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A58958 The Second and last collection of the late London ministers farewel sermons preached by Dr. Seaman, Dr. Bates, Mr. Caryll, [brace] Mr. Brooks, Mr. Venning, and Mr. Mead ; to which is added a farewell sermon preached at Dedham in Essex by Mr. Matthew Newcomen ; as also Mr. Lyes sermon at the conclusion of the last morning-exercise at All-hallows in Lumbard-street, being a summary rehearsal of the whole monthly-lectures. Seaman, Lazarus, d. 1675.; Bates, William, 1625-1699.; Caryl, Joseph, 1602-1673.; Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680.; Venning, Ralph, 1621?-1674.; Mead, Matthew, 1630?-1699.; Newcomen, Matthew, 1610?-1669.; Lye, Thomas, 1621-1684. 1663 (1663) Wing S2257; ESTC R41075 195,536 326

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by his Essence so by his gracious presence more especially God is present with his people I commit you I commend you to God I commit you to his care to his keeping so the word signifies so Ravanelus interprets the words I trust you with God I leave you as a depositum in Gods hands as a dying man leaves his children in a friends hands to look after them as Christ did his Mother in Johns hands so the Apostle leaves the Ephesians in the hands of God and to the word of his grace that is the Gospel that he had declared to them The Word of God in Scripture is often called his grace 2 Cor. 6. Eph. 3.5 because it is a declaration of the free grace of God to poor souls and because it is the Spirits instrument to work grace in the hearts of sinners This is remarkable that after the Apostle had recommended them to God he adds one word of his grace He doth not think it enough to mention recommending them to God but to the word of his grace The expression is not for Euphoniae gratia it is no Tautologie it is no● for more then needs but to shew how needful and how necessary the word of Gods grace is as well to the building up as for the converting of poor sinners and though God can build up a Saint immediately yet ordinarily he doth it not but through the word of his grace which is able to build you Beza and Calvin refer this Clause to God answering to that of the Apostle 2 Cor. 9.18 God is able to cause all grace to abound in you But Erasmus refers this word to the words of Gods grace which is able to build you up And this construction is favoured by those two places of Scripture and may very well be meant both in 2 Tim. 3 15. and Jam. 1 21. both which places attribute to the Word of God as this doth and in the second place Receive with meekenesse the ingrafted word which is able to save your souls So that both these words may be referred to this Clause The Word of God and The Word of his grace to God as the Principle and to the word of his grace as the instrumental cause to build them up as much as if he had said I commend you to the grace of God which is able to build you up The Apostle tels them that he left them to such a God as through the Gospe● was sufficient to build them up till he brought them to the full fruition of the Saints in light The Apostle commends this to his Church that were ready to weep and say at his departure O Paul God hath made thee a happy instrument of laying a good foundation among us of doing a great deal of good to our souls and we may blesse God that we ever saw thy face but now alas thou art going from us we are afraid all thy pains will come to nothing we should hope that if God had pleased to continue thee amongst us then we should have been built up and surely if God had intended good to us and brought us to Heaven at last he would not have taken thee from us No sayes the Apostle be not discouraged though I leave you yet I commit you to God and to the word of his grace If I be here it is God alone that must build you up I am but a poor weak instrument in the hand of God and when I am gone God can build you up by some means or other and carry you over or thorow all oppositions temptations and discouragements till he hath fitted you for himself and given you an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified Thus you have the words explained in that familiar P●raphrase and being thus opened you may take notice that The words hold forth the special care of this blessed Apostle of Jesus Christ though he must leave them yet he takes care to leave them in safe hands that was able to give a good account of them You have the Apostle making a deed of trust for the securement of the Saints at Ephesus after his departure or if you will you have the Apostles last Will and Testament 1 You have the Person making over this trust St. Paul 2 You have the Trust it self and those were the Saints of Ephesus 3 You have the Trustees those to whom this trust is committed and they are two fold 1 To God 2 To the Word of his grace 3 Here is the time of making this Test now I am ledving of you 4 Here is the commendation of the Trustee from the power and ability of him to manage this trust and this is expressed in two particulars 1 He is able to build you up and then 2 To give you an inheritance as if he should have said I will leave you with such who are able to build you up I might raise a multitude of observations from the words as first of all Doct. 1. Thas it should be the care of a faithful Minister when he is by the providence of God taken from a people to recommend them to God and to the word of his grace 2 As it is the duty of a faithful Minister to do it so it is his comfort that he may do it that he may leave his people in the hand of God who is able to build them up in grace 3 It may be the comfort of any Church of Christ that when they are deprived of