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A37430 A Letter to a member of Parliament, shewing the necessity of regulating the press chiefly from the necessity of publick establishments in religion, from the rights and immunities of a national church, and the trust reposed in the Christian magistrate to protect and defend them : with a particular answer to the objections that of late have been advanced against it. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. 1699 (1699) Wing D837; ESTC R4998 24,778 72

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A LETTER TO A Member of Parliament Shewing the Necessity of Regulating the PRESS CHIEFLY From the Necessity of Publick Establishments in RELIGION From the Rights and Immunities of a National CHURCH And the Trust reposed in the Christian Magistrate to Protect and Defend them WITH A Particular ANSWER to the OBJECTIONS that of late have been Advanced against it OXFORD Printed for George West and Henry Clements M. DC XCIX The CONTENTS An Enquiry into the Duty of the Magistrate in matters of Religion Sect. 1. Considered first under a state of Nature 1b Secondly under a state of Revelation Sect. 2. An Objection answered Sect. 3. An Enquiry when there are two or more Sects of Religion in any Government why the Magistrate is under an obligation of protecting or rather advancing the one more than the other Sect. 4 and 5. The Rights and Authority of a National Church considered and stated Sect. 5. The Restraint of the Press demonstrated not only as it is a necessary provision to advance the Interests of Religion but to preserve and maintain the Ends and Designs of it as professed in a National Church Sect. 6. The Necessity of Publick Establishments in Religion and the pernicious Influences which the Liberty of the Press has upon them as introductory of Scepticism Heresie and Infidelity Sect. 7 8 and 9. The Argument represented in several Instances from some late Prints Sect. 8 9. Objections answered As first That the Attempts and Mischiefs of the Press may as effectually be obviated by particular Laws and that a Restraint of the Press from the Experience of former times has not prevented'em Sect. 10. Secondly That a Restraint of the Press is a giving up of the Consciences and Judgments of Mankind to a Party and a Condemning them to an Implicit Faith and is a direct Method to involve the World in Ignorance and Error Sect. 11. The Church of England denies no Gospel means of Information Sect. 12. Thirdly That every one not only of Natural Right but in point of Charity may and ought to publish whatever appears to be Truth and consequently the Restraint of the Press which abridges this Right must be unlawful and unjust Sect. 13. The Natural Rights of Private Persons in the Case before us stated Sect. 14. The ` Duty of Informing others stated Ib. Fourthly That the Restraint of the Press is an Invasion of the Liberty and Property of an Englishman Sect. 15. The Conclusion in an Address to the HONOURABLE MEMBER Sect. 16. A LETTER TO A Member of Parliament SHEWING The Necessity of Regulating the PRESS With a Particular ANSWER to the OBJECTIONS that of late have been advanced against it SIR YOU have been pleas'd to sollicite my Opinion in a Matter of Importance by way of Request when You might have justly lay'd Your Commands and I now present it with all imaginable Deference and Humility You have led me into a large Field of Argument and propos'd several weighty Enquiries but since they are advanced with regard to a General Design viz. The Liberty of the PRESS I shall not bind my self up to that Order they are propos'd in but shall speak to them as they will best comport with the Scheme I have projected to evince the Expediency of Restraining the Press In order to this Design I shall reduce them to three or four General Enquiries As first How far the Duty of the Civil Governing Powers extends in Matters of Religion Secondly When there are two or more Sects of Religion in any Government why the Magistrate is under an Obligation of protecting or rather advancing the one more than the other And on this Head I shall consider the Rights and Authority of a National Church Thirdly Whether the Restraint of the Press is not a necessary provision not only to advance the Interests of the true Religion but to preserve and maintain the Ends and Designs of it as profess'd in a National Church SECT I. I begin with an Enquiry into the Duty of the Civil Governing Powers in Matters of Religion And First It will be received as an indisputable Article or Proposition That every Governing Power of Duty as well as Right is so far to inspect the Affair of Religion that nothing be advanced that manifestly incommodes the Rights or Interests of the Civil Polity But whether any Government is under a further Concern or Obligation seems to be the Case under debate Now it will best be adjusted by considering the Nature and Design of Civil Government first under a state of Nature and secondly under a state of Revelation That Government in general is an Ordinance of GOD by Divine Institution as well as Allowance and consequently that there are certain Ends and Designs peculiar to it established in the same Authority are Truths that will be easily subscribed to But then if Government rests on a Divine Original and there are certain DivineEnds and Purposes appropriate to it it cannot well be imagin'd that the Civil Welfare and Conduct of Mankind is the sole and entire Province of the Civil Magistrate If Religion is the most important Concern of Mankind and if there 's Fealty Worship and Obedience due from a Creature towards a Sovereign Creator even under the most simple state of Nature why should not that Great GOD which constitutes the Civil Magistrates Superintendants over the Secular affairs of Mankind be as zealous to make them Guardians of those things that are placed more near him and them too his Honour and Glory And therefore I 'm perswaded it's neither Boldness nor Arrogance to pronounce That the Civil Governing Power or Magistrate was originally constituted for the Conduct of Mankind in all the Instances of Human Happiness and consequently in a Religious as well as Civil Capacity Indeed the inseparable Dependance and Affinity between Civil Happiness and Religion were other Arguments wanting is alone sufficient to evince it But were the Experience of Mankind and the universal Practice of all Civiliz'd Governments summoned in to decide the Controversy they must place it above Dispute or Cavil If we respect the earliests Accounts of Governments and particularly those delivered in Sacred Story we find the Characters of Prince and Priest residing in the same Person Before GOD had instituted a positive Oeconomy of Religion and a peculiar Order of Priesthood it was part of the Patriarchal province not only to instruct their People to call upon the Name of the Lord but to wait on the very Altar and perform the Priestly Function of Sacrifices As it 's highly probable from the History of the Creation the first Governments of the World had their Rise and Foundation in Fathers of Families so we are undoubtedly instructed that they obtained the Character of Patres patrioe by executing all the Offices of a Parent as well as King Abraham had no doubt his Duty represented as a Prince as well as Master of a Family under the Compliment of a Divine Confidence for I know him
