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A03861 A hyue full of hunnye contayning the firste booke of Moses, called Genesis. Turned into English meetre, by VVilliam Hunnis, one of the Gent. of her Maiesties Chappel, and Maister to the Children of the same. Seene and allowed, accordinge to the order appointed. Hunnis, William, d. 1597. 1578 (1578) STC 13974; ESTC S106275 129,432 274

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A HYVE FVLL of Hunnye Contayning the Firste Booke of MOSES called GENESIS TVRNED INTO ENGLISH Meetre by VVilliam Hunnis one of the Gent. of her Maiesties Chappel and Maister to the Children of the same Scene and allowed accordinge to the Order appointed IMPRINTED at London in Fleetstreete neere vnto Sainct Dunstanes Church by Thomas Marsh. 1578. Cum Priuilegio TO THE RIGHT HONOrable and his singuler good Lord the Lorde Robert Dudley Earle of Leycester Baron of Denbigh Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter Maister of the Queenes Maiesties Horse and one of her Highnesse moste Honorable priuye Counsell William Hunnis vvisheth enc●ease of Honor Health and Dignitie vnto the vv●ll pleasure of the most Almightie R Remembring how a Persian poore presented to his King O Of water cleare in homely handes from out the sprouting Spring B Because the King wel vnderstood how Zeale in Gyuers thought E Exceeded far the simple Gift the seelie Geeuer brought R Receiued it in gracious part and thankeful was therfore T That such as greater Gyfts did gyue of Thāks deseru'd no more L Likewise my Lord with this poore gift your Honor I present E Example of the Persian Prince I trust shal moue content Y Your Honors Bountie towardes mee more then I heere confesse C Compelleth mee in humble sort my dutie to expresse E Esteeme therfore my Right good Lord the valour of the mynd S So as the Geeuer shal deserue your Fauour for to fynde T The Lord of Lords and King of Kings vnder whose might we be E Encrease your Honor your health good dayes and yeres to see R Remember yet among the rest that Death wyl haue his fee. Your good Lordshipps to commaund W. Hunnis To the friendlye Reader VV VVhat Deede is done or VVorke wel wrought but some thereat repyne I It is Rewarde to better sort the lesse of Care is myne LL Looke not for fyled VVordes and Termes nor Phraze that Poetes chuse I It is forbidden in this VVoorke as thing not meete to vse A A Saphyre right no colour craues to set it foorth you know M More baser Gold more plainly set more fresh the Gemme doth show H Heere haue I set but not in Gold a Rich and Precious Stone V Vnskilful though the same be wrought my Payne yet thinke vpon N Not Payne so much as my Desire the better sort to please N Nought els I craue but your good wyl these Labours myne to ease I In setting of this Pearle of Price wherein I do offend S Such faultes correct as you them fynde and show your selfe a Frende SPE ET LABORE THe Hyue doth House the harmelesse Bee That Hony sweete doth make Whose little Limmes wyth Laboures longe Still streyneth for our sake Let vs likewyse learne of this Beast Each one in his Degree To Sucke the Sappe of Sacred Woorde That Heauen oure Hyue may bee T. N. In the Commendation of this his Frendes Trauayle IN Pryme of Youth thy pleasaunt Penne depainct●d Sonets svveete Delightfull to the greedy Eare fo● Youthfull humour meete Therein appeer'de thy pregnaunt VVit an● store of Fyled Phraze Enough c●astonne the doltishe Dr●ne and lumpishe Loute amaze Tay Enterludes thy gallaunt Layes thy Rond'letts and thy Songes Thy Nosegay and thy VVydovves Myte vvith that thereto belonges VVith other Fancies of thy Forge vvell hammered by Skill Declares vvhat Meale of finest Graine thou grindest in thy Mill. By vvhich vvee easly knovve thy Veine and by that Pittaunce finde VVhat golden Giftes lodge in thy Breast and Aumbry of thy Minde VVee see thy Nature link'te to Arte thy Heart to Learninges Lavve