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A14213 A verie profitable and necessarie discourse concerning the obseruation and keeping of the Sabboth day seruing as well to confute the superstition of the Iewes, which obstinately vrge the strict keeping of the seuenth day, as also to ouerthrowe the vaine and godlesse reasons of others, that stiffely at this day maintaine, that Christians ought to keepe no set or appoynted time to worship and serue the Lord in, in his church and faithfull congregation. Written in Latine by Zacharias Vrsinus, sometimes reader of the diuinitie lecture in the Vniuersitie of Heidelberg in Germanie, and very nevvly turned into English, by Iohn Stockvvood schoolemaster of Tunbridge. Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Stockwood, John, d. 1610. 1584 (1584) STC 24528; ESTC S103618 26,018 66

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true Christianitie Reade the Epistle of S. Iohn vnto the elect lady And here at no hand may wee let passe the worthie cōmendation which Iohn giueth vnto the most vertuous worshipful Lady and her children whose conuersation before the world was agreeable vnto their profession according as the truth of the Lord requireth that it should be Which singular and notable exāple as it generallie concerneth al christian and godly women so dooth it most neerelie and properlie belong vnto your good Ladiship all other gentle women of your place and calling Ro. 15.4 For if whatsoeuer examples of the olde fathers in the Scriptures are written for our learning that by reading their examples we should expresse and followe their vertues then doubtlesse are all women of great worshippe and dignitie of this godlie Ladie to learne that it is not sufficient that they be religious and godlie themselues but that they also labour to haue their whole families and households vnfainedlie to feare the Lord which thing cannot bee performed without the diligent hearing of the word on the Lords day other meetings of the Church and priuate labouring in instructing and dailie teaching of our charges at home the which good exercise as I can hope for at the handes of manie so I can promise and assure my selfe that it shall bee carefullie practised of your W. of whome I heare so well for zeale and loue of the truth nothing doubting but that beeing compassed about with so greate a cloude of witnesses He. 12.1.2 whose care hath beene so vehement and earnest for the true spending of the Sabboth and Christian education of their famylies with performance of other dueties of Godlynesse all lets and stumbling blockes being remooued you will dailie adde vnto that great good forwardnes which the lord hath wrought in you alredie a plentiful increase in all vertues beautifying and garnishing a Christian Ladie God by his holie spirite working in your heart a burning desire euerie daie more and more to imitate the commendable examples of these holy matrones before alleadged Secondlie hauing receiued many benefits at the hands of that worthie Knight sir Iohn Pellam your late deceased husband a Gentleman so well deseruing of his common wealth and Countrie that verie enuie her selfe if neuer so faine she woulde shall yet neuer be able to burie in the dark lake of obliuion his due deserued praises I haue thought it meete and requisite to giue out before the world some dutifull testimonie of a thankfull minde in regard of the same least I might worthilie be condempned of that vice which is both hated of God and detested of men I meane the foule staine of ingratitude which the verie Heathen haue recorded to be the chiefe ring-leader vnto all filthinesse Xenophō In his first ●ooke of ●he edu●ation of Cyrus as being alwaies accompanied with blushles shamelesnesse which may easily perswade vnto al kind of wickednes Thirdlie in regard of your owne W. omitting such good graces as are generally knowen by the working of God his spirite to be in you to the comfort of the godlie because that you of your modestie cannot abide to heare them nor I without suspition of flatterie may be thought to name them the particular knowledge of vndeserued gentlenes from your good L. meant vnto me most worthilie craueth some dutifull signification of my gratefull remembraunce of such most curteous kindnesse the which because my poore abilitie wyll suffer no other waie to expresse accept I most humblie beseech you these paper thanks vntil God shall offer some fitter occasion to testifie that vnfained thankefulnesse which your singular courtesie most iustlie doth require praying in the meane season the Lord most abundauntlie in this life to direct you in all your waies to his glorie and ioy of his chosen and in the life to come to make you partaker of those vnspeakable blessings which in most rich mercy he hath prepared for all those that in his Christ do trulie feare and serue him to whome be all glorie both now and for euer Amē Frō Tunbridge the 20. of Oct. 1584. Your W. most humble Iohn Stockwood Schoolemaster of Tunbridge A RIGHT GODlie and learned exposition