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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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signify the same cannot be proved by Scripture thes few pregnant Texts shal serv to vindicat the truth Politia Ecclesiastica An Ecclesiastic Polity 2. THat the Church is no different or distinct Oeconomy or Corporation from the civil Common-wealth but subject and subordinat to it in al things nor hav Clergy Men except they be temporal Princes any spiritual Government or coerciv jurisdiction unles delegated by suprem Magistrats special Commission but al their function is to Preach Teach administer Sacraments and doo other Ecclesiastic duties Which the Soveraign Magistrat may also execut if he pleaseth so wel as perform a Constables Office or any other civil faculty yea he can constitut what Books of the Bible shal be Canonical and which Apocryphal binding the Subjects to observ the one or other as he shal dictat direct or determin under pain of civil obedience or disobedience For Ministers are only our Ghostly instructers and School-Masters not Rulers or Governors no not in spiritual sanctions which concern the life to com whos precepts are pious Counsils not positiv commands This ●latly contradicts my third Tenet touching Church-Government 3 Thesis from the Creation to the first Century after Christs Birth and consequently to our times who defend that for divers of the first generations al Rule both sacred for Soul and secular for Body consisted in Fathers and Elders of Families but after when Men gathered like Partridges in Covies into several Societies public Poli●y grew up to two distinct Bodies which had sundry privileges of Rule but subordinat or subalternat one to another This is ●atified at large in the unwrested History of both Bodies drawn down from the first times to our modern ages which to re●terat wil be tedious if not nauseous Yet som few proors or places of Scripture shal be briefly subjoined as in the former Moses who first instituted Government over Gods people Israel Deut 17 9 12. erected by divine dictat or direction two distinct Courts one for Church-matters caled a Consistory another for Common-wealth affairs clyped a Judicatory as Jeremy Jer. 26. 8. 16. was arraigned accused and condemned to dy by the first but acquited and released by the last Thes two in process of time by long slavery of the Jews to sundry Nations were much pared or impaired yet som prints remained til Christs coming Who cals the secular Councils and spiritual Synagogs Mat 10 17. yea if any offend a Man and he tel him of it privatly but the other wil not hear Christ bids the party tel it to the Church Mat. 18 17. which if he also neglects to obey let him be as a Pagan or Publican Mat. 5 22. He describes both Courts in thes words Who ever is angry with his Brother causlesly shal be culpable of Judgment meaning the lesser Court who cals him Rhaca in scorn shal be liable to a Council or cheif Consistory but who shal say thou Fool shal be in danger of Hel fire Thus far of Church government under the Law which had power to punish Blasphemy Idolatry Adultery and som other crimes with death Now under the Gospel Christ as suprem Head held al rule soly to himself but after his death and departure into Heaven the Apostles in a joint Copersigniory governed al who toward their deceas appointed Bishops or Prelats to preside over Presbyters which were ordained before like the s●v●nty Disciples sent abroad by Christ to Preach Baptise and doo other spiritual duties for suppression of S●hisms and Heresies sowen by Satan in thos dawning dais Men of pervers minds Who despise dominion and speak evil of dignities St. Paul being Jud● v 8 Acts 19. 21. to leav the E●st and go to Rome substituted Titus in his stead as Bishop of Crete a large I le To ordein Elders in every 2 C●r 8 6 16. Titus 1. 5. 1 Tim. 1 3. 1 Tim 5 20 21 22. Tit. 2. 15. City so he appointed Timothy about the same time to abide at Ephesus that he might charge som to teach no other doctrin The Rules which he prescribes to both being before but common Presbyters plainly indicat that he gav them coerciv power over other Elders to over see censure rebuke or silence them with al Deacons under their charge but to doo nothing partialy nor lay hands on any suddenly St. J●h● after his return from Patmos exile constituted som supervisors in divers Cities planted whol Churches and ordained Presbyteries in several places as Paul and Timothy used to doo the like did other Apostles in divers Dioceses as many antient writers and authentic Historians truly testify Much more might be added for proof of the premisses which is omitted to avoid prolixity De regno Fidelium aterno Of Saints eternal reign THat no elect Saints when their Bodies shal be raised to life at last day according to Gods iterated