As vvho doth not a Lion knovve if hee but see his Pavve Descendinge then in riper Yeares to Stuffe of further reache Thy schooled Quill by deeper skill did grauer matters teache And novv to knit a perfect knot In VVinter of thine Age Sutch Argument thou chosen hast for this thy Style full sage As farre surmountes the residue though al in pith excell And makes thy frendes to Ioye thereat but Foes vvith spight to svvell This VVorke I meane of Sacred lore this hault Philosophye VVhich through thy paine and stayed Braine vve heere beholde and see In curraunt mee●er roundlie coucht and soundly taught vvithall As they vvhich Text vvith Verse conferre ▪ full soone acknovvledge shal Great thankes no doubt thou hast deseru'de of all th●t thyrst for grace Syth thus thou Minced hast the Foode vvhich Goodmen al embrace The holy Ghost from whom thou doost this Heauen●ly Honnie Sucke Direct thy Minde and to thy Penne alotte most happy Lucke Thomas Nevvton THE ARGVMENT of this Booke THus mutch in Summe this present Woorke of Moyses doth declare That God the Worlde and Frame of thinges which therein formed are Of nothinge did create and make and how hee placed Man This Tabernacle to behold and wondrous Workes to skanne Who vewinge these his gracious Giftes should praise his holy Name And Magnifie him Day and Night entirely for the same But Man forgettinge quight himselfe and God that Rules on hye Committed Sinne displeased God and stumbled wittinglye Who through his Disobedience enthrald himselfe in Woe And fell from God from whom to him so many Giftes did flowe This notwithstandinge God our Lord for his great Goodnesse sake Did him to Life restore agayne and vnto Mercy take And him confirmed in the same by Christ the promist Seede By whom hee Sathan vanquish shoulde Death Hell and dolefull Dreede The wicked sort persistinge still in their most froward wayes Forgettinge Gods great Benefites most lewdly spent their Dayes Yea at the last so horriblie they fell from Sinne to Sinne Contemninge Preachers to them sent their Mindes from Uice to winne That God prouoked in his Ire so with his will it stood At length did send vpon the Worlde an Uniuersall Flood Assurance also here wee haue by proofe before our face Of Abraham of Isaac of Iacob and the Race Of other zealous Patriarches how that his Mercy great Doth neuer fayle them that be his and for his Grace entreate But lendes to them his helpinge hand in all theyr tyme of neede Hee cheereth them relieueth them and aydeth theim with speede By Esau Cain and Ismaell and others of like sorte Who ruffled heere in worldly Pompe and bare a stately port It well appeares the Church of God doth not depend ne staye On worldly Estimation nor Shewes of Tytles gaye And by the Fewnesse eke of those which haue from tyme to tyme Him worshipped in Sprite and Truth deuoyd of spotted Cryme Wee are to learne that it doth not consist in Multitude But in the poore despised Flocke and thus doth hee conclude That Man in Wysedome hys might bee confounded euermore And that the Name of God alone might praised be therefore FINIS The Contents of the First Chapter How Heauen Earth the Light Skye The Sunne Moone Starres so hye How Beastes Fowles how Fishe Man Created was of God and
the witnesse beare This heape and Piller eke beholde that 's set betwixt vs here 76 These witnesse shal I wil not come ouer this heap to thee And that thou shalt not passe the same for any harme to me 77. And now the God of Abraham and Nahors God also And eke the God of fathers theirs be iudge betwene vs two 78 But Iacob sware by th' onely God whom Isaac did feare And offer did a Sacrifyce ▪ vppon the Mountayne there And after did his brethren call that eate of bread they myght And they did eate and in the Mount did tary all the nyght 80. In morne betyme did Laban ryse and all his Chi●dren kist And so went homeward to his place after he had them blist The Contentes of the XXXII Chapiter