faithful Ministers that yet they are left in the hands of God 4 Though God can by his infinite power perfect grace and bring men to heaven without the use of means yet we have no ground or warrant to expect one or other but through the Word of Gods grace 5. And lastly Though their be a glorious inheritance purchased and prepared by Jesus Christ yet it is to be expected by none but those that are built up sanctified Or thus None must look for an inheritance hereafter but such as are born of the Spirit and built up in grace I might speak to many more but I shall gather all that I have said into this one general Proposition which is this Doct. That the best Farewel that a Gospel-Minister can give to his people that he loves and labours amongst when he by the providence of God is taken from them is to commend them to the Gospel and to the word of his grace Thus doth our holy Apostle when he was taken from his people and left to preach to them no more he recommends them to the hands of God And thus doth a greater then St. Paul even Jesus Christ himself the great shepherd of the Sheep as St. Peter calls him when he was leaving of the world and could no longer preach to them he commends them to God Joh. 17.11 And now says Christ to his Father I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father keep through
Jesus Heb. 4.14 Seeing then that ye have a great High Priest that is passed into the Heaven● Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our Profession Heb. 12.2 Looking unto Jesus the Authour and finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was 〈◊〉 before him endured the Cross despised the sham● and is set down at the rig●● and of the Throne 〈◊〉 God Oh let us be thin●ing of and looking 〈◊〉 this Jesus You will say what shall we think of him Oh think of this condescention in the world of that vouchsafement which as was never the like of his how he humbled himself and suffered from God and man Think how he became poor that was rich that we that were poor might become rich Think how he became a curse think how he became sin for us think what a good Confession he made before Pontius Pilate even to the death and was obedient to the death Think how he conquered death by dying and how he rose again by his Almighty Power and is ascended into Heaven and ever lives to make intercession for those that come to the Father through him Think how he lived here on Earth in a sad condition and joyed in it to that it might be for our good and shall we leave such a Christ as this Oh can you look upon Christ and leave the Profession of your Faith it cannot be keep Christ before your eyes make him your pattern and you will not you cannot do amiss He that saith he abides in him ought to walk as he walked He walked in obedience all his dayes and was obedient to the death So must we we must walk in obedience all our dayes though we dye for being obedient You see now how many Arguments there are for your holding fast the Profession of your Faith There are many now that might be added but the time is past therefore I shall shut up all the words of Jude from the 20. Verses of his Epistle to the end But you Beloved building up your selves on your most holy Faith praying in the holy Ghost keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and of some have compassion making a difference and others say with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the Garments spotted by the flesh Now unto them that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise God and Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power now and ever Amen Mr. Matthew Newcomen His Farewel SERMON Preached at Dedham in Essex Aug. 20. 1662. REV. 3. Vers 3. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent I Began this Scripture the last Lord's-Day in this Congregation I told you then there were three Doctrines obvious in the Text The first was Doct. 1. That it is the Duty of Christians To Remember those Truths that they have heard and received Doct. 2. That it is the Duty of Christians to hold fast the Truths that they have heard and received Doct. 3. That continued Repentance is the Duty of Christians as well as initial Repentance Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent The first of these Doctrines I applyed my self to and applyed to ●he People the last Lord's-Day and shall not now say any thing of it but proceed to the next Doctrine That it is the Duty of Christians To hold fast the Truths that they have heard and received That which the Apostle enjoyns on Timothy is in proportion the duty of all Christians 2 Tim. 1.13 Hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus The whole intire Body of Divine Truth Hold it fast against all opposition whatsoever Now if they that are themselves Teachers of the Truth to others must hold fast the Truth according to the Plat-form that hath been delivered to them then much more is this the duty of private Christians who are supposed not to have that latitude of parts and gifts that Teachers have And therefore you shall find that Christ requires this not onely of the Pastors but of the Members of his Church Rev. 2.24 speaking not onely to the Angel but to the Body of the Church● But to you I say and to the rest in Thyatira as m●ny 〈◊〉 have not this Doctrine and which have not known the depths of Sathan as they speak I will put upon you none other burden but that which you have already●● hold fast till I come As if he should say This is all I require of you my People keep your selves and hold fast that which you have till I come And so in the 3d of Rev. 11. Behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take away thy Crown As if he should say