promisses shal reign in the Kingdom of Heaven or third Heaven Gods highest Throne but only here on a new Earth with our Lord Jesus Christ as King not for a thousand yeers before or at the day of Judgment as Chiliasts conceiv but for ever and ever For it sutes not with the Majesty of so great a King that his Subjects or Servants shal hav place so high as his Throne or abov the Earth his Footstool which yet is commonly caled the Kingdom of Heaven in reference to that place of Eternity wher God reigns in glory This diametraly opposeth my seventh Theorem against the 7 Thesis Millenar reign of Christ with his Martyrs and som Saints at Earthly Jerusalem who hold that Christ shal com in the Clouds to judg al mankind whos bodies shal then be raised every one reunited to its proper identic Soul according to their works but shal carry his Saints with him into Heaven ther to reign or remain in ineffable jois eternaly Which position is proved by thes pregnant places without descant division or distortion Earthly Jerusalem shal be never restored no more then Sodom Acts 6. 17. or Samaria as the Prophets inform but eternal life in new Jerusalem which is Metaphoricaly meant of his Spous the Church is the reward of just Men at last day as St. Paul testifies 2 Tim. 4 6. Ergo none shal reign on Earth with him much less he with them in Jerusalem new built The holy Martyrs Souls Rev. 6 9. rest under the Altar in Heaven but shal not return to reign here on Earth either temporaly or everlastingly For al the Godly at Christs secund coming shal rise immediatly to glory 1 Thes 4. 16 17. upon sound of the Trumpet and thes then living caught up in the Clouds with them together to meet the Lord who coms not to reign or reside with them here but to carry them with him into Heaven ther to reign and remain for ever Now if it sutes not with the Majesty of God so great a King that his Subjects and Servants shal sit
of Holies once a year the Priests never the high Priest might mourn for none but Priests might for Father Mother Brother Son Daughter and next of Kin the high Priest had his Sagan or Substitut the Priests none Thes were the forms of Church government under the Law wherto that of the Gospel was in part conformed Christ had sole Evangelical Ministry being our Apostle Prophet Evangelist Bishop Pastor Doctor Mat. 10 1. c. Deacon in himself but chos twelv Apostles Assistant parallel to the twelv Patriarchs and twelv Princes of the Tribes sending them to preach heal and cast out Devils to whom when the harvest grew great he added seventy inferior Disciples Luk. 10. 1. c. like the seventy Fathers of Families and seventy Elders of the People whom he sent by couples into Cities wher he meant to com giving them power to preach the Gospel heal the sick tread on Serpents ●o Scorpions and subdu Enimies Thes two orders S. Paul cals Apostles and Prophets placing Prophets E●hes 3. 〈◊〉 after Apostles as inferiors for from the seventy Matthias was chosen Apostle and Presbyters or Elders succeded the seventy but Bishops or Prelats the twelv as al Apostolic Antients agree This was the first model of Church regiment under Christ the chief Shepherd who before his Ascention made the twelv general Shepherds to supply his stead by a triple charge to Peter Thes had equal eminent authority or jurisdiction John 21. 1● 16. 17. jointly and severaly to lay on hands at Ordination and confirmation to command contermand censure bind or loos which before their deaths som of them devolved on Bishops as their indubitat successors At first the whol weight of Church affairs lay soly on them but upon the Greecs complaint how their Widows were neglected they ordeined by imposition of hands which severs Men to sacred functions A●● 〈◊〉 1 2 〈◊〉 seven Deacons to distribut offerings and serv Tables Afterward upon the Disciples dispersion at Stephans death arose Evangelists whos duty was to preach but no distinct order Then that the Church so planted might perpetualy be watered they ordeined Priests or Presbyters like the seventy Disciples for constant attendance in al places Lastly to contin● the Government which rested in themselfs they appointed Overseers Greecly Episcopi by S. John Angels vulgarly Bishops to supply their steads after them to whom the chief charge to command correct ordein oversee was committed or conferred specially for suppressing of Schisms which spread in the Churches of Rome Corinth Galatia Philippi Colossi Thessalonica and Indea For S. Paul first constituted Titus Bishop of Cret and Timothy of Ephesus with their territories whos patern S. John and other Apostles folowed If then this office was necessary in thos times being the best remedy to repel Schisms as S. Cyprian and Jerom testify how much more in after ages when Sects so swarm and Ambition Avarice Pride Philancy Envy Emulation Discord and Division multiply