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A13533 Christs victorie over the Dragon: or Satans downfall shewing the glorious conquests of our Saviour for his poore Church, against the greatest persecutors. In a plaine and pithy exposition of the twelfth chapter of S. Iohns Revelation. Delivered in sundry lectures by that late faithfull servant of God, Thomas Taylor Doctor in Divinitie, and pastor of Aldermanbury London. Perfected and finished a little before his death. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632.; Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. 1633 (1633) STC 23823; ESTC S118152 543,797 874

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language Now to discover satans wile herein is a part of the cure Thirdly He assailes us in our sleepe For then we are weake and exposed to all danger The envious man sowes tares while men sleepe In sleepe Iaell easily slew great Siserah with a nayle a hammer And the dragon knowes how easie a conquest he obtaineth in our sleepe of securitie David in his ease and rest was soone cast downe wherefore we must watch and pray Fourthly In our nakednesse as 1. When wee are out of our way and calling Israel by sin had made themselves naked to the darts of the dragon and of God himselfe 2 When wee are impotent and inordinate in our naturall desires cares and corrupt affections Salomon saith A man that cannot refraine his appetite is as a Cittie without wals Prov. 23. 28. naked and exposed to all dangers and as a captaine where the wales are lowest or weakest there laies his battery So the great dragon markes our inclination and thrusts us downe the hil where we are ready to runne headlong of our owne accord And as he findes dispositions set he baites his hook and fits them with temptations and objects fit for their ambition or voluptuousnesse or covetousnesse and so findes strength enough in our selves to overthrow us Esau by his broth Lot by his Wine Iudas by money a roote of evil fel upon many temptations and snares Hence are those many exhortations to take heed that our hearts be not oppressed with surfeiting drnnkennesse or cares of this life 3 When wee are in idle or evill company we are naked and then the dragon hath us at advantage When was Peter set upon Not so long as he was in the company of Christ and his disciples whose presence might have bin meanes to uphold him But when he runnes among the high Priests servants and sits downe by a warme fire Now he is fit to be wrought upon he will now be brought easily to deny and forsweare his Lord. Fiftly In the day of our death which is most unfit for resistance seeing now the body is sick pained and hath many other things to thinke upon many feares many terrors many things to settle c. To teach us to pray before hand for the day to die daily to pull out the sting of death bereave our sins of life before hand Secondly Concerning actions we shal observe the dragons subtilties 1 In respect of good actions 2 Of evill actions 1 In good actions or duties he sets all his seaven heads on worke 1 To hinder 2 To blemish 3 To disgrace them 4 To frustrate them First Because there is nothing but it stands in the dragons way He is restlesse in hindering all that is good and the better it is the more buisy to prevent it As 1 The greatest worke that ever was wrought was that of mans redemption How craftily did he seeke to hinder this in Peter Master pitty thy selfe 2 The greatest duties that the Lord hath injoyned us are those which we are to performe in his publique ordinances as preaching hearing praying and all parts of publique worship Hence he raiseth persecutions against the Church to hinder these and disperse the Saints Acts 11. 19. And he can hinder the free passage of the gospell and stop the Apostles themselves in the course of their ministry 1 Thes. 2. 18. But I speake not here of his force but see how finely his heads can contrive it He can pretend unitie and peace and order decency and obedience and every thing that is good to stop the course of the Gospell and hinder it So he did in Q. Maries daies He can hinder hearing of the word and reading the scriptures by undeniable reasons Why doe not you thinke that men may be saved without all this preaching and running to sermons And is it not unreasonable to urge every common man to know the deepe points which belong to Divines to Church men and booke learned men but for private and unlettered men a little knowledge is best and the heart may be good where the skill is but small Besides you have a calling to follow a charge of children perhaps live of your labour how can you spare time for such occasions And who sees not that the world was better when there was lesse preaching men were more devote lesse contentious And one Sermon well learned is better then all this preaching and many learned men wish there were more praying and lesse preaching for so much preaching brings but preaching into contempt Never were these seven heads more beaten then in beating downe preaching the onely hammer against the kingdome of the devill and never were they more busie working in this subject in mans memory then at this day never were his subtilties and wit more applauded and more approoved then now 3 He strives subtilly against all grace because it makes us like unto God As in Peter Satan winnowes to shake all grace out of our hearts and to hold it out Especially those of faith repentance and holinesse First Our faith is a sweet morsell to Satan● because we cannot resist him unlesse we be stedfast in faith His incessant worke is either to hinder us from attaining or retaining it for if he can hold off or wrest from us this sheild he hath devoured us already and this he can contrive nimbly What seeft thou in thy selfe worthy of the fauour of God a man of so many so great sins for thee to assure thy self of thy salvation is boldnesse and great presumption Discernest thou not how many doubts afflict thee how many crosses are upon thee for thee to say thou hast faith is but to feed a fancy as if sinnes doubts and crosses could not stand with faith in our Father Secondly Repentance for this cuts him short of all He cannot perswade that it is not necessary to salvation where the word is taught but he will firmely perswade not to repent yet but deferre it till a more convenient time for now thou art in thy youth and pleasures of the world or in the profits of the world for thee and thine and these thou must now enjoy and conveniently enough repent afterward Old age and sicknesse is fitter for sad thoughts and religious exercises are tedious and unpleasant And God hath mercie in store when ever thou returnest unto him he will put away all thy sins if they be never so many And Christ hath store of blood and merit and thy sinnes cannot be so many or heynous as to exceed his merits And therefore seeing thou mayest enjoy both the pleasures of this life and of the other refuse neither Thirdly Holinesse and exercise of all good works and vertues He can tell how to undermine all good duties most subtilly 1 Mountaines of feares losses crosses and difficulties 2 What need such care and watch and working doth not faith alone justifie You will live like
our losses great hee can if hee please double our portion as Iobs at the latter end Also for things pertaining to godlinesse and a better life we have strong consolation in that Christ hath power 1. To merit 2. To apply 3. To uphold 4. To perfect our salvation 1. He hath power to merit our salvation because he hath power to satisfie wholly by himselfe the justice of God without any piecing or patching to his merit and righteousnesse He hath power to pay the whole debt and to cancell the bill and hand writing that was against all Gods chosen He is of power to pardon sinne Mat. 9. 6. that ye may know the Son of man hath power to forgive sinne on earth and he hath power to fulfill the Law 2 He hath all power to apply his merit to our salvation because to this end he did mightily raise himselfe from the dead by his owne power and ascended into heaven that by a powerfull intercession he might apply his sacrifice to the Saints From thence he hath power to send his Spirit to acquaint us with the things given us of God And he is of power to worke faith in the hearts of the Elect whereby they may apply to themselves his whole merit and obedience while they are here below 3 He is of power to uphold our salvation divers wayes By setting us upon a strong foundation and a sure rocke not to be shaken by any contrary power By strengthening us by a powerfull word which is a mighty organ and a strong arme able to save 2 Tim. 3. 16. By comforting and strengthening us by the Spirit of strength and power 2 Tim. 1. 7. God hath not given us the spirit of feare but of power And by making us invincible in suffering Phil. 4. 13. I can do all things by the power of Christ assisting me Yea to saile by hell to heaven and to passe by the crosse to the crowne 4 He is of power to perfect our salvation and hath engaged this power to this purpose 1 Pet. 1. 5 Wee are kept by the power of God to salvation And why First He is of power to make our imperfect duties pleasing to God hiding all the imperfection of them under the mantle of his mercy Secondly He hath a superior power to al enemies that none of them can separate us or plucke us out of his hands for he hath the keyes of hell and death Rev. 1. 18. Thirdly He hath power to lead us through death dust into his owne glory so as we have assurance of a glorious resurrection by the working of his mighty power Phil. 3. 21. Fourthly He hath power not only of preparing mansions for us in his Fathers house but in the last day to descend from heaven to fetch us up to himselfe that wee may be ever with the Lord. Our Ioshua hath power to bring us into Canaan II. Here is a ground of comfort and encouragement in all well-doing and to goe on fearelesly in good duties wherein commonly we have the power of the world against us For why First He is of power to strengthen us of weake to make us strong Of our selves wee are able to doe nothing that we have any power to any thing that is good it is from his power His grace alone is sufficient for us 2 Cor. 12. 9. Without mee yee can doe nothing Secondly He is of power to reward our least labour of love to his name or Saints and all the power of the world cannot hinder him Thirdly He is of power to cleare our innocency to disperse the fogs and clouds of calumnie and reproches and to make our righteousnesse shine as the sunne at noone-day He can and will make our darknesse light Fourthly His power encourageth our prayers because he is able to receive them and doe abundantly above all that we aske or thinke Fifthly He is of power to make us perserve for he is able to perfect his worke and this power shall uphold a poore Christiā if the truth should faile from the Church and Kingdome Object I am weake and oftentimes carelesse in keeping my ground and grace Answ. Quicken up thy selfe become a member of Christ and if thy faith be weake that thou canst not comprehend him his power is strong to comprehend thee yea the weakenes of God is stronger then men 1 Cor. 1. 