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A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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fruites therof but take in all the common welth euen al the Queenes subiectes into this th●…ir Church vnder CHRISTS gouernment and protection for so would they beare them in hand that such this reformation which they seeke is Their false maner of exercising this their pretended discipline may 〈◊〉 app●…re by the weake and fearfull practise of some of their forward men who that they might make a faire ●…hew amongst their rude ignorant parishners in stead of CHRISTS gouernmēt set vp their counterfait Discipline in and ouer all the parish making the popish Chur●…hwardens periured Questmen Elders And for M r. Parson himself he takes vnto him the instrumēt of that foolish shepeheard his pastoral staffe or woodden dagger of suspension wherwith he keepeth such a floorishing as the flies cā haue no rest yea by your leaue if any poore man in the parish offend him he may peraduenture goe without his bread wine for that day Their permanent Synods and councels also which they would erect not heere to speake of ther new duch Class●… for therin is a secret should only consist of Priests or Ministers as they terme them people of the Churches be shut out and neither be made acquainted with the matters debated there neither haue free voice in those Synods Councels but must receaue obey without contradiction whatsoeuer those learned Priests shall decree These Synods Councels shall haue absolute power ouer all Churches doctrines ministers to erect ratifie or abrogate to excommunicate or depose at their pleasures Their decrees are most holy without controulement vnlesse yt be by the Prince or the high Court of Parliamēt Not ●…eere to speake of their solemne orders obserued in these councils and Synodes as their choice by suffrage amongst themselues of their Archisynagogo●… or Rector Chorj their president as they call him propownder or moderator of their councell about which their predecessors haue had no small stir vntil their holy Father the Pope put an end to the strife by getting the chaire This stusfe they would bring in againe vnder colour of reformatiō ●…hese many more their leauened corrupt writings of discipline and their supplications vnto the Parliament d●…clare With what pernicious forgeries what kind of sacrilegious profanation of Gods holy ordinances shal more playnly appear●… whē we haue s●…t downe the truth of CHRISTS institutiō which is the only arch-type and true patterne of all true builders buildings which who so at any hand transgresseth either in matter or maner as they speake is to be reproued as an euill workeman and his work to burne seeme yt to haue neuer so great an●…iquitie holines v●…ilitie in pretence The auncient waies of the Lord are the only true waies whatsoeuer is second or diuers is new false This I say because both these factions of our pontifical and reforming Priests haue sought rather to the broken pitts drie cisternes of mens inuentions for their direction and groundworke then vnto the pur●… fountaine of Gods word The first sort most gro●…ly drawe al their water from that most 〈◊〉 drayne and poisoned sinke of the papistical corrup●…ion as is to be seene by their whole ministerie worship ministration gouernment c. because yt in all pointes accordeth ●…o their antichristian prelacie idola●…rie pride c. and only be●…t agreeth to the corrupt estate of this realme vvhich hath so long beene made dronke with the vvhores cuppe that they can now taste or brooke no other liquor T●…e other sort they fetch their reformation from the primitiue defectiō when the ministerie began to vsurpe grow into vnlawful superioritie and iurisdiction when they began to decline from the true patterne of CHRISTS Testament and grew bold to innouate as to set vp a new antichristiā ministerie as their Prouincials Bishops Archbishops Archdeacons Metropolitanes Patriarchs to take the whole regiment of the Church into their hands to gather councils of Bishops to make new decrees c. All which proceedings as I find them defected from the rules of CHRISTS Testament so far dare I boldly pronownce them their proceedings I meane leauing their persons to the Lords iudgment wicked vngodly not looking vnto or respecting the learning or holines of the men how ancient how manie soeuer From these ancient defections haue these learned reforming Priests drawen their platforme of reformation as best suting to the estimation of their persons the admiration of their learning and holines and not greatly opposite to the sinfull estate of the land especially as they in thei●… wisdomes would vse the matter who I dare vndertake for them good men would not molest or offend anie of welth or authoritie liue as they list neither need they be so afraid of the thunderbolt of ex●…munication they wil I warrant you proceed to yt with a leaden heele especially ag●…inst such men And for the r●…st which seemes so strange in their eares as their Pas●…ors and Elders for their Parson Questmen their Synodes in stead of their Commissaries courts their high councels in stead of the high cōmission let them neuer be afraid for by that time they are acqu●…inted with the new names they shall not finde the iurisdiction halfe so strange as yt seemes It wil be troublesome to none but to their Lords the BB. their courts attendants and the dombe ministers in deed their cake is dough if this geare this sweeping new reformation come in As for these new officers these Elders they shall be but of the welthiest honest simple men of the parish that shal sit for ciphers dombe by their Pastor meddle with nothing neither poore soules shal they know more then they say As for the ordering of all things y t shalbe in the Pastors hands only especially in some chiefe men who shall be these presidents rulers of Synodes councels and so the p●…ople be kept as far from the knowledg performance of their duties as euer they were for so long haue the Priests for so still I call all false and antichristian ministers vsurped and deteined the sole regiment of the Church in their hands as yt wilbe a verie hard matter for the people euer to recouer their libertie ag●…ine You see how the one side the Pontificals I meane prescribe in their qui●… possessiō reiect al claime the people can make refuting them by M●…hiauels cōsiderations 〈◊〉 his Politikes in stead of the new Tes●…amēt alledging I wore not how many pollitike incōuenie●…ces in way of Barre The other sect or factiō rather these Reformi●…s howsoeuer for fashiō sake they giue the people a litle libertie to sweeten their mouthes make thē beleeue that they should choose their owne ministers for further right in the censuring their ministers or in the ordering the affaires of their churches they allow not as hath beene sayd yet euen in this pretended choice doe they coozen beguile thē also leauing them nothing but the smoky windy title
executed ciuile functions and so our Bishops and Priests may be Lords Iudges Iustic●…s of peace hold iurisdiction of ciuil causes this rable of romish ciuilians aduocates proctors c. might be officers in the stead of Leuites Further his rash inuerting the hebrew distinctions in the latter end of the ●… beginning of the 9 verse he hath so royled cōfounded y e t●…xt as no mā can vnderstand who they were that returned to Ierushal●…m or rather as the text is when they sh●…uld returne to Ierushal●… whither these iudges Cōmissioners as Mr. SMOE calleth them or the other Iudges people of the land that in cases of doubt should returne to Ierushalē according to the law cōmandement of God Deut. 17. 8. 9. to enquire at the priests or at y e chief Iudg c. But D. S. hauing thus troubled roil●…d the pure fountaine with his f●…te would now giue vs this muddy water to drinke that this cōmi●…ion as he termeth yt at Ieru●…alem was s●…t ouer all the Cities Iudges c. of the whole land and that these cōmissioners were they that returned to Ierushal●…m By which scripture thus deliuered vnderstood he would shape and erect this his Lords Grace high Commission But let vs now euē a litle compare them together and see what likenes there is betwixt 〈◊〉 proceedings in Ierushalem and theirs in this high commission Iehoshaphat set Iudges in the land through all the strong cities he set in Ierushalem of the heads of the families of Israel appointing amongst th●…m one chiefe Iudg for al ciuil affaires and the Kings busines as the Kings 〈◊〉 He cōmanded also caused the Priests to remaine in their due course at Ierushalem to studie teach the law of God diligently and to see this duly done of them he set the high Priest ouer them to be the chiefe in all matters of the Lord. What of al this what new thing is heere done or besides law Exod. 18. Num. 1●… Deut. 1. That the Prince al●…o is charged and of dutie ought to see the ministers of the church to doe their dutie teach the law of God diligētly sincerely we reade Deut. 17. 1 Chron. 28. 2 Chron. 29. 30. 