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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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2● but the spirite sayth it must be brought whether it would not Here is the victory of the world here is true fayth euerlasting glory Who is he which desireth not to be foūd faithful to his maister And now is the time that euery faithfull seruaunt of Christ hath iust oportunitie to shew himself a glorious soldiour in the Lords sight Now do the Amalachites inuade the true Israelites that the Israelites might with spede be glorified I nede not for want of vnderstāding to admonish you here of but as a willing souldiour in Christ to exhorte you so to runne as you may get the victory and that spedely with vs. A man that is bydde to a glorious feast wysheth hys frend to go with him and to be partaker therof God doth call me most vnworthye among other to drinke of the bridecup of his sonne wherby we shal be made worthy as many of our brethren haue bene before vs to sit at the ryght hand and at the left hand of Christ O what vnspeakeable conditiō is that may any worldly thing stay vs frō the desire thereof Since we seke the kyngdome of God why do we not apprehende it being so nere offred vnto vs Let vs approche nere vnto God and god wil drawe nere vnto vs. God drawe vs after hym that we may all runne after the sauoure of hys sweete oyntmentes Christ annoynt vs that we may be suppled in these euil dayes to runne lyghtly vnto the glory of the lord Shame imprisonment losse of goodes and sheeding of our blood be the iust price which we must willingly bestow for the same Wherfore dearly beloued in the Lorde let not the great charges kepe you backe from bying this glory for the reward is ten thousand told greater thā the price That you haue maried a wife whom God blesse I can not excuse you from this marte but you must bring your wife for a vsurye to the Lord whose pleasure is in godlye yokefellowes I wishe you to be as I am excepte these horrible bandes but yet most comfortable to the spirite assuring vs that we are made worthy through Christ of the kingdome for the which we suffer Praysed be the Lord for the afflictiō which we suffer he geue vs strength to continue to the ende Cōmende me to M. Heath and tel him that I would wishe hym with me to proue how apt he is to cary the crosse of Christ I pray for his continuance in Christ as for myne owne Commend me to his wife and to Maistres Hall certefiyng them that I am broughte to the gates of hell that I mighte neuer enter into the same but bee raysed vppe from hell to heauen through the word that sanctifyeth vs. Commend me to M. Elsinge his wife and thanke them that they remembred to prouide me some ease in prison and tel them that though my Lords Colehouse be but very blacke yet it is more to be desyred of the faythful then the Queenes palace God make her a ioyful mother and preserue them both to the comforte of Gods people Thus for this time farewel deare brother Written in post hast bicause of straite keping This day I loke to be called before the commissioners againe Pray deare brother for the spirite of wisedome to remaine with me Cōmende me to your wife I thanke you both for your tokēs Your token I haue sent to your wife my tokē vnto you is my faythful hart with this letter Cōmend me to al my frendes tel them I thanke God I am chereful in Christ wishing them to feare god more then mā and to learne to despise earnestly the vanities of this world desiring you al to pray for me that I may ende my iourney with fidelitie Amen Iohn Philpot. To Maister Robert Glouer prisoner in Couentrye for the mayntenaunce of Gods Gospel THe knowledge of god which hath illightned your mynde with the true religion of Christ and now doth in the beginning of darkenes shine in you to the cōmendation of your true faith to the strēgthning of many weake brethren remain with you to the ende through the mighty operatiō of the holy ghost Amē It is a singular comfort to the afflicted flock of Christ to behold such as haue bene ministers and professours of his truth in religiō to stand in the same that in the tyme of persecution whē as the same may not be abidden by before the face of the ryche mighty in this world to be preached without present daūger So Paule willeth Timothe both in season out of season to be earnest in sowing the worde And praysed be God that we here in prison for the testimony therof doe heare of your diligence in this behalfe which cease not to do the office of an Euangeliste although it be with daūger of afflictiō Such faythful ministers be to be honoured that do submitte their own heades to peril for the loue of the gospel Such Christ wil acknowledge and confesse before his father in heauen that they are those which haue biddē with him in temptations ▪ therefore shall eate and drinke with him at his table in the kingdome of heauen I thought it therfore my dutie at the motion of this bearer albeit I haue no bodily acquaintance with you to exhort you as s Paul willeth vs to exhort one an other as long as we are in this life boldly to continue in this good necessary worke of the Lord specially in these euil daies in the which Sathan rageth against the church of Christ daily imprisoneth and robbeth the members therof for their faythfull testimonye and be you assured he will not leaue you vntouched for aboue all other he seeketh to suppresse the good ministers of the woorde for they bee such as haue destroyed his kingdome but you muste not for feare of his odious and tedious assaultes withdraw your selfe from your vocation but rather prouoke him by your constant profession to do his worst knowing that the same shall turne vnto you to the best euen to the crowne of your glory There is none crowned but suche as holde out to the gole end and therefore our sauiour Christ sayth in the gospell Beatus qui perseuerat vsque in finem You rūne wel god is praysed therin the afflicted church much comforted by so faythfull a captayne runne out therfore as I doubt not you wil and feare nothing of that you shall suffer for your laboure for if you be faythful vnto death you shal assuredly haue the reward of eternal lyfe Many go on wel til they come to the pikes and then they turne their backes and geue ouer in the plaine field to the shame of Christ and his church that hath so faynte harted soldiours in his host at the time of nede in that which his glory ought most māfully to be shewed I done not but you haue alredy cast the price of thys your building of the house of god that it is
you the most swete and heauēly consolations of the holy ghost To him therfore who is able to do exceding aboūdātly aboue al that euer we can desire or thinke I do most hartely cōmit you with al the rest of your godly prison fellowes who comfort strengthen and defend you wyth hys grace and mighty operatiō of his holy spirit as he hath he therto done that you hauing a most glorious victory ouer the suttle Serpēt and all his wicked sede may also receiue the crown of glory immortalitie prepared for you before the foūdations of the world wer laid is so surely kept for you in the hands of him whose promise is vnfaflible that the Deuill sinne death or hell shall neuer be able to depriue you of the same The blessyng of God be with you now and for euermore Amen Pray pray pray for me Your owne for euer Iohn Careles ¶ To my derely beloued in the lord Mystres A. K. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the helpe comfort and assistaunce of his most pure and holy spirite be wyth you my moste deare Syster to the performaunce of that he hath so graciously begon in you that it maye be to hys glory the profit of hys churche and your eternall comfort in hym Amen As I am ryght sory at my poore hart O worshipfull Matrone that any afflictiōs or passiōs of heauines should trouble your godly and louing hart vnto the which I wish vnfainedly all godly ioye quietnes euē so am I glad and geue god most harty thankes that he of hys great goodnes hath vsed me poore wretched miser by any meanes to be an occasion of the increase of your godlye mirthe and gladnes But O my good and faithfull Syster I see wherabout you go You play wyth me as a good louyng mother doth with her vnwilling child When it dothe any thyng at her desyre she prayseth it and maketh her selfe glad therof that it maye take courage to do better and be more willing against an other tyme. Euen so do you right reuerend Matrone make your selfe glad of my symple doinges to comforte encourage me to cōtinue in that which is good and to grow and go forwarde willingly in the same God for Christes sake geue me hys grace that in all thinges I maye satisfye your godly expectation that I may do some honour to hys heauenly doctrine And as you haue greatly comforted me with your most godly and louyng letter euen so I beseche you to assiste me with your faythful and harty praier as I dout not but you do for I feele the present helpe therof praised be God therfore God make me thankeful for you my deare Syster and also mindfull of my duetye towardes you all other the lordes elect children Ah my deare and faithfull hart in the Lorde how much and how depely am I bound to prayse god for you and to geue hym thankes day and night on your good behalfe Oh happy are you that euer you were borne the God wil so mightely be magnified in you O blessed woman that so surely beleuest and hast so plentifully tasted of gods holy spirit that out of thy wōbe doe flow the ryuers of the water of lyfe to whō god hath made manifest that myght of his meruelous mercy and hath geuen consolatiō in the same so that you are able of your own good experiēce to comfort others in all their afflictions which thyng I can wytnes I praise god therfore in that I do depely tast fele of the same God for christes sake recompence the same all other your good doinges seuen folde into your bosome as I doute not but he wil do according to hys promise God make me suche a one as you report me to be that my frutes might take suche effect as you speake of But alas I am a great horrible most greuous sinner therefore I feare me god be angry with me for presuming to take his word in my mouth God hide my sinnes from the sight of the world that I be not a slaūder to his truth But it is you O dere daughter of Abrahā whiche doe so loue liue the gospel that I other are more confirmed in the truth therof by your good example God hath at thys day in hys poore afflicted church a sort of worthy women which do him and his such seruice as is acceptable in hys sight I speake of experience I prayse god therfore and not to the ende to flatter you or any other the lord is my witnes God for my sinnes hath taken from me the companye of godly learned men to my great grief and heauy discomfort but of his great goodnes mercy he doth supply my spiritual lacke by the good ministery of godly vertuous womē Of which faithful labourers in the gospel whose names are writē in the boke of life my derely beloued Sister you are not the least The lord be thāked for you blessed be the time that euer I knew you for your loue faithful amity is to me a sure signe seale of gods loue mercy Oh dere lord what am I vpon whō thou shouldest vouchsafe to shew such great tokens of thine inestimable loue kindnes Oh faithful father forgeue me my great ingratitude sinnes Oh let me be no lōger negligent in doing my duty towardes thy dere childrē whiche thou haste lincked in loue wyth me knitting oure hartes together in a perfecte bonde of Christian charitye wherby all men may see that we are thy Disciples O my good Syster I would you knewe what ioy cōfort I doe fele in my good christ at this presēt houre God make you partaker of the same for this which I haue partly commeth by you whom god hath vsed as his good instrumēt therto And where as you do most godly counsell me with S. Peter 1. Pet. 5 to cast all my care vpon the Lorde and to be careles not only in name but also in effecte specially in respecte of hym for whose sake I do suffer and the syncere truth which I do professe I thanke you hartely for your most godly and comfortable exhortation and I entend by gods grace to folow the same as farreforth as he shall assist me with his holy and mighty spirit wythout the which I can neither take things patiently neither reioyce vnder the crosse as I ought for to do Oh what great cause haue I to reioyce be glad the god of his great mercy infinit goodnes wil count me worthy to suffer for hys sake to beare hys swete crosse wherwyth he doth meruelously begynne to fashion me into hys owne similitude and likenes that in his glory I maye bee like him also Oh how wel may I be Careles in dede as wel as in name seyng that I haue cast my care vpon the lord hymself who I am ryght well assured by fayth careth for me hath committed me to christes safe custody which
the greate daye I haue founde great kyndnes of you God recompence you and therefore dutye doth bind me and loue doth compel me to call crye vnto you to come away from that filthy whore of Babilon and bie no more of her wicked wares Meddle not with her marchaundyse at thys market tyme of Easter for verelye her synne is alreadye ascended vppe into heauen and hath also procured Gods plagues and vengeaunce shortlye to be poured vppon her whereof you shall surelye be partakers if you doe not in time repent your backeslidyng shrinking from the Lord. Repent I say repente for the tender mercy of God and haue compassion vppon your owne soules before it bee to late Trulye deare frendes it is nowe no tyme to flatter with you neyther can I laughe at your harme whiche I see to be at hande thoughe it be hydde from your eyes as it was from the Ierosolimitanes when Christe wepte full bytterly at their merye singing c. It is not the parte of a true harte to laughe with his frend when present peryll is at hande but rather to lament to see hym so merye when he hath more cause to mourne In whiche respecte I am euen constrayned with weepyng teares to call vnto you my deare frendes of London in generall because I will name no person that you may yet take hede know the tyme also of Gods first visitatiō for sure I am that hys seconde is harde at hande Doe not you thinke to flee from hys presence for hys heuye hand will finde you out though you should hyde your selues in the very bottome of hell as the Prophette Dauid sayeth Psal 139 Thinke not then that these Romyshe rockes whereinto you daylye creepe can couer you from hys fearefull face when he shal beginne to cal you to accompte for the talent that he hath lent you It is not that your fayned excuse of feare and fragilitie of the fleshe that shall excuse your follye and flying backe from hym No no you will be euen spechles at that day when euery bodye shall spye howe you haue defyled your maryage gramente wyth the superstitions of the whore of Babilon Apoc. 7. and howe you haue wyth that greate harlotte committed fornication in the body and spirite agaynst your deare husband Christ whiche redemed you neyther with corruptible gold nor siluer 2. Pet. 1. but with hys owne moste precious harte bloode and clensed you in the fountayne of water through his woorde that you myghte bee vnto him selfe a glorious spouse and congregation Eph. 5. withoute spotte or wryncke in hys syghte Then will it appeare in the presence of Aungell man and deuil how lyke dogges you haue tourned to your vomitte agayne and as filthye swyne soyled your selues in the popyshe mier pittes and dyrte of the Romyshe dregges Repente therefore I saye agayne repente in tyme and take the earneste warnyng that GOD doth sende you by me his poore messenger willyng you to turne vnto hym before it be to late But peraduenture you will saye as the gestes dyd that were fyrst bidden to the feaste you can not so easelye forgoe your farmes your cattell goodes and landes your wyues and children c. O my deare frendes for the Lords sake lay awaye these vayne yea wicked excuses for verelye God wil in no wise accepte them Consider for Christes sake your duty towardes God in these daungerous daies Math. 3. wherin the Lorde is willing to trye the chaffe from the good corne and to purge hys store with his fanne that is his crosse that he may bring the wheate into his barne and burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyer You are called vnto a kyngdome that must be wonne with suffering on euery side Into the which you must also enter as S. Paule sayth through many tribulations temptations and afflictions Act. 14. in that whiche you must trauell as straūgers pilgrimes in thys wretched world which is not our natiue countrey nor the place where we must rest for euer Oh thē learne to leaue all things willingly that you do here possesse and lift vp your mindes alwayes to the heauenly habitation where you shal continually remaine in ioyes vnspeakeable Repose not your felicitie in the pelfe of this world which shortly shal perish come to nought but set your harts ioy vpon the liuing god who in Christ for his sake hath geuen him self wholy to be your portion and inheritance for euer therefore of ryght ought you with gladnes to geue your selues wholy vnto him both in body and soule But that do you not so long as you seeke to serue two Maisters Math. 6. which yet you can not do as Christe affirmeth though you cloke colour and counterfeite neuer so much Do you thinke it but a smal thing for the Lord god hym selfe euen the mightye Iehouah to geue him selfe wholye to be your owne good God and moste deare louing father Do you thinke it but a light matter that he hath geuen for you euē to the death of the crosse his own onely dere sonne Iesus Christ in whō was is all his whole pleasure delite yea and that whē you were his very enemies by the whiche gift he hath geuen you al thinges both in heauen in earth Do you esteme it but a trifle that he hath geuē you the holy ghost by whose power mighty operation you are made the very sonnes of god and coheyres annexed with Christ of al your fathers goods and possessions But peraduenture you will aske me who doth not seriouslye regard all these aforesayde most precious giftes Verely I say that none of you al doth regard thē that do not wholye geue ouer your selues agayne to serue him yea and that in suche holynesse ryghteousnesse as is accepted before hym For if you did dulye consider the depthe of hys aboundaunte bottomeles loue and mercye in Iesus Christe you woulde so loue hym agayne that you woulde boldly burste out and saye with S. Paule who is he or what is it that shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God in Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 8. Read the whole Chapter and the .11 and .12 to the Hebrewes for your comfort But I knowe that some of you wyll saye doth none loue god and serue hym trulye but such as lye in pryson or geue their liues for hys sake Then God helpe vs for verye fewe shal be saued In dede deare frends euē so our sauiour christ doth say Math. 22. Math. 7. Luk. ●2 many are called but fewe are chosen and straite is the gate that leadeth to lyfe and fewe finde it And in an other place Christ calleth his true Church a little flocke And as concerning the fyrst parte of your question Christe doth also make you a playne direct answere saying that whosoeuer will be hys Disciple Math. ●6 must nedes take vp hys crosse follow him And againe he that