25. Object But the enemies are strong and powerfull Jesuites other seducers subtle and sundrie adversaries armed with power grace of times cruelty c. Answ. Yet this power of Christ layes such hold on every true Beleever that no seducer can deceive him nor no power plucke him out of his hands No power can dismember this Head nor reach their graces 6 He that is of power gave us strength when we had none is of power even in death and in our dust when al strength is gone both to keepe faithfully for us what we commit unto him till the last day also to renew us with strength as the Eagles and change our vile bodies to be like his glorious body like it in quality not equality in strength shining agility incorruption fitted as a glorious member to be united to so glorious an head and that for all eternity III Another ground of comfort is that out of this power of Christ we may conclude the stability of the Church which is his Kingdome This power hath upheld the truth these many hundred yeares against the divell the world the Turke Antichrist Popish Princes and forces against tyrants massacres inquisitions torments pouder-plots against false brethren and hypocrites that against all the gates of hell it is not onely taught and preached but triumpheth and conquereth so as all the world may see a mighty power protecting it The Church is an heavie stone to lift at because it hath all Christs power for it and therefore if all nations rise against it they shall be torne in pieces The truth is stronger then all and must prevaile at last it may be smothered as fire under ashes extinct it cannot be so long as Christ who is truth hath power to uphold it The promise is strong that all the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it For as Christ is truth that uttered it so he is Omnipotent to accomplish it This power shall ever keepe this Arke upon the waters from drowning Hitherto of the consolation Instruction also ariseth from this power of Christ and 1 To Ministers that they preach Christ the power of God 1 Cor. 1. 24. that is not onely by preaching to acquaint men with the power of Christ but so to preach as Christs power may be put forth in the Gospell which is the rod of his power and so as to bring in subjects daily under this power of Jesus Christ Preaching a mans selfe will not doe it nor preaching of men will not doe it nor every learned nor every idle discourse of Christ but to speak from the spirit and
a Papist as if you were to be justified by your workes 3 He can make one vertue or duty shake out another for he cā in hearing gods word cast in a serious good meditation which were profitable at another time to hinder hearing to distract the minde and make a man heare without profit Or set him on reading or praying things good in themselves and at another time but now hurtfull and unseasonable 4 He can cunningly make one of Gods decrees crosse another whereas they are all dependant and strengthen one another What needs all this strictnesse and study of holinesse and all this businesse in mortification sorrow forgoing delights change of life If God have predestinated thee to salvation thou shalt be saved without all this adoe And if thou beest not ordayned to life doe what thou wilt or canst thou shalt never be saved as if God who decreed the ends had not also decreed the meanes But his seaven heads to a carnall man can by Gods election overthrow sanctification whereas the Apostle saith plainly He hath chosen us that we should be holy and unblamable Fourthly He can by one ordinance of God make void another as Acts 13. 50. Devout women raise persecution against Paul contrary to Prov. 289. He that turneth his eares from hearing the law his very prayer is abominable These ordinances must not be divorced 11 If he cannot hinder good duties he will do what he can to blemish them and this especially two wayes First By thrusting them forward by evill meanes and causing men to doe good things in an evill manner and then all the grace of them is lost He cares not if Saul sacrifice so he reserve the fat beasts against the commaundement Peter hath a care to preserve himselfe but it must be by lying and denying his Master He hath a care not to offend the Jewes Gal. 2. But if he do therefore dissemble and deale deceitfully with the truth here is a good matter marred in the handling Iudas hath a care to be rich but it must be with selling and betraying his Master And now men must provide for their families but with prophaning of the Lords day lying swearing forswearing they must seeke to recover their goods and health bfit it must be by running to the devill and by witches as Asa to the god of Ekron Ministers must be hospitable and keepe good houses and live to the credit of the Ministry but it must be by heaping up of coines without measure ambition and base arts of flattery and opposing the truth of grace which is the ladder many raise up to themselves to rise by Servants would be liberall and charitable but it must be by deceiving their Master Secondly By propounding to good actions bad and unwarrantable ends and now though the thing be done yet all the recompence is lost Popish persons doe a great many good workes materially good give almes and fast and found hospitals and Churches c. But while they doe all this to merit all is lost Protestants do duties in themselves good give almes part freely from their money to pious and charitable uses come to Church heare diligently speake feelingly professe forwardly uphold the Ministery carefully if the end of this be to be seene or approoved of men as our Saviour saith of the Pharisees almes verily they have their reward Absolom is very civill curteous and pleasing in his carriage but it is to undetermine his Father and steale mens hearts from David The dragon cares not how good thou either art nor how much good thou doest if it be not for goodnesse sake III What good he can neither hinder nor thus blemish he will openly disgrace and revile for he rageth against goodnesse so that he never ceaseth to cast false and scandalous reproches and imputations against it Whether the goodnesse be personall or sociall 1 For personall goodnesse he can blacke and staine it he can charge Christ himselfe that he casts out deuils by Belzebub And Job that he serves not God for nought he is very devoute but a very hypocrite and Annah that while she prayes within her selfe she is drunke Ioseph thinkes Maries conception of Christ to be adulterous He can and doth at this day make hatefull the very show of religion under termes of puritie precisenesse and hypocrisie He can scorne men for coming to Church and carrying Bibles as Pharaoh yee are too idle when Israel spake of worshipping their god He can scorne men for reading Scriptures prayers and singing of psalmes in their houses for are not these manifest markes of hypocrites and dissemblers for to be zealous against sinne and corruption is not to know what spirit he is of or what he would have nay he hath his teachers to disgrace forwardnesse in religion and warne men to beware of such hot courses which onely a few haire-brained men take up Thus wee know heare and see this sect every where spoken against which is the sect of Christ himselfe and the holy Apostles who for all their holinesse could not avoid the rebukes of holy religion Much lesse can we 2 For sociall goodnesse which is the practise of goodnesse in societie Here above all the dragon shewes himselfe the accuser of the brethren for as in the primative Church he oppressed the truth with malicious reports and slaunders that the poore Christians in their private assemblies were incestious conspirators sacrificers of infants and putting out candles went promiseuously to all kinds of barbarous lusts So also in latter dayes the Priests and Friers in their railing Sermons Anno 1558 perswaded the people that the Lutherans of Paris assembled together to make banquets in the night and putting out the candles went together after a beastly manner And the Sorbonists accused them that they maintained that there was no God no immortalitie of the soule no resurrection of the dead and denyed the divinitie and humanitie of Christ and all articles of true religion Fox pag. 927. And at this day as nothing is more fruitfull then the communion of saints and holy societie by brotherly fellowship so nothing is more reviled disgrased censured 3 The dragon can easily meete with godly Christians if they joyne in any good duty though in their owne houses privately among themselves in prayer conference repetition of sermons and cry downe those as unlawfull combinations but let never so many combine in drunkennesse dycing carding swearing from one weekes end to another there is nothing made of such neighbourly meetings Nay let hundreds and thousands meet on the Lords day at footbals cudgels fightings there is no evill in such meetings the dragon that drawes them together makes no complaint and why should wee marvaile that hee whose industry is to hinder every thing that is good should so far prevaile in that which is contrary and mightly buildeth up his owne kingdome IV Hee hath notable devises to frustrate such good actions and duties as he