Gods Angels here with Iacob met and he doth Presentes send Vnto his Brother by his Men and doth himselfe cōmend Eke with an Angel wrestled he and yet receiu'd no fal The Angel chaungeth Iacobs name and doth him Isrel call BUt Iacob went his iourney on and by the way him met The Angels of Almighty God in battell order set 2 And when that Iacob them beheld he sayd himselfe within This is Gods host and so the place he namde Mahanaim 3. And Iacob sent his messengers vnto the land of Seir And to the Field that Edom was where Esaus Armyes weir 4. And he commaunded each of them thus shal you speake sayth he To Esau my most louing Lord that brother is to me 5 Thy seruaunt Iacob hym commendes In humblest wise he may And to your selfe in his behalfe thus much he bad me say 6 I haue longe time a straunger bene wyth Laban vncle myne And twenty yeres haue soiourned wyth him vntil this tyme. 7 And haue of Oxen Asses Shepe of men Seruauntes likewyse Of Women too and that I may fi●d fauour in thine eyes 8 I haue s●n● word vnto my Lord to signifie the same Accordinge as m● dutye byndes as loth to meritte blame 9 The Messengers to Esaw went and came againe wyth spede And sayd thy brother gainst thee brynges foure hundreth men in deede 10 This newes made Iacob sore afrayd ▪ he wyst not what to say Ne what to do but yet at last he dyd deuise the way 11 His people sheepe ▪ and Cattell al for to deuide in twayne And toke great paynes to place the same in order to remayne 12 Sayd he If Esau come and smyte one part of people myne The other parte may leasure find to saue it selfe in tyme. 13 To God then Iacob sayd againe O God of Abraham God of my father Isaac from out whose Loi●es I came 14 Thou Lord which ●a● I should returne vnto my Country backe Among my kynred for to dwell saying thou shalt not lacke 15 For I my selfe will bee with thee and do al for the best I say thou Lord wilt not forsake poore Iacob thus distrest 16 And yet O Lorde I must confesse no whit I worthye am No not the least of mercies thyne which from thy goodnesse cam 17 That thou hast shewde thy seruaunte to by day and eke by night For with my stuffe I ouercame this Iordan by thy might 18 And now two Droues I gotten haue behold Lord where they stand Most mighty God deliuer mee from Brother Esaus hand 19 For I much feare him lest he wyl with wrathful rage possest With Furie come and Mother strike with Children at her breast 20 Thou sayd'st O Lord I surely wyll do good and good to thee And make thy Seede as is the Sand within the Sea to see The which can not for multitude of any numbred bee 21 And Iacob there abode that night and such as came to hand Hee tooke thereof and Presents made for Esau t' vnderstand 22 Two hundreth Goates of Female kynde and twentie Males also Two hundred Ewes and twentye Rammes did hee appoint to goe 23 And thirtie Camels Mylke that gaue their Coltes them passing by With Fourtie Ryne and Bullockes tenne that fayre were to the eye 24 Of shee Asses he twentye tooke and Coltes tenne them beside Fyue hundred and fourskore were they that Iacob did prouide 25 And so into his seruauntes handes these Droues deliu'red hee And eu'rye Droue was by it selfe appointed so to bee 26 And hee vnto his Seruaunts sayd before mee passe the way And put a space tweene Droue and Droue and furthermore did saye 27 To him that formost was of all among the Droues to see If that my brother doe thee meete and hap to aske of thee 28 Whos 's man art thou and whose are these and whither doest thou goe In humble wyse with reuerent speach thou shalt vnto him showe 29 Sir these thy Seruaunt Iacobs be and are by him ass●gnd A present sent to thee my Lord himselfe comes vs behinde 30 So likewise to the second Man the thyrd and all the rest Commaunded hee with Droues that came as was to him exprest 31 And more sayd hee thus shall you say when you do Esau fynde Behold thy seruaunt Iacob comes as dutie doth him bynde 32 