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A68859 Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men, set forth in maner of shorte sermons to bee made to the people, / by the reuerend father in God. Thomas byshop of Lincolne. Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij. Watson, Thomas, 1513-1584. 1558 (1558) STC 25112.5; ESTC S100033 209,288 398

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body For yf a man be iustelye excomunicate of hys owne iudge hauinge ordinarye or lawfull iurisdiction ouer hym he is a member cutte awaye from the bodye of Christes catholyke Churche which so long as he is in that state is dead not able to bringe forth good fruite and worthy nothinge but to be cast into eternal fyre and brente as beinge than a member of the Churche malignant He is accursed and separate from the companye and felowshippe not onelye of all faithfull people in this worlde but also of almightie God and his blessed aungels in the kingdome of heauen He is depryued of the influence of Goddes grace and the specyall protection of almightye God secluded from the spirituall communion of Christes Churche as not pertaker of the Sacramentes and of the prayers good woorkes and generall suffrages of the same and is to bee taken estemed of al good men as an Ethnicke and publicane and is also deliuered to Sathan the deuyll wherby the deuyl hath power by permission ouer him to afflicte him with al vexation and affliction corporall to thintent that by that meanes he perceiuinge the enormitie of hys lyuing may yeld and be reduced to penaunce that his soule may be saued in the day of our Lord. What christen harte can be so carelesse of hys own saluation as eyther by his wilfulnes to enter or by his obstinacy to continue in so damnable and daungerouse a state of lyuinge Whyche many men wilfully and headly fall into by disobeyinge Gods ministers and that power which is geuen vnto them by almighty God for the reformation of his people And althoughe sometimes men maye flatter them selues when they be excommunicate that they nede not to feare or regard such excommunicatiō for that they perswade theim selues in their owne opiniōs either the cause to be vniuste or the processe againste them to be vnlawful and therfore shall beginne not to regarde but to contempne the said sentēce of excōmunication pronounced againste them yet in the name of God I shall aduertise you al good people to beware of this poynt and not to be your owne iudges in these cases deceyuynge your selues lest by your so contemning the keies and authoritie of the Church ye runne in daunger of iust excōmunication otherwyse and shall thereby make that cause to bee iuste in the ende whiche perchaūce would haue appeared to haue been not so weyghty in the begynnyng Thus good people vnderstandyng that the Prelates and ministers of Christes Churche be ordeined of God to be the Phisicianes and surgyans of your soules your duetie is to loue and obeie them not onelye when they dooe apply the sweete medycines of Gods worde and his holye Sacramētes to the diseases of your soules but also when as good Surgeanes they bynde the parties that refuse to be cured and by the censures of the Churche and strayt d●scipline doe cut and serche their desperate and vncurable woundes executynge the offyce of almyghty GOD that sayde by his Prophete in this maner I shall feade my shepe and I shal seke and search● that is loste I shall bringe home againe that is caste awaye I shall bynde that is broken I shal saue and kepe that is fatte and stronge and I shall feade them in iudgement And lyke as I haue tolde you of your dueties towardes them in louinge and obeying them so oughte you also to honour theym as the holye Apostle Saint Paule teacheth sainge Those Priestes that execute their office and rule their people wel be worthye double honour specially those that labour in Gods worde and doctrine For the scripture sayeth Thou shalte not bynde vp the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth forth the corne and he that laboureth is worthy his wages or rewarde By whiche wordes wee vnderstande what is ment by this double honour not onelye to thinke well vpon theim to haue them in estimation to loue theim to reuerence and honour god in them for theyr woorke and offyce sake but also to succour and relieue them in their corporall lyuinge to minister vnto their necessary sustenaunce sufficientlye with a franke harte and a good wyll For who dothe goo a warrefare vpon his owne charges who feedeth a flocke and doth not eate of the milke of the same flocke They that minister vnto the people spirituall thynges as the word of God his holye Sacramentes and suche other oughte lykewise too receiue againe of the people carnall thinges For the scholer whyche is taughte and instructed in the woorde of GOD and the relygion of Chryste oughte to communycate and to make his mayster and instructour to be a partener with hym in all good thynges temporall whiche God hath lente vnto hym for almighty God hathe wylled and