Theodosius and Kings and Queenes that are nursing fathers and mothers to the Church as also godly Pastors holy Martyrs zealous professors to all whom sometime the name of Angell is ascribed in the Scripture 1. Because they are all sent from him on his errand 2. They are called his Angels by speciall propriety for he is the Lord of the holy Angels wicked men and Angels are retainers these of his house 3. Their whole service is due to him their Lord as of duty for himselfe in his one right Ob. They are called our Angels Mat. 16. 27. Ans. They are ours by speciall commission and direction from him ours onely for his sake our head and ours by his charge because wee are in communion with him Quest. 3. Why are his Angels here taken in with him to get victory over the dragon doth not hee treade the wine-presse alone or doth he need their aid or assistance Rev. 19. 15. Ans. 1. No he is the strong and armed man who alone entreth into the house of the strong man and bindeth and spoileth him neither needeth hee the helpe of any creature to whom is given all power in heaven and earth but yet quorum opera non indiget eorum ministerio utitur he pleaseth to use their Ministery not for his necessitie but for their honour incouragement and remuneration 2. There is a twofold battell 1. Of Christian redemption 2. Of Christian exercise In the former onely Christ standeth against the dragon and no Angell can stand in the battell but in the second Angels stand and men fight and resist and in the strength of the Lord represse and overcome the dragon 3. Though our Lord overcommeth the dragon alone in plaine field and single combate Mat. 4. yet it is not for the honour of the Captaine to bee without an army to lead and traine 4. Having an army of stout and couragious souldiers Angels in earth as well as in heaven he would leave them some remainders some tayle of the dragon some temptations some sufferings of Christ to bee fulfilled in the members with which hee will have his servants exercised and their fortitude tryed and put forth for how unseemly unglorious is it that an army of such power lead forth in the field should stand idle and onely look on their Captain fighting and themselves never come in to strike a stroke Here I might enter into a large discourse of the fight of the good Angels under Michael against the dragon but intending duties nearer our selves I will winde it all up in this one doctrine Seeing that all the godly are included under Michaels Angels learne That every good Christian must joyne himselfe unto the good Angels in the fight against the dragon under the Lords standard In the prosecution of which consider 1. The reasons why 2. The manner how 3. The Application If the Angels therefore fight against the dragon because the Church the party afflicted and oppressed is the Spouse of their Lord and head and members of his body much more ought we to joyne with them that professe we are these Spouse and members seeing that Michael is in a nearer bond our head than the Angels hee is their head by government and confirmation but ours by union and influence having taken our nature on him and not theirs 2. If they intend their office and calling in which they abide and are confirmed by grace which is to take part with the Church in this her military condition and come in for her succour in her assaults much more must we stand against the dragon whose cause and quarrell it is for should they stand in our quarrell according to their charge Psal. 91. Hee hath given his Angels charge c. and shall we leave it shall they sticke to it and shall wee fall from them and our selves too 3. Another reason that moveth them to fight against the dragon is their most ardent desire to promote the glory of God and uphold the true worship of God which is the beauty and safety of the Church wherein as in a glorious temple the Lord sheweth himselfe glorious And ought not we much more stand out against the dragon who are part of his Temple assaulted by the dragon to the end that both Gods glory in us and wee our selves might not be dishonoured 4. They thus stand in the fight because they not onely unfainedly love God above all according to the law even in the most perfect love that the creature can imbrace the Creator withall according to which perfect love their whole will is wholy conformed to the will of God else could they not bee happy but also because they sincerely love the Saints as themselves because they see them loved of God and elected to eternall life to bee partakers of the same heavenly inheritance with themselves The effect of this love is to desire and promote the salvation of the Saints to rejoyce in their attaining it to be sad in their manner for their sinnes impenitency and evils inward or outward Ought not wee out of our love to God and our owne salvation cleave unto God and resist the dragon resisting them both II. The manner How doe the good Angels fight against the dragon for the Church 1. By setting themselves as a strong guard round about the godly and pitching their tents round about them where Satan pitcheth his forces against them to protect their persons Psal. 34. 7. they still by their power and care thrust aside dangers Exod. 14. 19. the Angell that went before Israel when the Aegyptians pursued them went behinde them betweene the army and them When Elisha was beset a Mountaine was full of horses and Chariots 2 Kings 6. 17. If Daniel be cast into the denne the Angell shutteth the Lyons mouthes If Lot bee in danger the Angell draweth him out and can doe nothing till then If the three Children bee cast in the furnace the Angell is there as soone as they to suspend the fire from burning them Dan. 3. 2. By assisting the Ministery sundry wayes 1. They delight to bee present to behold our order and ordinances which else the dragon would soone overthrow 1 Cor. 11. 10. 2. To assist and relieve the faithfull teachers opposed and resisted most by the dragon as the Angeli helped Peter out of prison Acts 12. 3. In resisting false worshippers and removing occasions of idolatry so the Angell would not have Moses body knowne where it was buried Iud. 9. 3. By resisting and crossing the plots and purposes of the dragon Numb 22. 22. the Angell resisted Balaam in the way wherein he came forth to curse Israel 4. By supplying the Saints with needfull helps and comforts in their wants and faintings so the Angell fed Elias 1 Kings 19. 5. so the Angell shewed Hagar the Well and gave her wholesome counsell Gen. 32. 2. 5. By conveying them safe through the world and carrying their soules to heaven at their death thus the Angell
spirit Esay 66. 2. Thou must therefore confesse with that Ruler that thou art unworthy hee should come under thy roofe Mat. 8. 8. 4. By purging away sinne by sweeping and sweetening the roomes of our hearts for him Thinke not now that Christ will lodge any more among the beasts in a foule stable Prepare him therefore a roome in the Inne of thine heart 5. By loving obedience to his Commandements On this condition Christ comes in as hee promised Ioh. 14. 23. If any man love mee and keepe my word my Father and I will come in and dwell with him Secondly wee cast the Dragon out of our selves by proclaiming warre against our owne corrupt nature and ruling over affections Wee can never overcome him within us till wee have conquered our selves As this is the greatest so it is the first victory to get under feet our owne uncleane lusts motions thoughts and actions which are the harbours and burrowes of wicked spirits these serpents lie in these thickets to cast out envy malice drunkennesse uncleanenesse to ruinate and batter downe these holds of the dragon and bring every thought into the subjection of Christ that when hee comes hee may finde nothing in us Thirdly wee cast out the Dragon by carefull fencing and watching our strongest forts and faculties The Dragon keepes hold especially in ignorance of minde in rebellion of the will in corruption of the conscience and having these forts hee can command the whole man at pleasure Now to cast him out of these our most inward and highest forts wee must deliver them up to Jesus Christ to bee informed strengthened commanded and defended by him Hee onely is able to keepe what wee commit unto him Fourthly wee shall cast out the Dragon by suffering Christ still to draw us to himselfe by the power of the Gospell and to fashion us daily unto holinesse Ioh. 12. 32 The prince of this world cannot be cast out till Christ draw us unto himselfe who as he draweth by his word which is called the arme of God and by his spirit moving in those meanes so must wee give up our selves to be ruled and moved by his Word and Spirit These motions and directions cast out and keepe out Satanicall motions and temptations by which hee holds up his rule and state Without a mans selfe every godly man must strive to cast downe the power of Sathan every where both by Christian profession and Christian conversation By Christian profession manifesting it selfe in foure maine practises 1. Upholding to his power wholsome doctrine which is the rod and scepter of Christ and by the zealous maintaining an holy Ministery in which Christ casteth downe the Dragon Shall Jesus Christ seeke in the ministerie to cast out the Dragon then wo to those that oppose ministery Shall Jesus Christ striue by holy and sound doctrine to subdue the power of the devill whose kingdome stands in lies and errors Wo then unto those unhappy men that shall seeke to bring in the Dragon againe by broaching or defending false doctrine heresie popery idolatry or Antichristian delusions who instead of the ministers of Christ would bring in the vassals of Antichrist Priests Jesuites locusts and impostors 2. In promoting piety and the reigne of Christ by grace in others For true religion practised promoted encouraged propagated casteth out the Dragon and onely that What unhappy men are they and apparent limbes of the Dragon who disgrace and discourage godlinesse every where who plot to cast out piety religion and all godly men Is this to joyne with Michael in casting out the Dragon 3. In forwardnesse in doing good which glorifieth God and honoureth our profession The Dragon would set up his kingdome by pretenses of great workes of mercy charity building of Churches and Hospitalls c. And Antichrist is bold to outboast all professions in such pretenses But wee must bestirre our selves that neither papists nor hypocrites put us downe in workes of mercy love or charity that wee may honour our profession by a readinesse to every good worke 4. In readinesse constantly to suffer for the truth and fearlesly to sticke to the Gospell that as our Lord subdued the Dragon by giving witnesse to the truth so should wee by maintaining the same truth to the utmost of our power and the last drop of our blood Ler Ephraim divide his heart betweene two religions let the fickle Galathian change his judgement in maine points let the Ephesian fall from his first love let profane dogs and swine fall backe to generall revolt and apostasie 2. Pet. 2. 2. As none are more serviceable to the Dragon then these so none give him a greater blow then constant witnesses and martyrs none so much cast him downe By Christian conversation also must every Christian joyne with Michael in casting out the Dragon and this partly at home and partly abroad I. A man can never bee good abroad that promotes not piety at home Hee that hath cast the dragon out of his heart will also cast him out of his house which is done 1. By setting up the service and worship of God in his family that hee and his house may serve the Lord. Hee whose heart is a Temple of God his house shall bee a Church and a little Bethel there shall be no roome for swearers drunkards riotous persons scorners nor sonnes of Belial for these are the brood of the Dragon 2. By preventing and wisely resisting the speciall sinnes of the calling all crafts and deceitfull mysteries by which the Dragon over-reacheth most men in the carrying of their speciall calling A godly Christian in these will not as others do what others do but what himselfe hath warrant to do hee will not make his calling a service of the Dragon but subordinateth it to his generall calling wherein hee acknowledgeth himselfe a servant to Jesus Christ. 3. By waching narrowly those lusts in which the Dragon thrusts himselfe on to disturbe and throw downe Gods worship in the family as anger and wrath which hinder prayer worldlinesse or unfruitfull employments which thrust out or ingrosse the times of family-family-duties When the Dragon had drawne David from his watches it was easie to imploy him in strange services of sinne II. Abroad a Christian must take his Lords part against the Dragon Both in respect of good men walking fruitfully and watching good occasion in the communion of Saints instructing some comforting others guiding others in the way lovingly counselling reproving encouraging c. And in respect of evill men 1. If corrigible and hopefull helping them out of the snare and power of Sathan saving some with meeknesse and pulling others out of the fire 2. If wilfull or scornfull either avoid their company and all needlesse society with them because the Dragon mightily prevailes in infectious society and it is an unequall yoking 2. Cor. 6. 14. 15. 16. Or if thou beest cast into their company bee undaunted in good causes and give them no