hands but to serue God and to do you good hearken what I saye I say vnto you Gala. 3 as S. Paule sayth to the Galathians I wōder my Lordes what hath bewitched you that ye so sodenly are fallen from Christ vnto Antichrist from Christes gospel vnto mens tradicions from the Lord that bought you vnto the bishop now of Rome I warne you of youre perill be not deceyued except you will be found willingly consenters vnto your owne death For if ye thinke thus we are lay mē this is a matter of religion we follow as we are taught and led if our teachers and gouernors teache vs and leade vs amysse the faulte is in them they shall beare the blame my Lordes this is true I graunte you that both the false teacher the corrupt gouernour shal be punished for the death of theyr subiect whome they haue falsely taught and corruptly led yea his blood shall be required at theyr handes but yet neuerthelesse shal that subiect dye the death himself also Ezech. 3 Luke 6 that is he shal also be dampned for his own sinne for if the blind leade the blind Chryst sayth not the leader only but he sayth both shall fall in the ditche Shall the Sinagoge and the Senate of the Iewes trow ye which forsooke Christe and consēted to his death therfore be excused bicause Annas Cayphas with the Scribes and Phareseis and theyr clergy did teach them amisse yea also Pilat theyr gouernour and the Emperours Lieuetenāt by his tirāny did without cause put him to death Forsoth no my lords no. For notwithstanding that corrupt doctrine or Pilates washinge of hys hands neither of both shal excuse either that Sinagoge Seigniorye or Pilate but at the Lordes hand for the effusion of that innocentes bloud on the latter day all shall drinke of the deadly whyp ye are witty and vnderstand what I meane Therfore I will passe ouer thys and returne to tell you howe ye ar● fallen frō Christ to hys aduersary the byshop of Rome And least my Lords ye may peraduenture think thus barely to cal the byshop of Rome Christs aduersary or to speake it in playne termes to call hym Antichrist that it is done in mine anguish and that I do but rage and as a desperate mā do not care what I say or vpon whom I do rayle therfore that your Lordships may perceiue my mynd and therby vnderstand that I speake the wordes of truth and of sobrietye as S. Paule sayd vnto Festus be it known vnto your Lord shyps all that as concerning the byshop of Rome Actes 26. I nether hate the person nor the place For I ensure your Lordships the liuing lord beareth me witnesse before whom I speake I do thinke many a good holy manne manye martyrs and Saynts of god haue sitte taught in that place Christs gospel truly which therfore iustly may be called Apostolici that is true disciples of thapostles also that church cōgregatiō of Christians Apostolike church yea that certayn hundreth yeares after the same was fyrst erected and builded vpon Christe by the true Apostolicall doctrine taughte by the mouthes of the Apostles them selues If ye wil know how long that was and how many hundreth of yeres to be curious in poyntinge the precise number of yeres I will not be to bold but thus I say so long so many hundreth yeres as that Sea did truly teach and preach that gospel that religiō exercised that power ordered euery thyng by those lawes and rules whiche that Sea receyued of the Apostles and as Tertullian sayth the Apostles of Christ and Christ of God so long I saye that Sea myght wel haue bene called Peter Paules chair and Sea or rather Christs chair the bishop therof Apostolicus or a true disciple successoure of the Apostles a minister of Christ But synce the time that that Sea hath degenerated from the trade of truth and true religion the which it receyued of the Apostles at the begynnyng and hath preached a nother Gospel hath set vp an other religiō hath excercised an other power and hath taken vpon it to ordre and rule the church of Christe by other straunge lawes Cannons and rules then euer it receiued of the Apostles or the Apostles of Christ which thinges it doth at this daye hath continued so doynge alas alas of to to long a time Synce the time I say that the state condition of that Sea hath thus bene chaunged in truthe it oughte of duty and of ryght to haue the names chaūged both of the Sea of the sitter therein For vnderstande my Lordes it was neyther for the priuilege of the place or person therof that that Sea and bishop therof were called Apostolike but for the true trade of Christes Religion which was taught and mainteyned in that Sea at the fyrste and of those godly men And therfore as truly iustly as that Sea thē for that true trade of religion consanguinity of doctrine with the religion docrtne of Christes Apostles was called Apostolike so as truly and as iustly for the contrariety of religiō diuersity of doctrine frō Christ and his Apostles that Sea and the byshop therof at this day both ought to be called and are in dede Antichristian The Sea is the seate of Sathan and the bishoppe of the same that maynteineth the abhominations thereof is Antichriste himselfe in deede And for the same causes this Sea at thys daye is the same whiche Saynte Iohn calleth in his reuelacion Apoc. 17 Apo. 11. Babilon or the whore of Babilon and spirituully Sodoma and Egyptus the mother of fornications and of the abhominations vppon the earthe And with thys whore doth spiritually mell and lieth with her and cōmitteth most stinking and abhominable adultry before god all those kinges and Princes yea all nations of the earth which do consent to her abhominations vse or practise the the same that is of the innumerable multitude of them to reherse some for example sake her dispensations her pardons and Pilgrimages her inuocation of sayntes her worshipping of images her false counterfayte religion in her monkerye and frerage and her traditions whereby Goddes lawes are defiled as her massing false ministring of Gods word and the sacrementes of Christ cleane cōtrary to christs word and the Apostles doctrine whereof in particularity I haue touched somthing before in my talk had with the Sea of Lōdon in other treatises more at large wherein if it shal please god to bring the same to light it shal appeare I trust by gods grace plainly to the man of god and to hym whose rule in iudgemēt of religion is gods word that that religiō that rule and order that doctrine faith whiche this whore of Babilon and the beast whereupon she doth syt mayntaineth at thys day withal violence of fyre sword Apo. 17. Daniel 7. with spoile and banishment according
the present tyme appeareth not pleasaunt but payneful but afterward it rendreth the fruit of ryghtuousnes on them whiche are exercised in it Wherfore let vs be of good chere good brethren and let vs pluck vp our feble members that were fallen or began to fainte harte handes knees and all the rest and let vs walke vprighte and straighte that no lymping nor haultyng bryng vs out of the way Let vs looke not vpon the thinges that be presente but with the eyes of our fayth let vs stedfastlye beholde the thynges that bee euerlastyng in heauen and so choose rather in respect of that which is to come with the chosen members of Christ to beare christes crosse then for this short life time to enioy all the riches honors and pleasures of the broad world Why shoulde we christians ferre death Can death depryue vs of Christ which is all our comforte our ioye and our lyfe Nay forsothe But contrary deathe shall delyuer vs from thys mortall bodye whyche lodeth and beareth downe the Spirite 2. Cor 5. that it can not so well perceyue heauenly thinges in the whiche so long as we dwell we are absent from God Wherfore vnderstandyng oure state in that we be christians that yf our mortall bodye whiche is oure earthlye house were destroyed we haue a building 2. Cor. 5 a house not made wyth handes but euerlastyng in heauen c therefore we are of good cheare and knowe that when we are in the bodye we are absente from God for we walke by faythe and not by cleare syghte Neuerthelesse we are bolde and hadde rather be absent from the bodye and presente wyth God wherfore we stryue whether we be presente at home or absent abroad that we may always please hym And who that hath true faith in our sauiour Christ whereby he knoweth somewhat truly what Christ our Sauiour is that he is the eternal sonne of God lyfe lyght the wisdome of the father all goodnes al rightuousnesse and whatsoeuer is good that hart can desire yea infinite plēty of al these aboue that that mans hart can eyther conceyue or thynke for in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the godhead corporally and also that he is geuen vs of the father and made of God to be our wisdome 1. Cor. 1. our rightuousnes our holines and our redemptiō who I say is he that beleueth this in dede that would not gladly be with his maister Christ Phili. 1. Paule for this knowlege coueted to haue bene losed from the body and to haue bene with Christ for that be counted it much better for himselfe had rather to be losed than to liue Therfore these wordes of Christ to the thiefe on the crosse that asked of him mercy were full of comfort and solace this daye thou shalt be with me in paradise Luke 23. To dye in the defence of Christes gospell it is oure bounded duety to Christ and also to our neyghbor To Christ Rom. 9 1. Iohn 3. for he died for vs rose again the he might be lord ouer all And seyng he dyed for vs we also saieth S. Iohn shoulde ieopard yea geue our lyfe for our bretherne And this kynd of geuyng and losyng is gettyng and wynnyng in deede for he that geueth or loseth his lyfe thus getteth and wynneth it for euermore Apo. 14. Blessed are they therfore that die in the lorde and if they die in the Lordes cause they are most happy of all Let vs not then feare death which can do vs no harme otherwise than for a momēt to make the flesh to smart but that our faith which is surely fastened and fyxed vnto the worde of god telleth vs that we shall be anone after death in peace in the handes of god in ioy in solace and that from the death we shall go straight vnto life For S. Iohn saith Iohn 11. Iohn 5 he that liueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye And in an other place he shall depart from death vnto life And therfore this death of the christian is not to be called death but rather a gate or entraunce into euerlastynge life Therfore Paule calleth it but a dissolution and resolution and both Peter and Paule 2. Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 5 a puttyng of of this Tabernacle or dwelhouse meanyng thereby the mortal body as wherin the soule or spirit doth dwell here in thys world for a smal time Yea this death may be called to the christian an ende of all miseries For so long as we liue here Actes 14. we must passe through manye tribulations before we can enter into the kyngdome of heauen And now after that death hath shot hys bolt al the christian mans enemies haue done what they can and after that they haue no more to do What coulde hurte or harme poore Lazarus that lay at the ryche mans gate hys former penury and pouerty hys miserable beggerye and horryble sores and sycknes For so soone as deathe had stricken hym with his dart so sone came the angels Luke 16. caried him straight vp into Abrahams bosome What loste he by death who frō misery payne is set by the ministery of Aungels in a place both of ioye and solace Farewell deare brethren farewel and let vs comfort our hartes in all troubles and in death with the word of God for heauen and earth shall perishe but the word of the lorde endureth for euer Farewel christes dearely beloued spouse here wandring in this worlde as in a straunge land farre from thyn own countrey and compassed about on euery hande with deadly enemies which cease not to assaulte thee euer seekyng thy destruction Farewell farewell O ye the whole and vniuersall congregation of the chosen of god here lyuyng vpon earth the true churche militant of Christ the true mysticall bodye of Christ the very household and family of god and the sacred temple of the holy ghost Farewell Farewel O thou little flocke of the hygh heauenly pastor Christ Luke 12 for to thee it hath pleased the heauēly father to geue an euerlastyng and eternall kyngdome Farewell Farewell thou spirituall house of god thou holy and roi all priesthode thou chosen generation thou holye nation thou wonne spouse Fare wel Farewell N. R. ¶ This that followeth which he further wrote concerning his cruell handlyng in the scholes at Oxford also of the condēnation of him O. Cranmer M. Latymer c we would not here omitte though in order in should before haue bene placed next after the preface to his disputation Folio 78. KNow gentle Reader that maister Prollocutour dyd promyse me in the disputations publikely that I should see myne aunswers how they were collected and gathered of the Notaries and that I should haue licence to adde or diminishe to alter or chaunge afterwarde as I should thynke best would make for me to the aunsweryng of the propositions He promised moreouer publikely that I shoulde haue both tyme and
my sister wyth Christ for euer Loke therfore that you continue a faithfull syster as you are called and are godlye entered not onely to me but to all the churche of Christe yea to Christ hymself who voucheth you in this your vnfained faith worthy to be his sister Consider this dygnitye to surmounte all the vayne dignitye of the worlde and let it accordynglye preuayle more wyth you then all earthely delyghtes for thereby you are called to an equall portion of the euerlastyng inheritaunce of Christe yf nowe in no wyfe you doe shewe your selfe an vnnaturall syster to hym in forsakyng hym in trouble whiche I trust you wyll neuer for no kynde of worldly respecte doe You are vnder daungerous temptations to bee turned from that naturall loue you owe vnto Christ and you shall be tryed with gods people through a sieue of greate affliction for so Sathan desyreth vs to be sifted Luke 22 that through feare of sharpe troubles we myght fall from the stablenes of our fayth and so be depryued of that honour ioy and rewarde which is prepared for suche as continue faythfull brothers and systers in the Lordes couenaunte to the ende Therefore the wyse man in the booke of Ecclesiasticus byddeth them that come to the seruice of the Lord to prepare them selues to suffer temptations Synce then that for the glory of God and oure fayth we are called nowe to abyde the bronte of them and that when our aduersarye hathe done all that he can yet we maye be stable and stande thys Christ oure fyrste begotten brother looketh for at oure handes and all our brethren and systers in heauen desyre to see our faythe throughe afflictions to be perfecte that we myghte fulfyll theyr number and the vniuersall churche here militaunte reioyseth at our constancye whome all by the contrarye we shoulde make sorye to the daunger of the losse bothe of bodye and soule Feare not therefore what so euer be threatned of the wycked worlde prepare your backe and see it bee readye to carye Christes crosse And yf you see any vntowardnes in you as the fleshe is continuallye repugnaunte to the wyll of GOD aske wyth faythfull prayer that the good spiryte of GOD maye leade youre synnefull fleshe whether it woulde not Iohn 21 for yf we wyll dwell in the flesh and follow the counsel thereof we shal neuer do the wyll of God neyther worke that tendeth to our saluation You are at thys present in the confynes and of Babilon where you are in daunger to drinke of the whores cup vnlesse you be vigilāt in prayer Take hede the serpent seduce you not from the symplicity of your fayth as he dyd our fyrst mother Eue. Let no worldly felowshippe make you pertaker of iniquitie He that toucheth tarre cannot but be defyled thereby and with such as be peruerse a man shall soone be peruerted with the holy you shall be holy Psa 15. Therfore say continually with the prophet Dauid vnto the sainctes which be on the earth all my will is on them You haue bene sanctifyed and made pure through the truth take hede you be not vnholied and defyled least the laste be worse then the first I write not this bicause I stande in any doubt of your syncere continuance of the which I haue had so good experience but because the dayes be euyl and in the same it is the duty of euery one of vs to exhorte another I am bold to put you my good sister in remēbraunce of that which doth not a litle cōfort me to remember in my troubles daily temptations Wherfore I doubt not you wil take that in good part which commeth from your brother both in spirit and bodye who tendreth your saluation as earnestlye as his owne that we might ioy together eternally with such ioye as the world shall neuer be able to take from vs. Thankes be vnto god you haue begunne to runne a good and greate tyme well in the waies of the lord runne out the race to the ende which you haue begunne and then shall you receyue the crowne of glory None shal be crowned but such as law fully stryueth 2. Tim. 2. Be not ouercome of euyl but ouercome tuill wyth good and the Lord shall make you one of those faythfull virgins that shall followe the Lambe wheresoeuer he goeth Apo. 4. the which Christ graunt both you and me Amen This was for the fyrst fruits of his Archdeaconry wherof al the tyme of his imprisonment he had no commodity and yet his sureties were compelled to pay the same Cōmend me to all thē that loue me in the Lord vnfaynedly God encrease our faith geue vs grace neuer to be ashamed of his gospel That same request which I haue made to my brother Thomas I make also to you desiring you by al meanes you can co accomplish my request that my sureties myghte be satiifyed wyth that is myne owne to the contentation of my mynde whyche cannot be quiet vntill they bee discharged therefore I pray you helpe to purchase quietnes that I myghte departe oute of this worlde in peace My dissolution I loke for daily but the Lord knoweth how vnworthye I am of so high an honour as to dye for the testimony of hys truth Pray that God would vouchsafe to make me worthy as he hath done of long imprisonmente for the which his name be praysed for euer Praye and looke for the comming of the Lord whose wrath is great ouer vs and I wil praye for you as long as I liue The .ix. of Iulye in the Kinges Benche Your owne louyng brother as well in Fayth as in bodye Iohn Philpot. To my deare frende and brother in the Lord. M. Robert Harrington GEntle maister Harrington I can not tel what condigne thankes I maye geue vnto God for you in respecte of that great gentlenes and payn which you haue takē for the relief of me of other our afflicted brethrē in Christ God be praysed for his mercy whose louing prouidēce we haue sene towards vs by such faythful stewards as you haue bene towards a great many Blessed be you of god for the louing care which you haue takē for his pore flocke God hath reserued your reward of thankes in heauē therfore I do not go about to render you any lest I might seme to iudge that you loked for that here which is reserued to a better place I thāke god for that I haue foūd by your faithful diligent industry god forgeue me my vnworthines of so great benefites god geue me grace to serue him faithfully to rūne out my race with ioy Glorious is the course of the martyrs of Christ at thys day Neuer had the elects of god a better time for their glory thē this is now may they be assured vnder the crosse that they are Christs disciples for euer Me thinke I see you desiring to be vnder the same the fleshe draweth backe Iohn
