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A68281 Certayne reasons and arguments proving that it is not lawfull to heare or have any spirituall communion with the present ministerie of the Church of England. Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1608 (1608) STC 14660; ESTC S103950 70,851 120

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ioyning together in the true worship of God And that all such Churches and Congregations communicating after that maner together in divine worship are in all ecclesiasticall matters equall and of the same power and authority and that by the word and will of God they ought to have the same spiritual priviledges prerogatives officers administrations orders and Formes of divine worship 5. That every established Church or Congregation ought to have those spirituall officers and Ministers which are enioyned by Christ in the new Testament and no other 6. That the ground of Church-government is the Kingly function of Christ who is the Head of the Church and whom it properly concernes to make lawes by which to governe the Church 7. That the Scripture hath delivered an exact platforme of Pollicie for the House of God which is the Church And The word of God describeth perfitly vnto vs that form of governing the Church which is lawful the officers that are to execute the same from the which no Christian Church ought to swarve 8. That the forme of Church-governement in England is an Humane ordināce yea the very same by which Antichrist rose vnto his intollerable Tyranny in Gods Church 9. That it robbeth the Church of lawfull Pastors Elders and Deacons 10. That Diocesan Bishops have not any place nor part at all in any true and proper visible Church of Christ. 11. That it is the naturall and immutable office of a Pastor both to Teach and to Governe with the assistance of other Elders his owne flock 12. That the right true Discipline Ecclesiasticall in each proper Visible Church is one mayne part of the ordinarie meanes of salvation appointed by God for every soule and that this in the Church of England is vtterly wanting 13. That Diocesan Bishops c. do by necessarie consequence deny Christ the Saviour to be our intire and perfect Prophet and spirituall King by taking away from him some proper parts of his Propheticall and Kingly Offices impugne the Foundation of saving faith and are contrarie to Gods word 14. That Christ is the onely teacher of his Church and appointer of all meanes whereby we should be taught and admonished of any holy dutie whatsoever he hath thought good to teach his Church and the meanes whereby he hath perfitly set downe in the holy Scriptures so that to acknowledge any other meanes of teaching and admonishing vs of our duty then such as he hath appointed is to receive another teacher into the the Church besides him and to confesse some imperfection in those meanes he hath ordeyned to teach vs by If these Assertions I say be true then is it vnlawfull to have communion with the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England But the foresaid Assertions are true Therefore it is vnlawfull to have communion with the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England The Proposition agreeth with that of the former Argument and addeth weight vnto it For besides that which there is sayd it cannot stand with the Homage due vnto Christ the King and Head of the Church with the sound acknowledgement of the sufficiency of the Scripture word of God with the carefull vsing of the means of salvation appointed by God for every soule with the faithfull renouncing of all humane ordinances in Gods worship and vtter detestation of Antichrist c. to have cōmunion with the Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England seing they are not lawfull Pastors or Ministers having the naturall and immutable Offices appointed by Christ nor performing the worship of God according to the Canon of his word but stand in subiection to Provinciall and Diocesan Bishops receiving their Ministery from them and executing it vnder them who are contrary to Gods word and against the Prophecy Kingdome of Iesus Christ c. So as to heare and communicate with their Ministery were to worship God after an vnlawfull maner and to acknowledge other offices and meanes of teaching and governing the Church then such as Christ hath appointed and consequently to receive an other Teacher King into the Church besides him and to confesse some imperfection in those offices and meanes which he hath ordeyned to teach governe vs by c. The Assumption is their owne acknowledged confirmed by themselves in divers of their books Namely The Removall of certaine Imputations layd vpon the Ministers of Devon and Cornwall pag. 22. 39. T. C. reply 1. Pag. 83. English Puritanisme p. 1. 5. 6. 12. 13. 24. The Demonstrat of Discipl pag 1. Admonit to the Parliam treatise 1. and 2. Sermon on Rom. 12. pag. 36. 37. Mr Iacobs Reasons proving necessity of reforming the Churches in England pag. 33. 35. 51. 52. 