and with him all the fruits and graces of the Spirit Christ covers none with his robe of righteousnesse but he deckes and adornes that soule with his holinesse Never thinke thou puttest on Christ till thou hast put on the new man created after God and hast attained a new suite and habit and art changed in thy course 5 The grace of hope and expectation Earnestly desiring to be perfectly covered and decked with Christ. 2 Cor. 5. 4. wee desire to bee clothed upon Wee are already cloathed with the justice of Christ and in part and imperfectly with his holinesse but yet much nakednesse and filth is with us and much frailty and sorrow attends us Now there is another garment the garment of glory and immortality which wee long and sigh after to be cloathed withall For if the tast of Christ be so sweet what a happinesse is it to be filled with Christ If in his absence he be so sweet how sweet is he in his immediate presence and fellowship None can have the joy of his Lord enter into him here but he will wish and long to enter into the joy of his Lord hereafter For if in our prison we can so happily enjoy him what shall wee in our palace Thus by 1. mortification 2 justification 3 invocation 4 sanctification 5 joyfull hope and expectation the woman comes to bee clothed with the Sunne Having expounded the severall things in this application of the garment we come to the observations Where we will handle three maine duties of the Church and of Christians The first dutie is Every Christian in sence of his owne nakedness must labour to put on this garment Rom. 13. 14. but put yee on the Lord Iesus Christ. Considering 1 The necessity in that we the of-spring of Adam are as naked in our nature as ever Adam was And as the naked infant is exposed to all injuries and death it selfe unlesse the parents take it from the birth and wrappe it in cloathes so were we till it pleased our heavenly Father to provide us a cover for our soules nakednesse Wee must not therefore suffer this cloathing to lie in Gods wardrobe but we must put it on partly by faithfull application grounding our confidence on the onely merit and righteousnesse of Christ who is the matter of our righteousnesse and partly by imitation of his holy vertues growing in daily sanctification 2 The excellent properties and benefits of this garment should stirre up our diligence to make our selves sure of it which properties and benefits are of two sorts 1 in saving us from evils 2 in procuring us all good 1 In saving us from evils in that 1 It alone covereth all guilt being a long white robe not as the garments of Davids servants cut off by Hanun which hid all but their shame 2 It covers from all danger as well as from shame Isa. 4. 6. It alone armes the beleever with safety and protection It is a commodious garment for al seasons for summer and winter fit to keepe out heats and colds winde and weather It is commodious for all estates prosperity adversity sickenesse health peace or warre to beare off blowes or shot called both a wedding garment for peace and an armour of proofe for warre Eph 6. Wouldst thou know what to doe to be safe in time of plague famine warre sicknesse persecution thou must put on Christ and walke safely in all dangers Dwell under the shadow of the almighty Ruth fearing injurious dealing gate her softly and secretly to Boaz saying Cover me with the lap of thy garment chap. 3. So get thou to Christ and now let dangers insue and death make an assault upon thee and take thee away it shall doe thee no more hurt then it did Christ himself it shall onely lift thee up as it it did him to his glory This garment shall be sure never to shrinke in the wetting neither shall he that weares it Wouldest thou know what to doe in the buffetings and temptations of Satan here is a sufficient cover and strength against all temptations Satan will object Thou art a sinner hateful to God Answ. In my selfe I am so but in this garment my sinne is hid Ob. But no sinner can come to heaven Answ. No unlesse he have the wedding garment which I have by faith and this brings me into the Bride Chamber Ob. But thou art unworthy of any thing but damnation Answ. In my person I am but in this garment I have a worthinesse imputed to me Rev. 3. 4. Ob. But sinne drives thee from GOD and GOD from thee how darest thou pray or hope to speede An. If I came to GOD in my owne name I were hopelesse but I am clothed with Christ in the sight of GOD and present his merit in my behalfe By fastning on me this garment I am one and the same person with Christ and GOD can no more deny me then him Wouldest thou know what to doe against accusations and cold feares and terros of Conscience This garment put on keepes the heart warme and comfortable as if a man walked in the warme sunne ●f a man were clothed with the sunne how could he be cold It is one of the curses of the Law to put on clothes and not be warme but this garment removes all curse never was any clothed herewith exposed to the curse Never came Christ any where but if he found not joy he left joy behind him as in Lazarus Zacheus the Iaylor c. 2 In procuring us all good which it doth 1 In bringing us into acceptance with God Ioseph might not come in his prison garments before Pharaoh but must change his garments Gen. 41. 14. So there is no accesse or acceptance with God in our owne old forlorne garments till we change them casting off our foule and filthy garments and adorne our selves with this second vestiment figured in the beautifull and holy garments of Aaron without which upon painy of death he might not appeare before the Lord 2. In procuring grace and blessing In this garment only we become heires of blessing For as Iacob could not have got the blessing from his Father had not his Father smelled the sweet smell of his brothers garment so no more could wee if we were not wrapped in this garment of our elder Brother Being in this garment the Lord pronounceth of us as Isaac of his sonne The smell of my sonne is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed Gen. 27. 27. Touch but the hemme of this garment and vertue comes forth Weare it and hide thy selfe in it and thou hast got blessednesse Psal. 32. 1. Blessed is that man whose iniquitie is hid and whose sinne is covered Ob. But have we not all put on Christ already and are baptized into his name How can we still put him on Answ. 1 The putting on of Christ is a continued act of the whole life For the understanding
whereof wee must know that Christ is put on either in regard of his satisfaction or of his sanctification Now although we have put on Christ once for all in respect of his satisfaction which faithfully applyed to us is our justification yet in respect of sanctification he is put on e-every day more and more seeing that the life of beleevers is a daily profiting and encreasing in spirituall graces unto full holinesse 2 This putting on of Christ in this world is in much weaknes 1 In respect of the weaknes of the instrument This instrument is faith which is feeble at the best as knowledge is as all other graces are the more we can encrease in knowledge and stirre up our faith the more firmely we lay hold on Christ and his righteousnesse for life and salvation and so in respect of us we more certainly and feelingly put on Christ. 2 In respect of the strength of the opposites These are the security and corruption of flesh which is still working against grace In the dayes of peace and prosperitie as in a warme sunshine wee are willing to hang our garment loosely and lightly about us and it is ready to fall off we must therefore daily strive against flesh and fasten Christ unto us This is done when by daily confession of sinne striving against sinne prayer for pardon of sinne assent of the promises and purposing to sinne no more the poore beleever fastneth Christ unto him and by daily renewing faith and repentance he layes faster hold on Christ then before This every baptized person doth not yet this putting on of Christ should be the work of every day Many cōmēd this garmēt but few put him on It may be doubted that a little tryall wil manifest it in multitudes that either they never put on Christ or hung him loosely in a vaine profession The second duty The Church must labour to expresse the bright shining and purity of Iesus Christ with whom she is clothed A man that weares a great mans cloth will be seene and made knowne to others that he belongs to such a Master Quest. How may a Christian expresse the shining of the Sunne of righteousnesse Answ. First in purity of nature by regeneration and sanctification of nature which healeth in part and chaseth away native darkenesse and bringeth a new saving light So the Apostle Yee were darknes now ye are light in the Lord. The sunne shineth by the lightsomnesse of his owne nature so the Sunne of righteousnesse was in his nature more pure and shining then the sunne And every one clothed with this Sunne is renewed and hath attained a glorious and divine nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. yea the so clothed are new borne of God and as sonnes of God shining c. Phil. 2. 