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A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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A rule how TO BRING VP Children A treatise wherein is declared how the Father apposeth his Sonne in the holy Scripture whereby all Parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their Children briefelie collected into a short volume Psalme 119. Where-withall shall a young man clense his waies euen by ruling himselfe after the word of God Iohn 5. Non quero gloriam meam sed glorïam Patris qui me misit Rom. 4. By faith is the inheritāce giuen that it might come of fauour Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith the same is sinne ¶ To the right honorable my very singuler good Lord the Earle of Huntingdon Knight of the noble order of the Garter Lord President of her Maiesties honorable counsell established in the North partes your Lordshippes daylie Oratour and humble suppliant Iohn Lyster Clarke late Cutate of Leedes and nowe Vicar of Thorpeach wisheth good health long life much encrease of honour and after a godly and faithfull ende IN most humble wise shewing your good Lordshippe that by your lordships good meanes I obtained the benefice whereof I am now resident and remembring a saying of that worthie Philosopher SENECA that there be three degrees of thankefulnesse one recognoscere beneficium an other gratias et laudes agere and the thirde pro loco et tempore secundam suam facultatem retribuere or rather considering the Samaritan in the Ghospel healed by Christ of his Leprosie returned and acknowledged Christes mercie towardes him prostrate himselfe before him and with a loud voice gaue him thanks so likewise good my Lord I returning doe acknowledge your Lordships great goodnesse vnto mee render most hartie and humble thankes vnto your honour for the same and not being able to make anye recompence vnto your Lordshippe as Seneca teacheth although I haue meditated with my selfe sundrie times how to doe the same Yet notwithstanding that your Lordship may perceaue that I am not forgetfull or negligent of your Lordshipps great good will vnto mee I haue drawen in Dialogue wise out of scripture which is able to make one learned to saluation the dutie of all states and degrees of people howe a Christian life is to bee ledde what thinges are needefull to saluation the ende of manne and the straight accompt in the day of iudgement with the punishment of the wicked and reward of the righteous briefelie sette downe and plaine for the capacitie of the ignoraunt putting or adding nothing therevnto which I doe present vnto your good Lordshippe in remembrance of my humble duetie and obedient seruice vnto your Honour beseeching your Lordshippe to accept of my good and simple meaning and to beare with my boldnesse and small knowledge to write any thing to such a Noble personage as your Lordship And I shall incessauntlie entreate the eternall and euerliuing God till ATRAPOS shall cutte my fatall thred for the preseruation of your good Lordshippe whome the King of glorie Lord of hostes and Father of all mercie blesse saue and keepe for euer more Amen Your Lordshipps poore suppliant IOHN LYSTER To all Ministers fellow labourers in the Lords vine-yarde salutations in Iesu Christ IT is not vnknowen vnto you my brethern that the Lord hath elected vs before we were fashioned in our mothers wombe sanctified vs or euer we were borne ordained vs to be stewards of his secrets watchmen ouer his people shepperds of the sheepe of his pasture to the edifiyng of the saincts to the worke and ministration euen to the edifiyng of the bodie of Christ till we all come to the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man euen vnto the measure of the full perfect age of Christ And knowing my selfe to be the meanest among you in respect of my knowledge not worthie to be of that calling although the grace of God hath otherwise dealt with mee in calling me to that function and hath giuen one talent vnto mee for the instructing a little number of his flocke which he hath bought with his bloud of whome he hath made me an ouerseer and therefore it is not meete for me to passe ouer the sum of this life with the singing Grashopper till the stormie nightes and Boriall blastes of winter come vpon mee neither to let the cleare day passe idlelie till the darke night come when none can trauell neither to followe the drone Bee eating the labours of others but rather to studie to discharge in some measure my selfe according to my function and to profite others Seeing that I perceaue the greatest number of you my brethren to followe the example of the Emmit working in the day and busie as the Bees in the spring of the yeere to gather their home so you to accomplish the worke wherevnto you are called the Lord prosper you and continue your proceedings I