Villages and Territories where a Temporal Magistrate was likewise placed As the Metropolis of every Province had its Proconsul in the State so it had its Archbishop or Metropolitan in the Church And when the Government of Patriarchs prevailed it was formed after the same Model either in Imitation of the Vicars or Lieutenants that presided over a Diocese composed of several Provinces or at least in Imitation of the Pretorian Prefects that had several Dioceses under their Jurisdiction Upon the whole then as we are assured That the forming a Government in the Church after the Model of that of the State was by Apostolical Institution so we may justly conclude that it was by the special Directions of the Holy Spirit And no doubt the great Design was to advance the Interests of Religion by placing every particular Church under the Protection of the State whenever it should become Christian. And certainly as it was the only true Expedient to enable the Civil Magistrate to execute that Trust that is lodged in the Character of a Father or Nursing Mother to the Church of Christ so it 's a considerable Argument that the Care and Protection of the True Religion is a standing Duty incumbent on the Civil Magistrate For to make the Districts of particular Churches terminate with those of Civil Governments was absolutely necessary to make the Civil Magistrate the Supreme Guardian of the True Religion and since 't is an Ordinance that may very justly be resolved into Apostolick Institution it 's a manifest Indication that the Civil Magistrate should be obliged punctually to answer the Character whenever he became Christian. SECT V. From hence we may gain a true Notion of the Rights and Authority of a National Church And truly if we duly weight the Premises we must conclude That it rests upon nothing less than Divine and Apostolick Institution For if the Apostles themselves constituted particular Churches with regard to the Districts of particular Provinces and the Government of the State and if it be a standing Duty in the Christian Magistrate to protect and advance the True Religion within his Dominions we must conclude That a Church is to be established upon that Model of Government which was instituted by our Saviour or his Apostles in every respective Nation over which the Magistrate is to preside as a Father or Guardian and Protector and such a Church is what in other terms is called a National Church and a Church thus established undoubtedly rests on the Authority of Divine or Apostolick Institution I would not be mistaken as if I intended to deny the being of a National or Provincial Church till it has obtain'd a Civil Establishment for it 's manifest the Churches of Greece and of the Proconsular Asia had a being and a distinct Denomination before Christianity was received in the Courts of Princes Indeed when a particular Church enjoys a Civil Establishment it receives as it were a new Authority in as much as it becomes a Civil Right or Property So that unless its Constitution is Materially vitious and finful it 's a high piece of injustice to destroy or infringe any of its Established Rights or Immunities But yet since the Magistrate is only the Guardian not the Founder of a National Church its Original Authority resting on certain positive Laws and Sanctions enjoyned by a Power superiour to that of the Magistrate even that of GOD Himself where-ever a Church in any Province or Nation professes the True Religion by an Orthodox Faith and a pure Worship under Lawful Church Governours and Pastors that is the True National Church in opposition to all dissenting Sects and Parties tho it wants the Authority of a Civil Establishment But to return From hence we may easily determine the merits of the Question in debate I mean When there are two or more Sects of Religion in any Government why the Magistrate is under an Obligation of protecting or rather advancing the one more than the other For First it is abundantly demonstrated that the Christian Magistrate ex officio is constituted a Guardian Father and Protector of the True Religion and therefore if in any Nation or Government the true Religion is professed in an Orthodox and a pure Worship under lawful Church Governours and Pastors there the Magistrate is indispensibly boundto act as a Guardian and Protector in opposition to all Models and Platforms that are advanced against it For by this alone he pursues the Great Design of the Apostolick Platform in the Institution of National Churches as well as answers that of his Character I mean as he 's Prophetically styled a Father to the Church of CHRIST It 's certain one Great Design of Christianity is Unity or to range all the Parts and Members of the Church of CHRIST into an Holy Building and therefore if the Magistrate is constituted a Guardian of the True Religion all his Offices of Succour and Protection must be directed to this End I mean the maintainance of the Bonds of Catholick Unity throughout his whole Dominions Without this the Great Ends and Proposals of so pure and holy a Religion cannot be accomplished and therefore whatever Indulgences or Exemptions the Christian Magistrate may rightfully grant to Erroneous Judgments or Consciences acted with simplicity and a pious Disposition he cannot upon the Laws and Oeconomy of the Gospel or any Authority derived to him from thence rightfnlly give a Positive Establishment within the Districts of the same Government to two Opposite Communions or Altars of Worship especially when one of them is founded in a revolt from a pure and Orthodox National Church This is the very reverse to a Protector and Defender of the True Religion For it implies a power to pervert the Great Design of the Christian Religion vis a Unity of Faith and Worship by dissolving the Bonds of Catholick Unity and Authorizing the Members of CHRIST'S Mystical Body to disband and break into Schisms and Factions whereas it's an External Rule That the Magistrate can only challenge a Power to Edification not to Destruction This is so far from being a Prerogative of the Magistrate that where a National Church is constituted under Lawful Governours and Pastors tho' there may be some Defects or Errors in her Faith Discipline or Worship he 's not to unhinge and demolish but to endeavour to correct and remove them by such Means and Instruments as GOD in his revealed Will has decreed and appointed and when this is done he 's not to suffer any opposite Sects or Factions so much as to break in upon any of her Apostolick Rights or Immunities For it 's manifest the Duty of a Guardian Parent and Protector is to use all prudent Methods to cultivate and improve to advance the Interests and enlarge the Priviledges of those under his Care much more to defend them from Violence or Incroachment To be appointed a Father and a Protector of CHRIST'S Church or the True Religion is not an
that he will command his Children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment Gen. 18. 19. And truly since both Prince and Parent have the Impress of Divine Authority upon 'em and there is such a strict Affinity and Correspondence between 'em from the original frame of things if the Character of a Parent extends to a Religious as well as Civil Capacity it cannot well be disputed but that of a Prince carries the same extent and latitude And therefore it may safely be concluded that it was a point of Duty in the Magistrate antecedent to any positive Oeconomy of Religion to promote the Interests if not execute the Spiritual Functions of Religion as well as advance the Welfare of the State And very probably it was a Divine Institution as ancient and primitive as Government it self And certainly the Model of all Heathen Governments confirms the Notion It 's well known the Egyptian Monarchs Famous in the earliest Records bare the Character of Priest as well as King The Chinese to this Day look upon the Priesthood to bear so near a Relation to that of the Empire that the most Solemn Mysteries of Religion are still a Prerogative peculiar to the Sovereign Religion in the Eastern and Western parts of Europe was always so much the Business of Government that if the publick Acts and Offices of Religion were not immediately perform'd by the Magistrate they were constantly directed and enforc'd by him If the publick Defence of a Countrey where its Territories were enlarged and extended diverted him from attending the Altar it was his special Care to constitute a Priesthood and regulate the Affairs of Religion by publick Laws and Sanctions these are such known and allow'd Truths and so well attested in the Learning of the Greeks and Latins that I shall not now appeal to Authors and they are all convincing Evidences that one End of Government in the original Frame and