That Divine Tru●● that thou hast heard and received it is thy Crown thy excellency therefore hold it fast This Duty of holding fast the Truth is urged in many other places of Scripture under other expressions as that of continuing in the Word of God Christ says If ye continue in my Word then are ye my Disciples indeed And continuing in the Faith Act. 14.22 Paul and Barnabas visiting the Churches exhor ed them to continue in the Faith And so those terms of being rooted in the Truth of standing and standing fast and many others they all inforce this Duty Now for the better handling of this Point I shall do these four things First I will shew you What Christians are to hold fast Secondly How they are to hold this fast Thirdly Why they are to hold fast that they have heard and received Fourthly I will apply it First What Christians are to hold fast The Doctrine says They are to hold fast the Truths they have received Now Truths are of two sorts 1. Some are Natural and Moral 2. Some are Supernatural and Divine Truths Called Truths of God because they come from God and conform the Mind and Soul that receive them to the Image of God Now though it is true it is good for a man to be right in Moral things and to know and cleave to that which is Truth in Morality yet the Truths that we are here called upon to hold fast they are Divine Truths Supernatural Truths Truths in Religion Truths in the things of God Secondly Again Religious and Divine Truths Truths of God they are either such as are so in name and in the estimation of some men or else they are such Truths as are Truths of God in the truth and reality of the thing Now when I say that Christians are to hold fast the Truths they have received the meaning is not that what ever any man or company of men offer as Truths should be received and held fast for then we must hold fast many Errours But what
FRom this Verse we may observe three Doctrines Doct. 〈◊〉 That the peoples eyes must be taught by the Ministers holiness of life as well as their ears by the Ministers soundness of Doctrine Paul did not reach one thing and practice another he practised as he preached and he both practised and preached the forementioned Duties in the Verse before the Text. And to this end the Lord appointed a Ministry to be perpetuated through all ages of the World And it is the Lords appointment that peoples ears should be taught by the Ministers holiness of life as well as their ears by their soundness in Doctrine and this is necessary for the Minister himself and necessary for the people No marvel then that a faithful Ministry is the Butt of the Devils malice or his craft and cruelty and that the Devil hath in all Ages attempted and endeavoured utterly to overthrow the Ministry or topoyson and fly-blow it shamefully and this is the method whereby Satan hath endeavoured to fly-blow the Ministry Why then see the folly and madness of those people who affect or cry up those Ministers who do not reach their people with sound Doctrine or a holy life and whether there be not such Ministers which do not teach their peoples ears with soundness of Doctrine or their ey●● with a holy life and whether there be not such people as do cry up such Ministers and whether or no 〈◊〉 people are not guilty of spiritual folly and madness judge ye Doct. 2. A Ministers soundness in Doctrine and holiness of life and conversation doth lay a very great obligation on a people to a due conscientious practice of every commanded duty The Apostle we see maketh his Preaching and Practice an argument to excite the Philippians to the fore-mentioned commanded duties as is in the Text and the verse before the Text. As first of all the Appellations and Titles given in Scripture to such Ministers whose Doctrine is sound and whose Lives and Conversations are exemplarily holy They are called 1. The salt of the Earth as Mat. 5.13 read that saith Christ to those great Teachers of the Gospel and Dispensers of his Oracles and in them to their Successours Salt hath two things in it namely Sharpness and Savouriness and thus Ministers first must rebuke sharply that people may be sown in the Faith as Paul enjoyns Titus as in the 1. of Titus and 13. verse And secondly Ministers must speak savoury things to every person and to every palate that their people may be savoury both in heart and life but to be as unfavoury as stinking carion in the nostrils of Almighty God under such a savoury and seasoning Ministry this is woful It is the nature of salt to cause barrenness where it seasoneth not therefore we read of Abimel●● in Judge 9. ver 45. that be swed the City with salt So that people who live under a sharp and savoury Ministry and are not seasoned therewith and preserved from purrefaction in their fin and corruption thereb● their case is very dangerous 2. They are called again the Light of the World in Mat. 5.14 read that As for their Doctrine the Salt of the Earth so for their Lives the Light of the World and they must therefore lead convincing lives as John 5.35 read that it is there said of John the Baptist our blessed Lord and Saviour gives him this commendatory Character or Testimonial That be was a burning and a shining light burning in himself and shining to others Or as it was said of Basil Thundring in his Doctrine and lightning in his Life and Conversation Now if good Ministers be the light of the world then hence we may infer 2. Inf. 1. That without a godly faithful Ministry the world lyeth in darkness ignorance errour sin and misery It is said of Galilee in Mat. 4.16 That the 〈◊〉 who sate in darknese saw great light read that Why had they not Priests and Levites I answer they had indeed sorr Priests but they had