deede the hygh waye whereby as God encreaseth his giftes so sheweth he more linelye hys saluation Psalme 50.107 I haue receaued Gods blessing frō you the which I haue partly distributed vnto my three fellowe prisoners Maister Farer Maister Taylour Maister Philpot and the residue I will bestowe vppon .iiii. poore soules which are imprisoned in the cōmon Iayle for religiō also As for mine own part if I had had nede I would haue serued my turne also But because I had not nor I thanke God haue not I haue beene and will hee your Almner in suche sorte as I haue already aduertised you God rewarde you and geue you to finde it spiritually and corporally Because otherwise I can not talke with you therefore on thys sort as occasion and opportunitie wil serue I am readye to shewe my good will and desire of youre healpe and furtheraunce in the Lorde to euerlasting life whereunto GOD bryng vs shortlye for hys mercyes sake Amen Good Madame bee thankefull to God as I hope you be be earnest in prayer continue in readynge and hearinge Gods woord and if Gods further crosse come as therein God doth serue hys prouidence for elles it shall not come vnto you so bee certayne the same shall tourne to your eternal ioy and comforte Amen Iohn Bradford To the Lady Vane THe euerlasting and most merciful god which is the father of our sauiour Iesus Christ encrease in your ladiship the knowledge loue of hys truth with the gift of perseuerāce to cōtinue therin to the end Amē Albeit at this present I haue no cōuenient leasure to write is shold be semely to send to your personage yet cōsidering your gētle good wil for gods cause towards me I thought I mought be the more bold to write somthing although not in such sort as I would perchaunce on your behalfe might be loked for I doubt not but that your ladiship considereth often with your self the you are the childe of god and a citizen of heauē by Christ in whō God the father before the worlde was made hath chosen you of his own mere mercy and not of your desertes done or to be done That you shoulde with thankefulnes cal this to minde often thereby to excite and stirre vp yourself to the loue of god in his sight and to al holinesse of life in the sight of man many things should moue occasion you iustly as that you were borne of Christen parents that the name of god was called vpon you in baptisme which is a sacrament of regeneratiō and adoption into the children of god with all other benefites which hytherto you haue receaued Amonges which surely your ladiship should not thinke the least euen the crosses that god hath hetherto exercised you with all as the losse of youre good husband landes and other worldly commodities c. But aboue al next to Christ crucifyed this is most thankefully to be considered that god as he hath geuen you pacience I trust in your trouble so in these daungerous dayes he hath geuen you a desire to know him and to helpe them which for hys sake be in trouble for thys I gather and euidentlye see by your twise sending to me which am not otherwise knowen to you but by name I pray god I may be hartely thankeful to him for you and so dispose your benefites as you desyre My best I will doe by gods grace but enough of thys My desire is good Madame although I haue no doubt as I said but that you be diligēt herein that you would oftē call to minde your state before god I meane howe that you be hys childe through Christ and this I would you dyd for diuerse causes Fyrst that you myghte be quiet in conscience before him in this troublesome worlde as we neuer can bee vntill thys be something setled Secondly that you myghte bee carefull to appeare in hys syghte and in the syghte of man as one of Gods children Thyrdly that you myght in all troubles boldelye by prayer throughe Christe goe to hym and cal hym by the name of father with hope of hys helpe alwayes to your comforte Fourthly that you myghte not bee dismayed if trouble come vnto you as it can not be but more or lesse it must needes come for the worlde loueth none but suche as be his the deuill can neuer suffer the children of God to be quiet I will not speake of our mortal and familiar enemye the fleshe which ceaseth not to fyght agaynst the spirite But God your father being hartely called vpon in and through Christ as he will with hys holye spirite helpe you so will he geue you the victorye at the length to your singular comforte Which I pray God you may daily more and more feele Amen From the Kings Benche in hast as appeareth Your Ladiships own in Christ to commaunde Iohn Bradforde To my deare frendes and brethren R. and E. with their wiues and families THe comfort of Christ felte commonly of hys children in their crosse for his sake the euerliuing God worke in both youre hartes my good brethren and in the hartes of bothe your yokefellowes especially of good Mary my good sister in the Lorde Amen If I had not somthing heard of the hazard which you are in for the gospels sake if you continue the profession confession therof as I truste you doe and will doe and that vnto the end God enabling you as he will doubtles for his mercyes sake if you hope in him for this bindeth him as Dauid in Christes person witnesseth our father keped in thee and thou deliuerest them c. Psal 22 yet by coniectures I could not but suppose though not so certainly the tyme of suffering and probation to bee at hande For nowe is the power of darkenesse fullye come vppon this Realme moste iustlye for oure synnes and abusynge the lyghte lente vs of the Lorde to the settynge forthe of oure selues more then of Gods glorye that aswell we myghte bee broughte into the better knowledge of our euilles and so hartely repente which god graūt vs to do as also we might haue more feling sense of our swete sauiour Iesus Christ by the humbling and deiecting of vs therby to make vs as more desirous of him so him more sweete and pleasaunt vnto vs the which thing the good spirite of God woorke sensiblye in all our hartes for Gods holy names sake For thys cause I thoughte it my dutye being now where I haue some libertie to write the Lorde bee praysed and hearing of you as I heare to doe that which I should haue done if I had hearde nothing at all that is to desire you to be of good cheare and comfort in the Lorde although in the worlde you see cause rather to the contrarye and to go on forwardes in the waye of God wherinto you are entred considering that the same can not but so much more and more waxe streite to the outwarde man by howe much
is a good confession of Christ and his verity before the wycked world Oh that you would follow the good example of a great nūber of your godly neighbours which are graciously escaped the snares of Satā are nowe where they serue the Lord with a safe conscience and enioy the right and free vse of hys worde and sacramentes followe them for the lordes sake get you hastely out of Sodom for surely the lorde is vtterlye minded to destroy it Lynger not as Lothe did if you loue your owne liues lest you find not altogether so much mercy at the lordes hands as he did for verely you haue tempted him to farre alredy haue to much despised his long sufferyng leuitie and gentlenes whiche ought to leade you to earnest and hartye repentaunce He hath mercifully forborne you these ij yeres past and more if he fynd no fruite in you shortly make reckening to be pulled vp by the rotes euery mothers sonne of you for the axe is alredy laid at the rote of Englād as it was by the Romains at the roote of the Iewes when Iohn Baptiste began hys preachyng I pray god that we fele not the sharpe stroke of it as they did Pray pray pray and repent in time conuerte to the lord that he may heale your backslidings before your woundes be vncurable I could here say much more but time wil not suffer me I trust this shal be sufficient to al such as haue any sparke of faythe loue or true feare of God As for the rest they are as a point with themselues whatsoeuer any man either write or say thei wil surely dissēble one way or other to saue their pigges yea thoughe they doe but put their names in the Popes bookes Wel yet saye not an other daye but that ye were warned and though it were but by a poore symple man yet it was by him that wisheth wealthe to all youre soules one that in this pointe hath told you the truth and he trusteth shortly you shal see him seale the same wyth his blood through the helpe of the good prayers of all you that truly repēt and mind vnfainedly to turne the lord in time As for the rest I wil pray for them but let them kepe their owne praiers to themselues in goddes name for I wil bee no pertaker wyth them sith I know the same is turned vnto sinne Thus with most harty thankes for all your benefites and manifolde kindnes shewed vnto me my poore brethren beseching god to recompence the same seuen folde into all your bosomes as I doubt not but he wil according to his vnfallible promises I do hartely cōmit you al vnto gods most merciful defēce who euer haue you al in his blessed kepyng Amen The blessyng of God be with you al Amen Your poore daily and most bounden Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lorde in the kinges Bench at all tymes abiding gods moste mercifull will and pleasure Pray for me for gods sake as I will neuer forget you by gods grace To hys VVyfe AS by the great mercye of God at the tyme of hys good wyl and prouidence appointed my dearely beloued wife you and I were ioyned together in the holy and christian state of godly matrimony as well to our great ioye and comfort in Christe as also to the encrease of his blessed churche and faithfull congregation by hauyng lawful children by and in the same with the which God of his mercy hath blessed vs praised be his name therfore euen so now by his merciful wil and deuine ordinaunce the tyme is come so farre as I can perceiue wherin he wyl for his glory and our eternal comfort dissolue the same and separate vs asunder agayne for a tyme. Wherfore I thought it good yea and my bounden duetye by this simple letter to prouoke stirre and admonish you to behaue your self in all your doinges sayinges and thoughtes most thankfully vnto our good God for the same And therefore my deare wyfe as you haue hartely reioyced in the lord oftētimes geuen god thankes for his goodnes in bringing vs together in his holy ordinaunce euen so now I desire you whē thys tyme of our separation shal come to reioyce with me in the lord and to geue him most harty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endles commoditie separated vs agayne for a little time and hathe mercifullye taken me vnto him selfe forth of this miserable world into his celestial kingdom beleuing and hoping also assuredly that God of his goodnes for his sonne Christes sake will shortly bryng you youre dere child●rne thether to me that we may most ioyfully together sing praises vnto his glorious name for euer And yet once again I desire you for the loue of god as euer you loued me to reioyce with me and to geue GOD continuall thankes for doing his most mercifull wil vpon me I heare saye that you doe oftentimes vse to repete this godlye sayinge the Lordes will be fulfilled Doubtles it reioiceth my pore hart to heare that report of you and for the Lordes sake vse that godly praier continually teach your children and family to say the same day and nighte and not onely to say it wyth your tonges but also with your hart mind ioyfully to submit your wil to gods wil in very dede knowing and beleuing assuredly that nothing shal come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be his almyghty fatherly good will pleasure for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be moste true and certaine Christ testifieth in his holy gospell saying are not .ij. Math. 10. little sparrowes sold for a farthing and yet not one of them shal perish without the wil of your heauenly father And he concludeth saying feare not ye therfore for ye are better thē many sparowes As though he should haue said if god haue such a respecte and care for a poore sparrow whiche is not worth one farthing that it shal not be takē in the lime twig nette or pitfall vntil it be his good wyll and pleasure you may be wel assured that not one of you whom he so derely loueth that he hath geuen his only dere sonne for you shal perish or depart forth of this miserable life without his almighty good will and pleasure Therfore deare wyfe put your truste and confidence wholy and only in him and euer pray that his wyll be fulfilled and not yours excepte it be agreeing to his wil the which I praye GOD it may euer bee Amen And as for worldly things take you no care but bee you well assured the Lorde your deare God and father wyll not see you nor yours lacke if you continue in his loue and childly feare and kepe a cleare conscience from al kind of idolatry superstition and wickednes as my trust is that you will doe althoughe it bee with the losse and daunger of this temporall life And good
victorye is once gotten you maye receiue the inmercessible crowne of glory of gods free gift through hys greate mercy in Iesus Christ our alone Sauiour To whome wyth the father and the holy ghost be all honour glory prayse thankes power rule and dominion for euer and euermore Amē The blessyng of God be wyth you all Iohn Careles ¶ To my faythfull and louyng brother VVilliam Aylsebury THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the continual aide strength comfortes of his most pure holye mighty spirite with the encrease of faith and liuely feelyng othys mercye be wyth you my deare and faythfull louyng brother W. Ailsebury to the increase of hys good gyftes in you and the full finishyng of that which the Lorde hath so gratiouslye begonne in you that the same maye bee to the setting forth of his glory the commoditye of hys poore afflicted churche and to your owne euerlastyng comforte in hym Amen Albeit my dere harte in the lord that at this very present my sorye slowe hande is something pestered with writyng to please my frendes which daily cal vpon me for the performance of my promise and duety towardes them by the meanes wherof I cannot now wryte vnto you in so ample maner as I fayne would yet lest by my to long silence my great ingratitude for your loue and godly letters shuld to muche appeare I haue here in haste scribled these fewe wordes vnto you desiring you to accepte the same in good parte vntyl the Lorde shall sende me a more conueniente tyme to expresse my good will and bounden dutye more largely vnto you promisyng you in the meane space that my poore praier shal supply that which wanteth otherwise as I trust you do not forget me in yours for verely I haue great nede of it My deare brother I thanke you most hartely for your godlye louing and moste comfortable letters in the which I do euidently perceiue the precious gyftes of God wherwith you are plentifully endued the Lorde be praised for you and from the bottome of my harte I do reuerence his spirite in you Wherfore my good brother bee not negligent in the talent that God hath deliuered vnto you but diligently applye the same as I knowe well you doe that the Lorde may receiue his owne wyth vauntage and you the rewarde of a faythfull seruaunt at the tyme of hys most ioyefull returne Truely I wyl not speake it to flatter you neither would I prouoke you to vaine glory but I wyll saye as I see iuste cause that god hathe aboundantly blessed you with the swete knowledge and pure vnderstandyng of his holy worde Be alwaies thankefull vnto god I charge you and humble and meke in your owne sight that GOD onely may haue al the glory from the bottome of your hart And loke that you be very circumspect in al your life conuersation that the light of your good workes may so shine before men that they may be occasioned to glorify your heauēly father on your behalfe Be diligent in your doings and quick trusty in al your Maisters busines that you go about that by al meanes you maye do honour to the doctrine of our Sauiour Iesus Christ Remēber that Sathan nowe wyll haue greater spite at you then at many other because you are such a mortall enemy to his kingdome on enerye syde Therefore bee you sure he will nowe lie bitynge at your heele to see if he can geue you a fall anye manner of waye that he myght make the truth of that godly doctrine which you constantly confesse to be slaundered by the meanes therof I knowe well that Sathans thoughtes are not hidde from you 2. Cor. 2. I doubt not but you will be more circūspecte thē I can declare notwithstanding I thought it my bounden duty to warne you as one whom I loue as myne owne soule wyshing you all the good I can possible Commend me vnto my deare frend Iohn Manning and thanke him for his manifold kindnes I am much to blame for him but if the lord do spare my lyfe a litle longer I wil write somthing to him for a remembraunce when I am gone Desire hym to praye for me as I do not forget hym I haue sente you your writinges agayne wyth thankes I pray you write me a copye of that cōcerning the Trinitie for I lyke it meruelous wel it is so briefe pithy I haue no leisure to write it yet wold I fayne haue it as knoweth the lord GOD to whose moste merciful defence I do hartely committe you wyth my good brother Iohn Manning that he with his grace and spirit wil guide you both with al the rest of his deare children vnto the ende Amen The blessing of God be with you nowe and euermore Amen Your owne vnfainedly Iohn Carelet prysoner of the Lorde Pray praye praye To my most faythefull and deare brother T. V. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the continuall comfortes of his moste pure holy spirit be with you my deare and faythfull brother V. and in all thinges make you ioyfull throughe the liuelye feeling of hys fatherly mercy and godly prouidēce for you that you hauing daily more and more the sure sence of the same may be able of your owne good experience perfectly to comfort me and all other with the same comfort which you haue and further shal receiue of god who blesse and kepe you now and euer Amen I cannot expresse my deare harte in the Lord howe my ioyes do increase to see how god of hys great mercye dothe daily adde vnto his true church and poore afflicted congregation such as he in Christ hath elected to saluation before the foundation of the world was laid of which most happy nūber preserued only by his free mercy and grace the lorde no doubte hath chosen and doth recken you for one and hath registred your name in his booke of life where it shal remaine for euer and that so sure that neither Sathan deathe sinne nor hell shall euer be able to blot or scrape out the same thoughe for the further proofe and triall of your faith god many times suffreth the same to appeare to your senses farre contrary Reioyce therefore and with gladnes geue god most humble prayse and harty thankes that euer you lyued to see this day in the which he hath surely sealed you with his holy mighty spirite vnto the day of your final redemption and most happy deliueraunce from all corruption God make the same certayn vnto you by thou true testimony of the holy ghost in your hart whose witnes vnto your spirit that you are the adopted sonne of God is more sure and certain then al the outward oracles in the world And as this most true heauenly doctryne doth bring al mirth ioy peace and quietnes vnto a christian conscience so doth it set Satan in a most sore rage malice against the same for that auncient enemye of ours