ordeyned that they whiche serue him in the preachyng and setting forth of his gospel should haue theyr liuinge of the gospel for the settinge forth of the same By these reasons and sayinges whyche I haue here rehersed vnto you good people out of the doctryne of the blessed Apostle S. Paule it appeareth plainelye that the payment of tythes or the tenth parte of all maner of fruites for so much as perteineth to the substaunce of thē the sustentation of Gods ministers to thintent they might holly applye them selues to gods ministerye vndiuided or without care of the worlde for their necessarye lyuinge is gods ordinaunce not onely by the instincte of nature it beinge mooste agreinge too naturall reason but also by Gods moral lawe who beynge the Lorde creator and geuer of al good thinges in token of his vniuersal dominiō as it were by a special title and prerogatiue hathe reserued the tenthe parte of the fruites of the earth to hym selfe and wyll be honoured with oure substaunce and ryches by the free oblation of those tythes to hym whyche he hathe wylled to bee geuen and conuerted to the vse sustentation of the ministers of his church For so wryteth the wyse man in all thy soule feare thy Lorde God and sanctyfye his priestes with al thy power loue him that made the and forsake not hys ministers honour God wyth all thy soule and also honour hys Priestes purge thy selfe with the free oblation of that thou hast gotten with the labour of thy handes geue vnto them as it is commaunded vnto the their portion of thy chiefe fruites and tythes Thus good people as we be debters to almighty God for his infynite and manyfold benefytes so by iust payinge of our tythes to hym we acknowledge oure imperfection his maiestie and vniuersall dominion our nede miserye his goodnes and bountyful liberalitie which is accordinge to our dueties a geuinge of thankes for the same and accepted of him as a payment of our debtes for his benefytes through the merytes of his onely sōne Iesus Christ our Lord. And thys honour in ministringe to the Priestes of Christes Church for theyr lyuinge as I haue saied before
with him for euermore And as Adam spake in the spirite of Prophecy that by matrimonye a man shoulde leaue his father and mother and adhere and cleaue vnto hys wyfe and that they should be two in one fleshe So our sauiour Christe did so leaue his father that beynge in the forme of God thoughte it no robberye to be equall with God but abased hym selfe and was made man and also lefte the Synagoge the mother of the Iewes whiche altogether leaned carnally to the olde Testament and dyd adhere vnto hys wyfe the holye Churche to the intent they mighte be two in one fleshe in the peace of the new testament And as a man and his wyfe haue conformitie and do agre in one nature of mankynd so Christ did conforme him selfe to his Churche by his humanitie And as at the publike celebratiō of mariage the frendes of the parties so maried be called together and a feast is made amonge theim to declare their common ioye and gratulatyon for the celebratinge of this Sacrament euen so to the mariage betwene our sauiour Christ and his spouse the holy Church are called al nations and people and from euery part of the world the frendes and seruauntes of God by lyuelye fayth dooe resorte thyther with vnspeakable gladnes and ioye in the holy ghost And as ther is no worldly loue greater thā the loue betwene mā and wife who be one hart and one mind euen so the holy church loueth Christ and Christ loueth his spouse the Church so that he hath geuen him selfe to the death for her to redeme and washe her from all her spottes and wrincles And as the wife by duetie is subiecte and obedient to her husbande as being her head so is the Churche to Christe her head sauiour And as the husbande anorneth and decketh his wyfe and when case requireth doth also chastyse her to the intent she might continew in her duetie and obedience euen so Christ dothe beautifye and set forth hys wife the Churche wyth spirituall giftes and ornamentes and some tymes by trybulation and aduersitie dothe chastise her aswell for to exercise her in rightwisnes as for correction of her disobedience Thys ye maye perceiue good people by these comparysones howe matrimonye betwene man and wyfe is a great Sacramēt resemblinge vnto vs and beating into our remēbraunce that heauenly cōiunction which is betwene Christ our Sauiour and hys spouse the holy church which is the greatest grace and benefite that god hath geuen to man wherupon mans saluation doth holly depend And as this grace is but onely signified by the Sacrament of Matrimonye so God doth both signifye and also worke effectually other special and singulare graces in them that lawfullye in the faith of Christ receiue the same Sacrament of matrimony Which thinge shall appeare yf ye wyll consider the wordes of our sauiour Christe whereby Matrimonye as a Sacramente of the newe Testamente is stablished and sanctifyed where hee sayeth in the gospell of Sainte Mathew after thys sorte those persones whom God hath