vpon the fourth Commandement concerning the Sabboth and right vse of the same The fourth Commandement REmember that thou keepe holie the Sabboth daie Sixe daies shalt thou worke and doe all thy worke but the seauenth daie there shall bee a Sabboth vnto the Lord thy God Thou shalt doe no worke neither thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter nor thy seruaunt nor thy maide nor thy cattell nor the straunger which is within thy gates For in sixe daies the Lord made heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer are in them and rested the seauenth daie and therefore he blessed the seauenth daie and hallowed it The exposition THere are two parts of this lawe the commandement the reason of the same And again there are two parts of the cōmandement of the which the one is morall or euerlasting namelie that the Sabboth be hallowed What is morall for euer in this cōmaundement What is ceremoniall for a time that is to saie that some certaine time be appointed for the ministerie of the Church or publike worshippe of God The other is ceremoniall and for a time namelie that this time shuld be the seuenth daie and that in it should be obserued and kept the ceremonies of the Leuiticall lawe And that this part is for a time and the other euerlasting we doe vnderstand by the end of the commaundement and causes of both these parts The ende of the cōmaundement The Ministerie The end of the commaundement is the publike praising of God in the congregation or the conseruation or maintenance and vse of the ministerie of the Church which is an office ordained by God to teach the Church concerning God and his will out of the word of God deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles and to minister the sacraments according to the ordinaunce of God And God would haue at all times of the world that there shuld be publique assemblies of the Church in the which should sound true doctrine concerning God for these causes especially The first that in mankinde God might be praised and called vpon Causes of ordeining the ministerie not onely priuately but also with the publike voyce of the Church in this life Psalm 68. In the Congregations blesse ye the Lord. The second that the publike and ordinarie preaching of doctrine the rehearsing of prayers and thankes-giuing and vsing of ceremonies might be an exercise stirring vp and fostering faith and godlinesse as the which without exercises by reason of our infirmitie and weakenesse doth very easely were colde Ephes 4. He hath giuen some Apostles others Prophetes others Euangelists others Pastors and Doctors vnto the worke of the ministerie vnto the edifying of the bodie of Christ vntill we all come vnto the knowledge of the Sonne of GOD
vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the stature of Christ full growen that wee be no longer children which do wauer and are caried about with euerie winde of doctrine c. The third that one should prouoke and stir vp another by their example vnto godlines and vnto the praysing of God Psa 22. I wil shew forth thy name vnto my brethrē in the middest of the cōgregation will I praise thee yee that feare the Lord praise him the whole seede of Iacob glorifie him c. The fourth that consent and agréement in doctrine and in the worship of God might be kepte in the church Eph. 4. He hath giuen Pastors and Doctours vnto the growing together of the Saints vntill that we all attaine vnto the vnitie of faith The fifth that the church may be séene heard in mankind and discerned knowen from the other multitude of men blasphemons idolatrous And God will haue the Church to be séene that the elect may be gathered vnto it and the reprobate or off-castes become the more inexcusable whilest they despise the voyce heard and the calling of God goe about to represse and keepe backe the same Rom. 10. But haue they not heard yea the sound of them hath gone forth into all the earth and their wordes into the endes of the world 2. Cor. 2. Thankes be vnto God who causeth that we alwaies triumph in Christ by vs in all places doth make manifest the sauor of his knowledge For we are the good sauour of Christ vnto God in those which are saued and in those which doo perish to these the sauour of death vnto death vnto them the sauour of life vnto life Luc. 2. Behold he is set vp vnto the fall and rising againe of many in Israel and for a signe that shall be spoken against that the thoughts may be layde open out of manie hearts These causes appertaine not vnto any one certein time but vnto al times of the Church and of the world Therefore God wil alwaies haue the ministerie of his Church preserued and the vse and exercise therof frequented practised haunted The morall parte of this cōmandement perpetuall euerlasting and therefore the kinde of this commandement or the morall part therof frō the beginning of the world euen vnto the end doth binde al men namely that some Sabboth be kept that is to say that some time be appointed for sermons publike praiers and ministring of the sacraments But contrariwise