For thus hee thought I wyl his wrath with giftes before appease And after will I see his face if that my Lord so please It may be hee wil mee accept with Comfort Ioy and Ease 33 So with these Presentes foorth they went in order as they might But Iacob with the company abode behynde that night 34 And in the Night did Iacob ryse and his two wyues also His Maydens twayne his Children all Eleuen which were tho Ouer the Foord with them he went that Iabbok is to know 35 And sent away all that he had the ryuer for to passe But hee himselfe behinde did staye for so his goodwill was 36 And as alone hee stayd behynde a man him met by th'waye That stroue and wrestled styl with him 〈◊〉 ▪ vntil the breake of daye 37 And when this man might not preuayle Iacob to ouerthrow He Iacob stroke vnder the Thigh and sayd now let me go The Sinew then of Iacobs Thigh did shrinke at that same blowe 38 I wyll not let thee go sayd hee what man so ere thou bee But wyl thee hold vntil such tyme thou Blessing geeue to me 39 Said hee then tell me what 's thy name ▪ I Iacob am by right Thou shalt no more bee called so but Israel in Gods sight 40 For as a Prince thou wrestled has● with God and eke with man And has● preuayled in the thing that thou hast tane in hand 41 Saide Iacob then thy name also I pray thee shewe to mee Wherfore sayd he doest thou demaund what it my name should be And in that place he blessed him and so away went hee 42 And therfore Iacob Peniél did nominate the Place For I haue seene this day sayd he my God euen face to face And so my lyfe preserued is by bountie of his grace 43 As he went
●uer Peniél the Sunne him rose vpon So halted hee of that same Thigh the Angel stroke him on 44 The Israelites forbeare to eate The Synewe to this daye That is in that place of the Thigh● where Iacobs Synewe lay 45 Because the man that stroue with him did touch the hollow place Of Iacobs Thighe wherein hereby the shronken Synewe was The Contentes of the XXXIII Chapiter Esau and Iacob are agreed and Esau goes to Seir. And Iacob vnto Sichem went and set his Tentes vp there THen Iacob lifting vp his eies his Brother did behold And wyth hym came foure hūdreth men as erst to hym was tolde 2. Then Iacob vnto both his Wyues and to his Maidens twayne His Children put ech by themselues in order to remayne 3. The Maydens both and Children theyrs that he by them did get The formost of the company in order did hee set 4 And next to them he Lea plaste and Children hers also And Rahell last with her younge Sonne appoincted was to goe 5 And then himselfe went them before as Guide vnto them all Seuen times ere hee his Brother mette vppon the Ground did fall 6 Esau hym met embraced hym and frendly did him kisse They both brast forth with Teares and wept great Ioy to see was this 7 Then Esau lifted vp his eies and did the women see And Children theyrs standing them by whence hast thou these sayth he 8 And do these women and these youthes ▪ belonge or no to thee They are sayd he thy Seruauntes Sonnes which God hath geuen to mee 9 Then came the Maydes wyth Children theirs and did obeysaunce showe And Leah wyth her Chyldren came and did her dutye knowe 10 And last of all came Ioseph forth his Mother Rahell too Who gaue to him obeysaunce such as duty bad them doe 11 Sayd Esau vnto Iacob then what Droue is that I met Of Goates of Sheepe of Camelles Bulles of Kyne and other Nea●e 12 My Lord sayd he that fauour I may finde in sight of thee I haue them sent vnto my Lord as present geuen from me 13 Not so my Brother Esau sayd enough haue I in store I neede them not kepe that thou hast vnto thy selfe therefore 14 Ah nay My Lord but if I haue found fauor in thy sight Receyue this present from my handes and therein do me right 15. For I this Day haue seene thy Face as though I should beholde The Face of God and thy good will both makes mee glad and bolde 16 Ah take my blessinge that is brought for God hath mercy