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A11462 Sermons made by the most reuerende Father in God, Edwin, Archbishop of Yorke, primate of England and metropolitane Sandys, Edwin, 1516?-1588. 1585 (1585) STC 21713; ESTC S116708 357,744 396

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are in authoritie that wee may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie MOSES speaking to the people of God concerning the institutiō of the Passeouer to be kept at the appointed season from yere to yere saith When thy Sonne shall aske thee What is this thou shalt say vnto him With a mightie hand the Lord brought vs out of Egypt out of the house of bondage and in remembraunce hereof wee celebrate this feast In like sort when your children shall aske you what this our assemblie meaneth you shall aunswere that it is to giue God thankes for that great benefite which we receiued at his hands as this day when in his mercie he gaue vs our gratious elect Elizabeth whom hee hath vsed as his mightie arme to worke our deliuerance to bring vs out of Egypt the house of Romish seruitude This is the day which the Lord hath made this is that our happie day the Lorde in his mercie hath made it let vs be thankefull for it let vs reioice and be glad in it This is the acceptable time the day of saluation the happie time of our deliuerance This day God shewed vs the light of his gratious countenance and had mercie on vs in bestowing vpon vs so great a treasure so good a gouernour so worthie a Prince The Lord graunt vs many of these daies and long continuance of these happie yeres And as our Apostle doeth exhort vs let vs both praise the Lorde and praie vnto him that vnder so good a gouernement we may liue a quiet a godlie and an honest life as the Lords goodnesse towards vs and our duetie towardes him and profession of his name require I exhort you therefore before all things c. Here are two things offered to our consideration first an exhortation Pray for all men especially for princes and rulers secondly a reason of this exhortation that by their good gouernement we may liue a quiet a godly and an honest life 2 In exhorting vs to praie he sheweth the benefite and fruit of our praier We must praie to God to giue vs good Princes and rulers vnder a good prince we ought to leade a good life a good prince should procure peace pietie and honestie to the people a good people should liue peaceably godlily and honestly vnder their prince The exhortation is Pray for all men especially Princes and rulers In this part we haue to consider what praier is To whom we should pray What be the parts of praier When where and how we should pray For whom we should pray 3 Praier is a lifting vp of the minde vnto God or a friendely talking with the Lord from an high and a kindled affection of the heart In the word God speaketh vnto vs in praier we speake vnto him Praier is the powring out of a contrite heart with a sure perswasion that God wil graunt our requests and giue eare to the suites which we make vnto him This praier must be onely vnto God It is praier vnto God that onely hath promise that onely hath example in the scriptures Call vpon me saith God Aske the father in my name saith our Sauiour Aske and ye shall haue When yee shall pray saith Christ pray thus Our Father which art in heauen So and none otherwise praied all the Patriarches Prophets Apostles and Christ himselfe and all true Christians in all ages In praier no creature may be ioyned with God God and our Ladie help vs is no allowable praier 4 This praier which must be made onely to God our Apostle diuideth into his partes Requests Supplications Intercessions Thankesgiuings Requests or petitions are when wee praie for the increase of Gods good gifts in vs and that of his mercie and fauour he would giue vs whatsoeuer is necessarie for bodie or soule and for as much as we cannot obteine any thing for our owne merites that he would graunt vs all things for his sonne our Sauiours sake 5 Supplications when we praie to be deliuered from euill as when we pray that the wrath of God which we haue deserued may through his mercie be remooued from vs as farre as the East is from the West that our sinne may be remitted and blotted out of Gods bookes 6 Intercessions are when we praie for such as doe afflict and wrong vs for our enemies which persecute vs that God would forgiue them turne their hearts and better them Or when wee praie for others either for remoouing of euill from them or for Gods fauour and blessing towards them 7 Thankesgiuings are when we praise and thanke God for the great mercies graces and gifts which wee haue receiued at his hands For we must acknowledge that euery good and perfect gift commeth downe from aboue from the father of lights and is by his mercie freely giuen Praier generally may be diuided into two parts Petition and Thankesgiuing in the one we aske of God in the other wee offer vnto God both are accepted as sweete smelling sacrifices pure and through the merite of his sonne pleasaunt in his sight I shall not neede to put you in remembrance that we must praie both for our selues and others that there is a priuate and a publike praier that we must pray for things perteining to saluation absolutely and for things that pertaine to this life conditionally These are matters wherewith yee are throughly acquainted 8 The next thing to be considered in praier is when where and how to praie When Alwaies without ceasing Where In all places especially that place which being sanctified to this vse is therefore called the house of praier How from the heart lifting vp pure and cleane hands that is to say in faith and in loue Our praier fethered with these two wings flyeth straight into heauen 9 Thus we are by the Apostle willed to pray before all things according to the commaundement of our Sauiour Seeke first the kingdome of God Let vs begin all our workes our enterprises our actions our iourneies our lying downe our rising vp our eating our drinking and all our studies with praier So our bread shalbe multiplyed our oyle encreased our meate sanctified all our endeuours and actions blessed If the very Ethnicks in the beginning of their bookes first prayed vnto their gods to prosper and giue good successe to their labours it were a shame for vs not to praie to our God before all things knowing that the praier of the iust is greatly auaileable before him Praier is a succour vnto vs a sacrifice to God and a scourge to Satan Examples are infinite Israel in praier groned vnto God and was deliuered out of Egypt Moses by praier so held God that he could not destroie his idolatrous people The blast of praier ouerthrew the walles of Ierico At the praier of Iosua the Sunne stoode stil. The young men prayed in the burning fornace
against the Lord farre from me c. Wherein first he putteth the ministers in minde of their dutie secondly he telleth the prince and people of their office lastly hee sheweth if they doe it not what punishment wil followe 6 Samuel reiected put from the office of a magistrate by this froward rebellious people yet was not so froward himselfe as to forsake the office of a minister Neither minded he to reuēge this wrong offered him but with a milde minde he was content not onely to pray for them but to teache them faithfully and louingly to admonish them A patterne for all princes to bee milde in their owne matters yet earnest and zealous in the quarel of God He prayed for the people his enemies the cause was his owne he tooke the sword in his hand and cut King Agag in peeces the cause was Gods Moses in his owne cause was a man most milde he quietly suffered wonderful wrongs but when he perceiued Idolatrie committed Gods glorie comming into question hee with his partakers for worshipping of that calfe put to the sword three thousand men Christ our Sauiour and Master suffered though vndeseruedly yet meekely all reproofe yea reproch yea death it selfe but when his fathers cause came in hande that the house of God was made a denne of theeues hee bestirred him with his whip coursed those symoniacall choppers and chaungers buyers and sellers out of the Temple and made hauocke of whatsoeuer they had 7 This milde and zealous Samuel zealous in Gods cause and milde in his owne first by his owne example putteth the ministers in minde of their duetie in whom hee requireth two things as principall points concerning them To pray and To teache God forbid that I should sinne against the Lorde and cease praying for you I will shewe you the good and right waie 8 Christ that good pastor was earnest in praier for the people Holie father keepe them yea for his enemies Father forgiue them Paul the good Apostle prayed without intermission Iames the good Bishop of Hierusalem made his knees as hard as the hoose of a camell with continuall praying Our good Prophet Samuell thinketh it a great sinne not to pray for the people Absit a me hoc peccatum Be this sinne farre from mee Christ Peter Paul Ieremie praied with many teares God is delighted with an heartie prayer both in the minister in the Prince and in the people Christ was so feruent herein that he swet water and bloud King Dauid in his earnest prayer nightly watered his bed with teares The Israelites in Babylon in powring out their heartie prayers powred out also teares aboundantly Moses was so earnest with God in his prayers that God saide vnto him Why doest thou holde me Anna was so eager that shee powred out her verie heart before God in prayer The verie Ethnickes would not dallie with their false gods in prayer Plato reporteth that when they met in the house of their Idols to pray one openly pronounced Hoc agite Doe this Talke not trifle not let not your mindes wander Doe that ye come for For prayer is the lifting vp of the minde to God And Christ complaineth of this lippe labour This people honour me with their lippes God seeth thy heart and he requireth it 9 The persons for whom Samuel did praie are specified in the latter ende of his speeche For to whom hee saith if yee doe wickedly ye shall perish both you and your king for them that they might not doe wickedly he prayed Wee must pray first for kings and all that are placed in authoritie that God may giue them vnderstanding hearts rightly to rule faithfull counsellers from whom they may receiue wise and graue aduise carefull mindes to put good counsels in execution Euil counsel giuen and followed hath wrought much woe to many princes and vtter ruine to sundrie common wealths King Hanan hearkened to euill counsell and executed it but it turned to the confusion of him and his people Absolon likewise followed Achitophels wicked counsel and destruction likewise followed them both Solomon he gaue eare to foolish women and followed their idolatrous deuises whereby he procured to himselfe the wrath of God Roboam reiected the counsel of the graue and wise and followed the light and lustie deuises of young braines but it spoiled him of the most part of his kingdome Zedechias would not heare the good counsel of Ieremie but gaue eare to the euill aduise of his bad counsellers which in the ende turned to his confusion Happie is that Prince that hath wise and godly counsellers and thrise happie that wil followe them Then may the people liue a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie Samuel praied for the Prince and the people This is one principall part of the ministers office 10 The other is to teache If I teache not woe woorth me saith S. Paul But what is it that the minister should teache The Pope to be head of the vniuersal Church No that Christ claymeth as his owne right To abstaine from mariage and meate as not lawful to be vsed That S. Paul termeth the doctrine of deuils Shal we teache Purgatorie and prayer to the dead or for the dead But S. Iohn teacheth that we are purged by the bloud of Christ. And God commaundeth vs to call vpon him in our prayer Other commaundement haue we none To be short shal we teache the doctrine of men Then all our worshipping of God shall be in vaine Samuel therefore telleth vs what we shal teach namely the good and right waie Esay speaking of Gods word saith This is the waie walke in it The prophet Ieremie hath the like Stand vpon the waies and see and inquire of the olde waie which is the good waie and walke in it We ought to walke in the olde path of Gods auncient woord For that is the good and the right waie Yee shall not doe that which seemeth right vnto you but what I commaund that onely doe neither adde nor detract any thing Christ taught not his owne waies but the waies of his Father The wordes which I haue spoken are not mine but his that sent me the fathers S. Paul durst not teache any other thing than what he had receiued of the Lorde Yea he curseth the verie Angels of heauen if they teache any other way than that which hee had alreadie deliuered as right and good It is the office therefore of the minister to teache the woorde He that speaketh let him speake as the words of God The good Emperour Constantinus was so carefull of this that hee required of the Synode ouer which he was set to decide matters of religion that they should order all things by the booke of God which booke hee placed for the same purpose in