53. The Abridgement of the Book delivered to his Maiesty by the Lincolnshire Minist pag. 31. 32. 77. 78. c. And let it here be observed that although the case be thus cleare by their owne writings against their Church and Ministery yet * Mr. Bradsh Argum. 12. London Ministers Protest Mr Iacobs Mr Hilders Mr Stones others writings c. they cease not to impute schisme vnto vs for separating from them in such estate they pretend that the mayne cause of our separation is because of their Ceremonies they hold and plead that the Churches of England as they be established by publik Authority are true visible Churches of Christ and that their Ministers are faithfull Pastors and true Ministers of Christ c. Accusations pretences opinions and pleas that sort very ill with their Propositions and Assertions and are so much the more straunge in them as they have besides all the former Positions many other the like affirmed expressely that they lack both a right Ministerie of God a right governmēt of his Church according to the Scriptures that they have an Antichristian hierarchie a Leiturgy culled picked out of the Popish dunghil the Massebook full of all abominations and that the controversie betwixt the Prelates them is not for a cap a tippet or a surplus but for greater matters concerning a true Ministerie and Regiment of the Church according to the word Which being once established the other melt away of themselves Admon to the Parliam treatise 1. 2. Thus have they written and iudged themselves heretofore Now if their Church and Ministery were altered it would be knowen But seing it is not how is it that they keep not more to the greater matters in controversie but insist so much vpon the lesser which would melt away of themselves if the other were once established And why blame they vs for separating from their false Ministerie vnlawfull worship and Babylonish constitution of their Church Or why consider they not that the extent of their Propositions and Assertions reacheth not onely to their Ceremonies but also to their Ministery Leiturgie and Church it self Now therefore if they can make to accord together their judgement with their practise their writings
Prelates therevnto is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie But the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of Engl. is the Ministery of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto Therfore the present Ministerie of the Church-assemblies of England is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie The Proposition of this Argument is proved first thus 1. The Ministerie of Deacons and Priests which accounts it self to be Christs yet was not set by Christ in his Church for the work of his Ministery that is the Ministerie of Antichrists apostasie But the Ministery of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto accounts it self to be Christs and yet was not set by Christ in his Church for the work of his Ministerie Therfore the Ministery of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto is the Ministery of Antichrists Apostasie The Proposition none can deny The Assumption hath two parts The one that the Ministery of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto accounts it self to be Christs Ministery Which themselves will graunt The other that this was not set by Christ in his Church for the work of his Ministery Which is proved already in the first Reason here before and in other Reasons hereafter following Agayne the Proposition of the Argument is proved secondly thus 2. If the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices government as be speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie then the Ministery ordeyned by them therevnto must needs be the Ministery of that Apostasie But the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices and government as be speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie Therfore the Ministery ordeyned by them is the Ministery of Antichrists apostasie The consequence of the Proposition is manifest because the fruit musts needs be such as is the tree Neyther do men gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles Mat. And who can bring a cleane thing out of filthynes Not any one Iob. 14.4 The Assumption is proved first thus 1. Whosoever besides Christ Iesus himself have such offices and government as thereby they clayme to be spirituall Lords they have the offices and government which are speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie are indeed very Antichrists themselves But the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices government as thereby they clayme to be spirituall Lords Therfore the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have the offices and government which are speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie and are indeed very Antichrists themselves The Proposition is proved by the Scriptures which teach that there is but one Lord the Lord Iesus Christ Ephe. 4.5 1 Cor. 8.6 and 12.5 2 Cor. 3.17.18 with Psal 110.1 Micah 5.2 Luk. Ioh. 20.22.23 1 Cor. 11.23 