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B08933 Divine consolations for mourners in Sion being an extract of certain choyce epistles of dying martyrs to each other and to their fellow prisioners for the cause of Christ, in the times of cruell and fiery persecution, wherein is much variety of suitable matter of meditation for all such who are burthened under the pressure of their sins and sorrows in these evil times. 1664 (1664) Wing D1719; ESTC W41420 70,279 130

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sight is the Sin of Ingratitude The sin of ingratitude But to such as be thankful for his benefits he doth not onely to the old ever adde new but also maketh the commodity of his former gifts ever more and more to increase untill by them they are fully perswaded and throughly certified of his everlasting love in Christ Jesus which is eternal life it self so much doth he of his great mercy delight in a thankful heart Therefore I do yet once again earnestly require you that above all things you be thankful to God for his benefits God loveth a thankful hoart not onely for your Election Creation Redemption and Preservation but also for his other temporal gifts wherewith he hath endued you amongst the which the chief and most excellent is as testifieth the holy Ghost your good godly and faithful loving Husband For as the Wiseman saith Goods and possessions may come to a man by the death of his friends but a good Wife is the gift of God A good wi●●t●e gift of Go● which the Lord will give for a good portion to such as fear him And the like is of a good Husband as the Lord hath now given you praised be his Name therefore He hath not given you an ignorant froward churlish brawling wastful rioting drunken Husband wherewith he hath plagued many other as he might also have done you but he hath given you a most godly lea●ned gentle loving quiet patient thrifty diligent and sober Husband by whom he will nourish cherish keep and defend you instruct and teach you yea care and provide for you and your Children the which he will also by him give you such things as be necessary for you He hath not dealt so with every body and yet he hath done this and much more for you my dear Sister and will thereto increase joy and love between you God delighteth in the agreement between Man Wife for as he delighteth in the love godly agreement of man wife together so is it he only that maketh them and all the whole houshold to be of one mind Unto the which his gracious work he requireth your diligence and will use you as his instrument and mean the more effectuously to accompl●sh the same And therefore I now require you to observe this my simple counsel the which I have here written as a testimonial of my good will towards you because I think in this life I shall never more see you Now as I have shewed you how you should be thankful unto God for his good gifts so I exhort you and as much as in me lieth charge you to be evermore thankful unto your dear loving husband who hath given himself unto you which is a more precious jewel in the Church of God then perchance you are yet aware of The duty of Wives toward their Husbands Think your self unworthy to be matched with such an Instrument of God and also reverence evermore the gifts of God in him and seek with true obedience and love to serve him in recompence of his true and painful heart towards you Be loth in any wise to offend him yea rather be careful and diligent to please him that his Soul may bless you If at any time you shall chance to anger him or to do or speak any thing that shall grieve him see that you never rest until you have pacified him and made him merry again If at any time he shall chance to blame you without a cause or for that you cannnot do therewith which thing happeneth sometimes of the best men living see that you bear it patiently and give him no uncomely or unkinde word for it but ever more look upon him with a loving and chearful countenance and rather take the fault upon you then seem to be displeased A chearful countenance Be alwayes merry and chearful in his company but not with too much lightness Beware in any wise of swelling powting or lowring for that is a token of a cruel and unloving heart except it be in respect of sin or in the time of sickness Be not sorrowful for any adversity that God sendeth but beware that nothing be spilt or go to waste through your negligence In any wise see rhat you be quick and cleanly about his meat and drink and prepare him the same according to his diet in due season Temperance in apparrel Go cleanly and well favouredly in your Apparel but beware of of Pride in any wise Finally in word and deed shew your self wise humble merry and loving towards him and also towards such as he doth love and then shall you lead a blessed life I could speak of many other things the which I have learned and proved true by experience but I know that you will do in all things much better