they would learne two short lessons of S. Paul and learne withall to followe them the matter easilie might be amended The one is to loue men not their monie Non quaero quae vestra sunt saith S. Paul I seeke not yours but you This lesson is hard but good and the other is like it I can doe nothing against the trueth but for the trueth saith the Apostle Nothing in a bad cause but in a good cause all things These lessons well learned would quickely cut off many euil pleas and driue back causelesse controuersies 15 You to whom the sword of iustice and iudgement is committed take heede vnto it Let it not spare mightie men for their sinnes are mightie sinnes If such offend their fall draweth down others with them God therefore commaunded Moses to hang vp the princes of the people vpon gibbets that they might be examples of punishment who had beene examples in sinning The good Consul Iunius Brutus spared not his owne sonnes but cut off their conspiring heads And Aulus Fuluius in the like case did the like thing Pilate abused his office when vpon sute hee spared Captaine Barrabas the murtherer and killed Christ our sauiour Spare not traitors murtherers or theeues least you bee partakers of their sinnes Your lenitie towardes them is crueltie towards the common weale the enemies of whose peace they are Serue God in feare loue his trueth promote his Gospell The seate the iudgement the sword is the Lordes defend therefore his cause see to the keeping of his statutes enlarge his kingdome aduaunce his glorie for he hath promised to glorifie them that honour him but they that despise him shall be full base hee shall make them vile and contemptible 16 Doing of iudgement may also generally be taken for iust dealing Iustice is a vertue which giueth euery man his own Render vnto euerie man y ● which is his Let euerie man performe his office fulfil his dutie let euerie man do right one to another do as you would be done vnto If this Law were obserued the people shold be eased of great expenses iudges iustices of great trauel Christ saith if a man take thy coat frō thee rather than striue giue him also thy cloake There is verily a fault amongst you because ye goe to Lawe one with another why doe you not rather suffer wrong Why doe yee not rather sustaine any kinde of tollerable harme Abraham gaue place to Lot and would not contend his onely reason was wee are brethren But brotherhoode is nowe adaies no argument of agreement our times are so vnlike their times and we so vnlike them There were no better meane in my opinion to bridle these quarelling and contentious mindes of wranglers than to burthen such as faile in their cause with great expenses amerciaments It would make them beware of quarels and vniust contending if they were sure to paie well for it Doe iudgement deale iustly one with another paie vnto al men that which is due that which is not due seeke not to haue at any mans hands 17 The second duetie to our neighbour is mercie Hee hath shewed thee O man what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee surely to doe iudgement and to loue mercie Bee mercifull saith our Sauiour as your father is also mercifull This mercie as Christ there teacheth wil shewe forth it selfe in three properties First it will bridle that vncharitable rashnesse of iudging and condemning others Nolite iudicare Iudge not Mercie will not bee hastie to iudge There be iudgements ciuill and iudgements Ecclesiasticall iudgements publike and priuate iudgements Christ neither forbiddeth the magistrate neither the publike minister to iudge according to the Lawe neither the parent or master to iudge and correct their offending children or seruaunts It is vncharitable priuate iudgement which God forbiddeth when men vnaduisedly take vpon them to giue sentence of others as if God had resigned his owne right into their handes they condemne whom they list and say what they list euen as they fancie so they iudge This man is a Saint and that man a sinner he the seruant of God and hee the childe of death Who art thou that so iudgest anothers seruaunt Is it not to his own master only to whom he stands or fals Who art thou that takest such seueritie vpon thee that dealest so vnmercifully with thy brother He is a sinner so thou either art or hast beene or maist be iudge therfore thy selfe trie and examine thine owne woorkes Iudge I say thy selfe and iudge not him least thou be condemned of the Lord for both not iudging and iudging If a brother be ouertaken with a fault ye that are spirituall shew mercie restore him with the spirit of meekenesse considering thy selfe least thou also be tempted Verily this mercilesse iudging of others is the cause why wee fall into many perils and secret temptations Loue mercie therefore and iudge not Hee that iudgeth with the Pharisee with the Pharisee shall be iudged 18 Another fruite of mercie is forgiuenesse They who are hastie to iudge are for the most part in forgiuing slowe But forgiue and yee shall bee forgiuen Howbeit such as sit in iudgement ought to correct and not to remit because they deale not with iniuries doone to themselues but to the lawes and common wealth or church But in priuate iniuries wee must all remember the words and followe the example of our Sauiour Be mercifull and forgiue Christ forgaue them that put him to death Stephen them that stoned him Ioseph them that solde him the king his vnthriftie seruaunt 1000. talents If wee forgiue not others it is in vaine to praie that which wee dailie praie Forgiue vs. For so doth Ecclesiasticus wel teache vs. He that seeketh vengeance shall finde vengeance of the Lord and he will surely keepe his sinnes Forgiue they neighbour the hurt that he hath doone to thee so shall thy sinnes be forgiuen thee also when thou praiest Should a man beare hatred against man and desire forgiuenesse of the Lord Hee will shewe no mercie to a man that is like himselfe and will he aske forgiuenesse of his owne sinnes If hee that is but flesh nourish hatred and aske pardon of God who will intreate for his sinnes And our Sauiours commaundement is If thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thine offering before the altar and goe thy waie first bee reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Whereunto S. Chrysostome alluding saith That God had rather want thy sacrifice due to him than reconciliation should not be made betweene thee and thy brother 19 The next and third fruite of mercie mentioned by our sauiour is Giue and it shall be giuen vnto you He that loueth mercie giueth almes but the couetous man is cruell God is so carefull to haue the
the middest of them and what the Bishoppes in Synode did so conclude to bee godly and behooueful that he did ratifie and confirme 11 The ministers you see should teache the right waie He which beareth that name and performeth not this office is but an Idoll Let another take his Bishopricke Such drones were better smothered than suffered in that hiue where none should liue that wil not labour Such as sowe not why should they reape Neither is it any new thing to cast out vnworthie ministers who cast off care of their duetie Solomon deposed Abiathar the high Priest and Iustinian depriued Syluerius and Vigilius Bishops of Rome These are good presidents for Princes in like case to followe 12 Again such as teach but teach not the good right way such as are open and publike maintainers of errors and heresie such in the iudgement of God are thought vnworthie to liue Falsus Propheta moriatur Elias and Iehu did not thinke themselues imbrued but rather sanctified with such bloud I haue no cruell heart bloud be farre from me I minde nothing lesse Yet needes must it be graunted that the maintainers and teachers of errors heresie are to be repressed in euery Christian common wealth Such troublers of the quiet of the Church such deceiuers of the people are at leastwise according to the auncient commendable custome of the church to be remooued from the ministerie It is no reason that the church enemies should bee fostered in the bosome of the church The histories of things doone by good princes and rulers in these cases are so many and manifest that I neede not trouble you with recitall of them Amphilochius the Bishop sharply reprooued Theodosius the Emperour that he so long winked at Arius and suffered him to spreade his pestilent heresie farre and wide ouer the bodie of the church The Emperour was not angrie at the words of iust reproofe but foorthwith banished Arius and gaue him some part of his iust deserts The ministers what roume soeuer they haue in the church of God ought to pray and teache the good and right way or else to giue place to others that can and will And thus much for the duetie of the ministers 13 It followeth Feare the Lord and serue him in the trueth withall your hearts The Prophet in these words putteth the prince and people in remembrance of their dutie Wherin double seruice is required The seruice due vnto God and the seruice due vnto the common wealth The seruice which we owe vnto God is feare which feare is euer ioyned with loue and for that cause called a sonnelike feare to distinguish it from that seruile feare the ende whereof is desperation as the fruite of the former is loue which maketh not ashamed Feare God for they which feare him shal not feele his power All things bee naked and open before him He doeth see and wil iudge Feare him therefore but loue him too who hath so loued thee that hee hath not spared his onely sonne but giuen him to death for thee 14 God putteth the heads in minde of this duetie knowing that as they goe before so the people wil followe after Ieroboam gaue euil example and he made the people sinne Iosias feared and zealously serued God and the people did the like Quomodo reges Domino seruiunt in timore nisiea quae contra Domini iussa sunt religiosa seueritate prohibendo atque plectendo Aliter