Model of it was to inspect the Conduct of Mankind in the Affairs of Religion Thus far not only the Duty but Prerogative of the Magistrate discovers it self in a State of Nature antecedent to Revelation SECT II. It remains that we consider it under a positive Oeconomy of Religion And first under that of the Jews Now tho' GOD thought fit upon the first positive Establishment of Religion to institute an Order of Men and separate them from the rest of the People to attend at his Altar to offer for themselves and the sins of others yet it 's manifest he did not exempt the Civil Magistrate from inspecting the Affairs of Religion No it was his special Duty to protect and defend the True Religion to punish and suppress Idolatry Seducers and Falle Prophets and to make such wholesom provisions as served the cause of Religion in the enforcement of its Publick Acts and Offices and in the Advancement of its Ends and Designs The Sacred Writings have delivered so many Instances and Rules of this Nature that it is wholly needless to enlarge in an express Citation It 's well known he often directed the Building of places of Religious Worship enjoyn'd Fasts and in a word interpos'd in most of the Circumstantials of Religion Now it 's certain these were not bare Arbitrary Offices and the product of a Voluntary Zeal but they were either the immediate Instruction of Heaven or the effects of some General Precepts and consequently were intended as standing Instances of Duty If we examine the oeconomy of the Gospel we must conclude That as we have not the least hint that any ways abridges the Rights and Authority of the Civil Magistrate further than they were exercised under the Law so we do not find the least Exemption from any Moral point of Duty in the Affairs of Religion to which they were antecedently bound Now it cannot be deny'd but that the Nature and State of the Christian Church is frequently describ'd in the Writings of the Prophets And among those various Descriptions the Character of Christian Kings and Princes recorded by the Prophet Isaiah is as glorious as it is remarkable And Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers and their Queens thy nursing Mothers for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me Isa. 44. v. 23. This Passage is unanimously interpreted of the Christian Magistrate and certainly we are not to receive it as a Prediction of a Contingent Blessing or Matter of Fact but agreeable to the Prophetick Style which often exhibits Duties under simple Predictions as carrying the Force of a Precept in it Thus we see the Magistrate is not only Pater Patrioe but Pater Ecclesioe This is his Character and his Duty and certainly if he answers the Designs of it he must not only cherisb but protect and defend the Church of Christ and in a word liberally minister to it whatever is necessary for its Support and Preservation Upon the whole then we may justly conclude That tho' GOD under the Jewish as well as Gospel oeconomy was pleased to select a peculiar Order of Men to wait on his Altar and more immediately prosecute all the Designs of Religion yet the Civil Magistrate still rightfully ministers to the same Designs in all Cases where GOD has not interposed by some Positive Rule or Precept so that he 's still the Supreme Guardian and Protector in the oeconomy of Religion as well as Civil Polity He 's Custos utriusque Tabuloe that is he 's not only entrusted to enforce the Observance of all Social Vertues upon which the Peace and Interest of Government moves as upon its Axis but a True and Orthodox Faith and a pure Worship and the Honour and Glory of that Great GOD that has made him his Vicegerent and Representative and by whose Protection and Blessing he 's enabled to answer the Designs of his Character From hence the Dis-ingenuity or rather Impiety of some late designing Positions abundantly discover themselves viz. That the care of Religion is no real Branch of the Magistrate's Office that he 's no further concerned for it than as it immediately conduces to the Civil Weal and Interest of every particular Constitution or Government and in a word That for the advance of a National Trade or Wealth he may treat all Sects of Religion with equal privileges and respect But certainly the care of Religion can now no longer be disputed to be an Indispensible Duty in the Magistrate since it appears not only that every Positive Oeconomy of Religion has expresly taught it but the very Nature Designs and Reasons of the Character dictate it But then if this be admitted we must grant that there is a True and a False Religion and an Orthodox and Heterodox Faith that the true Religion is established on certain Laws and Immunities which in the ordinary course of Providence are necessary to the Preservation of it and consequently we must conclude That it 's an Indispensible Duty in the Magistrate to have
recourse to the most proper Methods for enquiring into the Reasons and Grounds of Religion and for distinguishing the True Religion from the False and an Orthodox from an Heterodox Faith whether by applying to the proper Ministers of Religion separately or in Council And upon a fair and impartial Enquiry that which appears to be True and Orthodox is to be cherisbed defended and promoted against all Attempts and Invasions of the Heterodox and Unbeliever even tho' some present Temporal Interest seem to clash and interfere with it These were the Unalterable Laws and Principles of the first and most pious Christian Emperors upon which they enlarged the Territories of the Christian Church SECT III. But to this 't is popularly reply'd That if Kings and Princes once thought themselves obliged to espouse the Care of Religion as a positive Duty considering the Errors and Superstitions of Mankind it would prove the most effectual Method not only to obstruct the growth of the True Religion but endanger the Extirpation of it But in answer to this it 's to be considered That the Propagation of Religion does not direct to Acts of force and violence much less the Protection of it except where the Rights and Immunities of the Established Religion are apparently invaded Besides it 's concluded the Magistrate is not to proceed blindly but apply himself to the True Means of Information and if he miscarries tho' he may one day answer for any Sinister Motives that carried him into a wrong Determination yet GOD will find Methods to support his own Designs and consequently advance the Interests of the True Religion by Secret and Invisible Springs tho' his Ordinary and Standing Provisions afford the most unlikely Prospect Sometimes Persecution it self is the most prolifick Soil for the True Religion to shoot forth and flourish in Christianity had not only its first Foundation in it but we are assured received Great Increases from it So Tertullian in his Apologetic boasts Nec quicquam tamen says he proficit exquisitior quoeque crudelitas vestra ILLECEBRA EST MAGIS SECTAE Plures efficimur quoties metimur a vobis SEMEN EST SANGUIS CHRISTIANORUM Tertull. Apolog. pag. 45. But in a word if the Care of Religion is a standing Duty in the Magistrate as has been abundantly evinced and if there be such a thing as a True Religion and sufficient Means if duly attended to to distinguish it from the False the Undoubted Rule is That the Duty is to be pursued and the Consequences left to the Providential Care of the Blessed Author of it who has the Hearts of Kings and the Sovereign Disposal of Grace and will in the Course of Affairs undoubtedly ascertain the Usefulness of his own Means and the Ends of Religion for which they were designed And as for that Magistrate who upon a Principle of Zeal for the Honour of his Maker shall thus carry on the Designs of the True Religion he 'll no doubt one Day be made partaker of a Reward that will every way answer that labour of love which he has shewed towards his Name he 'll one Day infallibly find a Remembrance sutable to the Supplications of that Excellent Governour Nehemiah Remember me O my GOD concerning this and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the House of my GOD and for the offices thereof Neh. 13. V. 14. SECT IV. I proceed to the second Enquiry viz. When there are two or more Sects of Religion under any Government why the Magistrate is under an Obligation of protecting or rather advancing the one more than the other And First I shall consider this Argument with regard to the Oeconomy of the Christian Church And in order to this it will be requisite to enquire into the Rights and Authority of a National Church And First it s indisputably evident the Christian Church is one Society or Body of Men united to CHRIST and each other in certain External as well as Internal and Spiritual Bonds of Union It 's truly a Seamless Garment nay it bears the Exact Portraicture of a Natural Body whereof CHRIST is the Head from whom the whole Body fitly joyn d' together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the Body Eph. 4. 