not a faithful Ministry and therefore the Evangelists rells them they sate in darkness yea in the region and shadow of death notwishstanding the sorry sottish Priests they had But when they had a faithful Ministry they are said to see a great Light Again If good Ministers be the light of the world then we may draw this Corollary That to be offended at the light of a faithful and powerful Ministry argues and speaks a very sinful and wretched frame of heart Nothing is to excellent but some will be displeased at and with it as Eccles 11.7 Even the light it self we know is offensive to sore eyes and this the burning and shining light of a godly and faithful Ministry is offensive and terrible to some but who are they fore diseased souls the Lord knows The Ark of God which was the monument of his presence whom did it smite with Emrods but the Philistinet What then is the Ale-bench more easie to thee than thy Pew is to thee in this place than a Conscience Soul-searching Sermon what art thou offended at a powerful faithful Ministry Oh fearful plague-tokens 3. To do all that man can do to put out the Light this is worse It is the most horrid hellish plot that can be assigned or named and of this I am sure the the Church of Rome cannot plead not guilty which like the Scribes and Pharisees take away from the people the key of knowledge and shut up the Kingdome of Heaven against men How terribly doth our blessed Lord thunder-strike those stupid Pharisees for this Mat. 23.13 And as did the Pharisees so did the Papists For 1. Heretofore they made it a mortal sin to read Gods word 2. Afterwards they clogged the liberty they granted with such cautions and restrictions as tha●●●ry few escaped of those that were within the reach●● the Inquisition 3. Those clogs contented not but now it is thought fit utterly to deny liberty and can there be a more horrible hellish plot assigned than this to take from people their knowledge of salvation And thus the Church of Rome whether they have Church-snuffers or not to be sure they have Church extinguishers and various means to put out the light Oh fearful is this as in John 3.19 20. That is the reason men hate the Light because their deeds are evil Again If good Ministers be the Light of the world then hence may we draw this conclusion that it concerns people very nearly to believe in the light and-to walk in the light and to work while the light lasteth at our blessed Saviour exhorteth in John 12 35 36. read that God sets up his Ministers as Lights as Candles on the candlesticks of his Church to awaken men and to light men unto eternal life And ought not people to pray hard and work hard while the light lasteth Go● removes many times the candle and candlestick and makes the Sun to go down at noon-day as Amos 8.9 So darkens the
it were but it hath a certain skum why then in the face of some who through grace are free from these miscarriages take heed and beware of being leavened with prejudice against all Ministers because of the vileness and miscarriage of some Sixthly Be earnest with the Lord for a godly faithful Ministry whose labour and pains among the people the Lord useth to blesse The Lord Jesus Christ is the great Patron of all Livings as a Reverend man now in Heaven once said He can present whom he will to a Parish and he can restore whom he will to their people as Acts 12.5.6 7. As he did Peter out of prison by the peoples prayers And thus when Paul was in prison at Rome observe how he writes to Philemon in Ver. 22. of his Epistle And thus when the Author of the Hebrews was restrained from preaching observe what an Exhortation he useth Heb. 13.18.19 Oh pray therefore pray for godly faithful Ministers their pains their labours the Lord useth to blesse among a people as Malachy 2.6 we read that the Lord blessed the labours of Levi so that he was an Instrument in the Lords hand to turn wicked men from their iniquity and Verse 5. Lo it was said of Barnabas that by his Ministry much people were added to the Lord. Acts 11.24 And if we would have godly faithful Ministers as we must pray for them so we must first repent us of our sins Jer 3.14.15 Repent we must of our sins and particularly our contempt of the Ordinances and Worship of God Secondly We must prize the Gospel more then we have done the Gospel loves to come and to stay where it is welcome Of all the seven Churches of Asia ●he Church of Philadelphia was the best that Church used the Word best and that Church enjoyed the Word longest Be earnest with the Lord for godly faithful Ministers whose pains and labours among the people the Lord useth to bless and prosper 7. Be earnest with the Lord that the refining work of a National-Reformation a City a Countrey a Family Reformation a Personal-Reformation may begin at the refining and purging of Ministers None will deny but that there is great need of Reformation there is none of you but will confesse that the seed of leaven had need sometimes to be winnowed out from among us as 2 Chron. 29.48 Hezektab began at the Priests and Levites Hezekiah began his Reformation at them and thus at our first Reformation the Protestants did then affirm that there could never be any good Reformation unlesse they began at the Court of Rome And it is very observable that when the Prophet speaks of the Lord Christs coming as a refining fire and as Fullers soap this also is prophesied of refining the Sons of Levi Malachy 2.2 When he shall purifie the Sons of Levi when he shall purge them as gold and silver As it was in Judah in that good Reign of that good King Hezekiah 2 Chron. 