rex seruit vt homo aliter vt rex vt homo fideliter timendo vt rex leges iusta praecipientes contraria prohibentes sanciendo How doe Princes serue the Lorde in feare saith S. Augustine vnlesse with religious rigor they forbid and punish things wherein the statutes of the Lorde are broken The king serueth God as a man one way and an other way as a king As a man by leading a faithfull life as a king by making Lawes such as inioyne things that are iust forbid the contrary Ezechias did God the seruice of a king in destroying the groues and temples of Idols which were builded against the commandement of God Iosias did the like in reforming the church in dispatching all Idolatrie and superstition Darius did God royall seruice when he gaue the Idol into Daniels handes and cast his enemies into the denne of Lions Nabuchodonazer did the like when by straite Lawe hee commaunded that none should blaspheme but that all should serue the God of Sydrach My sach and Abednago Herein Princes doe rightly serue God as Princes when to serue him they doe such things as vnlesse they were Princes they could not doe 15 The first point of kinglie seruice vnto God is to purge and cleanse his Church Christ teacheth this by that which he did at his entering into that fowlie defiled temple of Ierusalem It appertaineth to Princes to Magistrates to them which are nowe assembled in this honourable Court of Parliament by all good meanes and Lawes to see Gods house made cleane that it may be the house of prayer and not a denne of theeues 16 First it must be purged from all false doctrine from all Idolatrie and superstition The good kings Ezechias and Iosias were careful in this behalfe They could not abide Idolatrie to be committed or God to be blasphemed within their dominons It had beene hard to haue purchased such a thing as a Masse at Moses hands with a masse of money That zealous Prince king Asa deposed Maacha his grandemother wholly from all gouernment for setting vp a foule Idol in a groue He that dealt so sharply with his grandmother for this surely would in no case or respect haue tolerated a blasphemous masse in his reformed church and kingdome The euill which others doe by our sufferance is ours We doe it when we suffer it to be done Princes to please princes may not displease the prince of all princes Feare the Lord and serue him in zeale and in trueth cast out of the church of England all leuin of blasphemie and Idolatrie So shall you glorifie God and he shal glorifie you Pauls heart was set on fire his spirit was kindled within him when hee sawe the citie of Athens giuen to Idolatrie Ye knowe the Historie of that woorthie man Mattathias We praie daily Hallowed be thy name but with what mindes if wittingly we suffer his name to be prophaned blasphemed 17 Feare the Lord purge his Church remooue all stones of offence out of his vineyard S. Pauls rule is Let all things in the Church be doone seemely What that seemelinesse is he himselfe expoundeth in these words Let all things be doone vnto edification The primatiue Church casting away Iudaicall and Heathenish rites was simple in her ceremonies The pope hath polluted and burthened the Church with both Wee may haue no other than such as are comely and serue for the
common wealth What stirs diuersities of religion hath raised in nations kingdoms the histories are so many so plaine and our times in such sort haue told you that with further proofe I need not trouble your eares One God one king one faith one profession is fit for one monarchie common wealth Diuision weakneth Concord strēgtheneth The storie of Scilurus the Scythian is knowen who vpon his death bed taught his lxxx sons the force of vnitie by the strength of sticks weake by themselues when they are tyed in a bundle Let conformitie and vnitie in religion be prouided for and it shal be as a wall of defence vnto this Realme 26 And as these things are especially to be regarded as our principal care must be for the highest matters synceritie and vnitie in religion so we may not neglect or passe ouer smaller things which neede redresse For as diseases and sores in the basest and vilest parts of the body doe grieue and may endaunger the chiefest vnlesse they bee cured betimes so the least abuses by sufferance may worke the greatest harme Gorgeous apparel and sumptuous dyet with such like matters may seeme small things but they are the causes of no small euils They eate vp England and are therefore to bee repressed by straite Lawes It is a part of true seruice done vnto God to see euen vnto these things 27 Wee may seeme to cast our eyes very lowe when wee looke into the dealings of euerie officer vnder the Prince Yet euerie one must be seene vnto They waxe sodainely rich by the spoile of the Prince Reforme it by Lawe that all may walke in trueth If merchaunts with other artificers and meaner trades doe inriche themselues by impouerishing others through deceitfull shifts the common wealth suffereth dammage by their vneuen dealings If we wil haue God serued in trueth wee must by Lawe reforme them 28 That biting worme of vsurie that deuouring wolfe hath consumed many many it hath pulled vpon their knees and brought to beggerie many such as might haue liued in great wealth and in honour not a fewe This canker hath corrupted all England It is become the chiefe chaffer and merchaundise of England We shall doe God and our countrie true seruice by taking away this euill Represse it by Lawe else the heauie hand of God hangeth ouer vs and wil strike vs. 29 That vile sinne of adulterie in Gods common wealth punished with death so ouerfloweth the bankes of all chastitie that if by sharpe Lawes it be not speedily cut off God from heauen with fire will consume it Preuent Gods wrath bridle this outrage so shal you serue the Lord in truth 30 There is nothing more hurtfull to the common wealth than these corner contracts without consent of parents contrary to the woorde of God the Lawe of nature the Lawe ciuil and all right and reason The inconueniences that followe are not sufferable Euaristus a Bishop of Rome saith It is not wedlocke but whoredome when the consent of parents is wanting God cannot bee better serued than if by Lawe yee restraine this vnlawfull contracting The children of this inconuenient mariage may scarsely bee termed lawfull The deuill that hath euer hated wedlocke and loueth whoredome was the first author of this great disorder God graunt you vnderstanding heartes and willing mindes faithfully and in trueth to trauell to represse and take away these euils 31 And as euill is to be controlled by Lawe so that which is good is also by Lawe to be procured God hath made vs many wayes riche For what wee haue freely at his hands we haue it But he himselfe is become very poore in so much that for want of reliefe he is forced to begge and for want of lodging and meate hee lieth and dieth in our streetes This great ingratitude God cannot but reuenge Oh what shame is this to a Christian common wealth in a reformed countrie Obstinate Iewes would neuer shew themselues so vnthankful Their auncient Lawe forbidding beggars is euen to this day most straitly kept amongest them Lawes in this behalfe haue beene prouided but as they wanted perfection so haue they in manner in no point or any where had execution Serue God in trueth prouide that Christ craue not Such as wil not feede him here he wil neuer feede in his kingdome Thus haue I point by point let you see disorders and wants in the common wealth Ye haue authoritie by Lawe to reforme them Consider duetifully of it and serue God truely as ye ought alwayes remembring the saying of the Prophet Esay Woe be to them that make wicked Lawes 32 When good Lawes are made they must be put in execution Lawe is the life of the common wealth and execution the life of the Lawe And better not to make Lawes than not to execute Lawes when they are once made This is the dutie of the publike ministers of the common wealth They must first keepe Lawes themselues then see that others in like sort may obserue them If the officers and ministers of the common wealth contemne lawes doubtlesse the people wil neuer reuerence them if they breake them the people wil neuer keep them Which Solon wisely considering wisely aunswered being demaunded what was chiefe safetie for a common wealth If the Citizens obey the Magistrate and the Magistrate the Lawes You that are appointed to this purpose and put in trust therewith lay aside dread and meede fauour and friendship gift and gaine and with simplicitie of heart punish the transgressor of the Lawe according to the Law Make not Anacharsis webbe of the Lawe Let not the hornet escape and the litle flie bee caught Fewe Lawes well made and well kept would serue the turne This is Gods seruice the execution thereof he hath set ouer to your hands Serue him in trueth and singlenesse of heart Cursed is he that negligently doeth the worke of the Lorde 33 Thus much hath beene spoken concerning higher powers and of their duetie in the seruice of God Samuel speaketh not to them alone to the people it is spoken as well as to the prince Feare and serue ye the Lorde in trueth Feare God embrace the Gospel leade your liues in holinesse and righteousnesse according to the word of trueth The Lorde is a strong defence to them that feare him They that feare him want nothing 34 Giue vnto the Lordes annointed due reuerence and honour Let euerie soule be subiect not by constraint but for conscience sake Imitate those worthie Israelites who were so willingly obedient to Iosua that they cryed with one voice Whosoeuer shall rebell against thy commaundement and will not obey thy woordes in all that thou commaundest him let him die Grudge not repine not at higher powers say not in your hearts Let vs breake their bands and cast away their chaines from vs. 35 Seeke the peace of the common wealth and
