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duty_n church_n civil_a magistrate_n 1,328 5 8.0220 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15132 A most godly and learned sermon preached at Pauls crosse the 17 of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1583. Whitgift, John, 1530?-1604. 1589 (1589) STC 25432; ESTC S114940 18,891 64

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Etiam si Apostolus sis si Euangelista si Propheta siue quisquis tandem fueris These commaundementes are enioyned vnto all to Priestes to Moonkes and not to lay men alone c. yea though thou bean Apostle or Euangelist or whatsoeuer els Therefore Chrisostome doeth also include the Pope in this precept of obedience Peter from whome the Pope claymeth his Supremacie speaking of the obedience due vnto Kinges calleth the King most excellent that is aboue all others and greater then all other neither dooth he exempt himselfe much lesse those that clayme to bee his successors Colimus saith Tertulian Imperatorem sic quomodo nobis conuenit illi expedit vt hominem a deo secundum post quem primū ante omnes homines Deos. 〈◊〉 was a Priest of the Church of Rome if he had knowne or remembred the Pope to haue bin aboue the Emperour or equall vnto him hee woulde not haue said the Emperour had bin next vnto God the first after God and before all other men and Gods Chrisostome saith that the Emperour hath no peere vppon earth and calleth him Summitatem caput omnium super terram hominum The chiefe head of al men vpon earth Many of the Popes themselues haue acknowledged this superioritie in the Emperours for they haue bin complayned of vnto them pleaded their causes before them receaued iudgement by them and yeelded thereunto as it is to be read in their owne histories yea diuerse Emperours haue deposed diuers Popes from their Popedomes as it is also manifest in the same histories One of their owne Canonists saithe that the Emperour may require of the Pope an accompt of his faith And Gratian himselfe where hee dooth most of all exempt the Pope from the iurisdiction of the Emperour maketh this exception Nisi fuerit a fide deuius aut in crimine haereseos deprehendatur Vnlesse he be slid from the faith or infected with the sinne of herresie Therefore it is manifest that the Emperour hath authoritie ouer Ecclesiasticall persons euen ouer the Pope himselfe That hee hath also authoritie in Ecclesiasticall causes it is easelie prooued When I say that the Emperour or Ciuill Magistrat hath authority in Ecclesiasticall causes I meane not as the Papists and some other malitiously cauill that hee hath authoritie to execute Ecclesiasticall functions proper to the ministers of the word as to preache the Gospell to minister the Sacraments to cōsecrate bishops and such like which was neuer giuen to any ciuill Magistrate neyther yet did any Chrystian Prince take it vpon him But by authoritie in Ecclesiasticall causes I meane that it appertaineth to the Office duetie of the Ciuill Magistrat to see the commandements of God obserued true Religion mayntained euery man in the Church to doe his duetie and to prouide that all things be done therein decently and in order according to the rule of the Apostles That Christian Magistrates ought to haue this authority it is notorious For first the custodie of both Cables is committed vnto them which they can not performe accordinglye vnlesse they haue authoritie in Ecclesiasticall causes The first Table conteining thinges méerely Ecclesiasticall The Prophet calleth Kinges the nursing fathers of the Church and Quéenes the nursing mothers which title is giuen them in vaine if they haue no authoritie in matters of the Church All the good Kings and Magistrates of the old Testament as Iosua Dauid Salomon Asa Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias c. had and vsed this authority For they did not onely rule ouer the Priestes but also prescribed vnto them what they should doe in diuine matters as in Sacrifices Circumcision Blessings Cursings dedication of the temple casting downe Idolatrie Idols and such like Some of the Papistes themselues confesse that the Kinges of the olde Testament had this authoritie That Christian Kinges also hadde the same it appeareth by sundrie examples Elutherius Bishoppe of Rome who liued within two hundreth yeares of Christ writing to Lucius King of this lande calleth him Goddes vicar within his kingdome and sayth that it pertayneth to his dutie to make lawes according to the worde of God for the gouernement of his kingdome as well in matters of Religion as in matters of pollicie Eusebius calleth Constantine the great quasi communem quendam Episcopum a Deo constitutum As a cōmon