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A29492 Catechetical exercises, or, Questions and answers for youth to learn that they may better understand the church catechism : with the catechists enlargements upon them / by Jos. Briggs ... Briggs, Jos. (Joseph) 1696 (1696) Wing B4662; ESTC R36511 101,779 204

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imploy their Talents for his Honour and others good and always reckoning that they must at last give an account of their Stewardship Luk. 16.2 Q. What doth God promise to them that keep and threaten to them that transgress this Commandment A. To the One he promiseth long life and prosperity and threatens the other to shorten their days upon Earth Catechist It is S. Pauls observation Eph. 6.2 that this is the first Commandment with promise that is the first of those that shew our duties towards men having an express promise of long life annexed to it and in this promise is implied a threatning to all disobedient Children and so to all other transgressors of this Law of shortning their days and cutting them off as an ear of corn untimely before it be ripe And especially let the Wise mans Comminations against all Rebellious Subjects be in our remembrance always Prov. 24.21 My Son fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change For who knows the destruction of them both both the ringleaders and their followers And for all other sinners against this Commandment in special Memorable is that in Prov. 10.27 The fear of the Lord prolongeth days but the years of the wicked shall be shortned So have you a comperent account of the duties required and the sins forbidden in the fifth Commandment and let it be all our prayer always Lord have mercy upon us to pardon our past transgressions and henceforth and for ever encline our hearts to keep this Law Q. What duties doth the sixth Commandment Thou shalt not kill require A. All lawful endeavours to preserve mine own life and the lives of others Catechist Therefore must we Gal. 6.10 do good to all men that is towards preserving their lives or rendring them more Comfortable Upon which account we must Rom. 12.18 as much as in us lieth live peaceably with all men And our Saviour propounds the good Samaritan for our example Luk. 10.34 Who finding the Man wounded by thieves bound up his wounds and poured in oil and wine unto them and took care of his recovery to which purpose are the precepts of feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and visiting the sick and them in prison Matth. 25.35 All which are required by this Commandment for if any man starve for hunger He that knew it and could but would not feed him is guilty of his death Q. What sins doth this Commandment forbid according to your Catechism A. Hurting any body by word or deed Bearing any Malice or Hatred in my heart Catechist It is written Rom. 12.19 20. Dearly Beloved avenge not yourselves that is by hurting even him that hath hurt thee For Vengeance is mine I will recompence saith the Lord. And therefore our Saviours precept is Matth. 5.38.39 Ye have heard that it hath been said An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth But I say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the other also And his Apostle Rom. 12.20 teacheth doing good instead of doing evil if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirst give him drink for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head that is melt him into friendship and kindness Ver. 21. Be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good Nor is it only hurting and extreme violence or murdering that is forbidden whereof it is said Gen. 9.6 Whoso sheddeth mans blood by man shall his blood be shed but also any lesser hurt as wounding or maiming or doing any thing to the prejudice of his health and wellbeing nay even hatred and malice occasioning or exciting to these in the heart 1 Joh. 3.15 Whoso hates his brother is a Murderer and no Murderer hath Eternal life abiding in him Q. What think you of rash or immoderate Anger and desire of revenge A. They are degrees of and provoke to Murder and so are also sins against this Commandment Catechist It is enough to say that this is our Saviours Doctrine in his Sermon on the Mount Matth. 5.21 22. Ye have heard that it hath been said to them of old time Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment But I say unto you whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whosoever shall say unto his brother Racha shall be in danger of the councel but whosoever shall say thou Fool shall be in danger of hell fire Anger causeless and Anger immoderate such as breaks out into intemperate railing speeches both are great fins against this Commandment according to our Saviours exposition of it who therefore goes on there to injoyn a reconciling of such differences as arise from anger to all Christians before they offer their Holy Services to God if they will be accepted of God Ver. 23.24 Therefore if you bring thy gift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee Leave there thy gift before the Altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift And so much for the Sixth Commandment Q. What duties doth the seventh Commandment require of you according to your Catechism Thou shalt not commit Adultery A. To keep my Body in Temperance Soberness and Chastity Q. Which of these is chiefly required here A. Chastity to wit in thought speech and behaviour and Temperance and Soberness in order to Chastity Catechist I pray you mark In your Catechism the Negative the Sins forbidden in most of the other Commandments is expressed and the Contrary duties are implied therein But the duties in the Affirmative is here expressed the duties injoyned in this Commandment and the Negative the sins forbidden are implied in them Now learn these Scripture Texts concerning them 1 Thes 4.3 4 5. This is the Will of God even your Sanctification that ye should abstain from Fornication that every one of you know how to possess his Vessel that is his body in Sanctification and Honour not in the lust of Concupiscence as the Gentiles that know not God For God hath called us not to Vncleanness but unto Holiness To the contrary therefore it is threatned 1 Cor. 3.17 If any man defile the Temple of God Him will God destroy Q What are the sins forbidden in this Commandment A. All gross Acts of Uncleanness Fornication or Adultery nay the lest signs or degrees thereof as filthy thoughts desires or Concupiscences wanton glances or any obscene talk Catechist Gal. 5.19 The works of the flesh are manifest Adultery Fornication Vncleanness Lasciviousness Fornication therefore and all Vncleanness Let it not saith the Apostle Eph. 5.3 be once named amongst you as becometh Saints And Col. 3.5 Mortifie your Members which are upon Earth Fornication Vncleanness inordinate affection or Concupiscence O! that you young people would learn these Texts and store
that if God should be extreme to mark what we do amiss in them O Lord who may abide it Psal 130.3 And 3 all we have and do is Gods Gift it is he that worketh in us both to will and to do Phil. 2.13 and we give him but his own Nor be it never so good can it 4 bear any proportion to that recompence of reward which God promiseth us Not our greatest suffering much less our good deeds Rom. 8.18 The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us 2 Cor. 4.17 They are but light Afflictions and but for a moment but they work for us a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory Well doth the Apostle therefore conclude Rom. 6.23 The wages of sin is death but eternal life is the Gift no Merit of ours but the ●ree gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Q. What Vse must we make hereof A. To be constant unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that our labour will not be in vain in the Lord. Catechist This is the use that St. Paul makes of this great Doctrine of Christianity 1 Cor. 15.58 and elsewhere he exhorts thus upon account hereof 2 Cor. 4.18 Let us not therefore look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen For the things which are seen are Temporal but the things which are not seen are Eternal Q. Why do you say Amen after the Greed and why stand you up when it is rehearsed A. To declare my stedfast believing it and my resolution to live in and die for it if God should call me to that Honour Catechist Let us therefore make it our continual prayer that God whose Gift Faith is would encrease and strengthen this our Faith more and more and enable us so to live in Faith and so to dye in Faith that at last we may attain the end of our Faith even the salvation of our Souls through Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.9 Thus have you had the Rule and Summary of the Christian Faith in the Creed Now having often taught you that there is no true Faith without Obedience I pray Q. What is the Great Rule of your Obedience A. The Moral Law contained in the Commandments Catechist You remember Brethren I hope that you promised in your Baptism as to believe all the Articles of Christian Faith so to keep Gods Holy Will and Commandments Q. How many Commandments are there A. Ten. Catechist These Ten Commandments contain that which we call the Moral Law and it is so called because it orders our Manners and our whole lives and conversations both towards God and towards men Concerning which I would only teach you in opposition to the Antinomian Errors that this Moral Law contained in the Ten Commandments is still in force to us and as it was the Rule of life and manners and Obedience to Gods ancient people the Jews so is it still to us Christians For whatever moral duties God Commanded the Jews being his chosen people under the Old Testament the same doth Christ command us Christians under the Gospel and that while the world lasts for he said expressly Matth. 