29 34. The Priests were too few there And as it was in Judah then whether it be not so in England now I affirm not but leave you to judge But a Minister soundness in Doctrine and holiness of life and conversation should lay a great obligation on a people duly and conscientiously to practice every command to duty And this may suffice for the second Doctrine Come we now to the third Doctrine deducible to be handled from this Text and that is this That in the due practice of commanded duties Gods people may warrantably and confidently expect much of the gracious presence of the God of peace even in the worst of times These things think on saith the Apostle Ver. 8. These things doe saith the Apostle in the Text and what then the God of peace shall be with you In the due practice of commanded duties Gods people may confidently expect much of the gracious presence of the God of peace in the worst of times Then take counsel fron this Doctrine that you may have the gracious presence of the God of peace with you and if this pulpit were my death-bed I should give such counsel as these following to you First Crown the Prince of peace the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and lives I say Crown the Prince of peace the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and lives receive him as your Lord and King set a Crown on his head here in your hearts and lives and he will Crown you with peace in this life and set a Crown of glory a Crown of immortality on your heads in the life to come If you have Christ you have all things all heavenly graces all spiritual comforts all temporal blessings if you have Christ God will God can then give you all things that are good for you without Christ you are not and you can do nothing that is acceptable with God Therefore this is my first counsel to you Crown the Prince of peace the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and lives Secondly Then maintain a constant and conscientious intimate communion with the God of peace It was good counsel which Eliphas gave to Job Job 22.21 Would you have much of the presence of the God of peace Oh then frequently fall down and lye at th● foot-stool of the Lords Throne for grace and for peace and when you do so be not unmindful of us who have often been your mouths to God and Gods mouth to you And to engage and encourage you herein consider First The Lord Jesus Christ hath promised to be with his poor Ministers always even to the end of the world Mat. 28. ult If alwayes not in the Pulpit only no the Lord hath promised to be with his faithfull servants out of the Pulpit as well as in the Pulpit in the Prison sealing the truth as well as in the Pulpit preaching the truth Oh then will you put this in suit by prayer that the Lord Christ will be with his poor Ministers to the end of the world 2. We shall not sail to pray for you 1 Sam. 12.23 Our sequestring from our preaching work from you will give us advantage to lay out more time to fetch sighs from our hearts in praying-work for you and I trust the Lord will give us hearts so to improve our time for you as Samuel said so God forbid we should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you As Peter did to the people with a promise as 1 Pet. 5.10 And not only for you but Secondly Even for such as have treated us somewhat uncivilly and unkindly to say no more of them although the number of them are very inconsiderable but for such I trust we shall not forget in our prayers As Moses fell down on his face for the Children of Israel when they treated him very unkindly and spit in his face I trust we shall not forget Moses's prayer for the people And so when they danced before their Idol Jeremiah wept for those in his time
thy desires do not look at so much as what is necessary 4. Design nothing as thy main end and business but the honour and glory of God mind but his honour and let him alone to take care of thy external Comforts Beleever who art so much in his heart in his book in his soul that hee numbers the very hairs of thy head And thus wee fall upon The Seventh Sermon Matth. 10.30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbred FRom this Text you had this great Conclusion The special and distinct providence of God extending to the smallest things and creatures and in a special manner to the smallest Concernments of Beleevers is a great Argument to remove their fears and inordinate cares and to quiet and confirm their souls in confidence upon God The very hairs of c. Is it so then 1. Wee have no reason to repine at wicked men when they prosper let them ruffle puff throw and swear what then they will cut off the head no they cannot touch a hair 2. Be not over-much troubled with any particulat changes or passages in the world they are all managed by a particular and distinct providence 3. Fear not man slavishly this use our Saviour makes of it 4. This rebukes our inordinate and distracting cares thou art mighty inquisitive what shall I eat what shall I drink wherewithall shall I be cloathed Friend thy hairs are numbred content thy self God will take care c. 5. In all passages of the world observe and acknowledge not only a general but be sure to observe a particular providence and then conclude 1. That nothing shall befall thee for want of faithfulness sufficiency knowledge love in God 2. Nothing shall come unto thee that shall in the least damnifie or injure thee 3. That all the plots designs contrivances attempts of the Devil and all his party against Gods Church are all under a providence they are all numbred All the hours of thy sufferings all thy tears fears griefs pains wants every one numbred Thou tells the clock at midnight under thy pains and God tells thy pains more than thou the clock nay more the hairs of thy head are numbred therefore not