16. In a word it carries the Symmetry and Proportion of a Building fitly framed together growing into an holy Temple in the LORD Eph 2.21 The first Division of this Spiritual Body arises from the Necessity of Divine Worship viz. into particular Congregations Other Distributions arise from the Necessity of Government which is warranted and established by the express Canon of Scripture Thus Obey them that have the rule over vou and submit your selves for they watch for your Souls Heb. 13.17 And St. Pauls Instructions to Titus are For this cause I left thee in Crete that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting Ch. 1. ver 5. And These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all Authority Ch. 20. We may add to this the Power of Binding and Loosing and Excommunication it self being expresly committed to the Ecclesiastical Powers and evidently demonstrating the Necessity as well as Divine Authority of Ecclefiastical Government But to return Whatever Distributions were made either from a Necessity of Worship or Government every Branch or Part is indispensibly bound to maintain this Mystical Union by a Communion in the Essentials of Faith Government and Discipline for otherwise it 's impossible the Christian Church should answer the Character of a Natural Body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth even to the making increase of the Body As for the Government of the Church we are assured partly from Scripture and partly from the earliest Antiquity That the Order of Bishops and Metropolitans rests on Apostolical Institution Both Timothy and Titus in the judgement of the most Learned Presbyterians were Superior to the rest of the Clergy within their Districts at least in Jurisdiction if not Order And tho' Antiquity has not expresly fix'd the Origine or Rise of Metropolitans yet it may justly be presum'd to be Apostolical For First St. Paul directs an Epistle to the Metropolitical Church to be communicated to the whole Province for such was Corinth in the Province of Achaia To the Church of GOD which is at Corinth with all the Saints that are in all Achaia And pursuant to this we find the Governments of Metropolitans in the first Council of Nice ranked among the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ancient Customs Can. 6. and in that of Antioch styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The most ancient Canon in force from the times of our Forefathers But that which conduces to the present Argument is That all the Establishments of Church Government and the Districts of particular Churches were originally modeled according to that of the State The Bishop presided over a City and the adjacent
Empty Name but carries very momentous Offices and Duties in it it implies a Zeal for the Honour of GOD and the True Religion and consequently it engages the Magistrate to study such wholesom Provisions as will advance the Ends and Interests of it to the utmost Boundaries of his Dominions and those that thus wait for CHRIST shall not be ashamed Isai. 49. v. 23. And now Sir I hope I have prepared You for the main Argument You proposed by informing You how the Magistrate is determined for the Interests of Religion and particularly those of this National Church SECT VI. I shall proceed to consider Whether the Restraint of the PRESS is not a Necessary Provision not only to advance the Interests of the True Religion but to preserve and maintain the Ends aud Designs of it as profess'd in a National Church And this will appear from the Necessity of a publick Establishment in Religion and the Pernicious Influences which the Liberty of the Press has upon it It 's already concluded that GOD has instituted a Governing Power in the Christian Church and the accommodating it to the Districts of the State and the Constituting the Civil Magistrate a Guardian and Protector of the Church of CHRIST is at least a sufficient Warrant of the Lawfulness of a publick Establishment if not an Indication of its Necessity Indeed since there are Governing Powers in the Church of CHRIST we must conclude that GOD foresaw a great many Difficulties and Miscarriages under the great Revolutions and Emergencies of Human Affairs which he has Authorized them to adjust correct and remove and this will justly infer the Necessity of publick Decrees Articles or Canons and that too in Matters of Faith Worship and Practice It cannot be denied but Scripture it self has established the Authority of such Powers and Injunctions and consequently it 's an indisputable Argument of their Necessity since GOD never imparts special Powers or Functions but he infallibly discerns the Necessity and Usefulness of 'em Thus we have General Rules directed to particular Churches in the business of Publick Worship That things be prescribed and done according to the Laws of Decency Order and Edification And no doubt St. Paul points at the same thing when he reminds Titus why he placed him over the Church of Crete That thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting Tit. 1. 5. So that we may justly conclude there 's a Power given to prescribe such Laws and Rules and make such Publick Declarations as manifestly tend to the Edifying the Body of Christ or as are requisite to maintain the Catholick Laws of Unity or the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace But to descend to particulars And first as to matters of Faith Indeed it will be easily granted That the Holy Scriptures are a compleat Rule of Faith and consequently they seem to be a competent Standard for the Governours of particular Churches to try the Faith of Christians by But yet we are assured that they contain a Great many things hard to be understood which the ignorant and unlearned wrest to their own destruction and consequently things of the greatest moment and importance Again we are assured that Heresies will come that there will arise False Christs and False Prophets and Men of corrupt Minds who have not only erred but are reprobate concerning the Faith In a word it 's impossible but Controversies and Divisions as well as Offences will come this is the case of every Tribe or Colony of Christians And is there no Judgment to be made in these Circumstances Are these Persons to be suffered to proceed in their Errors and pervert the Faith of others If this must be so for what End has the Blessed AUTHOR of our Religion placed Governours and Pastors in his Church and enforced their Authority by the Discipline of special Censure They cannot remonstrate against them without making a Judgment whether the Doctrine be of GOD or is consonant to the Canon of Faith And yet 't is their Duty to declare the whole Counsel of GOD in these Cases And certainly if Private Pastors are Authorized to expound the Sence of Scripture and make a Judgment in these Matters and expect the Directions of the Holy Spirit to wait on their pious Labours and Endeavours much more may an Assembly or Council of Church-Governours interpose state the Sence of Scripture and deliver a Definitive Sentence in express Articles and Decrees and expect the Influences of the same Spirit in the whole performance Certainly where two or three