35. This did Ieho●… no other thing Now in that he placed yt at Ierusalem yt was according to the cōmandment of God who had chosen that place to put his name there that the law might proceed out of Zion al people flow thither to worship God heare his word But in al this Ie●… hath neither commixt nor confounded the ciuil and ecclesiasticall offices in one cōmission neither erected any new ecclesiastical ordināce besides those which God in his word had prescribed or peruerted or diuerted any ordināce that God hath instituted But in this high Cōmission of the church of Englād is an opē cōmixture confusiō of ciuil ecclesiastical offices causes a new diuised ordināce with new officers new proceedings and a strange course not heard or read of in the whole word of God Yea by this Commission they pervert and turne away the whole practise of al the ordinances of Christ in his Church Neither will that great commission which Artaxerxes gaue vnto He●… the Priest any vvhit more either couller or warrant this monstrous high Commission of theirs granted vnto their chiefe Priest arch-Bishop which Commission if yt should haue reached ouer far yet had yt rather beene to be imputed vnto y e ignorāce of the heathē King that knew not the lawes of God then to haue beene alledged or vrged as an exāple for vs to follow in the sáme euil especially now vrder Christs most perfect absolute Testament ministery in his church But what was this commissiō of Artaxerxes that D. SOME so enforceth Artaxerxes granted vnto Hezra leaue by cōmission to carry vp with him vnto Ierusalem al such of Israel and Iuda as were willing to goe together with al such vessels instrumēts gold siluer or free gifts as should be giuē vnto the seruice of God by thē in Babilo●… as also that being come to Iernshalem he should set Iudges arbiters that might both diligētly teach and see the lawes of God duly executed What is in this Commission found contrarie to the law of God or what did Hezra by this commission contrarie to the law of God Yt wil heere be said that Hezra being a Priest had ciuil and ecclesiastical power committed vnto him by vertue of this commission exercised both ciuil and ecclesiastical iurisdiction c. we see manifestly in the 23 25 verses that the kings commission had relation wholy to the law of God that Hezra being a man prompt therin should see al things done in the Tēple at Hierusalem in the kingdome of Iuda and Israel according to the law of God yet heere is no commission giuen him to execute both ciuil and ●…cclesiastical offices in his owne person neither reade we or may vve without sin imagine that euer he did so for that had beene an heinous breach of all Gods lawes an vnsufferable confusion of al Gods ordinances who as he hath in his word alwaies put difference distinction betwixt the ciuil ecclesiastical estates so hath he vnto ech seueral office apointed seueral ministers to attēd Mōstrous therfore most vngodly is that commission where both these estates offices are mingled cōfounded in one Antichristiā beastlike is that person that sitteth as chiefe of this Cōmission exerciseth both ciuile ecclesiastical iurisdiction by the cōmandement of any mortal creature yt being so directly repugnant to the lawes of God and the Testamēt of Christ so pernitious to the Church of Christ vtterly peruerting diuerting al the ordinances therof subuerting the whole libertie powers censures duties of the whole Church and of euerie mēber minister therof Euil thē may this mixt cōfuse ecclesiastical high Cōmission be cōpared vnto or approued by this godly cōmissiō of Artaxerxes or this popish supremacie inordinate power ciuil iurisdictiō of this high Arch-Priest or Bishop by y ● person of Hezra who most painfully sincerely taught y e law of God most precisely practised y e same within the boūdes of his calling most modestly faithfully behaued himself in al things as the scripture beareth recorde The 26 verse where the disobediēt the offendors are commāded to haue due iudgment executiō according vnto the law of God qualitie of their offence cā by no common reason much lesse by any Christian iudgmēt be said to be cōmanded to be executed by Ezra his person The Priestes office as we haue said was to teach the law to exhorte al persōs to the obediēce of the same but their office was not to erercise ciuile iurisdictiō or to execute ciuil iudgmētes these were to be performed by ciuil magistrates Neither may these iudgmēts of death eradication mulct of goods of bandes by
to vse their libertie to the edification not the confusion of the Church for God is not the author of disorder but of peace as in all the Churches of the Saintes They then that thus pre●…mptuously either innouate or abuse this blessed ordināce of CHRIST find fault with controule the commandements of God and charge God with confusion who is the author of this exercise order libertie But D. SOME hath by the priuiledg of the Church of Englād published yt vtterly vnlawful for any that is not a minister to deale with the interpretation of scriptures what giftes soeuer God hath giuē him thervnto and saith these absurdities would ensue therof that wo●… may then also preach in the Church that those men that thus speake in way of prophecie vsurpe the ministers office with Corath offer vzziahs incense may also by this meanes enter into the Councel chamber and intrude into the ciuil magistrates office for to giue councel also is euerie Christians dutie c. What can be more blasphemously reprochfullie repugnant to the word order of CHRIST who you see is the author of this exercise in this maner hath for euer left yt as a cōmandemēt vnto al churches For saith the Apostle vers 37. If any man seeme to be a Prophet or spiritual let him acknowledg what I write vnto you because they are the commandements of God c. But if anie man be ignorant let him b●… ignorant Therfore my brethren couet ye to prophecie and to speake with tongues forbid not Let al things be done comely and according to order For D. SOMES first absurditie womē are expresly forbidden to speake by way or in the exercise of this proph●… in the Church vers 34. 35. So then this is but a reproch of his owne absurd brayne to bring th●… truth into slaunder That such as speake in this exercise of prophecie doe not anie way vsurpe the ministers office hath beene largly shewed by the discour●… of this whole Chapter Neither hath he brought any peece of a reason to proue that only ministers ought to speake of the scriptures in ●…he Church For his third impi●…us odious calumniation that such as presume to speake in the Church not being ministers may as well intrude into the Councel chamber magistrats 〈◊〉 yt is in yt felf so false foolish absurd as yt deser●…eth none answere It is but the venome of his serp●…●…ongue the Add●… poison that is vnder his lipps wher●…y he seeketh to draw the truth of CHRIST and the professors therof into hatred He might as wel say that because CHRIST hath made vs all Kings Priests vnto him therfore we will heere vsurpe the ciuill magistrats and ecclesiastical ministers office These are but the malicious collections vaine conclusions of his idle head graceles heart thus to blaspheme the holy ordinances of CHRIST to call yt Anabaptistical the deprauing of the holy scriptures abusing of the auditors disturbing both of Church common welth calling such Christian assemblies as practise this cōmandement 〈◊〉 conuenticles although he neuer in his life was present at any of their exercises nor is able to charge any one of them with any one 〈◊〉 error as they by his owne mouth are able to charge him all this antichristian ministerie of England which exercise a ministerie without a lawfull calling thervnto by vertue of their inward calling which is their learning sufficiencie as though CHRIST did not know the end vse measure of the gifts he hath giuen them In the Church of CHRIST there are none suffered to speake by way of prophecie but such as haue the gift of prophecie and to forbid such to ●…peake were to stop vp the conductes springs of the Church or rather of Gods graces wherby the Church should be watered and refreshed so far is this exercise from d●…prauing the scriptures or abusing the auditorie The rest of his vituperie he hath layd vpon CHRIST the author of this exercise and to him shall answere for the same at that day of reckoning accompt Yf none but Ministers may speake publikly in the Church by way of prophecie how should the people haue trial of the gifts of any how should any ministers in this generall apostaci●… and departure be r●…stored yea how should there euer be any other then now are For if the people may not heare their gifts how should they iudg them ●…f they may not vtter their gifts how should the people heare them Heere I shall by both sorts of our priestes aswell Pontifical as 〈◊〉 be answered that the law is not so generall but that there are exceptions vnto the same The Pontificall will alledg That their mother the Vniuersitie their father the Bishop haue authoritie to giue licēce to preach in any Church whersoeuer they become before th●…y be either full ministers or haue any office as the engli●…h Deacon or half priestes the cathedral Prebends the commō Curates or rouing Preachers Amōgst which you must note a double mysterie Some of them are full ministers without either certayne cha●…ge place or office Others haue a certayne yea a pastors charge and office and yet are not full ministers of which sect are the Prebendes ciuil Doctors who may haue parsonages and yet be no ministers The Reformists they wil likewise answere me that their mother the Vniuersitie she hath power to giue lea●…e to preach vniuersally through all Churches and also the Select Cl●…ssis yea peraduenture this schoole of Prophets as●…embled haue power to admit some one pick●…d mā to their mysteries which is no priest to giue him leaue to speake amongst them yet hereof I doubt and therfore wil not stand and thus may the people by both sides haue triall of their gifts Great reason that they which ma●…e the law should also make and take ●…xceptions at their pleasure But wel what booteth this trial that they allow the people when neither of them giue the p●…ople liberty to iudg or reproue their doctrine when both sides both Bishops and this new Classis take vpon them to make ministers without the people without any charge place or office certayne But let this matter rest I would know of both or any of them what this their mother they so much boast of is where she had this high authority aboue other women H●… they wil with one voice answere that the Vniuersities are the seminaries of religion of the ministerie of the land the schooles and colledges of learning wherin the sonnes of the Prophets are trained vp as they were in Naiot●… in Beth●…l Iericho Ierusalem Cori●…th If the ●…ree be knowen by the fruite the Cockatri●…e by the poisoned egges the Viper by the spawne th●… nest by the birdes then let the religion and priestes of the land shew what kind of seminaries colledges these Vniuersities are If these be the b●…st fiuite and famousest men that are instructed in nothing but to