the meanest Beleever in the greatest croud is over-looked by God And then all thy worldly concernments thy relations diseases c. are all numbred Nay more remember this Beleever all thy distrusts disquiets murmurings dispondences the meanest lust unseen and the most secret sin are all numbred 6. Are our hairs numbred this is sad news for unbeleevers are your hairs numbred then certainly your oaths curses contempts of Gods people all your sinful thoughts words actions wilful omissions of commanded duties commissions of forbidden sins all your disputings against God his People his Word Waies Will are all upon the file they are all numbred 7. What an incouragement is there here for poor sinners to come in to God Do but come in to God and thou shalt come into such a condition of safety that thy very hairs shall be all numbred and if thou wilt not come in certainly thou are wanting to thy self for look as well as thou canst to thy self thou hast not a promise to keep one hair of thy head till to morrow morning not a promise of a sup of water bit of bread not a promise for one minutes safety till to morrow morning And if so be that thou hast not a God no interest in him if God should turn his back on thee a thousand to one but afflictions come and if afflictions come thy heart 's gone thou having no spiritual strength in heart no eternal Rock of Ages to flye to no wonder if thou faint under them and so thou wilt certainly do if a Beleever that hath but little strength is apt to faint thou that hast no strength will utterly fall when afflictions findes thee And this leads to The Eighth Sermon Prov. 24.10 If thou faint in the day of Adversity thy strength is small THe Observation from hence was To faint in the day of trouble argues a mans inward strength to be but small His judgement weak his reason low his graces feeble his inward comfort peace and joy not much but very little This 1. Shews whence our mis-givings of heart whence our want of liveliness of Spirit in and under troubles proceed even from hence that our strength is but small 2. Teaches us how to judge what our spiritual strength is namely this way how dost thou bear afflictions how is it with thee in a day of distress dost thou faint and fail it argues thy strength is but small 3. By way of dehortation do not thou faint in the day of affliction of adversity Take heed of fainting in three things 1. Under work or duty be it never so great grievous troublesome or dangerous 2. Under the with-holdings of mercy be they never so long detained 3. Under afflictions be they or may they be never so grievous whether 1. Publick Afflictions the afflictions of the Church of God Suppose Sion is now clad in Sackcloth there 's a time coming when shee shall be arrayed in Scarlet when the Whores Scarlet shall be turned into Raggs the Churches Raggs shall bee turned into Gold Or 2. Personal Afflictions faint not under them be it this or that or the other be they never so great never so long or never so many But what shall I do to bear up my spirit and to preserve mee from fainting 1. Live in the holy dependance and filial fear of the great God hee that fears God most to be sure will faint least 2. Strengthen grace there are two graces to be strengthened viz. Strengthen Faith I had fainted unless I had beleeved c. Strengthen Patience dejection of soul usually comes from impatience 3. Be much in prayer Is any man afflicted let him not go and sinfully snivil and complain but let him pray 4. Make use of heart-strengthening considerations and that is 1. Turn over the Promises they are left on purpose as Gods Bottle his Vial of Cordials to keep the soul from fainting 2. What ever befalls remember it proceeds from Gods love 3. All that God aims at is to do thee good 4. Be the affliction never so great 't is as necessary as prosperity as health this thy Physick is as necessary as thy food 5. The issue of all a Crown of glory These light afflictions which are but for a moment worketh out for us a far more excellent and eternal weight of glory And therefore if so be there be such principles from which afflictions flow and such ends to which they are managed 't is no wonder Christ will not pray that wee may be taken out of the world from Affliction but kept in this world from the evil So wee fall on The Ninth Sermon John 17.15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil GOd hath spoken once yea
Know in such a condition that though your condition be exceeding bad yet better than many thousands they never had Ordinances 2. God is able in such a case to support without Ordinances when hee calls into the Wilderness hee can carry along without Circumcision 3. Remember those that have had them but not now what 's become of Sion of the Church of c. 4. Your salvation may be carried on without Ordinances 5. There 's a time coming when you shall have no need of Ordinances In the mean time if you cannot get up to the Ark of God take heed of bowing to the Calves at Dan and Bethel If you cannot serve the God of Israel take heed you serve not the Gods of the Amorites What you will do I know not be sure Joshna would not chuse you saith hee this day whom you will serve whether the Gods which your Fathers served that were on the other side of the flood or the Gods of the Amorites in whose Land yee dwell But as for mee and my house wee will serve the Lord which brings mee to The Thirteenth Sermon Josh 24.15 As for mee and my house wee will serve the Lord. IN the words two things 1. An indefatigable Retortation Take your own choice follow your own discretion If you will go and bow down to a dumb Idol to a Captive God c. 2. An admirable Dehortation wee are at a pitch wee are resolved