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A44756 Thērologia, The parly of beasts, or, Morphandra, queen of the inchanted iland wherein men were found, who being transmuted to beasts, though proffer'd to be dis-inchanted, and to becom men again, yet, in regard of the crying sins and rebellious humors of the times, they prefer the life of a brute animal before that of a rational creture ... : with reflexes upon the present state of most countries in Christendom : divided into a XI sections / by Jam. Howell, Esq. Howell, James, 1594?-1666. 1660 (1660) Wing H3119; ESTC R5566 113,995 188

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Asses so that oft-times neither hand nor foot can do their duty which we never do Pererius to himself It is a strange and strong incantation that holds this poor Animal in this brutality I will by the favor of Morphandra try a conclusion next upon som other of a quicker apprehension and one who had liv'd in a more plentifull and contented train of life whiles he was Man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Third Section Consisting of a Dialog 'twixt Morphandra Pererius and an Ape who had been once a Preachman in Gheriona who having been carried away with every wind of Doctrine and following any fanatic new-fangl'd opinion was transmuted to that mimicall shape In which Dialog ther is an account given of the sad case and confusion wherein Gheriona is involv'd at present c. Morphandra Pererius an Ape Morphandra I Saw you somwhat earnest in banding arguments with that Asse but how have you sped doth he desire to be disasinated and becom Man again as I promised he should be provided his will concurred therunto Pererius Truly Madame I find the old proverb tru that he who washeth an Asse's head doth lose both time and sope But these two Animalls I have treated withall liv'd in a poor ignorant condition when they were Men I humbly desire I may mingle speeches with some transmuted Animals who when they were Rationall cretures did live in plenty and at ease and who were bred up in knowledg Morphandra You shall have your desire and in that Grove I spie an Ape who was once a prick-ear'd Preachman in Gheriôna whom for his mimicall foolish humour and following any new fond fatuous opinion I thought it proper to transmute to that shape Besides I turn'd him to that long-tail'd beast because they of his country are called Stertmen that is men with long-tailes for which ther is both Tradition and Story He came hither Chaplain to a Frigot and had not the ship quickly tack'd about and got away I had transfigur'd all the rest Ape By the earnestnes of your looks and gazing I believe you would speak with me therefore I pray what 's your pleasure Pererius Poor Ape thou art an object of much pitty Queen Morphandra hath been pleased to discover unto me that thou wa'st once a man and born in Gheriona a noble Country and a Nation of no lesse esteem Ape 'T is tru the Country is good but she may be said to be now like Lucian's sick Eagle shot and pittifully wounded with shafts of her own feathers Gheriona never shewed she had in her as much to make her happy as she shews now to make her self unhappy I fear me there be som further dreadfull judgments as the Famine and the Pestilence hanging over her for it hath been observed that those three scourges of Heven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Famine the Plague and the civill Warrs are consecutif and use to follow one another though the last hath got the start of the other two But concerning the peeple I verily believe ther were never any so far degenerated since the Devill had to do with mankind never any who did fool and puppifie themselfs into such a perfect slavery and confusion You seem to pitty my transfiguration from Man to Ape but their case is to be much more resented for they are turned from Men to Wolfs if you go to their humours ther 's a tru Lycanthropy among them els they wold never worry and devour one another in so savage a manner All which proceeds from a sad disease which hath seiz'd upon many thousands of them it is a pure Scotomia an odd kind of Vertigo that reigns amongst them which turns the head round and fills it with new chimera's ever and anon 'T is tru that my country-men were ever observ'd to be inconstant in the fashion of their cloathing in their outward comportment and garbs which proceeded from Imitation more then naturall Inclination But this mimicall apish humor hath extended of late years not onely to their externall habits but to the inward habitudes of their minds and taken hold of their Intellectualls by being carried away with every wind of Doctrine and fanaticall new-fangled opinions blown over from other Countreys and then multiplying amongst them For though my countrey-men have not any great Genius to invent yet 't is observ'd they have a faculty to add to any new invention and if any new odd opinion in Holy things hath once taken footing among them they will make it run upon more feet Now it is in Divinity as in Philosophy Uno absurdo dato sequuntur mille One absurdity being granted a thousand will follow as Aristotle the Philosophers-Pope doth affrim for Errors like ill weeds do grow apace And truly I must confesse that this apish humor had seiz'd strongly upon me which made me distrub the peace of the holy Church wherin I was born baptized and bred which made Queen Morphandra to transform me justly to this shape you see being entertain'd Chaplain to a Man of War that arriv'd at this Island though I had been sensible of mine own errors a good while before Pererius I know well that there was in Gheriona a comely face of a Church Ther were such solemnities venerations and decencies us'd that might discover som piety in the practice of holy duties Ther was a public Liturgy that link'd the souls of the whole Nation in an unanimity wherin ther were such pithy patheticall prayers that reached all occasions and searched every crany in the conscience The Sacraments were administred with a fitting posture of reverence and genuflexion yet far from any superstition God's houses were kept neat cleanly and in repair There was such a prudent handsom Government such degrees of promotion such possessions annex'd to the Church that made them of that holy function not onely to be esteem'd and reverenc'd but to be able to do deeds of charity But now I hear ther 's crept up such a nasty race of miscreants who have no more esteem of God Almighty's House than of a Pig-sty who have turn'd a pretended Superstition to a palpable Prophanenes who have plunder'd all that belong'd to pious uses who have nothing of that veneration that sweetnes and comfort that useth to attend tru devotion which is turn'd to a giddy zeal or a kind of lust still after more learning as if Christianity had no consistence or certainty no sobriety or end of knowledg wherin the inward man might acquiesce These poor simpletons pretending to imitate the Apostles time wold have the same form of Discipline and Mode to govern whole Nations as it did at first a Chamber-full of men in the Infancy of the Christian Church They wold mak the same coat serve our Saviour at five and twenty years as fitted him at five But you were speaking of other dreadfull judgments that you believe were hanging over Gheriona and what are the resons that induce you to that belief