or more are for these Ends gathered together it may justly be presumed GOD will be in the midst of ' em These are Proceedings warranted by the Practice of the College of Apostles and of all particular Churches from their Days to this very Hour Such Errors Divisions and Miscarriages concerning the Faith authorized and gave birth to the Confessions of Faith in all Particular Churches They were the only Barriers against Heresie and Error and indispensibly necessary to preserve the Unity of the Faith and the Church of CHRIST from Distraction and Ruine To affirm that Scripture in these Cases is a sufficient Rule and reject all Interposals or Determinations pursuant to it is to mistake or perplex the Argument For tho' Scripture is an adequate Rule of Faith and Manners yet GOD has constituted Guardians and Trustees to assert the Sence of Scripture and enforce a Faith and Practice conformable to it and to deny this is in effect to discard the necessity of any Visible Ministry since Scripture with the help of private Reason is as much an adequate Rule in this respect as the other and consequently there could be no necessity of a standing Ministry It 's true these Publick Determinations these Confessions of Faith are not established upon a Spirit of Infallibility but they are not to be rejected or less necessary because not Infallible GOD has not thought fit to impart a Spirit of Infallibility in the Exercise of the Power of Excommunication yet Scripture establishes it as a Standing Ordinance in his Church A Spirit of Infallibility does not accompany the Ministerial Function and yet GOD has made it absolutely necessary In a word then in as much as they are Decisions grounded on Scripture supported by Reason and confirm'd by the joynt Authority and Suffrage of the Church of GOD in the earliest Ages and of Saints Confessors and Martyrs they are the most apposite Moral Instruments under GOD and the use of Reason to determine the Judgment and satisfie the Conscience or at least to stop the Mouths of Gainsayers as far as concerns the outward Peace of the Church In this Case they become indispensibly necessary there must be some External Umpire and Decision where Matters must at last terminate that the publick Peace and Unity things in the judgment of our Blessed Saviour of the greatest value and importance may not be sacrificed to the Dissentions Heats and Animosities of
pronounce the Liberty of the Press to have advanced some Degrees beyond this For the Fact with its Preliminaries is now not only levelled against the Authority of Law and consequently that Blasphemy and Reproach that is due to it is renewed and heightened but a manifest Blasphemy and Reproach is entailed on the very Cause of Religion Such Allowances as these must cause the Enemies of GOD to Blaspheme and tell us that we either Worship we know not what or that our Worship is a Solemn piece of Mockery or at least a piece of Lip-Devotion or rather that the whole of Religion is Cheat and Imposture For if these things be reconcilable there can be no Truth nor Reality in Religion and this or that Profession is no longer a piece of Religion than it runs with the Tide and Bent of a Community But now when things discover such a fatal Tendency as this is if there be any such thing as a Guardian of the Church of CHRIST and if the Magistrate by Divine Designation is invested with the Character it must be an Indispensible Duty to exert with Vigour and Resolution The whole Case will turn upon a short Issue if upon a Due and Regular Examination these Religious Offices are Materially Evil and Unwarrantable let 'em be set aside and abolished that GOD may be no longer trifled with and blasphemed nor His Pastors loaded with Hatred and Contempt by being bound up to the Observance of things that are not Warrantable But if notwithstanding the utmost Efforts of Malice and Declamation they appear to be a Pious and a Just Institution the Magistrate if ever must be obliged to endeavour a speedy Redress and since these Mischiefs apparently derive from the Liberty of the Press certainly the Trust of a Guardian can never be discharged without destroying the Evil in its Cause and consequently without laying a Powerful Restraint on it When a Mischief is thus dangerous and destructive it becomes the proper subject of a Law and is to be suppressed with all the Ensigns of Authority and Power And now Sir I hope I have in some measure answered Your Demands and discovered the Necessity of Regulating the PRESS and that too with Regard to the Ecclesiastical Establishment of this Nation and therefore I 'm inclined to perswade my self the Argument will have its just Weight and Influence on Your Zeal and Affection for the Publick Good as well as Judgment But that nothing may intervene to cause a Miscarriage I shall endeavour a short return to the most Considerable Objections that have been advanced against it SECT X. And first It may be objected That the Mischiefs of the PRESS may be effectually obviated by Particular Laws and that a Restraint of the PRESS from the Experience of former Times has not prevented ' em Now it must be confessed That the Law produced in the last Parliament may serve as a Bridle to the Deist Atheist and Anti-Trinitarian but this can by no means obviate the Mischiefs of a Licentious Press For there are other Truths and Doctrines set forth in the Christian Religion and this Established Church which if publickly oppugned must prove highly Injurious to the Main Design of the Christian Religion as well as the Peace of the Present Establishment such as the Doctrine of CHRIST'S Satisfaction by the Sacrifice of Himself the Doctrine of Grance or Divine Assistance How these have of late suffered the Publick has been too lately made a Witness if not a Judge But certainly the Mischiefs of the Press can never be fully obviated unless by the Restraint of it or at least by such a Law as makes it highly Penal to publish any thing in Writing that is level'd against any Branch of the Established Religion for since National Establishments appear to be absolutely Necessary for the Carrying on the Ends and Designs of the Gospel that which is amiss is to be regularly corrected and after this is done nothing is to be suffered that any-wise invades the Peace of such an Establishment But after all Penal Laws of this Nature are not so apt Instruments to prevent the Mischiefs that usually spring from the Press as an absolute Restraint of it when the Authority of a License or Imprimatur is wanting Such a Restraint destroys the Mischiefs in its Seeds and Principles it stops the Contagion in the very Spring or Fountain whereas such Laws take place at a Distance it may be when the Infection is propagated to a considerable Degree There is a solemn Process and a great many Formalities and Steps to be made which may serve as so many Advantages or Chances to escape the Force of the Law The Author is not only to be discovered but an Information given in and received too according to the Genius and Temper of the Magistrate and consequently the Undertaker must have Courage enough to bear the Title of Informer an Office which as the World goes neither the Justice nor Merits of the Cause can secure from Ignominy and Contempt Again there must be a Prosecution by course of Law and the Case examined and tried whether it falls within the Penalty of the Law and all this perhaps without the least Recompence to the Prosecutor for Expences or Attendance In a word a Verbal Recantation after the Labour and Difficulties of Conviction may render the Author Rectum in Curia and after this he may under Disguise go afresh to work at the small hazard of the least of Punishments I wish some Provisions of this Nature had not been wanting in the late Act against Profaneness and Immorality whereby a Pious Design may become Insignificant and Useless For upon this bottom while the Press is open I 'm afraid the Enemies of our Establishment will publish their Notions with the Satisfaction of secret Smiles and Triumphs But now if the Press were shut till an Imprimatur is obtained the mere want of one is a Competent Evidence for Conviction and tho' some may be so daring to expose their Notions at the hazard of their Safety yet such a Restraint of the Press gives this considerable Advantage That whatever comes forth without Authority carries its own Mark in the Title-page and consequently gives an Alarm to the incautious READER of Infection and Mischief SECT XI But Secondly it is objected That such a Restraint of the PRESS is a giving up the Consciences and Judgments of Mankind to a Party and a condemning them to an Implicit Faith and is a direct Method to involve the World in Ignorance and Error As for the First part of the Objection If an Orthodox National Church is the Party intended I may safely affirm That as it is the Duty of every Person within her Communion to conform to her Faith Worship and Government so I hope it already appears that it 's a standing Duty in the Magistrate as well as Church Governours not only to enforce all Gospel Means to bring every Soul into the Pale of it but