Lordes cause VVilliam Coker A letter of Nicholas Shetterden a faith full Martyr of Iesus Christ written to hys Mother a little before hys death O My good Mother whō I loue with reuerence in the Lorde according to my dutye I desire your fauourable blessing and forgeuenesse of all my misdedes towards you Oh my deare Mother in fewe wordes I wyshe you the same saluation whiche I hope my selfe to feele and partly taste of before thys come to you to read and in the resurrection I verely beleue to haue it more perfectlye in bodye and soule ioyned together for euer and in that daye GOD graunte you to see my face with ioye but deare Mother then beware of that greate Idolatrye and blasphemous Masse O let not that be your GOD whiche Mice and wormes can deuoure beholde I call heauen and earth to recorde that it is no GOD yea the fyre that consumeth it and the moystnes that causeth it to moulde And I take Christs Testament to wytnesse that it is none of his ordinaunces but a mere inuention of men and a snare to catche innocentes bloode and nowe that GOD hath shewed it vnto you be warned in tyme. O geue ouer old customes and become new in the truth What state soeuer your fathers be in leaue that to God let vs followe the counsel of his word deare Mother embrace it with hartye affection reade it with obedience let it be your pastime and cast of all carnall affections and loue of worldly thinges so shall we meete in ioye at the last day or els I bid you farewell for euermore Oh farewell my frendes and louers all God graunt me to see your faces in ioye Amen From Westgate the .11 of Iuly .555 Nicholas Shetterden appoynted to be slayne for Christes cause and the mayntenaunce of hys most sounde and true religion A letter wrytttn by the Ladye Iane Gray to her Syster the Lady Katheryne immediatly before she suffered I Haue here sent you good Syster Katherin a booke which although it be not outwardly trymmed with gold This booke was a newe Testament in Greke in the end whereof she had written this letter yet inwardly it is more worth then precious stones It is the booke deare Syster of the law of the Lorde it is his testament and last wyll which he bequethed vnto vs wretches whiche shall lead you to the path of eternall ioy and if you with a good mynd do read it with an earnest purpose follow it it shall bring you to an immortal euerlasting life It wil teach you to liue learne you to die It shal winne you more thē you shold haue gayned by the possessiō of your woful fathers lands For as if god had prospered him you should haue in herited his lands so if you apply diligently this boke seking to directe your life after it you shal bee an inheritour of suche riches as neither the couetous shal withdraw from you neither the these shal steale neither yet the mothes corrupte Desire with Dauid good Sister to vnderstand the law of the Lord your god Liue stil to die that you by death may purchase eternal life And trust not that the tendernes of your age shal lengthē your life for as sone if God cal goeth the young as the old And labour alwayes to learne to die Defye the world denye the deuil despise the flesh delight your self only in the Lord. Be penitent for your sinnes yet despayre not be strong in faith yet presume not desire with S. Paule to be dissolued to be with christ with whō euē in death there is lyfe Be lyke the good seruaunt euen at midnight be wakyng lest whē death cōmeth and stealeth vpon you lyke a thefe in the night you be with the euil seruaunt found slepyng and least for lacke of oyle you be found lyke the fyue folyshe women like hym that had not on the weddynge garmente and so be caste out from the mariage Reioyce in Christ as I prayse God I do Folow the steppes of your maister christ take vp your crosse lay your sinnes on his backe alwais embrace him And as touchyng my deathe reioyce as I do good Sister that I shal be deliuered frō this corruptiō and put on incorruption for I am assured that I shal for loosing of a mortal lyfe winne an immortal life The which I pray god graunt you send you of hys grace to lyue in hys feare and to dye in the true christian faith from the which in gods name I exhort you that you neuer swarne neither for hope of life nor for feare of death For if you wil deny his truthe to lengthen your life God wil deny you and yet shortē your daies And if you wil cleaue vnto him he wil prolong your dais to your comfort his glorye to the which glory god bring me now and you herafter whē it pleaseth him to cal you Fare you wel good Sister and put your only trust in god who only must helpe you Letters of M. George Marshe a godly faythfull and learned pastour in Christes churche put to deathe at VVestchester wyth moste cruell kyndes of tormentes as you may see in the booke of Martyrs fol. 1122 for the constant and faythfull confession of Christes Gospell To the professours of gods worde and true religion in the towne of Langhton GRace be wyth you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of Iesus Christ our Lord Amen I thought it my duty to wryte vnto you my beloued in the lord at Langhton to stirre vp your harts to cal to your remēbrance the words which haue ben told you before and to exhort you as that good man and full of the holy ghost Barnabas dyd the Antiochiās that with purpose of hart ye continually cleaue vnto the lord Actes ●● and that ye stand fast be not moued away from the hope of the gospel wherof God be thanked ye haue had plenteous preaching vnto you by your late pastour M. Saunders other faythful ministers of Iesus Christ Luke 8. Rom. 1 which now when persecution aryseth because of the word do not fall away like shrinking children and forsake the truth being ashamed of the gospell wherof they haue bene preachers but are willing and redy for your sakes which are Christes mistical body to forsake not onely the chiefe principal delites of this lyfe I meane their natiue countreyes frendes liuings c but also to fulfill their ministery vnto the vttermost that is to wyt with theyr paynful imprisonments bloodshedings if nede shal require to confirme and seale christes gospel whereof they haue bene ministers and as S. Paule saith they are ready not onely to be cast into prison Acts. 12 but also to be kylled for the name of the lord Iesu Whether these beyng that good salte of the earth Matth. 5. that is true ministers of gods worde by whose doctrine being
breade and wine and saide of the cuppe drinke ye all of this the Pope geueth a cleane contrarye commaundemente that no laye man shall drynke of the cup of their saluation as thoughe the cuppe of Saluation by the bloud of Christ pertained not to lay men And wheras Theophilus Alexandrinus whose workes Saincte Hierom did trāslate about eleauen hundred yeres passed saith that if Christ had bene crucified for the Deuils his cup shoulde not be denied them yet the Pope denieth the cup of Christ to christen people for whome Christ was crucified so that if I should obey the Pope in these thinges I muste nedes disobey my sauior Christ But I was answered hereto as commonly the papists do answer that vnder the forme of bread is whole christes flesh and bloude so that whosoeuer receaueth the forme of bread receiueth aswel christes bloud as his fleshe Let it be so yet in the forme of breade onely Christes bloude is not dronken but eaten nor receaued in the cuppe vnder forme of wyne as Christ commaunded but eaten with the flesh vnder the forme of breade moreouer the bread is not the sacrament of his bloud but of his fleshe only nor the cup is not the sacrament of his flesh but of his bloud only and so the Pope kepeth from al lay persons the Sacrament of their redemption by Christes bloud which Christ commaunded to geue vnto them And furthermore Christ ordayned the sacrament in two kindes the one separated from the other to be a representation of his deathe where his bloud was separated from hys fleshe whiche is not represented in one kynde alone so that the lay people receiue not the whole sacrament wherby Christes death is represented as he commaunded Moreouer as the Pope taketh vpon him to geue the temporal sword or royal imperial power to kinges prynces so doth he likewise take vpō him to depose them from theyr imperial states if they be disobedient to hym and commaundeth the subiectes to disobey their prynces assoyling the subiectes aswel of their obedience as of their lawfull othes made vnto theyr true kinges and Prynces directly contrary to gods commaundeniente who commaundeth all subiectes to obey theyr kinges or other rulers vnder them One Iohn Patriarche of Constantinople in the time of S. Gregory claimed superioritie aboue all other bishops to whom sainct Gregorye writeth that therin he did iniurie to hys iij. brethren which were equall with hym that is to say the bishop of Rome of Alexandria of Antiochia which iij. were patriarchal seas aswell as Constantinople and were brethren one to an other But sayeth Saincte Gregorye if anye one shall exalte him selfe aboue all the rest to be the vniuersal bishoppe the same passeth in pryde but now the bishop of Rome exalteth himselfe not only aboue all bishops but also aboue all kynges and Emperours and aboue the whole world taking vpon hym to geue and take away to set vp and put downe as he shall thinke good And as the deuill hauyng no such authoritie The deuil● the Pope are like yet toke vpon hym to geue vnto Christ all the kyngdomes of the world if he would fall downe and worshippe him in lyke manner the Pope taketh vppon hym to geue Empyres and kingdomes beyng none of hys to suche as wil fal downe worship him and kysse his feete And moreouer his lawyers and glosers so flatter him that they say he may commaund Emperours and kynges to hold hys stirroppe when he lighteth vppon hys horse and to bee hys footemen and that if any Emperour or kyng geue hym any thyng they geue hym nothyng but that is hys owne and that he may dispense agaynst Gods word agaynste the old and new Testament against S. Paules epistles and against the Gospel And furthermore whatsoeuer he doth although he draw innumerable people by heapes wyth himselfe into hell yet may no mortal man reproue hym bicause he beyng iudge of al men may be iudged of no man thus he sytteth in the tēple of god The Pope is Antichrist that is Christs enemy Wherfore the Pope is Antichrist as he were a god nameth him self Gods Vicar yet he dispenseth agaynst God If this be not to play Antichrists part I cānot tel what is Antichrist which is no more to say but Christs enemy and aduersary who shall syt in the temple of God aduauncyng hymselfe aboue all other yet by hipocrisy and fayned religion shall subuert the true religion of Christ and vnder pretense and colour of Christian religion shall worke agaynst Christ therfore hath the name of Antichrist Now yf any man lyfte hymselfe hygher then the Pope hath done who lifteth him selfe aboue all the world or can be more aduersary to Christ thē to dispense agaynst Gods lawes where Christ hath geuen any cōmaundement to commaund dyrectly the cōtrary the mā must nedes be takē for Antichrist But vntyl the tyme that such a person may be found men may easly coniecture where to find Antichrist Wherfore seyng the Pope thus to ouerthrow both gods lawes and mans lawes taketh vpon hym to make Emperours and kinges to be vassals Subiects vnto hym specially the crowne of thys realme with the lawes customes of the same I see no mean how I may cōsent to admit this vsurped power within this realme cōtrary to myne othe mine obedience to gods law mine allegeaunce and duety to your maiesty and my loue and affectiō to thys realme This that I haue spoken against the power and authority of the Pope I haue not spoken I take God to record and iudge for any malice I owe to the Popes person whom I know not but I shal pray to god to geue him grace that he may seke aboue al things to promote gods honour and glory and not to follow the trade of hys predecessors in these latter dayes nor I haue not spoken it for feare of punishment and to auoyde the same thynkyng it rather an occasion to aggrauate then to diminish my trouble but I haue spoken it for my most bounden duty to the crowne liberties lawes and customes of thys realme but most especially to discharge my conscience in vtteryng the truthe to gods glory castyng away all feare Luke 12 by the comfort which I haue in Christes wordes who sayeth Feare not them that kill the body and cannot kill the Soule but feare hym that can caste both body and soule into hell He that for feare to lose this life will forsake the truth shall lose the euerlasting lyfe and he that for the truthes sake wyll spend hys lyfe shall fynde euerlasting life And Christ promiseth to stād fast with them before hys father which wil stand fast with him here Mathe. x. which comforte is so great that whosoeuer hath his eyes fixed vpon Christ cannot greatly passe of thys life knowyng that he may be sure to haue Christ stand by him in the presence of his father in heauen As touchyng
thus Although thy Episcopall Sea now beinge ioyned in league with the seate of Sathā thus hath now both handled me the saintes of God yet I do not doubt but in that greate City there be many priuy mourners which do dayly mourne for that mischief the which neuer did nor shall consent to that wickednesse but do detest abhorre it as the wayes of Satan But these preuy mourners here I wil passe by and bid them fare well with theyr fellowes hereafter His farewel to these mourners is in the letter nexte followyng when the place and occasion shall more conueniently require Amonge the worshipfull of the City and speciallye which were in office of the Meraltye yea and in other Citizens also whome to name now it shall not be necessary in the time of my Ministerye which was from the later parte of sir Rowland hilles yeare vnto sir George Barnes yere a great part therof I do acknowledge that I found no small humanity gētlenesse as me thought but to say the truth that I do esteme aboue al other for true christiā kīdnes which is shewed in gods cause and done for his sake Wherfore O Dobbes Dobbes Alder man knight thou in thy yere diddest win my hart for euer more for that honorable act that most blessed worke of god of the erection setting vp of Christs holy hospitales truly religions houses which by thee through thee were begon For thou like a mā of God whē the matter was moued for the reliefe of Christes poore selye members to be holpen from extreame miserye hunger and famine thy harte I say was moued with pity and as Christs highe honourable officer in that cause thou calledst together thy Brethren the Aldermen of the City before whome thou brakest the matter for the poore thou diddest pleade theyr cause yea and not only in thine own person thou diddest setforth Christs cause but to further the matter thou broughtest me into the counsell Chamber of the City before the Aldermen alone whom thou haddest assembled there together to heare me speake what I could say as an aduocate by office and duetye in the pore mens cause the Lord wrought with thee and gaue thee the consent of thy brethren wherby the matter was brought to the common counsell and so to the whole bodye of the Citye by whome withe an vniforme consente it was committed to be drawne ordered and deuysed by a certayn number of the moste wittye citizens and politique endued also wyth godlines with ready hartes to setforward such a noble act as could be chosē in all the whole city they like true faythful ministers both to their city their maister Christ so ordered deuised and brought forth the matter that thousandes of sely poore mēbers of Christ which els for extreme hunger and misery should haue famished and perished shal be relieued holpen brought vp shal haue cause to blesse the Aldermen of that time the common counsell and the whole body of the city but specially thee O Dobbes and those chosen men by whom this honorable worke of god was begon and wrought and that so long through out al ages as that godly work shal endure which I pray almighty god may be euer vnto the worldes ende Amen And thou O Sir George Barnes the truth it is to be cōfessed to gods glory and to the good example of other thou wast in thy yeare not only a furtherer and contynuer of that which before thee by thy predecessor was well begon but also diddest laboure so to haue perfyted the woorke that it should haue bene an absolute thing and a perfect spectacle of true charity and godlines vnto all christendome Thyne endeuour was to haue set vp an house of occupatiōs both that al kind of pouerty beyng able to worke should not haue lacked whervpon profytablye they myght haue bene occupied to theyr own relief and to the profyte and commodity of the commen wealth of the City and also to haue retired thithers the poore babes broughte vp in the Hospitales when they hadde come to a certayne age and strengthe and also al those which in the Hospitalles aforesayd haue bene cured of theyr diseases And to haue brought this to passe thou obteinedst not without great diligence and labor both of thee and thy brethren of that godly king Edward that christian and pierles Princes hand his princely place of Bridewell and what other things to the performance of the same and vnder what condition it is not vnknown That this thine endeuor hath not had like successe the fault is not in thee but in the conditiō state of the time which the lord of his infinit mercy vouchsafe to amende when it shal be hys grations wil pleasure Farewel now al ye Citizens that be of god of what state cōdition so euer ye be vndoubtedly in London ye haue heard Gods word truely preached My harts desire and dayly prayer shal be for you as for whom for my time I know to my lord God I am countable that ye neuer swarue neyther for losse of life nor worldly goodes from Gods holy word and yeld vnto Antichrist wherupō must nedes follow the extreme displeasure of God the losse both of youre bodies soules into perpetuall dampnation for euermore Now that I haue gone through the places where I haue dwelt any space in the time of my pilgrimage here vpō earth remembringe that for the space of kinge Ewardes raygne which was for the time of mine office in the Seas of Lōdon and Rochester I was a member of the higher house of the parliament therefore seing my God hath geuen me leysure and the remembraunce therof I will byd my Lordes of the temporalty farewell They shall haue no iust cause by Gods grace to take it that I entende to say in ill parte As for the spiritul Prelacy that now is I haue nothing to say to them except I should repeat again a great part of that I haue sayd before nowe alredye to the sea of London To you therfore my Lordes of the temporaltie wil I speake and this would I haue you fyrst to vnderstande that when I wrote this I loked dayly when I should be called to the chaunge of thys lyfe and thought that thys my wrytyng should not come to your knowlege before the time of the dissolution of my body and soule shoulde bee expired and therefore knowe ye that I had before myne eyes only the feare of God and christian charity towarde you whiche moued me to wryte for of you hereafter I looke not in this worlde either for pleasure or displeasure If my talke shall do you neuer so much pleasure or profite you cānot promote me nor if I displease you ye can not hurte me or harme me for I shall be out of youre reache Now therfore if you feare God and can be contente to heare the talk of him that seeketh nothing at your
