming of himself when young to pi●fer and steal small things To my best remembrance he told us that he began the trade of a Thief by stealing of Pins and Points and therefore did forewarn all the Youth that then were gathered together to see him die to take heed of beginning though but with little sins because by tampering at first with little ones way is made for the commission of bigger Wise. Since you are entred upon Storyes I also will tell you one the which though I heard it not with mine own Ears yet my Author I dare believe It is concerning one old Tod that was hanged about Twenty years agoe or more at Hartford for being a Thief The Story is this At a Summer Assizes holden at Hartfort while the Judge was sitting upon the Bench comes this old Tod into the Court cloathed in a green Suit with his Leathern Girdle in his hand his Bosom open and all on a dung sweat as if he had run for his Life and being come in he spake aloud as follows My Lord said he Here is the veryest Rogue that breaths upon the face of the earth I have been a Thief from a Child When I was but a little one I gave my self to rob Orchards and to do other such like wicked things and I have continued a Thief ever since My Lord there has not been a Robbery committed thus many years within so many miles of this place but I have either been at it or privy to it The Judge thought the fellow was mad but after some conference with some of the Justices they agreed to Indict him and so they did of several felonious Actions to all which he heartily confessed Guilty and so was hanged with his Wife at the same time Atten. This is a remarkable Story indeed and you think it is a true one Wise. It is not only remarkable but pat to our purpose This Thief like Mr. Badman began his Trade betimes he began too where Mr. Badman began even at robbing of Orchards and other such things which brought him as you may perceive from sin to sin till at last it brought him to the publick shame of sin which is the Gallows As for the truth of this Story the Relator told me that he was at the same time himself in the Court and stood within less than two yards of old Tod when he heard him aloud to utter the words Atten. These two sins of lying and stealing were a bad sign of an evil end Wise. So they were and yet Mr. Badman came not to his end like old Tod Though I fear to as bad nay worse than was that death of the Gallows though less discerned by spectators but more of that by and by But you talk of these two sins as if these were all that Mr. Bad●man was addicted to in ●is Youth Alas alas he swarmed with sins even as a Begger does with Vermin and that when he was but a Boy Atten. Why what other sins was he addicted to I mean while he was but a Child Wise. You need not ask to what other sins was he but to what other sins was he not addicted that is of such as suited with his Age for a man may safely say that nothing that was vile came amiss to him if he was but capable to do it Indeed some sins there be that Childhood knows not how to be tampering with but I speak of sins that he was capable of committing of which I will nominate two or three more And First He could not endure the Lords Day because of the Holiness that did attend it the beginning of that Day was to him as if he was going to Prison except he could get out from his Father and Mother and lurk in by-holes among his Companions untill holy Duties were over Reading the Scriptures hearing Sermons godly Conference repeating of Sermons and Prayer were things that he could not away with and therefore if his Father on such days as often he did though sometimes notwithstanding his diligence he would be sure to give him the slip did keep him strictly to the observation of the day he would plainly shew by all carriages that he was highly discontent therewith he would sleep at Duties would talk vainly with his Brothers and as it were think every godly opportunity seven times
say with good conscience I went not out of my place and state in which God by his providence had put me but have abode with God in the calling wherein I was called and have wrought hard and fared meanly been civilly apparelled and have not directly nor indirectly made away with my Creditors goods Then has his fall come upon him by the immediate hand of God whether by visible or invisible wayes For sometimes it comes by visible wayes to wit by Fire by Thieves by loss of Cattel or the wickedness of sinful dealers c. And sometimes by means invisible and then no man knows how we only see things are going but cannot see by what way they go Well Now suppose that a man by an immediate hand of God is brought to a morsel of Bread what must he do now I answer His surest way is still to think that this is the fruit of some sin though possibly not sin in the management of his calling yet of some other sin God casteth away the substance of the wicked Therefore let him still humble himself before his God because his hand is upon him and say What sin is this for which this hand of God is upon me and let him be diligent to find it out for some sin is the cause of this Judgment for God doth not willingly afflict nor grieve the children of men Either the heart is too much set upon the world or Religion is too much neglected in thy Family or some thing There is a Snake in the grass a Worm in the gourd some sin in thy bosom for the sake of which God doth thus deal with thee Thirdly This thus done let that man again consider thus with himself