5.17 He came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it and reciting several Commandments He abrogated none but which shews their obligation on us sufficiently shewed their true and Spiritual meaning against the corrupt glosses the Pharisees had put upon them thereby making them of no effect It was said of old time saith he Thou shalt not kill but I say unto you Whosoever is angry with his Brother without a cause is in danger of the judgment Again ver 27. It was said of old time Thou shalt not commit adultery But I say unto you Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her in his heart Committeth Adultery with her And thus doth He there Explain other Commandments but Repeals none of them and in short St James saith chap. 2.8 of all the rest If ye fulfil the Royal Law of Liberty Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self ye shall do well Nor is the number of the Commandments impertinent to be observed it being so precisely noted by the Holy Ghost Deut. 4.13 Ten and no more which puzzles them of the Romish Communion to make them so while they leave out the second in their Catechism because it so apparently condemns their Image worship and then for a mere shift they would divide the last Commandment making two of one And now before we close with the Commandments we must not neglect the Preface to them God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of Bondage which what it imports you may learn by the next Question and Answer Q. What are those motives God himself used when he gave those Commandments to engage his people's Obedience A. First His Sovereignty For he is the Lord. 2 His near Relation to his people for He is the Lord Our God 3 His delivering the Israelites from the Egyptian Bondage which was a Type of our Greater deliverance even from our spiritual Bonddage to sin and Satan Catechist The like arguments to Obedience we have in other Scriptures to name but one to the Israelites Deut. 27.9 10. Take heed and hearken O Israel This day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord thy God and do all his Commandments and statutes which I command thee this day And that of Zacharias in his song Luk. 1.74 75. urgeth the same Obedience upon us upon account of our greater deliverance That being delivered from the hands of our enemies we should serve Him without fear in Holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives Now I pray Q. How many Tables are there in the Decalogue or Ten Commandments A. Two Q. How many Commandments are there in the first Table A. The four first Commandments Q. What sort of Duties doth the first Table teach you A. My Duties towards God Catechist And as the second Table teaches you your duties towards your neighbour so let me tell you by the way that our Saviour Himself divides the Law after this manner even according to the twofold Object of Love God and our Neighbours Matth. 22.37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind This is the first and great Commandment and the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self on these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets For as S. Paul saith Rom. 13.10 Love is the fulfilling of the Law Now for explaining the Questions and Answers in your Church Catechism concerning the duties contained in these two Tables I conceive the chief task is to let you see to which Commandment each clause in them is to be
sin Rom. 7.14 The natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.14 Q By what means then may you obtain Gods special Grace A. By diligent that is by daily fervent prayer Catechist Of the efficacy of our prayers to obtain Gods special Grace Our Saviour assures us and that by way of Argument which gives us much stronger consolation Luk 11.13 If ye being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more will your heavenly Father give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him But then Our asking must be thus qualified that it may obtain it must be daily we must pray continually or without ceasing 1 Thes 5.17 and fervently Jam. 5.16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much Ask therefore and so ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you Matth. 7.7 Q. In what bodily posture must you pray A. Kneeling or at least with the greatest reverence possible Catechist For in this posture of kneeling have Gods Saints always made their solemn prayers or for the most part And as we cannot use too much reverence in our Addresses to so great a God so unto this are we daily invited in the words of the Psal 95.6 O come let us worship and fall down and kneel before the Lord our maker Q. What things must you pray for besides Gods Grace A. Only for things agreeable to Gods will Catechist 1 Joh. 5.14 This is the Confidence that we have in him that whatever we ask according to his Will he heareth us Q. In whose Name and Mediation must we put up our prayers A. Neither of Saints nor Angels but only that of our Lord Jesus Christ Catechist So he himself directs us For he the is one Mediator betwixt us and the one God 1 Tim. 2.5 Therefore he saith Joh. 14 13.14 Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in me If ye shall ask any thing in my Name I will do it And he assures us even with an Oath that his Father will do it chap. 16.23 Verily Verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you And he seems to solve the doubt why he saith he will do it and his Father will do it too ver 26. Ye shall ask in my Name and I say unto you that I will pray the father for you c. For Heb. 7.25 He is able to save to the ultermost seeing he liveth for ever to make intercession for us With great reason therefore doth our Holy Church conclude all her prayers with these words Through Jesus Christ our Lord. And praying in Christs Name we cannot pray better or more acceptably than in his words too Q. Which is the best form of prayer and most perfect pattern to direct you in praying A. The Prayer Christ taught his Disciples called The Lords Prayer Q. Let me hear you then say the Lords prayer A. Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name c. Catechist It is rightly called the Lords prayer as the Eucharist is called the Lords Supper because he composed it as he instituted and ordained this his Supper Now observe when Christ taught his Disciples this prayer it is said in Luk. 11.2 When ye pray say plainly making it Our duty as his Disciples as we will owne ourselves to be Christians to use this form of prayer at all times for it is a most perfect and Comprehensive prayer containing all that is needful to be prayed for and therefore supplying the defects of all other our prayers But at another time Matth. 6.9 He said After this manner pray ye as plainly there making it a pattern to all other our prayers And so doing Our prayers cannot be other than according to Gods will and being so we are sure he will hear and grant our petitions Now tell me what your Catechism teacheth you of this Q. What desirest thou of God in this prayer A. I desire my Lord God our Heavenly Father c. Catechist This is a very solid answer and teacheth you a great deal in a little Compass My part is to help you to understand to what part and petition of your Lords prayer every clause in this answer is to be referred and to make these and all other needful things concerning it as plain as I can In the mean time Let me give you this instruction It will be very good and profitable for you Good Children to get some other good and godly prayers by heart for your daily use out of some or other good books such as those sometimes annexed to your Bibles or those in that excellent Book called The Whole duty of man or the like And till you can do that let me tell you you may make a very good prayer of this your answer and using it devoutly and with understanding it will be acceptable to God Instead of saying I desire my Lord God Our heavenly Father c. it is but altering it thus and it will be a very good prayer O Lord God Our Heavenly Father who art the Author of all goodness I desire thee I beseech thee that thou wilt send thy grace to me and to all people that we may worship thee serve thee and obey thee as we ought to do and I pray unto thee that thou wilt send us all things that be needful both for our bodies and our Souls and that thou wilt be merciful unto us and forgive us our sins and I humbly beg that it will please thee to save us in all dangers Ghostly and bodily and that thou wilt keep us from all sin and wickedness and from our Ghostly Enemy and from Everlasting death And I trust and beg of thee that I may always trust that thou wilt do this of thy own mere mercy ●nd goodness through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen Say this your answer in such a form of ●●ayer upon your knees every day morning and evening ●ith understanding and from your hearts and Souls and doubt not God who delights not in quaint words nor in the multitude of them will graciously accept it both till you have furnished yourselves with some larger forms and afterwards Now for our further understanding of our Lords prayer and of this account your Catechism gives of it I ask you Q. How many parts are there in the Lords prayer A. Three a Preface the Petitions and the Doxology or Conclusion Catechist See what you may learn by the Preface first Q. To whom must you pray that you may be sure to speed A. To our Father in Heaven only Catechist A very necessary Observation since we know the Papists practices of making their prayers to Saints and Angels nay to very Images and especially to the Virgin Mary Which if any Christians can lawfully do it is marvellous that our