place and office of CHRIST shewing himself in the Church of God as God by changing the lawes and Testament of CHRIST and by bringing in new ordinances new ministery worship c. Reuel 13. Reu. 17. 12. 13. 14. 17. how Antichrist being thus exalted the Dragon should giue him his power his throne his great authority as also the Kings of the earth yea such Kings as had before burnt the whore with fire should giue vnto the Beast their power authority wherwith he should fight with the Lamb make wa●… with the Saints opening his mouth vnto blasphemy against God and his tabernacle and them that d●…ell therin setting vp his blasphemous image in all pl●…ces c. Now as we haue by the light of Gods word in this litle y t hath beene s●…ied euidently found seene these Bi●…hops their courtes gouernment to be wholy antichristian vtterly vnlawfull but especially this their high court of Cōmissiō to be most blasphemous y e very throne of the Beast vtterly cōmingling cōfounding subuerting al Gods ord●…nances all estates and offices both of Church cōmon welth the whole liberty of Christians the power duties of the church so likewise if we by the same rules but as lightly examine measure the secret classes the ordinary set Synodes councels of ministers as they terme them selues which these Reformists now priuily bring in and would openly set vp they shall no doubt be found as new strange and antichristiā as preiudicial to the liberty of the Saints to the power right and duties of the whole Church and as contrary to the Gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST as these other what shew soeuer of former antiquity or of present necessity they may pretend And this if they be compared in the persons assembled and causes for which they are assembled and which they handle in the se●… continued times place of their meeting in their order maner of proceeding iudgment in t●…eir decrees power vnto that perfect patterne of all christian councelles Act. 15. will forthwith appeare The persons assembled in these councels are only ministers al other Christians being shut out and allowed neither place voice or consent among them The causes for which they are assembled and which they handle not being doubtes or questions which arise in the Churches but al the affaires offices and duties of the Church that without making the Churches priuy wherfore they assemble or what they will t●…ere handle The time place of these councels they without the wil priuity of the Churches make setled continual permanent not leauing to the Church either the liberty when and where to keepe these councels or whome to vse in these councels The order maner of their proceeding and iudgment is first to choose erect amongst thē a Prolocutor Moderator or Iudg to gouerne order this action who whē they shall speake and when they shall cease c. where the matters being debated the greater part preuaileth and carri●…th the iudgment Their decrees are per●…mptory irreuocable most holy inviolable to be receaued embraced of all Churches without contradiction or scruple no power left to any Church to examine refuse or reuerse the same be they found neu●…r so contrary to Gods word but only either by the same councell or by act of Parliament in the meane while they all must practise obey these decrees The power of these councels is ouer all Churches persons causes doctrines to giue the right hād of fellowship as they terme yt or to send the bill of diuorce to ratifie or rei●…ct whome what they will This councel also executeth al the censures duties of the church as to make or depose ministers to censure excōmunicate c. To conclude as all these councels haue exercise power iurisdiction ouer the ch●…rch so are they in authority one aboue an other as the Synode aboue the Classes the Councell aboue the Synode to confirme abrogate or disanul whatsoeuer constitutions or actions the other ha●…h made Yea as some report vpon the e●…ormities abuse●… y t did arise in these coūcels assemblies of Bishops were deuised erected these new strange orders degrees of Bishops Arch-bishops Patriarches Popes and all their substitutes courtes From which strange councels offices ministery courtes haue flowed forth and daily spring all these strange popish ●…ntichristian orders decrees innumerable diuises traditions daily innouations continuall changes in the worship of God all the proceedings of the Church of the whole Testament of CHRIST whiles men re●…t not in the wisdome councels of God but presume to be wise aboue that they ought to be wise some attributing vnto their Clergye as they call them others to the Prince others to the Church more then inough none yeilding vnto CHRIST that which is his due namely to suffer him to gouerne his whole Church by such officers and lawes as he hath in his Testament prescribed but rather in the presumption of their owne hearts they will set ouer him his Church such lawes officers or at the least assigne vnto him such lawes offi●…ers as they thinke best to accord and iudg most meet for their pollicie as though CHRIST could be a minister or mediatour of any other Testament thē of his owne or that any mortal men may alter change neglect or re●…ect CHRIS●…S Testament without his fearfull wrath heauy indignation for the same Wherfore seeing the whole church al the proceedings therof must be built vpon CHRISTS Testament seing euery ●…oule and euery action shalbe iudged by CHRISTS Testament seing nothing is pleasing vnto God or wil stand before the face of CHRIST that is found disagreeing to CHRISTS Testament seing also euē by this litle search superficiall view we haue takē of the present estate and pretended reformation of this their church of England all things appeare to be out of frame stil in the olde corruption and at the best but enclining to the primitiue ancient defections from CHRISTS Testament nothing being aright or according to the will of God amongst them seing we find all those scriptures that haue foreshewed of An●…ichrist his proceedings liuely fulfilled amongst them al the markes of that painted deccitful harlot the false malignant Church to be fownde vpon them as also all t●…e vials of Gods wrathfull iudgments to be powred forth vpon them and al their doings Finally seing God vouch●…afeth both to discouer and to call al men forth out of Babilon by proclaiming of his glorious Gospel and yet offr●…th more grace before he let fal the heauy milstone of his finall indignation vpon them al to grind them to dust and to presse them to the bottome of hel b●…ing ready to receaue all that come forth vnto him to esteeme guide and defend them as his deare children It behooueth al such in whome in any care of their owne saluation
Church or to be in Gods fauor vntill they repent I haue shewed that al their praiers in this estate are accursed of God and also all such as participate with them in the same I haue shewed that the knowne and fuffered sinne of any one member is contagious vnto all such as communicate with him in that estate and maketh them all which communicate in praiers sacramentes with such an obstinate offendor as guiltie in Gods sight as he himself is I haue shewed that no faithfull man ought by any Congregation of men or Angels ●…e drawen into the least knowne transg●…ession of Gods law c. Which doctrines although they suffice to ●…catter and disperse these smoky er●…ors of M r. CALVINE and his disciples yet seing they haue so roiled the ●…ountaine as yt were darkned the sunne with these my●…es foggs ●…t shall not be ●…misse ●…o discusse these pointes which remaine a litle ●…urther and see what power eue●…ie particular member of the Church ●…ath in the Church and in the publike actions of the Church and also ●…o see wherin how long they are to keepe communion for what when to leaue the same It is manifest that all the members of the Church haue a like in●…erest in CHRIST in his word in the faith that they altogether make one bodie vnto him that all the affaires of the Church belong to that bodie together All the actions of the Church as praiers censures sacramentes faith c. be the actions of them all iointly and of euerie one of them seuerally although the bodie vnto diuerse actions vse such members as yt knoweth most fit to the same Al the members are iointly bound vnto edification vnto all other helpes or seruice they may do vnto the whole All are charged to watch exhort admonish stir vp reproue c. and herevnto haue the power of our Lord IESVS the keies of the kingdom of heauen euen the word of the most high therby to bind their rulers in chaines and their nobles in fetters therby to cast downe euerie strong hold high thing that is exal●…ed aga●…nst God therby to defend and maintaine the faith and euerie iode of the vvord to stand fast in their libertie to trie the spirites to auoid such as teach contrary doctrine and consent not to the vvholsome vvo●…des of our Lord IESVS or denie the power and practise therof to admonish the greatest euen ARCHIPPVS to looke to his ministerie and if n●…ed be to plead vvith their mother c. yea no further to follow her or an Angell of light then they walke with God and haue the word for their vvarrant Our communion must be in the faith and not in error or transgression we are not to follow a multitude to do euill but in all thinges to follow faith to the conseruation of our soules and to grow vp into him which is our h●…ad CHRIST IESVS vvhom●… vvhiles vve hold fast and vvhose vvord vvhiles vve h●…ue for the thinges vve do or refuse to doe vve need not f●…are the 〈◊〉 of anie vaine men neither be amazed at any vaine titles of Church sacramentes c. For this vve know that there is no Church can excuse vs for the breach of Gods law before that great Iudge Now then seeing eueri●… member hath interest in the publike ac●…ions of the Chu●…ch and together shall beare blame for the defaltes of the same and seeing all our communion must be in the truth and that vve are not to be drawen by a●…ie into anie willinge or knowen transgression of Gods law vvho can denie but euerie particular member hath povver yea and ought to examine the manner of administring the sacramentes as also the estate disorder or transgressions of the whole Church yea and not to ioine in any knowen transgression with them but rather to call them all to repentance c. if he find them obstinate hardened in their sinne rather to leaue their fellow●…hip then to partake with them in wickednes Neither doth the place 1 Cor. 11. 