haue therefore for my parte drawen a shorte treatise in Dialogue manner betwixt the Father and the Sonne out of Scripture wherein may fullie and perfectlye be perceaued the duties of all sortes of people how a Christian life is to be ledde what thinges are needefull to saluation the ende of man and straite accompt in the fearefull iudgement with a punishment of the wicked and reward of the righteous not seeking any prayse for the same but Gods glorie which all men ought to doe seeing we are oftentimes tryed by our cheife Diocesan according to our gracious Princesse commaundement how we profet Gods people cōmitted vnto vs within his graces prouince but especyally seeing we shall appeare before the great shepperd and Bishop of our soules Iesus Christ to giue accompts of the bestowing of our Talents that wee may receiue an incorruptable crowne of glorie where they that haue taught others shall bee as the shining of heauen and they that haue instructed the multitude vnto Godlynesse shall bee lyke the starres world without ende and thus not doubting of your great care and dyligence in your functions I beseech the eternall God from whome all good gruiftes doe proceede encrease you with wisdome and knowledge in this life and with eternal happinesse in the world to come Thorpearche within the ancienty or lyberties of Yorke the 12. day of Iunne 1587. Your faithfull yokefellow in the Lord Iohn Lyster The Father examineth his sonne how he hath profited in the word of Saluation Father MY Sonne séeing it is the duty of parents not only to educate and bring vp their Children with meate and apparel but also to enstruct and teach them in the feare of God and Christian religion for which cause I haue cōmitted thée to the gouernement of a learned and Godlie Maister these seauen yéeres past Wherefore my will and minde is to know how thou hast profited in the same and what thy profession is Sonne Good Father 1. Peter 3 séeing it is your pleasure to demaunde of mée a reason of my faith I must follow the exhortation of the Appostle Saint Peter that I be ready to giue
thou shalt teach them ordinaunces lawes Iudges must be true men such as feare God not cou●tus and shewe them the way wherein they must walke the worke which they must doe Moreouer thou shalt séeke out among all the people men of actiuitie and such as feare God true men hating couetousnesse and make them heades ouer the people Captanines ouer thousands ouer hundreths ouer fifties and ouer ten and let them iudge the people at all seasons Deu. 1. Moyses said to the people I tooke out of your Trybes The prince commandment to Iudges and officers with their duties Captaynes men of wisedome and that were expert and made thē rulers ouer you and I charged your iudges that same time saying heare the cause of your brethren and iudge righteously betwéene euerie man and his brother and the stranger that is with you sée that you know no face in iudgement but heare the small as well as the great and be afrayde of no man for the iudgement is Gods Thou shalt not fauour the poore Leuitic 19 nor honour the mightie but in righteousnesse shalt thou iudge thy neighbour Thou shalt not raigne ouer thy brother cruelly but shalt feare thy God Leuit. 25 ye shall not raigne ouer an other cruelly Turne not aside from the law of God Deu. 5. neyther to the right hand nor to the last The iudges shal giue sentence between parties and iustisie the righteous Deu. 25. and condemne the vngodly Thou shalt take no giftes Exod. 23 for giftes blinde the sight and peruert the wordes of the righteous Psalm 28. Defende the fatherlesse and poore saith Dauid sée that such as be in néede and necessitie haue right Father Ought these rulers also to be obeyed Sonne Yea Father Deu. ● for when Moyses had ordayned Rulers and Iudges ouer the people they all aunswered and saide that which thou hast spoken is good vnto vs to doe Iosua 1 The people aunswered Iosua all that thou commaundest vs will we doe and whether thou sendest vs will we goe and whosoeuer hée bee that disobayeth thy mouth will not harken vnto the wordes in all the thou cōmaundst him let hym dye Exod. 17 When Moyses sat downe to iudge the people all the people stoode before him from morning till euen Exod. 22. Thou shalt not rayle on the Gods neither blaspheme the ruler of the people Ieremi 35 We haue said the people obayed Ionadab our father in all that he commanded vs and the Lord said to those Rachabites God blesseth obedient persons because you haue béene obedient to Iona. Iona. shall not fayle to haue one to stand alwaies before me out of his stocke And concluding with S. Paules words to Titus Titus 3 warne thē that they bée subiect to rule and power that they obay the officers Father Prechers and Ministers My Sonne I am nowe desirous to knowe the duties of Preachers and ministers of the word of God Sonne Deu. 10. According to my