15. Secondly in the puritie of the shining and new gifts and graces of the Spirit within Such as are 1 Illumination the light of knowledge Iudgement and discerning Can a man be clothed and compassed with the sunne and not be enlightened 2 Love which is as a warme flame shewing and shining a farre off such was in Zacheus such was in the laylor 3. Zeale which is a fervent and fiery affection He shall want no heate that is cloathed with the sunne We see how in our Sunne Iesus Christ the zeale of his Fathers house consumed him and so in the rest of the faculties As the sunne shines in every part so it is not enough to have one part graced but grace must be in all Thirdly in shining and lightsome conversation without The sunne shines not onely within but from within shines outwardly so must a Christian clothed with the sun manifest his clothing as well by shining and lightsome actions as by renewed nature 1 The commandement is Let your light so shine before men As the sunne shines to men from within his owne substance so did our sunne of righteousnesse and so must his be that are clothed with the sunne their life must be as a light in a lanthorne not a glistering on the outside onely as a civill mans or an hypocrites may but a light within shining outwardly on every side 2 Iesus Christ shined in all innocency and graces and wee must labour to shine as he did that we may appeare to whom wee belong Can any man be clothed with this Sunne and not shine both in purity of grace within and gracious conversation without His words were so gracious as never man spake so Do thou expresse Christ in all thy words let them be savoury fruitfull and for God and his glory as all his were from God and for God he walked in lightsome pathes 3 His life was wholly heavenly as the sunne shines from heaven If thou beest clothed with the sunne thy conversation must bee heavenly thou must direct all thy thoughts that way and in all thy actions ayme someway to further that end 4 He kept himselfe from the impurity and darknesse of the world and age in which he lived though a most wicked generatiō So must thou be like the Sunne of the world and of the Church walke and move as lights in the midst of a froward and crooked generation 5 He brought light unto the world as the sunne doth so must thou if clothed with the sunne to thy power and in thy place enlighten all round about thee How dare men mocke at purity and holinesse and cast myre and durt upon so precious and costly a garment For what is it they scorn but even Iesus Christ himselfe whom God hath given for the clothing of his Church How doe the Papists and enemies of grace and religion undermine our religion and make their advantages on us but under such titles and imputations of purity precisenesse scripturers and the like And must wee needs learne of them to blow up our owne religion Let the land of Aegypt be darke there shall be light in all Goshen There cannot be a truer note of a false Church then to shunne the light and love the night of darke ignorance and feare and scorne nothing so much as the sunshine upon themselves or others But against the scorne of prophane ones hold before thee 1 The commandemēt to be as pure as the sunne Phil. 1. 10. for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken from the splendor of the sunne which is called in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This purity must bee from all corruption in doctrine and manners as the sunne is not mixed with any staine or impurity Do not thou joyne with the prophane ones who here object Wee like not this purenesse such strictnes is naught and to stand so precisely as not to yeeld a little to the fashions of the times c. Answ. Will they moderate the holy Ghost set him to schoole teach him to speak if he over-reach bring him to their scantling But hee tells thee thou must either be pure or
the whole armour of God As good no armour as not put on Secondly If he cannot get us to lay aside our armor then his next drift is to turne them the wrong way If he cannot wrest it from us he will seeke to wrest it against us it was the glory of Davids victory that he tooke off Goliahs head with his owne sword and many times and waies doth Satan glory in such conquests over us while wee little discerne him For 1 That he ever conquers us by our owne corruptions every man can conceive which what is it else then to fetch his weapons out of our owne armory 2 But which we lesse discerne he beates us and overthrowes our graces not by corruptions onely but by our graces As if we be sorrowfull for sinne he will have us swallowed up of sorrow 1 Cor. 27. 11. If wee be zealous he will carry us so far as the Disciples who will call for fire from heaven the fire that should warme the house shall burne it If wee be humble he can make us proud because wee are humble in maintaining our Christian libertie he can easily bring us to licenciousnesse in hatred of our former prodigalitie he can easily draw to more hatefullc ouetousnesse and how easily shall wee thinke that to be a vertue which is contrary to a former vice 3 The Word of God a principall weapon he can easily turne in our owne hands against our selves First Sometimes by hiding some part of it which is as a breaking short our sword so as it cannot reach to offend our adversary or defend our selves To embolden men in sinne he alledgeth Ezek. 13. 18. As I live saith the Lord I will not the death of a sinner but hides and breakes short the next words but that he repent and turne and 1 Tim. 2. 4. who would have all men saved but breakes off the next words and come to the knowledge of his truth So to bring Christ to presumption he alledgeth Psal. 91. He shall give his Angels charge and they shall keepe thee c. but breakes off the words in all thy wayes Secondly Sometimes by inferring on words of Scripture diabolicall conclusions as Christ died for al therefore thou maiest live in sin He that provideth not for his family is worse then an infidell therfore thou maiest be covetous earthly unjust in word deed a remedy worse then the disease to avoid infidelity by a greater infidelity for never can he speake truth but to deceive and in nothing can he more plausibly hide his lies then in words of truth and most of all in words of scripture Thus Satan foyles us with our owne weapons A third stratagem of this seaven heads is they are very buisy to breake our rankes for thus an army is soone discomfited This policy Ioshuah used against the men of Ai. chap. 8. 20. he set part of the army before and part behind in ambush who when they arose so troubled the enemies rankes that being disranked and confounded they could not stir any way to escape and thus dealeth the dragon The rankes of Christian souldiers are their callings which are of two sorts generall calling of Christianity and the speciall calling in which station every man abideth If Satan can interrupt or hinder either of these he hath drawne us from our wall and fort and soone foyleth us 1 The duties of our generall calling are praying reading conferring meditating and the like in which we must stand continually as the Apostle pray continually in all things give thankes Set the Lord continually at thy right hand if Satan can winne us to discontinue these duties at any time he easily winneth his purpose against us Example in holy David 2 Sam. 11. 2 he was wont in the afternoones to be praising God praying meditating in the statutes compiling holy psalmes But now he must have a nap after that he spies a woman washing her hence was his adultery and to hide that sinne addeth the murder of his faithfull captaine Uriah 2 Our speciall callings are our rankes and if he can turne us out of them which are our way wherein wee have the promise of Gods protection he easily overthrowes us Idlenesse is the devils pillow and anvell an idle mind emptie of good is fit to be filled with evill whereas looke as a full vessell can receive no more so an heart filled with godly meditations or an hand full of good exercises leaveth no roome for satans temptations nor leasure for his designes or enterprises We must therefore abide diligently in our callings which are a schoole and exercise of many graces as humilitie obedience patience faithfulne experience of Gods blessing power and providence with daily exercise of the word and prayer to sanctifie them all which are notable bulwarkes against the incursions of the devill A fourth usuall stratagem of Satan is to dissemble a flight when he need not when he doth not Thus Judg. 20. 32. the Israelites after two foyles drew all the Beniamites out of the Citty by dissembling a flight and by such as were laid in ambush of whom the enemie was not aware cut them off every one So satan often dissembles a flight for his owne advantage For First He can and often doth depart from vexing and afflicting men at the command of the loosing witch nay instead of hurting he will offer his help But 1 to binde his servants more obse quiously unto him 2 To draw the faith of men from God unto him and reject dependancie on him and the lawfull meanes and so do homage to the devill and is not this flight a mighty conquest Secondly He will give a man leave to leave some sinne so he can get him surer into another extreme and then he thinkes this must needs be a motion of the spirit because he concludes it cleane contrary to that which he tooke to be a motion of the flesh or divell Thirdly After much struggling and resistance he departs and seemes to fly but his flight is his forest fight For 1 He departs but for a season 2 Never but to renew his forces and assaults to bring seaven spirits worse then before To bring us into the sleepe of securitie as conceiving both weakenesse in our adversary and strength in our selves to resist him A fift stratagem of the dragon he can greatly weaken the Christian and much availe himselfe by light skirmishes and proveth most dangerous when he seemes to intend least danger as First He will begin mannerly with one sinne and what great danger can be in that which is so necessary too as he cannot thrive without it As to lie or sweare for advantage or to take usury to live by to be a non-resident a gamster or a sociable man but he knowes 1 One sinne never goeth alone one sinne cannot keepe it selfe warme without another 2 One sinne suffered is like a hole in a ship which will sinke a