is a sin and one sin cannot excuse another but aggravates it when it is willful and here it must needs be so because the reason of mens not preparing themselves for the Lords Supper is most commonly because they have a desire to live on in their sins and therefore they have no mind to come to the Lords Supper because it will bind them to leave their sins and put them upon holy purposes and resolutions of new life which they do not think to do Now I pray you read and consider the Ministers Exhortation to the Communion in the Office for it and at present I shall only put you in remembrance of that terrible doom that was passed upon them who excused themselves and refused to come to the Kings feast when they were invited to it Luk. 14.24 The Lord said I say unto you none of those which are bidden shall tast of my Supper Q. What then is the unquestioned Duty of all Christians A. To set upon the Preparing for the Lords Supper whenever they are invited to it to Receive it reverently and devoutly and to be afterwards careful of performing their holy Vows and good resolutions made therein Catechist This evidently follows from all that hath been said and it shews you the duties you are to perform before and at and after your Receiving this Sacrament And now all the Questions and Answers that follow here are for this end to explain those great duties of Repentance New Obedience Faith Thankfulness and Charity to the meanest capacity which since all men know them to be generally required in all good books that treat of this Sacrament and who can say but they are injoyned us in Gods Word in our whole Conversations How much more requisite then are they in us when we are to make our most solemn addresses to Gods Altar I shall only therefore desire my Youth to give some fair account of these duties and spare my further pains and time in quoting particular Texts of Scripture for them referring all both elder and younger to their good books for a more particular instruction concerning them especially that incomparable Book The Whole Duty of man Q. What is that Repentance and New Obedience whereof all must examine themselves in Preparing themselves for the Lords Supper A. A man must compare his heart and life with every Commandment and bewail and confess unto God all the sins he finds himself guilty of and stedfastly resolve to forsake them and ever after to endeavour a new that is an holy life Q. What is that lively Faith required in Gods mercy through Christ A. Knowing his own Misery by sin a man must both understand and believe the sufficiency of Christs Death to Satisfie Gods justice for sin and Gods willingness to pardon sin for Christs sake upon Covenant terms to all Believers Q. What is the Thankfulness required A. A serious considering of Christs wonderful Love in dying to purchase such great benefits and an affectionate Commemorating this with the most hearty Thanksgivings Q. What is that Charity whereof a man must examine himself A. Being sorry for all injuries done to others and ready to make satisfaction to his power a man must be ready to be reconciled to those that have injured him and heartily forgive them and chearfully give them that are in need as he is able Q. What think ye then of the ignorant that do not at all nnderstand the meaning of this Sacrament and of all Vnbelievers or the Vnthankful or malicious persons or them that are out of Charity A. I think they will have no comfort of this Holy Feast of Charity and being unfit for it can have no hope to receive the Pardon or Grace promised in the Covenant and Sealed in this Sacrament FINIS
now Q. What is that Faith that you also promised A. To believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith that is All that Christ taught did and suffered for our Salvation as they are recorded in the Gospel and summed up in the Creed Q. Is it enough to assent to the Truth of those Articles or what farther is required to make my Faith acceptable to God A. I must so believe every Article as to live answerably to what it teaches us for Faith is nothing worth without good works of obedience Catechist Concerning the former Answer I shall only remark to you that Definition St. Luke gives of his Gospel Acts 1.1 It is a Treatise he saith of all that Jesus began to do and to teach and adding only what he suffered for the Salvation of sinners you have then the true object of a Christians faith and belief Now them must we believe that is assent to them from our hearts profess them with our lips and walk suitably to them in our lives And this is that Faith S. James teaches us Chap. 2.17 He affirms That the Faith which hath no works is dead being alone For ver 21. Was not Abraham the great pattern of Faith the Father of the Faithful justified by works when he offered up Isaac thereby shewing the truth of his Faith by ready obedience to Gods Commandments Ver. 26. By works was his Faith made perfect and he instanceth there in Rahabs faith also ver 25. and requires this therefore of all that pretend to believe Shew me thy Faith by thy works v. 18. For they it is that must shew it to be true or nothing can shew it Every evil worker is a real Unbeliever Good works are Faiths witnesses as the tree is known by its fruits Q. What then is that Obedience you promised in Baptism A. To keep Gods Holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the days of my Life Catechist It is therefore a constant effect of true faith in whomsoever it is it produceth an Universal Obedience of the whole man to all Gods Commandments and that so constant as to continue and persevere therein to our lives end Church Catechism the fourth Question Q. Dost thou not think that thou art bound to believe and do as they promised for thee A. Yes verily c. Explanatory Questions and Answers Q. How can Godfathers and Godmothers promise such great things as these for Children whom they bring to Baptism A. They only promise them in the Childrens names till they be of age to take it upon themselves so the duty promised belongs to the Children and Godfathers and Godmothers engage only to see they be taught what they promised for them and to excite them to perform it by instructions reproofs exhortations and prayers Catechist The scope of this Answer is to state the matter how far Sureties stand engaged by what is done at Baptism But to this are children chiefly to take heed that the things promised do chiefly lye on them to perform though not themselves but others engaged it only in their names For they are in equity bound thereby For Parents usually oblige their Children in civil contracts and Bargains and why not much more then to what is their Bounden duty before as Creatures to their Lord their Maker and Redeemer Or who will say but that it is in the Parents power to devote their Children to Gods special service as Hannah did Samuel 1 Sam. 1.18 or as Timothy's parents may well be supposed to have done Him in that they taught Him the Scriptures of a child and without doubt whatsoever children they be that renounce or do not perform this their Baptismal Vow though but made by others in their name they incur the Guilt of Perjuty and forfeit all the promises of God made to them in his Covenant To prevent this therefore and to make children when grown up sensible of their having entred such a vow and that they may now voluntarily take it upon themselves and that before the Congregation and thenceforth look upon themselves as engaged by their own Act and deed To this end is this Question intended whose answer hath divers excellent parts all remarkable agreeable to sound and Orthodox Doctrine and to the H. Scriptures I shall reduce them to these Questions Q. Art thou then willing now to take this vow and promise upon thy self A. Yes verily Catechist Mark here good child what thou professest even to stand to the vow made in thy name and remember the Text Eccles. 