the seuenth day was appointed by God vnto the ministerie euen frō the beginning of the world to signifie The causes of the seauenth daye that men after the example of God ought to rest from their works that is to say from their daily labours belonging vnto this life but especially from sinne giue them selues wholly vnto the meditation and thinking vpon and vnto the praising and setting forth of the workes of God And afterwards this commandement was rehearsed again in the lawe of Moses The significatiō of the sanctifying of the Church and the ceremonie of resting the seauenth daie was withall made a Sacrament that is to saie a token of sanctification wherby God did signifie that he was the sanctifier of the Church that is to forgiue her her sinnes to receiue her into fauour to endue and gouerne her by the holie Ghost to the beginning of a new and euerlasting life in this life and afterward to be perfected and finished for and by the promised Messias Exo. 31. Ye shal keep my Sabboths because it is a signe betweene me and you in your generations that yee may know that I am the Lord which doo sanctifie you Ezech. 20. And I haue giuen vnto them my Sabboths that they should be for a signe betweene me and them that they shuld know that I am the Lord which doe sanctifie them The ceremonie of kee ing the seauenth daie ta●ē avvaie by the comming of Christ Forasmuch then as the Sabboth of the seauenth daie was a figure putting the people in minde both of their duetie or of godlynesse towards God and of the benefit of God performed towardes his people by Christ it was with other ceremonies taken awaie by the comming of Christ by whome that was fulfilled the which those ceremonies did signifie which thing also Paule doeth witnesse Colloss 2. Let no man therefore condempne you for meate or drinke or in regard of an holie daie or new moone or Sabboths the which are a shadowe of things to come but the bodie is of Christ The Iewes obiect Obiectiōs for the seuēth day Obiectiō The seauēth daie is the ceremoniall part Ansvvere forasmuch as we euē our selues confesse that the law of the ten commaundements is perpetuall or euerlasting and that the precept touching the Sabboth is part of the ten Commaundements therefore it is not to be abolished or taken awaie We answere that the Decalogue or ten commaundements is perpetuall or euerlasting so far as it is morall and that the additions or circumstances of the morall commaundements for signification sake were to be kept no longer then vntil the comming of the Messias Secondlie they replie Obiectiō that it is written concerning the Sabboth Exod. 31. It is an euerlasting couenant it is an euerlasting signe betweene me the sonnes of Israel We answere Ansvvere The Sabboth is euerlast first that the ceremonial Sabboth is perpetuall vnto the comming of Christ which was the end of ceremonies Ierem. 31. Dan. 9. Secondly that the Sabboth is euerlasting concerning the signification which is a ceasing from sinne and a rest in the Lord. For so all the figures of the olde lawe are euerlasting yea the kingdome of Dauid it selfe the which notwithstanding was to be destroied before the comming of the Messias Gen. 49. The Scepter shal not be taken awaie from Iuda vntill Silo come And 2. Sam. 7. Thy throne shall be sure for euer Ezech. 37. My seruant Dauid shall be a Prince vnto thē for euer In the same place And the Gentiles shall know that I the Lord doe sanctifie Israel forasmuch as my sanctuarie shal be among them for euer Obiectiō 3 Thirdlie they saie albeit it should bée graunted that the ceremonies of Moses are mutable or such as may be chaunged yet the lawes giuen before Moses are vnchaungeable amongest the which is also the kéeping of the seauenth daie Ansvvere Ceremonies euen before Moses vvere figures We denie the Maior as touching ceremonies for ceremonies ordeined by God before Moses because they were figures of benefites to be receiued in the Messias to come are taken away by his comming as circūcision giuen vnto Abraham as also the sacrifices commaunded vnto our first parents Fourthlie they replie Obiectiō 4 The Sabboth after the fall is made a figure That the lawes giuen by God before the fall are not figures of benefits to be receiued in the Messias and that they do bind all mankinde at all
do wish well vnto the faithful ministers of the church not onely in respect of the dutie of loue but also in regard of the ministerie which they execute Psal 84. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hostes My soule longeth yea and fainteth for the Courtes of the Lord my heart my flesh reioyce in the liuing God Psal 122. I reioyced with them that sayd vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lord. Also For my bretheren sake I will now speake peace of thee because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good Thirdly obedience in those thinges 3 Obediēce which appertaine vnto the ministerie Hebr. 4. Obey your Rulers Hethertoo appertaine the workes of loue towardes God and towards our neighbor that is the whole life of a Christian which is the spirituall Sabboth For it is nothing els to kéepe a spirituall Sabboth To keepe a spiritual Sabboth then in the ordering of our life to obey the voyce of God sounding by the ministerie of the Church For God will haue the doctrine learned to this ende that it may be obeyed Iam. 1. Performe ye the word in deed and be not hearers onely deceiuing your selues because if a man be a hearer of the word and not a doer he shall be compared vnto a man beholding the countenance of his birth in a glasse for hee hath behelde himselfe and went his waye and by and by forgetteth what manner one he was And for as much as he will haue this Sabboth to be kepte all our life time hée will haue the examples and testimonies of the same especially to be shewed forth on the outward or ceremoniall Sabboth day that is at those times which are appoynted for the teaching and learning of the word of God He that hath no care to serue the Lord on the Sabboth day vvill not serue him at other times For if a man al the time doo not shewe foorth a desire to obey God when as the doctrine ringeth in his eares and when as other cares being laid aside God will haue vs to thinke vpon godlynesse and repentance he sufficiently declareth that he will not doo it at another time There it hath alwayes bene the manner in the Church on the Sabboth day to giue almes to exercise the workes of loue towardes the néedie Nehem. 8. Send parts vnto him for whom nothing is prepared because it is an holy daye vnto our Lord. God himselfe also doth witnesse Deut. 5. that he will haue the Sabboth kept that rest maye be giuen to seruaunts and to our familie least that with the continuaunce of laboures they should be too much brought downe And 1. Corinth 16. Furthermore as concerning the gathering for the Saintes as I haue appoynted vnto the Churches of Galatia so doo yee also Euerie first daye of the weeke let euerie one of you laye a side with himselfe laying vp that which thorough the gentlenesse of GOD he maye And Actes 2. all these works of the Sabboth are ioyntly expressed together The Disciples were abiding in the doctrine of the Apostles and in fellowshippe and breaking of bread and prayers Fourthlye 4 Thankfulnesse honour comprehendeth also Thankfulnesse that is duties concerning the preseruation of the Ministerie and Ministers For if GOD will haue a Ministerie to be in the Church hée will also that euerye one according to their abilitie doo further the maintenaunce of the same that is that they bestowe theyr money and trauayle vpon the nourishing and defending of godly Ministers and teachers Hethertoo appertaine the lawes of Moses concerning the first borne first fruits tenthes and very many offerings the which were appointed vnto the Priestes Leuites in steade of a stipend wherewithall to maintaine the life of them and theirs that they might attend vppon the ministerie Albeit the circumstaunces of these lawes be abolished taken awaie yet the generall remaineth for euer because God will haue the ministerie preserued euen vntill the end of the worlde Deu. 12. Take heed vnto thy selfe that thou forsake not the Leuite all thy daies vppon thy land 1. Cor. 9. Who goeth on warfare at anie time vpon his owne charges Who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof Or who feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke Doth not the lawe also saie these things For it is written in the lawe of Moses Thou shalt not musle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne Also If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall things is it a great matter if we reap your fleshlie things Again Are ye ignorant that they which serue about holie thinges doe eate of the thinges which are of the altar And they that serue at the altar doe take parte of the altar So the Lord hath ordeined that they which preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell 1. Tim. 5. The elders which doe rule well let them be counted worthie of double honour especiallie those that do labour in the word and in doctrine For the Scripture saith Thou shalt not musle vp the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne And the worke-man is worthie of his hire Math. 10. He that receiueth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receiue the reward of a Prophet Héerevnto also pertaineth the examples of the widowe of Sarepta nourishing the Prophet Elias 1. King 17. Of Obadiah sauing the Prophets whome Iezabel did persecute 1. King 18. Of the Church of Damascus letting downe Paule by the wall Acts. 9. In this part of the honour towardes the ministerie is also conteined the maintenaunce of schooles Schooles inasmuch as without the studies of learning and arts men are neither fit to teach neither can the puritie of doctrine be preserued and defended against Heretikes Therefore Christ Math. 11. promiseth a reward vnto those the which for the furtherance and imparting of doctrine do well vnto those which doe either alreadie teach or which are in time to come to teach or whose trauaile doth