daily looke for our change Let vs expect the comming of Christ. Hee commeth in post the forewarnings are fulfilled Iniquitie aboundeth Christian charitie is frosen the Gospell is preached Then is the ende Let vs not slumber in securitie or driue off to returne vnto our God For it is hard for the buried in sinne to rise Man often is sodainely smitten that he hath no time to repent In his last daie he is disquieted by sickenesse by Satan yea by his friendes yea by his owne conscience Let vs liue in reuerent expectation of the Lord with our loines girt and with our lampes light and let the trumpet of iudgement euer sound in our eares it will wel stirre vp our hearts Let vs liue these fewe daies that remaine vnto the Lord whom we ought to haue serued all our daies And lastly recounting the vanitie of the worlde the miserable state of this life and the inestimable blessednesse of the life to come let vs with Iohn Paul Elias the blessed seruants and Saints of God looke for the appearance of the comming of Christ Iesus who will place vs vpon the right hand of his father and giue vs possession of our inheritance that we may haue the perfect fruition of all the treasures prepared for vs by our God in heauen To him euen the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost three persons and one God of eternall maiestie be all honour c. The tenth Sermon A Sermon preached at his first comming to Yorke Lvc. 1. 74 That being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we may serue him without feare 75 In holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our life THE greater and better part of holie Scripture either setteth foorth Gods goodnesse towards vs or our duetie towards him In these fewe but most pithie woords of Zacharie both are comprehended The great benefite we receiue from God is our redemption in Christ. The dutie which wee owe to him againe is in holinesse and righteousnesse of life continually to serue him He toucheth our redemption in one word but in many words explicateth the dutie which we owe for it vnto our redeemer giuing vs hereby secretly to vnderstand that men are easilie taught to knowe but hardly brought to doe their masters wil. We are rich in al speech and vnderstanding but in deedes ful poore and barren We know much but litle doe we although amongst other things knowne this be one that He which knoweth his masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with many stripes and this another that Not euerie one that saith Lord Lord but he which doth the will of the father shall enter into the kingdome of heauen Wee are for all this such as those Pharisees were whom Christ reprooueth because they saide and did not Euen such we are become as Iude doth describe Wels without water Clowdes without raine Trees without fruite dead though not as yet pulled vp by the rootes Wee are hearers of the woord and yet skantly that but workers of the woord we are not God graunt that the woord wherein wee nowe glorie bee not one day to our shame that the Gospel of saluation beare not witnesse against vs and condemne vs that the words which Christ hath spoken vnto vs heape not iudgement vpon our heads that this be not our condemnation also that light beeing come into the worlde wee loue darkenesse more than light Surely if wee continue to professe in woords and denie in deedes to crucifie to our selues our Sauiour Christ afresh to feede vpon our vomit and to welter in the lothsome myre of our filthie sinne wee shall make our selues vnwoorthie of the kingdome of God wee cannot claime the benefite of Christs merits neither bee partakers of that glorious redemption which Zacharie heere remembreth vnto vs but the bloud of Christ shall be vpon our heads and wee shall perish in our sinne as being guiltie of our owne damnation Thy destruction O Israel is of thy selfe 2 Wherefore to auoide Gods perpetual indignation and our perpetuall confusion let vs followe the counsel of Zacharie who instructed by the spirit of wisedome teacheth vs First that wee are redeemed secondly that the ende of our redemption is that we may serue him that hath redeemed vs thirdly after what sort we should serue him Where he saith that wee are deliuered out of the hands of our enemies it argueth that we once were in their hands We are freed therefore we were bond And in this point we haue to consider First our bondage then the meane of our deliuerance and lastly the cause by which we were deliuered 3 Adam through his rebellion lost his freedome and became a bondman and all we through him and in him are bond conceiued and borne in sinne the children of wrath bond vnto Satan and seruaunts vnto wickednesse the deserued reward whereof is death euen double death this our present mortalitie and euerlasting damnation As by one man sinne entred into the world and by sinne death so death went ouer all men in asmuch as all men sinned With Adam we lost Gods first fauour and protection with him the gratious image of God was blotted out in vs also with him we were expelled out of paradise cast vpon the face of the cursed earth throwen into the hands of our cruell enemie whose liuerie wee did put on and vnder whose miserable thraldome wee liued In this fall from God we lost our immortalitie we lost our freewill wee lost our wisedome our vertue our light our glorie our ioie our heauen our God Our peruerse heart became prone to all euill and full of all sinnefulnesse we became vnwise in our iudgement disobedient to our God deceiued and deceiuing seruing lusts and deadly pleasures liuing in malitiousnesse and enuie hatefull and hating one another We were without hope and without God in this present world all blinded in ignorance and wrapped in all sinne For as we changed our master so changed we our mindes and maners also and for Christ we serued Antichrist we threwe away the loue of Gods eternall truth and according to the ignorance of our blinded hearts hungerly fed vpon all poisoned error and plunged our selues into all wickednesse This was our most miserable estate thus we were thus we are by nature This was the pitifull condition of all humane flesh 4 Let vs now see the meane of this our deliuerance from this deadly captiuitie Wee are ransomed out of the handes of our enemies pulled out of the iawes of Satan freed from the seruitude of Antichrist of ignorance and of sinne onely by the mediation of our redeemer Iesus Christ. He is the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda which alone hath trodden the winepresse alone hath fought the battell in fighting atchieued the victorie and by vanquishing brought our enemie Satan vnder our feete for euer On the crosse with his bloud hee
king but as contemptible pesants and base outcasts of men Away they are sent loaden with spitefull words with slanderous reproches iniurious dealings all kindes of contumelie and disgrace But note of whome of the Ammonites which feare not God of the prophanely minded Atheist of the carnal gospeller of the zealous hypocrite of such in whom the feare of God or the care of their soules remaineth not of such as also spoile the patrimonie of Christ such as would not sticke I thinke to sell Christ himselfe if they might for monie as Iudas did and to cast lots for his coate with Pilates souldiers This robberie and spoile this despitefulnesse and ignominie done vnto Dauids messengers he tooke in such sort as doone vnto him selfe For the wrong or ignominie done to the messenger is done to the master who sent him and on whose businesse hee goeth Dauid would not put it vp so but reuenged it Hee comforted his faithfull messengers sent them newe apparell and caused them to remaine at an appointed place Iericho vntill their beardes were growne againe for it was ignominious to the Iewes to be beardlesse Afterward he addresseth forth an armie of strong souldiers who set vpon the Ammonites put them to flight made great mortalitie And doeth not Christ our king esteeme the ignominie doone to his messengers as if it were doone to himselfe Hath he not saide He that despiseth you despiseth me No doubt hee shall comfort his afflicted and despised messengers As they suffer for him so shall they raigne and shine in glorie It is a righteous thing with him to render vnto them that are despised rest but vnto despisers tribulation and vengeance in the day when he shal shew himselfe from heauen with armies of Angels in flaming fire to the confusion of his enemies And if in this world also hee take from such vnthankefull Ammonites the Gospell religion all knowledge and learning if for the light he giue them darknesse for truth lies for knowledge blindenes for learning barbarisme for Christ Beliall they haue the iust rewarde which is due vnto them that truely feare not the Lord. Wee must serue wee must serue him we must serue him without seruile feare 20 But after what sort In holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our life Here we are to note first that God himselfe prescribeth how men shal serue him then what seruice it is which he prescribeth God accepteth of no seruice but such as he commandeth Ye shall not doe euerie one that which seemeth right vnto you but ye shall doe what soeuer I inioine you saith the Lord. Our seruice is limited to that which God liketh Their worshipping and seruing of God is in vaine which teache doctrines the precepts of men That which men thinke highly of that doth God abhor Saul thought that sacrifice had beene seruice God had liked better of his obedience Oza supposed hee had doone God verie good seruice in holding vp the arke which was like to fall But God taught him that it was farre otherwise The Scribes and Pharisees thought themselues the onely men that serued God because of their long and often praying their much fastings their washings their tithings their giuing of almes but who required these thinges at their hands Where hath God prescribed these kinds of outward seruice and worship to be done as being acceptable to him without inward holinesse and true righteousnesse In the same ranke with these Pharisaicall deuises we may place those papall inuentions of Masses Pilgrimages Vowes auricular confessions and whatsoeuer man hath inuented without the warrant of Gods word seeme it neuer so godlie and holie vnto them For the word of God is the onely rule of our religion our onely direction in the seruice of God 21 The seruice which God hath heere prescribed vs is this To serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our life Heerein is conteined whatsoeuer God commaundeth in his Lawe This is the briefe of both the Tables Holinesse hath relation to the former table and righteousnesse to the latter In holinesse is set foorth our dutie towardes God in righteousnesse towards man Wee must serue God in holinesse in respect of himselfe we must serue man in righteousnesse in respect of God For that which we doe to men if he commaund it we doe it vnto him In as much as ye haue doone this saith Christ to one of these litle ones ye haue doone it to me 22 Holinesse is the end of our election He chose vs before the foundations of the world that we might be holie Our holinesse is a thing which God doth greatly desire This is the will of God euen your holinesse Vnto holinesse wee are not onely constrained by his commandement but allured also by his example Be holie because I am holie Vnto this wee are called For God did not call vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse So that vnlesse we esteeme vilely of our own election vnlesse wee refuse to satisfie the will to obey the commaundement to followe the example and to answere the vocation in which God hath called vs we must be holie 23 And this our holinesse in seruing of him must not bee smothered in our minde or concealed in our chamber but bee shewed in open place As his benefites towardes vs are more cleare than the noone day so our confession of him and praise of his name must be openly in the face and eies of the worlde especially in the congregation of his Saints For whosoeuer saith Christ is ashamed of me before men I will bee ashamed of him before my father Christ hath giuen vs example he made a good and an open confession vnto Pontius Pilate Daniel being forbid by the king praied openly thrise a day to the God of Israel God commaunded Salomon to build him a temple wherein publikely he would be serued and worshipped of al his people Al the people ascended vp to Sion to the house of the Lorde of hosts there publikely to serue and praise their God Such as will be members of Christ must bee knit together in one bodie and in one place with one minde and one mouth glorifie the Lord. 24 It is true that when the Church is infected and polluted with idolatrie and superstition when the house of praier is made a denne of theeues the temple of God a synagogue of Satan when the truth of God is persecuted with the professors thereof then we are to serue him as wee conueniently may When publike seruice is publike idolatrie then wee are to listen vnto those admonitions Auoide the worshipping of Idols Beare no yoke with Infidels Depart Goe out Touch not that which is polluted Rather celebrate the Passeouer in the wildernesse with Christ than in a temple prophaned and defiled with Idolatrie When the gospell is persecuted secret congregations are allowed When Christ was crucified the