showne And so ●ee Esau did compell to take it for his owne 17. When hee these Presentes had receiu'de let vs sayd hee now go And I will leade the Waye before my Lord sayde hee not so 18. Thou know'ste the Children tender are the Ewes with Younge bee great So bee the Kine vnder my Hand I shall my Lord entreate 19 Least Men the Herd should ouerdriue but euen one Day to try Both Ewes and Kine and all the rest would perish by and by 20. And therefore let my louinge Lord goe on before if● please And I will softly after come and driue the Herd with ease 21. So as the Cattell may endure and Children able bee I shall to Seir still follow on and there my Lord will see 22. Sayd Esau then yet let mee leaue some of my Folke with thee What needeth it my Lord sayd he this one thing graunt to mee 23. That I may● grace and fauour finde before thy sight this Daye For thereof haue I nede my Lord for which I humbly pray 24. So now agayne did Esau go to Seir forthe on his way And Iacob did his Iourney take to Suchot which men say 25. Was called so by reason of the Tentes and Bothes he made Wherein his Cattel from the heate was cherisht in the shade 26 And Iacob built him there an howse and so to Salem cam Of Sichem whych a City is in Land of Canaan 27. And this was after he came from Mesopotamia Which is a Country longe and brode and sette in Asia 28 Before this City did he pitch his Tentes whereas he found Of Hamors brode of whom he bought a certaine peece of Ground And for the same in mony payd an hundreth peeces round 29 And Iacob built an Aulter there to prayse the Lord wythal And on the God of Israell continually did cal The Contents of the XXXIIII Chapter The rauishing of Dina fayre that Iacobs daughter was By Sichem Hamors sonne and Heyre who sought to bring to passe To haue this Dina to his wyfe and so was borne in hand By brethren hers who tooke the lyfe of Males all in the Land WHhylst Iacob there inhabited in Salem t' vnderstand His daughter Dina went to see the daughters of the Land 2 When Sichem Hamors sonne her saw who Lord was of that Soyle Within his brest her beautie bred of Lust such burning broyle 3 That hee by force this mayden tooke her person did abuse His hart on Dina was so layd hee had no power to chuse 4 He spake her fayre and loued her as deare as his owne lyfe And to his father Hamor sayd get mee this mayd to wyfe 5 Iacob this knew but held his prace til hee his Sonnes might see For they were keeping Beastes in field as t' was their wont to bee 6 And Hamor Sichems Father came and vnto Iacob went To common of his Sonnes request was nothing els hee ment 7 But when the Sonnes of Iacob came whose Sister Dina was And heard by Sichems likinge lewd what thing was come to passe 8 It greeu'd them much and wroth they were hee had such folly wrought In Israel which thing in deede no man to do so ought 9 And Hamor vnto Iacob sayd the Soule of this my Sonne Doth long for Dina Daughter yours in maryed state to wonne 10 Geeue her to wyfe and ioyne with vs your Daughters geeue also And take our Daughters vnto you wee may together grow 11 So shall wee then together dwell the Land for you shal bee Therein to doe as best you like and haue possession free 12 Then Sichem to her Father sayd and Brethren hers likewise Uouchsafe this fauour I may fynde and Grace before your eyes 13 And what soeuer you appoint that playnly wil I geeue Demaund large Gyftes and Dowry both it shall no whyt me greeue 14 Yea I wyl geeue according that which you shall say to mee So that the Damsel you do geeue my spoused wyfe to bee 15 Then Iacobs Sonnes sayd vnto them wee cannot do this thinge To geeue her one vncircumcis'd should shame vpon vs bring 16 Deceitfullye did Iacobs Sonnes to Sichem vse wordes mylde Because their Sister Dina hee thus Lewdly had defilde 17 In this wee wil consent sayd they if thou wilt bee as wee Let all the males among you borne then Circumcised bee 18 So will wee geeue