dayly this power then was not personal in the Apostles alone not temporal to end or expire with them nor common to inferior Disciples but perpetual to abide til our Saviours secund coming and confined to Bishops for redress of al exorbitant enormities specialy Schisms and Heresies What single Presbyters did ever exercise any act of jurisdiction in al the Scripture or prime Churches In a family are divers officers but one Oeconomus or chief Steward In a Ship many Mariners but one Master in a Camp sundry Captaines but one General so in a Church of large extent several Ministers but one Bishop hee is to take charge of al Churches as Titus did of al Cret a goodly I le to see Presbyters doo their duties to correct what is faulty to confirm what is orderly and reform abuses He is chief in ordeining Presbyters as S. Paul had company at Timothy's ordination yet he sole ordeiner which none can deny as Christ shal be sole Judg at last day yet The twelv Apostles sit 〈◊〉 19 28. on twelv Thrones to judg the twelv Tribes of Israel 'T is a Luk. 22 30. silly Sophisters squib to say Bishops are caled Elders and contrarily Ergo both are one Order or Office Indeed such names at first were promiscuous but functions stil distinct as every greater contains a lesser So Apostles were stiled Presbyters or Elders Deacons or Ministers Doctors or Teachers Prophets and Evangelists Yea that title was inlarged to Barnabas Paul Andronicus Epaphroditus Titus Timothy so Presbyters are clyped Prophets and Prelats yet Chrysostom saith can be but one Bishop in a City Semblably Bishops are stiled Apostles Elders and Deacons while ter ms or titles were common but never in after ages as Theodore● Jerom Oecomenius and the Fathers aver Distingue tempora concordabunt res nor doth community of name argu identity of nature or office Thus episcopat is of divine right if not primary or immediat from Christ as in ordaining the twelv to includ their Successors yet secundary or mediat from the inspired Apostles who substituted Bishops to succed For as our Saviour in som sort instituted his own day to be sanctified weekly in stead of the Creatific Sabbath by actual rising from death which his Apostles celebrated by their practis of meeting to break bread every first day So he may be said to ordein Prelats and Presbyters who are of equal right Analogicaly by chusing twelv Apostles and seventy Disciples whos rooms thos two orders supplied yet the Lords day is not so subject to mutation by Man sith it hath a moral right by the equity not Letter of the fourth Commandment which Men and Angels cannot alter But the other two orders may if the end for which they were instituted be changed els not Al which premisses wil plainer appeer by particulars drawn from primitiv fountains which flow from the Rock of Faith and shal not be falsified in the least point The Apostles sent to Teach and Baptise al Nations had the whol world in common for their general Dioces but som attended special Churches as Rulers or Overseers and in fine set Bishops of 1 〈◊〉 ruling Elders or Bishops in their Chairs or Charges For James the Just caled the Lords Brother becaus born of Mary Cleopas the blessed Virgins sister resided and presided at Jerusalem as his proper Sea partly of his own authority and partly by the Apostles appointment as appeers by Pauls coming thither Acts 21. 〈◊〉 to consult with him and his Presbytery For at the Proto-Council Peter as prime Apostle was Prolocutor but James Act● 15 19 ●0 as President gav diffinitiv sentence to which al submited or subscribed After 30 yeers residence he was cast from a Pinacle and his brains pierced with a Fullers burling Iron whos Brother Simeon succeded by the Apostles assignment They also planted Churches elswher as Paul and Barnabas ordeined Elders Acts ●4 〈◊〉 in every Church but no Bishops are mentioned becaus yet they
before their deaths they ordeined som Disciples as Superiors over several Churches and Presbyteries 4. That such were stiled Prelats set over and Bishops or Overseers 5. That Peter and James Apostles Marc and Timothy Evangelists Gaius and Lynus two of the seventy Disciples Titus Onesimus Evodius Clemens Lucius Apelles Denys Areopagit Polycarp Ignatius Anacletus Apostolic Men were actual Bishops in several Sees as Ignatius Tertullian Irenaeus trusty Trustees avow 6. That in after ages Bishops were chosen by Presbyteries not occasionaly like Presidents or Moderators in Councils nor annualy as Maiors of Cities but perpetualy for life like Masters of Colleges to govern their Dioceses 7. That such continued in al christian Churches by the titles of Bishops or Prelats til Luther stiled them Superintendents 8. That after-Records or Catalogs of Episcopal continued successions are extant every wher beyond cavil or contradiction 9. That al Elders or Presbyters with Deacons Evangelists c. were