Byshoppe appoynted by God And it is certayne that the sayd Constantine did not onelie call the Councell of Nice but had herein also the chiefe gouernement and superioritie he compounded controuersies betwixt the Bishops hee prescribed vnto them a rule according to which they should iudge matters then in question c. Iustinian and other godlie Emperours made lawes concerning publique prayers in the Church concerning the Trinitie Baptisme the Sacrament of the Supper Festiuall daies ordering of Byshoppes against Heretiques c. Socrates saith that since the Emperours were Christians the matter of the Church especiallie depended vppon them that the greatest councels were called by them Nabuchodonozer sayth Augustine when his heart was peruerted sette vp an Image and made a law for the worshiping thereof But when his heart was conuerted he pulled it downe and made a law for the true worshipping of the true God In hoc enim sayth he Reges Deo seruiunt sicut eis diuinitùs praecipitur in quantum sunt Reges si in suo regno bona iubeant mala prohibeant non solùm quae pertinent ad humanam societatem verùm etiam quae ad diuinam religionem In this behalfe Kings serue God for so God commaundeth them in that they are Kings if in their kingdome they appoint good things as also forbid that which is naught and this not onely in those causes which concerne the outward Communion and societie of mans life but also such as appertayne vnto Gods Religion and seruice And againe Seruiunt Reges terrae Christo leges ferendo pro Christo. The Kinges of the earth doe serue Christ in making and appoynting lawes for Christ. And writing against the Donatistes who graunted and denyed the authoritie of the Emperour in causes ecclesiasticall at their pleasure he sayeth An fortè de Religione fas non est vt dicat Imperator cur ergo ad Imperatorem vestri venerunt legati cur eum fecerunt causae suae Iudicem non secuturi quod ille iudicaret Is it not forsooth lawfull for the Emperour to commaund concerning causes of religion why then come your Embassadors vnto the Emperour why did they apoynt him Iudge in their businesse if they entended not to stand to his iudgement In the same Booke he writeth that the Emperour made pecuniarie lawes against those which called them-selues Christians and yet did not communicate with the vniuersall Church but gathered them-selues together in priuate Conuenticles which lawes although he sometimes misliked yet vpon better aduisement hee did not onelye allowe of them but also thought them to bee most profitable necessary It appeareth therefore that the Ciuill
Then kings leaue of to be Princes when as such as ought to obey them cōtemne their lawes Therefore it is a principal point of obedience to obserue lawes and to doe that which is commaunded But some peraduenture will say must we obey the Prince in all things hee commaundeth Is there no exception What if he commaunde that which is against Gods commaundment The answere is easie and common There is no powre giuen to any man saith Basill either to cōmaund that which God hath forbidden or to forbid that which God hath commaunded therefore if any such cōmaundement happen to be thou must answere with the Apostles in the Acts that it is better to obey God then men But take this with thée also which Hierome noteth vpon this place that this Rule doth not onely belong to that obedience which is required in the Subiect towards the magistrate but in that also which is required in Seruants towards their Maisters in wiues towards their Husbands in Children towards their Parents for neither must the seruaunt obey his maister nor the wife her husband nor children their parents in those things which are contrary to Gods cōmaundements And therefore measure thy obedience towards the Prince and Magistrate by that which thou thy selfe requirest of thy seruant wife or children Certaine it is that thou must obey Magistrates and Lawes in all thinges not contrary to the word of God The second poynte of Obedience is to pray for Magistrates The people of GOD being in captiuitie were commaunded to pray for the long life of the King of Babilon and of his sonne S. Paul exhorteth that aboue all thinges praiers supplications intercessions and giuing of thankes bee made for all men for Kinges and those that are in authori tie Tertulian testifieth that in his time the Christians in all their assemblies prayed for the Emperours and Potentates of this world The people of God were commaunded to pray for Nabuchadonezer a forraine King and a Tyrant S. Paul exhorteth to pray for Kinges and Princes when they were as Augustine not̄eth enemies to the Church of Christ. The Christians in Tertulians time prayed for their Emperours and