in their blinde zeale crucified their Lord Christ. They haue a zeale saith the Apostle but not according to knowledge If they had knowne the Lord of glorie they would neuer haue crucified him This blinde zeale causeth poore deceiued soules to thinke themselues zealously affected towardes Christ when they are stubbornely set for Antichrist Zeale without knowledge is not zeale but stomacke It is not true zeale but rather a brainsick giddinesse which causeth many to forsake their naturall home and to wander to Ierusalem there to woorship God as if they thought with Benadab king of Syria that God were the God of the hils and not of the valleies It is another thing to be eager and another thing to be zealous They deceiue themselues which thinke they doe the dutie of seruants zealously bent in their masters cause when they are sharpe without all sober and staied consideration reproouing them openly whom they ought priuately to admonish rashly condemning them whom they ought charitably to iudge as brethren 34 We must bee zealous in Gods cause For Angels themselues without zeale are nothing But our zeale must be as I saide with iudgement Ye are not ignorant what heroicall zeale there was in Moses in Elias in Iehu in Phinees in Matt●●thias in Christ. This zeale this loue this true holinesse and heartie feare of God is abated in the best vtterly banished out of most men Where nowe in what corner of this earth shall we finde a man in zeale comparable vnto Dauid whom when the woord of God was contemned and his ministers despised the griefe the of had like to haue wasted away My zeale saith he hath euen melted me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy words What a crosse what atorment was the sinne of Sodom to the heart of iust Lot The small remorse which we haue for sinne sheweth our zeale is not verie great Let vs pray therefore to God as to increase our faith so to kindle true zeale in vs that wee may as Phinees with the sword of the holie ghost the wo●d of God run through cut asunder and destroie all the filth and vncleannesse which lieth lurking in our hearts that wee cut off all our lewde affections our carnall lusts our lasciuious thoughts that wee may so mortifie the members of the bodie and rectifie the affections of the mind that with a chast life in bodie and soule we may glorifie our God Let vs pray for the zeale that was in Christ Iesus that wee may with the sharpe whippe of vnfained repentance driue out of our bodies which are the temples of Gods holie spirit all buying and selling all couetousnesse vsurie enuie lying deceite that wee giue not our bodies and soules to any such prophane vse but to be kept vncorrupt and pure as beseemeth the temples of his holie spirit that we may offer vp vnto God in the midst of these temples the sacrifice of an humble and of a contrite heart the sacrifice of righteousnesse the sacrifice of praise Let vs beseech him I say to inflame our hearts with true zeale that earnestly seeking our owne saluation and the safetie of others we may be zealous as the blessed Apostle was with the zeale of God euen holy and zealous before the Lord. 35 For as our zeale must bee coupled with iudgement and knowledge so with truth and synceritie God will not bee serued with fained holinesse and with counterfaite religion with outward shewes and with the lippes but with the heart In our praiers we must powre out our hearts before him in repentance our hearts must be rent asunder in our almes we must keepe a single heart when the word is preached we must open our hearts to receiue it whatsoeuer we doe in his seruice we must doe it heartily as to the Lord. For all our seruing of him is in vaine nay it is damnable if we seeke onely which way we may appeare holie and righteous vnto men Such as we would seeme to be we must bee in deede such we must appeare in truth before that Lorde who seeth our verie hearts and examineth our in most reines Let vs euer remember that God looketh vpon vs with open eyes he beholdeth in greatest darkenesse hee seeth the vnsearchable heart and thought of man no secret can be kept secret from him This would bridle in vs all inward wicked cogitations all outward wicked workes if we could well and as we should consider it For if we be ashamed and afraid to offend in the sight of man who hath onely power ouer our mortall bodie how much more should we be ouercome with shame and feare to sinne in the sight of that eternall God who hath power ouer bodie and soule to cast them both into eternall fire 36 Thus we are to serue our redeemer we are ransomed and bought to serue not for a day but for al our daies we are redeemed for euer to serue him for euer He that runneth is not crowned til he haue ended his race and then beginneth his glorie Iudas and Demas began to serue the Lorde but they were soone wearie their seruice was vnrewarded because it was vncontinued Onely he that continueth to the end shall be saued which saluation of our soules and bodies the Lord of his infinite mercies grant that wee may aspire vnto him in this life and attaine vnto him in the life to come through the merits of Iesus Christ to whom with the father and the holie ghost c. The eleuenth Sermon A Sermon made at Yorke ROM 13. 8 Owe nothing to any man but this to loue one another for he that loueth another hath fulfilled the Lawe 9 For this thou shalt not commit adulterie thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnesse thou shalt not couet and if there be any other commandement it is brieflie comprehended in this saying euen in this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe 10 Loue doth not euill to his neighbour therefore is loue the fulfilling of the Lawe 11 And that considering the season that it is nowe time that we should arise from sleepe for nowe is our saluation neerer than when we beleeued it 12 The night is past and the daie is at hand let vs therfore cast away the works of darkenesse and let vs put on the armour of light 13 So that we walke honestly as in the day OVR Apostle in the former part of this Chapter hath diligently set downe as well the office and authoritie of a magistrate as also what dutie and obedience the subiects doe owe vnto him Hee was occasioned hereunto for that the Iewes the elect nation of God who therefore claimed to be a free people could not abide so to subiect thēselues as to liue obediently vnder forrein Princes The Gentiles which nowe were become Christians thought it not agreeable to their holie profession to yeelde obedience vnto wicked magistrates
of Christ but also to view and see in what state the Church of God committed to my ouersight and gouernement standeth And as Christ began with the most magnificent temple of Ierusalem which hee found prophaned and polluted through the practise of the priests so thought I it conuenient and meete first to visite this most auncient and famous church the head and example to all the rest wel hoping to finde it in better order 2 That we may learne by the doctrine and example of Christ howe we ought to vse our selues in the house of God as well for the establishing of true religion of the syncere seruing of God as also for the expelling of that which is vaine corrupt and counterfeit there are in this action of Christ two thinges especially to be considered of first he commeth to Ierusalem entreth into the temple findeth it full of corruption and doeth purge it secondly he teacheth the true vse of it and sheweth them their fault who did abuse it 3 Christ comming towards Ierusalem was at the first highly magnified and receiued with applause of the people crying Hosanna Blessed is he that commeth king in the name of the Lorde peace in heauen and glorie on high But this faire wether did not long continue So soone as hee entred into the citie and taught the chiefe priests the Scribes the Princes of the people sought to destroy him yea the people which before gaue so great applause crying Hosanna soone after cried with a lowde voice Crucifige The gospell in prosperitie hath many pretensed friends and fauourers but when it is persecuted by the wise and mightie men of the worlde then these counterfeits shewe themselues in their owne colours the hollownesse of their hearts is then descried Let the minister therefore which mindeth indeede the glorie of God beware that he neuer depend vpon men whose mindes are changeable and alwaies wauering but let him rest vpon GOD and relie himselfe wholly vpon his prouidence Let vs all faithfully and painefully trauell in our function making our selues readie for the crosse patiently to suffer with Christ Iesus 4 Being come to the citie hee streight way entered into the temple either as Gregorie noteth to declare quòd ex culpa Sacerdotum ruina populi that the fault of the priestes is the ruine of the people and therefore his principall care was to correct and reforme them or else to giue all men an example of diligence in repairing to the house of God 5 Hauing entred the temple he findeth there in steade of pastors teaching the woord of God drouers and brokers making sale in stead of pues for praier tables for exchange in steade of righteous men brute beasts theeues in steade of a sanctified congregation Thus hee found the Church of Ierusalem disfigured and forlorne this was the state of that Synagogue at what time he came to visite it 6 Howe to proceede in reforming a Church so greatly disordered our Sauiour hath taught vs by his owne practise amongst the Iewes He entred into the temple threwe out the men that bought and solde whipped out the beasts powred out the changers monie turned their tables vpside downe ouerthrewe the seates of them that sold doues and withall told them Scriptum est It is written 7 In that wee reade howe Christ did all these things wee are thereby giuen to vnderstand at whose hands wee must expect reformation of things amisse in the Church of God Christ had authoritie to cast out of the temple whatsoeuer displeased him because he was supreme Lord ouer it The persons therefore to whom this worke of reformation belongeth are not al men indifferently but they onely to whom hee hath graunted the seate of speciall authoritie in his Church If they whom he hath set ouer his house as principall seruaunts guides and stewardes either ciuilly or spiritually as Moses or as Aaron to rule and gouerne it vntill his comming shal in such maner as agreeth with their seueral places and callings performe his dutie in the church of Christ whosoeuer in such proceedings withstandeth them the same vndoubtedly rebelleth against God Yea I say further when GOD hath giuen his people kings which are as nurcing fathers and Queenes which are as nurcing mothers to his church when princes are not enemies but professors of the faith and protectors of the faithfull their hands ought to be chiefe in this worke neither is it lawfull for subiects of what degree and order soeuer by themselues to attempt alteration and chaunge in the church of God though it be from woorse to better In the daies of Iosias Helchiah although he were the Lords high priest knew things to be very much out of order did not thereupon according to the custome of the turbulent and seditious by woord or writing alienate and estrange the mindes of the people from the present kind of gouernment either of the Church or publike weale but peaceably and orderly hee sent Shaphan the Chauncelor to the king who perceiuing the things which were amisse went immediatly vp to