Clergy Men by imposition of hands til Calvin occasionaly admitted Laics Joint Rulers in shew with Clerics which form hath since crept into a few Churches as novities stil find vulgar intertainment like new Brooms 10. That ther is no semblable color for conterfet Lay-Elders to meddle in Church matters nor ever were any such except Church-Wardens to keep the common Stock Goods and Utensils safe What needs more light at noon The blind are never the better nor wil deaf Adders be charmed So far the History Gaudenus de Episcopatu Gauden about Episcopat In his Hicrospistes or Defens of English Ministry and Ministers LEt Dr. Gauden a learned Divine ful of piety and free Appendix from partiality moderat the matter who in his Elegant Apology for the Ministry hath thes passages in sundry places He dotes not on any dross or rust which antient venerable Episcopacy may in many revolutions of ages easily contract and be as easily cleered nor likes thes rigid reformations which som rash envious ambitious Presbyters driv on who know not how to shav their Fathers Beards without cutting their Throats pair their Nails without cropping their Hands nor as unskilful Chymists refine from dross without consuming what is Pretious nor as blind Empirics purge bad Humors without casting into bloody Fluxes Our Lord Jesus Christ the tru Messias Son of God Angel of the new Covenant the great Apostle Bishop and Father of our Souls Author and Finisher of our Faith Suprem Lord and King Eternal high Priest and unerring Prophet of his Church was sent by G●d the Father to perform al Prophecies fulfil al righteousnes and settle a visible Ministration of holy things in his Church who cam not in his own Name as Man to be Mediator or to take the Honor of Prophet Priest and a King over it but had his Mission from the Father by evident Witne● from Heaven both before and at his Birth but more eminently at Baptism by the visible Shape of a Dov and audible voice This is my beloved Son in whom I am wel pleased being annointed with gifts of the Holy Ghost abov al as Head of the Church Thes were attended with infallible Signs and Wonders while he taught the Mysteries of his Kingdom and instituted holy Rites to distinguish his Church from the World by thos Seals and Pledges of his lov in dying for the Faithful when he shed both Blood and Water on the Cross Which having personaly accompiished as to the meritorius part of his Ministry he being no more to convers in a visible Human presence on Earth did after his Resurrection commit the Keis of his Kingdom to the twelv Apostles aforechosen as Stewards or Ministers of his Houshold instructing them on what fundation of Faith to build his Church and by what Sacramental Signs to confirm Beleevers bidding them to Teach and Baptise al Nations to ordein Disciples that should succed and so breathed on them promising to send his Spirit as he did after his Ascention and to be with them til the Worlds end This cannot be meant of their Persons who shortly died but of their Survivers or Successors in the Ministry to whom the same Authority and assistance belongs by divine durable Charter or Commission for publication and confirmation wherof the Holy Ghost cam on them in shape of firy Cloven Toungs filling them with miraculous gifts fit for the first planting of the Church and al Ministerial power derivable to others for propagation and perpetuity therof Which whol fram or Fabric was the proper effect of his Prophetic Wisdom for instructing his Church an Act of his Kingly power in governing it and the fruit of his Priestly care for a right Liturgy or Officiating to be stil continued by an holy Succession of Evangelical Ministers in his Name to Teach Guid and Govern it in al holy Duties He made Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors Teachers for the work of Ministry and edyfying of his body who had divers gifts as be several parts in our body so that al are not Prophets or Pastors which are Beleevers or Members as every bodyly part is not an Ey tho it partakes the same Soul as Beleevers doo the same Spirit in differing ministrations of which Gifts thos only are to Judg whom the Spirit sets Successivly in the Church with power to ordein others without which divinely constituted Order began by Christ derived to the Apostles and delegated to their Successors the Church long ago had bin a Monster made up of confused excrescences or heaps of Heresies Sects Schisms and blind Baiards as such mishapen prodigies start up daily who having cast off Sacred Order doo in their varieties exced the promiscuous productions even of Afric The Apostles accordingly first filled up Judas place by Lot out of the seventy Disciples and took care to ordain others which should so doo after them distributing their own labors into several Churches som of Circumcised Jews others of Gentils among