ioyned man may not lose By which wordes is declared vnto vs that who so euer bee ioyned in lawfull maryage in the name of God to the intent to lyue Godly in the religion of Christ in that state of lyfe they be ioyned not vainelye by contract of man onely but by God himself who is inuisibly present at the making of that mariage and doth assist the parties is the authour and worker of the knot of matrimonie betwene them And by the same woordes also is declared the strengthe of the knotte of Matrimony to be such as cā not be broken dissolued afterwarde but by the natural death of one of the parties so maryed For yf God dothe so couple and ioyne man and wyfe together that no man hathe power to separate them a sender afterwarde than is it certeine that he geueth to the parties so maryed his speciall grace to lyue together in godlye and chaste loue in this perpetuall bond and knot of Matrimonie without breach of the same and so to cheryshe and loue one an other as Chryste loueth his Churche and shall neuer be separate and diuorsed from the same So that this indissoluble bond and knot of Matrimonye betwene the two parties maried which no man can loose and breake during the lyues of both the parties so maryed is that special grace and effect which is wrought by almighty God in this sacrament and is also signified by such mutuall woordes of consent as the two parties did contract Matrimony together Which perpetual bond although it be made specially for thintent to haue childrē yet when that cause dothe cease by age or barennes it maye in no wyse bee broken or dissolued And also although for fornication of the woman or of the man there maye be made agaynste the will of the party offending a diuorce or separation from bed borde betwene thē tyl they may be reconcyled together agayne by the penaunce and submission of the partie offendinge yet the bond and knot of Matrimonie which God hath once made cā in no wise be dissolued if in case the one partie the other beyng alyue do attempt to marrye againe it doth commit fornication And this cause or condition of Matrimonye betwene husbande and wyfe is not amonge the Heathen or vnchristen people where Matrimonye is no Sacrament of Christes religion but onely in the Citie of God which is the catholyke church Moreouer besyde this inuiolable bonde which god knitteth by his grace in this Sacrament and by mutuall loue which he poureth into their hartes and dothe nourishe and preserue the same there is also an other singulare grace and benefite of God alwayes ioyned thereunto whereby as S. Paule saithe Matrimonye is made honorable in it the bed or carnall copulation may be vndefiled and without sinne For where as by Gods institution in this sacrament of Matrimony there is power geuen to man to vse his wife for procreation of children we must consequētly vnderstand that there is also grace geuen whereby he may do that thing conueniētly to the contentation and pleasure of God For they that worthely in the faith of Christ and in the feare of God with a right intent for the end to haue fruite of their bodies to serue God contract Matrimonie together to such I say is geuen the helpe of Gods grace against the vnlawful desire concupiscence of the flesh that it procede no further thā the honesty of maryage doth require So that the carnall act and copulatyon which otherwise were sinful and dishonest is by the goodnes of Matrimonie lawfullye contracted as I haue said before not onely excused and defended from sinne as S. Paul saith yf thou hast taken a wyfe thou hast not sinned and if a virgyn doo marrye she synneth not but also is made honest meritorious acceptable to almightye god who also by his special grace doth aid y
synne so they myghte bee reconcyled agayne to GOD by other mennes faythe So that the holy Church oure mother aunswereth and professeth the true faythe for the chyldren and make the promyse for theim tyll they maye vnderstand that fayth and kepe that vowe whyche is made in theyr names by the Churche their mother Than after the professyon of thys faythe the partye is asked whether hee wyll bee baptysed or no because no manne hauinge the vse of hys wyll is saued wythoute the consente of hys wyll and when he aunswereth or it is aunswered for hym that he wyll than is he putte into the water thryse and baptysed in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost in whyche thynge consysteth the greate mysterye or Sacramente of baptysme where the fleshe is washed and the soule made cleane where the inward man is made new and Christ is fourmed in the minde of man wher the deuill the olde tyrante and vsurper is driuen awaye and god the right owner possessor is brought in Than are we as saint Paule saith buried with Christ by baptisme into death that as he rose from death by the glory of the father so wee shoulde likewise walke in a new lyfe Wherby we vnderstande that lyke as Christe dyed and rose againe the thirde day and lyueth euermore so euery man when he renounceth the deuyll he dyeth to synne and kylleth the woorkes