Perhaps God is now changing of my Condition and state in the world he has let me live in fashion in ●ulness and abundance of worldly glory and I did not to his glory improve as I should that his good dispensation to me But when I lived in full and fat pasture I did there lift up the heel Therefore he will now turn me into hard Commons that with leanness and hunger and meanness and want I may spend the rest of my days But let him do this without murmering and repining let him do it in a godly manner submitting himself to the Judgment of God Let the rich rejoyce in that he is made low This is duty and it may be priviledg to those that are under this hand of God And for thy encouragement to this hard work for this is a hard work consider of these four things 1. This is right lying down under Gods hand and the way to be exalted in Gods time when God would have Job embrace the Dunghill he embraces it and says The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. 2. Consider That there are blessings also that attend a low condition more than all the world are aware of A poor condition has preventing mercy attending of it The poor because they are poor are not capable of sinning against God as the rich man does 3. The Poor can more clearly see himself preserved by the providence of God than the rich for he trusteth in the abundance of his riches 4. It may be God has made thee poor because he would make thee rich Hearken my beloved brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in Faith and heirs of a Kingdom which God hath promised to them that love him I am perswaded if men upon whom this hand of God is would thus quietly lye down and humble themselves under it they would find more peace yea more blessing of God attending them in it than the most of men are aware of But this is an hard Chapter and therefore I do not expect that many should either read it with pleasure or desire to take my counsel Having thus spoken to the Broken man with reference to his own self I will now speak to him as he stands related to his Creditors In the next place therefore let him fall upon the most honest way of dealing with his Creditors and that I think must be this First Let him timely make them acquainted with his condition and also do to them these three things 1. Let him heartily and unfeignedly ask them forgiveness for the wrong that he has done them 2. Let him proffer them all and the whole all that ever he has in the world let him hide nothing let him strip himself to his raiment for them let him not keep a Ring a Spoon or any thing from them 3. If none of these two will satisfie them let him proffer them his Body to be at their dispose to wit either to abide imprisonment their pleasure or to be at their service till by labour and travel he hath made them such amends as they in reason think fit only reserving something for the succour of his poor and distressed Family out of his labour which in Reason and Conscience and Nature he is bound also to take care of Thus shall he make them what amends he is able for the Wrong that he hath done them in wasting and spending of their Estates By thus doing he submits himself to Gods rod commits himself to the dispose of his Providence yea by thus doing he casteth the lot of his present and future condition into the lap of his Creditors and leaves the whole dispose thereof to the Lord even as he shall order and incline their hearrs to do with him And let that be either to forgive him or to take that which he hath for satisfaction or to lay his body under affliction this way or that according to Law can he I say thus leave the whole dispose to God let the issue be what it will that man shall have peace in his mind afterward And the comforts of that state which will be comforts that attend Equity Justice and Duty will be more unto him because more according to Godliness than can be the comforts that are the fruits of Injustice Fraudulency and Deceit Besides this is the way to engage God to favour him by the sentence of his Creditors for He can intreat them to use him kindly and he will do it when his ways are pleasing in his sight When a mans ways please the Lord his enemies shall be at peace with him And surely for a man to seek to make restitution for wrongs done to the utmost of his power by what he is has and enjoys in this world is the best way in that capacity and with reference to that thing that a man can at this time be found active in But he that doth otherwise abides in his sin refuses to be disposed of by the Providence of God chuseth an high Estate though not attained in Gods way when Gods Will is that he should descend into a low one yea he desperately saith