and if there be any Attractive in mee or my family you have it in this I and my house-hold wee will serve the Lord. The Observations were 1. Pious Governours of families are very zealous that their families as well as themselves should serve the Lord. Never hope of thriving in godliness till you bring your Families right for God to be of the same Religion with your selves 2. A true sincere Christian is resolved to chuse and follow God what ever else the world chuse and follow 1. Sincere Christians have much more satisfaction in the judgement and practice of God his Word Saints than in the judgement and practice of the World Hee knows their judgement to be depraved their choice and practice corrupt their end and conclusion worst of all therefore no wonder hee makes a better choice 2. They have the best Testimony in the world for their choice the Spirit and Son of God that this is their choice therefore no wonder c. But how do they chuse God Answer they chuse God as the object of their souls love as the chiefest of ten thousand as the lot of their inheritance as the companion of their souls to converse with him as the Commander of their waies to be guided by him as a shelter of their hearts as a refuge to flye unto in the time of danger The first Use was by way of Examination is God chosen as the chief object of our souls love can we truly say there is none in Heaven but thee none upon Earth I can desire besides or in comparison of thee Can wee say in having a God the lines are fallen unto mee in a pleasant place yea I have a goodly heritage Is communion with God our Heaven upon Earth Is God the Commander of our waies as well as wee hope to be the Saviour of our souls Is God our shield our buckler our retreat in danger The second Use was by way of Consolation Beleevers have you made choice of God Happy are the people that are in such a case thou hast the best assurance in the world to come to the best possession in this world peace and joy Peace without if not Peace within And Joy the best Joy in the world Joy unspeakable and full of glory And truly if so be that this be thy portion in having chosen God 't is no wonder thou dost not Apostatize from him 'T is no wonder that what ever comes upon a Beleever yet for that his heart is not turned back neither his steps declined from Gods way And this leads to The Fourteenth Sermon Psalm 44.18 Our heart is not turned back neither have our steps declined from thy way FRom these words two Observations 1. In times of sufferings and afflictions true Christians are to make a narrow inspection into their hearts to see how they stand affected Thus did the Church here 2. To keep stedfast and close with God notwithstanding all afflictions and sufferings wee undergo either from or for God is the duty and commendation of Saints 'T was our duty and 't is our honour Lord c. In prosecution of this point these seven preliminary Thesis was laid down 1. When man was first created his heart stood rightly bent towards God as his great center and mark 2. When man fell his heart immediately drew off and turned back from God 3. Though this be the case of fallen man yet poor creature he sees it not 4. The very Formalis Ratio of sin that wherein the formality of sin consists is in this not so much in sinning against God by outward Acts as in the hearts departing from God 5. All true Conversion to God begins at the heart 6. 'T is an argument of infinite love in God to bring back our hearts to him 7. When once the heart of a Beleever is brought back to God no suffering or affliction is able to turn that heart from him Quest When may a mans heart be said not to bee turned back notwithstanding all sufferings and afflictions Answ 1. When a man still retains the same esteem and estimate of God that ever he had When Job looks upon God as a God fit to bee blessed though God be plundering of him 2. When a man retains still the same affections the same love to him delight in him fear of him as much as ever 3. When wee hope and trust in God as much as ever Though hee kill mee yet will I trust in him 4. When we have the same resolutions to cleave to God as ever If a God in Israel as long as a God in Israel 't is all one makes not to the Gods of the Philistines this is for a mans heart not to be turned back from God By way of Use 1. Learn the heart of man is very apt to turn from God in daies of affliction our heart is not though their's were 2. It concerns us in time of affliction and suffering to see if our hearts be not turned back from God But what means shall I use that I may not turn a base Apostate Answ 1. Be watchful over your hearts they are exceeding slippery and deceitful The veryest Theeves in the World 2. Bee still bending of your hearts from the world and the flesh unto God As you bend a crooked stick to make it streight 3. Do not onely bend but binde your hearts tye them shackle them as you would one that hath broken Prison by holy serious scriptural necessary vows 4. Converse much with God That man that converses much with God it is not