to Daniels Prophecy and finally with all falshed deceyte hypocrysy and all kind of vngodlines are as cleane contrarye to Gods word as darknesse is vnto lyghte or lighte to darkenesse white to blacke or blacke to white or as beliall vnto Christ or Christe vnto Antichrist him selfe I know my Lords foresaw whē I wrote this that so manye of you as shoulde see this my writing not beinge before indued with the spirite of grace and the lighte of Gods word so many I say would at these my wordes Lorde like stampe and spurne and spit thereat But sober your selues with pacience and be still and knowe ye that in my writing of this my mind was none other but in God as the liuing God doth beare me witnes both to do you profite and pleasure And otherwise as for your displesure by that time this shal come to your knowledge I trust by gods grace to be in the hands and protection of the almighty my heauēly father and the liuing Lorde which is as S. Iohn sayth the greatest of all and then I shall not nede I trow to feare what any Lord no nor what king or prince can do vnto me My Lordes if in times past ye haue bene cōtented to hear me sometimes in matters of relygion before the Prynce in the pulpit and in the Parliament house and haue not semed to haue dispised what I haue sayd when as els if ye had perceaued iust occasion ye might thē haue suspected in my talk thoughe it had bene reasonable either desire of worldly gain or feare of displeasure howe hath then youre Lordeshyppes more cause to harkē to my word to hear me paciētly seing now ye cannot iustly thinke of me being in this case appointed to dye and loking daylye when I shall be called to come before the eternall iudge otherwise but that I only study to serue my Lord God and to say that thinge which I am perswaded assuredly by Gods worde shal and doth please him and profite all them to whome God shal geue grace to heare and beleue what I do saye and I doe saye euen that I haue sayd heretofore both of the sea of Rome and of the bishoppe therof I meane after this theyr presente state at this daye Wherin if ye will not beleue the ministers of God and true preachers of hys woorde verelye I denounce vnto you in Verbo domini except ye do repēt betime it shal turne to your confusion and to youre smarte on the latter day Forget not what I saye my Lordes for Goddes fake forgette not Psal 4. but remember it vpon youre bedde For I tell you moreouer as I know I must be countable of thys my talke and of my speakinge thus to the eternall iudge who will iudge nothing amisse so shall you be countable of your duety in hearing and you shal be charged if ye wil harkē to gods word for not obeing to the truth Alas my Lordes how chaunceth this that this matter is now a new agayne to be perswaded vnto you who would haue thought of late but your Lordshyps had bene perswaded in deede sufficientlye or els that ye coulde euer haue agreed so vniformelye with one consent to the abolishmēt of the vsurpatiō of the bishop of Rome If that mater were then but a matter of policy wherein the prince must be obeied how is it now made a mater wherin as your clergy sayeth now and so sayth the popes lawes in deede standeth the vnity of the catholike church and a matter of necessitye of oure saluation Hathe the time being so shorte since the deathe of the two last kinges Henry the .viij and Edward his sonne altered the nature of the matter If it haue not but was of the same nature and daunger before God then as it is now be now as it is sayd by the popes lawes and the instructiōs set forth in english to the curates of the dioces of Yorke in deede a matter of necessitye to saluation howe then chaunced it that ye were all O my Lords so lighte and so little passed vpon the catholick faith and the vnity therof without the which no mā can be saued as for your princes pleasures which were but mortal men to forsake the vnitye of youre catholike faith that is to foresake Christ and his holy gospell And furthermore if it were both then and now so necessary to saluation how chaunced it also that ye all the whole body of the Parliamēt agreing with you dyd not only abolish and expel the byshop of Rome but also did abiure him in your own parsons and did decree in your actes great othes to be taken of both the spiritualty tēporalty whosoeuer shold entre into any waighty charge able offyce in the common wealth But on thother syde if that law and decree which maketh the supremacye of the sea and Bishop of Rome ouer the vniuersal church of Christ a thing of necessity required vnto saluation be an Antichristian law as it is in deede and such instructions as are geuen to the dioces of Yorke be in deede a settinge forth of the power of that beast of Babilon by the craft and falshod of hys false prophets as of truth compared vnto Gods word truly iudged by the same it shal playnly appere that they be then my Lordes neuer thinke other but the daye shall come when ye shal be charged with this your vndoing of that that once ye had well done with this your periury breach of your oth which oth was done in iudgement iustice truth agreable to Gods law The whore of Babilō may wel for a time dally with you make you so dronkē with the wine of her filthy stewes whoredom as with her dispensations promises of pardon A pena culpa that for dronkennes blinnes ye may thinke yourselues safe But be ye assured when the liuing Lorde shall trye the matter by the fyre and iudge it according to his word when all her abhominations shall appeare what they be then ye my Lords I geue your Lordships warning in time repent if ye be happy and loue your owne soules health repent I say or els without all doubte ye shall neuer escape the handes of the liuinge Lorde for the gilt of your periury the breach of your oth As ye haue bāketed and layne by the whore in the fornication of her whorysh dispensations pardons idolatry such like abhominations so shall ye drinke with her excepte ye repent betime of the cuppe of the Lords indignation euerlasting wrath which is prepared for the beast his false prophetes al their partakers For he that is partner with thē in they re whoredome abhominatiōs must also be partner with thē of theyr plagues on the latter daye shal be throwne with them into the lake burning with brimstone and vnquenchable fyre Thus fare ye well my Lordes all I praye God geue you vnderstanding of hys blessed
faythe and firme hope of eternall life dearely beloued whiche of long tyme ye haue learned and throughlye perswaded your selues in by the truth vnfallible veritye of the heauenlye worde sealed with christes most precious blood is verye sore and daungerouslye assaulted and by all meanes possible attempted to be taken from you that ye should haue no longer credit to gods truth but beleue mās lies nor haue you saluation by Christe that once died and offred himself for sinne once for al but that ye should beleue now your saluation in Christ to be manye times offered by wicked men euery day in the abhominable masse to the vtter conculcation and defacing of christes death as the wicked pope and his adherents would perswade you not as Christ your sauiour hath taught you But this sodaine and miserable chaunge from the truth vnto falshode from god Christ to the deuil and Antichrist doubtles cōmeth of god for our manifold synnes towardes the heauenly father our shephard that taught vs a long time with his blessed word and we were neither thankefull for it nor yet put our trust in hym as in one that onely could saue and defend his own word but we thought in our folishnes that the world was so much and so many wayes with the word of God that euen by mannes strength it myght haue ben defended wheras the truth of gods word is permanent and neuer fayleth saying Ieremy 17 Psal 30 cursed be they that make flesh their defence shield For as king Dauid when god had broughte him to possesse hys kyngdome peaceably sayde like a foole as he was I shall neuer be more vnquieted but yet the Lord turned his face from hym and he found straight way such an alteration as he neuer founde before with increase of newe daungers more troublous then euer he had before euen likewise whē god had geuen vs a blessed and holy king and such maiestrates although they were synners as wished the glorye of god onely to be preferred by true doctrine we lyke carnall men thought our selues so sure and so stablished that it had not bene possible to haue sene such a pitious and myserable chaunge and the truth of gods word so oppressed as we see at this present daye But we be most worthely punished euen the same wayes that we haue offended We dyd put our trust in fleshe and where as Gods spirite in fleshe dwelled as in our holy blessed kyng Edward the sixte he is now dead in the flesh and his holy soule resteth with the heauenly father in ioyes for euer he is nowe I saye taken from vs and cannot helpe vs such as in his tyme seemed much to fauour the glory of god are become gods enemies can both hear other to proced against the glory of god also set fort the same thēselues as much as thei may so that such spirituall and godly persons as sought in the flesh gods glory are taken from vs or els in such case as they can doe vs no good And such fleshe as folowed and loued God in the sighte of the worlde and had great vauntage by hys word are become his very enemies and not only his but also enemies to hys members But yet as kyng Dauyd knew his folish foly and with repentaunce repented and found grace so it may please god to geue vs of his grace holy spirit to amend our faultes in the lyke offence and helpe vs as he did him But doubtles great is our iniquity For there was neuer so great abhomination redde of and so quickly to preuaile as this abhomination of the wicked masse hathe preuailed in Englande And all Christen men knowe that the Turkes and heathen neither haue nor yet had euer any so sensibly knowen and manifest an Idoll Wherfore Vpon this psalme as vpon dyuers other he wrote a godly most comfortable treatise whe● unto he annexed this letter as a preface that almighty god of his mercye may preserue his people in this noble City of London I haue write vpon the 23. psal of king Dauid to aduertise men howe they shal beware of heresies and false doctrine and so to lyue to his honour and glorye Albeit I knowe dearely beloued that all those whiche seeke Godes honour and the furtheraunce of his gospel bee accompted the Quenes enemies although we daily pray for her grace and neuer thynke her harme but we must content to suffer slaunder patiētly to beare al such iniuries Neuertheles this is out of doubt that the Quenes highnes hathe no aucthoritye to compell any man to beleue any thyng contrary to gods worde neyther may the subiecte geue her grace that obedience in case he do his soule is lost for euer Our bodies goods and liues be at her highnes commaundement and she shall haue thē as of true subiects but the soule of man for religiō is bound to none but vnto god and hys holy word To a certayne godly woman instructing her how she should behaue her selfe in the time of her widowhode THe grace of god and the comfort of his holy spirit be with you and with all them that vnfainedly loue his holy gospell Amen I thanke you deare sister for yor most louing remembraunce and althoughe I can not recompence the same yet doe I wishe with all my hart that god would doe it requiring you not to forget your duty towardes god in these perilous days in the which the Lorde wyll trye vs. I truste you doe increase by readyng of the Scriptures the knowledge you haue of God and that you diligently applye your selfe to folowe the same for the knowledge helpeth not excepte the lyfe be accordyng there vnto Further I do hartely praye you to consider the state of your widowhode and if God shall put in your mynde to chaunge it remember the sayeng of Saint Paule 1. Corinthians 7 it is lawfull for the widow or mayden to mary to whom they list so it be in the lord that is to say to such a one as is of Christes religion Dearely beloued in Christ remember these wordes for you shal fynd therby great ioy and comfort if you chaunge your state Whereof I will when I haue better leysure as now I haue none at all further aduertise you In the meane time I commende you to God and the guidyng of hys good spirite who stablyshe and confirme you in all well doyng and keepe you blameles to the daye of the Lorde Watche and praye for this day is at hand Yours assured in Christ Ioh Hoper An aunswer to a frende of his for a woman that was troubled with her husband in matters of religion how she should behaue her selfe towardes him THe grace and peace of God our deare father throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord Amen As concerning the party whom you wrote vnto me of I haue here sent you mine aduise and what I thynke is beste in this case to be done Fyrste she shall
be lose and free Be myndefull of all duety due vnto the Lord aboue Be thankefull for his benefites the pledges of his loue Consyder with your selues I say to sanctifye the Lord In euery place continually by thought dede and by word L. Saunders ❧ Letters of that hartie and zelous man of God Maister Iohn Philpot Archdeacō of Winchester who besides the great tyrannye and tormentes whiche he suffered in Boners blynde colehouse and other hys paynfull imprisonments was also most cruelly martyred for the testimony of the Lord Iesus The .18 daye of December in the yeare of our Lorde .1557 ¶ A letter which he sent to the Christian congregation exhortyng them to refrayne themselues from the Idolatrous seruice of the papistes and to serue god wyth a pure and vndefiled conscience after hys worde IT is a lamentable thing to behold at this present in England the faithles departyng both of men and women from the true knowledge and vse of christes syncere religion whiche so plentifully they haue ben taught do know their own consciences bearyng witnes to the verity therof Hebr. 6. If that earth be cursed of god which eftsoues receiuing moysture and pleasaunt dewes from heauen doth not bryng forth fruit accordyngly how much more greuous iudgement shall such persons receiue which hauyng receiued from the father of heauen the perfitte knowledge of hys worde by the mynistery therof do not shew forth gods worshippe after the same If the lord will requyre in the daye of iudgemente a godly vsury of all manner of talentes whiche he lendeth vnto men and women Math. 25. howe much more wyll he requyre the same of hys pure religion reueled vnto vs which is of all other talentes the chiefest and most perteynyng to our exercise in thys lyfe if we hydde the same in a napkyn and set it not forth to the vsurie of gods glory and edifieng of his church by true confession God hath kindled the bryght lyght of his gospell whyche in tymes paste was suppressed and hyd vnder the vyle ashes of mans traditiōs and hath caused the bryghtnes therof to shine in our harts to th ende that the same myght shyne before men to the honour of hys name It is not only geuen vs to beleue Math 5. Rom. x Math. 12. Luke 12. Math. 7 but also to confesse and declare what we beleue in our outwarde conuersation For as S. Paule wryteth to the Romaynes the belief of the hart iustifyeth to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe It is all one before god not to beleue at al and not to shew forth the lyuely workes of our beliefe For Christ saith either make the tree good and hys fruites good or els make the tree euill and the fruites euil because a good tree bryngeth forthe good fruites so that the person which knoweth hys maisters wyll and doth it not shall be beaten wyth many strypes And not all they which say lord lord shall enter into the kyngdom of God but he that doth the wyll of the father Luke 9 And whosoeuer in the tyme of tryall is ashamed of me saith Christ and of my words of him the sonne of man will be ashamed before hys father After that we haue built our selues in to the true church of god it hath pleased hym by geuyng vs ouer into the handes of the wicked Sinagoges to proue our buildyng Math. 7. to haue it known aswell to the world as to our selues that we haue ben wise builders into the true church of god vpon the rock and not on the sande and therfore now the tempest is risen and the stormes do mightely blow agaynste vs that we might notwythstandyng stand vpryghte and bee firme in the Lorde to hys honoure and glorye and to oure eternall felicitye There is no newe thynge happened vnto vs for wyth suche tempestes and daungerous weathers the churche of GOD hathe continuallye bene exercised Nowe once agayne as the Prophete Aggey telleth vs the Lorde shaketh the earthe Aggeus 2. that those myghte abyde for euer whyche be not ouerthrowne Therfore my dearely beloued bee stable and immoueable in the worde of god and in the faithfull obseruation therof and let no man deceiue you with vayne words saying that you may kepe your faith to your selues and dissēble with Antichriste and so liue at rest quietnes in the world as moste men do yeldyng to necessitie This is the wisedome of the flesh Rom. 8 1 Cor. 6. Math. 16. but the wisedome of the flesh is death and enmitye to god as our sauiour for ensample aptely did declare in Peter who exhorted christ not to go to Ierusalem to celebrate the passeouer and there to be slayne but councelled hym to loke better to himselfe Likewise the world would not haue vs to forsake him neither to associate oure selues to the true church which is the body of Christe whereof we are liuely members and to vse the sacraments after gods word with the daunger of our lyues But we must learne to aunswer the world as Christ dyd Peter and say go behynd me Satā thou sauourest not the thyngs of god Heb. 11. Psa 116. Shal I not drynke of the cup which the father geueth me For it is better to be afflicted to be slayn in the church of god then to be counted the sonne of the king in the Sinagoge of false religiō Death for righteousnes is not to be abhorred but rather to be desired which assuredly bringeth with it the crown of euerlasting glory These bloodye executioners doe not persecute Christes Martyrs but crowne them with euerlastyng felicitye We were borne into this world to be witnesses vnto the truth both learned vnlearned Nowe since the time is come that we must shew our faithe declare whether we wil be gods seruauntes in righteousnes and holines as we haue bene taught and are bound to follow or els with hypocrisy serue vnrighteousnes let vs take good heede that we bee founde faythful in the lordes couenaunt and true members of hys church in the which through knowledge we are ingraffed from the which if we fall by transgression wyth the commē sort of people it will more straightly be required of vs thā many yet do make accompt therof We cānot serue two maisters Luke 18. 3. Reg. 18 Apoc. 3. we may not halte on both sides and thynke to please god we must be feruent in gods cause or els he wyll cast vs out from hym For by the first commaundement we are cōmaunded to loue God wyth all our harte with al our mynde with all our power and strength but they are manifest trāsgressours of this commaundement which with theyr hart mynd or bodely power doe communicate with a straunge religion contrary to the worde of god in the papistical Synagoge which calleth it self the church and is not As greatly do they offend god now whiche so doe as the Israelites dyd in tymes past by forsakyng