5.4 Better never vow than not perform what thou hast vowed Q. How shalt thou ever be able to do those things being by nature so prone to all evil and averse to all Good A. I shall be able to do them through Christ strengthning me therefore I say and by Gods help so I will Catechist Thus is every child taught modestly to declare his Resolution in the words of St. Paul Phil. 4.13 and it much concerns you and all men to be humbly sensible of what the same Apostle saith Rom. 7.18 In me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing And that our Saviour saith expresly John 15.5 I am the Vine ye are the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing And because this help shall not be wanting to any that will sincerely endeavour it therefore doth the Apostle Phil. 2.12 13. hereby enforce his exhortation work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both to will and do of his good pleasure As if he had said take heed to yourselves that you make use of Gods help while you may have it work yourselves while God worketh with and in you Q. What art thou better for being baptized more than those that never were baptized A. This being Gods own Ordinance for washing away Original sin and admitting men into Covenant with God I am thereby called into a state of Salvation through Christ for which therefore I heartily thank God my heavenly father Catechist By this Answer a child is well taught to be deeply sensible and to declare himself to be so that he is in a much better Condition then he was before or than they are who never were Baptized For who can deny that Baptism is Christs own ordinance for washing away sin and admitting him into Covenant with God And what is this but a state of Salvation by Christ there being as S. Peter saith Act. 4.12 No salvation to be had by any other no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved but only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ For this therefore their being brought thus into a state of Salvation Holy Church very laudably teaches her children to give publick thanks according to that in Psal 8.2 Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God hath ordained praise Q But what if you should fall off from
or renounce your Baptism as many do A. Then shall I be much worse for being Baptized This Apostacy will aggravate my Damnation Catechist True for as Matth. 10.21 He only that endureth to the end shall be saved so Matth. 12.40 Wo unto them whose latter end is worse than their beginning who as the Apostle Heb. 10.30 expresseth Apostacy draw back to the perdition of their Souls Q. What means must you then use to prevent this A. I will pray continually that God will give me his Grace that I may continue in the same unto my lives end Catechist And I beseech and exhort you Good Children learn thus to pray betimes and exercise your selves in prayer daily in some or other good forms of prayer for this great thing that you may continue in Christs words and so be his Disciples indeed John 8.29 Ask and seek and knock as your Saviour teacheth you by prayer by continual prayer and he assures you then of the help of his Holy Spirit to enable you to keep your Baptismal Vow that having entred into the way of life you shall never forsake it and of this he assures you by an excellent similitude which you cannot chuse but understand Luk. 11.13 If your natural parents be ready to give you bread and clothing and all good things you stand in need of upon your begging them How much more will your Heavenly Father give his Holy Spirit to them that ask it Q. What are the General Heads of Catechism A. The Creed the Decalogue the Lords prayer and the Doctrine of the Sacraments Catechist I would bespeak you in St. Peters words you and the whole Congregation 2 Pet. 1.2 13. I say unto you I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things although I may hope many of you know them already and are established in the Truth For even they that know them already have yet great need to be put continually in remembrance of them and therefore I think it not only meet but also necessary to stir you up by putting you in remembrance of them as long as I am in this Tabernacle as long as I live that you may be always thinking of them and never forget them Credenda Agenda Oranda What you must believe what you must do and practice and what you must pray for and Gods Covenant and Promises sealed to you in the Sacraments these are the great things in Christian Doctrine necessary to be known that you may be saved and upon these four General Heads depend all the Questions in your Catechism Either by way of Introduction shewing you when by whose means upon what terms and conditions you became Christians together with the great Benefits that belong to you as Christians if your conversations be such as becomes the Gospel and the Profession of Christianity and those things you have had and I hope have learnt in our Explanation of the four first Questions and their Answers or else they serve to Connect and joyn together the great Doctrines taught you in the Catechism in an orderly Method for the help of your Memories or to help you to a clear and full understanding of them To come then to the main points to be learnt by Catechism I ask you in the first place Q. Why is the Creed the first part of Catechism A Because to believe aright is the very ground work of all Religion and then must I shew my believing heartily by my good works of Obedience Catechist Yea so it is certainly A right belief is the Foundation of Religion Thereforewhen the Jaylor asked Paul and Silas Act. 16.31 Sirs what shall I do to be saved To this they directed him in the first place Believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved thou and thine house But then it is a lesson I would take all occasions to teach you That there is no resting in a dead Faith without good works of Obedience And for this time I only offer to you for proof hereof the tenour of our Saviours Commission to his Apostles when he sent them forth to convert the world Matth. 28.19 20. He bad them whomsoever they should by Baptism admit into the Church and the Confession of Christianity to teach them to observe all things whatsoever he had commanded them And you have an eminent instance of the necessary Conjunction of Obedience with Faith in that grand Doctrine of Christianity that of the Trinity into which we are expresly Baptized as the next Questions and their Answers instruct you Q. Which is the great Fundamental in the Faith of Christians A. The Doctrine of the Trinity that is to believe in God the Father as Creator in God the Son as Redeemer and in God the Holy Ghost as Sanctifier This is the Grand Mystery in Christianity Catechist In my mind your Church-Catechism propounds this Doctrine with a very becoming Gravity and no man can deny this Doctrine so propounded but he must withall deny and reject plain Scripture Q. In the first place then Rehearse the Articles of thy Beliefe A. I Believe in God c. Q. What dost thou chiefly learn in these Articles of thy Belief A. First I learn to believe in God the F. c. Catechist Whosoever will own himself a Christian He must profess his Christian Faith in this tenor To believe in God first as Creator who made me and all the world according to that 1 Cor. 8.6 To us there is but one God the Father of all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him 2 In God the Son our L. Jesus Christ as Redeemer who redeemed me and all Mankind For 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 2.5 6. There is one God and one Mediator between God and man The man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransome for all to be testified in due time 3 In God the Holy Ghost as Sanctifier who Sanctifieth me and all the elect people of God For 2 Thes 2.13 Whosoeve are chosen to Salvation it is through Sanctification of the spirit and belief of the Truth Now you are taught in your Answer to my next Question what an influence this Doctrine of the Trinity hath to good life and obedience if it be believed aright and I shall have occasion hereafter to prove every particular in it by the Scriptures For the present therefore I shall content my self with hearing you rehearse it Q. In what manner must we believe in these persons A. So as to pay each person his respective Duty for example to love fear and serve God the Father as my great Creator and most Gracious preserver To trust in God the Son and obey his Gospel as my only Lord and Saviour and to follow the motions and directions of God the Holy Ghost and to make Use of his Grace and
Prayers and Thanksgivings are parts of Divine Worship Unquestionedly commanded by God is evident by S. Pauls direction to Timothy as Provincial Bishop of Ephesus 1 Ep. 2.1 2. Which was to take order that prayers supplications and thanksgivings be made for all men for Kings and all in Authority c. And how God ordained the publick reading of Scriptures you may see Deut. 31.11 12. When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord in the place which he shall choose Then shalt thou read the Law before all Israel in their hearing c. And accordingly S. James Bishop of Jerusalem spake it in the Councel held there Act. 15.21 That Moses had in every city them that preacht him being read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day And if God appoints his word to be Read it must needs be the peoples duty to hear the Reading and Luk. 16.31 If they will not hear Moses and the Prophets neither would they repent though one should rife from the dead And to what purpose is it either to Read or Hear if they do not Meditate on it for as it is in the Parable of the Sower of the seed Matth. 13.8 By this it is that the good seed takes root and bringeth forth fruit And therefore Ps 1.2 Blessed is the man that Meditates on Gods law day and night As for the Holy Sacraments Baptism and the Supper of the Lord you may see their Institution at large Matth. 