serue or shall héereafter serue for the preseruation of doctrine 5 Gentlenesse tovvardes the infirmities of ministers Fiftlie and lastlie vnto this honour of the ministerie is also required vprightnes or gentlenesse in bearing with the infirmities of the ministers the which doe not notoriouslie or manifestlie corrupt or forslow their office hurt the Church with offence 1. Tim. 5. Receiue not an accusation against an Elder but vnder two or three witnesses Cōtraries repugnant vnto the vvorkes of the Sabboth Forasmuch then as this is the sanctifiing or hallowing of the Sabboth it followeth that the thinges wherewith the Sabboth is prophaned or broken are contrarie vnto these workes Against the teaching of doctrine is set the leauing or forslowing of the duetie of teaching 1 Vnto doctrine either priuatelie or publiklie Esa 56. All her watch-men are dumbe dogges which are not able to barke sleeping taking their ease verie diligent
to sleepe And they are rauenous dogges which knowe not when they are full and the Shepheardes themselues vnderstande nothing they haue all gone aside after their owne waie euerie one vnto his couetousnesse in his place Ezech. 34. Woe vnto the Shepheardes that haue fedde themselues Doe not shepheardes feede their flocke Yee haue eaten the fat and doo cloath your selues with the wooll ye haue killed the fat but haue not fed the sheepe the weake haue ye not comforted and the sicke haue yee not healed and the broken haue ye not bound vp that that was cast downe yee haue not brought againe that which was lost ye haue not sought but ye haue reigned ouer them cruellie and tyrannouslie Also corrupting and mangling of doctrine or bowing of the same vnto the opinions affections desires or profite of the ministers or magistrates or others 2. Corinth 2. For wee doe not as manie make merchaundise of the woorde of GOD but wee speake of Christ as of sinceritie as of GOD in the sight of God Against the administration of the Sacramentes is either the leauing or foreslowing of the exhortation of the Church to vse the Sacramentes 2 Vnto the administration of the Sacramēts or an vnlawfull admistration when as some thing is either taken from the ceremonies ordeined by God or when some thing is changed in them or when as such are shut out frō the Sacraments as ought to be receiued or such receiued which by the ordinance of God ought to be kept frō them or when as the people are not instructed concerning the right vse of them 3 Against the desire to learne doctrine Against the desire to learne doctrine is the contempt neglecting of doctrine that is either not to be present at holie Sermons when there is no lawfull cause to let vs and on the Sabboth to doe workes that might be put off vntill another time or to giue no eares vnto holie Sermons or not to meditate and search the doctrine of the Church but especiallie negligence to knowe the doctrine in the ministers or in those which by God are called vnto the studie of doctrine and either ought one daie to serue vnto the setting forth of doctrine or haue greater occasion and opportunitie to learne the same then others Numb 16. He that gathereth stickes Death appointed for the Sabboth breakers He that gathered sticks on the Sabboth daie is stoned to death And Exod 31. Paine of death is set down against them that on the Sabboth doe works hindering the ministerie Nehem 13. They that doe such workes on the Sabboth are verie sharplie chidden Math. 13. As often as a man heareth the word of that kingdome and vnderstandeth it not then commeth that wicked one and taketh awaie that which was sowen in his heart This is he which receiueth the séede by the way side c. Math. 15. Let them alone they are blinde guides of the blinde if the blinde leade the blinde they both fall into the ditch Luke 12. Vnto whome so euer much hath bene giuen much shall be required of him againe and with whom they haue laid downe much the more they will aske againe at his hands Also curiositie the which is a desire to know or to heare things not reuealed by God not necessarie or new things Pro. 25 As to eate much honie is not good so the se●rching out of the glorie of the diuine things is no glorie Sonne of Sirach 3. Search not vnconsideratlie after thinges that are more hard then thou art able to attaine vnto and concerning things that are aboue thy power foolishlie seeke not after them The thinges that are commaunded thee of God the same studie thou holilie vpon For it is not needfull for thee to beholde with thine eyes the thinges that are secret the things that are not necessarie but superfluous vnto thy talke meddle not curiouslie with them For mo thinges are opened vnto thee then the wit of man is able to comprehend 1. Tim. 4. Giue no eare vnto fables and endlesse genealogies the which doe rather breed questions then edifying of God which is by faith And Chapter 4. Prophane and olde wiues fables reiect 2. Tim. 2. Reiect or cast awaie foolish and vnlearned questions knowing that they doe breede strifes Tit. 3. Refrain foolish questions and genealogies