c thoughe of duetye wee are bounde to accomplishe all that he requyreth and are culpable and gilty yf we do not the same yet he requyreth not these thyngs further of vs thē to make vs more in loue and more certayne of this his couenaunt that he is our lord and god In certaintie wherof as he hath geuen this whole world to serue to our nede and commoditie so hath he geued hys sonne Christe Iesus and in Christ hymselfe to be a pledge and gage wherof the holy Ghoste dothe nowe and then geue vs some taste and swete smell to our eternall ioye Therefore as I sayde because God is your father in Christe and requyreth of you straightly to beleue it geue your selfe to obedience although you do it not with such feelyng as you desyre First must fayth go before and then feelyng wyll folow Yf our imperfection frailtie and many euils should be occasions wherby Sathan woulde haue vs to doubte as much as we can let vs abhorre that suggestion as of all others most pernicious for so in dede it is For when we stande in a doubt whether God be our father we cannot bee thankefull to GOD we cannot hartelye praye or thynke any thyng we doe acceptable to God we cannot loue our neighboures and geue ouer our selues to care for them and do for them as we should do and therfore Sathā is most subtile hereaboutes knowyng full well that if we doubte of Gods fatherlye eternall mercies towardes vs through Christ we cannot please god or do any thynge as we should do to man Continually casteth he into our memories our imperfection frailtye falles and offences that we should doubt of gods mercye and fauour towardes vs. Therfore my good Syster we must not be sluggish herein but as Sathan laboureth to losen our fayth so muste we labour to fasten it by thynkyng on the promises and couenāt of God in Christes blood namely that god is our god wyth all that euer he hathe which couenaunt dependeth and hangeth vpon gods owne goodnes mercy and truth only and not on our obedience or worthines in any poynte for then should we neuer be certayne In dede God requyreth of vs obediēce worthines but not that therby we might be hys chyldren and he our father but because he is our father and we hys chyldren through hys own goodnes in Christ therfore requyreth he faythe and obedience Nowe if we wante this obedience and worthynes which he requyreth shoulde we doubt whether he be our father Nay that were to make our obedience and worthynes the cause and so to put christ out of place for whose sake god is our father But rather because he is our father and we feele our selues to wante such things as he requireth we should be styrred vp to a shamefastnes and blushyng because we are not as we shoulde be and therupon should we take occasion to goe to our father in prayer on thys manner Deare father thou of thyne own mercy in Christ hast chosen me to be thy childe and therfore thou wouldest I should be brought into thy church fayth full company of thy chyldren wherin thou hast kept me hetherto thy name therfore be praysed Now I see my selfe to wante fayth hope loue c. which thy children haue thou requirest of me where throughe the deuyll would haue me to doubte yea vtterlye to dispayre of thy fatherly goodnes fauour and mercy Therfore I come to thee as to my mercifull father through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me good Lord helpe me and geue me faythe hope loue c. and graunt that thy holy spirite may be with me for euer and more and more to assure me that thou arte my father that thys mercifull couenaunt thou madest with me in respecte of thy grace in Christ and for Christ and not in respecte of any my worthines is alwayes true to me c. On thys sorte I say you must praye and vse your cogitations when Sathan woulde haue you to doubte of saluation He doth all he can to preuaile herein Do you al you can to preuaile herein against him Though you feele not as you would yet doubt not but hope beyonde all hope as Abraham did Fayth always as I said goeth before feeling As certayne as god is almighty as certayn as god is mercifull as certayne as god is true as certayne as Christ was crucifyed is rysen and sytteth on the ryght hand of the father as certayne as this is gods commaundement I am the Lord thy god so certayne oughte you to be that God is your father As you are bound to haue none other gods but him so are you no lesse bounde to beleue that god is your God What profyte should it be to you to beleue thys to be true I am the Lord thy god to others yf you shoulde not beleue that this is true to your selfe The Deuil beleueth on this sorte And whatsoeuer it bee that woulde moue you to doubte of thys whether god be your god through Christ that same commeth vndoubtedlye of the Deuyll Wherfore dyd GOD make you but because he loued you Myghte not he haue made you blynde dumme deafe lame frantyke c Myghte not he haue made you a Iewe a Turke a Papiste c And whye hathe he not done so Verelye because he loued you And whye dydde he loue you What was there in you to moue hym to loue you Surelye nothing moued hym to loue you therfore to make you and so hetherto to kepe you but hys owne goodnes in Christ Now then in that his goodnes in Christ styll remayneth as much as it was Eccle. 2. that is euen as great as him selfe for it cannot be lessoned how should it be but that he is your god and father Beleue this beleue this my good Sister for god is no chaungeling them whome he loueth he he loueth to the ende Caste therefore youre selfe wholye vppon hym and thynke without al waueryng that you are gods child that you are a citizen of heauē that you are the daughter of god the temple of the holye Ghoste c. If hereof you bee assured as you ought to be then shall your conscience be quieted then shall you lament more and more that you wante many thynges whiche god loueth then shall you labour to bee holye in soule and bodye then shall you goe aboute that Gods glorye maye shyne in you in all youre wordes and workes then shal you not bee afraid what man can do vnto you then shall you haue such wisedome to aunswer your aduersaries as shal serue to their shame and your comfort then shall you be certayne that no man can touch one heare of your heade further then shall please your good father to your euerlastyng ioye then shall you be most certayne that god as your good father wyl be more carefull for your children and make better prouision for them yf all you haue were gone then
maye make to his glory and the commodity of his chruch Amen All here god therfore be praised prepare thēselues wyllyngly to pledge our captayn Christ euen when he wil and how he will By your good prayers we shal al fare the better therfore we al pray you to continue to crye to god for vs as we god willyng do and wyll remember you My bretherne here wyth me haue thought it their duety to signify this nede to be no lesse then I make it to preuente the plantations which may take roote by these men Yours in the Lorde Robert Ferrar. Rowlande Taylor Iohn Bradford Ihon Philpot. ¶ To Maister Shalcrosse and hys wyfe dwellyng in Lankeshyre THe peace of conscience in Christ and through fayth in hys bloud which as it passeth and is farre better then any worldly ryches or ioye so is it to be redemed wyth the losse of the derest treasures we haue rather then we should lose it this peace I wishe vnto you good M. Shalcrosse and vnto your good yokefellow my good sister in the Lord now and for euer Amen Hertherto although I could not write vnto you yet as I trust you pray for me so I haue not bene forgetful of you in my poore prayers to almyghtye GOD my deare father through Christe to whome I geue humble prayses that he hathe geuen you grace as yet for so I heare to kepe your selfe vndefyled in hys seruice which farre differeth from the Romyshe ragges reuiued of late and iustlye for our synnes and vnthankeful vsing hys true religion and holy ceremonies once agayne in place and vse emongest vs. In token whereof I meane that I haue not bene forgetfull of you I thought good now when I may wryte to sygnifye the same aswel to renewe our mutuall loue in GOD and care one for an other by hartye prayer as to excite and prouoke you bothe to thankefulnes for gods graces hetherto especially in the poynte before spoken of and to be diligent and wary that you vnto the ende continue in the same for you know that perseueraunce in godlines and puritie is required of vs 2. Timot. 2 and that none other shal be crowned but suche as fyght lawfully Go to therfore and fyght on a good fyght floutly and manfullye that is as you know God is not to be worshipped and serued but after hys word written and not after vnwriten verities or the deuise fantasy and pleasures of men or women in what state soeuer they bee accordynglye behaue your selfe as inwardlye in gods syghte so outwardlye before your bretherne Seeme not to approue by your outewarde man that which the inwarde man detesteth It is not enoughe to beeleue wyth the harte excepte the mouthe and facte confesse the same Nor it is not enoughe wyth the mouthe to acknowledge a veritye and by oure facte and dede to destroye the same Paule speaketh sometimes of denyers of god not only with their lyppes tonge but also wyth theyr dede and life Let not the world or the more part of men be an example to you to followe them or do as they do in the seruice of God Christ sayth follow me speakyng of hymselfe whiche is the patrone and sampler we shoulde set before vs and not the worlde or more part whiche wyndeth the wyde and broade waye whose ende dothe leade to perdition and euerlastynge woe but rather let the example of such as walke in the narrowe and strait way which bringeth to life endles encourage you to walk wyth them althoughe the number of them bee but s●we the personages of thē be vttyrly contemned with the worlde in the world which worlde cannot loue no not knowe in dede the children of god because it cannot receiue the sprite of God and therefore as the Ape her younge ones so it the world I meane doth thinke her owne birdes the fayrest contēning with deadly hate al others that wil not follow her iudgemēt But what saith christ Be of good there although the world wil persecute you yet I haue ouercome the world Oh cōfortable sentence I haue ouercome the worlde This vndoutedly he meaneth for you me all other hys childrē that he hath ouercome the world for vs. But by what meanes Surely by suffring cōtempt wrong false reportes and euen very shameful most bitter death Yf he went this way wan the victory thys way as I trust we knowe let vs as his seruants whose state ought not to be aboue our maisters not be dismaid of contempte of wrong of losse of goods or life it self but rather ioyfully suffer the same as mē knowing we haue better portions in heauen that thys is the sure way to victory most victorious for by many tribulations must we enter into the kingdom of heauē if we wil come thether excepte for tribulation sake we will with ease and worldly quietnes go to hell You know that Paule saieth all that wyll lyue godlye in Chryste Iesu muste suffer persecution Wherfore in that you are in Christe Iesu I dare say you wil continue though persecutiō come to you being assured that it cannot come except god haue so decreed and if he haue so decreed then can not you but receiue it or els a crosse which will be much worse Willingly therfore take what crosse the lord shaloffer then the lord wil make you able to beare it neuer tempte you further thē he will make you strōg enough yea al the heares of your head he wil nūber kepe so that one of thē shal not perish but if you should refuse gods crosse especially in suffring the losse of any thing for his sake which geueth you al the good that euer you haue kepeth it if I say you refuse be certaine the plagues of God wil be poured downe first on your soule consciēce in hardning your hart blinding your minde either by bringing you into dispaire or into a contēpt carnal security whereafter wil ensue losse of the derest things you haue if god loue you or els he wil conserue the same to your eternal destruction I wryte not this as distrusting your cōstancie in gods cause God forbyd for me thinke I am assured of your godly zeale but I do it as I sayde that you maye bee the more heedye ware diligent and earnestly geuen to cal vpon the name of god for hys helpe and grace of perseuerance which is more redy to geue then we to aske I know this kynde of writyng is madnes to the world folishnes to reason and sower to the flesh but to you which are a man of God and by profession in baptisme haue forsaken the worlde and doe consider thinges after the reache of faythe and haue tasted of the good spirite of God and of the lyfe to come vnto such a one I say as I trus you be thys kynd of writyng is otherwyse estemed For heare you are but a pylgryme your home is in heauen your
of mercye in Christe blesse you both kepe you both and sende you both aswell to do as I wishe to my dearest and best beloued frendes and brethren in the Lorde I praye you continue to praye for me as I doubte not you doe and so geue thankes to God for me for he is good and hys mercye endureth foreuer The daye will come when we shall meere together and neuer departe God send it shortly Amen Iohn Bradforde To the worshipfull Syr VVilliam Fitzwilliams then being Knyghte Marshall of the Kinges Benche THe peace of god proper to his people the holy ghost worke daily and depely in your hart through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen I thanke my Lorde and God throughe hys Sonne our mediatour and sauioure for hys mercyes and graces geuen to your Mastership the whiche I beseche hys goodnesse to encrease in you continuallye to youre euerlastyng comforte in hym By hys mercyes towardes you I meane not in your landes possessions offices naturall wysedome rychts healthe forme c. whiche in deede be giftes of God geuen to you of hys mercye withoute your desertes and therefore shoulde he bee daylye of you praysed for the same as I doubte not but he is for elles your ingratitude woulde prouoke hym to punyshe you in them and by them if he loue you but I meane hys mercyes towardes you in the knowledge and loue of hys truthe in religion The whiche benefite in that you amongest the not manye of youre estate and condition 1. Co. 1 as Sainte Paule witnesseth haue receaued as a verye testimoniall of youre election in Christ I woulde bee sorye that you shoulde neede anye suche as I am to moue you to thankefulnesse for I am not in a mammerynge whether you be thankful to god for thys great mercy which is much more to be estemed thē al that euer you haue I hūbly besech God in hys Christ to encrease the same in you to the very end And that by me he myght doe the same in some part I thought it good and also my bounden dutie deepely deserued on your behalfe towardes me for the whiche I beseche the Lord to reward you to send to you thys treatise of the doings of Maister Ridley at Oxford concernyng hys disputation about the Sacrament This treatyse of M. Ridleyes disputation which he sent to hym you shal read in the booke of Martyrs Fol. 963. I know that there hath gone diuerse copies abroade but none of them were as I knowe thys is for I haue translated it out of that copye in Latten which was corrected with hys owne hand whiche came vnto me not without hys own consente and therfore dare I be bolde to saye that thys hath not before beene seene on thys sorte In readyng whereof you shall well see thys I speake to be most true and also that whiche causeth me to suppresse commendations of the thyng the excellencye and worthines therof I meane because I thinke I cānot speake any thing so worthely as vndoubtedly these hys doings do deserue Vnto your Maistership I sende them as a token of my dutie towardes you thereby to declare that as you deserue muche of me so I woulde shewe my selfe willynge to recompence the same if I coulde but in that I can not and also youre doinge is simplye in respecte of GOD and hys cause I wyll accordyng to your expectation leaue the recompence vnto hym in the meane season prayinge hym that of hys goodnes he would as encrease the knowledge and loue of hys truth in you so strenghen you after your vocation both purelye to walke and manfullye to confesse hys Gospel if he shall thynke it needeful to call you to that honoure for surelye of all honours it is the greatest to suffer any thyng for Christes sake Most happye maye that man thynke hymselfe that hath any thyng for hys cause to lose As he shall bee sure to fynde for hys owne parte eternall felicitie and honoure endles so shall hys posteritye euen temporallye proue thys to be moste true For gods sake therefore ryghte worshipful Syr consider well thys geare and waye it not as the worlde and your mother witte wyll moue you to do but as the word of God doth teach you there shal you see thys I speake of to bee matter of much myrth ioye and glory though to the world it seme cleane contrary Gods good spirite alwayes guide you to hys glorye geue you the spirit of prayer continually to praye that God neuer further tempt you then he will make you able to beare Amen In that thys copie is not so fayre written as I wishe and woulde haue had it I shall desire you to consider where I am and how I can not haue thinges so done as I woulde and therefore you haue it as maye bee when it may not be as I woulde it were and shoulde be From the Kinges Benche Your humble Iohn Bradforde To my good brother Maister Coker at Maldon in Essex ALthoughe I haue presentlye both litle tyme and lesse oportunitie otherwyse to write as I would yet as I maye I thoughte better to write somethynge thē vtterlye to be silente For if I shoulde not so do hauing so conuenient a messenger as I mighte towardes you incurre the suspision of ingratitude and forgetfulnesse so might I not satisfye the desire of thys my poore brother and frende Iohn Searchfield which cōmeth vnto you for helpe and comforte in this troublesome time Thys dare I say that the man feareth God and for Gods sake and conscience towardes hym susteyneth both losse and labour For our common fathers sake therefore in Christ helpe him to some hole to hyde him selfe in for a litle time if conueniently you may and remember that he that receaueth one of Christes litle ones receaueth Christe as he him selfe in the last day will acknowledge Which laste daye let vs often loke on and set before vs as the thing which most maketh to our comfort Nowe we sorrowe and sighe to see the sea swell and rage on this sort as it doth And to confesse the truth we haue double cause as wel because we haue deserued this sower sauce by reasō of our vnthankfulnes and many sinnes which the Lord pardon as because gods glory is troden vnder foote But thys comfort we haue that as God our good father will not the death of a sinner so wyll he order this geare most to his glory and our ioye and comforte if we repent now and hartely lament our euilles vse earnest humble and often yea continuall prayer and caste our selues wholy on hym and hys goodnes still labouring to lothe thys life and longing for the life to come for the which we shoulde accompte thys as it is a very vale of miserye much to be mourned in because the time of our habitation herein and exile is prolonged God graunte vs hys holy spirite to strengthen vs in his truth professed that we may perseuer to the end in the