they are gods on the Throne the title Iehovah being a title of Gods Essence agreeth to no creature but the name of Elohim being a title of his power is given them because in them the greatnesse and soveraigne authority of GOD the high and supreme Iudge of the world clearly shineth and as himselfe shineth more bright than the Sunne in beames of Majesty above all creatures so in a parcell of his owne Majesty hee makes them shine above all other men for the daunting and terrour of wicked men bee they never so great Is the Magistrates Throne Gods Throne then to contemne the Magistrate is to contemne the Throne of God to which he is taken up The Embassadours of great Princes are honourably respected for the person they sustaine Magistrates must resemble the person of GOD in whose Throne they sit 1. In Piety and holynesse what an unseemly thing is it for him that sits on Gods Throne to doe any thing unbeseeming God or contrary unto God 2. In love of Gods house and word so doth God himselfe his eye his heart and delight is on his owne house and so should his who sits on his Throne Hee that disaffecteth the house of God and the true worship of God hee can neither prove good Magistrate nor good man till hee change his minde and conversation 3. In wisedome knowing what is just and unjust what hee is to doe what to leave undone what to cherish what to punish God on his Throne is called the ancient of dayes for his wisedome in discerning Psal. 2. Be wise yee Kings bee learned yee Iudges and their title of heads must put them in minde of this wisedome in which they ought to resemble the ancient of dayes for the head is the seat of wisedome and understandeth for all the parts now whence must they have this wisdome but in Gods book given into their hands for which cause Rulers were injoyned that the booke of the Law should not depart from them night nor day and the Kings of Israel in their inauguration had Gods booke given them into their hands by this booke David became wiser then his ancients Now if Magistrates cast off the reading of Gods word at home and the hearing of Gods Word at Gods house Ieremy 8. 9. telleth us that folly must rule them and others too they have cast off the Word of the Lord and what wisedome is in them 4. In sincerity and uprightnesse God on his throne is described sitting in garments white as snow noting the innocency and righteousnesse of his judgements Dan. 7. 9. the seates of Magistrates and Iudges should bee like Salomons Throne of white Ivory 1 King 10. 18. signifying the purity and incorruption of Iudge and judgement of a truth God is no accepter of persons Act. 10 and hee that sitteth on Gods Throne must avoide the appearance of partiality hee ought to honour and heare Gods Ministers love and affect the professors of true religion distaste and disaffect the contrary thus doth God Are Magistrates taken up to Gods Throne their throne and seate must resemble Gods Throne and be a counterpaine of that Quest. Wherein Ans. 1. In true inquisition of cause Before Gods Throne there is a true information by opening of bookes and his Throne is said to bee fiery both for his zeale for truth and for manifestation of the truth of causes so on the Thrones and tribunals of men right information and true evidences must carry matters 2. In a just sentence when that is condemned which God would have condemned and that cherished and advanced which God would have set up Esay 44. 28. Cyrus must performe all the Lords desire not his owne for hee is now on the Lords Throne Zach. 4. 14. they must bee assistants to the Rulers of the earth as namely in looking to his worship in repressing swearers drunkards gamesters idle persons c. 3. In sound execution of just sentences against offenders Gods Throne is no idle scarrecrow but commeth to the life of justice which is execution It hath two properties 1. It is powerfull About the Throne of God goeth a fiery streame noting the power of his judgement Dan. 7. which is as unresistible as a streame of fire to stuble no sinner cā ever escape at this throne and if the thrones of Magistrates resemble not Gods Throne great offenders or bold and stout sinners will shift out 2. It is quicke and speedy Gods throne is described to have wheeles Ezek. 1. for the celerity and speed in execution before it are no delatory pleas no spinning of causes no stay of justice by any meanes Dan. 7. 9. Gods Throne hath burning wheeles for celerity in consuming corruption 4. In powerfull protection of the godly GOD from his throne doth so Psal. 76. 9. The Lord riseth upon his throne to save all the meeke upon the earth so Rulers must see that they be answerable to the title given them of God who calleth them the shields of the earth to shelter not vilde and vicious persons sonnes of Beliall but the innocent religious and godly as Davids eyes were on the godly in the land This is taken from the end Hence note Rulers are therefore taken up by God into his throne to protect this woman as this manchilde for the good of the Church Rom. 13. Hee is the Minister of God for thy good 1. Earthly kingdomes are especially ordained to set up and uphold Gods kingdome 2. Their titles are hedges for the Lords field a covering for heate winde stormes Esay 32. 2. 3. The promise that Princes shall bee nursing fathers of the Church That Magistrates take notice of their duty which is not onely to assist the Lord in governing and upholding the civill state but to uphold the Church 1. By professing the religion of God themselves sincerely 2. By protecting true religion and that with zeale and courage against all kinde of opposites David will use his power to cast scorners from Gods face and presence 3. By countenancing and upholding the holy Ministery leading the way to Gods house and worship as all godly Governors ever did and begin the government alwaies with manifesting their zeale to Gods holy religion as David with joyfull bringing the Arke to Hierusalem Salomon with building Gods house Iehoiada with making a covenant with the Lord and compelling the people to stand to it 2 Chron. 23. 16. Nay evill men what ever they were afore were thus far changed into other men as Saul to dissemble religion Saul though he sought Asses before will so soone as called to the kingdome prophesie amongst Prophets so as if confidence and love of Gods house commanded them not as men yet shame and example compeld them as Magistrates Wee that are Ministers must take notice of our duty to call upon Magistrates to use their power for the good of the Church be not accessary to the absurd husbandry of them that plucke up good
wicked enemies of it For 1. By these overthrows the most desperate enemies are daunted for a time and by the terrour of judgements discouraged from their mischievous enterprises against the Church Did not Gods plagues on the Egyptians stop their unreasonable violence against Israel yea however the kings heart was hardened to destruction yet the people were overcome so as to do them all the good they could leaving themselves bare and naked to adorne and enrich them with their Jewels And how hath the heavy hand of God felt by our enemies made them lesse bold to attempt the like mischiefes yea rather inclined them to be at a kinde of peace with us 2. By the dreadfull overthrows of wicked men the Lord sets up his Church and makes even the enemies themselves submit and stoop to her Psalm 18. 44. When Davids sword prevailes in the Lords battels strangers shall bee in subjection though dissemblingly The proud Aramites were forced to submit themselves wiih halters about their necks to the King of Israell 1. King 20. 31. 2. Chron. 32. 22. When that memorable judgement was executed against the King of Assur and his proud army many are said to bring offerings to Jerusalem and presents to Hezekiah who was magnified thenceforth of all nations So by the fearfull hand of God against proud Herod the Lord made his word to prosper and beleevers to multiply Act. 12 23. 24. 3. By the judgements of God powred out upon wicked men they themselves are convinced in their consciences and forced to acknowledge themselves in a wrong course and that the state of the godly whom they persecute is farre more happy then their owne If Balaam in his prosperity wished himselfe in the number of Gods people what did hee when the sword came against him in the slaughter of the Midianites Numb 31. 8. And when the Egyptians were hurled among the waves did they not wish themselves in the state of the meanest Israelites And shall not all wicked enemies who now brave it out against the Saints do so also when the waters of Gods wrath arise and beginne to returne forcibly upon them III Motives to this duty are these 1. The end proposed by the Lord of all his actions is the setting up of his glory but especially when in overthrowing the dragon hee sheweth forth all his glorious attributes of power justice hatred of sinne revenge of sinne as also of mercy care and love of his Church the over-mastering of her enemies for the terrour of all proud adversaries and the encouraging and confirming the faith of the Saints 2. As this is the Lords end so wee cannot disappoint him of this end without our own great prejudice For as thankfull praises for old mercies invite new so ingratitude being a bundle of many sins hinders the course and current of Gods blessings unto us If we would continue perpetuate mercies to ourselvs we must not deprive the Lord of his due praises 3. The Lord hath manifested his pleasure and that hée is well pleased to have the mindefulnesse of his mercies towards his people to dwell with his Church to beget in them more love of himselfe and a greater desire of promoting his kingdome Hence himselfe pleased to be the institutor of feasts speciall services for perpetuall memory of mercies deliverāces as the Paslover to perpetuate the memory of the Angels passing over the Israelites houses in slaying the first born of Egypt saving thē frō the revenging Angell And in their entring into the land of Canaan hee appointed the feast of Tabernacles in remembrance of all that providence and preservation of them and theirs from all enemies while they dwelt not in walled townes but in Tabernacles forty yeares in the wildernesse 4. The very Heathens themselves after their victories would institute publique solemnities to their gods in way of thankfulnesse and dedicate dayes and temples to them for remembrance and shall Christians come behinde them and as the manner is after victories eate and drinke and bragge and sweare in the meane time forget their songs to the Lord 5. We cannot better or liker to our life of heaven exercise our selves on earth when all the Saints shall solemnly and tryumphantly sing and sound out the glory of God for their finall deliverance from the Dragon and all his Angels by Jesus Christ when the Angels Saints Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and all the blessed company of heaven shall joyne in the song of Moses and the Lambe Now the Saints on earth must resemble and begin this life of heaven and seeing all other services and spirituall duties shall cease and onely this shall remaine in heaven our care must bee that it cease not upon earth This doctrine casts out of the society of the Church such as grieve and repine at her prosperity and happy victories for he cannot be a member of the Church who rejoyceth not in her joy nor a sonne of this mother who is not glad in her prosperity Is it a note of a righteous man to rejoyce when hee seeth the vengeance Psalm 58. 