little knowledge as I haue red in Gods booke I will shew you the same The Lord seperated the tribe of Leuy to beare the Arke of the appoyntment of the Lord to stand before the Lord to minister vnto him and to blesse in his name Whosoeuer killeth a beast Leuiti 17 and bringeth it to the Tabernacle of witnesse to offer to the Lord No man may take vppon him the Priests office vncalled blood shall be imputed to that man as though he had shed blood and he shal be rooted out of the people of Israell wherefore when the people bring offerings let them bring them to the Priests to offer them Looke out among you seuen men of honest report Acts. 6. and full of the holy Ghost and wisedome Who ought to be chosē to whom we may commit this businesse and when they had prayed they layde their hands vpon them I warne thée that thou stirre vp the gift that is in thée Tim. 1. Ordering of Ministers Acts. 14 Titus 1. by the putting on of my hands And they ordayned them elders in euerie congregation by election prayed Reforme things that are vnperfect ordaine elders in euery citie as I appointed thée Let them be sober sage discret Titus 2 soūd in the faith in loue in paciēce 1. Cor. 6. Let vs giue none occasiō of euill that in our office be found no fault but in all thinges behaue our selues as the ministers of God in much paynes in afflictions in necessities in anguish in stripes in prisonments in stryfes in labours in watchinges in fasting in purenesse in knowledge in long suffering in kindnesse in the holy Ghost in loue vnfained in the word of truth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnesse on the right hand on the left by honour and dishonour by euill report and good report as deceauers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we liue as chastened and not killed as sorrowing and yet alway merrie as poore and yet make many rych as hauing nothing yet possessing all thinges Esay 62. I haue set watchmen vpon thy wales Oh Ierusalem which shall cease neyther day nor night to preach the Lord. Ieremy 3. I will giue you heardmen after mine owne minde which shall féede you with learning and wisedome Ezech. 3 Thou sonne of man I haue made thée a watchman vnto the house of Israell and therefore take good héede vnto the words of my mouth and giue them warning at my commaundement if I say vnto thée concerning the vngodly man that without doubt he must dye and thou giuest him no warning nor speakest vnto him that he turne from his euill way and so liue then shall the same vngodly man dye in his vnrighteousnesse but his blood will I require at thine hands but if thou giue him warning yet he forsake not his vngodlynesse then shall he dye in his owne wickednes but thou hast discharged thy selfe If the people take a man of their Countrie and set him to be their watchman Ezech 34 the same man when he séeth the swoord come vppon the Land shall blow the Trumpet and warne the people c. I set thée ouer people and kingdomes Ieremy 1 that thou maiest roote out breake off destroy and make wast and that thou maist build vp and plant I will send out my fishers to take them Ieremi 6. and after that I wil send out my hunters to hunt them out from all moūtaines and hills and out of the Caues of stone In the Priests lippes should be sure knowledge Malachi 2 Gods messenger that men may seeke the Lawe at their mouthes for he is a messenger of the Lorde of hosts Ye are the light of the world Math. 5. let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good workes and glorifie your Father which
wiues according to knowledge giueing honour to the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Ye husbands saith Saint Paull loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Collo 3 Ye husbands loue your wiues Ephe. 5. euen as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it so ought men to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies he the loueth his wife loueth himselfe for this cause shall a man leaue father mother shal be ioyned vnto his wife Gen. 2. and of two shal be made one flesh Father Shew me what wiues should doe to their husbands because many now adaies grow stubbourne and wilful Sonne Ye wiues saith Saint Paull VViues duties submitte your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lorde for the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation therefore euen as the congregation is in subiection vnto Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection vnto their husbands in all thinges Gen. 3. Sub potestate viri eris thou shalt sayd God be subiect to thy husbande Col. 3. Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lorde 1. Peter 3 Ye wiues saith Saint Peter be in subiection to your husbands that euen they that obey not the word may be without the woord wonne by the conuersation of the wyues while they beholde their chast conuersation coupled with feare VViues apparell whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded hayre and hanging on of Golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but let the hyd manne which is in the hart be without all corruption so that the spirit be myld which is before God a thing much set by for after this manner in the olde time did the holye women which trusted in God tyre themselues and were diligent to their owne husbands euen as Saray obeyed Abraham and called him Lord whose daughters ye are as longe as ye doe well and are not dismaide with any terror All women should hold their husbands in honour both among great and small ●ester 1 Father What may not man and woman be diuorsed after they be married together Sonne At the beginning God made man and woman and saide Gene. 2 Diuorce for this cause shall a man leaue father and mother Math. 19. and cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh wherefore they are not twaine but one flesh let no man therfore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Father Moyses gaue the people a testimoniall of diuourcement that they might put them away Sonne Yea father Moyses Fornicatiō Math. 19. because of the hardnesse of their harts suffred them to put away their wiues but whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ putteth away his wife except it be for fornication marrieth an other breaketh wedlocke and whosoeuer marrieth her that is deuorsed committeth adulterie Father Parents The dutie of parents would I learne for many bring vp their children wantonlie tel me therefore plainely and truelie although thou be but a Childe in yéeres yet I praise God thou art almost a man in wisdome and knowledge Sonne Gen. 13 The Lord said I know that Abraham will command his Children and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde and doe after right and concience Eccle. 26 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her in straitely least she abuse her selfe through to much libertie Eccle. 7. If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nourture learning Daughters married to wisemen and hold them in awe from their youth vp If you haue a daughter kéepe her body and shew not thy face cherefull towards her marry thy daughter giue her to a man of vnderstanding If thy daughter bée wanton kéepe her in straitly Eccle. 42 least shée cause thine enimies to laugh thée to scorne You shall saith God Deu. 4. teach all my lawes and ordinances vnto your Children Ye fathers moue not your children vnto anger and wrathe Ephe. 6. but bring them vp in the doctrine and informacion of the Lorde Ye fathers prouoke not your Children to anger least they be of a desperate minde Collo 3 He that spareth the rood hateth his sonne Pro. 13. but who so loueth him chasteneth him betimes Who so loueth his childe holdeth him still vnder correction Eccle. 30 that he may haue ioy of him afterward and that he grope not after his neighbours dores he that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioye of him and néede not to be a shamed of him among his acquaintance Giue him no libertie in his youth Eccle. 30 Libertie hurteth children and excuse not his follie teach thy Child and be diligent therein least it be to thy shame Father What saith the scripture of Children to their parents Sonne Children Ephe. 6 Thus saith S. Paull children obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for that is right honour the father and mother that thou maist prosper and liue longe on the earth Col. 3. Ye Children obey your fathers and mothers in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lorde Leuitic 19 Ye shall saith the Lorde of hosts feare euery man his father and mother and kepe my sabaoths Pro. 23. Giue eare to the father that begat thée and despyse not thy mother when she is olde Pro. 28. Robbers of parents Tobias 4. He that robbeth his father and his mother saie it is no sinne he is a destroyer Hold thy mother saith Toby as in honour all the daies of the life for thou oughtest to remember how great perills shée suffered for thée in her wombe Tobias 5. All that the parents command them that they ought to doe dyligentlie honour thy father in word and déed Ecclesi 3 in paciens that thou maist haue Gods blessing and his blessing shall abyde with the at the last He that defyeth his father shall come to shame Fathers blessing and he that forsaketh his mother is cursed of God The blessing of the Father buildeth vp the houses of the Children Eccle. 3 but the mothers curse rooteth out the foundacions He that forsaketh his Father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is accursed of God Father Now would I know Sonne how elders both men and women ought to liue for the example of the younger sorte Elders Sonne The elder men must be sober sage Titus 2 discret sound in the faith in loue in pacience The elder women likewise Elder women must be in such rayment as becommeth holynesse not being false accusers not giuen to much wine but that they teach honest thinges let them shew themselues in all thinges an example in good workes with honistie and grauitie Father How must the younger sorte behaue themselues