28. 29. THAT EVERIE one ought to examine himself c. hinder either their Christian libertie or publike dutie for these rules are generall the wordes are general alike giuen to euerie member and vnto all the members of the Church without respect or exception of any either Pastor or others So that by this reason neither Pastor nor any were to look vnto the life conuersation estate of an other neither can these rules or wordes any way be restrained to one more then an other much lesse may such corrupt doctrines and false conclusions be drawen from them THAT BECAVSE euerie mā is to examine himself therfore no man is to looke to an other Euerie man eateth either to his owne saluation or damnation therfore the open sinnes of minister or people do neither hurt the sacramentes there administred nor the godly conscience of the receiuers What sense or sequele is in these reasons what can be deuised more false or foolish because euerie one is to looke to his owne priuate estate therfore no man may meddle with an other mans 〈◊〉 with the publike estate Were he not as foolish that could be led or caried wi●…h these reasons as they that made them But being granted them what kind of Church what communion what duty what law or feare of God would there remaine If the second we●…e granted that the open yea the obstinate sinnes of others do hurt neither the sacrament nor godly receiuers what doth yt then skil who they be that administer or rec●…aue thē or where they be administred whether in the popish or turkish assemblies A godly man as they count him may resort to what idolatrous or sacrilegious assemblies he will so he in his heart go to worship God yt skilleth not what outward sinn there be cōmitted or he ioineth vnto that hurteth him nothing What blasphemous hellish doctrines are these which take away at once the whole Testament of Christ and word of God or tollerate the open breach of them which take away all Christian libertie dutie communion May we ioine to open sacriledge most heinous profanation of Godes ordinances that with the open wicked impenite●…t and not be guiltie Call they this to examine our selu●…s or to eate to our owne saluation they make a faire interpretation of and collection from these places But might yt not better be comprised within the examination of our selues to examine looke how we dischardge both our publike and priuate duties towardes God and our brethren c. which how can I thinke I any way discharge vnto them that suffer my brethre●… euen before my face wittingly willingly ●…o runne headlong into assured destruction to eate their bane damnation yea giue consent thervnto O what a cruel and vnme●…ciful part were this Call they this to ●…eepe the vnitie of the
child an ill bird c. when I come there mine intertainement shalbe accordingly for this geare Well I am content heere to cease yt neither being my purpose nor to the purpose heere to set downe all their magical ceremonial rites vsed due vnto such seueral degree c. To returne therfore againe to these our commenced diuines who when they haue once gotten this degree vpō them there is now neue●… a benefice in a shire but if yt be ready for them they are fit for yt There is now no question to be made before any ordinarie in England of their learning They need not now be posed by the doctors by masse chancelor or masse Cōmissarie how many s●…nes Noah had or whether they can reade distinctly the homilies Iniunctions and seruice booke all this they could do whiles they were bible clarkes fellowes in the Colledge euerie morning next their he●…rtes they said ouer this geare Neither shal they be inioined to conne certayne chapters of the Testament without booke their hood and tippet shewe●…h they haue learning inough and together with their mother the vniuersities licence to preach excuseth them of all this stirre which other poore priestes do passe but vnto them yt could not without the dishonour of the vniuersitie shame of their degree be offred They therfore now if before this time they haue not had the ful order of priest-hood easily ob●…eine yt without any difficultie Only they must now kneel●… downe at their holy Father the Bishops fe●…t who solemnely sitting in a chaire layeth his Simoniacal handes vpon him deliuereth him the b●…ble into his handes breath●…th vpō him gi●…eth or rather selleth him his vnholy ghost as he shal know by the price of his boxe writinges ere he goe I had like to haue forgotten the cheese matter of al without which yt could haue beene no bargaine namely his so●…mne and corporal othe vpon the couer of the bible or seruice booke to be buxome and obedient to his ordinarie and his substitutes to vow his canonical obedience to all ●…ch ecclesiasticall orders iniunctions and ●…egrees as either are by publike authoritie established set forth or ●…ereafter shalbe by the said authotitie made set forth That he shal ●…ot preach any seditious or contentious doctrines neither any thing ●…n reproofe of the proceedinges orders iniunctiones by publike ●…uthoritie allowed but shal exhort al men vnto the obedience of the ●…ame c. These thinges being done his dimissaries paied for he ●…iseth vp a ful priest in any ground of Englād get him now a benefice ●…r a cure where he can He is now a priest sufficiently capable of any kind of office in any Church or Churches whatsoeuer whether to be a Deane or an Arch●…eacon of many hundred Churches whether to be a parson of one or moe parishes whether to be an hired preacher comonly called a GE●…EVA Doctor for frō thence this new office is vnwitting to his Grace of Canterburie stollen into the Church of England except peraduen●…ure they stand before him but for mungrel curates still Wel if they will haue a personage they must either now become Chaplaines to ●…ome great BAAL or ●…her that hath store in his gift or els make ●…riendship for loue or mony to some inferior BAAI that is such a Lord of some towne or towne●… or els enter in chaffaire with some ●…ther priest for his roomth And somwhat here would be said of these 〈◊〉 or Lord Patron●… what kind of office they haue in the Church of England least hereafter I forget as I doe sundrie other thinges It is not needfull heere to dispute of these Lord Patrons when o●…●…ow they tooke beginning whither at the beginning of the defection ●…hen the people first slacted neglected their dutie and gaue vp their ●…hristiā libertie power interest in al the Church affaires the choice ●…ensuring depofing their officers c. into the handes of their pres●…itry as is aboue declared or at the flowing in of the deluge of the Gentiles when the prouincial Bishops Archbishops metropolitanes ●…prang vp or when the Pope was by the general consent of al Princes made supreme head of the Church the great tributes out of al lands ●…aied vnto him c. that then peraduenture he to gra●…isie these Princes Lordes of his meere benignitie granted vnto them the nomination vnto bishoprickes personages c. But how or when they sprang vp ●…t ●…killeth not we finding them as Antichristian as any of the other No such office we euer read of to belong to the Church of Christ neither any such Lord there to take away all the libertie interest of the people in the choice of their pastor CHRITS seruantes are now no longer wardes neither are in this maner to be bought sold as open and sheep in a faire or market But see when the Lordes beau●…ful staffe of his holy gouernment order is broken how he dissanulleth his couenant with those people and deliuer●…th them vp to the destroiers to these greedy wolues hungrie foxes as a pray For these Lordes Patrons to whome these aduowsens belong are to apoint present their clarkes vnto these benefices who being admitted instituted by the Bishop c. the people ha●…e no more power in the negatiue to refuse or depose him be he neuer so vnable or vnworthy then they had before in the affirmatiue to chuse or elect their minister But these Lord Patrons may alien or sell their aduowsons by the law of the land euen as any other part of their inheritance or possessions yea be these Patrons neuer so infamously notoriously wicked gluttons couetous prophane Atheistes c. Yea if he haue 40 of these aduowsons and those distant many hundred miles euen to the vttermost boundes of the land yet is he to all these townes to present their priestes except he make Lapse and then falleth yt into the Bishop of that Diocesse his handes Thus must the greatest Doctor clerke of them that wil haue a benefice enter and be presented thervnto by some of these Baals or other vnto the Ordinarie or Bishop of that Diocesse by whose letters of institution he is inducted ringeth his belles c. payeth his first fruites after the Iewish or rather popish maner h●… p●…oxes procurations c. Now the parsonage or vicarage to which they enter is to be townepriest or Parson or vickar of a certaine parish to reade them their seruice according to the times and maner apointed to marrie to burie to christen to deliuer their other sacrament of their communion to visit and housel their sick with the said booke and sacrament to receaue their tithes offringes mortuaries c. Then if he be so cunning and as he can intend and afford yt to preach them a sermon of an hower long but that is in his libertie ●…ow seldome he wil except his benefice be a certayne of poundes