10. what is hee then that pineth when hee seeth Gods revenge powred on the heads of his adversaries 1. Such as grieve when Antichrists kingdome is shaken when they heare any newes of defeating his forces and cannot containe or conceale themselves but by magnifying the Catholike Captaines and contemptuous discourses against the Protestants forces bewray what they are and on what part they stand good subjects must they needs bee while they bewray such sure affections to the enemies of GOD our religion our Countrey our King and our Kings Children and good souldiers to Christ and trusty who are sorry when their Generall gets a victory I cannot tell whether to impute their boldnesse more to want of grace in disclaiming the truth or want of wit in such discovery of themselves 2. Such as rage and storme against the power of the Word which discovers the nakednesse of Popery So shamelesse and foolish are some ignorant sots and so earnestly set for their Popish Dagon that if they heare any thing against the doating doctrines of Popery they are ready to tumult as the Ephesians for their Diana It is nothing with them to revile the Ministers and give them all the lie and charge them with ignorance or falsification But what need clearer evidence to cast them for treachery against Christ his truth and holy religion established by the lawes in regard of which if folly it selfe did not leade them they would forbeare 3. Such as cannor endure our solemnities and daies of publike joy for our deliverances against the bloody Papists but as Vipers swell with poyson and griefe that their mother hath any cause of joy and that the Church and Kingdome was lifted up by God from such destruction as never came into the heads of any wretches but Papists or devils The barbarous heathens could not expresse their joy sufficiently in their triumphs gratulatory rites
in demonstration of the spirit that men may say Christ is here indeed I feele his power quickning counselling comforting c. 2 To Magistrates that they put forth all the power they receive of Christ for the glory of Christ and the good of the Church as knowing First that all powers are of God and therefore for God and his causes Secondly they are his Ministers for the good of the good and them that do well Thirdly those that honour God God will honour and contrarily And who seeth not that those that extraordinarily oppose this power of Christ in his Ordinances God extraordinarily opposeth them they cannot so openly contemne him and despise his word but God as manifestly powres contempt upon them and makes them extraordinary spectacles of disgrace and contempt For how can a man set himselfe against God and prosper Fourthly All the power in Christs owne hand was set against sinne and the divels kingdome what better example to a Christian Magistrate 3 To every Christian three wayes 1 Wee are instructed to submit our selves to the royall power of Christ our King as willing subjects acknowledging him the great Centurion of the world For this was prophesied of us in the New Testament Psal. 110. 3. Thy people shall come willingly at the time of holy assembling And otherwise we shall be worse then wicked angels or the unreasonable creatures who all obey his word as we saw before 2 To depend upon this power of Christ as our soveraigne King who hath all power to do us good Want we heavenly things he hath all power in heaven and for heaven he hath power to call to justifie to sanctifie to beautifie to glorifie Want we heavenly graces and riches he hath treasures of wisedome and grace Want we earthly things he hath all power in earth he can bestow not dews of heaven only but the fat of the earth Isaac had but one blessing but he hath more blessings then one and if he be rich being our husband wee shall not be poore 3 To acknowledge this power of Christ in all our receipts of blessing or comfort 1 Finde wee the worke of conversion and sound grace this is not by free-will or preparations or operations of nature but here is a creating power put forth by Christ a power divine working many miracles making a blind man see a deafe man to heare dispossessing a man of many divels raysing a dead man and quickning him that was dead in trespasses and sins 2 Finde wee not onely our peace made up with God but that now wee are lovingly affected to Gods people for Gods image and goodnesse Here is a fruit of Christs mighty power who hath reconciled the wolfe and the Lambe the child and the cockatrice Esa. 11. 6. 3 Finde we any worke of holinesse begun any presence of grace any beginnings of heavenly motion in faith hope love joy zeale constancy Here is a great power of Christ our head by whose power all these are purchased here is a power making a Blackmoore white as snow 4 Findest thou any strength against sinne any temptation foyled any lust given over and hated which thy nature inclineth unto Oh here is the power of Christ above the power of nature Never was sinne foyled but by Christs power never was any a Conquerour in the spirituall combate but by the presence power and strength of the Generall 5 Finde we our prayers heard our defects covered our duties accepted All this is the vertue and power of Christs prayer and by the merit of his obedience Thus must wee with the Church here sing out the power of the Lords Christ. And this also of the Instruction Next this serves the members of the Church for examination namely to try whether we feele this power of Christ put forth in our selves else all is unprofitable and uncomfortable to us Phil. 3. 10. the Apostle counts all other knowledge and priviledges but losse and dung in respect of knowing in himselfe the vertue and power of Christs death and resurrection This is more then to heare of Christ of his life and doctrine of his death and passion It is a lively feeling in his owne soule the power and vertue of his death in the death of sinne and of his resurrection in rising from the grave of sinne This is more then to preach of Christs life and death and goeth beyond all eloquent discourses of the actions and passions of Christ if the Preacher as too many onely know the vertue of Christs death as the Physitian knows the vertues of herbes and simples onely by his reading or relation without his owne experience This knowledge of the power and grace of this Salomon must be like the knowledge of the Queene of Sheba 1 King 10. 7. It was a true word which I heard of thy sayings and wisdome howbeit I beleeved not this report till I came and have seene it with mine eyes neither can halfe the power and glory of Christ be attained by reading or report except our selves by inward feeling and experience come to discerne it That is an happie knowledge of the power of Christ not which is speculative or discoursive but which is experimentall such as the Samaritans Ioh. 4. 42. They say to the Woman Now we beleeve not for thy relation but because our selves have seene Him Quest. How may I discerne the power of Christ in my selfe Answ. It may be discerned by foure special marks or evidences I By the power of the word which is his powerfull arme to salvation So much as thou findest the power of the word so much of the power of Christ mayest thou discerne in thy selfe Now examine 1 Hast thou found the word commanding light out of darknesse in thy soule as in the first creation hath Gods powerfull word created a new saving light in thee that whereas thou wast blind now thou art sure thou seest the face of God in Jesus Christ reconciled unto thee 2 Hath the word in the Ministery beene a powerfull voice of Christ calling thee as Lazarus out of the grave where thou wast by nature under the dominion of death by sin hath it brought in a new life of God and grace What word besides the Omnipotent word of Christ can raise a dead man If the word of God hath inspired a new breath of the Spirit and wrought heavenly motions in thee thou mayest plainly see the power of Christ in thy selfe 3 Hath the word beene powerfull as a mighty engine to cast downe high and strong holds and bring every thing unto the subjection of Christ hath it taken thy highest holds and now sitteth as a Commander there If it have an inward command the understanding conceiveth and is convinced in the certainty of things which be contrary to nature and sense it will shut the owne eyes and yeild to things foolish and absurd to reason The will easily denyeth it selfe worldly wisdome reason profits pleasures liberty and life
death for him Quest. How may I know that I have sound love of Christ which is like to hold out to the death Ans. The love that is unquenchable stronger than death Cant. 8. 6. may bee knowne by foure excellent properties 1. It casts out selfe-love love of the world and all desirable things of it in comparison The woman at the Well having met with Christ forgets her water-pot Zacheus his love will expresse it selfe in despising and thrusting off the world as fast as ever he pulled it in the use of the World will stand with the love of Christ but not the love of it 2. It lookes wholly out of himselfe upon Christ and seeth in Christ three things which it desireth above life First the favour of Christ which is better than life Psal. 4. 6 7. Secondly the glory of Christ which it wisheth rather than this life yea rather than the other Paul for the honour of Christ could wish to bee cut off from Christ if it were possible Thirdly the presence of Christ this makes a good man wish with Paul that hee were dissolved to bee with Christ Phil. 1. 3. It rejoyceth in nothing but in the Crosse of Christ Gal. 6. 14. No souldier can so glory in his scars and wounds sustained for his Prince and countrey as hee doth in his chaines and sufferings for Christ All the glory and happinesse of the world is but dung and drosse in comparison of it 4. It will bee busie in meanest and hardest services for Christ. Mary will kisse the feet of Christ and wipe them with her haires and refuseth not the hardest services Iacobs love to Rachel makes seven yeares of hard Apprentiship and service but as a few dayes and Peters love will shew it selfe in being clearfully led where he would not Iohn 21. 18. 4. Labour for this Christian resolution rather to dye than deny our Lord it being our duty we must ayme at it and being difficult wee must get good arguments and helps to undertake it Quest. How may wee further our selves in this so difficult a resolution Ans. 1. By meditations 2. By practises The meditations are sundry 1. Consider seriously of such Scriptures as foretell persecutions for the name of Christ all which make the suffering of the Crosse inevitable set a starre over such predictions and hold thy minde upon thē as things concerning thy selfe if thou mind to live godly in Christ Jesus and with the predictions ponder the examples of those who have in this fight valiantly indured losse of goods of lands of liberty and life it self for Christ and his Gospell And when thou seest the Prophets Apostles faithfull Pastors and Martyrs wracked hewen a sunder slaine with the sword and would not bee delivered Heb. 11. 