of the Trée of knowledge shee sayde that the Lorde had forbid them and threatned death vnto them if that they eate thereof but he saide the Lord knoweth that yée shall be as Gods and not dye if you eate VVomen are proude So the woman desiring to bée a Goddesse tooke and eate and gaue to her husbande who did eate also and they saw then that they were naked destitute of all felicitie happinesse grace and vertue Wherewith the Lorde had endued them and were most lothsome filthie and stinckeyng in the Nosthrells of the Lorde and the Lorde God calling them to an accompt bolted out the matter howe Adam had eaten moued by Eua. And Eua had eaten by the enticement of the Serpent and the Lord saide to the woman in multiplying I will multiply thy sorrowe and thy conceauing in sorrowe shalt thou bring foorth thy children VViues subiect to their husbands and thy lust shall pertaine to thy husbande and he shall haue rule ouer thée And vnto Adam he sayde because thou hast harkened vnto the voice of the woman and hast eaten of the trée concerning the which I sayde vnto thée thou shalt not eate of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrowe shalt thou eate of it all the dayes of thy life Thorne also and Thistle shall it cause to growe vnto thée and thou shalt eate the hearbe of the fielde and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eate breade till thou be turned again to the ground for out of it wast thou taken in as much as thou art but dust into dust shalt thou be turned agayne And the Lord saide to the Serpent Gen. 3. because thou hast done this thou art cursed aboue all cattell and aboue euerie beast of the field vpon thy bellie shalt thou goe and dust shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life I will also put enmitie betwéene thée and the woman betwéene thy séede and her séede the same shall treade downe thy head Christ promised and thou shalt treade on his héele And the Lord clothed Adam and Eua with leathering garments droue them out of Paradise to dresse the groūd out of the which they were taken And he set the Cherubins and the glistering flame of a shaking sworde to kéepe the way of the trée of life Father Let me nowe heare howe they liued and their posteritie and whether they for the most part serued God or no Sonne Adam Sinne increased● hauing shortly after a Sonne named Cane and after him Abell Cane and Abell going to the fielde together Cane rose vp against his brother Abell and slew him Murder and after dispayred of the mercie of God and saide my sinne and iniquitie is more then it may be forgiuen And God saw that the malice of man was great in earth Dispaire and all the imaginations of his heart was onely euill and that continually The imaginations of mans heart Gen. 6. was euill euen from his youth The earth was fiilled with crueltie and corrupted before God for all flesh had corrupted his owne way vpon earth So that the Lord destroyed all the worlde with the floud Noas floud Gen. 9. Drunckennesse Mocking Gen. 13 except eight persons Noa being drunke was vncouered in his tent and his sonne Ham mocked him being newlie deliuered from drowning The men of Sodom were wicked and excéeding sinners before the Lord. Gen. 18. The crye of Sodom is great saith God and their sinnes are excéeding grieuous Gen. 19. Lot being drunken with wine laye with his two daughters being newly deliuered from destruction of fire and Brimstone Gen. 38. Eer Iudas eldest son being wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him Gen. 38 Onan another of Iudas sonnes being wicked did the Lord slay And thus the people still wrought wickednesse in the sight of God and sundrye times the Lord therefore destroyed them with fier pestilence swoorde noysome beastes and such like death Father Exod. 20 The Lord punished the people for their vncleanenesse and sinne as I perceaue but now tell me Ten com when the law was giuen by God which reuealed sinners Law written which is called the lawe written or ten commaundements Sonne The God of heauen and earth gaue thē to Moyses to be taught vnto his people in mount Sinay written vpon two tables of stone Father How many commaundements were written in the first table Sonne Fower Deu 5. euen with the finger of God wherein is contained our obedience vnto our God and in the second table sixe commaundements wherein we may learne a perfect and absolute dutie to our neighbour Father I haue often red those precepts I thinke there be none ignoraunt thereof therefore thou shalt not néede to repeat them but can any man be saued by obseruing and kéeping of them Sonne