the house of the Lord with all the men of Iuda and the inhabitants of Ierusalem with him and the priests and prophets al the people where the faults and abuses being cleerely set down that euerie one might see them he gaue commandement to Helchiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the keepers of the doore to bring out of the temple of the Lorde all the vessels that were made for Baal Thus the prince did his duetie and the priests theirs he by iniunction and they by execution they instructing him and he strengthening them in the worke of the Lord. Seeing therefore we haue on the one side the name of the Lord be blessed for it the highest power zealous for the glorie of God as theirs was let not vs whom this care ought especially to touche shewe our selues lesse readie than they were to bring out of the temple of the Lord all such filthie corruptions as are crept into it by the wicked dealings of those vngodlie men which care not howe shamefully they pollute and defile it let not vs whom the Lord hath made the ouerseers of his house be slothfull in proceeding to sweepe cleanse and purge it according as Lawes and statutes haue wisely prouided in this behalfe let vs consider that we are the Lords labourers that the worke we haue in hand is his husbandrie that our duetie is as well to destroie as to build to roote out as to plant 8 But what is that which we must labour to destroie what weedes be those which we must indeuour to root out We reade here that our Sauiour did cast buyers and sellers out of the temple terming them Theeues For although to buy and sell be actions in themselues lawfull and honest yet the time and place with other circumstances may so change their qualitie that he which buieth
lawfull when maidens are asked to wiues of their parents and are giuen by them openly to their husbandes otherwise they are not mariages but whoredomes The best writers both olde and newe subscribe hereunto Tertullian Ambrose Chrysostome Augustine with all the learnedst of latter times whose particular sentences I omit to recite for breuities sake But if youthfull children haue so litle reuerence both of God and men that such admonition wil not make them leaue such disordered mariages it behooueth magistrates who are the common parentes of the weale publike to bridle their lusts with seuere Lawes for the redresse of this euill and the mischiefes ensuing of it And thus much of S. Peters entraunce into his sermon the sermon doeth followe 33 Ye knowe the word which God hath sent to the children of Israel preaching peace by Iesus Christ and so foorth The summe of the sermon is this Iesus Christ which is Lord of all the preacher and author of peace did faithfully performe the office for the which he was sent preaching to the people the glad tidings of the Gospell and healing all their diseases for God was with him and hee was slaine and hanged on tree the thirde day he arose again from death he ascended into heauen from thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead to whom all the prophets beare witnesse that through his name all that beleeue in him shall haue remission of their sinnes Such as this is were the sermons of the Apostles Here is all things necessarie to saluation expressed This is that which God commanded his great Apostle S. Peter to preache In this doctrine would hee haue his people trained vp The people receiued it as a sufficient doctrine Peter and Paul were directed by one spirite they neither esteemed to knowe any thing but Iesus Christ and him crucified neither could they testifie or preache ought but him This sermon is diuided into three parts the first that Iesus Christ the Lord of all was sent vnto the people of Israel to preache peace the next that he died rose againe from death to procure vs this peace the last that we are made partakers of this peace by faith in his name Iesus Christ the Lord of all was sent vnto the people of Israel to preache peace Let vs weie the words seuerally they are most effectuous fully setting foorth the mysterie of our saluation 34 Iesus by the interpretation of the Angel is a sauiour Thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their sinnes The Angel appearing to the sheepeheards saide Behold I bring you tidings of great ioie that shall be to al the people that is that vnto you is born this day a Sauiour The Ethnikes doe seeke their safetie in their idols the Iewes in the obseruances of the Lawe and traditions the Papistes in their pardons purgatorie masses merites the true Christians seeke it in Iesus Christ the Sauiour and in none but him He will not be matched therein with any other but he is a full perfect and onely Sauiour He is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sin of the world There is neither water nor fier buls nor bels masses nor merites pope nor pardon that can saue vs. There is neither diuel or flesh nor world if he saue vs that can condemne vs. For who can condemn whom he doth iustifie And whom he iustifieth not who can saue Christ is annointed And Iesus is called so because hee was annointed of God aboue his fellowes Whereupon Esay the prophet writeth of him The spirit of the Lord is vpon me for he hath annointed me Annointed he was to be a king and priest for they among the Iewes were woont to be annointed Hee is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords The wise men of the East did acknowledge him a king Where is he that is borne king of the Iewes Zacharie sheweth further what maner of king Behold thy king commeth to thee meeke and riding vpon an asse and vpon a colt the foale of an asse This our king doth gouerne vs with a right scepter The scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnesse He doth defend vs with a mightie and stretched out arme against whose power no power can stand He is that triumphant prince which hath most victoriously vanquished and throwen vnder foote our enemies They labour in vaine that kicke against the prickes that striue against his Gospel For he is a prince of might that doeth defend it and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it The sunne wil runne his course the passage of the Gospel cannot bee stopped The Gospel is not bound While it is persecuted it is inlarged The bloud that is spilt for it is the very seede of it Nowe as he is our king so our priest and prophet too at whose mouth wee should require the Lawe of God That prophet like vnto Moses the searcher of truth That very sonne of God of whom the father hath saide Ipsum audite Heare ye him He is the priest which once for all hath sufficiently sacrificed for our sins by himselfe and by none other once and not often vpon the crosse and not vpon the altar sufficient for all such as shall be saued He is the priest the high bishop that maketh intercession for vs the onely mediator betweene God and man to teach man the wil of God to reconcile God to man to make intercession betweene God and man These are the peculiar duties of Christ as wee are taught in the Epistle to the Hebrues 35 Which is Lord of all Least the Gentiles should conceiue that Iesus Christ was promised and sent to be a Sauiour onely to the Iewes hee answereth that obiection by a preuention so to terme it calling him Lord of all the Lord of the Gentile as wel as of the Iewe. Christ wil that all men shall be saued that is men of all sorts He was sent to preache peace to all both Iewes and Gentiles He is the Lord ouer all euen the Lord of glorie to whō all power is giuen both in heauen and in earth He hath bought vs al with a great price that we should serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse Let vs remember therefore that of the prophet If I be a Lord where is my feare saith the Lord of Hosts Feare not them which kil the bodie but be not able to kill the soule but rather feare ye him which is able to destroie both bodie and soule in hell 36 Which God hath sent When the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Lawe that he might redeeme them which were vnder the Lawe He was made man for vs that in our nature he might suffer for vs. He was sent of his father being equall
instrument to receiue it withall is faith He that beleeueth is made partaker of it and not of it onely but of eternall life also For he that beleeueth in me hath life eternall saith our Sauiour Christ. But this faith this iustifying faith doth worke through loue and sheweth it selfe by workes The good tree will be fruitfull The beleeuing iustified childe of God will feare God and worke righteousnesse 46 This doctrine of iustification by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ Iesu is witnessed by all the Prophets It is no newe doctrine but olde not onely proceeding from the Apostles but also from the Prophets For Moses and all the Prophets beare witnesse of him And as they so the Apostles after them Whose steppes we must followe and acknowledge that no doctrine is to be established but that which is testified by the Apostles and Prophets The true Church of Christ doth builde her faith on their foundation God will be worshipped and serued according to his prescript woord and not according to the braine of man The Prophets and Apostles with all such as be ministers of the woord are heere and elsewhere called witnesses Yea Christ himselfe termeth himselfe a witnesse of the truth For this cause am I borne and for this cause came into the worlde that I should beare witnesse to the truth And Christ saith to his Apostles Ye shall be witnesses vnto me both in Ierusalem and in Samaria euen to the vttermost endes of the earth 47 The truth is to bee testified by publike preaching Paul commendeth the Thessalonians for beleeuing his testimonie His testimonie was the Gospel which he did preache and testifie vnto them According to the voice that did speake vnto him when he was cast off his horse I haue appeared to thee for this purpose to appoint thee a minister and witnesse both of things which thou hast seene and of the things in which I will appeare vnto thee The truth is also testified by writing By the writings of the Prophets Apostles and Euangelists the truth of God Iesus Christ was most plainely testified As Iohn to name one of them among many This is that Disciple which testifieth of these things The truth is also witnessed when as it is testified in bloud for a martyr is a witnes Christ told Peter that when he was young hee girded himselfe and walked whither he lusted but when he waxed old other should gird him and carie him whither hee would not Nowe this saith Iohn he spake signifying by what death he should glorifie God Many Martyrs haue thus testified the truth with suffering for it But they ouercame by the bloud of the Lambe and by the woord of their testimonie not louing their life no not to the death That minister which will neither testifie it by publike preaching nor by writing will hardly testifie it by suffering but will rather say with Peter I knowe not the man But I must here make an end for the time hath ouertaken me and without repetition as you knowe the maner is To God the father God the son God the holie Ghost three persons one almightie almerciful God be rendred all thanks all glorie giuen for euer and for euer Amen The fifteenth Sermon A Sermon preached at Strausborough in the time of Q. Maries reigne 2. COR. 6. 