of the fleshe in him self and when he is dipped and put vnder the water than is he buried to sinne as Christe was putte within the earth in the sepulchre and when he is thrise putte vnder the water he representeth the three dayes of Christes buryall and when he is taken foorth of the water againe than doth he rise a newe manne as Christe rose oute of the Sepulchre and oughte to dye no more by seruinge of sinne but to lyue continuallye in righteousnesse and holynesse all the daies of his life And although the old and auncient tradition of the Churche hathe bene from the beginninge to dippe the childe three tymes in the water as Christe laye three dayes in his graue yet that is not of suche necessitie but that if he bee butte once dipped in the water it is sufficyente yea and in tyme of greate perylle and necessytie if the water be but powred vpon his head it wyll suffyse Nowe when the baptisme is done the childe is anoynted in the crowne of the heade with the holy Chrisme whereby we be taughte that he is by the Unction of the holy spirite incorporated and grafted into Christe who is the heade of his mistical body the Church and there is he anoynted and made a spirituall Kinge to rule and ouercome his owne carnall affections and also is anoynted and made a spirituall priest to offer vp spirituall sacrifyces to God in a pure hart and so he taketh of this holy Chrisme and of Christe the name of a Christen man beyng anoynted into euerlasting life which he is bounden to seke and procure all the meanes he can althoughe it were wyth the losse and spendynge of thys temporall lyfe here And by and by after he bee anoynted wyth the holye Chrisme he hathe a whyte vesture or Chrisome putte vppon hym whyche declareth that the chylde hathe nowe putte of the foule and fylthye cloutes of synne and hathe putte on the chaste garmente of Innocencye and clennesse of a newe lyfe whyche he oughte wyth all dylygence to keepe vndefyled and to presente it before the iudgemente seate of Chryste for thatteyninge of eternall lyfe And also a waxe candle burninge is putte in hys hande whereby is sygnifyed the lighte and truth of Christes doctryne and that his duetye is to fulfyll that in hys lyfe whyche Christe taught in hys Gospell saying Let your lyght shyne so before menne that they maye see youre good woorkes and glorifye youre father whiche is in heauen and he that preserueth and kepeth this candle vnquenched tyll the daye of our lorde shall amonges the fyue wise virgins enter in with the spouse to the heauenlye maryage Thus I haue declared vnto you good people all the ceremonies vsed from the beginning of Christes Church vniuersally in the ministracion of baptisme and what is ment and signifyed by them wherby we know perfitely both the effectes of baptisme and also the duetie of hym that is baptysed whiche I praye you and exhorte you in gods name both to remember your selues and also to teache your children them as soone as they can vnderstande and amonges all other speciallye that solemne couenaunte promyse and vowe whyche they haue made for the renouncinge of the deuyll his woorkes and all his pompe and pryde teache them that thys promise is made not to an earthlye man but to God almightye and all hys holye aungels who hath power to destroye and caste into hell bothe bodye and soule of hym that kepeth not hys promise and teache them to renounce and forsake the deuill not in wordes onlye but in their dedes not in the sounde of their tounge but in all their conuersacion and teache them that they haue to dooe in their conflicte with an olde craftye and mightye enemye againste whom if they preuayle as they can not without their owne great diligence and the special ayde of Goddes holye spirit whereof they be alwaies sure than wyll GOD kepe hys parte of the league and promyse that is to saye he wyl saue them by grace in this world and by the fruicion of his glory in the next world through the merites of Christ his sonne to whom with the holy ghost be al glory and praise Amen ¶ Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Ser. v. AFter that a man by receyuing the Sacramente of baptisme is born agayne and made a member of Christes misticall bodye it is ordeyned by our sauiour Christ and hys holy spirite that he should also receiue the Sacrament of Confirmation and thereby be confirmed and made stronge in that grace whiche he receyued before for which cause I thynke it good at thys time good people to declare vnto you what ye ought to think of that Sacrament of Confirmation and what spirituall grace and effecte it woorketh in hys soule that is confirmed and what is euerye mans duetie to dooe that hath receyued it We oughte to think that our sauiour Christ did institute thys Sacrament concerninge the grace and effecte of it firste when he dyd promise to sende to his disciples the holy ghost and also when he dyd perfourme the same promise by geuing to them the holy ghost Many times did he promise to sende the holye ghoste but speciallye a litle before hys ascencion when he sayde I shall sende vnto you my fathers promyse but remayne you in the citie tyll ye bee indued with strength and power from aboue And agayne he sayde ye shall receyue the vertue of the holy ghost comming vppon you and ye shall