The Lord shall aunswere you Leuitic 18 who saith ye shall kéepe my ordinaunces and iudgements which if a man doe he shall liue in them I am the Lord. Math. 19. One came to Christ and saide vnto him good Maister what shall I doe that I may attaine eternall lyfe Christ aunswered if thou wilt enter into life kéepe the commaundements Math. 22 A Lawier saide vnto Christ Maister what shall I doe to obtayne eternall life Christ saide how readest thou And the Lawier answered thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule with all thy strength and with all thy minde and thou halt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe And Christ Iesus aunswered Hoc fac et viues This doe and thou shalt liue Gal. 2. And concluding with Saint Paull the man that doth the things contayned in the lawe and fulfilleth them shall liue by them Father Well let mée now sée howe well wée obserue these and whether any are saued thereby or not Sonne Deut. 11 I shall aunswere you therevnto but first fée what the Lord addeth Beholde saith the Lord I set before you a blessing and curse a blessing if you obey the commaundement of the Lord thy God And a curse if thou wilt not obey the commaundement of the Lord thy God Cursed is he that continueth not in all the words of the law to doe them Deut. 27. Father I feare then we all incurre the curse of God Goe to now doe we kéepe this law Sonne I will shew you by what meanes we may violate and breake the lawe And then if we examine our selues we shall perceaue as it were in a glasse our corruption and disobedience We may breake the lawe of our God by thought woorde and worke The imaginations of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Thought Gen. 8. The Lorde smote Pharao and his house because of Saray Abrahams wife Gen. 12. he lusting after her Math. 5 I say vnto you saith Christ that whosoeuer looketh on a woman to lust after her he hath committed adulery
stumbled which carried the Arke of God the Arke like to fall as he thought None ioyned with god to help he offered to vpholde or stay the Arke No good entent pleaseth God that is contrary to his will and God smote him that he dyed sodainelie Therefore whosoeuer thinketh the Lord so weake that he must haue the blessed Virgin Marie the Saincts Apostles or Angels to take holde with him let that man or woman doubt for feare the Lord smite them as he did Vsa sodenly for let men know that God is almightie Father Thou prouedst before that all are sinners but I haue brought thée from that matter yet I would gladly know further touching sinne what those are wherein all for the most part haue offended Sonne Idolatrie Idolatry for that most displeaseth God whome all people kindreds and toungs ought to worship Exod. 22. He that offereth vnto any Gods but to the Lord let him be rooted out Exod. 32 The people made a Calfe and woorshipped it they sate downe to eate and drinke and rose vp to play but the Lorde slue thrée thousande for the same Leuiti 19 Ye shall not saith the Lord turne to Idolls nor make you Gods of metall Iacob commaunded all his housholdes to put away the straung Gods that were among them Gen. 35 and be cleane and so they did Leuitic 17 Let none offer their offeringes vnto Diuells after whome they haue gone a-whoring Leuit. 26 Ye shall make you no grauen Image neyther reare you vp any stone neyther any Idole to worship it for I am the Lord. Deu. 4. You saw no Image saith the Lorde when I spake vnto you out of the fier then take héede that you make no manner of Image to worshippe neither of manne beast foule c. For if thou doe I call Heauen and Earth to recorde ouer you this daye you shall perishe shortelie out of this lande Ye shall ouerthrow their Alters Deu. 7. A kings dutie breake downe their pillers cut down their groues and burne their grauen Images with fier The people vsed to burne their sonnes and daughters with fier before their gods Deu. 12. If there be any within your gates Deut. 17. Idolaters stoned man or woman that haue or worshippe straunge Gods the Sunne the Moone or any of the host of heauen they shal be stoned to death Th people serued Baall and offereth Iudg. 2 and the Lords wrath was hot The Arke of God was set before Dagon the Philistines God 1. king 4. but Dagon was cast downe and leggs and armes broken Ieroboam made two Calues of Golde 3. kings 12 Bethell Gods house made a place fo● Idoll Psalm 9● and made the people worshippe and sayde these are Gods that brought you out of Egypt and set one of them at Bethell Confounded bée all they that woorshippe Carued Images and that delight in vayne Gods woorshippe him all ye Gods Let them bée ashamed earely that hope in Idolls Esay 42. and say to fashioned Images you are our Gods Ezech. 