whom they exercised Divine power and Authority with al fidelity as Christs Ambassadors Heralds and Laborers in his Husbandry or Espousers to make a Mariage betwen Christ and the Church which office none without do delegation might presum to perform During which primitiv purity they ordeined Elders in every City and Country charging them to fulfil the Ministrey and feed their Flocks both in tru Doctrin and good Diciplin over whom the Lord had made them Overseers by the Apostles assignation Som of which had charge to settle a Succession of such as should be apt and able to teach the Word of Life that Christs Institution might be kept unblamable til his secund coming by an holy Order or Office of Ministers duly made by solen imposition of sacred hands as a visible token of their peculiar designation to this function Thus beyond al doubt or disput which none but Atheists or Infidels wil deny Christs holy Ordinance was carried on successivly for three generations 1. In the Apostles 2. From them to Elders and Rulers 3. From them to others which
as they approved may be set over them which was somtime granted somtime not but to ordein of themselfs Saul and Vzziah had so much right to offer Incens as they to doo it Al humble Christians look to the rock whence they were hewen and pit wherout they were digged who did not make Ministers but they sent by Christ made People Christians Such as sat in darknes had light brought them and were found of God by his Ministers sent as Shepherds to the lost Sheep which sought not God So ther is no caus for People to embrace that fury folly and faction which would lay al in common sith Levellers can allege nothing to repeal the divine approbation of Ministry which hath continued a peculiar peaceable possession to Church Officers by Christs Institution for sixteen Centuries without cessation in a constant successon of Ordination We grant People in a particular Parish or Congregation may desire a special Man to be their Prelat or Pastor as thos of Milan did St. Ambros but cannot chus by their proper power much less Ordein as Souldiers may petition the General for one to be their Captain but cannot chus creat or constitut any without Commission They may so wel set up a new Christ or new Gospel as new Ministry or new Ordination which Christ hath doon once for al times and places to the Worlds end without Peoples interest A wise Spaniard said 'T is better in a State to prefer corrupt Men then silly Sots the one like a Theef in a Vinyard wil only take ripe Grapes til he be satiat but the other as an Ass eats ripe and green treads down al with his heels and being filled tumbles in it to spoil al such is the unskilful Vulgar in Church affairs Quest Som scornfully ask what can Bishops confer in Ordination more then other Men what charm is in their praiers or imposing of hands to invest Church power or how can they giv the Graces of the holy Ghost why doo they claim to be caled Clerics as peculiar to that Tribe and contemptuously cal others Laics sith al the Lords People are the lot of his Inheritance being spiritualy annointed to be Kings Priests Prophets Answ Thes Scarrows are soon repelled 1. Touching the term or title of Clergy and Laity which captious Critics imput as pride in Ecclesiastics to incens People against them this distinction was ever used ab initio as al antient Fathers Councils and Histories ratify nor is the one upbraided as a badg of vainglory to the Ministry nor the other aspersed as a brand of infamy to the People but only to difference both calings as 't is in our Laws and Language Nor is it avers to Scripture sens which cals them Pastor and Flock Doctor and Disciple Ruler and Ruled yea al Faithful in general are stiled Clerus a Church or portion of the Lords heritage but Ministers in special Clerus Ecclesiae a lot given by the Lord to his Acts 2. 6. Acts. 13. 2 3. Church as consecrat apart to his service So the Apostles chos Matthias by lot and the holy Ghost after said Separat Barnabas and Paul for the work wherto I hav caled them who having fasted praid and layd on hands sent them away Gods Ministers disdain not to be counted or caled his People as Children of one spiritual Father and brethren of the same Family of Faith Nor wil humble Christians covet to be clyped Clerics or scorn the appellation of Laics to avoid confusion of Calings who accompt or acknowledg tru Bishops and Ministers as their Fathers Overseers and Instructers Men may so wel bogle at the words Trinity three persons and Sacraments which are not found in the letter but truth and sens of Scripture Nor is Logomachy or word-war fit for wise Men being a meer Sciomachy or shadow-fight like stumbling at straws and syllabical scruples No Religion bars convenient compendious terms to distinguish degrees but thes word-Carpers hav a malitious meaning to make People abandon