to Maintain and Cultivate the Purity of its Faith and Worship against all the Attempts of its Enemies If any thing is unsound and deficient GOD has invested a Power of using such proper Means in the Governours of his Church and the Believing Magistrate as under his Divine Protection will secure a True and Orthodox Religion but if nothing of this Nature can be truly charged upon Her when Endeavours have been made in this kind tho' there may be no foundation by Violence and Force to compel Men to be of one Mind and one Heart yet the Magistrate is of Right as well as Duty bound not to suffer her Peace to be Disturbed or her Faith and Worship shaken by Publick Harangues and Professed Declamations This is no Persecution but a Necessary Provision whereby the Designs of an important Trust committed to the Magistrate are fulfilled and answered I mean that of a Guardian and since it is so I cannot imagine why any Government should be slack in the Exercise of a Just Power especially since all sides are sensible how much Unanimity in Matters of Religion contributes to the Publick Weal of a Nation And truly if to this Just Law another as Equitable were established That Persons who will not content ' emselves with the Communion of the Established Religion should thereby be uncapable of any Places of Trust or Office either in Church or State as we find it in Neighbour Countries I question not but it would have produced a greater Unanimity in Matters of Religion than the most hopeful Projects of Comprehension As the Case now stands the Tolerated Party is envigorated with the Hopes of one Day reducing every thing to their own Model but certainly had an Incapaciting Clause been fixed to the last Act of Grace I mean that of Toleration it would not only have proved an invincible Bulwark to our Pure and Apostolick Establishment but the most Healing Principle of Unity that could have been contrived or thought of SECT XII But to return As to the Charge of Implicit Faith it must be confessed That the Depriving Mankind of any of those Means or Instruments which GOD has appointed for the Discovery of His Revealed Will is a direct Invasion of the Privileges of a Christian and a considerable step towards the Introduction of an Implicit Faith But I presume it cannot be pretended that an Unlimited Power of Printing is one of those Means which GOD has appointed for the Discovery of the True Religion If so GOD seems to have been very much wanting to his own Designs in not communicating the Art by some Apostle or Prophet long before it obtained in the Christian World But it 's well known the True Religion rests upon other Foundations it was Established in Purity and Perfection long before this useful Art was formed or thought of and I question not will long continue so unless the Privilege of Printing the lewdest and most Heretical Notions subvert its Foundations As for this National Establishment I challenge her most avowed Enemies to produce one single Instance wherein she denies her Members the use of any Divine or Apostolick Means that are Instituted for the Discovery of the True Religion Our Church imposes no Article of Faith upon pure Church-authorities she recommends every thing to the Mind and Conscience upon rational Motives and Convictions She is careful to publish useful Discourses in Matters of Faith and Practice and in a word every thing that is profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of GOD may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good Works She does not only allow but exhort her People To examine themselves whether they are in the Faith She denies 'em no Means of Information she does not only lay open the Well of Life or Fountain of Living Waters the Holy Scriptures but recommends 'em to their Search and Enquiry even to the Trying of the Spirits by them She allows 'em to propose their Doubts and Scruples to their Spiritual Pastors and administers Counsel and Advice upon the force of Reason and Scripture In a word as she conceals nothing of the whole Counsel of GOD so she admits all their Proposals by way of Enquiry and Information So that there is nothing wanting of those Means GOD has instituted to enable every Man To give a reason of the Hope that is in him Where then is that Nursery of Implicit Faith and Ignorance If Mens Judgments by all these Methods cannot or will not be set right and informed shall they challenge a Right to publish Dogmatically what they pretend to retain on no other Authority than that of a weak Conscience to bear down a rightful Establishment Are all the Means of Information useless and to be despised if this is not suffered Must they from Examiners and Enquirers immediately commence Doctors and Dictators and deliver their Sentiments with equal Authority to that of the Established Religion Where is that Spiritual Tyranny or Blind Obedience when they may propose their Arguments Doubts and Scruples to Private Pastors or a Publick Convocation when they may depute Proxies and be admitted to Conferences and Publick Debates without Passes of Safety without the Dread of an Inquisition or of a Writ de Hoeretico comburendo These are Privileges that may be obtained for asking and they are the most apposite Methods for the distinguishing Truth from Falshood They are such as GOD has appointed and consequently such as GOD may be presumed to give a Blessing to When therefore an Establishment has done all this shall the Magistrate that is constituted a Guardian and Trustee in the Church of CHRIST suffer the consciences of Men to be distracted and the Publick Peace of the Church invaded by the bold Cavils and Harangues of every Unreasonable Gainsayer SECT XIII Thirdly 'T is objected That every one not only of Natural Right but in point of Duty particularly that of Charity may and ought to publish whatever appears to be Truth for the Information and Direction of others and consequently the Restraint of the Press that abridges this Right must be unlawful and unjust But First it 's an indisputable Truth That the Natural Rights and Duties of Private Persons are perpetually consonant to the Rights and Interests of Publick Societies and the Exercise of the former is for the most part to be regulated and determined by the latter Again Whatever the Rights and Interests of Private Persons may be the Magistrate is absolutely entrusted with the Preservation of the Publick Peace and consequently may rightfully suppress every thing that is level'd against any Branch of the Publick Establishment since such Attempts unsettle the Minds of a People and engender intemperate Heats and Animosities and consequently carry a direct Tendency to Disorder and Confusion All Governments give a latitude for private Opinions and Sentiments and therefore do not usually extend their Tests or Subscriptions beyond Places of Trust or Publick Employments