in a new sepulchre so ought we to laye it in a cleane harte and a chast bodye Whiche thing if we diligently procure as it maye be done in litle time make our selues not vnworthy receiuers of so great a treasure than shall Christ our lord with the Father and the holy ghost come vnto vs and dwel wyth vs and worke in vs all the godlye and wonderfull effectes of this blessed Sacrament both in our soules and bodies and nourishe vs into Christes mistical bodye wyth hys owne naturall fleshe whiche as a pledge maketh vs to bee in sure hope of life euerlasting to the which he bring vs that made vs to whom be all honour and glorye for euermore Amen ¶ How a man may come worthely to receyue the blessed Sacrament Ser. xi I Purpose by the grace of god in this Sermon to instructe you good people howe to prepare your selues to come worthelye to receiue this holy sacrament ye know the great and meruailous benefites whyche Christe our Lorde worketh in their soules and bodyes that worthelye come vnto it and also ye knowe the daungerous and damnable state of theym that come to it vnworthely and that ye may the better auoyde the one and bee pertakers of the other First ye ought certainly to know that it is required that ye dooe come to it and receyue it For as the vnworthy comminge is perilous so not to bee pertakers of this mysticall supper at all is a great offence and a verye destruction of a mans soule as our sauiour Christ taught vs saying Excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of manne and drinke his bloud ye shall not haue lyfe in you and he that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloude hath lyfe euerlastynge Whyche is to bee vnderstande of hym that eateth Chrystes fleshe as it oughte to bee eaten For manye eate it that dooe not dwell in GOD nor GOD in theim because they eate it not wyth a cleane harte and after that maner whyche Chryste sawe when he sayde so Manye forbeare to come to it because they perceyue theyr conscyence greeued wyth deadlye synne and in that they dooe well yf they can so forbeare iustelye without offence of other persones But yf they forbeare because they haue a wronge and false opinion of thys holye Sacramente or because they wyll not bee reconcyled to their neighbors or intende not to amende and forsake theyr noughtye lyuing then besyde theyr heresye and other damnable liuing they offende deadlye diuers wayes bothe in contemninge Christe and his Sacramentes whyche he hath ordayned to bee instrumentes wherewyth he myghte geue vnto vs grace and saluation and also in contemninge the Churche of Christe whiche hath ordeyned that euerye manne and woman beyng of yeares of discretion shoulde faithfullye confesse alone to his owne curate or by his permyssion to some other mete and learned Prieste all his synnes once in a yeare at leaste and shoulde to his power fulfill that penaunce and satisfaction whiche is inioyned hym receiuinge reuerentlye at leaste at Easter the blessed Sacramente of the aultare excepte perchaunce by the counsell of hys owne curate for some reasonable cause he thynke meete for a time to forbeare the receiuinge of it And that he whiche contemneth this ordinance should be accursed and kept from the entring into the church amonges chrysten men and when he is dead should be kept frō Christen mennes buryall This is the discipline and ordinaunce of the Churche at thys daye whyche is not a restreyning of a manne to come but once a yeare but correcting of him that commeth not once a yeare The oftner he commeth the better it is and the more is he nouryshed to euerlastinge life And the better the man is the more desirous is he to be ioyned to god corporally by this Sacrament For as Christ by geuing to vs his fleshe and hys bloude declared moste of all his exceadinge loue towardes vs euen so declareth he his loue moste of all towardes GOD that the oftneste and with moste reuerence commeth to receyue this precyous foode of his fleshe and bloude So did the holy man Iob say of hys seruauntes that loued hym most repetinge their wordes whiche were these who shall geue vs of his fleshe to eate that we may be full withal Which no man euer dyd but Chryst our Lorde to thintent he myght bynde vs to hym wyth more charitie Suche was the feruente charitye of the people in the begynninge of the Churche that came euerye daye or in a maner euerye daye to this holy Sacrament and afterward when deuotion decreased they came euerye sondaye and further as the charitie of the people waxed colde the fewer tymes they prepared themselues to receiue this Sacrament in so much that it was decreed by certaine prouinciall counsels that he that came not thrise a yere that is to say at Easter at Pēthecost and at Christenmasse shoulde not be taken as a Catholyke manne But after that when deuotion decayed and charitie was cold