●…hewed to be wholly deriued from their mother Church of Rome ●…n the same idolatrous maner times seasons so there now remai●…eth an other new kind of fast invented and brought in by the lear●…ed ministry of the land such as sue and seeke for the reform●…tion of ●…he Church this without the licence or allowance of their LL. the BB●… This fast I know not from whence yt was brought whither from GENEVA or els where in despight yt should seeme of the fastes vsed by the Iewes in the primitiue Churches Here the learned priestes preachers lay their heades togither choose out 3 or 4 ●…rō amongst ●…hem to preach One of them must play Sinne an other the Iudgments of God the third Repentance the fourth the Gospel The people are solemnely ●…idden from al quarters to this Stageplay who at the first invention of ●…t flocked in thick and threefold to behold this noueltie There ●…e that plaieth sinne frameth himself cunningly to his auditory that ●…e offend none of his great Cananites nor rich gluttons but especial●…y hauing regard vnto his first othe at the taking of his antichristian ministerie when he forsware Christ and the faith vnto his Lord the 〈◊〉 bound himself not to speake against anie thing by publike authoritie established c. he hath great regard not to medle with any of these matters least he awake the sleepy dogg know not how to ●…pease him againe or recouer his credit and estimation with him Wherfore I warrant you there is no sinne against the fir●…t Table in the land except yt be among such as stil remayne Papistes recusantes c. and such as will customably blaspheme the name of God and also such as doe not diligently inough countenan●…e the preaching ●…riestes I should say as frequent not their sermons c. but otherwise ●…or the state of the Church there is nothing amisse but flourisheth maruailously abounding with such lear●…ed Prie●…tes as no Church in ●…he world hath the like yet I must say as I haue heard let the auditorie be such as vvill back them and they wil haue a fling at the BB s i●… some eloquent DELPHICK darke speaches such as may be retracted or haue a double construction as shal more apeare vvhen vve come to their maner of preaching If they were remoued they had the discipline of the Apostles in their parishes then all were wel there is nothing els vvanting amongst them And for this all that mourne in the chine and sigh in secret for yt though neither Priest nor people know vvhat yt meaneth yet they must now fast and then they haue done their duties to y e ful the fault is not in them but in God almighty that they haue yt not Such a priest as this is a blazing star a parragon of a Countrie one of the new found MARTINES SAINCTS And such people are Puritans or Martinistes praecisians though both priest and people for all this glosing and hypocrisie vvith God the world stand still vnder the BBs antichristian yoke the one administring the other receauing all their detestable vvares markes But to returne againe to this their fast if you come now to the second Table of the law ô they are seuere men they vvill make a conscience to tremble Yf there be euer an vsurer or a Drunkard or an vvhoremaister they vvill so bebayt him as he vvill not loue a sermon againe a goodwhile Yet for all this vvhen they meet a brode they are good frendes especially vvhen they meet at the Sacramentes then they forgiue one another from the bottome of their heartes Now here must be noted by the way that these kind of persons are not indeed the most beneficiall to these fasti●…g pharisaicall Preachers lightly will not goe further then by law he must needes vvhich is to pay him his tithes and offringes c. But in their companie they delight not neither wil bid them home to their houses or magnifie them and therfore these men must beare vvith them if in the pulpit when they are rauished with zeale of the Lord they haue now the●… a gird at them to ease their stomackes especially now for fashion sake As for al the rest of their auditorie there is no such sinne amongst them and therfore they shalbe exhorted to confesse all their sinnes in thought word or deed vnto the Lord to acknowledg their euill waies and powre out their heartes before the Lord to sorrow and mourne and if they haue any voluntarie teares to help the Priest to weep for that present though neither their euil waies be shewed them but as hath beene said most cunningly hid and couered from their eies least they should see and auoid them Neither in their priuate conuersation offices houses are their sinnes by the light and power of the word discouered vnto them or they called to the practise of their duties least they indeed should thē espie the deceit of these miserable guides that haue made them beleeue they stood in Gods fauour all this time and detesting their perfidy and hypocrisie should returne vnto the Lord. And thus being exhorted to ●…ament and repent their sinnes they know not and to returne to the Lord the priest that plaieth the last part will heale them all with the Gospell dismisse them with the peace and blessing of God be they neuer so many least they should wound weak consciences c. Thus is this solemne fast ended When the PP haue said their certaine the people dismissed where I trow for that night is no talke either by the way as they goe home or at their supper but how excellētly such a man such a man did The priestes themselues that tooke this paines are bestowed at some of their hostes or good dames houses where at night they recompence their fasting mourning with good cheare and ease As for the next day by that time they haue slept of the matter al is quite forgotten euerie man vpon hi●… ould biace againe euen as they were wont to be they are no changelings priest people in the same idolatry profannes c. that before Thus doe these prophetes not only not discouer the sinne of the lād vnto the people by their preachmentes and long pharisaical praiers but soder them therin and strengthen their handes th●…rwith that no man cān depart from iniquitie but dissemble also with God himself and wearie him with these their abhominable praiers hypocritish fastes counterfaiting a great sorrow heauines for their sinnes aflicting their soules for a peece of a day bowing downe the head as a bulrush c. not loosing the bandes of wickednes nor taking off the heauie burthens and letting the oppressed goe free or breaking the heauie yokes nor executing iudgment or releeuing the widowe and fatherles but refusing to hearken pulling away the shoulder stopping their eares making their heartes as an adamant stone least they should heare the ●…aw the
Church as yt proceedeth from the chaire of Antichrist so is yt wholy subiect therunto both the person doctrine of the preacher Their person either to be still approued licenciate or els silenced suspended depriued their doctrine to be allowed or condemned as pleaseth their Lords Ordinaries in whose pontifical brests and handes standeth the whole doctrine of the church of England what they shal receaue what they shal reiect what they shall say what they shal leaue vnsaied c. The word of God Church ministerie preaching and al are wholy in the handes of these lawles●…e Lordes to abrogate establish bring in cast out depose suspend without controlement or accompt A greater power then euer was giuē vnto or exercised by any of CHRISTS Apostles who alwaies submitted their doctrine practise persons vnto the trial and censure of the word and that by any Christian. They neuer exercised domiō o●…er the faith of any or layd anie other burden vpon the Church thē what they either read in the word of God or acknowledged to be the will of God But heere in the Church of Engl●…d yt is held a small thing to haue a strange ministerye worship lawes orders gouernment imposed vpon them to haue a great part of Gods word quite banish●…d the Church the rest that is allowed them but by shredds patches at ●…tarts braydes to haue their preaching by stint prescription limitation to haue the whole doctrine subiect not to the wil of God but to the wil of these their Ordinarie●… who they may be sure wil allow no more none otherwise then shal agree to their apostatical throne The ministers of this Church may not preach the people beleeue much lesse practise any more of the word of God thē what is confirmed by these their Ordinaries The poore parish o●… congregation where these priestes serue may not meddle or haue to do with the election administration or deposing of these their ministers for why they are lay mē haue no skil neither ought to intermeddle with ecclesiasticall affaires or with the word of God Be their minister neuer so blind vnsufficient or vile a wretch detected of neuer so horrible sinnes yet may not they remoue him their only help is to complayne to their Lord Ordinarie in the meane while they must ioine to the wret●…h in praiers in sacramentes yea still for euer if yt pleas●… not their said Lord to giue eare to their complaint Let their minister preach neuer such damnable or hereticall doctrine wrest peruert corrupt falsifie the scriptures neuer so violently and heinously all the Church no though there be all the priests in a countrie as at a Scene hath no authoritie nay is by expresse law forbidden to reproue this doctrine presently or publikely or yet to forbid him to deale with the scriptures their remedy is stil to complaine to their Ordinarie and vntil yt please him to take order therin the whole congregation is stil bound to frequent his heretical sermōs ministerie yea al the priestes of the land both pontifical and reformistes agree in this point cōclude that the lay people as they terme them ought not to intermedle either with y e deposing their minister or reproof of hi●… doctrine The one sort as you haue heard sendeth them to their Lords these Bishops the other referreth them ouer for these manie other cases vnd●…r hand to