made them turn supposed superstition to gross prophaness preaching to prating praying to raving government to confusion and freedom to fetters We have so intoxicated that dear daughter of yours Polihaima that she knows not what way to turn her self And whereas her Apprentices did rise up like so many Cubs of Tygers against their lawfull Prince they are now becom as came as so many silly sheep against the Souldiery We have puzzled their Pericranium with vertiginous fancies and fears among themselfs that one neighbour dare not trust the other To conclude we have eclipsed the glory of that Nation we have made them by all peeple far and neer that ever had knowledg correspondence or any commerce with them to be pittied by som to be laugh'd at by others to be scorn'd of all and to becom the very tail of all Nations In fine Sir we have brought that Country to such a passe of confusion that it is a fit place onely for your infernall Majesty to keep your Court in for ther 's never a Crosse there to fright you now 'T is tru they retain it still upon their coines of gold and silver in honour of your Plutonian Highnesse as you are Dis and god of riches Megaera having thus given up an account in behalf of her self and her two sisters they all bowed their snaky heads down to their very feet which were toed with Scorpions before the black Throne of Beelzebub who giving such a humm that made all Hell to tremble answered thus My pretious and most trusty Tartarean daughters we highly approve of the super-erogatory service you have don us for the propagation of our Empire upon Earth and specially in Gheriona we have sued a long time to have a lease of that Iland and we hope to obtain it touching Carboncia 't is not worth the while Therfore when you have visited those of that Nation whom you have sent hither already to peeple this pit I would have you return thither and prepare that place for one of our principall habitations never leave them till you have thrust out Religionem ex solo as well as Regem ex solio make Law Religion Allegiance and every thing els Arbitrary let not one government last long but shuffle the Cards so that a new Trump may be turnd up often create still new fears and foment fresh divisions among them let the son seek the fathers throat let brothers sheath their swords in one anothers bowells let the Country clash with the Towns the Towns one against the other and the Sea with both till that the whole Nation be at last extinguished that one may not be left to pisse against a wall Let not a Church or Chappell Hospitall or Colledge stand in the whole Isle I intend to have a new Almanack of Saints at my comming for I have som Star-gazers there fit for my purpose Make haste therefore and acquit your selfs of your duty for fear a peace be shuffl'd up and that Artonia and Tumontia appeer in the busines and espouse the quarrell of young Caroloman And if you carry your selfs well in this employment I may chance give you Carboncia for your reward The three Lethean Futies with a most profound reverence replied May it please your Majesty your Ferriman Charon is continually so pestered with such multitudes of Gherionian and Carboncian passengers that we were forc'd to stay a long time ere we could be transported hither and we fear we shall be so hindred again Therfore we most humbly desire for our better expedition that you would vouchsafe to give us a speciall Mandamus that we may be serv'd first with a non obstante when we com to the banks of Styx You shall dear daughters said Pluto and my Warrant shall be addrest to som Gherionian Tarpalins wherof ther are abundance these few years past whom Charon hath entertaind for his journey-men Having listned all this while unto what pass'd 'twixt Pluto and his Furies my guiding spirit did lead me up and down Hell to see the various sorts of torments that are there which indeed are innumerable both old and new The first I beheld was Ixion who was tyed with ugly Vipers to a wheel that whirl'd about perpetually and I might perceive a multitude of lesser wheels newly made therabouts wherunto great nombers of Gherionians and divers of my acquaintants were bound in like manner I might discern also hard by a huge company of new Windmills and bodies tyed with black-spotted Snakes at every wing turning round perpetually A little further ther were a great many broken by Milstones who were whirl'd with them about incessantly In another place I might see black Whirlpools full of tormented souls turning still round I asked what was the reson of so many whirling tortures My good Spirit answered All these except Ixion's wheel are new torments appointed for Gherionian Sectaries who had destroyed from top to bottom all Government both of Church and State And as their brains turn'd round upon earth after every wind of Doctrine so their souls turn here in perpetuall torments of rotation A little further I spied Prometheus removed thither from Caucasus with a ravenous Vulture tearing and feeding upon his liver which as one part was eaten renewed presently after and abundance of new commers were tormented in the same manner these I was told they were Gherionians also that were punishd like Prometheus because as he was tortured so for stealing fire from Heven by which was meant for prying too far into the secrets of the gods so those fiery Zelots of Gheriona were tortured for offring to dive too far into the high points of Predestination Election and Reprobation being not contented sapere ad sobrietatem but were gaping ever and anon after new lights and flashes of illuminations to pry into the Book of Life Then I came to the bottomles Tub which Danaus daughters were a filling a nomberles company of other such tubs were there and Gherionian women and men were incessantly labouring to fill them up with the stenchy black waters of Acheron I was told that they were those over-curious peeple in Gheriona which wold be never satisfied with spirituall knowledg having no other devotion than to be alwaies learning and never comming to the truth as these poor restlesse fillers could never come to any bottom Then I beheld the most horrid tortures of those Giants who wold have pulld Iupiter out of his Throne and a world of Gherionians among them who partaked of the same tortures because they had conspir'd on earth to destroy their lawfull King Not far further I might spy dazling my eyes fiery glowing tubs made Pulpit-like and I was told they were prepared for those prophane presumptuous Mechanicks and other lay-men who use to preach and so abuse the sacred Oracles of God And Uzza was not far off who lay in torments there for being too bold with the Holy Ark. Not far distant I saw hoops of iron that were made