both Name and Thing even the Office and Ordination 2. To the demand what charm is in Bishops hands or praiers to confer the holy Ghost more then in others so wel or better gifted It may so wel be asked as Atheists and Apostats use what virtu is in Baptism water to wash away sin regenerat sinners confer Grace or represent Christs blood more then in other as proud Catabaptists contested Or what efficacy in Bread and Wine at the Lords Supper more then in the same Elements at usual Tables or Taverns How doth the form of consecration by using Christs words ad or alter them At this rate of carnal reasoning Men may cavil at Christs Deity and Humanity for the outward poverty of his life and death which made many doubt or deny him to be the tru Messias So this fond futilous frivolous question fals to ground with its own weight or weaknes as if there were more light in lat modern Meteors then in the great Lamps Sun Moon and Stars of Scripture Church and antient Christians who with the same holy humble Faith as they beleev Jesus to be the promised Messias maugre al which blind Jews and babarous Infidels obtrud doo also religiously reverence al his holy Orders and Ordinances how poor or plain soever setled in his Church Nor doth the means of outward appeerance weaken their duty or devotion who liv by Faith see with the ey of Faith and act with Faiths hand in al divine mysteries For God makes foolish things effectual by his spirit and Grace to thos high holy ends for which they were ordeined So 't is not any Magic charm which makes common Accedit Verbū Elemento fit Sacramentum Elements becom Sacraments being consecrat by Ministers nor in Bishops hands and praiers to ordein them but his powerful Word and Spirit who commands the duty confirms the Order and givs a blessing to Ministerial Ordination so wel as to al other Ordinances The result is That Ordination makes nothing to Ministers Natural Moral or Spiritual endowments nor doth it confer any Physical power no more then the Office of a Judg Ambassador or martial Commander to their personal abilities but invests them alone with authority to exercise thos Functions which none els may presum to perform who hath not that order of Office consigned to him Nor can any power in Men make a Gospel Minister though never so gifted to consecrat holy duties sav only such as are set apart or separat therto by du Ordination The benefits therof are manifest and manifold 1. For Gods glory and salvation of Mens Souls by beleeving tru Ministers testimony that Jesus Christ is sole Saviour of the World who began this Ordinance and sent som special witnesses to proclaim him by a constant continual succession in al ages and places til his secund coming 2. It evidenceth the Churches care and fidelity both in preserving the divine Oracles and in celebrating holy Mysteries as Seals to confirm
Christians Faith beside the exercise of wholsom Disciplin committed to the Churches chief Pastors and Rulers 3. It givs persons rightly Ordeined a real power derived from Christ which Mat. 28 20. 1 Tim. 5. 22. 2 Tim. 2. 2. none hath of himself as St. Paul bid Timothy lay hands suddenly on none but commit the things he had heard of him to faithful Men who shal be able to teach others also viz. by perpetual succession and public Commission 4. It binds the party Ordeined more strictly to discharge his duty by study praier conference meditation to keep and improv thos gifts or Graces for Gods glory and the Churches good 5. It givs tru Ministers comfort courage and confidence as sacred unction did to the Prophets and Christs solen Commission to the Apostles to preach not as popular Scribes or precarious Pharisees but as St. John Evangelist authorised by Christ whos Ministry like John Baptists was not of Men though transmitted by Men but from Heaven wherby they can rebuk with authority and doo al duties of their Ministry With this confident conscience they can speak boldly in the Lords name not fearing Mens faces no nor the force or fury of Devils nor wil forsake their Flocks when Wolfs com as Hirelings and Self-Intruders doo but in times of public persecution chus rather to be exemples of cheerful suffering in expectance of Christs promised assistance and reward 5. It conservs order and decorum in the Church fortifying their function with du respect or regard so that neither Person nor Office is easily despised when divine Ordination is duly performed For it conciliats much lov aw and reverence from al tru Christians raising a just vencration to duties rightly celebrated by thos of whom Christ saith He that receiveth you Mat. 10. 