iniquitte did abound so that men geuinge the brydle to the fleshe were carelesse of theyr saluation than the Churche oure mother beyng carefull for her children and compelled by loue partly to condescend to the infirmitie of the people and partly by discipline to reduce the people again to their duties did in a general counsel decree that euery person of discretion should fulfyll gods commaundement in receyuinge thys Sacrament once a yeare at least as I haue sayd before vnder the paine of excommunication which is the spirituall sworde of Christ to compell men to do their dueties which nede not to be drawen but for the hardnes of our hartes that loue the worlde more than God and to serue the deuyll rather thā Christ the authour of al grace which is geuen to vs in this blessed sacrament Whervnto I shall most earnestly exhorte euerye man and woman as they loue theyr owne soules and to be preserued in grace the fauor of God to dispose themselues often tymes effectuallye to receyue the bodye of oure Sauyour Christe whiche is euerye daye bothe offered to GOD the father for the synnes and infyrmities of the people and also is prepared offered to all them that wyll with a pure harte receyue it For they that wilfully abstain from it they depriue themselues of all the graces and Godlye effectes whyche bee geuen by it they loose theyr spirituall strengthe to fyghte againste the deuyll and they waxe rotten and dead members of Christes bodye lackynge theyr foode and spyrytuall nourishment and so are meete for nothinge els but to be cast into the fyre And they that be in cōsciēce of deadly sinne let them by penaūce make cleane their conscience for otherwise we that be ministers maye not minister but to the worthye receiuers so farre as we knowe for if we know any man to come to it vnworthely we ought rather to shedde our bloud than to geue Chrystes
our sinnes that the bytternesse of our penaunce mighte wype awaye the fylthye humour of our corrupt life from our soules The Iewes did eate their lambe standinge hauinge their stafes in their handes and in greate haste ready to flye out of Egipte euen so oughte we to stande in true faythe and good lyfe not to syt or lye in corrupt doctryne or lyuing but to haue the staffe of true hope of eternall ioyes to come in our handes to stay vs in the daūgerous iourney of this worlde that wee neyther faynte for werines nor giue ouer for cowardnes to our gostly enemies knowing that theyr iorney was but from Egipt to Iewry and our iorney is frō the earth to heauen the strong and holsome vittale of whiche iorney is this heauenlye foode of Christes body and bloode And as they were in readynes to departe out of Egipt by and by after the eating of the lambe so ought we cōmyng to this blessed sacrament to haue our liues so vp righte and pure from all synne as thoughe we shoulde euen then depart out of this transitorye worlde For looke in what state of clene lyfe aman wold auenture his soule when he dyeth let him with all diligence prouide and procure that his soule be in the same state when he commeth to communicate By this comparison ye may learne good people howe to proue iudge your selues and so to come worthely to this heauenly foode The next thing is to lerne how to iudge and discerne the body of our Lord whē we come vnto it that is to say we may not vndiscretlye negligentlye take it but we oughte to discerne Christes body from other common meates and considering the great dignitie and worthynesse of it we ought to geue honour and reuerēce due to so great a thing as is the flesh and bloode of Christ God and man not the fleshe of man one lye for than it could not geue life but the proper fleshe of Gods sonne vnited to his person in diuinitie and is therfore able to geue lyfe eternall to our mortal bodies For which cause we ought with feare reuerence and a deuoute mynde to come vnto it which beyng the same in substaūce that suffered is also the best wytnesse of Christes paynful passion Wherefore when thou doest go vp to the Aultare to bee fedde wyth thys spirituall and heauenlye meate beholde wyth fayth the most holy body and bloude of thy God honour it maruel at it touch it with thy minde take it with the hand of thy hart and speciallye drynke of it wyth the draughte of the inwarde man No man eateth worthely this flesh but he that first honoureth it with godly honour in the holye Sacrament considering that it is greate synne not to honour it seinge it is the bodye of him that made thee and wyth it redemed thee and shall by it rayse thee oute of dust and ashes for the which thou hopest to receiue heauen and the ioyes that bee therein and to bee associate to his holy angels But wher as in this sacrament there be two thynges conteyned the outwarde fourme of breade which is sene with the eyes of the bodye and the bodye and bloude of Christe whiche is seene onelye with the eyes of the soule which is fayth Therefore let euery man or woman when he seeth this sacrament in the Priestes handes direct the eye of his faythe and hys intent to honour