and contention● and strifes about the lawe for they are vnprofitable and vaine 2. Tim. 3. There will be a time when as they shal not abide sound doctrine but itching in their eares they according vnto their owne lustes shall heape vp vnto themselues teachers and shall turne awaie their eares from the truth and bee turned vnto fables 4 〈…〉 Vnto the lawfull vse and receiuing of the Sacraments is repugnāt the leauing off and contempt of the same Also the prophaning of them when as they are vsed and receiued not after that sorte which God hath commaunded or not of those for whome they were ordained Also superstitious receiuing when as saluation and the grace of GOD are tied vnto the obseruation of the ceremonies or else are vsed vnto other endes wherevnto they are not ordained by GOD. Gen. 17. Hee that is vncircumcised shall be rooted out from among his people Exod 4. GOD threatneth death vnto Moses because of his sonne which was not circumcised Malach. 1. The Lord of hoasts sayth vnto you O Priests which contemne my name and haue sayd Wherein haue wee contemned thy name Which doe offer vppon mine altar polluted bread and yee haue sayd wherein haue wee polluted the same c. Es●●e 66. Hee that sacrificeth an Oxe dooth sinne as much as hee that slayeth a man c. 1. Corinth 11. Hee that eateth and drinketh vnworthilie eateth and drinketh vnto himselfe damnation Vnto the publike praiers 5 Vnto publike prayers the neglecting of them and the hypocriticall béeing present at them without eare-giuing or affection Also the rehearsing of them not seruing vnto the edifying of the Church 1. Cor. 14. If thou blesse in spirite he which occupieth the roome of an ignorant person how shall hee say Amen vnto thy giuing of thankes For he knoweth not what thou saist For thou giuest thankes well but another is not edified In like manner also is against the vse and exercise of the whole ministerie not onely the particular leauing of duetie in euerie priuate person but by his example or any manner of hinderance by his commaundement or perswasion the calling away of his children familie or others from the vse and exercise of the same 6 Vnto the honor of the ministerie Vnto the honour of the Ministerie the contempt and despising of the same is cōtrarie whereby either the ministerie of of the Church is abolished and taken away or is committed vnto vnworthye persons or is denied to be the instrument the which God will vse for the gathering together of his Church or when as the ministers are reproched 1. Tim. 5. Laye not thy handes quickly vnto any man neither be thou partaker of other mens sinnes Luke 10. Hee that despiseth you despiseth mee Or when as they are hated Matth. 10. and 24. Ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake Or when as doctrine is not obeyed in the leading of our life but especially when as on the Sabboth daye the workes of loue godlinesse are neglected and the time imployed vnto vaine and wicked things or spent in lewdnesse or when as necessarie maintenance is not giuen vnto the Ministers defence and other dueties of thankefulnesse and courtesie are not performed vnto them that I saye nothing when as the Ministers are wronged and hurte when as the maintenance of schooles and learning is not cared for or els when as the infirmities and wants in the ministers that may be borne withall are bitterly taunted or when as because of them the ministerie is despised or neglected To God be all praise and glorie Ierem. 17. ver 21. THus saith the Lord Take heede vnto your selues and carrie no burthens on the Sabboth day or bring them in into the gates of Ierusalem 22 Neither carrie out burthens out of your houses on the Sabboth daie nor do ye anie worke but sanctifie and keepe holie the Sabboth daie as I commanded your elders 23 Who hearkned not nor bowed their eare but hardned their necke not hearkening nor receiuing instruction 24 For it shall come to passe that if by obeying ye will obey me the saying of the Lord in not bringing in burthens into the gates of the Citie on the Sabboth day and in sanctifying and hallowing of the Sabboth daie that ye doe no work therin A blessing vnto the keepers of the Sabboth 25 That kings and Princes shall enter into the gates of this Citie sitting vpon the throne of Dauid and riding on chariots and horses they and their Princes and the men of Iuda and the inhabitants of Ierusalem and this citie shall remaine for euer 26 And they shall come out of the cities of Iuda and from places about Ierusalem and also out of the land of Beniamin both out of a low place out of the mountaine and from the South part bringing burnt offerings and sacrifice and gifts with franckinsence and bringing offeringes of thanks-giuing vnto the house of the Lord. 27 But if ye will not obey me A punishment for the breakers of the Sabboth to sanctifie the Sabboth daie and not carrye burthens entering into the gates of Ierusalē on the Sabboth daie certainlie I will kindle a fire in the gates thereof which shall consume the pallaces of Ierusalem and shal not be quenched FINIS