14.37 Rev. and 2.1 and 3.1.7 Now that these Scriptures and the like do speak of a spirituall Lord is playne both by the circumstances of the places themselves and because the Scripture other where giveth allowance of many civil or temporal Lords but no where of any spirituall Lord save Iesus Christ alone whose kingdome is not of this world Gen. 40.1 45.8 1 Sam. 16.16 and 26.17 1 King 1.11 Psal 149 8. Dan. 3.2 Act. 25.26 and 26.25 Rom. 13.1 1 Cor. 1.26 and 2.8 Tit. 3.1 1 Pet. Rev. 17.14 and 19.16 compared with the Scriptures here cited before And moreover whosoever is a spirituall Lord he may require spirituall honour to be yeelded vnto him and hath the Spirit of God to give vnto his people and through himself by it can sanctifie them and their actions and service of his Name c. Which things who is there that can require and effect but onely the Lord himself And who then can be a spirituall Lord but he alone So as hereby also it appeareth that all other which take vpon them to be spirituall Lords are indeed very Antichrists The Assumption is proved by the Lawes and Statutes of the Land whose words be these Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Maiestie the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled For by the Lords spirituall is meant here the Prelates And to the same end it is to be observed that in their Canons and practise they take vpon them as if they were spirituall Lords not onely to prescribe their own ordinances to the Church for the worship of God but also to bynd the spirit and conscience to the acknowledgment and approbation thereof and yet further in their ordination of Priests even to give the holy Ghost saying to the Priests when they ordeyne them Receive the holy Ghost c. as if it were in their power to give the Spirit of God to whom they would or that they were authorized herevnto by Iesus Christ who onely is the spirituall Lord of his Church and giveth his spirit according to his own will to whom and as it pleaseth him Ioh. 1.14.16 and 15.26 20.22 1 Cor. Ephe. 4.7.1 Ioh. 2.20.27 The Assumption aforesaid is proved secondly thus 2. The offices and government of such Bishops as are over Diocesan and Provinciall Churches and exercise ecclesiasticall jurisdiction over all the Ministers and people therein are speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie But the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have the offices and government of such Bishops as are over Diocesan and Provinciall Churches and exercise ecclesiasticall jurisdiction over all the Ministers and people therein Therfore the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices and government as be speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie The Proposition is evident inasmuch as the offices government of such Bishops and subjection of such Ministers and Churches are onely to be found in Antichrists apostasie and were never appointed by Christ or his Apostles For now in the tyme of the Gospell Christ hath set no other forme of visible Churches to which he hath given offices of Ministery but onely particular congregations such as may come together in one and joyntly perform all publick dutyes layd vpon them by the word of God As may appeare by the constitution of † Act. 1.15 2.41.42 with 6. 11.22 and 15.22.23 21.17 18.22 And 13.1.2 14.23 16 4.5 and 20.17.28 And the epistles to the Rom. Cor. Gal. Ephe. Phil. Col. Thes c. all the Churches planted by the Apostles and written unto by them in so many severall epistles also by the Churches to whom Christ wrote by Iohn in the Revelation Rev. 1.11 with 2. and 3. chap. Other formes of Churches therefore no men have power to institute And when where they are erected what other can they be but Antichristian And as for the examples of Timothee Titus and the like vsually alleged for defence of the Prelates authority and jurisdiction they will nothing help them For these were Evangelists which the Prelates are not as we have shewed in the * Pag. 5. former Reason And the particular Churches have in
themselves ech of them full interest and power from Christ to enjoy and practise all his ordinances for Ministery worship government and whatsoever he hath given his Church to be observed therein to the end of the world Mat. 18 17-20 and 28.20 with Act. 6 3-6 14.23 20.17.28 Rom. 12 4-8 1 Cor. and 4.17 and 12.27 14.33.36 16.1 1 Tim. 3.15 and 6.13.14 Rev. 1.11 20. with 2. 