Martyne Bu●er but the cogitation of one which was my father in the Lord and now I am assured with the Lord at home where we yet are from home by reason of thys oure corruptible habitacles wherein we abyde the Lordes leasure If you would knowe the reason that moueth me to aunsweare as I haue done to the foresayde doubtes or questions it is thys You see that the Apostle in thys place to the Romaines speaketh of the deliueraunce of euerye creature from the bondage of corruption and that to the beautifying of the glorye of Gods children Thys is so manifest that no man can well denye it It is but a simple shyfte to saye that the Apostle doth meane in thys place by euerye creature man onelye He is not wonte to speake on that fort Neyther dare I saye that the Apostle speaketh here hyperbotically or excessiuely although some thinke so But as I sayd I say agayn that the Apostle doth here simply affirme that there shall be a renouacion a deliuerance from corruption not only of man but also of al and of euery part of the whole world of euery part I say meaning partes in deede not such as be rather vices added for plagues then for partes For by reason of sinne ▪ many spottes corruptions are come into the world as is all that is hurtfull and filthy in the creatures Also al that commeth of corruption as perchaunce flees vermyne and such like Thys renouation of all things the Prophets do seme to promyse when they promise new heauens new earth For a newe earth seemeth to require no lesse renouation of earthly thinges then new heauens do of heauenly thyngs But these things the Apostle doth playnely affirme the Christ will restore euen whatsoeuer be in heauen in earth Col. 1. Therfore me thinkes it is the dutye of a Godly minde simply to acknowledge and therof to bragge in the Lord that in our resurrection al things shal be so repayred to eternitie as for our sinne they were made subiecte to corruption The auncient writers our of Peter haue as it were 2. pet 3 agreed to this sentence that the shape of this world shall passe a way through the burning of earthly fire as it was drowned wyth the flowing of earthly waters August de ciuitate dei lib. cap. 6 These be S. Augustines wordes Wherto I will adde these which he there writeth the qualities sayth he of the corruptible elementes which agreed with our corruptible bodyes shal vtterly be burned with that same worldlye conflagration and burning as I sayd but the substance it self shall haue those qualities which do agree by a meruelous chaunge to oure bodyes that the world chaunging into the better may openly be made mete to man returned euen in the flesh into the better These be hys words Wherby it is plaine that this good man did beleue that the elements should be renewed but of other things he medleth not except it be of the sea by the occasion of that which is in the Apocalips howbeit so he speaketh that he can not wel tel whether it also shal be chaūged into the better adding these wordes but we read that there shal be a new heauen and a newe earth For he dyd vnderstand the place of Esay concerning the new heauen and new earth simply of other things he expresseth nothing But Thomas Aquinas entreateth thys questiō more exactly or rather curiouslye affyrming the celestial bodies the elementes mankinde to be renewed but in no wise beasts plantes c. to bee so and this is hys principall reason The renouation of the world shal be for man therfore such shall be the renouation as shal be conformable to the renouation of man But the renouation of man shal be from corruption to incorruption frō mouing to rest the things therfore that shall be renewed with man must be broughte also to incorruption Now the celestial bodies the elementes were made to incorruptiō the one wholy in euery part the other that is the elementes though in part they are corruptible yet cōcerning the whole they are incorruptible as man is incorruptible cōcerning part that is the soule But beasts plātes c. are corruptible both wholy in euery part therefore they were not made to incorruption and so are they not conformable to the renewing that is they are not receaueable of incorruption and therfore they shall not be restored This reason is true in this part that it affirmeth thyngs shal be restored with man and with him shal be brought to perpetuitie as the Apostle sayth to be deliuered from the bondage of corruption Agayne hys reason is true herein also that mans reason may soner be persuaded the things now partly incorruptible shal be restored altogether to incorruptiō But now to say that by no reason those things may be broughte to perpetuitie which now both wholy partly be tēporall and momentane howe can he proue it in that the nature being of all thyngs dependeth on the omnipotencie of God which after hys own pleasure doth geue to things which he hath made their being and al is one to him to make a thing temporall and to make it eternall For he made all thynges of nothing and therefore heauen and the celestiall bodyes haue no more of them selues that they be perpetuall then haue those thinges that laste but a daye Wherfore thys reason which Thomas maketh is not fyrme in that it wholye leaueth to that which now seemeth and appeareth in thynges In deede as I said it hath some shewe or probabilitie that these things shal be renewed to eternitie for the glory of gods childrē which now somthyng are pertakers of the same But now seing that both it which they nowe haue and also shall haue dependeth vpon the becke pleasure of God whō hath God made of counsell with hym concerning the renouation of the world of al things that he can tel what partes of things what kindes of things he wil renewe Yea euen Aristotle dyd acknowledge that Physice or natural knowlege because it bringeth his reasons frō the disposition nature of things hath not ful necessitie of his reasons For nature is nothing els thē the ordinarie wōted wil of god as a miracle portēt or monster is the rare vnwonted wil of God We say that the nature of stones al heuie things is to sinke dounward which is nothing elles but the pleasure of God so depelling them and puttinge them downe for elles of them selues nothyng is eyther heuye or lyghte all is a like to be caryed downewardes or vpwardes Who may make God subiecte to hys worke Can not he that made all things of nothyng geue hereafter to the thinges that he hath made that wherof nowe in them selues they haue no capacitie These thyngs I do therfore rehearse to the end I myghte declare that when we dispute what god wyl do concernyng hys workes how
euē so are you you haue so surely knitte me to you with that bond of vnfayned loue whereby you are lyncked to the chyldren of God Oh blessed bonde of perfection and true badge of Christes Dysciples Oh true and vnfayned loue wroughte by hys spyrite in the hartes of all hys elect This is to vs a true sygne and sure seale that we are the verye children of GOD. Thys loue is that flower that neuer shall fade but floryshe daylye more and more and bee made perfect in that place where fayth and hope shall haue no offyce 1. Cor. 13. but possesse for euer that which they haue here long loked for wyth patience My deare hart be of good cheare for though our bodyes be here seperated a sūder for a litle time yet shal the lord bring vs together againe ere it be long into a place of great ioy where we shal dwel for euer Yea god cā wyll if he see it good for vs bring vs together agayn in this lyfe that we maye haue a mery meting further occasion to prayse hys holy name He can worke wonders when hym self listeth Psa 91. Oh what it is to dwell vnder the defence of the most highest and to sit vnder the shadow of the almighty The buggysh Byshops can not make such a one a feard because they can not take awaye one heare from our head vntil god geue them leaue which I am sure he wil not doe vntyl such time as he shall see it moste to hys glorye and the profytte of hys sainctes and when that time is once come who wyll desire to tarie here any longer Thus deare sister I haue scribled a fewe lines to you in haste I will not say that it shal be my last farewell although it be very like in this life Cōmend me to my good brethren M. Heath Robert Cole Iohn Lydley c. I would be glad to see them take my leaue of them if they may do it without daunger as I thinke they may but in no wise let them not daunger thēselues for that matter sure I am we shall all haue a most ioyfull meting shortly God strengthen you al in his truth and make you instrumentes of hys glory to defend the gospell of his grace against al sortes of enemyes therof Amongest whō me thinkes I do foresee deare sister the great plague that these frewill men shall poure vpon the poore afflicted Church of God for withoute all doubt the Dragon wil make the riuer of reproch Apo. 12 which you now sustaine for the verities sake a great floud or euer it be longe but in the end they shall drinke it vp all them selues as they now do that which they spued forth against our blessed brethren Bradford and Philpot. And yet the veritie doth floryshe and shall spyte of the Pye which greueth Sathan at the hart therfore he bestirreth him like a wode Liō knowing that his time is short The lord deliuer vs frō these poysoned tonges Verely I can not tell whether I maye more lament my long tarying amonges these Ismalites so geuen to malice or the leauing of you and other my deare louers in the Lord amonges them The Lord be mercifull vnto his elect and shorten these sorowful daies for their sakes as he hath sayd he will Farewel mine owne deare hart farewell in the Lord Iesus christ who poure his holy sprite plenteously vpon you that by the mighty operation of the same you may daily more more effectuously feele the sure certaintye of your eternall saluatiō in Iesus Christ that you may euer be able to comfort other with the same cōfortes wherwyth you are comforted in him To whose most mercifull defence I do hartely cōmit you now euer more Amen The blessing of God be with you all now and euer Amen Your own poore brother Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lorde abyding his good pleasure To my good Sister M. C. THe peace of god in Iesus Christe the eternall comfortes of his sweete spirite be with you my deare and fatithfull sister to the full accomplyshment of that good worke whiche he hath most graciously begōne in you that the same may be effectuall to the settyng forth of hys glorye and to your euerlastynge consolation in hym Amen My louing and faythfull syster in the Lorde I thanke you for all your louing kindnes shewed vnto me but specially for your godly remembrance of me in your feruent and faythfull prayers and for your most godly and comfortable letter wherby you do not only much encrease my ioye and comfort but also put me in remēbrance of my duty towards you Blessed be the Lord our God which of hys great mercy hath so beautifyed hys church in these our dayes that euen vnto many godly women he hath geuē most excellent giftes of knowledge and vnderstanding of hys truth so that they are not only wel able to enforme their own consciences in al things necessary to saluation but also most swetely to cōfort their sorowful brethrē sisters that sustaine any trouble for the testimony of gods truth yea that which is more euen in the middes of their greate confllictes of conscience Of which most happye nūber of godly vertuous women my deare hart you are one that of the chiefest being plentifully endewed with the giftes of gods most gracious spirit as it doth ful well appeare in your dayly doinges God only haue the prayse therfore For as much then as God hath geuen you the gifte to write I shall most hartely desyre you to let me heare frō you somtymes be it neuer so litle for truly I take great comfort courage therby specially in my poore conscience which is sore assaulted of subtyll Sathan in a maner oppressed of my synnes Pray deare syster that god may geue me true harty and earnest repentance and increase my fayth for they are both the good giftes of God only farre passe the reache of my power to take at my plearsure Therfore deare syster if you wil helpe me to begge the same of oure deare louing father I am sure that he both can will geue them me in his good time And as for the feare of death or terrour of the fyer I most hartely thanke my good God I feele it not only it is myne own sinnes and vnthankfulnes which holdeth hard battel wageth strong warre againste me which only goeth about to seperate me frō my good captayne Christ that I should not enioye hys glorious victorye but God being on my side as I am sure he is that can not continually preuaile agaynst me Though God for a time permitte Sathā to take his pleasure on me as he did vp on Iob yet I doubt not but in the end all shall turne to my profite through the merites of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whose most merciful defence I commit you deare sister with all the rest of the Lordes electe
Farewell in Christe Yours vnfaynedly Iohn Careles Pray pray praye praye To my moste deare and faythfull brother in the lord T. V. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ with continuall ioy comfort and quietnes of conscience through the mightye operation of the holy ghost be with you my most dearelye beloued brother V. to the encrease of your crowne and victorye nowe and euer Amen I haue bene often times earnestlye minded to write vnto you my deare hart in the Lord syth I receaued your moste godly and louing letter but the likelyhode hope which I haue often since conceaued to see you talke with you mouthe to mouth hath caused me to forbeare that loue hath so often prouoked me vnto But sith mine expectatiō is not yet certifyed nor as farre as I can perceaue is like to be in thys life I can no longer forbeare the scribling of these fewe lynes vnto you The which I desire you to take in good worth for as I haue done the same altogether in hast so is it the contentes of an hart somthing troubled and not altogether in so swete a securitie as it hath bene in tymes past and I dout not but it shal be so full wel agayne Ah my deare brother if I should not now then drinke wyth Christe of the bitter cuppe of inwarde afflictions I shoulde to muche neglecte my dutye towardes you and other my deare hartes in the Lorde whom the mighty God hath made worthy to feele with Christ the fellowship of his passions But blessed be my God and most deare louing father which of his great mercy infinite goodnes in Christ wyl vouch me worthy wyth you other of hys deare dearlings to cary as well the inward crosse which is most greuous and heauye as the outward crosse which is so lyght easy 2. Cor. 4 I know there is an exceding waight of glory prepared for me although Sathan now by gods permission seketh all meanes possible to persuade me to the contrary by castyng of hys cloudes mistes ouer me that he myght darkē the loue of my deare lord Christ which dyed for me yea that whē I was hys vtter enemye by nature the very chyld of wrath and perdition but I know that the loue of my Christe being so great wyll burst out agayne moste gloryouslye Oh God me thynkes euen now I feele it beginne to kyndle in my brest meruelously Praye for me deare hart pray for me that my soule maye sweetely turne to her olde reste agayne for verelye Sathan hath made a sore ruffelyng wyth her of late that he myghte haue bereft her of her vyrginitye wyth the fornication of mistruste and infidelitye But I see wel my God is faythfull as Sainct Paule sayth and wyll not suffer her to be tempted aboue the strength he wyl geue der Praye for me deare harte I saye agayne and prayse GOD moste hartely for hys greate mercy extended towardes me as by your letter I vnderstand you doe I thanke you most hartelye therefore and I promyse you by Gods grace I wil neuer forget you so long as the breth is in my body neither can I though I would And now myne owne bowels in the Lord I long much to heare of your state which I trust be most happy blessed Gladly would I heare that the celestiall brydegrome were at home wyth you and that in respecte of hys moste blessed and cherefull presence you had caste awaye all your mournyng garmentes Oh that I myght once beare you hartely synge wyth the spouse thys sweete verse Can. 2. My delyght is to sitte vnder the shadowe of my loue for hys fruite is full swete vnto my throte he bringeth me into his wine seller hys banner spreadeth ouer me his loue hys left hand lyeth vnder my head and hys ryght hand shal embrace me c. Oh my deare hart I am nowe constrayned to end for thys tyme but god will send me an other I doubte not to whose most mercifull defence I do hartely committe you Yours vnfaynedly Iohn Careles To my deare brother T. V. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus christ the continuall comfortes of hys most pure holy spirit be with you my most deare frend and faythfull brother V. to the encrease of your fayth comfort of your sorowfull spirite which is to the father a sweete sacrifyce through Christe for whose sake he wyll neuer despyse your humble and contrite hart but doth fauourablye accepte the same and wil in most ample wise performe the desyre therof to hys glory and your eternall comfort in hym In the middes of my manyfold crosses troubles wherin I am constrayned to flee vnto God for refuge succoure by earnest and faythfull prayer I can not forget you my deare harte in the Lorde but esteminge your state for myne owne I doe poure forth my complaynte for you as I doe for my selfe and rather more as I thynke presence neede doth require desyring most hartely to heare of the good successe of the same in you The Lorde God for hys great mercyes sake accomplish my desire as I doubt not but he wil whē he seeth it good most to hys glory to your comfort and commoditye Oh that I myght once see you so mery in christ as you haue iust cause to be that you might say with Dauyd psalm 57. Awake my glory awake Lure and Harpe bryng forth the Psalter with the mery song that I myght synge a new songe of prayse and thankesgeuynge vnto the Lorde for the lyghte of hys fauourable countenaunce hys helpe and deliueraunce Psa 45. Oh that woulde refreshe me as a most precious oyle and gladden my poore harte whiche is assaulted with sorrow moe waies then one I doubt not but the same shall by your meanes receiue much comfort though for a tyme it doth mourne wyth you that we may be made both glad together yea and that with such gladnes as shall continue for euer But in the meane space I say most happye are you that so hartely mourne the absence of the brydegrome Math. 9. If you were not a weddyng child you could neuer doe it Onely Christes true Disciples do mourne for his absence therfore shal they doubteles reioyce at hys presence which wil be so much more ioyful by how much the absence is more sorowful Therfore my good brother take a good hart vnto you be of good chere Say wyth the prophet Dauyd psalme 42 O my soule why art thou so heuye and why art thou so disquieted with in me O put thy trust in god for I wil yet geue him thākes for the helpe of hys louing countenaunce and because he is my god Reade psalm the .41 and .42 for your comfort and consider that the holy king and Prophet at the making and first saying of them was euen in the same case that you are now in but he styll comforted hymselfe with