28.19 and 1 Cor. 11.23 Q. What are the sins forbidden in this Commandment A. Corrupting neglecting or hindring any Ordinance of Right Worship Idolatry or Worshipping Saints Angels or Images or God by Images or Worshipping God in any way contrary to or not directed in his word Catechist If the Commandment require us to worship God then must they necessarily be transgressors thereof that come not to Church to joyn in Gods worship or are negligent in attending any Ordinance of Divine worship as many do apparently seldom coming to Church at all or coming after the prayers and the reading of the Scriptures as if it did not at all concern them or that being here behave themselves most slovenly and irreverently in Gods Service and then we must be sure that we avoid all idolatry and false worship For as it was charged upon Gods people the Jews Lev. 19.4 Not to turn to Idols nor to make any graven Images nor to bow down to them for this reason I am the Lord thy God so is it also upon us of the Christian Church 1 Cor. 10.14 Dearly beloved flee from Idolatry 1 John 5.21 Little Children take heed of idols Q. Whom do you think guilty of such Idolatry A. The Papists as much as Heathens or Jews in worshipping the Molten Calf and Brazen Serpent for they worship Saints Angels and Images and adore the Cross and the Host and have no better plea for so doing but what might serve to excuse both Heathens and Jews from being Idolaters Catechist In short let me tell you that Popish Idols or Images having the like matter and shapes and figures they do the same service to them and use the like pleas and pretences as the Heathens did and as the Idolatrous Jews did and therefore are as truly Idolaters as they and they that would see this fully proved let them read the Churches Homilies of the peril of Idolatry Q. How doth the Lord threaten all Idolaters and Image worshippers and all Transgressors of this Commandment A. Being jealous of his own glory He will punish them as Haters of himself nay them and their seed after them Catechist How jealous God is of his Glory you may read Isaiah 42.8 I am the Lord That is my name My Glory will I not give to another neither my praise to graven Images And hence Idolatry is often in Scripture called a spiritual whoredom and adultery which you know provokes any Husband to jealousy and rage against his Wife And here in this Commandment it is express that God looks on them as them that hate Him who give his Worship to Images or any others besides Him and he threatens to visit their children after them for this sin to many generations Q. Are the Protestants and particularly we of the Church of England clear from all Idolatry in observing Ceremonies in Gods Worship not expresly required in Gods Word A. Yes because God hath left it in charge to Church Rulers to appoint such Ceremonies in his Worship as conduce to Order and Decency and Edification and being once appointed by our lawful Governors We ought to observe them in Obedience to God who requires us to obey our Governors Catechist It may suffice to tell you thus much upon this head and you can by no means turn Dissenters upon this account if you remember this That it is the Apostles direction that all things in Gods Worship be done decently and in order and so as may conduce to Edification 1 Cor. 14.26 40. Which being the Duty and Province of the Churches Governours to take care of as they do at this day in all the Reformed Churches and as they apparently did in the Primitive Churches it is very plain that all private Christians are to yield a ready Conformity Submission and Obedience to their Orders and Canons by a strict Commandment 1 Pet. 2.13 Submit yourselves to every Ordinance of man for the Lords sake Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the Rule over you and submit yourselves c. And what saith our Apostle upon the matter 1 Cor. 11.16 He brands them for contentiousness that dissent and Conform not saying If any man be Contentious nay seem to be Contentious we have no such custom neither the Churches of God Thus much for the second Commandment Q. What doth the third Commandment require A. It requires us to perform every part of Worship Devoutly to Gods Glory and Reverently to use every thing relating to God as his Name Titles Ordinances House Revenues Word and Works Catechist Will you hear the General Rule 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the Glory of God If all our actions much more then what we do in the Worship and Service of God must be directed to His Glory and therefore must be performed with the greatest Reverence and Devotion both of body and mind to which purpose is that in the 29. Psal 1 2. very memorable Give unto the Lord O ye mighty Give unto the Lord Glory and Strength Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his Name How It follows Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness in the Margent it is in his Glorious Sanctuary As for the Name of God To which the Glory is Due thereby by a Figure is to be understood not only God Himself but also all that whereby God is Known to us or which hath a peculiar Relation to God or which hath Gods Name upon it or that is Gods to all which we must in using them
shew the greatest Reverence not only to his Names but also his Titles Attributes Ordinances Houses Revenues Words and Works For unto them all hath the Apostles exhottation Heb. 12.28 relation Let us have grace whereby to serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear And the particular Duties respecting all these you have in the next Questions and their Answers Q. How doth your Catechism express this A. To give him thanks to put my whole trust in him to call upon him to honour his Holy Name and his Word Q. What then are the sins forbidden in this Commandment A. Unthankfullness Distrustfullness not praying to God or praying to any other but God all Abuses of or irreverent use of or medling with His Word Sacraments House Titles or Ministers and especially rash and vain Swearing Cursing and Blasphemy Q. What doth God threaten them that thus transgress his Commandment A. That he will not hold them Guiltless that is they shall be held guilty and by no means escape his Vengeance Catechist It cannot be expected that all duties and sins herein required and forbidden should be particularly named in so short an Abstract as a Catechism is and should be but these are the chief We must give God thanks for all his Works and Benefits Temporal and Spiritual 1 Thes 5.18 In every thing give thanks Psal 50.14 Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows to the most High We must call upon God by Solemn Religious prayer and Invocation as alone able and willing to hear and help us and upon no other Ps 50.15 Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me And these two are closely joyned together by the Apostle in one precept Phil. 4.6 Be careful for nothing but in every thing let your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving We must put our whole trust in God Psal 62.8 Trust in the Lord at all times ye people pour out your hearts before Him for God is our hope And on the contrary ingratitude and unfaithfulness was the sin of the Israelites Deut. 32.15 18. Jesurun waxed fat and kicked then he forsook God that made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his Salvation Of the rock that begat thee thou art unmindful and hast forgotten him that formed thee Isaiah 1.2 3. I have nourished and brought up children but they have rebelled against me The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass his Masters crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider Luk. 17.18 Of the ten Lepers that were cleansed but one returned to give thanks And as prayer is Our duty so it is branded as Atheistical and shews that a man saith in his heart there is no God that he calls not upon the Lord Psal 14.4 And we are not to call upon any other but Him Not Angels for so the Angel forbad S. John Rev. 22.9 See thou do it not I am thy fellow servant Not Saints for Isaiah 63.16 Abraham is ignorant of us and Israel acknowledges us not And as we are to put our whole trust in God so distrustfulness was the Israelites sin Psal 78.19 Can God prepare a table in the wilderness Behold He smote the rock indeed that the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed but can he give bread also Can He provide flesh And therefore Our Saviour cautions us against this Matth. 6.25 Take no thought no distrustful thought for your life what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink or wherewithall ye shall be clothed ver 32. your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of all these things And so are we forbidden trusting in any other things whether in wants or dangers Not in horses or chariots Psal 20.7 Not in Princes Psal 118.8 Not in any Son of man Psal 146.3 Not in bow or shield Psal 44.6 Not in our riches Prov. 11.28 Not in ourselves Prov. 18.26 We are also warned to take heed of all irreverent use of Gods word Luk. 8 18. Take heed how you hear Prov. 13.13 Whoso despiseth Gods word shall be destroyed And of his Sacraments ● Cor. 11.27 Whoso eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks damnation to Himself not discerning the Lords Body And his House the Church For 1 Cor. 11.22 What have ye not houses to eat and drink in or despise ye the Church of God And of his Titles and Revenues what is set apart for Holy Uses and for the maintenance of his Ministers For the Prophet Malachi saith chap. 3.8 that to defraud or alienate them is to rob God or to abuse his Ministers or not to hearken to and obey them Luk. 10.16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me And then for taking Gods Name in vain by vain or false Swearing Cursing or Blaspheming the letter of the Commandment is express and innumerable Texts speak terribly to all that are guilty thereof To name but one or two I will bring the Curse saith the Lord of hosts by his Prophet Zechariah 5.4 and it shall enter into the house of him that sweareth falsly by my Name and shall remain in the midst thereof and consume it with the Timber thereof and with the stones thereof And one Text in Deut. 28.58 59. may serve instead of all other Texts If thou wilt not observe to fear this great and glorious Name The Lord thy God Then will the Lord make thy plagues great and wonderful and the plagues of thy seed even great plagues and of long continuance and sore sicknesses and of long Continuance In short our Saviour explains this Commandment to forbid not only perjury or false swearing but also swearing vainly and in our ordinary talk and Communication and swearing by any other but God For an Oath is a Divine Honour Mat. 5.33 34 37. Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self But I say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven nor by the Earth c. But let your Communications be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil and so much also of the third Commandment Q. What are the duties required by the fourth Commandment A. To serve him truly as in his Solemn days of Worship so all the days of my life Q. Which are those Solemn days of Worship wherein we are especially to serve God A. The Lords day and days set apart for Humiliation and Thanksgiving the Feasts and Fasts of the Church Q. Which is the Lords day A. The First day of the week observed by Christians because of Christs Resurrection upon it as the Seventh day was by the Jews in memory of the Creation Catechist We are assured both by Scripture and the Churches Histories that the First day of the week was after Christs Resurrection and in memory thereof observed by the Christians for all the Holy Offices as the Seventh day Sabbath was by them under
prove it Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your Souls as they that must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you And so must servants obey and submit to their Masters in all lawful commands 1 Pet. 2.18 Servants be subject to your Masters without fear not only the gentle but also the froward And lastly All men must behave themselves lowly and reverently to all their betters in age estate or quality them that be elder either in higher Rank or Condition For this it is that will preserve order peace and good will amongst men And I shall only here give you the Text for reverencing the aged even in Gods own Law Lev. 19.32 Thou shalt rise up to the hoary head and honour the old man I am the Lord. Many more Texts might I have cited for each duty to these Relations but for brevities sake I must let these suffice beseeching you to let them sink and root in your hearts for the regulating your whole conversations in this world Now you will much better know these your duties required in this Commandment if you can well learn what the particular sins contrary to those duties are which are forbidden by this Commandment and those of both parties in these several Relations for though the one only is expressed yet doubtless the other are implied First then Q. What are the sins of Children against this Commandment A. Their despising of their parents in their hearts or their irreverence or disobedience to them in their behaviours or not relieving nor helping them when they fall into want or sickness Catechist All which God knows are too much to be seen in divers Children but for which no doubt they must at last find the effects of Gods terrible curse Deut. 27.16 It is threatned expressly to all Despisers of their parents but doubtless extends to all irreverence Undutifulness and Disobedience Cursed be he that setteth light by his father and mother To which all the people shall say Amen Prov. 1.8 My Son hear the instructions of thy Father and forsake not the law of thy Mother For chap. 15.5 A fool despiseth his Fathers Instruction And see how he threatens such a man chap. 30.17 The eye that mocketh at his Father and despiseth to obey his Mother The Ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young Eagles shall eat it And mark it it is one of the Abominations foretold of the last and perillous times Men shall be Despisers of parents As for not succouring them or childrens not relieving their parents in need when and as they are able you cannot but know that it was for this that our Saviour rebuked the Pharisees most sharply Mar. 7.11 They taught men to neglect their parents in necessity so that they did but consecrate that to pious Uses to the Corban wherewith they should relieve them And so under pretence of piety it is said they suffered no man to do ought for his parents and thereby made the Commandment of God of none effect through their own Traditions Q. On the other hand what are the sins of parents A. Not providing for their Children or bringing them up in idleness and ungodliness Catechist You have the parents duty to provide for their childrens sustenance in our Saviours argument Luk. 11.11 If a son ask bread of his father will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a Scorpion And the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 12.14 Children lay not up for their parents but parents for their children All men do this by the Law and instinct of nature And therefore he saith 1 Tim. 5.8 If any man provide not for his own He is worse than an Infidel It is true some men are in the other extreme taking immoderate care and using unjust means to enrich their families yet still all Unthrifts that piss against the walls all their earnings and through carelessness and profuseness let their children and families starve and fall into beggary are great sinners and so great that the Apostle censures them as worse than Heathens or Infidels But above all parents had need to be diligently taught that great duty of Godly education of their Children and their miscarriages shall aggravate the parents damnation if it be for want of bringing them up in the Nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6.4 Q. What are the sins of subjects against Kings and Magistrates A. Contemning disobeying or rebelling against the King or those that are in Authority under him Catechist What a sin it is to despise or Contemn the King or his Magistrates may be seen by the strictness of the precepts Exod. 22.28 Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor curse the Ruler of thy people Eccl. 10.20 Curse not the King no not in thy thought for the bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter As for disobedience and Rebellion we have terrible examples of Gods vengeance for it in Corah and his Company in Absalom and Sheba and as terrible a Commination to all that tread in their steps Rom. 13.2 Whosoever resisteth the powers resisteth the or dinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation Q. What then are the sins of Kings and Men in Authority A. Not making good Laws or not executing them for the punishment of evil doers and the encouragement of them that do well Catechist For this is Gods declared end in raising up Kings and Magistrates 1 Pet. 2.14 That they may be Ministers of God saith St. Paul Rom. 13.3 for good to them that are good encouraging them in well doing but not bearing the sword in vain may be a terrour to evil doers Which also is well expressed in his Direction what to pray for in their behalf 1 Tim. 2.2 That under them we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty Which thing they can never perform any other way than by making good Laws and impartial putting them in execution and therefore not doing either of these is their sin against this Commandment Q. What are the peoples sins against their Teachers piritual Pastors and Ministers A. Despising them witholding their Dues or resisting or rejecting their Doctrine or Government causelessly Catechist Remember I pray you Abrahams answer to Dives in hell interceding for his brethren on Earth That one might be sent to them from the dead to warn them lest they should also come into those terments They have Moses and the Prophets that is such as teach their Doctrine If they will not hear them neither will they believe though One should rise from the dead As for withholding the Ministers dues titles or maintenance it is enough that the Prophet Malachi calls it theft or robbery and that a robbing of God Mal. 3.8 And that there is such a Sin as