8. There were all manner of Images of wormes and beastes all Idolls and abhominacions of the house of Israell paynted euerie one rounde about the wall there stoode before the Images 70. Lords to offer incence secretly and saide tush the Lord séeth vs not Abacuc 2. Woe be vnto him saith the Lord that saith to a péece of wood arise and to a dombe stone stand vp Wisd 14 So father I will conclude with the Lords words Cursed is the Image and he that made it Father Pryde Goe to speake of other vices what sayest thou of pride Sonne Eccle. 10 Initium omnis peccati superbia quia tenebit eam ad implebitur maledictis Proude people cursed Eccle. 32 Pride is the beginning of all sin he that is proud is filled with cursing If thou be made a ruler pryde not thy selfe therein but be thou as one of the people Pro. 26. The Lord abhorreth all such as bée of a proude heart his hande is agaynst their hande and they shall not escape as innocents After pride commeth destruction Pro. 18. and honour after lowlines Thou Capernaum which art exalted vp to heauen Mark 11 shalt be brought downe to hell Euerie one sayth Christ that exalteth himselfe shall be brought low Luke 18. And hée that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted Father What is not couetousnesse a sinne Couetousnesse Sonne A sinne yes an horrible offence Tim. 6. for Saint Paull sayth that the couetousnesse of monie is the roote of all euill Wo be vnto him that heapeth vp other mens goods Abacuc 2 Couetous and their goods burned with an hot fier wo vnto him that gathereth euill gotten goods into his house that he may set his nest on hie to escape the power of misfortune but the Lord of hosts shall bring this to passe that the laborers of the people shal be burnt with a fire and the thinge wherevpon they haue weried themselues shal be burnt Like as hell and destruction are neuer full Pro. 27 euen so the eyes of men can neuer be satisfied Esay 5. Wo be vnto them that ioyne one house vnto an other and one land to an other that the poore can get no more ground Ecclesi 14. A couetous eye hath neuer enough in the porcions of vngodlinesse vntill the time that he wither away and haue lost his owne soule Mark 10 It is easier for a Camell to goe through the eye of a néedle then for the rich to enter into the kingdome of heauen Mark 8. And thus concluding what will it gaine a man if he win all the worlde and léese his owne soule Or what shall a man giue to redeme his soule againe withall Father Lechery Tell me something of Lecherie Sonne Iob. 31. This sinne of lecherie saith Iob is a wickednesse and sinne that is worthie to be punished yea a fire that vtterlie would consume and root out all a mans substance Leuit. 20 A man that breaketh wedlocke with an other mans wife let both the aduouterer and the aduoutris be slaine Leuiti 19 Thou shalt not make thy daughter cōmon that thou wouldest cause her to be an whore least the land fall to whordom and be full of wickednesse Ther shal be no whore among the daughters of Israell Deu. 23 nor no whore kéeper of the sonnes of Israell There were slaine of the Tribe of Biniamin xxv thousands Iudg. 20. and all their Citties burned for adulterie In the desire of vncleanlie lust Ieremi 5 they are become like the stoned horse euery man néeth at his neighbours wife The children of the aduouterers shall come to naught Wisd 4 and the séede of the vnrighteous bed shal be rooted out An whores house is the way to hell Pro. 7. and bring men downe into the chambers of death An whore is
gaue mée drinke Blessed when I was harbourlesse you lodged mée when I was naked you cloathed mée when I was sicke and in pryson ye came vnto mée and visited mée Father And shall they aunswere any thing Sonne Yea father for the Lord saith Esay 14 there shall be all mightie men of the earth areigned and Princes and kinges and small and great shall stand from their seates that they may all aunswere and speake vnto the Lorde They shall aunswere Math. 25 Lorde Iesus when sawe we thée an hungered and féed the thirstie and gaue the drinke harbourles and lodged thée naked and clothed thée sicke and in prison and cam vnto thée he shall aunswere and say in asmuch as ye haue done it to the least of these my bretheren you haue done it vnto mée Father What speach shall his Maiestie vse to the wicked on his left hand Sonne Oh ye cursed of my father Cursed when I was an hungrie you gaue mée no meate when I was a thirst ye gaue me no drinck when I was harbourlesse ye lodged mée not when I was naked yée clothed mée not when I was sicke and in prison ye came not vnto mée to visit mée and they shall aunswere Lorde when saw we thée an hungrie or a thirst or harbourlesse or naked or sicke or in prison came not vnto thée he shall say in asmuch as ye did it not to these my brethren ye did it not to mée Father Iesus God if the Lord cōdemne them that helpe not their bretheren what will he do to the vnmercifull that robbe him that taketh meate drinke apparell lodging relefe and all from him euen fleaing the