Corrupt and Restless Spirits If such Decrees or Injunctions are not to be imposed as Essentials of Faith or Terms of Communion yet they are in the Language of our Church to be received as Injunctions for the avoiding Diversity of Opinions and for establishing Consent touching True Religion Or in one word as Articles of Peace so that whosoever publickly oppugns'em is at least to be censured as a Breaker of the Peace of the Church But further as to the Duty of Publick Worship it 's undeniably evident the great Circumstantials of Worship are no where determined in Scripture such as the Time Manner and Place and yet these are Moral and inseparable Circumstances without which'tis impossible the Duty can be performed And therefore it 's absolutely necessary they should be committed to the Determination of those Powers and Authorities GOD has constituted in his Church For tho'this or that Particular Determination be not necessary till'tis settled yet it 's absolutely necessary they should be determined some way or other And this demonstrates the Necessity of Publick Establishments in the Duties of Publick Assemblies and Publick Worship Again as to the Case of Discipline how can that Decency Order and Uniformity which the Word of GOD so passionately recommends be maintained without the Establishment of Districts and the Settlement of Time and Place how can the Manners of Men be animadverted on or their Neglects or Irregularities in the Publick Worship of GOD be censured what must become of the Publick Duties of Admonition and Reproof and Exclusion from the External Means of Salvation to the Correction of Offenders Removing of Scandal and the Deterring of others These are such clear and uncontroulable Evidences of the Necessity of Publick Establishments that we find them in all the Churches of the Saints or Christian World and the Civil Government agreeable to the Prophetick Character is the professed Guardian and Protector of 'em SECT VII It now remains That we consider the Influences which the Liberty of the PRESS has upon an Establishment And certainly where Men are under an unlimited Allowance to publish their Sentiments of things it 's the Publick Establishment that must suffer the sharpest attack It 's this that bears the shew of Authority and Dominion or stands between its Adversaries and some beloved Interests It 's the only Check to the Ambition Avarice Luxury or Impurity of a Licentious World When this is born down by Calumny and Sophistry and brought into disgrace there 's nothing left to obstruct a general Licentiousness So that the greatest Libertine may plead a Right not only to erect his own Scheme but to do whatever seemeth right in his own Eyes And therefore the common Torrent of Vice will not only bear down upon her but those more active Furies Envy Malice Prejudice and Revenge will unite to form an Indictment In a word an Establishment as such is markt out as a Common Enemy against whom every Tribe and Sect of how different a Make and Complexion soever are prepared to unite and arm and when they may do it at so easie an Expence of Danger or rather under the Banner of Freedom and Liberty no wonder if they shoot forth their Arrows even bitter words and are content with nothing less than reducing the whole Oeconomy to desolation and ruine SECT VIII GOD knows we are not now left to view the force of the Argument in empty Theory and Notion since we may read it in Matter of Fact and Observation What Branch of our Establishment of moment and importance has the Liberty of the Press left free and untouched Has not the Divinity of our SAVIOUR and the whole Doctrine of the Ever-blessed TRINITY as delivered in our Articles been run down and discarded by a whole shoal of Pamphlets Has not the whole Design of CHRIST'S Mission been industriously overturned and the Doctrine of His Redemption and Satisfaction by the Offering up of Himself been peremptorily rejected as groundless absurd and impossible See Atheist turned Deist Sect. 42 43 47. Has not Reason been asserted to be the only Measure of Faith so that whatever cannot be comprehended by it is to be rejected from being an Article of Faith Christianity not Mysterious Has not an Assent to this single Proposition Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah been asserted to be the only explicite Article of Faith necessary to Salvation The Reasonableness of Christianity p. 43 49. 192. Has not Revelation it self been disputed and rejected as an incompetent Rule to Mankind Oracles of Reason Let. 3. 14. Lastly As to our Offices of Publick Worship Has not the Press brought Scandal and Reproach upon two of the Anniversary Solemnities of this Church tho' enjoyned by Acts of Parliament viz. The Martyrdom of King Charles the First and the Restauration of this Church and Monarchy in the Return of King Charles the Second For do we not find it expresly vindicating the whole Scene of Violence transacted in that Bloody War against the King and stigmatizing the great Instruments of the Restoration Nay more we find the very Author applauding himself as having a Point of Honour done him by being chosen one of the King's Judges See Milton's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 falsly pretended to be printed at Amsterdam and Ludlow's Memoirs London Vol. 2d p. 871. These are the blessed Products of the Press laid open and prostituted to the Wit and Malice of designing Men and yet they are but the small Gleanings of that Mass of Filth and Corruption it has brought forth And what can more directly tend to a total subversion of an Establishment and more effectually prepare the World to believe the Truth of their repeated Declamations viz. That Creeds and Systems are only profitable Inventions or rather That the whole Oeconomy of our Establishment is but Secular Policy and the Arts of Priestcraft The Press has already publickly declared thus much and that Coldness or rather Air of Contempt that too generally prevails against that of this Church abundantly demonstrates the pernicious Influences of it But now to improve the Argument It 's already concluded That Ecclesiastical Establishments or National Churches are indispensibly necessary they rest on the Authority of Apostolick Institution and are confirmed from the very Nature and Design of the Christian Religion It 's concluded That the Christian Magistrate is by Divine Appointment constituted a Guardian and Protector of National Churches within his respective Dominions It 's a standing Trust committed to him by the Laws of Natural as well as Revealed Religion If therefore the Liberty of the Press is highly destructive of the Interests of Religion and particularly as 't is cultivated in National Churches If it appears not only in the Nature of the thing but upon unquestionable Matter of Fact the Magistrate who by Divine Appointment is constituted a Guardian and Protector in the cause of Religion is indispensibly bound to remove the mischief by laying a powerful Restraint on the Press In a
whereas 't is their Care and Prudence to keep a watchful Eye upon New Notions obtruded on the Publick Whilst an Opinion rests in the Breasts of private Persons the Publick Peace is not exposed but when 't is pressed upon Mankind in Publick Harangues and transmitted from the Press too it gives Umbrage to the Peace and Weal of the Community and consequently calls for the Care and Vigilance of the Magistrate In Cases of this Nature the first Christian Emperors appear'd as Guardians in the Church of CHRIST and vigorously exerted their Power and Authority to maintain its publick Peace and Unity SECT XIV As for the Duty of Communicating our Opinions to others with a Design of Information it is indisputably to be regulated by two Considerations First The Importance of the Opinion and Secondly The Certainty and Evidence of it First If the Opinion be such as does not affect any considerable Interest of Mankind or correct or remove any dangerous Error but rather serves to entertain our Speculation and Curiosity than regulate our Conscience or Practice there can be no Obligation to disturb the World by opposing Established Doctrines or Notions when after all they may carry in them greater Marks or Evidences of Truth than a private Judgment can reasonably pretend to Secondly