then I can teach you because you have that anointing that teacheth you all things who hath also given you an heart to obey and serve him Yet I trust you will not be offended for this which I have written but rather accept my good will towards you whom I love in the Lord as well as I do my daughter Judith Thus as mine own Soul I commend you both to God desiring him to bless you with all manner of Spiritual blessings in heavenly things and also with the dew of Heaven and fatness of the Earth that in all things you may be made rich in Jesus Christ our Lord and onely Saviour The Lord increase and bless the fruit of your bodyes that your Children may stand round about your Table thick fresh and lusty like the Olive branches God give you both a long life that you may see and bless your Childrens Children unto the third and fourth Generation and teach them the true fear and love of God and that Faith for the which they shall be accepted in his sight God let you see the prosperity of Sion for whose lying in the dust let your hearts mourn The Lord make perfect your love together in him and alwayes increase the same Note that both these departed in quiet peace the one 1565. the other 1568. and bring you both in peace to your graves at a good age And now I bid you both most heartily farewel and I think I shall now take my leave of you for ever in this life I beseech you both to aid me with your continual Prayers as I will not forget you in mine that I may have a joyful victory through Jesus Christ To whose most mercifull defence I do most heartily for ever commend you to be kept unblameable untill his coming The which I beseech him to hasten for his Mercies sake Your own unfeignedly John Careles Prisoner of the Lord. Here endeth the Letters of John Careles A Letter of Mr. John Bradfords which he wrote to a faithfull Woman in her heaviness and trouble most comfortable for all those to reade that are afflicted and broken-hearted for their sins GOd
ever as the true inheriter of his everlasting Kingdome unto the which thou wast undoubtedly predestinate and ordained by the Lords infallible purpose and decree before the foundation of the World was laid And that is most true that I have said I call the whole Trinity the Almighty and Eternal Majesty of God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost to my Record at this present whom I humbly beseech to confirm and stablish in thee the true and lively feeling of the same Amen Selah Now with a merry heart and a joyfull spirit something mixed with lawful tears I take my farewel of you mine own dear Brother in the Lord who send us shortly a merry meeting in his Kingdome that we may both sing praises together unto him with his holy Angels and blessed Spirits for ever and ever Farewel thou blessed of the Lord farewel in Christ depart unto thy rest in the Lord and pray for me for Gods sake As I had made an end of this simple Letter I heard some comfort both of good Mr. Philpots Servant and yours but alas I do scarcely believe them Well I will hope in God and pray all night that God would send me some comfort to morrow and if the Lord give you sparing to morrow let me hear four words of comfort from you for Gods sake The Blessing of God be with you now and for ever Amen Yours for ever in the Lord Jesus John Careles living in Hope against Hope John Careles his Letter to his Wife AS by the great mercy of God at the time of his good will and providence appointed my dearly beloved Wife you and I were joyned together in the holy and Christian state of godly Matrimony as well to our great joy and comfort in Christ as also to the increase of his blessed Church and faithfull Congregation by having lawfull Children in and by the same with the which God of his mercy hath blessed us praised be his Name therefore Even so now by his mercifull will and Divine Ordinance the time is come so farre as I can perceive wherein he will for his glory and our eternall comfort dissolve the same and separate us asunder again for a time Wherefore I thought it good yea and my bounden duty by this simple Letter to provoke stir and admonish you to behave your self in all your doings sayings and thoughts most thankefully unto our good God for the same And therefore my dear Wife as you have heartily rejoyced in the Lord and oftentimes given God thanks for his goodness in bringing us together in his holy Ordinance Even so now I desire you when this time of our separation shall come to rejoyce with me in the Lord and to give him most hearty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endless commodity separated us again for a little time and hath mercifully taken me unto himself forth of this miserable world into his Celestiall Kingdome Here is a true mark of a faithful Christian forsaking wife children for Christs sake believing and hoping also assuredly that God of his goodness for his Son Christs sake will shortly bring you and your dear children thither