the frowns of men shall bring his heart off from God To spurre you on to this duty with these motives 1. If you turn from God the Soul of God will turn from you If any man draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in him 2. Keep close to God in such a time and God will keep close to you Here 's a people that not all their sufferings could make them fall from mee God glories in such a people 3. This will be one of the greatest comforts by way of Argument of your sincerity that your hearts is upright with God This will make an Hezekiah look up to God in time of sicknesse with a Lord remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart 4. If you will not run from God by way of Apostasy you may run to God and find him a Sanctuary and so you have it in The Fifteenth Sermon Isa 8.14 He shall be for a Sanctuary THe words are an allusion to a City of refuge and from hence this Observation Jesus Christ will be for a sure refuge to all those that make him their fear and dread And the truth is there is the greatest reason in the world Christ should be so Saints stand in greatest need of this Sanctuary They are a poor weak helplesse generation of Creatures but they have a Rock of refuge The Conies are but a feeble folk yet make they their houses in the Rocks Christ bears dearest love to them They are most precious to him They are his Jewels what will a man preserve if he will not preserve his Jewels Will Christ be a Sanctuary Then 1. See the true reason why the Saints of God are of such an heroick Spirit even when troubles look them in their faces and ring in their ears they have a God to flie to a Christ to rest on 2. See the reason of that consternation of Spirit that seises on wicked men in times of trouble Hide mee from the wrath of the Lamb why They have no refuge to go to and how ever it is with them now you shall hear nothing but howling and lamenting when God shall come to avenge the blood of his Saints 3. Be exhorted to make Christ your Sanctuary get into this City of Refuge and for motives consider 1. Your absolute need of a Sanctury You are at the power of the world in the paw of the Devil in the mouth of danger in the mouth of Hell 2. All other things in the world are not sufficient to become a Sanctuary You may run to the Rocks but they cannot hide you you may make an arm of flesh your strength but it will prove an Egyptian Reed and run into your hands you may make Riches your refuge The rich mans wealth is his strong Tower but rather 't is a Castle in the Aire you may make honours your refuge c. All things unable to be your Sanctuary 3. Consider what a large free present well furnished unchangeable Refuge and Sanctuary Christ is There are many nay all things in Christ in which a poor soul may take Sanctuary Dost thou want Righteousness He is the righteous one Dost thou want Sanctification Wisdome Redemption He is all in him Refuge and Sanctuary mayst thou take in his Providence for thy Protection in his Offices for thy Salvation in his Promises for thy Consolation and amongst the rest that which is like the Dyamond in the Ring see that great promise in The Sixteenth Sermon Rev. 2.17 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Hidden manna TO him that overcometh i. e. Not that hath by one two or more acts Conquered But to him that overcomes that hath and doth and is overcoming still that goes on Conquering and to Conquer 2. To him that overcomes thus and this way and this enemy this greatest enemy that God hath Truth hath in the world Antichrist especially that keeps my Truths inviolable that in a Scriptural way opposes that greatest enemie I have and opposes him to a Conquest To him that overcomes that goes on to overcome that thus overcomes Hence this observation Beleevers are all a Generation of Conquerours all Conquerours They are all like the Sons of the Kings but some Beleevers are more Conquerors then others some that lay Antichrist upon his back such as out shoot the Devil in his own Bow that stand out against Satans greatest Batteries that turn his Cannon on himself and cut off the head of that Goliah with his own Sword These are something more then Conquerers But how comes Beleevers to be thus Conquerours Ans They are actuated with a six fold power 1. With ability to discern all necessary heavenly mysteries and this inables them to overcome Antichrist as he is an Erronious Fawning Heretical Prophet 2. With a power to beleeve all things even such things as though they do not contradict yet exceed the reach of Reason 3. VVith a power to do all duties I can do all things through Christ that strengthens mee These Conquerours cannot do any thing against but any thing for the Truth 4. With a power to suffer all things these Conquerours are ready not onely to be bound but to suffer to dye for the name of Jesus and to conquer by dying 5. With a power to forsake all things To look upon all things as dung and drosse that they may win Christ 6. They have not onely a power of might but of right too as Kings to conquer c. But what means are to be used to overcome in the sense of the Text Ans 1. Study well that little Book of the Revelations Indeed the Book of Books the Book of sacred Scripture in which we have at once the summe of the Saints duty and priviledge and of Gods Care and Providence over his Church in the latter daies of the Church c. 2. Concoct this Book by a practical beleef of what is revealed in it do not think your own notions to be Divine Revelations 3. Familiarize the Cross of Christ by daily expectation of it and provision for it do not say as Rev. 18.7 I sit as a Queen and shall see no sorrow 4. Labour by a prospect of Faith to Antidate those great joyes God hath prepared for those that so suffer as to conquer 5. Buckle on the whole Armour of God and above all leave not out the Shield of Faith 6. Let your love abound higher by opposition That becomes a Martyrs Spirit indeed The more the wind blows it in thy face let that blow up more of thy blood into thy face Let it warm thee more c. 7. Live not by Example but by Rule Those that follow the most whither go they Wide is the Gate broad is the Way that leads to Damnation and many there be that enter therein The Flock of Christ is a little Flock 8. Esteem duty above safety As one 't is necessary Rome should be revived 't is not necessary I