the swete promises of god and so do you my deare harte for to you they do as well pertaine as they did to him and as surely shall they be performed vpon you as they were vpon him for he is one god and deare father vnto you both and for his mercy truth and promyse sake he must nedes make good vnto you all that he hath sayd If his loue towardes you stode in the respect of your owne meryte or worthines you myghte well mourne lament complayne yea you had good cause to doubt feare and mistrust But seyng he loueth you onely for and in Iesus Christ who is your whole holines righteousnes redmption lay away all mourning lamenting and complaining banishe from you all feare mistrust and infidelitie and know that as long as Christ dothe continue gods sonne so long must the loue of the father continue towardes you immutable and his good wil vnchangeable cannot be altered through any of your infirmities For this is most true that as long as the cause of any thing doth last so long must the effect remain but christ is the whole cause why the father loueth you and he also continueth for euer then must I nedes conclude that the loue of the father continueth towardes you for euer and as the Palmiste moste ioyfully so often syngeth hys mercy endureth for euer and euer Thys is most true myne owne dere hart although the Lorde for a tyme byde it from your senses that you myghte be the more earnest in prayer to hym for the feelyng of it also the more thankefull for it when he dothe geue the liuely tast of it as doutles he wil do or euer it be long and then shall you bee well hable to comforte other in the same state that you are now in with the same comfort wherwyth you are and further shall be comforted of god Heb. 12 Therfore lift vp your handes that are now a little fallen downe and stretch forth the weake knees of your troubled minde which now mourneth with a godly mourning and therfore shal it be full well comforted wyth that swete peace of GOD whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and you are sure alreadye to enioye the blessing that Christe gaue vnto the godly mourners of Sion vpon the mounte Eccle. 7 at the fyrst set mō that he made Oh happy V. in whose mourning company I had rather be then in the house of mirth banckettyng of such as see not what cause they haue to mourne and be sory But yet my good brother vse a measure in thys your godly mournyng and make not your faythful frends to much sory for you Let the persuasions of such godlye louers as you do daily company withal or rather the persuasions of the holye ghoste by them moue you to some godly myrth and reioycing Phil 4 Consider that you are commaunded of God by the mouthe of Sainte Paule therto Reioyce in the Lord saithe he and I say agayne reioyce Marke howe he doubleth the sentence that we may perceiue it is a most earnest and necessarye thing he requireth Obey the commaundement of God in this behalf wherin as you cannot but highly please him so I assure you you shall very much reioyce my poore harte and the hartes of other whych pray for you wyth mournyng teares and make that cruell enemye Sathan and all your aduersaries sory which will reioyce and laughe to see you mourne Oh my good brother let it manifestly appeare that the lorde of hys great mercye hathe hearde oure faythfull and hartye requestes for you Oh howe woulde that reioyce me in the myddes of my troubles Therfore now to conclude because the darkenes constrayneth me to make an ende for thys tyme I say my dere and faythful brother V. in respecte of the greate cause you haue of your owne parte through Christ and for the glory and honour of almighty GOD the comfort ioy and reioycyng of your deare bretherne and Sisters in Christe also your owne duety by the commaundement of GOD and last of all to vexe molest and greue Sathan wythal reioyce in the Lord and be most hartely glad in hym who is wholy yours and you are hys and shal be for euermor● Selah Farewell mine owne bowels in the Lord and prayse GOD with ioyfull lippes and a merye harte and praye for me his most vnprofitable seruaunt which haue more cause concerning my self to lament then any one man liuing out my good bridegrome is presēt byddeth me cast away my mourning garmentes and therfore I must nedes be mery with him so he biddeth you to be by my mouthe for he is present with you although for sorrowe you cannot knowe hym as Magdalen could not in the garden vntil he spake vnto her The Lord God speake the wordes of comforte in your hart and open the eies of your mynd that you maye perfectly perceiue and fele his blessed presence and so reioice in the same for euermore Amen Cōfort your hart in Christ and cast your care vpon him for he careth for you Your brother in the Lorde abydyng his good pleasure Iohn Careles Vnto all the faythful flocke of Iesus Christ within the city of Londō which feare god vnfainedlye seke to serue hym in suche holynes righteousnes as is acceptable in hys syght Iohn Careles wysheth the eternall peace of God in Iesus Chryst the continuall ayde strengthe and comforte of hys moste holye spirit wych the encrease of faythe and liuely feling of his mercy now euermore Amē WHen I had with my selfe well waied and considered right worshipfull citizens the greate charge and burden that you haue borne and ben at not only wyth me which am most vnworthye of your liberall benefites but also wyth many other the poore afflicted people of God euer since the tyme that Tyranny last broke lose into this miserable land c I was euen ashamed and in conscience confounded to thinke of my great slouthe and negligence yea ingratitude and vnthankfulnes towardes you in not sowing some of these spirituall gyftes whiche God hath geuen me emongest you of whome I haue reaped so manifoldly your temporall benefites God for hys dere sonnes sake forgeue me my great synne that in this pointe I haue commiited against both him and you desiring you also to do the same and I will promyse you by gods grace if he spare me lyfe I will henceforthe better performe my duety towardes you my poore prayer alwais supplieng that whych otherwyse I am not hable to performe And in testimony therof I haue here writen vnto you this simple admonition the which I wene wil be my leaue taking of you and last farewel in this corruptible life as by many likelyhodes it dothe appeare wherefore I besech you all to accept it in good parte as a sygne and token of some parcell of my good will towardes you But what shal I write vnto you or wherof shall I entreate that you alredy do
might be the better by them if he returne not agayne Euen so dearly beloued and ryght worshipfull my good frendes I hauing shortlye to passe vnto my heauenly inheritaunce whiche is hidden with Christ to our common countrey and eternal dwelling place which we shal haue ● god neuer to returne before the latter day in the whiche our soules shall come to iudgement and receaue their bodyes to be glorifyed according to their doings haue thought it my dutye to cōmunicate vnto you somthing with whō I haue foūd great humanitie of the fewe heauenly treasures with the whiche God among others hath endued me in Christe whereby he hath made me his childe and assuredly the enheritour of the kingdome of heauen wich all those which vnfaynedly loue him and constantly cleaue to his holy gospell and that is by the renouation of his Image whereunto man was first created lyke vnto god which is to be in the fauour of God to know God truly to liue iustely to delight feruently in the contēpplacion of God to bee continually happye to be immortall voyde of al corruption and sinne the which blessed Image through synne is deformed in vs and in maner loste sauing that it hath pleased GOD of his mercye who willeth not the death of a sinner to restore that Image by grace throughe knowledge and beliefe of the Gospell whiche otherwyse in our nature is cleane suppressed extinguished Therefore we knowing the greate and lamentable losse whiche we doe sustaine in Adam ought moste earnestly to seeke the recouerye thereof that we mighte eternallye liue like vnto God in immortalitie and felicitie the whiche we shall neuer recouer vnlesse we goe aboute to mortifye our outwarde man all the dayes of our life more and more and bee renewed in spirite according to the true knowledge of GOD the whiche if we bee then may we bee assured that we haue found that ioye felicitie and eternall life whiche Adam had in paradise yea and more then that tenne thousand folde for that it is suche as the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither the hart cā cōceaue which christ hath prepared for vs. This image of god whosoeuer by faith doth fynd he hath found the most precious treasure that any man can finde for he is euen here a citizen of heauen and in possession of eternal life Therefore I cōmit vnto you principally a dailye care of the renouation of this image as the chiefest iewel you can desire in this world And hereof now I am the more moued to put you in remembraunce because I loue you entierly in the lord and desyre your fellowshyp which the iniquity of our tyme will not permit me to enioy here And for asmuche as we haue a better life to come then this present is an eternall societie with Christ whiche neyther the malice of tyme neither the distance of place can dissolue or separate I exhort you now as one that hath obtained mercy of god in the reparacion of hys image in me to embrace the care therof with earnest desyre to attayn the same wherby we shal al haue a perfect fruition of our loue frendship which alreadye we haue here begon with god in heauen shal bee wythout all doute made ioyfully perfect Let this be a perpetual remembrance of your poore afflicted frend which daily loketh through fire to enter into that eternal life where he trusteth assuredly to enioy your fellowship if the image of god be renued in you through the knowledge of Christ which you haue receyued do know Loke whose image the coyne beareth his it is Semblably if your conuersation be after the gospell verely you are the elect of Christ but if it be according to the world his seruants you are whom your lyfe doth expresse We haue all in Baptisme put on Christ whom if we endeuour to represēt we are in dede the sonnes of God and inheritours wyth Christ One good rule S. Paule to the Rom. in the xij chap. doth appoint for the restauration of this our image of God Fashion not your selues saith he vnto thys world but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renewyng of your mynde that ye maye proue what is the will of god which thing is good acceptable perfect God graūt that this rule may take place with you then doutles our companye shall be inseparable wyth all the saynts of God in eternall blesse Be you not deceyued by the vayne possessions and vncertayne pleasures of this worlde whiche serue to none other purpose then to blynde your eyes that they mighte not behold the things which be glorious and permanent for euer The thynges whiche we see are mortall but the thynges which we see not but certainly hope for be immortall For all flesh as the Prophete Esay saythe is but grasse and the glory therof as the flower of the fielde Oh that you whiche haue the possessions of thys world would so accompt thē not sel your eternal inheritance for a messe of porrige as Esau dyd God open your eyes that you may see the glory of Christ in the mount wyth Peter Iohn and Iames. Then I doubte not you would say with Peter Lord it is good for vs to abyde here let vs here make our dwelling places We haue in this world no fyrme mansion but we seke after that which is to come the which yf we seke nowe where it maye be found we shal surely finde it If we mortify the image of Adam which through synne raigneth in our flesh then shal the image of Christ reuiue in vs to our eternall glorye We are all baptised to die wyth Christe to the ende we shoulde walke in newnes of lyfe as persons dead to the world and liuyng to God And if we dye with hym by crucifieng our concupiscence and lustes we shall eternally lyue Infidelitie is the cause of all our misery which causeth vs to feare mā more then GOD and to esteme the thynges presence more then the thynges to come God illighten our eyes that we may vnderstand how precious an inheritaunce Christ hath prepared for suche as hunger and thurst therafter Then I doubte not we would say wyth Sayncte Paule I am surely persuaded that neyther deathe nor lyfe neyther Aungels nor rule neyther power neyther thynges present neyther thynges to come neyther anye other treasure or creature shall separate vs from the loue whych is in Christe Iesus The Lorde encrease our fayth and geue vs hys holy spirite to discerne wyth our selues howe muche we are growen in hys image and are lyke vnto hym for howe muche we are vnlyke to the worlde so muche more are we like vnto god and so much the more do we approche vnto hym The lord drawe you by hys holye spirite and fashion you vnto hys lykenes that we may eternally lyue together The meanes to come therevnto is diligent exercise in gods worde continuall and faithfull prayer a desyre and loue to
of my fal also deliuered me his name be praised foreuermore Amē Neyther deuil nor cruel Tyrāne can plucke any of christes shepe out of hys hand Of the whych flocke of christes shepe I trust vndoubtedly I am one by meanes of his death bloudshedyng which shal at the last day stand at hys right hand and receyue wyth other his blessed benediction And now beyng condēned to dye my cōscience mind I prayse god is quyet in Christ I by his grace am very wel willyng content to geue ouer thys body to the death for the testimony of hys truth and pure religiō agaynste Antichriste and all hys false religion and doctryne They that reyort otherwyse of me speake not truely And as for Fountayne I saw him not all thys while Thomas Whittle Ministes Another letter of M. Thomas VVhittell written to a cerrayne godly woman OH my deare and louing Sister in Christ bee not dismayd in this storme of persecution for Paul calleth the gospel the word of the crosse because it is neuer truly taught but the crosse and cruell persecution immediatlye and necessarilye doth followe the same and therefore it is a manifeste token of Gods truth that hath bene here and is styl abroade and that is a cause of the rage and crueltye of Sathan agaynste Christ and hys members whiche muste bee corrected for their sinnes in thys worlde their fayth muste bee tryed that after tryall and paciente suffering the faythfull maye receaue the crowne of glorye Feare not therefore my welbeloued but proceede in the knowledge and feare of GOD and he will keepe you from all euill Call vppon hys holy name and he will strengthen you and assiste you in all your wayes and if it please hym to lay his crosse vppon you for his Gospells sake refuse it not neyther shake it of by vnlawfull meanes leste you shoulde as God forbyd fynde a more greuous crosse and tormente of conscience if you shoulde dissemble and denye the knowen veritye then is any persecution or death of bodye Oh howe happye are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake Their rewarde is greate in heauen The momentane afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glorye that shall bee shewed vppon vs. Oh remember the Godly wemen of the olde testamente and newe whiche liued in Gods seruice and feare and therefore are nowe in blisse and cōmended for euer as namely Iudith Hester Abigaell the Mother of the .vij. sonnes Marye Elizabeth Susanna Lidia and Phebe and others Set their examples before your eyes and feare nothing for Sathan is conquered by our Sauiour Christ sinne is putte to flyght and the gate of immortalitie and eternall life is sette wyde open God graunt we may enter therin through the doore Iesus Christe Amen Thomas Whittel Maister Bartlet Grene to certayne of hys frends a litle before his death BEtter is the day of death sayth Salomon then the day of byrth Mā that is borne of woman liueth but a short time and is replenyshed with many miseries but happy are the dead that die in the Lord. Man of woman is borne in trauell to liue in misery Man through Christ doth die in ioye and liue in felicitie He is borne to die and dyeth to liue Strayght as he commeth into the world with cryes he vttereth his miserable estate strayghte as he departeth with songes he prayseth god for euer Scarce yet in hys cradell in deadly enemyes assaultes him after death no aduersarye maye anoye him Whilest he is here he displeaseth god whē he is dead he fulfilleth his will In thys life here he dyeth through sinne in the life to come he liueth in righteousnes Through manye tribulations in earth is he still purged with ioye vnspeakeable in heauen is he made pure for euer Here he dyeth euerye houre there he liueth continualy Here is synne there is righteousnesse Here is tyme there is eternitie Here is hatred there is loue Here is payne there is pleasure Here is myserye there is felicitie Here is corruption there is immortalitie Here we see vanitie there shall we beholde the Maiestie of God with triumphant and vnspeakeable ioye in glorye euerlasting Seeke therfore the thynges that are aboue where Christe sitteth on the ryghte hand of God the father vnto whom with the sonne and the holy ghost be all honour and glorye worlde wythoute end Amen Christe deus sine te spes est mihe nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In Englyshe thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none That truth I loue and falshode hate thou arte my guyde alone Yours in Christe Bartlet Grene. A letter of Iohn Careles to one Mystres Cotton THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternall comfortes of his most pure holy mightye spirit with the encrease of fayth liuely feeling of his swete mercies be with you dere frend faythfull louing Sister good Mystres Cotton to the ful encrease of your ioye in Christe now and euermore Amen As from the very bottome of my poore hart I wish vnto you health both of body soule my deare louing Syster in the Lord so will I neuer cease praying vnto god for the same according vnto my most boūdē duty Howbeit of your body vpō conditiō but of your soule without any conditiō being wel assured that the lord for his deare sonnes sake wil perfectly graūt me the same so farre forth as shal be most for your profite So that if the health of your body wil stand with the wealth of your soule I am sure I shal haue my peticiō graunted for the health of the same But if the sicknes of your body be for the health of your soule as I am sure it is then haue I also my desire graūted because I aske the same no further thē it maye stand with the other But for the euerlasting health of your soule do I hartely pray without the additiō of any conditiō for it is the lords good wil I should so do Therefore I am sure my request is already graunted therin for his sake who hath redemed the same with his most precious blood yea in whō you were elected before the foūdation of the world was layd This is moste true therfore let nothīg perswade you to the contrary Rest vpō this rocke be you sure the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaīst you I know deare hart that you haue done much good to the poore for Iesus Christs sake yet beware you do not put any truste or confidence in your good dedes merits or deseruings but only in Iesus christ which hath geuē you him self wholy to be yours with al his holynes righteousnes iustificatiō redēptiō al that euer he may On the other side he hath takē vpon himself al your sinnes misery infirmitye hath made a full satisfaction for them with the sacrifice of his own