their spiritual food not our Bodies with the sensual provisions as the Prophet Isaiah saith 25.6 The Word and Sacraments are feasts of fat things for our souls provided for us in Gods Holy mountain in the Churches or Congregations of his people In this mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things a feast of wine on the lees fat things full of marrow of wine on the lees well refined Q. How are our Souls fed in the Lords Supper A. They are strengthened refreshed or comforted with Christs Body and Blood as truly and really as our Bodies are strengthened and refreshed by Bread and Wine Q. How are our souls so truly and really strengthned in the Lords Supper A. As it assures us of Gods love in Christ the pardon of our sins through the Merits of Christs Death the Grace and Comforts of his Holy Spirit Peace and Union with God and a title to his Eternal Glory Catechist Bread and Wine you know are two chief creatures of God provided for our bodily sustenance Bread to be the staff of Life to strengthen the body Psal 104.15 And Wine to make glad the heart of man to cheer him up as it is expressed Judg. 9.19 whence that of Solomons Mother Prov. 31.6 Give strong drink unto him that is weary and wine unto those that are heavy of heart Now those great benefits we have in the Lords Supper in our Souls in the inner man if we be worthy Receivers For from Christs Body and Blood therein given unto us we have strength that fortifies our Souls against all our spiritual enemies How is that Thus Meditating on Christs dying for us we must think it monstrously Ungrateful and very abominable if we yeild ourselves slaves to those sins which crucified our Dear Saviour Besides we have Gods Holy Spirit hereby as by a Conduit pipe conveyed to our Souls and the graces thereof quickned and increased in us so that we shall be able to do all things all our Duties through Christ strengthning us Phil. 4.13 And then for Refreshment being weary and heavy laden with and deeply sorrowful for our sins as we ought always to be when we come to the Lords Supper Being oppressed under their burdens as too heavy for us to bear Psal 38.4 and the deep sence of Gods wrath and displeasure for them we are in this Blessed Sacrament refreshed with Gods sealing his Covenant and assuring us of their pardon and Remission according to those sweet words of our Saviour Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will refresh you For certainly it is here if any where that we may justly hope to find this Refreshment This cup as our Saviour saith Matth. 26.28 being the blood of the New Testament or of the new Covenant which was shed for many for the Remission of sins And besides In this Sacrament all the promises all the benefits of the new Covenant are ratified and confirmed to us in Christs Blood here represented all the Benefits I say of the Covenant of Grace Justification and Sanctification Grace and pardon and peace Union with God and Christ or with God by Christ Mercy and Salvation These with whatever benefits Christ hath purchased for us by his Death and Passion are here conveyed and made over to all worthy Receivers and therefore well may we say that to partake hereof is for the strengthning and refreshing of our Souls by the Body and Blood of Christ as our bodies are strengthned and refreshed by the Bread and Wine To the last Question then in your Catechism there is nothing more requisite to assure us of all these great benefits but only our being rightly qualified for it I therefore ask you first in the words of your Catechism and then desire a more particular account from you of the several lessons taught you in it Q. What is required of them that come to the Lords Supper A. To examine themselves whether they truly repent them of their sins stedfastly purposing to lead a new life to have a lively Faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankful remembrance of Christs death and to be in charity with all men Q. Shall all receive those great benefits that come to the Lords Supper A. Only those that are duly prepared and receive it worthily Catechist This is but a further explanation of what you learnt before that it is the faithful only that do verily and indeed receive Christs body and blood Now here you learn that no promise of Grace or Mercy Remission or Salvation is here made sure to any other but prepared and worthy Receivers Nay to all others as I have said to all that are impenitent in their sins there is threatned not only temporal judgments but also Eternal damnation for for this cause saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 11.30 Many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep that is are stricken with death for this cause that is for eating and drinking unworthily nay ver 29. He that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself not discerning the Lords body Q. How then must you prepare yourselves for the Lords Supper A. By self examination before we come Catechist St. Paul's Text is very plain 1 Cor. 11.28 where he prescribes this remedy to prevent Gods temporal judgments and Eternal damnation by eating and drinking unworthily Let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. Let him prove that is and try himself in what estate he ●s towards God as a man tries gold by the touchstone Q. What things must we especially examine ourselves of A. Of the truth and sincerity of our Repentance new Obedience Faith Thankfulness and Charity Q. May any notorious Customary sinners come to the Lords Supper A. No not without Unfeigned Repentance answerable to their sins Catechist All are invited to come but withall all are directed also to prepare themselves before they come The most wicked wretch is bidden but it is with this caution that he puts on his wedding garment Matth. 22.12 that is of true repentance and all other Graces befitting this Holy Solemnity And he that hath not on him this Wedding garment required by God in Holy Scripture can expect no better entertainment than the Kings challenge of him in the Parable there of the Marriage of his son Friend how camest thou in hither not having a Wedding garment and you should remember that he being speechless that is inexcusable The King commanded his servants saying Bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Q. Will that then excuse mens coming to the Lords Supper that they are not prepared or have not repented A. No it rather aggravates than excuses their sin of not comming while they never endeavour to fit and prepare themselves Catechist Mind Their not Preparing is a sin and their not Coming
by Christs Redemption and the Spirit 's Sanctification A. Only the Holy Catholick Church that is such as in any age or place are called to Faith and Repentance and do evidence the truth of a lively Faith and true Repentance by constant Obedience to Gods Will revealed in his Word Q. What mean you by a Church A. The Company of the Faithful that is such as are called to Faith and Repentance Catechist Neither can the Pope nor any one particular Person upon Earth be truly called the Church For it is a Company a Body consisting of many members And hence Christ calls it a flock though it be a little flock in comparison of the whole world that lyes in wickedness Luk. 12.32 Fear not little flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom And St. Peter 2 Ep. 2.9 useth these Plural and Collective words calling the Church a chosen generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy nation a peculiar people Caetus Vocatorum It is a Company of called ones such as are called out of the world to forsake its sinful ways and Customs to profess Repentance from dead works and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ Of which calling S. Paul saith 2 Tim. 1.9 They are called with an Holy calling Rom. 1.7 Called to be Saints In a word 2 Thes 2.13 They are called as well as chosen to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the Truth Q. What signifies this word Catholick A. It is a Greek word and is as much as Universal Q. What mean you by believing the Church to be Catholick or Vniversal Q. That Gods Church is not now confined to any one place or people as it was under the Old Testament but all that are called in any Age or Place are now of the Catholick Church being United into one Mystical body Catechist Under the Old Testament Psal 76.1 2. In Judah was God known His name was great in Israel Jerusalem was his Tabernacle and his dwelling place was in Sion Psal 147.19 10. He shewed his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgments unto Israel He dealt not so with any Other nation neither had the Heathen knowledge of his Law But now under the Gospel or New Testament The partition wall between Jew and Gentile being by Christs Death broken down Both are become one sheepfold under one Shepherd And according to Gods promise to Christ Ps 2.8 The Heathen are given to him for an Inheritance and the utmost parts of the Earth for a possession So that now Act. 10.34 35. God is no Accepter of persons But in every nation He that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with him And hence S. John saith Rev. 7.9 That he in his vision beheld and loe a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the Lamb clothed with white robes Crying with a loud voice Salvation to our God that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb for ever Q. Who is the Head of this Mystical Body the Catholick Church A. No man living but Christ only Catechist It is pride and presumption in the Pope to claim this Honour which belongs to Christ alone For Eph. 5.23 He alone is Head of the Church who is the Saviour of the Body Col. 1.18 He is the Head of the Body the Church Who is the beginning the first born from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence For it pleaseth the Father that in him all fulness should dwell Q. Hath God always had a Church on Earth A. Yes and will have to the end of the world it can never be destroyed utterly Catechist It was Christs promise to his Disciples and in them to his Church All that through them should afterwards believe in his name To be with them alway to the end of the world Matth. 