3. chap. And wheras the extraordinary offices of Apostles Prophets and Evangelists are ceased yet ‡ Ioh. 15.16 The Acts and Epistles of the Apostles c. their fruit remayneth still and we have the benefit of it for our direction by their writings which the Churches then had by their bodily presence To which end may be observed also how † 1 Cor. 1.1 Phil. 1.1 Col. 1.1 Philem. ver 1. some of the epistles are written in the Name of Paul Timothee an Apostle and an Evangelist and ‖ 1 Thes 1.1 2 Thes 1.1 some of them in the Name of Paul Silvanus and Timothee * 1 Cor. 4.9 1 Tim. 2.7 an Apostle ‡ Silvanus being the same with Silas as is like by the Name the placing of thē and the historie Act. 15.32.40 and 16.19 and 18.5 a Prophet and an † 2 Tim. 4.5 Evangelist which three also are ioyned togither for the constant teaching of one and the same truth in Christ 2 Cor. 1.19 And withall that the Apostles did then so write and mind as purposely intending the instructions and commandements given by them should be observed of all Churches both of the Ministers and other members thereof according to their places to the end of the world Rō 12 3-8 15.4 1 Cor. 4.6.17 11 23-26 14.37 Gal. 1.8.9 and 6.16.17 Ephe. 3 chap. and Col. 1 23-29 and 2.1.2 4.16.17 2 Thes 2.15 1 Tim. 3.14.15 and 5.21 and and 2 Tim. 2.2 and and 4.5.6 Titus Epist Heb. 2 1-4 and 3 1-6 and 13.8 1 Pet. 5.12 2 Pet. 1 12-21 and 2.1 and 1 Ioh. and 4 1-6 Iude ver Rev. 1.3 and 2. 3. chap. and So as now there can be no need or lawfull vse of any Diocesan Provinciall Nationall or Vniversall Bishops And for any reason or proof that the Prelates or any for them have brought or can bring from the Scripture for their Prelacy it will aswell follow that as they have now their Bishops over Dioceses and Archbishops over Provinces so if the King would he might have a Primate or Archprelate over all his Dominions and if there were a Monarch over Europe he might have a Patriarch over all the Prelates therein and so an Emperour over the world if there were any might also have an Oecumenicall or Vniversall Bishop and Pope over all the rest And Timothees example would aswel warrant these as it will the other seing there was not any Church in the world whither his office and the dutyes therof might not extend as his calling and employment was Of whom the Scripture sheweth that he was and did the dutyes of his office sometimes in one part of the world sometymes in another sometymes in Asia and sometymes in Europe as may be seen by the countreyes where he was at sundry tymes As in Asia being in divers countreyes and parts thereof in Phrygia Galatia Mysia Ionia c. And in Europe likewise in Macedonia Achaia Italie c. And in these countreyes and nations sometymes in one city and with one church and sometymes with another as namely at Thessalonica at Athens at Corinth at Ephesus at Rome at Philippi c. Also sometymes being with the Apostle Paul where he was himself sometymes left behind him when he went other whither sometymes sent for to come vnto him to such place as he appointed somtymes sent away from him to other places where he would employ him c. And this sometymes to bring the Churches into a setled order according to the Apostles direction sometymes to stablish and comfort them being already in such estate sometymes to know their state and to put them in remembrance of the Apostles wayes sometymes to look that none taught otherwise but that the doctrine and order delivered by the Apostles were reteyned among them c. By all which appeareth both what the office and employment of an Evangelist was and that Timothee was not a Bishop in ordinary office perteyning to any one certayne place people but an Evangelist in extraoadinary function employed sometymes in one countrey part of the world and sometymes in another sometimes with one Church and people and sometymes with another according as he had direction appointment by the Apostle Paul whose companion and assistant he was For all which see these Scriptures Act. 16. chap. and 17.14.15 and 18.5 and 19.22 and 20.4 Rom. 16.21 1 Cor. 4.17 and 16.10.11 2 Cor. 1.19 Phil. 1.1 and 1 Thes with both the Epistles written by Paul vnto Timothee The like may be observed concerning Titus who was sometymes with the Apostle Paul himself sometymes left behind him when he departed other whither sometymes called vnto him sometymes sent away from him c. being thus sometymes in Europe sometymes in Asia And in Europe being also at divers places as at Corinth in Achaia at Rome in Italie in Creta Dalmatia c. And in Asia likewise at Ierusalem in Iudea at Nicopolis in Armenia c. As appeareth by these Scriptures 2 Cor. 8.23.24 and 12.18 Gal. 2.1 2 Tim. 4.10 Tit. 1.4.5 3.12 with the whole Epistle to Titus And the like may be seen also in Marcus Aristarchus Tychicus others whose examples they might aswel alledge as those of Timothee Titus Act. 12.25 and 13.5 and 15.37.39 and 20.4.5 and 27. 2. Ephe. 6.21.22 Col. 2 Tim. 4.11.12 Tit. 3.12 Philem. ver 24. But by such allegations they let all men know how near they are driven that can fynd no warrant in the Scripture for Diocesan and Provinciall Bishops and therefore are glad to lay hold on the Evangelists office in Timothee and Titus from which notwithstanding they and their Churches and Ministers are as farr as cloudy darknes is from the cleare light of the Sun For the further declaration whereof besides that which hath ben sayd here before and in other Treatises written of this argument I will by way of question propound some things to be considered by such as are of judgement which as they shal be found may give more light to these and other poynts sometymes called in question The things are these 1. Whether the ordinance of Christ be not such as therein they which be in the greater offices have besides their owne peculiar function wherevnto they ought to attend power and authority both themselves to performe the dutyes of any the inferiour offices when there is just and needfull