Magistrates being persecutors and shall not wee praie and exhorte to praie for her Maiestie our naturall Prince mercifull Christian and a constant defendor of the true Religion of the Church of Christ Here then is the Bishop of Rome condemned who is so far from praying for Princes that he curseth them and prayeth against them if they displease him neuer so little Likewise those fantasticall spirits are likewise here reprooued which dissalow and mislike this manner of yerelie celebrating this day to giue God thankes for the great and wonderfull benefits which we enioy thorough his goodnes by the ministerie of her Maiestie whome it pleased him as this day fiue and twentie yeares to place in the Throne of this Kingdome and to praie vnto him for her long life and prosperitie as though wee did it superstitiouslie or dedicated the day vnto her as to some Sainct whereas in deede wee doe but our duetie and that which is most lawfull for vs to doe Mardocheus as wee reade in the booke of Hester without anie expresse commaundement of God ordeyned that the Iewes shoulde yere lie celebrate and keepe holie the foureteenth and fifteenth day of the moneth Ader in remembrance of the deliuering of the Iewes by the ministerie of Hester from the blouddie conspiracie of Hammon And is it not lawfull for vs to celebrate this day and to dedicate it vnto God which by the ministery of Queene Elizabeth hath not onlie deliuered vs from the crueltie and tyranny of the Bishop of Rome but also opened vnto vs the dore of his Gospell and as yet keepeth it open and hath further giuen vnto vs that peace tranquillitie and aboundance of all thinges that of all people in the worlde wee are thought to bee the most happie and as it were an astonishment to our enemies But let vs not regard what they thinke or saie who either maligne and enuie this our felicitie or are pleased with nothing which they themselues do not deuise It is certaine that this our sacrifice of praying thankes-giuing is most acceptable to God and approued of al godlie men and I most hartely beseeche GOD that we may continue this exercise in this manner and vppon this occasion euen to the worlds ende and the Lorde blesse and preserue her Maiestie encrease the number of her frends and conuert or ouerthrowe all her enemies The third poynt wherein obedience consisteth is in fearing and honoring of Magistrates The wise man saith my sonne feare God and honour the Kinge S. Paul likewise willeth that honour be giuen to whom honour is due and feare to whome feare is due Likewise Sainct Peter saith Feare GOD honour the King By feare and honour is comprehended not onely the outward gesture of the bodie reuerence of wordes c but also the inward good will and reuerence of the heart and minde which especiallie is required of all subiects towards their Princes and Magistrates The Kingdome of the Persians contynued verie long and greatlie increased Isocrates saith that the cheife and principall cause thereof was for that the Persians aboue all other nations did most of all feare honour and reuerence their King God graunt that wee may also performe our duety in this poynt as we haue iust cause to doe The fourth and last office of obedience is to helpe and relieue Princes and Magistrates when neede requireth Christ himselfe payed tribute to Caesar and the Apostle commaundeth tribute to be giuen to whome tribute is due Obedience then consisteth in obseruing of lawes praying for the Magistrate fearing and honouring of him and in paying vnto him tribute And thus much of the second part In the third I haue to declare who they be that are disobedient and offend against this commaundement of the Apostle There are three kindes of men giltie of disobedience The Papist the Anabaptist the conceyted and wayward person The Papist restraineth the authoritie of the Magistrate more then is conuenient The Anabaptist taketh it altogeather away The conceyted person obeyeth and disobeyeth at his pleasure The Papist restrayneth the authority of the Magistrate in two respects in the respect of persons in the respect of causes For hee denieth the Magistrate to haue authoritie ouer Ecclesiasticall persons especiallie ouer the Bishoppe of Rome hee denieth him also to haue authoritie in Ecclesiasticall causes but this error is soone confuted For that he hath authoritie ouer Ecclesiastical persons it is manifest Christ himself being an Ecclesiasticall person and the heade of the Church was subiect to Caesar as I haue before declared S. Paule saith Let euery soule submit it selfe to the Superior power be exempteth none and therfore Chrisostome expounding this place sayth Ista imperantur omnibus sacerdotibus Monachis non solúm secularibus c