a prouincial or classical Synode or permanent councel of priests c. Amongst whome all these affaires must be debated after they are agreed vpon the point then their decrees to be brought forth solemnely published pronounced to the people who must attend vpon awayte receaue these Oracles as most holy canonical They haue no remedie if they also be contrarie to the truth but to appeale to a councel in the meane while still ioyning to such a wretch such an heretike and that in the high profanatiō of Gods holy name word ordinances But my purpose is not in this place either to refute the popish prelacie of the one sort or the deuilish forgerie of the other hoping to find a more fit place for both so much as to shew that euerie Christian congregation hath power in themselues and of duty ought presently publikly to censure any false or vnsound doctrine that is publikly deliuered or maintained amongst them if yt be knowen discerned vnto them yea anie one member in the Church hath this power whatsoeuer he be Pastor or Prophet that vttereth yt as also to shew how far this their pulpet preaching differeth from that heauēly blessed exercise of expounding scriptures or prophecie in the Church of CH●…IST The first me thinkes alreadie verie fully proued in all these places where our Sauiour CHRIST hath giuen vnto his Church and to euerie particular congregation therof himself his word his power with expresse charge to put in practise whatsoeuer he hath cōmanded them and threatned his wrath and displeasure against that whole congregation which neglecteth or breaketh any of his cōmandements or suffreth any seene transgression or error or incorrigible impenitent offendor Also where he commanded all men to informe that Church wherof they are members of fuch transgressions offences enormities as arise amongst them This he in vaine had commanded and they in ●…aine should do this except he had giuē both absolute authority expresse charge vnto the Church to redresse and take order in the same In as many places al●…o as he hath cōmanded the whole church euerie member therof to watch to scowte and obserue their teachers to trie the Spirits to marke thē diligently which cause diuisiō offences contrarie to the doctrine which they haue learned to seperate them●… from ●…uch as teach after an other maner or consent not vnto the whol●…ome wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to the doctrine which is according vnto godlines to hold thē accursed that pe●…uert the Gospell of CHRIST or preach any thing besides that hath beene taught by CHRIST his Apostles to reiect an hereticke after one the second admonitiōto haue in a readines due vengeance against al disobediēce c. In al these and sundrie other places most euidently apeareth that CHRIST hath giuē ful power absolute authoritie and expresse cōmandement vnto his Church euē to euerie particular congregatiō to cen●…ure both the persons doctrines of their ministers of euery member of their said cōgregations He sendeth them not heere ●…o these popish ordinaries ne●…ther yet to a prouincial Synode or a Classis of priests there are other vses of Synods or councels as shal in due place be declared They can neither ad to nor diminish from the power of the Church or execute alter any part of the Churches dutie ‡ Moreouer sith euerie member hath like interest in CHRIST in his word the publike doctrine
ministration of the Church and shall all be held g●…iltie punished for the publike transgressions abuses of the Church seing ●…uerie member is bound to the edification seruice and vtilitie of the bodie seing euerie member of the Church is commanded to watch to trie the Spirits to contend for the maintenance of the faith once indifferently giuen to all saintes to auoide false teachers false Prophets c. seing they are cōmanded not to follow the multitude or mightie in euil seing they are commanded to reproue their brother playnly to bind their sinnes by the word euen their Princes in those chaines and nobles in those fetters to say to ARCHIPPVS looke to thy ministerie that thou hast receaued in the Lord that thou fulfil yt yea though an Apostle or an Angel from heauen should ●…each either other doctrine or after an other maner then is in CHRISTS Testament prescribed to hold and pronounce him accursed To conclude the point seing the praiers sacraments sermons of such wicked or hereticall ministers are sacriledg and abhomiuation in Gods sight and that all which communicate ioine to heare or suffer such ministers are alike guiltie of this sinne sacriledg who can doubt but that euerie Christian hath power and authoritie in due time and place not disturbing CHRISTS holy order in his Church publikely to reproue any publike ●…ransgression of anie member of the Church or of the whole Church as also to di●…couer and refute any error escaped or deliuered in publike doctrine yet this as is said in due time order giuing leaue and place vnto the Elders and Prophets of the said Congregation fir●…t who if they neglect or ouerpasse such publike transgression or error then may any one of the congregation or any Chri●…tian who●…oeuer yea he ought to reproue such transgression and error vnles he wilbe guiltie of betraying the faith of CHRIST of the distruction of the whole congregation knowing the danger of such leauen the sodennes of the wrath of God for such things Heere will be grosly obiected that the common people are ignorant not able to iudg betwixt truth error disordered variable easie to be deuided led into sects and therfore they are not to intermedle with the iudgmen●… and reproof of faults and errors escaped in the ministerie or with the censuring their persons That their people are blind ignorant seditious headstrong I readily grant neither ca●… yt be otherwise hauing such blind guides co●…rupt teachers as all they are I grant also that neither the people nor they ought in thi●… estate to meddle with the word of God or take his blessed name in their mouth without most high and vnsufferable profa●…ation of the same But for the people of CHRIST they are all inlightned with that bright morning star that sonne of righteousnes The eye of their faith is single and the whole bodie is light They a●…e an humble meek obedient people they will heare and follow the true shepheard but a stranger they will not heare They reioice loue e●…nestly in the truth ●…a by no meanes be drawē to do any thing against the truth And therfore hath God amongst them bownd vp the testimonie and sealed vp the law To them he hath committed the charge and keeping of his holy oracles to them and euerie one of them he hath giuen his holy sanctifi●…ng Spirit to open vnto them and to lead them into al truth to thē he hath giuē his Sonne to be ther King Priest and Prophet who hath made them vnto him Kings Priests But if they were so blind and ignorant as these men would make them how could they then discerne truth from error how could they approue truth or refute error transgression Happily for all this heere will be saied that the common fort of CHRIST●… seruantes either haue not this knowledg or haue yt but in small measure and therfore are vnfit to deale in the●…e high matters and can not doe yt orderly soberly To this I answere that they are to reproue no more then their assured knowledg leadeth them vnto If they transgresse the limits either of their knowledg in reprouing that which deserueth no reproofe or breake the established order of the Church by rashnes intemperance c. then are they for so doing subiect to reproofe censure for abusing their libertie for breaking order the Churches of God haue no custome to be contentious But if they should be debarred of this power libertie and dutie because they are not so learned as the priests and haue not beene at the vniuersitie c. by that popish reason were the word of God to be shut vp from al lay men as they cal them that no man might reade or speake therof in his house or family because they haue not knowledg to vnderstand yt open yt after their schoole maner the word of God being such an abysme of wisdome and of so great dignitie reuerence that in al places alike And should they not by this reason also shut yt vp from themselues and from al men in this life for he that knoweth most knoweth here but in part yea of that part he knoweth nothing as he ought to know But they are to vnderstand that God hath not giuē vs his word that yt should be perfected or receaue grace from vs but y t yt should bring grace vnto vs build vp accomplish our faith nourish vs vnto eternal life that yt should be milke to the weake vnexpert strong meate to them of riper age According to this word who so speaketh not yt is because their is no light in them By this word what so is reproued or affirmed the basenes or ignorance of the speaker is not to be regarded it no way diminisheth any thing from the dignitie truth of the word to which as the only obiect the Church is to cast their eye As for these learned diuines of our age I refer them vnto or rather oppose vnto them the wisdome word of God who you see hath giuen vnto al his seruantes this libertie power yea rather hath layd vpon them this charge duty to reproue censure any error or transgression which is committed by the whole Church or any member of the Church contrarie to the word of God by the same word But yet are not our learned Reformists satissied for ●…oe they fetch a reason somwhat more subtilly though altogether as far frō the truth as the other from 1 Cor. 14. 32. where yt is ●…aid The Spirits of the Prophets ar●… subiect to the Prophets therfore conclude they that the people are not to reproue iudge or cēsure the doctrine of the minister but only an assembly of ministers a schoole of Prophets as they call yt Before I shew their