skin from the bone as much as lyeth in them Sonne The Lorde or they passe away will reward them for all as you shall heare afterwardes Father Well sonne who shal be present to heare all causes pleaded and what witnesse shall there be against the wicked for I am sure that the Lorde will haue all men sée that hée dealeth iustly and vprightlie withall Sonne True it is father VVitnesses 2. Cor. 5 there shal be present all Angells Archangels all the hosts of heauen there shal be all Saints and righteous all wicked and vngodlie that euer were vppon the face of the earth young and olde There shal be the great Dragon the diuell Sathanas with all the rable of hell-houndes and damned spirits for Saint Iohn saith Reuel 20. that he sawe the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened which is the booke of life and an other booke was opened and the dead were iudged of those thinges that were written in the booke according to their déedes Wherby we may learne that the bookes wer their cōciences layd abroad to al the world Consciēces It is a sore thing whē a man 's owne cōcience beareth witnesse and recorde of his wickednesse and condemmeth him Wisd 17 He that speaketh vnrighteous thinges cannot be hidde and why Wisd 1. inquisition shall bée made for the thoughts of the vngodly and the reporte of his wordes shal come vnto God so that his wickednesse shal be punished Eod. There is nothing so hid that shall not be reueled Luke 22 There is nothing so couered saith Christ that shall not be vncouered neither hid that shall not be knowen Father I sée then that euerie thing shal be opened for I haue heard that a mans concience is quasi millie testis As a thousand witnesse but what other witnesses will there be Sonne God himselfe a witnesse GOD himselfe who séeth all thinges from the beginning shall be both the iudge and witnesse Malachi 3 I my selfe saith the Lord will be a swift witnesse against al witches against aduoulterers against false swerers against those that wrongfully kéepe backe the hyrelinges dutie which oppresse the stranger and hurt the widowes and Fatherlesse Cor. 10. The Lorde will come and open the thinges that are in darkenesse and declare the counsell of Princes and then shall euery one haue praise of God Father What other witnesses will there bée against the wicked VVorks Sonne Their owne workes in fine hominis denunciatio operum illius at the ende of man there is a declaration of their works Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord Reuel 14 euen so saith the spirit that they rest from their labours but their workes followe them The Appostle Saint Paull teacheth all men that they learne to excell in good works Titus 3 that they be not vnfruiteful in the Lords daie My deare brethren be stedfast and vnmoueable 1. Cor. 15. alwaies rich in the works of the Lorde forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lorde Father What are there any more witnesses Sonne The Diuell that great dragon as saith saint Iohn which deceiued all the world Diuell a witnesse the accuser of our brethren which accuse them before God day and night 1. Peter 1 That aduersary the diuel like a roareing Lyon séeketh whom he may deuoure Father Lorde God what shal the worme-eaten conscience then doe what shall the vnmercifull and couetous man say Sonne Luke 23. Decent montibus cadite super nos they shall say to the mountaines fal vppon vs and to the hills couer vs from the face of the Lorde Oseas 10 Esay 2 Then shall they séeke to crepe into holes and caues and rockes for feare of God but they cannot escape Reue. 6 They shall couet to hi●e themselues in dennes and Rockes of the Hills and shall say vnto the rockes fall on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrath of the Lambe For the great day of his wrath is come and who is able to endure Reuel 9 At that time shall men séeke for death and shall not finde it they shall desire to dye and death shall flée from them Father Can there none hide themselues Sonne I tould you before father Amos. 9 that although they were buryed in hell the hand of the Lorde would fetch them from thence though they clyme vp to heauen yet will hée cast them downe though they hide themselues vppon the tope of Carmell yet will he séeke them out and bring thē from thence though they could créepe into the déepe of the sea yet hée will commaund the Serpent there to byte them Father Father of heauen be mercifull to vs. Well goe on seeing that euerie one must abyde the sentence of God and his straite iudgement tell mée now what will folow Sonne Then shall the Lorde Iesus Christ call those on his right hand and say come ye blessed of my Father Math. 25 inherite the kingdome of heauen prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Father I perceiue that the faithfull mercifull and righteous shall then be blessed and without all feare But what shall he