40. receiveth me and who so despiseth you despiseth me and him that sent me This makes them esteemed as Prophets Apostles or Angels sent of God yea Christ resents their injuries as his own and the very dust of their feet becoms a dreadful Witnes against proud contemners who deeming them to be but of civil courtesy make no bones to degrade them that they may prefer a rabble of their own Parasitical Preachers before any of Christs sending or the Churches ordeining Such are fittest for their sinister end● who wil act in a levelled way by the same insolent irreverent spirit of popularity which is most prevalent with the Enimies of Ministerial power and Ordination The Devil is best pleased with such pragmatic Preachers who doo Satans work under our Saviours livery which is to extirpat tru Ministry and al conscience of Religion that so having by thes Nimrods hunted out the race of antient holy Order and Succession he may erect a Babel of Confusion 7. It givs great satisfaction to al tru Beleevers in point of duty discharged and comfort obtained by holy Ministration when they are assured of the Ministers mission and officiating in Christs name which none can pretend to without a ly sav thos rightly ordeined but other impudent intruders hav no plea from Scripture or Church custom to justify their acts or perswad sober Christians to regard them The old Greec Liturgies praied at Ordination of Bishops and Presbyters that God would bestow on them such Gifts as the holy Ministry might be unblamed and unblemished for the Peoples comfort St. Paul asks How shal they Preach unles they be sent Which Rom. 4. 10 implies that none can cheerfully or comfortably doo it without du divine mission No Churches or Christians were ever eminent for sound knowledg Orthodox truth or holy Life except wher tru Ministry by right Ordination was countenanced and continued for the more defectiv or neglectiv they are therin the more overgrown they are with ignorance error Schism novity and licentiousnes when Men make themselfs or others Ministers in new waies To sum up al right Ordination confers no intern inherent Summary Grace or sanctity for Judas was an Apostle and Demas a Disciple yet both dissemblers but only outward gifts fit for that function to discern or distinguish them from common Christians having al their efficacy or authority from the first Fountain in the same way of subordinat succession which Christ prescribed the Apostles performed and al Churches practised nor can any Upstarts or Pretenders to new Lights claim the power of Ministry without du Ordination in the old way to which no Mans ostentation of Gifts or admiration of Auditors can contribut ought to eithers comfort but much to the sin and shame of both as perverters of Christs Ordinance and perturbers of public Peace Yet every ordeined Man in a meer outward form is not a tru worthy Minister for ther may be Hypocrits as Magus was who hav no real abilities nor honest purposes but aim only at base advantages as Intruders also doo The Ordeiners too may be deceived in judgment of charity or corrupted by human frailty which folows al Flesh more or less to pervert this holy Institution sith nothing is free from abuse but they can hav no comfort in that sacred caling unles they discharge their duty with honest hearts to Gods glory and salvation of Mens souls for unworthy Ministers unduly Ordered are like Ships slightly builded which caus their own loss and al that sail in them so disorders in ordeining are a great detriment or disparagement to Religion as unskilful cowardly Officers are in Armies Such Laics as in brutish violence or popular insolence arrogat undu power or abrogat wher 't is du commit more hainous sin then Simon Magus who modestly offered Mony for a part of Ministerial power but to wrest the Keis of Gods hous from his ●●u Stewards to whom the chief Master committed them which Magus never essaied to doo is Cyclopic fury and Geti● barbarity much more to transmit them unto Bois Lacquies Me●hanics or base Buzzards who not conscious of any just Ministerial power can make no conscience to doo that duty being most unfit for it tho they presum to Preach and ordein whom they pleas both being fitter for Stocks and Prisons then to feed Flocks or frequent Pulpits Thus far Dr. Gauden but far more copiously and curiously in his learned lucubrations worthy of most piercing perusal wherof the quintessence only is here briefly presented For upshot It appeers that Episcopat was instituted by Conclusion Christ Analogicaly in his Apostles but apertly by them in such as they appointed to succed with precise rules of Ordination and jurisdiction over Presbyters and People committed to their charge which primitiv patern the Catholic Church through al ages in al places perpetualy prosecuted or practised til thes last worst times but single Presbytery and Lay-Elders specialy without any Bishop in chief is a lat devise set up for a shift in case of necessity as som of the Authors and Fautors acknowledg wishing they were so happy to hav Protestant Prelats as England injoyed about 100. yeers together