to me that we may most joyfully together sing Praises unto his glorious Name for ever And yet once again I desire you for the love of God and as ever you loved me to rejoyce with me and to give God continuall thanks for doing his most mercifull will upon me I hear say that you do oftentimes use to repeat this godly saying The Lords will be fulfilled True obedience of a faithful woman Doubtless it rejoyceth my poor heart to hear that report of you and for the Lords sake use that godly prayer continually and teach your Children and Family to say the same day and night and not onely say it with your tongues but also with your heart and minde and joyfully to submit your will to Gods will in very deed knowing and believing assuredly that nothing shall come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be his Almighty and Fatherly good will and pleasure and for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be most true and certain Christ testifieth in his holy Gospel saying Are not two little Sparrows sold for a farthing Matth. 10. and yet not one of them shall perish without the will of your heavenly Father And he concludeth saying Fear not ye therefore for ye are better then many Sparrows As though he should have said If God have such a respect and care for a poor Sparrow which is not worth one farthing that it shall not be taken in the Lime-twig Net or Pit-fall unsill it be his good will and pleasure you may be well assured that not one of you whom he so dearly loveth that he hath given his onely dear Son for y●u shall perish or depart forth of this miserable life without his Almighty good will and pleasure Therefore dear Wife put your trust and confidence wholly and onely in him and ever pray that his will be fulfilled and not yours except it be agreeing to his will the which I pray God it may ever be Amen And as for worldly things take you no care Good counsel given to his wife but be you well assured the Lord your dear God and Father will not see you nor yours lack if you continue in his love and childly fear and keep a clear Conscience from all kind of Idolatry ●uperstition and Wickedness as my trust is that you will do although it be with the loss and danger of this temporal life And good Margaret Fear not them that can but kill the body and yet can they not do that untill God give them leave but fear to d●splease him that can kill both body and Soul and cast them into hell fire Let not the remembrance of your Children keep you from God The Lord himself will be a Father and a Mother Care of children to be cast upon Lord. better then ever you or I could have been unto them He himself will do all things necessary for them yea as much as rock the Cradle if need be He hath given his holy Angels charge over them therefore commit them unto him But if you may live with a clear Conscience for else I would not have you to live and see the bringing up of your Children your self look that you nurture them in the fear of God and keep them farre from Idolatry Superstition The mothers duty in bringing up her children and all other kinde of Wickedness and for Gods sake help them to some Learning if it be possible that they may increase in virtue and god●y knowledge which shall be a better Dowry to marry them withall then any worldly substance and when they be come to age provide them such Husbands as fear God and love his holy Word I charge you take heed that you match them with no Papists and if you live and marry again
strait present care Commend me to all our Brethren and desire them to pray for me that I may overcome my temptations for the D●vil rageth against me I am put in the Stocks in a place alone because I would not answer to such Articles as they would charge me withall in a corner at the Bishops appointment and because I did not come to Mass when the Bishop sent for me I w ll lye all the dayes of my life in the Stocks by Gods grace rather then I will consent to the wicked generation Praise God and be joyfull that it hath pleased him to make us worthy to suffer somewhat for his Names sake The Devil must rage for ten dayes Commend me to Mr. F. and thank him for his Law-books but Law neither Equity will take any place among these blood thirsty I would for your sake their unjust dealing were noted unto the Parliament-hous● if it might avail God shorten these evil dayes I have answered the Bishop meetly plain already and I said to him If he will call me in open Judgemen I will answer him as plainly as he will require otherwise I have refused because I fear me they will condemn me in hugger-mugger The peace of God be with you my dear Brother I can write no more for lack of light and that I have written I cannot reade my self and God knoweth s is written farre uneasily I pray God you may pick out some understanding of my minde towards you Written in a Colehouse of da●kness out of a Pair of painfull Stocks by Thine own in Christ John Philpot. A Letter of John Careles