onely that substaūce of Christ God and man whiche he seeth not with hys bodelye eyes but beleueth it moste certeinlye to be there present and let him not fyxe hys thoughte vpon the visible whitenes or roundnesse of the bread which be sensible creatures reserued ther for the vse of this mistery and may in no wise be adowred and worshipped with godlye honour but let him intend to honour the body and blood of Christ and yet not those as onely creatures but as they be vnited to the Godhead and made one person in diuinitie for onelye God is to bee honoured with godlye honoure whiche we doo when we honour Christe God and man present in the blessed Sacrament This honour specially consisteth in oure true and lyuely fayth which we haue of Christe there present which honour we declare outwardly by kneling and other reuerent behauour of our bodies protesting thereby what is our faythe and iudgement concernynge the substaunce of thys most blessed Sacrament and so we truly iudge and discerne our Lordes bodye And for further honour to be geuen vnto it when so euer we receiue it we take it fastinge before all other meates except extreme sicknes or the instant danger of death doo require otherwyse to take it when and as we maye For euer synce the Apostles time it pleased the holy gost that for the honour of so great a Sacrament the body of our Lorde shoulde first enter into the mouthe of a Christen man before all other externall meates For thys maner and custome is obserued vniuersallye througheout the holle worde And for that cause it is decreed by the vniuersall Churche of Christ that this moste honourable Sacrament shoulde bee reserued for the necessitie of theym that be sicke or absent least where as it can not bee duelye consecrate at all tymes and places of a priest not fasting the sicke folkes should die wythoute thys heauenly foode whyche is theyr strengthe and the staye of theyr passage to the next worlde Furthermore at the tyme of the receyuing of this Sacrament we ought to haue our myndes occupyed in remembryng the passion of Christe For by this sacrifice which Christ geueth to vs we know assuredly that he boughte vs wyth no worldly treasure of golde and syluer but wyth this same his moste precious bodye and bloude and by it we are prouoked to remēber alwayes his most hye benefite and therewithall continuallye to render moste humble thankes to him in deuout affection and obedient seruice according to hys good wyll and pleasure Thus receyuing the bodye and bloode of oure Lorde we oughte thankfullye to remember and confesse that oure sauiour Christ hath geuē his body to death and shed his bloude for vs knowyng that we ought agayne rather to suffer our bodyes to be slayne and our bloud to be shed for hym and in defence of hys truthe and edifyeng of his people if the case so required than to forsake or denie him or the truth of his gospell reueled by the holy ghost to the catholike churche By this good people ye knowe how to iudge and discerne the bodye of our Lord and how to behaue your selues when ye come to receyue it Now likewyse know what is your dutye to do after ye haue receiued it Ye ought to keepe and preserue your selues clene from synne rather after than before lest you commit anye thyng that might displease the presence of his maiesty whō ye haue receiued and therby be an occasiō of his
whiche diuersitie in degrees causeth great comelynesse and beautye to be in Christes Churche by reason of suche order as euery inferiour member keepeth to his superiour doynge his dutie in his owne place and not vsurpyng to dooe aboue his calling Therefore this Sacrament whereby suche degrees of authoritie and power be geuen to men is called Order whiche order of ministers maketh the Churche to bee buylded as a Cytie without confusion and to be terrible to her enemies as the fore front of an armie sette in good arave and is the very knot of the knowen Catholike Churche conteining both good and euil in it whereby it is preserued without scisme so longe as that order is kepte withoute breache whiche was institute by Christe vsed by his Apostles and from theim brought to vs by continuall succession This visible Order takinge his beginnynge from the authoritie geuen to one man is extended throughout the hoolle worlde in the church into a greate nomber and multitude of inferiour ministrations as it were many braunches proceedinge from one tree or many ryuers from one fountayne which all together take inwardly their increase from the fountayne of al grace and the onely suprime head of oure one churche Iesus Christe our Lorde For if Christ had not onely secretly by inspiration but also by his sensible commaundemēt and sacramēt sent his Apostles into the world saiyng as my father hath sent me so I sende you geuing them authoritie likewyse visibly to send other the churche of Christe shoulde neuer haue been without Scismes and diuisions made by them that runnynge by theyr owne authoritie vnsent woulde haue borne menne in hande that they were inuisibly sent and anointed of GOD