occasion and to look that they be performed by all such as they are specially layd vpon for the better service of the Lord and his church therein 2. Whether on the contrary the apostasie of Antichrist be not such touching the Ministery and government of the Church as therein they which be in the lesser offices have power and authority among them to exceed the dutyes of the office which Christ hath appointed to performe the dutyes apperteyning to the higher offices by meanes whereof both Antichrist hath risen vp to so great a height and so many orders and degrees of superior and inferior Ministers have bene received and still are reteyned in that degenerate estate and apostasie of the man of sinne as is come to passe And touching the first because the offices set by Christ in his Church be of two sorts some extraordinary and for a tyme and speciall vse some ordinary and prrpetual whether it be true in both or in the first and in them alone As for example That the Apostles who were in the greatest office ordeyned by Christ vnder the Gospel † Mat. Ephe. 4.11.12 1 Cor. 12.28 had besides the peculiar office of Apostleship the power also and authority of the other Offices of ‖ Act. 20.29.30 Rō 11.25.26 2 Thes 2 3-8 1 Tim. ● Pet. 2. 3. chap. 1 Ioh. 2.18 Iude ver 17.18 Prophets * Act. 8.14.25 14.7 15.35.36 41. 16.40 Rom. Evangelists ‡ Ioh. 21.16 Act. 1.40.42 20.2 1 Cor. 9.7 Pastors † Act. 5 42. 1 Tim. 2.7 2 Tim. 1.11 Teachers ‖ 1 Pet. 5.1 Act. 6.2.6 15.6.22 1 Tim. 4.14 with 2 Tim 1.6 Elders * Act. 4.34.35 6.2.3 4. 11.29.30 1 Cor. 16.3.4 Gal. 2.10 Deacons both to performe them vpon just occasion themselves to see thē performed by others as is aforesayd For which consider the Scriptures here quoted in the Margent And likewise that the Prophets besides their owne special office had in them the power authority of the other inferiour offices of Evangelists Pastors Teachers c. Act. and 17.15 and 18.5.2 Cor. 1.19 Ephe. 3.5.6 4.11.12 And in like sort that the Evangelists besides their owne peculiar function had in them the power and authority of the other smaller offices of Pastors Teachers Elders c. Act. 8.35.38 with 21.8 1 Cor. 16.10 2 Cor. 1.19 1 Thes 3.2 with the Epist. to Tim. Tit. And it being so in the ordinary offices likewise that the Pastors therefore besides their own peculiar function have in them the power and authority of the other ordinary offices of the Teachers Elders and Deacons for performance and oversight as is aforesaid Act. 20.28 Ephe 4.11.12 1 Tim. 3 1-15 and 5.17.22 with 6.13.14 Heb. 13.7.17 1 Pet. 5.1 2.3.4 Luk. 12.42 Rev. 1.20 with Likewise that the Teachers have in them besides their owne speciall office the power and authority of the ruling Elders and Deacons Act. 20.28 1 Cor. Ephe 4.11.12 1 Tim. 3.1 15. and 5.17 with 2 Tim. 2.2 Tit. 1 5-9 Heb. 13.7.17 And in like maner that the Elders besides their owne speciall functiō have in thē the power authority of the Deacons office for the doing and overseing thereof as before is spoken Act. 11.29.30 and 20.17 28. 1 Thes 1 Tim. 3 1-15 and 5 17-22 with 6.13.14 Heb. 13.17 1 Pet. Finally that the Deacons as also the rest aforesayd have besides their owne peculiar office right and power to enjoy whatsoever interest the other members have in the Church for any dutyes or actions to be performed therein according to their place and condition And further that when they shall have ministred well in the Deacons office they may be called afore other of the brethren into the higher offices of the Elders being endued with giftes therevnto Act. 6.3 Rom. 12 4-8 1 Cor. 12 12-28 1 Tim. 3 8-13 But now on the contrary when such as were in the inferiour offices conteyned not themselves within compasse of their callings but took vpon themselves or had layd vpon them by others power and authority of the superiour functions then sprung vp the apostasie of Antichrist in the churches ministery and government As namely when the Pastors and Bishops of particular congregations came to have authority oversight over many Churches and over the Ministers and people therein in a kind of resemblance of the extraordinary offices already ceased Contrarie to Rev. with 18. and Act. 20.28 Ephe. Phil. 1.1 1 Pet. And that the ruling Elders or Presbyters now called Priests did the Ministeriall dutyes of the Pastors and Teachers in the particular Congregations Contrary to Rom. 12.7.8 1 Cor. 12.28 1 Tim. 5.17 And that the Deacons also baptized and were Ministers of the word which the Apostles did purposely oppose to the dutyes of that office at the institution thereof Act. So as of these things it may be sayd as Christ did in another case From the beginning it was not so Mat. 19.8 And herevpon in tyme many sorts and degrees of inferior servile Ministers and superior Lordly