answering to the loving Epistle or Letter sent to him before by Mr. Philpot. A faithfull friend is a strong defence whoso findeth such an one findeth a treasure A faithfull friend hath no peer the weight of gold and silver is not to be compared to the goodness of his Faith A faithfull friend is a Medicine of life and they that fear the Lord shall finde him Ecclesiast 6. A lett●r of John Careles to Mr. Philpot. THe Father of Mercy and God of all Consolation comfort you with his Eternal Spirit my most dear and faithful loving Friend good Mr. Philpot as you have comforted me by the mighty operation of the same The everlasting God be praised therefore for ever Amen Ah my dear heart and most loving Brother if I should do nothing else day and night so long as the dayes of Heaven do endure but kneel on my knees and reade Psalms I can never be able to render unto God condign thanks for his mercy fatherly kindness and most lov●ng compassion extended unto me most vile sinful wicked and unworthy wretch Oh that the Lord would open my mouth and give me a thankful heart that from the bottom of the same might flow his continual praise Oh that my sinful flesh which is the cause of my sorrow were clean separated from me that I might sing Psalms of Thanksgiving unto the Lords Name for ever that with good Samuels Mother I might continually record this noble Verse following the which by good experience I have found most true praised be my good God therefore 1. Sam. 2. John Careles raised up by the Lord out of great heaviness The Lord saith that good woman killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to hell and fetcheth up again Praised be that Lord for ever yea and praised be his Name for that he hath given me true experience and lively feeling of the same Blessed be the Lord God whose mercy endureth for ever which hath not dealt with me according to my deep deserts nor destroyed me in his displeasure when I had justly deserved it Oh what reward shall I give again unto the Lord for all the great benefits that he hath done for my Soul I will gladly receive the Cup of Salvation at his hand and will worship his Name with Prayer and with Praise Ah my dear heart yea most dear unto me in the Lord think not this sudden change in me to be some fickle Phantasie of my foolish head as indeed some other would surely suspect it to be for doubtless it is the marvellous doing of the Lord most merciful unto me his unworthy Creature God for his great mercies sake give me grace to be more thankful unto him then I heretofore have been and keep me that I never fall forth of his favour again And now my dear Brother and most blessed M●ssenger of the Lord whose beautiful feet have brought much glad tidings unto my Soul what shall I do or say unto you in the least part to recompence the fatherly affection and godly care that you continually keep for me Oh that God would give me the Spirit of fervent Prayer that I might yet that way supply some little part of my duty toward you Ah my true loving Friend how soon did you lay aside all other business to make a sweet Plaister for my wounded Conscience yea and that out of a painful Pair of Stocks which place must needs be uneasie to write in But God hath brought you into a strait place that you might set my Soul at liberty Out of your pinching and painful Seat you have plentifully poured upon me your precious Nard the sweet savour whereof hath greatly refreshed my tyred Soul The Lord likewise refresh you both Body and Soul by pouring the oyle of his gracious Spirit into your sweet heart Ah good Jeremy hath Pashur put thee in the Stocks why Jer. 20. now thou hast the right reward of a Prophet Thy glory never began to appear till now I doubt not but shortly Jer. 26. in stead of Ahikam the the Son of Shaphan Jesus the Son of the living God will come and deliver thee forth of the hands of all thine Enemies and will also make good against them and their Antichristian Synagogue all the words that thou hast spoken in his Name The Lord hath made thee this day a strong defenced Tower an iron Pillar Jer. 1. and a brazen Wall against the whole Rabble of Antichrist and though they fight against thee never so fiercely yet shall they not overcome thee for the Lord himself is with thee to help and deliver thee Jer. 15. and he will rid thee out of the hands of the wicked and will deliver thee out of the hands of the Tyrants And in that you are not busie in casting Pearls before Swine Matth. 7. nor in giving the holy things unto Dogs you are much to be commended in my simple judgement The circumspect behaviour of Mr. Philpot. And sure I am that your circumspect and modest behaviour hitherto hath been as much to Gods glory and to the shame and confusion of your enemies as any man's doings that are gone before you John Careles his advice to him Wherefore mine advice and most earnest desire is with all other of your loving Friends that you still keep that order with those