frō this holy order namely the tyrannie of wicked magistrates who persecute the Church in such sort as they cannot safelie meete assemble to make choice of ministers or to exercise ●…nie ministerie But wee see the churches here vpō the first meanes neglected not either to attaine vnt●… or exercise this order and that without staijng for the Magistrates p●…sion and were in so doing replenished with the comfort of the holy Ghost Neither yet appeareth h●…ere the certaine time when Sa●…aria was thus built It is not vnlike that yt was established into this order euen Actes 8. that he speaketh of when they receaued the gifts of the holy Ghost at Peter and Iohns being there who yt is to be iudged likewise rather helped to bestow those gifts in order to the edifijng of the whole then left them hauing fit gifts for these offices in disorder which had beene great sinne both in the Apostles in the Church of Sa●…aria The like also is to be thought of the Church at Antiochia Act. 11. they being called to the faith were a long time instructed by the Apostles Barnabas and Paule God so blessed their labours as that Church grew famous and many Prophets resorted thither from Ierusalem May we then by D. SOMES bare affirmation without any proofe affirme that this Church being so long excellently instructed by these famous men hauing so greatly profited in the faith knowledg of Christ aboue many other Churches which had this or●…er that they yet should thus long be kept from yt more thē any other Church being more fit then many yea thē any other Church at that time saue Ierusalem This were not only cōtrary to the practise of Paul Barnabas in al other churches but contrarie to the rules of Christs Testament But if we would stand vpon the point yt were not hard to proue that Antiochia was then established into order we see they there administred vnto the necessities of other Churches and sent Paul and Barnabas vpon this their busines which they hauing fulfilled returned back againe to Antiochia from whence by the whole Church they were at the commandemēt of the holy Ghost sent out with imposition of handes Afterward when they had planted and established manie Churches in Asia into this order they returned thither againe there remained a long time vntil they w●…re againe sent to Ierusalem about the question of Circumcision which being debated they with other famous men returned abode in the Church of Antiochia preaching teaching the Gospell with great ioy comfort and blessing Yet in none of these places we find mentioned that after Act. 11. they were established into this order but we see that there and in all these places they executed the duties and had the full power of a church established Therfore except we wil make the practise of the holy Ghost cōtrary vnto yt sel●… we are not to doubt but this An●…iochia also was established in this order Doth not D. SOME then vnsufferably both falsifie and peruert these scriptures in affirming that these churches had not that established order amongst them concluding from their example that the Christian order and gouernment of Christs Testament is neither necessarie nor perpetuall But to conclude shut vp the point at once he bringeth the greatest pa rt of the reformed Churches of Christendome which haue not this christian order gouernment which he termeth forme of discipline yet are accompted holy Churches of al but Papists and Anab●…ptists Doth he not heere very learnedly proue the question by the question if his church be of God l●…t him approue yt by Gods word otherwise though he should fetch the Popes broade seale also from whome he borroweth this argument yt would not serue his turne With the estate of other Churches I am not acquainted and therfore will not meddle but how well this holy church of England is reformed you parly may perceaue by that which is aboue said and more euidently may if you measure yt by the rules of CHRISTS Testament according vnto which yt hath no one thing in due order or frame So that why either Papists or Anabaptists should denie yt I cannot see yt being an vncleane hould or prison of euerie vncleane bird of euerie fowle and hatefull Spirit except yt be as that kingdome diuided in yt self because yt consisteth of such iarring and disagreeing spirits Neither can I see how any that knoweth or wil be instructed what a true established Church of CHRIST is can anie longer mistake that adulterous Church of England that sitteth vpon all the confuse peopl●… as vpon manie waters that is liker vnto Zennacheribs tumultuous campe then vnto the wel ordered and established Church of CHRIST which hath nothing cōmon with CHRISTS Church but the ve●…ie name only For the true Church of CHRIST we find vpon her all the markes of that harlot and of that Beast whose members image yoke she carieth and hath cast off Christ●… yoke from her necke despising his word persecuting and murdering his seruants Wherfore vntill she bring vs either better Arguments or better fruits we are so far frō honoring her with the title of a Church as we are not abashed to rēder vnto her as she hath rendred vnto vs to double vnto her double according to her workes and in that cup wher●…n she hath mixed to mingle to her y e double So far are we from giuing that authoritie vnto her in this presumptuous sin as to draw an argument from or be induced to thinke by her example that because she casteth off CHRISTS yoke beareth Antichrists therfore the holy order ordinances of CHRIST for the building ministery gouernment of his Church is not perpetuall necessarie or alwaies expedient I grant that the true Church of Christ may sometimes vpon some necessities be without this holy order for a season as in the first gathering of the Saints especially now when we are not to expect anie such miraculous or extraordinarie giuing of Gods Spirit as was in the primitiue times whē we cannot sodenly either be made fit for these high offices or haue such perfect knowledg and probation ech of others giftes and co●…uersation as is required thervnto Also in time of persecution when the Church cannot peaceably meet either to chuse or exercise anie ministerie or that their chief and principall members be held from them in prisons or at such time as the chief Elders are taken away either by death or otherwise fall away In these and such like times the Church may for a season vpon necessitie so inforcing be without this established order but this is neither willinglie to neglect yt nor presumptuously to reiect yt Heerehence yt followeth not that this holie order is not alwaies necessarie because yt is not nor cannot be alwaies executed So they might conclude all Gods lawes not alwayes necessarie perpetuall or expedient because they are not or cannot be alwayes practised by vs.
al magis●…racie the whole order of the common welth Had that beast anie religion that thus blesphemed Christs ordināce haue not the heathen at al times thus reproched accused the word of God Gospel of Christ Yet what is more free of these crimes then this order they so accuse wherof Christ himself is the author preseruer Is yt not the f●…llowship communion haue such sinnes anie f●…llowship with him Before anie can enter or be receaued ●…nto this f●…llowship he must be renewed by repentance denijng all his fleshly conversation concerning the time p●…st he must be begotten by that immortall seed he must b●… borne againe of water and the Spirit and ●…ter as a new borne babe and as a child wained from the br●…sts he must leaue al his venome and fiercenes become as a meeke lambe obedient vnto his sh●…pheardes At what time anie is found disobedient and headstrong or incorrigible he forthwith loos●…th his place in this communion and fellowship he is seperate cast out As for their ord●…r of their assemblie yt is not ●…multious or con●…ntious but r●…ther an heauenlie schoole of all order sobrie●…ie and modest●…e which the A●…gels with great delight b●…hold euerie one there knowing his calling place boundes which he wi●…hout pres●…t b●…ame may not breake as fr●…e but not hauing that libertie as a cloke of wick●…dnes but as the s●…ruantes of God whose law is heere purelie sincerelie taught eu●…ry 〈◊〉 degree instructed how they ough●…●…o walke behaue th●…mselues towardes God men in al maner cōuersation Nothing more or more oftē inculcate thē to yeild due honour obedience submission vnto all magistrates parentes superiors that not for fashiō sake or ignorantly but as of knowledg faith cōscience towardes God Hereunto as also vnto al other duties they are continuallie instructed exhorted whosoeuer transgresseth is admonished censured and without present repentance amendment dulie cast out of this fellowship communion where no inordinate walking or contumacious persons are suffered Who then but that old Sathan or some sonne of his could thus accuse the lambes the babes these litle ones of Christ of rebelliō seditiō tumult c what mouth els could reproch and blaspheme that heauenlie gratious blessed order of Christ in his Church of subuerting cōmō welths destroijng ciuil magistracie gouernmēt without which holie ordinance magistracie as there can be no Church no assemblie no execution of law no callings no trades no order no safetie amongst men so without this instruction gouernment holie order of the Church cā no estate no magistracie be blessed of God because without this they can neither know nor execute their duties neither walke holily or lawfully in their callings or doe anie thing that may please God Who then but these vncleane spirits that speake out of the mouth of that Dragon out of the mouth of that Beast out of the mouth of that false prophet could in this māner disioine those that God hath so ne●…rlie ioined widowing spoiling the Church of that comfort and assistance she should haue of the ciuil magistrate depriuing the ciuil magistrates of that instruction ioy they should haue in the Church As we haue aboue alledged that nation or common welth Prince magistrate estate degree persō whosoeuer that submitteth not to ou●… Lord Iesus Christ to be wholy gouerned by his word both bodie soule in al things whatsoeuer without anie exception