whiche was nothynge so and so woulde haue drawen Gods people into sectes and false doctrine For whiche cause Saint Paule and Barnabas beyng inuisiblye sent of the holy Ghoste yet it was the wyll and pleasure of the same holy Ghoste that they should by a visible Sacrament of imposition of handes be visiblie sent in the authoritie of Apostles to the ministration of the churche and such as now say them selues they be sent inuisiblye of God ought not to bee beleued or receiued excepte they bee as Saynte Paule and Barnabas were visibly ordered and anoynted in the Churche by Catholyke Byshoppes suche as haue their succession from the Apostles Furthermore in this Sacrament of Order is geuen to them that be lawfully ordered the ecclesiasticall power of the Churche whiche is a power geuen not by the lawes of men or of nature but onely by Christe aboue nature and after a speciall sorte to his Apostles and disciples and their lawful successours to the worlds end for the edifiynge of the churche militant according to the lawes of the Gospell for the atteynyng of eternall lyfe And this power is called in scripture by the name of the keyes of the kingdome of heauen As a keye doeth open the doore to a man and bringeth him into the house so this ecclesiasticall power beynge vsed with knowledge and discretion by a lawefull minister openeth the doore of mannes harte to the knowledge of GOD and so in processe openeth to him the kingdome of heauen For it conteineth the ministration of all thinges whiche be necessary for vs synners to bee directed furthered and promoted to the atteining of the sayde kyngdome As to bynde and loose to remytte and reteyne synne and al other thinges that be requisite to the preseruation of Christes Churche in vnitie of faythe and charitie to the intent it might be partaker of the glory of God These keyes our Sauiour Christe did geue to his Churche in Saynte Peter or rather to Saynte Peter for the Churche saying to him To thee shall I geue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and what so euer thou shalt bynde vppon earthe shall bee also bounden in the heauens and what so euer thou shalt loose vpon earth shal be also loosed in the heauens And to the other his Apostles Disciples assembled together he said whose synnes you shall remitte bee remitted vnto them and whose synnes you retayne be retayned And to declare that this power is not inuented by man nor yet geuen by the authoritie of anye Prince or Communaltie our Sauiour sayde in the geuyng of it to his disciples take and receiue you the holye ghost Whereby we vnderstande that the power to bynde or loose or to remytte sinne or fynallye to gouerne the Churche is the woorke onelye of the holye Ghoste woorking by his Ministers that whiche is for the saluation of his Churche And where as the blessed Sacrament of the Aultare is the hiest and greatest Sacramente of al other because holle Christ both god man is conteyned in it Therefore is Priesthoode the hyest order wherein is geuen grace and power ouer Christes naturall bodye and bloud to consecrate it by the vertue of God assistyng his woorde and to make it present in the blessed Sacramente of the Aultare by the chaunge of the substaunces of Bread and Wyne and also to offer it beynge the verye Sacrifice of the newe Testament to God the father for the synnes and ignoraunces of his people and to delyuer and minister it to suche as by their faith and clennes of lyfe be woorthy to receyue it So this power ouer Christes natuall bodye oure Sauioure hym selfe gaue to his Disciples in hys laste Supper where after that he hadde consecrate offered and delyuered hys owne bodye to his Disciples he sayde to them Dooe this in remembraunce of me by whiche woorde he made them Priestes and gaue them authoritie and commaundement to dooe as he didde than not once but continuallye tyll his latter commynge And that the Priest maye woorthely and after due maner execute thys his chiefe office and function there be other inferiour orders ordeyned of God and his holye Churche to assiste the Priest as Deacon Subdeacon whose offices be to receyue the oblations of the people for the vse of the Sacrament to bring them to the Aultare to prepare all thinges necessarie for the cōsecration to giue consent to the Sacrifice made by the Priest beside other thynges whyche by holy scripture and the vniuersal tradicion of the church they be authorised to dooe A Priest also hath power geuen vnto him by this Sacramēt of order ouer Christes mistical body the church for the instruction the purgation and the perfection of the same churche and euerye member therof And first concerning the instructiō of it a Priest hath authoritie to preache Gods word by Gods speciall and visible sending Where our Sauiour Christ sayd to his disciples As my father hath sent me so likewyse I sende you And in an other place he said go ye into the holle worlde and preache the gospel to euery creature And also go your wayes and teache all people baptising thē in the name of the father and of the sonne and