Unless our Opinions are supported by the clearest Convictions of Reason or Authority of Scripture as all matters of Importance undoubtedly are there can be no just Plea for Duty to engage the rest of the World to become Disciples or Followers And indeed it seems highly unreasonable that private Persons should amuse the Minds of others by obtruding New Notions when it may be they rest upon bare Probabilities or no higher Evidences than those that have been peaceably received from Publick Authority in Church and State If the Projections and Opinions of Men were governed by these Maxims I 'm perswaded the Restraint of the Press when it is thereby only committed to the Inspection of Publick Authority would seldom be interpreted a Breach of any Natural Rights or Duties SECT XV. There now only remains an Objection no way worthy to be animadverted on except for its Popularity and Modern Fashionableness 'T is this That the Restraint of the PRESS is an Invasion of the Liberty and Property of an Englishman But I 'm perswaded before the Objection can justly take place the Privileges of the Press should be discovered to be an Article of Magna Charta tho' it were some Centuries before Printing had its Beginning But in a word if the Power of Legislation is to be crampt and fettered in the Case before us I cannot see but that every Authoritative Regulation of the Actions of an English Subject might be disputed as a Breach of the Liberty and Property of an Englishman and consequently no Law could be established without first obtaining the Unanimous Consent of the People SECT XVI And now Sir I have in some measure dispatched what I proposed and You seem to have demanded and tho' I have not expresly replied to Your Enquiries in the very Terms or order they were proposed yet I have the Vanity to presume That I have not only made returns to the Arguments contained in them but dispel'd that Cloud of Objections that of late has been raised to obstruct the Restraint of the Press If therefore what has been already offered has the good Fortune to carry the Balance against Your former Sentiments be pleased to suffer a short Address on my part in the case before us as a hearty Advocate for the Maintainance and Welfare of the Government in Church and State Sir We have been hitherto engaged in the Cause of Religion and the Methods of its Preservation and Support And the late passionate Address of the last Parliament and His Majesty's most Gracious Answer to it seems to Authorize the Pursuit of the Argument That Venerable Body wisely applied Themselves to their Sovereign to consult His Pleasure as well as excite His Zeal and Piety and He was pleased to signifie His concurrence and remit the Managery of the Affair to His House of Commons as to the proper Instruments to prepare Matters for the Formation of a just Law It 's true that Honourable House formed a Bill upon the present Argument but the Miscarriages of it where-ever justly to be fixed cannot conclude against the Reasonableness or Necessity of it I 'm confident the Eyes and Heart the Hopes and Expectations of every Englishman that is acted with a true Concern for the True Religion are fixed on the ensuing Session and pardon me if I flatter My-self That the Arguments already suggested demonstrate the absolute Necessity of Restraining the Press as an effectual Expedient to preserve the Interests of it The Liberty of Printing without License or Inspection has sufficiently discharged its poisonous Influences against the Interests of the Established Religion and a small tract of Time in the same Allowance would demonstrate its Force and Efficacy against the Interests of the Civil Polity as established in a Monarchy I wish some late Essays had not asserted the Truth of the Observation witness those gross Insinuations the Press has presented us with for the preference of a Republick to that of Monarchy See Ludlow's Memoirs Witness those base and unwarrantable Characters vented in a late Paper wherein the present Reign seems to be blacken'd by the Help of a Prophetick Spirit and making it an Accessary to what may come hereafter where every Estate of the Realm and every Order of Men in Authority and Places of Trust are described like Ruffians and Paltroons rather than Persons of Dignity and Honour What can be the Scope of such unmannerly Declamation but to bring the English Constitution into Disgrace and prepare the Minds of the People for Anarchy and Confusion See The short History of Standing Armies in England But to return YOU Sir and Your Honourable Brethren are concerned as Trustees and Guardians in part for Religion and since the necessity of a National Establishment is fully demonstrated all disinterested Persons must conclude That Your special Care and Inspection should be engaged to advance that of this Nation of which You profess Your selves Members and from whose Communion by Civil Appointment You receive Qualifications for Places of Trust or Publick Employ A Temporary Interest may engage a great many Men to declare ' emselves Members of Her Communion but it 's certain the true Test of Membership is to use all imaginable Endeavours to maintain her Rights and support her Constitution whenever she 's publickly attack'd in any Branch of it To have the Press regulated by the received Doctrines of a National Establish ment is to be esteemed one of her undoubted Rights and Immunities and therefore when Invasions of this Nature are daily made she may justly expect the interposal of Authority But if she could not challenge thus much of Right yet since the Dissenting Sectaries have received very ample Acts of Grace under the present Government the Established Religion one would think may reasonably expect her tail in this kind and command the Press in matters of Religion as the First Act of Grace especially since 't is no more but what Former Reigns by an indisputable Authority afforded her But to draw towards a Conclusion Give me leave to tell You Sir If the Restraint of the Press cannot be obtained by way of Right nor Grace and Favour I question not but the fatal influences it has upon Morality and Religion is Motive sufficient to accomplish it I shall not resume the Argument I have already enlarged on but certainly it seems to be a fruitless Attempt to suppress Immorality and Profaneness and establish a Sence of Religion and Principle of Piety whilst a latitude is permitted in the most publick manner to dispute the most Sacred Points of Religion to decry National Establishments arraign the whole Order of the Ministers of Religion and the Solemnities of Publick Worship It 's impossible the generality of Mankind under these Instructions can entertain any serious Thoughts concerning Religion but are rather prepared to contemn and vilifie the Blessed AUTHOR of it and the whole Contrivance and therefore if Morality and strict Vertue is pursued on these terms it 's more to be ascribed to the happy Genius of Mankind than any Principle of Religion In a word then If the Honourable Assembly of Commons is in earnest for Reformation as I question not but they are what has already been offered seems to bespeak the Regulation of the Press to be the most likely Introduction to it And now Sir I have delivered my Sentiments with as much Sincerity as Freedom All that remains is If they happen to make You a Proselyte I hope You 'll employ Your hearty Endeavours in the Post You 're fixt to make the Argument the subject of a Law and the greatest Testimony of this will be that Care be taken not only that a Law be formed which will effectually answer the Designs of it but that the Forming of it be done with that Prudence and Caution as not to give a handle to crush it in its first Production When. this is accomplished it will lay perpetual Obligations of Gratitude and Respect towards the Instruments of it on all those in whom the Interest of this Government apparently consists The True Members of the Established CHURCH of ENGLAND FINIS ERRATA Pag. 1. lin 1. read solicite P. 24. l. 20. read Eternal P 49. l. 4. dele absolutely P. 65. l. 20. read Tale.