Prelates grew vp encreased in that defection of the Man of sinne till Antichrist at the length was exalted in his throne From which now agayne the Lord hath begunne to bring him downe discovering and consuming that mystery of iniquity by the light and power of his Gospell and will not cease till the same be fully abolished cast into the bottomles pit from whence it first arose 2 Thes 10.11.12 and 1 Ioh. 2.18.19 with Rev. and 8. and 9. and 13. and 14. and 16. and 17. and 18. and 19. chap. And hitherto of the Proposition of the last Syllogisme The Assumption thereof namely that the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have the offices and government of such Bishops as are over Diocesan and Provinciall Churches and exercise ecclesiasticall iurisdiction over all the Ministers and people therein is evident by their Church-constitution Lawes and practise And themselves neyther will nor can deny it 3. The other Assumption aforesaid viz that the Prelates of the Church of Engl. have such offices and government as be speciall parts of Antichrists apostasie is proved thirdly by this that the offices and government of the Prelates of the Church of Engl. do not in their nature and proper vse perteyne to any society body and estate eyther civill or ecclesiasticall but onely to the body and kingdome of Antichrist Of which as also of other reasons proving the point in hand more shal be spoken hereafter in the severall Arguments following concerning this matter And thus much concerning the Proposition of this Argument The Assumption of the Argument namely that the present Ministery of the Church-assemblies of England is the Ministerie of Deacons and Priests ordeyned by the Prelates therevnto is vndeniably confirmed
by the constitution Canons and observation of that Church And to the end that this poynt may the better be considered because it giveth great light and proof to the whole controversie concerning the Antichristianity of their estate I wil here note a few special things which among many other apperteyning to their office calling may to this purpose be observed First for their Deacons they are at their entrance into that office presented to the Prelate by an Archdeacon or his deputy saying Reverend father in God I present vnto you these persons present to be admitted Deacons 2. Then the Bishop commending them to the prayers of the Congregation with the Clerks people present is to say or sing the Letanie and Suffrages with the communion of the day and a number of stinted prayers Collects borrowed from the Papists 3. They promise that they wil reverently obey their Ordinary other chief Ministers of the Church that is the Lord Bishop of the Dioces the Archbishop Archdeacon Chancelor Commissarie the rest of that sort whose offices are Antichristian 4. After this promise made they are then ordeyned Deacons by the Lord Bishop or his Suffragane laying his hands vpon their head and saying Take thou authority to execute the office of a Deacon in the Church of God committed vnto thee in the name of the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost Amen 5. And then the Bishop delivereth to every one of them the new Testament saying Take thou authority to read the Gospel in the Church of God and to preach the same if thou be therevnto ordinarily commaunded 6. Then one of them appoynted by the Bishop reads the Gospel of that day And they al are injoyned to receive the communion with the Bishop 7. Also among the works and duties of their office they are appoynted to read Homilies and divine service to instruct the youth in the Catechisme to Baptise and to preach if they be admitted thereto by the Bishop Whereas it cannot be shewed that the Apostles ever layd these dutyes vpon the Deacons but such as are * Act. Rom. 12.8 plainely opposed to the ministerie of the word and prayer namely the charge of the poor and Church treasure for the gathering and distribution of the Churches benevolence Wherevpon some of themselves seeking reformation have published heretofore that ‡ Defence of Eccles Discip pag. 102. their Deaconship is a mere humane institution a degree to the Priesthood and nothing like the ordinance of God that † Admon to Parliam first treatise though the name of Deacons be remayning among them yet the office is fowly perverted turned vpside downe and that * Defence of godly Minist pag. 108. it is manifestly contrarie to the word of God The example of Philip who was one of the seven Deacons preached baptized which by some is alledged for approbation of their practise wil not help them For he was in a true and lawfull office not in an Antichristian he had a lawful calling by the Church not an vnlawful entrance by Prelates as these have whē where he was Deacō the Apostles ministred the word and baptized neither was he then ordeyned to the administration thereof but attended to the tables of the poor and afterwards when he preached and baptized he did the work and office of an Evangelist by which name the Scripture expresly calleth him Act. 6 2-6 21.8 with 8.5 6 7.12 