2 Wee therefore as helpers beseeche you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine 3 For he saith I haue heard thee in a time accepted in the day of saluation haue I succoured thee behold now the accepted time beholde now the day of saluation THE Prophet to abate the hawtie conceit which naturally wee haue of our selues in such sort as euery man were his owne God and had no other whom to praise for the graces and gifts wherewith he is beautified and set forth as a mirror for al other creatures to beholde and woonder at indeuoureth to turn away our eyes frō too much gazing vpon our owne excellencie by pointing as it were his finger at him who is author of euerie good perfect gift saying Hee made vs and not we our selues For what end and purpose Zacharie teacheth namely that we might serue him in holinesse and righteonsnesse before him all the daies of our life For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good works which God hath ordeined that we should walke in them Ye are not saith S. Paul to the Corinthians your owne Why so For you are bought with a price Glorifie therefore God in your bodie and in your spirite for they are Gods Forsomuch then as we are all of the houshold of God all one in Christ all members of one and the same spirituall bodie woorshipping one Lord receiuing one baptisme professing one faith expecting one glorie to be reuealed vpon vs in that great day it is our duetie in token of our neere coniunction in the spirite with one heart one minde and as it were with one mouth to present our selues before his mercie seate to praise him to heare his word to receiue the seales of his merciful couenaunt in the Gospel and to offer him our needeful supplications together that in all things it may appeare that we are one as hee and the father are one euen one God to be blessed for euer 2 With what zeale desire Gods people of old were woont to do this we may gesse by that which we reade of y ● Prophet Dauid who being persecuted of his wicked vnnatural son driuen from y e presence of that glorious tabernacle which with great triumph ioye himselfe had placed in the Citie of Dauid where he was woont with the rest of the people to call vpon the name of the Lord to heare the Lawe and to offer sacrifice vpon those beautiful altars conceiued such a deepe impression of griefe by the sorowfull meditation of those sweete and heauenly comforts whereof his soule had tasted in former times that forgetting quite the losse of all other royalties whatsoeuer he maketh mone for nothing but onely this that he might not nowe be partaker of those inestimable benefites and the comforts of minde and conscience which he was woont to receiue at the hand of God at such time as with the rest of the Israelites he resorted to the tabernacle where God promised to be present and fauourably to heare the petitions there made vnto him Of this his great miferie he complaineth him lamentably in diuerse of his Psalmes but especially in the 84 where he breaketh out into these woords of great zeale O Lord of hosts howe amiable are thy Tabernacles My soule longeth yea and fainteth for the courts of the Lorde mine heart and my flesh reioice in the liuing God He goeth on and magnifieth the blessed estates of those sillie birds which might haue their nests and lay their young euen
father disallowe her the same day that he heareth all her vowes and bonds wherewith shee hath bound her selfe they shall not be of value and the Lord wil forgiue her because her father disallowed her If promises made to GOD without consent of parents are of no effect can promises made to men be effectuall where the parents consent is not had Children saith the Apostle obey your parents in all things In all things and not in this the greatest of all When S. Augustine was required to helpe to make a mariage in the behalfe of a young man the other partie was named hee aunswered I like that matche well Sed mater adolescentulae non adest cuius voluntatem vt nosti requirere debemus but the mother of the young damsel is not present whose good will as you knowe well ynough wee must aske And as the parents or tutors consent is to bee had in all good and lawfull mariages so it is against the duetie of good parents either to keepe their children longer vnmaried than in conuenient or thorough an ouergreat desire of enriching them which is the common disease to marie them against their liking Such mariages seldom or neuer proue wel but are for the most part the cause of great sin much miserie There can be no lawfull cōmendable match where there wanteth full consent and agreement of the parties whom it most concerneth Rebecca was asked whether she would goe with Abrahams seruant and be maried vnto Isaak or no. Her parents did neither keepe her backe from mariage when she was fit for it nor conclude it til her owne minde were knowne Such then as marie not in the feare of God making a religious and a godlie choise hauing the full consent of their parents or tutors doubtlesse God is no author of their mariage it is not he that coupleth and ioyneth them together their estate is base and not honourable in his sight 16 Touching the causes for which God appointed mariage we haue heard that the first is mutuall helpe and comfort For the man is a couer of defence vnto his wife and the woman a piller of rest vnto her husband As a bodie without a heade so is a woman that hath no husbande And As where no hedge is there the possession is spoiled so hee that hath no wife wandereth to and fro mourning This is the iudgement of the wise But the mouths of fooles are alwaies open to aggrauate the incombraunces troubles and sorowes which the maried are woont to sustaine in the flesh neuer remembring the helpes and comfortes which notwithstanding men religiously yoked in the Lord must needes acknowledge far to exceede all those grieuaunces both in number and measure If any find it otherwise ●ith the fault is not in mariage which was instituted for our helpe but in the maried who make it a hinderance to themselues by their owne follie let the men be blamed let the thing be honoured 17 But as in this case it fareth so doeth it also in the next A vertuous sonne is his mothers glorie they that see him count the wombe that bare him blessed Yea though his father die yet is he as if he were not dead because he leaueth one behinde him like him In his life he sawe him and had ioye in him and was not sorie in his death neither was he ashamed before his enemies Thus when our children doe well and prosper mariage is honoured But are they dissolute disobedient Doe they trouble vs as Simeon and Leuie did their father Doe they make vs abhorred amongst the inhabitants of the land By and by wee grudge and thinke vnreuerently in our hearts Behold this is the fruite of mariage So that which giueth honour to the birth of man receiueth dishonour by his lewde behauiour 18 To come to the last The Physitian must be honoured because God created him for necessitie In like sort mariage which God hath giuen as a remedie and not onely as a meane vnto propagation If therefore we neede it and doe not vse it howe doe we honour it S. Paul was so careful in this respect that euen where he giueth the highest commendation to single life there he addeth This I speake for your cōmoditie not to tangle you in a snare but that ye follow the thing which is honest And againe Hee that hath decreed in his heart to keepe his virgine doeth well yet so if he stand firme in his heart that he hath no neede but hath power ouer his owne will Otherwise were it not better to vse an honourable remedy than to nourish and increase an incurable sore Let vs take heede howe we feede the flesh in her vnlawful desires For it cannot be in vaine that God should speake so directly and as it were so particularly vnto euerie one that lewdely defileth prophaneth the temple of the holie spirite Perdet te Deus Thee God shall destroie This the enemie knoweth therfore he laboreth so diligently by all meanes to keepe his sore euer festering within it selfe For which cause it is strang to cōsider how he hath dulled the hearts of many by setling a strong perswasion in them that although they frie in the heate of their vile affections yet their outward continencie of bodie is of it selfe meritorious before God their single life of it selfe acceptable and holie What a puddle of vncleannesse what a sinke of filth what ouglie abhominations haue growne in the worlde vnder this pretense to the great displeasure of almightie God The dishonor of mariage the slaunder and shame of Christian profession the inlarging of the kingdome of sinne and darkenesse the sending of soules innumerable downe to hell time will not suffer mee to discourse 19 I will therefore adde somewhat concerning the disgrace which commeth vnto mariage in regard of the duties thereunto belonging and so end The companie and felowship of maried folkes if discreetely louingly and religiously they performe those needefull dueties eche vnto other which God requireth at the handes of both then no doubt their estate is blessed of the Lord and deserueth to be honoured amongst men But if there want discretion in them wee see what contentions strifes and heart-burnings are wont to grow betweehe couples to the great disquieting of their owne mindes inwardly and if thinges doe chaunce to breake out as such flames commonly doe to the discrediting also of their persons openly in the worlde How vnsweete and vnpleasaunt such a life is the wise man sheweth by comparing a troublesome and contentious wife to a continuall dropping as contrariwise If there bee in her tongue gentlenesse meekenesse and wholesome talke then is not her husband like other men 20 Let heartie loue and affection be lacking betweene them and what enemie can deuise so great a torment against them as they exercise continually vpon themselues Doe they not finde that daily whereof Iob
complaineth as of a thing which touched him neerer to the quicke than any other crosse though he suffered both many and heauie crosses besides My breath saith he was strange vnto my wife though I prayed her for the childrens sake of mine owne bodie 21 Take away religion let their hearts bee voide of the feare of God and what sinne is there so heinous what iniquitie so huge whereunto they are not alwaies in daunger one to bee perswaded by the other When Satan despaireth of al other meanes he vseth this as the surest to speede in accomplishing wicked purposes He found no such instrument as Iesabel to make Achabwallowe in bloud as idolatrous women to bewitche Salomon as the daughters of Moab to steale away the heartes of the children of Israel It is godlinesse and religion conscience and feare of sinne that keepeth them within the limits of their duetie Without this they are not only carelesse of that comely shamefastnesse and sober temperaunce which beseemeth the honestie of their estate but exceeding the bounds of all modestie they ouerflowe and breake out euen into extreme lasciuiousnesse with others Heereby the honourable ordinaunce of God is loathed and condemned of loose wantons as a thing which bringeth infinite miseries with it a thing wherin there is nothing but griefe no quietnesse of heart no repose of minde Thus I haue shewed you the author of mariage God himselfe the causes of mariage mutuall comfort and helpe procreation and auoyding of vncleannesse the dueties that eche partie linked in mariage doeth owe vnto other the honour which mariage hath by euerie of these and in these the ground from whence discredite and dishonour groweth vnto mariage God graunt that whether we bee called to this honourable estate of mariage or haue receiued the gift to liue otherwise we may keepe both our soules and bodies vnstained in all things walke as becommeth Saints that haue betrothed themselues vnto Christ Iesus To whom with the Father and the holie Ghost c. The seuenteenth Sermon A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse at his first comming to the Bishopricke of London IOHN 6. 