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duty_n day_n good_a lord_n 2,726 5 3.8026 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06817 The voyages and trauailes of Sir John Maundeuile knight Wherein is treated of the way towards Hierusalem, and of the meruailes of Inde, with other lands and countries.; Itinerarium. English Mandeville, John, Sir.; Jean, d'Outremeuse, 1338-ca. 1399, attributed name. 1582 (1582) STC 17251; ESTC S107901 91,951 146

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and the kingdome of Surry Palestine and Femines are betwéene Euphrates and the sea of Mediterani it is of length from Marroch on the sea of Spaine vnto the great Sea and so lasteth it beyond Constantinople thrée hundred and twentie mile of Lumbardy and to the Ocean sea In Inde is the kingdome of Sichem that is all closed among hils and beside Sichem is the land of Amazony wherin dwell none but women And thereby is the kingdome of Albany which is a great land and it is called so because that men are more white there them in other places and in this country are great hounds and strong so that they ouercome Lyons and slay them And yée shall vnderstand that in those countries are many Iles and lands of the which it were too long to tell but of some I will speake more plainely afterward Of the hauen of Gene for to goe by sea into diuers Countries Chap. xlviij NOw he that will go to Tartarie Persie Chalde or Inde he taketh ship at Gene or at Venice or at any other hauen and so hée passeth by the sea and ariueth at Topasond that is a good citie that sometime men called the hauen of bridge and there is the hauen of Persia of Medes and of other marches In this cittie lyeth Saint Athanasius that was bishop of Alexandria that made the Psalme Quicunque vult This man was a great Doctor of Diuinitie and of the Godhead hée was accused vnto the Pope of Roome that hée was an Heritike and the Pope sent for him and put him in prison and while hée was in that prison he made this Psalme and sent it vnto the Pope and said it that he were an Heritike then was that Herisie for that was his faith and his beliefe and when the Pope saw that hée had said therein was all our faith then anone hée did deliuer him out of prison and hée commanded that Psalme to be said euery day at the beginning of of seruice so hée held Athanasius for a good Christian but hée would neuer after go to his Bishoprike because they accused him of Heresie To pasond was sometime holden of the Emperour of Constantinople but a great man that hée sent to helpe the country against the Turks did hold it to himselfe and called him selfe Emperour of Topasond And from thence men go through little Armony and in that country in an old Castle that is on a rocke that men call the Castell of Sypris and there men finde an Hauke sitting vpon a perch right well made and a faire Lady of Fairy that kéepeth it and hée that will watch this same Hauke seauen daies and seauen nights and some say that it is but thrée dayes and thrée nights alone without any company and without sléepe this faire Lady shall come vnto him at the seauen or at thrée dayes end and shall graunt vnto him the first thing that hée shal aske of worldly things and that hath often béene proued And so vpon a time it besel that a man who at that time was king of Armony that was a right doughtie man watched vpon a time and at the seauen daies end the Lady came to him and bad him aske what hée would for hée had well done his duetie and the king answered and said that hée was a great Lord and in good peace hée was rich so that hée would aske nothing but onely all the body of the faire Lady or to haue his will of her Then this faire Lady answered and said vnto him that hée was a foole for hée wist not what hée asked for hèe might not haue her for hée should haue asked of her onely worldly things and shée was not worldly And the king said hée would naught else and shée sayd sith hée would aske naught else shée would graunt him and all that came after him thrée things and said vnto him Sir king yée shall haue warre without peace vnto the ninth degrée and yée shal be in subiection vnto your enimies and yée shall haue great néede of good cattell and since that time all the Kings of Armonie haue béene in warre and néedful and vnder tribute of the Sarasins Also a poore mans sonne as hée watched on a time and asked the Lady if that hée might bée rich and happy in marchandise and the Lady graunted him but shée said to him that hée had asked his vndoing for great pride that hée should haue therof And this man became so great a marchant both by sea and land that hée was so rich that hée knew not the thousand part of his goods Also a knight of the templers watched likewise and when the had done he desired to haue a purse full of gold and whatsoeuer hée tooke thereof it should euer bée full againe and the Lady graunted it him but shée told him that hée had desired his destruction by the great mispending that he should haue of the same purse and so it befell But hée that shall wake hath great néede to kéepe him from sléepe for if hée sléepe hée is lost so that hée shall neuer bée séene after but that is not the right way but for the meruaile And from Tapasond men goe to great Armony to a Citie that is called Artyron that was wont to bée a good Cittie but that Turkes haue destroyed it for there neither groweth wine nor yet fruite From this Artyron men go to an hill that is called Sabissocoll and there néere is an other hill called Arath but the Iewes call it Thano where the Arke of Noe rested after the Deluge and yet it is on that hill a man may sée it from farre in cléere weather and the hils bée xij mile of height and some say they haue béene there and put their fingers in the holes where the fiend went out when Noe said in this manner Benedicite But I vnderstand that for snow that is alway vpon the hill both Winter and Summer no man may goe vp since Noe was there but onely a Monk through the grace of God who brought a plank that yet is in the Abbey at the hils foote for hée had great desire to goe vpon that hill and when hée was at the third part vpward hée was so weary that hée might goe no further and hée rested him and slept and when hée was awake hée was downe at the hils foote and then prayed hée to God deuoutly that hée would suffer him to goe to the vpper part of the hill and the Angell said that hée should haue his desire and so bée did and since that time no man did euer come there And therefore a man ought not to beléeue all things that are spoken of it Of the Country of Iob and of the Kingdome of Calde Chap. xlix ON the other side of the Cittie of Carnaa men enter into the land of Iob that is a good Land and great plentie of all fruits and that Land is called Swere In this Land is the Cittie of Thomar Iob was a