26 29. c. Next for the Priests first they must be Deacons that is set by the Prelates in the office and after the maner aforesayd 2. Then having continued in that office the space of a yeare except it seem otherwise good to the Ordinary they are agayne presented to the Bishop or his Suffragane by an Archdeacon or his deputy saying Reverend father in God I present these persons present to be admitted to the Order of Priesthood 3. Afterward there followeth the Letany and some Collects and stinted prayers taken out of the Popes pontificall with an exhortation an Epistle and Gospell wherein they abuse and pervert the Scripture 4. Then the Prelate asketh them Do you think in your hart that you be truly called according to the wil of our Lord Iesus Christ and the order of this Church of England to the Ministery of Priesthood And the partyes that are to be ordeyned answer every one for himself I think it 5. At which tyme also they promise agayne reverently to obey their Ordinary other chief Ministers of the Church that is the Prelates and other Officers aforesaid 6. So after a few questions made and prayers read they kneel downe vpon their knees at the Prelates feet he with the Priests present lay hands severally vpon the head of every one of them that receiveth orders saying vnto them Receive the holy Ghost whose sinnes thou doest forgive they are forgiven and whose sinnes thou doest reteyne they are reteyned be thou a faithfull dispensour of the word of God and of his holy Sacraments In the name of the Father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen 7. And then the Prelate delivereth to each of them the Bible in his hand saying Take thou authority to preach the word of God and to minister the holy Sacraments in the congregation where thou * Note how they may be made Priests though yet they have no charge or flock to attend vnto shalt be so appointed Thus are they made Priests when at any tyme they enter into a benefice they must besides have the Presentation of the Patrone who may be a Papist or Familist c. the institution of the Prelate who is an Antichrist to whome now also they sweare to yeeld Canonicall obedience by whom otherwise they stand alway subject to be silenced suspended degraded and deprived And for the works of their calling some are such as Christ hath not prescribed to his Ministers in his Testament such as be their solemnization of mariage buriall of the dead churching of women reading of homilies stinted prayers c. some being such as Christ hath prescribed yet at they not so administred as he in his word hath ordeyned but according as is appointed in their book of Common prayer in their Canons Injunctions Advertisements c. according to which they are bound to pray and to administer the word Sacraments and censures among them Other particulars many and straunge vsed in the entrance and performance of their Office of Priesthood I omit Onely I will annex this one thing more how by their Canons they have now provided further and made it a constitution of their Church * Canons of Anno 1603. Can. 36. † That no person shall be received into the Ministery nor admitted to any Ecclesiasticall living nor suffred to preach except he be licenced by the Archbishop or Bishop of the Dioces c. and except he shall first subscribe That
because they pretend in show one thing to the Prince people and State and yet performe another thing in deed They pretend and seem to stand by the Princes lawes by the authority of their calling had from the Prelates for otherwise they could not stand Ministers in any of those assēblies and yet they practise the contrary if they stand not by this but by vertue of some other calling and authority as sometymes they affirme But let vs suppose that which is not namely that they had some other calling which were lawfull yet also receiving or reteyning this vnlawful calling of the Prelates this were but to halt between two opinions and to set their thresholds by Gods thresholds and their posts by Gods posts even their inventions by Gods ordinances Of which kind of worship the Scripture witnesseth that it is nothing els but to set a wall between God and them and to defile his holy name with their abominations Ezech. 43.8 with 1 King 18.21 Finally whatsoever they pretend of another calling ‡ Mr Hild. to Mrs N. Mr Iacobs comparison of mariage His Reasons for necess of reform p. 50. Offer of Conf. pag. 39. by their Churches or peoples chusing accepting willing subiecting to their Ministery c. yet it is evident that in very deed they preach the word minister the Sacraments and execute all duties of their Ministery by vertue of their calling taken from the Prelates As may appeare by these reasons following 1. Because they cannot stand publick Ministers of the Church-assemblies of Engl. vnlesse they receive of the Prelates the Deaconry Preisthood aforesaid And at their ordination they have this authority given them of the Prelates when the Bishop delivereth to every one of them the Bible in his hand saying * Book of ordering priests fol. 