1 After these things Iesus went his way ouer the sea of Galile of Tiberias 2 And a great multitude followed him because they sawe his miracles which he did on them that were diseased c. OVR Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Archpastor and great sheepheard of our soules casting his eyes towarde the Citie of Ierusalem bewailed the lamentable estate thereof and that with teares The like effect although proceeding from a cause vnlike I finde in my selfe beholding this Ierusalem of ours this famous Citie the greatnes whereof doth adde not a litle to that exceeding griefe of minde which the deepe consideration of so waightie a thing musts needs worke This office requireth a perfect man to teache gouerne and guide this learned and wise people this great and large Diocesse doth wish for one furnished as Samuel or rather as Salomon with all graces and gifts of learning policie wisedome and knowledge of things belonging both to God and men This comberous charge hath made many a good and godlie man to withdrawe himselfe to shrinke backe vtterly to refuse the like place and calling For although it be a faithful saying If a man desire a Bishops office he desireth a good worke yet such are the difficulties so many are the perils whereunto they are subiect which labour in it that the richest in all spirituall graces the most plentifully indued with rare and excellent gifts of God might haue good cause to ●eare least the frailtie of flesh and bloud being so great a burthen so heauie should make them faint 2. It is no easie matter to til the Lords ground to weede his field to bring in his haruest to trimme his vineyard to feede his flocke to builde his house to watche ouer his citie to preache his woord to distribute his sacraments to execute his discipline to gouerne his Church to performe so many partes as are required in him by whome this great and high charge is vndertaken Where should one finde a seruaunt of that fidelitie and wisdome which the cure of soules doth aske a seruaunt that knoweth how to minister seasonably vnto euerie soule to feede infantes nouices litle ones with rudiments of Christianitie as with milke them of better growth with stronger meate to confirme me● established in the truth and reclaime them that slide from it to wound and bruise the hearts of the obstinate who bende themselues wilfully against God and to comfort such as haue heau●e heartes troubled consciences by reason of sinne 3 Neither is the pastor pressed onely with these burthens which are peculiar and proper to himselfe but euen those which are common to others with him are also heauier vnto him than others To leade a godlie and a righteous life belongeth not to the pastor alone but vnto all Yet in this which is common vnto all there is more laide vpon him than any Others must be sober he a mirror of sobrietie they vertuous and honest he such a paterne of vertue and honestie that he may say with S. Paul Be ye followers of vs walke as ye haue vs for an example S. Chrysostome compareth the pastor vnto one that wrastleth naked If there bee any deformitie at all in the bodie of a naked man it is soone espied and faulted We are naked to the eyes of the whole world no one in the world which hath not moe eyes than one no eye which is not quicke and sharpe sighted to espie a blemish no blemish be it neuer so great in others halfe so soone found or halfe so much pointed at as the least and lightest thing awry in vs at whose handes notwithstanding it is required to walke vnreprooueable 4. Now if vnto these so many and so weightie considerations to this endlesse care and thought which a good sheepeheard taketh day and night in attending both to himselfe that hee may walke without blame and to his flocke that it may conueniently be gouerned wee adioyne those continual labours of studying meditating reading and writing whereunto the depth of the mysteries of God doe necessarily inforce him that must lay them open before others which if he doe not a woe ineuitable hangeth ouer him if he doe the trauell of dooing it is such that the Apostle himselfe cryeth out Who is sufficient for these things All this being duely and throughly weyed wee may well conclude that hee which desireth the roome of a Bishop in the Church desireth as a good so also a hard and vndoubtedly a very troublesome office 5. Secondly it is an office full of peril and daunger For if we preache things pleasaunt vnto men we discharge not the duetie of the seruaunts of God if we preache his truth we are hated as their deadly enemies to whom wee preache For not speaking against sinne the Lord threateneth death If thou doest not speake
the Church if not then from the Church They must be taken by the friends of the bridegroome ministers and magistrates The minister taketh them by doctrine Luke 3. Acts 2. Acts 10. Iohn 12. By example of life 1. Pet. 5. 1. Cor. 13. Gen. 34. 1. Pet 3. By Ecclesiasticall discipline 1. Cor. 5. Aug. de cor ca. 8. 2. Cor. 10. Luke 14. The magistrate taketh foxes by ciuil punishments 1. Esd. 8. By death 2. Par. 15. By exile Ezra 4. 2. Sam. 14. By confiscation 1. Sam. 13. By incarceration 2. Par. 33. The cause of the assemblie the matters which this scripture offereth to be spoken of Exod. 13. Psal. 117. An exhortation vnto praier What praier is and what parts it hath Psal. 49. Iohn 16. Matth. 6. Petitions or requests Supplications Intercessions Thankesgiuings Iacob 1. When where and how to praie 1. Thess. 5. 1. Tim. 2. Praier before all things Exod 3. Exod. 32. Ios. 6. Ios. 10. Dan. 3. For whom we must pray and for whom not 1. Iohn 5. 2. Cor. 12. 1. Tim. 1. Rom. 14. Praier to be made especially for kings such as are in authoritie Ier. 29. Esay 3. Iob. 34. Psal. 72. Tertul in apologet No nation more occasioned than the English to praise the Lord for their prince Psal. 117. All that are in authoritie vnder the prince must also be praied for be they good or bad be their authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill The reason why we pray for al men and for princes putteth both princes and al other men in mind of their duties Princes that they should studie to make the people liue in peace Ier. 29. 1. Reg 4. Esay 9. Luke 2. Esay 39. In pietie 1. Thess. 2. In honestie Gen. 38. 1. Sam. 15. The duetie of the people vnder their Princes is to leade a peaceable a godly and an honest life Rom. 5. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Pet. 3. What it is to liue peaceably Rom 12. Heb. 12. Matth. 4. Aug. de consen Euang. lib. 1. cap 18. The principall publike duties of godlinesse are praier hearing of the word and receiuing of the sacraments Two sacraments Baptisme and the supper of the Lord. Hom. 80. sup●● Matth. Of the outward signes in y ● Eucharist and how the inward grace therof is reaped not by carnall and grosse deuouring but by spirituall and heauenly feeding vpon the bodie and bloud of Christ Iesus Iohn 6. The visible elements of bread wine are neither chaunged in substance by vertue of consecration and they should in administration be giuen both vnto all not one without the other vnto priest or people Bert. l. 4. de corp sang chr Of preparation required to the worthy receiuing of this blessed Sacrament 1. Cor. 11. 2. Cor. 13. Honest life conuersation amongst men The Apostles vehemencie in exhorting to brotherly concord Three things performed in the words of S. Paul he moueth vnto vnitie taketh away lets which hinder vnitie sheweth y ● meanes whereby vnitie is maintained The Apostle requireth vnitie both in religion and affection Greg. Nazian Act● 4. 1. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 1. Euerie agreement is not that vnitie whereunto we are exhorted Gen 3. Gen. 11. Gen. 19. Num. 16. Exod. 32. Psal. 2. Hilar contra Auxent Rom. 15. Iohn 17. Augustine The vnitie which is in y e Church of England at this day touching religiō the disagreement about some smaller things outwardly apperteining to religion Prou. 29. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Tim. 5. Gal. 6. 1. Tim. 5. 1. Thess. 5. Of vnitie in religion commeth that vnitie which linketh mens minds in mutuall aff●ction eche towards other Gen. 4. Matth. 2. Sozom. l. 1. ca. 6. Prou. 6. Iohn 13. Matth. 8. The loue and vnitie which should be in the mysticall bodie of Christ which is the companie of men professing the Christiā faith shewed by comparison of that vnitie which is seene in the parts members of a natural body 1. Cor. 14. Heb. 13. Iosua 1. 2. Sam. 18. Rom. 9. 1. Thess. 2. Gal. 4. The first hinderance of vnitie is contention Heb. 12. Gen. 13. Gal. 5. Another hinderance is vaineglorie the mother and breeder of contention There is nothing in vs whereof wee may boast 1. Cor. 4. Esay 64. Prou. 8. Sap. 6. Num. 22. Matth. 26. Esay 40. Ier. 9. Hest. 5. Vainglorie hardly bridled Acts 12. 2. Cor. 12. The first meane to preserue vnitie is humblenes of minde Ephes. 4. Diuers kindes of humilitie Psal. 147. Eccle. 19. Col 2. Luke 18. 1. Tim. 1. The way to redresse that ouerweening which we haue of our selues Psal. 38. Esay 59. Luc. 15. Luc. 5. 2. Sam. 24. 1. Sam. 24. 1. Pet. 4. Gal 6. Augustine The second meane to maintaine concord is care not onely for our selues but for others also Gen. 34. 1. Sam. 25. Many seeme to haue a care of others whose care in deede is for themselues 2. Chron. 28. Gen. 3● Matth. 15. Our care for others must be heartie syncere as Christs is for vs. This care of caring for others doeth principally concerne Princes Exod. 2. Gen. 14. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 15. Euseb. lib. 10. cap. vlt. Theod. l. 2. ca 9. Socr. l. 2. c. 22. 2. Reg. 8. 2. Reg. 9. 2. Reg. 11. 2. Reg. 9. It concerneth also counsellers ministers and generally all men 2. Sam. 17. A petition to be taught the way of God and a promise to walke in his trueth In praying to be taught hee confesseth his ignorance 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Reg. 3. The meanes whereby God doth leade men to knowledge Ios. 1. Psal. 119. Iohn 10. The contempt of the meanes wherby knowledge is attained Luke 11. Luke 11. 2. Tim. 3. Vnto knowledge praier is as needefull as meditatiō No man learneth wisdome except God be his teacher Apoc. 5. Luc. 24. Acts 16. Iohn 6. Iohn 16. Dangerous to looke for instruction by reuelations 1. Iohn 4. Luc. 16. Acts 8. Acts 10. Acts 9. The thing which the prophet desireth to learne is the way of the Lord. The woord WAIE taken diuersly in scripture Matth. 22. Acts 24. Esay 8. Iob. 34. Esay 55. 1. Cor. 2. The promise of the prophet to walke Eph●s 2. 1. Cor. 6. Matth. 20. 1. Cor. 7. 2. Thess. 3. ● Cor. 7. Our walking must be in trueth 1 Reg. 3. Walking in heresie Phil. 3. Walking after the flesh Gal. 5. Walking after couetousnesse Ezech. 33. Psal. 119. Walking in obstinacie Ierem. 13. Walking in the counsel of the wicked Psal. 1. Walking with the tongue 2. Thess. 3. Psal 73. Walking in trecherie Ier. 6. 2. Sam. 16. 2. Sam. 3. Gen. 34. 1. Thess. 4. The preferment of euill men y e cause why euill walkers doe abound in the Clergie Psal. 12. 1. Tim. 5. 2. Mac. 4. In the temporaltie the reason why wicked men abound is because wicked men beare rule Church-robbers vnder the name of Church-visiters Exod. 36. It is not sufficient to talke of trueth we must walke in it Esay 48. This dutie belongeth vnto all but principally to