reseruation or polli●…ike respect that nation Prince magistrate person soule shall be vtterlie destroied amongst Christs enemies So Christ may not neither wil be fashioned or framed to anie common welth pollicie o●… pleasure of anie Prince he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings al the kingdoms of this world are his he shal reigne for euermore those that are no●… vnder his Scepter of grace those he will rule with a red of yron those shal be broken as a potters vessels So far then is this heauenlie and blessed gouernmēt of Christ in his Church by his word to which euerie soule that will be saued must be subiect frō being the ouerthrow of anie common welth or lawfull estate therof that you see yt is the only foundation of the one and stablishment of the other a perfect rule for both to which all lawes pollicies states degrees persons in al actions must be framed and subiect To which whatsoeuer is contrarie or transgressing whither common welth common cannon o●… ciuil lawes their Iudges pleaders courts must either be reformed or consumed therby No titles pollicies pleas or prerogatiues can excuse them from or before that Iudge who vpholdeth gouerneth and iudgeth all things by that his word and with the same ●…ifteth and fanneth out whatsoeuer is found contrarie to his will To which gouernment trial of his word because they will not submit their persons proceedings therfore with one consent all the estates degrees of the land Prince priests people hate him send by their elders an embassage after him that they will not haue him to reigne ouer them accusing his gouernment of innouation dangerous to their state pernitious to the whole land c. Thus take they boldnes to breake his bāds and cast his yoke from them to transgresse his lawes change his ordinances and to breake the euerlasting couenant euen that Testament purchased for them and sealed vnto them with that pretious blood of the giuer Therfore hangeth the wrath of God ouer them the day of his vengeance hasteneth feare and a pit a snare are vpon them He that flieth from the noise of the feare shall fall into the p●…t and he that commeth out of the pit shalbe taken in the snare for the windowes from on high are open and the foundations of the earth doe shake The earth is vtterlie broken the earth is quite burst in sunder the earth is moued exceedingly the earth shall reele too froe like a drunken man and shalbe remooued like a tent and the defection therof shalbe heauy vpō yt so that yt shall fall rise no more because the land is defiled vnder the inhabitants therof for they transgresse the lawes they change the ordinances and breake the euerlasting couenant THERE REMAYneth yet an other question of this ould captious Sadducie wherin he requireth to haue noted vnto him some particular Churches either in the Apostles time or since wherin y ● whole gouernment of the Church was practised only by Doctors Pastors Elders and Deacons and none other and that in an equalitie without superioritie in one aboue an other To satisfie his demands in this cauilling question which euidently apeareth to be made rather for a snare then anie godly edifijng I hold neither lawfull nor expedient vntil he haue acknowledged yeilded vnto the former namely vnto the necessity perpetuity of that order of gouernment and administration which CHRIST in his Testament hath prescribed which he hath miserably
whome they perswade that they shal do much good herein before whome they bring none but the most heinous fowle causes as incest plurality of wiues papistry c. neuer suffring them to looke into the secrets mysteries of their kingdome or to heare the iust complaints of the Q. oppressed subiects by their tyranny These as is aboue said they wil not suffer so much as to expose their griefes vtter their wrongs or to plead defend their owne cause before these c●…uil magistrates no not in this their owne courte where the Archbishop is in his exaltation and their chiefe aduersaries are Iudges so fearful are they least the light should breake forth and all their packing and wickednes be bew●…aied But he that discloseth all secrets will I doubt not shortly reueale all their doings and make them as odious as they are now honorable At which time such as now ioine to them and vphold them shall stand far off for feare of their torments when the wrath of God shalbe reueled from heauen against all the impiety and iniustice of these men that withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes For sure if the Prince Magistrats but knew the vnlawfulnes of this Cōmission ●…ither in the persons power or practise therof they would ●…oone withdraw their power f●…om the beast and would not in this maner vphold or 〈◊〉 vnto the throne of Antichrist that forgeth wrong bes●…des law The ecclesiasticall persons of this Commission we ha●…e by express●… scriptures shewed neither to be true ministers of the Gospell neithe●… true members of the Church of Christ. Both which though they were yet could they not receaue or exercise such antichristian power inordinate authority ouer all or any one congregation of Christ much lesse in the estate they stand For the ciuiil magistrates that are of this Commission though they may as members together with those congregations whervnto they are ioined iointly with the whole Church exercise such spiritual power to censure faltes discusse matters and determine of such affaires as belong vnto arise in their congregations c. yet can they not as by vertue of their ciuil office exercise these spirituall censures power which Christ hath giuē belongeth vnto the whole Church much lesse assume into their owne hands and plucke from the whole Church this power which Christ hath giuen them So then all the persons of this Commission both ecclesiastical ciuil are ●…tterly vncapable of this inordina●…e power iurisdictiō which being so mon●…trous heinou●… ouer al churches al 〈◊〉 causes persons doctrines to ratifie or di●…anul erect or pull downe bring in or cast out of the Church handle hold plea of many ciuile causes also and that after so blasphemous vnchristian a maner by administring enforcing their idolatrous booke othe by prohibiting somuch as to speake for themselues or in their owne causes by inflicting penalties fines by incarcerating whome for what they list and there deteining them as close as long as they list and that without bayle mainprise or trial which monstrous confused power belongeth rather vnto is more fit for y t Antichrist that Beast and vnto the false church then vnto any member of CHRIST or of his church God hath pur difference though no disagreement betwixt th●…●…hurch and the cōmon welth betwixt the ministers iurisdictiō censures of ech of them hauing set vnto ech sort their due bounds officers and limits which they ought not after this maner to transgresse or confound making I know not what cōmixture of persons offices causes in this monstrous Commission where the ciuil magistrate is made a Iudg minister of ecclesiastical causes their church ministers of ciuill cōmō welth matters al vnder pretext of the cōmission of y e Prince who because he hath power ouer all causes persons both of the Church cōmon welth ●…herfore these mē suppose that he may make what new lawes decrees orders for both Church common welth that he list change the ordinances decrees of God at his pleasure especially if he be a christian Prince for then he is no way bownd to the lawes of God or limits of his calling But against such deuilish doctrines we haue oftē in this treatise proued that though the Prince be placed of God in the most high authority both o●…er y e church cōmon welth here vpon earth yet he is but ●…he seruāt of God circumscribed with lawes as one that shal render an ●…ccompt be iudged before the Lord of all his doings as any other Though the Prince haue the booke of God ●…ōmitted vnto him with charge to see yt duly executed by euery one in his calling yet hath he ●…t to keepe obserue not to breake or chāge We haue also proued all the lawes of God to be most holy inuiolable and al sufficient both for the church cōmon welth the perfect instruction of euery officer member of the same in their seueral duties callings so that nothing is now left vnto a●… mortal man of what high dignity calling soeuer but to fulfil execute the will of God in his word in their places callings which word being now perfected in y e heauenly ministery of Christ nothing may be added to or takē from the same without most high sacriledg impiety the vtter abrogating of CHRISTS Testamēt no new deuise how holy or necessary ●…oeuer to our earthly seeming is now to be brought in or required at our hands our obedience being more acceptable vnto God then our sacrifice Which way ●…en can this strange monstrous Cōmission neuer read nor heard of in the new Testament of Christ or whole word of God so vnlawfull in the persons y t are y e Cōmissioners in the power authority they exercise in al their proceedings so pernicious to y ● whole church so dir●…ctly contrary to y ● word of God to y ● vtter subuersiō taking out of the way y ● whole Testamēt ordināces of Christ how may this cōmissiō I say be set o●…er y ● whole church or be iustified by y e Princes authority But to proue y t this ecclesiastical high Cōmission is no antichristian vngodly or new diuise Mr. SOME hath taken some paines bestowed vpon vs a few reasons such as they are Saith he this Cōmission is deriued from our gracious soueraigne Q. ELISABETH to whome the Antichrist of Rome is a professed enemy and is directed to honorable reuerend wise men of the clergie temporalty therfore yt is not antichristian Againe sundry branches of this Cōmission are godly as to preserue Gods religion whole sound from popery Anabaptistry c. to meete with suppresse notable disorders as incests polygamies oppressiō of the ministers c. and to giue defence countenance to the good therfore this Cōmission is very godly Thirdly high Commissions