14. Take thou authority to preach the word of God and to minister the holy sacraments in the congregation where thou shalt be so appointed 2. Because that also by the law of their Church they are † Canons of Anno 1603. Can. 8. excommunicated ipso facto if they affirme that they who are made Bishops Priests or Deacons after their fourme of making and consecrating them are not lawfully made nor to be accounted by themselves or others to be truely Bishops Priests or Deacons vntill they have some other calling to those Offices 3. Because the people even the best most religious among them as now they stand in the confusion and bondage of those ecclesiasticall assemblies officers canons proceedings have not the liberty of the Churches of Christ nor power in that estate to choose and submit vnto the true and lawful Ministery appointed by Christ Of which point see further in the Treatise of the Ministery of the Church of Engl. p. 119.120.121 4. And lastly because without against the peoples consent by whose approbation and subjection to their Ministery they would seem to stand they are by the Prelates alone silenced deprived and degraded from exercising any Ministery in those assemblies Whereby even themselves professe to the world that they have their Ministery from the Prelates that they exercise it by vertue of their calling received from them that they still remayne in bondage vnder their Antichristian authority Not to shew further in particulars how their estate is such whatsoever they think or pretend otherwise as both themselves their Ministery and people stand all of them subiect to the Prelates and to their Antichristian Courts suspensions excōmunications absolutions and all other their proceedings officers canons and constitutions ecclesiasticall In the Scriptures wee read that the Apostles being true Ministers of Christ would not at the commaundement and threatning of the lawfull Magistrates and Rulers leave of to preach in the Name of Iesus Act. 8. c. And why should not these preachers if they were in a true Ministerie much more refuse to leave it at the appointment of the Prelates who are vnlawfull vsurpers of the jurisdiction which they challenge and exercise in the Church Yea if so be their offices and authority were lawfull yet when they forbid that which God hath commanded all the Scripture teacheth in such cases not to yeeld obedience vnto them any more then the Apostles did to the Rulers of Israel in the matter afore said If it be said that the Apostles had an immediate calling of Christ and therefore refused to obey the Rulers We answer that they had in deed an immediate calling of the Lord but they made not this the ground of their refusall neyther might so have done if the Magistrate cōmaundement sayd vpon them had ben lawfull Here therfore two things are to be observed First that in all lawfull things the Apostles aswell as any other Christians were bound to obey the Magistrates in the Lord. And so they both did themselves and taught others to do saying Let every soule be subiect to the higher powers Every soule aswell the Apostles and Prophets as any other whosoeuer Rom. 13.1 1 Pet. 2 13-17 Secondly the Apostles being at that tyme so injoyned and threatned by the Governours of Israel layd this for the foundation and ground of their answer and refusall that they ought to obey God rather then men Act. 4.19 and Act. 5.29 Which is a duty as necessarily required of all Ministers and Christians as it was of the Apostles namely to obey God and not Man when Man forbiddeth that which God commaundeth or commaundeth that which God forbiddeth An example in deed there is of Uriah the Priest who at the commaundement of the King of Iudah made an altar after the fashion of that of Damascus and sacrificed thereon 2 King 16.10.11 But therein he sinned greatly notwithstanding that he offered vpon that altar to the Lord such burnt-offerings meat-offerings peace-offerings and at such tymes of the morning and evening sacrifice as God himself had appointed And if in that tyme of the Law he ought not to have done this though the King of Iudah commanded it but should rather have lost his life for refusing it much lesse may the Church-Ministery now vnder the Gospell at the appointment of any Princes Christian or other beframed or exercised after any new maner devised by Man and least of all after Antichrists that Man of sinne Yea though in that Ministery many doctrines of the Gospel be taught and such Sacraments administred as Christ hath ordeyned For the other was but contrary to an ordinance given by Moses whereas this is contrary to an ordinance given by Iesus Christ who being the sonne is worthy of more honour then Moses the servant Heb. 3.3 And here agayne concerning such as plead that they teach the truth and many excellent points of doctrine It is to be observed that yet none may therefore heare their Ministery vnder colour of learning the truth and receiving comfort from them neyther may for this cause cōtinue in subjection to their Ministery and ordinances because that