35. wilt thou save thy selfe with base and dishonourable conditions which they refused 2. If thou lookest up to God consider that all thy passion and suffering both for the time persons measure manner and all circumstances is appointed by Gods eternall decree without whose speciall appointment not an haire of the head can fall and much lesse the head it selfe For the lives of the Saints are not in the hands of Tyrants but in the hands of God neither is their death casuall and accidentall but determinate Psal. 116. 15. Precions in his eyes is the death of all his Saints Now as thou prayest daily that Gods will may bee done so must thou practise and if the will of God be so that thou suffer let thy will concurre with his will which is just and righteous 1 Pet. 3. 17. 3. If thou lookest upon Christ here is no want of motives to suffer extreme things in his cause and quarrell First consider our sufferings are called the sufferings of Christ 2 Cor. 1. 5. the affliction of Christ Col. 1. 24. the Crosse of Christ Gal. 6. the reproach of Christ Hebrewes 13. 13. the rebuke of Christ Heb. 11. 26. The reason is because Christ is hee for whom we suffer and wee are his Martyrs and witnesses 2. Because Christ suffereth in us whatsoever is done to one of the little ones beleeving in him is done to him Saul Saul why persecutest thou mee 3. Because Christ suffereth with us and in all our troubles is troubled Esa. 63. 9. as the head of the naturall body suffereth with every member by consent 4. And because our sufferings conforme us to Christ fellowship in his afflictions makes us conformable in his death Phil 3. 10. Now who would refuse to bee a Simon to helpe Christ to carry his crosse seeing Christ is at the other end and a partner in suffering Secondly to give up our lives for Christ is an honest duty of thankfulnesse to Christ our benefactor A gratefull part it is to sticke to him in trouble whom wee have followed in prosperity For shall I be such a Swallow in my profession as to take my summer with Christ and not the winter Beside how is it but most just that wee should maintaine his cause to the death who maintained our cause to the death and to sticke to him now before men who by his death doth now plead our cause before God 4. Consider the suffering it selfe and in it wee have great incouragements in that it is First an honourable and glorious service to suffer for righteousnesse Paul wil glory in nothing but in the crosse of Christ Gal. 6. 14. and rejoyceth in nothing so much as his chaine And indeed the chaines and irons of the Martyrs are farre more shining Ornaments than all the golden chaines of the world Is it not more glory for a stout champion and man of Armes to be in a battell than in a Bath The marks and scarres of a souldier received and sustained in his Princes and countries cause are his true glory and so are wounds stripes bands imprisonment or any suffering for the profession of the truth Secondly it is a safe and saving service for it hath many assured and precious promises whereof the LORD will bee faithfull for performance as namely of wisedome to answer Matth. 10. 19. patience to indure the Spirit of glory and GOD to rest on them for comfort 1 Peter 4. 14. strength to conquer and in every temptation a gracious issue 1 Cor. 10 13. And lastly a measure of mercy upheaped and running over Matth. 5. 10 11. Great is your reward in heaven Beside it is the onely way to save the life thus to lose it as the way for Abraham to keepe his sonne was to offer him to GOD when hee called for him so the onely way to save the life is to give it to GOD and to offer it unto CHRIST and for CHRIST whensoever hee pleaseth to call for it For as hee that spareth his seed loseth it but he that sowes saves it and findeth it returned with advantage in the harvest so hee that saveth his life loseth it saith our SAVIOUR and hee that loseth it on this
cannot hinder or interrupt so as after sowing of much seed there is no reaping or joy in the harvest First in generall he cares not greatly how many good things thou doest how charitable how devote thou art how diligent and laborious even in that which is good so he can keepe thee without the care of sound conversion and from serious repentance for he knowes that all that is done before conversion is hatefull to God That of thistles no figges can be gathered that out of a reprobate soyle can nothing be yeelded but noysome weeds and poysonfull plants what goodly shew soever they make That before repentance the sacrifice of a man is sinne and his very prayer is abominable what cares he how much and often thou pray so thy prayer be frustrate But whiles thou regardest wickednesse in thy heart hee knowes God will not heare thy prayer Neither cares he what good thou doest so thou be proud of it and say Lord I thanke thee I am not as this Publican If he can get thee to thrust thy glory betweene thy actions and Gods glory he hath frustrated all thy expectation More specially if he cannot hinder thee from hearing the word nor for shame barke against the action he cares not so he may frustrate it which he can do by many slights 1 If he can make thee receive it without faith he knowes the word is unprofitable if not mingled with faith nay hurtfull for he that knowes his Masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with more stripes 2 Without love for if thou receivest the truth without love of it God wil at length give thee up to strong delusions 2 Thes. 2. 3 Without change of heart and life what cares he if thou heare every houre a sermon so all be put into a riven vessell If thou hearest 20. yeares together never so diligently if thou holdest thy sinne and abidest a hatefull wretch spitting poyson against the word and preaching of it Secondly He cares not how civilly and soberly thou livest without open grosse breaches of the law thou art no drunkard murderer blasphemer theese sodomite all this pleaseth him well if so he can make thee hereby reject the gospell for all this while Thy righteousnesse doth not exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees Nay if he can make thee stumble at Christ he knowes no fall into hell is like that it had been better thou hast never heard of him Thirdly He cares not greatly what a religious life thou makest show of what strong conceit of faith thou hast how joyfully thou receivest the glad tidings of the gospell how resolutely thou professest the gospell if he can frustrate all this profession Either first by keeping thee from being beaten downe by the law for then all the foundation is deceitfull Or secondly by neglecting the meanes of faith for then he knowes thou nourishest but a fancy for faith Or thirdly by making shipwrack of faith by corrupt conscience while he holds thee fast in some sinne or sinnes as lying cousening swearing usury gaming or deceitfull courses or loosenesse of life for now bragge of faith and say thou wilt never forsake the gospell I say thou shalt never hold it out for thou canst not favour it and thy sinne too which it favours not In heart thou deniest it and easily wilt with thy mouth Fourthly He cares not how zealous and forward thou art for the time and how many things thou sufferest for the gospell so it be in vaine some Magistrates are good and forward at first for a fit some Ministers are best at first as Saul Iudas c. but after comes the bad wine and the lees and dregs are in the bottome and many remitting of their first loves fall to loosenesse contempt and spight of the way Satan hath now frustrated all true grace proceeds and holds out now he knowes these were never good I● Now for evill actions the dragon sets all his seaven heads a worke to thrust them forward and that especially two wayes First Because he cannot make them be good he can make them to seeme good till they be acted He can hansomely apparrell them and make them appeare next to vertues The eating of the forbidden fruit will make our parents as gods extreme covetousnesse is but nearnesse or good husbandry wrath and cruell revenge is but manhood and spirit unfruitfull wasting of our time is but good-fellowship and neighbour-hood Neutrality in religion when a man is neither fish nor flesh hot nor cold is to be moderate discreet and a wise man To neglect the study preaching of Gods word and to carry men from the simple truth to royes and froth of humane spirit and wit is profoundnesse and depth of learning Revel 2. 24. for how else came schoole-learning to banish the scriptures for many hundred yeares but under pretext of a deeper learning To be earnest and an hot pursuer of these hot precise fellowes is to be a good zealous protestant And to thinke they doe God good service in killing and burning his Saints in stabbing kings massacring Innocents and blowing up Parliaments is to be a resolute Catholike Thus skilfull is this seaven headed beast to wrap up all his poysoned pills in some sugered pretence and perswasion or other he can make them seeme neare allied to vertue and grace Secondly If he cannot make them seeme good yet he can so gild and hide them as they shall seem lesse evill When a man in rude and wicked company hath made himselfe beastly drunke and swinishly unreasonable it is no great matter he would be loath not to be counted a good and kind neighbour and not disgrace himself so much as not to pledge his friends health When he hath in anger and rage cursed sweared rayled and quarrelled with his neighbours it is a fault indeed but no man is a Saint and it is in some mens nature to be more cholerick then others and thus comforts and confirmes himselfe uncleannesse fornication adultery great sinnes against the fountaine of mankind are slighted it is but a common error of youth and age will mend it Ordinary oathes by faith troth Masse Mary and by God himself are but small sinnes the custome takes away the sense but not the guilt Secret sins which other men see not he can make a mans selfe not to see them and those which dig into the bowels he makes appeare but as the scratch of a pin Many sinnes are practised by the most and greatest nay even good men and professors will card and dice and prodigally waste their time and now they are priviledged sinnes and vanish into nothing The third head wherein we shall see the subtill working of these seavē heads against the woman is in respect of his assaults which are most subtill for never was there such an engineir so expert to winne and hold as shall appeare in some instances His first