28.20 And he said Matth. 16.18 Vpon this Rock that is the Truth confessed by St. Peter there That he was the Christ the Son of the Living God upon this rock would he build his Church and the Gates of Hell should not prevail against it i. e. quite destroy or root it out of the world Q. Can any one Church as that of Rome call it self the Catholick Church in opposition to other Churches A. No no more than Rome can be called the whole world Catechist Rome is at the best but one Member of the Catholick Church of Christ and can no more properly be called the Catholick Church than either It or any one Particular place can be called the whole World Q. Is Christs Church always visible upon Earth A. That of sincere Christians is invisible That of all Christian professors is visible Catechist The Church Visible is the Light of the world and a City set upon an Hill which cannot be hid Mat. 5.14 It is alway visible at least to them that are of it and profess Christianity But sometimes it may be so persecuted as to flee like the woman into the Wilderness where she hath a place prepared for her for that time of persecution Rev. 12.6 and then it is not so visible as to be glorious and to prosper and flourish in the eyes of the world Q. Why is Christs Church said to be Holy an Holy Church A. Because of its better part sincere Christians in it and because of its Holy Ordinances and Gods commands and our profession of true Holiness Catechist 1 Pet. 2.9 It is an Holy Nation a peculiar people Rev. 21.2 It 's an Holy City the new Jerusalem Not but that there is a mixture of good and bad godly and prophane in the Church for our Saviour compares the Church which he calls the Kingdom of heaven Matth. 13.24 to a field wherein tares grow up with the wheat And ver 47. to a draw-net that incloseth both good fish and bad with divers others of the like Nature But the Church is Holy as for its Holy things so because all its members do or should profess Holiness it is a company or Congregation of men who are called with an holy calling or Vocation 2 Tim. 1.9 For every man that nameth the name of Christ or on whom the name of Christ is called being called Christian is bound to depart from Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 Q. But who then are they that are truly Holy A. Such as believe aright and live answerably such as evidence the truth of a lively Faith and Unfeigned Repentance by constant Obedience to Gods Will revealed in his Word Catechist So I have often told you for St. James 2.18 saith Shew me thy Faith by thy works And he there argues it at large that good Works of Obedience are the only things that can evidence a mans Faith to be true and alive and not dead or no better than that Faith of Devils who believe and tremble Q. What duties doth our believing the Holy Catholick Church oblige us all to
A. Carefully to practice Holiness ourselves and by all means to take heed of Schisms Divisions and Separations from Gods Church for thereby we shall lose all visible Hopes of Salvation Catechist I therefore a prisoner of the Lord saith the Apostle Eph. 4.1 beseech you that ye walk worthy of the Vocation wherewith ye are called with all lowliness and meekness endeavoring to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of peace that is Unity in Spiritual things For as he goes on argumentatively There is one Body and one Spirit one Faith one Lord one Baptism One God and Father of all All which Ones the Apostle argueth should oblige us to be One to keep fast the Unity and by no means to separate from the one Body the Church And indeed to divide from the one Church and fall into Schisms is a sort of renouncing this Article of our Creed I Believe the one Catholick Church We cannot verily heartily believe this unless we follow the Apostles Rule Rom. 16.17 I beseech you Brethren Mark them which cause Divisions among you and avoid them And need we had to do so for there is great Truth in the old saying Out of the Church no Salvation for it is Gods way to add to the Church not to divide from it those that shall be saved Act. 2.47 Now after the Church let us consider the priviledges and promises wherewith this Church is enriched Q. What are the Churches grand priviledges A. Two in This life and two in the life To come Q. Which be those two in This Life A. The Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of sins Q. Which be those two in the Life To come A. The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting Catechist And surely it hugely concerns you to understand each of these things well and distinctly To which purpose for the Communion of Saints in the first place I ask you Q. What do you mean by Saints A. The members of Christs Church who being in part holy here shall be perfect Saints hereafter in heavenly glory Catechist Saints is as much as Holy Ones And all the members of the Church called to be Saints Rom. 1.7 For they are called unto Holiness 1 Thes 4.7 It is their duty and profession to follow Holiness Heb. 12.14 and to go on to perfect Holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 For being redeemed by Christ and delivered from the hands of their enemies it is that they may serve God without fear in Holiness and Righteousness before him all the days of their lives Luk. 1.75 Q. With whom have those Saints Communion A. With the Blessed Trinity as Sons of God by Faith and prayer and with one another in all Ordinances of piety and all Offices of Charity as Brethren Catechist That which we have heard and seen saith S. John 1 Ep. 1.3 We declare unto you that ye may have fellowship with us and truly Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ With these the Saints have fellowship and Communion by all Acts of Faith and Love and all Holy affections and in Gods Holy Ordinances as in divers instances so particularly in that God and Christ Communicates to them the riches of his Blessings Mercies and Consolations through the merits of Christ and they acquaint him with all their wants and troubles and necessities trusting in him And as for that fellowship they have with one another it consists in divers particulars as to name some They Sympathize with and have a fellow feeling of one anothers miseries sufferings and afflictions as fellow members one of another 1 Cor. 12.26 Whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honoured all the members rejoyce with it Rom. 12.15 They rejoyce with them that rejoyce and weep with them that weep They pray continually and praise God for each others welfare saying Our Father c. And what Gifts and Blessings any one enjoyeth He readily and willingly imployes and Communicates them for supply relief and helping others that want them whether Wisdom Wealth or Power Q. What is our duty as Believers of this Communion of Saints A. To hold fast this Communion that we may receive and impart the Benefits of Gods Mercies and each others Gifts and to take heed of all causeless separations from Gods Church or one another in matters of Faith Worship and Charity Catechist I beseech you good Children learn these lessons and lay them up in your hearts that you may walk steadily and not waver in your Holy Religion to your lives end If you truly believe the Communion of Saints you must follow the Apostles Exhortation closely 1 Cor. 1.10 I beseech you Brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ That ye all speak the same things and that there be no Divisions amongst you but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the same mind and in the same judgment Phil. 2.1 2. If there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfil ye my joy that ye be like minded having the same love being of one accord and of one mind Let nothing be done through strife c. Take heed of all Breaches of this Communion and of all that would withdraw you from it Rom. 16.17 Mark them that are for making of Schisms and Breaches in Christs Body the Church that cause divisions amongst us and follow them not but avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ whatever they pretend but their own bellies and with good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple To the next Article then Q. What is it to believe the Forgiveness of sins A. That Gods justice is satisfied through the Merits of Christs blood and through them there is mercy and pardon may be obtained for all our sins if we do but heartily repent and forsake them Catechist Psal 130.4 There is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared How comes this to pass through Christ Act. 13.38 Through this man is preached to you forgiveness of sins Upon what account because Matth. 20.28 He gave his life a ransome for us 1 Cor. 15.4 He died for our sins according to the Scriptures He was made sin for us who knew no sin 2 Cor. 5.21 that is a Sacrifice to suffer death for our sins in our stead So hath he purchased a pardon for all sinners that will but accept of it upon the condition upon which it is offered them which I shall choose to express in the words of the Evangelical Prophet Isaiah 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the Vnrighteous man his imaginations and return unto the Lord for he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Q. Who then is it that forgives sins A. God only Catechist A truth directly contrary to the Popish Priests presumption in taking this