yield thee but a dinner of herbs at a time will yield more peace therewith than will a stalled Ox ill gotten Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right 4. Be thou confident that Gods eyes are upon all thy wayes and that he po●dereth all thy goings and also that he marks them writes them down and seals them up in a bag against the time to come 5. Be thou sure that thou remembrest that thou knowest not the day of thy death Remember also that when death comes God will give thy substance for the which thou hast laboured and for the which perhaps thou hast hazarded thy soul to one thou knowest not who nor whether he shall be a wise man or a fool And then what profit hath he that laboureth for the wind Besides thou shalt have nothing that thou mayest so much as carry away in thine hand Guilt shall goe with thee if thou hast got it dishonestly and they also to whom thou shalt leave it shall receive it to their hurt These things duly considered and made use of by thee to the preparing of thy heart to thy calling of buying or selling I come in the next place to shew thee how thou shouldest live in the practick part of this art Art thou to buy or sell 1. If thou sellest do not commend if thou buyest do not dispraise any otherwise but to give the thing that thou hast to do with it s just value and worth for thou canst not do otherwise knowingly but of a covetous and wicked mind Wherefore else are comodities overvalued by the Seller and also undervalued by the Buyer It is naught it is naught says the buyer but when he hath got his bargain he boasteth thereof What hath this man done now but lyed in the dispraising of his bargain and why did he dispraise it but of a covetous mind to wrong and beguile the seller 2. Art thou a seller and do things grow dear set not thy hand to help or hold them up higher this cannot be done without wickedness neither for this is a making of the sheekle great Art thou a buyer and do things grow dear use no cunning or deceitful language to pull them down for that cannot be done but wickedly too What then shall we do will you say Why I answer Leave things to the providence of God and do thou with moderation submit to his hand But since when they are growing dear the hand that upholds the price is for the time more strong than that which would pull it down That being the hand of the seller who loveth to have it dear specially if it shall rise in his hand therefore I say do thou take heed and have not a hand in it The which thou mayest have to thine own and thy neighbours hurt these three ways 1. By crying out scaroity scarcity beyond the truth and state of things especially take heed of doing of this by way of a prognostick for time to come I was for this for which he was trodden to death in the gate of Samaria that you read of in the book of Kings This sin has a double evil in it 1. It belieth the present blessing of God amongst us and 2. It undervalueth the riches of his goodness which can make all good things to abound towards us 2. This wicked thing may be done by hoa●ding up when the hunger and Necessity of the poor calls for it Now that God may shew his dislike against this he doth as it were license the people to curse such an hoarder up He that withholdeth corn the people shall curse him but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it 3. But if things will rise do thou be grieved Be also moderate in all thy sellings and be sure let the poor have a pennyworth and sell thy Corn to those in necessity Which then thou wilt do when thou shewest mercy to the poor in thy selling to him and when thou for his sake because he is poor undersellest the market This is to buy and sell with good conscience thy buyer thou wrongest not thy Conscience thou wrongest not thy self thou wrongest not for God will surely recompense thee I have spoken concerning Corn but thy duty is to let thy moderation in all things be known unto all men the Lord is at hand Atten. Well Sir now I have heard enough of Mr. Badmans naughtiness pray now proceed to his Death Wise. Why Sir the Sun is not so low we have yet three hours to night Atten. Nay I am not in any great hast but I thought you had even now done with his Life Wise. Done no I have yet much more to say Atten. Then he has much more wickedness than I thought he had Wise. That may be But let us proceed This Mr. Badman added to all his wickedness this He was a very proud man a Very proud man He was exceeding proud and haughty in mind He looked that what he said ought not must not be contradicted or opposed He counted himself as wise as the wisest in the Countrey as good as the best and as beautiful as he that had most of it He took great delight in praising of himself and as much in the praises that others gave him He could not abide that any should think themselves above him or that their wit or personage should by others be set before his He had scarce a fellowly carriage for his equals But for those that were of an inferior ranck he would look over them in great contempt And if at any time he had any remote occasion of having to do with them he would shew great height and a very domineering spirit So that in this it may be said that Solomon gave a characteristical note of him when he said Proud and haughty scorner i● his name who dealeth in proud wrath He never thought his Dyet well enough dressed his Cloathes fine enough made or his Praise enough refined Atten. This Pride is a sin that sticks as close to nature I think as most sins There is Vncleanness and Pride I know not of any two gross sins that stick closer to men then they They have as I may call it an interest in Nature it likes them because they most suit its lusts and fancies and therefore no marvel though Mr. Badman was tainted with pride since he had so wickedly given up himself to work all iniquity with greediness Wise. You say right Pride is a sin that sticks close to Nature and is one of the first follies wherein it shews it self to be polluted For even in Childhood even in little children Pride will first of all shew it self it is a hasty an early appearance of the sin of the soul. It as I may say is that corruption that strives for predominancy in the heart and therefore usually comes out first But though children are so